Rich Piana Chronicles (2018) - full transcript

Rich Piana is a man known for having a personality as big as his massive physique. A bodybuilder who gained massive fame as a controversial YouTube personality, Rich Piana sadly passed away in 2017 due to heart complications. From the Director of "Generation Iron" the Rich Piana Chronicles documents a raw and uncut look into the final year of his life. Part tribute to his legacy, part revealing look into the man behind the persona - the Rich Piana Chronicles is an intimate look at a man who left a permanent mark on the fitness industry. Unfiltered. Uncensored. In his own words.

[gloomy music]

[Rich] A lot of people
don't really comprehend
exactly what 5% means.

And it's-- it's-- it's not only about the physique, you
know, it's about everything.

I think what I'm doing is just
so different than what--
what everyone else is doing.

And really important
is you have to-- you
have to find your niche,

you know, and everyone
has a different niche.

And it has to be something
that people are not
going to get tired of.

What I stand for is I educate
people and I motivate people.

And I think those are things
that you really could
never get tired of.

You know, I'm not trying
to be a certain character and so I think that's important.

I think that just me telling
the truth is very important.

And I bring things out that a lot of people won't talk about

and educate and motivate.

And I think that's where my success is, is because of that.

[radio tuning in]

[rock music]

[Rich] Good fucking morning!

[birds chirping]

[alarm rings]

All Day You May, goddammit.

Good motherfucking morning!

Normally I would get up
and take a shot of growth,

but I'm out of growth
hormone and it's been
harder and harder to get

the actual real growth
hormone American--
from American pharmacy.

And you can go to longevity
doctors but it's a fortune,

which I can afford but
I just still just can't see
paying that much money.

So-- so right now I'm not
taking growth currently

and I actually just take
a very small dosage.

It's-- a longevity dose
would be two IUs a day.

And it's really more just, you
know, to feel good, hair, skin,
you know, longevity reasons.

It's not really for the
bodybuilding reasons
I did back in the day.

But this drink I can drink
because it has no sugar
or carbs but it has BCAAs.

So when I do take the growth
in the morning, I can--
I can feed my muscles

and not interrupt the function
of the growth hormone.
So-- so it's a beautiful thing.

But it's still a habit. When
you wake up in the morning,
you've been fasting all night,

you know, you haven't
eaten anything and the
best thing you do is,

you know, get those BCAAs
right to your muscles.

So that's the first thing I do
is I still have that obsessive,

you know, keep those
muscles growing and healing.

So it's 7:00 a.m. and I don't
really have a set schedule.

I get up at all different times
depending on what's
going on in my life.

And, you know, 7:00 a.m.
is the time to get up today.

I went to bed at, you know,
3:00 a.m. last night, so I was
up late editing and so forth.

So I try to get at least four
hours of sleep and, you know,

I shoot for eight
but that rarely happens.

So I got to get up, get this
motherfucking day started.

And the beanie cap,

the beanie cap
is basically I wake up

and my hair is combed.

So I don't have to comb
my fucking hair in the morning.

So basically for me
to get ready, I don't
really have to do shit.

I fucking brush my teeth


put some deodorant on,
I take a shower.

But normally I like to take
a shower at night
before I go to bed.

And then I put the beanie
cap on we hit the sack.

I wake up and I'm clean, fresh
and ready to roll, you know,

because I get a busy day
and I don't have time
to dick around the house.

I obsessively brush my teeth,

probably five, six times a day.

And as you guys can see,
I'm obsessive with everything.

My teeth are white now as fuck.

And that's the way
I like to keep them.

And as far as lotions,
I'm a big lotion guy.

I put lotion on my fucking face

about three times a day

and I keep it moist and oily
so I don't get wrinkles.

I try to look as good as I can
in every way possible.

It's not just about my body
or having muscles, it's--

it's everything, you know.

It's just, it makes you
feel better about yourself.

If we're going to be there,
why not be the best we
can be in every way possible?

So when it comes to everything,
you know, I just try to be best
I can be in everything.


all right

Now I'm going to pick
out a fucking shirt.

Got a shirt to wear for the day.

I basically got every color
you can imagine.

You know, what I wear.
I just wear my own-- my
own clothes, Love It Kill It.

So it's pretty easy.

I probably wear a tank
top about four or five times

before I throw it out
and get another one.

So I'm pretty spoiled.

You know, I have
my own clothing line.

I have my own food prep.

You know, I have
my own supplements.

So the advantage of that
is-- is incredible and
I take full advantage of it.

All right.

All right.

Got my All Day You May, go
downstairs, make some breakfast.

I do have to say I'm quite
spoiled, quite the easy life.

[he laughs]

-[woman] Mark.
-[man] I have no idea.

[woman] All right, we're good.

[man] So I think we should start
with an introduction, maybe
just say your full name

-and where you're
from originally.

-Whenever you're ready.
-And I'm looking at you
the whole time, right?

-The whole time, yeah.

I was born and raised
in California

and I was raised in South
Sac with my mom and also
in Los Angeles with my dad.

They divorced at an early
age, two years old.

So I was back and forth,
you know, my whole life.

And actually for me
it was very enjoyable
childhood because I had,

you know, just all kinds of,
you know, diversity and
different kinds of kids

growing up and I had
a great time. You know,
I had a great childhood.

You know, we were-- we were
poor, you know, we lived
in low-income housing,

you know, food stamps.

But, you know what?
I got to say that I had
a great upbringing and--

I wouldn't have
changed anything.

My-- my mom was a competitive
bodybuilder and so I was kind
of raised in Gold's Gym.

So at the age of six,
you know, I was in Gold's Gym

playing with my little toys,
my little GI Joes,
and so forth and,

you know, not really paying
attention to where I was,

just kind of doing
my own thing.

And I went every single day
to Gold's Gym, you know,
at the age of six.

And, you know, I don't know if
you guys remember that there was
old dolls called He-Man dolls

and those came out and they
were just, you know, these
guys with these huge muscles

and I was super
intrigued, you know.

So I look at those dolls
and just be intrigued
with the muscles.

And, you know, basically
I was either going to be
a bodybuilder or be gay,

one or the other. So, luckily
I ended up a bodybuilder.

But I remember one day
playing with the dolls

and having them fight each
other and whatever and,

you know, I looked up and
I actually saw like real guys
that looked like these dolls.

It's the first time I really
noticed like where I was and
what was going on around me

and I was just-- now-- I mean,
now there's the real fucking
superhero right here

live in person, you know.

So I was just intrigued and so
I just started watching these
guys and see what they do

and watching them work out.

And, you know, and before
I knew it, you know, I was
trying to go on the gym floor

and copying them, you know,
and do the same thing.

And, you know, they-- they--
the Gold's Gym, you know,
I was six years old,

they're like, yeah, you need
to keep your kid over
here, you know.

So, you know, I started training
at, you know, like nine, ten

and by eleven I was
like training regularly.

You know, like every
time I went.

And I started
competing at fifteen.

So I was on stage at fifteen
years old, you know, which is,
you know, pretty remarkable.

And, you know, I just loved it.

So, supplement time, goddammit.

So, Mentality-- Mentality is--
is my version of Adderall.

I'm not supposed to say that
but, you know, what, fuck it,
I'm going to say it.

So it's my version of Adderall.

You know, I was taking Adderall
maybe three or four times a week

and as you guys know or maybe
not know, it is an amphetamine,

so it's probably not the
safest thing to be taking,

you know, as part
is of this two-hundred and,

you know, what am I now,
maybe seventy pound bodybuilder.

You know, blood pressure
might be a little bit off.

The reason I took Adderall
is it just does amazing
things with my brain.

I could have a phone
conversation and the things
that come out of my mouth

are words I've never
even used in my life.

They just come out of nowhere.

So-- so it's an incredible drug.

I come up with, you know,
different concepts,
different ideas.

And business-wise, Adderall
helped me tremendously.

So I wanted something
made that was equivalent
but legal and safer.

So that's the Mentality.

So I take the Mentality every
morning, which I don't suggest

because your body will get used
to it and will not work as good.

Liver & Organ, all right.

Now, looking at me you guys
know I take steroids, correct?
It's pretty fucking obvious.

So, needless to say, you know,

it does its damage
and I'm aware of that.

I'm willing to take--
I'm willing to,

you know, take my chances
but I'm going to do it
as safe as possible.

So this supplement was
probably the best supplement
I ever came up with is

it's created specifically
for bodybuilders that
are abusing their bodies

with drugs, with steroids and
growth hormones and so forth.

So it's a-- you know,
it was made, you know,
to help the kidney--

the kidneys, the liver,
you know, the heart, the
prostate, skin, everything

associated with, you
know, steroid abuse.

The biggest question
I get constantly is

how do I get bigger.

And everyone knows
the answer but they
continue to ask the question.

And the obvious answer
is you fucking eat more, right?

It's kind of like overweight
women that ask the question,

I-- how do I lose weight?
I just can't seem to.

I don't know, you really don't
know how to lose weight?

You really honestly are asking
me that question and you
really don't know the answer

or are you just wasting
my fucking time?

The answer obviously is you eat
less, right? You eat less
and you up your activity.

Everyone knows the answer
but people act like they don't.

