Ragtime (1981) - full transcript

The story runs in the 1910's New York. Coalhouse Walker Jr. is a black piano player. He has won fame and fortune playing with a jazz band. Some white men do not like this situation, and one day they assault him and spoil his brand new car. Walker tries by all means to get justice, without an answer...

♪ [ Piano: Waltz ]

♪ [ Melodramatic ]

♪ [ Upbeat ]

♪ [ Lively ]

♪ [ "Battle Hymn

Of The Republic" ]

♪ [ Dramatic ]

[ Chattering, Laughter ]

[ Bell Ringing ]

[ Man ]

My friends--

Ready for dessert?

[ All ]


Specialty of the house

is served chilled,

but it melts very quickly.

[ All Laugh ]

So I suggest

that we gobble it up.

[ All Exclaim, Applaud ]


Yeah, I'd like to see

Stanford White.

Who, may I ask,

is calling?

Uh, here's my card.

[ Gasps ]


Are you in there, White?

[ Pounding Continues ]

Open the door!

- [ Shouting ] White!

- ♪ [ Stops ]

Who is it?

You know who it is.

You know damn well who it is!

- Harry K. Thaw of Pittsburgh!

- [ Guests Murmur ]

Don't you think this is

a bit irregular, Mr. Thaw?

Look, I want to talk to you!

Hardly a way to go about it,

Mr. Thaw.

- [ Gasping ]

- Don't play with me, White!

Look, open the door,

or some friends of mine

will open it for me.

I'm serious!

What-What do you want?

[ Scoffs ]

White, I'm here for the statue.

I'm takin' it down!

I'm getting tired

of this ridiculous business.

Why don't you go away now...

and save me the trouble

of calling the police?

- [ Crashing ]

- [ Gasping ]

- [ Door Breaks ]

-[ All Gasp ]

Goddamn it, Thaw,

that door is priceless!

When are you going to stop

this ridiculous charade?

You're the one

that's creating the scandal!

I can see what's goin' on here.

- Mr. Thaw--

- I know what you do

with your chorus girls.

- Mr. Thaw--

- I know what

all you people are up to!

I'm sure the police'd

like to know too.

Mr. Thaw, let me introduce

Commissioner of Police

Rheinlander Waldo.

I'm sure he'll be fascinated

by all the stories

you have to tell.

Look, I'm not a fool.

You hear me?

I'm not a fool.

I know exactly

what I'm doing.

'Cause I'm smart.

I'm smarter than you are.

[ Guests Murmuring ]

- My apologies.

- ♪ [ Resumes ]

Are we ready?

Yes, I think so.

Let me see your hands.

Other side.

So, did anything interesting

happen to anybody this week?


So I'm the only one,

am I?

What, dear?

I was going over

our accounts the other day,

and it seems our factory had

its best quarter ever.

And I was rather intrigued

to discover...

that the items which were

moving most rapidly...

were the new firework designs

by your brother.

That's right.

[ Chuckles ]

Not too long ago I had some

doubts that you had the stuff

to be my partner one day.

But I'm very encouraged.

Very encouraged.

And by way of thanks,

I'd like you to say

the family grace today.

Um, could we all

bow our heads?

[ Woman Screams ]

[ Screaming Continues ]

Jesus! Jesus!

What is it, Bridgit?

[ Sobbing ]

What's wrong?

Oh, my God.

[ Baby Crying ]


what did you do?


Answer me!

I didn't do nothin'.

Then what is that child--

I was pouring out

the water from the vegetables,

then there was a terrible

screamin' on the ground, and

I looks, and there was a baby!

[ Continues Crying ]

Call Dr. Mueller.

I'll do it.

Where are you taking it?

Not in the house?

Well, he's breathing fine.

Heartbeat's strong.

Seems like a healthy child.

Is there anything

we should do?

Well, keep him warm and dry,

and don't worry yourself.

If he needs anything, he'll be

the first to let you know.

He'll be fine.

Don't worry.

[ Knocking ]

We found this one

hiding in a cellar

a few blocks away.

She won't talk.

You go on to your room.

[ Baby Fusses ]


is this your baby?

Lady, is this your baby

or isn't it?

You wanna make life

easy for yourself

and tell us yes or no,

or do you want me to ask

the doctor here to examine you?

Doctor, do you mind?

Could I have some privacy?

Jim, would you

care for some tea?

No, no. That's all right.

Quite a situation.


There you are.

These niggers drop babies

like rabbits.

Fellow runs off,

and, of course, the woman

tries to get rid of it.

What's going to happen

to her?

She'll get six to eight months--

child abuse, abandonment,

attempted murder.

And then she'll

get pregnant again.

What'll happen to the baby?

They've got places

for them.

Pickaninny farms, I call them.

[ Laughs ]

Well, she's definitely

given birth recently.

That's about all I can tell you.

I'll give you a report tomorrow.

Sorry to see your Sunday dinner

disrupted like this, folks,

and I guess I'd better be

getting back to mine.

Good day.

Good day, Doctor.

- Thank you, Doctor.

- We're going to need

your signature on this.

Just a formality,

and then we'll take them

off your hands.

Excuse me, dear.

Would you mind if I asked

the inspector a question?

Oh, no.

No, you go ahead.

She's going to be

put into prison, isn't she?

- Oh, yes.

- Without her child?

Well, a woman who abandons

her baby like this--

I think it would be better

for the baby if they were

separated, don't you?

- We're not dealing

with Christians, ma'am.

- Exactly.

These people don't have

the same sense of family

as what we do.


Would it make

any difference in her case

if we were to take her in?

Temporarily, of course.

Dear, you don't mean--

Nobody's even talked to her.

Nobody knows what

made her do it. If we knew,

maybe we could help her.

If, if, if, if.

- I'm just asking.

- It's out of the question.

My wife is

a very generous woman,

which I appreciate.

Excuse us for just a moment,

would you?

My wife wants

the statue down.

Right, Evie?

Right, Evie?

Yes, dear, yes.

Yes, what?

Tell them.

[ Shouting ]

Tell them!

What do you want?

Yes, I want

the statue down, please.

- See?

- Yes, Mr. Thaw.

We quite understand

your feelings in the matter.

No. Look, uh,

he put that statue up there

to make me look like a fool.

I'm Harry K. Thaw

of Pittsburgh!

I've got my reputation

to think about.

I'm not havin' my wife

on public display!

Of course not,

Mr. Thaw.

Now, uh, regarding

the possible grounds

for legal action--

Exactly! Legal grounds.

Now you're talkin'.

There aren't any,

Mr. Thaw.

What the hell

are you talking about?

You're lawyers. Find some.

For God's sake, she's my wife!

She's not a chorus girl anymore.

She's not a model.

She's not his mistress.

She's my wife!

I want you to do whatever

the hell you have to do to get

my wife off that building.

Yes, Mr. Thaw.

We'll do everything we can...

within the realm of the law.

Because if you don't--

[ Horn Honking ]

♪ [ Upbeat ]

♪ I've heard men say so often

they could love

their wives alone ♪

♪ But I think that

such foolish men must have

hearts made of stone ♪

♪ Now, my heart is made

of softer stuff

It melts at each warm glance ♪

♪ A pretty girl can't

look my way

without a new romance ♪

♪ Oh, I could love

a million girls

with every girl, a twin ♪

♪ I could love a Chinese girl

an Eskimo, a Finn ♪

♪ I could love a German girl

a girl with golden curls ♪

♪ In fact I think

that I could love

about a million girls ♪

[ Chorus ]

♪ He could love a million girls

a million girls, could he ♪

♪ I could love a native girl

from far across the sea ♪

- ♪ He could love a redhead girl

a girl with raven curls ♪

-[ Applause ]

♪ In fact I think

that I could love

about a million girls ♪


are you a little warm?

Do you want to

take off your coat?

I'm fine.

I'm cool as a cucumber.

♪ Oh, I could love

a million girls

with every girl, a twin ♪

♪ I could love a Chinese girl

an Eskimo, a Finn ♪

♪ I could love a German girl

a girl with golden curls ♪

♪ In fact I think

that I could love

about a million girls ♪

♪ He could love a million girls

a million girls, could he ♪

♪ I could love a native girl

from far across the sea ♪

♪ He could love a redhead girl

a girl with raven curls ♪

I'll be back in a minute.



