Return of the Street Fighter (1974) - full transcript

Takuma "Terry" Tsurugi returns. In this sequel, he sets out to bust up a phony charity put together by the Yakuza.

OTOGURO: There's a lot
of money in it for you.

These two are accountants
in our main office.

And they've caused us a
great deal of trouble.

This one, Rico
Grandol, embezzled

most of the gold that came
to us out of Thailand.

He's trying to escape to
Australia at the moment.

But this is the one we're most
interested in-- Gentoku Rio.

They arrested him and he's being
grilled at police headquarters.

But who knows how
long he can hold out?

If he talks, it means the
end of my whole project.

Surugy we need your help.

We've got to shut him up.

Do it anyway you
like, only get him.

He's in room number eight at
Tokyo Investigation Division.

-Double the money.

Double it, Otokuro.

Or I won't do it.

-All right.

You get double.

COP: Hold up there, you!

Hold up!


-There he is.

Get her!

-Yes sir.


COP: There he is!


-Hold it!

-All right, you!

Come on out!

-I must say, you
really handled them.

Karate, huh?

You must be an expert.

-All right.

Don't you no choose to
speak, [INAUDIBLE] Talk!

-Say your prayers!

-Got away.



-His vocal chords are damaged.

He's never going
to talk to anyone.

-Get a doctor.

Get a doctor here right away!

Get a doctor!


Here's the key to the handcuffs.

-This [INAUDIBLE] Saturday.

So long, Dad!


And this one?

Rio Grandol.

When's he get his?

-As soon as I'm able
to get around to it.

-You're really a killer!

Listen, man.

You got no time to waste.

And don't forget.

There's all that bread.


-I realize you took on
this case at the request

of the commissioner.

And I know how bad this is.

But you know we're not at
liberty to do what we want.

That incident brought
this thing to a head.

And you take course when
you're with the police here.

-I know that, sir.

It's just that the whole
thing was my fault.

Give me another chance.

He got a witness away
from under our nose.

I want to ask you.

Please, I want to take
charge of the case again.


I can't.

-Very well, sir.

I realize it's selfish.

Will you take this, please?

My resignation.



That's right.

What's that?

You're on the trail
of Rio Grandol?

That's good.

Go and get him.


Melbourne flight 32B.

Will it be leaving today?

It'll be leaving in time, huh?

Thank you.

-Oh, stop!

-Here, come on!



-Get out of the way!


-There he is!

-Let's go!





-You like it, huh?

That statue is really
a splendid one.

-Man, that's like solid gold.

I wonder what it will
bring on the market.

-Don't be stupid.

It's a great national treasure.

As long as it stays right
here, the statue is priceless.

And to take that Grandol
was taking it with him.

It's needed to rip
off the idiots who

think we're building our center.

-But the fuzz is onto you.

How the hell did the pigs know?

-I bet those two men handled
too much of our money

and they tried to
get away with it.

Now we're in trouble.

Somebody in Tokyo
tipped off the police.

I think Masaoka of
the Sabu-Kahn school.

-Too bad, Dad.

-There's a Sergeant
called Yamagami.

He's a student of Masaoka.

-They're like the
strongest, huh?

The Sabu-Kahn.



-Am I doing
something that's bad?

-My child, you must concentrate.

Blank your thoughts out.

Clear out earthly ideas
and think only this.

I want to.

-Yes, father.

-I'll begin again.

I must.

-Well, tell me.

Were you fired?


I asked to be put back on the
case to atone for my error.

I handed in my resignation.

They wouldn't agree to that.

So I'm on leave of absence.

I really think it's
their way of saying

I can go my way on the
case, although unofficially

of course.

-Well, that's typical.

-You know, Otaguro
eliminated those two men.

They knew too much about
his business, which

means Otaguro's plan is a lot
more sinister than we thought.

And the thing is, we
should act quickly.

He has a cute
little setup that he

calls the Asian
Martial-Arts Center.

And he's raised
over 16 billion yen

which he raised in
Asian countries.

So you know it
can't be legitimate.

-Well, that's more
than I thought.


And there's more to it.

I think Otaguro is working
with another organization.

-What do you mean?

-The mafia has an inside track
on this whole thing, I think.

Our own police have
been checking things out

with the United
States authorities.

Though at the moment,
there's nothing to go on.

-Your news is awful for Japan.

