Picture Bride (1994) - full transcript

The story of 16-year-old Riyo who journeys to Hawaii in 1918 to marry a man she has never met, except through photographs and letters they have exchanged. Hoping to escape a troubled past and to start anew, Riyo is bitterly disappointed upon her arrival: her husband is twice her age and Hawaii is not the paradise she expected. As Riyo comes to terms with her new home, she discovers a land full of hardship, struggle--and unexpected joy.

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On the night Papa took his final breath,

everything became quiet,

For a moment, even the wind
stopped blowing,

At his funeral, I remember
I wish I could Ieave behind

the ghost of my past

Japan, Yokoham

and start all over again,

That night, my wish come true,

My Aunt Sode told me
she had visited the matchmaker,

Did you told matchmaker about my parent?

You mean how did they die?

Of course not

When did you come? Let me see

Matsujiis so handsome

He seems not to be sugarcane farmer!

When the hill is fogged

I think of my hometown

Yes, in the heaven in south sea

It's easy to earn money

Flower is fragrant forever

Is another kind of ardent wish

Expecting your coming

I'm so excited that I wrote the poem

Miss butterfly flies among orchid

Its wing is full of scent

I worry your work in the farm

But at least in Hawaii

No one knows your past

But Hawaii, is so far away

So it's so perfect

Go far away, then you can forget your past

and start all over again,

Riyo, maybe you become lucky

Now look at me, think of your future husband

Miss Nakamura Riyo

It's your husband, Matsuji

Testify it with your photo

I think it's a mistake. He is too old

It's friend's photo, isn't it?

Oh, you are his friend?

No, I am Kimura Matsuji

I don't have recent photo myself


And shall cleave unto his wife.

And they shall become
one flesh.

What God has joined together,
let no man put asunder.

Now please take
your bride's hand.

By the power vested in me
by the territory of Hawaii

and the Church of Jesus Christ,

I now pronounce you
man and wife.

Here is the home

Miguel-san, thank you.

Let's go, Riyo

What's up?

I hear something

Oh, that's just ghost

They are welcoming you

It's not large, but at least
it's our own home

In the workshop dorm, everyone is around you

Come, come in

Take out the kimono
Come on, people are waiting for us

Oh, really pretty

You chose yourself?

Everyone will be touched by you wearing this

Oh, Riyo!

You faint

It's too hot here, you will get used to it

Come here, drink some water

No! Please stop!


Don't be afraid

It's all mistake!

Mistake? My parent didn't
tell me you are city girl

But that's alright

You are my wife now
It's our first night after marriage

Let's go

Come on, or we'll be late

You know, we're behind schedule
with the harvest.

Even your group, Antone.

You all like have movie
every Saturday, huh?

Sumo match, baseball.
All like that?

How you think you get free
to do that?

We've got to make the harvest.
You savvy?

All right.

Hana-hana time.

It's your number. Remember it

They will call it when paying the salary

The hoeing work today

seems easy

Hey, come on! Come on!
Let's go! Let's go!

Because last night

Come on, let's go!

I receive a home letter

Hai! Yoishare! Yoishare!

65 cents a day

Why stay in the field?

If I sleep with Chinese

I can earn twice of this

Hai! Yoishare! Yoishare!

Don't deceive yourself, old lady

Except you are young and pretty

Like bride

You can earn so much money


She really slowing us down.

Whats a-matter with you?
Go help city girl!


You're welcome.

In this way

Did I see you in the road last night?

Never mind!
None of your business!

How you gonna hoe hana
in kimono?

We got plenty hana-hana,

Hana? Flower?

In Japanese,
hana means "flower"

In Hawaii,
people say hana mean "work"

Thank you

Is your first night good?

I shouldn't have sent the old photo

Hey, you're taking a risk

And, if you haven't sent it,
you are probably alone, huh?

Hey, you!


How you gonna work
with your mouth? Come on!

Go, hey! We got to work 8 more
hours before the sun go down!

