Rare Objects (2023) - full transcript

A young woman seeks to rebuild her life when she takes work at an antique store. She regains her confidence from the kind souls who own the shop, until faces from her traumatic past start to surface.

[Birds chirping]





-Hi. Have a seat.

-You were attending

City University in New York

at the time of your admission.

You checked yourself

in due to PTSD and anxiety.

And you just had an abortion.

Okay, you are being

discharged today

with a prescription

of Sertraline.

And should you need

further care...

...you will contact me.

-Yes, sir. Absolutely.


Take care of yourself.

-Can I ask about the future

of another patient?


You know hospital policy.


[Announcement on PA]

-The next and last stop is

Queensboro Plaza.



-[Speaking indistinctly]

You have a great day.

[Lock clicks]


You're home!

-Sorry. I should have called

before I coming.

-Oh, what are you

talking about?

Are you okay?


-Huh? What about school?

-Yeah. Well,

I missed you, Mommy.


-I wanted to see you. Here.

-Oh, gracias.

Here, let me take your coat.

-Thank you.

-You look skinny.

-I got it.

-You losing weight?

-Maybe a little. I don't know.

Just been busy.

-Well, you have to eat

no matter how busy you are.


-I know.

-When did you cut your hair?

-A few weeks ago, I guess.


-I --

-But it's covering your face.


-Qué pena.

I'm sorry, I...

What were you saying?


-Are you sure?


When did the turn

Posies in a Starbucks?

-Ah, Maria, pobrecita.

She got deported.




-Failure to report a change of

address or something like that.

She moved across the street

because the rent was too high.

-But she had a green card.


-[Speaking Spanish]

-[Speaking Spanish]


When did she leave?

-Eh, I think about

two months ago.

Yeah, it was two months.

Come, eat.



-What what?

-Why you're staring at me.

-I'm not staring at you.

I'm -- I'm just looking at you.

-It's weird.


I'm sorry. I'm just so happy

to have my baby home.

Mwah, mwah, mwah.

My baby.

Well, here. Have some of this.

What do they call that?


-Curtain bangs. Mm-hmm.


-Good morning.


-Did you sleep good?


-I'm going to mass later,

if you want to join me.

Unless you have classes.


I'm going to take some time off

from school.

-I don't understand.

You said you were loving it.

It was going so well.

-I'm just burned out, I guess.

-It's an education.

So many people would do anything

to get an education.

-Please don't be mad at me.

Can I just stay here for a while

till I figure things out?


Are you pregnant?


-Well, I had

some good news today.


-Your Uncle Alvaro

was released from prison

after those protests.

-Is he okay?

-He's alive.

I guess I will see you later.

Have a good day.


[Fog horn blaring]

-Can I join you?


-So yeah, new in town.

-Where are you from?

-Um, Indiana.

So, what are you

studying at school?


I chose a practical major.

It's probably easier

to get a job that way, you know?

-Don't you want a job you love?

-In theory.


I moved here for work.


-And I start in a week.

-Is this something you love?

-It is.


-Mm. So you like numbers?

-I do.


-I really do.

Um, really great

getting to know you.

-I'll see you. Bye.




-If you say anything...

to anyone...

I will find you.


-I know where you live.

I'm sorry.

I'm so sorry.


[Engine revs]


-Have you seen

any of your friends yet?

They're going to be

so happy to see you.

They ask about you all the time.

Marco, you should see him.

He's gotten so big.

-I still can't believe Angie

has a kid.


You're not little girls anymore.



For good luck.

One foot in front

of the other.

-It's just overwhelming.


It is not overwhelming.


Cuidar, mi amor.


Yo, what are you doing here?

-I just -- I wanted to see you.

Talk to you. Say hi.

-How -- how's school?

-I don't know.

-You good?

-I think so, yeah.

"My candle burns at both ends,

but it did not last night."

Do you remember?

I read that to you.

-You read me a lot of things.

-What are you doing tonight?

Are you guys together?

-We're engaged.

-Oh, wow.


-We all have to start

our lives at some point.


-You know?

We deserve happiness,

or at least a shot at it.

-Are you happy?

-You should come visit

my sister some time.

She'd be really happy

to see you.


Have a good night.


[Siren wailing]

[Siren wailing in distance]


-Good day?

-Not really.

-It'll get better,

It has to get better.

-You want me to finish this?

-Yeah, go ahead.

-You okay?

-Yeah. Yeah, I'm okay.

-Superstitions aren't working.


You have to court. Good luck.

Real it in slowly.

Every precious thing matters.

Your father was a lot like you.

So curious.

You have always been so --

-It's not curiosity, Mami.

-[Speaking Spanish]

-Mami, I am panicking.

I have so many loans to pay off.

I don't know what

I'm doing with my life.

-But you got a scholarship.


That didn't pay for everything.

-But you have to count

your blessings

for the opportunities you have.

-No, you don't understand.

-And pray.

Just pray.

-[Gasps] Such a big boy.

[Speaking Spanish]

-I needed this.

Chardonnay. Just like

The Real Housewives do it.

Heard you still haven't

been to mass.

-You talked to my mom?

-Now, Father Joseph said.


-Someone hasn't been

the confession in a while.

-I fucking hate confession.

-Yeah. Who doesn't?

-Keeps you honest, though.

More importantly,

it keeps your neighbors honest.

Anthony said you looked good.

-He looks good, too.

-Heard you sprang

a little poetry on him.


-Don't worry.

