Random Acts of Intimacy (2002) - full transcript

A group of people discuss chance encounters they have had that has led to sex with complete strangers. One girl recounts her experiences in the middle of a busy club, another being caught by the police. A lady describes a lesbian clinch in the toilets, a man recounts his 30 second affair on a train and a woman takes a coach journey.

(gentle music)

(upbeat music)

- I went out. I was drunk

before I already went out.

I was like really happy and saw this lad

and thought "Oh, I'm going

to have him tonight."

So I like to start talking to him.

He didn't really speak much.

He just like stood there.

And I said to him, "All

right, are you up for it?"

And he said, "Up for what?

And I'm like, "Are you up for sex?"

(intense music)

- He came and he sat beside me.

And at the beginning, I

thought he was very handsome.

He had long blonde hair down to his waist

and he had those big corn flowers eyes.

Guys with really long hair,

they look a bit like girls

and I thought, "A man

who looks like a woman."

I found that very appealing.

- And he was also very, very muscular.

And I felt very feminine in his company

in that sense of being aware

of this kind of incredibly

strong, such a brutal force.

- Whereupon, just

completely out of the blue,

and she asked me,

"Have I ever kissed a French girl?"

Immediately, I said, "No."

She just very delicately

put her fingertips

on my cheeks and just kissed me.

And I was absolutely astonished.

I was just, I must have gone bright red.

- I wouldn't have been surprised

by a kiss or something.

That wouldn't have shocked

me at all that, you know,

but I got, I opened the door

to the loo, just walked in,

she was there, and we sort

of recognized each other.

And it was only a matter of seconds

before she dragged me into

the loo and fucked me.

(soft moaning)

- So some of them were artists.

Some of there were drug

dealers, prostitutes.

It's very crowded and

there's this big buzz.

And because there are so many

people having a good time,

you feel you can do what you want,

and you just listen to great

music and have a good time,

and it's a bit decadent,

but you really have a good time, you know.

(soft jazz music)

- I was dancing against

these bars like pole dancer

and touching myself up when I danced.

Our bouncers love it

and I love it that

people like watching me.

I used to do it when I went

out with my friend, Donna,

'cause she's like loud like me,

so I can do stuff like that.

But like other people go out

are quiet, so I feel silly.

I know I was looking at average

guy and I was really nice.

And then I go now look

slightly Leonardo de Caprio?

Paul Nichols, Joe wicks, or Easterners,



He said he's seen me dancing in the past.

- As I say, when I went back

into the compartment, so the,

the elderly couples?, it pulled

the blinds down and the dim,

the lights.

And I basically just shuffled

into my seat and just avoided

looking directly at this young lady.


- There was a very gorgeous

woman on the other side of the

cafe, who I thought was giving

me the eye, but I didn't,

I didn't actually want to

blame my vanity too much.

So I sort of let it go.

But over the course of the evening,

we were definitely visually

sort of flirting with one


But at one point I got up to

go to the loo and I hadn't

realized that she'd actually

gone into the loo before me.

- And he said, he said

to me, I'm a bricklayer.

So maybe it was a bit

naive, but I believed him.

- And actually it turned out

that he worked on the bit he

built railways? around

what is, so he was more,

I understand is a NAVY

- And then later on, he

touched my hand and I said,

you can't be a brick layer.

Your hands are soft, like a

bank, mine?, natural, something,

you know.

- Huge thick fingers, you know, the, and,

and the sort of hands that you

look at and think they could

crush me with one.


- And he said, no, actually

I just came out of prison.

Policeman had a go at me and

that I hit him over the head.

And then they put me in prison.

- He was living a lifestyle

that I sort of thought had gone

out with the

19th century in a sense

of this sort of idea of

these men, building roads or building


lots of sympathy for his very

lonely life without women.

- I hear that he, he went

to prison and he beat up.

So policemen, I like that a

lot, in a disrespectful way.

That pleased me a lot, or the

excitement of being a bad boy,

you know, like he does,

he's a villain and he's good looking.

And, oh, he is too much

- I was quite enchanted by her.

I was beginning to get, to

become in love with her.

- I fancied him a lot and I

wanted to do something with him.

So he said, you want,

you want to go to that little parking? So

and he said, you want to

go in there in the dark?

And I said, yeah.


So we went in there and

then we started kissing.

- And then, so we got

talking a bit more, like,

we were just sat on these

benches, like kissing and that,

and they're like, this is

our drone pilots and oh, no,

I want to do it here. And

he's going, no, no, we can't.

No, we can't.

And we just got carried away

and it just started from there.

- He just lift up my skirt

and he started stroking my leg

and pulling my skirt up and

then stroking my thighs.

Then I bend down.

And he started kissing my leg

from the bottom of my leg,

you know, to the calf.

And then he keeps me on just

on top of my suspenders.

I could feel his lips against

my stockings and I found

very erotic.

- She was very relaxed

and I was quite on edge.

