Ragbar (1972) - full transcript

A well educated and humble teacher arrives in a new city and at a new job in the pre-revolutionary Iran. He falls in love with a hardworking underprivileged young woman that nurses her very old mother and raises her young brother. In an environment where commitments and social problems often stand in the way between people and their dreams.


Watch out! What's the rush?

Are you blind?

Well, the furniture are here.

Thanks a lot.

What a place you've dragged me into.

Couldn't you find a better place?

Never mind! Help me to take them in.

You don't expect me to take

them in, do you?

Would you let us to help?

No dear. Move away.

This way I can't earn anything.

You should somehow make

it up to me!

Don't you think you can get away

with splashing people.

Help me! Help me! Police...

Hold it! Where do you think

you're going?

Good day. Are these yours?

Mind the walls. They're

freshly painted.

You ought to teach him

some manners.

I had better days, you know.

He should've said sorry

at least.

You have to forgive him. Maybe he was tired.

Look at all these!

This is no excuse.

It's is the manner that people

have no more.

No gentlemen around anymore!

I should've broken some of the furniture,

so he would know who I am.

Something wrong?

I think I'm stung by a bee.

Nevermind. I heard you've paid

two months of rent in advance.

Yes, why?

Oh God. So you're from the upper

class too!

So you understand me very well, don't you?

Unfortunately, not at all.

I should've known better.

I should've broken some of your furniture.

Has she gone for God's sake?

What a weird person!

Get off quickly.

We're taking care of them.

No worries. We're careful with the walls.

What happened?

It's the heavy load, you know.

What else did you expect?

And still, you don't want to pay

an extra for it?

Please be very careful with them.

Hello Mr Hekmati.

Good day Mr Rahim.

How are you?

Do you like your room?

Why shouldn’t I?

It's close to my workplace.

Wish you a good stay here.

I'm very thankful. It's because of your word that

someone accepted me as a tenant.

No problem at all.

I really mean it. Many rejected

me for being single.

Let’s have a tea.

Thanks. I need to open the shop.

See you around.

Sure. Have a good day.

Are you keeping an eye?

Yes. No worries.


What a beautiful flowerpot.

Is it genuine?

It was my mother's.

She loved it so much.

Be careful with it.

Who has tied this on your back?

Gentlemen, please go to your classes.

Quiet. The manager is here.


At ease!

Children, this is your

new teacher.

Mr Hekmati.

Mr. Hekmati is a very experienced teacher.

I have the honor of knowing him.

Mr Hekmati is a young man

filled with faith and energy.

Best of luck to

you all!

Well, now that we have been introduced,

we should be more careful.

Any question?

Sir, which existed first,

the hen or the egg?

Which is bigger? A circle or a rectangular?

What happened to the Earth yesterday?

Well, let's start.


Get out.


Well, how you ended up in this school?

It was not my choice.

Everyone says that.

There was a school very close

to my place.

I asked the authorities to

send me there.

It was nearby, and

it was newly built.

But it was an all girl school.

And I'm a bachelor.

To work there, I had to

have a wife,

which I didn't have.

What a good collection of books.

Well, I've inherited them

from my father.

Reading arouses me.

So you are interested in books.

What about you?

This is more than enough

for the school.

Besides, I'm married.

Teaches, it's the class time.

- Mr Hekmati.

- I'm evaluating the papers.

- No class?

- No.

Lucky you.

I myself have a class.

Mr Mousa.

Bring tea for Mr Hekmati.

Finally I found you Mr headmaster.

Mr headmaster, I've come here

to complain about that guy.

He has kicked my brother

out of the classroom.

Tell my why?

Is it right what your

new teacher has done?

I'm paying for the enrolment.

I'm buying him books, cloths, and shoes.

Then, a new teacher comes

and wants to show off his power.

Don't you question him?

You should ask him about his behavior.

Lady, you are making a mistake here.


So you're taking the side of that sir.

Of course.

Look at my hands.

You see them, don't you?

Yes, yes. They're injured.

