Revival (2013) - full transcript

The comedy Revival tells the story of four musicians whose rock band SMOKE broke up under uncertain circumstances in 1972 and who, each for their own reasons, decide to attempt a spectacular comeback. The reasons vary - money, longing for lost fame, the desire to help a friend and also fear of powerlessness, illness and death. But whatever their original motivation was, these aging men resume playing together and as they start enjoying the music, their friendship and life onstage and behind the scenes, their plans and ambitions change as well.. And they themselves also ultimately change. And one great secret is finally revealed - why the band actually broke up in 1972.

Good evening, young viewers.

Not only in the decadent West,
but even here,

a black cloud can appear
on the musical sky.

The group Smoke, with their English lyrics

and a liking for rock music,
enjoyed on Czech stages

great albeit rather questionable success.

Now the group known as the Czech Beatles
has split up.

Although the group doesn't want
to comment on the reasons,

it is clear our society
is not interested in a group

that spurns its national language

and simply apes Western culture.

Now the question is what the band's
members will do with their talent.

But we all know

that our socialist cultural scene
offers lots of opportunities.



I didn't want much from life.

You composed this for the end, right?
So why is he putting it here?

-Shit, don't even tell me…
-Try it again…

Sure. Sure.

What about the other guys?

Just like that, all of a sudden?

-Oh, my God.
-What's happened?

Okay, if you want.
If you think we're up to it, then sure.


And if you need anything else,

I'll be glad to help. Bye.

Thanks, Milan. Bye.


I can't believe this is
what Mom would have wanted.

He's got to get it out of his system
somehow, you know?

What about Karel?
He could have at least turned up.

He couldn't get through to him.

The last I heard, he's gone crazy.

So say hi to him…

Excuse me.

-Do you need some help?
-No, thanks.


I admire you. While everyone else
is trying to save money,

you put on this party for a friend's wife.

-What's this nonsense?
-It's right here.

-Put it there.

-We were really enjoying it…

Oh, well… It's been 40 years…

-Thanks very much.
-Don't mention it. See you.

So we're paying for it all, yeah?

-And all the booze.
-Could you…

-You've lost your mind.

The studio's in the red,
we can't pay our employees,

-I had to give the girls unpaid leave…
-Okay, so we'll pay them.

You want to pretend to be
a millionaire for your stupid friends?

At least some people will see the place.

It might even lead to some work.

And I thought the guys would help out.

-Why would they, when…

-So here you are, you lovebirds.

-I know, Mirek, I know…
-What a babe! You lucky thing.

And it was nice the way
you played for Jana.

-It was great hearing you again.
-Kind of you.

Your mother's tears

Fall on the pillow…

-You're a star!
-One more time!

Aren't you worried about her?

-That she might fall?
-Of course.

No, that she'll leave you.
You can't fool me with sandwiches.

Your studio's going bankrupt,
and she's an expensive toy.

Look at that.

Old as the hills and people still want it.

-This music.

Not everyone wants it.

I'm telling you,
revivals are where it's at.

If you knew how many people

have told me today
that they loved our music.

So I thought:
what if we got back together?

And you could be our manager.

People might be interested.

Which people?

Some people.

Those who remember us.

You'll only get people interested
if you die a gruesome death.

-Like suicide, that sells.

That's another option.

Bravo, bravo!

You're a star.

-Wait, I'll give you a hand.
-It's fine, you go back to sleep.

Good girl, good girl…

-That's Holubec ringing. Damn!
-What's up?

Are you mad? D'you know what time it is?

It's my kid crying.



I may still be half drunk,
but this is just fantastic.

Yesterday you suggested suicide.
Do you want to drive in this state?

Shut up and get in,
we're going to my place.

Give me the key.

We'll never get stopped in this.
Doesn't count as a motor vehicle.

We'll get the story in the papers -
Smoke are back,

the Czech Rolling Stones.

Then a tour round the provinces,
fans going crazy,

and to cap it all we announce
that we're going to sell out SaSaZu.

SaSaZu? What is SaSaZu?

The place every band wants to play.
And the owner's a friend of mine.

-And what fans will go crazy?
-The ones we pay to.

We're going to pay them? You're crazy.

The only reason I was up for it
was to make some money to me.

I'm old and tired.

I have no desire to play at a venue
that sounds like an abbreviation.

I need to make some money.

I'll pay the fans and critics.

It's about giving the impression
that you could sell out SaSaZu.

People have to hear about you.

-Okay, but why?
-Because then comes Rakovník.

And in the town of Rakovník
you'll fall into a coma.

-Into a what?
-A coma.

Sorry, it's a bit of a mess
because I'm just moving.

Listen to me.
We're in the middle of the gig.

The fans, whether paid or not,
are going crazy,

filming you on their mobiles,
cheering, and suddenly you collapse.

You can't catch your breath,
you can't stand up.

Bang, you're in a coma.
Ambulance, sirens, a doctor -

a local pal of mine, by the way,
declares you're in a coma.

And then the ambulance
drops you off at my cottage.

I'll find a capable reporter,
interviews with teary-eyed fans.

We'll have a video
of your collapse on stage.

Your poor, semi-widowed wife
with the kid, devastated friends,

soon it will be all over
Facebook and YouTube.

The sad end to a comeback,

the family tragedy of a former dissident.

The tabloids will love it,
you'll be famous

and SaSaZu becomes
a concert in support of you

without us having to pay
for any promotion.


-Know what this is?

It's a list of everyone I've ever managed.
Get it?

Not really, no.

You're in a coma, I call a few people

and all these show-business stars
perform in your honour at SaSaZu.

They'll be happy to do it,
as it'll get them in the tabloids.

And we'll make T-shirts: "Wake up, Milan."

A sold-out SaSaZu, shown live on TV,
your old CDs selling again,

and red bracelets with the words
"Milan can feel it."

And we recoup our investment
a hundred times over.

-Right, okay. And what then?

Then you rise from the dead,
do a few interviews

and then you do what you want.

-Hi, Dad.

What are you doing here?
You're meant to be at home.

Come in, you can start at the back there.

The removal men have come and Mom has
been looking for you since yesterday.

She's really pissed off.

This stuff goes to the same address
as the boxes from home.

-All of this? To the studio flat?
-It's got a cellar.

It's just a stop-gap till
I find a different office.

-Can I borrow the car again today?
-What choice do I have?


-Yeah, bye.

You know how much the Merc guzzles?

I'm thinking about buying one like this.
You can park anywhere.

You ruined your life
by getting married too late.

And I got married too soon.

But if this works out,
we'll both be in clover.

You know what? Both of us

are in a situation where
we have to take anything we can.

But the other guys
won't be up for this stupid stunt.

Do they need to know?

And how have things turned out for them?

-I don't know, I probably wouldn't dare.
-Come on.


Even my son was ashamed of me
at the funeral.

Oh, come on.

But I'm still glad you agreed
to play for Jana.

We were happy to, of course.

