Ride the Wild Surf (1964) - full transcript

A group of friends go to Hawaii in order to practice surfing, their favorite sport. But this is not all they do there - they also find love...

To a lot of guys, this may
look like a jet plane.

But to surfers, man,
it's a flying carpet

to the Promised Land: Hawaii.

With a 10-mile stretch
of beach on the North Shore
of the island

where the biggest,
wildest waves in the world
build up every winter,

the clambake always starts
late in December.

And for two weeks,
the best wave riders
show from everywhere:

California, Australia,
New Zealand,

even Portugal and Peru.

Every one of them burning
with the surf fever

and hot to test themselves
against the heavies

at all the famous places like:

Sunset Beach, Haleiwa,
Makaha, the Bonzai Pipeline

and the big daddy of them all,
Waimea Bay.

It sure doesn't
look like much, does it?

When it breaks,
it'll look like plenty.

Man, I've been hot
to surf Waimea
since I was 13.

Ah, but the question is,
can we do it

without winding up
in traction?

You start thinking that way,
and you won't go out at all.

Don't worry about me, buddy.

This may be the last chance
I'll ever get.

I'll be out there.

So will I.

Things were pretty quiet
at Waimea, all right.

So the boys decided
to move on down
the road to Haleiwa

where there was
plenty of action.


Hail, hail,
the gang's all here.

Look at 'em go.

Hey, isn't that Russ?

From Malibu?

JODY: Yeah.

Hey, you're not kidding.
That's him, all right. Hoo.

This is a regular
summit meeting.

Every top surfer
in the world
must be here.

Isn't that the Eskimo there
with Phil Davis?

CHASE: It sure is.

Old Ess doesn't seem happy
with that board
that Phil's made him.

He ought to be.
Phil's the best
board maker there is.

Who's that other guy?

That's Frank Decker.

Not the one with the chicks,
the one with the camera.

Oh, uh, Charlie Mott.

Oh, the showboat.

That's him.

Look at those waves.
Aren't they somethin'?

Listen, we didn't come
3000 miles just to watch.

Now how about we change
in the car and shoot
a couple ourselves?

Uh, how about we wait
awhile and figure
the break, huh?

A lot of guys
are wipin' out,
out there.

Better than that,
I know we can do.
Come on.


Hey, you ready?

Just about.
Be with you in a minute.

hurry it up, boy.


Hey, Jody, Chase.

So you guys came over
to try the big stuff, huh?

How you doing, Russ?
You looked good out there.

Ah, shapin' up. Do you guys
know Ally Maloha and
Swag Riley from Australia?

How're you doin'?

Jody Wallis, Chase Colton.
Hey, where you guys stayin'?

We took a cottage
over at Kawela Court.

We're there, too.

You're just in time
for the big bash tonight.

All the fish food
you can eat for $1,
and bring your own beer.

CHASE: Good deal.
It's a charity
for poor Hawaiians.

Namely him.

Sounds great.
We'll be there.

Hey, take it easy out there.
This isn't Malibu.

Thanks, Grandma.

Hey, we'll see you guys then?
CHASE: All right.

Bye, now. Take care.
Thanks a lot.

See you.

Well, we ready?

Well, where's Steamer?
I don't know.

Hey, Steamer, come on!



Hey, wait!

How'd you make out,

I think
we're in negotiation.
I just made contact.

Very good.
Come on, let's go.


Any action?
Not yet.

Hey, Jody, $1 says
I stay higher in the curl
than you.

Okay, sucker,
you got a bet.

How about you,

No, thanks.
It's my head.

I want to split it open
very carefully.

Have fun.




Wow, you know somethin'?

This is a little different
than Malibu.

Maybe we ought to
trade these things in
on a couple of scuba tanks.

Hey, here comes Chase.

Watch him go right
on his button.

Not bad.

Nothing to it, boys.
All you got to do
is grab a tame wave,

knock off with the spinners,
and you got it made.

Oh, come off it.


All right.

Let's go.

So long, Steamer.

Hey, Russ,
who is that guy?

That's Jody Wallis,
one of the best small wave
riders in California.

This is his first year
over here.

He's got style,
huh, Phil?

Ha, ha, he may give
you guys some competition.

Are you kidding?
My sister could look good
at Haleiwa.

Yeah, well, let's see
what he does
with those big waves

before we start
biting our nails.

I found out who she is.

Her name is Lily Kilua,
and she lives on a little
ranch a couple of miles.

Well, why don't you
mosey on down there
and introduce yourself?

Russ told me
he heard a guy went
up there last year

and darn near
caught himself
a load of buckshot.

How come?

Well, the story goes
the guy just drove up
to say hi.

Now, he didn't even
get out of the car,

and pow, the shot blew
the skegs clean off

the two boards
he had on top.

I've heard of girls
playin' hard to get,
but that...

Yeah, if I were you, buddy,
I'd, uh, take the hint.

Oh, I don't know,
she's really something.

Hey, maybe she'll
show up tonight.

I can find out
what's going on.


MAN 1:
Hey, hey, go.


MAN 2:
There we go.

Come on, Augie!
Come on, Ally!


Boy, she really
packs a wallop.

MAN 1:
Come on, Ally!
Come on, Ally!

ALL: Hey! Hey!

MAN 1:
Come on, Ally!

What is she,
some kind of a girl nut?

A girl nut?

Okay, Ivy League,
maybe I can't lick Ally,

but you, I can take.

You can't be serious.

Come on, come on out
and get your lumps.

What's goin' on here, man?
This is worse than
Muscle Beach.


There's no muscle in this.
It's all up here.

I'm going to think you
to pieces.

Say, that sounds
like fun...

At ease, friend.
Ivy League's my pigeon.

I think he's got
a little more chicken in him
than pigeon, Augie.


Looks like
you're elected, Chase.

Oh, this is ridiculous,
I don't fight with girls.

Oh, there's going to be
no fight.

Just a common, ordinary,
everyday massacre.


You've got to be kidding.

You want to come on out here
and, uh, find out?

Try it. Try it.

Come on, let's go!