I can tell you,

Roberta is not

reading him poetry.


I never saw that coming.

-He wasn't enough for you.

We both know that.

-I don't know about that.

-What? So you want him back?

-No. I don't know. I --

I went over there to see

how he was doing.


Is that why you came back?

-I don't fucking know.

It's fucking nuts out there.

It's better to be home.

I'm going to find a job

and stay home.

-That's annoying.


-You were so good at school.

And now it's like not important.

-Okay, it's not what it looks

like on the outside.

Are you mad at me?


I'm just confused.


So Carlos works

in the kitchen here.


-And he says there's

a message board

where they post job offers.

It's right on the left

when you walk in.

Act like you belong.

Like when we went

to that Lizzo concert.

-♪ I just took a DNA test ♪

♪ Turns out I'm 100% that... ♪

-[Talking baby talk]

-Winshaw and Kessler,

antiquities, rare objects,

fine art, sales clerk needed.

Isn't that like an auction

house, like Sotheby's?

-I don't know.

-"Expert knowledge of art

and antiques is essential."

Sounds like an asshole.

-It's a fucking job.

-How many of those

have you had?

-Are in counting?

-I have an interview tomorrow.



-I don't know.


-Let me see your hands.

-My hands?

-Oh, no, no, no, no, no.

This won't do.


-You have to look stylish.

-I'm not going in there

to kiss ass.

-You need a job.

And this world is different.

Let me tell you. Trust me.

Just walk as if you have

all the time in the world.

Speak slowly.

Have a slight air that

everyone you're talking to

is lucky to talk to you.

-That's so arrogant.

-Oh, come on.

Let me tell you something.

The women that I make hats for,

oh, you should see them.

It's like they're gliding

or something like that.

Slow, easy they go.

-You're making me nervous.

-Oh, I'm not making you nervous.

Come on.

Come on.

Loosen up, loosen up.

Oh, we have to do something

about the makeup.

-I know how to do my makeup.

-No, I know you do,

but it should be different.

Here, trust me.

Let me show you something.

[Speaking Spanish]

[Bell rings]

-Morning, madam.

-Good morning.

I'm here for the sales position.

Is it still available?

-You saw our listing

at the Colony Club?

-Yes, I did.

-Come in.

Do you know about antiques?

-Yes, my family has

a few good pieces.

-This is an 18th century


It would be placed

in a lady's dressing room.

It's intended

for applying makeup,

but it can also be

turned into a desk

so a lady could tend

to her correspondence.

-It's in beautiful condition.

-Let's have some tea.

-I'd love to.


The job requires greeting

and assisting clients,

to be attentive,

yet unpresuming,


yet unpretentious,

mild mannered,

yet gaining a sale.


A balancing act requires

trapeze precision and...

Karsavina grace.


-The Russian ballerina.

-Yeah. Yes, of course.

-The skill I most require

in this job

is being able to tell a story.

See this?

This, this is an 18th century

German rococo toiletten tisch.

Another ladies vanity table.

But unlike the one

we saw earlier,

this is light enough

to be carried from room to room

and can be used for writing,

playing cards, having tea.


This belonged to

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart's

older sister.

This little table and its varied

uses sat in the same room

day after day as the world's

greatest composer

learned his scales

as a little boy.

-I see.


-And this parrot

made out of cardboard

was done

by Joan Miró's grandson,

influenced by his grandfather's

dedication to surrealism.

The vibrance of this piece

is the voice of the unheard.

-I love the sound of parrots.

-I got it. [Laughs]

-[Speaking Spanish]

Promise me you will go

back to school. Okay?

-What are you doing?

-I'm not needed here anymore.


-It's okay.


I need a few minutes alone.

I'll meet you back at the house.



-What's this?


My 10 years is coming up.

They want me to renew.

-You've been putting it off

for years.

I think it's time

to apply for citizenship.

-I don't want to

talk about that.

-I can help you study.

-Your father would be

so proud of you.

-It's enough

that you're proud of me, Mami.

What are you going to do?



-I got it.

-You got the job?



That's so good!


We have to celebrate.

Let me grab some rum.

This is all I got for now.



-Go, go.

-Come on.

-Enjoy yourself.

-Make way for this girl.

She got a job.

[Indistinct shouting]

-Thank you. Cheers.




I'm Diana.

-I'm Benita.



-I love scarves.

I just can't figure out

how to make them.

I want to do so many things.

I just don't know how.

-Do you want me to teach you?



-Okay. [Laughs]

-So you move this

over the needle.


-Like that.


-You fold.

And you count the number

of times you do it.

How long have you been here for?

-Too long.

You hide it under your tongue

and spit it out.

-Good girls.

-She doesn't care.

-Why don't you take

your medicine?

Don't you want to get better?

-I like the voices in my head.

But most days I'm not sure

whose side they're on.

You know, at least I feel alive.

[Beads clatter]

-Why are you in here?

-I've been given

various diagnoses.

Hysterical, delusional,

depressed, manic.

All fancy words for a bad egg.

But, you know, it's not in here

that makes you crazy.

It's out there.

What everyone wants from you,

what they want to make of you,

who they think you should be.

Did I do it?

-Mm-hmm. [Chuckles]

It looks really good.

-Not bad.

-So start the next row.

-You're a good teacher.


I'm just teaching you the way

my mom taught me.

-You have a nice mommy?


I mean, yeah.

-My mom put me in here.


-Most of our clients

have no imagination.