And do you know how pleased she would be?
How unhappy she was when we split up.

I mean, Smoke was like her baby.

I had the idea for her sake.
While we were playing again.

She wanted to hear our old songs
even though she was sick.

Well, naturally.

And she also liked singing them
with the kids at school.

What about the others?

All the others are really keen.

So it comes down to you.

Even Karel? I haven't been able
to get in touch with him.

Even Karel.

-And does Yvonne know?
-Of course.

She does.

He'll do it.

A good soul like him
would never let down his pals.

Where's Yvonne, anyway?

He used to be totally normal,
a bit of a hypochondriac,

but a musical genius. She destroyed him.

Not a word about it in her presence.
Hi, Yvonne.


-Go on, we milled the flour ourselves.
-You did? Wow.

So you have a music agency
and are interested in New Age music?

-And how do you know Milan?

Jirka was interested in meeting
someone from the New Age scene.

So I thought of you.

That's right - I really liked
what I just heard a moment ago.

I wondered if you've got any
promo stuff back there somewhere.

Of course.

I think this stuff has a future.

-Nowadays folk need, let's say…

-And we create space.

What's up with you?
Vašek tried to call you.

Don't you answer the phone?
Why do you have a mobile then?

We missed you at the funeral.

You should have heard how well we played.

Some proper music at last.

You must be fed up with this New Age crap.

Don't say you never play
the guitar at home.

I don't. Yvonne doesn't like guitars much.

Whose idea was it anyway?

Vašek's of course.

He's been in a bad way since Jana died.

If you'd seen him you'd know
how much he's suffering.

He's not the only one.
How did you think I'm doing?

You think I feel like
jumping about on stage?

You know how much good it would do Vašek?

Milan promised Vašek not to tell anyone,

but the truth is that
Vašek is a bit worse than bad.

He's dying.

He just doesn't want anyone to know.

He doesn't want to
blackmail you emotionally.

-He's only got a few months left.
-Who's got a few months left?


-No, I don't…

-Till he retires.
-Right. Till I retire.

Mr. Holubec just told me we could
record something in your studio.

Of course you can.

I'm not going to retire just yet.

Anyway, Karel, think about it
and let me know.

You've got my mobile number.

We don't use mobile phones. Or land lines.

So we'll communicate
with Mr. Holubec by post.

That didn't go too well.
But who says you need the full line-up?

We've also got to get a drummer,
since the one you had is dead.

Some young blood won't hurt.
Leave it to me, I'll sort it out.

So Vašek is dying?!
And you're going to release their crap?

We're all dying.
And if we can't talk round

your dried-up old Adonis,
we'll both die in poverty.

And I don't fancy that. Here you are.

So Vašek too, then.
So soon after his wife.

See you, Ota.


He doesn't want anyone to know.

I'm only telling you this so you
understand what this is all about.

I can understand that.

So Karel's up for it as well.

What does the old cow think?

Lighting joss sticks
to exorcise the devil?

The old cow doesn't actually know yet.

So Karel's going to do it in on the sly?

Behind the old cow's back?

Imagine how pissed off she'd be?
That'd make it worthwhile on its own.

Well, it's not exactly certain yet…

-But we can count on you, can't we?

But I hope it's a proper comeback.
The whole caboodle.

Look, we're all going to die anyway.
At least this way we'll have some fun.

-You know how great the new drugs are?

Maybe we'll get laid properly
one last time.

I did your VAT return for you,
it's on the table.

It's not a pretty sight.


I don't understand.


I want to do it for Vašek.

You said he's only got a few months left.

Well, Yvonne is going to India
for three months to an ashram.

-I see.
-I am supposed to be at a spa.

So I was wondering if these
three months would be enough.

-Where are you?
-I'll call again.

Bye then.


You're not asleep?
Did you look at the VAT?


Look, I can cover the initial outlays…

But if we need to put down a deposit
on SaSaZu we can discuss that, okay?


Don't worry about it.
I'm telling you it'll be amazing.

They're still in great shape. Truly.

I've talked to them.

-What kind of strain would that be?
-Medium strain.


You know how pleased I was
that I talked them round?

The guitarist is based in Switzerland
and he's really big there.

He's only going to be in the Czech
Republic for three months.

I had no idea

that you were banned
for political reasons.

You think they'd admit that publicly?

It's music for every generation.

My daughter is crazy about them.

I know they're old,
but young people will dig it.

-Young'uns today are morbid.


He always does this
when someone cancels a lesson.

Does he always do that weird nodding?

The media will lap it up. Milan,
for one, is ideal tabloid material -

a sexy wife decades younger than him,
a baby…

There's a lot of edgy stuff there.
Like, whose baby is it,

who's she cheating on him with,
why are they even together…

Dad said we shouldn't sign
anything he hasn't read.

We're not involving your father in this.
We can't involve anyone in it.

After the gig in Rakovník
journalists will start prying…


I should introduce you…

-Kiri Tomovsky, Mrs. Poláková.
-Pleased to meet you.

-I'm Mr. Polák.
-We've met already.

Mmm, they're doing yum-yum.

That amount is the deposit on the club.

Promotion is up to me,
the organisation's up to him.

Yeah, we'll sort it out.


You wouldn't believe how much
energy those old guys have.

They can really rock.

There must another part here somewhere.

Karel, can you help me, please?
I've got a child here.

-Come and play.
-Does it contain any trans fats?

I don't know. Just don't give any to Zora.

Good day to you.

Hi, guys, what's up?

Now it's all up to you,
the studio's all yours.

All yours? Wait a sec…

My new assistant will look
after you during rehearsals.

That's not your assistant,
that's your daughter.

You can talk,
your wife's slaving away for you.

Miriam knows everything,
so she will tend to all your needs.

A generous offer from the loving daddy.

So Miriam knows everything
about all the concerts, right?

Even the one in Rakovník, right?

Why are you bringing that up
in front of them?


Miriam has no idea about Rakovník.

And that's how I want to keep it.
She's my daughter after all,

I don't want her to become a schemer.


Ivanka had something to sort out,
then she'll come and take her.

Come here then, come to Daddy.

Shall we make a list of the songs
you want to rehearse?

We need to rehearse them all.

-Do you know any of our stuff?
-Not really.

But I know your son's band Darkwerk.
They're brilliant,

so when Dad offered me
the chance to work with you…

You thought you might
get some free tickets

and his son might notice you
at the concert…

And the shit job taking care of
the sleazy old guys would pay off.

I doubt my son would come to my concert,
I mean ours.

What if he knew he had a fan-club here?

Can't you leave her alone?
Are we going to rehearse or what?

You play here.
We're going to rehearse, okay?

We'll play for you, you see?

It's time to kick those youngsters' asses.

Show them some real music.

You have to check it from down here.

Jesus, hold on…

Relax. That'll help, in your situation.

-Where's the little girl?
-She's here, she's fine.


-You're kidding me…
-He really got better…

Let's go home, Zora and I are exhausted.

