Rani Rupmati (1959) - full transcript

During Akbar's rule over Hindustan, the Mughal's considered Pathans their enemies and vice versa. As a result there was a war-like relation between Mandva's Sultan Sujat Khan and Akbar. But Sujat's son, Wajid, was a peace-maker and a lover of the arts. He befriended a Hindu Kshtriya, Rajkumari Rupmati, of Mandhavghar, and despite protests from her parents, brothers, and to-be husband, Baldev Singh, she re-located to Mandva, where Wajid build her a tower so that she could view and seek blessings from holy river Narmada, who had gifted her to Mandhavghar. She became instrumental in diverting Narmada to bring water to her drought-stricken hometown. After Sujat passes away, Wajid becomes the Sultan and is called Bagh Bahadur. Akbar hears about this and sends Sangeet Samrat Tansen to check out Rupmati as well as find out if they wanted peace or war. Tansen was welcomed, and assured that Wajid wanted nothing but peace. But their peaceful lives will soon be turned upside when Tansen gets abducted by Subedar Hafiz Khan, is held against his will. An enraged Akbar asks his Chieftain Adam Khan to storm Malwa and free Tansen. In the meantime, Hafiz' daughter, who is in love with Wajid, gets into Rupmati's palace - with one intent - to kill her. Watch the outcome as the Pathans together with their Hindu allies, amidst mixed chants of 'Allah O Akbar' and 'Har Har Mahadev' prepare themselves for Akbar's armies, and how Rupmati defends herself against Hamida.

You Tube - Video Running Time 02:22:50

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Nirupa Roy Old Hindi Movie I Old Classic Hindi Movie

'The famous Madhavgarh fort that

is situated at a scenic spot..'

'..on the Vindhya range close

to the free flowing Narmada..'

'..had been a self sufficient

city during the middle ages.'

'King Bhoj Parmar, the

ardent devotee of..'

'..Goddess Saraswati and his

descendants ruled over this place..'


approximately thousand years.'

'The Pathan emperors of Malwa too..'

'..made this beautiful

hilly city their capital.'

'The protagonist of your story..'

'..Baag Bahadur was a

famous art loving emperor.'

'The songs of queen Roopmati..'

'..would be heard in

every household of Malwa.'

The magnificent

history of this fort..

Still seems to be shedding tears

in memory of these great artists.

'And they attract tourist

from all over the country.'

"He has coloured the new drape

just while having a stroll."

"He has coloured the new drape

just while having a stroll."

"Lord Krishna is so cruel."

"He has coloured the new drape

just while having a stroll."

"Lord Krishna is so cruel."

"He is so fearless.

Fear never bothers him."

"He is so fearless.

Fear never bothers him."

"He goes his merry way."

"Oh, my God! Oh, my God!"

"He has coloured the new drape

just while having a stroll."

"He has coloured the new drape

just while having a stroll."

"He hasn't met me all these days."

"Just while having a stroll.."

"He hasn't met me all these days."

"Just while having a stroll.."

"He hasn't met me all these days."

"He visits these lanes

every day in the evenings."

"He goes there arrogantly

during the last Hindu Month."

"That warrants applaud."

"Oh, my God! Oh, my God!"

"He has coloured the new drape

just while having a stroll."

"He has coloured the new drape

just while having a stroll."

"He has coloured the new drape

just while having a stroll."

"He has coloured the drape."

"He has coloured the drape."

"He has coloured the drape."

"He has coloured the new drape

just while having a stroll."

"He has coloured the new drape

just while having a stroll."

"He has coloured the new drape

just while having a stroll."

"Just while having a stroll."

"He has coloured the new drape."

"He has coloured the new drape."

- Wow! Great!

- Superb!

- Great.

- Mind blowing.

- Wow!

- Excellent!

Well done, Prince.

Today, the desires of my

life have been fulfilled.

The Moghul emperor

is proud of Tansen.

Malwa is proud of his

Afghan prince, Baaz Bahadur.

Glory to the Prince.

The horses are ready for the hunt.

You go ahead. I'll

join you in a bit.

Hafiz Khan, you too

come with me today.

Spare me, Prince.

I have to reach

Sarangpur today itself.

According to me, it

would been great..

If you would've accompanied me.

- Why?

- The emperor has called you.

Prince, this servant

is at your service.

- Who is he?

- Nothing, Lord.

He is my sister's

cousin brother's son.

Gosh! I guess he has

forgotten me after sister's death.

The emperor has sent

his letter for you.

- Father.

- Where is he?

In Sujawalpur.

What's the matter, Lord?

Father has ordered me to

go to Sahranpur right away..

And take charge of the army.

So, you see. I had told you.

Anyway. You don't need

to be worried at all.

You go for the hunt gladly.

But the emperor has sent this order.

Why the hell am I there for?

I'm the commander-in-chief

of the Sarangpur fort.

This is my responsibility.

Thank you.

I trust you completely.

I live in Sajiabad instead of

Sarangpur because of my trust in you.


But see to it that my

father doesn't get any chance..

Of being angry

at me in my absence.

Don't you worry, Prince.

I'll manage everything.

Okay. See you.

Lord. Look over there. A deer.

"The Bulbul sings in the orchard."

"The cuckoo sings on the branch."

"Fall in love."

"Fall in love."

"The season of love is here."

"The buds are

singing this to the bees."

"Love is like a knife edge."

"Love is difficult."

"Love drove Meera crazy."

"Chanting her beloved's name."

"The people who are in

love don't fear the world."

"Lovers thrive in this fire."

"Millions of moths die in the

flame lured in by the flame."

"The deer sacrifices its

life when it hears the flute."

"Fall in love."

"Fall in love."

"The season of love is here."

"The buds are

singing this to the bees."

"Love drove Meera crazy."

"Chanting her beloved's name."

"How is anyone going

to fall in love.."

"Since there is no beloved here."

"Love can't win if there

is no love filled melody."

"When the strings of the Veena

( musical instrument)..

Are played love blossoms."

"Fall in love."

"Fall in love."

"The season of love is here."

"The buds are

singing this to the bees."

"Love drove Meera crazy."

"Chanting her beloved's name."

Princess! Princess!

- Listen.

- You?

Yes. I'm Majid Khan.

People call me Baag Bahadur.

Oh. The prince of Malwa.

Don't get scared.

I know Dhansu, the

king of Dharampuri.

I guess you're his princess.

- Yes.

- What is your name?


I want to hear your song once again.

My song. I don't sing well at all.

Today, after

listening to your song..

It seems as if I'm

nothing in comparison to you.

No, Princess.

The truth is that I

have heard such a melody..

For the first time ever.

I wonder how come I got

the words of your son.

And I automatically started singing.

Princess, we're getting late.

Okay. I'm getting late. See you.

I come here to venerate

Narmada every morning and evening.

Friend, tell me.

Have you ever heard

such a melodious song?

To tell you the truth, these ears..

Are habituated to

listening to your singing.

Then how can I like

someone else's song?

You flatterer.

People should learn how to

flatter people from you.

There is no comparison between..

My singing and

that heavenly singing.

Melodies from the soul

create a stir in the soul.

"Wake up, its morning."

"Wake up, its morning."

"The morning has turned into the

afternoon in this conversation."

"Wake up, its morning."

"Wake up, its morning."

"Wake up, its morning."

Sing, Prince.

"Wake up, its morning."

"Wake up, its morning."

Sing, son.


Oh, my God! The emperor is here.

"The Bulbul sings in the orchard."

"The Cuckoo sings on the branch."

"Fall in love."

"Fall in love."

"The season of love is here."

"The buds are

singing this to the bees."

Majid Khan.


Father. You. Please have a seat.

I wasn't informed

that you were coming.

If I would've informed you..

You wouldn't you have got a

chance to conjure up an excuse.

I had sent you a letter

ordering you to leave for Sarangpur.

But neither have you

replied to that letter.

And nor did you go to Sarangpur.

I got to know that

you're having fun..

In your royal palace

disregarding my letter.

That's why I had to come here.

But I was ready to go to Sarangpur.

Hafiz Khan had told me that

he'll call me when the need arises.

Can there be any more

pressing issue than this?

Do you know Behram Khan

the commander-in-chief..

Of the Moghuls is eyeing Malwa.

