Quando l'amore è oscenità (1980) - full transcript

The film presents an array of nasty stuff like, intercourse with a tree branch, candle masturbation, whipping, orgies, toe masturbation, and a woman screwing around with a real corn cob.

Good evening, sir.
Thank you.


No, come on!
Come here.

Come here!

This way.
Come on!

This way.
Come here.

No, sir, I'm not cold any more.

Your deceit hurt me,
I still feel it...

But there isn't one reason why
I should give up on you.

Look for it, out of respect
for my dignity as a woman...

You don't have the right to be discouraged
just because I stirred your imagination.

It's become an obsession for you.
but if you really want me to respect you...

- Then give yourself to me.
- Marco! What do you mean?

What are you trying to say?
That you'd be capable of raping me?

That's what you're trying lo say, isn't it?

Don't you realise?

I'm old enough to know what's righl...

and I know exactly what
I want from you.

To look at you, you
seem like a gentleman...

but l'll tear out your desire
with my teeth!

- You'll still be mine!
- Nol



Mireille, stop!

Please stop!

- What's going on?
- He's a brute, he's following me!

Come on, get in.

He saw us!

We're far away from him.
He's almost out of sight.

Change route.
Go that way.

- Turn!
- You'll crash the car!

Tell me earlier!

- There he goes.
- He's a thug!

He won't get far in that piece of junk.
It's a good thing you found me.

- You know you've got a pretty face.
- What are you doing?

I'm touching you.
Come on, don't be like that.

Come on, don't push me away.

Have you seen an old Fiat with
a baggage rack go past?

Yes, it was heading for the
demolition yard.


I'm a real nice guy.

Are you biting me?
That isn't polite.

So much for small talk!

I must get to you, Mireille!

I behaved like a scumbag.
I want to apologise, to explain!

Come on, behave!

You're a feisty one!

I'm going to have you, bitch!
You can count on it!

No, I don't want to!

I'm still going to have you.

Calm down, you idiot!

I don't want to!

Where are you going?

You did it with him,
now it's my turn!

Look at her!
Look at the bitch!

I don't want to!

Look... Look!

- Let go of me!
- Stay still.

Fuck her!
Fuck her!

I don't want to!

She wants you!


Watch out!

Be careful!






- What are you doing?
- I got him.




Why did all this happen?

I ask you, why should we be subjected
to this mental and physical abuse...

Because l'm sure that if you'd
done it to me...

To answer your quesiion, it was clearly
you who exercised violence against me...

Forcing me to accept the idea
of this round table...

By threatening to reveal dark
secrets to my family...

Which would have tarnished me,
according to you, naturally.

I'm the one who induced her to
force you to attend this meeting...

Lady Diana, Marlon the actor,
and the others present here.

Mireille, they violated
your dignity as a woman...

They invaded your personal

Robbing you of your basic right to
be yourself in any given relationship.

I swear I never even touched her.

Violence isn't only doing something
physically against another individual...

But it's also abusing the good
faith of others to victimise them.

Leaving them with a feeling
of rancour, of distrust.

Look, before I became
a businessman...

I prided myself on being without fault.

Seeing the male with his bare chest.
her sexual cravings came to the surface...

And she uncovered her breasts.
So I intervened.

Cover your breasts and keep them safe
because they're the evidence!

I'm arresting you for inciting
libidinous thoughts in innocent minors...

In addition to which,
I'm arresting you for obscenity!

Do you realise, Mr. Anselmo,
what it means for a woman today...

To have to deal with the consequences of
being accused of lewd acts and obscenity?

They're shameful crimes that
debase a person's values...

And, for a young person...

This can create feelings of shame
that are hard to recover from.

You weren't doing your duty...

In my opinion you were drowning an
instinctive feeling of resentment...

For the desirability of the body of
a woman you only looked upon as flesh.

Who you didn't have the courage
to ask for a bit of love.

And your desire was stimulated by
a form of mental masturbation...

That made you feel like both
master and servant at the same time.

The accusation you're rallying
against him is splendid...

But when Mireille came to you
for guidance...

For the violence she had suffered,
of which I was the cause, involuntarily...

What did you do?

Wifh the excuse of wanting to see
proof of the abuse she had suffered...

I made her get into my bath, naked,
then I got undressed as well.

Hold her the cold water would bring out
the bruises so l could photograph them.

It was too late when she realised
I was a frustrated sadist...

Perhaps even worse than those
thugs who had raped her.

The purity nurtured in a breath,
or a subdued closeness...

