Ratsasan (2018) - full transcript
Constant rejections in his attempts to become a filmmaker and family constraints force Arun to let go of his dream and take up the job of a Police officer.
- Hi Cheenu
- Hey
New friend?
Indeed. Imported dog. Quite costly
Hot headed guy. Won't even
let a fly inside the home
That's a smooth way of saying
not to visit your home
Come on. All I meant was this dog saves
us from unwanted dogs paying us a visit
We have many local breeds too
This is very hygienic too
Doesn't sniff around crappy
places like street dogs
It must cost you a whopper
to take care of it
Do not bring it to such places
If the street dog bites it,
infections might spread
Can't keep it at home all the time.
I must take it out once in a while
Hey! No! Stop!
The headlines
At the banks of the lake
at Nanganallur, Chennai...
The corpse of a girl, Samyukta,
a 15 year old school student...
was found brutally murdered
and wrapped in a Polythene bag
The root cause of the
murder is yet to be found
Further, the police department has
been ordered to investigate into this
This has send shivers down
the spine of the people
...in that area, according to
our reporters at the spot
Cut it!
Lights on!
Play me the shot on
the monitor please
Playing sir
We need a close up shot of the knife
with blood on it. Don't forget
We won't get U certificate if blood is
shown. Hence the producer is refusing it
Why is the alarm ringing here?
Turn it off!
I am unable to turn it off
'15 year old school student,
Samyukta murdered brutally'
This room is filled with...
100s of psychopath photos and
newspaper cutting related to them
It's all for making a movie
'A Film by Arun Kumar'
- a 12 years old dream
These are all the home work and detailed
study I did for my first movie's script
we must be at the office before
the Rahukaalam (bad time)
It's the producer's order
'Vishnu Vishal'
Make it fast. It's getting late
'Amala Paul'
Arun, so what's the
producer count now?
That's countless.
All the best
First, opening shot; we
open from the top angle
A girl crosses the road in a hurry...
Your story is indeed quite a thriller
It's too dark from the beginning
Family audience won't
turn up for such a movie
Do one thing. Re-write the climax with
a good chase and a mega stunt sequence
Make it a commercial
package and get it
You have been toiling
really hard to make a movie
But looks like all these will go in
vain in the name of current trend
It won't go in vain for sure
The trend will change
Story is good. Have you
made any short films?
How will I make a short film
when I can't meet my expenses
Is this how movies were
made in the past 75 years?
It's been a year and half
since your dad passed away
He didn't leave behind
any wealth for us
All he earned was
a good reputation
Which is why you are eligible
for his Sub Inspector post
Put a word to your brother-in-law
and he'll arrange it for you
Arun, just attend the SI exam
and I'll take care of the rest
Got it?
Arun, what about
this month's rent?
Don't you want to play
that corpse character?
- All the best
- Thanks
I loved the story
What happened?
Come tomorrow and
collect the advance
The producer gave his nod!
Super! Awesome!
Roll camera!
I checked your
horoscope yesterday
Looks like it won't suit mine and so...
it shouldn't affect the
result of the movie
Don't you worry dear brother.
I shall get a job and go to work
You keep trying
You are 26 years old. Already, I'm
unable to answer the people around
I'm pleading you for the last time...
if we must live a peaceful life,
then you must get into a job!
Sir, we show the corpse
from different angles
An opening shot from the top
angle, on to a black car below
Producer sir had asked me to come
He has gone to Mumbai
for a business meet
He asked you to contact
him six months later
Mom, I'll got meet
Your father's reputation
will ensure you this job
You have no idea about the competition
and politics going on for this SI post
I hope I can trust
you and apply for it
Did you quit Direction and
start an acting career?
It's indeed acting
What about that corpse character?
I'll arrange for it
Very soon
Guess, I'll become
a corpse by then
Arun, forget cinema
You are a new police trainee
Just obey whatever your higher
officials order you to do
That's what everyone does here
Get down
I have got a work outside
Once I'm back, I'll teach you...
Have a seat
Come to the court
Answer me!
Please no! It's hurting! No!
Aiyo! Please! No!
- Please, don't beat me
- Then answer me!
Aiyo! It hurts! Please sir!
Don't beat me!
Come here
Are you the new SI?
Yes sir
Thrash him so hard that
he must reveal the truth
Sir, I just joined today
Planning to have a
sin-free first day?
Listen, make use of
him and train yourself
Don't you come out until
he speaks the truth. Here
Didn't you want to play a cop? Then
why can't you thrash like one?
Hold this
- Give that to me. Come here
- Sir?
Watch me
Aiyo! Sir, it hurts! Aiyo!
That's how you do it.
Here, hold it
Don't you have even
a bit of sense?
I called you to the court
and you are narrating
your scrip to a criminal,
that too in uniform
What if he had escaped?
I wouldn't have escaped.
His story was that good
So, you narrated the
full script to him too?
If you set out anywhere to
narrate your story...mind it!
Okay sir
Theane, come here. Come to me
How many times have I warned
you not to come out without me?
Won't you obey me?
Look, your face is covered in dust
Idiot, she never learns!
I have to work in fear until she
arrives home in the evening
I'll tell her dad and put
an end to her late arrivals
How many times do I tell you?
I want you to come home sharp
at 4:30 from tomorrow onwards
Tell me
Any neighbors?
Any relatives?
- Pasupathi
- Sir!
What happened?
Murder case, sir
What happened?
My daughter was
studying for her exams
That's when he got drunk
and approached my daughter
He tried to molest her
I tried my best to stop him
Just because I had to
save my daughter...
I slit him down with a machete
What does your husband do?
It was him, I murdered
What exam have you got today?
- Pasupathi, is it registered in the FIR?
- Done sir
Tear it off
Get her to the examination hall
I'll talk to my brother-in-law
and get you the order
Forget about it all and
go attend your exam
- His daughter is missing
- I'm sure she was abducted from near the house
- Time must be around 4 - 4:30
- IG has personally requested
He is his relative
Also, he works for the customs
So, get me the reports
as and when you get it
Yes sir
That girl seems went missing
from somewhere near her house
So, check if there is any CCTV in
any of the building in that street
Yes sir
Also, when that girl went missing...
a gift box was found tied
around her pet's neck
Her parents are really shocked seeing that
This is the gift box
Who gave you the permission to
release that 'murder case' woman?
The father tried to
molest his own daught...
That girl must be
of same age as Ammu
That doesn't give you the
liberty to do anything you want
I didn't take any liberty
According to IPC section 120
states murder for self defense
You know it very well and I
released her under that section
So, you did it according
to the procedure
Why did you forge my signature
and pass the order?
What else did you expect me to do?
I must bring it to your attention,
then get a SI assigned...
start the formalities, investigate and
by the time the case is closed...
that girl's career would be over
Say whatever you want...
who will be responsible if it
becomes an issue in the future?
You talk about being legal and
indulge in illegal activities!
Please help me. I too
need my dad's signature
Already the assigned tasks
is giving me severe headache
You want me to sign?
I flunked in two subjects. He'll
skin me alive if he finds out
Here, put his signature
Leave your heart at home
when you come to work
Got it?
If they probe this case tomorrow,
I must answer the press
Over that there is local politics
that we must take care of
Just work for the salary you are paid
Nothing more!
Arun, this is the first
and last warning for you
Mind it!
Heard that?
This is your first
and last warning
Your mom's not here, right?