♪ I loved a girl

whose eyes shone forth

just like a crystal mass ♪

♪ I loved her

till I found out that

her eye was made of glass ♪

♪ I loved a girl

whose form it was

a gorgeous thing to see ♪

♪ I loved her till I found out

that part of it was a tree ♪

♪ Oh, I could love

a million girls

with every girl, a twin ♪

♪ I could love a Chinese girl

an Eskimo, a Finn ♪

♪ I could love a German girl

a girl with golden curls ♪

♪ In fact I think

that I could love

about a million girls ♪

♪ He could love a million girls

a million girls, could he ♪

♪ I could love a native girl

from far across the sea ♪


♪ He could love a redhead girl

a girl with raven curls ♪

-♪ In fact I think that I could

love about a million girls ♪

-[ Screaming ]

[ Crowd Screaming ]

- [ Gasping ]

- [ Screaming Continues ]

♪ [ Stops ]

[ Screams ]

[ Crowd Screaming,

Glass Shattering ]

[ Woman With White ]

Help him! Help!

Help him!

- Help him!

- Hey! Hey, you!

All right. Now, don't do

anything stupid.

J-Just give me the gun.

[ Sobbing ]

[ Man ]

Get a doctor! Get a doctor!

Aw, Harry! Harry!

Harry! Harry.


♪ [ Piano, Slow Waltz ]

♪ [ Ends ]

Oh, well, do you

want to know everything?


Well, all right.

He had these whips.

This was in this castle

in Austria that he took me

for vacation.

Well, he put me in a room,

and he locked the door.

And then he told me

that if I made any noise

that he'd do something to me--

something terrible.

Wait just a minute.

Whom are you talking about?

You're talking about

Stanford White!

[ Stammering ]

Oh, no, no, no, no.

No. No-- Stanny?

Stanny would never do

anything like this.

He was lovely.

Lovely man.

He admired me--

No, I'm talking about

Harry, my husband.

- Nonsense! My Harry would

never do anything like that.

- Just a minute, Mrs. Thaw.

- What you're saying is,

your husband did all this.


He had a whip,

a kind of a...

dog whip, and he started

to beat me with it.

I fail to see what this has to

do with the defense of my son.

Mrs. Thaw, you don't understand.

We have got to prove

that your son was insane!

My son is not insane!

Insane at the time

of the murder, Mrs. Thaw--

I'm sorry. But there is

a world of difference.

There's nothing wrong

with Harry.

All right, Mrs. Thaw.

That's fine.

Your son will be convicted

of murder in the first degree.

He will be executed


and, if that's what

you've hired me to accomplish,

I'll be very happy to oblige.

He was perfectly all right

until he married her.

- She's the only thing

wrong with my son!

- Ha! That's a laugh!

All right,

stop it, both of you.

Stop it right now!

Mrs. Thaw,

would you be kind enough

to leave me alone with Evelyn?

With pleasure,

Mr. Delmas.

[ Door Closes ]

[ Clears Throat ]

You know, Evelyn,

Mrs. Thaw is

a very generous woman.

Ha, that's another laugh.

You don't really want to see

your husband electrocuted,

do you?

[ Sighs ]

I guess not.

He is crazy, though,

you know.

Mrs. Thaw is prepared

to offer you

a substantial sum of money...

if you will

cooperate fully with us.

- What do you mean?

- I mean, if you testify

as directed in court,

and if the trial ends


for us, that is--

you will agree to divorce him.

Divorce Harry?

Are you kidding?

Oh, there's a great deal

of money involved.

- Yeah?

- A great, great deal.

How much?

One million dollars.

Now, you say

that Mr. Stanford White

beat you with a whip?


A horsewhip.

[ Crowd Murmurs ]

[ Gavel Pounds ]

A horsewhip?


You say also that he gave you

a drink that was drugged.

Is that right?


Was this before

or after the whipping?

Well, I don't remember.

He wanted to have

his way with me,

so he drugged me,

and then he whipped me.

[ Crowd Murmurs ]

[ Judge ]

Order! Order!

And you suddenly remembered

this horrible story,

decided to tell your husband

about it three years later...

on the very night

that you knew he was most likely

to encounter Mr. White...

at Madison Square Garden.

- Is that right?

- Yes.

No more questions,

Your Honor.

[ Crowd Clamoring ]

Could you

stay behind that car?

- What's the matter?

- It's not

a very pretty sight, ma'am.

[ Yiddish Accent ] Missus.

Here, here! Missus, here!

It's face cutting.

Missus. Missus!

Come, please. Come!

Missus, come.

If you wanted to see,

you have to, uh, to see.


- Yes, that's pretty.

- This-- it cost

about ten cents. Yeah?

What can be cheaper?

Missus, very expensive.

Make a discount.

Sit down.

Very pretty, huh?

You are very pretty.

Thank you.

Uh, this way, your body.

Go! It's good.

Down-- uh, to.


It's good. Okay?

Keep your face out.

This girl is my daughter.

She's beautiful.

Please, uh, like this.

She's wonderful.


She's uh--

Please, keep your face.

Keep your face.

She's, uh, wonderful.

- Why is she on a string?

- She's, uh,

very beautiful, yes?


Why is she

tied up on a rope?

Why do you have her

tied up?


Uh, I have to be sure

she will, uh, be not kidnapped.

Uh, will do her better

if she'll be connected with me.

Keep your face.

[ Man ]


- Hey!

- Go away, you.

- A word! A word, please!

- Go your own way.

- A very, very important

word for you!

- Do you see I am very busy?

I don't believe it.

Go your own way.

- We don't make up--

- Go away, huh?

[ Shouting ]

Will you go?

Will you go away?

You see I make a business?

Go away! Go away!

[ Speaking Yiddish ]

Do something, uh, for me--

Only one five minute.

Only one--

one two minute.

[ Foreign Language ]

[ Woman Screams ]

[ Man, Woman Shouting

In Foreign Language ]

[ Shouting, Laughing ]

[ Woman ]

My God, my God!

What the hell you--

[ Women Shouting ]

Katela, come. Come!

Meshuggeneh! Meshuggeneh!

[ Continuing In Yiddish ]

Where do you get

the chutzpah to judge me?

[ Screaming ]

[ Shouting ]

[ All Chattering ]

[ Wife Shrieking ]

What do you give me?

Nothing but tsuris!

- [ Speaking Yiddish ]

- [ Wailing ]

♪ [ Ragtime Piano ]

Thank you,

that was very nice.

We'll let you know.


What's your name?

Coalhouse Walker, Jr.

- Where've you been playing?

- Oh, here and there.

It's a band job, you know,

not a solo act.

- If it's regular work,

I'm interested.

- Okay, let's hear you.

Yes, sir.

♪ [ Melodic ]

♪ [ Continues ]

You know this book

what I have given you?

We have a lack in money.

Give me back this book.

I like it very much.

I make you another.

Just like this one?

The same.



If you give it to me,

I'll be proud with you, huh?

- Hmm.

- Now try do it--

try do it myself.

I, uh--

Oh, I see. Yeah.

You like it?

Well, it's-it's-it's

very interesting.

Where did you get this thing?

I do it, alone,

with my hands.

I've create.

You got any others?

I can do once more.

I can do everything--

what do your heart desire.

What do you want

for this thing?

All right.

I'll give you four dollars

if you agree not to

take this idea anywhere else...

and 40 cents for each one

you make for me.

Thank you, ladies and gentlemen.

It's my pleasure

to introduce to you...

the newest and bluest member

of the Clef Club band,

Professor Coalhouse Walker, Jr.


Where is that man that usually

sells silhouettes here--

you know, with the little girl?

Oh, yes. Thank you.

This is it.

[ Horn Honking ]


Ma'am, I can't stop here.

We're blocking traffic.

That's all right.

You can go back.

I'll be back later.

[ Knocking ]

- [ Screams ]

- No, no, no, no.

Please, please don't scream.

You don't have to be afraid.

I am not going to hurt you.

Don't you move! You stay

right there! You stop! Stop!

I'm not...

gonna hurt you,

I just--

I mean, you probably think

I'm a--

I don't know, but I'm not.

I'm a businessman.

I design fireworks.

- This is my card.

- Don't come near me.

Don't come near me.

I, uh-- I actually work

for my brother-in-law.

He owns the factory.

But I'll be made

a full partner soon,

and then when he retires,

the company will go to me.

We do flags--

uh, flag buntings,

trims, trophies, medals--

anything for public occasions.

You can see where it says

on the card here "consultants

for public occasions."

But fireworks is actually

our biggest line.

Please take it.

What do you want?

Well, I want-- if you have

an evening free, I--

I know you're very busy,

but if you do have

an evening free,

and you would like to,

uh, do-- go--

I would very much like

to escort you to something.

No, no, no, no.

Please keep it.

I have more.

So, what do you say?

[ Clears Throat ]

Are you some kind

of a lunatic now?

I'm sorry.

I'm acting like one,

aren't I?

You should see me

at the office.

I am really not like this.

So, what do you say?

Do you have some free time?



You are?

I mean, might be.

I-- I mean, when?

What about right now?

