Quaid-e-Azam Zindabad (2022) - full transcript

Quaid-e-Azam Zindabad is a slogan near and dear to many Pakistanis. Nowadays, corruption sweeps across the nation that was once built upon on the basis of being pure and clean. Several institutions are infiltrated through bribery

This is a Police line.

An internal competition

is going on between each other

Who makes more bribe money

than the other

My father is also a police officer

but he is honest.

Well, son..


One's needs can be fulfilled

with honesty but not one's wants.

The rich have toys

to give to their children..

..while the poor only have stories.

And the story my father told me,

Give me money, father.

Was Unique.

- Only ten rupees?

- Oh!

First you tell me whose

picture is on this note.

Quaid-e- Azam The great leader.

Do you know why?

No, father.

Because he keeps an eye on us.

And when we misuse this money,

he gets upset with us.


Yes, father.

Remember that.

The great leader is watching us.

Come here, Gulab.

Let's play, carom.

'Remember that.

The great leader is watching us.'

No. You play.

What happened to him?

- No. You play.

- Get lost!

Give me a pack of biscuits, uncle.

'Remember that.

The great leader is watching us.'

He is so young and you

are already scaring him.

Good words don't have the

same impact on everyone, Sajida.

When it rains crops only grow

where the farmer has worked hard.

Only weeds grow in the other places.

- Come here. Come here.

- I'm coming.


"Ranjha. Ranjha."

"Ranjha. Ranjha."

"Ranjha. Ranjha."

"Ranjha. Ranjha."

"Ranjha. Ranjha."

They are bad people. The great

leader will get with them.


What are you saying?

Why will he be upset?

I am telling you the great

leader watches from the note.

He definitely gets upset with

people who misuses the notes.

My father told me.

- What are you saying?

- Your father is fooling you..

..so you don't ask him for money.

His father don't take bribe

Yes, that's why he is fooling him.

Look at him ... so naive

Come back, Gulab

I believed in the

story my father told me

..but stories are always

far from the truth..

..and the truth is close to facts.

The fact is that nobody

is watching anybody..

..and everyone takes

advantage of this.

Now it is up to us..

..whether we want

to give advantage..

..or take advantage.

Let me go, buddy.

Nobody is watching.

Fork out the money.


What will people say?

You are planning to sell liquor without

giving me my cut that too in my area.

Hurry. Hurry.

Seize all these bottles of honey.

Hurry up. Hurry.

That was fun, sir!

Hurry up!

- Sir.

- I told you not to touch Nawab's business!

These are the hands of the law.

If they remain free they

will surely GET ON something.

Else, what will people say?

Who does Gulab listen

to if not even you?

Only the great leader Quaid-e-Azam.


Welcome. Welcome.

- Sir.

- Hey, hey.

Why are you standing there?

Sit over here. Come.

Why are you embarrassing me, sir?

The matter is over.

The matter is far from over.

It has gotten out of hand.

In fact it has gone all the way up.

What is above you, sir? Handle it.

You can handle it yourself now.

You have been promoted.


No, sir.

You are kidding, aren't you?

Sir, this will be a big loss.

For you.

Never mind my loss.

Think about yourself.

Someone else will replace you.

Sure, somebody will replace me, sir,

but it won't be someone like me.


Then go. Do something.


I'll do something.

It smells of notes.

What are you doing?


Oh my god

Somebody save her.

What's the matter?

Sir, please save that girl on top.

She will commit suicide.

Sweety, don't jump!

- Her name is Sweety?

- Yes.



Sweety is adorable.

- She is Persian

- That is visible.

Does she understand Urdu?

Yes. I raised her.

Okay. Okay. Sweety.

Sweety. Don't jump, Sweety.

Don't jump, Sweety.

Sweety is afraid.

Don't be afraid, Sweety. Come back.

She is upset.

She can't simply come back.

Sweety. Sweety.

Be quiet! Else Sweety will jump.

- Be quiet. Sweety will jump.

- Okay. Okay.

Sweety. Come. Come on, Sweety.

Come. Come on, Sweety.


Oh! Sweety is safe.

- Sweety.

- Thank God.

Take her, aunty. Sweety.

Keep your balcony

door closed next time.

Thank you, my darling.

It's okay.

Sorry... come.

My name is not Sweety.

So, what is your name, Sweety?

- Greetings, father.

- Greetings.


I heard a board meeting had

taken place for the promotions.

How did it go?

Father, you know what happens

to honest Officers these days.

Even this time someone

got the promotion with a bribe.

Sometimes I get scared that I will also

be lost in this world of dishonety.

No, son. Don't be disheartened.

Remain the way you are

The path of honesty is difficult..

..but it is the only one

that reaches its destination.


Just wait and watch,

one day you will set an example..

..for the Police department.

Everyone will follow you.

Everyone will follow me and

I will follow the great leader.

Fun! Fun!

Shut up...

I am honored.

My house is blessed

since you rang the bell.

My bell will ring

if you don't help me.


The helper needs my help today.

What can I do?

There are many such things.

- Really?

- Seriously.

- Come.

- Come.

No more promotion,

now it will be a demotion.

Close your mouth!

- A fly will go in.

- Sorry. Sorry.

You did the right thing, my dear.

They are spoiled after

watching Indian films.

Forget it, aunty.

Tell me, is my parcel ready?

The parcel as well as this.

Oh, baby! O my God! Who are you?

Where did he come from?

I found him on the

road this morning.

I think someone lost it.

Put in on Facebook, my girl.

Don't worry, aunty.

I will find the owner.

Let's go.

- My parcel, aunty.

- Take this.

Thank you.

Stop.. stop.

Lets start !

What are you looking at?

I am looking at the

mobile you must have.

Out with it quickly. Out!

- Out! Hurry up!

- Okay. One moment.

- And look down.

- Okay, bro. Bro. Bro. Bro.

Look down. Out! Out with it!


Look at how she's dressed

and look at her phone.

You think we are stupid?

Sorry. Forget the phone. Take her dog.

The dog is very expensive.

- No. No. No. Don't touch the dog.

- Why? Why?

Please. Please.

One moment. One moment.

Look at this phone.

Brand new.

Hey. Take the phone.

A brand-new phone.

She gave the new phone

in place of the dog.

Such a burger girl

Move! Move!

Move! Move! Move! Thank you.

- Move! Move!

- What's going on here?

Move! Shut up.

What happened?

Was your phone snatched?

Shut up!

You okay?

Thank god


sir's promotion is cancelled.

just take it

Congratulations, sir!

Congratulations! Congratulations!

Congratulations, man!

Eat it with this.



What's so good about it?

It is good news.

If sir remains here all

of us will get cream. Yeah.

I don't want it.

To hell with you!

- Welcome, sir.

- Wow! Wow!

It is a day of celebration.

Why have you kept these people here?

What will people say, Ronaq Ali?

Sir, he beat his wife and the wife

came herself to file the complaint.

Of course, sir. If the wife talks

back a man is bound to react, right?

And in any case,

there is no point in wasting time.

I know that you accept bribes.

I accept bribes,

my boy, but I also slap people.

- Put him in, Ronaq Ali!

- Yes, sir.

Listen to me, sir. What have I done?

Have you no shame beating your wife!

And then give so less bribe

I will fix you in jail


- Ronaq Ali!

- Coming, sir.