Come on!




Oh, this is silly.

No, go on!


All right.



AUGIE: Okay.

Now repeat after me.

Augusta Poole
is not a girl nut.

Come on. Augie Poole
is not a girl nut.


Aren't you going to say it?

Come on,
please say it, huh?

Hey, don't stand
on your victory
too long, Augie.

Gee, I'm sorry. I...

It was just a joke.

Be back after
I get cleaned up.

I guess maybe
I am a girl nut.

Now for the latest
weather report.

Come here a minute.
Listen to this.

The storm in the Aleutians
that we mentioned earlier

is reported to be mounting
in intensity.

Constantly being tracked
by Navy weather planes,

the report is
that heavy ground swells
are building

and are heading southeasterly
toward the Hawaiian group.

It's expected
that the storm will first hit
the island of Oahu

on the North Shore.

Local boat owners are urged
to stay tuned to this station

so that we may bring you...

What do you think,

If it doesn't blow out,
it'll be the beginning
of the big waves, all right.

Probably Haleiwa first
and the other spots
right behind it.

What other spots?

Well, you know,
Sunset, Laniakea,

Bonzai Pipeline,

What about Waimea?

Depends on
how big the storm gets.

You know something?

With my back trouble,
I don't care if Waimea
ever comes up.

What's the matter
with your back, baby?

Ooh, right down here
in the middle, honey.

There's a great
big streak of yellow.


Yeah, a lot of guys
get that trouble
when Waimea comes in.

Hey, Russ,
what's the biggest
you've ever seen it?

Oh, I've seen it
close to 30 feet.

30 feet? Ooh, man,
that's somethin' else.

We'd better start out easy
and work our way up,
huh, Jody?

You're not kiddin'.

You don't work your way up
to Waimea, fella.

When it comes in,
you either have it
or you don't.

Oh, well, I got it.

At least I did
the last time I looked.


A lot of guys say that
before the first ride,
but not the last one.

What last ride?

Let me tell you
about it, sport.

It's kind of like
King of the Mountain.

Everybody keeps going
for the best rides
on the biggest waves

till one by one,
you either psyche out,

get creamed, or quit.

Whoever's left goes
for one last ride

on the wave, all alone.

And that's what
makes you King.

What's so great
about being King?

Well, for one thing,
there's getting to be
some loot in it.

Right, Ess?

You mean,
there's a cash prize?

No, not the way
you mean. It's...

tell them, Phil.

Well, last year Eskimo
burnt up every place

from Haleiwa to the Pipeline.

Then topped it off
by gettin' the last ride
at Waimea.

So I put out a board
with his name on it.

We both did all right,
didn't we, Ess?

I'm not complaining.

You got rocks
in your head, Phil,

if you think we'd go
for the last ride
just for the money.

Well, what then?

I'll tell you for what.
Makes him feel big.

That's right, hotshot.
It makes us feel big.

A lot bigger than you.

CHASE: Yeah?


When you didn't come back,
I thought you
might be hungry.

Look, what do you want
from me?

Well, to apologize, mostly.

All right, fine.

aren't you hungry?

I...mean, I...I took
the best parts
of four lobster,

and we could eat it
right over there
on that bench.

Oh, I am so very sorry.

All right, fine.

Won't your, uh,

won't your date
be looking for you?

I don't have one.

I was showing a girlfriend
of mine the island.

We stopped by
to see Ally Maloha,
and he made us stay.

I've known him
since I was 10.

There you go.

you got a light?

Well, what are you
going to do now?
Set fire to me?

For the candle.

Ah, all right.

What's your name?

Chase Colton.

Mine's Augie Poole.

Yes, I know.

Oh, you mustn't
feel inadequate
because I threw you.

I'm a black-belter.

Well, you'd make
some lucky guy
a wonderful bodyguard.

What made you pick on me?

Oh, I don't know.

Because you looked
so scrubbed

and solid
and superior...

That you just couldn't resist
shaking me up, huh?


Something like that.

You go to school?

Yeah, Colton College.

What'd you say
your name was?

You heard it.
Chase Colton.

My grandfather
endowed the land,

and my father built
a lot of the buildings.
A darned good school, too.

But I think I'll be
transferring back East
before long.


Because when your name
is Colton,

and you go
to Colton College,

the rest of the guys
treat you like
some kind of a freak.

Ah, butter up
to you, huh?

No, just the opposite.

I don't get it.

Well, neither do I.

I don't know, I think
it's best I just pull out

and go back East to school.

Say, you know
what you need?


A good strong dose
of Augie Poole.


I mean, it's the least
I can do after nearly
twisting your arm off.


Let's drink to it.

Chase Colton,
two weeks from today,

you're going to be
a new man.


Oh, I'm sorry,
I didn't mean to do that.

That's all right.
Don't worry about it.
All I did was

open the beer like this
and--and... Oh! oh! oh!




Steamer, the idea
is to hit the pineapple.

Look, I hit him in the foot,
that's close enough.

Bull's eye!

A typical example
of Australian accuracy.

Perfect shot, Swag.

I thought you said the idea
was to hit the pineapple.

Like that.

Let's see if you can
shoot off a harpoon
like you do with your mouth.

You want to put
some money
where yours is?




FRANK: $3?

You're, uh, covered
for the $10.

Okay, Jody, shoot.

and he'll do it again.

You're covered.

I got another $10
that says you'll miss, flash.

And the man's bet
is heard.

Accepted and recorded.

You got a lot of money
ridin' on this, flash.

You tightenin' up?


Now for $60,

my partner will shoot
the pineapple off the top
of my head.

No takers?

Then, uh, someone point me
toward the nearest bank.

Hey, I'll take the bet.

I was just kidding.

No, no, no,
not your head, mine.

Look, uh,
you give me the $60.

Hotshot hits the pineapple
and you get it back.

If he doesn't,
it's mine.

What are you, crazy?

Hey, what are you,
a chicken?

Come on, you guys,
cut it out now.

Hey, stay out
of this, Russ.

Hey, hotshot,
it'll give you a chance
to feel awful big,

as big as me.


