Queen of Niendorf (2017) - full transcript

Nico, fais gaffe !

Elle ressemble ? une reine !

Laisse-moi faire.


On est le gang des patates !
Hey, hey, hey !

Johanna ?

Amy ?

Sonja ?

Je peux encore aller avec vous cette ann?e ?

Je ne vais pas au camp cette ann?e.

Lea! Lea! Lea!

Enl?ve tes lunettes.

Elle peut pas voir sans.
-Je suis pas compl?tement aveugle !



3h pile ?a me va.

Pas de souci.

Merci, Mme. Krone. Bye!

Hey, ch?rie.

Tu as faim?

Tu en as assez?
-Oui, c'est assez.

Okay. Tu viens aussi?


H?, tu as demand? ? Martina si elle pouvait vous emmener au camp cette ann?e ?

Je ne veux pas y aller.

Quoi ? Pourquoi pas ?
-J'en ai juste pas envie.

Lara n'y pas, c'est ?a ?
-Rien ? voir. J'ai juste pas envie.

H?, Lea!


-Ooh! Merci, ch?rie.

C'est pas le premier jour des vacances d'?t? ?

Oui, enfin !

C'est vraiment si dur ?

Tout le monde est devenu bizarre cette ann?e.

A part toi ?

Je sais pas..

Je peux aller chercher l'accord?on ?
-Bien s?r.

Comme une valse.

Je suis allong? dans la baignoire, en buvant ma bi?re..

Et tu joues de l'accord?on juste ici...

Les genoux jusqu'? la poitrine. Sautez!
Un, deux, trois...

Et sprintez ! Sprintez !

Allez ! Plus vite ! Bougez !

Allez, allez, allez ! Tr?s bien !
A terre et faites des pompes !

Allez ! Bougez-vous

Il y a des mecs l?-dehors qui attendent de vous bouffer tout crus ! Beau travail, Tim!

Je peux pas le tenir comme ?a !

Je l'ai.

Le fais pas tomber !
-Doucement !


Ce panneau stop vaut pour toi aussi, jeune fille.

D?sol?e, Mme.Pappendorf.
Je peux y aller maintenant ?

Ouais, ?a va.

Lea ?
-Oui ?

Est-ce que tes parents savent que tu tra?ne autour de la ferme de Mr. Wagenburg ?

Oui. Pourquoi ?
-Je me demandais juste.

Martina am?ne Lara avec elle ce soir.

Tu veux bien me dire ce qui se passe avec vous deux ?

Rien du tout. Lara est juste un peu bizarre ces derniers temps.

Avec qui tu pr?f?rerais sortir ?

Leo or Julian ?

Aucun des deux.

Je sortirais bien avec Julain.

Leo est trop ennuyant pour moi.

Salut ?

Rosalie ?

Et voil?.

Allez L?on, plus vite !

Ralentis !

Allez, Nico. D?p?che !

Vous pensez qu'il nous as vus ?
-Non !

Plus vite ! Allez !

Il est trop b?te pour nous attraper, de toute fa?on !

Hey, hey, hey!
On est le gang des patates !

Allez, tirez !

Il faut qu'on ?quilibre le poids.

Paul, mets-toi de ce c?t?. Et Robert...

If we rock enough,
we can get to the other side.

We could end up falling off too.
-Throw it!

I can't.
-Throw it!

Here. Come on!

-We're tipping!

We're hardly moving.
-We need paddles.

We have to get back on land.
Let me get on the boat.

Here's the other rope.

Is that a girl on our raft?

what are you doing on our raft?

Sorry, I just...
-It's our raft. Get lost!

Only members of our gang
can use the raft!

What gang?
-None of your business.

We're a boys' gang!
No girls allowed!

How come?
-Because girls are always scared.

I'm never scared.
-You heard what Nico said!

No girls allowed!

Man, if she broke something...
-I told you we should guard the raft.

What's she doing here alone anyway?
-No idea.

-What's going on?

They took my speakers.

400 euros.
They've got some nerve!

They're worth so much more!

I've had enough.

Just two?

-There's a whole bowl...

No, I don't want any.

Come here and taste it first.
-Very nice.

Why not?
-Anyone want wine?

Have a taste.
-To you.

To Sabine!
-Thank you!

Thank you for coming. This is great.
-It's our pleasure.


Maybe he's got a captive who he brings
bread and water to each night.

Or he's a spy and he has to report
to his boss every night at the same time.

I've got it!
We'll stick a camera

on a remote control car
and lower it into the cellar.

7:55 p.m., like every night.

We have to get inside.
-I'm not going down there.

I'm way too big for that window.
But Leon might fit through.

Why don't we ask Lea?

You want to send a girl?
-You don't want to do it.

We'll see if she's scared or not.

If you want to prove you're not afraid,
come to our treehouse tomorrow.

Then what?
-You'll see tomorrow. Are you in?


