Raja 1918 (2007) - full transcript
"Raja 1918", also known as "The Border", is a Finnish war drama film directed by Lauri Törhönen set in the immediate aftermath of the Finnish Civil War of 1918. It is spring of 1918. A young scientist and officer, captain von Munck (Martin Bahne), is sent to the village of Rajajoki to close the border between the newly independent Finland and Russia under Bolshevik revolution.
World War I is ravaging Europe.
When the Russian Empire falls,
Finland declares independence
on December 6th, 1917.
In January 1918 the Reds begin
to rebel against the Government.
The mutiny turns into a civil war,
Whites against Reds,
brother against brother.
The leader of the Whites is
Mannerheim, a former Czar's general.
Germany supports the Whites
in the war.
Cease fire!
God dammit.
Throw down your weapons!
Sir, I'm not a Red!
You have committed
the worst of all crimes: treason.
In the name of the fatherland
I sentence you to death.
- Let's go!
- Quick!
The war claimed more than 35,000
victims. Most of them were Reds.
You must never go to war again,
Carl. I was so afraid!
I will not, I promise. I was lucky
to return uninjured. To you.
You'll continue your university
career and we'll get married.
- And we'll have children.
- Yes!
I love you.
Everyone's waiting.
Mother has prepared a dinner.
Major Berner.
Still, you must admit
that the Germans' participation
in this war was at most theoretical.
Lieutenant von Munck, not to
belittle the courage of the Finns,
without our theoretical role
Finland would have definitely lost.
That is something
we must disagree upon.
Careful, Carl. Our brother-in-arms
here is an intelligence officer.
A letter from Mannerheim,
to Captain von Munck.
- Does the Dragoon wish to eat?
- No, thank you.
Finland is now independent
but not sovereign.
Together we have made history,
but Germany has dictated it.
Fellow officers, I propose a toast.
To the King of Finland!
- The King of Finland?
- To the King!
Hush now.
Eight, nine, ten, eleven...
Father waits for me.
My Cinderella...
From Mannerheim. To you.
I'm being sent to the new border
of Soviet Russia.
I've waited so long. First for you
to break off your engagement,
then for you
to return from the war...
I'm not going to war. I'm going to
build up a border, keep the peace.
I'm sorry... Mannerheim!
Ask your father to postpone
our wedding until autumn.
The train stops here. The railroad
to St. Petersburg has been cut off.
Captain, sir. You'll have to
continue by horse.
Easy now.
The train stops here. You will
continue down the tracks from here.
Captain, sir. Sergeant-Major
Muranen at your service.
- Von Munck. Pleased to meet you.
- Everyone must get off the train!
You will continue
from here by foot.
- Soldier, hold the horse.
- Sergeant-Major, sir.
Let's run to Russia!
A blue house?
Isn't that a custom of the Russians?
Some are blue, some are red.
Some are unpainted... grey, sir.
It's like hair, Captain.
- Hair?
- Yes. Some are blond, some are dark-haired.
- What's going on over there?
- The Russians are singing.
- Is this bridge the national border?
- Actually, the creek beneath it is.
A real border has never existed
here. For a thousand years...
- How do you know that?
- I'm from hereabouts, Captain.
Load your weapons!
Oh my god.
Captain, sir.
Boys, bring the bags.
Here we go.
This is Lieutenant Suutari,
acting commandant.
Captain, sir. I hand over the unit
under your command.
Von Munck.
- Are you from around here, Lieutenant?
- Attention!
No, sir. I'm from Jämsä. I've been
ordered here same as you,
to the middle of nowhere.
Captain, sir...
Muranen, I'll dictate a wire.
Captain Carl von Munck
to the war office, stop.
Have arrived at my station, stop.
Will begin my task tomorrow,
5th of May, 1918. Stop. End.
Captain, sir.
What came after the first stop?
- Suutari, find me a clerk.
- I know someone that might be suitable.
A... B... C... D... dee...
That's good. Lauri, you're next.
- Butcher!
- Dummy!
You Reds'll wind up in Tammisaari
and be shot like Ilmari's father.
That's not true!
Boys, stop it!
Let him go!
Get up!
Now behave yourselves!
Miss Lintu.
We need you.
Captain, sir,
the teacher is here to see you.
Come in.
I'm sorry,
you will have to sit on the bed.
I doubt that's appropriate.
Or what do you think,
Baron von Munck?
- Leave us.
- Captain, sir.
I apologize, I...
I thought that...
You wanted to see me.
What, a Master of Arts as a school
teacher of this measly small place?
What, a baron as the commandant of
this measly small border station?
- I came to serve my fatherland.
- I suppose I'm doing the same.
- You can do it in a whole new way.
- By sewing that button of yours?
I don't need a seamstress
but a clerk.
Don't the Finnish soldiers
know how to write?