-Yeah, yeah, I'm coming.
-Come on.

Yes, yes.

You're not leaving us here, are you?

It's late, I thought we were all going,
aren't we?

You've got family dinner and sex
to look forward to,

but you're not getting us
out of here so easily.

I'm off as well.

I'm completely beat,
I need to get some rest.

Right, of course.
Look, we won't be here much longer.

Now that I'm free of my wife…


It's nothing. Bye.

Bye, Vašek. It was good, though.

Miriam, come upstairs, please,

-I'll show you how to turn on the alarm.

Vašek doesn't look too good.

It'll be our turn one day, don't worry.

At least he's got his son, he's not alone.

-How's your new album going?

You've got a concert next week,
haven't you?

-Got a spare freebie?
-Who's it for?

For a friend of mine.

Your friend wants to go to our concert?
How old is she?

How old… I don't know.

Maybe 20. Or a bit over.

She's not a friend of mine,
she's a daughter of a friend.

I don't even know her.
I know her kind of through work.

And what's her name?

-What? Who?
-This friend.

What is this, an interrogation?

Why do you want to know her name?
I don't care what her name is.

I need a freebie,
so you say "Sure, Dad" or "No."

Or "Buy one" and I'll go and buy one.

I'm not asking because
I'm interested in your friends,

but because "freebies"
don't exist anymore.

I can't put her down on the guest list
if I don't know her name, can I?

-On the what?
-The guest list.


First we weren't allowed meat,

then white flour, then white sugar,

and in the end not even brown sugar.

You know what I have to do
the washing up with?

-Nut shells.
-Watch out! Damn it! Wait.

Or henna…


Henna. I hate henna.

If we're so keen on authenticity,
why does she dye her grey hair?

This was a good idea.

Look at the stuff Milan has here.

-We aren't allowed to drink it.
-How come?

Nobody's answering.

Great. But you're cleaning up
the mess in the morning.

I need you to look after Zora tomorrow.

I've got a job, unlike you.

A job I pay you for.
So if you won't help me,

you might find yourself out of a job.

-Who do you think I'm doing this for?
-Chiefly for yourself, I think.

When I saw how much you
enjoyed it yesterday

instead of rehearsing a coma,

I'm amazed you didn't dribble
over the keyboard.

Who's going to be interested
in a freak show like that?

Zora liked it.

-Zora is eighteen months old.
-So what?

Well, then. In that case
you can have her there tomorrow.

Do you think I enjoy this?
Working on invoices all day.

Don't you think I wouldn't rather
be singing? I like music too.

And instead of that
I'm slaving over this baby food.

Let me do it.

Don't cry.

It'll be fine, you'll see.

Why did you stay with her,
you son of a bitch?

I'm not asking why you screwed her,

with her long hair and legs and so on,

but why did you stay with her?

You could have stayed with us instead.

Do you really want to talk about this?

Good morning.

Oh, my. Good morning.

We should call in pest control.

-Are they coming in here as well?

-You're looking the part.
-Yeah. You too.

-I'll give you a hand.
-That'd be kind of you.

-I'm so sorry.
-Don't be.

Have you had anything to eat? You have?

Gentlemen… It can't go on like this.

-Good morning.
-Good morning.

So this is Smoke.

Good morning.

How are you coping, looking after
a family and recording a new album?

If I may answer that one,
we're coping fine.

So you're here smoking grass while
I'm in there with the photographer.

Your son is today's most
popular singer Vojta Hron.

What does he think about
his dad being his rival?

I think Vojta really likes it.

Do you prefer alternative
treatments or Western medicine?

Well, for several wives now,
I mean for several years

my wife and I have gone down our own path.

Could you tell our viewers
how you got the idea

to get back together after so many years?

Death is round the corner
and we need to have some fun.

I'm from a programme for seniors
called "I'm Still Here"

and I don't think all this talk
about death is appropriate.

So what else, sex?

I found out yesterday that I'm going
to do a bit of singing on the CD.

First of all we expect it'll be our
former school-friends who'll come see us.

That's not a particularly suitable
topic for our viewers either.

What then, drugs?

I am from "Man's Best Friend" magazine.

-Have you got a four-legged friend?
-I've got a four-legged enemy,

because my neighbour,
he actually has a dog.

Where's this going to be broadcast?

-It's Czech Radio, so everywhere.
-Even in India?

Who gave it to him?
He's throwing up in the toilet.

-Think of it like this…
-Like what?

-That's really funny.

Puke all over the toilet.
Who's going to clean it up?

-Have some…
-I'm not having anything.

You shouldn't have given it to Vašek.

-I'm not cleaning it up.
-What an idea…

What's covered in puke?

-The toilet's covered in puke.
-That's really fucked.

Well then…

-One worse than another.
-Have a look at it.

I see it's nice and lively here.

We're still here. For the moment.

I'm bringing reinforcements.
This is Hynek.

-So this is the young blood, is it? Hi.

-Hi. Where are the drums?
-We haven't set them up yet.

It's about time you did. You're going
to have to help Hynek with that.

You're fucking out of your mind,
young man?

I'm hardly a young man
and I'm not fucking out of my mind.

I can't see where the stuff is
because I'm blind,

and that fucks me off.
But I'm not fucking crazy.

-I put my foot in it there.

Right now, Hynek,
you're better off that way.

-You wouldn't want to see this.
-That's a slight exaggeration.

-Just a bit.

Who did you expect for the money
you're offering, Ringo Starr?

At least he can play.
Don't be so impossible. Sorry.

-What are you doing?
-I need it higher.

-What an idiot!
-He really is blind.

-Or he's got nerves of steel.
-Jesus Christ.

Gentlemen! Ringo!

We're shooting a video on Thursday at ten.

In that case we need
home study and inspiration.

Listen, Blindie, I bet you know what
new drugs would liven up this caper.

I declare two days off for homework.

Don't laugh. I need to concentrate.

-You're a real jerk.
-Don't you think this will help?

-Cut it out, will you.
-Why do you think people smoke this?

No, no, Yvonne, normal treatment.

Holotropic, of course.

No, no visions yet.

Sorry, this is a kind of…

music therapy here.


What's this supposed to be?

I told the journalist
not to write about you.

I couldn't care less
what some hack writes about me.

I'm talking about this:
brave seniors, dedicated to a late wife?

Plus, of course,

our mausoleum of a home. It's morbid.


When do you plan to change the bedclothes?
When the covers rot?

And when are you going to stop
sleeping in the sitting room?

Do you think Mom would be happy
we're turning our home into a museum?

And this… Is this meant to be touching?

Mom liked our songs. You did too.

When you were a kid you knew them
by heart and sang them all. Vojta!


[speaking Finnish…]

-They're speaking Finnish.
-Here you are, gentlemen.

-Thank you.
-You're welcome.

-Did you put rum in it?

So you were dissidents? I had no idea.

Neither did we.
That's Mr. Holubec's invention.

Any idea how hard it was
to get someone on this budget?

