REESE The Movie: A Movie About REESE (2019) - full transcript

5 of YouTube's top ASMRtists discover the ultimate way to eat REESE Peanut Butter Cups in this weird and wonderful feature film. A sensory experience presented in ASMR audio to give you the chills.


The Movie.

A Movie...









On a very, very, very, very,

very quiet day in 2019,

in the quietest room
known to exist on Earth,

five individuals

and a substantial amount
of Reese Peanut Butter Cups

gathered to explore
the deepest corners

of the mind of a Reese fan.

Known to the world
as ASMRtists,

these individuals are capable
of manipulating sound

to create a powerful reaction:

Autonomous Sensory
Meridian Response.

Also known as...

the chills.

I've had a
lot of thoughts in my life.

I've thought about
how weird it is

that chairs have legs
but don't wear pants.

Or that windmills always
turn counterclockwise,

unless you're in Ireland...

or watching footage
of windmills

outside of Ireland
in reverse.

Or why an octopus can make ink,

but can't use a pen.

I've thought a lot

about what might
happen in the future.

Like, if we'll evolve
an extra eye

and then have to change
what glasses look like.

Or if humans will live
on other planets

and name them each after Earth,

like Earth 2

or Earth 3 and so on.

After a while
everyone gets confused

about which number Earth
they live on.

It all seemed so possible.

But of all the thoughts
I've ever had

in my roughly 24 years
of having thoughts,

I never, ever thought

this day would come.

But the day comes every day.


- Sunset.
- Yeah, and eventually

the day you were
waiting for comes.

I always wait for Wednesday.

I know it's not everyone's
favourite day, but it's mine.

Wednesday's not bad.

I-I meant more

that we're all here.


In one place.

In the same room.

In the same city.

In the same country.

On the same continent.

We are on the
same continent.

That's right.

That's true.

We've all never been
in the same place

all at once.

Unless you count
Earth as a place.

I kind of do.

I... I feel like I saw
you all last week.

Was it on YouTube?


I meant in person.

Then no.

I guess ASMR people
sort of are lone wolves.

I like sheep better.

Why can't it be
called lone sheep?

They're calmer.

I can be a bit
of a lone sheep.

Not today though, right?

It's kind of nice.

It's better than nice.

It's a historical moment.

I have tingles.

If I liked screaming
more than whispering,

I'd be screaming with joy,

but I don't like screaming,

so I'm whispering with joy.

Can I tell you all a
secret, though?

I take a really
long time

to eat Reese.

- Seriously?
- Yes,

like, a re-e-eally
l-o-o-ong t-i-i-ime.

I have a secret too.

I take a



to eat Reese.

No way.

I take

a reeeeeeeeeeeeee...

I think we can cut this short

and agree that
we probably take

a really long time
to eat a Reese.



It pretty much takes me a year.

Hmm. That's seven dog years.

And 18 goat years.

But strangely,
only three donkey years.

Weren't we in the
middle of something?

I didn't know that
this was such a thing.

Seems like a thing.

It's a thing.

Thing confirmed.

I wonder what would happen

if we all ate our
Reese together.

At the same time?


We would find
the ultimate way

to eat Reese.

No, wait, the best...

No, I-I had it right
the first time.

We'd discover
the ultimate way

to eat Reese.

The whole world
would get tingles.


That sounds dangerous.


I meant nice.

That does sound nice.

I feel like this is the
beginning of a movie.

Like something big
is about to happen.

That would be
a really quiet movie.

You can never open it
right away, right?

Does a clown
show up to the circus

without a full face
of makeup?


don't know.

If they did, how
would I even know?

You know that feeling

when you just finished watching

something unsettling
and bleak on TV?

Holding a pack of Reese

is the exact opposite
of that feeling.

I treat it like I treat
opening a present.

You know, you can't
just rip it open.

You have to take
your time with it,

savour each step.

My favourite part

is when my mind wanders

while I'm doing this.

I kind of just, let
my thoughts take over.

I start to wonder...

why do I take my time
eating Reese?

Why do I spend
hundreds of minutes?

Tens of thousands
of milliseconds?

Hundreds of thousands
of nanoseconds?