Those who should, don't.
I'm sorry. I need to teach
the children to read and write.
- That's my job.
- A Master of Arts...
My answer is no. And I don't
even possess a Master's degree.
I only studied
at a seminary in Sortavala.
Sir, would you like to have
an evening snack
- if my wife cooked it?
- Yes. Thank you.
Why did you take so long?
Were you followed?
- Edvin...
- Maaria!
- You must see a doctor.
- They're all Whites. And informants.
So you'll let your wounds fester
until you die?
- What's going to come out of this...
- Well, sister?
- The fever is rising.
- We need a plan. To get me out of here.
- But where to?
- Anywhere.
- We must go to Russia... escape from here.
- Russia!
You'll come with me of course.
We'll move to the Soviet Union.
They offered me work for the summer.
As clerk for the new commandant.
I turned them down, of course.
You must accept it.
It means we have a chance.
Well, well.
Lieutenant Suutari said
there was no more tea
around these parts.
Sir, my brother can provide some
if it's tea you want.
- Whatever you want, I can get it for you.
- Legally?
Well, let us drink.
To freedom!
Evening friends! May I join you?
- Oh, a new guest.
- Captain von Munck is our new commandant.
- Good evening, Captain.
- Anton is my neighbor.
- I suggest we speak Finnish in Finland.
- Fine.
- Well then. To Finland!
- To Finland!
- Where did you get those?
- From there, sir.
The other side of the bridge?
Don't you know where the border is?
But your orders were that the whole
of the Border River area...
- Good morning, Baron von Munck.
- It's ditch guard von Munck now.
Does your offer still stand,
ditch guard von Munck?
- Did you change your mind?
- The school year will end soon.
I will do it for the summer.
I presume it pays something?
Welcome to the service
of the Finnish White Army.
You won't be here for long.
The world is tired of borders.
I wish you were right
but unfortunately you are wrong.
No, two crates per man.
- Miss Lintu, are you from around here?
- No.
Miss Lintu,
why are you so sure that I'll fail?
It's not you, Baron.
I believe that the world is finally
entering an age of no borders.
Mindless idealism.
I am an idealist.
And so are you.
- Yes. You believe in your border.
- I believe in Finland.
- But perhaps that, too, is just idealism.
- Yes it is.
Idealists believe in
noble ends and work for them.
Through them, history and
cultural development are realized.
Miss Lintu has read Hegel.
Here's to us idealists.
- To idealists.
- Does Miss Lintu also read Marx?
His fever rose during the day.
He's delirious.
One of our doctors in Helsinki
hasn't been captured.
Could you supply us
with travel passes?
Helsinki has surrendered to the
Germans. You'll get killed there.
Heikki won't get better by waiting.
I'll get you the travel passes.
"From the Chiefs of Staff
to Commandant von Munk."
- The C is missing, who is the fool who...
- In Helsinki...
Muranen, give
the telegraph operator some tea.
"Enclosed are the border regulations
approved by the Senate of Finland,
which must be adhered to wholly
and absolutely as of this moment."
From Helsinki.
The new border regulations.
"The Commandant must ensure that the
laws and government regulations..."
"...are executed
and strictly obeyed..."
Aren't you going to stop that man?
- Why, sir?
- He's crossing the national border!
He could be a dangerous spy
for all we know.
No, he's my uncle, he went to chop
some wood for his sister over there.
- Hello!
- Hello.
Your actions on the border
have been miserable. So as of now,
everyone crossing the bridge will be
asked for their travel documents.
If their papers are not in order,
they have no business in Finland.
Captain, sir.
The locals don't have papers.
Then they need to get some.
That's an order. Attention!
At ease. Dismissed.
Might I suggest
that we proceed gradually?
People have crossed here
for six hundred years.
Our German brethren
want the eastern border to hold.
The Russians live on the other side,
Finns on this side. Clear cut.
Forward, men!
Hurry up!
So this kind of a baron
Helsinki sent us... dammit!
Miss Lintu!
What did you take?
Stop it!
What's going on in here?
Captain... I think
that Miss Lintu took something.
- What do you mean?
- Perhaps she took some papers.
- Did you see it happen?
- I think I did, sir.
- You think! Miss Lintu?
- The Captain is welcome to check.
Or was the little Lieutenant thinking
of doing the searching himself?
Go right ahead.
- Do I have your word of honor?
- I don't believe in them.
Nor honor for that matter.
Lieutenant, this matter is closed.
Captain, sir.
Go back to work!
Let's go.
Stop, please.
You hooligans,
what do you think you are doing?
I crossed here when you were
just a twinkle in your father's eye!
- Ok, Babushka, back to Russia!
- Take your hands off me!
Off you go!
Captain, sir, that old man is your
counterpart. Comrade Major Gentsch.