She stayed back home
saying she had a headache
Thank god!
Uncle, the new teacher doesn't
know I'm Kokila teacher's daughter
So, for now, you are my dad
Just nod to whatever she says.
Do not open your mouth
Beat me if you want in between
but do not open your mouth
Stop chattering and walk!
Excuse me, ma'am
Come in
Please, have a seat
Are you seriously Ammu's father?
Unbelievable? Uh-oh!
Well, you look very young
Thank you
Looks like uncle
has fallen for her
Well, my fate. I was forced
to marry at a very young age
It was my grandpa's dying wish and
he got me married to her mother
Fine, leave it. Do you know
what your daughter did?
No, I don't know miss
She has forged your signature
in the progress report card
Looks exactly like my signature!
But I was smart
enough to find it out
You are brilliant, miss
How dare you?
- Will you repeat it?
- Aiyo! It hurts! No!
- Will you repeat this?
- Daddy, please! No!
Leave me, miss. Answer me!
Will you repeat it?
- Please. Stop
- It hurts daddy
How dare you forger my signature?
Stop it!
Okay, see you
Why don't you rest at home
when you've got a headache?
Instead why do you
wanna strain yourself?
It's okay, I don't need rest. You leave
Okay, come
Where are you headed?
Well, that...
Ammu wanted a
scientific calculator
I'm gonna gift it to
her as a surprise
This is fine but do not
spoil her by giving money
Stop pampering her
Fine, come on
How can you be so inhumane?
Poor girl
It's a serious mistake
that she has committed
So what?
If my mom was alive, would you
have thrashed me like that?
Uh-oh! This is out of context
Your mom's not alive, Ammu?
Come here
Intimate before you do something new
I won't beat you hereafter, Ammu
I won't beat you
I am sorry
Buying her calculator
isn't pampering
I promise that I won't
give her money hereafter
Ok, tell me. Who else
will help my daughter?
I said no!
Why are you standing there?
Come on
Don't remind me of your mother
Don't remind me of her
Give it to me and
I'll surprise her
You'll give it to her
along with lots of advice
What happened?
This girl forged her father's
signature in her progress report card
Poor girl
Is that why she is crying?
Her dad thrashed her real good
What? Her dad?
Also, her mother passed away
Her mother passed away?
Who said it?
Her father
No, I swear I didn't
- Where is he?
- There he is
Uh-oh! Game over!
So, he is her father?
- Greetings
- Greetings
We know him
Ma'am, I am her mother
that passed away
And this is my younger brother
I am Ammu's father
And I am Ammu's uncle
I am yet to get married
Sir, did she ask you that?
- Just an information
- Okay, go ahead
Ammu, what's all this?
You don't study well, you forge your father's
sign and make your uncle play your father
Ma'am stop accusing me alone!
It was my uncle who
forged my dad's signature
You put my signature better than me
And that's why you got caught
Right! Felicitate him with a
shawl and present him memento
I have told you a hundred times! Don't
expect me to be patient anymore
Her atrocities are
getting worse every week
She is also bad at studies!
And you never punish her
She won't obey me
Ammu, some chutney?
Can't you see me
rambling on here?
Tell me
She is so naughty because we
are pampering and spoiling her
You better put her in a boarding
school right away this month
Ammu said that you were sick and
won't come to school today
Why did you turn up to school?
I must beat you up, first!
Then everything will fall in place
Will you find a new school
for her or should I do it?
Answer me!
Please! No, daddy
Thank you
You flicked everything
without my knowledge...
but there's someone above
us watching it all
Do you know that?
What will you do now?
Fine, I'll take care of it
Put everything back in it's place.
I won't tell her. Okay?
Stop it or I'll thrash you
How many times have I told you to run
to me when strangers approach you?
They'll appear kind and nice but in
reality they are ruthless and bad!
Bad boys!
Be very careful!
Come on, it was after
all a signature
And you talk as if
I am a criminal
Well, even a small crime...
makes you a criminal
- Yes brother-in-law?
- Got the photos?
Got them
Gotta submit it at the station
tomorrow morning. Careful
And you are hiding it?
Don't you already have a
lot of it at home? Now, go
Go, put it back
I said, go!
Oh my god!
Put it back before the
store guys catch you
Ma'am, let the kid have it
No. It's okay
Even if you don't want,
you must take it
Because he already paid for it
Who paid for it?
Him. The guy who's
leaving in his bike
Don't you link up Samyukta's murder and
Amudha missing case with that doll's head
That doll's head is the
only evidence we got
We must climb up
using that thread
Don't teach me to climb
up using thread and tail
Come on, you must support me
We can definitely catch him
Don't strain too much
Already David Raja, who threatened
to kill Amudha, has been arrested
The case will be almost solved
and closed by end of day today
This case won't resolve today!
Why would you say that?
Brother-in-law, please hear me out
It's true that I proposed her
with a love letter, madam
But I ain't that daring to kill her, madam
Then why did you run at
the sight of the police?
It was purely out of fear, madam
This is the right time. Shall
I talk about the evidence?
That lady is very
arrogant and egoistic
She won't even respond properly
to higher officials orders
There is no way she'll even pay
heed to sub ordinates like you
Then you go, tell her
Just keep quiet
I am just obeying her orders and leading
a peaceful life with this salary
Don't you drag me into mess
This investigation is heading
in the wrong direction
Be happy that it's going in some direction.
Just let it go
- Stop pestering me
- Listen to me, please
What's going on there?
Well ma'am, he was
inquiring about this case
Come here
Your thrashing must make
him speak the truth!
Go ahead
Now, get started. Hit him!
Please don't beat me up, madam.
I am innocent, madam
Hi darling
Did you have your food?
Mommy's busy right now...
I am innocent, sir
What did granny say?
It hurst! Please no!
Is it?
Be a good girl and
obey your grandma. Ok?
I shall call you later. Ok?
Okay darling, I'm hanging
up the call now
What's wrong with you?
Ma'am, there is no use
in bashing him up
The killer we are looking for isn't a
rapist or a kidnapper or a stalker like him
A mentally unstable guy who carefully
plans and kills his victim
I mean he is a...a psychopath
Stop blabbing
Ma'am, just a minute
Ma'am, excuse me
This is Samyukta, who
was missing earlier
And this is Amudha who
went missing two days ago
The coincidence here
between these two?
Both of them are 15 years
old school students...
and were kidnapped when they
returning home from school
This is Samyukta's photo when her corpse
was found two days later in the bushes
This is the photo of the doll's head that was
found when Amudha was kidnapped two days ago
Now, watch this ma'am
Just like Samyukta, the hair
on doll's forehead is uprooted
Just like Samyukta's eyes are
drilled and her mouth is damaged...
the same is done to the doll
Apart from that, in particular...
a knife mark on
Samyukta's forehead...
on her ears...
and on her nasion
The same marks can be found
in the doll's face too
it's with these instances you come to the
conclusion that it's the same man...
I mean...
you say the so called
psychopath did this, right?