They need to see the pearls

on a pretty girl.

Wear what you wish

from this table.

Just put the pieces back

at the end of the day.

Unless you sell it, of course.

Ms. Hennessy. My favorite.

-Can -- can I help you?

-You haven't any Murano glass,

have you?

No red earth tones.

I want something special.

Do you have anything blue?

-Oh, I just love Murano glass,

but unfortunately,

we don't have any.

We do have this stunning,

rare Northwood Leaf umbrella

amber cased cruet.

-I want Murano glass.

-Are you -- are you sure?

[Door opens, closes]

-What did she get?

-Uh, nothing.

-And why is that?

-Because we didn't have

what she was looking for.

-No, you're wrong.

They don't know what they want.

It's your job to tell them.

Get them to use

their imagination.

Wait up.

Tell me what you think

about this set.

-Uh, this is

our Plymouth tea set.

It is in wonderful condition.

Considering its long travel

across the sea.

-So you mean

a symbol of freedom?


Touch it.

You can feel the American

history on your fingers.

Making any house

a real American home.

-That's better.


Thank you.

-The finest pieces my partner

sends back from his travels.

The Winshaw in

Winshaw and Kessler.

He travels the world in search

of the most precious items.

This arrived only this morning.

He was on a dig in Turkey

and made a remarkable discovery.

An ancient Greek amphora.

Winshaw attributed it

to the Harrow painter,

470 to 480 BC.


Finding the most obscure and

unique objects is his passion.

I never know where he is

in the world

or when he's going to return,

but he always manages

to send back great finds

just when we need it.

-Is this with commission?

-Nope. I have to

sell something first.

-You better sell something.

They can get rid of you

at any time, you know?

Is this before or after taxes?


-Ay dios mio.

you should go back to school

and become a doctor.

Then you never have to worry.

-Did you hear back

from immigration yet?

-I have an appointment

next week.




Your first paycheck.



-Benita, can you quickly clean

the limoge tea

and coffee service

and the gold rimmed

Baccarat champagne flutes,

but do not place them together

because they will clash.

And make sure this jewelry

is laid out on the table.

-Is it a special occasion?

-Yes. Yes.

Some potential new clients are

coming today,

so we must have ready coffee,

tea, champagne, whiskey,

whatever they require.

-Of course.

-Karsavina grace, Benita.

Karsavina grace.


When -- when will they arrive?

-Oh, I don't know.

This pair, these clients,

such people,

they never make appointments.

And if they do,

they never keep them.

So if they buy from us,

everyone will buy from us.

So we must be ready

and waiting.

Well, Benita, I think

it's time to close up shop.

-Maybe we should wait

a few more minutes.

-No, no, no. It's done.

But tomorrow is another day.


-It happens.

[Bell rings]

Uncork the champagne.

It's them!

Mr. Van de --

Miss Van Der Laar!

How lovely to see you.

Please come in. Come in.

May I introduce my associate,

Benita Parla.

[Chuckles] And, please.

Some champagne?


-There you are.

-Thank you, Benita.

-Of course.

-Thank you.

-Please have a look.

Thank you.

Yes, please peruse.

-I love art nouveau.

But my dress is

more '70s inspired.

Jimmy. Jimmy.

-Do both.

-It has to be perfect.

-Oh, I-I'm sure either

would look beautiful on you.

-What's your name?

-Uh, Peter. P-Peter Kessler.


I'm Diana.


-Let me just have

a minute to think.

-Of course. Yes.

Might I inquire, is it a special

occasion you're preparing for?

-Oh, it's an occasion.


-The museum is putting

our family name

on one of their wings.

And my sister is

the guest of honor.

-Because of Dad.

-And the museum loves you.

To my dear sister Diana,

who bestows this fine city

with her artistry.



And congratulations.

-Thank you. [Laughs]



I think I'll do

the layering look.

And I'll just get

a simpler dress.

-All right. So both pieces?

Benita, would you please do

the honors.

And I'll do the math.


And may I just say, I actually

have one of your father's prints

just above my fireplace.

-Oh, which one?

-Uh, Tulips in March, 1991.


-Inspired by Diana and

their mornings at Gramercy Park.

-You came, too. [Chuckles]

We would go to the park

after Dad was finished painting.

He would paint all night, and we

would fight over the swings.

Remember, we would get

hot chocolate sometimes.


-Do you think the place

is still open?

Can we go?


-There's your total.

And you can just...

Thank you.


I know where

I've seen you before.

Remember, you were at, um...

You were at my table

at the Diamond Ball

with, um, Aaron and Lauren.

-Yes. It was a beautiful night.

-It was, wasn't it?

-It was so beautiful.

-And successful.

Didn't you raise $4 million

that night?

-Yes, uh, it I believe so.

-Talented and beautiful.

-You were there, too, correct?

-I was.

-Well, it's been

an absolute honor serving you.

And thank you very much.

Please come again.

-Bye, Paul.



-Thank you, James.


-It was nice seeing you.

-You too.

-Well, you're a woman

of many faces.


[Horn honks]

-Are you going to

tell me what's going on?

-Your tio Alvaro is very sick.

We don't know

how much time he has.

He was always so good to me.

He would tell me

the best stories

when I was a little girl

to help me fall asleep.

He would pick a fight

with our father

so that my father

wouldn't come after me.

He was the one who helped me

to come here.

He wanted a better life for you.

I just want a simple life.

People being good to each other.


Benita, you must always

protect yourself.

