Paradise (1991) - full transcript

Melanie Griffith and Don Johnson (at the time married to each other) play Lily and Ben Reed, a young couple torn apart by a family tragedy. It would take a miracle to rekindle their love and a miracle arrives in the form of a summer guest - Willard Young played by Elijah Wood.








CLAY: Gee,

sorry, Willard.


No problem.

Hey, where are you going

this summer, Clay?

I'm going to

my summer house

in Colorado.

Where are you going?



Yeah, Africa.

Well, see you

in September

unless you get eaten

by lions.

CLAY: Hey, Nevan!

Wait up!



BOY: Hey batter...

BOY: Hey, look who's here.

It's the faggot.



I didn't say that

in the first place.

You said that.

No. Okay, I'll call you.

Why not? Yeah, but why?

Hold on.


Louis Marcazano's mother

had a baby, and she didn't

send him away.

You're not being sent away,

you're being sent

on a vacation.

I don't want to

have to go through

all this again, please.

Thank you.


Bus 502 to Akron...


Now boarding, gate number 10.



ROSEMARY: Wake up, Willard.

Wake up, Willard.

We're here.



This is it?


This is it,

and that's that.

I'm tellin' you, Ben.

When it comes to men,

I have been

getting it all wrong.

Oh, yeah?

Yeah. I mean, look at me.

Here I am.

I'm over 28...

And I'm raising

two fatherless daughters

on a waitress's salary.

I mean, not that I regret

having Billie or Darlene.

I don't.

They may be the direct

result of nothing more

than physical attraction,

but they are my family.

I know I can't change

the powerful effect

I have on men.

That'd be like asking

the sun to rise

in the west. (LAUGHING)

But I can change

what I get from them, so...

I have decided on

getting married.

You're kidding. To who?

Well... I don't know.

I just thought of it

this morning.

Excuse me?

Do you know how to get

to Crofter's Road from here?


Go out that door

and make a left,

then down to the church

and make another left.

That's Crofter's Road.

Okay, thanks.

BEN: What's on

Crofter's Road?

I'm visiting some people

named Reed.

Oh, the Reeds, huh?

You know 'em well?

No. Do you know 'em?

Yeah, I know 'em.


Don't you like 'em?

BEN: No, I don't.

Not anymore.

I used to.


They've changed a lot.

For the better?

BEN: No, for the worse.

If you're lucky, your visit

will be a short one.



Oh, Lily!

Oh, I'm so happy

to see you.

Oh, I can't believe

it's you after all

these years.

You look exactly the same.



Here, let me take that.


This is my oldest friend,

Lily Reed.



LILY: Do you want sugar

in your tea?

ROSEMARY: No. Thanks.

Just some lemon.

Here, let me do something.

I'm sitting here while

you're doing all that work.

LILY: Exactly.

You're my guest.

So just relax and tell me

all about your life

while I fix us

a nice lunch.

LILY: He didn't touch

his food.

Doesn't he like chicken?


Oh, he likes chicken.

I'm not sure he likes

the country yet.



I'm so happy

to see you, Rosie.

I really wish

that you lived closer.

Remember all those

afternoons that we spent

at the Belle Queen Diner?

Smoking your uncle Tony's


Having fantasies

about Danny Spellman?

(LAUGHING) Oh, my God!

Danny Spellman...

I can't believe how

in love with him we were.

Yeah, I know.

But we couldn't help it.

He was the only criminal

that we knew.




Have you ever seen

a dead body?

If you were trying

to scare me, you didn't.

I knew you were there.

So, have you?

Seen dead bodies?

Yeah. Lots of times.

I don't believe you.


Where I live.

It's a tough neighborhood.

People kill each other

all the time.

You mean, in the street?

Yeah, all over the place.

I've only seen dead bodies

through the basement window

of the funeral parlor.

Nothing exciting

ever happens around here.

Unless you count when

Esther Piggot choked

to death

on a fishbone

in the surf 'n turf.


Nobody tried to save her

'cause everybody thought

she was laughing.



Do you live around here?

Next door to the Reeds.

Hey, that's where

I'm staying.

I know.

I've been waiting for you.

How old are you?

Ten. How old are you?

Nine. I thought

you'd be bigger.

Hey! Look who's talking,

you midget.

And it just so happens

I'm exactly the right size

for my age.

So why don't you

just get lost?

You don't have to go crazy.

It was just an observation.

Where are you going?

No place with you,

so stop following me.