Hey, Ess,
you want a blindfold?

No, no, give it to him.
I don't think
he can bear to look.

Boy, and I thought
Australians were crazy.

What are you gonna
do with the money
when you're dead?

Well, I'm not
going to be dead.

Even if he shoots,
I don't think
he's got the stones

to come anywhere near me.

Hey, Ess, what you
got to say now, huh?

Well, you're takin'
back your own money.

So in my book,
that's a draw.

Right, hotshot?

Nice going, buddy.

Good shot, Jody.

Have you seen Augie?
I think it's time
we were going.

Not since she threw
Jody's buddy.

You talking about
that judo character?

Anyone who shoots
at pineapples
on people's heads

shouldn't talk
about characters.

I'll find Ally
and see if he knows.

You don't have to.
I know where she is.

She's with my buddy, Chase,
at my place.

Come on, I'll walk you over.
Heads up.

Well, come on.

Miss Poole,

I should like
to take this opportunity
to inform you

that this is the last
clean shirt I have.

I'm sorry.

To make it up to you,
what would you like to hear?


* How dry I am

No, no, no, no.

You still want
to go over?

Oh, no, she's having
too good a time.

We can take a walk.

Well, I'm fresh
out of harpoons.

All right.

I'm Jody Wallis.

And I'm Brie Matthews.


The three of us
have been beach buddies
since we were kids,

and always talked
about coming over here.

And I guess we figured
it would better
be now because,

well, we won't be
getting together so much
from here on out.

Why not?

Well, Chase is probably
heading East for school,

and Steamer's
workin' full time.

And you?

Me? I'm available
full time.

What do you mean?

Well, I'm what you call
a surf bum.

You mean you don't work
or go to school or anything?

Not since last year.

Why, does that bend you
all out of shape?

Oh, why, no. No.

It's, uh, it's really
none of my business,

but isn't there anything
you want to do besides surf?

Oh, there was once,
only I couldn't do it.

Why not?

Because I got took
by a bunch of phonies,
that's why.

Hey, Brie's kind of
a kooky name.

Is it short for something?

Mmm-hmm. Bringard.


Yes. Mama's Swedish.

She and Dad met
when he was overseas.

Well, I like Brie better.

Brie sounds clean and free.
It fits you.

You're a funny boy.

One minute you're shooting
harpoons at someone,

and next you're very nice.

A mixed up generation,
that's me.

Say, what are you doing
over here, anyway?

I'm visiting Augie.
She invited me over
for Christmas vacation.

We go to school together
in California.

Oh, what are you studying?

Well, I'm only
in my first year,

but I think I'd like
to be a teacher.

A teacher?

Oh, I know.
I know it's underpaid
and overworked.

You're right.

Yeah, but just a minute.

There are a lot of wonderful
and useful things to do
in this world.

If you turn away from them
or pretend they don't exist,

then you're the loser.

You know something?
I like you.

You say that as if
it were hard for you
to like people.

Oh, not people like you.

Just the phonies
who go around trying
to put everybody down.

You know, Jody,
everybody's not a phony.

I know you're not.

Why'd you do that?

Well, I'm not exactly sure,
but I...

I guess I had a sudden flash
of harpoon guns,

surfing parties
and yippee and all that.

All I wanted to do
is kiss you.

I know.


What's that?

The warning siren.

What does it mean?

The beginning
of the big waves.


Let's go!

What do you think?

Looks pretty big.

Oh, what do you
mean "pretty big"?

Hey, look who's here.

It's William Tell
and his merry band.

Well, flash, let's see
you take off on one of these
and show us what you can do.

Are you kidding?
Why, they're just out here
on a social visit.

They couldn't catch
a wave with a net.

Hey, big set outside!

So long, suckers!

Are we jerks, man?

We should have known
that wave wouldn't hold up.

Okay, big boy,

let's see if you really
got it like you said.



do you see them?

Yes, yes,
there they are.

Right out there
in the lineup.

CHARLIE: Hey, what happened?
Did you guys get
a little wet?

JODY: Look, wise guy,
I'll take that board...

Hey, hey, cool it, hotshot.
Cool it.

That's the oldest gag
in the world.

If you don't like
Charlie's waves,
then pick one of your own.

RUSS: Big set,
big set outside.

How about you, ace?

Next time.

Move over,
I'm comin' through.

Okay, Charlie,
now it's my turn.

Hey, Phil,
what's going on out there?

They're tryin'
to put Wallis down,
but he's not havin' any.

Hey, will you look
at that.

I knew my instincts
were right.


Isn't he something?

Hmm, yes.

What do you mean
by yes?

Oh, I mean, mmm...




Hey, get Wallis,
he's all alone.

Isn't he wonderful?

I can almost understand
why he doesn't do
anything but surf.

You know, his style
is a lot like yours.

Are you kidding?
I'll take Ess' any day.






Oh, who's that?

Huh? Oh,
that's, uh, Frank Decker.

AUGIE: He's good.

Yeah, you know it.

Nice ride, mate.


Where's Chase?

Gone in to say hello
to the girl.

They're here?


Hey, maybe we should
give them a little
demonstration of the art.

Why not?

Ha, ha, what do you know,
a busted skeg.


Sorry, Jody,
I guess I got carried away.

Forget it.
See my board?

It's right here, flash.


Don't mention it.

If you guys got no
more control than that,
you shouldn't be out here.

Look, you pick your waves
and we'll pick ours, okay?

Sure, flash, just as long
as you pull out every time

you see me
takin' off on a wave,

there'll be no trouble.

You can stuff that.

The wave belongs
to as many guys
as can make it.

Well, just don't make
any with me.

Look out, Frank!


Frank, sorry.
My skeg must have cracked.

I'll get you for this,
buddy boy.

I'll get you.

Are you all right, Frank?

Looks like his nose
is broken.

I think you're right.

Let's get him up
on the beach.





Well, hello, old fella.

Well, at least
you came by to say hello,

WOMAN: Don't!

You'll be missing
a couple of fingers

if you're not careful,

You're not serious, ma'am.

