Parallels (2015) - full transcript

PARALLELS is a science-fiction adventure series that follows the story of a small band of people traveling across parallel earths. The group is led by an estranged brother and sister, Ronan and Beatrix Carver, who are looking for their father. What they discover is that their family is shattered across multiple earths. The question is: can they put their family back together again? - stop by if you're interested in the nutritional composition of food
Parallels - Action Sci-Fi 2015 720p
[H246-mp4] Subtitles English

MAN: Carver!

Get out here.




REFEREE: Standing up.




MAN: Now! Get him!



Do you know your name?

RONAN: Ronan Carver.

Do you know where
you are, Ronan?

Akron, Ohio. United
States. Earth.

No sign of head trauma.
I think he'll live.

Thanks, doc.

Let me ask you a question.

Are you a fighter?

You just saw me fight.

I just saw you lose.

Most fighters go out there,
they go out there to win.

But there's a certain kind of
guy who gets into the ring

who doesn't care about winning.

This certain kind of guy,

he just wants to smash himself
up against the world,

just to see what's left over.

What are you doing, fighting
all these back alley matches?

Living out of a bag.

Don't you belong somewhere?





Ronan. It's Dad.

You need to come
home immediately.

You must get to the building

by 6:19 p.m. on
Sunday, exactly.

It's 156 Prospect.

Come home now.

RONAN: Yo, Dad, it's me again.

You know, for a guy who
haven't called in two years,

you sure got lousy
phone etiquette.

Look, I'm here like you asked.

I'll find my own way home.





Jesus, B.

Sorry. Sorry.

I didn't know you were here.

Nice face.

Oh, I had a fight.


Well, not a... I
didn't have a f...

I had a match.

I'm a professional-ish

Is he still living here?

Moved out a couple months ago.


Ronan, what are you doing here?

I just came to see Dad,
okay? I'm not trying...

Well, is he home? No.

No. What, you
haven't seen him?

No, not recently, but, you know,

even when dad's here,
he's not really here.

Ever since mom died.

[SIGHS] Look...

Dad left me a message.

I'm just... Me too.

Wait, really? Wh...
What did yours say?

It was weird. Yeah, right?

It kind of freaked me out.

Mine was about a building.
"Get to the building."


Do you have any idea
what that means?

No idea.


Did you check the whole house?

Is he in there?


Check the trunk.


What if he's, you know,
stuffed in there?

Heh. Why would you even
put that in my head?

I'm just covering
all of our bases.

WOMAN: Harold!

HAROLD: I said I'll
be right back!

WOMAN: I need my feet scraped!

HAROLD: Stop screaming.
You sound like a lunatic!

I don't sound like a
lunatic! You sound like a...

Look what you're wearing.
It's a translucent gown.


HAROLD: Go back
in the house, Ma!

Hey! Hey, Beatrix!

Hey! He still lives here?

Be nice. She's just...


Hey, Harry. Hey.

Ronan. Harold.

Actually, it's Harry now,

ever since I graduated
law school.

What... Are you a lawyer now?

Well, public defender, actually.

You know, just
fighting the power.

You know, taking care
of honest people.

What about you? What's
new? I got into Princeton.

What? RONAN: Oh, B, that's...

That's awesome.

Yeah, I just got the
acceptance letter last night.

And I know it's like
three years behind,

and I'll be the only
freshman who can order beer.

But better never too
late to start, right?

Wow, congratulations.
That's fanta... Princeton.

Well, just... I'm a
little surprised

I didn't read
anything about that.

No update or anything
on Facebook.

What about me? You like
to check my updates too?

We're not Facebook
friends, Ronan.

I don't have a Facebook.

Hey, Harry. Have
you seen my dad?

Has he been around recently?

Yeah, I've seen him around.

You know, no actual interaction,

but he's not exactly the
friendliest person in the world.


He's missing. Really? Huh.

What? Nothing, I just... I...

I saw some guys at his
house last night.

I thought I heard
yelling. Hard to tell

over my mom's yelling.
What...? What guys?

I don't know. Guys.
With my father?

Yeah, with your dad. Why
are we in the garage?

Wanted to make sure my
dad wasn't in there.

Did you check the trunk?
That's what I said.

Oh, my God, there's
nothing in the trunk.

Looks like Dad's
jump bag. Yep.

His what? His jump bag.

Like if you have to get
out of town in a hurry.

HAROLD: Is he a drug lord?
Why does he need a jump bag?

BEATRIX: You remember how he was
always travelling for work?

He was hardly ever around
when we were kids.


What is this?

RONAN: What is that?

I don't know. Whoa.



What happened? RONAN:
You didn't see that?

It's like it just turned on.