I'm working my ass off to pay

the expenses of the school.

Money doesn't grow on trees.

I'm tacking and sewing three round-the-clock,

so my brother could study.

Then, an ignorant shows up

and kicks him out.

Oh, I just got the story.

Yes, my brother.

That innocent kid.

Where is the new teacher? If he has

the courage, tell him to show up.

Lady, that punishment was necessary.

What are you saying headmaster?

If the kid was from a rich family,

would you do the same?

My brother is studying all the time

to become someone for himself.

His dreams must fall due to

the arrival of a new teacher?

I just want to see him,

that's it.

I don't need anyone's advice.

I teach him a lesson.

No problem.

Sorry about that.

I'm not the headmaster.

You're not?

No. You made a mistake.

I'm the new teacher.


I made a fool of myself...

talking to you.

Hey comrades, here I am.

The sport teacher has arrived.

I haven't done anything wrong.

If you have the sport class now,

why you don't have the sport outfit?

And if you've got another class,

what are you doing here?

- I swear I haven't done anything wrong.

- We'll see that.

He's escaped the class sir.

I swear I haven't.

I need to catch my class.

Line up!


Shouldn’t you be in your class?

It's not my fault.

Mr Hekmati kicked me out

for no reason.

It can't be for no reason. Probably,

you were not attentive.

Oh, ask the students who's

not been attentive.

It's he himself who's not been

attentive for the last few days.

- He's just looking for some excuses.

- Enough of that!

You think I'm lying? It was

in your office that...

I was not the only witness.

Everyone saw it.

Should I tell you where

his attention has gone?

His attention is with...

His attention...

has been with Mosayyeb's sister.

She was in your office the other day.

- Which Mosayyeb?

- The one in our class.

Atefeh is her sister's name.

Mr Hekmati's attention went

away with her.

Don't say these to anyone else.

Ok? And you'll go to the class after the break.

And you behave in the class.

Move away.

- Mr Mousa.

- Yes headmaster.

I've heard a woman was

in my office the other day.

It was Mosayyeb's sister, the one

who is working in the sewing shop.

Gentlemen, I've got a news for you.

I told him the story

of what we'd seen.

What a beautiful tie you have

on today Mr Hekmati.

It's the one I've been

wearing all along.


What a beautiful tie

you have on today.

Of course I'm fed up.

Everyone is bullying me.

"What a female attraction perfume

you're wearing!"

They are hinting at something.

Hints shouldn't upset you.

Unless there's something to

be upset about.

Wait, but there's nothing.

There's nothing.

God bless Mohammad and

his family.

Look who's here.

- Where have you been till now?

- I had some extra classes.

Mosayyeb is here Ms.

Take money from the drawer.

You've learnt the shopping, don't you?

Don't get trashes.

I'll get the medicines for mother.

Ms, I took 6 tomans.

Look after mother.

- I need it for tomorrow.

- It'll be ready by the afternoon.

How are you my dear?

Send my regards to your mother.


Have a nice evening.

It'll be ready by tomorrow.

You should study well.

What's eating you?

Our teacher has fallen in love.

Come again?

Mr Hekmati has fallen

in love with a girl.

No way! You kidding me?

Who's the girl?

I don't know, but she's

from this neighborhood.

Enough of that!

Go home and take

care of mother.

And don't forget your homework.

Go now.

You shouldn’t shout at him.

He gets bored by himself at home.

- Did you talk to Mr Rahim?

- No.

Think of yourself a bit.

I can't talk to him.

I have nothing to say.

Yes! He's so kind.

He's done a lot of

good to me.

But this is about my life.

He said he would wait.

Every evening he sends me

a packet of meat.

But, is that the price of my life?

- Excuse me.

- Come in.

Hello there.

Mr Rahim sent you this

pack of meat.

He asked if you have

any answer for him.

No...Not yet.


Wait a moment Miss.



I don't know whether I should

talk to your or not.

- You know what people are like.

- Then why you talked?

No. Wait a moment please.

