Rent-a-Cop (1987) - full transcript

When call-girl Della gets caught in the middle of a drug bust at a hotel where she was meeting a trick, she is held hostage by a robber that busted in on the drug agents and the drug dealers. She gets rescued by vice cop Church who is accused of staging the aborted bust. Ex-ballplayer turned drug dealer Roger is in tight with corrupt vice cops and their superiors And the fireworks start popping.

Captioning made possible by
trimark home video

So where is he?

He'll be here.

With the $2 million, right?

Hey, della,
what's happening?

I don't know yet.

That depends on
if my date wants
his mommy,

little Bo-peep,
or Helga
the bitch goddess.

Is this 339 or 334?
I can't read
Beth's writing.

Looks like a 4.

the bitch goddess?

I'll tell you
what happens.

I'll look forward
to it.


[Cough cough cough]

[Heavy coughing]

Don't you know smoking's
bad for your health,
old man?

So is this.
Spread 'em!

Ready for this,

I better be.

Watch the arm!

Some lookout.
Move it!

Let's hit it.

Get in the truck.

Get down, man!

Where's my lawyer?

Shut up!

You all right, Lenny?

Yeah. Great.

2 million bucks.

Let's you and me retire,
huh, churchy?

How about Tahiti?

Ready when you are.

Well, let's
get this over first.

He's a little

Ain't everybody?



♪ Da da da da
da da da ♪

[Knock knock]

Come on, lover.
Don't be shy.

Am I coming in, or will
we do this in the hall?


Does this say
nine or four?

A nine.

Gee, thanks.
You were great.

Let's do it again


Just a minute.

♪ Come in!

Hello, sweetheart!

And you brought
your Teddy!



Hands on the counter.

Don't move.

Why would I move?

Stay with him.


What big eyes you have!


And what big ears
you have!

And what big teeth
you have!

And what a big--


Go! Go!

Get up!

Don't move!

Get over there!









Please don't kill me!

I didn't do anything
to you!




I don't know
what's going on
up there.

It sounds like a war.
Send more back-up.

I was just
visiting a friend.

Where did he go?


Oh! He's coming back!



What the hell happened?

Later, later,
boys and girls.


No comment now,

Come on, let's go.
Look out.

How much money
did the department...

Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!

I'll talk about it
this afternoon.

I can't talk now.

Thank you.

Damn jackals
will tear me apart

if I give them
a chance.

Where is he?

In my office.

Bud, those guys
that died were
his friends.

Oh, yeah?
So what?


Good morning, Tony.
How are you?

Good morning.

Tim, I just
found out

one of those
dead dealers

was an ex-cop
from Phoenix.

Tony, you're
off the case.

What the hell
are you talking

Tony, are you ok?

I've had
better days.

I'm looking at three months
planning down the toilet,

major drug bust
fucked up,

couple million dollars
of department money
ripped off,

not to mention
three keys of smack

that should be
in the evidence room.

Not to mention
I lost six good friends.

Right. We got
beat up real bad.

At least
it'll show the media boys
that we're trying.

I'm opening a window.
It's starting to stink
in here.

Easy, Tony.

Son of a bitch.

I'm your precinct commander.
Don't talk to me that way.

You always had
a hair up your ass

that I got here
without being
on the street.

You're a scumbag.

You're close
to being on

I called you a scumbag.
I didn't even call you
an asshole!

Wise ass!
You're history
in this department!

I'm out of here!

Take it!

I'll call
you later.

Don't spend
that money, darling.

I'll be watching
for you.

What money?

I never met
a street cop

who wouldn't grab
a few loose bucks.

I didn't hear that.

You're as deaf
as you are stupid.

Maybe stupid enough
to set this thing up.

You son of a--

captain, get me
off this thing,
damn it!

What's the matter
with you?

You lost your mind?


I hope
you feel better.

I do.

I'm going to go back
and join the human race.

I don't think
they're going
to have you.

There you go.

Thanks, honey.

Ok. Thank you.

Thank you, sir.

Ha ha ha!

Ha ha ha!

What do we do now?

We'll think
of something.

Ha ha!

Della, get in here
and keep me warm.


What's wrong, baby?


Oh, my god!

Thanks, Roger.

No problem.
Let me know, right?

♪ can't find a way...

Churchy, how the hell
are you?

Hi, rog.
You look great.

Yeah, I know.
Let me buy you a drink.

Sally, another one--

I don't
want a drink.

We'll celebrate.
I hear wieser
dropped the charges.

Churchy, it's coming in
so fast, I need help
spending it.

Go ahead. Touch it.

Ha ha!

So what's it been?

Like, about
a couple of months

since they
kicked you out, right?

Yeah, couple months.

What you been up to?

Temporary job.

