Red Sun Rising (1994) - full transcript

Thomas Hoshino (Willson) is a tough Japanese detective, who lost his partner by a deadly Yakuza killer Jaho (Lew). He tracks down the killer and his master to Los Angeles, where he teams up with Det. Karen Ryder (Farrell). Soon they discover that Yakuza prepares a gang war and weapon smuggling. Hoshino must find a way to defeat the killer who posses mystical ninja powers.

He'll show.

Yamata can't do business
here without yakuza approval.

Let's just wrap it up,

we've been watching for three days.

I've been watching,
you've been eating.

I'm not really hungry, you know?

I'm horny.

I spend more nights with
you than I do with my wife.

You better
go and call for backup.



Yes, mother, I'll wait this time.


Watch and see what I can do.

First, the head will swim.

Then the sweats and the pain.

Then he will die.

There is nothing you can do.

Councilman Royce,
do you have anything to say

to those responsible for
the death of father munoz?


You have just made the top of my list.

We will find you.

Karen, hi.

Another drive-by?

= you didn't hear?

Oh my god!

Listen, Karen, I'm really sorry.

Mine, and about a thousand
kids he saved from the streets.

Father munoz is the only
reason we don't have

a full scale gang war on our hands.

He kept the lid on.

Well, the lid's off now.

Eyewitness saw three black males

all dressed in purple and black.



Mm-hmm, must've wanted
it advertised too.

You wear anything but
orange on malito's turf

you might as well have
a target on your back.

Check this out.

Machine gun, NATO caliber.

Where the hell did icemen
get this kind of hardware?

Listen to me, when I ask
a question, you answer,

you lying, spic, fuck.


My favorite ex-partner.

Let him go.

= sure.

Hold hands with him.

You'll see me again, beaner.

Yeah, next time grow some hair on head

so I can figure out
which end is your ass.

Ray, show a little class!

I got something else I
wanna show you, sweet cakes.

Oh really?

You wanna show me your penis, ray?

Is that it?

Is that what it's gonna
take to make you happy?

Well, go ahead.

Whip that bad boy out here.

Just give me a second.


Left my magnifying glass at home.

Let us handle this, Hector.

Sorry, detective, malito's got rules.

10 of them for one of us.

The malitos also have a treaty

with the 72nd street icemen.

Well, that treaty
just left in a body bag.

You're a leader, Hector.

Think of the rest of these people.

We can take care of ourselves.

Rita, come with me please.


Look, what happened to father munoz,

you want that to happen 100 times that?

You told me once you
wanted a fresh start.

Hector listens to you.

I need you to buy me some time

so I can find out who did this.


= father Fernando munoz lost his life

in a hail of machine gun fire.

The priest came to media attention

when he forged a truce between
the malitos and the icemen,

two of the city's most
violent street gangs.

Last weekend, that truce was shattered

with the drive-by shooting
that took the life

of James hobbs, 19.

Ironically, hobbs funeral
was held just today.

LAPD, right?

100, even.

For a ride from the airport?

Next time take bus.

All I've got's yen.

What's this?

American joke?

My flight was late,

I didn't have time to exchange my money.

= sure.

I haven't heard that
one for almost one week.

Come on, you pay.

Hey, you pay!

Come on, you pay!

Follow that car, this is an emergency.

This is emergency!

I'll get you the money, just go!

You pay, or I call cops!

Listen to me, asshole,

I am a cop.

Now, follow that damn car.


I'm not scared of you, Godzilla,

I've seen all your movies.

Right there.



What is this?

I don't read martian.

You speak english?


Engrish is not one of
my favorite languages.

But I speak it reasonably well.

Thomas hoshino, Kyoto police.

I'm here to take yamata back to Japan.

All by yourself?

Your friend here just busted up a bar,

and three cops in jap-town last week.

Now the feds wanna see him.

Your people want him back in Japan,

they can have him
teriyaki-d for all I care.

But not until tomorrow.

I need to talk to him.


He's one of the men
who killed my partner.

All right, you can ride up with us.

Keep your hands off him.

Why is it Japanese always sounds like

a worh out transmission?

Where's your partner,

the one who does your killing for you?

Let me pose a business arrangement.

You talk to me now,

I set you up.

I'll send you gifts in prison.

You'll receive special privileges.

Your associates will be arrested.


Hey, hey!

= you have until we leave.


- Yeah.
- Thank you.