But for he, now, it's just
a fading point in the distance...

We tore it from her.

Or the conscience of my crimes, at least.

Yes, this does you justice.

- Can you explain yourself more clearly?
- It was a simple case of jealousy...

The guy I was chasing fell
in love wiih her...

So, to get back at them,
I tried to get them to hate each other.

I paid someone to do it.

But Mireille had seen them.


Then he heard Mireille,
so he hid behind the blonde...

To make it look like they
were arguing on the beach.


Let go of her!

Let go of her!

What is a game?

But when our games are projected on
others they end up creating fractures...

Where it's difficult to predict the outcome.

To exact revenge...

Luana used a woman who had been forced
by men to do the most humiliating job...

Against another woman, whose feelings
she hadn't taken into account.

Ii caused Mireille to be
annoyed wiih her boyfriend...

And with good reason, my dear Luana...

Because don't forget that two
youngsters in love...

Live in an ecstasy that takes
them out of this world.

When a bee stings, it's over.

I don't see myself as a bee!

A monkey, perhaps, that's
drowning under a metre of water!

He came to help me but he floundered
and we both ended up swallowing water.

The beach was getting further away.

The fear!
We were going i0 drown!

Then, when I felt his feei
touch me...

I felt the curious desire to ride him!
To laugh!

And I considered her an intruder!

But the contact with his skin
excited me, unexpectedly.

The more I touched I him,
the more I wasn't myself.

His skin drove me into an absurd frenzy.

And Mireille, too.

She was incredibly taken by
that drunken moment.

But l'm not a normal woman...

And it wasn't in me to do
what I did, or to rape anyone!

But you did it, and you were
gambling with my body again...

A body I now hate, because
I don't know who I am any more...

Or what I want?
And my aspirations as a woman?

There's no need to turn it into a crisis...

Just try to understand the
reason why respectable people...

Are such victims of their basic instincts
that their desires become distorted...

Because we are talking about desire...

Into a spontaneous game of affinity.

Perhaps it was the
resentment of our spent youth?

There are many reasons...

Man has encouraged women
to behave seductively...

And this creates a conflict in
men like Mr. Anselmi.

On the one hand, he likes a woman
who's so welcoming, she tempts him...

On the other, he doesn't feel confident
enough to bear the comparison...

So, to hide his weakness,
he makes her less aggressive...

Making him feel like the master,
and he believes it.

In reality, he's the victim of someone
who knows what a woman's role is...

And he conjures up a variety of sensations
in her mind that frustrate her...

And they unleash the worst
violence in him...

When the circumstances favour it.

A woman's role, handed down over
ihe years, is humiliating...

Just as the role of ihe man
as master is humiliating.

In truth, the relationship between the sexes
is part of the marvellous balance of nature.

And it is the law of nature.

So that every individual has the
possibility io choose...

And to have second thoughts.

But man wanted to create his own laws...

And to impose them the punishment
for sex was flagellation...

Which has always been
identified with women.

This is how the victimisation
of women began.

Being usually identified with sex...

They became a sacrificial element
for satanic sects.

Where sado-masochistic perversions were
unleashed in orgiastic black masses.

Each ritual performed in
the shadows of deviant idols.

The sun that nourishes our totem...

Commands you, woman,
to light your femininity...

For you are the fertile earth
of our tribe.

And we can still talk about the systematic
exploitation of a woman's body...

For squalid spectacles which excite
the more perverted sensations.

Some drugs and the naive girls
start feeling excited...

Perhaps also believing in
a professionalism...

That is still only the prostitution
of one's own body.

And, for women, these sensory contortions...

Exploded in 1731, with the arrival of
the Convulsionnaires of Saint-Médard.

A sect still currently operating in
America by the name of BlackWhile.

In the woodlands surrounding
the cemetery in St-Médard...

They prayed to both mother
nature and Satan.

The sacrificial altars were
made out of oak tree trunks...

Underneath which they say the
mandrake root grows.

This mam, already known to Hippocrates...

Who had discovered that iis
roois had aphrodisiac properties.

Mentioned in the bible...

Where it states that Rachel becomes
a mother after drinking its juice.

And studied in the 1600s
by Lorenzo Catelo.

Who specified that the roots
from this plant...

Are nothing more than virile sperm...

Which broughi Larousse Parelian to
conclude that the smoke from this root...

Induced a state of excitement
that bordered on insanity.

What happens today, in the
forests of California...

Happened before in French
woodlands during the 1700's.



No, no.