RONAN: Wait, am I crazy or...?

BEATRIX: No. Clinton's
still alive.

This has gotta be a joke, right?

I think we should
call the police.

Come on, B. The
police, seriously?

I'm a public defender. I am
down with a lot of cops.

Shut up, Harold. Dad
could be on a trip.

Who, our dad? Who hasn't left
the house in three years?

So he's back. [CAR

Not for long, hopefully.

Well, look, he is your brother.

You're more like a brother
to me than he is.

Yeah. No, that's
exactly how I feel

about you. Thank you.

Okay. Heh.

I need my feet scraped!
Oh, for the love of God.

Hey, hey, hey. Hold up.


Take me with you.

STONE: Look, I like to help you,
kids, but here's my problem:

What, we're talking a
50-, 55-year-old man?

Grown-ups are allowed
to go missing.

But he called us. Did
he seem in distress?

Not exactly. He wanted
us to come home.

Was there anything in the house

that suggested a
break-in or a struggle?


Okay, here's my problem here.

You don't have anything
that's actionable for me.

There's nothing obviously
illegal going on.

My dad wouldn't go
missing like that.

Look, I can put his
description out,

then have our patrol cars
keep an eye out for him.

Right now, that's
the best I can do.


He mentioned a building.
156 Prospect.

STONE: That's downtown.

It's been empty for years.

There's nothing there.

Right. Okay. Well, thank
you, Captain Stone.

Appreciate it.

I don't think you can
park here, Ronan.

I think I just did, law school.

Why are you still here?

Moral support.

What are you doing?

Dad said to meet at the
building, not in it.

Why are you being so weird?
Let's just go inside.

Well, I'll go in.



Dad! Shh!

Ugh... What?

Jesus. What if you wake up
some crazy homeless guy

or raccoons or something?

I'm not afraid of
a homeless guy.

I'm a little afraid of raccoons.

Don't worry, Beatrix,

I got your back.

That's nice, Harold. Thanks.


Either of you guys ever
heard of a Dragon Burger?

HAROLD: This is weird.

"On my Earth, terrorists flew
planes into the Twin Towers

on October 23rd, 2001."

"Avoid Earth 33, the
contagion has spread."

HAROLD: "Earth 468 is safe,

locals are friendly.
No weapons."

"Found an Earth where all
babies are born as twins."

"Earths 53, 181, and
726 are all extinct."

RONAN: "What is Earth 1?"



RONAN: What's happening?


What the hell is that?

I don't know.





Oh. Oh, my God. Oh, my God.

Where are we?

What's happening?

Oh, my God. BEATRIX:
Where are we?

God. What is this?

What is this? Do...?
Did we get nuked?

No, no, we'd be dead.

BEATRIX: No, no, no.

A whole city can't just
disappear like that.

Then where is everybody, huh?

Where is everyone? Where...?

Where is everything? Where
are the buildings? Look.

The buildings are gone!

Everything is gone!


Our building is fine.

How was that possible?
Our building...

Exactly the same.


This happened a long time ago.

This is old.

It's grown over. It's...


Ronan. Hey!


Hey! Can you help us?

Stay back! Can you
tell us where we are?

Leave us the hell alone!
Leave us the hell alone!

Whoa. MAN: Go. Go.

Are you okay?


I'm fine. I just
can't breathe.

I can't breathe very well.

MAN 1: Stay back. No, no.

MAN 2: Come on, let's
go. All right?

Come on, let's go!


Let's get back inside.

Back inside.

HAROLD: Ah! Everything's gone.

Come on.



Yeah, they went
into the building.

HAROLD: They're
not following us.

Why aren't they following us?

Maybe they're afraid.

HAROLD: They're walking away.
That's... That's good, right?

I feel like we were running
pretty fast on that... That one.

I don't... Haven't ran
that fast in a while.

Why did Dad send us here?

I don't know.

I mean, maybe we
weren't, uh, supposed...

to go to the... I... I don't
know. Maybe it's a mistake.

No. I mean, no, it...
It can't be a mistake.

He sent us to this exact
address at that exact time.

Dad wanted us to come here.

Where is here?

I... I... Well, I
have a theory.


You're not gonna like my theory.

It's better than the theory
we have, which is no theory.

Well, not necessarily. I mean,

a terrible theory could
be worse than no theory.

Harold, just tell us
the theory. Okay.

Just look at all this graffiti

of different Earths,

Histories, different worlds.

Okay, what about it?
It's all bullshit.

Yeah, right, right.

But what if it's not?

What if all of these
Earths are equally real?

What if we are on
Earth now, just...

another version of it?

WOMAN: Actually... I'm...


That's sounds kind of right.


I take it this is your first
trip through the building.