Got a job over at...

department store.

Oh, Jesus, church.



You can do
better than that.

I hope so.

I been there.

Same thing
when I left the force,

ass hanging
out of my pants,
dragging along...

Now I'm making
8k a month.

What are you doing?

A little
of this and that.

Who you working for?

Guy I know.

Who you
working for, Roger?

Nah, nah, churchy.

This is not
for you.

Some things
you don't tell
to straight arrows.

No offense, right?


Here. Just in case
you want to call me,

have a drink...

We'll get together.

We got to look out
for each other.

Maybe I shouldn't
say this,

but, what the hell,

we used to be...
Almost friends.

It's over.
You got to move on.

Those guys are dead.
You're alive.

You got to get back
into your life.

Stay out
of trouble, Roger.

Seriously, churchy,
you need some laughs.


[Deck the hallsplaying]


Mr. Church,

Wait! Wait! Wait!

You didn't take
your policy manual.

Oh, my policy manual!

It must be
committed to memory
by tomorrow.

Do I make
myself clear?

Till then,
you'll just
have to carry it.

How do we make
our policy decisions
at Carson's?

By memorizing
our policy manual.

Very good, Mr. Church.

Oh, please, remember
your bong is five.

My what is what?

The signal
that you're needed.

Yours is five bongs.

You really must read
your policy manual.

Now, go.

Go! Go! Go!


I'm sorry.
Are you Tony church?


What are
you talking about?

Turn around.

Yes, you are!

Della Roberts
from the hotel blanford.


I remember you.

I've been calling you.

All I get is
your stupid machine.

[Bong bong bong bong bong]

What are you doing?

The guy
from the hotel
who tried to kill me

tried again.

What are you talking about?


I'm talking
about my death!

He tried to kill me.
You got to believe me.

[Bong bong bong bong bong]

You saved
my life once.

That was a mistake.
Go to the police.

I did.
Those jerks don't care!

Mr. Church,
I have been bonging you
and bonging you.

You forgot
to punch in
your timecard.

I'm doing my job.

Will you listen
to me!

here's Santa!

Why is he
hunched over?

I'm in trouble!

Tell him
what you want
for Christmas.

That's not Santa.
He's a fake!

[Kicks church]


Beat it,
you little shit!

Just shut up!

I almost died!

What do you think
this is? Hem stitching?

Mr. Church,
arrest this woman.

Merry Christmas.

No guns, Mr. Church!

You didn't read
your policy manual.
You're fired.


Oh, shit.

Haven't you got
some Christmas shopping
to do, lady?

Della Roberts.

I got to get undressed.

If you've got something
I haven't seen before,

we'll donate it
to science.

Ha! Cute.

Why don't
you like me?

You're bad luck.

Every time
you're around me,
I get fired.

I'mbad luck?

Not a Darth Vader

who blew
everybody's balls off
in the hotel, huh?


Look, I'm not begging...

But please,

we've got to
find this guy
before he kills me.

Why don't
you leave town?

I'm not leaving town.

Let himleave town.
He's the bad guy.

I'm not moving!
Let him move!

Seeing how
38 of your friends
got slaughtered,

you might have
a stake in this,

Besides, you
look like you got
time on your hands.

You want
to turn around?

Turn around!

A modest cop.

Nice legs.

I've got to
go to work.

I'm not hooking


I'm not asking
for a freebie.
I got $1,500!

I'm a hostess
at the greenery.


I want to hire you.

I'd like you
out of my life...

Fine! But if
he kills me,

it's on your head...


Excuse me.


Who is it?

I didn't ask.


Church here.

I still think
you're bad luck.

I don't think
that guy is trying to kill you.

But on the off chance
that he is,

you still want
to talk, I'll listen.

You become
a pain in the ass,
and it's over.

I say, "jump,"
you say, "how high?"

What are you?
Out of the dark ages?



Wait! I really
need you!

Church, you got
to help me! Hello?

are you there?

Are you there?




How high?

I'll see you

Good night.

[Elevated train passing]

Don't you touch me,
you son of a bitch!

I just wanted
to know what time it was!

There's my train.

Get out of here!



Pitts, how long
you been out
of your blues?

This is
my first week.


Couldn't tell.


Lemar, you used
to partner
with church, right?


At the academy,

they used to say
Tony church this,
Tony church that,

like he's
the baddest cop
on earth.

Is that true?


Nah. Ha ha!

I didn't think so.

He's worse.


Check it out.

That's the hooker
from the hotel.

What's her name...

It's, uh...Della...

Della something.

Are you sure?

What the hell
is she doing here?

I wonder
if she's good.

What have you got
to compare it to, pitts?



It's me, della.

What are you
doing here now?