The Grand Duchy of Finland.
Illegal border crossers
will be shot without question.
Set up a watch around the clock.
Captain, I don't think
we have enough men.
let's forget our ranks.
Between the two of us,
you can call me Calle.
- And I am Paavo, sir.
- Good.
Captain, sir.
- It will have to work!
- Captain,
could you sign these travel passes?
You're sure
these are decent men?
I don't know.
I'm just doing what I'm told.
Your point of view
is rather cynical.
- Miss Lintu is arrogant.
- Captain, sir.
- Excuse me, captain...
- Do you ever have moments of self-doubt?
When everything seems meaningless?
Of course.
But it's probably useless
to fight against fate.
I'm a soldier now
and I've been ordered here.
Mannerheim ordered me here himself.
What would you like to be then?
I'm a scientist.
Perhaps I'd like to be an explorer.
To do something valuable.
And to return to your fiancée.
I'm engaged for the third time.
I don't really know how to love.
Maria didn't approve of me
coming here.
- I believe that we make our own destinies.
- I think destiny makes us.
Perhaps you're right.
If the school had happened to be
on the other side of the creek,
would I be a teacher
in Soviet Russia
and the clerk at their command post?
Mannerheim himself.
The good captain's affairs
will surely work out for the best.
Heikki Kiljunen,
commander of the Reds.
There's a warrant for the arrest
of a man by that name.
Are you familiar with that name?
I don't know the locals that well.
He's suspected of murder,
robbery and treason.
He's personally shot civilians,
even women,
that he suspected of
collaborating with the Whites.
He's to be shot on sight.
I don't have a fever.
- There are fewer and fewer lucid moments.
- What lucid moments?
Edvin, will you promise
to be careful.
- I don't want to lose either of you.
- We'll both die if I take him along.
What shall I do with him then?
He's to be shot on sight.
Someone will soon sniff him out.
Think of something.
You're his fiancée after all.
- Traitor.
- Let me go!
- Where's your brother?
- I don't know.
He took his travel pass and left me
at the mercy of those butchers!
- There. Leave if you think I'm a traitor.
- This is a trap.
- That Captain is behind this.
- You're so weak I wouldn't need a trap.
I could kill you as easily as you
killed those women and old people.
Have you killed women?
Heikki, look me in the eye.
You want to know something
about killing?
- Yes.
- I haven't hurt anyone.
The Whites are lying to you.
What happened to you?
Nothing I can talk about.
Let me see that.
Everything turned out differently
from what I had imagined.
Nothing is real.
And I'm not even real myself.
Sir! Come quick!
Don't let that man through!
Keep your positions!
Rumors say that Russian nobles
and bourgeoisie are being executed.
- They're trying to get away.
- Well, we can't let them in here!
This is the Finnish border.
Only Finns and other nationalities
are welcome to Finland.
Not the Russians.
This is the Finnish border.
Russians are not welcome.
The Russians
are laying the burden on us.
Send a telegram to Helsinki
and ask for instructions.
We also need
more ammunition and men.
Chiefs of Staff to Commandant of
Border River, Capt. von Munck, stop.
The border is to be kept closed.
You have full authority, stop.
Deport all Russians and Jews
due to infectious diseases.
Spies and Reds
are to be executed.
Other Finns will be let through.
Citizens of other countries
to be treated according to
their documents. End.
If they don't have papers,
how do we know who is Finnish?
Follow me!
Say "kyllä".
Russian. Deport him.
If you want to enter Finland,
say "kyllä" for "yes".
- Let him through. Say "kyllä".
- Kjulla.
Deport her.
- If you want to enter Finland, say "kyllä".
- Kjulla.
- Deport them. Say "kyllä".
- Kyllä.
Say it again.
Let her through.
Let them through.
Say it again.
Deport her.
- You must say "kyllä".
- Kjulla.
- No, it's "kyllä".
- Kjulla.
Say "kyllä".
Let him through.
- Kjulla.
- Deport her.
Let her through.
- Say "kyllä".
- Kyllä.
- Kjulla.
- Deport her.
Go on then!
- What's happening out there?
- The locals have no identifying cards.
"Identification". They are called
identification cards.
Your Finnish is also poor. And what's
happening here is not civilized.
- There are contagious diseases...
- Does saying "kyllä" make one immune?
- I'm a soldier.
- You are also a human being.
I'm following orders.
You have better orders here.
Muranen. Tell Suutari to stop.
- But, sir...
- We'll interview everyone individually.
Miss Lintu will keep a record
of the interviews. Do it.
Let me through!
- Stop!
- I'm sorry.
Get away! Move!
My god...
Dr. Yevgeny Perret.
Russian but speaks Finnish.
Finnish wife who is in Helsinki.
He is requesting asylum from Finland.
- They'll kill me if you deport me.