Where did you come from?

The building is pretty big.

There's lots of
different ins and outs.

I'm Polly.

Ronan. Beatrix.

Harold. Harry.

Well, you guys are
all really polite.

Okay, you said that
he was about right.

What did you mean by that?

You guys got on on that
last Earth, right?

That one with your Internet

and your fancy phones
and your lattes?

That's just sitting right
where you left it.

This Earth, on the other hand,

this Earth looks nuked to shit.

This Earth? Yeah.

You hit them every
once in a while.

It's usually some U.S.-Soviet
thing from the '70s or '80s.

Sometimes you get China,
Pakistan in there.

I saw Egypt cause it once.
That was a weird Earth.

I mean, this is just assuming
that you're working off

more or less the same
20th Century, so...

How many Earths are there? I
don't know. Nobody knows.

Some people think every
possible Earth exists.

So like, out there somewhere,

there's an Earth that is
exactly like your Earth,

just with one less mosquito.

Some people think that
there is an Earth

that's so perfect,
it's basically heaven.

Yes, nerd in front?

When can we go home?

This building jumps
every 36 hours.

So we have got 32 hours to kill.

Till then, there's
nothing to do but wait.

But you guys have to
be back for the jump.

If you miss the jump, then...

Well, you might not
get another chance.

Then how would we get home?

That, my friend,
is the Big Danny.

The what? The Bi...
Oh, nothing.

It's something from
TV when I was a kid.

What show? Game of Your Life.

You've never heard
of it. What channel?

We didn't have
channels on my Earth.

You're saying you're from
some weird alternate Earth?

Not from my point of view.

You guys are the ones who
are drinking coffees

that look like ice cream
sundaes and shit.

But what are we supposed to do
for next 32 hours? Just wait?

My advice, in a world like this,

is that you shut up
and you stay hidden.

And, you know,

try not to die.




Tell the chief we found them.




MAN 1: All right, come
on. Let's go, let's go.

On your feet. Come
on, let's go.

MAN 2: Let's go. Let's
get this stuff.

Take them to my
factory. Come on.

MAN 3: Hey, chief.

Found this folks in Old Town.

They were in the building.

And you went inside?

Tinker said.

Goddamn it.

He's supposed to be here

getting this power
up and running.

What were you folks doing
in the building, son?

Oh, hey, ha, we were
just passing through.

I'm sorry, my friend
here is a mute.

Childhood fever, you know.
He's not all there.

From where? Kansas.


East. Maybe north.
Uh, we're not sure.

Why did you folks run
in the building?

It looked like a
safe place to hide.

From who? From your men.

We saw them gun down two people.

What'd I tell you
about that shit?

They drew on us.

The building is a
very dangerous place.

We avoid it. We
didn't know that.

Look, I'm sorry for
waylaying you.

We've been having some problems
with some folks up north.

I wouldn't head that
way if I were you.

Mike here will take you
out of town if you like.

Thank you, Captain Stone.

STONE: Wait.

How'd you know I was
police? Nobody knows that.

You just... You look like
a guy with authority.

How'd you know my
name was Stone?

[STUTTERING] Strong features.

Who are you people?
Where are you from?

TINKER: They came
from the building.

I told you. Remember
the last time

somebody came out
of that building?

I don't need this
shit now. It was him.

The man who brought
the nuke here.

The man who murdered
two-thirds of this city

came from the building. STONE:
That doesn't make sense.

You've been up and down that
building a million times.

Look at them. They're
not from here.

Where are you from?
We're from Kansas.

Not you.



East or west?


TINKER: Who controls
east Kansas, huh?

Okay, who controls west Kansas?

Who was the president
when the bombs hit?

What was the first
city that got hit?

What nation are we in? The
United States of America.

TINKER: I rest my case.

STONE: What are you saying?

What if they got a bomb?

If they had a bomb,
we'd be dead already.

We haven't used ours yet.
We don't have a bomb.

Says the mute.

What do you suggest?

TINKER: Leave them with me.

I'll find out everything.

Hey! Ugh!

POLLY: Told you.

You try telling people you're
from an alternate universe,

somehow it never goes very well.

BEATRIX: I can't believe this.

Yeah, I could...

I could be home
watching television.

You'd be home scraping
your mom's feet.

Yeah, well, right now,
that sounds pretty great.


Which one you want, Tinker?

Let's take this one
and the little one.

RONAN: You don't touch her.
No, no, no. The big one.

Wait. Wait, wait.

Wait. Please, don't take
her. RONAN: Get off!

Please, take me.



Tick tock.

What do you...?

Ronan. B.

You get your hands off her!

Hey. Let's go.

RONAN: Where are
you taking us?

Get off me!


No! B. Get off!