= this sucker's dead.

You can't die now, you son of a bitch!

What the hell did you say to him?

=I told him I would dishonor him.

Well, sure, that's enough
to give anyone a heart attack.

Get in.

Come on.

You've been much too kind already.

You should see me when I
really turn on the charm.

Look, the captain says I
have to keep an eye on you

until you leave town.

It's official.

So, can I take you to a hotel?

I have to go somewhere
first, if you don't mind.

Why not?

Only other thing I have to
worry about is gang war.

This car is huge.

The way god meant cars to be,

until you guys came along
and screwed it all up.

Low quality
and lack of reinvestment

ruined the American auto industry.

Oh yeah?


Oh yeah?

Not bad.

This is your partner's uncle's?


Buntoro iga was my
teacher for several years.

Now, I was just a boy then

but I remember him as
a very traditional man.

Don't worry, toots,
I'll mind my manners.

You must understand,

he spent most of his
life as a shinto priest.


I'd know you anywhere.

Grown into a fine, strong man.

And this?

Ryder, Karen Ryder, detective.

A detective?

A beautiful detective.

How fascinating.

Don't tell me, let me guess.

English and French.

How did you know?

They eyes, cheekbones, exquisite.

Hey, how 'bout some drinks?

Scotch, rye, bourbon, wine,

I have quite a collection.

= I bet.


Perhaps some tea, iga-San.

I've come on a very serious errand.


We will cross at the Ford.


You read that to me.

Ah, yes.

But, I was thinking of John Wayne.

Red river.

Wonderful film.

You will stay for dinner, won't you?

Oh, I have to go back...

Good, good.

You haven't lived til you've
tasted fettuccine buntoro.

Excuse me one moment.

Katie, mariko, rum punch for our guests.

Is this the part where
we cut our stomachs open?

Mariko and Katie are
my executive assistants.

I couldn't run business without them.


Hoshino told me that you were a priest.

Well, I was.

I was!

Ladies, drinks.

And then one evening I was meditating.

Do you know what satori is, Karen?

Sure, there's a great little
satori bar down the street

from my apartment.

But, my satori is the
truth behind all truth.

I sense the pressure
society puts on us to take.

My mission's clear.

Help others fulfill the
universal human need to give.

I decided to help the wealthy first.

They give 500 and up for
these in Beverly Hills.

Authentic Chinese warrior.

We turn them out on a computerized
machine in little Tokyo

for, what, 12 bucks a piece.

Why, you old bandit.

Oh, I love birds.

What's his name?


= oh.

I think he likes you.



I have dishonored your family.

And myself.

I came here for the men who killed yuji.

But I failed.

There is no dishonor
in a true heart, Thomas.

Was yuji a good policeman?

He was the best.


I depended on his strength.

And sometimes,

he made me laugh.

I will avenge his death.

Was there something strange
about the way yuji died?

= there was a man.

An assassin who worked for yamata.

He radiated a kind of
power that I could feel.

He barely touched yuji.

Check it out.

I misjudged.

Yamata didn't want yakuza permission.

He meant to take over the
entire local operation.

So what was he doing here?

Maybe hiding,

or looking for money to
finance his move in Japan.

This man, yamata, he simply
fell dead in the hallway?

There was no violence?


I have to see the body.

You can't just
walk into the morgue.

Trust me.


Holy shit.

Just let me do the talking.

LAPD, could we please have an
attendant at the records desk?

Right here.


Hi, this is detective Karen Ryder.

Officer needs assistance.

I'm at the morgue.

He was here.

He is here.

You don't carry a badge,
you don't carry a gun.

Stay put, hoshino.



They're gang colors.

Why would the icemen do this?


Hoshino, get down!

Five years on the force and
I never had to shoot anyone.


So this character
can resurrect people?

Bring them back to life?

=- no.

Yamata death was not a reality.

But an illusion created by a blow

purposely wide of the Mark.

It is said that some truly
gifted healers can restore life.

But the man you saw
tonight was not a healer.

He is someone who has
surrendered himself

to the dark powers.

Your assassin is a master
of the death touch.

I always thought that was just a myth.

= the death touch is real.

It's the opposite of the
ancient healing arts.

And assassin like this one can apply

ql energy with a mere touch.

He can cause death or illness
now or weeks in the future.

= this is nuts.

I'm gonna put him away.

I've already lost a nephew
to this assassin, Thomas.