I just wanted to explain why

I didn't say hello in the first place.

Ok. Thanks.

- I told you there's nothing between us.

- She's working nearby, doesn't she?

- She's an attractive girl.

- I hate these kind of talks.

Why? What's wrong with being in love?

I wish I were you the young man.

But what about my family?

My age?

I'm busy with my family.

I've got a wife and eight kids.

Tell me honestly.

Don't you think of her at all?

Now, I can't say "No" anymore.

With all the gossips, I can't

stop thinking of her.

Come on!

But I insist, there's nothing

between us.

I'm sorry. I can't believe you.

- Wasn't Mr Hekmati that just passed by?

- No.

I thought it was him.

Have you heard the gossips?

People enjoy backbiting.

They wouldn't let anyone alone.

- Don't be upset.

- Why not? Gossips, gossips.

I don't know what I've

done wrong.

You're interested in him, aren’t you?


I have so many things to be concerned

about. Have no time for love.

Let me look at it.

If you like him,

go away with him.

I'm stuck here.

But what about you?

Think of yourself a bit.

Don't spoil yourself here.

Hello mother.

Have you taken your medicines?

How's your heart?

Don't look at me like that.

I'm just tired.

Where's Mosayyeb?

Why he's not turning off

the light when he sleeps?

Who's going to pay for

the electricity?

I'm tired mother.

If you only knew

how tired I am.

Mosayyeb's mark seems

to have improved lately.

Stop bullying me.

Alright, I'll cut his mark

by another two.

This's not fair to the kid.

To prove that you're wrong,

I'm taking harder on him.

Why you're pretending that

you're taking hard on him?

What you want to prove?

I want to prove the gossips

are wrong.

If there's nothing, why

you need to prove something?

Our classmates have gone to

that action movie. Have you seen it?

Every time I go watch it,

I stay in the theater for two sessions.

I envy you. You don't

need to study.

You're sure that you get

the highest marks.

Mr Hekmati is very

nice to you.

On the contrary, he gives

me the least marks.

Don't lie to me.

I know everything.

He visits your house often.

He's your private teacher.

Who the hell says that?

Everyone knows that he's 

fallen for your sister.


Everyone knows but you.

I'll kill him.

I'll kill him.

Tell the teacher to come out.

Tell him Mosayyeb is here.

Mr Hekmati is not at home.

Then I'll sit here.

What's wrong?

They talk behind my sister.

What they say?

They say you have

have fallen for her.

That's not true.

I know that sir. But

I can't make them believe.

My sister is decent. It's not

nice to have these gossips on her back.

They say you give me good

marks because of my sister.

What a shameless thing

to say.

No sir. I can't.

Maybe he deserved this mark.

His paper is blank.

But if he were the other boy,

would the teacher give him such a mark?

Which boy you're referring?

Don't pretend you don't know.

Everyone knows that you

double his marks.

Sir, please stop the nonsense.

Sure. Who should've high

marks if not him?!

I've had enough.

This should end at some point.

I'll end the story. Everyone must know

that there's nothing between us.

I don't have the slightest

feelings for her.

And I don't think she has

anything for me as well.

I need to meet your sister.

I need to tell her that she

should not pay attention to these gossips.

I will tell her the truth

in front of everyone.

I need to meet her right

here, right now.

But no! Maybe not in front

of everyone.

Somewhere else...

Nevertheless, I need to meet her

as soon as possible.

Dear lady, it's all a misunderstanding.

There's nothing between us.

I don't have the slightest

feelings for you.

It's all a mistake. There's nothing between us.

I don't have the slightest feelings for you.


Tell my quickly what

you had to tell me.

Yes. I'll tell you right now.

Dear lady...

Dear lady...

What a pleasant weather.

It's really nice being all

alone with you.

Far from all those intruding eyes.

You've got me all the way here.

Well. What is it you want to tell?

I'll tell you...

Dear lady...

I love you.

Good day Mr Hekmati.

Hello there Mr Rahim.

How are you doing

Mr Hekmati?

