Private Gold 33: Cuntry Club (1999) - full transcript

Come on April, don't make me beg

Saturday is going to be a big party in the city

I would like you to come

I don't waste my time with the boys. Your place is in the playground.

Why do you think she's so stuck up?

Maybe she likes girls.

Forget her guys. I have a good news.

In this afternoon there will be a new chick

Tell us about her Robert?

That's all I have on her. Miss Baker told me when I went to see her this morning

Yeah we have to break in the new chick

- Oh yeah!

- Okay

Not bad, uh?

Okay guys. Training stops. It's going good

Hmm you know the teacher may have been right,

But I think we got something we could shoot a whole lot better with

What are you thinking about?

- I know what he thinks about!

- Oh yeah...

I almost forgot, Rachel: I promised at the Dean

if you usher this new girl around the school

We can't go swinging with the boys

Did you know, the club is like that, they need a lot of money.

let's go

I don't mind

Everybody take advantage of me. I'm sick of this.

Everyday the guys go for April, and here comes this new girl Vicky.

Probably a spoiled brat.

- Hi, I'm Rachel, you must be Vicky?

- Yes, hi Rachel

I hope we can be friends

You never know how can happen let me

- Let me help you

- Ok thanks

There! She's fine!

Baby! Baby I need you!

All guys are idiots...

What happens with that girl? They can't make working their mind?

Okay everyone. You know that soon there will be a test

and that is why you should workout

and anyone with a special workout they should start in the weight room

Well I have an idea: why don't we all go on our workout?

The others probably went swimming

I'm interested in everything about her

Angela, she was the main force of the guys

but now the guys are paying more attention to Vicky

No, not like that

I'm so excited Steve. Last time I was also excited,

when I was a kid I went with my brother to climb the mountain

but this is different.

- Sorry Vicky, it's only me

- Don't be so stuck off Steve, let's keep going

- Okay

What's wrong April?

None of your business. You want to know,

since this little Vicky is here every guy is beating on her

Yes well with her at least I could probably get a good fuck

but with you we've been trying to get you in bed for two years

and no one's got lucky yet. Or am I wrong?

No you're wrong because I'm waiting for the right one that will marry me

You'll die a virgin.

no one's want to marry you or engage with you

until they get you in bed know how you are

She's so dumb.

So fine.

This Vicky is very interesting

Watch ou Steve!

Where did he go? Did he fall?

This is your fault!

Instead of paying attention to climbing

he's looking at your ass.

Let's not talk about this

Show me what happened

You are lucky it's not that bad

Did you check here? It hurts a little bit


A little bit more

- Maybe here?

- Yes, better

- Then... it may be... here.

- Yes

We got the permission to take Vicky at Rally Racing

The question is: which one of us?

Oh perhaps we should draw matches

that will be the fair way to do it

You are right

Okay guys have you got any matches?

Let's see

Let's see. I will take the head of some

I will stay the same, we'll go in line I will be

We'll go in line. I will be the last.

Whoever will get the match without head

get to take Vicky

Lucky bastard

Don't worry guys you will get later on

That what is very fine


Hey, check the tire pressure also

Let's go baby

For Vicky, she sure knows a lot about cars

I hope her car will throw her

You are a fucking asshole April

Come on guys, we'll be late for volleyball match

you didn't tell me you can drive like that

I was a junior champion a couple of years ago

Ah, that's why it's so easy

that's why it's so easy

Can I give you a big hug?

- You don't want to hug me!

- What do you mean?

You know I've never did it on a race car before

It would be very weird to do it here

but I've nothing against it

(very funny...)

(yeah as you know him)

Hello girls

So which one of you girls wants to come

jet skiing? Maybe you Rachel?

I don't feel like it

Only three jets. I will stay here.

- Okay but no horse plan!

- Stupid!

What's up? Something wrong?

What did you say?

I've asked what is the problem?

With me? Nothing.

It's like you are in a different world

Oh. I doesn't think April likes Vicky.

They're almost the same because for

two years, didn't get none

That's enough of this!

Everyone is talking about little virgin April

and crazy sexy Vicky

What's her problem?

What's wrong with her?

I don't know. Maybe she's just...

Ah. The reason we came back here,

we ran into Maggie on the way back and

we thought we put together some hot sex action together

- It's a good idea

- yeah

- I think we're going to have some fun

- Yes

Look at this, men

- Ah, there are jetski

- Yeah, that's gonna be fun

Come on Pete, let's do a race

- Okay let's go

- Me too

Take one of the jet skis

Take one

You should pick this Mylar, Vicky

Don't (...) then we go this way. Take this Mylar

I would like to talk to you Steve

Now? About something concerning school?

No, what I want to talk about is different

I'm listening

- Not here, in the house

- Okay

Now you can tell me

This is so embarrassing, Steve

I know that you have been trying to get with me

and I've been shutting you out and everyone else

The only reason I did this is because

I never did it with anyone and I was scared

You're a virgin?

this is not important but I feel alone

Since Vicky has been here at the academy

everyone has been paying attention to her and I can't handle it

so I want you to fuck me

Are you kidding?

Does this convince you?

Wow, I can tell you're not joking

Come on, do something

If you want to

What happened?

Something hurts?

Yes, my... my ankle

You should go to see a doctor, it could be broken

What happened?

Vicky rolled over, someone sabotage her jet

That's probably April, because she hates Vicky

What do you have to say?

You're joking? You think I could do something like this?

You probably did this to be back in the spotlight

I would never do anything like this

Maybe she's telling the truth

Of course I'm telling the truth

well I have a different feeling

Maybe we'll go back out and you can try the other jet skis

Why not

- And Sue?

- Of course

- Rachel?

- Why not

Good. Then we can go into race

We'll go down there to that point and

turn around and come back

since you have the smaller boat, Rachel

you can have a 10-second head start

Here is the key

What's the matter Rachel? You're scared?

Maybe April did it

I wouldn't start it

you're the one who sabotaged it

Not true

If I remember at the start

you told Vicky to take the small boat

or do I remember wrong?

What do you say? For once, think.

You all are fucking assholes and I

hate this story and school anyway

How did you know, Eric?

I'll tell you at school

once Vicky gets back from the doctor

we'll have a big party

May I have your attention ladies and gentlemen

this afternoon we will cleared up that

accident what happened today and from

today Rachel Stern is suspended because

she took responsibility for what's

happened. And teachers got together and

everybody came up with the idea that we

go and shoot party


And I suggest you use

your opportunity while the teaching

staff go in a city so starting Monday is

back to work

Now you can tell us how you knew Rachel did it

Well I didn't

it was just a gut feeling

When Steve and the girls left to go mountain climbing

I saw Rachel do something to Vicky's rope

and when I questioned her about it

she became defensive

if her little plan had worked,

April would have been expulsed from school

and Vicki may have been killed

Nice job Eric

Does your leg still hurt?

Not anymore

The main thing is that we cleared it up with April

I was going to say the same about Vicky because

because she made me understand

why sex is such an important thing

I am happy.

What but do you think people? Let's have a big party

Let's have a big party!