Not just this ma'am. 27% from the list
of the psychopaths across the world...
leave their mark when the
kidnap or murder their victims
For example...
in 1970s a serial killer
named Zodiac, from America...
murdered ten people and left a
cross as his mark at the spot
A psycho named Dennis Radar always
left a woman's symbol at the spot
Only when viewed in landscape
mode, it was found that...
it read his initials BTK
In south Mumbai, India, a psycho named
Ravinder murdered his victims and...
left beer tin on the spot as his mark
John Allen and Malan
from Washington, US used-
-a card named 'Calling
card' as their mark
Similarly, a psycho named John Fianse
left a broken cross as his mark
Some of them had their methods
of killing as their mark
During 19th century, in London,
a psycho named Jack the ripper...
murdered call girls and split
their body into two halves
The reason they leave
their mark or sign?
Because with every attack people started
fearing their sign and in turn them
The psychopaths
enjoyed that fear
That is what they survive on
There are hundreds of
such examples, ma'am
This damaged doll head
is one such sign!
He would have started enjoying the
fear he has instigate on us
Which is why, I am requesting that
let's probe in this direction
So, you mean I'm headed
in the wrong direction?
Ma'am, I didn't
meant it that way
So, when Samyukta died, no
such doll head was found
Ma'am, let's inquire that
Why are you so much interested
in Samyukta's murder case?
I had collected such news
articles for my script
Oh yeah! Right!
Weren't you working as
an assistant director...
and then you became an SI using
your dad's reputation, right?
Don't vomit all
these stories here!
Use your script knowledge
only for your movies!
Don't create unnecessary confusion by
dragging it into the investigation
Only if you had put your creativity to
right use, you'd be director by now
You are here because
you couldn't do that!
Samyukta body was found in a tortured
condition after two days she was kidnapped
Today marks the second day
since Amudha went missing
Ma'am if we don't take a quick action
then Amudha might face the same plight
It will happen
Listen! Don't you order me what to do
Go, get me a cigarette
Make it fast
I said, go!
It's me, the AC.
Round up that area
Don't allow the public, especially the media
Don't let anyone click photos or take videos
I'm on the way
Arun, you were spot on!
Finally, the SI was right. It
happened exactly as he predicted
Don't let any news to the
media without my permission
Okay ma'am
'Samyukta's murder case officer'
No sir
We don't have any such gift box listed
in Samyukta's murder investigation
Please do check with her parents once
Sir, we didn't find
any such gift box
Samyukta was kidnapped when she
was returning from her hostel
Inquire at her hostel and
you might get some lead
When I was conducting the autopsy...
I couldn't control my tears
I guess, the killer doesn't
know what pain is
Black heart!
Poor girl, he drilled out her eyes
Then broke her teeth and
uprooted her hair patch by patch
On top of that, he has scarred
all over body with knife
He did this all while
the girl was alive
This man is suffering from
Antisocial Personality Disorder
With aggression and
deviant behavior
In short a psycho!
Completely a psycho!
was she... raped?
No rape
her private parts were...
this is Samyukta's autopsy report
Exact same!
She has been murdered exactly
the same way as Amudha
I am sure!
Well, sir...
do you think we can confirm he is the
murderer based on just these facts?
someone had left a gift in
her name after she had left
But I totally forgot about it as I was in
shock after hearing what happened to her
I got this from Samyukta's hostel
What's going on, Lakshmi? I
just got roasted by the DCP!
Is there any link between Amudha's murder
and Samyukta's murder case that was closed?
And how?
No, sir. Well, that...
Come on, Lakshmi!
So according to you, it's a psychopath
who is behind these murders
If there is no motive or any
links to him and the victims...
then how do we move
this case further?
Whom do we doubt?
How do we catch him?
I have a strong feeling that this
case is going to be a big headache
Sir, I have an idea
but there is a risk
involved in it
Tell me
In this case, the mark of leaving a gift
box after kidnapping the victims...
then leaving the corpse
in a public place...
in a way the killer is
doing a self publicity
Like how applause and appreciation
motivates an artist...
Psychos thrive on the attention they
get and fear people have on them
That's what keeps them going
That is what keeps their mind stable
And that stable mind is what
helps them to plan their murders
In order to stop him, we
must break his stable mind
If no media or news publishes
any news about him...
and if no gives him the
attention, that will distract him
He'll get confused
His will divert his attention
towards another target
He will commit a
blunder in his plan
And at that moment, we'll have
the opportunity to nab him!
For that, we'll have to keep
Amudha's corpse away from everyone
Even from her parents
Sir, let's try this idea
If the information leaks
later, then an SI like you...
you don't have to worry
the headache will be ours!
We'll have to reply to the
home minister, CM, media etc.
Ma'am the psycho ain't
gonna stop with Amudha
Unfortunately, we don't have any other
clue to approach that psycho
So brutally murdered that even the autopsy
doctor couldn't control his tears
Do you want her parents to see it?
Do you think they have
the strength to bear it?
there are procedure and
ethics to handle a case
It would be good for all
of us, if we follow it
Go meet her parents
and inform them
Let me talk to the DGP
Sir, it is because normal procedure
won't work out in this case...
I came up with this idea
Please sir
Don't you judge what will
work out or what won't
Just obey your orders. Now, go!
It won't be Amudha
Fine, come let's check once
Please don't cry
Please come
Don't worry
Why are we even here?
I am not coming
I don't have the courage to see
If it's indeed our daughter's corpse
then please kill me and let me die too
Get up, dear
She isn't here
What happened?
That's not our daughter
Are you sure?
I am serious
Nothing will happen
to our daughter
Come, let's go home
Sir, did you check properly?
That's not our daughter
Come on
Sir, wasn't it Amudha's body inside?
I discussed the points you
mentioned with the DGP
He has given the permission
Sir, then Amudha's corpse?
This is a secret mortuary
maintained by the government
It looks like an ordinary medical
warehouse from the outside
When we frame the politically
supported criminals
and finish them off, we
bring their corpse here
We file an absconding case on
them and fake a search on them.
One it settles down, we
dispose their corpses
Mr. Arun, your logic about
the psychopath made sense
I informed the IG and when we got the
permission we shifted Amudha's body at once
This place is under
Dr. Nandan's responsibility
There is no issue in
hiding Amudha's corpse
If that person is a psycho killer...
then he must be arrested
before his next attempt
Please, come in
Come dear
Hello sir. I am Das
I am Ammu's father
She is a little weak in studies
Hence, I have put her
in this school now
I heard that you are quite strict.
Please do take care of her
You may leave.
I'll take care of her
Ok dear, see you. Take care
Go and sit
This model isn't available these days.
It has been stopped
Such dolls aren't selling
well in this shop either
Hence, they stopped
buying it last year
Only one doll is left
Come, I'll show you
This type of dolls are imported
But since its outdated,
no one buys it these days
We also think to stop this
Dear students, in today's world women's
education is quite an important factor
A nations progress lies in
the way it treats it's women
Example the developed countries
Amongst the developing
nation, India stands first
The reason for that is the importance
we give to our country's women
- You can't even solve a simple sum
- Sir...
- How will you pass this year?
- Sir, it's hurting
- Sir!
- Tell me
You do everything
else except studying
- Sir! Please
- You tell me. What do we do?
- Sir please
- Answer me
- Inbaraj sir
- Sir, it's hurting
The function has already started
You leave. I'll send them
Sir, please
Tomorrow, I'll randomly ask anyone
to solve a sum and you must solve it
Yes sir
Or else, everyone will fail this year
Yes sir
Now, all of you go
Sir, please sir
In order to achieve 100% result
in the 12th grade, our school...
degrades students in a very strict
manner during 11th grade final exams
Where, even an average
student cannot clear
You are below average
You will fail for sure
Sharmi, you see there shouldn't be
a black mark on my name next year
Last week I saw you roaming
with a guy, on his bike
No sir
You refuse to study well
You have fun roaming around
You are very weak
I think I must meet your parents
Please sir, no
Please sir, no
You don't want me to meet them?
