Psycho Yoga Instructor (2020) - full transcript

A woman tries to save her marriage and her life when a sociopathic yoga instructor becomes obsessed with her. - stop by if you're interested in the nutritional composition of food


You slept in
your office again.

Mm, late night.

There's been
a lot of those lately.

Well, we didn't have an office
in our old apartment, so...

I'm getting used
to the new digs.

Well, if I knew I was gonna
be sleeping alone so much,

I would've said we could
just stay in the apartment.

It's my job, Justine.

If you want us to be
a family of three...

Daddy's gotta make sure
there's a roof over our heads.

Are you worried?


I am. I'm worried.

I'm worried that
the agency's gonna call

and say that we're not a match.

Look, any kid in the world

would be lucky
to have you as its mom.

It's gonna happen.

Can you do me a favor?


Can you please try to keep the
referring to yourself

as "Daddy" thing to weekends
and in private?

Daddy cannot promise that.

I'm gonna make us coffee,

take a shower,
go on my power walk.

- Great.
- Okay.



You are a married
middle school teacher.

You're, like, out
of the game forever.

Take it from someone
who's in the game year round.

Any time a man sleeps in
his office instead of at home

with his gorgeous wife,
it's 'cause he wants distance.

Is this another
one of your theories?

Stone cold truth, honey.

When they know they've
got you, they are boorish.

They sleep in their
offices or worse.

- Tom wouldn't.
- No, I didn't think Jeff would.

But when they're insecure,
there's a little competition,

that's when they
get their act together.

Okay, so let me
get this straight.

In your perfect world,
your husband,

the person that you've
chosen to spend your life with,

you just keep him
guessing forever.

- Ding.
- You're so crazy.

No, I'm just not gonna be
taken advantage of again.

Neither should you.

I'm so happy that we
moved ten minutes from you.

- Isn't that amazing?
- I know!

College brought us together.
Tom stole you away from me.

But then his work is bringing
us back together again.

That's meant to be.

Listen, you are stressing
out about the adoption.

You're sleeping alone
while your husband..."works."

You're gonna pop a
blood vessel if you don't relax.

And this whole speed-walking
thing is not cutting it.

- Ginnie, no.
- What?

I told you I don't like yoga.

One class! One class.
And if you hate it,

at least you get
to watch Dominic

and his abdominal muscles.

He's made up of those
and my fantasies.

You're so bad.

You need flexibility,
stability, and balance.

Why not go to the place where
you're gonna get all three?

Okay, I'll think about it.

- That's a yes.
- I said I'll think about it.

That's a yes.

You're a pain in my ass.

Are you okay?


If they didn't
feel it was a match,

there's gotta be a reason.

It doesn't
make any sense.

I guarantee you, the reason
is not on our end.

How can you guarantee that?

If it's not us, what, is it

the baby's fault
that we're not a match?

No, I'm just saying that...

there's politics in everything.

How are you so
matter-of-fact about this?

Honey, I wanted this to
happen as much as you did.

Why are you speaking
in the past tense?

Just trying to be realistic.

I feel like maybe...

maybe we should just
give it a little more time

before we dive
right back in again.

I think that would be smart.

And I think it would be
good for both of us.

I'm going to bed.

What are you wearing?

I signed up last night.

You signed up for yoga?


I just feel like I have
to get out of my head.

Not everybody checks off their
emotions in boxes like you.

I don't do that.

Sorry. I just feel like

I have to process my feelings
a little bit different than you.

Well, you've always have
had to process your feelings,

so that makes sense.

- Okay. Bye.
- Bye.

I'll see you, uh,
when I get home.

I can't believe
this is the first time

you're ever doing yoga.

Well, I did a class
or two in college.

It just never connected with me.

Spiritualism, I guess.

- Mm.
- What?

Just wait until
you meet Dominic.

I would connect with
that man over waffle batter.

I was walking to class today.

And I noticed this...

little sprig of green pushing
its way out of the cement.

Now, I couldn't tell if it was
a flower, a plant, or a weed.

But I respected its persistence.

We all have a ceiling,
like that sprig.

And like that little sprig did,

we have to break through
to achieve our full potential.

For my new students,
this is your first step.

Today is your first step
in your growth

toward what you're meant to be.

Now, I only noticed that,

'cause that woman
in front of me,

she stepped aside
so not to step on it.

Let's come to
standing, please. Warm up.

Big inhale.