Is everything alright?

Thanks a lot.

You've not visited me recently.

You've totally forgotten me?

Why are you doing that

Mr Rahim?

Go away kids. Go and do

your homework.

No worries kids. We're friends and

just making fun of each other.

Go inside.

So you're in love with my fiancé.

You've become a Romeo. Haven't you?

Don't look at them. There's nothing

to look at.

Don't look at them.

Come on. Stand on your feet.

Don't go to the class like this.

Mr Hekmati please...

At ease.

So we start the session.

Who's painted the blackboard in red??

I'll never talk to you again.

What's wrong?

God save us!

I wish I could do something

for Mr Hekmati.

- Like what?

- Anything...

Where are you?

You don't want to leave me, do you?

- Be calm.

- You wouldn’t go?

You know that I...

I have a life to take care of.

Only few minutes more.

I need to talk to someone.

- I want to talk.

- Well, go ahead then.

You know that there

was nothing in the beginning.

Yes. I know that.

When I told her I love you, it was just out

of curiosity to know her reaction.

I just wanted to see the reaction.

Was it painful?


You said pain?

I don't know. Maybe it was.

Let me confess a strange thing.

Actually I enjoyed being beaten.

Because while being beaten up,

I was discovering something about myself.

A serious feeling.

You understand me, don't you?

I felt that I could not

live without her.

Where are you?

Good you are here.

- Didn't she accept it?

- She was not there.

You idiot. It's your fault.

What did you do that

she refused it?

She'd left earlier.

She never leaves the shop early.

See it by yourself.

You need any help?

If you're looking for Atefeh,

She's gone to cinema with her brother.

- Cinema?

- Yes. Do you know what it is, don't you?

The place where they screen films.

She was tired. She said they've screened a

new comedy, and she needs some laugh.

Yes. She wanted to laugh as

much as she can.

Yes. I got it.

You know which film, don't you?

I told you about it.

The same film, over and over.

The one about a mute old lady, and

a naughty boy.

So you don't want to talk either.

Don't then!

When this jacket that you're

knitting will be finished finally?

Hurry up. We need it in the shop.

You're driving mad with

your silence.

He beat Mr Hekmati

because of you.

I know that.

Don't become his wife.

But I need to marry on day.

- You want to leave us?

- That'll happen one day.

Then, you'll leave us. What would

happen to us?

No one asks what's going to

happen to me...

Hi Mr Hekmati. Is your

eye better?

- No!

- Don't worry. It'll be fine soon.

Their pity will kill me one day.

So this is the school hall,

in which the exams also take place.

As you see, the hall needs some

minor repairs.

The stage needs some equipment.

It doesn't have curtain.

But above all, before having our performance

here, we need to paint the place.

It also needs heating system.

It's cold here. Really cold.

And I think, I don't need to

mention the light.

Don't forget about the reverberation

of the sound here.

One, two,

three, four.

The reverberation is

really annoying.

However, the echo is very good

for the scene of the awakening of conscience.

But other scenes will be spoiled.

Watch me.

Thou, the devil of passion

and desire.

Go away and leave

my son alone.

Money is the root

of corruption.

Superficial loves are

the abyss of misery.

Oh God, save us from the

devil and its desires.

Gimme a cigarette please.

When did you become

a smoker Mr Hekmati?

Oh, look there. Mr Hekmati

is smoking.

Maybe it's because of the anxiety.

Did you like her performance?

I used to be a professional actress.

- What do you think about the renovation plan?

- I bet you weren't listening at all!

Nothing escapes your eyes.

We understand your sadness Mr Hekmati.

You need to see our performance for sure.

Have a good day!

And I've no interest in your hall

and your performance.

The problem has become so deep.

(a poster of an Iranian comedy film)


- We'll move out from your house whenever you say.

- What made you say that?

I mean I appreciate your kindness.

You could've rented your house, but...

We've been there for

a year and half.

Don't embarrass me.

This is about a lifetime,

not only a day or two.