Don't! Ronan. Ronan!

MAN: Bitch.


BEATRIX: Ronan. B.





Aah! You fuckers!

Ronan, that's not
gonna help anything.

Aah! Ronan, stop it!

That's not gonna help
anything, Ronan! Stop it!

How do you know? Because
I remember how mom died.

I'm sorry, I shouldn't have...

Forget it.

Why did you leave us, Ronan?

After Mom died, you just left.

I had to. Why?

Because I had to protect you.

Protect me from what?

From me. What?

From me. Because I don't
know if you didn't notice,

but everything that
I'm around gets hurt.

Ronan, you left me alone.

I had to take care
of things by myself.

I had to take care
of Dad by myself.

I don't need your protection.

What I needed was
my older brother.

You're not understanding
what I'm s...

I want you to know,
when I get out of here,

I'm knocking you clear out.

Good to know.


What's your name?

They call me Tinker.

Is that your real name?

I'm Beatrix. That's
my brother, Ronan.

Oh, it's a pleasure to meet you.

Come on over here
and shake my hand.



Good tactic.

Try to befriend your captor,

make them see you as
a real human being.

Is it working?


Well, what do you
do here, Tinker?

I make things. Repair things.

A little surgery now and then.

It's a bit messy for my taste.

What I truly love
are electronics,

when I can get my hands on them.

Unfortunately finding anything
in good shape is so very rare.

You see, this used
to be a nice place

till the nukes got loose.

Pakistan collapsed in '99.

That's when the black
market was flooded.

Bombs the size of suitcases.

After that, it just seemed
like it was a matter of time.

Sooner or later, there'd
be a mushroom cloud

over New York City.

Only New York wasn't
the first to go.

We were. Jesus.

I happened to be out
of town at the time.

But my wife and
daughter were at home,

just outside the blast zone.

So instead of being
killed instantly,

they likely died
excruciating deaths

from thermal radiation.

Since then, I've learned
a lot more about nukes.

I pieced this one
together from three duds.

People here are scared
shitless of it.

That's a nuke?

That's right.

And the man...

who first brought
the nukes here,

the man that murdered
my wife and daughter,

he came out of that building.

So the question is,

who is the man
from the building?

I don't know.

Who is the man
from the building?

I... I don't... I don't
know. Who is he?

I don't know! I swear, I...

I don't know!

Who is the man
from the building?

Oh, my God.

Who is he?

Who is he?

That's my father.

HAROLD: Can I ask
you a question?

How many other worlds
have you been to exactly?

Um, it's not what you should
be thinking about right now.

No? What the hell should I
be thinking about then?

You should be thinking
about the fact that, um...

That there's another you
somewhere out there,

who is, you know,
lying on a beach,

sipping a mai tai.

A whole other you. One
who is not about to get

a bullet in his head
within the hour.

One of the problems
we have in this world

is the problem of bullets.

There are so darn
many different kinds.

You can have boxes and
boxes full of bullets,

yet not one bullet
will fit your gun.

Well, I've solved that problem.

I modified the barrel
to resize itself.

Now I can load almost
any size bullet.


In, oh, five seconds or so...



TINKER: Of course,

there is one big minus:

I can only load one
bullet at a time.


given the right problem, this
is the correct solution.

Now, I'm gonna ask
you some questions.

Every time I ask you a
question, I load a bullet.

If you haven't
answered the question

by the time the gun
is ready to fire,

I'm gonna put a bullet
in your brother.

What? What? Do you understand?

You only have a few
seconds. Do you understand?

Yes. No! Oh!

You're crazy!

Now, where do you come from?

We're from a...

Uh, a different Earth.


Um, I...

I don't know how, um...


If the bomb never went off,
none of this ever happened?

You came through
the building? Yes.

What is the building?
I don't know.

What is the building? I
don't know! I swear to God.

We just went in and it
dropped us here! No!

I'm gonna kill you! I swear
to God I'm gonna kill you!

How does it work?
How is it powered?

Who's in control?
I don't know!

Who's in charge? Who
runs the building?

I don't know any
of that! Bullshit!

BEATRIX: No! Please!

Who's your father? And why
did he bring the nuke here?

I don't know! Why did
he kill my family?

Stop pointing that
at my brother!


Okay. Okay. Okay,
you know what?

I'll tell you everything
you want to know.





Holy shit.




Do you think that stuff he
said about Dad was true?

Who the hell is dad?

Oh, my God. [BEEPING]

What are you doing? Get...

What? You're too late.

Ah! My God, he armed it.


Let's go. He armed it.

Let's go.

Come on. Come on.

Come on!

We might not make it
out of here, you know.

Yeah. True.

