Rails Into Laramie (1954) - full transcript

An army officer is sent to Laramie to find out why all progress on the railroad has stopped. He finds drink plentiful not only in town but at the railhead, with an old pal of his behind it all. It become obvious the two will tangle, but the soldier unexpectedly finds an ally in the ex-dance hall girl until now involved with the no-good booze peddler.

♪ I left my love

♪ A-waitin' in Laramie

♪ She waited there a year,

maybe two ♪

♪ Do you know why

♪ My love didn't marry me?

♪ She fell in love

♪ With someone new

♪ You think that I nursed

♪ A broken heart

♪ If that's what you think

♪ You are wrong

♪ I found me some women

♪ Who were weak

♪ And drank me some drink

♪ That was strong

♪ And then I found

♪ A new love in Laramie

♪ I found a love

♪ More precious than gold

♪ Someday my new

♪ And true love will marry me

♪ And she'll be mine

♪ To have and hold ♪

♪♪ [ Honky-tonk Piano ]

[ Man ]

All right, boys,

one at a time.

You're down, sir.

All right, where is it?

You lost.

All right, try again.

One good one makes up

for all the bad ones.

Here we go again,

my hand against your eye.

Find that elusive

little pea.

Where is it, son?

You're wrong!

All right, here we go again.

Now where is it?

You lost.

All right, here we go again.

Five'll get you 10.

Ten'll get you 20.

Twenty gets you 40.

Double your money, boys.

How about you, soldier?

Try your luck?

Why not?

Anybody can play it.

How much

do you want to bet?

All of it.

It's a pleasure to do

business with you, soldier.

All right, here we go.

My hand against your eye.

All right,

watch me very closely.

There it is.

Now tell me, which shell

is the pea under?

That one.

Now just a minute.

What's wrong, Jonesy?

I've got

a smart soldier here.

I'm not smart.

If it's not under that shell,

lift it up.

Let's have a look.

Take your money

and get out.

I'm a curious type.

I want to know

where the pea is.

I'm telling you

for your own good,

take your money

and get out.


All right, boys.

There he is, Sarge.


Here he comes now.

He looks real peaceful,

don't he?

You should have been here

a couple of minutes ago.

I'm happier this way.

All right, men,

pick him up.

Ah, snap out of it.

Snap out of it.

The general

wants to see you.

The general wants to see me,

he knows where he can find me.

This is an order.

My private life is my own.

I just started

30 days furlough.

You just ended it.

Let's go, men.

Now listen--

Now wait a minute, Sarge.

Take it easy.

I got something for you.



It's easier this way.

Sergeant Harder,

reporting to the general

as ordered.

At ease, Jeff.


No, thanks.

How long you been

a sergeant, Jeff?

Which time?

Well, this time.

Three months

and, uh, 21 days.

Your conduct

must be improving.

When's your enlistment end?

Seven months.

How'd you like

to make captain?


[ Chuckles ]

I don't think my conduct

has improved that much, sir.

I'm serious, Jeff.

What do I have to do?


Wyoming Territory.

Regret to inform you

construction delayed

at end of track. This point.

Stoppage due

to certain elements

who wish crews to remain...

for personal profit.

Local authorities

unable to cope with situation.

Request you send troops

to restore order

so that work may proceed.

Lee Graham,

Chief Engineer,

K.T.& C. Railroad."

What does that

have to do with me?

I happen to know

of your working knowledge...

of saloon keepers,

gamblers and dancing girls.

I might have

run across a few

at one time or another.

You'll leave

in the morning, Jeff.

With the general's permission,

I'd like to refuse this request

for my services.


Personal, sir.

I have a reason for wanting

to see a railroad completed...

that will link

the Atlantic Coast

to the Pacific.

It's not

a personal reason.

And my request for your services

is not a request,

it's an order.

You're one of the most

capable men I know, Jeff,

when you're under orders.

And if you perform adequately,

your commission will be granted.

But if you don't,

I give you my word...

you'll be in the guardhouse

when you're 80.

And you'll still

owe the government

seven months' time!

Do I make myself clear?

I'll leave

in the morning, sir.

Good luck, Jeff.

Thanks, General.

It's an outrage,

I tell you.

Materials and equipment

lying idle...

because you can't keep

a crew sober long enough

to work a shift.

And there's one man

responsible for it all.

You wouldn't be

referring to me,

would you, Mr. Graham?


I'm referring to you.

You've done pretty much

as you please in this town

for a long time, Shanessy.

All that's going to be changed

as soon as the troops arrive.


Mornin', Judge.



Mornin', Mr. Graham.

You don't suppose

that train is late, do you?

She's right on time,

the last report I had on her.

[ Man ]

Here she comes!

Here she comes.

[ Whistle Blowing ]

Now this time, please,

let's all play

the same tune.


One, two--

♪♪ [ March ]

Well, it was nice work

while it lasted.

What makes you think

it's over?

You don't figure

we can lick

the whole Union army.

The Confederates

already tried.

Those soldiers

don't make much money.

They might go blind

for a reasonable price.

They might at that.

Here she comes!

Here come the troops.

The soldiers are here!

Here they are!

[ Bell Clanging ]

[ Cheering ]

Sergeant, I'm Lee Graham,

supervising engineer

of the K.T.& C.

Glad to know you, sir.

This is Mayor Logan.


Judge Pierce.

How do you do?


Sergeant Harder,

detached service from

General Augur's headquarters.

Where's your command,


What command?

The troops I requested.

[ Chuckles ]

I'm the troops.

Are you trying to say

General Augur sent only one

soldier to clean up this town?

It's only one town,

isn't it?

[ Graham ]

I explained the need for troops

to the general.

I told you not

to worry, Ace.

The sergeant and I

grew up together.

[ Graham ]

I received this telegraph

from Gen. Augur yesterday.

"Aid requested

will arrive noon tomorrow."

Well, it's noon.

And I'm here.

But we asked for troops,

not just one man.

The general

can't spare any troops.

They're all out

chasing Cheyennes to keep 'em

from tearing up your rails.

But to send

just one man?

This is the most outrageous--

Look, mister,

I don't like this

any more than you do.

I had 28 days leave

coming up.

Instead I get sworn in

as a special marshal

and put on detached service.