Now I have seen him.

He is your opposite.

Your mirror image.

The legends say there is a
creature like him in every age.

The essence of evil.

He is the deadliest man alive.

Of course, I understand.

First your prisoner dies,
then he escapes, that's easy.

What I don't understand is how you two

could take a simple extradition

and turn it into Pearl fucking harbor.

This is my responsibility.

I'll handle the situation.

Wrong, akita, you don't
handle anything in my town.

His name is hoshino, captain.

=I know what his name is.

Back in Japan they call him akita.

You know what that is?

A Japanese dog, dives
headfirst into everything,

never knows when to back off.

Your superiors are real
interested in hearing your version

of this story back in Kyoto.

Sir, I can't leave until...

You're outta here tonight.

End of story.

Captain, decklin, treasury department.

Sorry to interrupt, sir.

You're not interrupting,
we're finished here.

You have a nine o'clock
reservation tonight into Tokyo.

= that's a reservation

you're going to have to cancel, captain.

Says who?

Got a letter from
your division commander

should explain everything right there.

And I've cleared this
with your department.

We want yamata.

What for?

It's classified.

But you are the only one who's
seen his enforcer up close.


Excuse me, but jaho is not a name,

it's kind of ninja black magic.


You don't mind if we
stick to the 20th century.

I had interpol send
over their photo books.

I want you to look at the mug shots.

Every single one of them.

And, mind if I take a minute outside?

Be my guest.

=- we'll coordinate.

Decklin's the fed that
wanted to see yamata yesterday.

Yes, I know.

Look, what happened last
night was gang related, captain.

= no doubt.

They stole the priest's body.

Father munoz?


But why?

= all I know is they
scrambled up the morgue

so we couldn't tell which
bodies were missing.

I've gotta know what the
feds are up to with yamata.

So, he's your baby.


The akita.


Stay on him.

Oh, captain, you're
gonna have to get somebody

who gets along with japs.


Do I have crap in my ears

or did I I just racial bigotry
coming from a detective

in my department?

Captain, we have two
gangs ready to go to war.

Your gang activities are on hold.

But why?

Look, just give him the tour.

Show him some mug books,
take him down to the range,

take him to the goddamn
movies, I don't care,

just keep him off the street.

And Ryder,

Kyoto police seem to
think he might've been

= thanks.

Councilman Royce.

How are you?

Good to see you.

Detective, Ryder is it?

Have a seat please.

Thank you, sir.

How can I help you?

Well, Harry, I've got a situation

I'm going to really need your help with.

My people finally set up a meeting

between the malitos and the lcemen

and it's for the 22nd of this month.

Excuse us, please.

Excuse me.

I think I can help you.

= you can reach me at this number.

Thank you, hoshino.

Our government appreciates your help.

Telephone for you, Jim.

Talk to me and nobody else.

We think yamata's bought
a cop in this division.

Look, I have orders to
give you the grand tour.

I et's hit it.

On your right is an office.


And on my left a sleeping
policeman, on duty.

You want perfection?

Get a robot.

[T's obvious you don't like my country

and I don't like yours.

Yeah, well I have my reasons.

So dol

and just where the hell
do you think you're going?

Little Tokyo.

I'm going to find jaho.

The hell you are.

Am I a prisoner?

Not yet.

Look, we both have our orders.

It happens to be my job to
keep you out of circulation.

You get in between me and my job

and I will find 50
reasons to lock you up.

Don't worry I'm not
going to give you the slip.

Might ruin your reputation.

Hey, any way you want it, hoshino.

You don't have to play nice with me

just because I'm a woman, hoshino.

As it happens I had to
be twice as good as a man

to make detective.

And how did you earn
your Sterling reputation?

The akita?

I was 12 years
old when I moved to Japan.

The only half-white kid in my school.

To survive I had to become more
Japanese than the Japanese.

A good, old fashioned bonsai charge

saved my tail more than once.

Does it frighten you?


Being alone in the
dark with a mad dog?

I've never been
afraid of anything in pants

since, I don't know, I was...

Six years old.

Excuse me.

Mug books.

Never seen this many mug shots.

Suppose we absolutely
have to do this right now?


This is the cause of half
the problems in the world.

A watch?

= time.

Time changes all the rules.

My dad carried this watch
to work every morning

for 29 years.

He was a foreman in flint, Michigan, gm.

Where they make cars.

