Rainbow: A Private Affair (2017) - full transcript

An Italian partisan torn between the resistance movement and his obsession with a young woman during World War II.


What do you want? Who are you looking for?

But you are one of Fulvia's friends,

I recognise you!

- Don't you recognise me, hey?

- Yes, yes.

I am so worn out, I have aged.


Fulvia has returned to Turin.

A year ago after you guys

started this war.

Yes, I know.

Didn't she show up again?

Did she write?

Can I look at the house once more?

It'll only take a couple of minutes.


21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27,

and 28! This is the 28th time we have played it.

- Do you like it?

- I love it, It makes me feel faint.

When it ends you feel that something

has really ended.

It is the same for you right?


(FULVIA) Enough now, hey?

"Wut-e-ring Heights".

Did I say properly in English?


Your books and your beautiful words

only make me cry.

The least you could do it cry too.

You are sad.

No, you are not really sad.

I don't know.

I don't want to get sad.

I am beautiful, right? And cheerful.


No, don't say anything.

I want to think for myself.

(FULVIA) Now go back to town.

- You'll come?

- Yes, tomorrow.

- We will meet?

- Absolutely not.

Why not?

Because you and I in the city ...

I do not know...

we are not in our 'centre'.

In our centre.

It's nice ... but I'll come back here.

- Ah, you'll have to.

- How soon?

In exactly one week.

A week is a century.

God damn (ENGLISH).

Did you swear?

You cursed!

(HOUSEKEEPER) Let's have some light.

(HOUSEKEEPER) Please take a seat.

I'm afraid that once this war is over,

Fulvia will never come back here.

No, she will come back.

(HOUSEKEEPER) I'm afraid not.

- Sorry, I messed up.

- Forget it, don't worry.

But I do.

But you partisans always outdoors,

how do you dry?

On the skin.

She will never come back to us.

She will go to the sea.

She is crazy about the sea.

She always talked about it.

No she will come back, I'm sure of it.


Miss Fulvia.

(WHISPER) Take it easy please,

we are at war,

I know it is forbidden to dance.

Yes, yes you are right. Sorry.


(HOUSEKEEPER) Signorino Giorgio

he was a real dancer.

Although, to be honest,

between you the two of you I preferred you.

Is he also partisan?

Yes, of another brigade though.

Why does you say you preferred me to him?

Signorino Giorgio made me uneasy.

With you, however, I was calm.

With Fulvia you talked for hours,

also in english, right?

Yes, that's right.

On the other hand, Signorino Giorgio ...

Instead what?

The last summer, that of '43 ...

She had already left, it seems to me.

Yes, yes, yes.

He came a little too often.

Almost always at night.

I eavesdropped and those two spoke little.

Then they came out ...

they began to return late, you see?

How late?

Sometimes even midnight.

And then?

And then what?

Fulvia and him ...

But nothing. Nothing, Signorino Milton.

I can't say

that they did anything bad.

For heaven's sake I couldn't say that,

in fact I shouldn't say anything at all.

I'd better go.

I'm starting to be afraid too.

Signorino Milton.

Will you partisans win in the end?

- Are you sure you will win?

- Sure.


For God's sake! [Ma Dio fascista!]

I think my spleen is going to burst!


(MILTON) Where is Frank? Frank!

- (MILTON) Where is Frank?

> Milton, do you have a cigarette?

> I have tobacco, but with all this

rain the cigarette papers are wet.

- Do you know where Frank is?

- No, I don't know where he is.


Where is Frank? The commander?

He's at the doctor's house to listen to

"Radio London", but he'll be back soon.

What's wrong with Milton?

It's that ...

he's a street killer!

We've come down at a hundred per hour

and I'm behind with my spleen bursting.

He's a student,

Students are all a bit "sensitive".

We farmers are more "grounded".

There's a girl involved.

A girl from the old life.

A girl?

He lost his mind for a girl,

today, here?

Just the perfect time to lose your mind

for a girl.

- Poor thing.

- It's rotten.


Frank, I need a permit.

I have to go down to the Giuliani brigade,

I have to talk to someone.

I know him?

Giorgio Clerici.

I'll be back tomorrow.

Come back when you can.

The black cockroaches

you and I know them well,

they will leave us alone for a while.

But when they attack us

don't leave me alone

with this troop of minors.

Have you seen the new ones?

You should take care of some of them.

Did you see them or not?


Are you OK?

Have you also got toothache

like the others for the last few days?

I'm sorry.

You and Giorgio are very good friends, I know.

We grew up together.

Go Go.

It's stopped raining, go.

(Look at me Fulvia.

You see what I'm doing and how I suffer.)

(I really need to know the truth.)

(FULVIA) You are ugly, Milton.

You have beautiful eyes ...

beautiful mouth ...

but ugly.

No, no, no,

stay here under our tree.

You are not that ugly.