What is this?

It is loot, sir.

Sher Alam caught some robbers

at the corner early this morning.

Wow! Wonderful!

What will people say?

Everyone worked so hard on duty.

You all deserve it.

distribute this

amongst yourselves.

Hey, come quick. Come quick.

Send that lunatic too. Hurry. Hurry.

Come here. Come.

What happened?

Pick it up. Hurry. Hurry.

- Come on. Hurry up.

- Yes, sir.

One for wife and other is for life.

Take that. Mobile.

Sir. Give me my phone too. Sir.

I will be very grateful to you.

What will you do with the phone? There

is no mobile network in the jail, idiot.

But.. Brother.

Listen to me, brother.

Get my wife to bail me out.

Oh! Oh, Sweety.

Sweety is so sweet!

She loves all animals so much.

Imagine how much she

will love a human being.


"Chaos. Chaos. Chaos.

Chaos. Chaos. Create a chaos."

"Tantrum. Tantrum. Tantrum. Tantrum.

Tantrum. A tantrum took place."

"She broke the lock on my heart."

"She made me bankrupt."

"She came like a tsunami

and swept me away."

"She whirled me around

like a cyclone."

"She caused an earthquake."

The policeman got robbed."

"In the middle of the market."

After seeing your photo

for the first time."

The Policeman got robbed"

Listen policemen, its not required

"TO cast an evil

eye on my photo."

"Robbed. Robbed.

Robbed. Robbed. Robbed. Robbed."

"You showed me your

photo and robbed me."

"Robbed. Robbed.

Robbed. Robbed. Robbed. Robbed."

In full swing

"Robbed. Robbed.

Robbed. Robbed. Robbed. Robbed."

"You showed me your

photo and robbed me."

"Robbed. Robbed.

Robbed. Robbed. Robbed. Robbed."

in full swing

"You are the first

episode of my love story."

"Wonderful! Fantastic!

You are overloaded with beauty."

"Get lost. I shall destroy

the end of your love story."

"I will dust you

away like dandruff."

Fully stared with anger

Left after publically embarassing me

"The policeman got robbed."

"In the middle of the market."

After seeing your photo

for the first time."

The policeman got robbed."

Listen policemen, its not required

To cast an evil

eye on my photo."

"Robbed. Robbed.

Robbed. Robbed. Robbed. Robbed."

"You showed me your

photo and robbed me."

"Robbed. Robbed.

Robbed. Robbed. Robbed. Robbed."

" in full swing

"Robbed. Robbed.

Robbed. Robbed. Robbed. Robbed."

"You showed me your

photo and robbed me."

"Robbed. Robbed.

Robbed. Robbed. Robbed. Robbed."

In full swing

"Robbed. Robbed.

Robbed. Robbed. Robbed. Robbed."

"You showed me your

photo and robbed me."

"Robbed. Robbed.

Robbed. Robbed. Robbed. Robbed."

In full swing

"Robbed. Robbed.

Robbed. Robbed. Robbed. Robbed."

"You showed me your

photo and robbed me."

"Robbed. Robbed.

Robbed. Robbed. Robbed. Robbed."

In full swing

I've been calling you since yesterday.

Where have you been, buddy?

What should I do?

My exams are going on.

Mama doesn't even let me play PUB-G

these days.

Okay, come here. Track my phone.

- It got lost?

- No, it was snatched.

Where was the small one?

Both of them were snatched.

You act so brave in front of us.

And handed both your phones

at the sight of the gun.

Shut up. Put this down.

Come. Track my phone and

you will see how I get it back.

Take my advice and send

the location to the Police.

Are you crazy?

Would my phone be snatched

if the Police could do something?

That is true.

The location it is showing is Hawk's bay

It is a very bad place.

Even gang wars take place there.

Thank you.

Send the location to this.

Are you insane? Where are you going?

What do you mean, 'where am I going?'

I'm going to bring back the phone.

I am going to tell aunty.

Don't you dare tell aunty!


She let her phone get snatched.

The lunatic will get

my phone snatched too.

Let me send the location.

You lost,

No no, you are cheating ...

C'mon you do that everytime you lose

Lets play it again, this time I will win

Catch her!


Are you okay?

Run... Run

Catch him

Catch him.

Catch him. Catch him. Catch him.

You? What are you doing over here?

I came to retrieve my phone.

You are a very brave girl.

You should have been a Policewoman.

Would my phone have been snatched

if the Police were of any use?

The public cannot see

the work that the Police do.

Thank you so much.

How did you get hold of this?

Oh, I.. I came here

to recover your phone.

I received news over the wireless,

that your phone is here.

Anyway, never mind that.

Let me drop you home safely.

No, thank you. I have my own bike.

Then you drop me.

Sher Alam,

is double seat permitted now?

- Long ago, sir.

- It is permitted.

Let's go.

Let's go.

I do not use any

official item past 5 PM.

Not even my uniform.

I change it the moment I reach home.

Where do you want to be dropped?

Where are you going?

I have no problem. Tell me where you

want to go and I will drop you off.

I don't have a problem either. I

will get off wherever you are going.


you ride the bike well.

He is such a clingy person.

- Did you say something?

- No.


Yes. Hello, Bilal.

No, how can you..

No. How can you go now?

I am coming home right away.

I miss you.

I have so much to discuss with you.

Look, you have tea prepared

by mom and I'll be there soon.



- Who is Bilal?

- My boyfriend.

Please ride fast.

What did you say over the phone?

You are so late.

My Mother will Scold

me because of you.



- Stupid idiot!

- Phone. Phone. Phone.

- Come in!

- Coming, mom.

Why don't you work at Jia's house.

Coming, mom. Count to ten.

- Will your father give the exam.

- Yes, coming, coming.

Your mother-in-law has

a very nasty temperament.

Will you manage?

None of your business.

I will put you in prison

under the child marriage act.


Take care.

She is your sister-in-law.

Hey! Come here.

I know that my poor brothers

don't have a roof over their heads.

People are starving to

death because of unemployment.

The coffers of the rulers who

are robbing the poor are filling up.

But I am one of you.

I am not working either

for America or for India.

I am only working for my public.

I am certain even this time you will

give me the chance to serve you..

..so I may serve my country

and my public even more.

Wow! That was enjoyable.

Thank you, sir.

You haven't written this.

But I found the man, sir.

Who is it?

Sir, you know that film,

'I won't go to Multan.'

I had it written by the

writer of that movie, sir.

I want you to do something.

Let this person write

for the whole campaign.

Okay, sir.

Also, sir, I got songs written

to entertain the public at the fest.

- Would you like me to sing for..

- Sing the songs to junior.

He understands it well.

- Okay, sir.

- Yes.

- Yes.

- Sir.

- Sit.

- You first, sir.

Grandpa. Grandpa. Look, father

got this for me. What do you think?

It is very good!

Come here, boy. Come here. Good boy!

This is Sajawal.

He will be the party's

Chairman after me.

In that case I should

become friends with him, sir.

Sir, you be friends with him.

I will be his friend.

In any case you will be retired by

the time Sajawal becomes Chairman.

Sorry, sir.

This time Sajawal will be

with me at the election campaign.


But, sir,

isn't Sajawal sir a bit too young?

DIG, a lion teaches its

cubs to hunt when they are young.

Wow! Wow!

Wow! Wonderful!