At least they're foreign
and believe you worked here with Havel.

On Finnish TV it won't matter.
And we'll have free material for a video.

-Where the hell are they?
-We weren't any dissidents.

But our friend Karel
did work in a boiler room.

His wife Yvonne made him

because she wanted him to meet Dientsbier,
the dissident.

Anyway, he didn't last long there
as he had lung problems.

So he had to leave
and didn't meet any dissidents.

-Hi, Dad.

Where have you been? Go and say hello?

Oh, my.

The homework went fabulously.

Are there any toilets in this
temple of culture and dissent?

This is also our friend.

Flush, man, and have some chewing gum.

Keep stressing the dissident aspect.

Super. I want as many shots
of Milan as possible.

He's the only one who looks
like he's not about to drop dead.

-Where the fuck is Karel?
-I'll text him.

-What's up?

Which is actually great…

Hi, guys.

Hey there.

-Hi, Vašek.
-Hi. I said hi.

Well. Here we are. Jesus…

It's going to be worse than I thought.

Sorry, I didn't notice you. Good. Right.

Are they with you
or are they selling something?

-No, they're with us.
-They're his friends.

-What are you doing here?
-So now you know.

Shall we get started then? Shall we begin?

[speaking Finnish…]

-I don't understand.
-Workers of the world, unite!

Put it on so we can all go home.

Both of you.

Like this…

Up there, admiral…

-Now you'll pretend to work.
-Get to work!

I don't understand what your problem is.
Take this…

-Not you, wait…
-Yeah, leave him.

Why shouldn't I take it?

I'm not having this on my conscience.

I'm just asking you to help.

I'm trying to ensure
everything turns out fine, right?

You know this won't work. She was
meant to be away another two months.

She called the head
of the ashram an Indian racist.

-Jesus Christ!
-See you in the studio tomorrow.

Tonight I'll find out if I can do
something with your lyrics. Bye.

At least say goodbye, won't you?

-Come on. I'll do it up for you.

If she went to church she wouldn't
have to bother with ashrams.

Good, good.

Drink this.
It's great for the vocal chords.

I don't do much singing.

Drink up, it'll relax your organs
and make you sing better.

We're practising vocals today.

The Hořovice concert is almost sold out.

That deserves a drink.

To the vocals, Karel. Drink up.

I can tell you need it badly.

Listen, those weird noises, was that her?

You're so bloody lucky you can't see her.

And inhale.

I know you don't want to talk about it.
I respect that,

but I can feel it, you know?

You mustn't give up.

Don't give up, please.

I'm breathing, aren't I?

I don't know about you, but I need a piss.

I'll join you so I don't
break up the rehearsal later.

Wait, and what was that about the bowels?

-Did you see that?

We're back where we were 35 years ago.

-Either she goes or I go.
-What am I supposed to do?

Lock her in the house?
You can hardly hear her.

I don't care. But I'm not letting
my band get fucked up again.

Your band? Are you deluded?

Have you ever written anything?

You wrote one song and that was so awful

that it's the only one
I can still remember.

-You can't be serious.
-It's easy to blame Yvonne.

Why didn't your band carry on without me?

Why didn't you write something yourself,
if it's your band?

Be quiet!

It's the air conditioning,
it makes some weird noises.


You're a dickhead.

can't you see how Vašek has come to life?

The Hořovice concert is sold out,
the band's on fire.

When was the last time
women threw their underwear at you?

Do you really want to rot away?


What happened?

Did you fall over?


What then?

Probably low blood pressure.

-Are you all right?

Come on then.

-You've got dandruff.
-Yeah, yeah.

If only I'd seen at least
some progress over the years.

At least a bit.
I don't know if they realize…

It's not only Vašek who's dying here.
You all are.

And you too, surely.

Of course, but I'm aware of it,

I'm preparing myself for it
and learning to live with it.

Pass me the cotton swabs,
please, it's running.


Just look at that crazy Ota.

He thinks his greatest achievement is
the number of young girls he screwed.

And I can't understand Milan either,

it's criminal to have a child at that age.

And Vašek?

Instead of preparing himself for it,

he's spending his last months
playing the fool.

I just can't understand
why you're doing it, Karel?

It's completely ridiculous.

When I heard about it,
I just wanted to cry.

They are ruining the couple of
good songs we made back then.

This isn't what you need,
Karel, do you hear? Really.

Right, guys, today I'd like to go
home at last, so that's enough.

-Get your stuff!
-Yeah, sure. Get rid of us all.

I'll give you a lift, Hynek, wait for me.

You don't want us to drink your juices.
You know what, slime-ball?

If you'd stuck with us back then,
we could have carried on,

-but you always stood up for her.
-And you know why? Because I knew.

And because I felt sorry
for both Karel and Yvonne.


Because sleeping with a friend's
girl is just vile, see?

-Bye, guys.
-Wait, Hynek, I'll give you a lift.

-Wait, for God's sake.
-It's okay, I'll go on my own.

-Where's my jacket?
-You slept with Yvonne?

Don't you remember what she was like?
She was crazy.

Christ, that's Hynek again.
He must have forgotten something.

-You really slept with Yvonne?
-That was thirty-five years ago.

-Did Karel know about it?
-No, he didn't.

And how do you know, actually?


I'm asking, because she
tried it on with me as well.

-You're kidding.
-Sure she did.

And did you…


No. I'm only saying that I know
what you're talking about.

Everything was kind
of relaxed in those days.

I left her.

You're fucking shitting us.


How did you manage it?
You're a bloody hero.

You killed her. She's got orange blood?

-What is it?

I managed to do it
before she washed it off,

but in the meantime it dried.
It's really hard to wash off.

But I also had time to pack a bag.

Like I said, you're a hero. Sit down.

I just need…

-Right, thanks.

I need…

-Somewhere to sleep.

So I wondered if you'd mind, Milan.

Sure, you can sleep here.

If you don't mind air conditioning
and sleeping on the floor.

I'd take you in,

it's just I've got company at the moment.

But next week, sure.

-You can sleep at my place.
-No, thanks.

Until you find something else.


You really wouldn't mind?

Don't you need…

some peace and quiet?

Come off it,
I'm going to have quite enough of that.


You really don't mind?
I can sleep anywhere.

No. I usually sleep
in front of the TV anyway.

What do you usually watch? You know
how long it's been since I watched TV?

These good-looking fellows…

Vojta bought it so that
Jana could see it better.

…another drama.

During extreme
drought on the open plateau…

-It's her.

…an ideal prey.

You've got a mobile phone?
I thought you didn't use them.

We don't use them to call
anyone else, just one another.

Yvonne wants to keep
a channel open between us.

This is a special kind of jammer
from Russia.

…and other wild animals,
such as hypos, elephants…

What should I do?

If you regret it, then pick it up,

and I'll drive you home and that's it.

Family is more important than some band.

But I don't seem to regret it.

I've just never done
anything like this before.

And I'd like it to stop ringing.