Right now? You mean--

- Do you mean, just--

- Well, is there something wrong

with right now?

No! No, no, no, no.

It's just-- It's just--

[ Sighs ]

No. Nothing.

Now is fine.


escort me... something.

[ Giggles ]

[ Chiming ]

Dear, we're going

to eat without him.

Son, sit down.


Everyone sit down.


Don't worry, dear.

He'll be back.


If anybody should be worried,

it's me, isn't it? And I'm not.


You know

what he's like sometimes.

It's just his age.

Everybody goes through this.

Three days!

He hasn't slept at home

in three days.

He hasn't even

been at work.

He hasn't had the common

courtesy to telephone us and

let us know if he's all right.

- Has he been

in touch with you?

- Wouldn't I have told you?

I-- Yes.

Of course you would.


Let us bow our heads.

[ Sighs ]

For what we are about

to receive, dear Lord,

we give thanks.

[ Door Chimes Ring ]

I'll get it.


No, you stay right there.

I'll take care of this.

Good afternoon.

I wonder if you might

be able to help me.

Uh-- what do you want?

Well, I'm looking for

a young woman of color

called Sarah.

I'm told she was

taken in to this house.

Uh, who are you?

Oh, I'm sorry.

My name is

Coalhouse Walker, Jr.

Are you a-a-a relative?

I wouldn't exactly say that.

Well, what shall I tell her

is the reason for your visit?

Just tell her

that Mr. Walker would

like to have a word with her.

Would you please

wait around the back?

There's a colored gentleman


He says he wants

to have a word with you.

Well, I th--

think you'd better

go down and talk to him.

- Are you going to go down?

- No, sir.

Well, that's, uh,

not very good, is it?

But the man seems to have

some connection with you,

and I think I'd like

to know what it is.

Dear, she doesn't want

to talk to him.

I see.

And I suppose

that's the end of it?


[ Sighing ]

I-- Yes, yes.

[ Laughing ]

You're just as sweet

as you can be.

Yes, you are.

That's my child.

Excuse me, but I don't believe

anyone invited you in.

This is my child.

- This is a cute little devil,

isn't he?

- [ Cooing ]

- It is a boy, isn't it?

- Yes.

So you're the father.


Where's Sarah?

She doesn't want to see you.

[ Baby Cooing ]

Stubborn woman, Sarah.

Very stubborn.

Well, you tell her

I'll be back real soon,


And my apologies

for the intrusion.

Good afternoon.

[ Cooing Continues ]

[ Laughing ]

[ Crowd Murmuring ]

All rise!

Gentlemen of the jury,

have you come to a verdict?

Yes, Your Honor,

we have.

We find the defendant

not guilty of murder

in the first degree...

by reason of insanity.

[ All Murmur ]

I'm crazy?

[ Gavel Pounds ]

Goddamn it,

they think I'm crazy!

Mr. Thaw,

will you please stand?

You have heard

the verdict.


in such a case as this,

the bench would retire.

But I think in this instance

I would have to be

out of my mind...

not to recommend that you be

sent to the asylum...

for the criminally insane

at Matteawan...

until such time as duly

constituted medical opinion...

determines that you are

no longer dangerous

to the public at large.


[ All Murmur ]

[ Gavel Pounding ]

Order. Order.

Mr. Thaw,

do you have anything to say?


this whole trial

has been a fiasco.

Now, Mr. Thaw, please limit

your remarks to the statement

that I have just made.

No, listen to me.

No, no. Uh--

I'm as sane

as any man in this room!

[ All Murmur ]

You're the ones

that are insane!

This case is closed.

And you heard the testimony!

She was 16 years old!

He drugged her!

God, he ruined my wife!

He whipped her,

for God's sake!

She was 16 years old!

The man was a beast!

You should thank me!

Where's your sense of morality?

I did the law a favor!

[ Crowd Clamoring ]

[ All Shouting, Indistinct ]

It's right over there!

Look at that!

Evelyn! Evelyn!

[ Drunkenly ]

So what should I do?

Nothing! Absolutely nothing.

- We will do

everything for you.

- We'll take care of it all.

You'll teach me routines?

He is the dance teacher.

He's the manager!

No, no, I am the manager.

He is the dance instructor.

This is your agent,

and he is your lawyer.

All of us for one person,

for Evelyn.

That's all we care about.

This little piggy

went to market.

This little piggy went home.

This little piggy

had roast beef,

and this little piggy--

this little piggy

went wee-wee-wee-wee...

all the way to the bank!

[ Laughing ]

♪ [ Singing, Indistinct ]


Oh! Oh, sweetheart!


where have you been?

I'm so--

Oh, you waited for me.


You waited for me

all this time.

What were their names?



What were their names?

Whose names?

The names

of the people you just

spent the evening with.


[ Laughs ]

I forget!


I can't remember.

[ Laughs ]


these people are supposed

to decide your future,

and you forgot their names?



Will you open

the champagne?


I'll be right back.

One's an agent, one's a lawyer,

one's a manager.

I don't know.

They're so cute.

They're just adorable.

You know what I think

you should do? I think

you should find out their names,

and then I'll have

my lawyers check to see

if they're legitimate.

Evelyn, are you listening?


You can't be too careful

just now, you know.

You never know

when someone might try

to take advantage of you.


All my clothes went away.

[ Giggling ]

[ Clears Throat ]

Sorry to interrupt.

It's unfortunate timing,

I know, but we had no choice,

as you'll see

when you read this.

Now, uh, look it over,

and sign at the bottom.

If there's anything

you don't understand,

just feel free to ask.

Gentlemen, this is

a private residence,

and your presence here--

Shh! Now, wait a minute!

Stop! What is this?

- What's that, Mrs. Thaw?

- Number four.

"In compensation for my agreeing

to divorce Mr. Harold K. Thaw,

I shall receive a sum

of $25,000"? What's that?

I think that's clear enough.

Oh, no. No!

They are not pulling

that one on me.

I'm getting a million or

forget it. You were there when

they said I'd get a million.

That was when you were

suing him for divorce.

It's quite a different matter

now that you're an adulteress,

and he is suing you.

What-- Harry suing me

for divorce?

Well, Mr. Thaw is no longer

mentally competent. His mother

is making his decisions now.

I saved his life, damn it!

If I hadn't testified,

he would have gone

to the electric chair!

I would have been a widow

with all of his money!

She knows that!

- Mrs. Thaw--

- I earned that million dollars!

I want a million dollars!

Mrs. Thaw, adultery is

a very serious charge

in a divorce proceeding.

If you sign this now, you'll get

$25,000, and the divorce'll be

handled very quickly.

If you don't sign it,

the chances are you'll wind up

with nothing at all.

Now, you've got five minutes

to make up your mind.

I don't know

what this is all about,

but I do know that what

you are doing here is

completely illegal.

This is trespassing,

improper serving

of legal documents,

and before it goes any further,

I think you should leave.

And I will have my lawyers

contact you in the morning.

Well, who's got a pen?

Evelyn, don't.

Don't sign it.

You don't have to.

I could get my lawyers

to handle it.

When do I get the money?

It's right here-- cash.

Sorry to interrupt.

Good night.

This is incredible.

You shouldn't have

signed it, Evelyn.

You shouldn't have.


I don't want to have anything

to do them him anymore.

That whole family has been

all over my back for years!

Now I have the money.

I just want to forget it.

- But they are using you.

- So we're even.

Look, I can't let you

do this to yourself.

You have to have

competent legal advice

from people you can trust.

- Like who?

- I'll get my company's

lawyers to handle it.

I'm sure there's something

we can do-- there has to be.

Oh, all right.

I'll meet them. When?


Well, now, um--

the actual legal side of

the company is really more in

the hands of my brother-in-law.

So what I think we should do

is-is-is I'll consult with him.


You know what might be

a better idea?

I could introduce you to him.

You could come to our house

for dinner one night.

I would love you to meet

my sister too.

Well, that sounds fine.

You mean

you'll come for dinner?

Sure. Why not?

I mean,

we live in New Rochelle.

Well, that's okay.

[ Chuckles ]

[ Continues Laughing ]

They're not gonna

believe this.

[ Continues Laughing ]

[ Clock Chiming ]

Where is the young lady?

Well, obviously she isn't here.

Let's eat.

Oh, please, please,

let's just eat.

Aren't we going to get

any kind of explanation?

Well, I really don't want

to talk about it.

[ Chuckles ]

I'm afraid that's

not good enough.

I don't want to talk about it,

and if anyone asks me

another question,

I am just going to leave.

I don't understand.

You create this mystery.

You don't tell us

who this young lady is.

You build up everyone's

expectations. It's very...

[ Sighs ]


Well, I'm disappointed,

too, sir, you know.

Did you ever think of that?