I didn't ask for the job.

If you didn't want it,

why did you come here?

It's better than

being in the guardhouse.

Or maybe it isn't.

I must say

that's a peculiar attitude

for a marshal to take.

Look, mister, if you don't

like it, why don't you

write the general...

and have me transferred

and do us both a favor?

Young man--


Jim Shanessy!

Jeff Harder.

It sure is good to see you.

Jim Shanessy, you old colt.

Still playing soldier, huh?

Oh, you know how it is.

Recruiting officer

and I got drunk,

and I wound up reenlisting.

Say, you're looking prosperous.

Well, that comes from leading

a good, clean life.

Boys, I want you to meet an old

friend of mine, Jeff Harder.

Ace and Con Winton.

Glad to know you.


Where you staying?

I don't know yet, Jim.

Well, that makes it easy.

I own a hotel here in town.

We should be able

to find you a room.

Oh, on army pay?

Who said anything

about money?

Take his bag, Ace.

He looks big enough

to carry it.

You heard me.

Take his bag.

The hotel is right over here.

You haven't changed

a bit, Jeff.

It's been a long time, Jim.

Oh, I'll, uh--

I'll see you later,


Certainly good to have

the troops in town,

Mr. Graham.

Makes a man feel

a little more secure.

I don't understand.

Sergeant Harder,

Shanessy friends?

You heard 'em, didn't you?

They're old friends.

You sure you got

the right room?



Soft enough for you?


Don't tell me

you've forgotten what

an army cot feels like.

Who wants to remember?

When did you get in

the hotel business?

When I heard the railroad

was coming through Laramie.

It was me, I'd figure

I'd rather own a saloon.

I got one of those too.

You want to take a walk over?

I'll buy you a drink.

Make it later, Jim.

I want to wash up

a little bit.

Well, anytime.

I'll be there

all afternoon.

Helen will be

glad to see you.

I'll be glad

to see her too.

You're always welcome

at the house.

I can remember

when I wasn't.

Ah, we've grown up

since then, Jeff.

See you later.

Thanks for the room, Jim.

[ Door Opens ]

[ Door Closes ]

I think we all agree that

the help General Augur sent...

isn't the solution

to our problem.

The question is,

what are we

gonna do about it?

I intend to leave

for Cheyenne the first thing

in the morning...

and take this matter up

with the general personally.

I think you're wrong.

After all, Sergeant Harder's

just arrived in town.

Maybe it might be wise to find

out what he intends doing before

making other arrangements.

It's quite obvious

he intends doing nothing.

You saw him shaking hands

with Shanessy at the depot.

[ Scoffs ]

With the reception we gave him,

I can't say that I blame him.

Are you trying

to defend the man?


I'm just not condemning him

until he has a chance

to defend himself.

It's still not

a one-man job.

How do you know?

Nobody's ever tried it.

Mr. Sommers, the town marshal,

has made every effort--

Oh, nonsense, Frank.

We all know

Orrie's incompetent.

The only reason you ever

appointed him was because

he was your brother-in-law...

and you got tired

of supporting him.

[ Scoffs ]

Are you implying that I would

use the power of my office--

Gentlemen, please.

We haven't

yet reached a solution

for the problem at hand.

I suggest we ask Sergeant Harder

to meet with us before

we discuss further plans.

After that meeting this morning,

I'd hate to ask him

for anything.

You don't have to worry.

I'll ask him.

[ Knocking On Door ]

Don't mind me.

Just make yourself at home.

Don't get touchy,


Jim sent us up

to see if there's anything

we could do for you.

There's something

you can do.

He can pick up my hat.

He's real funny, Ace.


Now tell him why we came,

and let's get outta here.

Don't bother telling me.

Just get out.

Don't mind him.

He's got

no sense of humor.

What's that?



It's yours now.

- Why?

- Well, the boys heard how you

got done out of your furlough.

So, they had a meeting,

decided you oughta have fun

while you're in town.

Sort of like you was

on furlough here.

That's real nice

of the boys.

Who are they?

I didn't ask.

[ Ace ]

Come on, Con. Let's go.

Wait a minute.

How much?


Fella could have

a real nice furlough

on that.

Yeah. That's the way

they figured it.

Jim's waiting for you

down at the Palace.

I'll be along.


I'll tell him.


Oh, say.

Ain't you the soldier fella

that checked in around noon?


Well, why ain't you

wearing your uniform?

I deserted.

I thought you were

sent down here to

clean up the town.

That's why I deserted.

I like the town

the way it is.

Sergeant Harder.

I'm Judge Pierce.

I met you down at the depot

when you arrived this morning.

Yes, sir.

I thought I'd drop by

and apologize.


If we're to

accomplish anything,

we have to work together.

And it'll be easier

on all of us if we can

work on friendly terms.

I'd be pleased if you

could meet with us in

the mayor's office this evening.

Long as you put it

that way, Judge,

I don't see how I could refuse.

I'll expect you then.

[ Snoring ]

[ Snoring Continues ]

Anybody home?


Yeah, yeah, yeah.

I'm coming.

Things are a little quiet.

I was catching up

on my rest.

I walk in my sleep,

you know.



pretty slow, huh?


I ain't had

a prisoner in this jail

for three months.

Sounds like

a law-abiding town.

Well, depends which law

you're referring to.

Most of 'em are abiding

by the law of self-preservation.

Can't blame a man for that.


Been abiding by it myself.

There's maybe eight

or 10 people in this town...

like to see it run

according to the rules.

But there's maybe eight

or 10 hundred who wouldn't.

I know when

I'm outnumbered.

I'm Jeff Harder.

Oh, I'm Orrie Sommers,

town marshal.

Already heard of you.

Friend of Shanessy's,

ain't you?

Mmm, could be.

Well, you'll live longer

that way.

Suppose you'll be making

your headquarters here?

Imagine so.

I'll put a blanket

on one of them

empty bunks in back.

Find it real restful

during the day.

That'll be nice.

Orrie, put a blanket

on all of 'em.

We may be drumming up

some business.


♪♪ [ Honky-tonk Piano ]

[ Chattering ]

[ Laughing ]

Whiskey, mister?

Got anything else?


Whiskey will do.

I made that myself,

first thing this morning.

Always this busy

around here?

