Pesn o geroyakh (1983) - full transcript

Soviet solidarity is strong in Germany where the Communist Party (KPD) marches under the clenched fist in spite of police harassment... Radio broadcasts reach all parts of the Soviet Union, including Magnitogorsk. On the steppe near the city, a family of nomads lives in their yurt. The father hears blasting: iron ore for the steelworks. Crushed ore and coke yield molten steel for the ladle. Stop-motion animation shows the bountiful tractor and freight car output of the future... A new blast-furnace is under construction. Accepting jobs at the site are women, ethnic minorities, and the nomad. An English-speaking engineer supervises; a young riveter learns his trade from an old hand... In the Kubass region, miners labour to produce the coal which becomes coke in Magnitogorsk... At last the blast-furnace is complete. Workers celebrate. A cheerful patriotic song is sung. Steel pours forth. The new day reveals a finished plant. - stop by if you're interested in the nutritional composition of food

Production: Meshrabpom Films

Screenplay: J. lvens and J. Skljut

Direction: Joris lvens
Camera: A. Shelenkov

Assistant: G. Marshall
Music: Hanns Eisler

Production manager: A. Shevelev
Sound technician: A. Zapadensky

Assistant cameraman: F. Potchkin
Sound engineering: F. Gladkin

Song lyrics: S. Tretyakov
Sound recording system: Tagefon

In the capitalist nations...

..factories and businesses
are in crisis.

To you, Komsomol of the West,
on the front lines of the class struggle...

...we dedicate this film.

Attention, this is Moscow speaking.

We start with a Komsomol radio appeal
to the entire Soviet Union.

The workers of Moscow
notify the party and government.

Huge industrial plants
have been put into operation.

A ball bearing factory,
the Stalin Automotive Plant and others.

These are all in need of metal.

Stalingrad is producing
new batches of tractors.

They're waiting for high
quality metal from Magnitogorsk.

"This is Lugansk speaking.

We have two new types
of steam engine.

Our plant is set to go
into serial production.

Metal production
has to be stepped up.

To the workers from
Magnitogorsk and Kuzba.

Comrades, attack the coal.
Extract ore, melt iron.

The nation needs Soviet cars
made of Soviet steel.

Respond, Magnitogorsk.

On the Siberian steppes,
where the nomads roam...

...and the wind bends the grass.

300 million tonnes.

300 million tonnes of high-grade ore...

...will be contributed to the socialist
construction by Magnetic Mountain

The ore will be transported
to the blast furnaces of Magnitogorsk.

Drilling brigades are at work
on Magnetic Mountain.

Off to the ore crushing plant.

Steel drums break up the ore.

A conveyor belt transports
the granules to the blast furnace.

For the melting of metal,
coke is needed.

The boiling crucibles
go to the filling machine.

The cast-iron bars,
material for machine parts...

...are loaded onto wagons.

"We will follow the road to socialism
through industrialization at full throttle...

...and leave the perennial
‘Russian deprivation' behind us.

We will become a nation
of automobiles and tractors." -STALIN

The construction of the world's
first metallurgic giant takes place:



-Aksinov, Nikolai Michalovich.

Date of birth?
-1883, from Stalingrad.

Where are you from?
-From Yekat-Erinburg, kolkhoz 'New Labor'

Do you have a reference?

Where from?


For what period?
-For one year.

What factory are you from?
-From the legendary Stalin plant.

I worked there as electrical fitter.

Are you with a brigade?
-No, there are two of us.

We're short of workers ourselves.

What's your name?

How old are you?

Where are you from?
-From the kolkhoz at Samara.

What did you do?
~The FZU school.

And I worked in Lugansk
as lathe operator.

What did you do?
-I was a shepherd.

Are you a party member?
-I'm a Komsomol member.

Party member?
-I'm not a party member.

To the information counter.

Diggers excavate the steppe hills.

A second blast furnace
will be constructed here.

The Komsomol concreter brigade
from Comrade Galyulin.

In accordance with directives
from the party and the government...

...the Komsomol of Magnitostroy
set out to build a second blast furnace.

Good morning. How are you?
What did you do yesterday?