I can go where I want.

It's a free country.

You want to go

down to the river

and catch crabs?

I don't hang out

with babies.

My mother works

in the coffee shop.

I can get us free sodas.

Do you want to see my sister

Darlene with her clothes off?

Why not? Nothing else

to do around here.

ROSEMARY: I don't know

what he wants.

He says we got married

too young.

He wants time on his own

but I don't know for what.


Do you think that

he might've met

somebody else?

Yeah, I think he has.

He won't say,

but I think he has.

I haven't told Willard

why his father's gone.

He thinks he's away

on sea duty.


Thanks for taking him, Lily.

I needed some time on my own

to work things out,

and his grandparents

would've asked questions.



You have such

a wonderful life here.

I envy you.


Have you known

the Reeds a long time?

BILLIE: Ever since

I was a baby. Why?

WILLARD: I met some man

in the coffee shop

who doesn't like them.

He's crazy,

they're nice.

Even though my mom says

Lily is long-suffering.

WILLARD: What's that mean?

I don't know.

But it doesn't

sound good to me,

and people never

say it about men.

It really makes me sick

that I have to grow up

to be a woman.

Did you build this?

No. Ben did.

I come here when I'm mad.

Well, which is most

of the time.

I can't stand most people.

They're always giving you

a hard time about something.

Yeah, I like animals better.

Me, too.




WILLARD: That's weird.

What's weird?

Ironing with

your clothes off.

Her boyfriend

drives a truck.

Last time he was here,

he had the clap.

WILLARD: "Clap,"

what's the clap?

You don't know

what the clap is?

Yeah, I know.

I just forgot

for a minute.

It's that disease

truck drivers get, right?

Right. But I bet

you don't know

how you get it.

Yeah, I do.


You tell me,

if you're so smart.

You get it from cheating.

Cheating? Like on tests?

Yeah. I heard Darlene tell...

ROSEMARY: Willard!

I have to leave.



Here we are.




Why aren't you

playing your game?

I can beat it.

Do you want something

to eat? A cookie and

a glass of milk, maybe?

No, thanks.

Do you want to help?


See, you snip the ends off

like this and put it

in the colander.

Your mother told me that

you have a scholarship

to Taunton.


It's a really good school.

You must be very smart.


LILY: Do you like

your teacher?


I know something

you can do.

This is great!

Where did you get this?

Ben made it.

I, I don't think

he'd want you

to play with it.



Would you pick some

blueberries for me?

There's a trellis

right by the garage.





Still here, huh?

What are you doing here?

Nothing exciting.

I told my mother

what you said,

and she said I should

stay away from you.

Smart woman.

But I think you're gonna

have a problem with that.

What do you mean?

I live here.

Ben Reed.

Don't look so depressed.

I'm hardly ever here.

How long is he staying?

Not long.

A couple of weeks.

Don't expect me

to entertain him.

I don't, Ben.

I'll take care

of him myself.


I'm here. I exist.

I'm not just some voice

you hear in your head.

You think you could

look at me when we talk?

Okay, Ben.

I'm looking at you.




It's stuck.

I know.

That's why I opened it.

You have everything

you need?

I don't know.

I guess.

You're gonna have

to do better than that.

Do you or don't you?

Good night, Willard.

Good night.





I haven't seen

your father around.

What does he do?

He's a professional


Darlene's is a butcher

from Detroit.

Your mother's

been married twice?

(SCOFFS) She never

got married once.

I guess you spend

a lot of time with

your father, huh?

Yeah. When he's home.

He's a radioman

on a destroyer.

He's been on sea duty,

so I haven't seen him

for a couple of months.

What makes you think

he's coming back?


Well, if he's been gone

so long,

what makes you think

he's coming back?

How do you know

he hasn't just taken off?

Because every time

he goes away,

he comes back, that's how.

Then he'll probably

come back this time.

I just think people

aren't coming back

when they go away.

Did your father go away?

He was never around

long enough to go away.

(SCOFFS) Never laid eyes

on the guy.

Is that your boat?


Hey, we could get

in trouble.

Scaredy cat.

I have this daydream

all the time about my father,

where I go to

this roller skating rink

and he's there

doing some sort of show.

Anyway, I'm wearing

this silver dress,

and I skate over to him,

but he doesn't know who I am.

So, I do all these

amazing tricks,

and then he knows it's me

and we skate away together.

Get out of sight, quick.

What is it? What's wrong?

It's her boat!

WILLARD: Who is she?