How can they say you're ugly?

How will you start your next letter?

- Fulvia damn?

- No.

Why? Will there be a new letter?


We can no longer do without it:

I to write them and you to receive them, right?

If you take another seven steps,

I will tell you the truth.

Of my love.

One two...

three, four, five ...


Help me climb up.

No, I'll do it alone.


(Over The Rainbow)

(MILTON) Georgio!

- But you are Milton!

- Jim.

Do you want to join our brigade?

No, I'm looking for Giorgio Clerici.

- Giorgio the beautiful!

- No, Giorgio.

George was ordered to go

with Sheriff and the others to the Manera crossroads.

The fascists are expected

that way.

If you want to meet him,

go to the cemetery.

But listen to me, go there now

before the mist arrives there too.

Milton, you are not well.

You have a face that is the colour of gas,

take care of yourself, it's better that way.

I know.

(GIORGIO) This is Fulvia, displaced

from Turin because of the bombings,

which at the end of the day

amused her, didn't they Fulvia?

And this, Fulvia,

is my closest friend.


I told you about him yesterday, remember?

Military Service together in Rome,

runaways together after the armistice.

a god in English.

Milton? But that's not your name

of baptism.

No, it was my English teacher

that called me Milton.

Then it stuck with me.

Better that way, I prefer Milton.

Giorgio! These taste awful!

If they have a taste at all.

I told you, it's my handiwork.

Throw it away.

You too Milton, throw it away.

- You want one of mine?

- Yours?

Mine. Me and my cousin, yesterday, we

made cigarettes until the evening.

Imagine that, Milton ...

with rose petals!


Liar, liar! Liar!

Is Giorgio with you?

- (SHERIFF) Are you Milton?

- Yes, I'm looking for Giorgio, wasn't he with you?

(SHERIFF) Sure, he'll be a bit behind.

(MILTON) Why did you split up?

(SHERIFF) After the fight,

with this fog we got lost.

We slipped into a mud pit.

It was a lake of mud and then

maybe we split up there.

(JACK) Big is big, isn't it? He knows

the street. He's not a child,

I wouldn't worry.

(MEO) I'll tell you how it went:

He split up from us

before the mud pit.

- (MILTON) Why?

- (MEO) He hates company.

(COBRA) Meo is right.

He eats alone,

he smokes the cigarettes his dad brings him

and smokes them in secret.

If the black cockroaches got him,

then he cannot put on his pyjamas in his cell.

True, before bedtime

a bit of talcum powder and pyjamas.

Milton, Giorgio is not like us.


Georgio! Georgio!

Now, you really lost good opportunity

to keep you mouth shut there, Cobra.

Remember the fear of the newcomers?

They always asked you and me:

how am I going to resist torture

if they catch me?

"I will speak, yes, I will speak."

Do you remember what Giorgio did

to give those kids courage?

Do you see?

It hurts like hell, but you can resist.

You missed a good opportunity

to shut up.

Why are you doing this to me?

I am a fighter ...

why are you doing this to me?

One of yours, they took

one of yours, the blond,

the son of Clerici.

- The fascists.

- (CROW) Where did they take him?

In the barracks, I think.

It's fucked up.

I can't think about his mother.

Are you sure it was Giorgio Clerici?

I'm sure.

He was the blond one, wasn't he?

I already knew what he looked like,

then he came to eat at home

about my neighbour, we talked,

it was all right.

I could have been wrong, what do you think?

to see him beaten.

Yes, yes.

If you are sure, hey?

Because there are so many blondes!

Now repeat all over again.

All over again!

His face was stained with blood,

but I recognised it anyway!

You are a madman!

he is a madman!

Now i've had enough of you

I'm going away.

My wife is pregnant,

she worries if she doesn't see me.

- Milton, they're reserved for tonight.

- I'll take half.


There is Giorgio's father.

You can't leave me alone, Milton,

he will want to save his son, he will want to know

if we can exchange him with a fascist.

I can't stay here

to talk to him on my own.

And then I've already done this part

before with Tom's brothers.

I do not feel like it.

You are his best friend,

he will want to talk to you.

Then tell him I'm going to find

an exchange for Giorgio.

But where are you going to look?

From Radiosa Aurora, they have one.

Forgive me, Sheriff, let me go.

Try not to get killed, Milton.

It will be interesting to be alive later.


- Milton, I've been expecting you.

- Yes.

- Come with me.

- Yes.

A moment.

Guys, Listen to me, the transmitter,

it must work, I don't know what's wrong,

- but fix it, please.

- All right.

Let's go.

If you arrived last night, he was yours.

When the boys take one,

I know immediately.

Sorry, he would have been a good exchange

for your friend.

We'll get another one

of these cockroaches.

The network was reactivated last night.

We will ask all the zone controllers.

Hector, you have a cockroach

to exchange?