- All Russians must be deported.
I have a lot of information about
the Russians... I'll tell you all.
There are 600 people outside.
If we interview each of them
for ten minutes...
Mr. Perret will be placed in
quarantine. Send out a telegram.
- We don't have a quarantine area.
- So place him under guard then.
This black tea is first rate.
Sir, can we talk about something
other than tea and Cognac?
Close the office, Corporal.
You have created a system
that aids Reds who've fled to Russia
to get into Finland by saying "yes".
And they receive an identification
card signed by you, to boot.
We've been ordered
to execute all Reds and spies,
but who are the spies,
if even the Reds are not red?
If they're stable boys in
St. Petersburg, what color are they?
- Can you advise me?
- Yes.
They're Bolsheviks as well. The Reds
wouldn't be fleeing their paradise
if they weren't plotting
something... I know...
You are importing spies to Finland!
Lieutenant Suutari!
I need a quarantine area.
Take over a cowshed
or hen house or even a pig house.
Lock that doctor in, and the Russians
waiting for a decision from Helsinki.
And everyone suspected
of being a Red.
- They're trying to return to Finland.
- You're breaking a command, sir.
We are to exile all Russians
and shoot all Reds.
Well do it if you know for certain
who is a Red.
Shoot the wrong person,
and you'll end up shot.
- I'll take that risk.
Lieutenant Suutari.
Let him through.
Welcome to Finland.
We'll question them later.
Take them to the quarantine.
Let them through.
Here you are.
To the quarantine.
Deportation on the basis of
apparent Judaism.
Excuse me, mademoiselle...
Excuse me...
Could you send a letter for me?
To my wife.
I can't take care of my matters
myself from in here.
Thank you.
There's more and more people.
The Russian side is in chaos.
Soon our side will be as well,
unless we do something.
Let the Captain through!
Where is comrade Gentsch?
There's a citizen here to see you!
Stop that.
- Captain Carl von Munck.
- Gregory Gentsch.
- Does my colleague speak Russian?
- I'm afraid I don't speak Russian.
- Do you speak German?
- Yes, I do.
I'm afraid I don't speak German.
Please come in.
- Sit down, please.
- Thank you.
So you do speak German after all.
Of course I speak German,
but those idiots would become
suspicious if they knew that.
I would like to talk to you
about the border...
Cheers, my friend.
The border! Of course.
Here we are. Manning the border.
You never know
what life has in store.
Just a year ago
I was the lord of a manor.
The servants became socialists
and I fired them.
Then the revolution
made the servants the lords
and I was sent here
to be a servant for the socialists.
I am lucky
they didn't just shoot me.
The Bolsheviks
don't have enough officers.
But you wanted to talk to me
about something?
- The border is in chaos. I would like to...
- The border...
A year ago it was
just a measly little ditch
and now it's a national border.
If we could come to some agreement
about guarding the border...
We're officers.
That is the border
between us and those idiots.
A class border. What other kind
of a border do we need here?
Russia is free and its free citizens
can go where they please.
They are not welcome in Finland.
- Are you a Bolshevik?
- Of course.
I'd be shot otherwise.
Perhaps I am a noble Bolshevik.
Do you play chess?
There's no one there.
I'll be damned!
In the name
of the Finnish law, stop!
- Fire!
- Row back, quickly!
- What are you shooting at?
- Nobody got hurt.
I'm a bit rusty.
Cease fire!
How can you miss the target from
30 meters away in bright moonlight!
Two days of leave to anyone
who catches a smuggler.
No tea came in today.
I've brewed some coffee substitute.
Thank you.
Thank you.
- Can I ask you something?
- Please do.
My aunt is sick...
Could that Russian doctor
have a look at her?
He's imprisoned.
I mean, in quarantine.
My aunt is very sick.
There's no other doctor here.
Muranen, I'm allowing Dr. Perret
to take a look at Miss Lintu's aunt.
Captain, sir.
This maid worked in St. Petersburg
and fled from the Bolsheviks.
She's slept with soldiers and
behaved in an objectionable way.
- Says who?
- The soldiers.
What's it to us?
Let the woman go!
Do as I say!
Captain, sir.
Wait here.
The wounds have brought on a fever.
He needs medicine.
Quinine, which I don't have.
- I'll get some.
- We need it fast.
Otherwise your "aunt" will die.
- I won't say a word.
- My life depends on it.
- Not just yours.
- Kill me instead of torturing me anymore!
Listen, you have that saboteur
on your side.
Perret is his name.
The one I warned you about.
Might be so.
Send him to us
to rid yourselves of your worries.
- The Bolsheviks want him.
- Why?
He is now under the protection
of the Finnish Republic.
I would get a medal for bringing
Perret to St. Petersburg
and you'd get a car.
And a box of Cuban cigars.