[Speaking Japanese]

[Speaking Japanese]

Come on, get up.

Antone make you pay fine!
One dollar!

Come on, city girl.

Get up.


Come on, come on!
Come on, come on!

Hey, you, number 3­9­3­9!

What's the matter with you, huh?

Number 3­9­3­9,
What's the matter with you, huh?

I'm very sorry.

Hey, boss, she is from city.
Not farm girl.

But got good head.

Good for what?
Good for nothing.

Good head no work hard.

Can speak little English


I'm... very, uh,
happy to see you.

15 rows we got to finish today.
Enough, all this talk.

Boss, we got to move keiki,

You pau hana, huh?
You stop work.

Never mind baby.
Baby okay.

Boss, we move keiki!

move over next field.

City girl, stay here.
Come on!

Moving keiki!

Hold this.

My parent said you worked in the field before

But you are not good at sugarcane field

You are too young, too weak, not as others

I'm not weak!

Doctor in Immigaration Bureau

says I am healthy!

Let's go batheing

I think it's not necessary

I'm not fool

Come on, water is becoming cold

Riyo, come on, it's dark

I'm leaving

Is it you, Riyo?

How is it?

Just like in Japan, huh?

How old are you?

That's alright

Let's try our best

I'm 43

Older than my father

The poem you give to me

can't be written by you, right?

Riyo, come back!

Now you are my wife!

You will drop into acequia! Stop!

Don't be silly!

You will hurt yourseld!

Come this way Riyo! I'm waiting you at home!

[Speaking Japanese]

Who is there?


Yokohama girl.

[Speaking Japanese]

You been scare me
like one ghost!

All the time cry, this baby.

In the camp, nobody can sleep.

Everybody is mad at me.

Husband scolds me all the time.

"So noisy!"

That's why I bring keiki
over here.


Keiki mean "baby"

You funny kind wahine.

"Hello. So nice to see you."

How come you talk like that?

Just like haoles talk.


I work in cafe in Yokohama.

Many English sailors come.

speak English much better here.

Bumbye we forget
all about Japan.


Bumbye, Yeah.

Mean "later on"

Bumbye you speak English
much better than me.

How long should I work to

earn the money back to Japan?

What you say?

You already talk
like go back Japan.

Take long time save money.

Miss your family?

No more.

You all alone, huh?

Let me hug her


Over here, plenty men,
no more wife.

In nighttime,
I do laundry for them.

Hard work.

Maybe you kukua...

You help me.

You get more money
for go back Japan.

Then me, I not so tired
all the time.

You work in field
and do laundry?


City girl no like?

Too hard?




Wake up.


Thank you


you teach me do laundry?


Bumbye I show you how.

You are here

I'm waiting for you all the night


I'm sorry to trouble you

I will work hard

to pay off the cost you bring me here

Then I will go back to Japan

Number 3­9­3­9

Ready to give up yet, huh?

You in the way over here.
Go back Japan.

We no need you over here.

Never mind Centipede!
He just like yell!

Hey, mama-san, you know what?

I'm tired of your mouth
talking all the time.

You been here too long.
I sick already.

Don't worry.

I not going end up
one fertilizer here.

I move Honolulu soon!

Yeah. Come on, come on,
let's move!

You heard the boss.
Got to hurry up the harvest.

What you make?



I don't want it.

Yeah, you don't want anymore.
Okay, no more.

Poor baby.

Runaway bride.

I heard about her Hideko

They said she went to
California with her secret lover

Because her husband is disabled in there

Don't just sit there and look.
Go help her.

Oh, look! Look!
That's the boss!

Riyo, step on him!

Mr. Centipede
fall off his horse!

Step on him!

That's why we make it
nice and tight.

What are you doing?

Kana is teaching me laundry stuffs

You work in the field
and do laundrys?


You are too weak, not Kana

She is as strong as a ox

Officer of the Immigration Bureau says

It costs 300$ to go back home

Go back home?

What do you mean?