Do you understand?


-So tell me, how was your day?

-I made a sale.

-You did?!


-Oh, that's so good!

That's good!

Oh. Oh.

-There you are. Careful.


-Take her out to lunch.

-No, no, no, no. It's fine.

It's okay.

-No. Enjoy being young.

Go on.



-I've been trying

to forget my memories.

Sometimes I think...

...isn't it better

to not remember the times

you were happy?

-Or better to make new ones.

-Are you happy

working at Winshaw Kessler?

-You know, I'm starting to get

used to the smell of aged wood

and silver, polish

and furniture oil.



-All those pretty things.

You are like a jewel

in your own jewelry box.

-I didn't think of it like that.

I do feel like I'm in

another time when I'm there.

-What time?

-Sometimes the '20s, the '50s.

-And you get to

touch everything, right?

-Yeah. And polish it.


That part is cool.

Like, I think of where

each piece has been.

-Mm, what happened to that lamp

that was sitting in that room?

-Oh, Were people having sex

right next to it?

-Yeah. [Laughs]


-Yeah. Maybe.

-You know,

how did that go about?


-Who were these people?

-Yeah. I don't know. But...

-How long have you worked there?

-Um, not long.

It wasn't easy to find a job.


-When did --

when did you get out?

-A couple of days ago.

-Well, I'm so happy to see you.

-I'm happy to see you, too.

It was horrible

in there without you.

I couldn't believe it

when you left.

It's like you just disappeared.

-How -- how did you get out?

-Mm. Oh, yes.

I convinced them that

I was no longer dependent

on the habit

of escaping my difficulties.

That I had regained touch

with reality.

And I was now going to recover

and live a normal life.


A normal life.

Who in the world

would want something so small?

-Most people don't

have a choice.

-That's sad.

I'm happy for you.


-Thank you.

-I mean, you get yourself a job.

You really turned

your life around.

No one knows you in

the hospital, right?


-Okay, good.

Yeah. You didn't tell anybody?

-No, no.

-You'll be marked for life.

Trust me.

-No, I wa-- I wasn't

planning on it.

-We're going to do great.

Second chances.


Second chances.

-How was your lunch?

-It was really nice.

I had really good spaghetti.

-Oh, I do love some pomodoro.

Oh, could you close up tonight?

I have to leave early.

I have tickets for

the opening night of the ballet.

-Yeah, right. Of course.

That's tonight.

-Oh, were you planning

on attending?

-I had to give my seats away.

I have another commitment.

-Too bad.

There's nothing

like an opening night.

I still get butterflies.

-Yeah, there's definitely like

a little bit of amber.

-A little bit of shit browns.

It's the lighting. [Laughs]

-No, it's not.

Let me see.

You got made fun of?


-For your eyes?




-Good night.


-Armed, away.

-♪ Sitting at the table ♪

♪ Wondering why ♪

♪ Haunted by a dream ♪



Hi! You came! Oh!

Sit, sit.

Ooh, so pretty.

Isn't she fabulous?

-Oh, she's amazing.

-I feel like I'm in

my own puppet show right now.


You need a drink?


-Oh, thank you.

-Do you live around here?


-Do you stay like in the area?


It depends on what

you define as home.

Right now, I'm living

in a funeral parlor.

-A funeral parlor?

-That's what I call

my mother's house.

She likes to keep tabs on me

when she's in

between boyfriends.

I told her I'm the one that's

supposed to have boyfriends.

You know, she just rolls her

eyes says I can't be trusted.

-That's horrible.

-I know.

-Just how it is.

She's always been

competitive with me.

Probably why I'm still


-Is there any way that you can

get your own place

so you don't have to deal

with any of this?


-Well, is there a way you can

get your own place

so you don't have to deal

with any of that?

You know?



-Maybe I'll show you later.



Wait. How are you?

Tell me everything.

-I'm fine.



-That's what people say

to people when they're

going through something

and they really need a friend.


-Tell me.

-I'm -- I'm fine. I...

It's just a lot of new things.


You know, new job, no school,

and living back at home again.

-It's scary, right?


-Like, what if they

make me go back?


How are you, gorgeous?


-Welcome home.

-It's great to see Jimmy's

big sister back in town.

-Used to be known

as my brother.

Isaac, this is Benita.

-Hi, Benita. Nice to meet you.

-Nice to meet you.


-I went ahead

and made your favorite.

-Something strong

and artisanal, I hope.

-But of course.

I hope it's okay, Benita.

Or I can bring

you something else.

-No, no. No, it's --


It's great. It's great.

Good. Thank you.

-Alright. Enjoy.

Nice to meet you.

-Diana, great to see you.

-Thank you for taking

care of me.

Oh. Right there.


-To a much needed night out.

-Yes. Cheers.




-[Gasps] Hi!

How are you?

I'm good. How are you?

-I'm good.

Are you still married?

-We don't use labels.

-Good to see you.

-Good to see you.

-So cool.

-Your brother's here.


-Do you want to go say hi?

-No. You said you'd be healthy.

-It's just socially.

-Be a good brother.

You remember Benita?



-How are you?

-I'm fine.


-Another round.


Yes. Keep them coming.

-Got it.

-Thank you. You're the best!

He's the best.

-What a gem.

-So where --

where are you coming from?

-A, uh, quite boring date.


-Just no connection.

Like Sahara, nothing.


-Does anyone eat these?

-No, I think you should take

all of them

and let them melt in your purse.