Akbar is prepared.

The Pathans will be doomed

if they launch an attack.

We'll find it difficult to flee.

Our enemies will have to flee.

Pathans aren't this coward.

If the Moghuls don't

care about their lives.

The Pathans aren't sissies either.

We know how to give

them a fitting reply.

Malwa belongs to the Pathans.

And it will always

belong to Pathans.

Well said.

This is the answer I

expected from you.

But this is no

ordinary task, Prince.

You'll have to give up

all your luxuries for this.

You can't carry out this task..

Just by sitting in a

chamber and singing.

You are not a kid anymore.

Try to understand

your responsibilities.

Don't forget that you are

the future emperor of Malwa.

This is what I have to say.

We'll have to guard

the boundary of Malwa..

On all three sides so that

we don't suffer any harm..

Because of the

attack of the Malwas.

Your brother Daulata is in Ujjain.

I shall leave for Shujawalpur.

And you leave for Sarangpur.

Right now.

Darling, Hafiz Khan is not a novice.

I've made a move that

will change the game.

You know I

appeased king Shujad Khan.

As soon as Baag Bahadur comes here..

I'll get him married

to my daughter, Hamida.

Baag Bahadur is the

future emperor of Malwa.

Our daughter will be

the queen of Malwa.

Baag Bahadur is extremely

fond of singing and music.

And I want him to be engrossed

in this hobby all his life.

Only Hamida can do this.

Because she is expert

at dancing and singing.

- Mother.

- Come, dear. Come.

- They haven't arrived yet.

- Who?

Malwa's future king,

Baag Bahadur. Obviously.

So, you saw. She

is thrilled to bits.

I don't understand

what you are saying.

I was saying that

Ustad ( maestro ) Maan Khan..

Is coming along with the prince.

Now, I'll learn singing from him.

Enough of your singing.

Now, I've made such a arrangement..

That you'll be teaching

Baag Bahadur all your life.


Yes. I'm right, dear.

Ask your mother.

So, what were you saying, dear?

Baag Bahadur is the

future king of Malwa.

And our daughter will

become the queen of Malwa.


Hail prince Majid Khan!

Hail prince Baag Bahadur!

Hail prince Baag Bahadur!

Stop it. Who is he?

Lord, he is..

Lord, it's me. I'm a singer.


Aren't you ashamed of

singing during the army drills?

Take him away. And

lock him in the dungeon.

Lord, forgive me.

What's my fault, Lord?


this is sheer injustice.

This is the future emperor of Malwa.

If this carries on, we'll

have to leave Malwa, Lord.

Yes, we'll have to leave Malwa.

- Yes, we'll have to leave Malwa.

- Quiet. Trust me.

I'll not let you be

harmed in any which way.

Gosh! He is a human or a monster.

Seems like he is a made of steel.

I had thought that he

is a singer. An artist.

He must be a pushover. But..

But what happened?

Dear, ask me what did not happen.

Today, the prince

exhausted me to death.

We were riding horses all day long.

And now, he wants to go hunting.


Now. At night.

Now, you go explain to him.

I can't dare to talk to him.

- I..

- How the hell do I go before him?

Dear Hamida, now you do something.

Save the day for me.

Perhaps he might get

absorbed in your singing..

And I'm spared of going on

the hunt with him at night.

And I'm spared.

Who is singing away at

this inappropriate hour?

This is maestro Maan Khan's voice.

Khan sir! Khan sir!

- Khan sir!

- Darn it!

I'm stuck in such a lousy place.

They don't let me

practice even at night.

Oh, my God! What wretched life.

I'm stuck in such a awful place.

Maan Khan is whiling away

time killing mosquitoes.

There is no singing or dancing.

Whose voice is this?

Whoever it might be.

God Almighty has

answered my prayers.

And he has sent a fairy from

heaven taking pity on you.

"It's such a beautiful night."

"And beauty is at its zenith."

"My heart is crazy."

"Only for you."

"Come, let's fall in love."

"Settle down with me."

"My heart is crazy."

"Only for you."

"Only for you."

"It's such a beautiful night."

"Oh, unfaithful one, don't be late."

"Oh, unfaithful one, don't be late."

"Don't rekindle the

pain that's hidden."

"Don't rekindle the

pain that's hidden."

"The beautiful

seasons call out to you.'

"The beautiful

seasons call out to you.'

"My heart is crazy."

"Only for you."

"Only for you."

"It's such a beautiful night."

"The air is heady."

"The climate is inviting."

"The air is heady."

"The climate is inviting."

"The cold breeze has

started biting me."

"The cold breeze has

started biting me."

"Come silently. And

sneak into my heart."

"Come silently. And

sneak into my heart."

"My heart is going crazy."

"Only for you."

"Only for you."

"It's such a beautiful night."

"And beauty is at its zenith."

"My heart is crazy."

"Only for you."

"Only for you."

"It's such a beautiful night."

Great. Who are you?

What is your name?

Why are you feeling shy?

This is the future emperor of Malwa.

This is my daughter, Hamida.

She is extremely fond of singing.

She sings well.

Okay. Keep the horses

ready for the hunt tomorrow.


I can't help it.

There is no other pastime here.

There sure is, Lord.

Singing. Dancing. Instruments.

You'll get anything you wish for.

No. Keep the horses in the morning.

- See you.

- See you.

Roopmati, I've come to take you.

- Where?

- Mandav.

I've decided that I'll

take you to Mandav..

And built a temple

of music for you there.

And you'll rehearse singing there.

And because of that my craving

for music will also be satisfied.

But I can't leave my

motherland and mother Narmada.

Don't say that, Roop.

I saw a dream last night.

And I will fulfil it at any cost.

Dream. What dream?

I saw that the subjects of Malwa..

Have gathered in large numbers..

And are singing together.

Long live Malwa's Meera.

Long live Malwa's Meera.

Malwa's Meera. No. No.

Revered Meera is a Goddess.

She is an incarnation

of Goddess Saraswati.

I don't even measure

up to her toenail.

Roop, you still

haven't known yourself.

You aren't born to bloom in

the jungle and then to wilt away.

Come with me to Mandav.

Live there and then you

shall see, how your singing..

Gets fame all over Malwa.

I'll convince your father.

You just give your approval.

If it was only about my approval..

I would've surely said yes.

But this is

entirely different matter.

What is it?

If you really want to know,

then here you go.

Many years ago.

I wasn't even born then.

Mother Narmada flooded Dharampuri,

our motherland.

Houses, palaces, and fields

everything was under water.

There was turmoil

among the subjects.

Mother Narmada, we

are at your mercy.

Please stop this destruction.

Please stop this destruction,


I pledge before you..

That I'll surrender

my first child to you.

I will hand the baby

over to you, Mother.

Hail Mother Narmada!

Hail Mother Narmada!

Hail Mother Narmada!

King, I'm pleased by you.

Here. This girl is my boon.

If she has food only after

paying me a visit every day.

Your subjects will always be happy.

This is my blessing.

As a result I'm

mother Narmada's blessing.

I was born only so

that the hardships..

Of the subjects of

Neema are done away with.

My duty is to live on

the banks of Narmada..

And spend my life in

worshipping and revering her.

Then how will my dream come true?

How will I be able to

listen to your song?

I'm also as keen to hear

your melodious voice as you are.

Okay. Can't you come here every day?

Can't we practice our singing

on the banks of the Narmada?

Why not? We can for sure.

If you want, I'll

come here every day.

Roop, you don't know.

I'm so hungry for music.

I can happily give up kingdoms..

Empires and all the

luxuries of the world for music.

I wish I could break

all the restrictions..

To hear to your songs.


You saw it?

Yes, Your Highness.

All right. You may leave now.

This is the question of my pride.

As soon as I benefited..

I had surrender Roopmati

at the feet of mother Narmada.

Roopmati is the

protector of the peace..

And well-being of

the subjects of Malwa.

If she takes one wrong step..

Our entire kingdom will go barren.

We'll have to leave our motherland.

Your Highness, listen to our pleas.

Who is going to listen to

our grievances if not you?

Your Highness, listen to our pleas.

Your Highness, listen to our pleas.

- Protect us.

- Play heed to our pleas.

Protect us, Lord.

Give us a life.

