Paragon, gola! (1970) - full transcript

Paragon, a young teen and the best and smartest boy on the backyard football (soccer) team, and his adventures. He escapes in a stolen canoe and doesn't drown, there's trouble with the ... - stop by if you're interested in the nutritional composition of food
Zespoly Filmowe Film Unit


Go, go Paragon!

Script based on the novel by:


Set decoration:


Production manager:

Director of photography:

Directed by:

Break it up now!
You silly kids!

You hoodlums... stinkers!

Or I’ll tan your hide!
Break it up now!

Come on... come on!
I’ll give you a biff in the ass!

Is this how you train?

Is this how sportsmen behave?

Starting it all over again you
silly little cocks?

Quiet here, what’s up?
What’s wrong with you?!

- They tried to occupy our field!
- It’s our time now!

ldon’t want any hoodlums
anymore here!

Well... you go and preach
to them, Boss!

They’ve been playing here every day,
and they never let us have a game!

Cos’ they’ve got a ground of
their own!

- And we’ve never been there
to intrude on them!
- There’s plenty of room for everybody!

And if you’d like to see who’s
the better man... well,

then you fix a date for a match

and then you’ll show just what you
can do on the field!

Pointless to play such a side!

Oh, well... I’ve seen plenty of such
wise guys in my time.
Just talking big like you do.

Well... you’re just scared, aren’t you?
Eh? So you are!

Well then, do have a game then...

- All right. When is it going to be then?
- On Sunday.

Well then? Suits you?

Sunday, at five, wearing plimsolls!
And thirty minutes halftime?

OK... Only mind... bring a rope
mesh for the turnstile.

And we’re going to play it out
with a regular ball,

not a rag-thing like this one...

Well... we couldn’t play a regular
match with such an imitation ball,
could we now?

It wouldn’t just be right,
would it?

Well... we’ve got to get some
other one...

- How are our finances?
- Well... let’s see...

Oh, hell... not much.

The chaps haven't been paying
their fees...

We’re well below the balance...
it’s 85 zloty and 40 groszy...

- and that's a fact.
- Come on, stop shilly-shallying!

We can use their ball, can’t we?
lt’s practically new...

Well, man you must be off
your mind.

To play with their ball on
our field?

They might think we couldn’t
afford a ball!

Then let’s have the match put off.

You must be crazy, chum!
It wouldn’t be fair.

They might think we were
just scared ofthem.

Paragon, you’re the brainiac here!
Do something!

Paragon, your ideas always work!

It’s the team’s honour that’s
at stake this time...

Well... why are you standing
round here... petrified like that?

Honour is honour!
l’ll handle it!

Hey, boy! Stay where you are,
you’re going to fetch
the ball for me... OK?

Pass it across...

There’s no other ball over there?

No... Regularly no...

Well... I must have just been
seeing things.

Tell me frankly,
where did you get the ball?

Why worry?
You know, I always manage.

It must be worth more than
300 zloty.

A lot more!

- Where did you get the money then?
- What’s your problem?

Where did you get it?

Give me a break, will you!
I told you it was legal!

You’re fighting again?
And you, stop snooping!

He brought a fantastic ball,
so what’s your problem?

What’s my problem?
The honour of our team!

If you’re so honourable, why
didn’t you get the ball yourself?

Thank you.

That was foul!

You’re playing far too
rough boys...

Hey chaps! Heard the news?
Stefanek is here watching the game!

- Where is he?
- Over there!

Come on, see you put up a good fight!
Stefanek’s watching the game!

Gone mad?
Have wasted such a chance!

Leave me alone!

Well done Julek!
Keep on just like that,

take them all round!

Listen, if you play foul once again
you’re offthe field, got it?

- You mean me?
- Who else then?

Me playing foul?
But he had the ball at that moment!

Can you go on playing?

Well, hardly... I’m going home.

Hey, lad, wait a moment!

What’s come over you?

I don’t really know.
It hurts. He was playing foul.

Sit down here. I’ll have a look.

- Where does it hurt?
- It’s the ankle.

- Well, how’s that? Better now?
- Yes, quite a relief.

Truly. It’s gone now.
You’re just like a doc.

Try to get up now.

It’s ok, it doesn’t hurt any longer.
Just regularly all over!

Thank you very much.

Oh stop dribbling,
stop dribbling...

Not all of you together...
not all together...

pass it across to the left outside...

to the left side...

Ok, lads, ok!
Well done! Well played!

Well, one to one, it’s not
a bad score after all.

A bit better team play,
a better form,

and we can beat them just
like that.

You’re not bad at all, shortie!
That goal you scored was first class!

Well, I’ve been getting on
fine, Mr. Wacek.

I’ve been trying to copy all your
tricks, watching all your matches...

So you have? Coming to our
training games as well?

Well... occasionally...

Well, I can see you’ve got
a dandy match ball all right.

I haven’t pinched it though.
I only borrowed it...

and meant to take it back after
the match you see,

we had no dough at all...

Wouldn’t it have been wiser
to see me about it?

We might have lent it to you,

and now, the whole affair’s
a bit smelly...

Well, here you are...
ldon’t need it.

I said I only wanted it for
one match... didn’t I?

And you said it had all been
quite legal.

They didn’t know anything.
It was just me.

Well, you’ve taken it,
so now you must fetch it back...

See you, boys...

What a disgrace!
I knew pretty well things
were going to turn this way.

- It’s all your fault!
- What are you hinting at, Manjaro, eh?

- The honour of our team!
- But I’ve told him all right
it had been just myself.

- Do you really think he believed you?
- My word of honour
I’m telling the whole truth!

Well, we can do very well
without people like you.

Silly pompous ass...
what about the game?

lwon’t stay on if! am not wanted...
And I don’t give a damn about you!

Neither of you!

Lads! Smashing news!


Well... what’s up?

Smashing news! Just take a look
over there. At the last page.

In the sports column... here...

- Where?
- Right in here.

A great Tournament
for Unregistered Teams!

Have they gone crazy?

Oh, stop butting in, will you?

Great Tournament for Unregistered
Teams for a Golden Ball...

Details in papers soon...

- Well, | see you don’t make it out at all.
- A tournament... so what?

Oh, you country yokels! We could
very well enter for it, couldn’t we?