Oh, this is dull.

But you come around tonight.

Shanessy around?

He's upstairs

in his office.

You're making me curious, boys.

When do I get to meet

this character?

I still say

it's a waste of money.

Why don't we just

run him out of town?

He won't give us any trouble.

Besides, he doesn't

run very good.

I could teach him.

Do me a favor and sign

your insurance over to me

just before you try.

[ Knocking On Door ]

Oh, Jeff, come on in.

We've been waiting for you.

You met Con and Ace.

This is Lou Carter,

my manager.

Jim doesn't speak English

very well.

What he meant to say

was I'm his partner.

How 'bout a drink,


If it's better than

what you serve downstairs.

Ask for my special bottle

the next time you come in.

[ Shanessy ]

What do you think of the town?

It's changed some

since I saw it last.

It'll quiet down

when the end of the track

moves out west.

When's that

gonna be, Jim?

Who knows?


Here's luck.

I make

my own luck.

They take care of you

all right down at the hotel?

A little better

than I expected.


You know what the penalty

for trying to bribe

a federal officer is?


Three years.

[ Shanessy ] Why tell me?

I don't think

you'd like it in jail.

Are you gonna arrest me?


You take that job

pretty serious,

don't you?

Funny thing about that.

I didn't ask for it.

I don't want it.

But as long as I'm marshal

I'm gonna do everything

that's expected of me.

I'm not asking

for any favors.

You're not buying any either.

You've got me

all wrong, Jeff.

Why not keep the money,

as a gift?

Somebody might get

the wrong ideas.

[ Chuckles ]

I might get 'em myself.

[ Chuckles ]

Sure, sure.

How 'bout another drink?

You couldn't get

any ideas about that.

Not the same ideas.

I'll listen.

Better wait till

I know you better.


Now, how about

that drink?

Some other time.

See you around, Jim.

So long, yellow-ling.

I don't mind some people

calling me that.

[ Shanessy ]

Sit down, Ace.

You're not one of them.

You don't scare me,


Get out of town

or I'll come

looking for you.

[ Gunshot ]

Keep him away from me, Jim,

or I'll hang him up to dry.

Did I hear somebody say

he wouldn't

cause any trouble?

[ Chattering ]

[ Exhales ]

Does it taste better now?

[ Gasps ]

In another 10 or 15 minutes

it might be fit to drink.


I'm going out to the house.

Would you like

to come along?


Where'd you meet

your partner?

In Denver.

She was stranded there

with a troupe of girls.

Strictly business, huh?

What else would it be?

I can think of a lot of things.

I was under the impression

you'd already thought of it.

As long as

she's not your girl.

You forget I'm married, Jeff.

I didn't forget it.

I thought maybe you had.

This is it.

A little different

from the three rooms you had

the last time I saw you.

You either go

backwards or forward.

You can't stand still.

I don't know.

I manage pretty well.

I was a sergeant

five years ago.

[ Laughing ]


Step in, Jeff.


Jim? What are you doing home

this time of day?

I thought you might

like to meet an old friend.


Jefferson Harder.

Hello, Helen.

It's good to see you again.

He's our new marshal.

Been put on detached service

by General Augur to, uh,

clean up Laramie.

Doesn't sound too hard,

with Jim's help here.

He seems to be

a pretty important man

in town.

Why-- Oh, yes.

I suppose he is.

I don't pay

too much attention

to Jim's business.

Well, if you'll excuse me,

I'll see if I can

rustle up a drink.

Well, it's been about

five years since

I last saw you, Jeff.

They've been good to you.

Have they?

Oh, I'm not feeling sorry

for myself.

Wanna talk about it?

Does it do any good?


[ Chuckles ]

Poor Jeff.

You've spent most of your life

listening to my troubles.

I have no complaints.

Just for a change,

why don't you tell me yours.

I haven't got any.

Don't be too sure

about that, Jeff.

Jim said you were sent here

to clean up Laramie.

That's right.

That means

you clean up Jim.

He runs it.

Maybe he's more important

than I thought he was.

He is.

How do you feel about it?

It's not important

how I feel about it, Jeff.

Might be...

to me.

Jim's changed a lot, Jeff.

He's-- He's not the same person

we used to know.

I've noticed that.

He used to get mad

every time I looked at you.

[ Helen Chuckles ]

Well, here we are.

And believe me, Jeff,

it's a little older

than what I sell.

[ Chuckling ]

And when we heard

the railroad was going

to build through here,

Jim saw a chance

to make some money,

a lot of money.

What's wrong with that?


Except it also made me

a lot of enemies.

Will you stay for dinner?

I'm sorry.

I can't, Jim.

I have a date

with Judge Pierce.

Oh. Give him my regards.

I'll do that.

Good-bye, Helen.

Good-bye, Jeff.

Come again soon.


Sorry you can't stay.

We'll see you tomorrow.

A very touching reunion.

Jeff always was

fond of me.

That's exactly why

I brought him out here.

I know.

I think he's still

in love with me.

how one man...at I fail to e

can cope with

the situation,

especially in view

of the fact...

that he happens to be

your friend.

Naturally you'd be reluctant

to see any harm

come to him.

What do you want me to do?

Kill him?

The idea's appealing.


it's against the law.

How far beyond the town

do the rails go?

Five Mile Camp. Work has been

at a standstill out there

for the past six weeks.

Who's your construction boss?

A man named Murphy.

Pike Murphy.

Can't he keep

his crew in line?

Either he can't

or he doesn't want to.

You can always fire him.

Who do you think we'd get

to take his place?

They're all alike.

None of 'em

are worth their salt.

I'd like to ask

a question, Mr. Graham.

How much authority

do I have on this job?

My instructions

from General Augur...

were to allow you to

take whatever steps

you consider necessary...

to correct the situation.


Where will I find

Pike Murphy?

At Five Mile Camp.

There will be a work train

going up there in the morning.


Good night, gentlemen.

[ Train Whistle Blowing ]

Hide that bottle, Dutch.

The super must be on board.

They don't blow that whistle

any other time.

He can't do nothing.

You heard me.

Ditch it.

The rest of you,

grab a shovel and act

like you're working.

Hey, wake up over there.

We gotta go back to work.

[ Bell Clanging ]

Want a ride back?