Exhale and swan dive
into your forward fold.

Keep your knees bent, ease
your body into that stretch.



Now, that woman was
exactly what you imagine.

One big hand on her cell phone.

Big inhale, hands to knees,
halfway lift.

Beautiful, long spine.

What's the lesson here?


That sprig was small.

It was insignificant,
it was in an inconvenient place

it probably had
no right to be in.

But it wasn't ashamed.

Exhale, drawing back
into your forward fold.

Could have been
just a weed, but...

she stepped aside.

The world wants you to
be exactly like that.




Rise with a flat back.

Big inhale, exhale,
hands to heart.


But if you stand tall,

if you are who you are
with no apology...

the world has to
reckon with you.

It will have to.


Let us begin.

♪ Om

♪ Om

This is warrior two.

This one hurts.

I know.

But it's supposed to hurt.

Legs are shaking.

Arms are aching.

I know.

But the key to this
pose is standing tall.

Grow through your heart.

I know, it's supposed to burn.

Welcome the pain.

Embrace the discomfort.

You are ascending.

But that's the thing
about we warriors.

We stand tall when it hurts--
especially when it hurts--

when it aches.

We stand tall,
like that little sprig.


Do you have my handset?


Uh, you know me.

I don't like to
say "I told you so."

- Oh.
- Fine, I love to say

"I told you so,"
and I told you so!

- Well, it was pretty amazing.
- He's pretty great!

That man, mm!

How are you feeling?

Um, I feel taller.

- Yeah.
- Mm-hmm.

It's good to see you
looking so relaxed.

Thank you, Dominic.

Thank you, Dom.
- Okay, alright.

So, why haven't
you asked him out?

Mm. Nobody knows
what his deal is.

He moved to town,
like, eight months ago?

But other than that,
he's a total mystery.

Why does that
do it for me so much?

I'm sorry about the baby.

It'll get better.

You're the best.

Alright, I love you.
- I love you.

Back to life.

Be the sprig!



The meeting went longer.

And I had to make a
conference call from the car

on the way here, so...


I'm sorry.
I should've called.


How was your,

Yoga class was
great, actually.

So it was worth it?

Well, I was able to get out
of my head and forget about

the adoption, so yeah,
I would say it was worth it.

I am happy to hear that.

I wanna try again, Tom.

Okay. I think we should,
uh, let the agency contact us,

because that's
just how it works.

I know.
I just don't wanna miss out

on a baby that might need us.

Well, I don't...want
that to happen either,

but there's a whole...process.

Okay, but there's a way
to help the process, right?

We can manipulate
the politics of it all.

I mean, isn't that
what you do at the firm?

Uh, yeah, I guess so.

I have two letters
written to the board.

I have a call
scheduled for Tuesday

to get us back
on the top of the list.

I'll see what I can do.

Will you?

What does that mean?

Do you even want this baby?

I'm just saying what
we're both thinking, out loud.

Do you really think...

that I don't want us
to have a baby?

Do you really think that?

Then help me. Please.

Thank you for dinner.

I have a deadline, and
I'm gonna be in my office.

I am the sprig.


Is there no class this morning?

On Thursdays it's 11:00AM.

You're just a little early.

Oh, okay.
I'll leave. I'm sorry.

I don't wanna disrupt you.

No, no, please, please.

Um...yesterday's class
was, um, pretty great.

Well, it couldn't have
been all that great

if you're not too sore
for another class today.

That was a joke.
I'm joking.

Of course I'm joking.

You're welcome here as
much as you like, Justine.

Oh, you remember my name.

Of course.
You're one of my students.

Wow. It takes me,
like, two weeks

to remember my students' names.

A fellow instructor.
Meant to be.

May I ask you something?
- Sure.

This isn't exercise for you.

You're looking for

There's a weight on you

and you're trying
to find a way to lift it.

Yes, that's...exactly it.

I could feel it.

When you're ready, come and
see me for private instruction.

Uh, private instruction
like a trainer?

Trainers are for housewives

who are looking
for something...else.

I'm talking about a deeper path.

When you're ready.

What's up, sensei?


You're trying
to give me a heart attack?

I...felt bad about
last night and how it went

and I just...wanted to come
home early and apologize.

I'm sorry.

They're beautiful, Tom.

Thank you.

You're welcome.

So is this a...

This yoga thing,
is it a routine?

- Yeah, maybe.
- Okay.

