Project 'Gemini' (2022) - full transcript
A sci-fi thriller about a space mission sent to terraform a distant planet. However, the mission encounters something unknown that has its own plan for the planet. - stop by if you're interested in the nutritional composition of food
Today marks a bleak anniversary
for our planet.
Three years ago the first case
of a global plant virus was reported,
which started to ravage
most of our ecosystems.
The world's leading research laboratories
have been trying to find a way
to stop this deadly pathogen,
but so far their efforts
have been unsuccessful.
The latest research shows that people
who consume food infected with a virus
develop severe autoimmune diseases.
In addition, the loss of plant life
has contributed to the concentration
of oxygen in the atmosphere
to decrease to 18%.
The lowest on record.
The rapidly disappearing forest
cannot recycle
enough carbon dioxide to maintain
these level for much longer.
These atmospheric changes
have caused an increase
in natural disasters around the globe.
As oxygen levels drop below 10%,
people will begin to suffocate.
Our beautiful planet Earth is doomed.
But humanity still has
a chance of survival.
And their best hope is Project Gemini
developed by Dr. Steven Ross.
The project centers around
an archaeological find
discovered eight years ago
by a group of paleontologists
who found two unique objects
of extraterrestrial origin.
The artifacts were estimated
to be more than four billion years old.
Stephen Hawking once said,
that if humans are to survive long term,
we must find a way
to get off planet Earth.
He was optimistic
about our chances,
and in fact, as it turns out he was right.
These unique devices that we found
appeared on Earth before life itself.
We don't know what mysterious Stellar
wisdom created them and left them here,
but we've received this gift
on the brink of extinction.
We managed to recreate
this pseudo tough materials**
that the Sphere and the Engine
are made of.
And we precisely copied
both of the devices.
Now each of them has an identical twin.
The Warp Engine
for interstellar flights
has allowed us to find a planet
more or less suitable for terraforming.
The unmanned vehicle completed a jump
to the solar system TESS
and returned with information
and samples that confirmed our theories.
And this device, this Sphere,
is for creating life.
After years of research,
we discovered a way
to control the Sphere and the Engine.
These devices have their own
unique language.
We decoded dozens of commands,
each of which corresponds
to a certain pattern.
This pattern gave
the initial command,
and the Sphere began to carry out
more than four billion years now.
The Sphere uses chemical elements
from the environment
and creates a true miracle:
Now we know life on Earth
was created by this machine.
The Sphere is our starting point.
Let me introduce you to our team
of leading research scientists.
Our team consists of:
Dr. Peter Lehmann,
a specialist in extraterrestrial
Warp Engine.
Doctor Leona Redwood,
a terraforming program builder.
Today we are joined
by military trained pilots,
headed by Major Ryan Connor.
We are departing
for the solar system TESS,
several hundred
light years from here.
We will bring The Sphere to a planet
that has the right conditions.
And we'll create
Earth 2.0,
a new home for humanity.
What do you think, Peter?
Whoever created this, where are they now?
There's not enough data to say.
And I don't really like speculating
about stuff like this.
This isn't about the speculation.
It's a theory.
Maybe it was
a lost civilization.
We know from experience
how highly-developed civilizations
are good at self-destruction.
Who knows?
Well, another giant leap
for humanity, eh, guys?
Only this time literally,
for the first time in history.
Just as long as something
more than a bunch of atoms
makes it to the destination?
It still counts.
Say it. For the first time in history.
Attention! And prepare for a jump.
All systems are ready.
The coordinates are set.
Warp Drive set at maximum power.
Critical error.
Critical error.
Critical error.
Critical error.
Where are we?
Is this TESS?
Richard, did we complete the maneuver?
Yes, we did.
Star maps?
They don't match up.
It's not TESS.
What coordinates
did you put in?
Are you sure they were operational?
Of course, sir.
Did you check the Engine?
Everything was done according to protocol.
If everything was done to protocol,
we'd be in TESS right now.
The mission failed, Peter.
There is no hope for Earth now.
Permission to check the Engine.
You are relieved of your duties.
Stay in your bunk until I say otherwise.
Yes, sir.
What's this?
In physics,
there is an equation?
The Dirac equation.
When two particles
come into contact,
they become bound forever.
They continue to "feel" one another,
even if they are light years apart.
It's called quantum entanglement.
That's physics for you?
Not just physics.
Try de-set the jump trajectory.
Maybe it will help us
figure out where we are.
No, Steve.
The trajectory is not clear.
The data doesn't make any sense at all.
We've entered the fourth dimension,
But it's almost as if we moved along
the coordinates axis that we can't access.
And then we jumped back
into three-dimensional space.
But where?
Is there anything around us
that can help us figure out our location?
No, no land marks.
Nothing even remotely familiar.
We have no point to set a return jump.
So that means
that until we figure out
where we are we can't get back.
Repair airlock is open.
What's that?
The repair airlock
of the Engine compartment is open.
Why? And who is there?
Repair airlock, this is
the captain calling. Airlock, report.
Unidentified object approaching.
Unidentified object approaching.
Unidentified object approaching.
Unidentified object approaching.
Unidentified object approaching.
I can't believe it.
Calm down, Leona.
We gotta keep our cool
if we wanna survive.
We are already a man down.
Peter ignored Steve's orders,
went to the Engine compartment,
realised what he'd done,
and that was the end.
Peter wouldn't have.
I knew him.
I worked with him for eight years.
He couldn't given up so easily.
Leona, enough.
How can you defend him?
Now we have to deal
with the results of his mistakes.
Do his work for him.
One person put multiple lives in danger.
He almost destroyed
humanity's only chance of survival.
That's who you should be crying for?
After Rita died
I didn't wanna live anymore.
But then I thought,
instead of ending it all
I could make it mean something.
So I decided
to devote myself to the mission.
But now it turns out
that I'm less useful
here than on Earth.
Everything will be all right.
We'll find a way out this.
The future of Earth
depends on our mission.
Giving up is not an option.
We need to establish
what part of the universe we're in.
Richard, do you have anything?
-Not yet.
I'm tracking the moving trajectories
of the nearest stars and planets.
I'll try to calculate
our position from there.
David, what about that planet?
Any data on the probe?
Just loaded.
The surface of the planet
is made of volcanic rock.
There is no biosphere.
There is an atmosphere,
but without oxygen.