She's a witch!

BILLIE: I know

it's a long climb,

but when you get up

to the top,

it's like flying.

Hey! We could fall off

this thing!

BILLIE: Don't be afraid.

Just don't look down.

I'm not afraid,

and you didn't have to

tell me that. I knew it.


So what do you think?

It's all right.

Jump up here,

and it's more than all right.

What are you doing?

Are you crazy?

What are you doing?

Get down from there!


I've done this lots of times.

It's not hard.

You just can't be scared.

Now you do it!

I don't want to do it.

Why not?

I just think it's dumb.

I mean, what's such

a big deal about walking

a couple of planks?

Any retard could do that.

Do you have

a lot of friends?

Yeah. I'm the most

popular kid on my block.

I figured.

I don't have

a lot of friends.

People think

I'm a show-off.

(GASPS) Look at the dolphin!

See its tail?

If you're bored,

we could still go

to a shopping mall.

I'm not bored.


So, before I read the Psalm,

I want you all to take

a moment and concentrate

on what His message

is for us.

For it is a message

of love.

Reach out to the person

next to you

and take his hand

in love.

And remember these words.

"Forgive our trespasses

"as we forgive those

who trespass against us."

And reach out

in forgiveness.

Reach out in the image

of divine love.

Give your hand

in forgiveness

and love.


I don't know why I let you

drag me to these services.

I can't stand listening

to that guy's bullshit.

Watch your language, Ben.

My language?

How about the Reverend

Close's language?

Since when do words like

love and forgiveness

qualify as bad language?

When they're spoken

by a hypocrite, to a room

full of hypocrites.

(SIGHS) Just because

people aren't perfect

doesn't make them hypocrites.

BEN: Artie Parker's

been sleeping

with Bert Udall's wife

for two years.

Ernie Wait's foreclosing

that poor old man Belson,

and forced him

into a rest home.

Teddy McKeon cheated

his sister out of her share

of the grocery.

And the Reverend Close

doesn't believe in God.

He believes in the sound

of his own voice.

We used to laugh

at these phonies.

Now you want me to

hold hands with them

on Sunday.

Where'd your spirit go,


Why are you buying

this sanctimonious crap?

Because it comforts me.

Well, there's more to life

than being comforted.

Like what?


Oh, God!

I hate Sundays.

So dead.

Dead and quiet.

What about you?

You hate Sundays?

I don't know.

I guess.

Why do you always

say that?

Say what?

Every time I ask you

a question, you say,

"I don't know, I guess."

What do you think's gonna

happen if you have an opinion

about something?

Gonna get struck by lightning?

How come you always do that?


Make everything so hard.

That's a good question.

That's a very

good question.


We move to the bottom half

of inning two.

Ron Gant, Lonnie Smith

and Brian Hunter.



Lonnie Smith moves

into the batter's...










What are you listening to?

What are you listening to?




Yeah. My English

teacher thinks

it's a highly important

form of modern poetry.

It details the common

man's struggle

for survival in a

hostile environment.

Do you play baseball?


But I am very interested

in aviation.


I saw that World War II

fighter you made.

What fighter?

The spitfire.

It's really cool.

Did you make it

when you were a kid?

No, I didn't make it

for me.

Where'd you find it?

In the cabinet

in the workroom.

Does it fly?

Well, I don't know

if it flies.

(SIGHS) I haven't

flown it for a long time.

Maybe it's time I did.

Where did you say

you saw it?


bottom shelf.

BEN: Grab that remote

out of that plastic.


Here, it's yours.

I can have a turn

flying it?

No, you can have it.

I'm giving it to you.

Go on. Take it!

Just remember,

if you break it,

I'm not going to

rebuild it.

What do you mean?

I mean in about one minute,

it's gonna crash

into the creek.

I'm sorry.

I didn't mean to do that.


"Yea, though I walk through

the valley of shadow of death,

"I shall fear no evil,

"for thou art with me.

"Thy rod and thy staff,

they comfort me.

"Thou preparest a table

before me in the presence

of thine enemies.

"And thou anointest

my head

"with oil.

"Yes, my cup runneth over.

"Surely, I shall dwell

in the house of

the lord forever."



You know,

Mr. Fiske was mean.

He shot

Hardy Kramer's dog.

If he knew what

we just did,

he'd kill us.

Well, he's dead,

so we don't

have to worry.

How do you know?

How do you know

dead people

can't see us?

'Cause I can't

see them.