I should think of Mosayyeb and

my mother as well.

I'll take care of them too.

They'll be staying in the house,

and money won't be a problem.

What are the expenses of a little boy?

And your mother eats nothing...

So, what's your answer?

Please give me an answer,

and end the drama.

I don't want to force

you at all.

So, what's your answer?

Again, I don't want to force you.

So, say something about my proposal.

- What have these children done?

- Cheating.

Mr Hekmati you've lost

your nerve a bit.

You know...the reason is

your sadness.

You're lonely, aren’t you?

They've drove me mad.

I don't have a good

sleep anymore.

They're cheating,

they're clowning around.

They're ruining everything.

You've never tried to

know them.

You know...their behavior is natural.

They've no fun in life.

They live in banality.

When you get to know them more

you'll judge them better.

Follow this line.


- Have you ever seen this line?

- No

Weird. It wasn't here before.

- Do you want to follow it?

- Just out of curiosity

- I followed the line.

- Me too.

- I had no idea it'd reach you.

- Me too.

Who could draw it?

It'll be bad if someone

sees us here.

Yes! They let that man know.

But now, I will teach him a lesson.

You've not got to

know me yet!

I'm someone who pays his

debts off.

- What are you going to do?

- I'm strong enough. Strong!

Be careful...

Listen to me. You'll kill him.

- Mr Hekmati.

- Let me go.

Mr Rahim, now we'll be even.

Don't be upset Mr Hekmati.

This happens to many of us.

Does it burn?

Don't worry. There're so many

girls for you out there.

Your forehead is broken,

but you're still young.

Aren’t you Mr Hekmati?

So there's no reason

to be upset.

You scared me. I thought

you died.

- Thanks!

- Let me clean your dress.

Give me the brush boy.

So what's happened is happened.

Hey boy, sweep the floor.

You're so sensitive, aren’t you?

It's no good to be over sensitive.

It'll turn your hairs white soon.


Don't forget to pay

the boy a tip.


- How are you?

- I'm good, sir.

I didn't know you're working.

- Doesn't make you tired.

- I'm used to it.

Now if you'll excuse me,

I need to sweep these.

- Hello.

- I was just there.

Have your heard the news?

Hekmati wants to renovate

the hall all by himself.

Is it possible?

We have no funding for it.

But he's not asking

for any money.

He wants to fix it

in his free time.

- You're still upset.

- I'm not.

Yes. You are, and that's because

of loneliness.

Recently, you come home very late Mr Hekmati.

You know what time it is?

Renovating the hall! You're just

fooling yourself with it.

He usually works at the hall

until the midnight.

- Good, very good.

- It's almost finished, sir.

- Good to hear that.

- He's dedicated himself to the hall.


From a psychoanalysis point of view...

There're so many girls

out there for you to marry.

You should hang out with people.

Be more social.

Why aren’t you visiting my house?

Have you met my family?

From a sociology point of view...

So you're invited for tonight.

Make sure you'll come.

Maybe you could help

my little daughter with her homework.

Make yourself at home.

Please come in Mr Hekmati.

We always talk good things

about you in this house.

Pary, hurry up and

bring us tea.

But be careful not to

burn yourself.

Or you sit here, and I'll

bring it myself.

Come along and sit here.

Oh! The young are getting intimate.

I have a record player for this scene.

Our Pary will finish her

study this year.

When a girl is done with her study,

it's no good to keep her with the parents anymore.

Would you like to play backgammon or 21?

Have some sweets.

Our Pary is not like those illiterate

girls you see in streets.

Show Mr Hekmati how

good you speak English.

Go on my daughter. Say something in English.

Come in everyone.

You sit here Pary.

Hekmati you go sit there.

No. Let the young ones sit

in front of each other.

Please make yourself

at home Mr Hekmati.

Mr Hekmati, I've heard you're

about to get a promotion

Didn't I tell you about it?

Due to your long work experience,

You'll get a promotion.

You'll progress quickly Mr Hekmati.

You'll get a promotion and

a raise every two years.