I like that you found something
that you're doing that,

you know, you enjoy
during your time off, so...

Thank you.

Was, um...was Ginnie there?


No, I'm just curious.

Oh, yeah, well, she was.


Um...I'm gonna go change.


And again, I'm sorry.

- Tom?
- Yeah?

- Never mind.
- No, what?

What were you gonna say?

It's fine.

Is this the life you imagined?

Is this not the life
that you imagined?

It's just, we were so young.

And we've been each
other's universe forever.

Okay, now I'm confused.

Since your promotion...

you've been distant.

I've been working.

I'm giving this job
everything that I have.

Yeah, I know. I know.

It's just that I'm
putting everything in us,

and I really need you to
step up in that department.


We'll just, the happiest
couple in the homeless shelter.


I don't
wanna be homeless.

I just...

We've wanted a family
since we were dating.

I know.

And this is what we have
to do for our situation.

- You mean my situation.
- No, I did not say that.

I would never say that.
- But it's what you're thinking.


Tell me I'm wrong.

Tell me I'm wrong that
you don't want a baby

and that you're happy our
application wasn't approved.


The corpse pose.

This one is the
hardest pose to master.

But it's also the perfect pose.

It's about stillness of body,
stillness of mind.

In the constant
chaos and movement,

keep stillness in your body.

Accept who you are.

It's not about being perfect.

It's about being present...

to this moment.

Two classes in a day?

Been a rough day.

I'm sorry.

Keep still and breathe.

When you're ready,
come to a seated position.

Thank you for sharing
your practice with me.



Since coming here, I mean,

my stress chakras were,
like, Everest.

And now, like, K2.

What brings you to the dojo?

I'm actually kind
of new at yoga.

I haven't done--
- Justine?


I-- I was just
talking to Justine.

- I was ready to close up soon.
- Oh, I'm sorry.

I was just gonna ask
you a quick question.

Of course.

I'm gonna go.

To be continued.


See you on the ground.

You know, I didn't know
that you were gonna close up.

We can talk about
this another time.

A little bit of free advice:

be careful.
- With that guy?

There are men who can
sense vulnerability.

I seem vulnerable to you?

It's a strength.
It's not a weakness.

But it can be exploited.

You wanted to talk about,
uh, private instruction?

Uh, yeah.
How did you know

that that's what
I was gonna ask you about?

Hopeful, I guess.

Um...I just wanted to
find out how it would work.

I see a lot of
potential in you.

We can work here after class
or at your home, if you prefer.

My home?

I mean, home lessons are
primarily for students

who want to transition
into teaching.

Into teaching yoga?

I thought that
was obvious, no?


What makes you think I would
be a good yoga teacher?

This. You.

That same vulnerability.

It's a gift.

You're so open,
people can relate to you.

They...they wanna be near you.

I saw that the moment
you walked into my class.

You can make people become a
better version of themselves.

And we're gonna do exactly that.

I would love to try.

Um...would you just plug in a
few dates in my shared calendar?

Your husband, I assume?

Yes, Tom. He works.

That's a good
quality in a man.

Yeah, yeah. He works.

A lot.

Just easier if we're
on the same schedule.

Four or five days a week?

Well, yeah, Dominic
thinks I could be a teacher.

Oh, you wanna teach yoga now.

Well, I don't know.
I-- I really like it.

And...who knows?

Could bring in some extra money.

You know, I was thinking
during the school year,

I can work weekends,
and during the summer,

I could do it full time.

You wanna be a
full-time yoga teacher?

Well, I just thought if I
bring in some extra money,

then you wouldn't
have to work so hard.

You don't
think I can handle it.

No, I-- I know
that you can handle it.

I just...I wanna see you more.

Well, do you think five days
a week of Yoga Seminar 101

is a good way to
accomplish that goal?

I need this, Tom.

You know, when we get
a baby-- and we will--

it's gonna be a long road. strengthens me,

and it balances me.

I'm a sprig.

You're a what?

It's...a term
I learned in yoga.

Well, if this is
something that you need,

then...I'm on board.

Do you, um...

wanna sleep in our bed tonight?

I would love to
sleep in our bed tonight,

but I have the McConnell
meeting in the morning,

and I need to be prepared.

Okay. Good night.

Good night.

Just a second.

There you go.

It is not illegal to smile.

The sprig,
home edition begins.

Dominic, hi!
Please come in.

This is my house.


You've got a beautiful home.
- Thank you.