Then will you obey me?
Will you or will you not?
If you won't obey...
then leave the class and
go attend the function
If you want to advance next
year to the 12th grade...
then go close the door
Our school ranks #1 in Chennai
The reason being the way we educate our
children and the security they have here
I appreciate all our
teachers who ensures it
Now, our special guest
Mrs, Annabelle George is-
-going to present an
interesting magic show
We'll start the unit four tomorrow
Okay Ma'am
Ms. Kokila...
- Has your husband arrived?
- He is waiting outside
I am taking a half
day off tomorrow
I'm taking Kayal for
speech therapy training
Ok. Any improvements?
Yes. She calls out 'Ma' once in a while
Viji miss
Oh! Sorry Meera
I totally forgot
Here you go
- It's awesome, miss
- Thank you
Convey my wishes to your parents
Why don't you do it yourself
Happy anniversary. Wish you many
many happy returns of the day
- Thank you, ma'am
- Ok, bye
- This machine has so many features?
- Indeed
I have got a similar one for Kayal
After repeatedly hearing recorded
voice, her speech training becomes easy
Okay, fine. So when are
you getting married?
I can't disown Kayal
and get married
I will marry only a
person who'll accept her
It's very tough to find
someone like that, Viji
Hey, careful! Watch out
It was our wedding anniversary yesterday
She promised to be home early
Did you inquire all
friends and relatives?
We have inquired everyone
No idea, sir
I just saw Meera boarding
an auto-rickshaw
I didn't check the
auto-rickshaw's number
Did you notice any name or poster
or any sign on the auto-rickshaw?
No, I don't recollect
I left as the bus arrived
Please come with us
Let's check with all the
auto-rickshaws in that area
See if you can identify the man
No. I don't remember
anything at all
Kayal's school time is up.
She must be waiting. I must go
Ma'am please
Every information you give
us is an advantage for us
It can save a girl's life
Sir, I am concerned too
But can't you understand
what I'm telling you?
That is all I know
Ma'am, please cooperate with us
Sir, please try to understand me
Kayal might start crying and
that will make her weak
Hello! There is no information
about Meera, who is missing!
We are worried in what condition
we'll find her. Please!
Sir, I have kid dependent on me
I must leave
Stop it with the bubbles now
How long before the bus
arrives and we reach home
We are late because
instead of leaving early
from the birthday function,
you kept on playing
Repeat this and I promise that I
won't take you out anywhere, Kayal
Come here
Madam, did you call for
the auto-rickshaw?
Please, come in madam
Please come. Nothing to worry
- Madam! Madam!
- Sit down, dude!
Follow her
Madam, please wait
Wait, she ain't going anywhere
Excuse me
Wait, one minute
Dude, that was a terrible miss
Forget it, we'll find some other chick
Who's that?
Look, she's got somebody
Are you her bodyguard?
Sir! Sir! Please! No!
I didn't knew you were a police officer
You thought I was an outlaw?
I thought you were
a jobless bachelor
Out law sounds far better than that
Where is Kayal's father now?
Kayal isn't my daughter
I know that
Kayal is you elder
sister's daughter
And that she passed
away after falling sick
Her husband abandoned Kayal
because she is speech impaired
Hence you took
responsibility of Kayal
Am I correct?
How did you get to know all these?
I inquired Ammu about you
But how did Ammu...?
I promised to sign her report card in a
way that she won't get caught next time
And she helped me
with your details
Is this all Kayal's work?
Indeed Kayal's
She keeps scribbling all the time
She talks through her paintings
I let her do it
Remember, you paid for all
the sketch pens last time
No. No. It's ok
Good night
tomorrow, let's go check all
the auto-rickshaw in that area
I'll update you if I recollect anything
"It's like I found something I
was searching for a long time"
"And now I have lost my sleep"
"Everything seems to fall in place
without any plans or efforts"
"Our actions and reactions communicate
a lot more that words now"
"It's like I found something I
was searching for a long time"
"And now I have lost my sleep"
"Oh my dear, even men smile and
feel shy but it's all a secret"
"Sometimes even the artist steps aside
and enjoys another performance"
"It's a wonder that we are in each other's
mind even as we wage our daily battles"
"To forget what it means to be
lonely is a wonderful feeling"
"Every time I hear your name, I can
feel the butterflies in my stomach"
"All I see is you,
everywhere I turn around"
"Now we embark on this new
journey together and"
"I promise to take care of you
with all my heart and soul"
"It's like I found something I
was searching for a long time"
"And now I have lost my sleep"
It's a flat tyre
Stop that auto-rickshaw
What happened, sir?
Stop him
Stop! Stop!
To Nolambur bridge
We are losing
Sir, what happened?
Meera's corpse...
was found at the
corporation garbage
Sir, what do you mean?
Hello, tell me Viji
The auto-rickshaw in
which Meera traveled...
Viji, step out and talk
Hello, on the back of that auto-rickshaw...
Viji, your voice is breaking
Can you hear me?
On the back side of
that auto-rickshaw...
Viji, your voice is breaking
Careful! Don't touch that
or anything around it
Careful! Watch out!
Just remove the garbage from the top
of the corpse without touching it
Do it carefully
Sir, we are coming from
the K4 police station
Welcome constable sir. The corporation
guy was the first to see it
- Handle it carefully
- Step back!
Have patience
Greetings sir
- How long has it been, sir?
- Just half an hour
It's within our area limits.
But we are ordered to
divert the case to you
- Lift it
- Carefully
- Make sure nothing happens to the corpse
- Careful, don't leave it
Hold it
Hold it properly
There was red colored star logo on the
back of the auto-rickshaw Meera traveled
Also the wording RACE
is there on the back
I had been trying to
reach you to convey this
I'll speak the truth! I'll say it, sir!
Sir, I didn't murder anyone
I just simply like to tease the girls
You just simply like
to tease girls?
Speak up! Who else is with you?
Please, stop beating me. There
is another person with me
Inbaraj, sir
I lure the school girls into my auto-rickshaw
and drop them off at his house
He pays me to do it.
My task ends there
Apart from that, I have no
idea what he does to the girls
What does Inbaraj do?
He is a school teacher
Is this something a
school teacher would do?
Is it? Is it?
Which school does he work at?
I don't know the school.
I only know his house
And you keep talking with
respect, like he is your boss
Where is his house?
Saidapet, Aravindan street
- What happened, sir?
- Hey!
Get inside!
Check inside
Okay sir
So it's this mongrel
Ammu studies in his class
Have you got the papers?
Yes sir
Who has secured less than 35%?
Sir, Meera's school bag
What's your percentage?
34, sir
I didn't hear that
Say it out loud so that everyone hears it
34, sir
We have searched the house completely.
There is nothing related to the murders
Arun, he must be at the school
You have failed in all the tests
Okay, all of you leave
The school has asked me to give the list
of students those who must be degraded
I think I should put your name first
Sir, please no
Don't do that, please.
You don't obey me at all
Then what can I do?
Okay, then fine I shall put
your name on the list
I shall obey you, sir.
I shall obey you
- Will you obey?
- I will, sir
Then go close that door
Sir, please don't do this.