Which means that this could be
our last few hours left of life.

Uh-huh. Yeah.

Well, what do you wanna do?

You know, with the last few
hours of life we've got left?

I... I don't...

What do you think?

Are you...? Are you messing
with me right now?

Oh... Oh, just...

We gotta go right now.
BEATRIX: Come on.

Let me just... Now.


So where did they go?
I don't know, chief.


Now we find ourself
in this goddamn mess.



I know what the building is.

Jesus Christ. Somebody help
Tinker get cleaned up.

Not necessary!

I'm gonna blow the building
off the face of the map

and anything within
a 5-mile radius.

Oh, the hell you
are. Actually I am.

In about 29 minutes.

You shut it down.


I'm gonna take this bomb,

and I'm heading towards
the building, that away.

The rest of you,
if you wanna live,

I suggest you go the other way.

One other thing.

Chief, I need to borrow a truck.



RONAN: Fuck. Shit.

We ran out of gas? Really?

I'm sorry. I didn't see a
gas station on the way.

No, come on, guys, we
can walk from here.

Yeah, tell that to the
roving assassin squads.

Guys! Come on, we
gotta haul ass.

The building doesn't wait.


Run with them, inside.

Inside. Go, go, go!

I got you.

POLLY: And five,

four, three,

two, one.


Well? What happened?
Why aren't we jumping?

We will, we will. Any second.

HAROLD: Any second?
You said 36 hours.

Roughly, yeah. Roughly?

Oh, come on. Come on!


HAROLD: Hurry up,
hurry up, please.

B, I'm sorry.

For what?




HAROLD: Come on!

Okay. All right.

Okay. Lights, lights.


Let's do it. Let's
do it. Come on.

HAROLD: Come on!



Are you okay? Yeah. You?


BEATRIX: Harold, are
you okay? Yeah.

Are we home? Home?

You thought you were going home?

Where else would we be going?

I thought you understood.
There is no going home.

RONAN: What, is this future?

No, it's not the future.

I told you guys the building
doesn't time travel.

It's still the exact same
day, exact same time.

You don't even have
to adjust your watch.

It's just a different
Earth, is all.

Oh, yeah, no big deal.

Just a completely
different Earth.

So we're stuck here.
POLLY: It's not so bad.

I mean, the tech is
decent. HAROLD: Decent?

This is 20 years more
advanced than we are.

All right, we should
look for Dad.

How? I don't know, B.

I'm just kind of making
this up as I go.

Maybe we could look
him up online.

I'm sure they have
Internet here, right?

Let's go to the house.

How do we know he's
even living there?

How do we know he's not? B,
we gotta start somewhere.

You know? Let's split
up. Is that okay?

Is that okay? I don't know.
Are you guys, like, 5?

Yeah. And I could go
with you, Beatrix.

Yeah. Look, I'll just, uh...

I'll text you. What's
your...? What's your number?

Yeah, I am pretty sure you
don't have a cell phone plan

in this universe,
pal. Right, yeah.

All right, guys, here's the
deal. Batteries, cash, ammo,

it's gonna change
from world to world.

The only thing that matters
is you guys make it back here

before this gets to zero.

So don't be late unless
you wanna make this

your permanent residence, okay?

I can live with that.

What were their names
again? Seriously?

That's Beatrix, and that
dweeb there is Harold.

And Beatrix is your
girlfriend, right?

No. She's my sister.

Right. I mean, I'm...
What was your name again?

Ronan. What, did you
get hit in the head?

RONAN: Yes. I'm starving.



What...? So, what's
good? What do you got?

Crombie. Okay,
what's a crombie?

Crombie is a crombie.
That's all we got.

Okay, two crombies then.

Whatever those are. Heh.


Huh. Whoa.

Look at that thing.

This world is so much
better than ours.

I want it.

Harold. Harold.

COMPUTER: Hello, welcome.

Do you realize how
insane this is?

I buy this, take it back
home, sell it to Apple?

Instant billionaire.

Can you do that? Yeah.

Why not? Well, I don't know.

It just seems like
it's kind of cheating.

[SCOFFS] Tell it to my yacht.

Harry. Harold. Sir.

CLERK: That's 699. Got that.

This is an opportunity,
Beatrix, and I am seizing it.

There's nothing wrong about it.

And, look, you play
your cards right,

maybe you and I can
split the profits.

What am I supposed
to do with this?

Run it.

Dude, bio only.


So why are you looking
for your dad?

I mean, my dad and I didn't
have the best relationship,

but he wouldn't just hide from
me, if that's what you mean.

You never know who
people really are.

Why haven't you seen him?

Just, after my mom died we
kind of went separate ways.

I'm really different from
my family, you know.

They're all smart,
and I'm just, uh...