Wonderful, sir! Wonderful, Sajawal!

My preparations are complete.

Tell me about yours.

We are ready, sir.

Anytime you say the word.

I just want the place to be safe.

I hope you didn't leave any link?

Thieves leave links, sir.

The Police makes links.

Stay. Have tea before you leave.

I only eat on duty, sir.

I don't drink.

Else what will people say?

How can you stop me?

Even I was in the Police service.

- I have given 20 years to this department.

- Hey.

- It is every citizen's right.

- You..

What's the matter?

Sir, I-I.. bathroom.

It appears he is eating

a too much these days.

Why aren't you listening to me

- You.. Hey..

- I am going inside.

Sir, you can't go in

without an appointment.

- Move!

- Oh! Oh, sir! Oh!

Sir. Sir, I've been stopping him

for so long but he isn't listening.

He forced his way in.

Oh, alright. Go.

Yes, tell me. What is your problem?

Retired Inspector Munir Mughal, sir.

- May I sit?

- Yes.

Tell me.

What is going on over here, sir?

Even a thief is afraid

to steal in broad daylight.

And look at this, sir.

Look at this.

What are your Policemen doing?

They are coercing innocent

people to pay bribes.

They are selling their

integrity for 100-150 rupees..

..and they take the

great leader's name.

When taking the bribe they say,

'Long live the great leader.'

They have changed the

meaning of the slogan.

Even my son is in

Police service, sir.

- He hasn't earned one rupee illegally.

- Hmm.

Our department is running

thanks to such honest officers.


..what is your son's name?

SHO Gulab Mughal

Gulab? He is a very..

Honest and competent officer.

Wow ! You have raised him very well.

If it were in my hands I.. I..

I would have honored him

with a medal of honesty, sir.

- You have made me proud, sir.

- Thank you.

- Sir, load this on your phone.

- No, no. Give it to Gulab.

He will send it to me.

Please don't stop.

Anywhere you see such activity,

make the video immediately.

Of course, sir. Of course.

Be careful of your father

lest he makes a video of you.

But he will send it to you, sir.

Just delete it.


Very sharp! He is very sharp!

- Greetings, aunty.

- Greetings.


I-I found him on the street, aunty.

I think his mother is lost.

I thought I'd bring him here

- Is your daughter here?

- Yes.

You did the right thing.

My Jia is the mother

of all orphaned animals.


Incidentally, aunty,

I did not know you do not like this.

My likes and dislikes do not matter.

Kids these days have

a mind of their own.

Yes. Yes.

I was so keen on

her becoming a Doctor.

Look, she became a vet. -

Yes, yes. Yes.

- By the way, what do you do?

- I?

I am in the Police service, aunty.

You are a COP?


Policemen don't care

about human beings.

How come you are so

concerned about animals?

Good and bad people

exist everywhere, aunty.

Yes, yes. That is true

but a Policeman is very rare.

- Please open the door, son.

- Yes.

You? What are you doing over here?

This poor pup, I witnessed

his mother come under a car and die.

He was lying on the road

so I thought I'd bring him to you.

Take good care of him.

He's so cute! Come to mummy.

- Hey.

- Sorry.


Thank you. What did you tell mom?

- your mom..

- Congratulations!

We have one more pup in the family.

Here's your yogurt, mummy.

Let's go.


my mummy doesn't like animals.

In fact, she dislikes dogs the most.

She says if they are in

the house angels won't come.


Listen. Next time please

call me before coming.

- Write my number.

- Yes.

- 0300.

- Yes.

- 823.

- Yes.

- 1500.

- Yes.

- By the way, what is your name?

- Gulab.

Gulab. (Rose)

Of course. Parents always think

of their children as flowers, right?

So they gave me that name.

Out of love.

How sweet! Do you know,

I have a cat called Chameli.

I gave her that name. Out of love.

It is time to give

drops to Choochoo.

Excuse me.

Hi, Choochoo.

Come. Come.


Oh! Her drops are left downstairs.

- I see.

- Yes.

- Can you hold it?

- No.

Please. It won't do anything.

- Careful.

- Yes.



Mummy, have you seen

Choochoo's dropper?

Look in the drawer.

It must be around there.



Damn, where did it go? Damn!

Sorry. Sorry.


Take it.

- Sorry.

- Stop!

Who will clean all this mess?

"My heart goes boom boom

boom boom boom boom boom."

"I tell my heart to stop

stop stop stop stop stop stop."

"My heart says hush hush

hush hush hush hush hush."

"I tell my heart, listen listen

listen listen listen listen listen."

"If I so much as

take a glance of her."

"The area of my heart

belonged to her."

"If I so much as

take a glance of her."

"The area of my heart

belonged to her."

"If I give a ticket to her heart."

"There will be a discussion on her."

"Now that love has happened

it will grow slowly, slowly."

"My heart goes boom boom

boom boom boom boom boom."

"I tell my heart to stop

stop stop stop stop stop stop."

"There's nothing left

for my heart to rob."

"My heart doesn't listen no

matter how many curbs I put on it."

"It simply does as it pleases."

I keep getting attracted

she made such a knot

"I pull the strings of the heart."

"The heart is brazen."

"Everything that happened

here was stealthily."

"My heart goes boom boom

boom boom boom boom boom."

"I tell my heart to stop stop stop."

"I can't handle it."

"My heart keeps throbbing."

"This is new joy."

"It keeps changing its color."

"So I sway, dance and sing."

"I hope the joy doesn't kill me."

"I will fall asleep at the

Police station thinking of you."

"I wandered so far and wide."

"I brought you that

which is dear to you."

"Everything that you like."

"I like it too."

"I wish to always make you laugh."

"My heart goes boom boom

boom boom boom boom boom."

"I tell my heart to stop

stop stop stop stop stop stop."

"That time was fascinating."

"The stars,

butterflies, fireflies and I."

"I was thinking of you."

"The fragrance of flowers and I."

"Your scent of you

made my breath fragrant."

"I too have started

living in your style."

"She is not around

and yet I see her."

"Sometimes she is in front

and sometimes she looks away."

"I don't understand."

"What she wants."

"Sometimes she acts familiar,

sometimes a stranger."

"My heart goes boom boom

boom boom boom boom boom."

"I tell my heart to stop

stop stop stop stop stop stop."

Make one burger for me, aunty.

Without onion.


How many burgers do you sell a day?

I thank God a million times, son.

I get by very well.

Great! Wonderful!

Wow! I must say you

make very good burgers.

But starting tomorrow you will not

make these burgers over here.


Such a nice restaurant

has opened up across the road.

Where will people park their

cars when come to the restaurant?

That's why take this

elsewhere hereafter. Okay?

But, my boy, I have permission

from the Municipality.

Look. I have the documents.

You did not seek permission from

the Police though, did you, aunty?

The Restaurateur is a big shot.

He knows people in high places.

I have come in plain clothes today.

That's why I am talking politely.

If I get pressure from above

I will have to come in my uniform.

Then the Police will

use batons and breakage.

You will suffer a big loss, aunty.

What will people say then?

The cart is intact now.

So park it elsewhere.

You don't need to panic, aunty.

Take this.

Tomorrow, okay. Yes.

What is this?

What is all this?

- Father, actually..

- Do not lie!

Tell me where this money came from.

Right from childhood I taught

you only one lesson. Honesty.

