Rebirth of Mothra II (1997) - full transcript

Three kids join Mothra's priestesses on a journey to find the Lost Treasure of Nilai Kinai, an ancient lost "under-the-sea" civilization in hopes of preserving the Earth's declining environment. Pollution has unyielded the evil monster Dagahra, a monster seemingly too powerful for Mothra to vanquish. As a result, the environment's fate lies in the hands of the Lost Treasure.

Look, there it goes again.

Yes, I know. It's really wonderful.

Hey, look at this. More garbage.
Yeah, I know.

They treat the sea
just like a garbage dump.

I tell you, this really stinks.

Hey, what's that?

Around 150 million years ago,

the land gradually started to subside,

and eventually disappeared
into what is now the Okinawa trench.

Back then, if we'd been alive,

we could've walked from one end
of this island chain to the other.

We could've walked
from Taiwan to China

without even getting our feet wet.

In fact, recently,
evidence that land once existed here

was discovered when a building
was found under the sea.

It's thought to be man-made.

So scientists now believe

that what is now the sea bed
was once dry land above sea level.

Well, now,

you two are going to
have to be punished.

There's just one thing.
No corporal punishment.


Hey, sir, you know something?

They call you a rude name
behind your back sometimes.

Hairy Wart, that's what
they call you, sir.

Really? Hairy Wart?

Well, then, boys, looks like you two
are in big trouble now.

It's all right. No problem.

No Fishing Allowed.


Look at the size of this.

Hey, do you think it might be gold?


MAN 1: I tell you, it's true.
That thing was vicious.

Look, somebody's gotta do something.

With a monster like that around here,
the sea isn't safe for us.

Look, we're just the police.

We're not some kind of
starfish SWAT team, okay?

Hey, I pay your salary.
Now do something.

Excuse me. Watch your heads.

I could only find this.
Will it do, do you think?

I don't know. Maybe.

I think what you saw
was just a dog swimming.

What? You think I'm crazy?
Of course not.

New species
are being discovered all the time.

Maybe what we saw was one of them.

What, around here?

Sure. They just found
a new wildcat. So why not?

But that was up in the mountains.
It wasn't anywhere near here.

If we can catch one, we'll be famous.

We'll name it after you, then you'll
be famous too. See you.

Be careful.

I'm home. Have a good day?

Who are they?
Oh, just some friends.

They're trying to catch
a strange creature.

Maybe they'll bring us back
some fish for supper tonight.


Here. Give me a hand, please.

Go pick some flowers.

Come on, we have guests tonight.

Here. Here.

What can they be?

We've got to stop them from spreading.

Come on.

Hairy Wart. I know he's in love
with Miss Kimura.

How do you know?
Because I just know, okay?

Look out, a monster.
It's Hairy Wart.

Kyohei. I bet we could go
all the way to America.

Don't be ridiculous.

Who are you? Hello?

Hey, tell me,
do you belong to anybody?

Jeepers, did you see that?

Yeah. I've never seen anything
like it in my life.

Shiori. You ratted on us, didn't you?

Yeah, that was really nasty.

Leave me alone.

Wait till we catch you!

You're gonna be sorry.
Come back here.

Now I've got you.

Give me that.

What is it?
It's a Gorgo.

A legendary creature.

You're not to say anything
about this, do you hear?

Give him back to me. Here.

That's better.

What's this?

So you cheated me.

I guess even you human kids
can't be trusted?

Belvera, stop that.

I thought you'd show up.

Come on, get her.

Hey, look.
There's another one of them.

Belvera, stop using your weapons.

It's not fair against kids.

I'll destroy anybody
who gets in my way.

The Gorgo is mine, do you hear?

And I intend to get him back.

Stop, Belvera.
What do you want with the Gorgo?

What do you think? I'll use him
to get the treasure of Ninai Kanai.


The treasure of Ninai Kanai
has the power to perform miracles.

Hold on.

Once I have that treasure,
I'll rule over the world.

Shiori, throw it to me.

Throw it over, hurry.

Target the boy.

Hey, are you all right, Yoji? You hurt?

Wait. You've hurt your leg.

Forget it. It's nothing. Here.

Hey, this thing just peed on my leg.

Hey, Wool Ball. Where are you?

Even the cockroaches
are giant-sized here.

Idiot. Find that woolly critter
and stop fooling around.

You won't find it around here.

Hey, look. It's a bat.

Those children have kidnapped it.

A talking bat?
I don't believe it.

Okinawa's a really weird island.

So is Ishigaki.

I know that. Wait here.

All right. Don't you move.

Oh, come on.

All right now, you two,
just do as I tell you.

We're called the Elias.

You needn't be afraid.

You see, the Gorgo here
was born in Ninai Kanai.

In Ninai Kanai?

That's impossible
because it doesn't exist.

It did exist a long time ago.

Oh, really? I never heard of it.

Oh, haven't you?

And you?

I guess it's because
you're not from the islands.

Yeah, so what? What difference
does that make, stupid?

Here on the island, we have
an old legend about Ninai Kanai.

So it's a legendary place?
And this comes from there?