Calm down. Calm down.

I'm very well aware of your pain.

But there is no fault

of Roopmati in this.

If this is not princess's fault..

Then whose sins are we paying for?

Sin. What sin?

Lord, don't make us open our mouths.

We would be better off

leaving our motherland.


The subjects demand justice, Lord.

The princess must be

punished for her sins.

Roopmati will have to atone for it.

Roopmati can't live

in Dharampuri anymore.

We demand sacrifice, Lord.

We demand she atones for her sins.

We demand she atones for her sins.

Not a problem. Don't worry.

If this indeed is the

outcome of someone's sin..

Then he'll have to atone for his

sins even at the expense of his life.

Even if it's the princess.

"The string of the

lute of life says."

"Every breath I take says.."

"Love speaks in

every beat of the heart."

"What it says."

"What it says."

"What it says."

"I wonder what it says."

"I wonder what it says."

"I wonder what it says."

"Someone has satiated my

ears with this melody."

"Someone's melodies have

made my heart go crazy."

"Has made my heart go crazy."

"The joy in my heart says."

"The sweet call of the Cuckoo says."

"The clanking sound

of the anklets says."

"I wonder what it says."

"What does it say?"

"What does it say?

What does it say?"

"I wonder what it says."

"I wonder what it says."

"I wonder what it says."

"The waves of the ocean

produce melodious tune."

"The clouds have turned red."

The sky has sung such a song today.

"That even mother earth is

joining in the orchestration."

"Mother earth too is

joining in the orchestration."

"The rays of the moon say."

"The current of free

flowing streams says."

"My strings of hearts say."

"I wonder what they say."

"What does it say?"

"What does it say?

What does it say?"

"I wonder what it says."

"I wonder what it says."

"I wonder what it says."

"The string of the

lute of life says."

"Every breath I take says."

"Love speaks in

every heat of the heart."

"What does it say?"

"What does it say?"

"What does it say?"

"I wonder what it says."

"I wonder what it says."

"I wonder what it says."

You know I was so

humiliated before..

The subjects today because of you.

- Because of me.

- Yes.

I know whom do you go to

meet under the pretext..

Of venerating and

revering mother Narmada.

I go to offer my prayers

to mother Narmada every day.

And prince Baaz

Bahadur also comes there.

So, how does that

cause you humiliation?

Baaz Bahadur is a great musician.

What's wrong in it if I get

to serve music by his grace?

There is nothing wrong, dear.

But I do shut people up.

They're of the view that you

meeting the prince is a sin.

And it's the outcome of that sin

that our lands are going barren.

There is drought in many places.

People are starving to death.

Sin. Is meeting the prince a sin?

Yes, dear.

Your birth was for the

welfare of the subjects.

You're the boon

granted by mother Narmada.

Our kingdom of Neemar flourishes..

Because of your veneration

and reverence of mother Narmada.

And today this, place is

suffering from draught.

And people are saying this

is the outcome of your sin.

Now, you tell me.

What answer do I give them? And how?

Come with me.

See the miserable state your

dear Neemar is in for yourself.


Look at this.

Our land is getting drier.

We are hit by draught.

People are dying of starvation.

There is no food to

eat or water to drink.

The sin of their

untimely death is on you.

You'll have to atone for this sin.

You'll have to give them a life.

I want to get you married off..

Before people cast aspersions..

On the chastity of a single girl.

You'll have to get married to keep..

The honour of women race intact.

You'll have to marry

to atone for your sins.

Yes, Father. I'll get married.

I'll get married for the

peace and welfare of my subjects.

The wedding party is here.

The wedding party is here.

Where is the groom?

There he is. Look. Over there.

Him. That fatso.

With huge moustaches.

I wonder if those are eyes

that he has or something else.

Move. Let me also see.

Oh. The groom is so gorgeous.

Great. So you're

going weak in the knees.

Go away.

"When the bride arrives

adorning her eyes with kohl.."

"When the bride arrives

adorning her eyes with kohl.."

Friend, will you do me a favour?

Sure. Tell me.

Friend, I want to go

there once before my wedding.

- Where?

- To the banks of Narmada.

Where I had heard that

eternal melody for the first time.

I can't control my heart.

That music is pulling me towards it.

Take me there.

Take me there, Friend.

But we don't have time.

We have to go for the

veneration of the ancestral Goddess.

That can wait.

First, let me satiate my heart.

Who knows when I'll

return after marriage?

Listen to me, friend.

I beg of you.

What are you doing?

- Wait. Let me go check first.

- Go.

"When the bride arrives

adorning her eyes with kohl.."

"The groom's heart

will jump for joy."

"Come back. Come back."

"Come back."

"Come back, my beloved."

"Come back, my beloved."

"My songs call you."

"Come back, my beloved."

"My songs call you."

"My music lies lifeless."

"My music lies lifeless."

"My songs call you."

"Come back, my beloved."

"The clouds pour down."

"And so do my eyes."

"Look, my heart's longing for you."

"Please come."

"The clouds pour down."

"And so do my eyes."

"Look, my heart's longing for you."

"Please come."

"This cool breeze

kindles a fire within me."

"Oh, beloved, please show up."

"This is no way of fulfilling love."

"This is no way of fulfilling love."

"My songs call you."

"Come back, my beloved."

"You laugh sometimes.

And at times you cry."

"Such is life."

"You laugh one moment.

And at times the other."

"Such is life."

"You meet one moment.

And separate the other."

"This world is a fair which

lasts for just a couple of days."

"This moment might pass by."

"This moment might pass by."

"My songs call you."

"Come back, my beloved."

"My songs call you."

"My music lies lifeless."

"My music lies lifeless."

"My songs call you."

"Come back, my beloved."

Take a good look.

Look. Isn't that your

spinster daughter Rani Roopmati..

Who you wanted me to marry.

Look how she's making

the Moon dynasty proud.



Why did you come here at this

late hour of the night, dear?

I'm asking you why you came here.

What's wrong?

What are you all doing

here at this late hour?

Prince, you're the

protector of the subjects of Malwa.

You're the future emperor of Malwa.

I want to know what you got..

- By slandering me this way?

- I didn't understand.

How can you understand?

You're the king and

we're your subjects.

Our respect and

honour is a toy for you.

Mind your language, Thakur.

No, Prince, he's

my would-be husband.

We're supposed to wed today.

Marriage. Marry a girl that

covertly meets another man.

You're mistaken, young man.

Roopmati is chaste like the Narmada.

I want you two to live in

Mandav after the marriage.

Roopmati will help me in my

devotion towards the art of music.

I don't want to hear anything.

I will never forget the

humiliation you've caused me.

What are you doing, son?

Calm down.

Try to understand.

Hari, Govind. You

two take Roopmati home.

I'll be right back.

Let's go, Sister.

Please return to Mandav,

Your Highness.

I'll explain Baldev Singh.

It's my mistake, Thakur sir.

I never imagined that they'll

magnify such a trivial matter.

Anyway.. please

inform me if you need me.

I'll always be willing to help you.

I'm leaving as well, Thakur.

But I'll see to it that who

marries your dear daughter.

No, son, don't leave like this.

It's the question of my honour.

Just like you value your honour,

Thakur, so do I.

If you had a daughter,

you would've understood..

The plight I'm

facing at the moment.

If I had such a daughter

I would've poisoned her.

Anyway, I don't want to argue.

If you value your daughter more..

Then keep her with

you all your life.

I'm leaving.

Don't walk away from

this marriage, son.

Think about me.

My honour will be tarnished.

I plead you.

Save my honour.

A father like you

should die of shame.

I raised you myself..

And now I'm

giving you this poison.

I want this poison to clear

the blemish on our dynasty.

Think about it once more, Dear.

Roopmati is Goddess Narmada's boon.

We'll surely go to

hell for killing her.

That hell will be

certainly better than this one.

Don't forget that we

belong to the Moon dynasty.

Our ancestors laid

down their lives..

But saved their

dynasty from any blemish!

Don't worry, Father.

If the blemish on our dynasty

can be cleansed only with my life..

- Then I won't hesitate to do so.

- Dear. My dear.

My daughter is chaste, your majesty.

My daughter is chaste.

I know. Roopmati is chaste.

She's pure.

But I can't face

this world like this.