You failed in it.

The uniform that made me proud,

you wear the same uniform to steal.

You take advantage of innocent

people's vulnerabilities.

I saved up one penny

at a time to raise you..

..and you are accepting

that which is dishonest.

I spent every moment teaching

you about the honor and reverence..

..of the great leader.

How dare you hide your dirty money

behind that great leader's picture!

Tell me! How dare you!

- Tell me. Tell me. Why did you do it?

- What is the big deal?

What is the big deal

if I kept the notes..

..behind the great leader's picture?

Isn't the great leader's

picture on those notes?

Isn't the great leader's

picture on dishonest notes?

Are the dishonest and

honest notes different?

I love the great

leader more than you.

Look at this.

Look at this.

Look at this.

I have placed it with

care in so many places.

This. This. Over here too.

Look at this. Look at this.

You ran away from them

and I ran after them.

You were honest, weren't you?

You spent an honorable life, right?

What did you gain?

What you gain by putting

us and yourself through this test?

Don't you recall you did not

have money for mother's medication?

When you raised me on penny's

did you ever stop to think..

..that my small wishes were buried

under the mountain of your ego?

I said nothing.

I never complained once.

What do you want now? For

me to spend my life like you did.

You want me to believe

the story you told me even today?

I am not ten years old, father.

Today nobody knows the great leader

you love from that picture of him.

They only know him.

Him. This is the great leader.

Long live the great leader!

You are right.

You are right.

What did I gain from being honest?


...I thought you alone

were my wealth..

..and today you are the

one who made me bankrupt.

Remember my words.

This money will be of no use to you.

The story I told you when

you were young was not a lie.

Move away.

Move away.

You don't even deserve to have

the great leader's picture here.


..an unfortunate father and you,

the father of the

nation have failed.

The system that I

wanted to change...

...has changed my son.

People see your

picture on the notes..

...but they forget to read..

..'Seeking an honest livelihood

is an act of worship.'


God, please perform a miracle

that will show everybody..

..the difference between

honest and dishonest.

I'm sorry, father.

You couldn't sleep all night

and I couldn't fall asleep either.

I am very ashamed.

I should not have spoken

to you in that manner.

You are annoyed with me, aren't you?

I did not mean to break your heart.

That's why..

That's why I kept

it secret from you.

Please forgive me.



You cannot leave

in this manner, father.

Father, you can't..

You can't leave without

forgiving me, father.




"Held the hand of the worldliness

"left your hand behind."

"My shadow was fake.

Your shelter was real."

"I have invited disaster."

"I lost your company

because of the path I chose."

"How did I manage to

shun myself on the path?"

"What kind of an illusion is this?"

"I fulfilled my wishes

by destroying your dreams."

"But when I dusted my hands

ash was all that blew away."

"I fulfilled my wishes

by destroying your dreams."

"But when I dusted my hands

ash was all that blew away."


"What kind of an illusion is this?"



"What kind of an illusion is this?"

- Sir.

- Fill it up.

Okay, sir.

What is this, sir?

Don't pay me if you don't want to..

..but don't give me fake notes.

Are you out of your mind?

See for yourself, brother.

The great leader is not on it.

Sir, it appears someone

has cheated you.

My money, br! Money!

Sir! I will lose my job, sir!

Thief! Police! Police!

'The story I told you when

you were young was not a lie.'

'The great leader

keeps an eye on us, son.'

'And when we misuse this money,

he gets annoyed with us.'

'This money will

be of no use to you.'

'Do you know whose

picture is on the note?'

'It is a picture

of the great leader.'

'I thought you alone

were my wealth..

..and today you are the one who made me bankrupt.'

'Bear in mind, son.'

'The great leader

keeps an eye on us.'

'God, please perform a miracle.'

'Do you know why the great

leader's picture is on the note?'

- 'Because he keeps an eye on us.'

- 'So people understand the difference...

...between honest and dishonest.

'The great leader is

the father of the nation.'

'You don't even deserve to have

the great leader's picture here.'

'Mother, what happens

if one misuses money?'

'The great leader

gets annoyed with him.

'And what happens if the

great leader 'gets annoyed?'

'Tell me.'

'What if I get annoyed with you?'

'It will hurt me.'

'Because you are my father.'

'And the great leader

is the father of the nation.'

Sit there quietly.

You've kept me here

for the past two hours.

So what? You might have

to sit even for four hours.

- Are you going to kill the innocent chap?

- Your tea, sir.

- We know how innocent he is.

- I don't want it. - Biscuits too, sir.

I don't want it! Take it away!


You are in the Police station.

- He was coaching.

- All of us saw how he was coaching.

He won't do it again.

Please forgive him.

- It is not his fault.

- Hey!

Whom you are talking to?

Easy. Will you stop shouting

or shall I put you in as well?

Tell me clearly how much

you want to release him.

- I told you ...

- Whats going on Bhatti?

Sir, he is here

to get the bird out.

Come in.

Please let him go, sir.

He is a student.

How much? How much do you have?

I have money, sir. I have it.

I have ten.

It is clean, sir.

- Sir, please..

- Yes. Yes, yes, yes.

Yes, let's go. Let's go.

Yes, let's go.

Hey, open up.

- Come on. Open up.

- Yes.

Open up. Hurry.

Open up.

Go straight home.

- My te..

- Come out.

Come, darling. Come, let's go.

- Do you want a drink?

- No, buddy. Give me a puff first.

Hey, wait!

Take this.

Keep it.

- Keep it.

- No, sir.

Please don't take him away, sir.

I have more, sir.

I'll give it to you.

I don't want it.

Put it back.

Take it. Keep it.

Check it.

What are you saying, sir?

I wouldn't doubt you.

Check it.


It's all here.

Show me.


Go. Go.

- Good man.

- Yes, buddy. Very good.

Let's party. Hold this.


Sir, a tobacco vendor

has been caught.

The MPA is making calls for him.

- Ronaq Ali.

- Yes, sir.

Can someone be annoyed

with another even after dying?

One will only know after dying, sir.


Have you ever thought about why the

great leader's picture is on notes?

Sir.. It is a Pakistani note.

Obviously it will have

the great leader's picture.

No, not that.

Another. Another reason.

Another reason..

Another reason, sir.. Yes!

Yes, sir.

Money is everybody's father.

The great leader is

the father of the nation.

- Do you have money?

- Yes, sir.

As long as you are around

my pockets are never empty.

- Show.

- Here. No. Here.

- Sit down.

- Yes, sir. Yes, sir.

Look, the great leader's

picture is on the notes..

..so he may keep an eye on us.

When we misuse the money, say

for bribery or Commision under the table

..he is watching us.

And he gets annoyed because of it.

Sir, please don't scare me.

By the way, sir,

what does he do when he is annoyed?

He disappears from the notes.

Sir.. He disappears from the notes?

He gets annoyed and disappears?

Sir, today you appear to

be in a fun mood after a long time.

I too have a new

joke from Shikarpur.

- Let me tell you.

- I am not kidding, Ronaq Ali.

The great leader is annoyed with me.

No, sir. He is smiling at you.

That's right, sir. Take a look.


You.. You don't believe me, do you?

- Sir..?

- Please go.

- Sir, the MPA..

- Please go.

- Sir, the tobacco..

- Oh!


Okay, sir.