Please let me go
- I'll count up to five
- Please sir
Please sir, I wanna go home
Inbaraj teacher...
- Yes sir?
- Where can I find him?
School is over for the day. He must
be at his tuition center at Saidapet
Sir, what happened?
Nothing, you carry on
- Let's go to his tuition center
- Okay
Sir, please sir!
Please don't do this, sir!
My bad, sir!
What do you want me to speak?
Why did you do this?
Have you ever felt the
depth of loneliness?
Someone to wake you up...
and some to care for you. Now,
ever had a life without all those?
Then doing a job
against your will
A blunt life without any ups and down
In life...
excitement is a must
- And that is why I
- And for that?
Will you murder girls?
Will you murder them?
I haven't murdered anyone
We know that you took Meera to
your house the other day evening
Meera is my tuition student
On that day, she go in to an
auto-rickshaw, as I expected
Oh, sorry. I didn't see the customer
I got into the auto-rickshaw
like it was a coincidence
- Are you sure?
- Sure sir
Then I forced her
to come to my house
Isn't it awesome?
Even my wife does
good embroidery
She has made a lot of design
and hung all over the house
Are you serious?
Come home and
you'll be surprised
Please have a seat, dear
- I'll make you some Lassi
- Okay sir
Meera, this is just a vitamin tablet.
Nothing wrong
Hey! Hey! Listen to me!
Hey, Meera!
Meera, listen to me!
Meera, unlock the door!
When I came out and
looked for her...
Meera wasn't there
Only, after I learned
that she went missing...
I resumed my job at school
I didn't do anything else
Don't you lie Inbaraj!
You are acting as if you
don't have any fear
You killed all the four girls
Are you trying to act and
escape from this case?
We have no plans to
keep you alive!
Say the truth and at least you
can live in the jail life long
Sorry gentleman
Are you trying to frame me into the
unsolved cases and escape from it?
You think we are framing you?
Do you think so?
Now, get up! Get up!
You kill torture and kill girls! Wait, you
must be inquired at the prison and not here
Sir, what's this? Please
all of you get out!
He took advantage of his teacher's
profession to approach girls
He got caught because we rounded
him up an got caught in the act
Sir, since all the
evidences are against him,
he is trying to narrate
some story and escape
If proved guilty, he knows very
well that he'll be hanged to death
He is lying for sure
I think he'll open his mouth if even
give him a third degree treatment
Good job, Lakshmi
I was worried that you
guys were gonna miss him
- Congrats to your team
- Thank you sir
Thank you, sir
Why are you placing the
doll in the car trunk?
This one?
Don't tell Ammu.
This is my surprise gift for Ammu and I'll
hand it over to her after she cuts the cake
Happy birthday
Thank you
Wait, hold on.
Let's take a selfie. Come in everybody
Hey, come here
- Look over there
- What's with the long face?
Forget about the case and smile!
Hey, this girl
Look at this girl...
She looks good, brother-in-law
She looks very good
- I know the girl you like now
- Hello
What do you mean?
Don't be scared
Second floor, sir
Police is surrounding the hospital
You can't escape from here
Drop your gun
Don't come near
Else, I will shoot him
Inbaraj, you are doing
mistakes over and again
Let go of him
You guys are trying to
frame and finish me off
I have to go!
No matter what you say, all
the evidences are against you
Surrender yourself and we won't harm you
No matter what I do, you guys will
murder me eventually in an Encounter
I know it very well
You can't escape, Inbaraj.
Give me the gun
No, I can't!
All of you drop your
gun and step back!
I said step back or else,
I'll finish him off!
Listen to me Inbaraj
Step back. Step back!
he is holding the gun wrong
He also appears restless
For now, let's obey him
We can nab him before
he leaves this hospital
You shut up!
Ma'am, he's holding a very sensitive gun.
It'll get fired easily
I know that! You, get out, first!
we must save Venkat somehow
- Or else we'll have new problem
- I said, get out!
Look here...
I repeat!
Hand over the gun and
surrender yourself
I'll count up to three and by then I want
everyone to drop your gun and step back!
Or else I'll shoot him for sure
Drop your guns
Will you drop or not?
No matter what I do, you guys will
murder me eventually in an Encounter
- Arun!
- What happened?
Ammu's been missing
for very long now
We searched for her everywhere
- I am really worried!
- Don't worry
Nothing would've happened to her.
She must be nearby
No, she was inside...
When did it happen?
- Be strong. We'll find her by tomorrow
- No sir. My daughter...
Nothing will happen
Stop! Stop!
Where is the guy who was shooting
the party with his handy cam?
Happy birthday
Forget about the case
Call Ammu, time to cut the cake, okay?
Ok uncle
Go, call her
Ammu, time to cut the cake.
Your dad's calling. Come on
Wait. Just a moment
Ammu, time to cut the cake.
Your dad's calling. Come on
Wait. Just a moment
Please. Please!
Just one more time
Uncle, she isn't coming
Do you have any idea with
whom she was talking?
No uncle
Don't be afraid
Think again and give me an answer
She went that side with a guy, who
was wearing a blue colored t-shirt
- Happy birthday
- Thank you, aunty
Sir, I didn't isolate Ammu
I saw you taking her out
with you, in the video
She went missing from the entrance
when she was talking to you
- Don't you lie!
- Sir, why would I lie?
I won't have any consideration.
I'll bash you up inside the prison
Answer me!
Sir, I thought if I propose
her on her birthday...
Ammu would accept my love and
that is why I called her out alone
By then, a van came
on the opposite side
- A van?
- Yes sir
I thought it was some of Ammu's relative
and I left bidding good bye to Ammu
Did you see the guy
inside the van?
No sir
What kind of van was it?
I couldn't notice it
properly in the dark
Anyone who came for the birthday
party can have that vehicle
I am pretty sure it's that psychopath's van.
Check around!
Ok Arun
Did you check that vehicle?
Sir, that's the
Assistant Commissioner
By then, a van came
on the opposite side
- A van?
- Yes sir
I thought it was some of Ammu's relative
and I left bidding good bye to Ammu
Did you see the guy
inside the van?
No sir
What kind of van was it?
I couldn't notice it
properly in the dark
- Will we get back Ammu alive...
- Please!
I will put my life on
the line to save Ammu
It's been two days
since she is missing
I'm relying on you
She has the brains of a police
Even he has got her,
she would've escaped!
Remember how she put me in a soup
by making you forge my sign?
Her eyes are really big and round
She'll somehow escape and come!
If we find her...
I will quit this job for good!
And leave this city for good
I'll move to our native
Well, that...
I can't stop thinking about her.
She right in front of me
That is why I am unable
to control my tears
We'll get her back. Life is
all about being confident
What do you say, Arun?
What's in there?
No! Listen to me
Is that our Ammu?
Listen to me. No, brother-in-law!
- Leave me!
- No! Please don't go
Let go of me. Let
me have a look!
I said, leave me!
- Don't go! Please!
- I said, leave me
Don't go there!
Remember, I am also
a Police officer
Allow me to look
Leave me! I said, let me go!
No! Don't!
What's happening, Arun?
What happened?
What is it?
Nothing. Well, this...
I got this teddy bear for Ammu
I had kept it in the car
trunk and when I took it out
I got hurt again in the same place
What are you looking at?
Didn't you say that you
got a clue about Ammu?
Didn't you say?
