Paranormal Activity: Next of Kin (2021) - full transcript

Plot kept under wraps. Next chapter in the 'Paranormal Activity' film franchise.

Can you see it?

Uh, yeah, a little,
but it looks good.

All right,
can you slate for me?Mm-hmm.

All right,
whenever you'’re ready.

Mmm, okay.

Uh, we are here
in the beautiful Denny'’s
in Scottsdale, Arizona,

and I am about to meet my first
biological relative, Samuel.


You gonna tell them about
all the drunken nights
here at this booth?

You do not--
You keep your mouth shut.Grand Slam.

I think that'’s him.

You think that'’s him?Mm-hmm.

Yeah, he'’s trying to pay the Uber with cash.
That'’s definitely him.

Samuel?Yeah, it'’s me.




uh, at a loss for words

Are you hungry?Yeah, yeah.

Is that...

Yeah, it'’s Chris.
Hey. How you doing?

So, you said that
this is gonna be a documentary?

Yeah. It'’s weird.
I never thought I would ever
do anything about myself.

Feels kind of

but Chris
pushed me to do it.

Her story'’s too good.

Some waters for you.Thank you.

Thank you.

I'’ve actually, uh,
never, uh, been...

in front of a camera before.

Any camera?


Yeah, we'’re typically not
supposed to be, um...

'’cause, you know,
uh, vanity is a sin.

Ah. Right, right.

But there are exceptions,
if our elders condone it.

Yeah, you had said
on the phone that
you left the community.


And how long ago
has it been?


seven months, I think.

Is this weird
for your adopted parents?

It is, but could I
have gone on living
the rest of my life

not finding out
who my real family was?

Yeah, it'’d be fine,

but I think for a lot
of us people who have been
given up by their parents,

there'’s always
something missing.

Anyway, to find out
where I come from would be
really special for me.


Hopefully I can help.

How do you even meet
an Amish dude on 23andMe?

Isn'’t that
against the rules?He'’s on his Rumspringa.

What'’s that?It'’s basically like a year

where they get to
see the outside world
for themselves.

So he was
floating around, you know,
taking odd jobs.

Then he meets this woman
and builds her a pen--

Chicken coop.

Thank you. Chicken coop.

Basically, she becomes
obsessed with him.More of a cat-lady type, yeah.

Do you wanna
tell the story?

My bad, my bad.
I'’m sorry.'’Cause you can if you want.

Anyway, so basically
she'’s bragging to him

about how she'’s 25% Cherokee
or whatever

and tells him about
the online DNA test you can do.

So he gets one,
gets a match-- it'’s me.

She'’s Amish.

I am not Amish.You are Amish.

Not how that works.

You got this from the hospital?

I can'’t believe
anyone would just abandon
their baby like that.

This must have been
so intense for you.

Yeah, I'’ve probably
watched that video
over a hundred times,

and I get a new question
every time I watch it.

Like, why did she do it?

Why did she drive
so far away
just to abandon me?

Is she even still alive?
You know.

What I think is weird
about it is the way
that she'’s holding me.

Like, looking around
like she'’s scared.

Maybe she was just worried
she was gonna get caught.

Guilt, yeah? Yeah, I mean,
that'’s what I think.


I don'’t know.

Attention, all passengers
in the baggage claim area.

Delta would like to welcome you
to Buffalo, New York.

My signature shot.

Here, I got it.

Damn. Kid is strong.

You know, farm labor.
You get used to
moving heavy stuff.

Thanks.What is this stuff?

Magic, baby.

Lipstick cam,
drone, LEDs.

We'’re not fucking around
over here.Yeah, clearly not. Okay.

Uh, our sound guy said
he'’d be in a green van.

Oh. Right there.



Hey.Hey-- Oh.

Airport. Sorry, mask.
I got it. Sick.

Hey.Are you Dale?

Yeah.Hey, I'’m Margot.

This is Chris, our DP.Hey.

This is Sam.Hey. Dale, Sam.

Thank you so much
for picking up the van.Of course.

Let'’s get you guys
loaded up.

It was his first flight ever,

First flight ever?Yeah.

That'’s a great camera.

Make yourselves
comfortable.Yeah, thank you.

We all got tested.
Are you okay if we...Oh, yeah, yeah.

I got COVID,
like, five times.

All good, baby.


I mean, it was diagnosed once,
but I think I kept
getting it after that.

Yeah, I don'’t know.
My body is weird, but I'’m alive.