You can't see

germs either.

You can see them

with a microscope.

Maybe nobody's

ever invented a way

to see ghosts yet.

Even though

you can't see him,

maybe Mr. Fiske

is climbing out

of the coffin.

He's floating up

through the leaves,

and now he's almost

next to you.

Worms are crawling

all over him.

His eyes are like

mushroom soup.

He's lifting his hands,

he's reaching out

for your neck...


right behind you!



Don't ever do that!

I hate it!

WOMAN: Billie! Is that

you screaming?

Oh, no, my mother!

I'm not supposed to

be up here. I'm coming!

We're going to Brimley to

meet her new boyfriend.

Darlene says

he has bad breath,

but he runs a movie house,

so we get in for free.

You better be coming!

Come on!

Hurry up, we're late!

If I didn't have the

stretch marks to prove it,

I'd swear to God

you're not my daughter.

You don't have a

feminine bone

in your body.

Hey, you wipe the smile

off your face, young lady.

If you think I'm taking

you to the picture show

covered in leaves and dirt,

you've got another...



You little beast!

Come on!


Poor Mr. Parkett will

think he befriended

the kind of people who

live in bus terminals!




This came for you

this morning from

your mom.

Every time I get

a letter from my father,

the envelope's gone.


Well, how do I know

where he is

if the envelope's

always gone?

Your mother and father

told you where he is.

Yeah. But how do

I know it's true?

Do you want to call

your mother and ask her?

No. It's not important.

Wouldn't you rather

be off playing?

No. I like to help you.



LILY: What are you doing

up so early, Willard?

I thought maybe he could

come with me today,

instead of

hanging out here.

LILY: I wish you'd

told me sooner.


BEN: Why?

Were you planning on

doing something?


just surprised.

I thought you said

you didn't want to...

BEN: It doesn't matter

what I said before.

I'm saying this now.

Are you ready?






Good Morning, John.

Morning, Captain.




What kind of fish

do you catch?

What kind of boat is this?

A shrimp... Boat.


John! Get the line.


Thanks for taking me.

It was fun.

You did a good job.

Listen, uh... (CLEARS THROAT)

I know I'm rough sometimes,

but, uh...

I don't mean anything by it.

I know that.

Oh, you do, huh?


I know you like me.



Can I ask you something?

Sure. Anything.

What's the clap?


Finally back.

I was beginning to wonder

what happened to you.

I come back the same time

every day, Lily.

What are you doing here?

Nothing. Just some shopping.

Did you have fun?

Oh, yeah! It was great!

Well, you must be hungry.

Wanna go

to the coffee shop?



In that case,

I'll see you later.

Well, aren't you

coming with us?

I don't think so.

I got other things to do.


SALLY: That Joan Collins

knows a thing or two

about life, you know.

I got this picture from her

through the mail.

And I knew that

I wasn't alone.

"Dear, Sally.

Be strong, be pretty."

"Dear, Joan.

What else can I be?"


Do you think she's pretty?

LILY: Who?



Thank you.

I think she's fat.

No, she's not fat,

she's voluptuous.

What does that mean?

That means that she's fat

in all the right places.

(CHUCKLES) You mean

her fried eggs?

Her what?

Well, that's what they

look like to me.



I mean her fried eggs.


Here sit on the bed.

He will not suffer

thy foot to be moved.

And he that keepeth thee

shall not sleep.


He that keepeth Israel

shall neither slumber

nor sleep.

The Lord himself

is thy keeper.

You know, it's funny.

I haven't been to this spot

since Lily and I used

to come here years ago.

To fish?

No, not to fish.

It was before

we were married.

Seemed like no matter

where we started out,


we always ended up here.

To do it?

Come on, wise guy.

Watch me cast this

a couple of times,

and then I'll let you try.



You know, Lily used to be...


Not the person you know now.

She wasn't afraid of anything.

First time I saw her,

she walked right up to me

on the street in Brimley,

and she said,

"You look like trouble.

Wanna take me out?"


She was so full of life.

She gave off a kind of heat.

My God, I thought she was

the most beautiful woman

I'd ever seen in my life.

Don't you think

she's beautiful now?

Yeah, she's beautiful.


it doesn't matter anymore.

Come on.

Fishing and talking

don't really go together.

BEN: Okay,

let's get you rigged up.

Who was James?

How do you know about James?

I saw Lily put flowers

on his grave.

James was our son.

He died two and a half

years ago, when he was three.

How did he die?