-Oh, thank you.

Yeah, that -- that'd be nice.

-♪ I sit at the table ♪

-I thought I saw -- yeah.

I like these. The roses.

-Yeah, my grandmother always

had rose bushes were growing up,

so I figured, great idea

to just cover my body in them,

because that makes

a lot of sense.

-Want to go?

Oh, wait, I'm going to use

the powder room.

I'll be right back.

-Oh, I'll come with you.

-It's okay. I'm a big girl.

I can handle it on my own.

I'm fine.

I'm taking care of myself.

-You guys are funny.

-Is that what we are?


I don't have siblings,

but you guys seem close.

-We've been through a lot.

You can say that.

-Tough life.




This is it!


-My heaven.


-I rented it.

What do you think?

Isn't it perfect?

-So pretty.


Are you kidding me?

When are you officially

going to move in?

-Oh, yeah, I'm not going

to move in, move in.

I'm not my mom.

Believe I'm still

living with her

and that she still has control.

Isn't it perfect?

-Yeah, it is, it really is.

-Benny, we can do

whatever we want here.

Have you ever been to that

flea market in Paris?


-I like going there.

And I get all

these little things,

and I put them on chains.

I used to go with my lover

from Spain.


-Do you ever sell them?

-He wanted to.



Then we broke up, so nope.

-That sucks.


He said it was my fault.

He twisted it.

It wasn't my fault.

-Sounds like an asshole.


-Men are limited.


-But most aren't assholes.

-Your brother seems nice.



He's a sweetheart.

My best friend.

You have brothers or sisters?

-No, no, no.

It's just me and my mom.


I share.

-[Both laugh]



-The classier.


I think it's a full moon!


-Feels like a full moon.

-Oh, my...



-I'm getting it.

-I'm serious. Don't scare me.

-I'm getting it.


-I'll see you

on the other side.



-Bring your ass down!

-Oh, my God! Oh, my God!


-Oh, my God! Ah!





Oh, my gosh!

It's just a full moon.

-Do you like this coat?

-Wow. Ah.

-It's definitely a full moon.

-Of course, if you're collecting

from an investment standpoint,

this vase is undoubtedly

a wise choice.

You strike me

as true collectors.

It has been said that collecting

gives our lives

hope and purpose.

-I need to think about it.

-We'll be in touch.

-Please do not text at work.

I like to think of this

is the last place

the machines will conquer.

-Of course. Sorry. Sorry.

So why aren't we selling this?

-Oh, they're damaged.

-Then why are we keeping them?

-Oh, I was hoping

to have them restored,

but a lot of the great

restoration artists

have gone out of business.

-I'm going to be late.


Mami, I'm with a friend.

No, it's not Angie.

You don't know her.

Com on, yo, I have to go.

I have to go. I have to go.

Bye. Bye, Mami.

Bye-bye. Bye. Yeah.

-Who were you talking to?

-Oh, my mom.

-I can't wait to meet her.

Helps keep the voices calm.

Especially the cruel ones.

What does your mom think

about rehab?

She doesn't know?


She sacrificed so much.

You know, it --

it would kill her.

-Can I ask you something?


-What happened to you?

I won't tell anyone.

It's just me.

-I try not to think

about it every day,

but it's always there.

Like a patina

over everything I see.

I met this guy who was nice.

He bought me drinks.

And then was on

the floor at a bar

that I'll never go back to.


and it happened fast.

He was so charming and nice,

and then he was

a fucking monster.

-I'm sorry.

When you start to think about

it, it was a bad dream.


oh, that was a bad, bad dream.


-Okay? It didn't happen.



A big bad dream.

-Never happened.

Can I ask you

another question?


-Have you ever been in love?

-In love?

-I mean, yes, I guess.

I don't know. I think so.

[Both laugh]

-It doesn't work that way.

[Both laugh]

Was he hot?

[Both laugh]

-Yes, he was hot.

What? Have you been in love?

You talk.


-Spit it out.


-I've been in love.

Our mothers teach us how to be

desired but not how to be loved.

Doesn't it look like

those trees are dancing?

-Yeah, there's

a little salsa in there.

[Both laugh]

-I like the way you salsa.

[Both laugh]

You know what?

I think you're a goddess.

Made more perfect by experience.

-Thank you.




-You want to go out?

I have a sitter.

-I have a work thing.

-Mm. Cool.

You look good.


You like this color?


Have fun.

-Let's hang soon.




Hey, uh, it's me.

[Dance music playing]

[Camera shutter clicks]




-Sir, uh, sorry.

Was there a, uh, ceremony,

dedication or something

that was happening in there?

-No. Somewhere

you're supposed to be?

-I-I thought so. Um...

It must have been a mix up

or something.

-Hm. Yeah.

I just arrived back in town,

back into the city, so...



If you don't mind me saying,

you know,

wherever you think

you're supposed to be,

you look very beautiful.

-Thank you.

-Good night.

-Good night.

-♪ Let's all talk

about protection ♪

♪ I came up in succession ♪

♪ And I led when I called out ♪

♪ Hold me when you ball out ♪




Hi! You look amazing.

I'm so sorry about the mix up.

I just -- the museum crowd

is like cool.

But this is so much more fun.

I thought I'd a party.

New connections. Mingle.





-I didn't know you'd be here.

Do you mind if I sit?

-No. Yeah. Sure. Sorry.

-Do you know anybody here?

-No. [Chuckles]

[Piano plays]

-You look nice.