There's important details
I should go over
with you now.


Church, it's freezing
out here!

Second floor.




[Playing Hawaiian music]

God, it's cold out there!

I never ever remember it
being this cold out there!

Never! Oh!

Here. Hold this, please.
I got it at a pawnshop.

It scares
the shit out of me.

I almost blew
some guy's head off.


You can get anything
in a pawnshop now.
Trust me. Anything!

Swell place.

The bears live here?

Ha ha.

[Playing Hawaiian music]

I love this movie!

You can get it
in color now.

a new process.
It's fabulous!

Can't wait to see

Are you like this
all the time?

You're getting
on my nerves.

It's called
joie de vivre.

What's all this shit?

the bathroom?

Over there.

Over there?




[Playing Hawaiian music]


Take care
of that.

It cost me
400 bucks.

Oh, that's
so much better.



Comfortable at last...

And almost warm.


Movie over?



I think
that is just great.

That's great
that you kept stuff
like this.

Look how cute you are.


Is that the year
or your number?

The number.


I like the broken nose.
You were really cute.


I bet you had a lot of dates
with a lot of girls

when you were young.

You got a cd?


Get one.
It sounds fabulous.

You got one?


♪ Last night, all the shades
were pulled and drawn... ♪

You looking for something?

Got something
to drink?


♪ Silhouettes
on the shade... ♪

Oh, look!
Another picture of you!

That's so cute!

♪ He put his arms
around your waist ♪

♪ and held you tight...

You got something
civilized to drink?

I got beer.
I like beer.

Isn't that fascinating?

You see this dodge
across the street?


♪ Silhouettes
on the shade... ♪


How'd you spot them?

Oh, honey, can a dog
spot fleas?

♪ Silhouettes
oh ooh oh... ♪

What are you doing?

Take it easy.

♪ Silhouettes
oh ooh oh ♪

I wish we'd wired
that place.

What do you think
they're doing?

I would imagine
position number 57.

That's the one where the guy
hangs from the chandelier

while the woman
files her toenails.

You'd think that--

tell me about the guy.

How'd he find you?
The guy in the hotel.

The John?
Through Beth.

She runs
the escort service.

The escort service?

the escort service.

she put his name
into the computer

to see what he wanted.

The computer picked me.

Beth's your pimp?

Beth is my friend.


She's done more for me
than anyone in my life.

What do you know
about it, anyway?

You probably
don't have friends.

Tell me
about the guy.

He was ordinary.

We said 50 words
to each other.

Then some maniac
shot him
and his Teddy bear.

Maybe you better
tell me about
the maniac.

I couldn't see him
at first.

He was wearing a helmet.

The second time,
all I remember
is a beard,

and both times,
the man smelled.

It's like the liniment
we used after rehearsal.

What did you
ever rehearse?

Damn Yankees,
flower drum song,

wish you were here,
pajama game.

Flower drum song?

You're right,

I wasn't in
flower drum song.

I danced in
a lot of stock.

Where do I sleep?

Where you live.

Home? Church, come on,
are you kidding me?

I haven't been home
since I got out
of the hospital.

I've been sleeping
on friends' couches,

friends' floors,
and in sleazy hotels!

I'm scared!




That's $1,500.
The least you can do--

take it back!
Take it back!



Don't do that.

I'm scared.

Oh, stop it.
I hate that.

All right!

You can stay here
one night.

Ah! Thanks.

Hey! Hey!
What's this?

Get down.
Get down, pitts.


Come out, come out,
wherever you are.


We came
to mow your lawn.

Sure you did.
Who's we?

My new partner.

Andrew pitts,
Tony church.

Hiya, Tony.


What do you do
about his diaper rash?

What's the matter, church,
couldn't you get it up?

Want a drink, lemar?

Ah, thank you,

I hate these
winter stakeouts,
don't you?

Oh, yeah.

Do me a favor, kid.

Step outside for a minute.

Man talk, you know?

Go ahead, Andy.
Go ahead.

Aw, crap!

You shouldn't have.

It will take weeks
to build him
back up.

Tell me you're staking out
my neighbors and not me.

It's you, churchy.

Wieser's feeling
the heat.

You're his lead.

When I rattled him,
I must've destroyed
his only brain cell.

He's thinking
since one cop
survived the raid,

then maybe
that cop arranged
the whole thing.

What do you think?

I think I got
three years
till retirement.

Wieser wants me
in your shorts,

I'm in
your shorts, ok?

I thought
you liked me.

I do.

I like my wife
and kids more.

It's a shitty world,

I'll see you around, lemar.

[Train passes]

Want a drink, kid?


Andrew pitts.


Keep it.

♪ Well, she comes
from Tallahassee ♪

♪ woo! She's got
a hi-fi chassis ♪

Couldn't we have something
a little more modern?