Old Brutus there
would eat your hand
as soon as a carrot.

What's your business, son?

Well, I, uh...

Uh, he's going to try
to fix the truck, Mama.

Uh, I met him
at the gas station,

and Mr. Nakagawa
said he could come.

How much?

Let's see
if I can fix it first.

Well, it's right down there,
just where it stalled.

There's some tools
under the seat.

Now if you'll excuse us,
we'll take the horses
to the barn. Come, Lily.



You mean
you really can fix it?

Didn't I tell you so
back at the gas station?

Well, that's wonderful.

Not really. It's just the,
uh, needle valve was stuck.

I thought you might
be getting thirsty.

Well, you thought right.
Thank you.

Hmm, would you mind
telling me what's going on?

Well, I just said
the first thing
that came into my head.

You're a surfer,
and I didn't want to get you
into trouble with mama.

You mean, like the guy
who got the load of buckshot?

That's right.

With mama, surfers are like
a red flag to a bull.

She thinks every one of them
is nothing but a lazy loafer.


Well, you see, my father
was one of the best
on the islands,

and she just can't
get over his leaving us.


He...he left
for Bora Bora
three years ago

and hasn't come back.

Why anyone would want
to leave a place like this

beats me.

Well, mama's
from New England

and thinks work
comes first, always.

And papa's from Maui,
and he thinks that

singing and dancing
and surfing

are--are just as important
as work.


You know, I--I don't even
know your name.

It's Ralph. Ralph Lane.

The guys call me Steamer.

Your name is Lily,
isn't it?


I'm sorry
about all this.

Oh, I'm not.

Only, uh, I think we ought
to tell your mother the truth.

I'm not a surf bum.

I'm just a guy
who came over here

on a vacation
to ride a few big waves.

Oh, no.

If you even mention
surfing to her,

well, I won't be able
to see you anymore.

That is, if that's
what you came here for.

You know it is.

Well, then you're just
going to have to be

the boy
from Mr. Nakagawa's.

Lily, lunch is ready,

and bring that young man
with you, if you like.

Come on.

But remember,
you're from Mr. Nakagawa's.


"Mr. Chin has everything."
Oh, he's gotta be kidding.

Do you want to bet?

Look out, Augie.


Oh, Mr. Chin!


I'm so sorry.
Go off unexpected.

Oh, Mr. Chin,
you're the Rembrandt
of fireworks.

That's perfect
for New Year's Eve.

Would someone mind telling me,
what have fireworks to do
with New Year's Eve?

You never see New Year
in Islands?

No, I never have.

Whole sky light up
with rockets.

Red, green, silver, gold.

American flag,
Mickey Mouse.

Whole island filled
with noise of
a thousand thunders.

Beautiful to cry.

Well, don't you have
a lot of fires?

Oh, yes, many fires.

Much beauty, too.

Oh, yes,
much beauty, too.

Is my order ready?

Oh, yes, all ready.


Short notice,
but ready.

I have everything here
for you.

Four dozen
string firecracker,
20 Roman candles,

15 Green Devil,
one dozen rockets,
all colors,

and one Nike Zeus.


It's perfect!

A Nike Zeus?

Yes. Special
Miss Augie order.

Whole island
going to see this one.

Oh, it's just
what I wanted, Mr. Chin.

Uh, there's, uh,
nothing missing, is there?


Oh, no, it's not missing.
Is under nose cone.



Mr. Chin,
what's in that thing, anyway?

Enough gun powder
for trip to moon.

That's what
I was afraid of.

Who gonna blast her off?

AUGIE: I am.

Well, you be real careful,
Miss Augie.

I never make one
so big before.

You light her, Miss Augie,
and you run like hell.

Uh, wait just one minute,
Mr. Chin.

She could be blown up
before she even had
a chance to move.

Oh. Oh, excuse me,
I think I get big idea.

Wait a minute.


Hey, look, honey,
as far as I'm concerned,

we could just, you know,
wave around a couple
of sparklers, huh?

That is the old
Chase Colton talking.

The new one should be
all excited about the message
in that nose cone.

What message?

The one I had Mr. Chin put in
especially for you.

For me?


Because I see you,
that's why.

And what I see is nice.

Well, I see you, too,
Augusta Poole, and I like.


You no look like
you need Hot Poppa suit.

You need cold shower.

Oh, here,
you take this, Miss Augie,

and bring back
after New Year's Eve.

Oh, thank you very much,
Mr. Chin.

Uh, uh, w-what about him?

Oh, him?
You no worry about him.

Him only my brother-in-law,
and next year I replace him


With automation.

No! No automation!



Here we are,
Waimea Falls.

Oh, it's beautiful.

You see that rock
up there?

You mean, the one
with the lei on it?

That's the Hawaiian
sacrificial diving rock.

Oh, really?

Oh, yeah. Put up there
by one of the ancient
Hawaiian kings himself.


Oh, you're lying.

Yeah, I am.


What it is,
is a bunch of bull
the surfers made up.

You see,
if the waves at Waimea Bay
are slow in comin' up,

all the guys have a big bash
and everybody gets charged.

And sooner or later,
one of the guys gets
a case of the braves

and decides to take the jump.

And that brings Waimea up?

Sometimes. Most times
it brings the ambulance.

See, the only place
it's deep enough
is dead center.

And if you Miss or a gust
of wind blows you off,

you wind up with a pretty
permanent headache.

Well, then,
why do they do it?

Surfers are
a crazy bunch of guys.


I think in about one minute,
we'll be right in the middle
of a rain storm.

I saw a house
near the meadow.
Can you run?

At a time like this,
like a deer.
Well, let's go.



Well, it's closed
for the winter.

Come on in,
they won't mind.

Oh, yes, they will.
We're leaving puddles.

We're not
the only ones.


See what I mean?


Here's another
little buddy of ours.

Here we are.

of the management.

Oh, you can
change inside.

Yeah, but is...is this
all there is to it?

Well, yeah,
it's a pereau.

All the women
wear them.

Yeah, well,
not at Mills College.

Well, they should.


BRIE: Jody?