Seriously, thank you so much
for getting us there.

Yeah, of course.
I had nothing going on,
so this is great for me.

There'’s so much more snow
up here.

Oh, yeah.
Weather changes every day.

One day you got snow,
next it'’s slush.

That'’s why you gotta do
these zip off--

I do all my pants
with zip offs, so it'’s--

You got pants.
Oh, it'’s too hot out?

Now you got shorts, baby.

I'’ll show you when we get in.
I'’ll throw the legs on, dude.
It rules.

And I gotta say,
easy access for the ladies,
if you know what I mean.

Okay. Hey, look at that.


What'’s going
through your head?

I'’m nervous, but excited.

so just past the barn here.

The turnoff here.

You have any service here? Uh, nope.

Yeah, me either.


Slow, slow, slow.

and you can stop here.

Okay.Wow, it'’s so cute.

Oh, um--

You guys, actually,
just give me a second here.

I'’ll be back
in one second.


Eli, go back
in the house.

Oh, God.

That doesn'’t look great.


All right, guys, uh...

bad news.

So you didn'’t think
to call ahead and let them
know we were coming?

They'’re fucking Amish, dude.
They don'’t have a phone.



Two beds.

Okay, we'’re gonna
have to figure that out.


You gotta teach me
how you do this.
Do you have a system?

Yeah, just make a list,
account for it, make sure
you put it in the right spot.

That blue one
actually goes right there
in that corner.

There you go.Awesome.

Yeah, you know,
it'’s pretty easy.

Man! GoPro.

These rule.
Love these.

You can get them filthy,
you can toss them around,
you can get them wet.

Yeah. Yeah.
Yeah, you can do...

Yeah, you can do a lot
with the GoPros.
Yeah, you'’re right.

You missed it.

I mean, like,
maybe this is gonna be
a process. You know?

Maybe Sam can go back tomorrow
and try again.

I mean, he left '’em.

They probably don'’t
even want him back.Shh.

Stop.I'’m just saying.

Keep your voice down.We might have to
adopt him.

He'’s right there.
Can you chill?

We'’ll figure it out.

What was that?

Mm-mmm.Oh. Oh.

Gentlemen first, okay?

Did you leave that open?No.

You'’re such a scaredy-cat.

It'’s adorable.

Oh, gosh.

Eli, what are you
doing here?

Here. I got it.

Uh, may I?Oh, no, it'’s okay.
Thank you.

Oh, hi, puppy.


This way.

All right, I'’m this way.
So you guys sleep tight.

I'’ll be, uh, in there.

See you in the morning.Good night.

Your room is over here. What the fuck?


Oh, it'’s beautiful.

There'’s more wood
by the stove.

If you need anything,
let me know.Okay.

Good night.It'’s perfect.
Thank you so much.

Hey, Jacob, actually, um...

Thank you.
That means so much.Good night.

So, what'’d he say?

He said, "Thank you so much
for bringing Eli home,"

and he'’s really grateful,
so we can stay
for a couple of days.

With our cameras?He said, "Okay."

Hey! Yes!

It'’s so weird,
like, I was so...

I mean, it was the first
people I'’ve ever seen
who are related to me.

Yeah, that'’s your family.I was wondering
if we'’d look alike.

Dale, you
don'’t fit on the bed.

Oh, yeah.

I'’m used to it.
I sleep on a full at home.

Why do you sleep
on a full?
You'’re, like, 6'’7".

I share a room with my mom,
and she takes the queen.

You sleep with your mom?Yeah, yeah.

She lives with me, so...

I don'’t-- Yeah.

What?That'’s sweet.




What'’s up?

What the hell?
It'’s, like, 2:00 in the morning.

Are those people?

Yeah, I hope so.

I mean,
what else could it be?

It'’s like they'’re going
into the forest.

What the fuck?

That was weird.

I got some cool B-roll
this morning.

Froot Loops.

Did you know
that they could eat
Froot Loops?

It'’s cereal, dude,
not a computer.

You don'’t have to do this.

I love your dress.
It'’s so pretty.
Did you make that?

No. It'’s from Walmart.

Do you have TikTok?

Uh, no, not on my phone.I do. I gotta show you
this video I made.

Mary, stop ruching around.

Sorry, Levina.
Sorry, sorry.

Good morning.
Good morning.

Just trying to give you
some local flair.

It means, "How are you?"

Hi!Hi, Eli.

What'’s up, dude?


Hey, Eli. Eli.