Bhatti, don't go in. Sir is having an

important meeting with the great leader.

Ronaq Ali! Hey, Ronaq Ali! Wake up.

Whose pocket did you pick?

All the notes are fake.

Guddu is waiting outside.

His fees have to be paid.

You sleep all day long.

Wake up, I say! Wake up!

Oh, no!

Open the door quickly, sir.

- What's the matter?

- Sir. Sir.

You know what you said

about the great leader yesterday?

- Yes.

- It has happened.

- What happened?

- The great leader got annoyed.

- Come in.

- Yes.

Look at this too.

Oh my god

What is this?

- I've been calling for so long.

- Huh?

- Where have you been?

- I-I.. Nothing.

I know how you feel.

When a loved one is gone..

..one feels very sad.

If only the person could return.

If only.

But, Gulab, the fact is

that the person will not return.

Don't say that, madam.

Want to go out?

- Let's go watch a movie.

- No. No.

- I don't wish to go out.

- Okay. Then let's stay at home.

Huh? What will we do at home?

What will we do at home? We

will chat. We could watch a movie.

We shall cook food.

Alright, then let's sit here.

Here. Let's chat over here.

Sit. Sit.

Just a moment.

- Will we chat here all day long?

- Yes. Yes.

Any problem with that?

We shall chat over here.

- Is anyone inside?

- Where?

- In the room.

- No. No. No. Not at all.

- Then what was that sound?

- I didn't hear it.

I didn't even hear it now.

I did.

From where?

Jia. Jia. Look..

Why is the door locked?

Look, I can explain, Jia.

What can you explain? Who is inside?

Nobody is inside.

Open the door.

- Nobody is inside, Jia.

- Hello!

- Who is inside?

- Nobody is inside, Jia.

- Open the door.

- Jia. Nobody is inside.

Get the door open. Get it open.


- Seriously?

- No..

No. No. No. No. No. No.

We aren't like that, madam.

It's just that..

- What is this?

- Yes..

- So much money?

- The.. the..

- We raided a fake note factory.

- Yes.

- That's what it is.

- That's it.

But these don't even have

the great leader's picture.

- Exactly what they were printing.

- They were printing.

- We got there on time. - Yes.

- Really?

We are chasing bigwigs.

They are very dangerous.

- That is why we are hiding here.

- Yes.

- It is not safe for you to be here, Jia.

- Yes.

- Please go home.

- That's right.

And what about you, Gulab?

This is my job, Jia..

..and would go to

any lengths for my duty.

Me too.

Go to any lengths.

Sir, you have fooled madam.

At least tell me the truth.

- How did this happen?

- I told you, Ronaq Ali.

The great leader is annoyed with me.

Then He should have been annoyed with

you. Why did he get annoyed with me?

Because you did not believe me.

You mean to say

the notes of anyone..

..who doesn't believe

will become useless?

It's possible.

If he has corruption money.

How is this possible, sir?

I don't understand it.

And if it is true then

let's test it on someone.

On whom?

Listen. Stop demanding bribes.

The great leader will get annoyed.

If he gets annoyed he will

disappear from the notes. Yes.

And if I get annoyed

then you will disappear.

Understand? Now get out of here!

Hey! What are you doing?

I would have fallen.

How much further will you fall?

Aren't you ashamed of

yourself for stealing power?

One gets power when one

hooks the wire, not shame.

All the money you are saving

by stealing power will disappear..

..when the great leader

gets annoyed with you.


Mind your own business.

Where do these people come from?

Why are you adding dishonest

money to your honest money?

- You silly! Water is pure.

But the great leader

will get annoyed with you.



You're back? What is your problem?

You don't understand. The

great leader is annoyed with you.

I am going to beat you.

- Check your notes before you beat us.

- Yes. Check them.

Do it.



Where have they gone? Hey!

Oh Fish...

We made a mistake. We should

have demanded the bribe in dollars.

We would not have had this problem.

All our earnings are wasted.

What will we do, Ronaq Ali?

How will we survive?

Sir, we are daily wage earners.

We earn daily to eat daily.


Sir. Idea!

Hereafter we shall demand

things from people instead of money.

- What?

- Ration, yogurt, milk and fruits.

We rob people of food in any case.

Else there are so many banquet halls

Long live Sindhi biryani!

You are speaking nonsense,

Ronaq Ali.

We demanded bribes so honorably.

You want us to become beggars now?

Sir, don't you feel

we have become beggars?

You are single but

I have big expenses.

My son wants a car

and my wife wants gold.

How will I fulfill their demands?

I am too old.


Ronaq Ali.

- Ronaq Ali.

- Yes.


Yes, sir.

Ronak Ali.


Hereafter we will only

Use cards, no cash.

Fill it up.

I bet you aren't accepting the

card because you cheat on taxes.

We are getting late, sir.

We are going to the airport.

My cousin has to catch

the flight to America.

Then I'm sure you have dollars.

How much can I cheat

on taxes for 50 rupees?

12 dozen eggs,

40 big packers of milk,

- 35 kilos sugar.

- You dare to argue with a Policeman?

I will put you in prison

under penal code 803.

65 kilos of basmati rice.

Never mind the money, sir.

I don't want money from you.

Okay, give me five canisters.

Give me olive oil.

Give me a face massage.

I pray that God

blesses you both.

Give me.

I-I-I-I.. I-I-I-I am giving him.

I am giving him.

- I am giving him.

- Hurry up, sir.

- Hurry up.

- Take this.


I hope you GET destroyed!

You accept cards, don't you?

Cards are unacceptable.

I don't have the machine.

So, keep a machine.

You have done a very

big job for me, sir.

You deserve this, sir.

I don't want it.

- Sir, you have done a big job for me.

- I don't want it.

- I am happy to give it to you.

- I don't want it. - "Long live the great leader!"

"Long live the great leader!"

"Long live the great leader!"

"Long live the great leader!"

Hello, aunty. I haven't seen

your cart for the past 15 days.

Is everything okay?

It has been 15 days since the Police

forced me to move my cart, my dear.

They stopped my work.

Don't worry, aunty. I know a

Policeman. He will surely help us.

Just come to Victoria

Police station.

I tried reasoning with him but..

Who is this? She rode a motorcycle

to the Police station. By herself.

She is the.. um, what do you

call them? From the women's march.


They aren't called communists.


They are called womanists.

Brother, is Gulab here?

Yes, it is.

Inspector Gulab.

- Who are you?

- I am his friend.

- Friend?

- Yes, friend.

- Excuse me a moment, please.

- Okay.


- What?

- A girl is here.

She claims to be your friend.

What's the matter?

Is everything okay?

I have very important business

with you. There's a problem.

There's a lady in Main market.

She has a doner kebab cart.

She makes the most

wonderful doner kebabs.

Some dimwit forced her

to move her cart from there.

- And think about it. She had a permit.

- I'll be back in a minute.

Listen to me, Gulab.

This is the lady.

Aunty. Gulab. He will help us.

How will he help, my dear? He is the

one who forced me to move my cart.

He even threatened

to shatter my cart.


It's like this..

it's just that.. actually..

Actually what?

You are a liar.

You are cheating.

You are making a fool of me.

- Listen to me, Jia.

- Jia what?

Don't bother acting anymore.

I'm so stupid.

- Let's go, aunty.

- Listen to me, Jia.