It's a Gorgo.

A Gorgo?

You see, we didn't believe
that the Gorgos existed.

Tell me about it. I never believed
things like you existed either.

Legend has it that the Gorgo guards
the treasure of Ninai Kanai.


South Ishigaki Elementary School.

So is this where you live?

Look, I found something.

It's said to be a kind of
magical kingdom in the sea.

It's an underwater palace.

Hey, listen to this.

"The island of Mu
sank into the Pacific Ocean"

around 12,000 years ago.

"It is thought to have been
the legendary kingdom of Ninai Kanai."

But we can't. She's our sister.

Lora, if we don't stop Belvera right now,

sooner or later, she's going to
wreak havoc on Earth.

Yes, but, Moll…

She's becoming more and more
powerful by the day.

I need your help, Lora.
I can't do it all alone.

Moll. Lora.

What's happening now?

Nothing. Don't worry.

Gorgo's communicating
with Fairy.

It's the monster. It's returned.
What'd you say?

The Ninai Kanai civilization

created a monster.

Its name is Dagahra.

You see, Dagahra feeds on
the garbage and pollution

that's dumped into the ocean.

It combines DNA
from marine organisms

with bacteria
that break down pollutants.

Okay, there we go.
Don't forget to smile, all right. Okay.

Unfortunately, it turns out
that Dagahra developed a defect.

Please take a moment to look at
the statue on the right. This way, please.

It started producing mutant
marine life forms known as Barem.

This is a public-service announcement.

Due to a red tide, swimming is
prohibited until further notice.


Dagahra is producing
more and more Barem every day.


Soon, they will take over
all the oceans on the planet.

All other marine life will disappear.

How can we stop them?

The only answer is to use
the Ninai Kanai treasure against them.

But we'll need some humans
to help us if we're to succeed.

The Gorgo here came to the island
to look for somebody to help.

I'll help you.

Hey, look. It's Ishigaki Island.

I think it wants us to take it there.

You gotta be kidding.

The currents there are so dangerous
even the fishermen don't go there.

She's not here.

She must be out with her boyfriends.

South Ishigaki Elementary School.

You realize it's
Hairy Wart's pride and joy?

He's gonna kill us
when he finds out we've taken it.

Come on, scaredy-cats,
get moving.

You know, when I'm rich
I'm gonna buy a new computer.

I'm gonna eat at McDonald's every day.

What stupid boys you two are.

Why's that?

You only ever talk about
video games and food.

Why don't you think about
more interesting things?

Why are you boys always so boring?

But computer games are really cool.

Yeah, and there's nothing wrong
with hamburgers.

Hey, look.

What do you think it is?

Some kind of ancient ruins.

They must have been
sunk by an earthquake.


There it is.

We're moving upwards.

Look, over there.

You all right? You're not hurt?

Hey, where on earth are we?

In a pyramid.

A pyramid?

We're near Ishigaki Island.

Be careful.

It's high.


Jeez, you're heavy.

Come on. Come on. Pull me up.

Hurry, you numskulls.

The entrance is right over there.

Come on, get a move on.

Hey, look.

Is that Dagahra?

Hey, what's up? You got a grudge
against this pyramid, or what?

It's not the pyramid, Kyohei.

It just knows that its enemy
is in here, that's all.

Lora, we have to call up Mothra.

It's heading for Ishigaki.

It's all right.

We're going to call up Mothra
to help us.

You must help us to find
the treasure of Ninai Kanai.

What if we can't, huh?

Don't worry.

We'll find the treasure.
We won't let you down.

Come on, let's go.

Let's get out of here.

Go ahead, Dagahra.

Destroy the human world
once and for all.


Let go of me! Let go!

Come back here! Come back here!

You're hurting me. Stop it.

Let go! Be quiet.

Let go of me! Give it here.

I can't get it from her.

Well, then we'll take her too.

Help me!

I think it's coming.

This way. Right.

Look out. It's coming.

This is the police. You
are ordered to leave the area immediately.

I repeat, depart
the area quickly.

Hey. Get out of here. Go on.

All right, children, come on.
Let's go. This way. Come along.

Hurry up. Come on.

Hurry up. I'm coming.

Let me go. Please.

Did you find her? No.


Hey, look, it's Mothra.

Look out behind you!

There, you see?
It's much smarter than they think.

Mothra, you must protect
the pyramid.

Give it to me, you little brat. Come on.
Hand it over. Give me that.

Give. Come on. No, don't.

Give it to me right now.

Gorgo. Right.

Now I've got you.

Little troublemaker.

Help! I'm falling!


That way.


There's an invisible bridge.

It's okay, Yoji, come on.

Dagahra, go back into the ocean.

Mothra can't touch you in the water.

Go on, you gotta dive deeper.

That way.


Did you come to rescue me?
Yeah, we did.

You've got no chance, Mothra.

Look, you can never defeat Dagahra.

You'd better give up right now.



It's a dead end.

Look at that.

Do you think this is Ninai Kanai?

It looks different
than the pictures we saw.

Do you really think it could've
survived all this time?



Do you think Mothra's okay?


There are too many.