I didn't even know
how quick a nanosecond was

until I started
spending this much time

on this part of
eating my Reese.

It's like there are
two voices in my head.

One voice is saying,
"Do it now.

"Do it. Eat it.

"Right now. Now.

"Cup, cup, cup, cup, cup.

"Mouth. Eat. Now.

Chew. Go. Do it."

And the other voice is
saying, "Take your time.

"Go slow.

Go sloooow."

It's like that voice has
been whispering in my ears.

First in my left ear.

Then in my right ear.

But usually left.

And then left again,

and then back to right.






if I let the voices argue for too long,

I get confused and end up
eating a sandwich.

But today,

I will not eat that
distraction sandwich.

Today, I will eat my Reese.

What if we all did that?

What if we
did it faster?

I like tracing Reese.

Is Reese a word?

Let's Reese something.

When I put it like that,

Reese really doesn't
sound like a word.

Maybe I'm not using it in the
right sentence to test it.

But then again,

everything is a word.

Even "word" is a word.

So Reese is a word.

I like that.

I like how
it's spelled too.

R... e... e... s... e.

Or you could spell
a weirder way.

The 18th letter
of the alphabet.

Then the 5th.

And then the 5th again.

And then the 19th letter.

And then the 5th again.

Or you could
get even weirder

and describe the
letter as a capital P

with an extra little leg,

three number 3s
facing the wrong way,

and then the snake letter.

That's what I call S's.

I agree.

S is the snake letter

because it's squiggly

and it sounds like a snake.


- Psst.
- That sounds like something

a snake would want to
tell you in a library.


What something do
you want to tell us?

I hope it's
something good.

Well, it sounds good to me.

Do any of you ever do this

before you eat your Reese?

No, but I want to.

And now I am.

Looks like we're
all about to handle

these Reese packs.

Get it? Like, with our hands.

Looks like we did
handle all this Reese.

Hand puns are
so underrated.

Can you hand me
that Reese?

That's not a pun.

For it to be a pun,

the Reese would have to be
in the shape of, like, a hand.

No, no, no,
you've got it all wrong.

You would have
to have a handle

to carry it with.

Let's move on.

I like the sound
of stretching a lot.

But I like the sound
of sliding even more.

I wonder if that
has anything to do

with the fact
that I like slides

more than I like
doing yoga.

Slides make a nice
slidey sound.

Yoga doesn't have
enough sliding.

There's some sliding.

But not enough.

I might feel

if I could do yoga while
going down a slide,

but I can't.

I'm not sure
if that explains

why I like doing
this so much.

But sometimes things
don't need to make sense.

That's just the
basic slide.

Run o' the mill slide.

Left to right.

And up and down.

But if I'm
feeling fancy,

which I usually am,

I do a fancy
slide too.

Sliding my pack in the
shape of different things

is a great way to
spend an evening.

Bird shaped.

Tooth shaped.

Oh, and I can do
portraits too.

I'll do yours.

And then I do regular
geometric shapes,

like a triangle.

A circle.


I think that's what
a dodecahedron looks like,

but I think I like
doing these shapes

because they have
a lot of sides,

and I like to think that
I have a lot of sides too.

I have as many sides
as a rhombus.

The best shape to
slide is a dinosaur.

I have to go with
the heart shape.

Hearts are pretty important.

You need one to live.

I slide mine

in the shape
of a noodle.

Isn't that
just a line?

A line can be a shape.


What shape is this?

That's not a shape.

Or a slide.

That's a scratch.




- Right.
- Right.

I liked it.

I liked that you liked it.

Scratching these
little ridges

makes me feel
like I have

a little, pointy,

orange pet porcupine

that enjoys
a good scratch.

I like your brain.

I don't think
I can wait anymore.

I know I can't
wait anymore.

It's that time.

Yes. It's time.

When I peel open my Reese,

I choose where I begin

like it's the most
important decision

in the world.

Maybe it's not.

Maybe it's the least
important thing in the world.

But peeling something

can feel like a very
important moment.

Like when I'm walking
down the street

and I see a lost cat poster

with the phone numbers
dangling off in strips.

I love cats.