Here is the car key. Take it
Take it
Take the car and go!
Don't look at her. Here
Go, get Ammu before sunset
Don't make us wait too long.
Here, take the key
I said, go!
You heard me! Go!
Come dear, let's go inside
Why didn't you gift me the
teddy bear on my birthday?
No, I forgot it in the car...
You keep doing this always
Now, give that to me, daddy
Over there
"Oh my dear, open your eyes"
"I am left with nothing but tears"
"A world without you..."
"is full of pain and sorrow"
"Tell me, where are you and
I shall come retrieve you"
"All I want is to have you back"
"Oh my dear, open your eyes"
"I am left with nothing but tears"
- Ammu, careful
- Don't confuse her
"A world without you..."
How will she learn driving
if you keep disturbing?
"is full of pain and sorrow"
I don't know proper car driving
"Tell me, where are you and
I shall come retrieve you"
"All I want is to have you back"
"A family full of joy
and celebration..."
"A family lived on the
land of peace and harmony"
"But today, it finds itself
in a pitch dark world"
"You love was the ever flowing
stream in the family"
"Our lives were filled with your love"
"And now without you, we
are nothing but dried"
"leaves that are blown
away into a dry land"
"Wish this was all a bad nightmare.
Hope it ends and you return home"
"The hearts awaits every single
day expecting a miracle"
"It's nothing but a dead end now"
"When will you come
back to us, again?"
He tortured and killed
our little, Ammu...
and now he must be happy knowing
that we are lamenting here
Yet we aren't able to
do anything, Arun!
"A world without you..."
Your daughter's autopsy report
"Tell me, where are you and
I shall come retrieve you"
What do I do with this, doctor?
He butchered her...
and ripped her apart
I don't know how long
can I keep it from her
We are leaving. Take care
It was a very critical situation at the
hospital and that is why we has use the gun
Mr. Arun fired his gun at the girl's
school. What was that? Heroism?
No FIR was filed against him
There was no legal prosecution
Then how did you guys conclude
that he is the accused?
Do you think the police
cannot be questioned?
Mr. Arun must appear in front of this
committee within the next two days
Or else you won't be going
out of here as an officer
Here is the summon, asking you
to appear before the committee
Sorry Arun, I don't have a choice
I officially suspend
you for three months
You are relieved of your
duties in this case
Arun! No!
No Arun! Arun!
Apart form being students there is some
other link between these four victims
Unable to crack that...
I'm a failure, Viji
I couldn't even save a
single soul around me
Not even a single soul!
Then what's the...
use of being a police officer!
I am scared
Stand by me, Viji
I'll quit this police job, let's leave this
place and go far away to some other place
Unable to crack that...
I'm a failure, Viji
I couldn't even save a
single soul around me
Not even a single soul
Hey! Why did you
record all this?
When someone speaks, she
records it in this...
and hear it repeatedly
for her speech training
It was my student Meera, who bought her
this from the same company she got
Meera's hearing aid has
the same facility?
Materials found in Meera's body
Meera's hearing aid
Happy anniversary. Wish you many
many happy returns of the day
The recording has started
when she was hit on the head
This is indeed Meera's voice
I don't think this music
has release anywhere
The thing is that music
doesn't have any language
But this is an Mexican and Indian mix
In that way, I feel this could
be an Anglo-Indian style music
Also, based on the playing style, the psycho
you are looking for could be a pianist
Sir, a program like
that can be arranged
But this 9 - 10 is the peak hour slot
So, we need to get the
permission from head office
Sir, I am under suspension
That's what, without the
letter, it'll become
-an issue and I cannot
face my head office
Arun, I hope you
realize the situation
Lakshmi ma'am was roasted by the committee
because you didn't appear there
She is furious with you
They have warned her and asked
her to produce you in two days
And you ask for a letter from her
Do you think she'll sign it?
Greetings Chennai! This is 92.7 Big fm
and this is RJ Karthik with top 100 hits
As awesome songs
await you tonight...
all you gotta do is listen to the track
we play, by the way it's a rare track...
and tell us the composer or when
and where have you heard it...
and gives us details
like it's note and beats
We have the first caller on line.
Let's talk to him
- Greetings sir
- Greetings sir
I'm Maari from Tambaram
So, Maari sir now that you've heard
the track, do you have any details?
Come on sir, it just plain music
Give us some clue, only
then we can find it
Here is the song for you
Our next caller,
hello, greetings
The music sounded
really great but...
doesn't sound familiar
Nope, can't guess it
Another caller is there
Here's the song for you, enjoy it
Greetings! Let's go there
Here's the song for
you ma'am, enjoy it
Here's the song for
you ma'am, enjoy it
Here the last song for this show
Super melody for you
Sir, it was supposed to
be a half an hour program
We are still continuing even after an
hour because you told us the issue
Next, we have a live program with actor
Karuna Karan. He's already waiting outside
Looks like a girl has heard that music
She is waiting on the line
Go ahead Swetha, tell us what details
have you got about that music?
I have heard it at our
school's annual day function
So you have heard it at your
school's annual day function?
Yes sir!
Swetha, when did the annual
day function take place?
Indeed, the annual day function
took place three months ago
Did you record the function?
Sir, do you have this lady's
details or contact number?
Sir, this lady is speech impaired
She volunteered to do the show
But since she is speech impaired, we didn't
collect any contact details from her
- Hello Viji, are you at the school?
- Yes
A few days before Meera went missing, did
any magic show take place at your school?
Was it an old lady who performed it?
Go to the principal room at once
and watch that magician's video
- Yes Arun?
- Hello, Venkat...
Go to Amudha's school. A magic show
would've took place few days ago
Go, check it's video
A little forward please
Pause! Pause!
In this case, Samyuktha
was the first victim
Samyuktha was
kidnapped on Oct 20th
The annual day function at her
school took place on Oct 18th
Second, Amudha
Kidnapped on Nov 16th
On 14th Nov there was children's
day celebration at her school
Third, Meera
Kidnapped on Dec 20th, Arun
Dec 18th, the annual day function
Two days prior to
kidnapping the girls...
there were shows in
all their schools
The common event all that
function is the Magic show
That lady is using her Magic show
as a tool to kidnap the girls
First, she impresses all the
children with her magic show
Second, she invites a volunteer
from the students to perform an act
She interacts with the volunteering
students and gets closer to them
Fourth, she starts to stalk
the selected student
Fifth, she kidnaps the
student exactly on the-
-second day after meeting
them, without any hassle
This is her routine pattern
First thing, we must find
out if that lady has-
-committed any magic shows
in any of the schools
But we must do it in
a secretive manner
You'll get those details
within an hour
Arun, on 17th of this
month a magic show took
place at Annai Mary
School's function at Porur
It's the same lady
What's today's date?
Today is the 19th
The second day after the show
Time's up, ring the bell
Ok ma'am
Hold on!
Wait for ten more minutes
Venkat, lock the gate
Security, lock the main gate
- Principal's room?
- Last room
Ma'am, I was the one who called you
Pause! Pause
Which class does
this girl belong to?
She is Sanjana, studying
in 10th standard A section
She is the school topper
10th A classroom?
In the first floor
- Wait here
- Girls, note down this diagram
- Ma'am, I'm Arun from the
police department - Yes?
Yes sir? What's the matter?
Sir, any problem?