And, with the woman as an object of
possession and sado-masochistic exploitation...

in New York, the Babiniotis Rapius
insists suitable virgins...

Manipulaied by psychedelic lights
and a diet of Oriental drugs...

Urinate in public to purify ihemselves
and be worthy of their grand masier...

Who will put the seed into their body
that should give birth to the new messiah.


Satan, our master...

Restore the cradle in your bowels
for the new messiah of darkness!

I can already feel the heai
of the black angel.

I have submitted my virginity to
all the rituals, grand master.

We'll sacrifice it for Satan
and for nature.

From whence we came.
For his glory.

I'm ready, grand master.
I drank Satan's blood to be ready.

I, humbly chosen, will celebrate
lhe sacrifice with you, virgin.

Yes, now.

I will kiss your hand ihai
will prove my virginity.


Try to believe.

It hurts.

Are you also pure of thought?
- Yes.

Turn around.
- I drank his blood...

I must obey him.

My virginity, my life...

I give everyihing to you because
you're the beautiful angel.

I want the black messiah!
I want the messiah!

No, why from behind?

Your bride,
beautiful Satan...

doesn'! want me to look at you
while I put his seed in you.

Don't you suspeci ihai the woman is
playing up this role of ihe victim?

No, quite the opposite...

Because without Dr. Roberts forcing her
to blackmail us, we wouldn't be here.

She isn't the victim here,
but she has suffered...

At the hands of Marlon, because she
could, she ran away without hesitating.

Marlon should also tell us how
menial suffering...

He put this girl through before
she decided to act?

Probably as much as you when you dared to
defend your crimes of libidinous obscenity.

That is, a woman,
just because she's a woman...

Always provokes a morbid
reaction in individuals like you.

L'd like to talk about that.
Bui now with you...

Not with you, Mireille.
But with them.

Not with him, the great Marlon, but with
that kid who goes to work on a motorbike.

Not with you, or with you...

With you!

Wilh that lady there!

With those honest youths.
With those hard working people.

With everyone!
To make them see that l'm right.

You only need to go out and
ask women who satisfied they are...

And whether they've managed to
find fulfilling relationships.

Excuse me.

We're writing an article
for a newspaper...

We'd like to know if you're satisfied
with your condition as as woman?

Sure, I married the man
I love...

We still love each other like
lhe firsl day we met.

He always comes home happy, smiling!

He kisses me,
asks me how my morning was?

He always brings me a litlle
trinket, everyday.

We talk, he tells me about his day,
asks for my advice...

And then, he never forgets
to compliment me on my cooking!

And how enjoys it!
Because, he says...

"It's seasoned with so much love!"

What is this shit?

It's all Tomasds fault!
"Marry Rosalia", he said...

Don't speak!
You're a dishonest virgin!

You're so beautiful.



Fuck me!

You have golden hands!

But I'm going to keep you a virgin
io make sure you don'i cheat on mei

it's incredible to believe, but let's
lislen lo a lady who will excuse us...

If was ask her how she was able to cope
with life after her husband left her...

And whether she encountered any
difficulties because she was a woman.

What could I do?

I closed my eyes to those who
stretched out their hands...

You should have seen them!
They were disgusting!

But I'm honest!
I've never taken my knickers off!

I only go there to take
my little girl to dance school...

Home, school. school. home...
Always on her feet. but she doesn't chat!

Honestly, she's just like her mother.
She doesn't get too familiar for free!

A flower! But you have to give
her space if you want to smell her!

I'm raising her on milk, honey
and lots of love.

She's got long thighs
and eyes to die for!

She's not missing anything
to knock someone out!

And if her cheating
father ever shows up...

Who left her with me,
and disappeared...

I'll throw a big party to make him
wish he had never been born!

My little girl wants to be a feminist
but she's going to struggle...

You have to suck it from a man to get
back all the things grandma gave you!

Sure, honey!

You know how my mother is.
She drives me nuts sometimes.

She's very worried about that
debt I mentioned last time.

You paid it?
All that money!

Thank you. you really
can ask me for anything...

But you know l'm a virgin!
Yes, you're making me nervous!

I swear you'll be my first man
if you take care of me.

- You've got so much money!
- You'll be mine?

- Yes, my love.
- You'll be rich!

- I'll be yours!
- You'll have everything you want!

- Kiss me!
- But I warn you, I can't leave my wife.

- I don't care, I love you!
- Put the phone on your breasts...

I want to hear you breathing.
Your fresh skin.

- Yes!
- Listen!