An accident. Damn.

I'm all thumbs today.

Is that why you and Lily

are always mad at each other?


But since it's not worth

thinking about,

what do

you say we just drop it?

Do me a favor.

Don't bring this up

to Lily, okay?


All right, come on.

(GRUNTS) Every hour

you spend fishing adds

an hour to your life.

All right.

Come over here.

Right around here.


When I say so, I want you

to let loose with your finger.




All right,

start to reel in.



God. How can I explain it?

It's not his looks.

You know, I could live

with that.

I don't even mind

his breath that much.

His breath?

He has advanced gingivitis.

I just...

I can't put my finger

on what bugs me about him.

You know?

It's, it's not on the surface.

It's, it's like deep down

inside of him.

Sometimes, when I see him

walk across the room,

just the sight of him

makes my flesh crawl.

And haven't you been

telling me for years that

I've been throwing myself away

on the wrong guys?


Well, isn't it obvious?

I mean...

If I've spent my whole life

falling in love with dreams

that made my life miserable,

then it just goes to follow

that a guy I can't stand

will make me happy.

Look at all the fish

we caught!

I caught two of them.

You did?

Well, I sort of caught

two of them.

Ben was holding

the rod, too.

That's how I catch fish, too.

With Ben holding the rod.

Hello, Sally.


Don't you go

to the movies

on Sundays?

What're you doing here?

Yeah. Well, I've seen

that feature nine times.

Got to get going.

I got to pick up

Billie and Darlene

at the theater.

I am sick of romance, Lily.

What I want now is security.

If that means giving up

the sexual fireworks,

that's what I have to do.

I mean God knows

in that department,

I have experienced enough

to make 10 women

happy for life.



How was the good reverend's

message this morning?

Inspirational? Uplifting?

Yes, it was.

He talked about...


Getting a sunburn.



Something about the sun

burning thee not by day.

I slept through most of it.

Here, I'll do that.

You hate to clean fish.

I thought the deal was

you catch 'em and I clean 'em.

BEN: Come on,

we're changing the deal.

Ben thinks you're beautiful.






DARLENE: Frank...

I love you.



I love you, Frank.

I love you too, Darla.




Oh, God!

You spying little bitch!


FRANK: Get out you two.

Get out of here!

If I get my hands on you,

I'll wring your neck!



Oh, God.

Oh, God.

So, will she tell on us?

No. She doesn't want

my mother to know.

She'll know when

she has a baby.

She won't have a baby.

She'll get cursed instead.

What do you mean, cursed?

Every month, women get

this curse put on them.

I don't know who does it,

but once they get the curse,

they don't have a baby.

(MOCKING) Oh, Frank!

I love you.


BILLIE: I love you.



You're my best friend.

Hey, wait!

WILLARD: Wait up.




Don't go in the water.

It's gonna rain.

So what?

So if lightning strikes

we'll be fried

like two bugs on

a hot plate.


That's what.


When are you

going home?

I don't know.

I'm gonna have

a paper route this fall.

If you stay,

we can have one together.

No. I have to go back

for school.

Yeah, I guess.

Are all the kids

in your school

smart like you?

No. Most of them

are just rich.


Do you have a best friend?


Look. All that stuff I said

about being popular,

I just made it up.

I don't have a lot

of friends either.

I know I'm younger than you,

but am I your best friend?


Yeah, you are.

I thought so.


Who cares if it rains?

BILLIE: We'll get struck

by lightning. (GIGGLES)


Who did this?

I did.


It's Ben's grandmother.

She used to pinch me on my arm

to get my attention.


WILLARD: Who's the guy

with the beard and long hair?

That's Ben!

Our Ben?

Yeah, our Ben.

That was when he was going

through his rebellious phase.

He was gonna give up fishing

and move to the big city.

How did you meet him?

I was visiting my cousin

in Brimley and...

It was love at first sight.

Right on the sidewalk

in front of Woolworth's.

(LAUGHING) Everybody said

I was absolutely crazy.

Ben had a real reputation

for being wild,

and being a lady's man.

Two qualities that

I just love in a man.

Don't you love Ben anymore?

What a question to ask,


See, I think Mary

Queen of Scots was a moron

to think Queen Elizabeth

was going be nice to her

if she moved to England,

the place was full of people

who wanted to kill Elizabeth

so Mary could be queen.

Where did you learn

all that stuff?


my favorite subject.

I got the school

history medal last year.

WILLARD: Do you want

to hear more?