I want to have the number

in case I see the cat

or the cat sees me.

But then I realize

there are only
so many phone numbers

you can put on
a lost cat poster,

and then they'll all be gone,

and nobody will know
who to call

if they find the cat.

So I...

I like to stand on guard
by the poster just in case,

feeling compelled to tell
everyone the phone number

so they can write it down
or remember it

instead of, you know,
tearing up the poster.

It's a very important job.

And in the end,

the cat is found and
everyone's happy.

Do you get what I'm saying?

I was very confused
by the whole thing.

I didn't understand it.

I definitely liked it.

But I definitely
like my way too.

That's fast.

Did you hurt yourself?

I may have
pulled something,

but I just don't
feel it yet.

People always say,
"My way or the highway,"

but I like both our ways,

so we can each have
our own highway

and both of them are
really good to drive on.

I'm not sure which
of your highways

I want to be on yet.

Can you show me the
way to the on-ramp?

This analogy may
have run its course.

It's like an orchestra,

but if all the musicians
were holding Reese packs.

That would be a very
interesting orchestra.

That orchestra wouldn't
be able to play many songs.

One song, tops.

It would be a pretty
good song though.

If I were in that orchestra,

this would be my instrument.

Which end
do you blow into?

We're not literally
talking instruments.


We're talking about
how we eat Reese.

I like to be
hands-on with my Reese.

When I'm opening it,

these scissors are my hands.

The handle is my palm.

The non-handle
is my fingers.

It's probably not
called a non-handle,

but I prefer that
over steel fingers.

That sounds more
like a band name.

"Please welcome
to the stage,

Steel Fingers!"

That would be
a cool band name.

Best band name ever.

I can see their career
right before my eyes.

Steel Fingers
uploads a demo called...

"Fingers of Steel"

and it blows up overnight.

The first album,
"Thumb of Wisdom",

is a hit,

but the sophomore slump
hits harder.

One of the band members
decides to leave.

The headlines in the newspaper
the next day says,

"The biggest hand in music

loses its lead finger."

The remaining fingers

eventually all go
their separate ways

into obscurity

until they're reunited

into a single hand
once again

on a reunion tour

sponsored by
a hand lotion.

The tour is called
The Hand Waves Goodbye:

The Steel Fingers
Farewell Tour.

You are certifiably

with hand puns.


sometimes I pretend

that my steel fingers

are giving my Reese...

a little haircut.

I snip off the little
pointy ridges

one at a time.

First on the right,

then on the left.

Sometimes fast on the right.

Sometimes slow on the left.







A little bit at
a time until the pack is open.

You end up with these
little bits everywhere,

and it's... it's like confetti.

You can spread it around,

or throw it in the air,

or just leave it where it is.

But once you've snipped
and snipped

down to the ends,
the pack is open

and you just can smell
the peanut butter

and chocolate
fill the air.

Please say you brought enough
scissors for everyone.

Does a cat have elaborate
plans for world domination

that it can't achieve
because it's a cat?

I... think so?

You know, you and I
are like twins,

but not like identical twins.

And especially not the kind
that you see in scary movies

that whisper weird things
and dress the same

and are usually ghosts.

We're kind of the twins that
look like they're not twins.

Fraternity twins.

Yes. "Fertinity" twins.

I love cutting open
packs of Reese.

But I love being precise
and meticulous about it.

Using scissors to do it

makes it feel like
you would feel

if you were turning
a tiny doorknob

with a pair of boxing gloves.

Or walking on a tightrope
with scuba flippers.

Neither of those things
sound precise.

Or meticulous.

So what
do you do instead?

Why tell you
when I can show you?

Watch carefully.

Soap cutting videos
inspired me for this

and I've never looked back.

Hey, don't get me wrong.

The sound of cutting your
pack into a thousand pieces,

it's breath-taking.

But I find the nicest moments

are the simplest ones.

Actually, my favourite
things are simple.

Like tying my shoes perfectly
on the first try.

The fact that snails
move really slow

but they're always
going somewhere.

And of course, the sound
my pack of Reese makes

when I pull the glue apart.









I agree.





talking like


We can stop.

We can't stop.