Okay, see you then.
-See you then.

Move it!

Very good! Now sprint!

Go! Go!

Keep going! Keep it up!

What's wrong, Tom?

That was only five kilometers!
You guys tired already?

No, no.
-Well, then!

Let's go!


-Louder! Sport!


-Very good!

What are you doing here?

I'm waiting for the gang.

What are you guys doing here?

Listening to music.

Can you guys help me down?

Sit down. Fast!

Lea, you claimed you're never scared.

In order to prove that,

you'll have to solve
one of Niendorf's greatest mysteries.

The Fireman Mystery.

You mean Tim and Tom's father?
-That's what he said, the fireman.

That's the guy.
You have to hide in his cellar

and tell us what dark deeds
he gets up to there every night.

Okay, but under one condition.
-And what's that?

If I succeed, I'm in the gang.

Wait down on the ground.
We need to discuss it.


Okay, people,
what do you think?

No idea.
-We're a boys' gang!

You afraid she'll succeed, or what?

Can we drink our cola now?

We'll let her try.

If you solve the Fireman Mystery,
you can join the gang.

She'll never succeed.
-Shut up, Paul.

And you've got to follow gang rules.

One: don't tell anyone about
gang activities, especially not adults.

Two: each member donates
two euros a week to gang funds.

And three: I, Nico,
am the leader of the gang.

All right.

Hey there.

Hey, Ollie.

Good, really good.

Yeah, that was dumb.
Something came up.

Of course.

What's taking her so long.
-She's probably hiding, like we told her.

Maybe the fireman already caught her.
-You could've gone down there, too.

Yes, I feel the same way about it.

Of course.

Of course it...

Hey, I love you too, but...

But you know how this town is.

And Tim and Tom...

I don't want to overwhelm them, you know?


I don't believe it!
What are you doing here?

Are you nuts?
How did you get in here?

I won't tell, I promise.

What a freaking disaster!

-Not much.

What did he do?

He just fed his turtles, that's all.


Want to go to the pool with us tomorrow?

Neuer isn't such an all-rounder.

-Yeah, totally.

He's strong in the goal,
but nowhere else.

Oh well.

Cool! Center shocks!
-Gross! Center shocks!


One, two, three.

I am cold.

Mine is sweet again.

Mine is too.

I think it was cool
how brave you were with the fireman.

He can't afford
the farm anymore anyway.

How should I know?
Maybe he's discovered his urban side.

Wagenburg. Wagen-burg.

That's right.

I don't know.
Do you want to look at the file?

I know what I'm doing, believe me.
Because he doesn't stand a chance.

I have my sources. I'm the mayor.

You can trust me.

Don't make such a fuss.
This is a perfectly normal business deal.

Of course you're our first choice.
I beg you.

I can assure you that the community

would welcome you and your company
with open arms.


Mark has to sell his farm.

How do you know?
-I listened in on the mayor.

She was on the phone with someone
who wants to buy his farm.

But Mark doesn't have to sell it
if he doesn't want to.

Maybe he does.
He's got debts he can't pay.

Sounds like the mayor
wants to blackmail him.

Tell me next time
before you take off like that.

You know the rules.

Moritz? Hello?
-Wrong. Do it again.

Lea to Moritz, come in.

This is Moritz. Go ahead.

Come to the treehouse. I've got news.

Negative. I've got to brush my teeth.

Hurry up, and bring the others along.

Okay, Nico heard the mayor

talking to some guy
who wants to buy Mark's farm.

Sounds like she found something
in his file to blackmail him with.

What did she find?
-Something about tax debts.

If he doesn't sell, she'll report him.
-What do we do now?

It's a no-brainer. We steal the file.


Hello. This a bad time?
-Hey! Aren't you Nico from Niendorf?

Yes. I'd like to apply
for an internship with you.

With me?

It's for school.
-Don't you think it'd be a little boring?

No. Sorting all those files up there.

That'd be super exciting.
-Trust me, it's not.

But you do it.

Yes, but I don't even know
what you could help me with.

Too bad.


We'll go see the director
and you can ask him, okay?

Oh my God!


Um, wait a second.
I changed my mind after all.

Look, it says "Niendorf."

Give me a boost.

I think you're right.
-What do you mean?

I'd rather work at the sports shop.
-See, I told you!

There's nothing about Mark Wagenburg.
-Not here, either.

Oh, I'm sorry.

That's okay.
Then I'll get back to work.

Don't you take a lunch break?
-Somebody's got to do the work.

We found it!

I feel a little sick.

It's just the excitement.
You'll be fine when you get outside.


Everything's okay.
Come on.



What do you want?
-We have very important news.

What is it?

What's this?
-The proof.

Ms. Pappendorf wants
to blackmail you with it.

Where'd you get it?
-Nico distracted the secretary.

And we snuck into the archive.

You stole the file?
-Yes. You have to burn it immediately.