Mr Gabrieli, the gas exhaust is ready.
We're starting on the ventilation grille.

Ishmakov's brigade
has also finished its work.

Yesterday they went
through 250 tonnes.

But will your brigade manage to finish
by the day after tomorrow?

We may be able to.

The bricklaying brigades of Ishmakov
and Rostovtsev compete one another.

Brigade leader Ishmakov

Come quickly with that rivet.
Hurry up.

Darn, Rostovtsev is moving fast.

Brigade leader Rostovtsev

And, how many?

Rostovtsev, how many?




Marush, come here with those rivets.

But those figures
don't satisfy Ishmakov.

Hurry up.

Come on. Faster.

Ishmakov's brigade
broke the American record...

...with 540 rivets in one day.

After being relieved of duty, Ishmakov instructs
the young generation of workers.

Well done.

Push, push, push.

Lower, lower, a little lower.

Turn off the faucet.


Try riveting.

Push harder.

Alongside an iron construction,
a wall of bricks rises up.

the tool workshop

They're making wind heaters... means of which hot air
will be blown into the blast furnace.

At the Ural River...

...the enthusiastic and heroic
workers of Magnitostroy...

...built a one-kilometre-long dike
in only 150 days.

The Ural reservoir supplies water
for the cooling of the blast furnaces.

The Komsomol
has finished the blast furnace...

...and has once again accomplished
a glorious and heroic deed.

Two socialist giants are at work here
in one and the same breath:

Kuzbas for coal
and Magnitogorsk for ore.

Spare time is sacrificed
for the extraction of coal.

The mine workers of Prokopyevsk
attack the coal strata.

Wagons full of coal
for Magnitogorsk are on the way.

We extend our hands
to the world's best transport workers:


Now the coal
has to be turned into coke.

Where is the crane operator?
Why has the work been interrupted?

The crane operator is absent again,
that's why nothing is happening.

The crane operator isn't here.
We won't make the deadline.

Call Mitchuchin.
He knows all about cranes.

Call him yourself.
He's at the battery unit.

Have you seen the secretary?
-He went that way.


The crane operator isn't here.
There's no one to operate the crane.

Is there no replacement?
-No, we haven't found anyone.


The secretary of the Komsomol cell...

...takes the place of the crane operator.

The coke is transported
to the blast furnace.

Not everything is ready yet
to put the two furnaces into operation.

The Komsomol
decides on a nocturnal assault.

With the city committee.

Do your guys know about Tuesday?

Okay, keep standing by.

Did you inform the guys?
“Yes, no problem.

Hello? Komsomol City Committee.
One moment.

Did you arrange it?
-Four cars are going to the site hut.

Hello, the cars have already left.


We will fight like devils.

"Ural, Ural.

town by the Magnetic Mountain

Ural, Ural

There's lots of iron there

The party said:

'Give our country iron.'

And the Komsomol responded...

‘We will!

Diggers, concreters,
steel workers, metal workers...

...we will all be storm troopers.

Let's construct
Let's construct Magnitogorsk.

The nighttime work
reached full capacity.

Ural, Ural.

Town by the Magnetic Mountain

Ural, Ural.

you give us all your riches now

The party said:

'Give our country electricity,

and the Komsomol responded,

'Here's electricity.'

Mechanics, electricians
and architects.

We all want to be storm troopers.

Let's construct.
Let's construct Magnitogorsk.

The blast furnaces are operative. Ural Ural.

Town by the Magnetic Mountain.

Ural, Ural.

We've made you submit.

The party said,

'Give our country steel.'

And the Komsomol responded...

'Here's steel.'

Diggers, concreters,
steel workers, metal workers.

We will all be storm troopers.

Let's construct.
Let's construct Magnitogorsk.

Cast iron production has begun. Ural Ural.

Town by the Magnetic Mountain.

Ural, Ural.

There's lots of iron there.

The party said,

'Give our country iron.'

And the Komsomol responded,

‘We will!

Diggers, concreters,
steel workers, metal workers.

And the cast iron is ready.

We will all be storm troopers.

Let's construct.
Let's construct Magnitogorsk."