We've only scratched
the surface

of the surface
of the surface

of a pack of Reese.

With our fingernails.


Let's do this.

ASMR drumroll, please.

You look lost in thought.

I got lost in a mall once.


I'm lost right now.

What's on your mind?

I'm not lost in thought.

I'm sending
a coded message.

No way. Really?

Are you a spy?

Can you talk to ghosts?



And yes.

It's Morse code.


What are you saying?

Complete gibberish.

Who are you sending it to?


The message said:

I know exactly which end

I want to slide my
Reese cups out of.

My brain is exploding.

And if there was
a tinier brain

inside of my brain,

it would be
exploding too.

And if there was
an even tinier brain

in the tiny brain inside
of my normal sized brain,

it would probably be too small
to understand what's happening.

But my normal
sized brain

understands exactly
what you're doing.

It's like when you squeeze
the last little bit

of toothpaste out of the tube.


That's better than the way
I've been getting...

the last bit of
my toothpaste out.

How have you been
getting the last bit

of your toothpaste out?

- I haven't.
- Oh.

I just thought you
had a special way.

Have any of you
ever tried tipping?

I tip 20%

because I'm a nice person.

I mean Reese tipping.


That makes me
feel the same way

lighting a firework does.

It's like you
sparked the fuse

and we're waiting for it
to shoot up into the air.

Except Reese cups don't
shoot into the air.

Or explode.

Here comes the first one.

1. That's my second
favourite number

because my favourite number
is 2, and once you get to 1,

you're not too far from 2.

And there it is.

Number 2.

3 is good too.

Good things come in threes,

and Reese comes in threes

and they're good,
so it must be true.



You know, there's
something so satisfying

about the number 3.

Like movie trilogies.

And French hens.

And tricycles.

I changed my mind.

My favourite number is 3.

It's a good number.

It's also what you get
when you add 1 and 2.


I know!

We all know.

I call it
Reese picking.

It's like, I take my
index finger and my thumb

and pick out
my Reese cups

from inside the package.

It's kind of like
berry picking.

Except for,

I'm not picking

It's not like that.

Maybe it's more
like berry pinching.

But again,
not berries.

It looks more like a claw.

A tiny little robot claw.

Lobsters have claws.

Crabs have claws too.

Both can pinch.

They sure can.

You're like a human lobster,

searching inside
that pack of Reese

for something to pinch onto.

Aren't we all?


incredibly profound.

Have you all eaten a dinner

where a nice tablecloth
was involved?

I've never eaten
a nice tablecloth.

I think she meant a tablecloth

that's laid out on the
table under the food.

Why would anyone put their food
directly on the tablecloth?

What a mess.

I think I'm thinking
what you're thinking.

When a waiter pulls
out the tablecloth

from underneath all
the plates and stuff

like a magic trick,
but without the wand.

Exactly. Or at least,
it's fun to try.

I saw
someone do that once.

They weren't a magician.

He was a waiter.

But I did think of
him as a magic waiter.

One of these days,
I'll get it as perfectly

as your magician waiter.

When that day comes,

we'll all be
really impressed.

I have two words for you.


and frog.

I have to say, that's
a pretty creative way

to get your Reese
out of the pack.

I started when I was a kid.

I had the imagination
the size of a planet.


No, a bigger planet.

And an actual planet.

I used to play leapfrog
when I was a kid too.

But it wasn't what
you're talking about.

First of all, there
weren't other kids.

It's a game you
play by yourself.

And I made it up,

and I just happened
to call it leapfrog.

I would cover myself
in green paint

and then wear
green clothes,

and then I would cut out
big cardboard circles

and then put them
along the floor

and then I would pretend
they were lily pads,

and jump from
one to the next.

I have a very high
score of 532 points.

The all-time high score.

Thank you.

Does being the
Queen of leapfrog

come with any duties,
compensation, benefits?

All of the above.

I would like to be a prominent
member of your kingdom.

I'm sorry, are we all
just going to pretend

that there aren't
a bunch of perfect,

beautiful, round, Reese cups

sitting on this table

that are currently
making no sound at all?

I got distracted by
the kingdom thing.