I will correct everything.

Correct yourself first.

Ronaq Ali, you are older than me.

Even you didn't try to stop me.

May I say something, sir?

I hope you won't feel offended.

Why would you listen to me when you

did not listen to your own father?

You're right, Ronaq Ali.

I annoyed everyone.

The great leader. Father.

So much so, even Jia.

I don't know what to do.

Sir, there is only one solution.

We must placate everyone.





Why have you come here?

Please forgive me, Jia.

I forgive you. Go.

No, I won't go this way.

Just listen to me once.

Then I shall leave if you wish.

I am not interested

in listening to lies.

Would you like to

listen to the truth?

'Tell me why you did it?'

'What is the big deal

if I kept the notes..

..behind the great

leader's picture?'

'Right from childhood I taught

you only one lesson. Honesty.'

'You failed in it.'

Everything is finished, Jia.

I could never be the way..

The way father wanted me to be.

I told myself so many lies.

I deceived myself.

Perhaps that's why

Perhaps that's why I did

not get the chance to placate him.

No matter what I do now, Jia,

nothing will be right.

You have to make things right.

Even if I do, so what?

Father won't be able to see.

Gulab, we feel that the

people in the graves our asleep.

We are the ones who are asleep.

They are watching everything.

Do you know how many people we must

have accepted bribes from till date?

Why, sir? What's the matter?

We must return it to everyone.


"Mend your ways now, God's child."

- Shall I tell you?

- "What's gone is the past."

You took bribes from

all the cases...

- ...that are written in red ink.

"Mend your ways now, God's child."

"What's gone is the past."

- Look at the section and make the calculation.

- "Your land is no longer unhappy, it is happy."

"Your land is no longer unhappy,

it is happy."

Section 144.

- I must have taken at least 50000 rupees.

- "Take care of this nation"

"What are you preoccupied with?"

"How long will you remain astray?"

"Go ahead and get

on the straight path."

"From bribery."

"From stealing a few coins."

"Free yourself."

"Long live the great leader!"

"Long live the great leader!"

"Long live the great leader!"

- The great leader has come.

- "Long live the great leader!"

One would think the great

leader has come on our notes.

He will.

He just needs to be placated.

"Your dreams will change."

- "Your aftermath will change."

- Section 307.

It was a case of

misappropriation, sir."

- "If your work is honest."

- 500,000

"Your aftermath will change."

"You must keep your heart happy."

"Long live the great leader!"

"Long live the great leader!"

"Long live the great leader!"

"Long live the great leader!"

This is the balance

sheet of your deeds?

It looks like the Panama Papers to me.

Did you feel ashamed

to demand a bribe?

Didn't you feel ashamed

to give a bribe, sufi?

- You recognize me?

- I can never forget you.

I could not celebrated my

wedding night because of you two.


Father. Mama is calling you.

I'm coming, son.

You did not celebrate

your wedding night?

Was she born on the night

of fortune and forgiveness?

- Oh..

- Go on a honeymoon.



"How long can you survive..

..on these pieces of paper?"

Sir, you worked so

hard to earn this money.

- "You can touch any destination."

- They were not our hard earned money.

- It was their hard earned money.

What about our hard earned money?

"Loved ones are remembered."

"Long live the great leader!"

"Long live the great leader!"

- Salary, Ronaq Ali.

- "Long live the great leader!

- Our salary.

- "Long live the great leader!"

"Long live the great leader!"

"Long live the great leader!"

"Long live the great leader!"

"Long live the great leader!"

- Long live the great leader!

- "Long live the great leader!"

"Long live the great leader!"

- "Long live the great leader!"

- Sir, why are you so happy?

We received our salary.

Did you receive

it for the first time?

- No. I am withdrawing it for the first time.

- "Long live the great leader!"

"Long live the great leader!"

"Long live the great leader!"

"Long live the great leader!"

Out with it.

Hey Oldman

Hey! Fork out the money.

Sir. I just got here, sir.

- Your daily drama never ends, bro.

- No, no, sir.

Please have a little mercy.

I haven't done any business as yet.

Your drama never ends.

- Shall I get it out of the till myself?

- No, brother. No!

Get away!


You better give me money now

else your business will be stopped!

- M I right sir.

- Take off your uniform.

Excuse me, sir?

Take off your uniform.

I didn't get it


It is very easy to flaunt

your position on Constables like me.

Go and beat up your seniors

if you have the guts!

Those who have ruined the system.

I only demand 100-200 rupees. Catch

those who demand millions of rupees.

Go and beat them

if you have the guts.

Strip them in front of everyone.

You are stripping me.

Are you out of your mind?

Have you gone mad?

What is going on?

The public is bound to bully us if

a Policeman beats another Policeman.

Why did you beat him?

Sir, he..

He was demanding bribes, sir.


Did he demand less?

Does one have to

demand a bribe, sir?

Huh? Is a camera running?

I hope you aren't recording this.

I have made up my mind, sir.

I will not accept bribes.

And you won't either.

You are going to dictate

what I will or won't do?

Yes, sir.

And if you don't listen

then I shall tell everyone.

What-What.. What will you tell?

That you wear the Official uniform..

..but you work for

robbers like Rana Sikandar.

You make money for him. You

change it from black to white.

You hide their dark deeds.

The poison coursing

down your veins..

..has spread through

the department, sir.

From top to down every

part has become useless.

And you? What are you doing?

You are an Inspector but you have

made as much money as a Minister..

..and now you possessed

by the spirit of honesty!

You are my dog. Every

time I ate I threw you a bone..

..and today you dare to bark at me!

Bear in mind when a dog goes

rabid and barks at his master,

it is shot!

And what if the same

dog bites his master?

Are you feeling very angry?

Every time I feel angry,

I come here and vent all my anger.



That is insanity.

- Try it.

- No.

What do you mean? Try it.

You will see it makes a difference.

Sorry. Let it come from the heart.

It's true.

It really made a difference.

See? Sometimes there

is logic in insanity.

In any case,

the mind doesn't work in anger.

You're right.

I should not have lost

my temper this morning.

The mind doesn't work in anger.

Now my mind is working.

Look at the things

one has to do to get votes.

If we get votes this time..

..then we will keep getting

notes for the next 5 years.

- But, Mr. Rana, in new Pakistan..

- Sir, Gulab is here.

Hey! Let him stay there.

Sir, I've kept him there

for the past four hours.

Send him in.

Yes, sir.

- But, Mr. Rana..

- It is election time.

A small spark can

kindle into a big flame.

We shall deal with him later.

So, doggy,

you sniffed your way here? Huh?

You were right, sir.

I am a dog, sir.

I am a scoundrel, sir.

I am a very cheap person, sir.

I am savage!

But, sir, please forgive me. Sir.

Please make a recommendation for me,

sir. Please, sir.

I made a huge mistake, sir.

I misbehaved with

a person like you, sir.

Everything I am today,

sir, and the position that I am in..

..is only because of you, sir.

I can't leave you in the lurch, sir.

I cannot leave you.

Get back!


So your balloon is burst? Huh?

You were leaping

very high this morning.

Has the spirit of honesty left you?

What honesty, sir?

My business is shut, sir.

- Oh!

- Sir.

I cannot express to you

what's going on with me, sir.

Sir, I haven't slept

for the past two nights.

- Oh!