So do you all have any plans
for the day, or...

Um, we would love to see
the rest of your home.

Yeah, yeah, for sure.

I know the elders like Jacob
can feel kind of intense,

but as long
as you stick with me,
you'’ll be fine.

Don'’t approach anybody
in the community without
asking their permission.

Everybody'’s really nice,
but they can be a little shy.

Um-- Oh, the woods,
I would avoid those.
We get bears.

And I'’ll be with you,
but they get kind of violent
during the winter.

Actually, we saw
some people going into the
woods last night, super late.

Yeah, that was
probably a hunting party.

Somebody'’s cow
got attacked, so...

Oh. Okay.Yeah.

I feel like everyone
seems relatively young.

So how long
has the family been here?

A long time.
About 200 years, I think.

200 years?Yeah.

Watch the fire here.

So this is the workshop.

Fix horseshoes,
equipment, wheels.Wow.

Work '’em young.

Yeah, everyone
has a purpose.

He'’s not used to strangers.
Come on.

Where did my mom live
when she was here?

I think she was in the room
above yours, but we just
use it as storage now.


You wanna see the barn?Yeah.

Oh, my gosh,
there'’s so many cows.

What'’s all the bags?Uh, it'’s salt.

You know, for the animals
and ice.

Are those pigs? Stop.Also got some pigs.

Come on.

There'’s pigs.Okay, come on over.

Guys, get in.

They really like...Dale, get in.

No, you don'’t have to
get the shot.

Just, you have to
experience the pigs, okay?

You could put
your boom mic--

Yeah, g-get his dialogue.

Stop.Hey, what'’s the scoop?

Sir, what'’s the scoop?I gotta get a shot
of these guys too.

How do I say this?
Like, nice butts like that?

You guys wanna see the loft?

Oh, hey.Oh, my God, Sam.

It'’s pretty cool,
right?It'’s huge.

Well, we got
a lot of animals to feed,
especially during the winter.

It'’s beautiful.
You'’re gonna do my job too?

You'’re in
the center of my frame.That'’s what we'’re doing?

Shit, man. Okay.

Sorry. You okay?

Yeah.I'’m so sorry.
There'’s a bale drop there.

You gotta be careful. That wouldn'’t have
been too good.

Shish kebab, you know?

I wasn'’t paying
any attention.It'’s okay.

There'’s lots of holes
around here.

Let'’s get you away from that.I'’m a klutz.
Thank you.

You good?Yeah, I'’m fine.

I kind of peed a little
when she...

Hey. Hi.Hi.

I'’m Margot.

I don'’t think
I'’ve met you guys yet,
but, yeah, we'’ve met.

That'’s Clara.Clara, hi.

And Grace.A dog!

He'’s so cute.

How old are you guys?

I'’m 16.Sixteen?

Are you--
You'’re all 16?

Yeah, so you guys
are way too young
to have known my mom.

But your parents,
do they ever
talk about her?

My mom said Sarah hooked up
with an Englishman.

Clara.Everyone knows it.

An Englishman?

Just means someone
outside the community.

Oh, so, like...
like, a local?

Um, does anybody
know who he was?

So she got pregnant
with an outsider?

So I imagine that didn'’t
go over very well.

We have a lot of work to do.

We'’ll get in trouble
if we don'’t get to it.
Right, Clara?

Yes, I'’m sorry.Excuse us.

Amen. Amen.

We have a saying.

"The storm may scatter
a thousand leaves,
but the tree grows anew."

We are humbled and grateful
to have our sister, Margot,
returned to us.

The Lord'’s will unfolds,

and we accept the obligations
and the sacrifices
that he expects of us.


Uh, thank you so much
for allowing us
into your home.

I am so grateful.

Seriously. Um...

I'’ve always hoped
that I could meet you all,

so this is
a really special
moment for me.

So thank you.


I thought it was
a clap moment.


I'’d have some, but...

Oh, right.
Right, right, right.

They tend to the chickens.


Jacob definitely
has a thing for you.

What?He'’s always staring at you.

Don'’t be gross.What'’s wrong
with this thing?

Nothing'’s charging.

It'’s old.
Just wiggle it.That'’s what she said.


I actually thought
it was really sweet
the way everyone was so present.

What, you wanna join '’em?

No, but I mean,
when is the last time

that you went to dinner
and didn'’t look at your phone?



Dude, close it.
It'’s freezing.

I don'’t hear the genny.

And it'’s snowing again.