- Stop calling us country yokels,
will you?
- Shut up, all of you!

We have to vote the issue first,
whether we enter for it... or not...

Man, you would do nothing
but vote!

- What we really must do is play,
and that’s it!
- Lads!

A smasher! Guess what!

A Great Tournament of
Unregistered teams!


Pity. We’ll put up a poor
show without Paragon.

But I really didn’t mean to.

I’ve just borrowed it.

OK. OK. No use talking about
it any more.

The main thing is you’ve
fetched it back.

- How are you getting along?
- Not so good at all.

- I’ve been kicked out from the team.
- Oh, don’t you say, whatever for?

For that damned ball.

- And now you must be sorry, eh?
- Well, certainly.

Manjaro’s been such a wise
guy about it all!

Pity though,
the gang was pretty good...

You needn’t feel upset about it,

we may still think of something
we can do about it...

- When is your next training game?
- I don’t know,

they won’t talk to me.

Here you are...

- And what’s your name?
- Marian...

but I’ve been nicknamed Paragon.

Paragon? Well...
it doesn’t sound half so bad.

Chin up, Paragon, everything’ll
come off well, you’ll see.

Yes, sure, Mr.Wacek.

You’re quite a sorcerer, Paragon.

- What form you’re in at school?
- Me? The seventh.

- Living with your parents?
- Yes, with my mother.

- She’s working on the street trams.
- What about your dad?

Well, he’d just left us.

I’m going to let you have
this ball for a keepsake,

but you’ll have to do things
in return.

Oh, it’s nothing! I’m going to
do anything to oblige you!

They’re smashing.

Like them?

In fact at your age one plays
in plimsolls all right.

Well then? Would you like to have
that ball for your team?


So take all those sneakers
and give them a proper shine, ok?

Oh, gosh!!!

- What have you been waiting for?
- Well, let’s wait a bit longer.

Whatever for?
Just get up to him.

He won’t bite your nose off,
will he?

What’s up there?
What do you want?

lt’s us, the “Siren” fellows.

Can’t you see I’m up to my eyes
in work? Call back later... later on...

Mister president, we’ve got some
very urgent business
to talk over with you.

What’s that?
An earthquake or maybe
one of you’s swallowed
the whistle... well?

We’ve come about that Tournament
for Unregistered Teams...

What about it? I am not going
to enter for that, am |?

But we’d like to enter for
that tournament, sir.

We’ve come to ask you whether
we have any chance at all...

Your chance?

Well, lads...
I’d like to give you a hint.

Have a merger with the
“Hurricane” side, eh?

- Oh, no! Never!
- To merge with that lot of hoodlums?

We shall have your Paragon,

and Pearl and perhaps yourself, too.

We’re not interested in any
of the others...

I don’t need any favours
from you, thank you.

And what about Chris?
What about Ignace?

I am better than Tadek, aren’t I?

- Well, Tadek is better, I think...
- When it comes to break people’s
legs, maybe...

Stop cackling shortie, will you?

Stop arguing! Quite an important
thing is at stake.

And besides, the club’s going
to be called ‘Hurricane’.

- Why not just “Mountain Gale”?
- Or else an ‘Earthquake’, why not?

Shut your mouths you silly kids!
I’ve paid for your ice-cream,
so don’t you start being difficult here!

l’m repeating... we can take
over Paragon, Pearl, and you.

Like it - it’s OK... and if you don’t...
just get out of here!

Never mind... no favours from you!
Come along, lads.

We’re not going to negotiate
with such... such stinkers!

- What did you say?
- You’re just a stinker and a hoodlum.

Those hoodlums!
They’re going to smash up the place!

Stop it! Police!

What’s going on in here?
Let go at once!

What have you been up
to in here?

I’m going to have a talk with
you right now!

- Good day! Thank you...
- Good day!

Paragon! Come up here.

What would you say to my dropping
on you while you’re playing
a training game, eh?

- You, sir?
- When do you have your next training?

I don’t really know.

Go and tell all the chaps
that I shall drop on you
tomorrow at five.

I may yet show you how to
do things, who knows?

What a disgrace!
They’ve all been locked up...

Prince paid them a round of ice-cream,
then they had a proper row...

and then they were all taken
to the police-station.

Could you do something to help,

Take it easy, Pearl. Tell me
everything slowly and orderly.

I can’t make anything out.
Who’s been locked up?

Manjaro and Ignace and Skumbria
and Prince and Sykala...

- Only I managed to get away.
- But why have they been locked up?

Just because they were trying
to work out a merger.

Talk like a sane man,
or I’ll smash your teeth in!

Well, it all started with that

Oh, it’s you, Paragon.

What’s your business here?

Your Honour, Sergeant!

On behalf of our cub,
that is the ‘Siren’ club,

I take the pleasure of inviting you,
to our match...

I happen to know that you, sir,
are quite keen on football...

and that you are an enthusiastic
football fan.

Oh, stop playing up to me, Paragon.
I’ve known you for some time.

But really!

I’ve seen you watching football
matches... you watched out
last game, too.

And I know you’re quite an
expert on football.

- And who are you playing next?
- The ‘Hurricane’. A sensational game!

We’re going to reserve a seat
of honour for you,

as a representative
of the People’s authority...

Can we hope for your
attendance, sir?

I’ll come, providing I’m not
on duty right then.

That’s just smashing!

Only we’re not quite sure
yet whether the match
would be played at all...

- Why not?
- Well, it’s only up to you, sir.

- Up to me?
- Yes... quite...

Since you’ve weakened both
opposing sides... considerably...

I see, that’s the point!

No. I’m not going to release
them until I’ve spoken
to their parents...

I don’t feel any pity
for hoodlums and hooligans.

- Well, that means there’s going
to be no match?
- That’s right.

That would mean the People’s Government
doesn’t hold with the progress
of sport in the country?

The hoodlums must be taught
a lesson.

That would mean sport in our district
is just as good as dead?

A total flop!

All the teams would
be disintegrated...

the chaps will start hanging about
the streets again,

they’ll all end up in community

- Oh, stop it please!
- But they are not guilty!

I give you my word...
they’re not guilty...

I vouch for them,
and so does Mr. Stefanek!

- And what Stefanek’s got to do with it?
- He’s become our coach!