Okay fair enough, so am I.

But that's not the point.

Don't you see?

We're already the kings and
queens of something special.

And we're doing something that
will go down in history books.

Not the kinds of history books

that will be taught
in schools, no.

It'll be the kind of history book that isn't real

because it's just...

it's part of this
particular speech,

and if they did exist

they would be in some
weird part of the library,

in the back, where
there's a lot of dust,

not because it's
not interesting,

it's just a really,
really specific topic.

And then you'd
have to pull a book

to make the bookshelf open
up to a secret passage

like you see in the movies,

and that has even more
perfect, obscure books in it.

It's time we all move forward,

plough ahead, go forth,

and generate movement

in a direction that is...

headed in the direction
that we need to go.

What say you, friends?

Was that not
a good speech?

Oh, it was amazing!

It's just, I think
we're all wondering

where that movie-like
soundtrack just came from.

Oh, okay, good.

To be honest, I was kind
of wondering the same.

Because, as you know,
we're not in a movie.

I was definitely wondering
where that sound came from.







What's the most perfect
sound in the world?



I guess I should have said,

what's the most perfect
sound in the world

to me?

It's the sound that happens

right before I take the
wrapper off my Reese.

But this is the best part.

Okay, close your eyes.

Don't open them,
because that's cheating,

and you'll feel like

you're hearing another
sound altogether.

That's crazy!

It's a cat.

This cat sounds different.

What do your cats
sound like?

Just as I suspected.

5 different cats.

Don't get me wrong.
Cats are awesome.

But I have to tell you guys,

nothing beats the sound

that I would trade
all other sounds for.

My single greatest passion.

What's that?

Gear sounds.


The sounds of gears.

All those in favour of
me explaining Reese gears

by showing you instead
of telling you say "aye".


The ayes have it.

Can I borrow these?

Yeah, take them all.
That's amazing.

I totally get it now.

Gear sounds.

And the more you add,

the better the
gears sound.

Yes. More gears.

More gears.

I can't get enough gears.

I want to live in a world

made of Reese gears.

I shall call it...

Gear World.

And I shall eat it.

We shall remember
you, Gear World.

We shall.

To be honest, after
seeing all that,

I feel like you might think the
way I play with my Reese cups

is a little old fashioned.

But I just really
love to count them,

tapping as I go.




3, 2, 1.

Isn't that nice?

It's reassuring to know

that there's three of them
either way I count.


















Why are you looking
at me like that?

Are you my clone?

I think we'd look the same
if we were clones.

Right. Whew.
That's a relief.

Sorry, I thought you were
my clone for a sec there.

Not that I have anything
against clones, really.

It's just that...

I said that because
I count my Reese cups

before I eat them.

The package says
that there's 3 inside,

but I like to make sure.

And there always is.

But actually, I do one
thing a bit different

than you do.

I like to give them a
little drop as I count.

1, 2, 3.

How about... half clones?

Half clones for life.

1, 2, 3.

4, 5, 6,

7, 8, 9,

10, 11, 12,

13, 14, 15,


If you guys like counting your
Reese when you have three,

you should try counting
every single Reese here.

There has to be, like...

a lot.






















Wait. We skipped 21.















Wait, no, we went
the wrong way.

We'll have
to start over.



















Hey, guys.

She's been hypnotized.

I don't see a hypnotist.


Sorry about that.

Counting always seems
to hypnotize me.

Thankfully I've never
snapped out of it

and thought I was a chicken.

Which wouldn't be that bad.

Did I miss my chance
to do the Reese thing?

Nope, you're
right on time.

Speaking of time,
doesn't this sound

like a clock ticking
in a big empty room?

It really does sound
like a clock ticking.










Wait, don't clocks
also have a tock?

You're only doing
the ticking.

It's a weird clock that
doesn't have a tock.

And I control all the ticking.

I can make the clock
tick as fast as I want,

or as slow as I want.

Okay, that's weird.

Everything feels slower

than it did a minute ago.

Does anyone else feel that?


big secret.

Never told anyone.

I can control time.

I wanted you guys
to really savour that moment

that the paper separates
from the Reese cup.

I hope I made a
difference today.