I'm disappointed too.

Why don't you ring

for the soup, dear?

! Soup.


[ Door Chimes Ring ]

I'll get it.

Dear, Mr. Walker is

here to see Sarah.

I told him he could

wait in the drawing room

while I go up and speak to her.

Who's that?

The baby's father.

Or so he says.

Would you mind

bringing her these?

There's a little note on there.

Oh, they're so beautiful.

I'll be right back.

♪ [ Piano ]

Excuse me.

Your piano's

badly in need of a tuning.

You ought to take better care

of an instrument like this.

Would you mind

closing the piano?

Sit down, Mr. Walker.

There are a few things

I'd like to ask you.

Sarah. Sarah,

just say hello to him.

Nothing can happen to you.

You're safe here.

There can't be any harm

in just talking to him.

Oh, yes, it is.

Yes, it is.


He say one thing,

and then he say another thing.

And he make it

all sound so good.

It ain't nothin'

but talk, ma'am.

It ain't nothin' but talk.

I can marry Sarah,

and I will,

soon as she'll have me.

I couldn't before,

and now I can.

That's very fancy reasoning,

Mr. Walker,

but what it comes down to is

that you behaved abominably.

[ Sighs ] I wasn't living

any kind of life I could ask

a woman to share with me--

playing in beer halls,

moving-picture houses.

Some of those places

aren't even safe

for a man to be in.

So you just abandoned her?

That's how you handle

your responsibilities?

Uh, what kind

of music do you play?

Anything they ask me to,

and then I play ragtime.

Well, we have some music here.

Could you give us a tune?

Uh, maybe some other time.

I think what Mr. Walker's

trying to say...

is that he

doesn't read music.

Am I right, Mr. Walker?

I read music so good,

white folks think I'm fakin' it.

[ Laughing ]

♪ [ Classical ]

♪ [ Slow Ragtime ]

[ Sobbing ]

[ Footsteps ]

Oh, no, no.

Please, please,

please don't get up.

Are you all free

next weekend?

I'd like you to be

at the wedding.


Sarah's accepted my hand.

After all you've done for her,

it wouldn't be much of a wedding

if you all weren't there.

Now, I hope you'll accept.

No, no, no,

don't bother yourself now.

I have to go now 'cause

it's a long drive back.

I'll see you next Sunday.

I'll see you.

[ Yells ]

- [ Shouts ]

- [ Laughs ]

[ Laughing ]

[ Engine Starts ]

♪ [ Piano ]

[ Man ]

And ladylike.

That's it.

And around we go.

And around.


Now the horsey.

Now another horsey.

And a peekaboo.

There we are.



Quiet, please! Quiet!

Evelyn, I have something

very important to say to you.


You know what this guy

is talking about?

Okay, five minutes.

Oh, uh, I, I, I--

Oh, I--

You moved.

You didn't tell me

where you were going.

I was evicted.

It wasn't my fault.

You said you'd come to dinner.

How was I supposed to find you?

Did I do something wrong?

What did I do wrong?

Just tell me.

Not now, sweetheart.

Yes, now!

I want an explanation.

W-- I can't think

about this right now.

I've got a lot

on my mind.

Well, so do I.

I'm trying to do well

in the firm.

I try so hard.

And sometimes everything

seems to be going fine,

and then I don't know.

I don't know

what's wrong with me.

It just all falls apart.

I can't-- I can't even

walk down the street...

without-- without being

afraid that somebody's

gonna talk to me.

I need you to be with me.

You have to, Evelyn.

Okay, darling, that's it.

Back to work.

I've gotta go.




That's not very nice, mister.

The lady wants to go.

You don't know what kind

of pressure I've been under.

I can't do anything about that.

Yes, you can!

I just want to know

where you live.

Just tell me

where you live!

Let go of my arm!

God-- Goddamn it!

I'm not talking to you!

This is none of

your goddamn business!

This is none of your

business! None of your--

Take it easy.

[ Bell Ringing ]

[ Bell Ringing ]

[ Shouting ]

- Excuse me.

- Hmm?

Could you tell me how long

that'll be standing there?

- How's that?

- I have to pass by.

Oh, well, uh,

you got your toll?

Toll? There's no toll

on this road.

Sure, there is.

This here's a private toll road.

Ain't it, fellas?

[ Men Agreeing ]

I've used this road

several times, and I've

never had to pay a toll.

Well, somebody must've

been sleeping on duty.

[ Men Chuckling ]

All right.

How much is the toll?

[ Clears Throat ]


Hey, uh, Willie!

How much is the toll today?

What's that--

A Model T?

- Who you driving it for?

- It's my automobile.

I own it.

[ Man Laughing ]

My God.

Don't that beat all?

[ Man Laughing ]

How much is the toll?

Oh, the toll.

Uh-- Let's see.

Today is Sunday.

Twenty-five dollars.

[ Men Laughing ]

We're trying

to raise a little cash for

a fire wagon with an engine.

Hell, we want to drive

to our fires in style,

just like you drive

to your cathouses.

[ Men Laughing ]

[ Engine Stops ]

[ Horn Honks ]

[ Man Laughs ]

[ Horn Honking ]

[ Chattering ]

Has he got the nigger

with him?

[ Man Giggling ]

Hey, Frankie.

What the hell

are you doing here?

Where is my car?

Is that it?

All right.

Let's just forget about it.

Go get your car.

[ Sighs ]

Thank you.

It's all right.

[ Man ]

Deal the cards. Let's go.

How many?

I call. Let's go.

Come on.

[ Men Chattering ]

Jesus, Mary and Joseph.

Ain't you got enough fires

to keep you busy, Willie?

What the hell's gotten into you?

Nobody around here can take

a joke anymore.


Could you please come here

and look at this?

Whew! That smells.

I want this cleaned up.

[ Fly Buzzing ]

[ Willie ]

Oh, I don't blame ya.

It's a hell of a shame.

[ Horse Whinnying ]

[ Chuckles ]

Brand-new car like that.

I want it cleaned up.

Go ahead. Clean it up.

Can it, Willie.

Nobody's laughing.

Now, what the hell do you boys

think you're up to?

I'll tell you exactly

what happened, Frankie.

This here fancy nigger parked

in front of the firehouse.

Now, if you don't think

that's a serious business,

tell me about it

when your house is burning,

we can't get the pump out,

and the road's all blocked

because of a nigger's car.

I had no intention

of stopping in front

of the firehouse,

but my way was blocked.

I don't know why you did this.

I never caused you any harm.

You blocked access

to an emergency service,

and I got witnesses here

to prove it!

You're lying.

Willie, no!

Don't you say

that to me!

- Nigger!

- Come on, come on, come on.

Over here.

Right there.

[ Horse Whinnying ]

[ Sighs ]


[ Sighs ]

There ain't

no real damage done.

Just... scoop the shit off,

take your automobile,

and get along outta here.

What do you say?

I'm not goin' nowhere

until my car is cleaned.

I don't want no trouble.

Just do as I say.

You know I'm telling

the truth.

Just get in your car--

Why are you letting

these men intimidate you?

Nobody's intimidating me!

You just don't know what you're

getting into, and I'm trying

to keep your nose clean.

Would you be a good boy

and just get along!

I want my car cleaned.

Clean it then, damn you!

Clean it and go!

I want the man who did it

to clean it!

[ Frankie ]

All right. All right.

Let me put it this way.

I can arrest you

for blocking

a public service exit,

for creating

a public nuisance...

and about ten other things

that I ain't gonna bother

to mention.

Now, am I making

myself clear?




I still want

my car cleaned.

Oh, for Christ's sakes.

Ain't you got

any sense in your head?

I'm trying to help you.

You leave me no choice.

I'm sorry.

You're under arrest.

[ Ringing ]

It's all right.

Yes, sir.



I see.

I'll be right down.

Better be getting yourself

some new help.

Once a nigger goes wrong,

there's no putting him right.

[ Typewriter Keys Clacking ]

Thank you, sir.

Whoa! Whoa!

Well, what happened?

You said there wasn't

any physical damage done.

There wasn't

when I was arrested.

[ Sighs ]

This is what I was saying.

You should have just

cleaned it up to begin with.

Now look what's happened.

Well, the damage

isn't that bad.

It shouldn't take much

to put it right.

Please, if you would be

kind enough to tell Sarah

what happened,

but tell her not to worry.

And tell her that I'll be

talking with her soon.

Hey, wait a minute!


I'm talking to you.


Well, you can't just leave

this out here all night,

you know.

You don't know

who's gonna come along.

It's a little late

for that kind of thinking,

and I have to work tonight.

Good afternoon.

That is not a very helpful

attitude, Mr. Walker.

We're trying to help you,

you know.