It's your home

It's not my home

Come here

Come here

Go up

Look at the sugarcane field

Do you still see the sea over there, don't you?

But sugarcane is like weed

Soon, you will see nothing
only sky

Then we burn the sugarcane leaves to harvest them

Then start all over again

What do you mean?

After sometime¡­

You will be homesick less and less

Going back to Japan¡­

becomes an old dream

I will never stay here like you

If I do laundrys, I can earn enough money

Nonsense! You are my wife now! Fool!

Do you know how long have I been
saving the money

to bring you here?


Why are you here?

Where have you been?
We miss you!

Oh, things different.
He married man now.

Hey, Matsuji-san.

Long time no see.

Let me do it Go away

Be careful Mr. Zhumu is good at it


How you like be married, huh?

Next time going to be
my turn, huh?

2 dollars exactly!


I'm so tired!

Come on, let me do it


When we arrive Honolulu, someone says

There are real diamonds in Diamond Volcano

We will be rich

You believe?


real diamonds in Diamond Volcano!

What's the sound?

I never hear it

People say
it daughter of Fujin.

Wind god.

Her voice sound like wind.

Gather round!

I want you to start digging
these irrigation furrows

wider and deeper.

That way, we can achieve
a maximum irrigation effect

and not waste water.

And be sure not to throw dirt
on the baby seedlings either.

Or they'll die.


Okay, okay.

Big boss talking, huh?

What we're gonna do is dig
the ditch more wide and deep.

That way, we no gonna poho
the water.

Then make sure the lepo
no cover the keiki,

That way, the keiki no make,

And that way,
no more pilikia, huh?

Hey, what"s a-matter
this haole?

He no talk English.

Wake up! Seems you do it!

Rissole again?

City food!

Why don't you want to marry a city boy?

Rissole today, so is tomorrow

Rissole all the year. Rissole

Ahh! Funny


You are so lucky
Marry a pretty country wife

Kana too good for me.

Everytime she look at me with tired eyes

Makes me so angry

I feel I'm a loser

I shouldn't get Riyo

This what I think
of your damn cane field!

Just as well we come to Hawaii

If stay in Japan

We are still poor chestnut and wheat peasants

Are you Japanese?

I am Japanese!

I marry a wife. I'm very happy

But she just give me rissole to me
everyday. Rissole

Mrs. Pieper died last year.

Now only daughter
and Mr. Pieper-san

live in this big house.

Oh, Kana, it's you.

Hello, Miss Pieper-san.

I bring Riyo.

She help me do
laundry business now.

Oh, yes.
Riyo is it?

- Hello.
- Come in.

Would you like
something to drink?

No, thank you.

Yes, thank you!
So hot day!

I forgot.

Kana told me
you spoke some English.

It's very unusual.

Thank you.

Kana told me her husband
looked at a photograph

and just sent away for her.

Is that how it was with you?

Yeah, yeah.
Same for Riyo.

So, are you getting along
with your husband?

Matsuji-san, good man.


How is everything
with your husband?

Good day, Miss Pieper-san.

So long since Kanzaki
take me to ocean.

Why Kanzaki hurt you?

Never mind. Never.

First time I get off the boat,
I see Kanzaki.

I think...

Oooh, he's so handsome.

How I get
this kind, handsome man?

More better than picture.

All the other brides
look at us.

Tell me, "Lucky"

He act so nice.

So kind.

I think I come paradise.

Why Kanzaki-san change?

I don't know.

Bumbye he get mean.

We got to hana-hana
all the time.

I tell him,
"It okay. I strong"

He tell me,
"You hana-hana too much"

"I no work, how he could go back
Kumamoto rich man" I say.

He only get more mad.

Number 9­3­9­4

Will you sign here?

Number 9­3­4­3

Eight, nine

Why is his money more than mine?
We do the same work!

Alright, don't be angry

What you looking at?

He's mad because

Japanese get more pay than Filipinos
for the same hana,

Same hana?

We work more better!

Okay, okay!

Pau, you two!