We'll have to make a

sacrifice to clear the blemish.


Your honour will

remain intact, Father.

The moon dynasty will

retain their reputation.

I will swallow this poison..

Considering it

Goddess Narmada's offering.

I certainly will.

Goddess Narmada, my

devotion towards music..

Is left

incomplete in this lifetime.

We both couldn't fulfil our desire.

I've been left all alone in

my devotion towards music.

Shower your grace, Goddess..

So that the entire world

hears Baaz Bahadur's music.

After I die my soul is content..

By hearing his music in heaven.

Dear, committing suicide is a sin.

Don't forget that you're born..

To spread

happiness and peace in Malwa.

You've gained Baaz

Bahadur's respect with your music.

Go there.

You can solve the problems of

Malwa and its subjects from there.

But Goddess, what

will the people say?

What will father say?

No one will say anything.

Baaz Bahadur is the

future ruler of Malwa.

He knows his duty.

You're the daughter of

a 'Kshatriya' ( caste ).

You know your duty as well.

Go, go there and make

the art of music eternal..

And lend a helping hand in..

Turning that barren

region productive again.

Go. It's my order.

- Go there. Go right now.

- Goddess.

- Princess.

- You.

- Friend, can you get me a fast horse.

- At this hour?

But where will you go?

With Goddess Narmada's order..

I'm going to Mandavgarh.

- Hurry up, friend.

- But I won't let you go alone.

- I will come along as well.

- No, no.

If someone spots then

we both will be killed.

Why are you

risking your life for me?

What more would I want..

- Then laying down my life in your service.

- Heera.

Come, come with me.

- I beg your pardon, Your Highness.

- What is it?

There's a man here from Sarangpur.

- The Sultan's condition is delicate.

- Father.

He's keen to see you.

Ready the horses quickly.

I'll leave for Sarangpur right now.

Roopmati. What's wrong with her?

She was coming to

Mandavgarh to meet you.

But she collided with a

tree on the way and fell down.

Prince. With Goddess

Narmada's permission..

I've come to stay in Mandav.

Mandav? But your father?

Your would-be husband?

I've left everyone.

That was the Goddess's order.

That's okay.

Tanchin. Take her

to the Jahaj Palace.

And you all go with her as well.

I'll travel to Sarangpur alone.

My father is ill in Sarangpur.

It's very important

for me to go there.

But you won't face any

inconvenience in Mandavgarh.

Look after her well.

I'll return soon.

Okay, goodbye.

Baaz hasn't arrived yet.

He must be on his way, Your Majesty.

He left from Mandav as

soon as he received the news.

Daulat Khan hasn't

arrived from Ujjain as well.


- Father.

- Who? Baaz.

You've arrived. What

was the hurry, son?

You should've waited..

- For the news of my demise in Mandavgarh.

- Father.

Look, Akbar's

commander-in-chief Behram Khan..

Has sent this letter.

He says either accept our reign..

Or face the Moghul

army in the battlefield.

How dare that Behram Khan?

The Moghuls dared to

commit this insolence..

Considering me old and weak.

I wish I could give a

fitting reply to this letter, son.

Behram Khan has dared

to wake a sleeping lion.

You don't worry, Father, I'll send

a reply to this letter right away.

All rise. All rise.

All rise.

All rise.

All rise.

The great emperor. Esteemed ruler.

Gulistan Taimuri.

The shining star of the empire.

His highness.

Emperor Jalaluddin

Akbar is arriving.

All rise. All rise.

- Emperor Akbar.

- Glory to him!

- Emperor Akbar.

- Glory to him!

- Emperor Akbar.

- Glory to him!

Any news from Malwa, Adham Khan?

We received a reply to Behram

Khan's letter, your majesty.

Shujjat Khan's son Bayezid

Khan has written the letter.

- Bayezid Khan?

- Yes, your majesty.

He calls himself Baaz Bahadur.


The flame always burns

bright before dying.

Anyway, what has

Baaz Bahadur written?

The Pathan's of Malwa want to

fight us in the battlefield.

This isn't a letter

but an invitation to war.

We've been challenged

through this letter.

Will we still stay quiet?


We'll fight fire with fire.

- Glory to..

- The Moghul empire.

My commander-in-chief, Behram Khan..

Knows the power of

the Pathan's of Malwa.

As he isn't present

here at the moment..

We all should think

twice before taking any step.

Pir Mohammad Khan,

what's your advice?

Your Majesty, the king

of Malwa Shujjat Khan..

Won't live for long.

It won't be right to

attack at this moment.

What better moment can we get?

Your Majesty,

please give the orders.

And I'll leave with

the troops right away.

Victory will be ours.

No, Adham Khan, we

shouldn't be so hasty.

His majesty would like

to know the advice..

Of my valued musician Tansen.

Your Highness, according to me..

Baaz Bahadur is a great musician.

As soon as Sujaad Singh dies..

He'll be crowned as

the emperor of Malwa.

And Your Highness knows..

A musician has no special

interest in wars and battles.

That's why it won't be difficult..

To overpower Baaz

Bahadur at that moment.

Until Shujjat Khan is alive,

there's enmity.

Very nice.

I liked this advice.

Did you hear, Adham Khan?

As long as Shujjat Khan is alive..

We should drop the

idea of attacking Malwa.

Wonder when that old man will die.

The Moghuls haven't replied yet.

God knows what's going to happen.

Don't worry, Father.

Whatever will

happen will be for good.

It's terrible, Your Highness,


- What's wrong with her?

- She's fine.

But if she

continues this way, then..

Tell me clearly

what you mean to say.

Since she came to

Mandavgarh she doesn't eat or drink.

She won't eat until she

doesn't see the Narmada.

That's really bad.

She's our guest, if anything

unearthly happens to her..

- Dear Baaz. Bayezid Khan.

- I'm right here, Father.

Stay close to me, son.

Don't leave me alone.

We haven't received

any reply from Delhi yet.

You don't worry,

Your Majesty, take rest.

Everything will be fine.

Everything will be fine.

Everything will be fine.

Malwa's honour.

- Look, go to Mandav right now.

- Right now?

Yes, right now.

And build a tall dome

on Roopmati's palace.

From where she can see the

Narmada and venerate it.

As you wish, Your Highness.

- But Your Highness..

- Yes.

The river is very far away.

How can we build such

a tall dome so quickly?

You can. You can do it in a day.

Employ all the workers of

Mandavgarh for this work.

Ask the soldiers of the

army to do their best.

But build the dome

for Roopmati in a day.

Tell them its Baaz Bahadur's orders.

If Roopmati dies then I

won't spare anyone. Go.

As you wish, I'll leave

for Mandavgarh right now.

- And listen..

- Baaz.

- Father.

- Baaz.

Go on, go quickly.

Father! Father!

Take a look.

There's River Narmada.

Goddess Narmada, I came

here with your permission.

Now, my honour lies in your hands.

It's in your hands, Goddess Narmada.



I have heard, Your Highness.

The sultan of Malwa is no more.

What happened was destiny.

But I'll always have a regret that..

I couldn't make him

happy as long as he was alive.

Then please his soul now.

You're the sultan of Malwa.

The responsibility of the

subjects of Malwa rests on you.

Come on, I'll support you.

What are you asking

me to do, Roopmati?

Take a look, Your Highness.

The entire Nimaad province

is turning into a barren land.

If this continues..

- Then Nimaad will turn into a desert.

- No.

- I won't let that happen.

- Then come on.

Goddess Narmada's

blessings are with us.

We'll have to build a canal

from Narmada to Mandavgarh.

- Glory to..

- Queen Roopmati!

- Glory to..

- Queen Roopmati!

Glory to Queen Roopmati!


The queen that rules the

hearts of Malwa's subjects..

Roopmati has given

new life to Nimaad.

She saved people

from dying of hunger.

And I'm a sinner that

blemished a chaste woman.

- Glory to..

- Queen Roopmati!

- Glory to..

- Queen Roopmati!

- Mother.

- My daughter. My child.

You won't leave us this time,

won't you, dear?

Look, Baldev Singh

is so sad for you.

Forgive me, Roopmati.

You really are chaste

like the water of Narmada.

Give me a chance to repent

for the sin that I committed..

By falsely defaming you.