I've spent a lot of time trying

to get this business cleared up,

not to mention money.

I think we should

work out exactly what

we're going to do now.

I haven't decided yet.

Good afternoon.

Well, what's your

financial situation like?

[ Sighs ]

I have a little laid by.

I planned to use it

on my wedding, but I guess

it'll have to wait.

Mm. Mr. Walker, let me

give you some advice.

You spend the money

on your wedding.

Build yourself a home

and a family where you

can find some comfort.

And just forget

that some damn white man

caused you offense.

And that's your advice?

That's my advice, and I pray

you take it to heart.

"Just forget it"?

Is that it?

I've spent my whole life


You're a young man.

You better start learning now.

Learning what--

how to be a nigger?

Mr. Walker,

I'll thank you to leave.

I have some charity cases

you know nothing of.

I got clients with

real problems--

starvation, illness,


Yes, I want justice

for our people.

Yes, I do.

I want it so bad,

I can taste it.

If you think I'll go

to Westchester County pleading

the behalf of a colored man...

that somebody dirtied

his fancy car,

you are very much


Now, please,

you take this...

and leave my office.

I'm afraid you can't file

a complaint against

a volunteer fireman.

Why not?

Because they're not

an employee of the city.

We have no jurisdiction

over them.

Well, then whose jurisdiction

are they under?

Well, they got it wrong.

You're gonna have to go back

to the police department...

and tell them I said you should

file your complaint with them.

That's instructions

from the county clerk.

I don't care what they told you

at the county clerk's office.

Then tell me what

I'm supposed to do.

Just explain to me exactly

how I should go about it.

The first thing you can do

is go to the county clerk...

and tell the son of a bitch

not to send you back here!

Now-- now, listen.

All I'm saying is

that I want you

to talk to Mr. Walker.

[ Sniffles ]

I did.

He got hisself all crazy

over this thing.

He ain't got no time

for me now.

[ Sobbing ]

But, uh, that's

what I'm saying.

And we can't keep

you here forever.

I do my work around the house,

if that's what you want.

No, I only want one thing.

I want you to make

Mr. Walker understand...

that there's absolutely

no legal means...

for redressing this thing.

Why are you telling

her that? That's not

what the lawyers said.

Will you let me

handle this, please?

They said it would take

a lot of time and money,

but they never said

that there was no chance.

I am trying to present

this situation...

in a way she's capable

of understanding!

But you're lying to her.

Get out!

I told you to get

out of here!

Sarah? Sarah,

now, listen to me.


All right. Now, you can tell

Mr. Walker that if he'll

just marry you...

without any more

of this nonsense,

I'll pay to have

his automobile repaired.

That ain't gonna do

no good...

[ Panting ]

'cause he say it got

to be the firemen.

Oh, for pity's sake.

What difference does it make?

I told him--

I told him I'd clean it.

I'd clean it.

But he said no.

Well, if he's not willing

to see reason,

then it's your responsibility

to do something about it.

Do you understand?


It's your

responsibility now.

[ Baby Crying ]

[ Crying Continues ]


[ Coughing ]

Oh, baby.

Where's your mommy, huh?

Where'd your mommy go?

[ Crickets Chirping ]

♪ [ Band Playing ]

[ Crowd Shouting ]

[ Crowd Cheering ]

[ Cheering ]

[ Firecrackers

Continue Popping ]

[ Man ]

Ladies and gentlemen,

the vice president

of the United States,

Charles Fairbanks.

[ All Cheering ]

A few days ago,

I went to the president...

and I said to him,


"I'm about to visit the great

northeast of this country

and meet the people.

Is there anything

you want me to tell them?"

You know what he said?

He said to me,

"Charles, just tell them

that the door to my office

is always open."

[ Cheering, Applause ]

You good people of

White Plains voted for us

in the last election.

You knew what we stood for then.

We haven't changed,

and we hope you haven't either.

Good health, enterprise,


I'm talking about the man who

wants to get out there and do--

Stay back, please,

Stay back.

Mr. President!

...who sees an opportunity...

and grabs it by the tail.

Mr. President! Mr. Pres--

- Ow!

- You gotta help

Coalhouse Walker!

- [ Screaming ]

- [ Fairbanks Continues ]

♪ [ Band Playing ]

[ Blows Landing ]

[ Cheering ]

Make way.

Coming through.

Coming through.

I'm sorry. Make way.

Make way. Make way.

Her sternum was crushed,

and she's sustained very

severe internal injuries.

I'm afraid you'll have to keep

her dry and warm, and pray that

she doesn't develop pneumonia.

Uh, this is her husband.


The president knows

who you are now.

I said your whole name

before they got to me.

That's good.

Shh, shh, shh.

Don't talk now.

But I didn't get a chance

to tell him what you want.

So you gotta

write him a letter.

I will.

I spoke with a minister


He said he would marry us,

even with the baby and all.

Oh! [ Laughs ]

Now, we're gonna have

the whole Clef Club Orchestra.


They're gonna play for us.

And a choir.

[ Laughs ]

And it's gonna be

in a big, big church...

like you never seen before.


Which one?


You just rest.

♪ [ Band Playing Hymn ]

♪ [ Band Continues ]


Ah. That's two bits.

Jesus Christ.

You lucky bastard.

[ Irish Brogue ]

It's the luck of

the Irish, me boy.

[ Laughs ]

[ Phone Ringing ]


Answer the phone.

Hold those cards.

Nobody bets.

[ Ringing Continues ]

Emerald Isle Firehouse.

[ Crickets Chirping ]

Let's go, guys. This is it.

Come on. Let's go.

Come on.

Hey, kid, let's go.

Come on. Let's go.

Come on. Let's go.

Move! Move! Come on.

Down the pole.

[ Bell Ringing ]

[ Gunshots ]

[ Horses Whinnying ]

[ Gunshots ]

[ Dogs Barking

In The Distance ]

Where's Conklin?

Which one of you

is Conklin?

Don't shoot me!

Tell me which of you is Conklin.

I don't know!

[ Mutters ]

Where's Conklin?

Where's Conklin?

No! No!

Damn it, where's Conklin?

He's not here!

Let's go! Let's go!

[ Dogs Barking

In The Distance ]

"I want the infamous...

"fire chief, William Conklin,

turned over to my justice.

"I want my automobile

returned to me

in its original condition.

"When you are ready

to meet my demands,

"please make it known

in the newspapers.

"If you refuse me,

I shall continue...

"to burn firehouses

and kill firemen...

"until I have


Coalhouse Walker, Jr."

That's that crazy nigger

with the car!

So, you know

all about him, do ya?

- Sure as hell, I do.

- What do you know exactly,

Mr. Conklin?

Well, you had him all arrested

for parking his car illegal.

You had him behind bars

where he belongs.

Now he's running around loose.

Whose fault

do you suppose that is?

Not mine, I'll tell you that.

Well, Willie, we have

a little problem on our hands.

Well, you got a problem, do ya?

[ Chuckles ]

How do you suppose I feel?

Those were my men he killed!

We heard something

about excrement in his car.

So? What are you messin'

around with me for?

We're just trying

to piece it all together.

Go out and arrest every nigger

in the neighborhood.

One of them's bound

to know where he is.

They all know everything

about each other, right?

That's a grand piece

of thinking, Willie.

But, you see,

we had a different

sort of plan in mind.

What's that?

Offer to turn

you over to him.

[ Scoffs ]

You're a funny man, Inspector.

Well, Willie,

it's the easiest way

to find him, isn't it?

And the cheapest,

don't you think?

Hey, fellas, be serious,

will ya, huh?

I ain't laughing, you see.

Aren't we all

in this together?


Aren't we all

in this together?

[ Hoofbeats ]

- Would you say he seemed

fairly attached to the baby?

- Yes.

Do you think he'll try

to get the baby back?

I don't know.

I really don't know.

Maybe we should post

a man here at the house.

Just so there'll be someone

around who'll know what to do...

in case he tries

to get in touch.

Is that really necessary?

It's for your

own protection too.

You never know

with these people, if he

wants the baby badly enough.

Well, maybe in that case

we could take the baby

to my cousin's house.

No, ma'am, we prefer

that Mr. Walker knows

where the baby is.


I see.

It'd be better,

having someone here.

Good evening, sir.

A table?

I'm looking

for Coalhouse Walker.

He's a piano player.

Sorry. He doesn't work

here anymore.

Do you know where I could

get in touch with him?

It's important.

I don't know where he is.

Sorry. He stopped working here.

You don't have

any address--

Yes, I see.

Why should you trust me?

I'd like him to know

not to come near the house

in New Rochelle.

It's not safe.

Sorry, Mr. Walker

doesn't work here anymore.

I know, I know.

But if you could give him

the message. It's important.