You know,
the seventies happened,

most of the eighties, too.

I liked
the sixties.

Life was simple.

All you
worried about

was getting laid
the first time.

You still trying?

Ha ha ha!Ha ha ha!

Roll up
the window.

It's hot!

It's winter.

It's my malaria.

Roll it up!

All right!

♪ ...she can rock and roll

♪ she's my Tallahassee Lassie



♪ Yeah, my Tallahassee Lassie

when will you tell me
where we're going?

♪ ...down in f-l-a

[tires squealing]

That's a one-way street.

[Horn honks]

[Tires squealing]

[Tires squealing]

Watch it! Holy shit!

What are you on, drugs?

[Horn honks]

[Brakes squealing]

♪ Woo! Yeah,
my Tallahassee Lassie ♪


♪ ...down in f-l-a

ha ha ha!

♪ Come on, baby

♪ come on, honey


Oh, no!
No, no, no!

I'm not
going in there.

What are you
talking about?

This is a waste
of time.

I can recite
this thing

Forwards would be better.

Come on, church,

I really don't
want to go in
there, you know?

I'm scared.

I'll be with you.

Well, be still
my heart.

Where you going?

I've had it
with you.

Come on, church,
I was kidding.

I was joking,
come on.


I'm jumping.


What were you thinking about
when you came in?

Whips, chains,
black leather.

Don't be
such a smart ass.

My first time here,
I was busted.

That's what I
was thinking about.


May I help you?


Room 339.

Can I see your badge?


You don't want
to mess
with him,

you know
what I mean?


Ok, you're in the lobby.
Now what?

Uh...i said hello
to Pete at the desk,

and I took
the elevator
to the third floor.

Let's do it.

Why don't we
have lunch?

Ah, ah, no!

What are you doing?

I don't want
to do this!

I don't feel well!

Now what?

I went in
the trick's room.

God! I don't
this wallpaper.

Did you see anybody
in the hall
that night?

No. Yes!

The guy with the blue bag
went in there, I think.

That was Lindy,
undercover cop.

You're opening
the door? Why?

I'm not going in there--

I'm not. I'm not.


All right,
you're inside.

Did he meet you
at the door?


Was he alone?


No. He was
waiting in here

with the green
bay packers.

He was sitting
in that chair.

This chair?


This is where
he bought it?



What happened then?

I, um...

I called Beth
and checked in
like usual,

then I
started working.

What does that mean?

What do you mean?

What does that mean?

What do you mean,
"what do I mean"?

You want all
the tiny details?


I ripped off
his pajamas,

I jumped on him,

I did what I do!

Is that
what you mean?

This is shitty,

This is
really shitty.

I'm leaving here.
I can't--

if it means
that you quit on me,

that's ok,

but I am
leaving here.

I'm sorry, kid.

Mm, yeah, sure.

I am.

Come on.


I couldn't read
Beth's writing that night.

I didn't know
what room to go to.

It was written
334, 339.

So, uh, I asked Pete,

and he didn't know, either.

We figured it was 334,
so I came here.

You came here?

Yes! A guy
opened the door.

How big was he?




Clean shaven?

Yes. How did
you know?

Put a beard on him.

A beard?


Yeah, same
scary eyes, yeah.

You got something.

Yeah. What?

Same guy,
with and without a beard.

He's been trying
to kill you all along.

Come on.

Ha! Now
you believe me!

Are you sure
he didn't say
anything to you?

Read my lips,
he didn't say anything.

Read my lips.
Don't screw around!

You got it!

Look, an hour ago,
we didn't know dick.



Ok, I'm sorry,
and I'm hungry.

When will you feed me?

I'll buy you lunch.




I knew it.


Dead flesh.

You know how
to treat a girl.

Was your last date
in 1959?




[Horn honks]

Hey, churchy, churchy!


how you doing?

Hi, rog.

Great day.
What a day.

Roger, it's 30
below zero.

You've got to
dress for it.

Mink on the inside,
2,000 in cash.

You like it?

It's fine.

Churchy, do I sense
a little temptation here?

A little, yeah.

Let's go
for a drink.

I can't now.


Churchy, is that the hooker
from the blanford job?


Yeah. Well, you
working on that?

Sort of, yeah.

You find out

Why you so
interested, Roger?

Me? Uh, you know,
Lindy was my cousin.

Oh, I didn't
know that.

I'm sorry.

Well, look, churchy,
I've got to run.

I'll be calling you, ok?

Yeah. Roger.


Don't call me
churchy anymore.

Hey, you got it.

God, it's cold.

Uh, I love rog.


He's just like
a great big pussycat.

Whenever I see him,
I want to scratch his ears.