- I take ten pills, sir,

and yet I cannot fall asleep.

I have become insomniac, sir.

Sir. But if I tell you even

you will lose your sleep, sir.

What has happened?

No, sir. No, sir. I don't want

to trouble you by telling you, sir.

Why are you creating suspense?

Just tell us simply.

You will suffer a big

loss if I tell you, sir.

You won't be able to take it, sir.

Hey, you want to be forgiven,

don't you?

Tell the truth. It's an order.

Sir, if I tell you..

..you will no longer be

in a position to forgive anyone.

- Will you tell me or not?

- Sir.

I'll tell you, sir.

- Tell me.

- Okay, sir.

But you have to make

me a promise first, sir.

Look, sir. You must believe me, sir.

You won't make fun of me.

Okay. Okay, alright. Alright.

Then tell us the correctly

and tell us the truth.

I promise you I will

not make fun of you.

- Sure, sir?

- Yes, yes, sure.

You know, sir, that my

father was an honest Officer.

During my childhood

he told me a story, sir.

He used to say..

And one day the great leader

disappeared from my notes.

Sir. You promised me, sir.

Sir. Sir. This is cheating.

Don't make fun of me, sir.


Sir. Please stop, sir.

Sorry. Sorry. Sorry.

You dimwit!

Go to the Doctor.

I will pay the fees.

Because your notes are useless

Its ok if You don't believe me

Even I didn't believe it.


Oh. Thank you.

Big people, big heart.

Thank you, sir.

Sir, I gave you a massage

and you are duping me?




Hey, listen.

What are these preparations for?

For Mr. Rana's election procession.

This time we will take Mr.

Rana's procession.

Dance. Dance.

Tell me the truth. What is the game?

Whose hand is behind this?

Withdraw your hand first.

This is a uniform.

Look, Gulab, tell me nicely.

How will the notes get corrected?

Look, I have handled it so far.

If the great leader on

these notes doesn't return..

..then this will make you disappear.

- There is one solution.

- What?

You will have to apologize.

From whom?

Come on. Begin.

Come on!

Please forgive me, sir.

I made a mistake.

I am feeling ashamed.

I won't do it again.

If you ask in this manner

you won't even get alms.

How can you get forgiveness?

Put your heart into it.

Nicely. Plead.

Remember all the corruption

you have indulged in.

Come on!

Great leader, please forgive me.

I am very dishonest & Corrupt.

I have robbed this country.

I am telling the truth.

I did not spare anyone.

Neither children's schools,

nor the poor.

Neither the hospitals,

nor the parks.

I bled everyone.

He's Right

Please come back once.

Everything will be okay.

I will not make this mistake gain.

Babaji. You are aware, Babaji,

how helpless the Policemen are.

We have to do what their orders.

Please forgive me this time.

I promise you, Babaji, I shall offer

two sheets of flowers for your grave.


I will make a gold chandlier made.

Get up. Let's go.

These notes will get back to normal,

won't they?

You have to do one last thing.

What else do I have to do?

Return the money to the

people who it belongs to.

Sir, the money

belongs to the public.

It is public money,

return it to the public.

The great leader will return.


Long live Rana Sikandar!

Long live Rana Sikandar!

- Long live Rana Sikandar!

- Silence please.

Long live Rana Sikandar!

Respected Speaker, the subject

that I am about to discuss..

..might be offensive to some

of our friends sitting over here.

Quite possible they

will make fun of me.

Sir, have we thought about

the fact that this money..

..for which we work so hard, it has

the great leader's picture on it..

..and this is how we are

showing our respect for it?

Think about what

he must be feeling..

..when he sees his picture

squandering in prostitute houses..

..or being used for drugs..

..or seeing it distributed in

the name of bribery and commissions.

But now it is time think of proposing

the removal of his picture..

..from the notes to

maintain his lofty position.

Lest he gets annoyed with us

permanently and leaves these notes.

Order in the house, please.

Yes, yes.

Okay, okay. Cancel the celebration.

I don't understand

what has happened.

Come to Rana Sikandar's

house immediately.

- Why didn't you convert it into dollars?

- I'm sorry.

Will you father make

compensate for this loss?

Excuse me. You too.

What is this, Rana?

What kind of a ploy have you made?

The other day in the Assembly..

..you said that the picture

will disappear from the notes.

The picture disappeared.

Which magic wand do you have?

If I had a magic wand I wouldn't

simply make the picture disappear..

..I would make the

entire note disappear.

What do you mean?

I mean that all of us

are nude in this bathroom.

What happened with you

has happened to me as well.

But it's good. As always

we shall unite to resolve this.

How will we resolve it?

Will we print the picture on it?

No. We shall unite to

get the picture taken off.

Get the great leader's picture taken

off the notes. How is it possible?

This won't be so easy, Rana.

People will come out on the streets.

People will surely

come out on the streets.

Not against us,

rather in favor of us.

How's that?

This time we will protest

against corruption.

If we want to catch

people with black money..

..we must bring in new notes.

On hearing this people

will go crazy advocating for us.

In any case the public hates our

wealth more than their own poverty.

And what if they find out?

The public..

..only realizes..

..the difference between cheating

and heating once it has happened.

Let us inform you that deliberations

are being made for removal..

..of the great leader's picture

from notes in the near future.

The reason for this

change is the crushing..

..of the great leader's honor and

sanctity due to misuse of the notes.

It is found that all the parties are

of the same opinion on this issue.

Jinnah is our leader.

Who will uphold his honor if not us?

We get sentimental about everything.

Changing the notes

is a practical solution.

Have you seen how people

throw notes around at weddings?

And when the same money is trampled

by people you cannot bear it.

Look, there is one more

advantage of changing the notes.

And all the black

money will go to waste.

The Country's economy

will become better.

I don't want to talk to you.

I don't want to stay in your show.

I don't want to stay.


The surprising thing is that this

suggestion was made by a Politician.

What are you saying?

It is found that the public

is angry. They claim that..

Tell me something.

You have the great leader's

photo in your house.

One in my house too.

It is found in every Government

institutes and office.

If the public wishes to express

its love to the great leader..

..they should remove

his picture from notes..

..and put it up in their homes,

offices and schools.

They should love the great leader,

not the notes.

Look, a good idea should be appreciated

no matter who it comes from.

Corruption is the greatest

tragedy in our country.

One thing is certain economic reform

will come after this decision.

- Hello. What is the problem?

- There is no problem.

- Protocol has been imposed.

- Can't you see there's an ambulance at the back?

Once Minister Cars passes by we

will let the ambulance go.

It will take a little time.

Be patient.

- What is this?

- All clear.

Let them come.

Hey, madam. Madam.



Who do you think you are?

Are we your servants?

Your life is precious

but we are here for free?

You don't know the

meaning of basic rights.

You have no shame.

You are troubling human

beings as well as animals.

It's like this. Be it the city or

the jungle, I am in the Government.

Neither will your life be

spared by me nor will the animals.

What the hell

Don't come in front of me again.

they will shoot you.

Sir, I think we need to

increase security in the red zone.

Elections are nearing

and I think it's necessary..

Oh! Sir. Sir, I told him

a meeting was going in inside..

..but he isn't listening to me.

- Hmm.

- Sir.

I'm sorry, sir.

I need five minutes from you.

It's very important, sir.

Wait outside.