Can I offer you
a smoothie, water?

Oh, no, I'm good.

Oh, this is Tom's office.

He works for a law firm,
so when he brings work home,

this is where he winds up.

- Is that often?
- Ah, here and there.


White lies are toxic.

- Oh, I'm not--
- That's okay.

I'm not criticizing.
I used to lie all the time.

I'm just saying that
I'm here to work on your health

and to maintain that health.

But to do that, we have
to remove the toxins.

- Okay.

- Love the office, by the way.
- Yeah.

- It's beautiful.
- Thank you.

Oh, my God.



Look at you two.

I know, we were
just kids back then.

- The whole world ahead of you.
- Mm.

No idea what's coming.

You wanna go outside
and do some yoga, hmm?


You might wanna
put a lighter outfit.

It's a hot one.
- Oh, okay.



Bring your knees together...

and hold it.


Push back.

Exhale towards me.

Yes. More.

That's it.

Hold it for ten.

You're invincible.






Well done!

You're gonna have
my job in no time.

Yes, you will!

I think so.

I came home early.

I thought we could
have some lunch.

- Oh, this is my yoga--
- Hey!

You must be Tom.

- Nice to meet you.
- Likewise.

Justine is a perfect student.

Yes, she's...
always really good

at anything she puts
her mind to.

And body.

Okay, I'm gonna...

I'm gonna let you guys
get back to what you were...

whatever that was.

Thank you.

Come on,
let's do this!

Breathe in.

Right leg goes back.

Seal, on the floor.

- Okay.

You gotta really firm up, see?

Bend your front knee.

Tilt forward, and raise
your right leg up.

Oh, I don't know about that.

Come on, you can do it.

That's it.

Hold it.

I'm doing it.

Straighten your back.


See? That's my girl.



Big breath in.


Sit down into your chair pose.

Keep your palms
closer to your heart.

Open your shoulders.

That's it.

Tuck your tailbone in.

Why did you come to me?

Ginnie just raved about you.

But why now?

Just worked out.

Don't lie to me.


Um...we're trying
to adopt a baby.

It's been stressful.

Arms reach up, parallel.

Lift 'em up.


You're gonna be a great mom.

I can see that.

I'm sure Tom does, too.

Um, is this the whole thing?

Imagine there is
a weight between your hands,

you're holding it up.

At the same time,
push down on your heels.


That's it.


Thanks for the lift!




Where have you been?

I was at a yacht
regatta in the south of France.

Or, I was down at
Kincaid's drinking.

It was the second one.

We need to talk about today.


Right now?
- Yeah.


Why are you acting like this?

- Dominic.
- What are you looking for?

- Don't worry about it.
- You know what?

You could've been
nicer to him today.

Oh, I could've been nicer?

So we're gonna
make this about me?

This is all my fault?

Well, you ran off and you
got drunk like a teenager.

Well, I'd like
to see a teenager afford

what I was drinking tonight.

Okay, Tom, I am
trying to be serious.

I'm being serious.

All of a sudden, you wanna spend
all your time with some yoga guy

because now yoga's your thing.

And then I come here,
and he's here.

And then you're dressed like...

some cougar on the prowl?
- Excuse me?

And I'm supposed to
be an adult about it?

Okay. I'm feeling like--

"I'm feeling"?

Please don't use that
therapy crap on me, okay?

The reason
why we went to therapy

is so that we could
communicate better.

I know. It was...great.

I'm glad we did it.
It was money well spent.

I don't wanna argue with you.

I don't wanna argue either.

I just want our house
to be a calm and serene place

where we both feel safe.

We need that.

Our baby will need that.


Tom, um, I waited here
for you as long as I could.

But...I really don't know
if we should move forward

without your wife knowing.

Give me a call when
you can on my cell.

Okay. Okay.

I came as soon as
I got your message.


When you're suffering,

it is important to
look at something fabulous.

I'm so sorry, honey.

You know, the ironic part is
the reason why he was drunk

on the couch like some
heartbroken frat boy

is because he was jealous.
Of Dominic!

I mean, it doesn't
even make sense.

That makes perfect sense.

If he's off
with someone else,

what does he care
what I'm doing?

Because he thinks that you're
the one doing the cheating.

That takes precedence over
anything that he's doing.

You know, he was
gone this morning.

He didn't say a thing to me.

He didn't want to apologize
or say, "Let's talk."

He's humiliated.