Here's my card.

[ Knock At Door ]


May I come in?

Can you explain this?

What is it?

Someone in Harlem

gave it to the police.

They said a young man was

looking for Coalhouse Walker.

Yes, that was me.

Why did you do that?

I wanted to warn Mr. Walker that

our house was being watched.

You damn fool.

You don't seem to realize

how serious this situation is.

- I think I do.

- Then why did you

try to help him?

Are you planning

on doing it again?

I hope not because

I gave the inspector

my word of honor...

that you wouldn't do

anything foolish again.

Now, can I trust you?

- Yes, you can.

- Do I have your word on it?


[ Knock At Door ]

[ Knocking Continues ]

Mr. Walker?

Mr.-- Mr. Walker?

[ Man ]

What do you want with him?

I want to talk to him.

What do you want

to talk to him about?

Who are you?

Don't worry

about who I am.

What do you want to

talk to Mr. Walker about?

Get him a chair.

Mr. Walker?

That's right.

- Do I have to keep this on?

- I think you'd better.


What can I do for you?

Well, it's, uh,

just our house.

You know your son

is still there.

The... police...

have a man

watching the place.

Is that why you came here?



I design fireworks.

That's my job.

I can make bombs.

Fireworks, bombs--

it's the same thing.

[ Glass Shattering ]

Hey! Hey!

What's the idea?

[ People Shouting ]

[ All Shouting ]

[ Woman Shouting ]

[ Shouting ]

[ Shouting Continues ]

Get away from our house!

This is a private residence.

You're all trespassing!

Sir, let us see

the colored baby, okay?

[ Men Shouting ]



Thank God you're home.

Come in here.

Listen to me.

I want you to tell this man...

to make those people

go away.

They're screaming

the most horrible things

that the children can hear them.

Calm down, dear.

And he sits there.

He does nothing.

He's not protecting us.

I want him out of the house.

Darling, calm down!

Isn't this trespassing?

I don't want him here.

Come here.

He's not protecting us.

Just calm down.

Calm down a second.

Is your brother home?


He hasn't called, has he?

All right.

I think we should

leave New Rochelle

as soon as possible...

and wait until

all of this calms down.

Can you make the arrange--

What about my brother?

Where is he?

Will he come too?

Your brother--

your brother will do

what he wants to do,

as usual.

Now, will you make arrangements

to close the house down?

[ Doorbell Ringing ]

[ Horse Nickers ]

Wait a minute.

You can't leave that there.

[ Dog Barking ]

Don't turn around.

Just keep walking,

just like that.

Don't turn around,

and you won't get hurt.

Turn around.

Now run and don't

look back. Run!

Don't look back!

[ Approaching Hoofbeats ]

[ Shouting ]


Whoa! Whoa!


Good boy, good boy.

[ Chattering ]

[ Quiet Chatter ]

Come on.

Come on!

Goddamn it!

Bust it.

Come on!

Bust it!

Bust it!

[ Alarm Ringing ]

Well, come on!

Get it in!

Get it in!

All right.

Get rid of that wagon!

Yah! Yah!

Yah! Yah!

[ Alarm Continues ]

Come on!

Stay back!

Stay back, I said!

[ Crying ]

[ Man ]

Yes, give him that whack!

Try, Evelyn!

Run! Run, run a bit!

Run a little bit!

Make run the feet!

[ Shouting Gibberish ]

Evelyn, make a--

A little bit more angry!

More strained!

Open your eyes!

More! More angry!

Okay, more, uh, uh--

You want to kill her!

You will kill her!


Open your mouth!

You want to be more afraid!

Open your mouth!

Open, open! Evelyn,

you want to be very afraid!

Extremely! Extremely!

[ Speaking Yiddish ]

Play with your eye.

Play with your face.

Show with your tongue.

Forget about the belly

or the "peedgy-peedgy"

with the feet.

You understand?

Excellent. Wonderful.

It's good?

Hello, young gentleman.

Hello. Yes.

You saw the picture?

How do you like it?

What are you doing?

Now, come along.

These people are working.

He's your own son?


Very charming.

Oh, thank you.

Very nice to see you.

I'm sorry. Now,

come along, please.

Don't take him away.

Let him be here.

That's my daughter.

How do you do?

Say hello.

He's shy.

I'm shy too.

You know what's it?

A book?

It's... a majestic book.

[ Imitates Explosion ]

That's for you.

Take, take.

That's for you.

Oh, no, no,

we couldn't do that.


I give it like a present.

Well, thank you.

Is everything all right?


This is my husband.

Very nice.

My, uh, name,

Baron Ashkenazy.

My "gratulation" to you.

Baron. Uh, pardon?

My "gratulation."

You have very nice wife,

and your son is wonderful.

Oh, oh, I see.

Thank you.

- Can you dance, my little?

- Yes.

We'll finish on the film

and I'll make a party.

And you'll be my guest,

and you'll be together

with my daughter.

And you'll be

all my guest.


Well, if, uh, we're

still here, perhaps.


I forget to introduce you

with my better,

with my star,

Evelyn Nesbit.

She's, uh, very, uh--

a great talent.

I hope she'll

make me great.

It's very nice to meet you.

We read about you in the papers.

You're very beautiful.

Thank you.

It's high time to continue

our work. If you want to,

you can watch our film.

We don't forbid you.

Evelyn, come.


Would you please, Evelyn?

We have the light!

[ Dog Barking ]

[ Indistinct Shouting ]

You all set, Captain?

The whole building

is covered.

And I've got three groups of

five men ready to hit the place


[ Man ]

Let me through.

Let me through!

That's impossible, gentlemen.

That's simply

out of the question.

Who's he?

- I'm Mr. Vernon Elliott.

- Vernon Elliott.

He's the curator

for the Morgan Library.

What can I do for you,

Mr. Elliott?

That place

is a national treasure,

and if this climate

of violence continues,

I shall go to the president.

- You will, huh?

- Indeed I will,

if I deem it necessary.

By the way,

I'm Rheinlander Waldo,

commissioner of police.

Yes? Well, I'm honored.

And if any harm comes

to any object in that building,

with all due respect,

there'll be grave consequences.

How many are in there?

[ Officer ] We're not sure yet.

At least two.

Maybe more--

maybe much more.

But who are they?

What are they up to?


Well, Mr. Elliott,

why don't you go in and have

a word with them?

- I beg your pardon.

- Just explain the value

of the library,

see what they want--

that sort of thing.

That hardly seems

like the appropriate procedure,

Mr. Waldo.

And if you're making a joke

at my expense,

I assure you

there's nothing amusing

about my responsibilities...

as the curator

of Mr. Morgan's library.

Mr. Elliott... as long

as those guys are in there,

you are not the curator

of anything.

Give me a megaphone.

[ Whistle Blowing ]

[ Dogs Barking ]

I am Rheinlander Waldo.

I am Commissioner of Police.

I'm going to walk toward you.

I am not armed.

I want to talk to you.

Can you hear me?

I want to talk to you

inside the library.

If you'll let me come in,

please open the door

as I approach.

I am not armed as you can see.

[ Door Opens ]

- [ Dog Barking ]

-[ Man Shouting ]


[ Whistle Blowing ]

Come on!

That's it! Fall back!

That's it! Come on.

Down there. That's it. Back!

What was that?

Let me have that, please.

Please, please.

My God!

Tsk! That's a covered goblet.

- What?

- It's from the 17th century.


by Frederick of Saxony.

It's silver

inlaid with gold...

and studded

with precious gems.

Captain, go get it.




Captain, open it.


Well, what is it?

"Murray Hill, 8529."

- What? That's my number.

- What?

- My office in the library.

- Good.

[ Doorbell Ringing ]

[ Banging On Door ]

I'll get it, ma'am.

[ Man ]

Police. Open up.

[ Door Opens ]

Do you have a telephone?

We had nothing to do with it.

Do you have a telephone?

Yes, of course we do.

Where? Thank you.

In there.

There's the one upstairs,

but it's out of order.

[ Man ]

Ma'am, I would like you to sign

this formal release.

[ Woman ]

What are all these

policemen doing here?

I've never seen so many

policemen in my life!

I cannot understand this!

We'll deal with it later.

Where are they going?

You can't go in there.

I want to go in my house.

It's my own room in there.

What do you mean,

I can't go in there?

What are they doing in there

that they don't want me to see

them doing?

[ Captain ]

Central, this is

a police emergency.

Give me Murray Hill, 8529.

[ Operator ]

Repeat that, please.

I repeat, Murray Hill, 8529.

[ Woman ]

I don't understand this,

and I'm a moral woman.

I don't want anything going on

in this house I don't know

anything about.

Please open up the door.



Oh, I never saw anything

like this in my life.