You know rog?

Sure. He dates one of
the girls from Beth's.

He's going to
marry her.

She's lucky, church.

Hookers and
baseball players,

when their legs go,
it's time to get out.

I thought
you weren't hooking.

I'm not.

It was just a joke.

I wonder where he
gets his cash from.

God, I don't know.

Molly said
he's absolutely loaded.

Last month
he gave a party.

It must have
cost him $10,000.

US girls worked it.

It was a weird party.

What do
you mean, weird?

All of the Johns there
were ex-cops.

[Dance music playing]

Uh, dancer,
we've got to talk!

[Turns off music]

Look, I'm sorry,
but, uh...

It's just
getting nuts

about the hooker
with church.

It's like

to fall apart here.

I'll kill her
this time.

Yeah, yeah, uh...

Except he, uh,
wants the money back

that you took out
of the hotel room.

The money's mine.

Hey, dancer, dancer,

I'm on your side.

You know that.

It's just
that, uh...

Well, hell,
you can't
move that stuff.

It's marked.

He can launder it,
so you kill the girl,

and he'll give you
a dime on the dollar.

It's 200k.

What do you say?

What the hell?

Jesus Christ! No!


What the fuck's
wrong with you?

He's screwing with me...

And I don't like it.

I'll kill the girl,

but I get 25 cents
on the dollar.


Oh, gee, no.

God, dancer!


Break into
a police station?

This is crazy.

Why? It's designed
to keep people in,
not out.

I hate police stations.


We must be nuts.

Can you see anyone?


Oh, church!


My shoe--I'm stuck.

Take them off.

You take them off.

This must be a trap.
It's too easy.

It is easy.

Why do I
have to do it?

Because you can
run the computer.

That's a lousy reason.

Oh! Oh! Ow!

What floor is this on?

The first.

I'll never make it.



we want a print-out

of the last
two years,

every cop that--

every cop
that has been fired,

retired, or quit.

I know that.


Shit! I don't
remember this thing.

[Door squeaks]

Give US a break,
will you?


That fat man
is last year's news.

How will they
fill the stands this year?

Anyway, I've got to
pull some records.

I'll talk to you.

See you tomorrow,

Well, hi.


Late night, huh?


I thought I knew
the tasty ones
in this precinct.

I'm a temporary tasty.

I won't be long.

Well, in that case,
I'll wait.

No! I mean...

Listen, can I
be honest with you?

I've got a lot to do.

I'd hate to keep you.

It should be available
in an hour.

Well, I guess
I'll be back
in an hour.


Having fun?

It's interesting
that you like Chinese food.

I love it!


One step to
compatibility, church.

Look at these,

and see if you
recognize anybody.


Where you going?

To get a beer.

Hey, church.


This is a friend
of Roger latrele.

Yeah. Keep going.

Keep working.

You know,
you look sweet
in glasses.

I wear them
when I want to see.

Hey, these
are pretty good.

Tony. Tony,
come here!


This is the guy
from room 334.

It's the same
crazy eyes.

Are you sure?

He's the killer,
I'm positive,

Adam booth,
code name, dancer.

Dancer? Did
I mention I dance?

Lots of times.

Joined the force,
six months later,
killed two suspects.

The problem was
that he liked it.

Try this out.

Says that he--


It means it's good,
you know?

What else happened?

The shit hit the fan.

He shot the guy
and then read him his rights.

They didn't care
for that.

Was he fired?

You bet.

And then
about a year later,

he popped up downtown.

He was teaching dancing
at some ballroom.

Dancers are usually
nice people.

Give me a break.

Well, they are!

He snuffed out old ladies.
They were customers.


Well, his name was on
their insurance policy.

Get it?

That's despicable.
Old ladies?

Yeah. They sent
a team to get him.

Why didn't they
arrest him?

Four guys,
he killed them all.

Now, wait--
this is making me
really angry, Tony!

If those numbnuts

who call themselves
police officers

had the balls
to arrest him

so he doesn't
kill everybody,

how could something
like this happen?


Come here, I want you
to hear somebody.

Oh, yeah?



Is this a new
sting record?

Hmm, better.

[Plays record]

Don't you have
anybody who's alive?


No, these guys
are good.

Well, I'll tell them.

Listen, I have
an announcement
to make.


Della Roberts is
about to take off
her clothes,

so will all
prudish policemen

please cover
their eyes

from this
gross display
of female flesh?

Go over by the window
and show everybody.

What a good idea.

I was kidding.

Get out of there!
Come on!

No. Come
and dance with me.



What the hell
happened there?

Look at the window.



What do
you say, churchy?

Hi, guys.

Lemar, just a suggestion.
You might want to drive.

Thanks a lot, Tony.