You and I must certainly
bring this to an end.




-You get in touch with
all the Asian countries

where our school has chapters.

I want to find out how
Otaguro and his organization

are raising all that money.

And check that Otaguro
isn't using my name.

Anything shady
there, they must send

reliable witnesses to Tokyo.

Start calling them up.


-There's another thing.

I'd like to know more
concerning Surugy.

-Terry Surugy?

Does he come into this business?


He's no ordinary
men, considering

what he did to those
two witnesses of ours.

All he could use
was his two fingers.

And he ruined those vocal cords.

His two hands were tied.

And even that
didn't stop Surugy.

It had to be Tsurugi.

And you know it, don't you?

-I must say I do, yes.

[INAUDIBLE] is your enemy.

Yamagami, I'd advise
you to be careful.

He's a genius ata Karate.

We both tested our
skills here once.



-Long ago in China,
I met his father.

He was a great Karate artist.

And his son is the same.

-Mr. Yamagami.

Can you give me a lesson?

-Ah, Kazuko.

You must be making progress.

You're at least an inch taller.

All right, I'll work out
with you if you like.

That's fine.

You're OK.

-It's our turn!

-Oh, you're getting
good, I must say.

-Mr. Otaguro, I want to explain
to you the reason why I came.

I'm here because I
heard you're exploiting

Karate and it's spirit.

And I urge you to reconsider.

-I don't care about the others.

But when you repeat such gossip
to me, then I shall stop it.

I believe in Bushido and
Karate and you know that.

How can you say that I
exploit our mutual trust?

-I hope you haven't, believe me.

And yet, the police
investigation has start--

-Police know nothing.

Take a look at this.

Money has been donate
with enthusiasm.

It's for this
martial arts center.

Better not listen to gossip.

I'm as honest as you, Masaoka.

And in time, you'll be seeing
our institute going up.

That's when you'll be convinced.

-I warn you that there
is contrary evidence.

And I can't allow you
to continue your scheme.


-I'm not telling you about
all the things I suspect.

Just return the money.

That's your only hope.

-Welcome to Tokyo.

There's a very good reason that
in his country, he's the top.

Thank you.

These are the blueprints.

-What I'd like you to
tell me is the date

you intend to begin
construction on this.

-Well, actually you
see, I, uh-- I, uh--

I cannot give you
exact dates as yet.

-All right, then.

You can tell me the
cost, can't you?

-Well, you don't have the
authority to ask me that.

Anything on paper with you?

Bring a warrant or
forget about it!

All right.

The gentleman's leaving.

Stop it!

Do you hear!


-Please stop!

Please stop!


No, no, no, that's me!

I didn't do anything!



-I think I know
where you fit in.

And what happens now?




-Hey, I don't need
music for this.


I first started a
new orphan's home.

I used to sneak out at
night, dance with the GIs

and talk with them.

Oh, I love American.

They taught me to groove.

They'd come here on
furlough out of Korea.

I dug it!

It was fun!

It was all laughs!

-Stop talking like that
or I'll beat your ass.

Just forget about it.

-So sorry!

You're right, Jackson.

I should thank you for
all you did for me.

When you picked me
up on the street,

I was starving because
how would I have ended up.

Thanks a lot, pop!


RADIO: Terry Surugy, Heiwajima
subway station, south entrance.

Go immediately.

Terry Surugy, Heiwajima subway
station, south entrance.

Go immediately.

Message over.

-Come to Heiwajima station.

You better move it.

-Who gave it to you?

Well, how did you
know it was me, then?

What did he look like?

What else did he say?

Kendo Masaoka.

-Take the money!

-Afraid to carry out our
order to kill Masaoka?

-You think you can buy anything.

I just can't do it.

I can't.

-Your mission is to do it.

-Stick it right in your ass.

You can't order me around
even if you have money.

-I think you'd better
think this over.

Because you know
what can happen.

-Don't threaten me.

Because I know just
what can happen to you.


-But what do we do?

-Arrange to get rid of him.

He knows too much.

So kill him.

Arrange to get rid of him.

He knows too much.

So kill him.

-Hey, Terry!

You're losing your marbles!

Why did you tell him no?

-Because I had to.

Why should I kill him?

Masaoka is the only
one I can trust.

-You'll be murdered!

And then what are
you going to do?

No dude is worth it.

And there's all
that money waiting.