Shall I marry a wife like his
when I am at his age?


Riyo it's you




No, should be more than this

I work so hard

Let me see

No, it's all

65 cents everyday

Minus what you bought in the
plantation shop

11 dollars this month

Look, it's not easy to go back to Japan


Come here, it's Mr. Yamamoto

Oh, wait

Here you are


[Miho speaking Japanese]

Again tonight! Good game!

Come on

Let's play tonight

Matsuji, hope you will come, too

Oh, game tonight again?

I find the orchid in Wami monsoon forest

What are you doing?

Where are you going?

Gambling again?

Why can't you earn money
since you like it very much?

None of your business?

Maybe I will save money to marry a wife

Yayoi and family finally
going leave plantation.

Lucky, heh?

Yayoi hard worker.

Hana-hana 17 years.

More better plant vegetables.

Now she go open one tofu store
with husband in Honolulu.

Oh, oh!

This for you, heh?

Take care of the girls.

Good luck with the harvest.

Work hard like Yayoi

Save the money

When we die

we won't like the fertilizer

Yoishare! Yoishare!

Let's go!
We moving next field!


Boss, hey, wait!

We too far from babies.

Hey, boss.

We move keiki,

You think you're Yayoi now?

Go Honolulu.
Go make tofu.

Hey, come on! Come on!
Go, hey!

Never mind baby.
We going next field.

You again?
I'm getting sick of your mouth.


Hey, I not scared
to use whip again.

You stopping work?


Go get keiki! Ha!

Hey, what are you doing?

Come here.

What's going on?


I told you to get rid
of that thing.

I not doing nothing.

Just fool around,
make them scared little bit.

This isn't the old days.

What you know
about the old days, huh?

You been here only 10 months.

I been working here 20 years.

You savvy?

And how come you my boss?

And how come Portuguese
no can be field boss, huh?

It's 'cause you haole.


There will be an impressive show

About legend samurai hero


Everyone come to watch it at 8 p.m. tonight

There are some new appearances
in this heaven

Yes, nice to meet you

Few city accent, Where are you from?

She is from Yokohama, sir

Oh, Yokohama's a good place

Hey, Hori!

What kind of samuri are you two?


Nakayama challenges Nakatsu to a glorious fight

Their life-and-death fight begins

Bad guy stab to Nakayama with knife

But Nakayama aviod his knife fast
and incredible

And stab his enemy to death

Nakatsu fall down the ground with blood



Why you gambling
all the time now?

No good.
Riyo worry.

She no care.

She only likes her money
for go back Japan.

I cheat Riyo, so I've been punished

She is just paying attention to my age

Riyo a modern girl.

More better.

Make romantic.


Like in movie.

Rudolpho Valentino.

Rudolpho Valentino?

Nakayama's coming

Be brave, accepe my challenge!



Enough hana-hana,

This wahine work too much.

I borrowed Miguel's car

I take you to real paradise. Let's go

Lucky wahine, heh?

Go! Go!
See the real paradise!

But clothes


Come on, Riyo

Thank you, Kana. We will be back soon

Ok, have a good time!

It's a wild orchid

It flowers once a year
a small pink flower

That's the paradise in my letter to you

Not plantation

Mr. butterfly flies among orchid

Its wing is full of scent

The poem you give to me is yours?

Priest Okada wrote it

But I told him what I want to say

Come on, listen to this one

"Roaring of waterfall"

"Near the pool"

"An old carp is waiting for winter"

Good, huh? I just think of it

What's up? Don't you like it?

[Speaking Japanese]

Okay, everybody, listen good.

Wind going
in the right direction, eh?

Like everybody work fast today.
Hurry before the wind change.

Boss, we got to
move the tent closer.

Ah, never mind.
Baby fine.

What, you try for ruin harvest?
What you think?

You the luna?
You not the boss, sassy wahine.

You like lose your job?

But, boss,
only take one minute.

We got to move babies closer.

Hurry up!
We got to light the fire!

Like this!