We'll be leaving as soon as

they unload those supplies.

Don't be in a hurry.

You're gonna have

some passengers

on the way back.

Boys are a little careless

with their tools.

Any of your business?

Could be.

I'm looking for Pike Murphy.

You can stop looking.

I'm Murphy.

Then get your gear.

You're through.

What do you mean?

You're fired.

Who are you?

My name's Harder.

I'm the new marshal.

I take my orders

from Graham.

You take 'em from me.

If you don't think so,

try drawing any pay tomorrow.

Or any day after,

for that matter.

I guess you must be

the new troubleshooter

Augur sent down from Cheyenne.

I'm under

the general's orders, yes.

I'll give you

a little advice.

Get out of camp

before you find more trouble

than you bargained for.

We like taking care

of gents like you.

Do you do it yourself, Pike,

or, uh,

do you need help?

Doesn't matter much

either way.

In your case

I'd like to do it myself.

[ Grunts ]

It's an open game, boys.

All or any part.

[ All Muttering ]

[ Chattering ]

[ Chattering ]

Who owns this setup?

I run it.

Under lease.

Your lease just expired.

I'll give you 24 hours

to get the liquor

and the gambling spreads...

off of railroad property.

Think my boss

will have something

to say about that.

Who is your boss?

That's none

of your business.

I'm making it

my business.

Tell him he can look me up

at the marshal's office

in Laramie.

Or he can meet me here

tomorrow. Because if the liquor

isn't gone by then,

I'm gonna personally

break every bottle

in the bar.

You don't have to worry about

getting rid of it, Johnny.

We can drink it up by then.

[ Laughing ]

Take my advice.

Don't sell it on credit.

Because nobody

in this camp's

got a job anymore.

What are you

talkin' about?

Construction on this job

is closed down.

Anyone got any money coming,

he can pick it up

at the pay office in Laramie.

Meantime, you're trespassing

on railroad property.

Be off by sundown.

Who does he think he is?

[ Chattering ]

[ Chattering ]

[ Man ]

I found out from another man.

[ Chattering Continues ]

He can't do that.

Looks to me

like he's already done it.

I'm headin' for

the pay office.


it's unfair to the merchants.

And if you ask me,

I don't see that this is

any solution to the problem.

It's the most high-handed

action I ever heard of.

Why, Laramie will be

a ghost town in a month.

Wait till General Augur

hears about this.

I was under the impression that

you were the superintendent...

in charge of construction,

Mr. Graham.

I am.

Then you mean you take

the responsibility for this?

No. Get in touch

with the other members

of the council.

Tell them there will be

a meeting at 7:00 this evening

at community hall.

I didn't know what to do

about that liquor,

Mr. Shanessy.

It's a job to bring it

into town, but he said

he'd bust every bottle.

I think he means it.

I think he does too.

Take some of

the boys, Johnny,

and bring it in.


I'll go with you.

Just in case

the sergeant gives you

any trouble.

You gettin' tired of living?

He's got the Indian sign

on you too.

I heard what he done

to Pike Murphy.

That's enough proof

for me.

He is good with his hands.

I wonder how he is

with a gun.

Relax, Ace.

We don't want any trouble

with Harder.

You gonna let him

get away with it?


When I threw in with you on this

deal, I figured you were man

enough to back your own play.

I am.

And I'll play it my way.

You're getting trigger-happy

and too big for your britches.

What I ought to do is let Harder

kill you, except it would

interfere with my plans.

[ Gun Cocks ]

[ Shanessy ]

Don't try it, Ace.

You make one move

and Con will blow a hole in you

big enough to walk through.

Now go on downstairs

and cool off.

Let me know when you

get back to town, Johnny.


Sure, Mr. Shanessy.

Con, did you say

there was a meeting

of the town council tonight?

That's right.

Find out what goes on.

Any messages for me, pop?

Yes. One in writing

from Mr. Graham.

And 30 or 40 more,

word of mouth.

Remember any of 'em?

Remember 'em all.

-That's quite an accomplishment.

-It wasn't hard.

All said the same thing--

"Get outta town."

How do you feel on the subject?

Well, I wouldn't say yes

and I wouldn't say no.

Uh, you could do me

a favor though.

What's that?

Well, uh, next time

we have a conversation,

stand about 10 feet away.

Some of the people in this town

ain't very accurate shooters.

[ Chattering ]

This meeting will now

come to order.

Sergeant Harder,

as Mr. Graham has told you,

this meeting was called

to discuss the possible results

of your arbitrary action...

in shutting down construction

on the K.T.& C. Railroad.

Is there anything

you'd like to say?

I'll listen to what

they have to say.

You'll listen,

all right!

[ All Shouting ]

[ Gavel Rapping ]

[ Pierce ]

Quiet, gentlemen. Quiet!

This meeting will be

conducted in an orderly manner,

or we'll adjourn right now.

Mr. Chairman!

[ Pierce ]

Mr. Grimes.

It was my understanding

the sergeant was sent down here

to clean this town up...

so the railroad

could keep building.

The first thing he does

is stop construction,

the very thing

Shanessy and his gang have been

trying to do for weeks.

Maybe he could explain that.

[ Muttering ]

I think I can,

Mr. Grimes.

I was told to shut down

the gambling and drinking...

because the construction crews

weren't getting any work done.

All right.

I'll guarantee you

in two weeks...

there'll be no more

gambling or drinking.

In two weeks there won't be

a railroad worker

left in this town.

Maybe not.

But if there are and they

want to go back to work,

they'll go back to work,

on my terms.

What's going to happen

to the honest merchants

in the meantime?

[ Jeff ]

Honest merchants?

I don't think

there's an honest merchant

in the house.

[ Muttering ]

You're not interested

in building a railroad

or a town.

You're no better than

the gamblers and saloon keepers

you're trying to get rid of.

All you're interested in doing

is unloading your merchandise.

[ All Protesting ]

[ Gavel Rapping ]

[ Pierce ]

Order, gentlemen. Order!

[ Gavel Rapping ]


I'm quite sure, Sergeant,

that when General Augur

gave you this assignment...

he hadn't contemplated

the drastic measures

you're attempting.

I'm sure there must be

some other way.

Mr. Graham,

you wanted me to do a job.