That's what men do
when they're humiliated.

They shut off.

You know...

I didn't even notice.


The moment that
my life fell apart.

Your life is wonderful.
You are great.

This is just one of those
moments that has its challenges.

Working with Dominic has given
you all the tools to help you

face everything that
life's thrown at you, yeah?


So dive in.

Oh, thank you.

And hold it for three breaths.



One more.

And relax.

Lay on your back.


Everything okay?
- I'm fine.


Everything is not fine.

He is not happy.

And we're going down a slope.
I don't know what's at the end.

I'm not interested in
the "he" or the "we."

I'm interested in you.

That's why you're here:

to work on you.

To strengthen your body,
your soul, and your mind.

But it's not just about me.
It's about Tom too.

Justine, everything
is about you.

It starts from yourself.

You have to love yourself first
before you love others.

Tom is just a distraction.

He's not...

your solution.

Would you like to know
what your solution is?


Working on yourself. With me.

I just feel like
I'm trying to fix something

that's been broken for years.

That's fine.
We all have pasts.

As long as they
remain in the past,

our futures are
ripe for the taking.

I just feel lost and alone.

No, no, no, no,
you're not alone.

I'm here.


Relax your shoulders.

Drop your jaw.

Relax your face.


Sigh it out.

Bravo. Again, breathe.

What's the
anchor of your past?

His work.

He sleeps in the office.

Our marriage and our
hope for a family is...

in the background.

That's the past.

You are here now.

Focus on now.

Come here. It's okay.
It's okay.

Oh. I'm sorry.

Oh, my. I'm so sorry.

I should go.

Please, don't let this
stop you from continuing.

Your potential is amazing.





I'm not sorry for the kiss.


I don't know what to say.

Just...ask me to stay.

I need time to think.

I have something for you.

It's an
amethyst crystal cluster.

It's a healing stone for
balance, peace, and protection.

- Protection?
- For you.

For the toxins in your life.

A little bit of
protection never hurt anyone.

I'm so-- I can't.
I can't accept this.

It's already yours.

Take it.

Thank you.

Are you okay?



Who's S?


In your phone, Tom.
Who is S?

Wait a minute, you--

you went through my phone?

Alright, apparently
Mother Nature has decided

she doesn't like my
midnight Saturday classes

any more than you do.

Reach up. Hold it.

Open up your heart.

Hold it.

Hold it up.



No expectations here.

No judgment.

Just breathe.

Exhale, hands to heart.


Listen to your body.

Really listen.

It's important that
you listen to your body.

Your mind's
the message your body's sending,

filling you with memories of
the past and thoughts of others.


I can't believe you
went through my phone.

You still haven't
answered my question.

I don't feel like I should.

After 16 years of
marriage, Justine,

you'd figure that I would've
earned a little bit of trust.

I heard her voicemail, Tom!

So you can't just
pretend it's a coworker.

I know what this is.

Oh, yeah, what?

It's the yoga guy.

Yeah, maybe
you've done something.

Maybe you're, I don't know,
thinking of doing something.

But that doesn't mean that I am!

Don't try to turn
this around on me.

You still haven't
answered my question.

You know what?
You can find out for yourself.

- It's 1:00AM.

Nobody's gonna pick up.
- She'll answer. Call.

We're in the
middle of a class.

Don't you dare!

I have no idea
what you're talk--

Hey, hey! Hey, relax.

I have no idea who Elijah is.

Don't you dare
do that me, Elijah!

He's you!

Just say that he's you!
He's you!

Hey, relax, relax.

I have no idea what
you're talking about.

You told me you wanted me.

You told me you needed me.

I left my husband for you!

My kids!

Is this what gets you off?

Stealing women, forcing them to
throw away their lives for you?

It took me
two years to find you!

Maybe you have confused
me with somebody else.

Ma'am, my name is Dominic.

You weren't Elijah either,
or Jay in San Francisco,

or Terrance when you spent
that summer in Portland.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, I tracked
you down, Sebastian Nikos!

You cost me my last cent.

But you already took everything
else away that mattered!

I understand you're
very troubled, Miss,

but I'm not the man
you're looking for, okay?

Now you can leave.

Please leave.

Or I'm gonna have
to call the police.


He's not the
man you think he is.



This is
Dr. Stephanie Sullivan

at the Finding Forever
Adoption Agency.

Please leave a message
and I'll get back to you

as soon as possible.