Hector! Hector, can you hear me?


No, I don't hear you!


No! I told you, yesterday we

traded him for one of ours!

I can not hear you!


Armellin? Armellin, where are you?

Outside you cannot see anything,

a universal mist.

(ARMELLIN) It ​​is pointless going out.

We'll get some by Sunday

at least two, guaranteed.

In here we are stuck

like sardines.

Imagine a sea of ​​milk

with tongues,

of the sterns, which seek

to enter our shed.


Yoris, are you there?

(WHISPER) We have lost contact.

They are surrounding us.

Can you hear me?

We will make a sortie.

< But have you counted them?

You still have time.

Climb up there, after the downpour,

you can still make it up there.

Meanwhile I will pray for you wretches,

with my knees on this same point.

We come from the Membo valley,

a hell. Water, water.

Our garrison resists,

but there are too many cockroaches.

They appear, disappear,

they kill in retaliation,

haystacks, peasant houses burn.

It's not hell, it's ten times worse.

But yesterday they ran away,

we bit his arse,

we even caught one.

He is up in Membo.

Which is the fastest road to Membo?

The fastest way is the one that passes

from the bridge of your town.

It is full of cockroaches,

take the route through the beech forest.

You haven't got long, the cockroach

prisoner up there is on borrowed time.



- Milton.

- No, no.


We went to high school together.


Here my name is Orazio.

Orazio. I have to meet Paco right away.

I haven't got much time ... Orazio.

Yes, come with me ... Amleto.

- Wasn't his name Milton?

- Yes.

In high school he had got it into his head

to play Hamlet.

- In English though, he wanted to do it in English.

- A disaster!

That black cockroach

is in our hands.

He is a killer of partisans,

a sadist.

But he's even more of a fool.

He's convinced of that he is a drummer

specialised on jazz.

Now he's putting on some kind of show. Look.



(MILTON) Paco, that cockroach is mine.


- Paco!

- He can't hear you.

The explosion of a grenade

has deafened him.

If we shout, he hears us. Paco!

Milton! welcome to my home.

I know why you are up here.

- I'm running out of time, Paco.

- And no...

(SCREAM) I'm running out of time!

It's for Giorgio, right?

No. No, I can't help you.

No, no, no, I don't understand!

That cockroach is mine!

(PACO) Yes, yes, he's yours,

a thousand times yours.

He's no good to you.

His people don't want him back.

We tried for a ransom.

"Keep him" they replied.

"He is a beast". Nobody needs him.

I'm sorry Milton,

you don't even need him.

Sorry. Sorry!





(MILTON) Concetta.

I knew you were coming.

You're looking for the swap for that boy

who had the bad luck this morning.

Giorgio, right?

Tomorrow morning I go down to the village to pick up

a cockroach with my own hands.

But you have to eat.

I have nothing to give you.

How nothing? An egg!

A thousand calories.

You who are educated, tell me when it will end?

When will we be able to say: it's over.

In May.


Yes, after the winter.


It has always been my month, Milton.

We went to dance in the village.

If you are going down to town

you will need your laundry.

I have kept them well for you.

We bought this together

Giorgio and I.

Me in brown, him in English style.

And it immediately suited him.

I don't cross the ocean.

I have to leave, but I will return.

I have a father and a mother too

or do you think not?


Fulvia, I can't wait see you,

to think of you, alone.

But the British won't bomb

this train?

The British only fly at night,

at the moment.

And your journey anyway

it's all in the tunnel.

Don't leave.

When I arrive at the villa

I want to find a letter from you,

I have to find it, do you understand me?

- What letter do you want?

- One of your letters.

You have such a way with words!

How will you start it? How?

I'll start the next one

with:"Fulvia, splendore".


(MILTON) "Fulvia splendore,

I write to you in the circle of light

of my useless blue light bulb,

like that of your train

in the tunnel.

What would I give to watch you as you read

my translation of 'Wuthering Heights'.

I know this story mixes well

with your thoughts.

Yesterday you looked at me strage.

"You know that you look like the protagonist",

you told me.

that fiend Heathcliff.

I wish, Fulvia, I would like to.

I wish you would shout my name

as she shouts that of Heathcliff

in the heath.

Have a good trip, Fulvia.

But returns unchanged in May,

to the appointment with me and Giorgio. "

> (CONCETTA) The black pigs will torture him,

they will beat up

that beautiful face,

that nose.

> But perhaps they have already killed him.

> In the same way we kill a rabbit.


What did you say?

I didn't speak.

You spoke, yes.

I do not think so.

Did you say something...

that you are not good.






But you are a partisan ...

I know you.

Talk to me, but without staring at me.

- Look in the air.

- Yes.

(MILTON) Actually no, do some work.

How many fascists are down there already?

From what I have seen not many,

five or six.

But you, why are you here, in plain clothes?