I'll do the job my own way.

Are we to understand

that you intend going through

with this idiotic scheme?

Yes, sir.

I'm warning you.

[ Gavel Raps ]

Mr. Higby,

I will not countenance

personal threats...

in any way meeting

in which I'm serving

as chairman.

Mr. Chairman, I move

a committee be appointed...

to present this matter to

General Augur in person...

with the recommendation

that Harder be prosecuted

by a military court.

[ Chattering ]

[ Gavel Rapping ]

Now, before this motion

is put to a vote,

I'd like to propose

an amendment.

The sergeant

has some justification

for his stand.

He mentioned

a period of two weeks.

None of you can be hurt

in that time.

I suggest that we allow him

this trial period

before taking any action.

That's all right to me!

Why should we wait?

We know what's going to happen!

- I say, do it tomorrow!

- Give the man a chance!

Will anyone second

the motion as amended?

I'll second it.

Those in favor?

[ Together ]



[ Scattered Voices ]


Motion approved.

[ Chattering ]

Thanks for the vote

of confidence, gentlemen.

Looks like we got

those merchants

working for us.

Most of 'em wanted to run him

out of town. But they ended up

giving him two weeks.

Figured he couldn't starve

anybody out in that time.

Maybe we can help him.

Help him?

Thought you wanted

to get rid of him.

I do.

Pass the word around--

no more credit at the bars

or the tables.

What do you want

to do that for, Jim?

Look, you short those railroad

workers on their whiskey,

they're gonna get mad.

[ Chuckles ]

You catch on

real quick, Con.

I hope you know

what you're doing.

Don't try to figure it out.

Just stop the credit.

All right.

[ Chattering ]

Give me a bottle,

two glasses.

Got any money?

I don't need any money.

My word's good.

Not anymore, it isn't.

Who says?

The boss.

You mean I can't

get a drink in this joint

unless I pay cash?

That's the general idea.

Lay it on the line

or go thirsty.

Kings over.

Three aces.

[ Chuckles ]

The Hawk's got him again.

I can't win a hand.

Give me a marker

for a hundred.

There's no jawbone

in this game, Pike.

Come on.

Give me a hundred.

You know I'm good for it.

Tell it to Shanessy.

He's the one

that stopped the credit.

I've been talking

to some of the boys.

None of us

got any money.

Railroad man can't even

get a drink in this town

without cash.

Why tell me about it?

I understand you're the one

that shut down our credit.

That's right.

We played along

with you.

Now we're starting to wonder

when you're going to

do something for us.

I didn't close down

construction, Pike,

and I can't open it up.

Well, what are we

supposed to do?

[ Chuckles ]

I can think of

a couple of things.

[ Chuckles ]

So can I.

Starve, or leave town.

Oh, we can do

better than that.


Get your crew

down here tonight

and I'll let you know.

We'll be here.

I thought Harder

was a friend of yours.

He is.

So you're gonna

turn that mob loose on him.

Not unless I have to.

You'd throw me

to the wolves too,

wouldn't you?

If you ever

got in my way.


I'm too smart

for that, Jim.

[ Shanessy ]

Come in, boys.

All of you, come on in.

Just step up to the bar

and have a drink.

Drinks are on the house.

On me.

Just step right up.

Boy, that news travels fast.

You too, Billy.

Come on in, boys.

Right up to the bar and have

a drink. Absolutely free.

Nothing to pay for.

The drinks are on the house.

Just step right up to the bar

and order anything you want.


Come in.

You too, Joe.

Step up there.

Have a drink.

Step up, boys.

Come on. Step up.

Who's chasing you?

Nobody yet.

Help me get these loaded.

Move this desk over there.

Hold it. Hold it.

What's all the excitement about?

I just come by the Palace.

There's maybe a hundred

railroad men in there.

Shanessy's buying 'em all

drinks on the house.

They get drunk enough, they're

bound to come looking for you.

I see.

Where you going?

Down to the Palace.

Maybe they'll buy me

a drink on the house.

Why don't you just

shoot yourself right here

and save all that walking?

I don't think

they're that tough, Orrie.

You don't?

You ain't scared?

A little.

Let's go.

Hold it.

You don't have to go.

I know.

That's what I don't

understand about myself.

But it looks like

I'm going anyway.

I won't take up

much of your time, boys.

I know you're all broke

and mad about

being out of a job.

And I'm a little mad

about it myself.

If you're working, I make money.

If you're not working, I wind up

giving away free whiskey,

and there's no profit

in that.

[ Laughing ]

You all got a raw deal

from the company,

and you're gonna keep on

getting it if you don't

do something about it.

[ Crowd Murmuring ]

You know who's responsible

for the shutdown.

Are you gonna let

a few men starve you to death

without doing anything about it?

- [ Crowd Muttering ]

- What do you want us

to do about it?

[ Pike ]

Shut up and listen a minute.

The railroad's got a lot

of money tied up here

in material and equipment.

If some of it should burn

some night, or a few cars

get blown off the track,

they might begin to realize

that you mean business.

[ Jeff ]

You might get in

some trouble too.

I'm glad you

dropped in, Marshal.

I was, uh, about

to make a speech.

You just made it.

You men know

as well as I do

why you're not working.

Anytime you want

to do a day's work

for a day's pay, let me know.

Now break it up!

[ Crowd Muttering ]

We're going

for a walk, Jim.

Where to?


What's the charge?

Inciting to riot.

You're wasting

your time, Jeff.

It's my time.

Do I get a jury trial?

That's what

the law says.


Anytime you want.

Let's go.

Take him down

and lock him up, Orrie.

I'll be along.

I'll buy you a drink.

I could use it.

Someplace where

we can talk.

ke .


A fella could spend

a real enjoyable evening here.

The invitation's been open.

That's what

I can't figure out.

I just threw your partner

in jail.

He had it coming to him.

That sounds odd to you,

doesn't it?

Well, I must admit

it's not quite

what I expected.

How far does this

partnership go?

The saloon

and the money it makes.

Does Jim feel

the same way about it?

Money's the only thing

we have in common.

The difference is,

he doesn't care

how he makes his. I do.

[ Chuckles ]

You're a remarkable

woman, Lou.

At least I'm honest

in my own way.