Why is it with you

that everyone's guilty
until proven innocent?

What do you mean?

Well, I mean,

you see phonies everyplace
like some people see ghosts.

The phonies I know
are no ghosts.

I come from a match set.


My mother and my father.

Maybe you remember her.

She was Wendy Wallis on T.V.,

and ran a
how-to-keep-your-husband show.

Until it leaked out
she was married four times.

And my dad, well,
he built swimming pools.

Goes around calling himself
"The Swimming Pool King."

Pinches waitresses
and goes around

picking up big tabs
in night clubs,

even though he's only
one step ahead
of the sheriff.

You know, it's funny.

I hear about
kids having trouble

with their parents
all the time,

I think there must be
something wrong with me.

You like yours, huh?

Oh, yes,
I like them a lot.

Girl, you ought to.

They sure knew
what they were doing.


you want another laugh?

I was going to be
an oceanographer.

You see,
I always loved the sea.

I just couldn't
wait to go to college.

Then after about
the first week or so,

I realized the whole thing
was just hopeless.

Just couldn't cut it.


I didn't know enough.

Well, maybe not enough
rooting interest, I guess.

You see, my folks
just dumped me in school
just to get rid of me.

They didn't care whether
I learned anything or not.

So you just
packed up and left?

Wouldn't you?

Well, I did.

I know.

And I shouldn't have, huh?
That's right.

You know something?

You're pretty.

Oh, Jody, would you do
something for me?

Sure, what?

Go back to school.

I just told you
I couldn't make it.

Well, I'm sorry.

I think our clothes
are probably dry.

What's the difference?
You still can't go anywhere.

Nevertheless, I still think
we should get dressed.

I suppose you hated it?

I didn't say that.
You're darned right
you didn't.

You liked it
just as much as I did.

I think
we'd better get dressed.



I'm sorry.

Forget it.

Jody, did you
really like it?

What difference
does it make?

Well, a lot.

I wanted you to kiss me.

Swell. You want to go
for double or nothing?

Oh, boy, I really
asked for that, didn't I?

What do you think?

Well, I think I should
mind my own business.

Good idea.

But I can't,
so will you just answer
one question for me?

All right, one question.

If you don't go
back to school...

There you go again.

That's not
my question.

If you don't go
back to school,
what are you going to do?

Answer: surf.

But, Jody, you can't spend
your whole life surfing.

Well, why not?
Maybe I'll wind up
the world's greatest surfer.

Is that what you want?

Well, who cares
what I want?

I care.

Come on.

I do. You don't
have to be a surf bum.

But I am.
But you don't have to be.

You're smart, Jody.
You can be anything
you want.

You really
believe that, don't you?

Yes, I do.

And you think
I quit too soon?


I threw in the towel
just a little too fast, huh?


Oh, Jody, why don't you
give it another try?

Why don't I?

Oh, Jody.


Put it back
in the shop.

Now, look, Jody,
I know you're good,

but you've
never ridden Waimea.

You go out there
for that last ride

against guys
like Eskimo and Russ,

you don't know what
you're getting into.

Look, Phil, all I want
to know is does it work
the way you said?

Can I make some money at it?
Sure you can.

But if you're going to get
big enough to put a board

with your name on it
and sell it,

you're gonna have to go
all out from here on.

And if I did,
can I make enough money
to go back to school?

You won't get
rich on it,

but you might make
$80 to $100 a week.

That's plenty.

You really think
you can do it, huh, kid?

I can try.

And for the next
couple of weeks,

Jody did just that.
He tried.

As a matter of fact,
they all did.

First, here at Sunset Beach,

then at Laniakea,
the Bonzai Pipeline,

and finally Makaha.

But it didn't take two weeks
for the real competition
to set itself up.

That happened
the very first day.

At first sight,
the waves at Laniakea

didn't look so big,
but they were.

The Bonzai Pipeline
was a perfect name.

Just a nice big
hollow tube of water.

The curl was high and fast.

The turn was critical.

And if you missed,
it swallowed you.

Makaha was just plain scary.

But to some of the boys,
it was suicide.

Man, is he
getting creamed.

He's taking gas.

What happened, Jody?
Did you get
caught under there?

Yeah, yeah, I got caught.




Hey, what did you
set them all off for, Ally?

It's only 11:50.

To clear the decks
for this one.

Hey, Augie, you kidding
with that thing?

Nothing to worry about.

All you have to do
is stand back.

Stand back?
I'm going to dig
myself a slit trench.

All right.

Hey, wait a minute.

Nobody's allowed
on the firing line
without extinguishers.

Thank you, Swag.

Hey, now,
that's good punch.
What's in it?

What isn't?
Maybe even a little punch.

Thank you, sir.

Mush, Augusta.

Here, let me
hold your drinks.

Thank you.

Oh, be careful,
be careful, careful.

Watch it.

Gently. Gently. gently.
That's it.

Oh, good.
Are you ready for this?

Oh, the Hot Poppa suit.


I don't believe it.

Neither do I.

Thank you very much.

Can you do that?


You're kidding.

I do it a little different.


Go on, show me.

Do you want me to?

Sure, why not.

All right.

Ally, ia Moorea.

ALLY: Ia Moorea.



And now a bulletin has
just been handed to us.

There's a strong indication
that the height of the seas

heading for the North Shore
are still on the increase.

it's too early to judge

when the giant waves
will hit.

Will you guys
tell me something?

How long can
Waimea hold out?

I have to get
back to California.

it's comin', Russ.

When a storm lasts
this long,

something's got to give.

Yeah, but when?

Oh, I don't know.
Ask the boy wonder.

Hey, yeah. Jody,
what do you think, boy?

About what?

About what?

Don't tell me that wipeout's
affected your brain.

You shouldn't
let a little wave
like that bug you, hotshot.

Wait till you see Waimea,
with guys

falling off the waves
three stories high.

That's when
it really counts.

Hello, Frank.
"Hello, Frank,"
he says.

How do you like
the nose?

Look, I told you,
it was an accident.
I'm sorry.

Don't be. The doctor
says I can surf again.