- And then I looked up in

horror and because of the street

lights I saw two heads of

police men going by stop


There are two parties,

especially who was coming out of prison.

Maybe it's the guy hit over the head.

So I took just stop because

it's too dangerous. You know.

- When I'm not,


I tend to shake a little.

- I think I frightened a little bit.

I don't think you were really into it.

Cause he just seemed too quiet not normal.

- Well, fear can feel nearly

60 sometimes because when

you're frightened in your

stomach, you feel to make sex more

sexy there must be an

element of danger or risk.

Imagine what he could have done to me

because I can,

I can have sex with a

really dangerous man.

So I've got guts.

- And she, she put her hand

on my arm like this and she's

sitting across line and she

learned to cross, put my hand on my arm.

And she said, what's the matter?

I said, no, sorry.

It's okay. It's okay.

- He had the smoothest

skin I ever touched.

his skin was like silk.

He had a face soft, enjoyable, skinny,

and he was beautiful.

- And she lent across the,

the compartment, and started to

kiss me.

And at the same time,

she picked my hand up and

laid it on her breasts.

And , my God, this is

not the week before.

What are you supposed to do?

- I was quite clear when I got on the bus

that I thought we were fairly likely

to have sex and really kind of turned on

and excited about this idea of,

you know,

that we were going to be able to really,

really be naughty.

- By this time. My heart was really going,

boom I think you could

hear it at the time.

But as soon as she did this, I

looked the word leads people.

It was knowing the right door,

and open but, and then she,

she climbed on top of

my lap

and she took total control.

- And he was, he was very cute

as well in a way that he was,

you know, he was quite, quite sort of shy.

And, and I was very in control

in the sense that I knew I could

completely control the proceedings.

It's like a week or two would

go as far as I wanted to go,

there was no sort of sense of,

of me being in any kind

of danger from him.

- He saw my dog collar and he

said, oh, you're a sexy bitch,

really know, not because I'm a bitch,

boys like a female dogs you know.

- I was like, he was sat like

this, you know, sat on top.

People were watching,

but I just didn't care.

Well I didn't really know at first,

'cause I just didn't think

no one would think anything

of it with it being dark.

Then afterwards everyone were

like clapping and cheering,

because a girl came up and stopped.

And one of his friends started

talking to us in-between,

(laughs) this girl who

knew his girlfriend said

also she wants to talk to us and.(laughs)

- We had sex all the time.

Forget sleeping

There's no, you can

sleep anytime you know.

With the beautiful guy like this,

you're not going to sleep you know.

- And the, the sad thing about it all was,

this was just too, too

unusual, too excitable for me.

And the actual act, once

penetration had occurred,

the actual act of,

of sex was,

was literally 30 seconds.

And I felt sort of, dreadful.

Things were running through my mind

like she probably thinks all

English men can't make love

and ejaculate within 30

seconds and this is it.

You know,


- As we left the cubicle, I

don't know how long it was.

I think time was kind of lost.

I asked her for a telephone number,

and even her name,

but she wouldn't have

anything to do with it.

And I left, never, never seen her again,

never knowing who she was,

and never meeting her again.

- So clearly that was her

intention all along anyway,

I treasure the memory from my perspective.

- I have this fantasy that, that in a way

he will always keep the

story to himself because

you know, it's the sort of things

that he might tell somebody

and they might just go,

(laughs) yes, mate, you know,

I'm sure that four? women?

just threw themselves at you.

- Everyone knows the school.

When I went back for my exams,

everybody was looking ,

is it true?is it true?

It's like,

ah, we having sex in the

middle of the dance floor.

(laughing) No

- She was so bold,

but also some way quite some

like, fearful I suppose,

not to hang around.

Maybe she was straight, or

not straight, but closeted.

- It's like catch up

to utopia, from utopia

utopia going next time Love.

Love, saying go next time to

utopia, I'll give you one.

But no, thanks.

- I just felt it was

really naughty, and daring,

and it was just very sexy.

Incredible, very good. Very good.

And I think I must've come out looking,

looking like I'd just been

fucked, I must have had.

And that was part of

the shock I think too,

that the idea that you

could have anonymous sex was

really good anonymous sex,

with a stranger (laughs),

but it was just? a

figment of my imagination.

- I always invent something because,

I don't know,

sometimes I make sex a

bit like cinema, you know,

you, you make a scene for it.

It's just, you create

your fantasy, you know,

use your imagination.

It's like diving in the sea

or climbing up a mountain.

It's like, if you, if

you brave the danger,

it gives you importance,

he makes you somebody,

he makes you, I mean, it's not,

he makes me macho but

if I can brave a danger,

I'm something. I'm important.

I mean, I don't know.

I'm worth something.

- I like to talk about it afterwards.

Tell people and shock people.

I like people to talk about me.

So they all think that they're being nasty

by slagging me off but actually I like it.

Yeah 'cause my life must be interesting,

if they talk that way.