But when he finds out all his best
boys’ve been put in the clink...

then he’s sure to leave us!

And so I’m appealing to your
better nature, sir...

it’s the good of sport that’s
at stake here!

Paragon, Paragon!

- You’re a good friend to them all!
- You’ll be made our President!

They are innocent of all the
crimes they’d been charged with...

Just like those little lambs
in the field!

- Chaps!
- Pearl!

- Where’s Paragon?
- Paragon?

Paragon wasn’t with us.
You’re a good chum, Pearl.

It’s nice of you to have
fixed things up.

Me? It wasn’t me!
It was Paragon who did it.


Quiet! Shut up, all you buggers!
I’ve just seen the editor.

The names ofthe teams will be taken
down in room number twenty-one.


Hi. I’m not being taken in for
tricks like that!

- So you put your team down for it?
- Sure, and what about you folks?


After you’ve been eliminated
you can fetch the balls!

They don’t enter for
the tournament in there.

We’ve been kicked out from there!
It’s the correspondence section.

Scram, or we’ll chuck you out.

What do all those kids want in here?
You tell them who they’ve got to do with.

You’d better be careful in case you
get your ears torn off your head!

Will you please be quiet!

If you keep on being too boisterous
I shan’t take down any teams!

- Who was the first to come?
- It’s me!

Eight... nine... ten...
eleven... twelve... thirteen...

That’ll do for today.

Right. This kind oftraining’s
no use anyway.

Stefanek’s coming tomorrow
and then you’ll see how things
ought to be done properly.

- Is he coming for sure?
- You’re not kidding, Paragon?

I’ve told you, haven’t I?

He said quite formally he was coming
and would give us a hint or two.

Well, we’ll see!

We’ve got a coach, we’ve got a ball...
only we’re looking like
a bloody lot of dustmen!

We’ll have to get some uniform
dress for the tournament.

Red shorts and white T-shirts.

- And on the T-shirts our emblem
with a siren on it.
- That’s obvious.

Sure, only how to scramble
all that dough together?

Paragon... how much we’ve got
in the kitty right now?

After the last match
the balance comes up to
two hundred-forty-eight zloty.

Fetch that dough along here and
we’ll buy those badges tomorrow.

OK, Boss! See you!


Well... you’ve been looking sort
of pale too me recently.

No, I may bejust seeming pale.
I’ve done a lot oftraining lately.

Oh, you should take up some
serious work,

and you seem to be doing nothing
but chase that silly ball
all over the place.

We’re playing in a
tournament soon.

- Where’s the cash?
- What cash, Marian?

The kitty... the money...
where is it?

That money... well, I’ve
forgotten to mention it to you...

So you’ve taken that money, Ma?

Yes... I needed it for yourjacket.
I’ll return it from my next wages.

But the money didn’t belong to me,
it was the kitty of my club!

- The kitty?
- Yes!

The membership fees!
The returns of our last match...

Well... I’m awfully sorry, sonny.

I was sure it had been your
own money, for the bottles
you’d been selling.

I’m awfully sorry... please,
don’t be cross with me though.

In two days’ time I am getting my
wages and then I’ll return it all.

But what am I to do right now?
What am I going to tell them?

Paragon... Hi, Paragon.

- How are you getting on, eh?
- Well, not so bad. I can’t complain.

- You seem sort of upset, don’t you?
- Not at all, you’re just imagining things.

Oh, stop acting.
Where are you off to?

Well, what’s the matter with you?
You’ve always been a regular chum,

- and last time I forgot to say
‘thank you’...
- Oh, never mind.

I think you’d fit quite well
into our side.

Thank you,
but I won’t take your offer.


you’ve wasting your time with
that lot of buggers.

We’ve got a new band just now,
and a pretty tough one.

We’ve got some chaps now come
over from the ‘Motor’ side,

and we’ve got some brand
new garments! Red-blue shirts...

and we’ve bought a couple
of smashing new balls.

You know those black and white
ones, just like on the telly!

- How did you manage the dough
for all that?
- It’s been Durczak financing us.

- Durczak?
- A guy from our street.

He used to play for the
‘Marymont’ side.

He’s got a lot of dough,

he seems to like football and
so he’s been supporting us.

And you could very well play outside
forward, outside left I mean,

and with myselfthe outside right,
Skumbria the centre forward.

We’d just make a pretty
smashing forward line, see?

You’re not able to persuade me.

Well, if you feel that way, ok.
I’m not going to cry.

Hey, Prince, got any dough?

Well, one’s bound to have
a few fivers in one’s pocket.

Come along, I’ll stand you
the ‘Ferris wheel’, like to?

I’m in a sort oftrouble.

Couldn’t you let me have
a bit of dough till tomorrow, eh?

- How much do you want?
- Oh, not much, say, three hundred.

Three hundred? But all I’ve
got right now is sixty.

Well, give me that. I may manage
to get some more elsewhere.

But that won’t do, will it?

And if you’re in real trouble
come and see me tonight.

- Will you have some more then?
- We shall see.

Romek may add some more.
We’ll talk it over later... See you!

See you!

Well... got the cash?

Take it easy.
It’s just as safe as in a bank.

But I’ve told you to fetch
the money along...

The balance’s been squared.

It’s like at the Post Office
Savings Bank with me.
You even get the interest too.

But I’ve told you several times
already to get the accounts squared.

- We need the dough for those emblems.
- Well what’s the hurry?

Paragon, you’re not telling
me the whole truth.
Tell me frankly now...

- Stop worrying.
- So why didn’t you fetch the dough?

I’m afraid it might be exactly
the same as it was with the ball!

You’re suspecting me of
some dirty tricks?

I don’t suspect you of anything at all!
I only want that dough right now.

You know very well it belongs
to the club!

You’re just a sissy!

And if you’re so eager to have
it right now, you’ll have it.

We’ve got brand-new T-shirts,
and gaiters,

and the emblems made by the
very best embroiderer in town!

And you’re going to see all posh.

- Well, what’s upset you so?
- Oh, nothing. Got that dough?

No, but I spoke to Romek.
I’ll call him along right now.

Hi, Paragon.
I hear you’re in trouble.

Well you needn’t be so
miserable about it.
Everything is going to be ok.

How much do you want?

Well, I’ve already told Julek.
Three hundred.