I'll arrange for

your marriage, dear.


I'm already married, Father.

- Dear.

- Yes, Father.

The day my would-be

husband rejected me..

I devoted myself

to the art of music.

I've dedicated my life to that art.

And I'll spend the rest

of my life in its service.

- So, won't you forgive me?

- What are you saying?

I still respect you

just like I did earlier..

And I always will.

Mother, permit me to leave now.

And bless me..

So that I can serve

Malwa by living in Mandavgarh.

Everyone knows how

you served Malwa, dear.

But why do you want to stay there.

I went there on

Goddess Narmada's orders.

Mandav is a place of worship of art.

And Baaz Bahadur is a

true devotee of art.

He's a Pathan, and his

duty is dear to him.

I'm a Kshatriya and

my duty is dear to me.

But the devotion of music does

not differentiate between duties.

The art of music belongs

to a superior hierarchy.

And together we'll

take it to great heights..

That'll make us immortal..

Amongst the

devotees of Indian music.

Mother, allow me to leave.

The sultan is waiting for me.

One obstruction is out of my path.

The other has fallen for Roopmati.

Now the path is clear.

But you promised Hamida..

To make her the empress of Malwa.

That was my ruse.

Roopmati is doing

what Hamida couldn't.

I wanted Baaz Bahadur to

be engrossed in merriment.

And Roopmati is doing

this job fairly well.

Now, we don't need Hamida's help.

So, it was your ruse.

And to ruin my life.

I want to know what you got

from deceiving your daughter.

The empire of Malwa is

not small thing, Hamida.

Don't you want your father

to become the sultan of Malwa?

As far as your

marriage is concerned..

If not Baaz Bahadur we'll

get you married to someone else.

No, I won't marry anyone else.

I will marry only

Sultan Baaz Bahadur.

- You will have to fulfil your promise.

- Hamida.

Roopmati doesn't have

any right on Baaz Bahadur.

I'm the empress of Malwa.

I will take my right.

And ruin my game plan.

Isn't it?

Do you know.. Roopmati's

music has the enchantment..

To keep him

engrossed all his life.

Taking advantage of

this opportunity..

With the help of the Moghuls I

will become the sultan of Malwa.

You.. you will become

the sultan of Malwa.

Oh, I never imagined..

That you can stoop so low.

Betraying your nation.

Deceiving your ruler.

Betraying your master.

Then listen carefully.

I'm no longer your

daughter nor are you my father.


Insolent girl!

- What are you doing?

- Leave me.

Hamida is your daughter.

She isn't my

daughter she's my enemy.

- Leave her.

- I will kill her.

Spare her for God's sake.

Spare her for God's sake.

Take her away and

throw her in the dungeon.

I say take her away.

For God's sake, don't do that.

I beg you.

She'll have to stay in the dungeon..

Until I finish my mission.

Give out orders that she should

be kept under strict observation.

And if she flees then

I won't spare anyone.

"With enchanting eyes

filled with nectar and poison."

"A woman draped in white,

red and black."

"Enchants you, enthrals you."

"Each time you think about her."

"The anklets tinkle."

"The anklets tinkle."

"I'm on my way to see my beloved."

"The anklets tinkle."

"The night's dark

the path's perilous."

"The night's dark

the path's perilous."

"How do I come to see you, beloved?"

"The partridge sings."

"The partridge sings."

"It sounds so sweet."

"Makes the heart sway,

gently, gently, gently."

"The anklets tinkle."

"The anklets tinkle."

"Adorned like a new bride."

"Adorned like a new bride."

"She walks bravely

on the unsafe path."

"It's the onset of spring."

"Cuckoos singing on every branch."

"The anklets tinkle."

"Love's blossomed in every element."

"Love's blossomed in every element."

"Affection's blooming in my heart."

"My heart slowly.."

"My heart sings slowly."

"Like the waves of Jamuna ( river)."

"I walk softly."

"The anklets tinkle."

"The anklets tinkle."

"The anklets tinkle."

"The anklets tinkle."

"The anklets tinkle."

"The anklets tinkle."

"The anklets tinkle."

"The anklets tinkle."

"The anklets tinkle."

"The anklets tinkle."

From Mandav to Sarangpur

and Sarangpur to Mandav.

From there to here.

And here to there again.

I wonder why I ever left Mandavgarh.

I didn't get a day's rest.

Did you receive

any news from Mandav?

When is the prince returning?

Stop thinking that

he'll return, Khan sir.

He's no longer prince Bayezid Khan.

He's Sultan Baaz Bahadur.

So what if he's the sultan..

- He's still my student.

- What teacher and what student.

Those days are over, Khan sir.

- Tansen.

- Oh, my.

Prepare to leave for Mandav.

- Sultan Baaz Bahadur has called you.

- Okay.

- Let's go, Khan sir.

- No.

- Khan sir will stay here.

- I get it.

Now, you want to learn music.

- But pardon me..

- Quiet!

Prepare to leave.

Take a seat, Khan sir.

I never thought his majesty

Baaz Bahadur would be like this.

He showed his true colours..

As soon as he got

the reign of Mandva,

Why? What has he done?

Ask what he hasn't done.

He has said that he doesn't

need your guidance to learn music.

What did you say?

He doesn't need me now.

No, no, that can't be true.

I'll go to Mandav right now.

You'll only cause yourself

humiliation by going to Mandav.

Rani Roopmati's

orders are followed there.

She's the one that sacked you.

Rani Roopmati!

How dare that ignorant girl.

She teaches music to Baaz now.

Oh, my.


Such importance to a petty girl.

If that's true, then I won't

step on the soils of Mandav again.

No one can tolerate the

insult of an artist like you.

Though a student yet

Baaz doesn't respect you.

I wish.. if you were in Delhi..

Moghul emperor Jalaluddin

Akbar would've honoured you.

I'm not so fortunate.

But my desire is to

display my talent..

Before an assessor like

the Moghul emperor Akbar.

That's all.

Give me five.

Those are my thoughts as well.

Come on, get ready.

You've to leave for Delhi.

Right now.

I'll give you a letter

addressed to emperor Akbar.

If God wills then you'll

be one of his nine gems.

Really? May God

bless you with long life.

Sir, you saved my honour.

The singer from Malwa, Maan Khan..

Would like to come in the court.

- Maan Khan.

- Permission granted.

Tansen. Have you ever heard him?

I have not, your majesty.

But he's very famous in Malwa.

He has taught music to Baaz Bahadur.

Hail the emperor of India!

His majesty has heard of your fame.

You're very famous in Malwa.

Whose letter is this?

The commander-in-chief

of Malwa, Hafiz Khan.

How dare that Baaz Bahadur..

Hafiz Khan has

written that Baaz Bahadur..

Wants to attack Delhi.

No, no, Your Highness, that's wrong.

Baaz Bahadur can never

have such intentions.

He doesn't have time from his music.

Hafiz Khan must be surely mistaken.

I feel this letter is a conspiracy,

Your Highness.

There's no conspiracy.

It's exactly what I feared.

If we had attacked back then..

Then we wouldn't be

facing this situation.

We haven't lost

anything yet, Your Highness.

Give the orders, our army is ready.

Wait, Adham Khan.

Have patience.

It's the consequences

of old mistakes, Tansen.

Maybe Bayezid Khan doesn't know..

How I have been

ignoring the Pathans of Malwa.

But now the situation

has gone beyond control.

We'll have to conquer Malwa quickly.

Adham Khan, give the orders to

the troops to march forward.

As you wish, Your Highness.

Pardon me, Your Highness.

I'll put my life at

stake but avert this war.

I'm absolutely sure

that he'll reveal..

The conspiracy

behind Hafiz Khan's letter.

Baaz Bahadur won't attack Delhi.

I take full responsibility of it.

It's my insult, Your Highness.

If every member of the

court starts interfering..

In political decisions

then there's no use of us.

Wait, Adham Khan.

What do you want?

Give me one chance, Your Highness.

I want to go to Mandav and

test Baaz Bahadur and Roopmati.

If they're true artists..

Then this information

about attacking Delhi is wrong.

There's danger.

I won't let you go alone.

I'm an artist, Your Highness.

I don't have any enmity

against the Moghuls or the Pathans.

Yes, but I do want

Delhi and Malwa to unite.