I'’d fix it,
but I'’m already in my cammies.

It'’s dark dark.


It'’s coming down.


Oh, shit!

Bitch-ass scarecrow.

Ain'’t even no crows out here.


Come on, baby,
don'’t do this to me now.

Oh, Jesus.

Kid, you scared me.


He does it from time to time.

Lucky you were out here.

Our generator died.

Come back inside.
The cold will bite you.


My head is killing me.

What'’s up with that?Barometric pressure.

It'’s like altitude sickness,
only your body'’s
reacting to the clean air.

Dale, you are
an encyclopedia
of random information.

Thank you.

Did you hear that sound again
last night, like someone
walking in the attic?

No, I was knocked out.Same.

Dale, you'’re completely insane.

Come on.
The makeover maketh the man.

That'’s what she said, right?Yeah.


Yes, Dale!

Hee-hee! Oh?

What do we think?

You guys know that dance?
A little moonwalk.

Yeah, do the dance.
Come on, everybody!

Everybody, dance with me.

Hello, hello.

Suits you.

♪ Yesterday birds away♪

♪ Winter'’s come
Time to pray♪

Let'’s go talk to '’em.Yeah.

♪ Sour milk
And boiling whey♪

♪ Down, down, down, down♪

See, that'’s slow motion.
It'’s getting a whole bunch
of frames for one second.

A thousand pictures,
one second.

So it gets, like,
the little details,
intricacies of you.

The water splashing up
right there. Stuff
the human eye can'’t see.


I like your doll.

What'’s her name?Sarah.

That'’s a pretty name.Thanks.

You know,
that was my mom'’s name.

She used to live here
a long time ago.

She'’s still here.

What did you say?She doesn'’t like you.

Who doesn'’t like me?

Wait, y--

She just left her doll
like that?

What is that?

It'’s 3:00 in the morning,
and somebody'’s up there again.

Third night in a row.

Oh, fuck.

Door'’s open.

Oh, fuck.


What the fuck?


No fucking way.

What is that?



You gotta be kidding me.


How do I get out of here?




This is gonna be interesting.

What was it?
I don'’t know.

I mean, it looks
like a face, right?

It'’s gotta be something else.

I mean, a lens distortion.

A lens distortion? Mmm.

See, this is-- No.

This is why
I don'’t like creepy old farms.
They'’re always haunted.

Dale, keep your voice down.

I'’m serious.
Look at this place. Tell me
it'’s not fucking haunted.


My cousin Greg saw a ghost
in the walk-in freezer
at a Cracker Barrel.

What was he going in
the walk-in freezer for?

He worked there.

Are you really
buying this shit?

I mean, I felt
something up there with me.


So, we'’re ghost hunters now.
Is that it?

'’Cause I thought I signed up
for a prestige documentary,

not a fringy
ghost-farm cable show.

It'’s not funny, Chris.
It'’s not.

I mean, like, the letter,
the creepy drawing.

And then the little girl saying,
"She'’s still here."

I mean,
something is going on,

and it feels like
it has something to do
with my mom.

Yeah, right over there.
That'’d be great.

You'’re set. Sorry, just making
sure that-- Doesn'’t matter
if you can see it, right?

two steps back.

Looks good.

Do I just start?

Yeah, when you'’re ready.Mmm.

Sarah was, um...

Sarah was our wildflower.

A nonconformist

growing up in a community
whose bedrock is homogeneity.

And, uh...


But the, uh...

I mean, what...

What we all saw as spunky
and free-spirited

when she was
a little girl, um...

i-it evolved into
something much darker.

There were several attempts
to take her own life.


When that didn'’t work,
she got pregnant.

It was-- It was a boy from town.
She wouldn'’t tell us who.


I suspect she did it
purely out of spite,

as a way to--
to rail against our ways

and our rules.

And, uh, that worked.

She was shunned.


What, like, sent away?

No, no.

Shunning is being separated
from the flock.

You eat alone, you work alone,
you sleep alone.

And that'’s--
And that is painful, trust me.

I suppose it could be
what drove her away in the end.

I found this letter
in my mom'’s room.

You were in the attic
last night.

What did she mean
when she said,

"You can'’t have me
or my baby"?

We don'’t allow children
out of wedlock.

Sarah was required
to give her baby to another
wedded couple in the community.

She was forced
to give me away?That'’s right.

That'’s horrible.

More horrible
than leaving a newborn
on the ground,

on the sidewalk
like a piece of trash?