Three hundred? So you got yourself
into real trouble all right.

You’ll have it all back tomorrow.

Tomorrow, tomorrow!
But where will you get it from
by tomorrow, such a lot of dough?

I’ll manage it somehow.

You mustn’t be so damn cocksure,

If you were a clever chap you
wouldn’t have to return it at all.

We need a good outside left.

I saw you play yesterday, and I must
say you were pretty good.

Well, don’t pretend you
don’t know what it’s about.

No miracles happen with
the dough,

you never get anything just
for nothing.

Sign on! After all,
what can that mean to you?

He’s too proud, isn’t he?

Better men than you are have
changed their club colours,

and no disaster ever happened.
You’ll see,

you’ll have nothing
to complain about with us!

I thought you were going to lend
that dough to me just like that.

But why borrowing?

It’s quite a job to find three
hundred to fetch it back, well?

Think it over.

It’s a deal, or else bye, bye.

Bye, bye.

You sucker, Manjaro’s not going
to spare you!

Well, Paragon? I don’t have time
to play games with you.

Make up your mind and be quick.

Ok, it’s a deal.

Just a moment, chum.

First you’ve got to sign the
application form.

- You don’t trust me?
- We do, we do.

But everything’s got to be
done formally.

See? Everything’s over.

Oh, and please remember
there’s a training game
at ten tomorrow morning.

So we’re going to have a mighty
smashing forward line.

Spotless, isn’t it?

Man, what’s up? You just
disappeared into the thin air.

Here’s the dough.

What’s happened? Couldn’t you
bring it along in the morning?

I told you I was going to fetch it
today, and it is today, isn’t it?
There’s nothing more to say about it.

Why you’re so quirky today,

I’m not going to be the
treasurer any longer!


I’ve forgotten to tell you about
your mother having been
taken to the hospital!

There was a tram-car accident.

You can’t see your mother
just now.

But don’t worry, it’s nothing serious.

You can tell everybody at home
that everything’s going
to be all right.


He’s not there.

I am telling you he must have
played some dirty trick on us!

We’ll have to kick him out!

- You’d do nothing but kick
people out of the team!
- Shall we take it to the vote?

- Oh, to hell with your voting!
- He’s a traitor, he’s joined
the ‘Hurricane’side!

- It’s not definite yet.
- Unfortunately it is.

Julek Wawrzusiak has shown
me his application.

He may have been just boasting,
bluffing. Everything is quite
possible with that lot...

- But I’ve seen it with my own eyes.
- The best proof is that he
stayed off the training game.

Because his mother’s at the

- To see Manius?
- No, just for a walk!

Then you must have strayed.
He isn’t here.

We shall see.

You see? Something must be up,
they’ve come to fetch him.

Or possibly they are trying to
get him to sign on right now.

No, the bloody stinker
isn’t there.

You tell him we aren’t going
to run along here any more.

And tell him that if I were him
I’d come and see us directly...

there’s no joking with us, see?

Hey, you, don’t be scared!

- You’ve tried to pinch my canoe?
- Man, I’ve only had a kip...

It’s your canoe, so you take it!

Hush, or we’re going to be spotted.
You meant to escape to Gdansk?

Me? To Gdansk?
Man, what an idea?

You meant to escape to Gdansk,

and then stow away on board of
some ship and sail off to Java!

What are talking about?
What Java?

That canoe isn’t mine.

I only took sort of fancy to it.
It’s the best ofthe lot!

Hey, you!

What about sailing off to
Java together?

What? I’m not a sailor.
I’m a footballer.

Been playing left outside
in the ‘Siren’ side.

Run away!

Have you read that book about
those two English boys?

No, I haven’t.
I never get time for reading.

It’s fantastic!

It’s about those two boys and how
they escaped from Manchester,

they stowed away on a Dutch ship,
and eventually got to Java!

- How about trying the same thing?
- What?

You’ve just been reading too much
and got it all mixed up
in your head!

This is not London, it’s Warsaw.

I have half a sack of hardtacks.

Jolly good, you can start
to breed rabbits!

I also have twenty pieces of
canned meat and 120 zloty...

we can clear out today!
No one will notice!

You must be joking! In three days
I have a Golden Ball tournament.

Besides, I don’t even know where
that Java of yours is.

Far away...
Thousands of sea miles.

Just look here first,
we sail along the Vistula river,

then across the Baltic,
the North Sea, the Biscay,

- and on to Java.
- Pointless talking to you!

But don’t you worry.
I’ll be like a brother to you.

- What’s your name?
- My name? It’s Milek.

But they usually call me
Ginger Milek.

Well, it’s smashing! You’re a
redhead all right, aren’t you?

- And what’s your name?
- My name’s Maniek,

- but they call me just Paragon.
- Paragon!

Now, you stop laughing or
I’ll punch your ears.

I’m Paragon and that’s it!

And if you don’t like it you
may call me just Manius.

But I do, very much.

- So you run away from home, eh?
- No, not at all.

- Only I’ve been in a fix...
- What about?

You wouldn’t understand it,

Well, if you’re in a fix,
let’s run away to Java!

Listen, if you mention
that Java place once more

I shall punch your ears!
I’m in a hell of a fix, got it?

I’ve got to return three hundred
zloty in three days’ time...

and you’ve been rubbing it in
with that Java place of yours!

Why in exactly three days’ time?

Because the tournament’s
starting right then, see?

No, I don’t.

- So what are you going to
do about it?
- Well, no idea.

Stop worrying, you come
with me to my place,

I’ll talkto my granddad,
and tell him you’re a pal of mine.

- So your parents aren’t there?
- No.

Well then, let’s go. But I’m afraid
that granddad of yours

won’t let me have that dough,
will he?

I’ve got a way out.

I’ve saved up a hundred and twenty
for that trip I meant to take...

Carry on,
what are you waiting for?

And our Iandlady’s got
a large garden.

Lovely roses, and carnations...

She’s been selling those
flowers to me at a discount,

and I’ve been re-selling
them in the street.

And so I’ve put a hundred
and twenty zloty aside, see?

Well, pretty good business.

Hey, which Patron Saint do they
celebrate today?

- Don’t know.
- It’s most essential!

I do best flower business
on St. Sophia’s, and St. Maria’s,

and then St. Stanislas.