Where they used to
make cars, Mr. hoshino.

One year before his retirement
the plant closed down.

Japanese imports.

Other auto plants weren't hiring so

he got a job running a liquor store.

And one night a kid came in

and shot him in the heart with a 22.

That's why you became a cop.

And came out here, I couldn't
stay in flint any more.

Look, it's almost four.

Just between you and me,

I called one of my snitches.

He's an ex-gang member.

He said that the lcemen

are going to meet with some
people from out of town.

You're strictly along for the ride.

I mean it, hoshino.

Sure you don't want some fries?

=- no thanks.

How can you eat that mess?

I do not need dietary
advice from a guy

who probably eats raw octopus
tentacles for breakfast.

I eave the radio alone.

Very modern.

Yeah, before it was so goddamn modern

they used to make them in this country

and they worked just fine.

You Americans are very touchy.

It's probably nothing.


Is that it?


Then what are we doing
parking way over here?

Because they know my car.

You've been in there?

= the diamond?

Sure, lots of times.

It's an iceman hangout.

Is it dark?



Maybe one of use ought to slip inside

and take a look.

=- no.

Yamata's car.


But this time let's do it right.

We'll stay with the car.

We'll call for backup.

You're right.

Someone should stay out
here in case they come out.


I'll just blend in with the crowd.

= it won't work.

J picking up dust j

j 'cause I'm coming like a bull 7

j continue to push myself j

j make my sets look full j

j it's all about the doubt
that you had on the rumble

our associate guarantees

the authorities won't interrupt us.

We guarantee the merchandise.

So all you have to do

is show up with the money.

Shit, that ain't gonna be no problem.


J to get smacked down again j

= I'll have a beer.

J and you can bring a pencil j

j you can withess them be witness j

j how fast I put the shit into him j

j let's get ready to rumble j

Come on.

Get him down.

Hit it!

Hit it!

Come on, get him now!

Aw, man.

Come on, homey.

What up now?

That's right.

Come on, that's right, boy.

Yeah, do it again.

Do it again, my brother.

That's right.

That's right, you got it going.

Knocked him
right down to his grave.

Here's my man.

Yeah, that's right.

Gotta kick better than that.

Game over.


These men are wanted

for conspiracy charges in
connection with the klu klux klan.

I knew your ass was
too weird to be straight.

You and your pasty ass
peckerwood friend.


Shut the fuck up, you blue-eyed bitch!

Kkk"s trying
to set up the icemen.

These men are in my custody.

Hell yeah.

We gonna take care of these
two the old fashioned way.

Let's go.

= shit!

Get in that car.


God, I can't take you anywhere.

Come on, let's go!

That policeman has
cost us enough trouble.

He's finished.

I'll take care of the woman.

First things first.

I don't think our black
friends will do business

with us any longer.


our partner will make the deal.

Let's remind them how much
they need our merchandise.

Get him up.

Has he met the assassin again?


Is he going to be okay?



Let's get him down here.

= it's his back.

There may be serious damage.

My acupuncture needles,

and the incense from the drawer.


I hope it's not too late to save him.

Feeling better?

Don't mind me, hoshino,

I grew up with three brothers.

Besides, I thought that
men and women took baths

together all the time in your country.

That's different.


Oh, you mean because of the ice water?

Poor Thomas, I suppose it
is a belittling experience.

Remember when I asked
why yamata was here?

Remember what you said?

Hiding out?

=- no.

About financing his takeover in Japan.

He's here to make money.

I also found out our friend decklin

is with the treasury department,

alcohol, tobacco, and firearms.

So, why do you suppose they want yamata?

He's selling alcohol
and tobacco to the gangs.


guns and weapons.

American gangs already have weapons.

Maybe these are special weapons.

I'm freezing!

You're a samurai.

And now I'm scalded!

I'm a frozen, scalded, samurai.

Any permanent damage?

The welts are deep.

I had to use all the cut-sel I know.

Energy restoration techniques.

I think he'll be all right.


Fate has pitted Thomas
against this assassin.

Only one can survive.

We must complete the training
you began as a child.

We must start it immediately.

Thanks anyway,

but I remember those torture
sessions you call training.

= train or die!


J how could I j

what is this stuff?

Herb tea with vitamins.

Drink up!

= lceman.

So much for sales resistance.

Now, we are going to leave
a message for malitos

and I need your help.

You don't mind, do you?