BEN: Sure, it's interesting.

WILLARD: Well, Queen Elizabeth

stuck Mary in the tower.

And after a long time,

she had her head cut off.

And this is really gross.

They picked her head up

by the hair,

and the hair came off

because she was wearing a wig.

And the head

was still talking!

The worst part is,

her dog was hiding

under her dress.

And when she died,

he started howling.

A few days later,

he died of a broken heart.


Oh, Billie, you're all wet!

WILLARD: Ben, come on!

Oh, go away!

Come on, please.

All right. Come on.

BEN: Come here.

Put your foot right in here.

Come here.

Your foot!



The water's great,

isn't it?


It was fun today,

wasn't it, Ben?

BEN: Yeah.

Willard asleep?


LILY: Oh, I love nights

like this.

The air is so soft,

you can feel it

on your skin.

Well, it's been a long day.

I think I'll go to bed, too.

LILY: No, I can't.

I can't.


I said I can't, Ben!

I was willing

to leave you alone.

Why in the hell didn't you

just stay away from me?


Hey, Ben,

how are you doing?

Just great, Pete.

Let me have a whiskey, please.

To the ice queen.



LILY: Ben.

Are you all right?

How I am doesn't

really matter, Lily.

The real question is,

how are you?

I can't make up my mind.

Are you sick of me

or are you just dead inside?

Don't walk away, Lily!

BEN: It's bad manners

to walk away when someone

asks you a question.

LILY: Why don't we talk about

this in the morning?

BEN: I don't want

to leave it till morning.

I want to settle it right now.

I've left this

for over two years.

And I am not going to leave it

a single minute longer.

You're hurting my arm.

BEN: I don't give a damn.

I don't give a damn.

I have had it.




LILY: Help! Stop it, Ben.

Stop it!

(SOBBING) Stop it.


LILY: Stop it.

You're not the only one

who lost a child, Lily!

So did I! So did I!

And that pain is going to stay

with me the rest of my life!

Jimmy's dead, Lily.

Jimmy's dead, god damn it!

And you can't bring him back

by turning this house

into a graveyard!


He's dead, damn it!

But I'm alive!

I'm alive.

And I'm not going to pretend

to be dead anymore,

just to keep you company!

Get your hands off me, Ben.

Why should I?


Why should I?

I'm your husband, aren't I?

I'm your husband.

I'm just playing

by your rules, Lily.

I'm just playing

by your rules.

(SOBBING) Stop it!

My heart's not in this

any more than yours is!



My God!

My God...

I don't know what's

happening to me.

How did I get...

To be this person?

LILY: I heard him cry.


(TEARY) I heard him cry

and I didn't go.

I never could tell you that.

I could never tell anybody.

I was, I was sewing and...

I heard him cry, just once.

And I waited and he didn't

make another sound.

And so I kept on sewing and...


When I went in to get him

from his nap, he was dead.

If I'd gone, he wouldn't

have choked on that candy.

If I'd gone, he...

He wouldn't be dead.

I can't... (SNIFFLES)

Stand to be touched.

I can't stand

to feel anything.

All I can stand

is to just be numb inside.

And to be sorry

every single minute.

Because when I'm not,

I hear his crying in my head,

over and over and over.


It's not your fault, Lily.

Nobody can answer

every little cry.

LILY: It doesn't matter.

Not a minute goes by

that I don't hear

his cry in my head.

I can't help you,

can I, Lily?


I can't go on

living like this.

I'm leaving.

(SOFTLY) I guess it's time.


I guess it is.

What are you staring at?


Then let's go.

You sure you want

to do this?

So what do you think?

Do I look like him?

Yeah. You do.

Come on! Let's go!

All right.






Clear the floor, please.

Clear the floor.

The afternoon session is over.

Clear the floor, please!


Everyone off the floor.

Advanced classes only!

This would be him!

Off the floor, please.



MAN: You booked in

for a class?


Well, if you're not booked

in for a class, you gotta

get out of the practice ring.

It's off limits.

But I'm Billie Pike.

Are you deaf? I said,

you're not allowed in here.

Hey, Eddie. Come on, man.

You're not doing your job.

You're supposed

to keep these kids

off the practice ring.

But there's something

I have to tell you!

Well, tell it to Eddie.

EDDIE: Come on, kid,

it's advanced classes only.

But you're my father!

Don't forget my

Jim Beam, Eddie.

SALLY: Oh, my God!

Look at that lifeline.