Don't throw it away, Terry.

That green is clean!

This cold is terrible.

Why did you pick
such a cold place?

Hey, why don't
you think it over?

Terry, let's go back to Tokyo.



-You alright, palsy?

You hurt?

Oh yes.

Come back!

Come back!

-That's a pretty good physique.

You don't get that
sitting around.

Sports, that's what
you're into, right?

I'd say ping-pong
or badminton, right?




I know how it is.

Karate is my thing.

I'm good.

I reached the 4th Dan!

And it wasn't easy.


Oh, when you get to that
point, you're untouchable.

It's a combination of oriental
mysticism and brute strength.

You learn that the
best offense is always

your own defense pattern, huh?

And once you know that,
there's nothing to fear.

Nothing to worry about except
for putting on too much weight.

You've got to be careful
because it can slow you down.

But I watch it.

And I've developed a chop
that can paralyze the heart.

Once I do that chop, an
opponent can't stand up to me.

I know I've got him.

Hey, look at this.

It's one of my best.

Watch, you'll learn something!

Not many can do this.

It's my best trick.



Oh, my throat's a little dry.

It's the heat in here.

Now I've going to split a
rock with my bare hands.

It took me a year to learn this.



Oh, it's hot.



Oh, that' was
pretty embarrassing.

But you learn from everything.

Like, never pick
up a hot rock, eh?

Remember that.

In Karate talk, we call
a thing like this a burn.

Injuries are never going to put
a stop to a fourth Dan, though.

Makes them sharper.

That's where the Oriental
mysticism comes in.

As Confucius say, once
bitten, twice shy,

and watch out for hot rocks, eh?







Let me get him!

How can you treat a
fourth Dan like this?





-This is a photograph of the
head of our Rangoon chapter.

He disappeared.

And then a week later,
his body turned up

mutilated on the shore.

And the police
haven't solved it yet.

-A good man.

I know he worked very hard.

-I think it almost
certain my friend was

killed on orders from the mafia.

In his desk, we
found this letter.

It contains a demand for
a donation of $100,000.

The letter was sent by Otaguro.

But inside, it
was signed by you.

-I thought so.

He forged my name.

-In New Delhi last
month, three of our men

were forced to
make contributions.

One didn't have any cash.

His diamond was accepted.

-What an evil man.

Now I think we can
really get him.


Wait a minute!

Wait for me!




-I can see the mafia
works through you.

You and I could have
had a nice evening, huh?















-So the mafia works
through you too, hm?


-No, Terry, please!

You mustn't!

You mustn't run.

Listen to me!

Please stop.

You mustn't!

It's dangerous!

It's too dangerous--

-[INAUDIBLE] You're back.

-That's right.

I'm back and not a corpse.




-You're going to
be a corpse again.

-Surugy, I'll remain on
earth until I complete

my mission which is to kill you.

This is an age of wonders
in which even a heart can be

transplanted by skilled doctors.

If you have enough money
and the will to live,

they can supply you with
artificial vocal chords

like mine.

And so I return.

The mafia's ordered
me to kill you.

And I'm going to do
just as they say.

And if they hadn't, I'd kill you
now gladly because I want to.

[INAUDIBLE] the only reason
I went through the operation

is to you and survive.

Surugy, let's go somewhere
alone and conclude

what you started long ago.


You mustn't!

Don't go.




-Terry, come on!

You can't be dead!

-There is a-- a plot
to throw discredit

on me and my entire

You're trying to ruin me and
you ask me to do nothing?

Good day!


I can tell you that
the game is up.

We have proof.



-The master of our chapter
in Rangoon, Ten Mao.

From the New Delhi,
India, chapter

of the World Karate
Union, Mr. Gorosing.

You demanded money
and donations,

saying that I supported you,
saying that there was a center

we'd put up and calling
this organization

the Asian Martial Arts Center.

You threatened the lives
of rich and poor alike,

forcing them to give you money.

And from those who couldn't,
you stole statues and jewels.

Anything to turn into cash.

You used my name
to lie and cheat.

And those poor souls who cannot
pay because they are honest are

threatened with murderer
by your assassins.

Sealing your doom, I'm in
possession of these letters

to which you forged
my name to raise funds

for a building I never
approved or consent to.

And these witnesses have come
here to swear to it in court.

Is that enough?

-All those plans
you had were just

dummies to help
you exploit others!