What happened
to your window?

When you want a cop,
you can never find one.

These were
in the wall.

You might run them
through the lab,

being a police officer
and all.

I told you
we should have
been here.

Shut up, pitts.

[Air hissing]

[Tires squeal]

Oh, crap!




Come on,
you promised.

This lady is
the best friend
I have in the whole world.

All right.

We won't push her.

You're going to
show some respect.

You'll be nice.

Ms. Conners will
be with you momentarily.

Thank you, Victor.

Where are the girls?

There are no girls here.

What do
the customers do,
jump Victor?

When I think
you're shaping up,

you turn
into a schlemiel.



Hi, baby.
How are you?


Are you sure?


Tony church,
this is Beth conners.


You disappeared
for weeks.

What's going on?

Well, I'm in
a little trouble.



Well, you look fine.
He must be the reason.

Is he wild?

No, but he's
got potential.

Well, he's decent-looking.
That's a start.

He could use help
in the wardrobe department.

What's his name?


Church, come on down.
We'll have a drink.

He looks like
a beer man to me.

Well, I certainly hope

you're taking care
of della.

We have
our moments.

I'll bet.
Where'd you meet?

Blanford hotel.

Beth, Tony saved me
that night.

You're a cop?

You brought a cop here?

I'm trying to
keep her alive.


Cops don't care
about US.

Some guy's trying
to kill me.

If he finds him,
I live.

What do you want?

Here's a list
of ex-cops.

Tell me everything
you know about them.

Beth, please.
It's for me.

You're not asking
for much, huh?


Roger the dodger.

Roger latrele.

A real friend.



Sam Watkins,

sexual preference--
baby dolls and bathtubs.

Maybe I'm a little
out of touch.

There's nothing
on Adam booth?

Nothing, darling.

"Reference h. Alexander"
keeps popping up.

Is that haskel?

That's right.

He's a good client.

He's also Chicago's
biggest dope dealer.

[Orchestra plays]

That's Alexander
in the red tie.

You remember
how to work this?


I push this
if anybody
goes upstairs.


Where can I
hide this?

I'd tell you,
but you'd hit me.

I'll think
of something.


be careful.

Mr. Alexander.
Mr. Alexander.

Oh, please,
won't you finish
this dance with me?

I've got something
to do upstairs.

Yes, but it's
my favorite song.


How can I say no?

You look
very familiar to me,

but I can't
place you.

Well, you know,
we have a mutual friend--



Beth always
had good taste.


Don't you
remember me
from last year?

I was here,

and I loved it.

I was in red,

and my hair
was different.

You know,
it was down
to here.

Somehow I never managed
to jump up and down

and make it look like dancing.


[Beep beep beep]



[Beeping stops]

Mr. Alexander,
Mr. Alexander, please.

I wanted to tell you
I'm having a great time.

It's just
a wonderful party.

I'd like
to come back.

We'll discuss it
with Beth.

What the hell do you think
you're doing here?

things out.

Who the hell
are you?


You were hired
by Beth conners?


Then your job
is downstairs, isn't it,
watching her girls?

My men watch this floor.


Look after the outside!

You work here?
How about getting my car?

I'm off duty.

That's church!
Hang on to him!

Hang on to him!

Go get him!

Get him!

Are you sure
it was church?

Yeah, I'm sure.

It's all over.

I've been had.

I've been had
by a woman
I trusted.

Get dancer.


Baby, you all right?

Hey, give me
some help here!

What's the matter?
What's the matter?

Aah! Aah!


Hi, honey!

Get out of here.


Because i'm
taking a bath.

Here, one for the inner man,

and one for
the outer man.
Watch it.

Ooh! Woof!

Where did you
learn that?

We used to rub them

up and down our calves
after rehearsal.

Good idea.

There. How's that?


Nice. Ahh!

What are you looking at?



I promise
I won't do anything

that doesn't
feel wonderful,
all right?


In fact, if you get upset
in the slightest bit,

you just say stop,
and I'll stop. Ok?


Can I ask you a question?


I'll ask you anyway.

How'd you know
how to run a computer,

and you were
in all those musicals?

Well, some
of those musicals.

How come...How come?

Sometimes you have to

go through a hell of a lot

to find out

what you're really good at.

Yeah. clients
needed me...

And I needed that.

So, in a way, you know,

we both got what we needed.

Kind of.

You know--


Oh, you bastard!

Ha ha ha!


What's the matter?

Are you all right?

I don't know.

Why did you do that?

Do what?

I just tried
to kiss you.

I'm not used to caring.

Neither am I.

[Telephone rings]




It's me, Roger.

I got to see you
right away, ok?

What's happening,

I'll tell you
when I see you.

Church, please!

Where are you?