Grass savanna is unpredictable.

It's getting dark.

That's something I didn't know.

With less daylight
the felines' company changes.


-This is really great.
-It's orange marmalade.

Excellent orange marmalade.


You know what occurred to me?

I don't want to be
an even bigger burden on you.

Yvonne knows where the studio is,
so it occurred to me that

we could rehearse here maybe,

at least until the first concert.

She's never been here.

It's also more convenient for you.
You don't have to go anywhere.

The air conditioning
doesn't do you any good either.

-We can help you with things here.

-I've plugged in here, okay?
-Not into the TV. Into the lamp.

I thought you were in the studio.

I wanted to get some sleep
between recording sessions.

We're really sorry.
The guys will turn it down.

-You're recording a new CD, right?
-That's right.

And the boy wanted
to jerk off for inspiration

-and now we're disturbing him.
-Hey, come on.

What? That's how youngsters
talk these days, isn't it?

Youngsters, maybe.

But old people should be polite
and not play the fool.

Thanks very much for the tickets.

So Mom would be proud of this, right?

-He doesn't mean it. We woke him up.
-But he was kind of mean.

Would you shut up? Just for a while.

I didn't want you to make a fool
of yourself in front of that joker.

You deserve better.

Why do you care?
And why do I care about you?

I slept like a log last night.
For the first time in 20 years.

-At least that's something.
-It was a wonderful idea.

You complained about me
not clearing out the room.

I told you to clear it out,
not move in some stoned freak.

-What stoned freak?
-Look at him.

-Do you really think…
-Stop shouting, will you?

Do you really think Mom would
want you to make a fool of yourself?

No. She'd just be ashamed of you.

I think she'd be more ashamed of you.

He's got a lot of work
with the album right now.

It was also hard when his mom died.
He still hasn't got over it.

And I'm probably not
making things any easier for him.

But it's not your fault. Those idiots…

We should be glad
that Ota was well-behaved.

He could've pulled out his secret weapon.

Well, yeah.

Don't you want to come up for a drink?

No. There's something I've got to do.
I'll stop by tomorrow.

You know Vojta really suffered
when Jana fell ill.

Because I didn't take it too well.

He's a sensitive kid,
he did all the housework,

and then when Jana…

He pretended not to suffer,

he didn't cry at all.

I'm worried about him.

At our age we have
a different attitude to death.

If only you didn't get
so worried about your kids.

I know.

Don't worry.

We'll look after him.

Angelic girl, light in her eyes,

With a halo of stars from the sky

A spring welling up from heavens above…

Let's do it again, the G was a bit low.

Fine, these two versions.
Are these the last ones?

This one's better.
That lettering is a bit too German.

Let's take this one, yeah?

Let's do another take,
but give me at least ten minutes.

-That's too low?
-Listen to the latest Monkey Business.

Yeah, exactly.


-We've already met today, haven't we?

Why are you doing this to him? At a time
like this time he needs your support.

Who? My dad?

"A time like this"
has been going on for ages.

Why do you think I didn't move out?
Why I stayed in that mausoleum?

You know what's interesting?
That it never occurred to anyone

that at least once in my life
I might need support.

-Like in this situation?

-I know that it's not easy for you…
-What do you know about it?

What business is it of yours?
Do you think that it was easier before?

Looking after a sick mother
and a wreck of a father?

You know how it seemed to me?
Like he was competing with her.

Who was suffering the most.

Do you think that helped Mom?
Well it didn't.

-You don't know, do you?
-Know what?

Hello, excuse me.
We're just visiting my dad.

-But could you sign something for me?
-Here, yes.

Thanks very much. Goodbye.

-What should I know?
-About your father's condition.

What do you mean?

What a jerk.

-Why didn't he tell me?
-I don't know.

He probably thought
it would be too much for you.

-I shouldn't have told you…
-Please, leave me alone.

I can take care of myself.
You take care of your gang of zombies

and make sure they leave Dad in peace.

But they're doing it for him.
So that he's not alone.

-Why else do you think they'd do it?
-Because they're freaks?

But you won't say I told you?
I'm not really meant to know.

I think he'd rather you didn't know.

What do you mean you won't make it?
I don't know the woman at all!

Have you got anything for diarrhoea?

Yvonne had this oil
and Vašek's got nothing here.

-Thanks a lot.
-I need something for my nerves.

I'd forgotten what bad
stage fright I used to get.

-I don't know if this is a good idea.
-Tell me…

-Has your boy got over it yet?
-I haven't seen him for two days.

-You haven't spoken to him?
-What about?

Nothing. He hasn't been home at all?

He's probably on tour somewhere.

Was there something I should
have talked to him about?

No, I was just asking.
Whether he said anything.

-"Like what a beautiful girl I am."
-Christ, you're a dick.

Don't be jealous! There will be fans
waiting at the Hořovice gig.

Your age group.


I think the short one…

Yes, hello.

Yes, we've just arrived.

-I can't see you anywhere.
-Over here!

-Right, okay.

-I can see you now.


-You're almost sold out, apparently.
-Are you surprised?

We had a gig not far from here,
so I thought I shouldn't miss it.

-I'm a beautiful girl…
-You really are a jerk.

You're crazy. How old are you?
Did you get that from Hynek?

-That shit he's shooting up.

-No wonder he looks like he does.
-I can shoot up whatever I want.

What are you shooting up?

-We need some disinfectant.
-Act all poor and won't share?

I'm not shooting up anything.

I'm going to take a look
at the sell-out crowd.

-Where are you going?
-I wanna know.

Sit down.


-There's… a lot of them.
-That's good, isn't it?

Let's see.

My nerves have gone now.

It's going to be
an embarrassment for everyone.

I've still got diarrhoea.

Good evening, welcome all of you
and above all lovers of good music.

And now let's welcome Smokie!


Do you think that's good enough?

Is that all you've got?

You'll need to make more noise
if you want to see my beautiful body.

I never expected to hear it live.

Could you throw these at Ota?
I can't throw that far.

-He'll be able to tell, won't he?
-Tell what?

That they're clean.
That's not what it's about.

The next song is Part of Me.

It was my wife's favourite song.

Jesus, he just can't help himself.

I'd like to dedicate this song
to my son Vojta,

who made the effort to drive
200 kilometres from Třeboň.

He had a gig there last night,
I know about that.

And he came here to listen

to this bunch of old guys.
Many thanks to him.

Part of Me!

-Go and join him.

-Go and sing with him.
-That's stupid.

Of course it's not stupid. Look at him.

All right, then.


-Thank you.

Girls, you were brilliant, thanks.

You remembered.

-You remembered, that's the main thing.
-It was amazing!



I don't want to disturb you,
I'd just like to ask for…

-An autograph?
-Yeah, that too.

-For my hand in marriage?
-No, for my panties.

-I can't go home like this.
-Was that really panties?

Will there be an inspection?
Is your husband so thorough?

My husband is dead,

but I came here by bicycle.