So, eat more motherfucking food.

That's what I'm trying to say.

And the more you eat,
the bigger you're going to get.

The more activity you do,
the more calories and more
your body turns into a machine

and the faster
you're going to grow.

I can distinctively remember
looking at a Flex magazine

and I even remember
who was on the cover.
It was Tom Platz.

And he was on the cover of Flex
magazine and I believe it was
a Lamborghini or a Ferrari

and he was standing next
to the Lamborghini or Ferrari,

he had a brunette and a blonde,
you know, that were gorgeous

and he's got this
incredible body.

And obviously at
an early age I'm like
that's what I want to be.

So-- so that's-- that's
when I was like, you know,

I really want to
become a professional, I
want to turn this into a career.

And the thing is, is
at that early of an age,
you know, I believed,

you know, that a top
bodybuilder is, you know,
making as much money

as a top basketball
player or, you know,
a top football player.

And I was under the illusion
that, you know, that they just
had everything, you know.

So that was-- that was my goal.

Thing is, is I-- in my life

I have nothing I have to do.

I don't have to do shit today.

I can go upstairs
and go back to bed.

I can sit here
and watch TV all day.

I can go on Facebook and scroll
to the newsfeed for two hours,

you know. I-- I-- there's--
I don't have to do anything.

I-- as far as money, I'm

fine, I'm fully taken care
of for the rest of my life.
There's nothing I have to do.

But that is probably
the most difficult situation
you could ever be in

and it's funny because people
will say, man, you know,
I can't wait till I retire.

I can't wait till this and that.

You know, the thing people
don't understand is
that's the most difficult

way to live is to not
have to do anything

because it's so easy
to just not do anything.

And, you know, when you're
not being productive, you
know, it's not a good feeling.

And that's why a lot of people,
movie stars, you know,

music stars, you know,
get hooked on drugs,
they commit suicide

because they're not happy
with their lives because they--

they've got to a point where
they don't have to do anything,
you know, and they don't.

And so it's really,
really important

to, you know, continue

pushing forward and doing
everything you can in life. And

I'm constantly,
constantly setting goals,

you know, new goals,
business goals, you know,
to keep myself going.

But I'm telling you,
this situation, believe it or
not, is a difficult situation.

What-- what we did is
we ate a half a can
of Chef Boyardee Raviolis

and four whole eggs
and I ate that four to five
times a day every single day.

And I did this for a year
and our meals cost us
about seventy cents each.

So I was spending seventy cents
each on a meal, you know,
and so we struggled and I was-

we struggled so much that

I-- I would-- when I-- when I
went number one in the bathroom,

I would only flush the toilet

so many times, like I would--
I would pee three times
before I flushed it

because I was trying
to save on the water.

I wouldn't turn
the air conditioning on.
I wouldn't turn the heat on.

And for a year, we went
without and we struggled.

I won three shows in a
row, I won the overalls,

and then I entered
the California State
bodybuilding championships.

And back then that was a
very, you know, big show.

Me winning the California
wasn't supposed to happen.

There was a favorite,
you know, and he was incredibly
large, incredibly massive,

he had everything going
for him, he had the publicity,

and I really wasn't anticipating
winning, you know.

I wanted to, I was
giving it my all but

it was pretty obvious that he
was going to win that show. And

I won.

I was anticipating, you know,
a huge sponsorship,
you know, from a company

and I thought that
this is it, like, I-- I-
I made it, you know.

And, you know, the phone
never really rang, you know.

And it was an incredible
experience and that night
was probably the--

you know, the most
memorable night of my life.

And after that, it just kind
of like, you know,
everyone forgot about it.

And that's when I started kind
of like what's going on here?

So, I have Chanel coming over.

And Chanel is my ex-girlfriend

before I recently got married.

And as you guys know, I'm
in the process of a separation.

So, wow, a lot
of shit going on here.

So, the thing is, is that
when I was with Chanel,
she's my videographer,

and she was really,
really, really good,

you know, with the videos
and editing and filming
and, you know.

So, you know, when we
broke up, it was like, "Fuck,
now what am I going to do?"

And now that I'm not
with my wife, I figure,

you know, maybe give
Chanel a call and see if she's
interested in working for me.

You know, why not? Because,
you know, she-- she
knows what she's doing,

you know, she's-- she's
good at what she does.

So-- so she's on her way over.

And she has not seen the house.

And the house isn't
finished yet, you know. It's--

-it's-- you know,
it's nice, it's big...
-[cell phone rings]

but it definitely
needs some work.

So she's going to help me
continue decorating the house
and getting it finished.

And this is her right
now, goddammit.

And I didn't answer
it in the time.

Hopefully she calls back.

Yeah, so this should
be interesting.

And I'm going to walk
her through the house.

She'll give me her--
her ideas and--

-[doorbell rings]
-There she is, goddammit.


-How have you been? Good.
-What's up? How are you doing?

-Long time no see.
-Really long time.

-.How have you been?
-Good, good, good.

I don't-- I don't-- I mean
I need something
over here, I think.

-Don't you think
like something?

And then I thought
about maybe putting a little,

-you know--
-Like a dining room--

-Little dining room table maybe.
-Like a small dining room table.

-Or bar stools, I don't know.
-I like the idea of bar
stools personally.

I don't see you sitting
in a dining room table.

I think that that would just
be wasting the money.

And I kind of like the open--
the openness, you know.

That's why I really
like this house.

And you know-- you know,
the houses I like,
I like to be open.

-Yes, Ben and Jerry's
every night.
-[Chanel laughs]

-Look at that. Yeah.
-Why am I not surprised?

Some things never change.

And people out there,
when I talk about Ben
and Jerry's-- it's not--

-I'm not telling you that's
what you need to do--
-[cell phone alert]

--to develop a great physique.

That's just what I do
because I enjoy Ben and Jerry's.

It's not a good thing, it's a
bad thing but it tastes good.

You guys ever seen a--
look at this, twenty-four
karat gold fucking knife.

-Oh, wow, that's heavy.
-I only got it because
it was gold.

And then my wedding ring.

But I'm a very smart person.

So this ring has five diamonds.

So being it has five diamonds,
it's basically five percent.

So I just take the ring and
I put it on the other finger and
it wasn't a waste of money.

Now I have a sick-ass
five percent ring.

Boom, five carats.

See, I think.

-You always think.
You never stop.
-I think.

Usually a lot of times back
then the guy that won that
California is the favorite,

you know, because California
is the Mecca, you know.

So the guy that wins the
California more than likely
is going to, you know,

be the top state winner
to win the USA.

So I had a-- a lot of hype going
into it, people were talking
about me and it seemed like

it was going to be
a win, you know.

So I gave everything
I had for a full year

and I did nothing
else but bodybuilding.
I would not go to the movies.

I mean, it sounds ludicrous
but that's how driven I was.

Giving everything I had for
that year and not winning,

you know, was just--
it just killed me.

I think that was-- that was
pretty much, you know,
what destroyed my desire.

And I continued to compete
because I was addicted.

I was addicted to
the sport and I still
love the whole aspect.

But as far as giving it
everything I got, I
was pretty much not willing

because the reward,
I got nothing back.

I tell people my slogan is,
you know, you got to do-- be
willing to do whatever it takes.

You know, whatever it takes,
you got to be willing to do it.

Well, yeah, but you're
getting rewarded for giving
it everything it takes.

You know, in business,
in school, in whatever
you're doing in life,

you're giving everything
it takes, you're being the best

but you're getting rewarded
back for, you know,
giving everything you got.

You know, if you do
everything you can and you
give your heart, your soul,

your fucking everything
and you get nothing back,

-it's like what's the fucking
drive to, you know.
-[man] True.

And I think that's--
that slowly is just what,
you know, what killed me is--

is I'm willing to do
whatever it takes but I'm
not getting anything back.

Problem-- my problem is why
do I keep getting big houses.
There's no point.

-Go big or go home, right?

And you're just that guy
who has a big home.

So this is-- this is where
all the magic happens.

-So this will be where I will be
editing all of your new videos?

This is where all
the magic happens. So

I have two computers

and two people can be in here
editing at the same time.

And I got my boy Mike here.
Mike's one of my top sales guys

-and he's here visiting for,
what-- you are here for a week?

For a week, yes.

So he's-- he-- he's just
fucking getting all my shit
in all the stores here.

And he's doing a good job.

So-- so it's cool.

And he just stays here,
no reason to get a hotel,
I got so many rooms.

We're just going to
together like just fucking
roll around the stores,

you know, and just get the--
get this shit fucking--
get the shit going.

Ronnie Coleman went in
an RV fucking all around like
for like eight months.

[Mike] He did a tour of America.

-Yeah, and it's like,
fuck, that's a good idea.
-[Mike] Yes.

You know, if I can just get an
RV and just fucking tear it up.

Yeah, being face to face with
people and it's better morale

-and you're like right
there in front of them.

Yeah, it's good shit.

So, yeah, this is where
I spend most of my time is in
this fucking office editing.

And as you guys can see--

This is--

this is an example right here.
Look at this shit.

And I was completely
done with bodybuilding.

I had no interest,
you know, in the sport.

I loved training,
I loved eating,

I loved going through the
motions of being a bodybuilder.