I'm also working the
politics, like you said.

And I found another agency.

And I might have possibly
found another baby.

You were trying to
find us another baby.

Why didn't you tell me?

'Cause I was afraid
I was gonna lose you.

But I also didn't want you to
have to go through that again

if I wasn't for sure.

You didn't have
to do that alone.

I was trying to protect you.

I'm trying, Justine.

I'm trying.

Jeff, I know it's late.

Early, whatever,
I don't-- I need a favor.

Did I give you the beach house?

Then you owe me.

Does your friend still work
for the police department?


I need you to give him a
name to look up for me.

Sebastian Nikos.

Also goes by Dominic Romero.

Thank you.

I miss having you here.

I'm home all the time.

No, I mean, here.

You know what?
When I get back,

I'm gonna take a few days off.

I feel like we need
a little us time.


Okay, we really need to
start looking at each other's

shared calendars
because I go to Dallas.

I leave today.

I have that
litigator's conference.

Do you have to go?

I know that you hate it
when I ask you that.

I just...

There's something that
we need to talk about.

Yeah, I have to go.

But it's the last trip
for a long time, okay?


What do you wanna talk about?


It can wait until you get home.

I'm done with the pills.


I'll stop 'em.

I'm done with them.


I just-- I know that
you knew about it.

I just...

I just don't want
you to worry about it, okay?

I think that...

if we're gonna start
to focus on the baby,

I should put all of
the yoga stuff on hold.

You don't wanna teach anymore?

Maybe one day.


right now, I just want you...

and a baby to love.

Let's hit rewind, okay?


I canceled the
session for today.

New start.

New start.

I love you so much.
- I love you too.



We have a session at 10:00.

Oh, she told me
she canceled it.


I didn't get a
message or anything.

Going somewhere?

- A business trip.
- Another one?


I have two types of students:

the ones who come to me
to escape their schedules

and the ones who come to me

to escape those who live
and die by their schedules.

That's great.

Well, I should, uh, be going.

So...she'll be in touch.

How about you?

What about me?

Justine tells me
how much you work.

How...often you're gone.

- She does?
- Yeah, she tells me about

all the toxins in your life.

It must be draining
for your body and soul

to harbor such weight.

I feel pretty good.



A session with me
is what you need.

- Oh, no, no. No.
- Yeah! Why-- why not?

It's just...

Come on, I gave your
wife what she needed.

She'll be in touch.

Okay. Tell Justine
I'll see her soon.

What happened?

Thank God you're here.
Oh, my God. Oh, my God.

This crazy, obsessed
woman stormed into the studio.

- What?
- Yeah. I don't know.

She was confused.
She thought I was somebody else.

Somebody who broke her heart.

Poor thing.

But now that you're here,
everything seems right again.


Dominic? Dominic?

What is it?

Look, all of this
has been amazing.

It has.

And you and I, in another
timeline, who knows?

But I canceled
today's session because...

I think we need to
stop all of this.

The yoga, everything.

- Stop it?
- Yeah.

I-- I really need to
focus on my family.

Tom and I--

Don't mention the past.

He's not the past.
He's my husband.

Where was he when
we were on the grass...

in each other's arms?

He sure felt like
he was the past.

Okay, I made a mistake.

And it's my fault,
and I'm really sorry.

It wasn't your fault.

It was his. It's his.

He drove you
right into my studio.

He made you go through hell.

A real man, a man who really
loves you, would never do that.

A real man would
take care of you.

He does!

A real man would
always be there for you.

A real man would never
make you feel alone.

He would make you feel safe.

I don't think you should
talk to me like that.


I have every right to
talk to you like that.

Every right.

- I love you.
- Don't say that.

Why not? It's true.

If you search inside, if you
really search inside of you,

you would see
that you love me too.

- Dominic--
- I know.

I know it's scary.

But would the sprig
let fear rule its life?


I don't love you.

I don't really know you.

And you don't love me.

It's over.

You're breaking my heart.

You are stabbing
a knife in my heart.

And I am scaring you?


That was too much.
I'm so sorry.

The toxins are
playing once again.

But you take all the
time you need, okay?

Sorry, that was too much.

You take all the time you need.

All the time you need.
Relax, up.


Lift your heart up.

Take all the time you need.



All the time you need.

His original
name is Sebastian Nikos.

That's his first wife, Paula.

He served three years for that.

Poor thing.

Then he starts moving around,
changing his name.