The queen is in danger.
The Empress, may God protect
the Empress of Russia.
You are a beast, von Munck.
There is constant movement
across the border.
Food from our side,
valuables from St. Petersburg.
- Tea, gold, art...
- Might be so.
Smugglers behave as if
there were no border.
Did I draw the border? No.
Did I ask to be sent here? No.
The socialists sent me.
People travel, goods move.
It's always been so.
Sometimes goods end up
somewhere along the journey,
- and that is a good thing for some.
- What are you trying to say?
If you want, a share of
one third could be yours...
Don't underestimate capital,
Monsieur von Munck.
Borders come and go,
but personal property is lasting.
In the name
of the Finnish law, stop!
You'll regret this. I work
under the Commandant's authority.
Shut up, Russian dog.
We caught this bastard
crossing the border.
Suitcase full of smuggled goods
from Russia.
Looks familiar, doesn't it, Carl.
That's Captain von Munck to you.
Have you sold the command post
smuggled goods?
Have I sold the command post
smuggled goods?
What do you think? I mean,
what do you think, Baron von Munck?
You think I went to the nearest
grocer's to ask for a kilo of tea?
I thought you were a businessman.
That you had connections.
I am a businessman.
- I do have connections. In St. Petersburg.
- That's a crime!
- It's trade.
- Crossing the border to Finland...
Finland will suffer hunger and
poverty if it closes its borders!
Coffee and tobacco
grow badly in frozen soil.
If you ask me,
he should be shot, sir.
I arrest Alex Muranen
on suspicion of smuggling
- and crossing the border illegally.
- Baron, sir...
Go back to bed!
You knew.
This is your second warning.
A third warning and you'll be
headed to Helsinki in shackles.
My aunt needs medicine.
Quinine. Painkiller. Disinfectant.
He's sleeping peacefully...
The medicine
takes effect rather quickly.
Your "aunt" is a fighter
and "she" could be
on "her" feet very soon.
- Thank you so much.
- My pleasure.
I'm just glad to get away
from that prison for a few moments.
- Are you married to your "aunt"?
- No.
Do you love him?
Don't answer. For that ailment
I have no cure anyway.
- Or for redness, for that matter.
- I'm not a Red.
- Then why?
- What about you? Why are you helping me?
I care for people. All people.
What are you planning on doing?
I don't know.
The quarantine is too full.
More Russians arrived yesterday.
Disease is rampant
- and our Reds are fighting.
- Has Helsinki answered yet?
We received a telegram. You have
full authority to solve the matter.
- But don't let suspicious persons through.
- Must we shoot them all?
Not all of them. Just the Reds and
the Russians. That will make room.
- Sir, then there's this other thing.
- Yes?
Would it not be good to know
what the Bolsheviks are doing
behind the border?
I just thought that...
My brother knows the trails
and he can move unseen...
You will gather information about
Russian troops and bring it to me.
Don't let your brother down.
If you are caught,
we know nothing about you. Is that clear?
I can start bringing tea and Cognac
to the command post again?
Miss Lintu.
Do you need me?
I've been carving that for you
the last few days...
- This?
- Yes.
- A bird?
- Yes yes.
I wouldn't have made it without you.
I love you.
Did I say something to upset you?
I've probably been
a difficult patient.
I don't even remember everything.
But now everything will change.
Everything will be good
again, Maaria.
- Check that man.
- Do it!
- Papers, please.
- Search him!
- He can't speak.
- He should still have papers.
Deport him to Russia.
That squealing of his
does sound like Russian!
"By order of the Commandant
of the Finnish-Russian border area,
speaking Russian is forbidden
in the vicinity of the border."
"It is also forbidden to move around
near the border without a pass."
- What?
- Moving around without a pass is forbidden.
"Anyone breaking these rules
will be shot."
Say it in Finnish: bread.
Natalia, we have to start
speaking Finnish to the children.
And you and me as well.
The times call for it.
- Irina!
- No, don't!
- Now let's go!
- No no!
- Taking us from our own home!
- Let me go!
No! No!
- Goddamn Russkie!
- No!
They'll kill us!
- It's immoral.
- No serious damage has been caused.
What we're doing is legal.
Arson is not.
A few Russians did go on their way.
And the border is now stronger.
Our task is to strengthen the border
between lawfulness and lawlessness.
Suutari, I want you to find
the guilty parties and punish them.
- You can't be serious, sir!
- Of course I am.
Yes, sir.
Were you involved with the arson?
Captain, sir.
That arson was a nice touch.
It got the Russians
shaking in their boots.
If I knew who did it,
I could give them a nice reward.
Load your weapons!
Stop it.
At ease.
Men, we are not here
to act like barbarians.
We are here to thicken our
fatherland's hide against barbarians.
Anyone else caught
will be shot for real.