Give it to me.

Give it to me
and I won't hurt it, all right?



Give me the Gorgo, do you hear,
or do you all want to die?

Well? You hear me, kid?
Give me the darn thing now.

Don't test me.

I'm not in a good mood.


All right, hand it over.

Gorgo, run.

No you don't.

Elias, help Gorgo, quickly.

I give up. Really. I surrender.

Just how could you do that
to little children?

Why are you fighting them anyway?

We're sorry. It was a misunderstanding.

Elias, that's enough.

They said sorry.

You sure, Kyohei?

They apologized.
We'll forgive them.

You'll forgive us?

We're sorry, kids.

To make amends, you gotta
help us find the treasure.

Sure, of course.

You traitors. You'll pay for this.

Are you all right, Shiori?

Sure. And Mothra?

I don't know. He's still out there.

So I guess you guys
aren't bad guys after all, right?

What makes you say that?

Hey, they lied to us. Elias.

Leave him alone.
You can't go back on your word.

Oh, yeah?
Who says we can't, huh?


Where are we?

Well? Where's the treasure, huh?

Look above you.

Is the treasure really here, Gorgo?

Is that the treasure?

Hey there, you okay?

I'm perfect, thanks.

I'll just get the other one
and then we're done.

Never mind. I've got it.

Hey, wait. Something's wrong.
Better put it back.

What's the matter? You afraid?

So do you feel better about it now?
Keep hold of that.

Finally. I got it. I got it!

Elias, the door's closing.

Open up the door.
-Open up.


Check out the size of this thing.

Don't you see?
We're trapped inside here.



I guess she must be angry
because you stole the treasure.

You take it.

I didn't take it.

Don't do it.

Why do you seek out
the treasure of Ninai Kanai?

We're trying to save the world
from Dagahra.

No, to save the world
from human beings, Your Highness.

Your Highness?

Dagahra will destroy the Earth.
We can't let that happen.

The Earth will live on
after the humans.

But human beings are
part of the Earth's ecosystem too.

That is true. But human beings

are responsible
for destroying the planet.

They refuse to learn from
the mistakes they've made.

They don't deserve to live.

How can you say they don't deserve
to live? These kids are innocent.

What have they done?

Nothing. But wait till they're adults.

They'll be just like the adults today.

Come closer.


Many years ago,

my kingdom of Ninai Kanai
was an advanced civilization.

But then it was destroyed by Dagahra,

a monster we created ourselves.

When I realized
what was happening to us,

I ordered all the scientists

to create what you might call
a secret treasure.

But suddenly, a great earthquake
erupted under the city

and Ninai Kanai disappeared
under the waves along with Dagahra.

But I've always believed in
the qualities of human beings.

I believed in
their kindness and courage.

And therefore, I gave a heart
to the secret treasure.

A heart?
Then that can't be the treasure.

Unless the treasure
chooses to perform a miracle,

nothing can happen.

So where is the Ninai Kanai
treasure hidden?

Oh, this is where the treasure is hidden.

I can hear Gorgo's heart and I think
it's saying it wishes to help you.

But Gorgo?

Yes, Gorgo is the treasure.

I should have known.

Help me.

Quick. We mustn't waste more time.
Take Gorgo to Mothra.

To Mothra?

Please hurry Try it again.

Moll. Lora.

Leave them
and get out of here quick.

Quickly. The door's open.

Let's go.

Stupid idiots.
Well, suit yourselves.

Go quickly.

Yoji, hurry up.

We gotta save that guy. Run.

Come on, get up. Get up, come on.

Wake-Come on.

Leave now.


Hurry up.

Let's go.

Come on, jump.

I can't. I'll never make it that far.

Go on, try.

I'll never do it.

Why did you leave me behind?

Leave the kid alone. Set him free.

Why did you leave me behind?
How could you?

Put him down.
Nagase, catch the kid.


I'll never make it.

Kotani. You all right?
Talk to me. Kotani?

Do you think he's dead?

Let me see.

No way. It's too risky.

There's no other way out.


The door.


Follow us.

Hurry up.

Come on!
-Hurry up!

Come on!


We made it.


It's enormous.

What a monster.

Look at that.

Hurry! Get out of there! Go on!

Dagahra's gonna get you!
Hurry! Move it!

Hey, Shiori.

Come on, Shiori!



It's a real miracle.

The water spirit has revealed itself.

The sea water has once again
created new life.

The Ninai Kanai treasure
has given Mothra new energy.

It's all thanks to Gorgo.


Look. It's come back to life.

Let's go. Come on.

It's transformed.

Dagahra, Come back with me
to Ninai Kanai.

Hey, we made it.

Well, is everybody all right?


Don't be sad. Why don't you
look on Mothra's wing?

Imagine Gorgo is there.

Children of a new civilization,

the future of this planet

is entrusted into your hands.

What is it?

Did you hear her?
-What do you mean?

Did you hear the princess?


You hear something?

Grown-ups can't hear her,
that's why.

Maybe our society
is too overdeveloped.

Must be like that brainy kid in class
who always knows too much.

Where did you get that?
A gift from Gorgo.