How lovely. I'll give them back
if you have a drink with me.

Okay, thanks. Goodbye and I apologise.


Will you buy me a drink?

This custom with the panties
strikes me as pretty unhygienic.

But it's nice.

-What's up, Milan?

-Are you all right?
-Why shouldn't I be?

None of us expected this.
I'm so glad you had the idea

and put money into it.
I'm really grateful.

-Thanks. Milan.

Hi, rock star. Miriam called,
it seems you were a big success.

-Where were you?
-You're not my only clients.

I'm almost sorry we sold
the tickets at a 75% discount.

And maybe we didn't have to pay
some of them to cheer.

The question is, would it
have been so wild without them?

Better safe than sorry.
Now we have to push the critics a bit.

-Were they here?

-Where are the others?
-They're inside.





For their time their English
lyrics made them exceptional.

Singing in English was very
unusual for that time.


Yvonne wouldn't have done this, would she?

It wasn't my idea.
But it's great. I'm delighted.

I'm also delighted with the invoices.


-We weren't dissidents, were we?

there's no such thing as bad publicity.

Screw him, see what he looks like.

I wouldn't go to see us.

We're much worse than you think.

Much worse!

We know we're going to die soon,

but so are you!

And if you stick around till the end
I'll show you see my secret weapon!




-Hi. Where is she?

-Where is she?


I don't know where Miriam is.

She left with Ota. Yes, she did.

Where did she go with Ota?

You think I'm going to let
you screw up my daughter?

I know your sort.
I manage pretty-boys like you.

I know what shits you are to girls.

Wait a minute.
Stop shouting at my son, okay?

We thought she was going out with Ota
as she goes to parties with him.

We couldn't understand what
she sees in him, but you know Ota.

Where does she go with him? What parties?

I don't know where she goes with Ota.

I didn't even know you that you were…
such pals.

What "pals"?
He's got his hand on her bottom.

That's not why I wanted her to help you.

If Ota has put a hand on her,
I'll kill him, the paedophile.

I'll kill him before the Rakovník gig,
tell him that.

-It is on her butt.

I don't think you need to groan so much.

Nobody will hear it anyway.

The disoriented expression
is the key thing.

Why do you have to help him
with his mortgage?

Why don't you help me, then?

-I know, Doctor, I'm no good at it.
-But they said "parties."

-No, you're getting better.
-But now I forbid it.

Take one of these
a couple of hours before.

You'll sweat a bit and feel weak,
but that's all.

At least it will look more
realistic from close up.

You bet it's my business, young lady.

Miriam? Miriam?!

She hung up on me.
She really hung up on me.

-It's not addictive, is it?
-Are you two finished yet?

Theoretically, we've just about got it,

but it will be better
if there's not much light there.

It occurred to me,
since the concerts are going so well,

and some are even selling out,
which is fantastic,

the SaSaZu concert
would mean a lot for the lads.

It wouldn't even have to be full.

For the prices you're charging

you could sell out
a communist poetry reading.

And no SaSaZu tickets have been sold yet.

Do you want me to waste money
on posters that will never be used?

What if we call off both tomorrow's coma
and the SaSaZu concert?

We could do smaller gigs,
for different prices…

Are you mad?
A deposit's been paid on SaSaZu.

And having paid for your concerts
and promotion, it's your turn now.

If you don't sell two-thirds or more
of the SaSaZu lot, you're buggered.

Not sure if you've read the contract,
but I've done my bit, your turn now.

And if you don't want to lose your studio,

you'd better start rehearsing
the disorientation.

Although that is pretty convincing.

I don't know what happened,
but can you call me?

Or at least write.

What's that?

It's for my heart,
I haven't felt good since morning.

What a bunch we are, we probably
won't make it to Rakovník alive.

Dammit, guys, can't you be a bit quieter?

You sure you don't want that walnut
extract? It'll clean you out a bit.


Christ, how are you going to sing tonight?

How you can get your kicks like that?

At least I still get my kicks.
You don't even dare to party anymore.

Fuck, let me sleep.

Have you spoken to Vojta?
He's not been answering the phone.

He's probably got a gig.

Or he's got it in silent mode,
you can do that on a mobile phone.

You just press this button
and you won't hear it ringing.

Fucking hell!

If you don't want the walnut
extract then you can suffer,

but don't terrorise us
for talking quietly.

Calm down back there.

-What're you doing!
-You fucking pig!

Christ! Pull over!

It's okay. Get out. Take him into the field.

Christ! Dear God!

He didn't want me to tell you.
For Vašek's sake, I suppose.

-So, those parties of yours…
-Sorting out a mortgage…

They don't let you go home after
chemotherapy without an escort.

And he's got nobody else.

Do you think we can turn around here?

You want to turn back?

You thought we'd bury him here

and maybe lay a wreath
on the way back from the gig?

Bladders finally emptied, guys?
Do you want me to roast to death?

You're in middle of the road.

-This isn't a service station?
-No, it's not.

We're really sorry. No, cancel it.

-It's not possible without him.
-This is Milan.

Call me as soon as you get this message.

Rakovník is cancelled.

We need to discuss what to do next.

Why didn't he tell anyone?

That's rich, coming from you.

If you want to see him…

Come on, guys.
Do you think he'd be able to perform?

-Are you asleep?


Has she spilt the beans yet?

-It's hot in here, man.
-Yeah, it is.

Shouldn't I claim that I was pretending,

using the threat of my imminent
death to get her into bed?

-You're a jerk.
-You too.

It's time we both stopped pretending.

We're all going to die.

But we all try to forget somehow,
don't we?

Play some music,

or even get laid by some young babe.

Actually, I don't want to get laid
by a young babe.

You don't count.


You look great, really.

And I feel great.

And I don't even
have to pay for this stuff.

Whereas you look terrible.

You're sweating like a pig.

Hospitals don't agree with me.

Hey, do you think you could
manage the Rakovník concert?

Leave him alone.
You rest, Ota, and we'll go.

-Where to?
-Take care, bye.

Have you got a ciggie, Vašek?

You know I hardly smoke.

Come on, Hynek.

Got your bag?

Hold on…

It's because of the hospital.

I'll come with you.
Vojta's still not answering.

-Let's go and see if he's at home.
-I need to be dropped at your dad's,

there's something we have to talk about.

-You can get a taxi, can't you?
-Give me a break.

Look, the cyclist from Hořovice.

What's she doing here,
how did she find out?

-Shouldn't we warn Ota?
-I think he called her.

He called her, yeah? Of his own accord?

-They phone each other every day.
-He wants to get laid while he can.


-But he said with a young babe.
-Compared to you lot…

-Let's go.
-No, no, you're getting a taxi.

-You get a taxi yourself.
-Jesus, leave him alone.

It's a private trip,
I'm not going out of my way for you.

It's not private,
I'm going to see Holubec.


-That was a horrible thought.
-Stop it.

-If he wasn't dying, I'd kill him.
-You're a jerk.