Just as far as being on
stage, you know, and being
involved in the industry,

I was pretty much
done and over it.

And, you know, a supplement
company got a hold of me

and they said they
wanted to sponsor me.

And it was like, where the fuck
were you ten years ago when
I needed a goddamn sponsor?

You know, they-- they hit me up
and they wanted to sponsor me.

And I said I'm not
a bodybuilder, I'm
not going to compete,

I don't think I'm what
you guys want, you know.

And they're like, no,
no we want what you
have, we like your look

and we like your philosophy
and what you're doing

and you're doing it for
the love of the sport,

you're doing it because you
enjoy it, you know, you're
not doing it for anyone else,

you know. And at this point
in my life I was-- I was
pretty financially well-off

and I had a lot of good things
happen in my life and I didn't
need the money, you know,

I didn't need the supplements.
I really didn't need it.

It wasn't going to really
help me that much.

But talking to them and
being able to do the things
I wasn't able to do

when I was in the sport,
you know, being at a
booth and greeting fans

and taking pictures and, you
know, making really cool videos

was something I never,
you know, did.

So I was like, wow,
this sounds like it might
be fun, you know.

So, if anything,
I'll do it for fun.

-[Chanel] Is that Brion?
-[Rich] That's Brion.

[Chanel] Wow.

[Rich] It truly is unbelievable
what these guys do and what
they put themselves through

and how much work goes
into, you know, competition.

And I have to say that
I definitely do not
miss competing.

It is fucking hell, torture.

And the sad thing is, is there
really isn't much payoff,

you know, and it's kind
of the same with MMA
fighters, you know.

They-- they do so much,
they go through so much,
they work so hard

and they put so much
at risk and they really
get nothing in return.

I mean, you just have to really
truly love what you're doing

and, you know, doing it for
yourself, not-- you know, not
for any kind of compensation

because there really
is no compensation.

And it really sucks.

And that's why I've always
wanted to promote my own shows

just so I could give back
to the athletes and give
them what they deserve.

You know, it's like they--

they spend so much money,
they put so much time and
they get a five-dollar trophy,

you know,
and it's just really sad.

And I would-- I don't see
why the promoters can't take
the money they get

from the entry fees that is
giving from the athletes and
give it back to the athletes.

So you're not-- you're still
making money, you know,

there's no reason to be
greedy and have to make
every fucking dime you can.

You know, give back
to the athletes.

And some of the contests
out there, you know,
they-- they'll get

three hundred thousand
dollars in entry fees, you know.

And if they could give that
back to the competitors,
which they could easily,

the competitors deserve it.

And it really sucks that
they get nothing, you know.

And the problem is,
is that they keep doing it.

You know, they keep doing it.

So, you know, it's never going
to change because the promoters
don't have to give anything.

They let me, you know,
put in my two cents and,

you know, do what I wanted
to do and-- and it was great.

And I was having a great time,
you know, flying around.

Starting to have a following
and be able to do motivational
videos and motivate people

and have people constantly,
oh, my God, you saved
my life and you helped me,

and I was this and that
and I was depressed
and, you know, I was--

I was hooked on drugs
and, you know, you--
I was-- you know,

and just all the time
people tell me these
incredible stories.

It was-- it was just amazing,
you know, what all of a sudden
I'm doing out of nowhere.

The sad thing is people
don't give a fuck about
training, you know.

They don't care about
watching these bodybuilders

-that kill themselves
getting conditioning.
- Yeah.

They're training really hard,
they have great physiques.

They'd rather watch me
eat a double cheeseburger
from In-N-Out.


And it was crazy as these
videos are the hardest to edit.

-They take so much time
and energy to shoot--

-to get it everything angle
right, get the muscles
everything, the lighting right,

that filters right and
everything perfect and
then they don't do that good.

And then you do a fucking
video of going and eating
pancakes at IHOP and

-get four-- four times
as many views--
-I know.

-and there's no editing
involved, there's no-- don't
give a fuck about lighting--

-You just like throw
it up and they are done.

So that's crazy.

My best video got
a million in four days.

-What was it?
-It was the-- it was crazy.

It's-- it's the thumbnail,
look, right here.


Monster Big Joe
Motherfucking Arm Day--

-Like in four--
-Monsters Do Exist.

-In four weeks, it has--
-It's got over two millions.

--two million.

-So, it's really--
-You have a knack for finding
the most interesting people.

Hell yeah.

Everyone-- they don't want to
see the same shit, you know,

because bodybuilders,
they all look the same, right?

People ask like how much money
do you make on YouTube,

you know, how do you get started
on YouTube, you know, how-

and, you know, it's-- it's
an incredible thing because,

you know, back ten years ago
you had to pay for marketing,

and marketing is the most
important thing when
it comes to the business,

you know, is marketing the
product. It doesn't matter
how good a product is,

product can be amazing but if no
one knows about the product,

you're not going
to sell any, you know.

And it's not going to be
successful and there's plenty of
products out there that are shit

but they do so good at
marketing the product that,
you know, they make millions.

And, you know,
so YouTube is an outlet

where I can market myself
and market my products
and I get-- actually get paid.

So I'm getting paid to market
my products and that's
just an unbelievable thing.

It's so much easier than it was
ten or fifteen years ago and,

you know, it's-- it's-- I--
I constantly do videos

and talk to people
and explain that, you know,

it's a lot easier to be
successful nowadays and,

you know, all it takes is work,
determination and, you know,
just keep on pushing forward.

You know, indirect marketing,

you don't-- you don't need
to shove something
down someone's throat,

you know, to get them-- all
they need to do is be aware of
your product and they can make--

they can make up their
mind whether they want
to try the product or not.


You know, there's-- you don't--
you're not trying to shove
it down their throat.

And I think that's where
companies make the mistake.

Yeah. YouTube is just
always changing their
shit, it's hard to keep up.

There's a sixty-five-year-old
couple that'll come and say
we watch all your videos

and they-- they've never even
stepped foot in a gym, you know.

They just-- they're entertained
to a certain degree.

And what people like
the most is, you know,

I'll do a video and I'll talk
about, let's say, day trading.

You know, and people get
really intrigued because
the way I explain it is,

you know, you fully understand
what I'm saying.

You-- you watch-- you go
to a seminar about day
trading, you're fucking lost.

And I think me talking about
it, it makes you realize like,

wow, this shit really
isn't that complicated,
it's pretty easy.

So a lot of the motivation
I give is, is advice on that.

And people seem to enjoy
that more than the training

because you-- you know,
you can find the training
advice everywhere.

Food time.

Are you going to eat, brother?

[Mike] Yeah, man, I'm going
to grab one of those meatloaf
cauliflower mash, freaking bomb.

-It's crazy, right?

How can they make cauliflower
taste like mashed potatoes?

I-- I mean I thought it was
mashed potatoes the first
time I ate it until I read it.

Dude, have you tried
the cauliflower fucking
macaroni and cheese?

-No, I haven't had that one.
-Oh, my God.

-It tastes just like macaroni
and cheese and there's no carbs.

-It's crazy shit.

-You see how we fucking-- we
Saran-- we Saran wrap these--

Airtight, you know, why?

I remember I was
with that company--

I can't remember the name of it,
but I was getting sponsored.

Right, yes.

So one time I was carrying
a bunch of their food and shit

-and I went like this and--

-It was all over
the fucking floor--

-Like six meals. So--


-Fucking can't spill.
It's spill-free.
-Didn't even-- nothing--

So, chicken and broccoli.

Chicken and broccoli.

-So what time does
your plane leave?

No one's really said anything
or done anything against me, you
know, as far as what I've done.

I wanted to-- I want to let
people know about everything
to do with the industry.

You know, all I'm doing
is I'm trying to help people.

I'm trying to let them realize
what they're getting into.

Gold's, Hollywood
or Venice, either one.

-No, not Hollywood,
North Hollywood.
-North Hollywood, yeah.

-Hollywood's gay.

You're right, you're right.

I've been--
I've been in that one.

It's all good.

But it's always too
packed. What I noticed,
it's too packed there.

-Yeah, it's crazy.
-And I could--

I can never even get a bench
in front of the dumbbell rack

-the times I've been
there to work out, so.
-Yeah, it's crazy.

It's fucking--

That gym makes so
much fucking money.

[rock music]

[Rich] I believe that if
you see a guy like Tony
Robbins in a suit,

your first thought is, you know, this guy had rich parents, he went to Harvard, he got a degree

and now he's trying to tell
me how to be successful.

I would never relate with Tony
Robbins and listen to him

and believe that I can follow
his footsteps, you know,

because his foots that--
he's coming from a totally
different place than me.

But I think people knowing
my story and knowing that I
came from low-income housing

and, you know, I had
no money growing up,
I think they can relate to me.

So when I start motivating
and talking about, you know,
what you need to do

and how you need to go
about doing it, I think they--

they-- they can use that
information and feel like that
I'm similar to them, you know.

And so hearing it from me
is different than hearing
it from other people

and they can relate.

Big squeeze, big squeeze,
hold that squeeze. There it is.

There it is.


-Come on.
-Yup, yup.

Come on, goddammit,
get it up, get it up, up,
up, up, up, up, up.