- I hear you.
- I love you.

Rub the phone all over your body.
Make me feel young again.

Excite me and I'll make you rich!

Stroke your neck thinking
of my hand.

I'll give you a pearl necklace.

Bring my voice to your breasts.

My love!

How I feel you!

I want to go on a trip...

On your yacht.

But with mummy,
so she'll be happy as well!

You, me, and mummy!

- Do you respect women?
- Christ, who doesn't?

- Men, usually.
- You're joking!

Look, I picked up the girl I like.
She's there, in that van.

She doesn't miss out on anything.
Given that I'm broke...

I share her with my friend.
She makes us happy...

She mends our socks and lives like
a lady, with two entrances!

Now she's doing it with Gigi.

You're better!

The last one is always the
best one, right?

If anyone disrespects her,
there are two of us to defend her.

We're just careful not have to kids,
so we don't fight about being the father.

Excuse me, we're carrying out
a sociological survey...

We'd like to know what you
think about women's conditions...

And what your relationship is
like with women.

- Are you married?
- Yes, we love each other, we're happy.

- Does your wife work?
- Yes, she's a teacher, we're colleagues.

My hobby is fishing and she's very
understanding about ii.

When I get back she's usually
sleeping like an angel...

We have a mutual understanding.

We never argue or say things
we don't mean...

We live in an idyllic harmony
our marriage is based on.

It's like a dream.

When will it end?
The loneliness, and lhe waiting?

The waiting... The waiting!

Hold you many times,
why don't we have a baby?

Then you'd have company.

I know you, you want me lo have lots
of children so l'll take care of them...

And you'll be free to go
wherever you want!


I love you, you fool.
And I want you!

Not from the front!

What ifl become pregnanl?

I'll still make you happy.


You want to hear about the
modern knights, or the past?

You are a vision of tiredness
and submission.

Pigs, fuck off!

What meaning does your life have?

And what meaning do you
give to your relationships...

in your modern condition
as woman and man?

We'd like honest answers,
if you feel like answering.

- I'm in.
- Me too.

- Everything's okay.
- Have you ever hit a woman?

I've got this motorbike
that I use to capture them...

I say capture them, but they're
the ones that capture me...

If you're not careful they'll fuck you
in the ass without butter...

They're all dirty feminists!

I take the pill, I fuck who and when I like
and I try to enjoy it.

I've got some feelings,
but where do I put them?

Poor thing, he's got feelings!
Stick them up your ass!

Listen, you men have
been screwing us for centuries...

Now flip out!
And climb out of the pulpit...

Sprint like Goldrake!
l'll screw whoever's first...

The last one can sit there and watch!

- How can you accept?
- If you want a fuck...

Are you there?



You're mine!


It's established that we
don't hurt anyone!

- You're lost in your decay!
- Don't take it out on us...

The old folks left the decay.

I was deflowered by a
lawyer at my workplace...

while I was preparing the
case file to defend a rape victim.

Excuse me, lady.

Yes, you.

We'd like to ask you some questions
about your condiiions as a woman...

You don'! have to reply,
but if you do, you must be honest.

- Of course I'm honest, I'm a whore!
- It's unthinkable!

The only thing coming out of her
mouth will be absurd obscenities!

Are you kidding?
What obscenities?

I'm an honest slut!

Firulina, assure me this gentleman
isn't a gentlemen but a pervert!

I'll tell you the kind of
people I have to work with!

Because they all turn up
in double breasted jackets.

I don't want to swear in front of Firulina.

I ended up a hooker, and that's okay...

But the other night some
brown noser turned up who...

I'm telling you, I was quietly
going about my business.

- Does your pussy work?
- Yes.

Then let's get together!

Don't move.

- You got all your teeth?
- Yellow!

- How much an hour?
- 20,000.

- Shall we go?
- You're going to cost me a fortune!

If I wasn't so reserved
I'd get a discount.

But this is your patch.
Get in!

Get in.
Let's go.

- Are you clean?
- Yes.

Don'! just stand there!

But that's a donkey!
What's got into you?

I screw people, not donkeys!

Cicci is one of the best donkeys in
the tand, you should feel honoured!

Go to hell, you and Cicci!

Yes, I'm whore. and I give

But l'm not into donkeys.
Got it?

But I'm not a cow, you pumpkin!

I'll show you!

I'll kick your nuts so hard theyll swell!

Whore, woman!

Damn you!

Stay still, l'll brush you!

Stroke him, stroke him!

Every month we honour her
poor husband's death.