My mom was a professor,
my dad's an engineer.

I mean, B is going to Princeton.

And I'm a human punching bag.

It's a good thing I got a
thick skull, though, huh?

I think you act dumber
than you really are.

WOMAN: All right, here we
go, okay? Two crombies.

RONAN: What is this?


WOMAN: You gotta
pay. Right here.


Put your hand on the scanner.

What's it gonna do to my hand?
It's a biometric scanner.

It takes the money straight
out of your account.


Yes. Hey, you know what?

Thank you for your help, we're
actually just gonna go.

Come on. Well...


BEATRIX: Oh, my God.

That person looks just like you.

Oh, my God, it
does look like me.

That's me. That's so weird.

HAROLD: Right. He's got my
face. It's the same face.


We're not from around here.

It says you live
five blocks away.

Right. I know. I just...

I just mean we're not
from right here.

Dude, you've shopped
here before.

HAROLD: Ha, ha, ha. I know.

What's my address again?


You're not in the system.

Everybody's in the system.

RONAN: Whoa, come on.

Just take your time. Not
like I don't have a job.

Would you like to come up
here and pay for my meal?

What does that mean?

There ain't no Ronan
Carver on this Earth.

Either you're dead,
or you never existed.

We should go. Yeah, but
I'm starving. Hey!

On some Earths, this is
where they call the cops.

Come on. Come on, let's
go find your dad.

MAN: Do you mind? I'm
a doctor, right.

Hey, give me both
of his crombies.


COMPUTER: Hello, welcome.

I would like to purchase
your electronics, please.

Which electronics?

All of them.

MAN: Are you kidding me?
$60,000 worth of electronics?

Why the hell would I
buy all that crap?

It's goddamn identify
theft, I'm telling you.

Hey, this is it. This
is where I live.

This is where we've been
walking this whole time?

Harold, I don't
have time for this.

I have to go out and find my dad

or at least try to find
out how to find my dad.

Come on, this is...
We're right here.

Look, I must've a laptop
or something up there.

You can look him up online.

What if we go and then
you answer the door?

[SIGHS] It'd be
a little weird,

but I gotta give
it a shot, right?

Wouldn't you?

I don't know about this.


Maybe I'm not home.



Well, I guess you're home now.

Hello? Shh.

No way.

Look at this place.

I hate other Harold.

BEATRIX: What? Why?

Well, he seems much
more awesome than me.

Oh, come on, you're awesome.

He's traveled.

I bet other Harold hasn't been
to an alternate nuked-out Earth.

Yeah, but I mean he's
got a nice apartment.

Yeah, but your mom's place...

Okay, yeah, I say
what you're saying.


Yeah. Well, hello.


Hey, Harold, what
is your password?

I wanna Google my
dad or Shmoogle him

or whatever they do here.

How am I gonna know
what his password is?

Well, because he's you.
No, it's a different me.

What if he's a fan of
some huge movie here

that we've never even heard of?

What if he's exactly the same?

No, no. It's not gonna work.

Harry, please. Okay.

I wouldn't ask you if
it wasn't important.

It's Beatrix928. What?

My password.


Why 928?

It's your birthday.

Right. Duh.

No. Yeah.

Oh, God. We are the same.


I feel like I should
explain right now

that this doesn't usually
go over very well.

Why not?

I don't know. It's like,
"Ding dong. What's up?"

I'm your non-existent son.
Don't worry, I can explain.

I'm from a totally different
parallel alternate universe.

I don't think your key is
gonna fit in that lock.


RONAN: Hello?

Guess nobody's home.


So, uh, what happens
after you find your dad?

I don't know. I'd give him this
thing that he left for me.

What thing?

Where did you get that?

What, you know what it is?

I don't know what it is, but
I know where it came from.

That came from the Core World.

I don't believe it.

I'm an asshole.


Look at me. I'm a corporate
scum bag lawyer.

I'm sure there's more
to it than that.

I mean, this you is a
good person, right?

Yeah. Yes, I just...

I can't believe that I'd be
capable of something like this.

No wonder I can
afford this place.

Oh, my God.


I found my dad. Okay.

He died three months ago.

Oh, well, that's this
world's version of him.

It's not your dad. Yeah,
I know, but still...

HAROLD: How did he die?

Killed at work.

Wait a second. Isn't that...?
That's the building.

What the hell?

POLLY: Where do you think
the building came from?

I haven't really had a
second to think about it.

Nobody knows where the
building came from.

But the building is
always the same.

Every single universe.
Everywhere on every Earth,

the building is always the same.

But it didn't just
appear out of thin air.

Somebody, somewhere
made that thing.