Sir, look what we found.
He's a known Red revolutionary.
He has murdered civilians
and stolen cattle.
He's been traveling with a forged
travel pass. Signed by you, sir.
Signed by me?
If you're sure, send him
to Tammisaari prison camp.
I have another idea.
Let's shoot the communist.
- Not without a trial we won't.
- Take him back!
Excuse me, Captain,
but that Red
is Miss Lintu's brother.
No! Edvin!
- Sir... The prisoner tried to escape.
- You shot him on purpose.
The deceased can file a complaint
with the procurator if he wants.
Miss Lintu.
When horrible things happen
we must think
that it's part of some greater cause
and will lead to something good.
What good
could the murder of my brother bring?
He was a Red.
- Are you, Miss Lintu?
- No.
Try to understand. It all has to do
with protecting Finnish culture...
- The people, our languages, our history...
- What nonsense!
The greatest achievements in
our culture are still ahead of us.
- Freedom. Justice. Fairness.
- Fairness!
Your brother tried to escape.
Did he?
Two British citizens. Have been
spying for the Crown in Russia.
They must be escorted to Helsinki
and guarded at all times.
Deport him.
Deport her.
Deport him.
Let them through.
Send them to the quarantine.
Deport them.
Welcome to Finland.
- Next.
- Deport them.
Please sir, for the sake of
the children, I beg you!
- Attention!
- Miss Lintu!
We need to talk.
You look like a man in love.
I am.
- You're engaged.
- I was.
It's not my fiancée
that I'm in love with.
Yes, your fiancée isn't here.
- How do you know that?
- Women...
They're only trouble.
I once had a beautiful wife.
Unfortunately, she died.
I killed her!
We're just playing some chess.
Want to join us?
Monsieur von Munck.
A military commissar. They watch me.
The shameless fools.
But now we'll play chess
and I will lose.
You will get drunk and feel fine.
Even the bullet didn't hit you,
you are alive.
I hear Miss Maaria is charming.
Your brother Alex
has been spying for the Russians.
I've given the order
to shoot him on sight.
You've killed civilians.
There are no civilians
in a civil war.
They're people
who poisoned our comrades.
Killing yourself or asking
a butcher to kill is the same thing.
Morally it isn't.
Well, that's the way war is.
All wars.
The world has to be changed.
Let's move to St. Petersburg
and get married, have children.
Become Russians.
- Hide!
- Who is it?
I don't know.
- Who's that?
- Maaria, let me in.
Go away. Now is not the time.
- No! Please go away.
- I want you.
- Maaria!
- Your fiancée is wearing your ring!
Calm down!
- Raise the alarm!
- Look out!
They're looking for you.
I am looking for you.
Go somewhere else, now.
Do it. And don't come back.
They will kill you.
You will or they will? How would I
know how to live anywhere else?
For my sake and the kids',
don't come back.
Listen, I'd love to chat
but I really must be going!
Promise me you won't come back.
Alex! Promise me!
He's here!
- Bread!
- You woke up.
- Suutari!
- Captain, sir.
Arrest a certain person for
questioning on suspicion of treason.
- Yes, sir. Who?
- Miss Maaria Lintu.
Sir, I suggest you let someone else
investigate the matter.
I will handle it myself!
leave the door open.
- Name?
- Maaria Eleonoora Lintu.
- Date of birth?
- September 10th, 1893.
- Profession?
- Teacher.
- Are you a Red?
- There are no more Reds.
- Were you ever a Red?
- No.
- Are you a White then?
- No. I am a colorless humanist.
What is your relationship
to Red Commander Kiljunen?
You know that.
- Say it for the record.
- Heikki Kiljunen is my fiancé. Was.
You have hidden him in your home
from government forces for months,
providing him with food
and illegal medicine. Is this true?
It is.
Have you taken classified material
from the command post?
No. And I didn't betray
any Reds to you.
- She forged travel passes for Reds.
- Shut up, Lieutenant.
Have you had relations
with any military personnel?
- I have with one.
- Who?
- Captain Carl von Munck.
- Mark it down in the records.
Did you do that to provide the Reds
with classified information?
I find you guilty of treason and
order you to be executed at dawn.
- Do you wish to say something?
- No.
Suutari, take the teacher
to the quarantine area.
And Suutari.
This prisoner will not try to escape.
- Let me go, please.
- I most certainly will not.
- How long have you and the Captain been...
- Aarno.
Please let me go.
Stop right there!
God dammit!
Did the prisoner
try to escape again?
Can't anything be done right
around here!
He's been deported
three times already.
Can't you get even the locals
to obey the law?
You always insist on
following the rules.
- What the hell is that rag?
- It arrived today by courier.
The Parliament has chosen
a new flag for Finland.
It looks awful. Must be something
thought up by that artist Gallén.