Never give up.

-Whatever the fuck it takes.


-Big, brother big.



Vascular as fuck.

Right on.

Give me a sec.


-So, you just turned pro?

You've been trying to turn
pro for how long? Long
motherfucking time.

-Almost ten years.

-It's a long, long, long fucking
road but congratulations.
-Thank you.

Fucking hung in there.

And I know we're talking
about sponsorship.

And I want you to shop around
and I want you to, you know,
get a feel for what's out there

and get a feel for what
companies could do for you

before you make that
decision because it's
an important decision.

And most companies,
what they're going to do is
they're going to lock you in.

So they're going to lock you
in for like a two-year contract.

And what that means is,
you know, you can't
go somewhere else.

So if someone else
comes and offers you
five thousand dollars a month

and you're only
getting whatever,
you're stuck, you know.

And the bodybuilding career
is short, you know, it's--
it's not the longest career.

So it's-- I personally
never liked being locked
into a contract.

And so when I started
my company, I made
the contract open.

So you can leave
at any time and we
can let you go at any time.

Another thing is the marketing.

You know, a lot of athletes
don't realize the importance
of the marketing aspect.

And honestly, I don't think you
realize the importance of the
marketing aspect, you know.

But look at someone like me
who's not pro, never turned pro

but, you know, look how well
I'm doing in the industry
as far as making money

and being successful
without being a pro, you know.

So it's very important
to market yourself, so...

A lot of people don't
really comprehend exactly
what 5% means.

And it's-- it's-- it's not only
about the physique, you
know, it's about everything.

And if I meet someone
who's very motivating
and they have a great story

and they've accomplished a lot in their life, to me they're--

they're a perfect example
of a five percenter, you know.

And that doesn't mean they
have to be three-hundred-pound
bodybuilder with abs,

you know, and tattoos
and whatever else.

You know, that has nothing to do with being a five percenter.

But a lot of people out there,
that's what they think that it's
all about how big you are,

you know, how much you lift,
you know, how tough
you are, you know.

And it's really not.
It's really-- it's really more
about the mentality

than the physicality,
you know. It's that--
this is just outer shell.

What's inside is more important.

So, you know, the way
I choose the five percenters is,

you know, obviously there
is the outer shell, you
know, that is a part of it

but it's also how motivating
this person is, you know,

talking to them, how smart
they are, and, you know,
the story they have to tell.

And some of these people
have done amazing things
in their life that it's like,

wow, you know,
you have accomplished a lot.

So that's-- that's what
we have to offer that's better
than any company out there

is our marketing, you know,
is phenomenal as far as, you
know, getting people known,

getting their face out there
and building a following.

So it's-- it's a-- you know,
it's a-- it's a hard fucking
business, you know.

You got to-- you got
to truly love the sport
to be in this sport.

You know, you can't be doing
it for any other reason other
than you fucking truly love it.

And earlier when we're talking
about videos when you said
you don't have time for videos

and this and that, like
you got to make time.

And it's not-- it's not
for me, it's for you

because you have-- the
amount-- what you get from a
video if it gets a million hits,

it's something you cannot
get through bodybuilding.

You know, you-- no matter what
you do, you can't get, you
know, that kind of value.

As far as business-wise,
you know, as a business,

we-- we really need people
with a following, you know,
an Instagram following

because we are going
to market you and help
you become a superstar,

help you become popular,
but you have to be
able to market us

and help us sell our products
and market our products and let
people know about our products.

So it's a mutual, you know,
working situation and we're
both benefiting from it.

-What's up, brother?
How are you doing, man?

Good to see you, man.
Good to see you.

-Can I get a picture with you?
-Yeah, for sure, brother.

All right, brother.
Good to see you, man.

Why you're all covered up?
Why are you hiding?

-Why are you hiding-- hiding all
your muscles, man? What's up?
-I've been telling him that.

-That's how it is.
-You don't feel like
you're ready or what?

I did a photo shoot
yesterday actually.

-Ooh, you did?

Then you look at your best.

What are you doing? What's
your-- what's your Instagram?

-You have a lot
of followers or what?
-Not really.

-Come on, man.
-I just follow you.

What's up with that? You
don't have a lot of followers,

you're covering up
all your fucking work.

-We're going to have a talk.
-What's that?

-Got to get you on--
-This guy's shoulders
are like crazy too.

I know and you're hiding it.
What the fuck, dude?

-This one?
-No, that one.

Oh, shit.

-This one?

And then look at your
fucking cover picture.

-[woman laughs]
-What the fuck?
And-- and you're private!

Oh, my God. You're like--
you're basically--

Like, the best advice
I can give you is whatever
you're doing, do the opposite.

Whatever you're doing right
now, do the opposite and
you'll be a huge success.

Hey, what's up brother?
What up? Goddammit.

You ready to fucking kill it?
-Why not?

I just fucking ate.

I'm fueled up.

I'm ready.

Look at you with
the fucking the Cripps
and shit, Cripp blood.

-Hey, look--
-What's up? Where
are you from, homie?

-Where the fuck
are you from?
-I'm from nowhere.

Listen, Jesus Christ--

I-- I honestly I do-- I do
feel pressure to look
a certain way, you know.

And before I got back in to
the industry, I didn't have any
pressure to look a certain way.

But I always look the best
I could and I always look
the way I wanted to look.

Like it all seems logical

like you're going
in the right direction,
everything seems right.

Yeah, and then it just
winds up and fuck you up.

And then all of a sudden
you're like where the fuck am I?

Every time I do it,
I get-- I get lost.

Oh, here's Venice right here.


And the cool part about
it, you're not going to remember
which way we just took.

-[Rich laughs]
-Just to beat the traffic.

I don't-- This ain't Venice.

All right, this isn't Venice.

-That's what it's saying.
-What the fuck?

You know, it was
enjoyable for me

but I do feel a little bit of
pressure to look a certain way.

And, you know,
that's-- that's-- that's hard

because I shouldn't
feel that way but I do.

It's-- I feel like
I do need to look a certain
way for my fans.

You know, if I'm sitting
here and I'm-- I'm telling
you this and telling you that,

well, I better be following
that shit, too, you know.

I can't show up, you know,
saying you got to do this,
you got to do that

and then I look like shit,
you know, what is that?

Hey, what's up, brother?
How are you doing, brother?
Long time no see.

-Everything good?
-Good, brother.


[man] Ready? Go.

Just to kill some time--

You know, it is after a while
it's just like fuck what am
I doing, you know.

So it was like I'd really like to do something that I believe.

It was like if I had my own
company, I can only create
the products that I believe in.

I mean, my success I think
is just being honest and

my marketing, I don't cramp
things down people's throat,
you know, it's all indirect.

If you watch my YouTube
channel, you don't really
see me talking too much

about my products, you know,
it's just like they're there,

you see the kind of person I am,

you kind of see what kind of
knowledge I have, you know,

put two and two together
and what do you come up with.

[man] Two more. One, two.

One more. One, two.


[Rich] I would say I wouldn't
use the word famous.

I mean, I-- I-- I'm starting
to become popular

and I'm starting, you
know, to when I go places,
people knew who I am,

they want to take
pictures with me.

And-- and, you know, I always--
I always say that, you know,
I want to be Rock famous,

you know, like
the Rock, you know,
where anywhere he goes,

you know, they're like, oh,
whatever you want, you know.

And so I'm definitely
not there yet.

[heavy rock music]

Got to-- we got to-- we got
to make that shit hurt, right?
You got to make it hurt.

- People come in here
and they just go to the motion,

they don't feel nothing.

You got to concentrate,
slow, squeeze and that's
where people fail.

They don't understand
that you have to make
the arms work hard,

you got to make the pain come.

No pain no gain.

I've always been into
martial arts, always.

Like, I love martial arts
and one of the things
I always wanted to do was

to actually step in a ring and
fight, like, that's something
I've always wanted to do.

So-- so I've always been
involved my whole life
but not that much.

And then just recently with
this whole guy challenging me
to a fight and this and that

I'm going to get
in the ring with him,

and, you know, I thought for
sure this was going to happen.

You know, I-- I am not trained,
you know, to go fight rounds
in a ring, you know, I'm not.

My wind-- you know, the amount
of muscle I have, you know,

it's-- it's definitely something
that I would not excel at.

So I figured, you know, I need
to start fucking training, you
know, and be ready for this.

-How are you doing, brother?
-Another one in the books.

-All good? Oh, you won.

I didn't even know man. Sorry.

No, I know you're busy.

Yeah, yeah, that's awesome.

You won a class
or overall or what?

I won the class 35
Masters back to back.


Then I got second
in the open again, so.

Okay, awesome, brother.

-How old are you?
-Nationals. I'm thirty-eight.

Wow, man. You're
an old man like me.


Damn, look at this shit.
This motherfucker blows up.

-Well, this is how
it goes now, so.


-Yeah, okay.

Yeah, I mean like, you know,
like we talked about you--
you got everything,

you got the look,
you know, you got the
attitude, you got the mentality.

Yeah, no, you look
awesome, brother.

You just got it-- we just got
to get the social media
following, you know, going.

And also my suggestion would
be-- go back to your main page--

my suggestion would be to put
more photos of yourself--


--and better quality photos and
get some-- some training photos.