Ma'am, a small awareness meet
for the safety of the children
Ok sir. Go ahead
just a small advice
Not everyone around
us are nice and kind
Problems can arise at home or
in a public place in any manner
If you ever face a problem,
remember these five points
Point #1: Have no fear!
Fear is our biggest enemy
It makes you physically
and mentally weak
Point #2: Face the situation
Show the enemy that
you are courageous
Point #3: Simultaneously, find a
way to escape from the situation
Point #4: Try to pass
information to someone
Point #5: If none of
the above works,
then attack the enemy with
your full heart and power
Do you know, that no man can bear the
pain exerted during a child birth
So, show your full power!
Be bold and be confident!
Okay girls?
One last thing, remember, the police
is here for your safety and security
Do you all own a mobile phone?
Ma'am, the principal
wanted to meet you
- Can you go meet her
- Okay
Tell me, now. Do you
guys own a mobile phone?
Yes sir
Girls, this is my personal number.
Save it
- Did you note my number?
- Yes, I did
Show me
Very good
Thank you for your time
Auto-rickshaw #6267
Careful! Careful! Don't miss her
Don't stop. Keep going
I told you not to stop!
Then why did you?
Venkat, we missed the signal
The auto-rickshaw took
left from the Gokulam park
You keep following
Drive. Come on, go!
Arun, take a right down the road you are and
you'll find Vasantha Mani tuition center
She got down there
Take a right?
Arun, there's the girl
Venkat, she's getting on a bike
Follow her
Keep going but maintain a distance
Careful, Anbu
Vehicle is missing
Anbu, you go straight
You both go to left
Yes sir, who do you want?
What did the van guy ask you?
He asked for address
How did he look?
Who are you?
I'm Arun. Remember, I came to your
class and gave you my contact
Oh! Sorry sir...
You must have gone to my
sister, Sanjana's classroom
I am Sangeetha. We are twins
Why isn't Sanjana home yet?
She has got music class
- Where?
- Right opposite to her school
What's the matter, sir?
- What happened, Simon?
- Found a gift box
Simon, head to the control room at once
Trace out Sanjana's number
Hello sir
- Arun?
- Hello
That number has been traced
It is crossing the Guindy,
Kathipara bridge!
Good, monitor it closely
Guindy, Kathipara
Arun, the number is moving from
Binny roads into St. Thomas mount
Very good
We are heading towards the St.
Thomas area
Keep tracking
Arun, it is now going past the Patrick
Church into the Britto colony
We are almost nearing St. Thomas mount.
Left! Left!
Any other movement?
Any movement?
Arun, as the number was
moving it lost the signal
Where was the last signal found?
Britto colony, Bava street
Where are we, ma'am?
My family will be looking for me
I want to go
There is no way they
could've left Britto colony
If it has, then the
signal would've been back-
-at next tower and we
would've got an intimation
Right! Right!
I wanna use the toilet
Venkat, it's somewhere here
You go straight and check
Take left
Hello, Sanjana
Arun sir, it's me Sanjana
Tell me
I am stuck at some place
I know Sanjana. Do you
know your exact location?
Right now I'm hiding
in a bathroom
Don't worry Sanjana,
we are close by
Arun, call from control room
One minute. Hello
Arun, that girl's phone is exactly 200
meters away from you towards north
At Daskant street
But Arun, you're driving
toward the opposite side
Oh crap! Stop! Take a U turn!
Daskant street!
I am really scared
- Sir!
- What happened, Sanjana?
- Sir! Sir!
- Tell me, Sanjana!
She is breaking in
I have no clue what to do now
Do you remember what I taught?
She is going to kill me!
Don't worry. Be brave!
Please save me, sir!
We have found your location.
Don't worry
Do you see any window
in the bathroom?
Quick, Sanjana!
Yes, there is one
Be bold and face the situation
Try to break the window
and see if you can escape
Find something to break it!
And try breaking the window
Simon, give me Sanjana's exact location
Arun, towards your right.
Just five meters away
the cell phone is right at where you are
Are you alright?
I'm fine
Are you hurt?
Nothing right?
Where did the lady go?
Over there
Stay here. I'll be back
Venkat, follow her!
- Venkat!
- I'm fine. No problem
Sir, please show us the
Kodaikanal 2000 batch list
Is it him?
He is in Chennai, Arun
That lady's name...
isn't Annabelle George
Her name is Mary Fernandez
This person this photo is Fernandez
He was a magician
This lady, who was
a music teacher...
took up magic as a part time profession
after her husband passed away
It was at the same stage, she introduced
her son, Christopher to every one
But everyone was shocked
to see Christopher
Reason? Right from his childhood...
he had a hormone condition that
made him look like an very old man
So, none of the students could
accept him and made him an out cast
Come here
Mary found some peace knowing
Christopher had a friend in Sophie
But none of Sophie's
friends approved of it
Fine, let's eat. Come on
Without letting anything
affect Christopher...
Mary took good care of him
Happy birthday to you
Thank you, Sophie
Without any botheration...
She wanted to make Christopher
one of the best magician
And so Mary started training him
At the same time...
Christopher started
having feelings for Sophie
What is it? Tell me
- Sophia...
- Awesome!
I love you
At first Sophie was shocked
Later she advised him...
and tried to make him understand
But since all that went in vain...
Sophie started moving away from him
Christopher, who couldn't
accept that fact...
became obsessed and
pestered Sophie
Please, talk to me Sophie
When she isn't interested to talk
with you, why are you troubling her?
After my mother, you're the
one who cares a lot for me
Sophie couldn't stand him anymore
She took him to the library and made
him read genetics related books
But why Sophia?
She explained him about
his hormone condition
Don't say like that, Sophia
- I am normal
- No, Christopher!
Don't make me say it!
- Sophia please
- Read it
I don't get it...
- I said, read it!
- Sophia, please be with me forever
Even after that when
Christoper was stubborn...
Sophie lost her cool
and told him that he
wasn't fit for marriage
She told him that he is impotent
She yelled at him, making him
understand what that meant!
She left warning him from following her in
the name of love, marriage or friendship
That night, he wept talking about his
condition and how others hated him, to Mary
But his mother, Mary?
With great struggle she convinced him
that he will become the best magician
In order to boost his self esteem
and to cover up his drawbacks...
she styled him up a bit
He headed to school with confidence
The sound of 'Impotent!
It broke Christopher's heart
Move! Move!
Don't you laugh at me!
Ma'am, I'm sorry
I shouldn't have spoke to Christopher
like that, the other day
I had fever the next day
and I didn't go to school
Mary also made peace with her
She asked both of them to
become friends once again...
and handed her a gift
When I was arresting
that lady...
I could see fear in
everyone's eyes over there
Few days, after
getting released...
I heard that both of them
passed away in an accident
But to think that she is still alive and
murdering with the same vengeance in tact
it's quite shocking
arrest her as soon as possible
Or else we'll have
to see more victims
What happened?
I saw all the photos and
videos that you gave me
- Come to my plane, at once!
- I'm on my way, sir
Sir! Sir!
Rajamanickam sir!
Knowing that we met Rajamanickam,
AC has sent Durai over there
Rajamanickam has been
murdered, Venkat
I just reached his house
and found his corpse
What do you mean?
It must be that lady!
She must have not crossed more
than 10 kilometers from here
Alert the surrounding
area, Venkat!
Ok, I'll take care of it
You leave the spot
at once, Arun!