Hello. This is

Rheinlander Waldo speaking.

[ Walker ] Mr. Waldo,

I want my car returned in

the same condition it was in...

when my way was blocked.

In return for the life

of my Sarah,

I want Fire Chief Willie Conklin

turned over to my justice.

Is that clear?

Who is this?

Who am I speaking to?

You're speaking

to Coalhouse Walker, Jr.

You have 48 hours

to meet my demands.

I should warn you

that this entire building

has been mined with explosives.

[ Line Disconnects ]

Hello! Hello?

Get that number again,

will you?

That's the crazy buck

from New Rochelle, isn't it?

- I think so.

- Oh, boy, oh, boy,

oh, boy, oh, boy.


- Get the police chief

from New Rochelle down here.

- Right.

And I want blueprints

of the library and

an explosives man.

- Yes, sir.

- Get the militia ready.

- Right.

- Where is J.P. Morgan?

Oh, he's on an expedition

down the Nile... in Egypt.

- Hmm. Lucky him.

- Yes, sir.

And contact some colored

big shots to talk for us

in case we need to negotiate.

Very good, sir.

Anything else?

Yeah. He said something

about a car and a fire chief.

Conklin. Willie Conklin.

Get him in.

I want to meet him.

Sir, that number doesn't answer.

What do you want me to do?

Get me some coffee and a roll.

Yes, sir.

[ Crowd ]

♪ Does Jesus bear

♪ The cross alone

♪ And all the world

♪ Go free

♪ Now there's a cross ♪

♪ For everyone

What do you people think

about this? Mr. Washington!

♪ And there's a cross ♪

Mr. Washington!

♪ For me

I want you to know

how much we appreciate this,

Mr. Washington.

I hope and pray

that his mind is open to reason.

Now, you don't have to

do this if you don't want to.

I'm ready, Mr. Waldo.

You're a brave man, sir.

You have my blessing.

[ Woman ]

♪ What

♪ A friend we have in Jesus

♪ All our sins and griefs

to bear ♪

♪ What a privilege to carry

♪ Everything to God in prayer

I think you know me by name,

Mr. Walker.

Open the door!

In the name of our people,

open the door!

[ Walker ]

I'm honored to meet you,

Mr. Washington.

Would you care for a seat?

You seem to know about me.

Of course I do.

I have a great admiration

for you, sir.

- Truly?

- Yes, sir.

How can you say that

when your actions...

are a mockery

of everything I stand for?

I had no choice in that, sir.

Mr. Walker,

I have spent a lifetime

trying to persuade the white man

that he needn't fear us--

that all we wanted

was a chance to work...

and prosper beside him...

and enjoy with him

the fruits of this great land.

Now, the example of 1,000...

honest, industrious black men...

cannot undo the harm

of one like you.

What you have done here

has set our race back...

a distance I can't measure.

And you say... you admire me.

I tried everything, sir--

every legal means

to get satisfaction--

and I was humiliated

at every turn.

The woman who bore

my child--

my child, Mr. Washington,

whom I may never see again--

she watched my pride

being snatched away from me,

piece by piece.

She believed in justice.

Oh, yes.

She went to the white man,

and she begged...

that I be given the justice

entitled to me by law.

She died begging for it.

I... beg you, Mr. Walker,

on behalf of our people,

your young son...

and all the children

of our race--

I beg you to give yourself up.

Bring your men

and follow me now.

I will intercede on your behalf.

Your trial... shall be swift...

and your execution painless.

If my automobile is restored...

and delivered

to the front of this building...

and the fire chief

is handed over to my justice,

[ Sighs ]

I give you my solemn oath...

I will come out

with my hands raised...

and no further harm

will come to this place

or to any man.

And you think this revenge

will restore your damaged pride?

I wouldn't be here

if I didn't think so.

Well, you are wrong, Mr. Walker.

You are wrong to the depths

of your soul.

- Why do you say that?

- Because vengeance

does nothing...

but perpetuate more vengeance

and on and on...

until some race can find

the strength to say, "No!

"The wrong done to me

I will not avenge!

"I shall stand with dignity

and Christian love...

"until my enemies

are won over...

because they honor

and respect me."

And only when this happens,

Mr. Walker,

shall we have our pride back.

All of us.

[ Laughing ]

My God, if only Sarah

could be here to listen to you.

She thought

I had a mouth on me.

[ Sighs ]

But you speak like an angel,

Mr. Washington.

[ Sighs ]

It's too bad we're living...

on the earth.

You are damned,

Mr. Walker.

[ Indistinct Chattering ]


We're starting, sir.

- [ Man Screams ]

-[ Glass Shatters ]

[ Waldo ]

Goddamn it!

♪ [ Ragtime ]

[ Glass Clinking ]

[ Man ]

Your ear!

Your ear!

Your ear, your ear!

My dear guests,

today we celebrate...

the ending

of my third photoplay.

My first photoplay had called

The Naive Daughter.

It cost me $500

and the profit was $10,000.

The second was even better

than the first,

and the profit was more.


my toast is for this...

what make me possible

to do everything.

Do you know what's it? Light.

You see the light of the candle?

It's very nice.

It shine through the glass.

It's refract.

The chandelier. It's convert.

It's transferring.

Small star.

And now we make pictures

from the light.

People pay a couple of penny

and they watch,

in a short time,

the whole life of man--

how they fight, how they eat,

how they lo-love.

It's no limits for our

opportunities in the photoplay.

And now we have a dance, please.

Dear, you remember

these gentlemen?

They're police.


Well, uh,

the feeling seems to be--

Well, they'd like to take

Mr. Walker's baby back

to New York with them.


We don't get explanations,

ma'am. We get orders.

Well, that doesn't

entitle you...

to just come along

and take a child away

without giving any reasons.

We're dealing with an extremely

dangerous criminal, ma'am.

You realize that, don't you?

What does that have

to do with it? We're talking

about the baby, not the father.

Ma'am, we don't have time to

stand around and talk it over.

If you want reasons, take it up

with the commissioner.

If he would like to explain

to me why he wants the child,

I'd be happy to listen.

We have a job to do.

Are you going to let us do it?

I'm not trying to stop you

from doing your job.

I'm afraid that's exactly

what you are doing.

Now, just a minute, gentlemen.

There's no need for that.

What my wife means is

that she is conc--

What I mean...

is they cannot have

that baby...

until we get an explanation.

You're making it

very difficult, ma'am.


I'm sorry about that.

Gentlemen, would you please

wait for us in the lobby?

I want a word with my wife.

Dear, this is becoming absurd.

They have no right

to bother us.

That's not the point.

We're involved now.

In their eyes,

we're helping Walker.

Well, then they're just

being ridiculous.

No, we're being ridiculous

if we don't protect ourselves.

But we are innocent.

[ Sighs ]

All right.

If that's the way

you're going to be,

I'm going back to New York,

with or without the baby.

Oh, please...

don't go.

Please don't

leave me here alone.

All right, Conklin.

Hold it right where you are.

You're under arrest! Take him.

No, no, no, no!

You're making a mistake!

For God's sake,

I'm not Conklin.

You're making a mistake!

- There's the man you want!

- You son of a bitch!

- Hold it!

Take that one out too!

- [ Old Man ] My God!

All right. Come on.

All right. Come on.

Straighten up, Willie.

Are you ready, Mr. Conklin?

Ready? Ready for what?

What do you mean?

You know that someone's been

asking for you, don't you?

What is this?

It's a joke, huh?

It's a joke, right?

No joke, Willie.

The library over there

is worth millions.

- So?

- And people keep telling me...

you're a worthless piece

of slime.

Hold him back!

Can't talk to me like that!

Shut up, Willie.

You're going to help us now.

You're going to talk

to that troublemaker,

and I mean talk hard

like you never talked before.

Because he wants you, Willie.

And if you can't make him change

his demands,

he's gonna get you.

I don't have to do this.

I want a lawyer.

- Waldo. Library, please.

- I got my rights, you know!



We have the fire chief

for you.

Send him over.

Take it.

[ Gasping ]

Release him.

Hey, listen to me,

you crazy nigger.

I've had enough of you,

you hear me?

You can't be thinking

that they're gonna give me

to the likes of you.

No. I know you--

I-I know you ain't that stupid.

No. You're one of them

smart niggers.

So how'd you ever own

a car like that, huh?

So what do you say we just

talk this thing over?

Yeah, I'm ready to do that.

I'll go halfway with you

on this thing. I don't mind.

Sort of like you come on over,

we'll sit down.

Have a nice talk, huh?

What do you say?

Look, the commissioner here

says he'll leave us alone.

Gave me his word.

What do you say, Walker?

Goddamn it, say something!

It was a joke, damn you!

Can't you even take a joke?