I loved Sarah.

She was my only daughter,
but she cared for nobody
but herself.

That was her sickness.

I get it.

It'’s shitty
what they did to her.


But I mean,
she did the right thing
though, right?

'’Cause otherwise
I would have been
stuck here forever.

For sure.

I ke--

I keep thinking
about that little girl.

What she said the other day.

I have this...

weird feeling
she'’s still here,

in the pit of my stomach,
ever since I got here.

I can'’t put my finger on it.

All right, not much further.

The drone made it seem
like it was right over here.

I think I would do,
like, a spaghetti
with meatballs right now.

Are you that hungry?

Would you guys
eat human?

No, I would never eat a human.

I would eat a person
faster than I'’d like
to admit, to be honest.

Well, that'’s noted.

Look up though.
Look at that.


How far away
are we supposed to go?


That'’s what I'’ve been telling you about.

So it'’s a church.

Yeah, but why
would they build a church
all the way back here?

It'’s like a mile away.

Gotta be where they were going
the other night.

Bears, my ass.

That means a lot of people
walking through here.

Be careful.Watch your step.


"So weit nicht weiter."

Anyone speak German?

Yeah, it says, um,

"Sweet, nice wiener."


Can you pick a lock?Of course. I'’m Black.

Move aside,

No way.

Yeah, cousin Greg
used to boost stuff
all the time.

You know, TVs,
cars, whatever.Sorry.

Cousin Greg'’s busy.

Cousin Greg
is in prison.


No, no, stop!

This is a house of worship.
It'’s off limits to you.
No cameras!

Sorry. Yeah.

Can we go inside
without the cameras?No, I'’m sorry.

It'’s not permitted.

Lunch is ready
back at the house.
Come with me.

Yes. Thanks.

What are we doing?
Like a schnitzel thing, or a sausage?

Is that offensive?
I don'’t know
if that'’s stereotyping.

Not for me, not for me.

Thank you so much.

There seems to be
a little more.

Dale, save some
for everyone else.

Oh, yeah, sorry.


Hey, mind if I film you
for a moment?


Hey. Hey.
Oh, my gosh.

Fetch me the first-aid kit.

What is that?

No way.


What'’s wrong?Shh. Listen.


What is that?

I don'’t know.

What is that?

Turn the light off.

They'’re gonna see it.
Turn it off.Okay, right.


Hey, let'’s just go back.

Or get closer.

I can'’t see shit.

Go upstairs.

Hold her down.

What are they doing?


What? No.

Oh, shit. Oh, shit.

It'’s starting
to spread.

I know, sister.

First the children,
and then the old.

We have to do it now.

What is she talking about?

We should follow them.


What are they doing?

Something fucked up.

Why would they put it
in a church?Definitely not to bless it.

We hear this insane
screaming, dying noise
in the middle of the night,

and then we go
and there'’s, like,
a goat sacrifice.

Look, animals
get sick, right?

Some have birth defects.

We can'’t feed them,
take care of them.
We do what we have to.

Okay, then why did they
bring the goats
into your church?

I told you
not to go in the church.

We didn'’t go in the church,
we saw them--Hey, what'’s going on here?

What do you mean?

Thought this was supposed
to be a documentary
about where you'’re from.

And now you'’re
sneaking out at night,

and you'’re filming
all kinds of stuff that'’s
not really your business.

I'’m trying to help you.
Don'’t make me regret it.

I don'’t know
what happened to my mom,

but I feel like the answers
are in that church.

Well, they obviously
left Sam behind to babysit us.

So we'’ll have to find a way
to distract him.

All right, who'’s first?

You got it.

Let'’s go, Dale.


So you'’re gonna
take both of these reins
in your left hand. Good.

Right hand'’s gonna
go around that pommel.

Your left foot'’s
gonna go in the stirrup.

And then...

Hold that tight.


You'’re okay.Hey! Look at you.

I told you he likes you.Both hands on the reins.

Good, good.
Both hands, both hands.

You'’re okay, you'’re okay.

Have fun.

No, no, no.Hey!


Hey, stop!
You wrong for that.

Just pull back
on the reins!Go, Dale.

I'’m squeezing!

Stop! Tell him to stop!

All right.



Where are the pews?

I thought this
was supposed to be a church.


There'’s paintings
on the ground.

Oh, yeah.

Kind of looks like a drawing
that I saw in the attic.



What the fuck, man?

"The young and the weak
will suffer first"?