Nobody knows why, but
whatever crazy world that is,

whatever the hell that place is,

that's what people
call the Core World.

If they had the technology
to punch a hole

through every parallel universe,

think what kind of a crazy
goddamn Earth that must be.

I mean, they must be a
thousand years ahead of us,


And no one's ever
been there before.

But every once in a while,

somebody stumbles across
a piece of technology.

It's like a scrap from
the grown ups' table.

Something that's so crazy,
cool and sophisticated

that it has to be
from the Core World.

How did your dad get it?

I guess that's the Big Danny.

The what?

The... You...

The thing...


MAN: Hey, uh...

it's cool if you wanna work
back here and all, I guess.

But the bank called.

Can you reauthorize the charges?

For some reason they think
it might be identity theft.

Identity theft? I know, right?

I was like, "What? The
dude's right here."


Happy? Cool, yeah.

No more interruptions.

"Alex Carver, predeceased
by his wife Livia"

by three years,

"survived by their
daughter, Beatrix."

What? I went to college
in this world.

Goddamn it.

Well, that's a
good thing, right?

Well, that's weird.

What? It doesn't
mention Ronan.

This is not my room.

I mean, it's my room...
No, I get it, I get it.

You know what this is called?

This is called the
parallel universe déjà vu.

Did you think all your old
stuff was gonna be here?

Everything's familiar

and kind of not familiar
at the same time?

Sound about right? Yeah,
it sounds about right.


Do I seem familiar?

What do you mean?

You know, you feel
like we've met before?

Um... Why?

Well, other Ronans
in other universes,

we keep meeting up
world after world,

and we always end up

right here in your bed.

Just like this.

Oh, you liar. [LAUGHS]

Oh, man, I totally
had you going.

Oh, for like a second. You
were totally psyched.

Sounds like... Whatever.

You don't even exist in
this universe, pally.






Come on, tell me.

I guess I was hoping...

I didn't have the best time
growing up in this house.

I got into a lot of fights.

And I was always
upsetting my mom.

She'd always just be like,

"You gotta learn to control
yourself, sweetie.

You gotta learn to
control yourself."

[SIGHS] I used to
have a bad temper.

Used to.

What happened?

I killed her.

We were driving
home this one time,

and this truck side swiped
us and ran us off the road.

It was real scary. We thought
we were gonna go over.

I don't know. I got out, and
this guy is like stammering.

He's clearly drunk or something.

He's mumbling, he's mumbling,
and next thing I know,

I'm grabbing the guy, I'm
dragging him out of the window.

And I'm just wailing on
him, wailing on him.

My mom jumps out the car.
She's yelling at me,

because, you know, she doesn't
want me to kill the guy.

And I guess the way that
our car was parked,

traffic was swerving
and they couldn't...

They couldn't see her and...

I heard this noise, and
I turned around...

[SOBBING] I'm so...

I'm sorry.

It was my fault.

As you can imagine, I
wasn't very popular

around here after that.

My dad was a ghost.

Beatrix had to cancel
her college plans

to take care of him.

And I just split.

I was just hoping that
maybe in this world,

maybe things were a
little bit better.


But, you know,

there is no other
you in this world.


Lucky him.


You're gonna have to get
used to the déjà vu.

Some worlds are gonna be
really, really different.

And then some worlds are
very weirdly the same.

How much the same?


Now, how's that for déjà vu?

We need to get out.
Carver, get out here!

We need to get out right now.







What the hell was that?

I don't know, I found
it like 10 worlds ago.

But that was the
last charge, so...

Who were those guys?

I don't know
exactly. Strangers.

I've seen them in enough worlds
to know not to mess with them.

But if they're after your dad,

then he's in worse
trouble than I thought.

All right, do you know how to
drive one of these things?

You don't know how
to drive? Come on.


I don't believe this. Beatrix,
I suppressed evidence.

What evidence? Against
the corporation.

Okay? The corporation
that killed,

like, hundreds of
people, by the way.

It's in his e-mails.

I mean, that sucks, but I
guess I just don't know

what we're supposed
to do about it.

Yeah, but I gotta do
something, right?

What if I were to
just e-mail all of it

right now to The New York Times?

But then what?

I mean, do you really wanna
ruin other you's life?


What's that?


[WHIRRING] Whoa, whoa, whoa.

What happened?

Okay, we should get out of here.

Come on. Let's go find
Ronan and what's-her-name.

Okay, one second. What?

Well, I just... I'll meet you
downstairs in a minute. Okay?

Okay, but hurry.

Aah! Oh!



Honey, you scared me.

I thought you were
still at work.

God. Hey.

BEATRIX 2: You know, the
craziest thing happened to me

on the way up to here.

I was walking up the stairs,
and I ran into this girl.