(CHUCKLING) It's as long

as the Ohio Turnpike!

Oh, do I see love?

You know, I have never seen

so much love in one hand.

You are a sneaky guy, Lou.


I had no idea you were

such a passionate man.

Well, look at you!

Boy, I must have asked you

to wear that dress over

100 times,

but no, you wouldn't.


You went to Brimley,

didn't you?


Honey, come here.

Come on. Come here.


Don't. It's okay.

Oh, don't cry.

It'll be okay.

Oh, you look so pretty.

SALLY: It's okay. It's okay.


Oh, hey, hey.

Look who's here!

What you doing?


What you doing?

Oh, uh, unpacking.

How come?

How come what?

How come you're

still unpacking?

Most people unpack

when they first

get to a place.

How come you're

still doing it?

I don't know.

You didn't fix the garage.


You said you'd

fix the garage,

but you didn't do it.

Willard, did you come here

to drive me insane?


I missed you. That's all.

I'm sick of doing this.

Play poker?

Yeah. My father taught me.

So, is he a good player?

Oh, yeah.

He's really smart

About things like that.


I wonder when

he's coming home.

Been gone a long time.

Do you think he might

not be coming back?

Well, I can't answer

that question, Willard.

Maybe you should ask

someone who can.


It doesn't matter.

Yes, it does.

Don't run away

from things just because

they scare you, Willard.

If you do,

you'll always be afraid.

It's a bad way to live.

What did your father

teach you to play?


But I prefer draw poker.

I think it's the purest

version of the game.

Ante up.

I bet a dime.

I'll see you

and raise you a dime.

Okay. I'll see you

and raise you another dime.

Call. How many cards

do you want?



Yeah, one.

Are you sure you don't want

two or three?

I'm sure.

I miss you, too, Willard.

I miss you, too.


WILLARD: What are you doing?


You scared me.

What's that? (CLEARS THROAT)

A letter from your mom?

Yeah. The mailman just came.

What did she have to say?

I don't know.

She painted my room.

I heard you crying last night.


I guess you miss Ben, huh?

Yeah, I guess I miss Ben.


How would you like to go

to the movies this afternoon,

and maybe

get some Chinese food?


If you miss him,

why don't you ask him

to come back?

Willard, please...

People are supposed

to stay together.

You could ask him

to come back.

He'd do it if you did.


Sometimes things

happen to people.

Hard things.

And... They get

broken inside.

I want Ben to come back,

but I don't know if I can fix

what's broken inside of me.

I'm afraid to ask him

to come back.


I'm gonna get the paper

and see what's playing. Okay?




What do you want?

Can I have a glass of water?

"May I." Not "Can I have

a glass of water, please?"

Yes, if next time you ask

before you steal my boat.

Please don't touch anything.

This plant is poisonous.

Is this poisonous?

I doubt it.

These extravagant gestures

of yours are not impressive.

They're just silly.

It's nice here.

I know.

Can I stay for a while?

Not now, I'm working.

Well, thanks, and so long.

You're welcome, and so long.

Can I come back

and visit sometime?

"May I come back

and visit sometime, please?"

And, yes, you may.

What's your name?

Billie Pike.

I'm Catherine Reston Lee.

Till we meet again,

Billie Pike.

(SCOFFS) Yeah,

Catherine Reston Lee.

Billie? The next time

I see you,

I want your clothes

to be clean

and your hair combed.


Because people like us

must maintain our standards.

No matter what happens to us,

we must always maintain.


♪ Happy birthday to you

♪ Happy birthday to you


♪ Happy birthday dear Sally

♪ Happy birthday to you ♪

Oh, I could cry.

I mean, I really could.


I just feel so loved.


I can't believe you all

went to so much trouble

for my birthday.

What are you talking about?

This whole thing

was your idea.

Oh, my goodness!

Look at all those candles.


Whoever dreamed that

one day I would be 29?


Twenty-nine? You're kidding.

I thought you were...

Okay, everybody.

It's time to blow out

the candles and make a wish.

I think we know

what that's gonna be,

don't we, darling?

SALLY: Yes, Ernest.

I think we do.



I did it! (LAUGHS)

Do you want to tell

them, or should I?

I guess I have to

start acting like

the head of the household

sometime, don't I?


I am happy to announce

that Sally and I have decided

to get married in September.

I hate you!

You don't even love him!


Don't pay any attention

to her. She's just a kid.

She's not a kid,

she's a wild animal.