So maybe I can do
the same for you
some day, buddy boy.

Did you hear
the weather report?

Yeah, I heard it.
You know, it's funny.

Two weeks ago,
if anybody told
me about big waves,

I probably would have
yawned in their face.

it's New Year's Eve.

Can we lay off
surfing for one night?

All right, Jody.

Hey, everybody,
it's two minutes to midnight

and it's time
for Big Bertha.

Augie, are you going
to light it or ride it?



What time is it?
What time is it?

You got about
a minute and a half.

Good, good,
light the torch.
Light the torch.

There's something
I have to tell you.

Not now.
It's got to go off at 12:00.

I have something
that I want to explain.

My helmet.
My helmet...

It's right here.

Oh, thank you.

will you listen...

No, no, no, no,
you'd better go.
Hurry, hurry, hurry.



Well, Augie, I guess
you really did come up
with a bomb.



Happy New Year!


* Should auld acquaintance
be forgot

Happy New Year, Jody.

Want any more punch?

No, thank you.

* Be forgot

* And days of
auld lang syne? *

I'm sorry it
didn't go up, Augie.

I guess I took
too much powder out.


Well, I got worried,
for you.

It just didn't
make any sense.

You square.

You big, miserable square.

Do you know what
was in that nose cone?

A great big heart
with our initials on it.

Honey, I'm sorry.

If I could get the darn thing
off the ground,
I'd go up with it myself.

I wish you could.
I wish just once
you'd do something,

anything that didn't
have to make sense.

Well, maybe I will.

I don't know.
I'll have to think
about it.

Well, come on.
I'll help you
out of that suit.

Oh, don't you touch me.
Don't be silly.

Chase Colton,
I'm warning you.

I'll break you in two.

Well, you really would,
wouldn't you?


All right, then,
if that's the way
you want it.

Happy New Year,

Happy New Year.


Happy New Year.
Same to you.


Where are we going?

Someplace where
we can be alone.

Oh, honey, no.

I just don't
want to make a fool
out of myself in public.

Well, what do you mean?

Sit down.


Lily, I'm an orphan.

I've only got
a little bit of money.

I bang fenders
for a living
and I hate it.

I know all that.

Yes, but what you
don't know is that

I love you.

I know that, too.

Well, then,
just tell me straight out,
what you think of it.

What do you think
I think?

No kidding?
No kidding.

There's--There's, uh,
a second part to this.

Look, I don't know
how to say this

without you thinking me
some kind of a gigolo.

You want to stay
on the ranch?

I'd be good on it.

You need me,
and I just love it.

Oh, Steamer,
I was hoping you'd say that.

Well, what about
your mother?

I mean, we've been lying
to her for a week now.

Well, we'll just have
to tell her the truth.

Everything will be fine
now that she knows you.

You'll see.

You think so?

Oh, I'm sure of it.


meet the man
who's got everything.

Oh, Steamer.


Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!
Happy New Year!

What are you
made up for?

You are looking
at the ancient
Hawaiian High Priest

that's going to make
Waimea come up.

You mean,
you're going to take
a flip off the falls?

That, Charlie boy,
is exactly what I mean.

You can start
waxing up the boards
right now.

Come on, everybody!

We're off
to the raging torrents!


Hey, what's cookin'?

Ah, he's going
off the falls.

This should be
worth seeing.

Not me.

I climbed up there
three times last year.

Every guy chickened out.

Come on,
have a drink.

He's not really going to
do it, is he, Augie?

Of course not.
He's got too much sense.

I think.

Chase, wait,

What's the matter,
isn't this crazy
enough for you?

It's too crazy.
You can't do it.

Oh, yes, I can.

You hit the head
right on the nail.

If I hadn't been so square,
maybe I wouldn't

have to be running away
from school,

and maybe there'd be
a big heart floating up
in that sky right now.

MAN 1: Hey, Chase,
look where you got to go.

MAN 2: Yeah, buddy,
way up there.


Boy, that's, uh,

that's sure crazy,
all right.


Chase, no.

Listen, Chase,

you got rocks in your head
if you try
something like that.

Now that, my friend,
is just what
I plan to avoid.

How much did he
have to drink?

Enough to be
where he is.

Chase! Come on down.

Nobody will
call you a chicken.

Ha! How could they?
I'm a bir--bird!


Isn't there
something we can do?

What do you want me
to do, go get him?

Chase, don't be a fool!

Never, but never
call an old Hawaiian priest
a fool!

Chase, don't do it, please!

I sail!

That old rocket
didn't go up,

so old Chase Colton
is coming down!

Hey, you guys,
can't you hear it?

Waimea's up! Come on!

What are we waiting for?
Let's go.

Okay. Oh, boy,
this I got to see.

Chase, did you hear that?

Waimea's up!
You don't have to jump!

Besides, I like you
just the way you are!

Maybe you do, but I don't!

Happy New Year!

Oh, you idiot.
You mad, crazy idiot.


A surfer.

A beach bum.

And all these days
you lied to me.

Yes, ma'am,
and I'm sorry
about that.

No, Mama.
It was my fault.

He didn't want to.
I made him do it.

Then you can make him
march right out
of this house.

No, Mama,
listen to me.

Steamer is good.

He has a job
and he works hard.

And you saw how
he loves the place.

And you know
how much we need him.

I need him, Mama.

No, Lily,
I'm not going to let you
make the same mistake I did.

Work your fingers
till they bleed

while he goes off
joyriding on the waves.

In the end,
he'll leave you
and break your heart.

You've no call
to say that.

Oh, don't I, though?


No, you don't.

Look, I've been up here
helping out more than
I've been surfing.

Sure. Getting on
the good side of me
because of Lily.

But you beach people
are all alike.

All you ever really want
are the waves

and lolling in the sand
and doing nothing.

Lolling in the sand?

I--I'd like to show you
how much lolling I do.

Here's my bankbook.


And my union card.

It says I was 17
when I got it.

Only I wasn't.
I was lying.
I was only 15.

And here.
Here's a credit card
printed in gold.

You know
what that means?