Moghuls and Pathans

that have drifted apart..

Join hands once again.

Your sentiments have

pleased me, Tansen.

I give you the permission to go.

But, your majesty, this isn't right.

And yes, do take some

handpicked soldiers along.

Don't worry about anything,

Your Highness.

My art is with me.

Where did Hamida go?

Did the walls of the

dungeon swallow her?

Sir, we don't know anything.

You don't know.

I know everything.

All of you are in this.

I'll hang each one of you.

If you value your life

then go and find her.

Dead or alive.

It's night time.

The bee is trapped in the flower.

Only the rays of the

sun have the capability..

To make the flower

blossom and release the bee.

I beg your pardon, Your Highness.

Real magic has the

power to enchant everyone.

Elders have said that

music has the power..

To turn night into day.

To make the flower

blossom and release the bee.

There's a big difference in

saying and doing it, old man.

The miracles of music

have only been heard of..

But no one ever has ever seen it.

You need that power in

the melody, Your Highness.

Turning night into

day is nothing unique.

The singers of Malwa

are famed in India.

Famous musicians are

present in your court.

I'm sure if any

musician musters the courage..

Then the poor bee will be

released from the captivity.

I've a request, old man.

I never seen such a

miracle ever before.

If music really has that

power then please begin.

Yes, I would like to

hear such music as well.

Please begin.

"Fly away."

"Fly away."

"Fly away, bee, from the

captivity of the alluring lotus."

"Fly away, bee, from the

captivity of the alluring lotus."

"Fly away bee."

"It's red in colour."

"It's red in colour."

"Its features are

beautiful as well."

"The petals you swing on."

"The petals you

swing on are a trap."

"Go and find another love."

"Leave this flower."

"Fly away bee."

"Look, the rays of the

sun are approaching you."

"Fly towards the sky."

"With the wind in your face."

"Fly away, bee, from

this comfortable bee."

"You're black in colour so

clear the darkness in your mind."

"The morning.."

"The morning calls out to you."

"Fly away bee, from the

captivity of the alluring lotus."

"Fly away bee."

"Fly away. Fly away."

"Fly away."

"Fly away bee. Fly away bee."

"Fly away bee. Fly away bee."

"Fly away bee. Fly away bee."

"Fly away bee."

"Fly away bee."

"Fly away bee, from the

captivity of the alluring lotus."

"Fly away bee, from the

captivity of the alluring lotus."

"Fly away."

"Fly away."

Wow! Wow! Wow!

"Why did you fly away?"

"Is this your love?"

"The lotus cries out and wails."

"The days of

springs won't last long."

"Come back."

"Come back, bee, the path's

forlorn, the abode's lonely."

"Come back."

"Come back."

"Come back, bee, the path's

forlorn, the abode's lonely."

"Don't trouble me."

"Come back."

"My eyes are sad,

waiting for your glimpse."

"Waiting for you to

return every moment."

"Come back."

"Come back, bee, the path's

forlorn, the abode's lonely."

"Come back."

"Come back."

"Hearing your hum."

"I've lost my senses."

"Hearing your hum."

"I've lost my senses."


"Come back."

"Come back bee, the path's forlorn,

the abode's lonely."

"Come back."

"Come back bee, the path's forlorn,

the abode's lonely."

"Come back."

"Come back."

"Come back, bee.."

"Come back."

"Come back, bee, the path's

forlorn, the abode's lonely."

"Come back."

Hail the Meera of Malwa.

- Glory to..

- Meera of Malwa.

- Glory to..

- Meera of Malwa.

- Glory to..

- Meera of Malwa.


The sultan of music.

- Tansen.

- Yes, I'm Tansen.

I'm so fortunate.

Pardon me.

I would've dared if I had

known it was Tansen himself.

Bless you, Rani Roopmati.

You're exactly like

I heard about you.

Shining star of music.

I had a great desire

to listen to your music.

It's been fulfilled today.

But why are you disguised this way.

I'm here to ask you something,

Your Majesty.

What can I give to

an artist like you?

Still, please go ahead.

Promise me, you'll give

me anything I ask for.

I promise you, Tansen.

You can ask me for the Malwa empire.

And I'll stay near

your feet as a beggar.

No, Sultan, I don't

want the empire of Malwa.

I'm here to extend a

hand of friendship..

On behalf of emperor Akbar.

Can't the Moghuls and

Pathans live in India as friends?

You know that my father

battled the Moghuls all his life.

And he didn't bow to the

Moghul reign until his last breath.

No one has to bow down.

I'm extending a hand of

friendship on behalf of the Moghuls.

If the Pathan's envy battles,

bloodshed and slaughter..

And love peace and harmony.

Then we can forget our

past enmities and mistakes..

And embrace each other.

Brave Pathans of Malwa.

I ask you.

Won't you accept my

hand of friendship?

Of course! Of course! Of course!

Then come, let's

together voice our opinion.

- Moghul Pathan.

- Glory to them!

- Moghul Pathan.

- Glory to them!

Deliver my message to

the Moghul emperor Akbar.

That Baaz has

forgotten the old enmity..

Between the Pathans and Moghuls.

And that day isn't far

when we'll hug each other..

And say..

- Long live..

- India!

- Long live..

- Moghul Pathan!

Every artist.

Tansen, Maan Khan,

Baaz Bahadur, Akbar.

They all want peace.

They want to compromise.


If I had gone to Delhi myself..

Instead of sending

that singer Maan Khan..

Then this situation

would've never arisen.

All my plans have been foiled.

What are your orders for me?

Should I return to Mandavgarh?

Yes, but listen. But

you've to be careful.

Take some handpicked

troops along and hide them..

In the jungles outside

the limits of Mandavgarh.


As you wish, sir.

Fantastic! Marvellous!

Who are you? Are you

a fairy from heaven?

Queen, I'm an ordinary artist.

I had a great desire to

show you my talent once.

But the soldiers

stopped me at the gate.

So, I had to come to

you at night stealthily.

Come here.

So, you want to show me your dance.

Not only dance, but

also singing and music..

I want to show you

all the talent I possess.

I have come to you

because you value talent.

Very good. Why do you've

to ask for this good deed?

I'll really pamper

an artist like you.

Is anyone here?

Champa? Hira?

Look, you exhibit your

talent at the court tomorrow.

What is your name?

My name.. my name is Bhanumati.


You called me, Queen?

Yes, Sakhi. Make

arrangement for her stay.

I'll introduce her to the

emperor tomorrow morning.

- He will be overjoyed to meet you.

- Okay.

Now, go and take rest.

Bhanumati is such

a beautiful artist.

She is a great artist, Your Majesty.

Her name is Bhanumati.

Your Majesty, I want to

show you such a dance..

Which you would have

never seen or heard.

Really? Then I will

definitely see your dance.

But Your Majesty, I will risk

my life and perform this dance.

So, promise me that you will

give anything I ask in return.

No doubt. I know

talent is priceless.

But still we promise that

we'll give you whatever you ask.


What did you say? Hamida

has reached the Mandav?

Oh! What if she unfolds

my secret to Baaz Bahadur?

Tomorrow morning, she will dance

on the rope by risking her life.

- Then?

- Emperor has promised her..

That after the dance is over,

she will get whatever she asks.

Did you understand

what she will ask?

She will marry Baaz and

become the queen of Malwa.

Then she will reveal all my secrets.

She wants to ruin my entire plan.

But I will never let it happen.

I will kill her before that.

I will also risk my life

to become the king of Malwa.


No need to worry. I've

given her the medicine.

Call me as soon she

regains consciousness.

What did you say?

Hamida has survived?

Oh! This is real bad.

Now Baaz will come to know

all the secrets through her.

Sir, Mr. Tansen has left

Mandav to reach Delhi.

- Who is along with him?

- No one, sir.

Our work is done.

Sher Khan, go soon.

Arrest that singer as soon he

crosses the border of Mandav.

- As you say, sir.

- And listen.

Take him directly to

my fort in Sarangpur..

And imprison him there. Go soon.

Azim, you leave for Delhi right now.

- Right now?

- Right now. And listen..

What's wrong? What do you all want?

We want you, sir.

Get down of the horse.

What is this? You all

definitely have some misunderstanding.