We will talk after the meeting.

It will be too late by then, sir.

I want a search warrant

for Rana Sikandar's house, sir.


I need a warrant to

search his house, sir.

But for what?

Sir, I have information that he has

concealed millions of illegal rupees.

Gulab, you are being overambitious.

This is not your job.

The Government has made departments

such as anti-corruption..

..and for this purpose.

This is not the job of the Police.

Then what is the

job of the Police, sir?

What is our job, sir?

Saluting to the Minister.

Escorting their vehicles

or providing security to them?

Slaving for their wives,

children and relatives?

Or restrain the public

on the streets for hours..

..to save five

minutes of their time?

Sir, for long the Police have been

doing the job that's not theirs.

And if we wish to do something

we are prohibited, sir.

Sometimes under pressure

of a phone call from someone..

..and other times

under political pressure.

Sir, they always have

their way with the Police.

A five year old Minister wields more

power than a cop of 25 years, sir..

..because Officers

like you restrain us.

Oh no, sir.

I will not be stopped today, sir.

I will not be stopped today.

Mr. Rana,

move the money to a safe place.

Gulab is gone crazy.

If he gets hold of even one note..

..your whole conspiracy

will backfire.

If you are fond of

lions get a stuffed toy.

Spare the animals in the jungles.

If you are fond of

lions get a stuffed toy.

Spare the animals in the jungles.

Animals have as much right

to freedom as all of us do.

We must ourselves build the

kind of world we want to live in.

The lives of animals are important

just as our lives are important.

Do you think that the animal

he has brought from jungle..

- ..is happy in this grand mansion?

- No!

- Is it happy in this grand mansion?

- No!

- Is it happy in this grand mansion?

- No!

This is how children turn out

if they study in English Medium schools.

Social media has turned everyone

into an activist these days.

Someone should explain to her

it must be enjoying himself inside.

A lion is not a decoration piece to

be kept at home for personal pride.

It get meat to eat

without having to hunt.

It must be sleeping in an AC room.

Feel how hot it is here.

- Go to the jungle.

- Release the lion!

Gulab, I want to make

a report against Rana Sikandar.

He has a lion in his

house and that is illegal.

I will go and release it in

the jungle. That's where he belongs.

Will you go to his house?

File madam's report, Salim!

It is time to barge

into Rana Sikandar's house.

Mr. Rana, the Police

have barged into the house..

..and Gulab is with them.

Stop him.

He must not get into the basement.

Yes, sir. Yes.

Hey! Nobody can enter this

house without Mr. Rana's permission.

Whose permission will you seek

when your Mr. Rana goes to prison?

Make way! We are here to raid

the place, not to ask for charity.

He is right.

He does not ask for charity.

He does business.

Grease his palms. He will cool down.

Although he isn't worth

more than 100-200 rupees.

Even you weren't worth

more than a meter reader, Rana.

Everyone knows how you went from

100-200 rupees billions of rupees.

Gulab! How dare you!

You are crossing your limits!

How dare you enter this

house without an order!

Go. Go. Good boy! Go.

Else I shall suspend you right now.



Didn't you hear the order?

I heard it but I guess

you didn't see this.

You should have read it, Rana.

Search warrant?


You have come to take the lion.

You think you can

barge into the house..

..just because you

brought a search warrant?

You have come to take the lion.

Take it.


It does not state alive

or dead on the warrant.

If you shoot it is an attack..

..and if I shoot

it is a competition.

Think about it, Rana.

You may rest easy, sir.

I won't tell anyone.

After all the Police's

honor is at stake.

Long live Sindh Police!

Long live Sindh Police!

Long live Sindh Police!

Long live Sindh Police!

That's right, friends.

This is the power of social media.

It helped free a lion

from the Minister's home.

Now we have to see if how the lion will

be freed in the jungle, friends.

We brought this but what about him?

We had to free this

and imprison him.

A strong cage needs to be made

else the cage will be broken.

Sir! Breaking news

is being aired on TV.

According to fresh reports

the fire at Rana Sikandar's house..

..has been controlled.

The Fire Brigade's timely action..

..has saved Rana Sikandar's

house from grave damage.

- The reason for the fire is..

- Could he have burned the money?


He burned his house

to protect his money.

Let's find out from Habib,

our representative.

Habib is present on the scene.

Yes, Habib.

Tell us about the scene over there.

Habib, can you hear me?

It appears as though we have lost

connection with our representative..

..but stay with us.

- Ronaq Ali.

- Yes, sir.

- Bring out the vehicle.

- Okay.

Else, what will people say?

What's the matter?

Where are you going?

You go and release

the lion in the jungle..

..and I shall escort Rana to jail.

Hey! Why haven't

you worn your helmet?

- Sir, I forgot.

- The helmet.

- Come on. Get off. Get off.

- Sir.

Come on. Get off. Come on.

My bike, sir?

Move. Move.

Move. Move. Get back.

Get back.

Make arrangements for

my immediate departure.

I want a safe exit.

Yes, sir.

I'll make the arrangements.

Sir. We have arrived at the airport.


Where did you bring me?

Where I should have

brought you long ago.

Everything gets into

place in due time, Rana..

..and your time has come.

Scoundrel! Who do you think you are?

I'll call your father right now.

You will personally escort me!

Rana. Phones don't work in jail.

The fire was only a front.

All the money has been transferred

into a plane via the Fire Brigades.

Rana doesn't want someone

else to get hold of this money..

..before the notes are changed.

But now the Police's

honor is at stake.

You must stop this airplane, Gulab.

Else what will people say?

What do you think of that?

Scoundrel! Snake in the grass!

Are you in the position?

You can put me in jail?

You won't be able to keep

me in for more than two minutes.

Don't forget, you two..

..you have been

living off my scraps.

You are being clever with me?


I am far cleverer than you.

I shall have you stripped

of your uniforms..

..and make you my guards

or my name isn't Rana Sikandar.

Wow, sir. That was fun!

My flight is ready.

I want to go to the airport.

Why are you crying, Rana?

We are sending you.

Look. I'll show you right away.

Here's your passport.

Look at it.

It has exit stamped on it.

And here's your boarding pass.

According to this you

have boarded the airplane.

The flight will take

off in 15 minutes.

After that you won't

be able to leave the country..

..nor return to the country.

You will regret this, scoundrel!

This will cost you dearly

My workers will

rally in the streets.

They will set fire

to the entire city.

People love me very much.

- They won't forget me so easily.

- Who will remember a leader like you?

You have only drained the country.

They will only remember

the person who formed the country.

The great leader.

Long live the great leader!



You got a promotion and

your salary has increased too.

Who will I spend on all by myself?

I have nobody at home either.

Let's get married then.

What will people say?

The girl proposed.

Will you marry.. Gulab.

Yes. Cutie!

"Chaos. Chaos. Chaos.

Chaos. Chaos. Create a chaos."

"Tantrum. Tantrum. Tantrum. Tantrum.

Tantrum. A tantrum took place."

"She broke the lock on my heart."

"She made me bankrupt."

"She came like a tsunami

and swept me away."

"She whirled me around

like a cyclone."

"She caused an earthquake."

"The Policeman got robbed."

"In the middle of the market."

"I saw your photo

for the first time."

"The Policeman got robbed."

"Listen policemen, its not required"

"To cast an evil

eye on my photo."