At the moosehead.
Come alone, ok?

It's life and death,

I'm on my way.


It's Roger.
I got to go.

You still got
the gun?

Yeah. It's
in my purse.

What are you doing?
Come on.

[Horn honks]

Happy new year, rog.

Should old acquaintance
be forgot.


I hear they whacked you
around a little.

I figured you would.

Why don't we stop
screwing around?

You work for Alexander?

The force
was all I knew.

I was kicked off
for the same thing

half the guys
are doing.


I was drowning
out there.

Alexander threw me
a life line.

You said a matter
of life and death.

Whose, yours?


I've done
some shitty things
in my time,

but this...

You're my friend.

How can I kill you?

Alexander's orders.

You and the girl

They'll kill me
if I don't.

What the hell
am I going to do?

I guess you better
go ahead and shoot me.




Here's an update
on the stabbing murder

that took place today.

Though it happened
in front of many witnesses,

the police have no description
of the killer.

The victim has been identified
as Beth conners.

They are asking anyone who was
in the vicinity of the killing

to come forward
with any information

that might help
in the search.

Alexander figures
it's one of our guys

who leaked it
to the cops.

He tells dancer
to hit them all.

Not just the cops,
our guys, too.

Tell me about dancer.

He's a maniac.

Hey, he was supposed
to leave the money

because it was marked.

So what does he do?

He keeps the money
and everything.

Nice friends you got.

I didn't know
about dancer.

I swear it, church.

Some of those guys
were my friends.

They were
my friends, too.

I'm supposed to
kill you, right?

Jesus, god almighty,

how did I get
myself here, huh?

A smart guy like me?

Church, I don't know.


Ooh! You scared me half--

have the police
been here?


Give it to me.
It's Beth's.

Oh, Victor,
for Christ's sake!

Where are the keys?

You have no right--

give me
the goddamn keys!

Come on!

I won't need them
anymore, anyway.

Just horrible what happened!
Just horrible!

Yeah, I can see
you're all broken up
about it, Victor.


He's got a whole army
of ex-cops

from all over the place.

Why ex-cops?

Because Alexander thinks
we'll always be

one step ahead
of the working cops.

Can you identify him?

I recruited him,
didn't I?

You recruited him,
but will you testify?


You want to come
out of this alive--

only one way.

You have to talk
to the d.A.,

make a deal
with him.

If they keep me alive,
sure, I'll testify.

What am I going to do?

I got no choice, right?


Tony, phone call for you.

You're halfway
home, pal.


Church, it's me.
Beth's dead.

I'm sorry, kid.

It was
the son of a bitch
with the knife.

I'm at Beth's.

What are you doing there?

My name is on
one of those
computer disks.

I told you
not to leave the apartment.

Remember, we ran
Adam booth
through the computer?

We couldn't
find anything.

Well, I remembered
that his name is dancer.

Well, I ran that
through the computer,
and bingo.

Oh, hey, uh,
let me get another.

Hello, Roger.

I can find him.

The golden
gargoyle club.

Get out of there.

Get out of there now!


That's Roger!

We've got to do this.

How many of your friends
has he killed?

It's the only way.

If lemar
doesn't get the wire,

we're dead in the water.

He'll get the wire.

I'm just a lookout,

I don't like it!

He may not be there!

If he is, I tell you,
you come in.

I don't want
you hurt.

Me, either.
I really don't want
to get killed.

If he finds me,
that's going to happen.

Can't you do
what I say
without arguing?

No. You got to
let me do this, church.





Come on!

Gee, what changed
your mind?

How do I know?

Get back. Don't get
near the car.

You got it?

You got it?

Yeah, I got it.
Here it is.

That receiver
cost $484.

I got to
get it back.

You'll get it back.

Who you wiring?


They can't hear you
through the coat.

You're kidding!

Take it off.

You take it off!

Wait a minute.

You going to
tell me why?


I didn't think so.

You need back-up?

If he spots a cop,
he'll be gone.

You warm enough?


Good luck, churchy.




Thanks for the wire.

Thank pitts.

I made him
sign for it.

I don't like this.

It will be fine.
Ok, bye.

Wait a minute.
The gun.

In the purse.

All right.


Wait a minute.

Maybe I should
go alone.

If he sees you first,
he's out of there.

You got to
remember two things.

I stay away from him,
and I keep talking.

That shouldn't be
a problem for you.


Ok, bye.



♪ ...captures the ladies
when he gives them a look ♪

♪ they all say
hit me with your nightstick ♪

♪ hit me with your nightstick

♪ hotshot

♪ hit me with your nightstick

♪ show me what you got

♪ you gotta show me now

church...I'm in.

♪ Why not

god, this place
is packed.

I don't know how
I'm going to find him.