The average temperature
is 16 degrees Celsius.
The outside environment isn't aggressive.
All we'll need are breathing masks.
It's perfect.
If I could choose
between TESS and this planet,
I'd go here.
Do you realize how lucky we are?
What was the likelihood of winding up
near planet that's perfect for the Sphere?
What if this isn't an accident?
What if we were brought here on purpose?
By whom?
-The same thing that left us the Sphere.
Ryan, get ready to disembark.
-What do you mean?
We can complete our mission
on this planet.
But we haven't examined it.
But this is our chance.
If we launch the Sphere on this planet
we'll have enough time
to understand where we are.
Then, other ships come repeat our job.
Richard, prepare the lander
to go down to the planet.
But it's a young planet,
the atmosphere is unstable.
We don't know anything about it.
It might not be safe
to make a surface landing.
I agree, you're recklessly risking
the safety of the crew.
And I'm against it.
Thankfully, I am the one
who makes the final decisions.
No, Steve. It's too early
for decisions like these.
I said we are landing.
Richard, show in the landing area.
You'll land here, in the valley.
The weather conditions
for descent are optimal.
We're ready.
Initiate un-docking procedure.
Un-docking sequence initiated.
Engine's activated.
The height is 30,000 meters. Coming down.
A storm front is heading your way.
It formed a few minutes ago.
Couldn't have predicted it.
The winds are up to 40 meters per second.
So hold on.
Activating braking thrusters.
What the hell was that?
- What's going on?
-It's the wind.
The storm is quite aggressive.
The descent is twice as high
as the landing speed. We're falling.
We're gonna crush into surface.
I can double the thrust.
It will slow your fall.
If we use that we won't have a fuel
for the return flight!
If we don't, we will die!
The temperature is too extreme.
Your hole is melting.
Damn it!
Release the first tank.
I'll try to slow you down aerodynamically.
I hope the hole holds up.
Hold on.
We are coming in on it!
Brace for impact!
Amy, why did you fly off to?
I need you.
I got you something.
What's this?
We've been together for a year.
You know, The Sphere means a lot to me,
but not as much as you do.
Obviously, I know
you two don't get along.
So I thought to create
something to connect you both.
It's made out of the old Sphere.
There was a fragment
that really stood out.
It's so beautiful. Thank you.
I thought it would be symbolic.
The Sphere is our salvation,
and you are mine.
Let's go home. The sprinklers
are about to start spraying.
Let's stay for a while.
What's the status on the lander?
- No critical damage.
But it's almost out of fuel.
Now we can't get back to the ship,
we're stuck here.
Why go back to the ship?
Our plan was to come back in four years.
And now our main task
is to install and launch the Sphere.
We're continuing the program.
But we can't carry it out now.
We strayed too far away from
the landing site, into the mountains.
That means there should be caves here.
But it's impossible to deploy
domes on this terrain.
We'll manage without domes.
A deep enough cave
will provide the right amount
of protection for the Sphere.
There! This cave looks suitable.
It's big enough and easy to access.
Leona, you get the data
on seismic activity,
David, adjust the program.
Everyone else, check the equipment.
Get to work, people,
what are you waiting for?
Conditions on this planet
are even better than we expected.
Other ships will arrive here soon.
A new history of mankind begins here,
at this very minute.
We did it! I can't believe it.
Peter would be so happy.
He worked so hard for this.
Captain, you need to see this.
He should be here.
Okay, attention, team.
We're returning to base.
Move out.
David, do you have any data?
Not yet.
Doctor Ross, martial laws
are in effect on this station.
What? Why?
We have new information.
Starting playback.
This is Dr. Peter Lehmann.
Against all orders, I will personally
conduct an Engine inspection.
I'm now recording all of my actions
so I'm not accused of tampering
with the results.
The security cameras are switched off
so that I am not interrupted.
I'm not gonna be a scapegoat.
I'm gonna prove that I made no mistake.
What was that?
Some kind of a life form?
Was that what killed Peter?
I watched all of the recordings
from the cameras.
It shows up by the Sphere
for the first time
right after we left Earth.
This thing crawled out of the Sphere?
Straight outta the story
of the Trojan horse.
And that Trojan climbed right into
the Engine just before the jump.
So maybe it caused the failure?
Richard, if that Trojan
is still on the ship, you're in danger.
No. He went down with you,
into the Sphere.
We can track its position.
It causes interference
in the electromagnetic field.
Here's the video from the cameras
right before the landing.
I've got the first data from the cave.
Something's strange. Steve?
Levels of CO2 and oxidation
inside the Sphere are rising,
but there aren't any bio markers.
What? Could it be a malfunction?
No, it's working in a full capacity.
Just on the different program
than the one we've uploaded.
It's doing something else.
We're going back to the Sphere.
We need to adjust the settings.
Nobody's going anywhere, Steve.
We'll adjust the settings later,
after we deal with the threat.
But Steve is the head of the project,
he calls the shots.
Not anymore.
Now it's a question of the crew survival.
Steve, I'm taking command,
you're being relieved.
You can't do that.
The future of mankind
depends on this mission.
Only Dr. Ross can carry it out.
Are you sure that Dr. Ross
is giving us all the information
about what the Sphere actually is?
What are you talking about?
Richard, show the video from the cave.
Steve saw the anomaly.
And didn't say anything to anyone
risking the lives of the entire crew.
Where did it come from?
-Right from the Sphere.
Which as it turns out
we know too little about.
What if it's an incubator
for those monsters?
I didn't hide a single confirmed fact
about the Sphere from you.
And there was no sense
in discussing anomalies.
If we had known about these anomalies,
we would have treated
the Sphere differently,
and Peter would be alive right now.
David, I'm sorry I couldn't make it.
It's okay.
I understand how busy you are.
Yes, we don't have much time to spare.
Why are you here?
The doctor says I'm fine.
Gave me a clean bill of health.
So I'm ready to join everyone
for the pre-launch.
I mean you?
You're actually planning to fly?
But you are the one who made me
a member of the crew.
But that was?
Before Rita died?
So what?
I'm telling you the psychologist
has confirmed I'm okay.
But to lose a daughter?
David, I'm terribly sorry.
I understand you want to get back to work
but this is not the best way.
Right now you need time to grief.
Steve, I'm not flying
to forget my daughter.
She'll always be a part of me.
I know the Sphere as well as you do.