We may yet hit on such
a profitable day if we’re lucky!

How much capital you’ve got?

I’ve told you already. I’ve got
a hundred and twenty zloty!

What are we waiting for then?
Hurry up and let’s get some
of those flowers!

- But will you come to the Java
Island with me?
- Well, we shall see!

Two hundred, three hundred...

You’re scared?

I hope they won’t ask for interests.
See you! I won’t be long!

So you’ve changed your mind, eh?
So you’ve come.

Perhaps you need some
more dough?

No fear, we can talk it over.

And why didn’t you turn up
for training the other day?

Well? Speak up now!

You took the dough,

and then didn’t even have
the common decency to turn up?

And maybe you don’t like
our ‘Hurricane’?

I haven’t been playing
in any team.

So you seem a proud kind
of a kid!

Proud for the price of
three hundred! No fear,

we’ll win without you as well!
What have you come here
today about?

Just formally,
to fetch back your money.

You can keep it and get
some candy!

Have you signed on,
or haven’t you?

I have, but now I’d like
to withdraw it.

I’m not going to play for you!

Yet you put that money
to some good use?

I don’t need your dough!

Stop trying to play tough,
and listen to me:

when you get back to your

you’ll get such a hiding nobody’ll
ever know your face again!

I don’t want your dough!

And I’m not going to play
for you, never!

Paragon, Paragon.

What’s the matter with you?
Stop crying, please!

It’s nothing, now we can sail
for the Java place...


Paragon! Help!

Paragon! Paragon! Help!


Hold on! Hold on!


Look buddy, we’ve been sailing
for Java, and we got there!

Here’s that little explorer
of yours.

He was on his way to Java.

No, good, no good!
One day I’ll die of shame!

Are you miserable with your

No. I’m ok.

So why have you been
running away?

It’s the fifth time, my lady,

the fifth time!
One just can’t keep him at home.

He’s been reading some books
at night,

then again collecting ship’s
biscuits, and then...

Here’s an address. You’d better
take him to that dispensary.

They’ll examine him there

Will that help in any way,
do you think?

All right, I will,
but would that be of any use?

- Bye, Paragon!
- Bye, Milek! Good luck!

Come along! Good bye.

- Come and see me, we’ll build a raft!
- A wonderful idea! See you!

Mister Wacek, what’s the score?

What have you been up to
again, eh?

They were going to sail for Java,

- he and a chum of his,
and took a canoe from the marina.
- Good morning to you.

- Have we won?
- Yes.

- What’s the score?
- Three to two.

- So we let them have it!
- Why did you pinch that canoe?

Not for Java at all.
You see, I had no option.

You ought to realize he’s
been with nobody to look
after him recently.

He had been in a serious fix...

That’s just why I had you
come up here.

He could be placed at the children’s
home for the time being.

But I don’t want to go there!
I am not an orphan,

I’ve got a home! Mister Wacek!

I think the best way would be if
you could take care of him now.


But I... I am a bachelor... I work...

Well... ok. I can try.

Dry them,
what are you waiting for?

Is it true you are going
to live here?

Yes, man,
what’s so strange about it?

Well, nothing. Just asking.

- And where did you sleep last night?
- In the room there, on an air-bed, you know.

- In the same room with Stefanek?
- And where did you think
I was to sleep then?

Well, I wouldn’t know. I thought
you had slept in the kitchen.

- And what’s he really like?
- Oh, just fine.

- And what did you talk about?
- Various things, just typical matters...

But mostly about sport,

and yesterday we even talked
about philosophy.

- You’re kidding.
- Blimey, we did!

He said something like this:
You Paragon,

don’t you try to philosophize
all too much, just take up
some honest job!

Well, he seems a smasher!

- Hi, Paragon.
- Hi.

Is it true you are going to
stay with Stefanek?

Can’t you see he’s staying
with him?

- Where do you sleep?
- In the Rajah of Penjab’s bed,
of course.

Hi, Paragon. Are you really
going to stay here?

If you dare to ask me
where I slept last night

I’ll punch your bloody nose!

Good, chaps, you’ve come.

We’re just going to begin general
cleaning ofthe place!

Well then, come in!

Sit down here and drink your
tea before it gets cold.

I talked to Mr. Lopotek,

he said he was going to take
you into his workshop.

You’re going to work for him,
you’ll learn some trade

and make a bit of dough, too.

I can see you’re not exactly
delighted, are you?

Well no,
I’d prefer selling empty bottles.

If you’d rather collect bottles,
potter about the streets
and hawk stolen flowers,

then you can’t stay here
with me.

Well, if you put it this way
I’d rather work for Mr. Lopotek.

- Hey, Governor!
- Why are you screaming like that?

I’ve finished, I’m thirsty though...

I’m pretty thirsty, too.

Take the container and fetch
some beer, will you?

I haven’t been engaged here as
an errand boy, or fetching beer!

Just take a look at that boy,
quite a philosopher, isn’t he?

What? Is he being cheeky?
Just punch his ears!

Did you hear that?
Four pints of light stuff...

- You’re still here?
- Ok, ok,

you needn’t order me about
like that!

Well, well, go on.

Well, boss.
I don’t know what the matter
with that damned gear box is.

It’s been slipping off...
time... and again.

OK. Leave the old bus here,
we’ll have it seen to by evening.

I can’t, boss... I’ve got to go and
fetch some stuff directly.

- Oh, then don’t you bother my head!
- Boss, I’m calling back after seven.

We’re off at seven! Nobody’s
here any longer after seven.

For Christ’s sake, be a sport!

When I get back to Radom
with no stuff on I’ll have my
ruddy head bitten off, see?

All the work’s been at a standstill,
and you’ve been so
difficult about it!

- I see.
- Well, chief,
find some way out of it!

Mister Malek, leave that job
off for a moment.

You’ll fix that gearbox after
hours, won’t you?

- I’ll add another hundred!
- Well, it could be done,

but after hours it’s different.

I’ll add two hundred then.
That’s all I can offer.

- Ok, then.
- I’ll call back at seven then.

- Ok, ok.
- By seven.

- Well, have you done his gearbox?
- Yes, I have.

Fine. You’ve been sent to
fetch some beer, well...

I remember I used to run and fetch
beer too when I was an apprentice...

Now you’re going to get
some for me, too.