I stuck around straight
for five years

and paid all my bills
in full.

And here's a receipt
for my car.

Stamped right there,
"Paid in full."

Oh, what's the use.

I'm sorry, boy.

Maybe you do understand
the difference
between work and play.

You--You mean
it's all right?

Oh, Mama,
I'm so happy.

You won't be sorry.
I promise you,
Mrs. Kilua.

I'm--I'm not even
going back to the mainland
for my things.

My uncle can ship them
right on over to me.

And starting tomorrow,
right after Waimea,

I'll move in
and I'm going to work
for you.

Right after Waimea?
Is that what you said?

Yes, ma'am.
I heard it on the radio.
It's coming in.

And you're still
planning to surf it?

I've been planning to
for years.

That's why
I came over here.

Did I say you were different?

Did you hear that, Lily?

The first day,
and he's back on the beach.

Oh, Mama, please.
Waimea isn't the beach.

But those are
the biggest waves
in the world

and they come in maybe,
maybe only once a year.

And where after that?
South America? Australia?

Everybody wants
to try Waimea.

I must have been dumb
to think that
this could work out.

It's not that I can't live
without surfing.

It's just that

I don't think
I could live here.

Now, Lily,

by tomorrow night,
it'll probably all be over
and I'll be headed home.

Now you're old enough
to come back with me
if you want to.


I can't.

Well, that's plain enough.


Didn't I tell you?
He'd leave you.

He didn't leave me,

You drove him away.

Just like you did papa.



Look, will you
just get out of here?

Jody, I know
you've been upset
all evening.

If you're in trouble,
then I'm in trouble.

I'm not in trouble.

Yes, you are.

You're scared.

All right, so I'm scared.

Know what it can
do to your timing

when your reflexes
have to act like that?

I know that was a bad wipeout
you took at Makaha but...

One little mistake,
do you realize
what could happen?

Isn't this
what you want?

Look, why don't you
face up to it?

You're hooked
into a born loser.

If I were you,
I'd make tracks out of here
as fast as I can.

But, Jody,
I'd never do that.

Whatever happens,
I'm with you.

Don't give me that
phony loyalty jazz.

Phony loyalty?
Is that what you think?

Look, will you just
leave me alone?

Get out of here!

Do you really
mean that?

Yeah, I mean it.

All right, I will.

But let me tell you
something first.

You're just fine
as long as things
are easy.

But the minute
they become difficult

or don't work out
the way you want them to,

you'd rather quit
and feel sorry for yourself
and call everything phony

than try to do
something about it.

Call everything phony?

My life has been lousy
with phonies.

I think the only real phony
in your life is you.

Well, it's happened at last.

The day everyone's
been waiting for,

Waimea Bay
has finally come in.

The World Of Sports
is about to bring you

one of the most
spectacular sights
the islands have to offer.

Young surfers riding waves
20 to 30 feet high

with only the very best
of them challenging
each other

to stick it out
for the last ride.

It's a beautiful day here
at Waimea

with spectators
waiting to see

who's to be number one,
the top man

in this wild
and dangerous sport.

Look at them. It's like
a ruddy Roman circus,

all waiting for us
to go head over heels.

Nobody's forcing
anyone to ride.

Just myself, mate.

You're looking
at the first Australian
to win at Waimea.

Hey, where's
the hotshot?

He'll be here.

Well, I've a feeling
I'd like to bet on that.

Well, you made it, flash.

Hey, we should have
taken that bet.

Yeah. Hi, Jody.

Hey, look, pal,
if it's money you need
or anything...

Look, I don't want to
talk about it, okay?


What's the matter
with you?

Nothing. I guess I cracked
a rib last night.

Oh, that dive, huh?

And you're still
going out?

I don't want to
talk about it, okay?

Are you ready, hotshot?

Yeah, I'm ready.

Well, come on,
buddy boy, let's go.

Well, they're all
out there now. I count 16.

Only 16 wave riders
out of all those

who came to Hawaii
to ride the big surf

are willing to face
these giants at Waimea.

All right, men.

I guess the man
from down under

is going to have to
be the guinea pig.

Up the rebels!

Come on. Whoo!

Shall we give it a try?

I think I'll sit
one more out.

Well, not me, dad.

Goodbye, cruel world.

Good luck.


Well, it looks like
it's about our time, buddy.

Look, don't tell me
what waves to take, okay?

Yeah, okay.

Hey, get with it, man.

Is this why you
came out here for?

Yeah, hotshot,
you got to take off sometime.

Hey, Jody,
it's only the greatest.

It's like flying.

Yeah, but I can't make it.
I can't take off.

Sure, you can.
All you got to do

is catch one
and you'll be fine.

Come on, the three of us
will go together.

Yeah, buddy, let's go.

Your ribs?

Yeah, my ribs.

I don't get you.

What are you,
some kind of a hero?

If you can't cut it,
you shouldn't be out here.

You know something, buddy?

The same thing goes for you.

Looks like we had
our first casualty.

There's a boy
in trouble out there.

Come on, boy, let's go.

Chase, are you all right?



But I think
it's strap-up time
for this old rib cage.

Oh, well,

at least I got to
surf Waimea, huh?

You, uh, want to
take me to the doc?

Augie can do that.
I'm too busy.

Give them hell, buddy.

Well, off to the doc
with you.

go get the jeep.

Now just hold on
a minute.

We're staying'
right here.

You don't really think
I'm gonna Miss this, do you?


Later, Augusta.

Well, look who's here?

I thought you'd grabbed one
and called it a day.

Just getting warmed up.

Yeah, well, let's see
if we can't start
cooling you off.

Hey, out the back.
Big set.

There's a good ride,

Yeah, it's early yet.

We've had one casualty.

Now it just looks
like we had another.

He doesn't seem hurt,
but three or four wipeouts

with all those tons
of water pounding you

to the bottom is about
all anyone can stand.

Even these
superbly conditioned
young athletes.

There's another casualty,

But this time,
it's a surfboard
and not a surfer.

If you want another board,
there's one at the house.

What did you say?