And you'll need me there.
David, listen,
all I'm doing is looking out for you.
You're crossing my name off?
After all we've done
you're going to leave me on the sidelines?
I can help you change the future.
Don't take that away from me.
-We can't leave it like that.
We have to go back to the cave
and restore the settings.
But Ryan gave orders.
-Just you and me.
We'll go out quietly.
Whatever killed Peter is still in there.
The Trojan is 30 kilometers away
from the cave right now,
that means if it decides to come back
we'll have at least
half an hour to get out.
What about Ryan?
-Ryan's too careful.
He's wasting time.
Lost days are lost lives.
When Rita was dying,
you slowly died with her.
I saw what that was like.
Now imagine that entire planet
is dying the exact same way.
Slowly, irreversibly,
from the same virus.
What the hell is this?
What's going on?
The Sphere did this.
You think it was a malfunction?
-Not just a malfunction
The Sphere is creating an alien life form.
And incredibly quickly.
Faster than it created life on Earth.
We shouldn't touch it.
We need to discuss this with everybody.
We need to set a plan of action.
Someone readjusted
the settings on the Sphere.
The Trojan's getting closer,
we gotta leave.
Just a minute.
Can't you hear me?
There's no point in risking our lives!
Let's go!
Get away from me, dammit!
Have you lost your mind?
-It's over! The mission is over!
Deal with it!
The Sphere is hostile!
Put the gun down, David! Put it down!
You wanna die
because of this piece of shit?
Too late, it's already here.
Airlock closed.
Pressurization completed.
You're a psycho, Steve.
Because of you, we both almost died.
This is not about us.
We have to complete the mission.
If you had damaged the Sphere
all of this would've been for nothing.
Then you should've shot me.
Why didn't you?
If you threaten the mission one more time
I will.
Steve, what the hell were you doing?
Where were you?
Why did you leave the lander
against my orders?
We did what we had to.
You no longer have the right
to make decisions.
I make the decisions I find necessary.
Or what?
What are you gonna do?
Use force?
Then go ahead! Well?
Come on!
Module integrity compromised.
What did you do?
Module integrity compromised.
Module integrity compromised.
Quiet, sweetie.
We're so close I'm losing my head.
What's that?
Trojan's in the lander.
Got a hole in the lower deck,
everything's covered in this shit.
So what do we do now?
Quietly, and slowly. Let's go.
It's hard to breathe.
Get back.
What? Why?
It's here.
What's happened?
Are you okay?
The Trojan?
The Trojan's in the laboratory.
Do you realize what you've done?
You brought it down here with you!
Can it get in here?
-We don't know.
It damaged the generator
and the cameras aren't working.
We've lost contact with the ship, so?
We have no video from space.
Here's the last video saved on the system.
It was looking
for a weak spot in the hull.
It got in through the cooling system.
Where the steel is thinnest.
So this thing is smart?
It can think?
Whether it can think or not,
if we smoke it out and with the hole shut
it can't crawl back in.
But how? How can we smoke it out?
We can't even see where it is.
We have to restore the security cameras
and communications.
The Trojan damaged the main generator,
but the life support system is working.
That means the back up generator is fine.
We can connect the network
and cameras to it.
We will have to make
all the way blind to the fuse box
with no idea where that bastard is.
It's too risky.
It's all my fault.
So I'll go.
I'll watch your six.
you need to get out of there, now!
Are you hurt?
How's the signal and the cameras?
All there. Back online.
Damn it! It's transmitting an EMP field
stronger than the Sphere.
The electronics next to it
are going crazy.
So what now?
Have you ever seen a raging bull
running after the crowds
down a narrow passage
just before a bull fight?
The bull wants to catch the runners,
but he ends up in the arena
with the matador.
The Trojan is the bull.
It also wants to catch us.
We have a chance to lead it
wherever we want, like outside the lander.
It's a huge risk for everyone,
but it's all worth it.
The lander has two airlocks:
the central one, and the one in the lab.
I'll be outside
in front of the open central hatch.
I'll be the main decoy.
The Trojan will chase me
along the corridors.
Once we get outside, you'll shut
the engines to the airlock behind it.
But in order to do all that,
we need to get to the airlocks.
And that's where the Trojan is.
We can isolate it
in the main corridor, here.
The inner doors won't hold on long,
but should buy us some time.
I'll lure him into the inter-hatch space.
And lock him in
After the Trojan is blocked, each one
of us will report to a specific location.
David, you and I will open
the air hatch in the labs.
You'll wait for me there,
while I'll go outside
to be the bait for the Trojan.
But in order for the Trojan
to see me and come out
both sides of the airlock
have to be open,
outside and inside.
That's why Leona
will manually open the airlock
and hide right here,
in the technical bay.
When the Trojan comes after me,
it will run over here,
past the Engine's steering nozzles.
There should be some fuel left.
And if we turn the Engine
at the right moment
we won't just smoke it out,
we'll roast it.
Get out of here, you fucking bastard!
Hurry! It won't hold up much longer!
Don't panic. Release the Trojan.
Hide in the tech bay.
You can do it.
I'm turning on the Engine.
It's not working.
The Trojan is messing with the system.
Steve, run!
The Engine's on.
Leona, get out! Get out!
Ryan, the airlock!
Shut the airlock!
Rest in peace, Frank.
A part of its tentacle was cut off
by the door. It returned to the cave.
Pressurization complete.
Oxygen level returning to normal.
It won't get back in here.
But the Sphere is under its control.
Not for long.
What is it?
It's the virus?
It's already in our home, literally.
You shouldn't go on this mission.
Amy, what are you talking about?
We discussed everything.
You've done enough.
This isn't your mission.
Excuse me?
-You're not even an astronaut.
You want me
to walk out a week before the launch?
What's gotten into you?
We're going to have a baby.
Just stay.
We'll work on the vaccine.
I found a promising pathway.
The mission will create a new Earth
but we could save this one.
This is my blueprint for the vaccine,
please go over it.
I'm really happy.
But it's such poor timing.
I won't get to see him grow up.
Steve, I'm begging you.
Please, stay with me. Stay with us.
I can't, I have to be there. I have to.
You've done everything you could.
We can develop the vaccine now.
I think I'm onto something.
I need to save the Earth.
We have to study this creature,
so we can understand
what you're infected with.
My guess, it's a bio-robot.