Sir! There's some Colonel
and a foreign soldier outside.
- Baron von Munck.
- General, sir.
This is Major Berner from Germany.
We've met.
Congratulations on your promotion,
- Last time we met you were a lieutenant.
- We've met.
- Why do you have a German name?
- The "von" represents degeneration.
- What?
- Nothing.
- Goodbye.
- The Russians have more beautiful officers.
Helsinki is very pleased
with you, von Munck.
- Please hold still.
- You've created a border for our nation!
- Don't move.
- Thank you, General.
Our readers want to know
how you've maintained peace here.
What kind of people pass through?
Is the border totally closed?
- All our relations have been cut off.
- No one can travel either way?
The Lieutenant will show you
the local attractions.
It will help you understand.
- Take that fellow for a little walk.
- My Swedish is a bit rusty.
So speak Finnish. Who cares whether
the newspaper understands you or not.
- Ok, this way.
- Where are we going?
- You already saw the sheep.
- I came here to interview the Captain...
There are way too many
people here...
Sir, we need more men
to conduct interviews
I know how to make more room.
It's no use keeping Russians here.
- What?
- He said that...
- What?
- Sir, you promised...
- Suutari!
- I...
- Kjulla.
- Well, shoot him, Sergeant-Major.
God have mercy on you, Pavel!
- Kjulla.
- What?
When you shoot to execute,
you aim at the head. Closer!
Strange trial. Everyone says yes,
but only some are shot.
An effective method.
You can take it from here.
- What did he say?
- He's teaching us order.
And off the record, we will be
invading St. Petersburg soon.
What did he say?
That Germany
will soon attack St. Petersburg.
- St. Petersburg is a big city.
- It will fall in only a few days
- when Finland and Germany attack as one.
- Is that so?
The General says that St. Petersburg
will fall in only a few days
when Finland and Germany attack.
Is the General exaggerating?
The other way round!
In St. Petersburg, dead horses
lie in the streets. Dogs eat them.
What are you going to do to Lenin?
Send him back to Zurich.
It will serve the Swiss right.
The people of the city
will welcome us as liberators.
Captain, then you can draw
a new border for Finland again.
Excuse me?
You can draw a new border.
Behind St. Petersburg.
I thought this was
Finland's rightful border.
It is!
We'll just move it a little eastward
and liberate our Karelian kinsmen.
You've done such good work here.
It is your privilege
to draw the new border too.
- What did the General say?
- What did Major Berner say?
He says that dogs eat horses
in St. Petersburg.
Captain von Munck.
I promote you to Major.
Major von Munck, you've been awarded
a Cross of Liberty 3rd Class
for your distinguished duty
in forming the border.
Everybody look this way.
Hold still!
Don't go around shooting
businessmen if you need merchandise.
- It's the basics, my dear friend.
- How do you manage amidst all this?
I fare better than you,
because I float.
I let the currents of history
float me
and I pick up what I can
on the way.
- You, on the other hand, swim upstream.
- You're a cynic.
Has struggling against fate
brought you happiness?
Did fighting fate prevent our dear
royal family from being murdered?
Has the Czar's family
been murdered?
If you hadn't shot your spy,
you'd know that yourself.
Congratulations on the promotion.
Just between us majors.
Good day to you.
I am Mrs. Perret, from Helsinki.
Soldier, give Mrs. Perret a chair.
My husband Yevgeny Perret
is imprisoned here.
I've arranged a work permit
and a residence permit for him.
Sir? Excuse me,
but is everything all right?
Don't you feel well?
I'm sorry.
You first need to get a release order.
Get a release order
and then I will be able to help you.
"General Jyrinkoski inspects..."
Major, sir. Could you translate
what the newspaper says?
It says that Germany's
western front has collapsed.
The Americans are causing
real havoc out there.
Looks like the Germans
will be leaving Finland as well.
Major, how will that affect us?
I don't know.
Have you heard about Miss Lintu,
by any chance?
Your great love.
Ah, my dear friend.
There may come others...
Maybe, maybe not.
- One never knows.
- Is she alive?
You are putting a strain
on our friendship.
Can you ask so much?
If I answer, I will be shot.
If I don't answer,
I'm a poor friend.
You're in love. It'll pass.
She lives. She came to be
a guest of Mother Russia,
but she came with a friend.
- Heikki Kiljunen.
- You said it. Not me.
- Where are they?
- Here or there.
What difference does it make
when they plan to ambush
your splendid concentration camp.
What are you talking about?
What ambush?
I don't know anything about it.
I also don't know
if it will take place on Thursday at
midnight, using the railway bridge.
If I knew that,
I couldn't tell you.
I would be shot.
Remember this: our friendship
is above what governments do.
Remember that
if something happens.
Don't make any noise!
- Stop!
- Don't move!
Who are the Reds here?