Like, those are all posing
photos, you know.

Like, get some hardcore
training shit of you training,

you know, and make your
Instagram just like hardcore,

you know, Instagram about
you and about what you do.

[Rich] I remember I knew
nothing about social media,

honestly, I knew nothing
because it's not what I did.

I was buying real estate,
I was day trading, I had other
means to make money.

I wasn't involved in the
supplement industry,
so I knew nothing.

And I started doing videos, you
know, and I-- my first videos,

you know, I spent a lot of money
in the production value and
a lot of time, a lot of energy.

You know, I went out
of my way to make the best
fucking videos possible.

I'm constantly aware of
and trying, you know,

like, okay, I got to be better
in this company, you know.

And I'm always making
little goals and contests,

you know, daily, you know,
to accomplish certain things.

And it feels so good
when you accomplish it.

You got it, come on.

Short up. Come on.

Give me that body hook.

Good, yes.

All right, Rich.

First, your balance, okay?
You lose your balance and you
got to work on that, okay.

Your back legs always
come up a little bit, okay?

Jab is very good, just need
to snap a little more.

Right cross, again,
when you throw,

you bring your body with
the punch, very strong and hard,

very strong punch but,
you know, you lift up
the back leg--

-And lean a little bit,

kind of-- kind of
reach too much.

-So you kind of
see it coming.

-And I'm off balance.
-And you're off balance.

-Got you.

So, sit and just turn,
pivot the back leg, stretch.

-And snap.

-And stay on the heel.
-Stay on the heel.

-Don't go on the toe.

-Because that's
why I'm off balance.

Body shot, you open--

-Yeah, yeah.
-Too much--
too much your body.

Again, you know, you got
to-- everything's closed.


What else we-- I just got to--
I got to work on the hip snap.

-Because I feel like
I don't have the power

-without bringing it back.

-And again for--
-So once I get that--
that snap fully done,

-you know, I won't
have to bring it back.

I'll feel confident
with just boom.

And again, so much
muscle, your speed
for all that is very good.

You know. So, you get
tired a little faster but
everything else--

-heavy, heavy hand.

-Yeah, my--
-Every single punch.

-My wind is improving
a lot too.

I feel good, you know,
I can go-- I can keep going,
keep going, keep going--

--you know, without
getting out of breath.

And like you said, it's true,
the minute you--

the minute you think
about you're getting
out of breath, it's over.

It's over.

As long as you stay focused
and you just keep doing
what you're doing--

No matter how good
you are or how strong or--

I feel like I could keep going
and going and going and going,

-you know, and I
don't get winded.

That one time when we were in
the ring and we did two rounds--

we did two minutes,
rested a minute and
then two-- did two minutes.


I thought I was going to die.

-And you guys made me finish
that two minutes strong.

And I never-- I mean
I felt like that but not
in probably fifteen years

of where you literally
feel like you're going to die,

-you know, that feeling
of just helplessness.

-And then you start--
-Complete helplessness.

-And then you started
giving the survival punches--

--with nothing.

Right. And I think
it's important--

-it's important to--
to make people feel that--

-for people to know what
that's like because that will
motivate you more than anything

to not ever
let that happen again.

-Because the-- the feeling
of that, you know, the--
-You're feeling helpless.

-Yeah, you're just
completely helpless.

And that's the worst
feeling in the world.

Both my knees have no cartilage.

-Fuck you.

Like I'm in pain twenty-four
hours a day.

Yeah, they're--
my knees are fucked.

Can't train them,
I can't do shit.

You know, I can throw kicks.

I tore my patella in this leg

and I ended up going to LA
County, which is just,
you know, suicide.


So that wasn't
necessarily done right.

They were supposed to put
a cadaver tendon in and

they said we have the
cadaver, we're ready to go

and the doctor told me right
as he was putting me under

that the cadaver is this
and that and da, da, da,

I got out of surgery.
Then another doctor came in.

I'm like, you guys are
for the cadaver, right?
He's like no, no, cadaver.

He goes, we don't do that here.

-I'm like, motherfucker.
-What the fuck.

And see what I found out
by the MRI is my tendon is
like a piece of dental floss.

It's just like all stride
and it's shredded
and it's like skinny

and he said it's like-- it's
worse than a nine-year-old
girl's, you know, tendon.

And so I really needed
that cadaver, you know,
and they didn't do it.

So I did stem cells.

I had stem cells pulled
out of my hip, you know,
and put in my leg.

That cost me eleven grand.
No, insurance doesn't cover.

And it didn't-- it didn't
even-- it didn't even
do anything, yeah.

So, I mean I've
tried everything.

The only thing left is--
is knee replacement.

But they said that you'll go
through that and in six months
you'll destroy it by how you are

and your activity and stuff
and they said you're
just too young for that.

So I'm like fuck it,
I'll just suffer.

I'm just suffering through.


-Yeah, that's good.
-Yeah, it's good shit.

I mean right now my main focus
is business, you know, success

and I'm very-- financial
freedom to me is incredibly
important, you know.

And there's so many people
out there that are successful
and they-- they--

they might own a couple
businesses but, you know, that--

what that money, that business
you own, it's on paper.

It's-- it's not for sure
one hundred percent.

So for me, you know,
financial freedom of--
of having what I need

to never have to worry
about money

is the most important thing
for me right now, you know.

And, you know, having
a-- having a million dollar
company, it's on paper.

Something can happen and the
company could just, you know,
go down, you know, in days.

So, you know, it's not
a hundred percent.

-So when's the fight?
The fight is August--
-[instructor] August 26th.

August 26th.

-So I've got maybe
three weeks left now.

And this is it, this is--
this is the Bellator.
This is on Spike TV.

-This is-- This is
the big fucking moment.

It's-- it's-- it's something
that just came off the blue
which I like when that happens.

Just came up, they called
me, hey, you want to fight.

I'm like I can't turn this down.

And I said it's going to be
a good way for me to
like release some stuff

-I've been going through--

-And-- and get another
chance to shine, you know.

But this is the opportunity.

This is like the opportunity,
like this is the fight,
you have to win this fight.

I have to win this fight.
And it's a tough-- it's
a dangerous fight.

-It's not a question of--

It's a question of you're
going to win this fight.

I'm going to win this fight--

And this is-- this is the big
stepping stone to where
you want to be.

-This puts me
further on the map.

You know, when you can take out
a guy who is making a wave and
making a name for himself,

-you do that-- and you
said it's on the big stage.

-Bellator is--
-On TV.

-A big name.
A big name to fight for.
-On TV.

And this guy-- this guy's
known for being a stand-up--

-Yeah, he's a-- Yeah.
-Stand-up fighter.

But you're going
to take his ass down.

Oh, I'm looking
to take him down.

You know, I've got to say
I might take down--

I have other business ideas.

I have a lot of business ideas
that I have yet to even begin

that I really, really,
really, you know,
want to-- to bring out.

That's my problem is that

I'll have something going and
it's going great and then all of
a sudden I want to start this.

You know, and it's like one
thing at a time, Rich, you know,

you need to keep working
on this, you know, and get
this one hundred percent.

And I just want to go
to this and then to this
and then start this and then,

you know, and have ten
different things going,
which obviously is-- is,

you know, a recipe
for disaster. You know,
it's not going to work.

You know, you need to focus
on that and all your focus
has to be on that

and, you know, keep going.
And so that's something I
really have to be careful about.

The thing is that I noticed
a lot of fighters is they have
a certain amount of pride

and a certain amount of--
and so they figure this
guy's a stand-up guy

and everyone's telling him,
you know, you can't
stand up with him.

You got to take
him to the ground.

You're not going to be able
to win standing up with him.
You got to take him down.

And so in their head they're
like, fuck this motherfucker,
I don't-- I can win either way.

And then they get a little
cocky and they end up trying
to stand up with them--

-And they end up losing

because they didn't stick to
their game plan which would have
been to take his ass down.

You got to kind of like-- like
put that pride in the back seat,

you know, and you got to do
whatever it takes to win.

[Rich] I-- I really
enjoy marketing.

And it's funny because I've had a couple companies ask me

if I could help them and I have
helped a couple companies,

you know, discreetly and like
done wonders, you know.

And I think that's something
that I-- I just have
a certain knack for.

I think everyone, you know,
has a certain talent

and, you know, that's something
that just comes natural.

And it's something that I would
probably once I'm done,

you know, with what I'm doing
I might get into actually
helping other businesses,

you know, market and excel,
you know, and take a company,

you know, and within six months,
you know, just, you know, you
know, turn them around.

And, you know, I did that
recently with a company

and it's pretty remarkable
what I accomplished.

And for me, it's very--
it doesn't even--

it's me even saying to myself is
like that doesn't-- that's not
me, you know, that doesn't fit.

And it's something I just
recently realized the ability
I have, you know.

And so it feels good.

Time for Ben and
Jerry's, goddammit.

Ben and Jerry's diet
right before I go to bed.

So what do I got here?

Phish Food, Half-Baked, Coffee
Heath bar, cookies Empower Mint.

Where the fuck did that come
from? I didn't buy that shit.

All right.

Tonight's an easy choice.