I saw all the photos and
videos that you gave me
What are you doing here, Arun?
Rajamanickam wanted to meet
me and it was an emergency
One minute
Stay right here!
Pasupathi, come
Ok ma'am
Arun, ma'am has ordered me to
arrest and take you to the station
What's...What's my fault?
Don't oppose and just
go, sit over there
You! What are you doing?
What are you all doing?
Bring him to the station
Welcome, Mr. Arun
Looks like you're having a good
time making people run behind you?
Ma'am apart from what
we had found earlier...
there is something more
serious about this case
Like I said, her stable mind was
disturbed and she was distracted
Which is why she has started targeting
people related to this case
I got you suspended because
I want you out of this case
Ma'am, please!
Won't you just shut up?
- Yes ma'am
- Handcuff him on to one of those benches
Ma'am, please hear me out!
Ma'am, this ain't a game!
It's serious!
Sir, why treat him
like an accused?
Just mind your business
I'm going out for rounds
Take care of him
Where are the photos taken
from Rajamanikam's house?
It's in the shelf
Please do me a favor
Please get me those photos
It is supposed to be
sent for forensic
Taking it out now
will become an issue
Already that devil keeps
rumbling for no reason
I just need those
photos for five minutes
I just want to see if I
can get any clue from it
Here you go
Just a minute, sir
Please hold the table
This is the clue Rajamanickam
wanted to convey
The lady has six fingers
We have been looking for the
wrong person all these days
Arun is already in our custody
Yes sir. I'll produce
him before 9 'O clock
- I won't have any excuse this time
- Ma'am!
Yes sir
Thank you, sir
Who removed his handcuffs?
Ma'am, please hear me out.
Look at these photos
Aren't these photos supposed
to be sent to the lab?
How did you...
Ma'am, if we look for Mary
Fernandez we won't catch the psycho
haven't you slept yet?
You want me to sing rhymes?
Baby is drowsing cozy and fair
Mother sits near by
the rocking chair
Ma'am, please hear me out!
Forward and back...
she sways the cradle
Don't worry baby,
your mother is near
Ma'am, the seriousness of
the issue is getting worse
Good night, dear
Ma'am, if we look for Mary
Fernandez we won't catch the psycho
Because the real psycho
is her son, Christopher
These photos have the evidence
He doesn't know that
he has been traced out
He'll be roaming free
Are you nuts?
Are you trying to divert this case?
- Ma'am, in this situation...
- Get out!
Ma'am, in this situation the
police will be looking for a woman
Accused name: Mary Fernandez
Age: Around 50 - 55 years old
Golden hair and she
is speech impaired
She uses a four wheeler
Inform the patrol at
once you doubt anyone
How about going to the
toilet and then go to bed?
Just for tonight, allow me to
wear the uniform and deal this
I'll nab him for sure
And what do you expect me to do when
they question me? Suck my thumb?
Kayal, don't play
here at downstairs
Kayal! Get inside the room!
How will it work out if
you have such a mindset?
Get out!
We will let Christopher escape
because of our ego clash
If you don't shut up and leave...
I'll undress you
and lock you up!
- Attend the call, Arun!
- Ma'am, come on....
What is Viji? Just spit it out!
I don't know who but someone's here
He's trying to kill me.
Where are you?
- Viji, what's happening?
- Come here at once!
Answer me, Viji!
I think he left
How did he look?
He looked like an old man
Viji, take care of Kayal.
I'm on my way
Kayal is fine. She is safe...
What happened, Viji?
Hello, Viji?
Where's Kayal, Viji?
Viji, what happened to Kayal?
Viji, where's Kayal?
What happened to her?
he's got Kayal!
Save her at any cost, please
What happened?
Tell me, what happened?
Christopher has got Kayal
Christopher abducted my child!
Are you trying to
create a scene?
You! Go, get me the handcuffs
Until I produce you in front of
the committee tomorrow morning...
I don't want you to move an
inch out of this station
If you dare think of ideas
to escape from here...
I'll finish you off!
No way, ma'am!
Sir, take this.
Come on, take it!
Pasupathi, what are you doing?
You can never make an
egoistic understand
I don't mind going to the prison.
The kid must be saved
Listen to me!
Listen, ma'am is quite furious
She doesn't want any disturbance
for the next half an hour
So, don't disturb her. Leave!
Hello! Excuse me!
Your car's back wheel is loose
Hello, I'm talking to you!
The back wheel is loose
Hello, Arun
- Venkat?
- Any clue about that lady?
The psycho is not the lady
It's her son, Christopher
He has taken advantage
of his old age appearance
And now that psycho
has got Kayal!
What do you mean, Arun?
Yes! I'll discuss the
details in person
How do we identify Christopher?
He has six fingers in
his left hand, Venkat
Pass this information
and alert everyone
Hello, Venkat?
Venkat, can you hear me?
Venkat, are you still on the line?
Hello, Venkat?
Venkat, do you copy?
- Hello!
- Just a minute
What happened, Venkat?
Christopher, get down!
Venkat, what happened?
Got him, Arun!
Are you serious, Venkat?
Christopher, get down!
Venkat, what happened?
Venkat, where are you?
I'm at the subway right next
to Dr. Nandan's mortuary
Venkat, is Kayal with him?
Venkat, is Kayal with him?!
Just a minute
Arun, Kayal's here
She is fine
Hello! Venkat, don't have second thoughts.
Just shoot him!
Christopher, get down!
just shoot him!
Don't think! Just shoot him!
Raise your hands and kneel down!
Venkat, don't think...
Just shoot him, Venkat!
Don't you move!
Shoot him!
Venkat, listen to me! Don't
have second thoughts
Venkat, stop thinking and shoot!
I said, shoot him Venkat!
Venkat, shoot him!
Hello, Venkat? What happened?
Hello, Venkat?
Hello, Venkat?
- Hello?
- Nandan sir
Sir, the psycho isn't Mary Fernandez.
It's her son, Christopher
What do you mean, Arun?
He has abducted
Kayal from her home
Oh my god!
Sir, Venkat has him at
gunpoint in the subway nearby
Sir, can you check?
- Sir?
- Hold on!
Kayal, how did you get here?
Quick! Faster!
Run dear!
Run dear!
Kayal, run dear!
No! No!
Arun, near Manapakkam post office, the
police have got hold of six year old girl.
We just got an information!
Let go of my daughter!
I won't give it a second thought
I'll shoot you
Christopher, no!
Don't harm my daughter
Hey! Hey!
We must break his stable mind
That will distract him
He'll get confused
His will divert his attention
towards another target
He will commit a blunder in his plan
And at that moment, we'll have
the opportunity to nab him!
Kayal, go away!
Kayal, leave!
Kayal, run!
Kayal, run!
Kayal, no!
Kayal, no! Don't do it!
Yesterday Chennai Super
Kings defeated Kolkata
Knight Riders by 45 run
ins yesterday's IPL match
Are you okay?
Christopher, the psycho
killer who murdered school girls...
-was shot dead by
the police last night
Sub inspector Lakshmi and
team gets appreciated by
the Chief minister and
the people of Tamil Nadu
For further news on this,
joining us is reporter Paneer Selvam
Greetings, Paneer selvam
I am producer Ramasaamy
of Bharath Films
Christopher, the psycho is the
current talk of the whole state
I feel that this is the right time to
make that psycho story you narrated me
Come with the script to my
office and let's discuss
What do you say?