ERNEST: I won't have any wild

animals living under my roof,

I can tell you that.

She'll learn some manners

when I start running things

even if I have to teach

her the hard way.

Who wants cake?

What is that stuff on you?

Lightning bug tails.

That's disgusting.

I don't care.

He's not so bad.

She doesn't even like him.

That face she makes

when he tries to kiss her.

She's always being

so nice to him.

I know her.

She's always the nicest

to people she can't stand.

You'll get to go

to the movies for free.

And maybe you'll like it.

Like what?

Having a father around.

I like it.

What are you talking about?

You don't have

a father around either.

I do, too.

For somebody so smart,

you sure are dumb.

Why do you think

he's been gone so long?

It's none of your business.

Will you just shut up?

Why should I shut up?

What are you afraid of?

I'm not afraid of anything.

You're afraid of

anything that moves.

And if you don't want

me to tell you about

your father, then ask Lily.

I'm not gonna listen

to you anymore.

Don't. Go listen to liars.

I don't know any

liars except you!

I am not a liar!

Everybody else is,

including your mother!

I told you to shut up!

BILLIE: I heard my

mother tell Darlene

your father isn't on sea duty.

He left your mother

for some other woman.

That's a dirty rotten lie!

I never, ever want to see you

again, so get away from me!




Where are you?

Billie, are you up there?


Have you seen Willard?


Well, where is he?

BILLIE: He's gone.

Gone where?

I said his father's gone,

and he ran away.

LILY: Willard!

BILLIE: Willard!





Willard's missing.

Are you sure?

No, I'm sure of it.

I didn't pick up any

kid of that description

since my shift started

and that was at 5:00.

But don't worry, ma'am.

If I do, I'll call you.

Thank you.

BEN: Yeah, that's right.

It would've been

after 8:00 tonight.

Okay. Thanks.

Well, if anything changes,

you'll be sure to call, right?

Okay, great. Yeah, goodnight.

(SIGHS) At least he's

not in the hospital.

How are you doing, Lily?

Are you okay?


Did you find Willard?

BEN: No.

SALLY: Billie's gone too.

I'm gonna keep looking.

Where's Ernest?

Oh, he's at home.

He likes to be

asleep by 10:00.

(SIGHS) I can't believe

I'm marrying somebody

who'd go to sleep

at a time like this.

I can't believe

you are, either.

Yeah. Well, maybe I won't.


You know what the worst

thing is about Billie?

She's always right.

She has the best instincts

of anybody I ever met.

God only knows

where she got 'em.








I found him!

I found him!



Hi, Willard. Are you okay?

Stay away from me!

BEN: Okay. But, uh...

What are you doing up there?

Never mind!

Do you need help getting down?

No! And I told you

to stay away from me!

I did it!




Hi, Mom.

It's me, Willard, your son.

I know you know I'm your son.


I'm calling because

I want you to tell me

the truth about Daddy.

LILY: Come in.

You comfortable?

Do you think my

father's coming back?

I hope so.

I think he is.

Hey, Willard.


Why did you walk that

railing this morning?

I don't know.

I'm just sick of being afraid.

What do you mean?

I'm always afraid of things.

I don't know why, but I am.

And I just thought

if I did something that

really scared me,

maybe I wouldn't

be afraid anymore.

Did it work?


It did.

You know what I mean?

About being

afraid all the time?


I know what you mean.

I know exactly what you mean.

What are you doing here?

I thought you didn't

like me anymore.

I changed my mind.

What are you doing?

A watercolor of digitalis.

Catherine Reston Lee

gave me the paints.

She thinks I have talent.

How come you

changed your mind?

I'm going home

this afternoon.

I can't take this

on the bus.


Will you keep it

for me till I come back?

Who are you kidding?

You're not coming back.

I wouldn't leave the plane if

I wasn't coming back, would I?

No, I guess not.


I guess I'd better go back.

I have to pack my stuff.

Okay. Bye.


Are we still best friends?





You hold him.

Support his head.


Will you remember to write?

I promise.


(SIGHS) So long, Ben.

So long, Willard.

Come on, you

better get going.

You don't want the bus

to leave without you, do you?

Well, I guess I better go.

See you later.



(SIGHS) Well,

better get going.

Looks like it's gonna rain.

Do you want to come in

for some coffee?

Uh, no, thanks.

I have things to do.

I can't get it open.

I can't get it open.

It's the rain.

Don't force it. Ease it.


Oh, Ben.