Perhaps you have not recognised me.

We recognise you well,

sir. You are Mr. Tansen.

We have arrested

you on the command..

Of the army commander Hafiz Khan.

- Why?

- We don't know. But you can't go to Delhi now.

Take him along.

No, no. Please let me go to Delhi.

If I don't reach on time, the

Moghul army will attack Malwa.

Don't laugh. Your

Malwa will be destroyed.

I say, let me go.

Miscreants, if only

one me, then have mercy..

On the subjects of Malwa.

Leave me. Let me go. Let me go.

What did you say? The

great musician is arrested?

Army commander Hafiz Khan

placated a lot, Your Majesty..

But the emperor

didn't listen to him at all.

So that has happened what I feared.

But tell His Majesty for

what crime is Tansen arrested?

He had appealed to king Baaz

Bahadur and queen Roopmati..

To visit His Majesty's

court and show his talent once.

The emperor went mad

with rage on hearing it.

Tansen didn't say anything wrong.

It is a great

honour for a musician..

To exhibit his

talent at the Delhi court.

Your Majesty, Roopmati also

said that if the emperor..

Is so interested

in hearing the song..

I sing the songs of

wars very melodiously.

I'll sing it to him when I'll

meet him at that battlefield.

This girl dares to

challenge me to fight a war?

Adham Khan, attack Malwa right now..

And spread

destruction in entire Mandav.

- Emperor Akbar.

- Live long.

- Moghul Emperor.

- Live long.

- But listen..

- No harm should be done to Roopmati.

After attacking Mandav

your first work is to..

Reach Roopmati

safe and sound to Delhi.

I will include her in

the nine gems of the court.

Be assured, Your Majesty.

I will arrest Baaz

Bahadur and Roopmati..

And present them before you.

- It is my duty.

- You may go.

I have come to snatch the

throne and king of Malwa.

Hamida, neither the throne nor

the king of Malwa belongs to me.

Then how will you snatch it from me?

I know everything. You are the

ruler of Malwa and king's queen.

Well, I'm nothing.

But as you have shown your

talent by risking your life..

So according to the promise,

you want to marry..

Baaz Bahadur and become

the queen of Malwa, right?

The emperor will have

to fulfil his promise.

But you don't want

to leave your place.

That's why you cut the rope

and tried to kill me dishonestly.

You are so innocent. Come on,

I'll take you to Baaz Bahadur.

You don't have to come.

I'll go to him.


Your Majesty.

We were just coming to you.

Why? What's wrong?

You had promised Hamida that

you will give her whatever..

She demands in return

of performing her dance.

Yes. I will definitely give.

Hamida, tell me. What do you want?

Tell me. What do you want?

I will tell you.

It is not only her

desire but mine too..

That you marry her and

make her the queen of Malwa.


Why? Do you have any objection?

I don't have any objection. But..

No, Your Majesty. You give

your consent immediately..

And I'll make preparations

for my darling sister's wedding.

- Queen.

- Oh, what are you doing?

No. A girl like me is

fit to be at your feet.

Queen, you are not a

human but an angel.

You have made me

the queen in no time.

- And I? I had come to kill you.

- Hamida?

Forgive me, Your Majesty.

I tried to seize the moon

while staying on the earth.

Don't worry, Hamida.

You will get your moon.

Come here.

Champa. You are here?

Where were you till now?

Look, call Khizar

Khan and tell him..

To held a

celebration in the entire city.

Give an order to dance, sing

and rejoice at the palace. Go.

Your Majesty!

Your Majesty, the Moghul

army commander Adham Khan..

Has attacked Malwa.

He has attacked?

Yes. And we have got the

news that the armies..

Will reach the

Mandav border very soon.

A deception. So Tansen's

arrival was a plot too.

The Moghuls attacked without

giving us a chance to prepare.

But Hafiz Khan would have

fought with them at Sarangpur.

Hafiz Khan has

cheated us, Your Majesty.

Our armies at Sarangpur

have united with the Moghuls..

And they are preparing

to march towards Mandav.


The Moghuls and Pathans who

were separated since years..

Have united today.

Now our armies will

attack Mandav together.

The victory will be ours.

You will seize the

throne of Malwa and Roopmati?

She will belong to you.

Okay. So order the

armies to march ahead.

We should overtake

Mandav before sunset.

Be assured. All the preparations

for the attack are done.

And yes, I forgot to

tell you one thing.

Your Tansen is

imprisoned in this fort.

Please come and meet him once.

Shut up! I don't even want to

hear that unlucky man's name.

Tansen! The great musician.

To hell with him.

But the war is held

between the Moghuls and Pathans.

Why should we get involved?

You don't get such an

opportunity often, Thakur.

It is not the question of your

Chammapuri or my Maheshwar..

It is the question

of Malwa's respect.

Malwa's respect is

our respect, Father.

We will protect it even

by sacrificing our lives.

Well said. My old body is also

pepped up on seeing your courage.

- Say the king of Malwa Baaz Bahadur..

- Live long.

- Queen Roopmati.

- Live long.

I'm a Kshatriya girl, Your Majesty.

I've not learned to

hide in the palace..

When the country is on fire.

I'll fight the war along

with you to protect Malwa.

No, Roopmati. It is not your work.

There is a great difference

between music and the battlefield.

Don't forget that the Kshatriya

girls who perform their talent..

Can also sing the

songs of war if required.

Take me along. Give me a

chance to sacrifice my life..

While protecting my country.

Well said, Roop. Now I can't

mar your enthusiasm. Come on.

Emperor Baaz Bahadur

live long. Hail Malwa.

"If you wish to write the history."

"If you wish to write the

history with the theme of freedom."

"If you wish to write the

history with the theme of freedom."

"Heroes, protect your

motherland with your blood."

"Hail Lord Shiva."

"Allah is the greatest!"

"Hail Lord Shiva."

"Allah is the greatest!"

"Stop fighting among ourselves."

"Wade away the differences."

"Stop fighting among ourselves."

"Wade away the differences."

"Unite the strings of hearts

when our country is in danger."

"Unite the strings of hearts."

"If anyone wants to

bond us with a cruel law."

"A cruel law."

"Heroes, protect your

motherland with your blood."

"Hail Lord Shiva."

"Allah is the greatest!"

"Hail Lord Shiva."

"Allah is the greatest!"

"Don't consider us weak, we

are the brave women of India."

"We are the brave women of India."

"We are not delicate flowers,

we are fire and spark."

"We are fire and spark."

"Discard the chiming anklets."

"Hold the sword in your hand."

"Move your veil aside."

"Become the form of

Goddess Ranchandi."

"Hail Ambe. Jagdambe."

"Hail Ambe. Jagdambe."

"Hail Ambe. Jagdambe."

"If you wish our country

to always smile in peace."

"Smile in peace."

"Heroes, protect your

motherland with your blood."

"Hail Lord Shiva."

"Allah is the greatest!"

"Hail Lord Shiva."

"Allah is the greatest!"

"If you wish to write the

history with the theme of freedom."

"Heroes, protect your

motherland with your blood."

"Hail Lord Shiva."

"Allah is the greatest!"

"Hail Lord Shiva."

"Allah is the greatest!"

"Hail Lord Shiva."

"Allah is the greatest!"

"Hail Lord Shiva."

"Allah is the greatest!"

March ahead!

Kill them! Destroy them.

Stop, dear. Stop.

What will Roopmati say?

What will the people say?

Please stop.

Don't you dare! You don't

to kill but just arrest her.

Baaz Bahadur ran away from the

battlefield after being wounded.

But my soldiers are following him.

He will have to return

to Mandav dead or alive.

And you? I hand you over to

the King of Malwa, Hafiz Khan.

Soldiers, take

Roopmati to my palace.

I will marry her tomorrow.

Look, tell Roopmati to

spend three days anyhow.

Only three days.

As soon the armies of Burhanpura,

Asirgha and Khandesh arrive..

I will attack the Mandav fort.

Mandav will belong to

us again. Once again.

Listen.. tell her..

That I'll reach Mandav

before sunset on the third day.

If I'm unable to reach, then think..

Think that Baaz is no more.

Don't say this, Your Majesty.

Your Majesty, Mandav

will belong to you again..

On the third day from today.

It will happen so.