I swear, she looked
just like me.


Oh. All right.
Okay. All right.

Whoa, whoa, whoa. Okay,
everything's fine.

It was a misunderstanding,
okay? I was hacked.

I'm misrepresented,
okay, by a hacker.

Sir, get your microphone
out of my face, sir.

You're being very
aggressive, so...

Get that [BLEEP]
microphone out of my face!

There's more than enough
juice in this thing

to kill us both a
thousand times over.

I suggest you let go.

You tried to shoot me.

If I wanted to shoot
you, you'd be shot.


I thought you got nuked.

That was the idea.

So I had to wait
inside. Just in case.

What are you doing?

I'm ringing the doorbell.


Somebody made the
building, right?

It didn't make itself.

Somebody, yeah. Somewhere.

Not somewhere. Here.

And they're still
here. No. Bullshit.

What, you think this
is a ghost ship?

If you made this thing,
would you leave it?

Who's operating it?
Who keeps it running?

Who makes it jump?

You ask me? Somebody's home.
RONAN: We've been up there.

You've been to the
seventh floor?

Well, there's a hell
of a lot more floors.

You don't believe me?
Go outside and count.

But there's no way up
past the seventh floor.

The eighth floor's
all concreted over.

Oh, there's a way.
There's always a way.

We just don't know
where the door is.


Whoa. Whoa.

What are you doing?

POLLY: Holy shit.
He hacked it.

TINKER: Little shock
to the system.

Just enough to get
its attention.


You know, I think we
have enough time.

I can figure out how to control
the building from here.


B, take it easy.

You touch that screen again,
and I'll shoot you with it.


This asshole tried
to kill all of us.

You take it so
personally. Shut up!


Just let him finish.


Yeah, seriously. What?

I want answers.

Don't you guys wanna
know what this place is?

Why did Dad send us here?

If we have any chance
of finding Dad,

the people upstairs have
some explaining to do.

I'm sorry. Are we
seriously talking about

letting this lunatic hot
wire our only ride home?

It's up to you, B.

Well, fine.

Can I have my gun back?




Come on.







I've been looking for
you for a long time.

It's not me you want.

Oh, no. You're
exactly who I want.

The machine you made,

no one's ever tapped into
the building before.

How did you manage to make a
machine that could do that?


I wanna know why you
murdered my family.

I don't have any
answers for you.


Listen. You wanna know why your
world was put to the torch?

You have to go upstairs.

That's the only way.


You can tear this place down,

or you can have your answers.

But you can't have both.

They're waiting for you.


Hey, Mr. Carver.

Hi, sweetheart. Dad.

Ronan. It's good to see
you. It's been a while.

That's what you're
gonna say right now?

Dad, what the hell is going on?

I spent my life trying to
shield you both from this.

Trying to shield us from what?

From the building.

Dad, you're not
making any sense.

What are you talking about?

You know that we've
been looking for you?

You've been upstairs
this whole time?

No. I've been travelling.

Since when?

For a long time.

Since before you were born.

The Earth you grew up on,

the one you think of as home,

I wasn't born there.


When we decided to
stop travelling,

we were looking for
some place familiar.

Some place safe.
Wait, who's "we"?

Your mom and me,

we wanted to protect you.

That was the most
important thing.

So Mom's not from here either?

Do you still have the
device I left you?

Yeah, sure.

Keep it. You're gonna need it.

For what?

You need to find your mother.

Mom's dead.


Dad, don't say that. Mom's
dead. I saw her die.

Not all of her. What?

Listen to me. She's
the only one

that who knows how to
get to the Core World.

Find her. Bring
that device to her.


Son, the building's been
running for a long time now.

Whatever its original
purpose was,

whoever built it,
they're long gone.

Then who's running it
now? Nobody's running it.

There's nobody up
there. It's abandoned.

That's why this machine could
be the answer that saves us.

I know you both can do this.

This machine will help
you find your mother.

Look for the Core World.

Sweetheart, can I borrow that?

Don't listen to
him! He's lying!


BEATRIX: Who are you?

I'm your father, Beatrix.

Dad. Dad, no. Where
are you going?

I wish I could go with you.

But I have my own war to fight.

I'll see you both again.


Dad. Dad!


Well, that was a weird
family reunion.

Are we jumping already?

Okay. What are we doing?
Learning how to drive this.

What if you...? Don't
just touch things.

We have to press something.

POLLY: We don't know
what we're looking at.


I think that's what
these lines represent.

Yeah, that could
actually be right.

Are we doing this?

For mom.

For mom.

RONAN: Here goes.



What is that?

Is that the sun or...?

Shall we have a look?

POLLY 2: Damn.

All right, 3, you're up.