No, of course not.

That's what I like about you.

You keep your mouth shut.

Precision, Thomas.

Each pressure point is
smaller than a fingertip.

Muscle power.

Where is your focus?

Where's your qi?

Imagine your arm...

Is a high pressured
hose, I remember, iga-San.

But I haven't slept
much the past few days.

So if you don't mind...

=I do mind.



gather the force of
the waters in your palm

and project it through your fingers

and try to throw me back.

Rasputin can pee stronger than that.

How am I supposed to push you

if I can't touch you?

It's impossible.

Hit me.


Hit me now!

True master can repel a
grown man 15 feet away.

Teacher is the needle,

a disciple the thread.


Come on.

You have a gift, Thomas.

I sensed it when you were a boy.

Unlike your enemy

you can heal with these hands

as well as destroy.

But first you must tame the
anger that lives in your belly.

- Anger? I...
- Shh!

Me ditate.

You have to name the anger
before you can tame it.

Open your mind.

No design.

No conception.

Get all our home boys together!

I want every gangster we got

to be in front of my pad at 10 o'clock.

These putas want to get crazy?

Then we go to war!

If you ain't got a car to
get to my pad then steal one.

The icemen are going to pay for this.

And she didn't
tell you what was going on?

=- no.

I think I should go in by myself.

They'll feel less threatened by a woman.

Are you sure you don't
want them to feel threatened?

I've done a lot of
favors for these people.

It'll be okay.

Oh god, thank you.

I want everybody strapped.

I want every piece we
got out on the streets.

Huevito, get me empty
bottles, lots of "em.

And 10 gallons of gasolina.

Hey, we don't need you here!

Don't do this, Hector.

= don't do what?

Father munoz would
be the first to say it,

let the police handle this.

Maybe you haven't noticed,

but his way hasn't worked.

You start a war and nobody's
gonna be safe on the street.

Not kids, old people, ho one!

We didn't start nothing, lady.

What do you call blowing
up a car in lcemen's turf?

We didn't have anything
to do with that!

They were building a
bomb to blow us up with.

We've had enough!

You can't down us all, home boy.

I believe the lady was
trying to tell you something.

All I'm saying is wait.

Wait and think.

Councilman Royce said
he set up a meeting

between you and the icemen on the 22nd.

That's eight days.

Yeah, we'll wait.

If they wait.

So, have you started your training?

=- don't ask.

Thanks for your call, Rita.

I'm not doing this for you.

I know, thanks anyway.

Whatever you're gonna do,

you better do it before
the 18th of the month.

That's four days.

Hector says we got some help now.

Some people from out of town.

On the 18th he says gamal and the icemen

are gonna find out what
real war's all about.

I gotta go.

You know what I'm thinking?

If yamata wanted to
sell a lot of weapons.

Heavy weapons, machine
guns, explosives.

= if he needed cash fast.

What better way than
to start a gang war?

And sell weapons to both sides.

It's like we thought.

It's ugly.

And the
grisly decapitation murder

of Desiree hobbs at the
graveside of her brother James,

also a victim of the gang feud.

Looks like one of
your little gang bangers

got all excited and lost they're head.

Welfare check was probably late.

God, ray, did you mother
have any children that lived?

You seen captain meisler?

Another lunch,
downtown with brass.

I need some help finding
hoshino's fugitive.

Remember the guy, yamata?


Why the hell can't ho-shine-o
find his own fugitive?

We think yamata is arming the
gangs with military weapons.

In four days, all hell
is going to break loose.

Oh, Jesus.

Councilman Royce set up a meeting

with the two gang leaders

but by then it'll be too late.

Well, he comes back from
Washington Monday morning,

see if they can make it for the 18th.

If we can convince Hector and
gamal that they're being used,

they'll help us find yamata.

Personally, I think we
oughta let the savages

kill each other off.


we'll get the word out.

Thank you.

Feel the energy around you.

Perceive those things
which can not be seen.

Slowly, Thomas, slowly.

Kata, moving meditation.

Visualize your opponent.

Feel each strike.


See your opponent's move

then float with him.

When he thinks like the mountains,

attack like the seas.

You mustn't go yet.

Have a drink.

A bath?

A massage?

Thanks anyway, buni.

I just wanted to see if
you finished him off yet.

Does the killer fight like that?

The death touch can
be used with any style.

This is shorinji-ryu.

Don't tell Thomas,

but he was my best student.