I sell whiskey

for what it's worth

and the games are straight.

That's where Jim and I

differ in policy.

How long do you think

you're gonna keep him in jail?

That depends

on the judge

and the jury.

No jury in this town's

gonna convict him.

Gotta be 12 honest people

around here someplace.

They may be honest,

but they're scared.

It adds up

to the same thing.

Looks like Jim's

got everything

pretty well wrapped up.

I'd like to help you

unwrap it.

I don't make bargains.

I wasn't

offering one.

Thanks for the drink.

[ Door Rattling ]

Who is it?


Oh. Wait.

I'll unlock it.

Expecting trouble?

I wasn't

expecting friends.

Orrie, are you for me

or against me?


Uncock that cannon

before you

blow my head off.

I forgot

I was carrying it.


had anything to eat?


I didn't think

it was safe

to leave him alone.

Better get him


Everything all right,


No complaints.

I am running

a little short

on cigars though.

I'll have Orrie

get you some.

I'm sorry it had to

end up this way.

Well, I been

in jails before.

As a matter of fact,

I seem to remember that you

were in 'em along with me.

This is different.

I'm not worried.

What do you expect to get

out of all this?


Guy like you

could make it on the level.

Not as much.

Or as fast.

How about Helen?

She won't get hurt.

I've been real good

to her, Jeff.

Do me a favor?

Tell her I'm in the jug.

I don't want her to worry.

I'll take care of it.

[ Door Opens, Closes ]

Who is it?

It's Jeff.


Just a minute.

Come on in, Jeff.

Jim isn't home,

but I expect him

any minute.

He won't be home

tonight, Helen.

I just left him.

He's in trouble.

Is he hurt?

No, he's in jail.

I wish you hadn't

done that, Jeff.

I tried to warn him.

Don't misunderstand me.

I'm only afraid of what

might happen to you now.

Oh, it's not that serious.

He was trying

to stir up trouble

with the railroaders.

I thought if I put him in jail

it'd give him a chance

to cool off, think it over.

I'd like to think

that would help,

but I'm afraid it won't.

Helen, if he keeps on

this way--

I know.

You happy with him?

I'm married to him,


No matter what he does,

that's something

I can't escape.

I made my choice.

I'll keep my part

of the bargain.

I see.

May I see him, Jeff?

Not tonight.


Good night, Helen.

Good night, Jeff.

[ Door Opens,

Closes ]

You'd better hurry up

with your shaving.

It's almost time for the trial.

Where's Jeff?

I guess he had business


I ain't seen him

since last night.

Be too bad

if he missed the trial.

They might need

his testimony.

I was there.

That's right.

You were, weren't ya?

Did you ever see a man

get his throat cut

with one of these, Orrie?


Can't say I have.

It's awful messy.

I don't think

you'd like it.

No, I don't think I--

[ Mirror Shatters ]

[ Whistle Blowing ]


Shut 'er down

and get me back to Laramie.


I thought you were

supposed to be in court.


where we're going.

[ Spectators Murmuring ]

Wonder what happened

to Harder.

That's what

I'd like to know.

[ Pierce ]

This court will now

come to order.

Lend me your knife,


[ Gavel Bangs ]

[ Pierce ]

Will the arresting officer

please take the stand.

Your Honor,

I regret to inform

the court...

the arresting officer

is not present.

[ Spectators Murmuring ]

[ Pierce ] Are there any other

witnesses for the prosecution?

Your knife.

[ Prosecutor ]

No other witnesses,

Your Honor.

Your Honor,

since no evidence has been

offered by the prosecution,

I move for dismissal

of the case.

I have no choice

but to dismiss the case.

[ Gavel Bangs ]

[ Pierce ]

Court's adjourned.

[ Spectators Murmuring ]

[ Steam Hisses ]

Judge Pierce!

You're a little late,


We could have used

your testimony.

Or is that the way

you had planned it?

You ain't gonna

turn that in, are ya?

No. But it's pretty plain

that's what a lot of people

would like me to do.

It's still

all my fault.

I could've testified,

but that Ace and Con were

sitting right behind me and I...

just lost my nerve.

Don't worry about it, Orrie.

I don't think they'd have

convicted him anyway.

Maybe not, but they gotta

hang this whole thing

on somebody, and--

And I'm it.

Yes, I know.

What'll you do now?

Only one thing

to do.

Let's take a walk.

[ Door Opens ]

You still open

for business?

[ Jeff ]

Come in.

Excuse me.

I'll meet you later.

All right,


You weren't

at the trial today.

I was out of town.

That's what I heard.

You know

what's gonna happen now?

I've got

a fair idea.

This town's

gonna blow wide open.

How would you know?

You can hear

a lot of things

around the saloon.

My offer to help

is still good.

Just what is

your interest

in all this?


[ Door Closes ]

Gather round.

Shanessy just gave us

the go-ahead.

He wants Five Mile burned

and all the rolling stock

put out of commission.

And stay out of

that marshal's way

if you wanna stay healthy.

[ Chuckles ]

You oughta know,


You all know what

you're supposed to do.

Here's a key

to the dynamite house.

And don't be bashful

about using it.

It ain't costin'


Not guilty.

Not guilty.

Not guilty.

Something I can do

for you, Marshal?

Send that message through

to General Augur

in Cheyenne.

Yeah. "Need a crew

of 200 railroad workers...

or 12 men

to sit on a jury.

Neither available,

request I be recalled

from this assignment.

Signed, Harder."

That'll be a dollar,


Not quite

as sure of yourself...

as when you first

came here, are you?

Just send the message.

Yes, sir.

Deliver it right away.

Of course

you didn't send it.


I didn't figure

you'd want me to.


Buy yourself a cigar

on the way out.


Mr. Shanessy.

Oh, one thing

I had in mind.

If he don't get an answer, he's

apt to take it into his head

to go to Cheyenne personally.

When's the next train

going there?

Well, if they stay on schedule

there'll be one tomorrow.

Mm-hmm. Thanks.

[ Clicking ]

[ Telegraph Clicking ]

[ Clicking ]

[ Clicking Stops ]

I suppose you know

why we're here.

I can guess.

Mr. Harder, much against

our better judgment,

we agreed to cooperate with you

on this idiotic plan

you proposed...

to force these men to work.