-Thank you.

-Do you play?

-Nope, not at all.

-Here. I'll show you.

Put your hands on top of mine.

You can put both.

Don't be scared.

-Is this what it's supposed

to sound like?

-I have no idea. I'm actually

terrible at the piano.

I just wanted an excuse

for our hands to touch.

-Is that your go to line?

-No, just something I say

when I'm very nervous

and want to sound cool.

-Are you nervous?

-A little bit.

[Dissonant chords playing]








[Glass shatters]


Oh, I feel like

I'm floating.

-Are you okay?

-I said...

there's piece

of heaven in my eyes,

and the wound's

glow is on my lips.

You see?

So pretty.

This dress looks so pretty.

And your hair like this

is so good.

-Here, hold on, just sit.

-No, no. Oh.

-Good. Oh, we're dancing.

You're a good dancer.

I'm fine.


-Do you need a ride

back to the city?



-Do you think

she's going to be okay?

-I hope so.

She's so fun till she's not.

-It's peaceful out.


Even the city sleep sometimes.

-Sometimes when I see

the city from here,

I can't believe

I actually take up space there.

Do you have to be up

early tomorrow?

-Um, yeah.

I'm flying to Switzerland

early in the morning.

And we have two galleries there

and have some shows coming up.

-Do you want to go?

-Let's run.



♪ Are you my dream at last ♪

♪ 'Cause I been hurt

in the past ♪

♪ And I just want

to go back home ♪

♪ But I'm afraid to go alone ♪

♪ And then you ♪

♪ There was you ♪

♪ Then you ♪

♪ There was you ♪

-Thanks for the ride.

-Thanks for...

making tonight better.

-Have a nice time in

Switzerland, James.

-Thank you.

You can call me Jimmy.

-You can call me Benny.


Nice to meet you, Benny.

I'm Jimmy.

-Thank you.

Thank you.

Jimmy. [Laughs]

-Good night, Benny.



It's, um...

nice to see you again.

-You too.

-So, can I help you?

-Can I help you?

-Excuse me. You...

[Door opens]



-Welcome back.

Sorry I'm late. The trains.

[Laughs] Good to see you.

Oh, and I see you've

already met Benita.

She has been a welcome addition

to the firm.

-Hmm. Yeah.

I was just getting

to know Benita.


-Oh. Hmm.

-Travel does you good.

-Thank you.

-You look well.

-Thank you. I'm glad

to be back for a little bit.

-Well, let's get to it.


-Oh, Mr. Kessler?


-What were you saying

about the Kintsugi technique?

-Oh, yes, well, um,

in Japanese culture,

uh, the belief is that

the cracks,

the breaks, and their mending

becomes an intrinsic part

of the life of an object.


In fact, an object becomes

more beautiful

because it's been broken.

That's the heart of it,

isn't it?

-Yeah. It's beautiful.


I just came to that, um,

today's -- I'm leaving early

today, so, um...


-Have a have a good evening.

-Night, Peter.

Benita, can you

hand me that volume?

-Have you tried Google?

-[Chuckles] Uh...

I do not trust

the information online.

-Is this your family?


They live in North Carolina.

My mom is a schoolteacher,

and her family is there,

so she's there.

-That sounds hard.

-You know, it's fine.

I travel a lot.

-To strive, to seek,

and to find.

-Not to you.

Someone has been

reading my books.

-I love Tennyson.




I -- Do you mind?

-I guess.

-I'm sorry.

-Benny, I-I'm sorry.

I didn't blow off

the dedication ceremony.

They canceled on me.

You must think I'm such a fool.

-No, I don't think

you're a fool.

-You know, my dad

called them and said that...

...he wants to be the one

to show up for it

when his schedule allows, so...

-That's fucking unfair.

-It's just the way it is,

you know?

Like I...

They set me up.

I get so excited,

and then they just take it away.

I mean, I keep trying.

You know, I try so hard,

and I keep ending up

right back at the same place.

And I'm like, "No, I'm going

to try harder.

I can try harder,

I can do better,

I can do a good job."

-It's going to be okay.

-Promise I'm going to do better.

-I know. I know.

It's going to be okay.

I see you. It's fine.

It's going to be okay,

Diana. Okay?

I got you.

-Thank you.

You're a good friend.

-You know what?

Fuck all of this.

Let's go see a movie

or something.

Let's forget about this.




-No, you have to go to work.

You have your job.

You look so pretty.

You don't want to miss...

You got to go.

-Are you going to be okay?

-I'm fine.

-Are you sure?

-Pure as daisies.


You're fucking crazy.

-I love you, Benita.

-I love you, too.

-Have a good day.

-Okay. Bye.


-Benita! [Laughs]

-Would you like company,

or am I interrupting you?

-Oh, no. Yes.

Please, uh, sit down.

-"No. Yes."

-Would you like a martini?

-I'm okay.


-Have an oyster.

-Thank you.

-So good. Mm.

So good. Thank you.

Is this your spot?

-Every year on this day.

-Is it your birthday?

-It's actually

the anniversary

of my partner's passing.

-I'm so sorry.

-It was 19 years ago.

It still feels like

it happened an hour ago.



I don't know why I'm crying.



I miss him.

-What was he like?

-He was the most incredible,

incredible ballet dancer.

And a rebel.

He hated all the rules.

of the company.

He always was fighting

with the company director.

He had no patience

for anything less than ideal.

We always used to say

things like,

"Until then..."