I'm going to go with the
Strawberry fucking Cheesecake.

That's what I'm doing.
The Strawberry Cheesecake.

And tonight I'm fucking
doing it up.

I'm going to Jacuzzi
to eat my ice cream.

So it's definitely the best
place to eat Ben and Jerry's

is in the Jacuzzi when
it's a hundred and four.

Second best place is in bed

when you have a beautiful lady
to lay next to you while
you eat your ice cream.

Whoo! This is fucking
hot as fuck.

Hundred and four
degrees, goddammit.

Strawberry Cheesecake.

What a combination,
Strawberry Cheesecake and a
hundred and four degrees.

My God.

It feels so fucking good.

Jesus Christ.

Fuck yeah.

I try my best to, you know,
to keep everyone positive and
explain to everyone that we--

we are all in this together,
like we're all accomplishing
the same goals, you know.

We need to motivate each other
and I need motivation, you know.

We all need motivation.

And, you know, when I help
someone and they tell me I
helped them, that motivates me.

That keeps me, you know,
pushed in the right direction.

And knowing that these people
are-- are looking up to me,
they're counting on me,

so I need to keep, you know,
pushing forward and,

you know, being the best
I can be in every way.

Whatever you do
to get ready for a show,

if you can take that
and apply it towards
anything else in life,

it's unbelievable the things you
can accomplish, you know.

An example I use is,
you know, let's say you
got ready for this show.

Imagine what you did for
those six months getting
ready for that show, you know,

it's a twenty-four
hour a day job.

If you can apply that
to something like
opening a business,

just imagine, you know, you'd
have a successful business,

you know, multi-million
dollar business probably

if you can apply what you
learned through bodybuilding.

And the problem is most
people can't, you know.

And that was me
as a bodybuilder.

I-- I did everything perfect
as a bodybuilder but the rest
of my life completely fell apart

because I was putting
all my eggs in one basket.

See, the trick is you got to get
a little spoon to make you feel
like you're eating more.

I get a big spoon, I'm done
in like fucking ten bites.

I feel like I got ripped off.

So, with a little tiny plastic
spoon so it takes like thirty
bites makes it last longer.

Good fucking shit.

What I try to do is try to
explain to people that, you
know, you need to take this

and use it in all
aspects of your life.

You know, how's your family
relationship, how do you--
how are you with your parents,

your brothers, your sisters,
you know, how is your
relationship, you know.

You know, these are all
things that-- that you need
to work on improving.

We all need to work
on improving, you know.

And when you're involved
in the sport of bodybuilding,

I believe that you put
everything else over here

and you just concentrate
on the physique.

-What's up?
-What's up?

What's up is a fucking--
You already started without
me, what the fuck?

Dude, you can't wait for me?

When I give you a time,
you need to be here on
the time I say, brother.

I'm sorry man,
I'm always fucking late.

-I take this shit seriously.

-You need to take it
more seriously.
-All right, goddammit.

I'm ready.

I'm ready.

-It feels so good.
-I love it.

The truth be told is that I
think that hate is going to
affect anyone eventually.

Some people right off the bat
they can't handle it, you know.

It's just like you see people
and they are just like back
and forth arguing and,

you know, going back and forth
with these-- you know,
these people on Instagram.

And the sheer fact of-- of who
you are, what you've achieved,

how you look, just fucking
angers them, you know.

There are guys out there
that say I've been taking
steroids for twenty years.

They've been working out hard,
they've been eating right,

they've been doing
everything they can, they
just don't look like you.

And it's just so fucking
frustrating like, fuck,
I do everything I can

and I fucking can't look
like this guy, you know,
and it pisses them off.

Knowing that anyone that
takes the time to actually
comment and fucking hate,

you know, is--
is someone that-- that

really is drawn to you and
they're really-- they're going
to take time out of their day

to actually
comment, you know.
It's a compliment, you know.

And if I-- if I go and I have a thousand comments, you know,

and a hundred of them are--
are negative comments,

it's still a thousand
comments of people who
took time out of their day

to actually sit and say
something about
a simple picture.

You know, so I feel like
if my picture has that
much power over someone

where they're going
to stop and look and
they're going to get angered

and they're going to fucking
write a comment.

It's like wow,
that's some powerful
shit right there, you know.

I have the capability
of fucking pissing someone
off with a picture.

You know what's crazy is
everyone out there, you know,

they think taking
steroids is an advantage
when it comes to MMA fighting.

And they don't realize it's not.

You know, it's like when I'm
on a cycle and I'm doing rounds,

my shoulders start burning,
you know, they burn out,

I can't hold my hands up
because it's too much pain,
I get pumped everywhere.

-When I'm off the cycle,
I can go all day.

My shoulders don't burn,
my shoulders don't hurt.

So for me, I'm a million
times better off the cycle.

I mean, I'm probably
not as aggressive

but aggressive necessarily
isn't a good thing in a fight.

You don't want to-- you
want to be relaxed, right?

You want to be relaxed,
you want to be happy.

As soon as you get mad,
you're like, ugh.

Then you-- you-- right, you
kind of-- it's not good, right?

So, it's funny how,
you know, fucking, you
know, we learn shit.

-But for me, man, off the
cycle I think is better.

So people out there are like,

motherfucker, you've never
been off the cycle, what
are you talking about?

[Rich] It's-- it's a great
feeling. You know, if you're--

if I'm walking through the
mall and I see a guy and
a girl walking towards me,

you know, happens
all the time, the guy

will whisper something
in his girlfriend's ear

and what it is, is he's
like, oh, fuck, look
at this fucking guy.

So he's going to whisper
in her ear something like,
you know, steroids.

Look at all the steroids
that guy takes or--

or this guy has a small dick,
you know, blah, blah, blah.

And it's like, well, don't tell
her that because then she's
going to go and look at my dick

and see that it's not small
and now you're really fucked

because not only are you fucking
skinny and you have no muscles,

you know, what I'm saying?
It's to have that-- that power

of just walking through the mall
and just like fucking destroying
someone emotionally, you know,

and causing that much,
you know, from a person
just looking up and seeing you

that they have to go say
something to their girlfriend

and, you know, and, you know,
make themselves feel better.

And it's like wow,
you know, I'm just
walking through the mall.

A lot of people don't understand

that, you know, I could disable the comments on my
YouTube, you know.

I hit one button and
people can't comment,

so I don't have to have any hate comments on my YouTube channel.

But those hate comments,
they help my YouTube channel.

If I have eight-thousand hate
comments on my YouTube channel,

those comments all
make my video go viral.

And what it shows
is the interest that
people have in my video.

So, comments are even
more important than views

because people are not only
watching it, they fucking
have to talk about this shit.

So that's-- that's huge.
So when YouTube sees that,
when their computers see that,

they put the video out more
to make it go more viral.

So they're helping
the video go viral.

So the haters are helping you,
you know, make a video viral.

You know, so the
comments help extremely.

So I fucking--
I love the haters.
I welcome the haters.

Keep hating
and keep commenting.

It's making me money.

So you're on your way
to get big, right? You're
on your way to get big.

I'm on my way to get small.

-I'm going to--
-You're fucking-- you're
going to be big and yoked

that I'm going to be fucking
skinny and a fucking fighter.

I want to get my shoulders.

So we're basically going
to switch-- switch places.

I'm going to get my shoulder
surgery done here pretty soon.

-Shoulder surgery?
-Once I get that done, then I'll

lay low for a minute, rehab it.

My body is-- obviously
my body wants to be big,

so I'm trying to bring that shit
down to like two-forty.

So we're going to
basically switch places.

You'd be the bodybuilder,
I'll be the fucking fighter.

It'll be fucked up.

What's up?

-What's up? All right.
-What's up, brother?
How are you doing?

-Yeah, I'm good man.
I'm good.
-I'm good.

So what'd you bring
for us today?

A shitload of fucking ammo.


Are we going to war?
I was unaware.

[man] You know what, you
might-- you never know.

You got a gun range, you never
know what might happen.

[Rich] Jesus Christ.

I've never seen
so much fucking ammo.
This is crazy.

-Yeah, well, you got
to be prepared.

With the zombies coming.

So did you bring that--
that assault rifle we
were talking about?

-Yeah, actually this
is it right here.
-Oh, oh.

I shot it a little bit,
you know, I've shot
that a couple times but,

you know, I'm not
just let loose with it.

So, yeah, I did bring it.

-Fuck, yeah.
-I don't know if that's
your favorite.

Fuck yeah.

And then I brought

two other ones for you just
in case you might want to

have a little bit
of change, you can--

And you brought the other
rifle we shot last time?

-Yeah, actually--
-Because last time we
were shooting--

-The compact one?
-I think so.

That's the one.

This is--

-Yeah, this is
the one from--

-From before so--
-Okay, cool.

See, the only difference is that
one is wood stock and that
one has a scope on it--

-And this is
a lot shorter, so.


-And lighter, right?
-Way lighter.

Yeah. Sick.

I've accomplished a lot of
things in all different areas

and it's important--
for me, it's important
for people to know

that I did it all on my own,
you know, everything I did.

You know, when I
started the supplement line,

it was my money that
I invested that started.

There was no silent partner.

There's no-- there's
no one else involved.

It's a hundred percent me.