♪ Nightstick

♪ now, I'm not a lady

♪ easily thrown

♪ talk is too cheap...

Ok, I'm heading towards
the bar.

No, nothing yet.

Ooh! I just got goosed

by some guy dressed as
little red riding hood.

This place is a zoo.

I'm going to try
another room.

Ugh, what a pig palace!

Oh, please!

No, he's not
in here, either.

Hey, sweet lips,
what you doing tonight?

Me and my old lady
are looking for a third.

Yeah, well, try
the yellow pages,

♪ We're perfect strangers

♪ information not exchanged

♪ the numbers

ugh, nothing yet.

♪ The moon is rising

♪ and we've got
through the dance ♪

♪ of excitement

church, he's here!

♪ You're so exotic

♪ the fever

I'm sorry, church,

but I'm blowing
this son of a bitch away.

♪ I want to feel you

I love your muff.


♪ We're gonna dance
the night away ♪


Church, I've lost him

and the gun!

♪ Dance the night away

♪ with my baby

♪ with my baby

hello, della.

♪ Through the dark

♪ I can see

♪ hit me with your nightstick

♪ hotshot

♪ hit me with your nightstick

♪ show me what you got

♪ you gotta show me

are you scared, della?

Move it!


♪ Your money

♪ ooh

should I kill you now?

♪ I like to feel
your big arms ♪

Quit pushing!



♪ Away




♪ I want to dance


♪ With my baby

slow down.


Say please, asshole.

Please, asshole.

[Tires squeal]

♪ Dance the night away

♪ with my baby

♪ with my baby

Where are we going?

Why are we
going north

on lakeshore?

[Tires squealing]

So where'd you learn
to dance?

You're good.

I only ask
because I used
to dance.

I did a lot
of stock.

I was in
wish you were here

and pajama game,

flower drum song,
damn Yankees.

Flower drum song?

Shut up!

My girlfriend
lives right there,

555 north Sheridan,

right on the right.

I don't suppose
you'd consider
letting me off.

How did it feel
when the blade
went in?

Was it cold?

It's dancer.

What do you want?

I'm coming in.

Not here.

You stay out of here.

You want the whore?
I've got her.

Kill her.
Don't bring her here.

I want my money.

I'll kill her,

and you're
going to watch.

He's coming in.

Della: That's why we're
going to lake forest?

We're going to Alexander's!


Come here!

You bitch!

You were wired!

Jerk that
son of a bitch!

Damn it!

[Horn honks]

You must be crazy,

driving like that!


Are you
a crazy person,
or what?


Didn't you
see me signal?

You can't signal
and turn at
the same time, lady.

Oh, god! Is that a gun?

What am I doing?

Come back here!
Give me your license!

That's a gun!

He's got--police!
He's got a gun!

What are you doing?

[Tires squealing]

Give me my purse!

Yeah, hello.
What do you want?

Lemar, it's church.

It's 3 A.M.

He's got her.

He's taking her
to Alexander's.

Who's got who?

On green bay drive.
I need a back-up.


You think
you'll need that?

Oh, god.

It's not enough.

15 cents on the dollar.

I told you 25!

It's more than enough.

Not for me.

Kill her.

Then we'll
talk about it.

Ahh! Ok, ok.


Wait a minute!


Come on, you mother--

ahh! Oh!





Ohh! Ahh!


I didn't know they were
going to try to kill you.

Aah! Oh!



Alive, I'm worth
a lot to you.

Dead, I'm not worth anything.

Think about it.



I'm unarmed.


I can't hurt you.

I can help you.

I can.




[Bottles falling]


Stay here!

I'm going
around back.

Don't be
a hero, pitts.





Della, what the hell
are you doing?

Tony! Oh, Tony!

Tony, something's there!









Uh! Ah!























Are you all right?


Is he dead?

He ain't got no head.

Thanks for helping.

That took guts.

It did?

You're a good cop,


Thanks a lot, Tony.


I got to go downtown.

I told lemar
I'd make a statement.

No, you don't.

Yes, I do.

Lemar said you didn't
have to be there
until this afternoon.

I want to do it now.

Can't you do
what I ask
without arguing?

No, I can't.


You're a mess.

Your apartment
is a mess.

Your life
is a mess.

You know how
to straighten it out, huh?

Yeah, I do.



How high?


I got to lie down.

I have
such a headache.

Where are we going?

Our place.

Our place?

You want to argue
if it's our place?

You're lucky to have
a place to lie down.

I got pictures
to hang, too.

Now I'll have
your pictures
on the wall.

from flower drum song.

No. But I got a great shot
of me in chorus line.

I'm standing right there
in front of the marquee.

Ha ha ha!

Kiss me.

You got it.

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