= it's our secret.

Hey, I got a meeting
with councilman Royce.

I'll talk to you later.

I guess you forgot,

the councilman wants to see me too.

Just give me a minute to change.

Into a what?

We have work to do.

Charles decklin, please.

Thanks, I really had
to get out of there.


Maybe after I talk to the councilman,

we can look at those mug shots.

We covered all of that
in the last meeting.

I know, I will handle it.



Get me some donuts,



Can I help you?

I feel like a tourist.

= you don't look like a tourist.

Japanese tourists wear dark suits.

They walk around in groups,

and they carry little cameras.

= yoouur humor sucks.


That is the right word, isn't it?


That's the right word.

Hey, make him?

The morgue.


You okay?

Come on! = no!

Trust me.


You okay?

Come on. = yeah.


He's dead, isn't he?

You oughta know.

Wait a minute, you
don't think that we...

They were pros.

We got here after.

Come on, gamal, you know me.

Oh yeah, I know you.

Lying, white, bitch cop.

Klu klux klan my ass.

You and kung fu over here.

The man's neck is broke!

And we got a call about some trouble.

I think we found it.

They're getting away.

Breathe, mother fucker!

And first, the malito
blow our people up.

= it wasn't the malitos.

No, that's what you say.

And now you tryin' to
tell me about some dudes

that ain't here?

Come on, gamal, don't
go cement head on me.

Somebody is trying to start a war here.

[T's gonna be a war all right.

You just made...

Drop it!

Get out of here.

Hit the road.

We're gonna stay here
and chat a little bit.

= thanks.

Sorry, I was late.

You stay in touch, 'Kay?

Yeah, enjoy the sunshine.

New ice age be coming soon.

You tell anybody else
we were gonna be here?

Did you?

What's that supposed to mean?

Just what I said.

Goddamn Beirut down there!

I was doing my job.

Wrong, detective.

Your job is hoshino.

Hoshino and the feds.

There is only one job
in the city right now.

If you'd skip a couple of lunches

with the old boy network downtown,

maybe you'd know what's going on.

You're suspended, 10 days.

Dammit, captain!

We think yamata is trying
to start a gang war!

And sell military weapons to both sides.

A whole squad of
experienced detectives

and you're the only one that knows about

this grand conspiracy, right?

These people are not street gangster.

They're pros.

You can't possibly be that dumb.

20 days.

And I even suspect that you
and your Japanese friend

are on the streets,

I'll put you in leg irons, Ryder.

Now, get the hell out of my office.

= idiot.

30 days.

= trouble?


Certain people don't
want to let me do my job.



Concentrate on what is.

Ignore that which does not exist.

That is the secret of defeating ninjas.

Sure I can't get you
something, iga-San?

You simply have to learn to relax.

Just because fate has put us here,

doesn't mean I have to be uncomfortable.

I was beginning to think

even with my superior teaching skills

would not be enough.

You've done well, Thomas.

But remember, your
enemy can start fires.

He can crack boulders with his qi.

I talked with your father many times.

I know two nations are
at war inside you.

Two halves.

To achieve the power
you need to survive.

You will have to make
peace with yourself.

Become whole.

That I can not teach you.

I'm working on it, lga-San.

I promised to meet Karen.

Detective Ryder.

Police believe that the
death of councilman Royce

was gang related.

The councilman had just
returned from Washington,

where he was working
to secure federal loans

for black owned businesses.

Police are looking for Hector flores,

a member of the malito street
gang in connection with the.

=- hi.

Is anything wrong?


No, I'm on vacation.

All right.

I shot my mouth off, I
got suspended for 30 days,

I'm off the case.

You hear anything from decklin?

He said gang activities
are outside his jurisdiction.

Gang activities?

Those guys were SWAT trained.

They were professional terrorists!

=I told him.

He said, terrorists are
outside his jurisdiction too.

= I've had it.

How 'bout you?

So what do you wanna do now?

1 was hoping you
packed those mug shots.

Sweet cakes.

Perfect end to a perfect day.

Hey, 30 days, babe.

Too bad.

I warned you about that.

So, what you say, hojo?

How you like it here in
the land of the big px.

I laugh nearly all the time.

I can think of something I
can do to lift your spirits.

What, evolve?

Can't make every case, sweet cakes.

Sometimes you can't make
any of them.

Come on, throw some darts with me.

All work and no play.