These are the same materials
the Sphere is made of.
And they also change their properties
when they come into contact with water.
We studied it never understanding
that one of its functions
was to create a Trojan.
Maybe they are much more advanced
than we are.
And better.
David, listen?
Tell me what you found.
The bacteria that infected you
have an unusually powerful
defense mechanism.
I studied them.
Figured out how they work.
This is what we spent
all those years searching for.
Your blood holds the key
to the vaccine against the virus
that's been destroying life on Earth.
It doesn't change anything.
Don't you understand?
We can save the world.
And it's all because of you.
You are the real hero.
I'll administer some painkillers,
you'll feel better.
Here goes nothing?
What was that?
It's a transponder.
We can see the connections
of the Sphere.
This is their way
of colonizing planets.
How's it going?
It's a bio-robot.
We have to find
a way to destroy it
and restore the settings in the Sphere.
No, Steve. Too many people
have died because of you already.
Wait. What did you do?
Did you lock me in?
You are under arrest, Steve.
we have to work together.
For Peter, and Frank and Leona.
Otherwise they all died in vain--
People are expendable to you.
Ryan! Ryan!
He's right.
It was never the salvation of humanity
that was most important to you, Steve.
You always wanna play the hero.
And now you just want to win and you
don't care about other people's lives.
Amy, talk to me.
I read your proposal.
It looks truly promising.
A real breakthrough.
A chance to create a vaccine.
Finally, a real one.
But I do need to go.
For our sake.
I don't know what I'll do without you
but I promise I'll come back.
I need you.
Both of you.
Tell him?
or her?
that Daddy like a God
is out creating the new Earth.
You keep saying
you're doing this to save everyone.
But who is everyone?
You don't see people around you.
All you care about is you
and your project. Why even bother?
To be the hailed a savior? Is that it?
To save our future.
I wonder what it is
you're really trying to save.
Richard, you modeled the trajectories
of the nearest stars?
That didn't give us anything.
What do you think you'll find there?
You said that when we made the jump
we moved along a coordinate axis
that was inaccessible to us.
And what if that axis wasn't spatial?
Show us how these stars will look
accounting the expansion of the universe
over four billion years.
Yes, recalculating.
We didn't move in space.
We moved in time.
It's Ursa Major.
And Orion.
And there's the North Star?
and our?
And the Earth was silent and empty,
and the darkness over the abyss.
That means that we're on Earth?
Before the beginning of life itself?
About four billion years ago.
How did you figure that out?
This is the fragment
that flew off the Sphere
when David fired at it.
Here is the broken fragment.
And here is the same piece
on the bracelet I made for Amy.
Because it's the exact same fragment.
The Sphere here and the old one on Earth
are the exact same Sphere,
but in different times.
Some civilization sent the Sphere on Earth
to create a biosphere suitable for them.
But something went wrong.
But that means no matter what we do here,
we won't save the people on Earth?
There's only one option left,
tell Amy about those
extraterrestrial bacteria
and help her to create the vaccine.
How do you plan to do that?
We know that the Sphere will remain
in the cave until our time.
And that I will make this fragment
into a bracelet for Amy.
I'll write her a message
telling her how to connect the Spheres.
But Amy had the bracelet before we left.
And she didn't say anything about it.
I believe Amy will miss me.
She will come for the bracelet,
and sooner or later
she will see these inscriptions.
What's left is to put the part back
and reconfigure the system.
Or the life that we ??know
will never appear.
Neither will humanity.
Steve! Steve!
Ryan is planning on blowing up the Sphere.
Connect me to him.
He switched off his radio.
You need to find him
and explain everything.
Go, I've re-opened the airlock.
Stop right there.
The Sphere is our only chance.
Don't even try.
Okay. Okay.
But your plan still won't work.
It will.
You'll see.
You want to take the bomb to the cave,
wait for the Trojan there
and blow it up along with the Sphere.
But what if it attacks you on the way?
Then I will go up
in smoke with him.
And you will lose.
After all, the Sphere will continue
to create the environment
that the Trojan needs.
What do you suggest?
You got a better idea?
Let's lure in the Trojan,
into the lander,
lock the airlocks and blow it up.
David, why?
For Rita.
She died.
-She hasn't died yet.
You're deranged.
-I'm not.
After what have happened
in the cave, I understand.
The Trojan didn't kill me,
and it doesn't do anything
without a reason.
It chose me.
And I will help it.
We weren't supposed to be here.
We're a mistake.
And you are the one
who helped me understand that.
I realized that we all
are just like you, Steve.
We weren't created right.
We're a malfunction of the Sphere.
But I will fix it.
David, wake up!
You can't help Rita like that!
She wouldn't be born to suffer,
and she will not die at the age of eight.
No ones else will suffer, Steve,
because there will never be
any people to begin with.
People deserve a chance, David.
People don't change.
Encounter to Mission.
Encounter to Mission.
Encounter to Mission.
Encounter to Mission.
Come in, Mission.
Come on, guys.
Encounter to Mission?.
Encounter to Mission.
Encounter to Mission!
Encounter to Mission!
Encounter to Mission!
Steve! Thank God!
I saw the explosion on camera.
-I thought you were all?
-The Trojan's been destroyed.
What about Ryan?
-He didn't make it.
Steve, your oxygen levels are dropping.
Looks like some shrapnel pierced the tank.
How much time do I have?
-About an hour.
Look, I'll land the ship and pick you up.
No, there's a storm here. You'll crash.
And what are you gonna do?
I'm going to the cave.
I need to contact Amy.
Land the ship
as soon as the storm settles down.
Godspeed, Steve.
Please start working.
Where are you?
I'm somewhere in the distant past.
-What do you mean?
We don't have much time.
I know how to save the Earth.
You were on the right path.
There's a mechanism
that can help us create the vaccine.
I saw it here with my own eyes.
Can you write something down?
-Sure. Sure.
You have to teach the plant cells
to quickly identify
any mutation of the virus.
Here's the antigen formula.
Amy, I promised
I'd come back to see you.
I'm so sorry.
No. Steve?
-I only regret one thing?
That I'll never hold you again
and our child.
We're connected, remember?
You'll always be with me. With us.
I love you. Both of you.
I love you.
The Earth, O Lord,
is full of God mercy.
Teach me thy statutes.
Teach me good judgment and knowledge.
Before I was afflicted I went astray.