You can't talk

to that nigger bastard!

Jesus to hell!

Say something, would you?

Let me speak to Waldo.

He wants to talk to you.


- Send him over.

- Walker, listen to me--

[ Line Disconnects ]

What? No. What do you think

you're doing? No!

You're not taking me over there!

Let go of me, you goons!

Let go of me! You want to find

your houses burning?

[ Indistinct ]

You'll see! You'll see!

Touch one of us, you mess with

every fireman in the country!

Can't somebody please tell me

what is going on?

Can you just give me

a rough idea?

[ Whispering ]

There's not gonna be

a fireman left in sight.

Good. Tell him

I want to see him right away.

Would everyone please leave

the room? Thank you.

Gentlemen? Hurry, please.

Mr. Elliott, please.

Thank you.

Thank you. Yes.

The commissioner

will see you now.


[ Phone Ringing ]

[ Ringing Continues ]

Yes? Yes, I'll speak to him.

Um, Mr. Walker?

Hello, sir.

How are you?

Fine. Um--

I'd like very much

to have a word with you.

Would it be all right

if I came over?

Yes. That'll be fine.

It's your brother-in-law.

He wants me to come over.

Now you know

I can't take the responsibility.

Yes. Yes, I know.

- I want to go.

- Okay.

You're a brave man.

May I ask you a question,

Mr. Walker?

I can't stop you from asking.

Do you remember

my brother-in-law--

the young man

you met at my house?

Yes. Yes, I believe I do.

-Was he ever in touch with you?

-Is that why you came over here?

Well, in-- in part, yes.

What's the other part?


I... hoped, since we've...

known each other

under better circumstances--

I hoped I might prevail on you

to change your--

on you to ch--

to change your mind.

I haven't seen

your brother-in-law.

But you can go back

and tell Mr. Waldo that

I have changed my mind.

I'm ready to offer him a swap--

Conklin's life

for the freedom of my men.

All he's got to do

is deliver my automobile...

to the front door

of this library.

And when it's dark, my men

will use it to get out of here.

When they're safe...

and sure they haven't

been followed,

they'll call me here.

And I'll come out

with my hands up.

[ Man ] Hey, Coalhouse!

You be quiet, you hear?

Tell Mr. Waldo that if he

plays it straight with me...

that's exactly

how it will happen.

- You remember that?

- Yes.

- I th-- Yeah, I think so.

- Good.

Hey, brother. What is this?

You playing games with us?

Why you sayin' like

we leavin' without you? You know

that ain't gonna happen.

[ Chuckles ]

Zeke, you're a hothead.

You gotta calm down or else

your brains are gonna burn up.

Well, you said it.

I mean, Coalhouse,

didn't you say--

didn't you say that you were

gonna stay right here, huh?

I said a lot of things.

[ Chuckles ]

Then you're messin' with 'em.

You-- you got

somethin' else in mind.

You see that, Zeke?

When you calm down,

your brain starts to worki''

just fine.

Yeah. Yeah!

I don't get it.

I just don't get it.

It doesn't make sense to me.

He seemed perfectly rational

and coherent to me.

Well, maybe he thinks

he can sneak into the car and

escape with the rest of them.

Well, it'll be night,

it'll be dark.

He can't leave

the library alone.

That's all he's got.

The second we know it's empty,

we can blast that car to bits.

No. We can't do it.

We can't buy his terms.

Why not?


Let's say his men got away.

All right. There he is,

sitting on the detonator

and he knows he's a dead man.

The only freedom he's got left

is how to die.

He can let us fry him

in the electric chair,

or he can go "bang" and carry

the library to heaven with him.

I disagree.


I believe he means

what he says.

Well, that's damn big of you,

but I'm afraid your belief

isn't the iron-plated guarantee

that I need here!

Well, what if I was

in the library...

until Mr. Walker

gave himself up?

Would that be

sufficient guarantee?

Be a guarantee

that you're as crazy as he is.

Are you on the level?


You're saying...

you'd volunteer to go over there

and get yourself blown up

with that crazy buck?

I believe if you keep your word

and let his men go free,

I'll have nothing to fear.

Why, for Christ's sake?

What are you to him?

I'm no judge of these things,

Mr. Waldo.

I know the man isn't responsible

for his actions,

but in everything he's done

there's been a certain logic...

and, you'll excuse me

for saying it, an integrity.

I think he wants to...

be heard.

That's all. I think that's

what he's wanted all along.

If he blows himself up,

his story will die with him.

I think he wants

to bring his case to court.

- Library.

- [ Phone Ringing ]

- Yes?

- Walker, I'll accept

your new conditions...

if we can have a man

in there with you until

you give yourself up.

All right then.

Send him over.

Fine, fine.

Thank you, Mr. Walker.

I'm looking forward

to meeting you.

That's it.

Keep your fingers crossed,


I'll believe it all

when it happens.

Tell the militia to back off.

Keep them on standby.

Yes, sir.

And get a new Model T

and check that it matches.


Yes, sir.

Good luck. Captain,

may I have a word with you?

Yes, sir.

Mr. Waldo, may I use the phone?

I want to call my family.

Of course.

What do you think?

That's okay.

[ Phone Ringing ]

Essex and Sussex Hotel.

May I help you?

Room 216 and 18.

No, I'm sorry. They checked out

this morning, sir.

Yes, sir. I'm quite sure.

No. They didn't leave

any message.

You're welcome.

The area for two blocks

around J.P. Morgan's library...

is now an emergency zone.


the men you are following

must never suspect,

repeat, never suspect, that

their car is under surveillance.

And no one makes a move

until you've got the full

go ahead from headquarters.


You shouldn't have any trouble

spotting the target car,

unless there are a lot of new

Model Ts full of colored people

driving around all night.

[ Laughter ]

[ Whistle Blowing ]


they're bringin' it! Look!

[ Indistinct Chatter ]

[ Door Opens ]

Turn off all the lights.

Take this.

It's the telephone number here.

The minute you're sure you're

safe and haven't been followed,

I want you to call me.

- Wait a minute.

- I'm staying.



You heard me.

We ain't goin' nowhere

without you, brother.

We just can't do that.

Think about it.

If I get out of here,

I'd be hunted every day

of my life.

And that's no kind of life

for a man.

Is it?

But no one's seen you.

No one knows what you look like.

Tomorrow you'll be free

in the streets.

And you can start

gettin' folks to talkin'.

Now that's got to be better

than five dead niggers.

Coalhouse, you--

Look! You all stay here,

and we're all dead men.

Then what was all of this for?

You all the only life

I got left.

Now go on.

Get on outta here!


[ Engine Idling ]

How's my baby doin'?


- He said any words yet?

- No.

Oh, I--

I mean, I don't know.

I... haven't heard him.

If I was in prison,

I wonder if they'd let him come

and visit me.

I don't see why not.

Um... you may find this

hard to believe right now,

but I believe--

I really do believe...

that your situation,

legally speaking,

isn't... at all hopeless.

You think so?


You're an impressive

and articulate man.

Certainly nothing like people

have been led to expect.

I'd like to believe you.

I really would like that.

Mr. Walker,

are you planning... to let me

leave this place alive?

[ Horse Carriage,

Car Approaching ]

Sir? Sir, we lost them.


We had them as far as 34th

and Lexington.

They disappeared

before the next lookout post.

That's one block!

Yes, sir.

Son of a b--

[ Phone Ringing ]

Y-You sure

you weren't followed?

Good. Good.

Don't worry about me.

I'll be fine.

You all take care now,

you hear?

All right.


are they safe?


Well, shouldn't we...

uh... tell them...

that we're-- we're coming?


You go on ahead.

Tell 'em I'll be right out.

- Well--

- Just go on. I'll be with you.

- Don't--

- Go.

[ Stammering ]

Don't you think it would be...

a better idea if we--

Get the hell out of here!

Don't you understand anything,

white man?

Oh, damn it! Damn it!

This is it! I know this is it!

[ Walker ]

Lord, I'd hoped I'd have

the courage to know...

what I should do now.

You must see

how sick at heart I've been...

and how I've performed

this thing with little appetite.

I'd hoped... you'd reveal to me

along the way...

why you put such a rage

in my heart.

Tell me what to do now.


[ Sighs ]

God, tell me what to do.




[ Indistinct Chattering ]



[ Boy ]

Extra! Extra! Read all about it!

[ Cheering, Applauding ]

♪ One more hour

♪ One more day

♪ One more midnight

♪ Fade away

♪ One more sad song

♪ Play for me

♪ One more sad song

♪ Play for me

♪ Won't you play ♪

♪ For me

♪ One more sad song

♪ Play for me

♪ One more sad song

♪ Play for me

♪ Won't you play ♪

♪ For me