=I could show him how to do that but

I hate to take money from amateurs.

Hey, man, I think you just called out.

Well, well, hoshino.

Maybe you are good at darts.

Police work don't seem to be
your strong suit.

I can throw 10 darts, dead
center, bullseye, blindfolded.


$20 says hoshino can do it.

It's a zen thing, ray,
you wouldn't understand.

He goes, like, into this trance.

Language problem.

He wanted to know how to
say asshole in english.

= your 20's covered.

Okay, move back.

Your presence interferes with the flow.

Farther back.

Keep going.


Keep going.

To the wall, okay.

Haikido, jiu-jitsu.

Well, you were right,
he couldn't do it.

You won.

But, he also won.

He bet me he could make
you pee in your pants.

Andy, drinks are on ray.


Let me drive.

No one drives Catherine
the caddy but me.

Come on, I've never
driven an American car.

Okay, I'll let you drive,

but stay on the right side of the road.

Hey, that was such a cool
trick, how did you do it?


What trick?

How'd you find this place?

Someone dumped a body
here a couple of years ago.


Yeah, it is, isn't it?

I suppose if your were a
body and you have to get dumped

this is a pretty good place for it.

It's pretty up here.

This suspension
probably isn't as serious

as you think it is.

I screwed up, I got
personally involved.

I never met a good cop

that didn't get personally involved.

That's not the problem.

What is that supposed to mean?

You're good.

Tough, smart,

and you're beautiful.

You can have whatever you want.

But you're not happy unless
you have to fight for it.

Uphill, all the way.


You have my number.

Who are you?

Why did you move to Japan?

My mother died.

I was 12 then.

Living in cedar rapids.

My father took me back to
his family home in Kyoto.

Because I was an ainoko, half-Japanese,

I had to fight almost every day.

That was until I met buntoro iga.

He taught me how to fight.

Taught me how not to fight.

He taught me how to live.


And you've never been here since then?

My mother's father

fought in the south
pacific in world war il.

When my grandparents found
out she married a Japanese

they never talked to her again.

Not when I was born.

Not even when she was dying.


This explains a lot.

Thomas, you've got to
give yourself a break.

You were born an American.

I mean, I can understand
you feeling out of place

in this country,

but America's a part of you.

I don't feel out of place with you.


I'm still a cop in the morning.

How can I forget?

This car is huge.

Detective Ryder?


Yes, Rita?

I'm here.

I'm right... - Here.

Nothing you can do.

= that must've been some dream.

It was.


about last night, I.

Let's take the day off.

I might like that.

I might like that too much.

We wouldn't want that.

Men think they own women after sex.

And nobody owns me.

= you don't know what I think.

Yeah, well, we'll see.

We'll see.

Where are you going?


So don't tell me.

Okay, fine, then I'll tell you.

I think I lost my dad's pocket watch.

I mean, I had it at the
councilman's office,

so I'll check there.

Maybe the bar.

Oh, and here's Rita's number.

So you can call.

She might have some information for us.

= I'll take care of it.


Thank you.

I'll call you.


I dreamed about him.

It was no dream.

He was here.

The assassin was here.

In my home.

The watch.

Rita, no.

Put it down.


I said, put it down, Karen.


My watch.

Where did you find it?

= in her hand.

Where you left it.

You're crazy.

Steve, what the hell is going on?

I'm sorry, Karen.

We got a tip.

I can't believe you're involved
with these gang assholes

right up to your pretty little ears.

Jesus Christ!

[T's really very simple, Karen.

Your gun killed ray.

And they're gonna find you here with it.

Oh, ray.

He talked a great game, didn't he?

But believe it or not
he was just too clean

for his own good.

There's big money in guns, Karen.

Gangs kill each other off

and everybody's happy.

Be a good boy and I may let her live

a few minutes longer.

Pretty, isn't she?

We just got acquainted.

Kill this psycho son of a bitch.

Let her go.

This is between you and me.

Oh, I could have
finished you last night

while you were asleep.

But first I want to
take something from you.

Something you love.

Break loose, hoshino!

Show me who you really are!

Hurt her and I'll rip your heart out.

There is nothing you can do.

= no!


I'm okay.

I'm okay.

Not the captain too.


It's the cops, Thomas.

Yamata has the cops on his payroll.

They killed Rita.

And they killed ray.


please, she's barely breathing.

I have the knowledge but not the gift.