Make like this.

We're gonna burn good today.

Come on!
Like this! Like this!

Look, look, look.
Like this. Like this!

Come on, come on!

Come on!

Okay, we looking good!

Go get keiki!
Go! Go! Go!

Ready to start fire over here!

Ready to burn!



Light them!



Hurry up!
Fire's starting!


Kei-chan! Kei-chan!

Hurry, hurry!


- Hey!
- Stop fire!


Stop fire!

Boss! Keiki lost!
Stop fire!

Stop fire?
What she talking about?





Kana-chan! Kana-chan!


Let me go!


How is she?

Soory, I'm too late


Leave me alone!


Let's go

It's better leaving him alone

Let's go, Riyo

Let's go

Why don't they fire Antone?

We should go on strike!

Sh, shut up

Strike is not easy, you know

We need to plan well

Maybe after next harvest

They won't bethink of it then

Yes, Pieper is clever

We shouldn't organise only Japanese

We need to Filipino and others


Only mongoose.

You find it?

Nothing, Only mongoose.

Only mongoose.


Okay, back to work!
Come on, let's go!

Hello, Miss Pieper.
Laundry here.

Riyo, I...

I'm so sorry about Kana.

Thank you.

What are you doing? What's up?

Sit down

We may strike

So we are collecting fund

But so much?

Everyone must give all what he has

How much do you save?

Only 2 dollars?

Everyone gives much
You must give more

It's no use strike

Only let us lose our home and job

But we have no other choice

Come on, give it to me

I won't let you use my money at will

I save it by hard work

I know! I tell you I understand!

But what can you do except this?


You are such a bigot!

Now Hawaii is our home!

Why do you still want to leave me?

What are you doing here?

Whom are you waiting for?

Lover? Whom?

What do you conceal to me?

Riyo, tell me!

You save money to elope with your lover?

When we left country in Kagoshima,
I was only 5

The year when Sakurajima volcano exploded

Dust dropped like snow from the sky

My parents worked in the factory of Yokohama

Ill heavily

Mother passed away first


I don't know what to do

So painful

I was so ashamed

The parents in the neighbourhood won't
let their children play with me

Why were you ashamed?

They died of phthisic



But I don't get it


But my parent didn't tell me

If they know...

They won't let us marry with each other

My auntie lied

It's a big mistake

Isn't it better I go home?



Izu volcano will explode today

South wind is from Izu

Where you from?


Oh, Japan.

I thought you was
Hawaiian wahine to me.

Except for that
around your neck.

No wahine mine
work over there.

We work five years.



You come look for diamonds?

No diamonds here.

Now I go back Japan.

I go with you.


Why you go back?

Who waiting for you there?


Please remember me.

Take care of the girls, eh?




Oh, here you are

I'm so worried about you

What time is it?

Did you drink? Sleep

When I first saw you at the
dock that day

You looed weak

I thought you can't stay for a week

But you are a stalwart girl, huh?

You should sleep, it's too late

After you leave, the house is empty

I thought I'm alone again

Let boss shout at will

When we strike on the next harvest

He will fall down

Fall down from his horse

Hai! Yoishare! Yoishare!

Children bear it in a way

City girl sing now, huh?

Children bear it in a way

Red ants and hot sun

But rebel boss

Only mother can

Hai! Yoishare!


Alright, you can open your eyes

We can respect your parent now

Thank you

[Speaking Japanese]

I heard Kana's song last night

Maybe because it's ghost day today

The day the dead visit the alive

I never believe there is ghost
when I was in Japan

But in Hawaii, don't know why...


In memory of your mother and father



In memory of Kana and
her child, Kei-chan

Sometimes, even now

when the wind's blowing
real hard,

I think I hear Kana singing,

But the singing is not Kana,

It's the voice of my daughter,
singing her daughter to sleep,

But when I close my eyes,

I can still see the moon
lighting up the cane fields,

Like the ocean
that carry me home,

To Hawaii,

To all the women having the trip

The End