And then suddenly

my life became "since then."

Anyway, this was our spot.

We always used to come here

after performances

and gossip about the socialites

and laugh.

[Laughs] He used to make me

laugh so much.

And even now,

you know how, uh...


hear a stranger making a joke

or I'll see something funny

on the street.

And I know it's him, putting

that person in front of me

so that I'll laugh.

-You know, it's beautiful

that you spent

that much time together.

Some people don't get that.

Give me your hand.

For you.

-I can't even see what it is.


-For luck.

-Thank you so much.

Oh, sometimes I just think

I should move on.

But also, I think it's okay

to be broken.



-What happened?

-Can you believe it?

After all these years.

[Chuckles] Must be a sign.

-A sign of what?

-I don't know.

It's so hard for me

not to be there.

-I think you need

to go see tio Alvaro.

I've made some money.

The loans can wait.

I think you need to go see him.



Thank you.

I love you.

-I love you, too.

-I'm so proud of you.

You know that, don't you?

-Could I take these out

of the store for a little bit?

I have an idea.

It might not work.


[Engine revving]

-See? It's good storage.


Thank you.


I'll think about it.

-This is the painting

I was talking about.

-I don't know.

The Dutch still lifes

are so boring.

-Good afternoon.


-This is a brilliant painting.

-Yes. Yes.

-Yeah, but it doesn't really

speak to me.

-This still life dates

to the 17th-century Delft.

The pomegranates symbolize

abundance and fertility.

-They're not pomegranates.

They're medlars.

It was an ancient fruit grown by

the Romans ate after bletting.

-I'm sorry.

Did you say "bletting"?

-Yes. It means "to rot."

They symbolize

decaying morals --

debauchery, prostitution.

I mean, notice the bread

is untouched.

Christ's sacrifice is forsaken.

Whereas the lobster

and the oyster -- the symbol

for gluttony and temptation.

And they have been devoured.

-Perhaps we can think about it.


We'll -- We'll be in touch.

-Yes. Yes, of course.

Thank you so much.


Why did you say

they were pomegranates?

-Because no one wants

a painting symbolizing

decaying morals and prostitution

in their dining room.

So why not call them


-Because we don't sell

used cars.

Art is honest.

Art is shared.


-Now you know.

-We're all always learning.


-Love you, Mommy.

I love you.

-I love you.


Don't forget to eat.

-I know.


Don't forget to take

the trash out.

-[Chuckles] Okay.

Mommy, I'm fine.





-Bye, Mommy.





What's that?

-Ah, it's from Paris.

It's from the circus.

They have the best

sleight of hands for magic.

You've been

to the circus, right?

-I went to the Big Apple Circus

when I was a kid.

I was terrified

of the people in it.

-Ha ha!

Oh, I took my daughter

when she was little.

She cried as soon

as the Grandma skit started.

I had to walk her out

right in the middle of the show.

You know...

I'm telling you...

the, uh, circus in Paris

is much more elegant.

-Have you ever taken her

to Paris, then?


-Maybe you will someday.

-You know, maybe.

You know, maybe if she gets

the travel bug

and her mom lets her.

But you have to find things

that bring you joy.

-What does that mean?

-You have to find,

you know,

the things that make you happy,

that stay consistent, regardless

what the circumstances are.

[ Both laugh ]


-Like dreams?

-No, no.

I mean, well, you know,

dreams just get you from

one stage of life to another.

But, you know, joy is -- is --

is what

gets you through the day.




I got that one from the Globe.

-I'd love to see "Hamlet"

at the Globe.


"This above all --

to thine own self be true."





-Watch that water.

-I never thought of it

like that.

When I look at old stuff,

it blows my mind.

I think about the hands

that made it.

Like, what was their life?

-They say history is supposed

to teach us something.

-History doesn't repeat itself,

but it does rhyme.


That's Oscar Wilde.

-Mm-hmm. My mom was

a big enforcer of reading.


So you come here often?

-Yeah. You know,

I'm kind of into art history.

I majored in it in college.

So, you know, museums for me

is -- is --

is -- is a safe place.


I think this is you.




[Mid-tempo music plays]

-[Gasps] Hey!



Oh, I missed you so much.

-I missed you.


Here, take your coat off.

You want a drink?

-Nah, I'm okay.



How was it?

-It was great.

Had a good turnout.

-Really? For those pieces?

-Art is subjective, Diana.



Soon you're gonna be peddling

those NFTs.

-You're the worst.





-I met someone

that's really cool,


easy to talk to...

not from our circle.







Thank you, baby.

-You're welcome.


-What? Tell me.




You don't fucking need anybody.



-And why is that?

-They're gonna use you.


[Breathes deeply]


-No, it's true.

They see your watch.

They see...

your life and...

mnh-mnh, yeah...


...they don't see your heart.


Hey, don't you remember?

[Whispering] Nicola.

-Fuck you.

Do you remember

what you did to her?


-I was just trying

to protect you.

-Yeah. Right.

-I was right about her.


You know, you only see

what you want to see in people,

but she was very mean to me.

-Can we have

one fucking conversation...

about what I need?!


What I want?



-I'm sorry.



[Crying continues]



Why can't you

keep it together?



I'm fine.

-You're not fine.

-No, I'm fine.

-You're far from fine.

-I'm fine.

-You're far -- You're not.

-I'm fine!


-I'm fine.


-[Sighs] Fuck.


What the fuck

are you all looking at?!


-Did you take these?