Two bottles of Zywiec,
scram now!

Sit down, sit down.

Well? Got things fixed up?

Yes, everything’s OK.
I can come back at seven.

All right.

But, Mr. Durczak,

it’s got to be fair sharing,

Well, well, hear that, Roman?

There you’ve got a mathematician...

- That can’t be helped;
my risk’s the greatest of all.
- And what about us? Don’t we risk too?

I said one-fourth.
No further discussion.

Impossible, Mr. Durczak,
out of the question.

Just look at him, Roman.
A mathematician...

he couldn’t have been going
to school at all,
he just can’t count at all.

Why are you trying to
bargain with us, man?

You’ll be getting a big lot
of dough anyway!

That was my last word,
I can’t take any less.

Well then, you get one-third,
and that’s final now.

It’s good for suckers,
half and half! said.

But man, you’re trying to pump
all the blood out of me!

Well then? How do things stand?
I’ve got to go and fetch
the stuff now.


But remember the job’s got to be
done clean, and no monkey
business about it!

Mister Malek, that chap’s
here about his gear box.

Hi, boss, first you sign
the bill for me.

Give it here.

No, no, you’ve got to put
a rubber stamp to it.

How can I get a rubber stamp
for you right now?

- But with no rubber stamp...
- The foreman keeps it in his drawer,

There’s nothing doing with
no stamp on it.

Then you’ll have to wait a bit.
I’ll call a boy. Janek!

For Heaven’s sake!
I nearly forgot,

your two hundred zloty.

Here you are.

- Oh, well,
I’ll try to find it myself.
- Well, didn’t I say you’d find a way.

Hey... stop him!
Stop him! Stop him!

What am I to do now?

All the stuff! Half a ton of leather!
Bloody hell!

- You lead the way.
- Ok.

- Well, hasn’t the Police been
sneaking round here?
- No, they haven’t.

- And did you go to see Durczak?
- Yes.

He told me to tell you
to lie low for some time
and avoid meeting him.

No leather!

Someone must have pinched
all the leather!

What do you mean?
I don’t know anything about it.

- You dirty thief!
- Ah...

You, Paragon, you’re there?

Where do you think I may be?

I’ve fetched you some grub.

Why have you been following Romek?
He’s a bit cross with you now.

And I think it’s wiser to keep
friends with him.

Got anything to drink?
I’m awfully thirsty.

I may get you something later on.

I wouldn’t mind letting you go,
but Romek says you’d let us all down.

Blimey! Iwon’t, I swear!

Ithink I’ll let you go.

I don’t want the boys to go on
saying they’ve lost the match

because there was no
Paragon in the team.

When it is a question of losing,

then it’s to be a honourable defeat...

- Got the keys?
- I’ve got some keys...

but I’m not at all sure
if they fit...

But first you’ve got to promise
you’re not going to spill
the beans, never!

You’ve known me for some time,
haven’t you?

- You do swear?
- Sure I do.

- Swear to what?
- Whatever you like.

To the future of our club,
for instance.

That’s hardly enough.

Well, ok.

Look out!

What do you think you’re doing?

Well, I just meant to fetch
him some water.

I’ve told you, you silly kid,
you daren’t do that!

And you, you’ll remember me
for a long time!

I’ve never in my life played
outside left!

I simply can’t use my left
foot very well!

I can’t help that,
you’ll have to play outside
left since there’s no Paragon.

It’s a complete flop.
I’m telling you.

The Hurricane side’s
at their full strength,
and we have no ouside left!

You put up your paws,
and that’s that!

Oh, stop that argument!
We’ll sure win it just the same.

Without Paragon?

He’s been always letting us
down whenever there was
a serious match to play.

He must have been bribed again
by those Hurricane chaps.

- Do you suspect him ofthat?
- Well, I don’t really,

but tell me then where he is?
Silly crook!

You’d better spit out that nasty word!
He’s the best of pals.

He was being suspected of fishy
business once before!

Don’t you try and cheek me,
you petty, or else I’ll
damage your face, I will!

Quiet, boys.

- What’s the matter?
- I’ve never in my life played
outside left,

and then if we happen to lose
I’ll be the one to blame.

Well, if you really think that you’d
better stay out of it altogether.

We’ll put in the reserve
Frank Grymek.

No, Mister Wacek.
I’ll do my best.

Listen to me, boys.

If you play just the way you
did against the Mazovian side...

then we have a fair
chance to win.

- Have you seen Romek lately?
- Sure.

- Has the stuff been hidden away
properly? - Yes, very well, Boss.

And that chap, Paragon,
or whatever his name is?

He’s been put into that shed
at Anielak’s, and locked up.

Ok, this way your work’s
going to be much easier.

- Mister Durczak!
- Well?

It’s got to be done fair.

They may say afterwards
that they had lost because
their side was weakened.

Well, you know very little
about football.

Matches are rarely won just on
the field. Well, go now, lads!

Hey, you!

Where are you?

Stop! Don’t run away!
Wait! Wait!

Bloody hell with such a game!

One’s been standing in
the turnstile without really
being able to trust those chaps
in the defence!

And the backs seem to be
asleep all the time!

Well, you go and run
about like mad, you wise guy!

You’ll get double pneumonia,
that’s all.

There are gaps in the defence,
gaps in the forward line,

and what can we do about it?

You’ve been playing just
like a greenhorn,

and then you’re cheeky on
top of that!

Don’t be such a VIP,
instead of scoring goals you’ve
been playing hide-and—seek.

- An individualist!
- Oh, pipe down, the lot of you!

The match’s not lost so far,
and you’ve already started
wailing, and moaning.

Quiet, boys,
this game may still be won.

Only don’t mess things up.

You’ve got to watch Prince closely,
and Skumbria, too.

The forward line must play
more the outsides,

and the backs follow them,

or else there’s a gap in the
middle ofthe field, see?


- Where have you been?
- Paragon, what’s happened to you?

Mister Wacek,
can I nowjoin my side?

Where have you been?

Well, tell me right now
where you’ve been.

But really there’s nothing
much to tell.

What’s the matter with you,

You were seen at the
workshop yesterday.

- Yes, formally...
- What were you doing there?

Tell me, what was your business
over there?

Mister Wacek, I swear I haven’t
done anything wrong.