You're the only one who can do this.

=I don't know how.

You have always known.

Three fingers only.

They are the focus for the
light that flows through you.

This is the basis for true magic.

You are a channel for the light.

Charge yourself with the light

and fire it deep into her body.

Into her spirit.

Your battle with yourself must end now.

Let it go.

Accept your own oneness.

Oh, Thomas.

How long?

Nearly 12 hours.


The 18th!

The 18th, we have to stop them.

Relax, everything's all right now.

We have to stop them.

[T's all right.

Is she okay?

She will be.

Cops think she killed Rita.

And that, ray.

= don't believe it.

=I didn't.

I'm sorry about Rita.

Found this number and
address in her room.

Rita wanted to stop the war.

She wanted to have my son.

I ain't afraid of dying.

It's just...

It's just sometimes
it's harder to live.

Those people you're after,

we're supposed to meet them
at aztec garden tomorrow.

I know where it is.

At 6:00 A.M.

It's three hours from how.

Thank you, Hector.

Hey, if you can't stop them
from selling more weapons

to the icemen,

then we're gonna have to get
some more weapons of our own.

Hear what I'm saying?

I'm calling for agent decklin.

My people are close by, what's up?

One of the gang's is
supposed to show up

at six to make a buy.

Yamta's selling military
weapons, isn't he?

Heavy stuff.

= it's all the stuff we left in Vietnam.

He's been smuggling out of
the Philippines and Japan

for about a year now.

= you could have told me.

Never know who you can trust.

I haven't checked
the building out yet.

It's nothing personal.

Get back to loading!

Why, for god's sake?

= it's the oldest reason in the world.

We're just your average cops
and feds who like to get paid.

And believe me, prejudice pays.

Black, white, Asian, chicano.

Doesn't matter, everybody's
killing each other

for a few blocks of crummy territory.

I might take this show
on the road, you know?

Detroit, Chicago, New York.

Endless possibilities.

I wanted to send you home.

But my partners they said
especially to keep you here.

I figure they want to
deal with you personally.

= finish him.

A favor, yamata-San.

I want to take my time with this one.

When you beg for death

I will kill you.

Then just for fun

I will kill the old man.

Drop the gun.

Right there.

Jesus, meisler.

I was just about to drop
the net on hoshino...

Shut up, decklin!

I've had you under
surveillance for months.

Ryder's one of my best detectives

and I was afraid she was gonna blow it

before I found out how many
cops you had in your pockets.

We just busted them Ali
about an hour ago.

You're the only one left.

Listen, Jack, if you
think I'm gonna take

this shit from you, you are...

I hate feds.

Read them their rights.


First the head will swim.

Then the hero dies.

You are improving, hoshino.

Now watch,

watch what I can do.

So, you have learned.

Now you think you can kill me.

But, I am you, hoshino.


I know exactly who I am.

And you're a dead man.

What, you never seen a ghost before?

He's mine.


I ook out.

And there is nothing you can do.

Dangerous times.

You wanna talk about dangerous,

you gotta talk about about
a thug named frank agai.

Fast frank could shoot the
eyes in a field 20 yards.

He was a real criminal.

And I busted him.

You ladies like a drink?

Hey, captain, you're looking good.

=- Thomas.

If you don't dance with
this woman, I will.

I do have a flight to catch.

= that is hours from now.

I never really learned how to dance.

Yeah, well I'll teach you.

But first,

I think it's time I let go of this.

I really want you to have it.

I will not forget my American...


= it's a small world.

I wouldn't be surprised

if we bumped into each other someday.

= neither would I.


Dancing is like moving meditation.

J who's to say j

j as we gaze into the face of destiny j

j there's danger here j

j we must endure this longest night j

j never fear j

j because our love is
like the red sun rising

j and it's older than the ages j

j never ends and never changes j

j red sun rising j

j like the ocean and the shore j

j will be joined forevermore j

I'l believe j

j there are stars just
as far as you can see j

j and I believe j

j in heart there's a
secret place for me j

j storm may go j

j two ships passing in night

j! But heaven knows j

j I will return just
like the red sun rising

j 'cause it's older than the ages j

j never ends and never changes j

j red sun rising j

j and we will survive this night j

j because our love is
like the red sun rising

j our love was always meant to be j

j for all eternity j

j red sun rising j

j like the ocean and the shore j

j will be joined forevermore j

J red sun rising j