-Yes. I sat

with each one of them.

That's Vincent.

You know,

he made crests his entire life.

And this is Violetta.

She's a potter.

-Did she make this?

[Footsteps approaching]



-So are you guys friends then?

-I mean, you know,

I have their contacts,

and I check on them.


Are you gonna go visit them?





-How are you?


Oh, I'm good.

-Well, maybe you should come,

go traveling sometime.



-[Whispering] Hi.

-Could we get a drink?

-Enjoy yourself.

-Thank you!

Come on.

[Door opens, closes]


-Benita is interesting,

don't you think?


Oh, yeah,

she's quite curious.


And I think special.



be a little more gentle.

The wounds of some hearts

aren't always visible

to the natural eye.

-I'm just trying to teach her.

-I know. Yes, I know.

But some people need to be seen

before they can start to hear.

-Isaac, Isaac.


-Of course, of course.


Single? Double?

-Ah, just...

-Oh, that's enough.


-All righty. Enjoy. Enjoy.

-Thank you.

-Let's go.






Do you like coffee,

and how much?


Couple cups every morning.

Oh! [Laughs]



but what does it all mean?

-I'm your protector.

It's you and me

against the world.

But you like to be close to

safety, and you like sex.


-In the morning.

-[Laughing] Stop!

I don't know about that.


[Footsteps approaching]

[Laughs] He is cute.


-You're not well.


You think I want to do this?






-If you're -- If you're planning

on taking her back,

I don't think that's --

It's not good for her

to be in there alone.





[Breathes deeply]




I'm gonna be here, okay?


-I'll be here when you get out.

-[Sobs] It's okay.


You go.



I'm sorry, Mama.

I'm so sorry.

I did my best.



-I love you, James.


I'm so sorry.




-I love you, Mama.

-I love you.





-This is a joyous,

plentiful scene of a feast

that would befit any dining

room of the classical style.

The pom--

They're medlars...

a Roman fruit.

It symbolizes decaying morals.

Used by artists

as a warning, reminder

to not take for granted

what's truly important

in our lives.

-A declaration of the value

of substance

over superficiality.



This is such beautiful work,



-Thank you.

-You are a woman

of many talents.


-"The things I witnessed

that day,

they were somehow felt

in her reflection.

The spark

of our shared reaction.

A reaction that I wanted

to continue on

through time and space."


-Quite the poet.


-You think so?

-Did you write that?

-I did.

-Are you writing a book?

-Hmm. What kind of book?

-I don't know.

You tell me.

You are the one

who's underlining passages

out of books

and writing in the margins.


-I'm just wondering.

-Nah, I don't know

who would want to read my book.

-Yeah, I don't know.

Me either.





-Well, four hands

are better than two.

-Please. I need all the help

I can get.

[Telephone rings]













-What are you doing?

-I finished it.


How'd you find me?

-It doesn't --

It doesn't matter.

-Thank you.


Come with me on a walk.


-Are you coming back?

-I don't know.

I'm so sick of this shit.

It makes me feel better

and it makes sense to be here.


People don't kill

themselves here.


Not my friends.

I used to think that I was going

to see the world and...

...get out of my neighborhood.

But the world fucking sucks.



And -- And then what?


-I mean, what, you're just

gonna stay here and...

and think nothing bad

will ever happen to you again?

-Maybe. Yeah.


Okay. And...

in another five years,

what are you gonna do?

-I don't fucking know.


Are you judging me?


-Because I came home.

I'm not running from it.


[Clears throat]

Listen, who's judging who?

It's okay to let people in.

-[Voice breaking]

But I'm a mess.

-It's okay.

Life is -- is messy.

-It doesn't fucking matter




-You know what matters?

It's what you make matter.

That's -- That's your choice.

-What? My...

My -- Why? My purpose?

That's -- That's bullshit.

-Maybe it is.

-Maybe it is.



-You okay?

-I'm fine.

-You look like shit.


-Why aren't you at work?

-I took the day off.

-Sounds nice.

Look, I don't know what's been

going on with you lately --

-What? Are you gonna give me

some advice, Angie?

I don't really want

to fucking hear your advice.

-Fine. I don't have any.

-I'm sorry.

-Get your shit together, okay?

I have to go.

Carlos is gonna be home soon.



[Both laughing]

-Aah! [Laughs]


-Oh. [Laughs]


Oh, my God!





-Thank you

for being my best friend.























[Water dripping]


[Mid-tempo music plays]




♪ Are you my dream at last? ♪


♪ 'Cause I've been hurt

in the past ♪


♪ And I just want

to go back home ♪


♪ But I'm afraid to go alone ♪


♪ And then you ♪

♪ There was you ♪


♪ Then you ♪

♪ There was you ♪


-♪ If I'm there, if I'm there,

if I'm there ♪

♪ Then I'm there for you ♪

♪ I hope you care,

hope you care, hope you care ♪

♪ For me like I do ♪

♪ 'Cause my last let me down,

let me down ♪

♪ Broke my heart in two ♪

♪ So I gave up on the chase and

the looking for someone new ♪

♪ And then you ♪

♪ There was you ♪

♪ There was you ♪

♪ And then you ♪

-♪ There was you ♪

-♪ There was you ♪




-♪ Last night

you were my dream ♪

♪ I can't wait ♪

♪ To go back to sleep ♪

♪ Last night you were my dream ♪

♪ I can't wait ♪

♪ To go back to sleep ♪

[Slow music plays]


