I'm not a hero, but I hope
I made a difference.

The difference
you've made

has left everything

Now, we'll know,
no matter what happens,

how we play with our
wrapped Reese cups,

or what tingle-inducing
sounds we make...

whether we count
or tap our Reese cups,

or make them purr
or make gear sounds,

we'll always know that
at the end of the road,

we're all the same.

Okay, that was amazing,

but now things feel like
time is moving faster.

No, it's not.

We've made a lot of
incredible sounds today.

And on a personal note,

this is the fastest

I have ever gotten to this
part of eating my Reese.

So that's pretty exciting.

But not as exciting as
what we're about to do.

We are literally
about to create

five of the most
perfect sounds

that have
ever been made

by something that
can create sound.

I kind of think tuba
is the perfect sound.

Because it's music
but it's also funny.

Doesn't that make it
music and not a sound?

Music is a sound.

I'm not sure
it's relevant.

I don't like tubas at all.

I personally find
the tuba terrifying.

I've never met anyone
with tubamaphobia.

Now that we have that
diagnosis out of the way,

can I show you how I
multiply my Reese cups?

You're a sorcerer?

I was once,
for Halloween.

I'm not sure that you
created more Reese cups

but my brain is
still impressed

and my ears are
even more impressed.

We can't not all
do this, right?

It's nice to let a sound
speak for itself.

Like the sound of rain.

That's the rain's
way of talking.

It's best just to
listen to it fall,

instead of trying
to ask it questions.

You talk to the rain?

When it's raining, yeah.

You have to listen
very closely.

Rain can tell you what
clouds are like in person.

It reminds me to drink
lots of liquids,

but strangely,
never recommends water.

It tells me which of
my plants need water

and which don't,

which my cactus
really appreciates

the few times a year it talks.

What a coincidence.

The first time that I discovered
the sound of peanut butter

going in two
separate directions

was during a rainstorm.

Under what strange

is peanut butter going in
two separate directions?

You might say the circumstance

in which peanut butter
is travelling

in two separate directions

is the circumstance

we find ourselves in
right now.

I might, and I would.

That's a unique
way to put it.

But I have to say,

when I'm at this point
of eating my Reese,

I'm all about smooshing.


No, shmushing?

Go with what's
in your heart.

Shmooshing it is.

Even gravity needs a little
helping hand sometimes.

Aw, that's sweet.

And it sounds
like a song.

Is that a song?

I'm positive
it's a famous song.

Hey, now that we're
speaking of hands,

can you hand me the knife?

See, I'm less
about shmooshing

than I am about serving
my Reese to myself

in thin, perfect slices.
Like bread.

Wait, you know how to
slice bread perfectly?

That's amazing.

And Reese, yes.

You're not an artist.

You're like a chef
who's also an artist.

I never thought the
sound of a Reese cup

being sliced
could sound so good.

If you think sliced
Reese sounds good,

you haven't heard
it sliced... again.


Anything is possible
if you believe.

Or make it
into a movie.

Because in movies,
anything is possible.

I officially have tingles.

Don't try this at home, kids,

unless you have parental
guidance or supervision.

Who are you talking to?

I'm not sure, really.

Something made
me say that.

Some force
I can't control.

That's a really random
thing to say.

I know, right?

There is another force here
that can't be controlled.

There is?
Is it the weather?


The gradual shifting
of the tectonic plates?


What then?

We have to eat them.

I can't wait
another second.

Well, a second has passed

so I guess I can wait
a little longer.

This is destiny.

Yes, this is destiny.

Just look around.

Look at all we've
accomplished today.

Look at all we've learned.

All the wonderful
and weird ways

we eat our Reese.

I'd be surprised if
this day didn't one day

turn into an

and somewhat strange
feature length movie script.

It's that important.

There is a reason
we're all here together.

It's been preordained
since the dawn of time.

We were meant to eat
these Reese together.

All for one.

And five for one.

That's not
how that goes.

There's 5 of us.

I won't disagree
with that.

Are you all ready?

I'm... afraid.

Of what?

Of nothing.

I'm hungry.

that was interesting.


How do we get out of here?

How did we even
get in here?