"Lest sacrifices be made."


What is that?


Is that some, like,
Cirque du Soleil stuff?

Saw those in the barn.

That'’s a big bell.

Yo, Margot.




What is that?I think it'’s blood.

Okay, hold on one second.

Just one second.


This thing slides.Don'’t break it.

Help me push it over.Why?

One, two...

That'’s it.

No way.


Holy fuck.

Holy fuck.

Whoa.Okay, so what?

They just...

threw the dead goats
down there?

But why?

I don'’t know,
some sort of...

religious custom?


Hey, hey, be careful.

Whoa, dude, that'’s--

that'’s fucking far, yo.


Fuck it.Fuck what?

Fuck what?

What? Mm-mmm!

Hard no this time.
We don'’t even know
if this thing is safe.

It'’s here.
I mean, they'’re using it
for a reason.

Okay, Margot, I can'’t
just stand here and let you
do this. Come on, now.

Chris, we get one shot,
one chance.
I'’m not messing it up.

It'’s too important.

Just give me the camera.
Man the pulley. We got this.

The fuck we got this.

You sure about this?


It'’s good.

Do I look cool?

No, you look crazy.

Don'’t move.

Thank you.


Okay, just...
let it out real slow.



Are you okay?Yeah.

Yeah, I'’m good. Keep going.

You good?


What am I doing?

Jesus, what is that?


There'’s a smell.


It'’s pretty bad.

You okay?


I-I'’m good.

What the fuck? What?

There'’s crosses everywhere.


There'’s crosses everywhere.

Do you wanna keep going?


Yeah, keep going.



I can see the bottom!

Chr-- Chris?


Hey, what'’s wrong?

It'’s stuck.

Hold on. Hold on.
Something'’s stuck.

So fucking close.

I think I can reach it
if I lean.

H-- Hey, there'’s something
down here!

A room!


Who was that?

Wait, go back.

Go back.

Who is it? Who...

Hey, Chris, I'’m done.
Pull me up.

Hey, please. I'’m serious.
Pull me up.


Hey, pull me up!

Look, if you just listen to it,
then you'’ll understand.

You could'’ve hurt yourself.
You scared the shit out of me.

That'’s all I'’m saying.

It'’s gotta be known,
like, acknowledged at least.

I'’ll listen to it,
but it'’s like-- Okay.

Come on.

I'’m listening to it.

Dale, is that booze?

Whiskey, man.
I just fell off
a fucking horse.



Pull me up!

Chris, pull me up!

Pull me up!Go back.

You hear that?

There'’s something
down there.

An animal?

Shit, they'’re throwing goats
down a mine shaft

to feed an animal...

in a cave
a hundred feet

Fuck those guys.

Um, Jacob?




Whoa, whoa.

Battery? Totally fucking dead.

They'’ve been watching me.What?

Sam didn'’t leave the community
to find himself.
He left to find me.

This whole thing'’s
like a fucking setup.Okay, just slow down. Slow down.

Is everything all right?

Yeah, I'’m good.

I was feeling a little
under the weather earlier,
but I'’m much better now.


Thank you.It'’s good to hear.

Okay, wait.
I thought they couldn'’t have computers.

Chris, the emails went back
for over a year.

Way before Sam contacted me.

I mean, they knew where I live.
They have my address.

They fucking
have pictures of me.

They had my class schedule.What the fuck?

They were watching me.
They clearly brought us here
for a reason.

Why would they do that?I don'’t fucking know.

I don'’t fucking know,
but it'’s freaking me out.

I wanna go home.

I wanna go.Okay. Okay, okay.
But how?

We have no car,
we have no phone,

and there'’s no one around
for 30 miles.


This is so fucked.



Okay? It'’s all good.

First thing in the morning,
we'’ll head into town
and get a battery for the van.


Dale, wake up.

Wake up.

Wake up.


Wake up.


Chris, wake up.

Please, wake up!

Who the fuck is that?



Oh, Jesus Christ.

Hey, Margot. Margot?

Are you okay?

She'’s resting again.

What was wrong with her?

I'’d say it'’s exhaustion
coupled with an unusually
severe menstrual cycle.

She lost a fair amount of blood,
but she'’s going to be fine.

Well, shouldn'’t we
take her to a hospital?

No, she doesn'’t need a hospital.
She needs rest.

Okay, no offense,
but are you even
a real doctor?

let her get some rest.

If her condition worsens,
we'’ll get her to a hospital.