- You’ll see for yourself.
- Oh, Paragon, Paragon.

What are you waiting for?

Get dressed quickly. The halftime’s
going to be over in a moment.

Petrified, aren’t you?

You, how did you manage
to get here?

Well, a witch turned me into
a goat, and here I am.

- Run away?
- Is it all that important?

ls Romek here?

No, but I’d watch him if
I were you.

He’s sort of cross with you.

He won’t be able to help
them any more anyway.

- They won’t score anything now.
- Well... we shall see yet!

Well done, Pearl!


But mister referee,
it’s hardly regular!

That chap’s signed for us.
This is his application form!

Will you please get off
the ground?

You can lodge your claim
after the game.

But, no, please, here’s his
application, duly signed by him!

Will you get offthe ground
at once?

- Or else I’ll have the game stopped.
- But gentlemen, what’s up?

Tkaczyk’s signed on for our club,
and right now he’s playing
for the ‘Siren’ side!

Well, what a bloody mess this is!

I’ve never in my life played
for the ‘Huriccane’ team.

Here you are, black on white,
his signature! Please, read this.

- Have you signed it?
- Formally I have,

- but I’d been forced to do it.
- Just a moment,

I happen to know all about it.
That chap’s never played
for the Hurricane.

Yet he’s accepted three hundred
zloty for expenses.

Wawrzusiak, come along.

Tell me, has Tkaczyk played for
your club at all? Once at least?

- No, he hasn’t.
- Has he returned that sum of money?

- Well, yes, he has.
- Julek! You must have gone mad!

Mister Durczak,
we’ve got to play fair!

- Ok, boys!
- A hard game, Mister Wacek, eh?

Only a few minutes left.
Attack them with your outsides.

Lads, block the goal,
block it!

Block up the goal,
I’m telling you, quick!

Hurry up! Blockade!
More to the right of it...

To the right, that’ll do now.

We’ve flopped, Mister Durczak.

Didn’t I tell you to
avoid meeting me?

That lame Frank’s been arrested,
and he grassed on the driver!

- When did it happen?
- Just an hour ago.
They’ve come to my place.

I could bet it all came out
because of that Paragon!

But he’s still at the Anielak’s,
isn’t he?

You think so?
And who’s been playing football
over there, his ghost maybe?

Paragon! Wait a minute!
Needn’t be afraid.

Pearl! Manjaro!

What are you doing, kid!

There you are! Such a fine chap,

and it had to happen just
to him!

I can’t forgive myself for
letting him go that night.

He’s always been like quick silver.

It was always so hard to keep
him still for a single moment!

So I was summoned up to the
Police station and then
I was questioned...

So I told them: dear folks,
that Paragon’s just as good
as gold...wel|, isn’t he?

And all the other scoundrels have
been caught now, one by one!

And why should he have got mixed
up in all that... whatever for?

And why has he never told
us a thing?

- He must have been scared.
- Yes, of course, he was scared!

He was scared stiff yet he took
all the risk. Quite a fellow!

Why has it been taking such
awfully long time?

Wait a bit.

A doctor’ll come along,
and then we’ll learn something.

He’s my very best pal.

What are you doing in here,

It’s getting late,
you’d better hurry home.

Well, what are you hanging
around here for?

Nurse, what’s going to happen to him?
He’s our very best pal.

Don’t you worry, everything’s
being done to save his life.

- Hallo, doctor.
- Are you one of the family?

No, but I’ve been looking
after him lately.

His condition’s pretty serious.

He has his shoulder broken,
and his forearm,

general concussion and he’s
in shock.

But is he going to live?
Is he?

We’ve been doing our utmost
to save him.

His general state of health’s
been good and so he may
survive it all.

Could you please come in here
for a while, but just you.

Thank you.

Well, how are you?

Mister Wacek,

I swear,
I haven’t done anything wrong.

I know.

Well, hold out, Paragon.

We’ve all been keeping our
fingers crossed for you.

And the match?
The final against Polonia?

You shouldn’t bother your head
with football right now.

- But we’ve got to win!
- Well, we shall certainly try to.

I’d love to play outside
left again.

I’d like you to play too.

Today you managed to put
up a marvellous show.

That goal of yours...

- But we’ve got to win,
Mister Wacek.
- We shall most certainly try to.

Will you please leave now.

He’s awfully tired.

Chin up, Paragon.


Polonia, hip-hip-hurrah!

Siren, hip-hip-hurrahll

In a moment’s time the final
match of the tournament for the
Golden Ball is going to start.

The referee’s just blown his
whistle and the game started.

The two topmost teams have
now the honour

to be playing on this
grand stadium

on the eve ofthe international
match Poland versus Italy...

Sure enough we can’t expect
the very first actions
of those tiny footballers
to be very successful.

It’s only natural that they
should feel a bit shy.

It’s their very first appearance
on a genuine football ground

and they’ve never faced such
a crowd of onlookers.

The ball is still being held
by the Polonia players...

a pass to Koterba in the goal area,
he’s going to shoot...

A fine defence by the Siren

yet the Polonia chaps are still
holding the ball... Koterba again...

just missed the cross-bar
by a hairbreadth...

That really looked serious enough...
and goal seemed imminent...

but now the Siren fon/vards are
holding the ball... and advancing....

Paradowski’s passed the ball
on to Slonecki,
the latter changes positions. . .

Score now, Manjaro...
what are you waiting for?

Shoot now!

The ball’s now in the centre of
the field... Czekalski is there,

he ought to get the ball,
yes... he’s passed it on....

But it’s too late now... to late.

the Polonia goalkeeper
was faster and he
cleared up the situation...

Those tiny Siren chaps,
they put up a fine show
of ambitious team work...

and a remarkable will to win...

they have displayed zeal
and toughness...

yet at the moment Polonia’s
got the ball... they are advancing...

Olczyk has dribbled two opponents
in the centre of the field...

he’s passed on to Mrugalski...
the latter on the outside left,
a very nice action...

on to Porajski who puts it
across to Koterba in the centre...

Koterba’s passed across the
penalty area and he’s
facing the goalkeeper alone...

Bravo, Pearl!
He’s a goalkeeper!

He’s my best friend!

You’re rather being
squeezed hard, I think...

You just wait a moment!