It was my fault because he had
a heart while we were doing it.

So this joke is his tomb.

I would make an offering of whisky.

He was always getting drunk.

I am Procopio's tomb...

and he pleasantly rests inside me.

I will nourish your grave with
the popcorn you liked so much!

Take it.

I despise your death!

So I will search your grave...

for what you left when you were alive,
the pleasure thafs broken inside her!


He loved popcorn!

Put it in his grave,
so he may taste it again!

For me!

In honour of Procopio.
Satisfy him!

But the sun also turns against
man, when a man replies like that.

Women don't interest me.
Only children exciie me.

I spy on them even/where,
to capture the moment...

And get my hands on them.

It's a surprising portrait of the truth
that anyone can verify looking around...

Denying it is like denying ihe
existence of the sun.

Man has enslaved women
throughout history...

But this condition has come back to hit
him like a boomerang, castraiting him.

A castration that's saturated in
violence, physically and morally...

But against us!

Mireille's act of blackmail has
highlighted the main problem...

We're all victims of the same violence.

I'd like to identify the causes
that triggered this mechanism...

Not just yours,
but also more general ones.

I don't consider myself either
frustrated or castrated...

- Therefore, I don't see the necessity.
- You're the worst among us!

I'm not ashamed to reveal episodes
from my past that haunt me.

Every last thought, I see them all!
With fury!

They attack me,
and they're always the same!



I eat an apple while I'm taking a leak,
and my aunt shouts at me.

I enter bathroom wtthout knocking
and my mother feels caught in the act.

And she scolds me.

I lick my hands, dirty with jam...

The sky falls.

I run otf with a girl to go toilet.
It's the end of the world.

An obsessive repression:
"No, no, no, you can't do that. "

"You can't touch that. "
"Don't look at thai, it's dirty!"

She unleashed a monsier in me
that tormented me at night, in the dark.

Perhaps there was a small corner
of my mind that will sllll pure...

that was driven by instinct,
wtthout conscience or malice.

But someone made sure they
took that away from me as well.

Never touch a girl,
or look at them naked...

It's impure!

Never touch their legs or their knickers!

The Devil will make you
think lots of evil thoughts!

You shouldn't even touch yourself!

They're all terrible sins that
will lead you straight lo helll

All of them!

Childhood games became
forbidden games in the dark.

Everylhing was a sin.

And l felt the flames of hell
in everything.

With no one to talk to,
I turned to whiskey and drugs...

and the twisted caresses certain members
of the family would allow themselves.

I felt a rage inside of me
that left me blind to reason.

For every dark area
you can find the light...

Even if it's a psychological darkness.

To fight it, you must live
out your dream...

and let yourself go,
following your instincts.

Here, now, with no regard
for anyone or anything.

Mireille, you were one of my victims,
will you accept the risk?

And the others?

Given that this meeting has been
nothing but a farce...

i don't feel like continuing.

Also because I don't see how
any of this applies to me.

I'm willing to take pan in any test.

If it's necessary,
then I'm not afraid.

It will be a test of the truth!

It can't hurt us as much as
the truth already has.

I'm prepared to do whatever it takes.

Come on, lawyer!

When I've drugged myself in hate,
defend yourselves!

Or support me!

But don't try to restrain me
because all you see is hate!



Don't untie me.

Don't untie me!

Don't untie me!

Out of the way!

What are you doing?

- Clean the donkey!
- Stop!

You're lucky with the ladies.

I'll make you forget about them!

I want to watch you caress her!

Caress her!

Now bite her!

Good, like that!

That's enough!
I can't stand it any more.

You may calm my fever
bul you'll never get rid of it!

l could kill,
bul then I'd still want to kill...

Because the poison they
nurtured in me has deep roots!

It will be years before before I can
breathe freely in this life as a man!

I want to know what meat one must
nurture so as not it damage your face?

Not like that, with him!

Not like that!

I don't want it any more!

I thought I would burn you,
and light you with pleasure.

That's my weak spot!

So you too have a hidden poison that
siirs inside of you, respeciabie Anselmo.

The poison is in me...

but I'm not ashamed.

Turn me upside down!
Take me!

- Wait.
- Take me!


- Harder!
- Yes!


Now... Now!

My love!

Don't let it get to you, Mireille.
Take it as it comes...

Because, in reality, we're all uninhibited...

Either from sex, from colour,
or human presumption.

What about the hate they created
in me against my own body?

What do I do with it?

Throw it against the obscenities
to find love again.