And a lot of people,
you know, don't know that.

And when it came to everything,
when I started buying my first
real estate properties,

it was me, you know.

I mean I saved up the money,
you know, for the down payment.

I-- you know, it was--
I'm the one that did the
research, I'm the one that,

you know, read the
books and got the knowledge
of, you know, rental incomes

and, you know,
everything I've done.

When I was day trading
stocks, you know, I-- I learned
how to do it on my own

and I created my own
system for day trading
and followed it, you know.

And it was all me and my--
on my own, you know.

And so it's definitely-- is--
for me it means a lot to know
that I did this stuff on my own.

What's up?

What's going on?

What's happening?

-What's up, brother?
How you doing?

-What's up my man?
How are you doing?
-I'm good.

-Brought everyone, huh.

What's up, little boy?
What's up, my man?

-Say high-five. High-five.
-How are you doing buddy?

-Ha! At least
I got a smile.

-Say high-five.
-That's even better
than a high-five.

-Say high-five. High-five.
-Right on, brother.

-All right.

-He's just pushing
the hand away.

Nice kind of high-five.

-What's up big boy?
-How are you doing?

How are you doing,
man? Good.

-Hey, how are you doing?
Congratulations on everything.
-Thank you.

Look, we're going to load
the cart up with the guns.

So maybe if you-- I mean,
if you want to park
like here, here;

so we just put the cart
here and we just fucking
load it up and then we roll.

-What do you think?
-So you are going to take
everything right off?

No, just the pistols.

Oh, you got them all? Oh, fuck.

Okay. Then never mind.
Never mind.

-I stuck them all on that--
-[Rich laughs]

I guess-- I guess there's
not that much to carry
when it's the pistols.

And so let's grab
your shit, I guess.

-It's in that.
-Oh, it's all there?

-I put in the back.
-Well, fuck.

-[man] You're the one
that's running behind.

-[man] We are totally prepared.
-I guess so.

It's like we're going
to war on this shit.
Look at this.

You got to-- you got to go
up there in the front.

Balance, counter-balance.

Let's go and do wheel stand--

[Rich] Yeah, you're the-- you're
the heaviest one here now.
I'm the fucking lightweight.

-How much you weigh now?
-I'm like a-- I'm a little

I'm two-- two-seventy even.

I actually dipped
to two-sixty-nine.


All right, let's do this.
Let's get the fuck out of here.

You guys good?

[man] Here's a whole
lot of meat in this cart.

-Okay guys,
tell me when--
-[Rich] I'm ready to roll.

-All right.

-[Rich] Are they barbecuing
or what? What's the smoke?
-[man] Yeah, they cook.

-[Rich] Oh, they cook
food? Right on!
-[man] Yeah.

I come all the time
but I never come on
weekends for this reason.

So I've never seen
it this busy. Yeah.

-I feel like anywhere
in LA it's busy weekends.


So what are you looking
forward to shooting today?

-What are you looking
forward to shooting today?

I've shot everything
that we have.

-Oh, really?

That's cool.

-All good?
-All good, brother.

-Yep, thank you so much.
-No problem at all.

So, I guess we just
buy our day passes and--

Oh, so let me see, how many
people do we got all together?

We got one-- who's
all-- who's all shooting?

One, two, three-- wait,
one, two, three, four, five.

You're shooting, right? Six.

I don't need to shoot;
doesn't matter.

Five. You're shooting?
Yeah, so six.

-I'm sorry.
-No, you guys are
good. Thank you.

Excuse me. Thank you.

Three, four, five, six.

Okay, so seven people shooting.

-Okay, so I have to shoot if all
the other girls are shooting.
-So then eight people shooting.

[shots fired]



First motherfucking
shot of the day.

Blew that fucking bottle.

How much you want
to fucking sell this gun for?

-[man] I told you
you'd like that.

That felt good.

Jesus. Okay.

I'm just going to go home.
I-- I'm done for the day.

[rock music]

-[man] You must be Rich.
-[Rich] Hey, what's up?
How are you doing buddy?

[man] Welcome to the center.
Good to meet you.

You guys took
all my goddamn blood.

I'm feeling a little weak.

Yeah, that's-- that's the
best way to get things
started, you know--

-As, you know.

-So you got referred here
for-- for hormones and--

--and goals of just IGF-1.


So, you're in here.

-I wasn't misled, was I?
-No, no.

We-- we do utilize IGF-1,
which is great.

And so I can kind of
explain to you how--

[Rich] The thing is, is I can't
really say I'm for steroids,

but I'm not really against
steroids, you know.
It's a personal choice.

And steroids are now being
used a lot in longevity.

You know, they are a lot more
common now and doctors
are prescribing them now.

So people are realizing
that they are very beneficial.

I was recently
up to three-fifteen.

Now I'm on my way down just
kind of trying to stay healthy

but, you know, I still
always going to be
a bodybuilder at heart.

I always want to
have the muscle. I always
want to have the mass.

But I feel like I need
to find a little bit healthier,

you know, and I've heard--
I've actually tried IGF-1,

you know, back maybe
ten, twelve years ago.

And, you know, I--
I thought it was incredible.

That's what I thought.
And so I've never
been able to find it.

Everything's fake,
every single peptide
company out there.

You know, when I was told about
you guys, I was like, you know,

-fake, you know, just
because it doesn't exist.

And-- and so if it does exist,
you know, it's something
I've always wanted to try again.

And I feel like I could take--

I feel like it could help me
in many ways and also I have
to lower my anabolic use.

I think they're becoming
more, you know, known
and more acceptable

and, you know, people are
starting to understand what
they really are, you know.

And, you know, testosterone
is something we have
naturally in our body.

So, you know, we're putting
more of what we already
naturally have.

You know, it's not like, you
know, if-- if someone is, you
know, doing a recreational drug,

that's something your body is--
is-- doesn't have, not used to.

You know, testosterone
is something our body--
we're born with testosterone.

It's something that
we need, you know.

So we're putting more
of something we already
have in our body, you know.

So just knowing
that information
makes it a little more--

you know, make a little
bit more sense that it's
not as bad as, you know,

people wanted to--
want to believe.

So it's a-- and you know,
an IGF-1 has been something
great because we do not--

we do not prescribe
growth hormone and--
at all and so we use IGF-1,

which is-- it is a-- it's legal
and it's created by a company
that we are all happy to--

to get into our clinics
because the doctors that
are prescribing it are--

are-- are getting the same
results that back when you
used it that you had.

And it works tremendous for
helping with building muscle,

but it also helps with reducing
inflammation and balancing
your insulin response,

sense of well-being.

So, you know, we use it
for everything from age
managements to-- to performance.

[Rich] In my opinion, if you do
choose to go down that road,

you need to wait as
long as you possibly can.

Get as much as
you can naturally.

There are physiques out
there that are built on drugs

and there's physiques
that aren't built on drugs.

And an example is, you know,
you see a huge bodybuilder
that's three-hundred pounds

and he gets off the steroids
and he shrinks back
down to one-eighty.

I don't believe he ever
built a true foundation
naturally, you know.

He started taking steroids when
he was one eighty and, you know,

so from one eighty
to three-hundred,
it was all steroids.

My opinion is he should have
went from one eighty to maybe
two-thirty, two-forty naturally

and when he got to a point
where he plateaued and he
just could not get any bigger,

now add the steroids in.

All right, so what's
my next step?

Next step is as soon
as the lab's in, we'll
get back together

and, yeah, and
I think that-- I think
that you're going to find

that we can put a pretty
complementary program

where you can just
start achieving what
you want, which is--

so, you know, basically
realizing that as you age,

you just have to change
and treat the body
a little bit differently.

But, you know, we'll-- we're
going to keep you humming.

Yeah, that's awesome.

You know, and it's like the day
they start the gym is the day
they start the steroids.

And it's almost like they
go hand in hand and it
really is out of control.

And, you know,
the biggest problem is

people don't understand
that your body gets used
to whatever you're doing.

You know, if you drink four
cups of coffee every day,

your body will get used
to that four cups after

a while and it will
no longer give you
what you're looking for.

And it's the same
with steroids.

So if you take-- you know,
if you're taking steroids and
you continue to take them

becomes a point
where they no longer work
and you're just taking them.

And all you're doing is
destroying your body

and causing damage and you're
not getting any benefits.

-Hundred percent.
-Hundred percent legit.

Yeah. That's right.

-I'll know when
I do that first set.
-That's right.

So yeah, so let's plan on
getting together here in a few
days and we'll go from there.

-Okay, awesome.
-All right.

-Thank you, sir. Right on.
-Yeah, nice meeting you.

You know, the crazy thing
is my marketing is YouTube
and Instagram.

Well, so I'm getting paid
to market, you know.

The most important aspect
of a company is the marketing.

So this is the break room.

And I figured I'd come in here
and take a fucking break
because I'm exhausted.

So, I got my All Day
You May Sweet Tea.

I already had lunch, but I
probably should eat again.

But pretty fucking
big break room.

Now we're entering
into the warehouse.

And as you can see,
it's pretty fucking huge.

I believe all together it's
about eighty-thousand square
feet, the entire building.


products, shitload of products.

And as you can see,
we have plenty of room
to have more products.