Unusually strong
menstrual cycle?

Do you believe that?

Man, this is so stupid.
Nobody'’s coming.

You got a better idea?

I don'’t see any
Amish auto part stores
around here.



Thank God.Oh, fuck, man. Yes.

Oh, thank God.

I think it'’s a mail truck.

Hey, man.Hey there.

Will you give us
a ride into town?
Our battery died.

Yeah. That'’s all right.Hop in?

Come on in.Thank you.

Thank you so much.

That'’s a nice camera
you got.

Yeah, we'’re shooting
a documentary
up at the Beiler farm.

Oh, yeah?
What'’s y'’alls documentary about?

Amish people.

Amish people?Yeah.

You guys staying
at the Beiler farm?

Actually, we'’ve been there for about a week now filming.

Yeah, all right.
Well, you know the Beilers
ain'’t Amish.

Uh, what?
Of course they are.

Think they are? Right.

Hey, I'’ve been
working this route
for over 40 years

and I know every family
within a 50-square-mile area,

and most of them are Amish.

Now, they all will tell you...

the Beilers ain'’t Amish.

Can I help you?Car battery?


Let me go check for you.
Be right back.

Fuck, man.

Maybe we shouldn'’t have
left Margot, man. Why would
they pretend to be Amish?

I don'’t know. Maybe hiding
in plain sight, right?

It'’s like... I don'’t know.

They look like them,
they blend in,
they'’re off the grid.

It'’s kind of a genius idea.

Why would they
need to be Amish?
What'’s the point in that?

What size battery
was it again?Thirty-one C.

Yeah, I'’m not seeing it here.
I'’m gonna go check
in the back for you.

Hey, you mind
if we use your Internet
for a second?

Just don'’t look up
anything weird.

Fuck, Dale.

What do you want me to look up?
"Fake Amish people"?

No, search "Asmodeus."


That'’s the name
we found at the church.

"The demonic prince of lust,
suffering and wrath.

Asmodeus, or Asmodaios,
is the overlord
of the Nine Hells.

He is the prince of demons--"

I fucking knew it, man.
These people
are devil worshippers.

Click that right there
at the top.

"The Norwegian
village of Beskytter
was beset by a pestilence.

Crops and livestock perished,
neighbor turned against neighbor

in abhorrent acts
of violence."

The same stuff
you saw in the church.

"It was believed to be
the work of the demon, Asmodeus.

In their desperation,
the village turned to
the White Witch for help.

It is said the witch
trapped the demon
inside a chosen woman of God,

her body a holy vessel
to ensnare the powerful entity.

Through her bloodline,
from daughter to daughter,

the demon, Asmodeus, be passed,
lest it be unleashed
upon the world."

Fuck, man.

They trapped them
inside these women'’s bodies?

Okay, come on.

Like, witches, demons?
Like, th-that'’s not real.

Even if it'’s not real,
they could still--

If they believe it,
then think about it.

Margot'’s mom runs off,

And she hides her baby
to keep her away from
these cultish motherfuckers,

but they still
find her somehow

and they lure her back to do
whatever this shit is to her.

All right, you guys.

Got the last 31C
right here.

Shit, dude.
You'’re a lifesaver, man.

All right.


All right. I'’m gonna go
deal with this battery.
Meet me at the house.

You sure you don'’t need help?No, man. Just get Margot
and our shit.

Let'’s get the fuck
out of here.Yeah. Fuck this place.




Fuck. Mary.

Hey, hey. Mary.
Wait, wait, wait. No.


Where'’s your dad?

Mary, open up.


Margot, it is time to go.

What the fuck? Our shit.
Where the fuck is our shit?


What the fuck
is going on, Sam?

Where'’s Margot?


Where the fuck
is Margot, man?

Women are
the most powerful creatures
on Earth.


Givers of life.

That is why our sisters
bear this burden.

They'’re the only ones
strong enough
to hold him back.

What are you
talking about, man?

It'’s time.

Stay behind locked doors.

Don'’t come out
until the bell
stops ringing.

What? Sam.

Dude, where are you going?



Okay. Easy, man.

Don'’t try to stop this.Just put the gun down.

Her body is the only thing
that can hold the demon.

If you set him free,
he'’ll be able to
possess anyone,

jumping from body to body.

What are you
doing to her?He'’ll kill us all.

He'’ll kill
every last one of us.Wait.

Just put the gun down, man.

Please, man.
You don'’t want to do this.

Fuck. Oh, fuck.