But now have I kept thy word.
Thy hands have made me and fashioned me.
Let thy tender mercies come unto me,
that I may live.
Today marks a bleak anniversary
for our planet.
Three years ago the first case
of a global plant virus was reported,
which started to ravage
most of our ecosystems.
The world's leading research laboratories
have been trying to find a way
to stop this deadly pathogen,
but so far their efforts
have been unsuccessful.
The latest research shows that people
who consume food infected with a virus
develop severe autoimmune diseases.
In addition, the loss of plant life
has contributed to the concentration
of oxygen in the atmosphere
to decrease to 18%.
The lowest on record.
The rapidly disappearing forest
cannot recycle
enough carbon dioxide to maintain
these level for much longer.
These atmospheric changes
have caused an increase
in natural disasters around the globe.
As oxygen levels drop below 10%,
people will begin to suffocate.
Our beautiful planet Earth is doomed.
But humanity still has
a chance of survival.
And their best hope is Project Gemini
developed by Dr. Steven Ross.
The project centers around
an archaeological find
discovered eight years ago
by a group of paleontologists
who found two unique objects
of extraterrestrial origin.
The artifacts were estimated
to be more than four billion years old.
Stephen Hawking once said,
that if humans are to survive long term,
we must find a way
to get off planet Earth.
He was optimistic
about our chances,
and in fact, as it turns out he was right.
These unique devices that we found
appeared on Earth before life itself.
We don't know what mysterious Stellar
wisdom created them and left them here,
but we've received this gift
on the brink of extinction.
We managed to recreate
this pseudo tough materials**
that the Sphere and the Engine
are made of.
And we precisely copied
both of the devices.
Now each of them has an identical twin.
The Warp Engine
for interstellar flights
has allowed us to find a planet
more or less suitable for terraforming.
The unmanned vehicle completed a jump
to the solar system TESS
and returned with information
and samples that confirmed our theories.
And this device, this Sphere,
is for creating life.
After years of research,
we discovered a way
to control the Sphere and the Engine.
These devices have their own
unique language.
We decoded dozens of commands,
each of which corresponds
to a certain pattern.
This pattern gave
the initial command,
and the Sphere began to carry out
more than four billion years now.
The Sphere uses chemical elements
from the environment
and creates a true miracle:
Now we know life on Earth
was created by this machine.
The Sphere is our starting point.
Let me introduce you to our team
of leading research scientists.
Our team consists of:
Dr. Peter Lehmann,
a specialist in extraterrestrial
Warp Engine.
Doctor Leona Redwood,
a terraforming program builder.
Today we are joined
by military trained pilots,
headed by Major Ryan Connor.
We are departing
for the solar system TESS,
several hundred
light years from here.
We will bring The Sphere to a planet
that has the right conditions.
And we'll create
Earth 2.0,
a new home for humanity.
What do you think, Peter?
Whoever created this, where are they now?
There's not enough data to say.
And I don't really like speculating
about stuff like this.
This isn't about the speculation.
It's a theory.
Maybe it was
a lost civilization.
We know from experience
how highly-developed civilizations
are good at self-destruction.
Who knows?
Well, another giant leap
for humanity, eh, guys?
Only this time literally,
for the first time in history.
Just as long as something
more than a bunch of atoms
makes it to the destination?
It still counts.
Say it. For the first time in history.
Attention! And prepare for a jump.
All systems are ready.
The coordinates are set.
Warp Drive set at maximum power.
Critical error.
Critical error.
Critical error.
Critical error.
Where are we?
Is this TESS?
Richard, did we complete the maneuver?
Yes, we did.
Star maps?
They don't match up.
It's not TESS.
What coordinates
did you put in?
Are you sure they were operational?
Of course, sir.
Did you check the Engine?
Everything was done according to protocol.
If everything was done to protocol,
we'd be in TESS right now.
The mission failed, Peter.
There is no hope for Earth now.
Permission to check the Engine.
You are relieved of your duties.
Stay in your bunk until I say otherwise.
Yes, sir.
What's this?
In physics,
there is an equation?
The Dirac equation.
When two particles
come into contact,
they become bound forever.
They continue to "feel" one another,
even if they are light years apart.
It's called quantum entanglement.
That's physics for you?
Not just physics.
Try de-set the jump trajectory.
Maybe it will help us
figure out where we are.
No, Steve.
The trajectory is not clear.
The data doesn't make any sense at all.
We've entered the fourth dimension,
But it's almost as if we moved along
the coordinates axis that we can't access.
And then we jumped back
into three-dimensional space.
But where?
Is there anything around us
that can help us figure out our location?
No, no land marks.
Nothing even remotely familiar.
We have no point to set a return jump.
So that means
that until we figure out
where we are we can't get back.
Repair airlock is open.
What's that?
The repair airlock
of the Engine compartment is open.
Why? And who is there?
Repair airlock, this is
the captain calling. Airlock, report.
Unidentified object approaching.
Unidentified object approaching.
Unidentified object approaching.
Unidentified object approaching.
Unidentified object approaching.
I can't believe it.
Calm down, Leona.
We gotta keep our cool
if we wanna survive.
We are already a man down.
Peter ignored Steve's orders,
went to the Engine compartment,
realised what he'd done,
and that was the end.
Peter wouldn't have.
I knew him.
I worked with him for eight years.
He couldn't given up so easily.
Leona, enough.
How can you defend him?
Now we have to deal
with the results of his mistakes.
Do his work for him.
One person put multiple lives in danger.
He almost destroyed
humanity's only chance of survival.
That's who you should be crying for?
After Rita died
I didn't wanna live anymore.
But then I thought,
instead of ending it all
I could make it mean something.
So I decided
to devote myself to the mission.
But now it turns out
that I'm less useful
here than on Earth.
Everything will be all right.
We'll find a way out this.
The future of Earth
depends on our mission.
Giving up is not an option.
We need to establish
what part of the universe we're in.
Richard, do you have anything?
-Not yet.
I'm tracking the moving trajectories
of the nearest stars and planets.
I'll try to calculate
our position from there.
David, what about that planet?
Any data on the probe?
Just loaded.
The surface of the planet
is made of volcanic rock.
There is no biosphere.
There is an atmosphere,
but without oxygen.
The average temperature
is 16 degrees Celsius.
The outside environment isn't aggressive.
All we'll need are breathing masks.