There's another board
at the house if you want it.

Steamer, everything's
going to be all right.

Hold on. I don't get it.

You two have shown me
some terrible things
about myself, Steamer.

Will you forgive me?

You know I will.

Well, then,
let's go get the board.

Now, look, I...
I've had enough.

Well, there's always
next year, Steamer.

Sorry about
the board, Steamer.

Gee, that's too bad.

Oh, well, half a board
is better than none.

Not in those waves.

Say, how's the, uh...

It hurts.

Phil, how long can
they keep this up?

Worried about Jody?

The waves are really
building up now.

So it shouldn't be too long
before the ranks
start thinning out.

Do you think
Jody can make it?

He's as good
as any surfer I've seen,
and that's for sure.

But Eskimo's
the man to beat.

Whoever does that
is gonna need a lot more
than just being good.

What do you mean?

I mean, Eskimo's a bulldog
who's gonna be in there
until the bitter end.

The only thing
that's gonna beat him
is character, honey.

A great big chest
full of character.

Well, the battle continues
with the wildest competition
I've ever seen.

There are six surfers,
just six left.

To give us the lowdown
on what's going on,

I've got Russ Fulton
and Ally Maloha with me.

What happens next,

That can't last
too much longer.

See the way the surf's
pounding the bottom?

It changes
the way waves break.

Makes it hard
to find the pocket.

The pocket?

That's the place
you take out from

to catch a hard ride
without getting creamed.

Okay, I'll say it.

I think we're a bunch
of suckers out here
busting our backs

while those squares
in on the beach

die laughing every time
we go on our heads.

So far, I haven't seen you
go on your head, mate.

You don't even take off
near the peak.

Just the shoulder
where the waves
are a lot smaller.

You're the one to talk.
I haven't seen you
make a wave yet.

Yeah, Charlie,
but he takes off on the top.

You think I'm poultry?

Yeah, I think
you're chicken.

You'd have to be crazy
to go near the peak
the way the bottom is now.

So be crazy once,
or get out of here.

I'm not going out there.

So what's so big?

It's supposed to be a sport,
not suicide.


And the showboat let out
a last gasp of steam.

Hey, buddy boy,
it's about time for you
to quit, isn't it?

Well, shall we go, mate?

Let's go, Ess.

They're going back out.

Yeah, that's murder.

All set?


Hey, digger,
Swag, dig. Dig.

So long, yank.

Up the rebels!

Buddy boy,
hands me quite a laugh.

You giving lessons
at Waimea.

You know something, Frank,

I think it's about time
I gave you one.

Oh, very nice ride
by Eskimo Dobbs.

Don't you think so,
Russ Fulton?

Yeah, it is,
but Frank took
a bad wipeout.

I think that's it
for him.

I'm afraid so.

Hey, Frank,
you'd better
call it a day.

Are you kidding?

Hey, he's right, Frank.

You busted up
your nose again.

You did this.

Look, get off my back,
will you?

Get off it? I'm going
to ride right up it.

Well, you're seeing it
for yourselves.

Eskimo Dobbs, Frank Decker,
and Jody Wallis

fighting it out
for the last ride.

Remember those names,
because before long,

one of them
is going to be known

to every surfer
who can stand on a board.

If you've got a brain left
in that skull of yours,

you'll get out of here.
This place is
closing down fast.

If I don't make it,
he doesn't either.

What do you think
you're gonna do?

I'm gonna shoot this board
right for the back
of your head.

Oh, yeah?
Well, why don't you try?

Frank's nose
is bleedin'.


Not good.

Jody, watch it!

If Frank ever did that to me,
I'd slaughter him.

You see how that
last wave broke?

Yeah, it's falling apart
more every minute.

Where is he?
I'll kill that lousy...

Hey, forget it.

He's all through.
He's going in.

Well, it's just
you and me now, hotshot.

How come you yelled?

I'm an Eagle Scout.

Here we go.

Just Eskimo Dobbs
and Jody Wallis are left.

It's shifted bad again.

Let's try over there.

Why are they
moving around?

They're looking
for the right spot
to take off from.

STEAMER: Here they come.

Why don't they quit?

Because that's not
the name of the game.

I don't see how
they can keep up much longer.

That's too much.
I just can't believe it.

Getting tired, Ess?

Don't you
believe it, hotshot.

What's the matter?
Am I starting to bug you?

That'll be the day.

Watch this ride,
sonny boy.

Boy, did he get
the ax.

Ooh, you can
say that again.

One more wipe out
like that,

I'm gonna go there
and drag him in.

Hey, look, forget it.

This place
is flat out of control.

They're not makeable
from anyplace anymore.

Now, you got a draw
whether you like it or not.


you're just gonna keep
wiping out till one time
you don't come up,

and I'll still have a draw.

Okay, hotshot,
it's your funeral.

But don't think
you're going to beat me
to any place but the morgue.

Hey, hotshot.

You're okay.

Why, I never thought
I'd see the day

when Ess came in
and Jody went out again.

He's crazy.

Yeah, but if he is,
he's my kind of nut.

Jody, you can't
go out there again.

You're gonna
get killed.

If I can find that
take off just once,
I know I can make it.

But you can't. No one can.
They're all saying that.

You know,
last night you were right.

Sooner or later,
I've got to do
something on my own.

Oh, but I never meant this.

Come on, kid.
Come on, kid.

Hey, he did it.



* In Hawaii there's a place
known as Waimea Bay

* Where the best surfers
in the world come to stay

* And ride the wild surf
they come to try

* To conquer those waves
some 30 feet high

* Ride, ride, ride
the wild surf

* Ride, ride, ride
the wild surf

* Ride, ride, ride
the wild surf

* Gotta take
that one last ride

* The heavies at the Pipeline
are okay

* But they can't match
the savage surf
at Waimea Bay

* It takes a lot of skill
and courage unknown

* To catch the last wave
and ride it in alone

* Ride, ride, ride
the wild surf

* Ride, ride, ride
the wild surf

* Ride, ride, ride
the wild surf

* Gotta take that one last

* Gotta take
that one last ride *