Hold on, Margot. I'’m coming.

Oh-- Oh, God.

Margot? Fuck.



Fuck. Okay, okay. Fuck.


Oh, God.




The fuck?

What are you doing? Shit.
What are you doing to her?

Margot, get the fuck up!

Fuck. Margot!
Just stop it, all right.

I said stop it.

Margot? Margot. Margot.

Fuck.The salt. The salt.

Please. Wake up, Margot.
Come on. It'’s time to go.

Margot, get up.The salt. The salt.

Margot, come on.
Get up! Please wake up.

Yeah. Come on. Yeah. Yeah.

No! No!

Back up!No!

Back up
or I'’ll fuckin'’--

You don'’t know
what you'’re doing!

The fuck is that?

Goddamn. Margot, run!

Run, Margot! Run!

Run! Fucking run!

Run, Margot!

Run! Fuck!

What the fuck was that?

Oh, shit. No, no, no.

Fuck! How are we
gonna get out of here?
There'’s gotta be a way out.

There'’s gotta be
a fucking way out.

- Come on, Chris.
- Fucking think. Hello?

Holy shit. Dale?

Dale! It'’s us! We need you
to pull us back up, man!

What'’s going on, man?We'’re stuck!
Just pull up the pulley!

We need you
to pull the pulley!Okay!

Fuck. Come on.

Holy fuck. What the fuck
was that thing, man?

Jesus. Okay.

Hold this. Come on.

All right.
Pull up now, Dale!

Now, now, now, now!


You'’re almost there.
You'’re almost there.
You'’re almost there.

Faster, Dale!

Fuck me.

Fuck me.


Come on, man.
Come on, man.

Come on. Fuck.

All right. Okay.

Oh, shit.

Come on, man!
Pull the fucking rope
now, man! Now!

Thank God.

All right, Dale. Pull me up.
Pull me up, man.

Faster, man.

Oh, fuck! Pull me up, Dale!
Pull me up!

Pull me up!

Come on, Dale!

Good job. Yeah.

We gotta get
the fuck out of here.
Did you fix the battery?

Yeah, it'’s ready.Shit. Let'’s go.

Margot, you good? Margot.
Now, Margot.


What the fuck?
Dale, just go.

No, no, no, no. Fuck.



Run! Fuck! Run!

What is that thing, man?

Which way?Come on, man.
I can'’t see shit.

Chris!Dale, which way?

Margot, where are you?


What the fuck was that?

Oh, my God.

Oh, God!

Come on. Let'’s start moving.
Come on.

This way. This way.


Margot? Where'’d you go?


Oh, shit. Margot, you okay?


Margot, Margot, Margot.
Oh, my God.

Okay. I'’m gonna get us
out of here.

Oh, shit.
Margot, run. Run!



We'’re on the wrong side.

We need to get up and over
to get to the van.

The van'’s right there.


It'’s right there.

Stop! Get off of him! Sarah!

Look at me.

Look at me.

Look at my face.

Can you see?

Do you remember me?

It'’s me.

Your daughter.

I'’m here now...


I'’m here now.

Fuck. Are you okay?


We gotta go.

Let'’s go.

Okay. Lock it.


Keys. Keys.

Where the fuck
you put the keys?




We should go get it.

Oh, my God. No.

All right.
Here. Here. I'’ll do it.

Here'’s the little camera.
Just shine that light over here.

Okay. Keys, keys, keys.

- Margot, let'’s go.
- Margot, now. Come on. Now.

Margot, now. Let'’s go.

Let'’s go.

We'’re almost there.
We'’re almost there.


Come on.

Come on. Come on.

Fuck me.

No, no, no.

Come on. Come on. Fuck.

Come on, baby.

Holy shit!

Oh, shit!



All available units, please respond.
We have a possible 187 at 4277 Golen.

Dispatch, this is 921.
I'’m at 4277 Golen.

The Beiler farm.

Sheriff'’s department!


I have multiple fatalities.
Need assistance immediately.

Jesus Christ.

Sheriff'’s department.

Holy shit.

What the fuck?
Get your hands up.

Let me see your hands!

Hands up!

What the fuck?

Dispatch, this is unit 12.
Backup arriving on scene.

Holy shit.

Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Easy, buddy.

Easy, buddy.

773 East 12th Street.

Someone is throwing bricks
from the roof of the building.

Can you try
to reach the corner?

Do you affirm a 10-61?
Can you copy?

10-4. What'’s the address?