It's perfect.
If I could choose
between TESS and this planet,
I'd go here.
Do you realize how lucky we are?
What was the likelihood of winding up
near planet that's perfect for the Sphere?
What if this isn't an accident?
What if we were brought here on purpose?
By whom?
-The same thing that left us the Sphere.
Ryan, get ready to disembark.
-What do you mean?
We can complete our mission
on this planet.
But we haven't examined it.
But this is our chance.
If we launch the Sphere on this planet
we'll have enough time
to understand where we are.
Then, other ships come repeat our job.
Richard, prepare the lander
to go down to the planet.
But it's a young planet,
the atmosphere is unstable.
We don't know anything about it.
It might not be safe
to make a surface landing.
I agree, you're recklessly risking
the safety of the crew.
And I'm against it.
Thankfully, I am the one
who makes the final decisions.
No, Steve. It's too early
for decisions like these.
I said we are landing.
Richard, show in the landing area.
You'll land here, in the valley.
The weather conditions
for descent are optimal.
We're ready.
Initiate un-docking procedure.
Un-docking sequence initiated.
Engine's activated.
The height is 30,000 meters. Coming down.
A storm front is heading your way.
It formed a few minutes ago.
Couldn't have predicted it.
The winds are up to 40 meters per second.
So hold on.
Activating braking thrusters.
What the hell was that?
- What's going on?
-It's the wind.
The storm is quite aggressive.
The descent is twice as high
as the landing speed. We're falling.
We're gonna crush into surface.
I can double the thrust.
It will slow your fall.
If we use that we won't have a fuel
for the return flight!
If we don't, we will die!
The temperature is too extreme.
Your hole is melting.
Damn it!
Release the first tank.
I'll try to slow you down aerodynamically.
I hope the hole holds up.
Hold on.
We are coming in on it!
Brace for impact!
Amy, why did you fly off to?
I need you.
I got you something.
What's this?
We've been together for a year.
You know, The Sphere means a lot to me,
but not as much as you do.
Obviously, I know
you two don't get along.
So I thought to create
something to connect you both.
It's made out of the old Sphere.
There was a fragment
that really stood out.
It's so beautiful. Thank you.
I thought it would be symbolic.
The Sphere is our salvation,
and you are mine.
Let's go home. The sprinklers
are about to start spraying.
Let's stay for a while.
What's the status on the lander?
- No critical damage.
But it's almost out of fuel.
Now we can't get back to the ship,
we're stuck here.
Why go back to the ship?
Our plan was to come back in four years.
And now our main task
is to install and launch the Sphere.
We're continuing the program.
But we can't carry it out now.
We strayed too far away from
the landing site, into the mountains.
That means there should be caves here.
But it's impossible to deploy
domes on this terrain.
We'll manage without domes.
A deep enough cave
will provide the right amount
of protection for the Sphere.
There! This cave looks suitable.
It's big enough and easy to access.
Leona, you get the data
on seismic activity,
David, adjust the program.
Everyone else, check the equipment.
Get to work, people,
what are you waiting for?
Conditions on this planet
are even better than we expected.
Other ships will arrive here soon.
A new history of mankind begins here,
at this very minute.
We did it! I can't believe it.
Peter would be so happy.
He worked so hard for this.
Captain, you need to see this.
He should be here.
Okay, attention, team.
We're returning to base.
Move out.
David, do you have any data?
Not yet.
Doctor Ross, martial laws
are in effect on this station.
What? Why?
We have new information.
Starting playback.
This is Dr. Peter Lehmann.
Against all orders, I will personally
conduct an Engine inspection.
I'm now recording all of my actions
so I'm not accused of tampering
with the results.
The security cameras are switched off
so that I am not interrupted.
I'm not gonna be a scapegoat.
I'm gonna prove that I made no mistake.
What was that?
Some kind of a life form?
Was that what killed Peter?
I watched all of the recordings
from the cameras.
It shows up by the Sphere
for the first time
right after we left Earth.
This thing crawled out of the Sphere?
Straight outta the story
of the Trojan horse.
And that Trojan climbed right into
the Engine just before the jump.
So maybe it caused the failure?
Richard, if that Trojan
is still on the ship, you're in danger.
No. He went down with you,
into the Sphere.
We can track its position.
It causes interference
in the electromagnetic field.
Here's the video from the cameras
right before the landing.
I've got the first data from the cave.
Something's strange. Steve?
Levels of CO2 and oxidation
inside the Sphere are rising,
but there aren't any bio markers.
What? Could it be a malfunction?
No, it's working in a full capacity.
Just on the different program
than the one we've uploaded.
It's doing something else.
We're going back to the Sphere.
We need to adjust the settings.
Nobody's going anywhere, Steve.
We'll adjust the settings later,
after we deal with the threat.
But Steve is the head of the project,
he calls the shots.
Not anymore.
Now it's a question of the crew survival.
Steve, I'm taking command,
you're being relieved.
You can't do that.
The future of mankind
depends on this mission.
Only Dr. Ross can carry it out.
Are you sure that Dr. Ross
is giving us all the information
about what the Sphere actually is?
What are you talking about?
Richard, show the video from the cave.
Steve saw the anomaly.
And didn't say anything to anyone
risking the lives of the entire crew.
Where did it come from?
-Right from the Sphere.
Which as it turns out
we know too little about.
What if it's an incubator
for those monsters?
I didn't hide a single confirmed fact
about the Sphere from you.
And there was no sense
in discussing anomalies.
If we had known about these anomalies,
we would have treated
the Sphere differently,
and Peter would be alive right now.
David, I'm sorry I couldn't make it.
It's okay.
I understand how busy you are.
Yes, we don't have much time to spare.
Why are you here?
The doctor says I'm fine.
Gave me a clean bill of health.
So I'm ready to join everyone
for the pre-launch.
I mean you?
You're actually planning to fly?
But you are the one who made me
a member of the crew.
But that was?
Before Rita died?
So what?
I'm telling you the psychologist
has confirmed I'm okay.
But to lose a daughter?
David, I'm terribly sorry.
I understand you want to get back to work
but this is not the best way.
Right now you need time to grief.
Steve, I'm not flying
to forget my daughter.
She'll always be a part of me.
I know the Sphere as well as you do.
And you'll need me there.
David, listen,
all I'm doing is looking out for you.
You're crossing my name off?