And the money you so
diligently raised.

The mafia's got it now!

You sent it America
and you know it!

-That's not true!

I wouldn't do a thing like that.

-And you're a murder too.

Otaguro, your school's a
front used for gangster.

But the game, I think, is up.

You can tell them.

-You extorted as
much as you could

for the mafia from
Asian countries

and sent it to do them.

But now I guess
the mafia will just

have to do without
what you send.

More than that, Otaguro,
you're going to prison.

-You'd better think it over.

You know I have to
call the police.

But then, there's still a
chance that you can make amends

as a man of honor
and a Karate man.

You'd better think of something.

-I found out we're
in difficulty.

-I know that, Otaguro.

I know that.

The mafia won't like it.

I must say, it's a pity.

You're useless.

You're just another
slant-eyed, inefficient Jap.

So now what, Otaguro?

Instead of you, I'll take
charge and manage things.

You're useless to us now!


MOBSTER: Get away from
the yellow-skinned dog!




IMURA: Right.

-This is the best
restaurant in Tokyo.

I come here often.

Very happy you get a
chance to eat here.

-Thank yo.

-Now come, toast.


Good luck.

Here's to success.

-Help yourself.

-Thank you.

Look out!






Oh no.

-Terry, it's me!

You're all right!

Come on, now.

Come on.

Come on.

You've got to go with him.

You're coming to.

Come on!

You're not dead.

You'll be all right.

You came back, Terry.


-Get away.


-Get away form here.


Please listen!

-Beat it.

-You think father's a spy.

He's not!

So do not hurt him!

-Oh no.

You've got to let him go.

-You'd better shut up.

Your father's a traitor
and your mother's a whore.

You're no Japanese.

You're half-breed.

You're scum!




Listen, my son.

Trust no one!

You can count on no
one but yourself!

Improve your skills, son.

Harden your body.

Become a number one man!

Do not ever let anyone beat you.

-It's me, Terry!

It's Katie!

Don't you know me?

[INAUDIBLE] you've been
unconscious so long.

Eat something.

-And you stayed with me?

-As long as you're all right.

And now, you're going to
have to get out of town.

-What about you?

-I'll do all right.

You mustn't-- you
mustn't worry about me.


The mafia here.

They're sure to murder
anyone who betrays them.

-You knew.

You knew all along.

-All that jiving of yours.

Nobody can trust a girl
who jives like that.


I'm sorry.

I've been tailing
you for the mafia.

All that about my life as a kid.

That's all true!

I was an orphan.

I had nobody.

All that part I
was honest about.

All of it!

I didn't know, after I got
to dig you, how I'd feel.

Now I'll do whatever
it is you want.

-What I'd like to
do is kill Otaguro.

But I must make sure
Masaoka's all right.

-Otaguro's been killed.

And they injured Masaoka.

Yamagami's murdered.

-Is that true?

-Nobody's going to stop them.

They're all criminals.

Masaoka will be murdered.

I heard the mafia say so.

-You sure of that?

-That's pretty good, Surugy.



-Somebody's got to
stop these murders.


-Terry, be careful!




Leave me alone!

Someone help me!



Leave me alone!

Let me go!




-What did they do to you?

What did they do?

-Oh, Terry.

It's you.




Run away!

-Where are they?

Where are they?



I was positive that you'd come.

You can't save that
blind, yellow bitch.

She told us you're not dead.

She wouldn't talk too easily.

And so we used a
little persuasion.

-So you're the mafia
boss in the area.

-I wouldn't say boss.

I'm in charge, though, as
long as I aim at your head.

And I've got a job to do.

Don Costello is the name.

-So you're Costello.

-The girl betrayed
us, nursing her

when she was hired
to set you up.

Unwise to do that.

It's clear she'll be sorry.

I'm sure you know
how the mafia works.

They had a very good
idea to take over

the whole lousy yellow
hemisphere and get rid of them.

But then, Masaoka and you got
into it and spoiled our game.

We don't tolerate
anybody like that.

See what I mean?

Now it's your turn!

-Costello, listen.

I'll do it.

Let me.

Surugy and I have a
date with destiny.

I was set long ago.



Are you ready to die?

-You'll see.

-Surugy, let's go.

-Kill him!

Get him!

-Get him now!



Give me a chance!


Give me a chance!

Leave me alone!