Hurry up, Hamida. I've to

cross the river before sunrise..

And reach the emperor.

Don't risk your life, Queen.

Silly girl. You are so

impatient to meet him?

Keep patience. We will go together.

It will take two days to

meet Baaz and gather the armies.

Then Mandav will belong to us again.

And you.. you will

become the queen of Mandav..

Baaz Bahadur's wife..

Perhaps someone is coming.

You wait here, I'll go and check.

No, Queen. You take the

horses down quickly, I'll check.

Listen.. be alert.

Who is it? Hamida?

I was searching you, dear.

It's better I found you.

I had heard that you were in Mandav.

I searched the entire fort

but I didn't see you anywhere.

Well, I'll become the

king of Malwa from tomorrow.

All my desires are fulfilled.

- Now your desires will be fulfilled too.

- Father!

Yes. Tomorrow the

Moghul army commander..

Adham Khan will marry Roopmati.

If you wish, you can

get married to him too.

Stop it, Father. It's enough.

Roopmati wants to escape.

Perhaps she doesn't know that

I've captured the Mandav fort.

Hamida, get out of my way.

You can't go there in my presence.

Foolish girl, you want to

die with your father's hands?

The father and daughter

relation has broken that day..

When you deceived me

and betrayed our country.

Why hasn't Hamida turned up yet?

Queen! Queen!

Hamida, let's go. Come on.

Hey? What's this?

You may go, Queen. Goodbye.

- Hamida!

- Queen of Malwa, live long.

Hamida! Hamida!

- Who is this?

- What do we see? It is Hafiz Khan.

- Hafiz Khan is murdered!

- Hafiz Khan is killed!

- Look, Roopmati is escaping.

- She is fleeing.

- Roopmati.

- Arrest her.

Don't let her escape. Follow her.

Listen! Don't injure her.

- Baaz!

- There is Roopmati. - Arrest her.

Save me, Baaz!

Oh, Almighty, where are you?

Oh, Lord, where has this

troublemaker arrived from?

Don't you recognise

the gardener's daughter?

Who doesn't know the

gardener's daughter?

But how did you reach here?

Oh, why are you asking?

Whatnot I had to do to reach here.

I pleased and displeased

many and reached till here.

Then what are you doing here? Go in.

- Wait!

- Stop.

- Who is she?

- Sir, she is the gardener's daughter.

She has brought flowers. I

know her since childhood.

She was so young, now

she has grown so big.

- I see.

- Yes.

- What does it contain?

- Flowers, sir.

She makes flower-braid,

garlands, sir. She is a good girl.

- Okay, you may go.

- You may go.



- Queen! Queen!

- Who is it? Who are you?

What do you want?

I'm the gardener,

Queen. I've brought flowers.

- Who has sent you here?

- Don't be angry, Queen.

Emperor Baaz

Bahadur has sent me here.

Baaz Bahadur?

'Roop, I'll reach to Mandav

with the armies in three days.'

'If I can't reach before

sunset on the third day..'

'..I will never show

you my face again.'

'Think that Baaz has died.'



You don't know Adham Khan well yet.

Well, you must have come to

know that it is not so easy..

To escape from my clutches.

I don't like this misbehaviour,

Roop. Listen carefully.

Either be ready to marry me or die.

Oh, God, I want to meet Baaz.

Do you hear me?

What have you decided?

Marriage or death?

No, no. I don't want to die.

I don't want to die.

I knew it. Who doesn't

love her life after all?

Okay, so our

wedding is fixed tonight.

- Is anyone here?

- No, no.

Please have mercy on me.

Give me three days time.

But why three days?

I want to overcome

the grief of death..

Of my father and

both the brothers.

- Only three days.

- I see. All right. Never mind.

But remember, you will

be mind after three days.

You will have to

become mine. Understood?

Your Majesty, the crowned musician..

Rank holder of nine gems,

king of music, Tansen..

Seeks your

permission to present himself.

King of music?

What's wrong, Tansen?

You were captured by Baaz Bahadur..

Then how did you reach here?

Has Adham Khan got

victory over Mandav?

It is terrible, Your Majesty.

- Hafiz Khan has succeeded in cheating you.

- Fraudulence?

Yes, Your Majesty. I was not

imprisoned by Baaz Bahadur..

But Hafiz Khan.

Hurry up, Your Majesty,

otherwise Mandav will be ruined.

Adham Khan has shed

the blood of men, women..

And children in

the lanes of Mandav.

He has killed Baaz Bahadur and

he is going to marry Roopmati.

No, great musician. Adham

Khan is my cousin brother.

He can never disobey me.

There is no time,

Your Majesty. Hurry up.

You will see the truth

as soon you reach Mandav.

If he has disobeyed me, I

will definitely punish him.

Come with me.

"Save me from humiliation,

Your Majesty..

That's all I ask today."

"Save me from humiliation,

Your Majesty..

That's all I ask today."

"Save me from humiliation,

Your Majesty..

No one has come to

fight against the Moghuls..

For the sake of Malwa's freedom.

But I can't wait anymore,

Sardar Khan.

I will go. I will go alone.

No, Your Majesty. You can't go

anywhere in such a condition.

You don't understand,

Sardar Khan. I will have to go.

I will have to go. I've very

less time. I've very less time.

No, Your Majesty. It

is your stubbornness.

You are unable to stand, then

how will you reach till Mandav?

I had promised, Sardar Khan.

Three days will be completed today.

I will have to reach

Mandav before sunset.

Roopmati is waiting for me.

The sun has set,

Roopmati. Three days have passed.

You know, Roop, tonight is the

most beautiful night of your life.

You will become the queen

of someone's heart today.

You will make someone yours.

What are you all doing here?

Go and make

preparation for the wedding.

Decorate the palace. Play the music.

Goodbye, Roop.

Oh, yes. I forgot to

tell you something.

Baaz Bahadur has died.



"When the bride will

come with kohl-laden eyes."

"When the bride will

come with kohl-laden eyes."

"The music of love will

play in the groom's heart."

"The music of love will

play in the groom's heart."




"Return, beloved."

"Return beloved, my

songs are calling you."

"Return beloved, my

songs are calling you."

"My music is forlorn."

"My music is forlorn."

"My songs are calling you."

"Return beloved."

"The rain is pouring,

my eyes are weeping.."

"My heart is desperate,

please come now."

"The rain is pouring,

my eyes are weeping.."

"My heart is desperate,

please come now."

"The cold breeze is

arousing my heart."

"O' beloved, show me your face now."

"What a promise of

love you have fulfilled!"

"What a promise of

love you have fulfilled!"

"My songs are calling you."

"Return back beloved."

"You smile at one moment

and cry at the other.."

"Such is the game of life."

"You smile at one moment

and cry at the other.."

"Such is the game of life."

"Meet at one moment and

separate at the other.."

"This world is a

short-lived carnival."

"This moment shouldn't pass away."

"This moment shouldn't pass away."

"My songs are calling you."

"Return back beloved, my

songs are calling you."

"My music is forlorn."

"My music is forlorn."

"My songs are calling you."

"Return beloved."

Oh! The bedecked bride

is waiting for her groom.

A veil like cloud on

the beautiful face.

The eyelids lowered out

of shyness, smiling lips.

Oh, my, my! She possesses

all the weapons to kill me.

Roop, raise your eyes.

Look, your lover is

ready to die before you.

I see. You are blushing.

Darling, it's not

good to blush so much.

Roopmati, what's this?

Don't you dare, Adham Khan!

Roop! Roop!

Roop? She has already

reached to heaven before you.


Adham Khan, did I send

you to Mandav for this?

I had ordered you to bring

Roopmati and Baaz Bahadur to Delhi.

But you killed these two

artists with your dirty hands.

I didn't do anything, Your Majesty.

Roopmati consumed poison

and committed suicide.

Shut up, disobedient man!

I know why Roopmati consumed

poison and committed suicide.

Soldiers, arrest him!

Roop. Baaz.

I regret that

because of my mistake..

Two talented artists

of Hindustan have died.

Late artists, Akbar is your culprit.

It possible then forgive me.

"Meet at one moment and

separate at the other.."

"This world is a

short-lived carnival."

"This moment shouldn't pass away."

"My songs are calling you."

"Return, beloved."