After all we've done
you're going to leave me on the sidelines?
I can help you change the future.
Don't take that away from me.
-We can't leave it like that.
We have to go back to the cave
and restore the settings.
But Ryan gave orders.
-Just you and me.
We'll go out quietly.
Whatever killed Peter is still in there.
The Trojan is 30 kilometers away
from the cave right now,
that means if it decides to come back
we'll have at least
half an hour to get out.
What about Ryan?
-Ryan's too careful.
He's wasting time.
Lost days are lost lives.
When Rita was dying,
you slowly died with her.
I saw what that was like.
Now imagine that entire planet
is dying the exact same way.
Slowly, irreversibly,
from the same virus.
What the hell is this?
What's going on?
The Sphere did this.
You think it was a malfunction?
-Not just a malfunction
The Sphere is creating an alien life form.
And incredibly quickly.
Faster than it created life on Earth.
We shouldn't touch it.
We need to discuss this with everybody.
We need to set a plan of action.
Someone readjusted
the settings on the Sphere.
The Trojan's getting closer,
we gotta leave.
Just a minute.
Can't you hear me?
There's no point in risking our lives!
Let's go!
Get away from me, dammit!
Have you lost your mind?
-It's over! The mission is over!
Deal with it!
The Sphere is hostile!
Put the gun down, David! Put it down!
You wanna die
because of this piece of shit?
Too late, it's already here.
Airlock closed.
Pressurization completed.
You're a psycho, Steve.
Because of you, we both almost died.
This is not about us.
We have to complete the mission.
If you had damaged the Sphere
all of this would've been for nothing.
Then you should've shot me.
Why didn't you?
If you threaten the mission one more time
I will.
Steve, what the hell were you doing?
Where were you?
Why did you leave the lander
against my orders?
We did what we had to.
You no longer have the right
to make decisions.
I make the decisions I find necessary.
Or what?
What are you gonna do?
Use force?
Then go ahead! Well?
Come on!
Module integrity compromised.
What did you do?
Module integrity compromised.
Module integrity compromised.
Quiet, sweetie.
We're so close I'm losing my head.
What's that?
Trojan's in the lander.
Got a hole in the lower deck,
everything's covered in this shit.
So what do we do now?
Quietly, and slowly. Let's go.
It's hard to breathe.
Get back.
What? Why?
It's here.
What's happened?
Are you okay?
The Trojan?
The Trojan's in the laboratory.
Do you realize what you've done?
You brought it down here with you!
Can it get in here?
-We don't know.
It damaged the generator
and the cameras aren't working.
We've lost contact with the ship, so?
We have no video from space.
Here's the last video saved on the system.
It was looking
for a weak spot in the hull.
It got in through the cooling system.
Where the steel is thinnest.
So this thing is smart?
It can think?
Whether it can think or not,
if we smoke it out and with the hole shut
it can't crawl back in.
But how? How can we smoke it out?
We can't even see where it is.
We have to restore the security cameras
and communications.
The Trojan damaged the main generator,
but the life support system is working.
That means the back up generator is fine.
We can connect the network
and cameras to it.
We will have to make
all the way blind to the fuse box
with no idea where that bastard is.
It's too risky.
It's all my fault.
So I'll go.
I'll watch your six.
you need to get out of there, now!
Are you hurt?
How's the signal and the cameras?
All there. Back online.
Damn it! It's transmitting an EMP field
stronger than the Sphere.
The electronics next to it
are going crazy.
So what now?
Have you ever seen a raging bull
running after the crowds
down a narrow passage
just before a bull fight?
The bull wants to catch the runners,
but he ends up in the arena
with the matador.
The Trojan is the bull.
It also wants to catch us.
We have a chance to lead it
wherever we want, like outside the lander.
It's a huge risk for everyone,
but it's all worth it.
The lander has two airlocks:
the central one, and the one in the lab.
I'll be outside
in front of the open central hatch.
I'll be the main decoy.
The Trojan will chase me
along the corridors.
Once we get outside, you'll shut
the engines to the airlock behind it.
But in order to do all that,
we need to get to the airlocks.
And that's where the Trojan is.
We can isolate it
in the main corridor, here.
The inner doors won't hold on long,
but should buy us some time.
I'll lure him into the inter-hatch space.
And lock him in
After the Trojan is blocked, each one
of us will report to a specific location.
David, you and I will open
the air hatch in the labs.
You'll wait for me there,
while I'll go outside
to be the bait for the Trojan.
But in order for the Trojan
to see me and come out
both sides of the airlock
have to be open,
outside and inside.
That's why Leona
will manually open the airlock
and hide right here,
in the technical bay.
When the Trojan comes after me,
it will run over here,
past the Engine's steering nozzles.
There should be some fuel left.
And if we turn the Engine
at the right moment
we won't just smoke it out,
we'll roast it.
Get out of here, you fucking bastard!
Hurry! It won't hold up much longer!
Don't panic. Release the Trojan.
Hide in the tech bay.
You can do it.
I'm turning on the Engine.
It's not working.
The Trojan is messing with the system.
Steve, run!
The Engine's on.
Leona, get out! Get out!
Ryan, the airlock!
Shut the airlock!
Rest in peace, Frank.
A part of its tentacle was cut off
by the door. It returned to the cave.
Pressurization complete.
Oxygen level returning to normal.
It won't get back in here.
But the Sphere is under its control.
Not for long.
What is it?
It's the virus?
It's already in our home, literally.
You shouldn't go on this mission.
Amy, what are you talking about?
We discussed everything.
You've done enough.
This isn't your mission.
Excuse me?
-You're not even an astronaut.
You want me
to walk out a week before the launch?
What's gotten into you?
We're going to have a baby.
Just stay.
We'll work on the vaccine.
I found a promising pathway.
The mission will create a new Earth
but we could save this one.
This is my blueprint for the vaccine,
please go over it.
I'm really happy.
But it's such poor timing.
I won't get to see him grow up.
Steve, I'm begging you.
Please, stay with me. Stay with us.
I can't, I have to be there. I have to.
You've done everything you could.
We can develop the vaccine now.
I think I'm onto something.
I need to save the Earth.
We have to study this creature,
so we can understand
what you're infected with.
My guess, it's a bio-robot.
These are the same materials
the Sphere is made of.
And they also change their properties
when they come into contact with water.
We studied it never understanding
that one of its functions
was to create a Trojan.