Do you like the food?

Pary cooked it. Enjoy!

You shouldn't spoil your

stomach with street food.

Now, you've an extra responsibility.

You should be careful with your health.

Men are all alike.

You wouldn’t believe it Pary, but...

In his first date with me, your

father lost appetite too.

Beautiful photos!

Look at me here.

I'm shaking hands with

the branch manager.

We better leave the young

ones alone.

They might have something

to tell each other.

Bring your butterfly collection

for Mr Hekmati.

Or your postcards collection.

See what he prefers.

I don't think you'd like the butterfly collection.

Should I turn on the TV?

They've a good programme tonight.

I've followed the story so far. Tonight we'll

know what'll happen to the two of them.

Last time it didn't end well.

Grandpa's death. The woman's divorce.

The fight among the brothers.

The whole week I was curious

to know what'll happen next.

It started with a car accident.

This changed the claims over the inheritance.

Mr Hekmati?

Don't cry my dear.

There're many like him.

Those who show up one day, and disappear

another day, without being understood by others.

Alack the dinner I cooked.

I hope it gives him stomachache.

I beg you, buy one from me...

Pardon me.

Did you see that?

He was begging.

It's a heavy rain.

Check who's outside.

Why is he standing

under the rain?

You'll catch a cold.

Come inside.

What a heavy rain.

You usually work till that late?

No. But it's New Year's Eve.

People need new dresses.

But it's very late.

You're right. It's really late.

- You're tired my dear.

- No. - Yes, you're.

Well. We're closing then.

I want to finish this dress too.

Tomorrow you'll do it.

But, but, I can still work...

Here's your jacket...

and your chador.

You're teacher. So I could

trust you. No?

It's too late, and she

shouldn't go alone.

- I'll take her.

- Thanks.

Don't keep him waiting.

Come with me Atefeh.

No need for that.

I've got an umbrella.

Wear it. You'' catch a cold.

I just saw a student of mine.

He didn't have a raincoat.

Tell me more.

I've so many things to tell you.

- We're here.

- I'll stay till you to get in.

- What are you staring at?

- You're totally wet.

You haven't seen yourself!

I love rain.

It washes me.

What are you doing?

Let it rains.

Let it rains.

Be careful. You're waking

the neighbors.

Live with me, Atefeh.

Would you live

with me Atefeh?

I wish I were a typist somewhere.

I wish I had no family.

Then I could somehow

get away from here.

What about you?

You must be dreaming of

getting away as well.

Getting away? Why?

I'm just getting to know here.

Do you like it here?

I don't know. But here made me do

things that I'd never done before.

Lately, I've found out that I

can make children happy.

I'm not a poet or actor, but still,

I can do something for them.

We're renovating the school hall.

I believe it to be very important.

At least makes me feel useful.

You're lucky, for you

don't lack anything.

I lack you, Atefeh.

Live with me.

Would you live with me?

- I'm indebted to him.

- To that bull? - Yes.

My god, how can I dissuade him?

It's my mother.

You're still awake?

This's Mr Hekmati.

Take a seat.

Don't judge me with your look. I

was working till now, wasn't I?

Mr Hekmati is a teacher.

I'm glad to meet you.

I said, I'm glad to meet you.

Didn't you hear me?

No use of that. You can't

get her any answer.

I don't have any heroic characteristic.

I haven't killed even an ant.

Nevertheless, I love your daughter.

Say it louder, louder.

She won't hear it though.

Well, this's my life.

She's knitting dresses,

I'm selling them.

But still, we can't

afford a life.

Mosayyeb can't understand it yet.

And she understands things, but

isn't able to speak them out.

In the last years, only

one person's been kind to us.

Mr Rahim?

You're quite smart Mr teacher!

Do you love him?

What nonsense.

Then what? Are you afraid of him?

Because he's give you a house?

What do you think?

That if you don't marry him,

he'll kick you out?

I wish he'd do that.

But he doesn't,

and this hurts me.

It leaves me in an

eternal debt to him.