...Now he’s passed it over
to Slonecki...

the latter takes it over to
the right... to Czekalski...

a very nice change of possitions...
Czekalski takes the ball onward...

I can see him right in the
left-hand corner of the field...

Now a centre across to Slonecki...
and Slonecki shoots!
A goal! A goal!

There you are...
Didn’t I tell you?

What’s going on here? What have
you been up to, gentlemen?

It’s one to nil for our side!

Well, I’m glad, but there’s an
injection time for you now.

Oh, not right now, sister,
I’ve got that match now....

You’ve got an injection

- and no-one’s going to wait for you.
- I’d rather die.

Paragon, you’ve done enough
mischief for one day.

- Hurry up, I’ve got no time
to waste on you.
- Well, you’ve got a transistor
set, you can listen.

the ball is now about
the centre of the field...
the Siren boys holding it...

Czekalski is passing
it backwards to Wardziak...
to the right back.

- Paragon, lie down now.
- Just a minute, please,

it’s the most thrilling
moment right now!

Hurry up, I’ve got no time.

he’s coming on to the
penalty area...
and passing it across to Slonecki...

now he’s going to shoot...
lt’s goal!

A goal!

The second half ofthe game
has just been kicked off...

it’s the final match in the
Golden Ball Tournament...

The Siren side is now
leading two to nil...

but now Polonia seems to be
waking up and trying to attack...

Their best forward man, Koterba,
is now holding the ball...

he’s passed it on to Mrugalski.

The latter is now dashing
across the field...
he’s been attacked by Wardziak...

now they are getting on to
the penalty area together...

there’s a lot of confusion
just outside the turnstile. ..

the referee’s whistle...
a free kick against the Siren...

nearly from the penalty
line it’s going to be
executed by Koterba...

the best forward man in Polonia...
this looks like being
a serious moment...

yes... it is serious...
the Siren players have
blocked the goal...

Koterba’s started for the ball...

a lovely pass to Olczyk who
hasn’t been watched...

the latter shoots... it’s a goal!

now it’s the Polonia boys’
turn to rejoice.

What stinkers! Couldn’t they
keep their damn eye on him?

What bloody stinkers!

You’ve got to watch Koterba!
Never let him shoot!

You see,
If! had been there with them,
I’d be telling them a thing or two.

You’re a damn fanatic.

They know how to play football,
don’t they?

Paradowski managed to keep the ball,
he is now advancing a few metres...

and passes it on to Slonecki...

Oh... come on... leave it...
or you’ll smash up my set...

- it must be the battery!
- Got no spare one?

No, unfortunately I don’t.

Bad luck!
At the most interesting moment!

The Siren players seem to be
a bit off-colour now...

most of the game now belongs
to the Polonia side...

Koterba’s got the ball now...
He’s coming on nicely...

No... he’s passed it across...
a dangerous situation...
just outside the goal...

Mrugalski’s passed the ball across...
the outside man chucks
it back to centre...

Gentlemen, I must be feverish,

ifl should die now, my friends
ofthe club will be to blame!

They let themselves
be knocked offtheir pace.
Wake up, chaps, wake up!

- Boys, keep it up, keep it up!
- Yes... it’s a corner shot...

Siren will shoot a corner shot...
Tym’s now approaching the ball

and he is sending a lovely
centre shot right in the goalkeeper
rushes out of the goal...

but he’s missed the ball...

No good, what’s come over them.
They can’t put the ball
into an empty turnstile.

Come on, plenty oftime
to shoot the goals yet!

Right in the centre of the
field Gaj’s got the ball...

An onslaught’s in progress
on the Siren goal...

right at this very moment,
he’s plaing on very cleverly...

on his right there’s the
right fon/vard...

and he ought to let him
have the ball... yes...
that’s what he’s just done...

the latter passes on the Koterba...
he advances up to the edge
of the penalty area...

and he shoots... a goal!
The score now is two to two...

Oh, hell!
So they let them equalize...

now the play’s getting
rather confused...

Most of the boys must be
feeling the efforts of
the match in their bones...

Yet Polonia’s again rising
up to attack... Koterba...
is holding the ball...

He’s now right outside the
turnstile... he’s going to shoot...

the Siren goalkeeper stops
the ball in a miraculous way...

Lovely... The ball is
now back in the field...

but here goes the final whistle...
The end of the match...

the result is a draw...
two to two...

So now we are going to witness
a ten-minute extension of the time.

Unfortunately we shan’t
be able to report it live.

However, we shall let you know
about the eventual outcome
of the match

in the next news bulletin.
So this is all for now.

At the most interesting moment
they’ve just gone off
the air like that?

I think my temperature is bound
to rise up to 40 in the shade.

Two to two,

and they had been leading
two to nil. It’s a bloody disgrace!

Three o’clock.

The news is no sooner
than four,

but we could ring up the
Sports News editor’s office.

They are bound to know...

Gone mad, both of you.

To take such silly things
so much to heart!

You know nothing about sport,
Mister Oles.

Got anybody fifty-grosz coin
for the payphone?

What do you think, Genio?
Who’s won eventually?

Most likely those Polonia chaps.
You’ve heard what was
going on at the field.


So we’ve won?
Hurray! We’ve won!

- What’s the final score?
- Three to two.

- And who’s responsible for
the third goal?
- Myself, of course.

What’s going on in here?

We’ve won the Tournament!
We’ve won the Cup!


but you Paragon, must get back
into bed, just the same.

On such a day, sister!

- Hi, Milek.
- Hi, Paragon. Going to school?

Well, can’t be helped. School’s
for human beings, too... And you?

I thought you reached the
Madagascar coast by now.

No, I failed.
I got caught near Plock...

Paragon, come along or
you’ll be late.

- Paragon, I’ve got a fine idea!
- Man, I’ve got no time now.

Can’t you see I’m going
to school?

We could just hide inside
a plane!

The one that flies from
Warsaw to Cairo! And then...

Yes, I see, but formally I’ve
got no time to consider it now.

Can’t you see I’ve started
school quite seriously?

Well, we failed with the raft,
but by plane we could be in
Egypt in a matter of hours, see?

Ok, only you couldn’t load a
sackful of biscuits on a plane.

Well then,
when are we beating it?

Only after I’ve finished
the eight form! See you!

But, please do remember it
Paragon, will you!