I'm waiting to come across a fascist,

but not to kill him, I need him alive.

- They are only good dead.

- No!

No I have to trade him

for a partner of mine.

- A mate of yours?

- Yeah, they got him yesterday.

Poor fellow.

But you be careful, hey?

The fascist patrols will arrive

when you least expect them.

Stay far away.


Yes! I know where to find the fascist is

you are looking for... a sergeant.

- Do not look at me! Raise your eyes!

- Of course I look up!

Do you feel them?

Come, come.

(FARMER) Do you hear them?

Come on.

Dear, beautiful.

You are more than a thousand.


Go to Germany,

find those Nazis,

bomb them, kill them all.

They are they going to Germany, right?

Careful, those two are watching us.

Hide back there.


The sergeant goes to the teacher,

the one at school in the square screams

that the partisans must be roasted.

- When does he go there?

- After the 1pm ration.

Where is it?

Just outside the town,

there's a house over there, that's it.

If you hide well they won't find you.

Those two are like two dogs

always in heat.

Cross your hands behind your neck,

behind the neck!


Walk, don't slip.

If you slip I'll shoot you.


Don't turn around, don't turn around!

I want to trade you with a mate of mine

in the hands of your comrades.

- Can you hear me?

- Yes.

If you make me shoot you

you will have committed suicide.

(MILTON) What are you looking at?

Don't hope for your patrol

because if I see anyone I'll kill you.

- Got it?

- Yes, yes.

- Say something other than, yes!

- Yes.

(MILTON) Yes? If you still say "yes"

I shoot you.



I won't kill you, do you understand?

I need you alive!

And say something!

- What do you want me to tell you?

- I can not hear you!

- (SCREAMS) What do you want me to tell you?

- Walk.

How many farmers have you shot?

Never, I've never shot any!

How many children?

If we don't have time to exchange you,

if they shoot my friend,

you're dead too, dead!

- What's your name?

- Alarico.

(MILTON) Where are you from?


(MILTON) What did you do in life,


But no.

- Can I put my hands down now?

- No!

(MILTON) Do you see that hill up there?

There is our garrison there.

There are two of my companions,

you killed his brothers.

If they see you,

they will want to eat your heart.

(MILTON) Better get away from here.

(MILTON) We are halfway there.

Tomorrow at noon you will be free.

Giorgio too, finally.


Now it's our turn.

Bellini and Riccio in the courtyard!

Bellini is out with the comrades

of the slaughterhouse service.

There's only Riccio, Shall I go and get him?

I agree to avenge Rozzoni,

those whore-men, what would they think

if I didn't want revenge.

But on a true partisan,

on a real partisan bastard,

not on two guys

who were just following orders.

There's nothing else to do.

Where is Riccio?

At the showers.

He and Bellini thought they were playing.

There's nothing else to do.

An order from the commander.

We will shoot them so the population

knows we do not forgive.

I'm from around here, understand?

I know them, I know their families.

There's nothing else to do.

Call him.

Riccio, in the courtyard.

You have to listen to me.

Yes, you have to go.

To die?

They killed one of ours.

Rozzoni, one of yours killed

him on the hill over there.

I know, helped you clean up.

In these months I thought I had

behaved well,

I brushed,

I cleaned everyone's boots.

When would it be?


And ... Are you only killing me? Not Bellini, right?

No, Bellini too.

Poor Bellini.

Let's wait for him!

So that we are together.

Come on.


I want to see my mother.

I'm just a kid, you know me

I have not done anything!

I want to see mamma please

I was a only a messenger ...

I didn't do anything. Please,

Please don't ... don't kill me.

Please. Please don't kill me.

Mamma, come quickly they are going to kill me!

Leave me, leave me!

I will go there alone,

but you don't put your hands on me!




You need to go away, the cockroaches

have begun the roundup.

I know that Giorgio will "burn" himself,

if they don't get him first.

No, first they will have a trial,

he is a student, he is a good catch.

You can't do anything more, Milton, where

will you go to look for him? It is useless now.

The commander has ordered us to go up immediately

to the Rosselli garrison. Immediately!

Get up Milton, you can't stay here.

Where are you going, Milton?

- To the villa.

- There's no time.


I need to speak to the housekeeper.


what if I misunderstood his words?

He said many, even malicious ones.

Sorry, Ivan, it's my brain.

The last words he said

I must not forget those:

"not that they did ...

not that they hurt. "

"They didn't hurt."

I must repeat all of them, one by one.








In the head! Shoot me in the head!

In the head!

In the head!

But when will it arrive?

When will it arrives?

If you don't get me I'll do it

myself. I'll do it myself.


I know there are mines under here. Help me.

Come on, explode!



Stop! The bridge is mined,

don't go any closer!

Tear me apart. Help me!

Break me up, come on!


I'm alive, Fulvia.

You almost killed me!