- Well. What's my mark teacher?

- You're in a bad position you poor.

You think you'll make it up

to him this way.

But, don't you think you'll

suffer from it?

She's sleeping.

You should leave...Go.

- Think about it, Atefeh.

- Okay. I'll think.

Stop there.

How can I, when the

Earth is moving?

But you might catch a cold.

Who? Me?

That's impossible.

I'm burning right now.

Then you're drunk.

I'm invulnerable tonight.

She wants to think about.

She'll think about my proposal.

Why should I get a cold then?

Well. What would you say?

I can be free at last.

He loves me.

You wonder if I love him too?

Well, he's different.

He's educated.

He's motivated.

He's not a hero, but still,

he can save me from this neighborhood.

He has some foolishness

that I like.

But I shouldn’t abandon you.

He's very funny.

Tonight under the rain, he said

he feels invulnerable when he thinks of me.

He said he wouldn't catch a cold.

First a song, then a welcome speech.

- Then, a moral theater.

- "Namayesh" you mean?

Yes. That's the Farsi word for it.

Then, then story of the renovation,

and giving the sport prizes.

- Shouldn't be Mr Ghahremani giving prizes?

- No! It should be you the headmaster.

Oh my lady, you finally came.

Is this really you?

My lady, I've been waiting for years.

You've honored me.

I've been longing for this

moment for years.

I've been telling my assistant that

I used to have very noble customers.

But she didn't believe me.

And now, you've come finally,

but she's not here.

My God, isn't this very unfortunate?

How can I make her believe?

She should've witnessed this moment.

Isn't this very unfortunate?

In such a day, she's gone

to the school festival.

Welcome to Mr Rahim!

I've heard you bought another shop.

What else I could do?

Oh, my conscience is awakening.

Oh my conscience, I'll listen to you now.

But now that I have to embrace

the devil of death,

At least let me bid my

mother a farewell.

You the devil of desires,

leave my son alone.

Money is the root

of corruption.

Superficial loves are

the abyss of misery.

Oh God, keep us away from the

devil and its desires.

Please, please.

I donate this check

to the school charity,

I hope it'll be spent on getting

poor students cloths and books.

So my name will be

remembered with respect.

On behalf of the school,

I accept this generous donation.

I hope what you did will

inspire others here.

What's the hurry Mr Hekmati?

Others' popularity bothers you?

Don't be upset. Be patient.

Take a seat.

You should stay till the very end.

They're all here.

He wants to humiliate Mr Hekmati.

It's your turn.

The last part, handling the prizes.

- I suggest when you...

- Quiet please.

They'll call me now to

give the prizes.

As the last part, we should thank the person

who made this gathering possible in this hall.

This evening we danced, sang, performed,

and got to know each other better.

Tonight, we become closer to each other.

Now, we should ask who made

this possible?

Someone who with his physical and

spiritual strength...

made something all alone.

To his honor...

I didn't have any expectation.

I just wanted to do something.

I confess we can't appreciate him

the way he deserves it.

These little heros want to

have him handing over the prizes.

- You're not that happy, are you?

Now, he takes the credit for everything.

It's time to know his name.

He is...

Mr Hekmati.

Mr Hekmati, Mr Hekmati.

You don't mean this guy?

Mr Hekmati.

You really want to go there?

Why should I go?

Donate for the victims

of the recent earthquake.

Millions of Iranians came for help.

Bring all the money.

Try this on.

No. Not yet.

I know why you're distracted.

One can easily read

it on your face.

Haven't you heard

anything of him?

He's sent me a message,

saying he's waiting for my answer.

So why you don't

give him an answer?

Go...Go for a walk.

- Can I really go?

- Deliver this dress to Ms. Sadat on your way.

You're not afraid to be seen at

Mr Hekmati's house, are you?

No. Why should I be afraid?

Someone has to take the dress.

Come in my dear.

I really appreciate this.

Make yourself at home.

Would you wait for me to try it on?

Yes. I wait.