He's got a type.
They're all married.

It seems his MO is he gets
what he wants, then he bolts.

He's very persuasive.

What is this?

The last girl,
13 months ago.

She hanged herself.

But...look what
her husband said.

"She was scared
to death of heights."

There's no way that she climbed
to the top of that tower.

You don't think--

Portland PD did.

They just couldn't find
any evidence to prove it.

Do you think that he's going
after these women because

he's trying to get back
at them for something?

Here's what I think.

I am not gonna waste
any time trying to figure out

this level of crazy.

I'm gonna go file
a police report.

Come with me.
- I kissed him.

Oh, God.

It was in the moment.
It was fast. But I--

You should not be alone.

It'll be okay, right?

You're gonna pack a bag, come
with me to the police station,

and stay with me tonight.


Thank you for being
such a good friend.

Try fabulous.

Meet me outside.

- Delayed? How long?
- Just a few hours.

Just a few hours, and you're
not ranting and screaming

and going on a Twitter tirade
against the airline gods?

I'm sorry, where's my husband?

Can you put him back
on the phone?

fine, I deserved that.

Oh, I'm in too good a mood.

It's nice to feel
close to you again.

- I miss you.
- I miss you too.

No, I mean,
I really miss you.

This house feels creepy
when you're not here.

Is everything okay?


Just...being silly.

Um, I'll-- I'll call
you from Dallas, okay?

I love you.
- I love you too.

It's me, it's me. It's okay.

Please don't scream.
Please don't scream.

Come on, already.

Ginnie, um...

I changed my mind.
I'm not gonna come with you.

Look, it's one night
without your bed.

You'll get over it and
thank me before you know it.

No, I'm gonna be fine.
I'll-- I'll see you tomorrow.

You sure?


- Okay, then.
- Mm-mm.

I love you.
I'm calling you in the morning.

That went great!

It was amazing!

What do you want from me?

Your partnership.

A negotiation to start over.


Don't lie to me!

Do you love him?

He's my husband.



A man who's never there for you?

A man who-- who doesn't
sleep with you?

Who-- who-- who would rather
sleep on his couch

rather than next to you?

To your body?

A man who won't
give you a child?

Or can't give you a child?

Do you love a man like that?


You love him.

You're damn right I do.

My grandmother had this chair.

Not this.

But, like-- it was like this.

I'm sorry about before.

The toxins were overwhelming.

But it was necessary
for us to...start over.

What did you do?

Nothing. Nothing.

I'm not a monster, Justine.

I would never
touch you before...

before knowing one thing.

Did you sleep with him
after our moment together?

That's none of your business.

His body's polluted!

And now yours is too.

How could you do that?

How could you undo all
the work I did on you?


Get in the tub.

You're insane.


You know what insane is?

Insane is thinking
you're special...

when you're just
another minivan mom

crawling into my studio,

thinking that
she can reset her life.


I have feelings for you.

I really do.

If only you could trust me.

I did trust you.
I came to you for help!


Get in the tub.

Get in the tub. Get in the tub.

You never needed my help.

You just wanted to ascend to a
life that wasn't yours to take

the easy way.

I've chosen others.

If you've chosen others,
why don't you leave me alone?!

Because...'re the last.

- Are you calm, huh?
- Yes.

- Are you calm?
- Yes.


Justine, I'm not stupid.

- Yes.
- I'm not stupid, Justine.

I know you're not stupid.
I'm not stupid either.

I'm a sprig.

I'm a sprig.
I'm a sprig.

A little protection
never hurt anyone.

No! No! No!

- Stop!
- No!

It's me!

What's going on?

Are you okay?

What's going on?


You too.

You okay?


I kissed him.

Nothing else happened.

I stopped it.

I'm sorry.
I'm so sorry.

So sorry.

This is all my fault.

And I love you so much.

Please forgive me.

I'm so happy you're home.

Why did you come home?

I also have
something to tell you.

Hey, Tom,
it's Stephanie.

I have some great news!

There's a baby, one week old.

And the agency feels
like you and Justine

would be the perfect match
for this little girl.

Give me a call back and
let's get you all together.

I was, uh,

walking to class today.

And I noticed this
little sprig of green

pushing its way
out of the cement.

Now, I couldn't tell if it was
a flower, a plant, or a weed.

But I respected its persistence.

For my new students,

today is your first step
in your growth

toward what you're meant to be.

Let us begin.