Kill It Fruit Punch,

Blue Raspberry,

more Blue Raspberry,

more Blue Raspberry,
more Blue Raspberry.

Full as F-ck Wildberry

and the Real Food
sweet potatoes.

This is what I need
delivered to my house.

I'm on my last
fucking bucket of it.

And the shit was out
of stock for a while.

But as you can see,
let me see how many pallets
do we have of this shit.

Obviously we have at least-- at
least twenty-- at least twenty
or thirty pallets of Real Food.

So I think we're good.

We won't be running out of
it any time soon and the Rice
will be coming out soon.

Any fucking day now,
the fucking chocolate
rice, unbelievable.

That shit is so good.

And over here we have
our shipping and receiving
and of course, you know,

we got to have a fucking
basketball fucking hoop, right.

-What's up, brother?
-Hey, brother.

-How are you doing?
-I'm good, man.

-What we got here?
-Shipping some pallets
for sport--

Right on.

Yes, sir. Knocking
them out today.

Right on.

[Rich] And marketing is
the most important aspect
of a company failing or,

you know, doing good
or not doing good.

And, you know, having the
followers and the subscribers
I have and the views I get,

you know, my company is doing
incredible and I'm actually
getting paid, you know.

So that-- that just blows me
away when I think about that

that I'm getting paid to
advertise my product, you know.

And then I see other
companies that are not
taking advantage of this.

You know, they have no YouTube
channel, they have no videos.

And then I see that they're--
they're placing ads in
magazines, you know,

for forty-thousand dollars,
and that ad, you know,
they're-- they're reaching--

they're reaching
like thirty to fifty
thousand people in that ad

and they're paying
thirty-thousand dollars
for three months.

And I can put one
video up and-- and it
reach millions of people

and they're paying me ten
thousand dollars to fucking
put the ad up, you know.

And the whole reason I started
YouTube was marketing, it
wasn't about money, you know.

I wasn't doing YouTube--
I never did YouTube to make
money, that was never my plan.

It was all about I need
to start a YouTube channel
to market my products,

you know, and that's--
it's a great way to market.

And that's what it was.

And then when the money
started coming, I'm
like, Jesus Christ.

Up fucking stairs.

I don't ever come up here,
so, shit I think I've been
up here twice in my life.

What's up, brother?

Here you go.

My color clothes.
What's up, my man?

-How is it going?
-How you doing brother?

-Doing all right.

-All right, I got to grab
one each of these.
-They are all yours.

Let me get-- let me just get--
let me get this, that-- that
one you have in your hand,

this one,

this one and this one.

[Rich] I got to be honest
with you, I get fucking
lost in this motherfucker

and I'm still getting lost.

But as you can see, we got
a shitload of product.

I'm not going to be running
out of product.

That was the problem in the
beginning, we couldn't keep
up with the demand.

You know, we had more people
wanting the shit than we
could fucking make, which

I would say I guess
it's a problem but it's
not a big problem,

it's a good problem, right?

[man] You good?

I'm skinny right now.
So much weight I lost.

I lost fifty pounds.



-Good morning.
-What's up, buddy?
How are you doing?

I'm just going to come
here more often.

[Rich] I am not a pro.
I'm not competing.

Yet, I have a bigger
fan base and I have more,
you know, followers,

more-- you know, more
people wanting to take
a picture with me.

So I thought it was going
to be a huge problem
and it actually hasn't been.

It's been really great.

Everyone's treating me, you
know, wonderful and, you know,
the top guys came up to me

and they're like, hey,
you know, it's great
to meet you, you know,

I watch your videos
and this and that. I was
just like, wow, you know.

And, you know, it was even--
it was funny because there
was this one situation

where one of the top guys in the Olympia, top guys in Olympia,
was waiting for an elevator.

So I walk up and
he says, hey, Rich.

Hey man, I'm a fan of yours.
I watch your videos.

You know, it's great to meet
you and blah, blah, blah.

And I say to him, I say--
I said, oh, you know, thank
you, great to meet you.

I said, you know,
what's your name?

Okay, it was a top fucking
bodybuilder, you know, and here
I'm asking him what his name is.

-[woman] Hi.
-[woman] Hi.

How are you doing?
How are you guys doing?

Right on, brother. Right on.

What's up, brother? How
are you guys doing? Hi.

-Coming to booths?

Right on, man. All right ,guys.

Right on. Right on.

What's up?

What's up? What's up?

-How are you doing, brother?

The young C. T.
Fletcher over here.

Cheers, brother.

[Rich] You know, I--
I sit and I make sure that
I shake everybody's hand,

I take a picture with
everyone. I don't leave
early. I don't take breaks.

You know, I will
stay till the end. You know,
if the expo ends at five

and there's a line,
I will stay until that line
is done, you know.

If it's at eight o'clock, I'll still be there, you know, I won't just, you know, walk off

and leave my fans
hanging, you know.

And so a lot of people that
I have met me or know me,
you know, they realize it.

There really is no way
you could fucking hate
me as a person.

[laughing] I mean, if you get
to know me, it's an
impossibility, you know.

Visually, you know,
it's a jealous thing and--

-Hey how are you doing? I
haven't seen you in forever.
-I know.

Good to see you guys.

[Rich] It's crazy because
a lot of times when I take
pictures with people,

you know, like you see
other people taking
pictures with celebrities

and you can tell
by the picture that it's-- it's a celebrity taken picture.

Like, hey, can I get a picture
with you, and they take
a picture, you know.

But I-- I think that having
a picture that's more of,
you know, a real picture,

it looks like, you know, we're
just hanging out together,
we're shooting the shit,

we're-- you know, it's not
necessarily we just met

and we're getting a picture,
like, we could be friends.

You know, I think that
is a much better picture.

And I don't take breaks. So if-- if I'm at an expo from 9:00 a.m.

to 6:00 p.m., I don't take
a half an hour break
and go eat, you know.

I sit there the entire-- or
stand there the entire time

and I eat while
I'm greeting the fans.

And it's just
the work ethic I have.

And every single athlete
at those booths, you know,

are-- are doing what
I'm doing and they're
so like my competition.

And I-- I always want to be
better than everyone else and
I want to be the best I can be.

So, you know, I will stand
there the entire time,

I will stay there after the
expo closes and I'll be the
only one in the building

still taking pictures
with people, you know,

and I'll be the only one
that doesn't take a break.

And I feel like this is what's going to put me above everyone,

you know, is-- is-- is
working harder, you know,
and being better.

And so that's what
I pride myself on. And,
you know, anything I do,

that's what I try to,
you know, just be
better than everyone else.

What I feel now is I've
helped a lot of people.

People come to me all
the time and tell me how
much I've helped them,

how I changed their life.

And for me, it's truly amazing
that the videos I put out,

people can say
I changed their life.

You know, there's people
that told me that they were in
a hotel, they gave up on life

and they were just there
doing drugs and they
turned on my video,

they started watching
my videos and it ended up
turning their life around.

And to me that's just amazing
because I don't do the videos
with that in mind, you know.

I'm not trying to turn
people's lives around.

I'm just trying to give little
bits of information to help
people, you know,

and educate people
and motivate people.

So to hear that kind
of stuff is crazy, you know.

So I guess, you know,
continue doing what I'm doing

and possibly, you know,
on-- on a larger scale,

you know, continuing to help
people, change people's
lives and so, yeah.

Right on!

[man] Rich. Rich. Just a photo.

That's marked in already.

[photographer] Okay,
what do we do--

One more, hold on.

-It's great.
Thank you so much.
-All right!

Martin, it's not your turn yet!

I'm still the highlight.

So you're taking all
my-- whatever I have.

[photographer] Same
here, same here.

-Thank you.
-All right, I got to
get out of here.

Martin's making me look bad
in his-- in his incredible suit.

-And I'm in a t-shirt.
-[Rich] And look at this!

Kai now is really
making me look bad.

[photographer] Wait
a minute, wait a minute.

Grab some right--

Is everybody in the building
feeling great today? You had
a good time at the show?

[crowd cheering] Yeah!

You're just really quiet coming
here. Weren't you a bit noisy?

I was pretty noisy
coming here, I think.

I got the crowd riled
up a little bit. I tried.

-I think Brian did that
before you open up?

She-- she outdid
me, I admit it.

I think I would like
to see this movie really
hit the general public

and get the general
public involved

and know a little bit more about
bodybuilding and our lifestyles

and what we go through
and how hard it really is
what a lot of us do.

I no longer compete. I'm not--

I don't consider myself
an athlete any longer.

But a lot of people up
here are incredible athletes
sitting right here next to me.

And I think letting the general
public know, you know, exactly
more about what we do

and getting more involved
and possibly, you know,

I think bodybuilding is
something we've always
wanted to be a main sport

like basketball, football
and it never has.

It's always been
kind of a cult.

And I think this movie
possibly could get, you
know, make the sport grow,

you know, get more people
involved and interested and
a bigger fan base, you know,

for the sport itself and
possibly help the sport grow.

Nothing has ever
been able to do that.

Generation Iron,
the first one, you know,

the hopes were that possibly
that could happen and
it didn't really hit right.

But I think this film
can do that and that's
what I'd like to see happening.