At this point

it must be clear

even to you...

that you have failed.

The only thing you've done

is to stir them up to a point...

where our property

and homes are endangered.

Now, we demand

you rehire them




your objection?

You want to build a railroad,

don't you?

Show weakness to these men,

and you'll never get it done.

[ Pierce ] But it isn't safe

for decent people

to appear on the streets.

Whose fault is that,


I've arrested a dozen men

in the last week, and

you've turned them loose.

What do you want me to do?

We've already told you.

Put these men back to work.

And the answer

is still the same.

In that case, Sergeant,

you leave us

only one alternative.

I'm telegraphing

General Augur to request

your immediate dismissal.

In addition,

I feel it's my duty

to file charges against you.

Good day!

Mr. Graham!

Mr. Graham, I've been looking

all over town for you.

What's wrong?

Somebody dynamited

the Cheyenne Hill.

There's a landslide

on the tracks. Take a least

a couple weeks to clear it.

Did you notify General Augur?

No, sir.

I didn't notify anybody.

Why not?

Well, whoever did the dynamiting

also cut the telegraph lines.

That comes in

pretty handy for you,

doesn't it, Marshal?

Gentlemen, gentlemen!

I think the only thing to do

is rehire some of the old men

for an emergency crew.

I wouldn't hire

one of those men back

for anything.

If you want a message

through to the general,

write it out.

I'll deliver it for you.

I'm afraid we couldn't

trust you, Marshal.

Under the circumstances,

I prefer you remain in town.

Suit yourself.

Mr. Sommers, do you think

you could make it through

to Cheyenne?

Yeah, if I don't

run into Indians.

Is it all right

for me to go, Jeff?

Sure, Orrie, but...

take care of yourself.

Meet me in my office

as soon as you're

ready to leave.

[ Murmuring ]

This time

do it your way, Ace.

[ Hammer Cocks ]

[ Gunshot ]

Come on in, Jeff.

Make yourself

at home.


You don't mind

my dropping in like this?

It's your hotel.

I would've come down to

your office, but I thought

we could talk better here.

What have we got

to talk about?

Your future.

I'll take care of

my future.

You look out

for your own.

Mine never looked brighter.

And it could

include you.

You know me

better than that, Jim.

I heard what happened.

You're all through here.

Maybe as far

as Graham's concerned.

I figure I got

some unfinished business...

with you.

Use your head, Jeff.

Finish your hitch in the army

and come on back here.

I can always use good men.

Like Con and Ace?

They come in handy

at times.

What's this for?

That's for the room.

I don't wanna throw you out

as long as you're still

paying for it.

Have it your way.

I hope

you change your mind.

Whoa, Rusty.

[ Nickering ]

Whoa, boy.

Whoa, Rusty.


[ Knocking ]

Come in.


What's the trouble,


I just found

Orrie Sommers's horse.

There's blood on the saddle.

I should have known.

Fix me up a rig.

I'll see if I can

find the doctor.


Take him down

to the undertaker's.

And, Doc,

tell him

to stay open.

All right, Jeff.


Looking for somebody,


You oughta know.

Maybe I do.

Sit down.

Some other time.

Let's make it now.

I want to talk to you.


They killed

Orrie Sommers,

didn't they?

What do you know

about Orrie?


Except what I can

figure out for myself.

Who did it?

Where is he?




Don't kill him.

That's the way Shanessy

runs this town.

What would you

like me to do?

Arrest him

so a jury of 12 good men

can turn him loose?

But they don't have to be men.

What are you

talking about?

Look it up in your

territorial constitution.

Women can vote.

They can serve on juries.

It's the first time

they've been given equal rights

anywhere in this country.

I'll tell Shanessy...

you made your speech

real good.

Maybe I don't like murder

any more than you do.

Hold it, Sergeant.

You have to go through me

to see Shanessy.

Yeah, I know.

Ah, Jeff.

We were just having

a nightcap.

Will you join us?

Next time

you bushwhack somebody,

shoot the horse too.

I don't know

what you're talking about.

I just brought Orrie Sommers

back into town.

I didn't know

he'd been gone.

Come on.

I'm taking you in.

What for?


I didn't kill Orrie.

How did you know

he was dead?

You think you can make that

stick with a jury?

I don't know.

But I'm making you

a promise.

If the jury don't hang you,

I will.

Come on.


drink up, Ace.

[ Gunshot ]

Saves the town

the cost of a trial.

No, it doesn't, Jim.

They're gonna try you instead.

You gave the orders.

You can't

prove that.

Maybe I can.

Women jurors.

Next thing you know,

they'll have a woman judge.


and a woman mayor!

[ All Laughing ]

Why don't you ladies

go home!

Go on home with your petticoats

where you belong!


Where's your old man?

Home taking care of the kids?

We know

who you are.

Where's your old man?

[ Men Chattering,

Jeering ]

Oh, a petticoat jury!

Oh, Mr. Grimes.


You'd better tell

those female jurors

to acquit Jim Shanessy.

Yeah, or there'll be

12 new widows

in town tomorrow.

Go on.

[ Spectators Murmuring ]

[ Rapping ]

Uh, Your Honor.

I move that all women

summoned as jurors

be excused.

That's right!

That's a man's job!

[ Shouting, Murmuring ]

[ Gavel Rapping ]

[ Pierce ]

Motion denied.

[ Jeering, Shouting ]

[ Gavel Rapping ]

[ Pike ]

That's a man's job!

This court

will come to order!

Your Honor,

the jury is now impaneled.

Swear them in.

If you will please rise

and raise your right hands.

[ Bailiff ]

You and each of you

do solemnly swear...

that you will well and truly

try the cause now pending

before the court...

and a true verdict

render therein,

according to the evidence

and instructions of the court,

so help you, God.


look this way, please,

so the world can see

what the first woman jury

looks like.

I rented Orrie the horse.

Then three or four hours later

he came back all by himself.

I thought at first

maybe Orrie

had just got throwed.

Then I saw the blood

on the saddle.

Come to think of it,

I never got paid

for the horse either.

Death due to

gunshot wounds...

and associated hemorrhage.

He was shot twice

with a large-caliber gun.

It was right after

Mr. Sommers left.