I'm not afraid of dying.

Not yet.

Yvonne made me do this exercise every day.

You close your eyes
and imagine your own death.

Sometimes it was the nicest part
of the day, nice and relaxing…

If I wasn't worried about my boy,
I'd look forward to it to some extent.

-To Jana, my dad…
-That's how you imagine it?

We're going to unite with the universe

or the cosmos or, actually, whatever.

So we'll never play together again.

You'll be saved, I'll be united.

Ota will become a wild boar,
Milan will break down into atoms.


Things were just starting to go well.


What are you doing here?
You're meant to be in a coma.

If you weren't screwing my wife
and had answered the phone,

you wouldn't have to ask.

Ota beat me to it.
He's dying, so there won't be any coma.

What? So you've totally screwed it up?

I'm the one who should be angry. And I am.

Hold on! The Rakovník gig didn't happen?

So we're going to lose the studio.

You bet you are.
But it's out of my hands now.

SaSaZu is in your name,
so you deal with it.

But we can't lose the studio.
It's half mine.

Then half the empty SaSaZu is yours too.

Sort it out with this idiot
who can't even fake a coma.

-I'll kill you, you bastard…
-What are you doing?

-I'll kill you.
-Calm down.

I've had enough.

Couldn't you have found
someone young and rich?

Everyone is young and rich
compared to you.

Let go.

Was that your wife?

The three of us could beat him up,

we'd have a chance, wouldn't we?

Did you really pay for SaSaZu
out of your own pocket?

Were you really that confident?

He's crazy. Crazy.

It's even worse than that.

He thought he'd make money out of it.

But he'd have to do some promotion first.

We might not sell it out,
but you could recoup at least something.

That was meant to be Holubec's job.

But he evidently had other plans.

Now that Ota is in hospital
it doesn't really matter.

The insurance company will have to pay up.

Hold on, what insurance company?
Do you think so?

-Of course.


-I've got some money just in case.
-Don't be silly.

I mean it. I'm really grateful to you.

I've had more fun in the last four
months than in the last forty years.

Who gives a shit about SaSaZu?
Who gives a toss?

-We have to think about Ota now.

I admire you.

I really admire you,
but there's no point lying any more.

Hey, guys, one for all and all for one.

Dammit, if you knew how much
I love you, guys.

-Which is my glass?

To Ota, let him kick its ass.

-To Ota.
-To Ota. Kick its ass.

Hi, coffin-bearers. Funeral service.

You're out already?

I feel great. Tell them.

That's just the problem, you know.

-What problem?

not one ticket has been sold for SaSaZu,

Holubec has dropped us

and you're so dumb
you re-mortgaged your studio.

-You've lost your mind.
-I'll kill him. Really.

If you'd stayed in hospital a while,
given a couple of interviews,

got tested by the insurance company,
Karel's already looked into it…

Look, I'm sorry but I'm not going to talk

to some fucking journalists
and insurance agents about my cancer.

-This weird plan wasn't my idea.
-You can't walk out on them.

Dad! Not even you are such a bastard.

Right now I plan to go to bed with
Libuška and stay there till I die.

You know what you are? Selfish as ever.

The fact you're currently
dying is no excuse.

Look at Vašek. Look at me and Milan.

When you were dying on your own,
you needed us, didn't you?

But now you've got your Mrs. Cyclist,
you don't care about us.

-But I…
-Screw them, love.

Where the hell is he going?
Don't you have something to say to me?

About the plan you and Dad cooked up?

-Who cooked up what?
-Nobody cooked up anything…

There's no point complicating things,
is there?

I'm well aware my dad is a bastard,
which I regret,

but this guy is pretty stupid as well
because he got taken in by him.

But no matter. You're going to
rehearse and leave SaSaZu to me, okay?

-And what about Ota?
-Leave that to me too.

I'll need a power of attorney and all
the contracts you and my dad signed.

-Or shall we talk about Rakovník?
-Not that again…

Are you going?

Christ, Miriam, open up.
What are you doing in there?

-I'm still your dad.
-Exactly. I learnt from the best.

What are you doing here?

I'm glad you're still
too cheap to pay lawyers.

-Now I've got all the copies.


All of them?

You're wonderful.

Bye then.

Well, I told him…

-Come on…
-Why don't you tell them?

Because I don't want them
to have time to think about it.

Today they live only in remote areas.

Maybe it's time to accept it.

And there are only hundreds
of them in the Czech Republic.

Maybe I should call Yvonne.

This isn't bad,

-but we can't live like this forever.
-…feeding on wild cranberries.

Or can we?

-Play it.

Come on.

-Christ, that's awful.
-It's good, isn't it?

-You really want to use it?


Okay, so we're agreed.
I'll count on it. Good.


Sorry. This is the guest list
and I'd like those invoices, please.

I couldn't believe it when
I saw it on Facebook. It's crazy.

But it's kind of touching, isn't it?
That's not what I'd call it.

-Another beer?
-No, that's enough.

-Hello, come in.

-Would you like something to eat?
-No, thanks.

Where is she? Little Big Tits?

Little Big Tits hasn't called
for three days.

What are you doing here, Old and Grouchy?

Cut it out. Do you know what
hard work it was to get him here?

-Sorry I'm late.

-Won't you have a non-alcoholic beer?
-No, thanks.

SaSaZu is sold out.

-Little Big Tits is out of her mind.
-Hold on…

No, it's really sold out.

I know you're trying, but there's
no point pretending, is there?

Try buying a ticket for the twelfth then.

Go on, try it.

Got the number?


I'd like a ticket
to see Smoke on the twelfth.

I see, thank you.


Christ, it really is sold out.

-How is it possible?

Little Big Tits, how is it possible?


It's great that you've persuaded them,
but how will we pay them?

They're doing it for free.

-For free?
-Vojta's doing it for his dad.

No idea who his friends are doing it for,
and I don't care.

-Oh, sorry.

Hi. What are you doing here?

-I couldn't miss this, could I?

You're looking after Zora next week, okay?

Sure, you can count on me.

Okay, then. Enjoy yourself.

-Break a leg, bye.
-Keep your fingers crossed for us.



I'm off, good luck!

Lads, good luck.

All the best. Bye.

You really want to go out there?

In front of those teenage girls
who came to see someone else?

I certainly do.
Today it really annoys me that I'm blind.

When I looked, some girls were
waving a banner with "Smoke" on it.

I know it's weird, but it's true.
Can I have some water?

My wife said that
the ad on Facebook was great,

so maybe that's why.

I saw some elderly people too.
But it's really full.

We didn't expect that, did we?

Hey, nutters. Come and have a look.

-Good, huh?
-Yeah. I'm a bit…

This is the music I grew up with.
And it's why I'm a musician today.

Forget for a moment
that you hate your parents

and come and listen to the music
they smoked grass and petted to.

Or moaned about their parents to.

Thanks, Vojta. I mean it.

That's cool.

-I'm just sorry you didn't tell me.