Time goes by fast.

It was last year I told myself

it's the time to have a bride.

My son was still here.

He was living here...upstairs.

Upstairs, where Mr Hekmati lives now.

Did you blush my dear?

No worries...He's not at home.

They've gone to deliver

the donations.

Don't be shy my dear.

When I was young, once I secretly entered

the room of a man that later became my husband.

It's not fair to share

my misery with him.

He's got a bright future.

One day he'll find himself trapped

with me, my brother, and mother.

He might hate me for that.

One day he might say I ruined

his future.

- You're not listening?

- There's come a letter from my son.

He won't come back.

He's ashamed of my life.

Get lost. I want to be alone tonight.

Only we two understand each other.

Don't we?


They don't understand that...

the man has to have a pain.

Otherwise, what's the difference

between him and a statue?

Do you love her?

I'm mad about her.

That's why I like you.

You understand my pain.

You know what I say.

To your health.

To her health.

What's wrong?

My mother doesn't feel good.

Would you go bring Atefeh?

- She's in the dressing shop.

- I can't do it. I need to play in a wedding.

What about her made

you love her?

Honestly, I don't know.

Please say something. I want to

know if you're like me.

But, what are you like?

I really don't know

what's wrong with me.

Exactly. This is the case with me too.

Her eyes have driven me crazy.

Yes. Her eyes...

When she gets angry...

Her laughs.

Her cries.

She's beautiful, isn't she?

Beautiful?...I don't know.

She's so many things.

Where's Atefeh?

Why are you crying?

She tortures me. How

can I prove?

No one believes it.

No one believes that

I have a very high-rank customer.

She shows up only when

there's no witness around.

You want to take

her away from here.

No...I'll stay here.

I like it here.

You'll return up there,

and will never look back down here.

No. I won't go back up there.

Before you, it was only me.

Now she doesn't accept

anything from me.

Strange...really strange.

Only her hands.

Her hands are still working.

- What'll happen doctor?

- It's hard to say.

She being alive is not natural at all.

There's nothing left of her...

except the hands.

There must be a reason

that she's still alive.

Maybe the reason is...you.

It was a nice evening.

I really enjoyed it.

Have a sip.

I'm really desperate.

I really feel sick.

Come one. Let's go.

Look at our reveler.

Hold yourself together.

Enough of that.

Let's go.

I'm miserable.

I am too.

- We're all alike.

- No.

This is...different.

I'll die without her.

I've come to learn that I

cannot live without her.

Well, I've also come to learn that I

cannot live without her.

Now we're even.

How will this situation end?

One of us should give up.

Let me make it clear:

I'm not a self-giving kind of person.

In every game, there's one losing.

One of us should lose.

One of us should die.

You're the cause of all this.

I'll kill you.

This is not fair...

You're throwing stones.

Stop there.

I'm really exhausted.

Listen to me...

I want to say your're so...

Mr Hekmati, you've got a letter.

- Maybe it's your transfer paper.

- I haven't asked to be transfered!

Maybe someone's made

a case against you.

Or the other way around, maybe

they want to transfer you as a promotion.

It's urgent.

Have you let her know?

I don't want to beg.

I want to tell you a secret. The other day

she'd gone to my room when I was out.

This shows she has some

feelings for me.

Why are you so nervous?

No no...I'm not nervous.

I've read an article recently.

It says, one shouldn't be

very demanding in love.

If you show some vanity,

she'll be the one coming to you.

Good you left something behind here.

Something that will last.

How long you think

this hall will survive?

No. It's useless.

I was expecting a wedding here.

I thought I'll hear a baby crying here.

Did you tell her?

What's wrong Mr Hekmati?

Oh, are you injured?

Mr Hekmati is leaving.

You're leaving us so early.

I'm going to miss you.

We'd just started to know each other.

What's wrong?

Are you being forced to leave?

Can't you do something about it?

Follow him. Why are

you hesitating?

You're right.

Go now.

Follow him. He's waiting for you.

Farewell Mr Hekmati.