Hey, you guys could get me
in a world of trouble with this!

But we're the ones who stole it.
-It doesn't matter.

Sorry, I thought...
-It's okay.

You guys just wanted
to do me a favor, huh?

All right.

Ms. Mayor, I have something for you.

For me?

Where did you get this?
-That doesn't matter now.

Congratulations, Ms. Mayor.

You win.

One, two, three...

Here I come!

60 euros.

Lea, you haven't paid your two euros.
-I don't have it. Can I pay tomorrow?

Why should we make
an exception to the rule for you?

It's fine if she pays tomorrow.

Right, lower. Left, lift.

Which pedal is that?
-No idea.

It's the gas,
because it's so easy to push.

That's the gas, and that's the brake.
-Yeah, but why are there two?

Two pedals?

What did you throw?

Watch out! Don't throw it in the window,
okay Paul?

-Hey. -Hi.

Can I ask you something?

I got this turtle for my birthday.

But it won't eat.
Do you know what I should do?

A turtle?

Sorry, but we're no experts either.

Good luck.

Maybe we should
get out of the tree after all.




Whoa! It's raining really hard!



Use your headphones, please!

Let's go! This way!

Very good.

Keep running!

Tired already, boys?

Come on, we'll take a little break.

Thanks, Dad.

Like this?
-Yes, a little more towards me.

I'll hold it.

Nico's coming!

I don't believe your turtle story.
-You nuts?

Why would she lie?
-Shut up.

I never see the fireman
bring turtle food down to the cellar.

She made it up, I swear.
-You just don't want Lea in the gang.

No, but I don't like being lied to.

I bet you didn't see anything.
-I did!

You should pass a real test,
like we did.

You're all childish anyway.
-Then leave!

I gave the file back, by the way.

It's no use.
That weird Pappendorf woman...

I have to be out of here
by the end of the month.

Oh well. Today's your lucky day.

We're having pancakes.

Yummy-in-your-tummy pancakes.

They sort of got scrambled.

But who cares.

You like it?


What do you want?

I'll do it.

We'll meet at 5:00 a.m. in the clearing.

You won't do anything stupid, right?
-You scared?

She'd do anything
to prove she's not afraid.

I know.

How come you worry so much about Lea?
-I don't.

She's coming!

You're late.

I got delayed.
-Come on.

Nico was right.
I lied to you guys.

Huh? You didn't see anything?

I did, but I saw something else.

Can you keep a secret?

-Yes. Now spit it out.

The fireman doesn't have turtles.
I made it up.

I had to say something.

He was Skyping with a man.
It sounded like they were a couple.

That's all I saw.
-Why didn't you tell us?

Because it's a secret.

We're here.

The first train comes at 5:32.

That's four minutes from now.

The test is super easy.
Lie down in that ditch.

And stay there till the train passes.
-Are you crazy?

What if the train hits her?
-It won't as long as she doesn't move.

Okay, I'll do it.

Three minutes left.

Hey there.

You want two ice creams, right?

I forgot my money. Can I pay later?
-Sure, sweetie.

Thanks. Bye!

Don't worry, Dad. It's all good.
-Want a smoke, boys?

No, thanks.

Hey, Lea!

I brought you an ice cream.

Oh, super! Thanks.

Germanic depressive.

Oh, watermelon!
What a surprise! Nice.

Are you going to move back to Berlin?

No idea.

Maybe I'll go on safari, or on tour.

Or Hollywood!
But no matter where I am,

my door will always be open to you.


And tonight...

We'll have a real goodbye concert, okay?

But just for you and the gang.

So, are you really in the gang now?

It looks like it.

From this day on I'll feel so low

That's just the way things sometimes go

From this day on I'll feel so low

I'm sick and tired

of the show

I'm swimming hard against the tide

They're all against me far and wide

I'm falling up I'm soaring down

and it's supremely oppressive

I'm soaring up I'm falling down

I am Germanic depressive

The rules of the gang,
consisting of members

Nico, Paul, Robert, Leon, Moritz
and Lea, will now be decided.

One: gang funds will be done away with.

The remaining money
may be used for candy only.

Two: gang membership is lifelong,

and can be revoked by no one.

Three: there are no secrets
within the gang.

Come on, Leon! Hurry up!

Can I be excused?
-You didn't eat a thing.

I'm not hungry.

Stay here until we're done.

No buts. Listen to your mother.

Okay, if you're in such a hurry, then go.

What are you doing here?

I thought you went to camp too.
-Lara and I aren't going this year.

Lara and Caro left yesterday.

Who cares, it's cooler here anyway.
-What? With your kindergarten pals?

Um, excuse me.
-Ignore him.

Um, I... My camera...

It fell in the water and I can't get it
because I can't swim.

That's not our problem, right?

Can't you help me?
-Get it yourself.

Because... My grandma
gave it to me for my birthday.

Come on.
-No. Why would we?