I wouldn't have behaved like
a complete jerk all that time.

I don't understand.

-Miriam told me. I know.
-She told you what?

Isn't it time for you to go on?

That you're ill and…

I'm not ill.

Please, Dad. I know.

I also know I should have realized,
the way you look.

I'm healthy. I know you're worried
after what happened to Mom.

Cut it out, Vašek. We all know.

Goddammit, why are you scaring my son?

My boy, I promise
on your mother's memory that I'm healthy.

What's up with you all?

So you aren't dying?

-So that's good, I guess.
-You made it up, did you?

-So we'd play here for free, right?
-I'd never do that.

I thought… you all said he was dying.

-You're worse than your old man.
-Hold on. Miriam believed it,

-but Holubec made it up.

-Wait, so your dad isn't dying?
-Apparently not.

-What did he make up?
-To get us back together,

but now that Ota is dying
it's almost the same thing.

My dying is none of your fucking business.

-Why pretend that Vašek is dying?
-I didn't. Holubec made it up.

Sorry I dragged you into this.
I don't mind cancelling, I'll pay.

We're not going to be
exploited by some freaks

who can't even decide
which one of them is dying.

-We're all dying, one by one.
-My mom came a long way to see this.

Let's play.

Shouldn't you be pleased
your dad isn't dying?

-Not yet, at least.
-I thought you knew that we knew.

I'd have told you if I knew.

I don't understand.
Is there anyone not dying here?

Do you sometimes get the feeling
your parents are completely crazy?

That they'll drive you fucking crazy?


Then you've come to the right place,
let's do it!

How could I know you'd use it
to blackmail his son?

All you cared about was the profit

and you were stupid enough
to think you'd make money out of us?

You didn't care that I destroyed
my marriage because of you?

That I'll die alone and rot somewhere now?

So you destroyed your marriage
because of me, did you?

-I don't believe it!
-How could you blackmail my son,

you know how he suffered
when his mom was dying?

-I didn't blackmail him, Miriam did!
-Don't you dare blame me!

-There is still the Rakovník gig!
-Rakovník, again!

A week ago you were all thanking me
for getting us back together.

If it weren't for me you'd all
still be rotting away at home.

Excuse me, let us through,
we've got the media with us here.


If you continue to use lyrics
I helped write without my permission,

we're going to stage a protest,
film it and give it to the media!

-Should I do something about it?
-No, leave her alone.

-Should I do something or not?
-No, it's fine, it's fine.

I tried to call you,
did you get my message?

You keep out of this, do you hear?

This isn't about you.
This is a matter of principle.

-Yvonne, Yvonne…
-Leave me.

You're a bunch of frauds and losers.

If you play one song
I wrote the lyrics to,

we're going to run onto the stage
naked with a banner.

So everyone knows!

Knows what?
That you never wrote anything yourself?

That I let you correct the English grammar

and made mistakes on purpose
so you'd feel better?

That I stopped doing the music
I love because of you?

That I hate the kalimba?

And that you're an ambitious,
talentless cow?

-Who are you calling a cow?

You want to strip off?

Go ahead then!

At least the kids will see
what's in store for them.

And they won't get married
at twenty-five like some idiots!

Do what you want. I'm going to play.

Hold on…

Let's not make a scene.

What's she claiming?
What songs did she write?

We should skip them,
I don't want to see her naked.

35 years ago you didn't mind, did you?
Or maybe you didn't bother undressing?

Stop filming! Stop filming!
He called me a cow!

I was completely wasted.
It happened once…

Calm down.
I expect it from you, unlike Milan.


Didn't you know she slept with all of us?

-Not with me.
-Are you still here?

You don't count. You want to be saved.

-Come onto the stage, Mr. Hron, please.

Please, come on. They're waiting for you.

-I haven't got my guitar…
-That doesn't matter. Come on!

Thank you!

And now we want our parents to come
on stage and launch our new album!

Because even though
they annoy us at times,

whenever we win any award
they are the first people we thank.

So, ladies and gentlemen,
let's have a big hand for our parents!

Keep up the good work, boys.

-What now?
-Let's pour the bubbly over it.

Now it's your turn.

Why did you stay with her if you knew?

-Why didn't you leave her?
-He preferred to leave us.

Because you pissed me off.
And because I was stupid.

I was proud she chose me from us all,
that's how it seemed at the time.

You were the sexy one,
you were the clever one,

Vašek was a saint, and I…

And she knew how to cook,
she was educated…

Man, but you were the best musician
out of all of us.

That didn't occur to me.

Do you feel okay?
Don't you want to sit down?

Is he crazy or what?

We always felt inferior to him,
and tried to make up for it

with women, money, God or whatever,

and instead of making music
and forgetting everything else

this jerk marries that bitter old
cow who fucked up both him and the band.

We fucked up the band ourselves.
And calm down, or you'll feel worse.

You really look like shit.

Well, lads? Shall we do it?

What are you looking at?
This time, it's just from booze and women.

Older women are harder to please
than young girls.

Do you want to see another band?

We're not letting this chance go nutters.

Now it's time for
what you've been waiting for.

Do you want to see them?

I can't hear you! Wanna see them?

Anyone who doesn't like it
can stay away from our next concert.

Got that?

And if I don't see at least
50 pairs of panties on the stage,

I'm quitting the music business!

Ladies and gentlemen, it's time for Smoke!

Do you want to see
what's in store for you?

What it's like to be old
and just as dumb as you ever were?

Look, then!

And don't think
it'll be different for you.

If you survive this concert
and another 40 years,

this is what lies ahead -

a rotting body, a failing brain
and an unquenchable lust for life.

And one day we'll all be up in Smoke!

I'm part of it!

I'm part of it!

I'm part of it!


One more time, one more time…

I don't want a sausage. Give me a beer.

-You've got one.
-I've got to save space for the beer.

-Hi, guys.
-Hi, hi.

We're almost relatives. Can I join you?

Stand there or go away. Don't sit down…

-What are you doing?
-Stop it!

Bring him here.

Isn't that the ladies' room? You swear?

Hi, guys.

-You've had some good gigs, right?
-Yeah, we did.

-Have you combed your hair today?
-No, I don't use a comb.

Your hair's a bit limp.

Well, I had an idea
that you could do a tour together,

the old guys and the young guys…
We'd have the full spectrum of fans.

Listen. Fuck off, will you?

-We've got something to talk about here.

I could help you out.

Fine. We'll be in touch.
And with confidence.

And comb your hair.

-Where are you?
-This way…

That was the ladies' again, wasn't it?

-It wasn't the ladies'!
-There weren't any urinals.

This is lovely… For the beer.

-Budge up.


And do you know who discovered them?

I did.

And who arranged the entire tour,
including the fucking SaSaZu?

That was also me.

I should be pissed off
and I shouldn't have come here.

But I'm not going to reject my child.

Blood's thicker than water, right?

Well, she does look good.

You're very pretty too.

You've got pretty shoes, for instance.