Maybe they are much more advanced
than we are.
And better.
David, listen?
Tell me what you found.
The bacteria that infected you
have an unusually powerful
defense mechanism.
I studied them.
Figured out how they work.
This is what we spent
all those years searching for.
Your blood holds the key
to the vaccine against the virus
that's been destroying life on Earth.
It doesn't change anything.
Don't you understand?
We can save the world.
And it's all because of you.
You are the real hero.
I'll administer some painkillers,
you'll feel better.
Here goes nothing?
What was that?
It's a transponder.
We can see the connections
of the Sphere.
This is their way
of colonizing planets.
How's it going?
It's a bio-robot.
We have to find
a way to destroy it
and restore the settings in the Sphere.
No, Steve. Too many people
have died because of you already.
Wait. What did you do?
Did you lock me in?
You are under arrest, Steve.
we have to work together.
For Peter, and Frank and Leona.
Otherwise they all died in vain--
People are expendable to you.
Ryan! Ryan!
He's right.
It was never the salvation of humanity
that was most important to you, Steve.
You always wanna play the hero.
And now you just want to win and you
don't care about other people's lives.
Amy, talk to me.
I read your proposal.
It looks truly promising.
A real breakthrough.
A chance to create a vaccine.
Finally, a real one.
But I do need to go.
For our sake.
I don't know what I'll do without you
but I promise I'll come back.
I need you.
Both of you.
Tell him?
or her?
that Daddy like a God
is out creating the new Earth.
You keep saying
you're doing this to save everyone.
But who is everyone?
You don't see people around you.
All you care about is you
and your project. Why even bother?
To be the hailed a savior? Is that it?
To save our future.
I wonder what it is
you're really trying to save.
Richard, you modeled the trajectories
of the nearest stars?
That didn't give us anything.
What do you think you'll find there?
You said that when we made the jump
we moved along a coordinate axis
that was inaccessible to us.
And what if that axis wasn't spatial?
Show us how these stars will look
accounting the expansion of the universe
over four billion years.
Yes, recalculating.
We didn't move in space.
We moved in time.
It's Ursa Major.
And Orion.
And there's the North Star?
and our?
And the Earth was silent and empty,
and the darkness over the abyss.
That means that we're on Earth?
Before the beginning of life itself?
About four billion years ago.
How did you figure that out?
This is the fragment
that flew off the Sphere
when David fired at it.
Here is the broken fragment.
And here is the same piece
on the bracelet I made for Amy.
Because it's the exact same fragment.
The Sphere here and the old one on Earth
are the exact same Sphere,
but in different times.
Some civilization sent the Sphere on Earth
to create a biosphere suitable for them.
But something went wrong.
But that means no matter what we do here,
we won't save the people on Earth?
There's only one option left,
tell Amy about those
extraterrestrial bacteria
and help her to create the vaccine.
How do you plan to do that?
We know that the Sphere will remain
in the cave until our time.
And that I will make this fragment
into a bracelet for Amy.
I'll write her a message
telling her how to connect the Spheres.
But Amy had the bracelet before we left.
And she didn't say anything about it.
I believe Amy will miss me.
She will come for the bracelet,
and sooner or later
she will see these inscriptions.
What's left is to put the part back
and reconfigure the system.
Or the life that we ??know
will never appear.
Neither will humanity.
Steve! Steve!
Ryan is planning on blowing up the Sphere.
Connect me to him.
He switched off his radio.
You need to find him
and explain everything.
Go, I've re-opened the airlock.
Stop right there.
The Sphere is our only chance.
Don't even try.
Okay. Okay.
But your plan still won't work.
It will.
You'll see.
You want to take the bomb to the cave,
wait for the Trojan there
and blow it up along with the Sphere.
But what if it attacks you on the way?
Then I will go up
in smoke with him.
And you will lose.
After all, the Sphere will continue
to create the environment
that the Trojan needs.
What do you suggest?
You got a better idea?
Let's lure in the Trojan,
into the lander,
lock the airlocks and blow it up.
David, why?
For Rita.
She died.
-She hasn't died yet.
You're deranged.
-I'm not.
After what have happened
in the cave, I understand.
The Trojan didn't kill me,
and it doesn't do anything
without a reason.
It chose me.
And I will help it.
We weren't supposed to be here.
We're a mistake.
And you are the one
who helped me understand that.
I realized that we all
are just like you, Steve.
We weren't created right.
We're a malfunction of the Sphere.
But I will fix it.
David, wake up!
You can't help Rita like that!
She wouldn't be born to suffer,
and she will not die at the age of eight.
No ones else will suffer, Steve,
because there will never be
any people to begin with.
People deserve a chance, David.
People don't change.
Encounter to Mission.
Encounter to Mission.
Encounter to Mission.
Encounter to Mission.
Come in, Mission.
Come on, guys.
Encounter to Mission?.
Encounter to Mission.
Encounter to Mission!
Encounter to Mission!
Encounter to Mission!
Steve! Thank God!
I saw the explosion on camera.
-I thought you were all?
-The Trojan's been destroyed.
What about Ryan?
-He didn't make it.
Steve, your oxygen levels are dropping.
Looks like some shrapnel pierced the tank.
How much time do I have?
-About an hour.
Look, I'll land the ship and pick you up.
No, there's a storm here. You'll crash.
And what are you gonna do?
I'm going to the cave.
I need to contact Amy.
Land the ship
as soon as the storm settles down.
Godspeed, Steve.
Please start working.
Where are you?
I'm somewhere in the distant past.
-What do you mean?
We don't have much time.
I know how to save the Earth.
You were on the right path.
There's a mechanism
that can help us create the vaccine.
I saw it here with my own eyes.
Can you write something down?
-Sure. Sure.
You have to teach the plant cells
to quickly identify
any mutation of the virus.
Here's the antigen formula.
Amy, I promised
I'd come back to see you.
I'm so sorry.
No. Steve?
-I only regret one thing?
That I'll never hold you again
and our child.
We're connected, remember?
You'll always be with me. With us.
I love you. Both of you.
I love you.
The Earth, O Lord,
is full of God mercy.
Teach me thy statutes.
Teach me good judgment and knowledge.
Before I was afflicted I went astray.
But now have I kept thy word.
Thy hands have made me and fashioned me.
Let thy tender mercies come unto me,
that I may live.