If one has the courage
to become a socialist,
he should have the courage
to say it out loud!
I am!
- Present.
- To the hallway!
- I am.
- And I.
Follow me!
Dr. Perret...
You cared for Miss Lintu's aunt,
didn't you?
- I did.
- What was wrong with the patient?
Hippocrates... My doctor's oath
prevents me from telling you that.
It prevents you from saying that the
aunt was actually more of an uncle.
Load your weapons.
Baron, sir, wait...
- I'll tell you everything.
- You've told enough.
I am a doctor.
My doctor's oath prevents me...
- Aim!
- I know nothing! Nothing!
Load your weapons. Aim.
Cease fire!
A guest for you, Commandant.
Comfortable quarters you have.
- Bring the Major a decent breakfast.
- Cook!
- Do you want dry pants?
- No, thank you.
- Bring the Russian some breakfast.
- These will dry in no time.
- Wash your hands!
- I didn't have time to use the bridge...
You got tired of
the Bolshevik government?
The Bolsheviks got tired
of my governing.
- Now you are safe.
- Am I?
You can write to Helsinki.
Bring a chair for the Major!
I should deport you,
but if you give me your word
that you will not leave this room,
I will arrest you instead.
What do you reckon
they'll think of this in Helsinki?
If you obey my orders,
as an officer and a nobleman,
your chances are good.
So this is where the currents of
history have brought old Gregory,
a place where I need to
follow orders... I shall obey!
It'll be a welcome change.
- Major, sir. Mrs. Perret.
- Good day, Major!
- I have a release permit for my husband.
- Show me.
I brought everyone some pastries.
Everything will be alright now.
My husband might start
his own practice in Helsinki...
- Would the Commandant like one?
- Thank you.
- Delicious.
- That's nice to hear.
- Suutari!
- Major, sir.
Take Mrs. Perret to her husband.
Mrs. Perret.
I had to leave many fine bottles
of wine with those imbeciles.
- Excuse me, sir.
- Just a moment.
Captain, sir, an answer has come
from the Chiefs of Staff.
What is their answer?
Well, what does Helsinki say?
Do they want
to put old Gentsch in chains?
You are dismissed.
You will be sent back
to Soviet Russia.
So that's it then.
You never know
what life has in store. But why?
You'll be traded for a prisoner.
I tried...
I told the Chiefs of Staff
how important you could be
as a source of information.
Makes me wonder
what my market value is...
I don't know.
But it has to be a person of
great importance to Finland.
Can I ask three things of you?
A game of chess.
A drink of Cognac.
A good cigar.
Well, well.
How kind of you to lose this game.
Thank you, my friend.
Good night, Major.
See you later.
Your sense of humor is unfailing.
Four noblemen for an old bastard.
Not a bad deal!
On behalf of the von Frenckell
family, I would like to...
A horse will take you
to the train to Helsinki.
Thank you, sir.
Can I have a smoke?
- Maaria.
- No!
Justice, fairness
and Finnish civilization.
Stop it!
Have you restored order
to the border area?
Did you ever love me?
- I did.
- But not enough.
- Maybe not.
- You betrayed me.
So kill me then.
I love you, Maaria Lintu.
Shoot me.
Tell them that I tried to escape.
Just like Suutari said
when he shot my brother.
Let me live.
With me?
- Why not?
- Give me my freedom.
I will not die here.
Where is Miss Lintu's
death sentence?
In the corner closet.
You could be
court-martialled for that... sir.
Good point, Suutari.
Why don't you report me.
Well soldiers, time for bed.
Ladies... Ladies!
Help! Fire! Fire!
Raise an alarm! There's a fire!
Major, sir, there's an alarm!
Open the gates!
You can't leave them to burn in there!
Follow me, men!
- Open it!
- Open the door!
All men, form a line!
Prisoners, stop right there!
It's an old trick of the Reds...
Damn it!
Men, go after them!
Don't shoot!
We're Finnish socialists!
Don't shoot!
We're Finnish socialists!
You red whore!
Maaria! Maaria!
- Go!
- Maaria!
- You can burn it...
- Maaria, come!
- Or save it to remember me by.
- Maaria!
Maaria. Stay.
God have mercy.
Alexander Muranen.
Major, sir.
Buy The Telegraph!
Germany has surrendered!
Buy The Telegraph!
The War has ended!
Buy The Telegraph!
Germany has surrendered!
The War has ended!
The World War has ended!
Welcome, Government Counsellor.
- Professor von Munck, welcome!
- Thank you.
Government Counsellor Alanko.
Welcome, professor Nevanlinna.
Well, that was back in the
good old imperial days...
Carl. May I introduce you
to my good friend Alex Muranen.
A cunning businessman,
an importer, hard tea.
Professor Baron Carl von Munck.
We've met.