Shanessy and Ace

were standing there...

and Shanessy said,

"This time you do it

your way, Ace."

I didn't think

anything of it

at the time.

Having heard the evidence,

you will retire now

to reach a verdict.

Bailiff, make sure that no one

communicates with them.

[ Spectators Murmuring ]

This court will recess

for one hour.

[ Laughing ]

The way women talk,

this could go on

for a week.

What difference does it make,

with Lou on the jury?

That's right.

She's not gonna let

anything happen to Jim.

Jury's coming in!

[ All Shouting ]

Let's go.

[ Spectators Murmuring,

Chattering ]

[ Gavel Bangs ]

[ Pierce ]

Members of the jury,

have you reached

a verdict?

We have,

Your Honor.

We, the members

of the jury,

find the defendant...

guilty as charged.

[ Spectators Murmuring,

Chattering ]

[ Knocking ]

Who is it?

It's Jeff.

May I come in?

The door's open.

I wouldn't

work downstairs tonight

if I were you.

Why not?

Shanessy's got

too many friends down there.

You don't hire


Call 'em

anything you like.

They still figure

you're responsible

for Jim's conviction.

There were 11 other women

on the jury.

Sure. I know.

But they didn't stand a chance

to gain what you did.

Get out.

Not until I say

what I came to say.

You've said too much already.

Do you think

I'd see a man get hung for

a half-interest in a saloon?

Of course I don't.

But I know

some people who do.

I don't care

what they think.

Listen, Lou.

It took a lot of courage

for you to do

what you did today.

I came to say

thank you.

I didn't expect any thanks.

What did you expect?

Nothing from you.

I just want to be able

to live with myself.

Guess I'd better be going.


Why did you

come here?

I told you.

I wasn't because you--

you thought I was still

trying to make a bargain?

No, Lou.

Well, why didn't you

say that...

when you first came in?

[ Chuckles ]

You know,

the general always said

I wasn't very smart.

[ Laughs ]

Just wanted to make sure

the rope don't break.

Going to a lot of trouble,

aren't they?

There are plenty

of trees around.

Council figured

that kind of hanging

ain't human.

That's real thoughtful

of 'em.

What time

does the party start?

Noon tomorrow.

Better get

a good night's sleep.

[ All Laughing ]

Sorry, ma'am.

No one allowed in here.

The marshal's orders.

Would you tell the marshal

I'd like to see him?

It's all right,


We're not letting Jim

talk to anyone, Helen.

But, Jeff,

I have to talk to him.

This is my last chance.

I suppose so.

Come on.

I don't know how

to thank you, Jeff.

Don't try. I'm just sorry

it all had to happen.


Did you do

what they told you?


Give it to me.

I could get in

a lot of trouble, Jim.

You don't want me

in jail too, do you?

It's the only chance I've got.

I didn't have anything to do

with that killing.

Lou Carter railroaded me.

I promise you, Helen,

if I get out of this, we'll

go someplace and start over.

California, maybe.

You'd like California.

But I don't know

if I can believe you, Jim.

You've gotta believe me.

They're gonna hang me tomorrow.

Don't you understand?

They're gonna hang me.

You want that

on your conscience?

All right.

I believe you.

Hey, Jeff.

What is it, Jim?

Can I have a drink of water

before you lock up?


How about

a little whiskey

for a chaser?


The bar is closed.

Don't start yelling, Jeff.

It'll be the last sound

you ever make.

Open the door.

You know

I'm coming after you.

Come on.

Get inside.


[ Hammer Cocks ]


to see me, Lou?

You should have known

I'd come after you.

I told you once what'd happen

if you ever tried to cross me.

But I didn't

double-cross you, Jim.

You did it to yourself.

You coulda

hung that jury.

They preferred to hang you.

You'll never live

long enough to see it, Lou.

[ Gunshot ]

[ Man ]

What's going on up there?

[ People Chattering ]

[ Man ]

What happened?

Somebody get a doctor!

Lou. Lou!

Who shot you?


Shanessy broke jail!

He shot Lou!

[ PeopleMarshal!ing ]


just shot Lou Carter!

Round up all the men

you can find. Hurry.

We've had men posted

all over town.

Nobody's left

on horseback.

He wouldn't travel on foot

through Indian country,

so that means

he's still here.

Split up

in groups of four.


a house-to-house


Mr. Graham,

I'd appreciate it

if you'd stay with me.

[ Knocking ]

[ Door Opens ]


Where is Jim, Helen?

Jim? I-Isn't he

still in jail?

You oughta know.

You brought him

that gun.


Let him go.

For my sake

let him go, Jeff.

You can stop acting, Helen.

It won't work anymore.

Let's search the house.

He's not here.

I tell you,

I don't know

where he is, Jeff!

I give you my word!

Brought you

some food.


Everything all set?

All set,

Mr. Shanessy.

There's a work train due

to leave tomorrow at daylight

for the slide area.

They'll have to stop here

for orders.


[ Bell Clanging ]

[ Steam Hissing ]

[ Telegraph Clicking ]

[ Clicking ]

[ Clicking Continues ]

Get over there.

In the corner!

Wait! Come back!

The slide's been cleared!

There's a passenger train

headed this way!

Come back!

Keep him here.

I'll get the marshal.

[ Bell Clanging ]

Marshal, we've checked

every house, barn

and woodshed in this town.

We can't find

hide nor hair of him.

He must have tried to

get away on foot. Get your

horses and meet me back here.

Marshal! Marshal!

Shanessy and Winton

just stole the work train.

They can't get

past the slide.

Let's go.

The slide's been cleared.

There's a passenger train

headed this way from Cheyenne.

[ Graham ] Don't just stand

there! Get on your horses

and give him some help!

Come on,


[ Men Chattering ]

Go back and get him,


[ Screams ]

[ Bell Clanging ]

We're losing pressure.

Better check the steam.

[ Grunts ]

Train coming!

[ Whistle Blowing ]

I'd better catch that train

if I'm gonna report back

to the army.

How long

does that last?

Six months.

Then what?

I've spent

so much time in saloons,

I always thought

I'd like to own one.

I know one for sale


Of course

I'd have to have terms.

On this one

you could write your own.

Maybe we should come

to some agreement.

Maybe we should.

Just remember

those trains

run both ways.