Pandora's Box (2017) - full transcript

After the passing of his estranged father, Nick Simon returns home to settle his small estate. But in rummaging through his father's belongings, he and an appraiser unknowingly trigger an ancient Sumerian doomsday device. To make matters worse, it's just been stolen! Now, amid every natural disaster imaginable, Nick and Angie must recover and reverse the stolen device. But with the fate of the world hanging in the balance, will they be able to stop it in time?

Narrator: Centuries ago, feudal Japan

was ravaged by decades of civil war

as rival Japanese clans battled each other

for land and supremacy.

It was during this time

a legendary shogun named Oda,

from the Nobunaga clan,

ascended to power

with a singular vision

to unite and rule all of Japan.

He was given a sacred stone

known as the "Jubitsu"

by the dark priestess Yukai

believed to have been created

in the ancient fires of Fuji.

The stone was able to unlock

devastating forces

from a realm well beyond our own.

Whoever possessed it would become

a God amongst mortals.

One by one,

Oda's enemies bowed before him.

But his thirst for more power

was unrelenting.

It consumed him.

Guided by his priestess Yukai,

he performed a sacrificial ritual

believed to unlock

the stone's ultimate power...

known as the "Shikara."

Some forces were never meant

to be controlled by man.

Their dominance simply too great

to ever truly be harnessed.

Oda believed the Shikara

would bring him immortality,

but it was actually a harbinger

of death and destruction.

The Jubitsu was lost,

lying dormant for centuries,

waiting to be wielded once again.

(music playing)

(indistinct conversations)

Move, inmate!

Whatever you say, sweetheart.

(officers groaning, coughing)

Why don't you loosen

these cuffs for me?

Kana, the time is now.

The storm has awoken.

That's what you're born for.

That's what you're training for.

- I'm not ready.

- You will be.

No one can know your identity

or your mission.

You understand?

But is it evil?

Power is power.

Oda was obsessed by the power.

Made him crazy.

It's up to us.

We are stone guardians.

This is your mission.

This is your destiny.

(breathing heavily)

Oh, man.

Seriously, I ain't coming on these busts

with you no more, man.

(exhales sharply)

I shouldn't even be up here.

You dragged me all the way

to San Francisco.

Made me drive my own car.

I shouldn't even be here.

I'm not a field agent, man.

Well, I can tell by the non-regulation

haircut you're not a field agent.

You look like an insurance salesman.


I totally look like an agent.

- (scoffs)

- Got the cool sunglasses.

Got the cool car.

But you know what comes with that?

Danger zone.

Tip of spear danger zone.

How many were in there?

Man, I'm sitting here trying to

express my feelings to you.

I gotta try and catch my breath.

- All you can think about is the bust?

- What else is there?

"What else is there?"

How about the fact that I'm the only guy

in the office who likes you?

How about that the director

would only put me on this job

to oversee you after you

messed up the Pacoima thing.

Hey, the Pacoima op was a success.

I just shot too many people.

The FBI doesn't like us

shooting people anymore.

All these civil lawsuits and crap.

Look, this isn't the 1980s, okay?

Like, seriously, can you just for once

admit that my ass is on the line?

- Oh, your ass is on the line.

- Thank you.

You see? Was that so hard?

Oh, you're being facetious.

All right, you wanna be business only?

That's fine. Okay.

There are five confirmed targets inside.

Not only that, one of them is

your informant from the Yukuza syndicate.

- Copy that.

- Good luck.

- Go get 'em.

- Oh, no.

- You're going with me. Let's roll.

- (laughs) No, no, no, no.

I'm recon. I did my job.

I went, I did reconnaissance.

I came back, I gave you the numbers.

I'm in the car. I'm gonna sit here

with my non-regulation haircut.

No, you're gonna take

those sunglasses off

and you're gonna get the hell out of

the car and you're gonna back me up.

Let's roll!

I'm not even a field agent.

Just stay low and quiet.

(whispers) Hey, don't you think

we should call this in?


Shh. We don't have time.


What? That thing scared me.

- Shh.

- It's plastic.

What part of "shh"

do you not you understand?


Oh, my God, they got a lot of guns.

- I didn't see that part in my recon.

- Listen to me.

They don't know how many people

we have out here.

We could have 100 people

out here for all they know.

So, I just need you to

have my back and look dangerous.

- Can you look dangerous?

- Mm-hmm.


- Don't you think I look dangerous?

- No.

Let's move.

I got your back, bro.

Oh, God, I'm gonna die.

(woman speaking Japanese)

(man speaking Japanese)

- Freeze! FBI!

- (man shouts in Japanese)

Anybody else wanna go down?!

I'll put you down right now!

Drop 'em!

- Now!

- Drop 'em!

Put the guns down.


Oh, yeah, he's dead.

He's dead. That's great.

You, come on! Come with me.

I want some damn answer right now!

Move! Let's go!

Damn it, Cole.

You don't know what

you're dealing with right now.


So, now you're running guns in Chinatown?

Wanna tell me what you're doing involved

in black market deals up here in San Fran

when you should be down in

Los Angeles catching a tan, huh?

It ain't guns, I swear.

The boss got everyone

looking for this thing.

Yeah? Is that what's in the crates?

What thing? What is it?

- I don't know. Some rock or something.

- (groaning)

What, a jewel?

Some stone,

some ancient Japanese stone.

Oh, this is such BS.

Hey, Mack, are you...


- Mack!

- They were so fast.

- What the hell?!

- Oh.


- Jesus.

- (grunts)

Freeze! Right there!

Drop it! Drop 'em both!

- Get that away from her!

- Put the box down, lady.

Put it down!

- Put that down!

- Don't...

What she doing?

What's going on here?

- Watch out!

- (shouts)

Time to go.

Do not be afraid.

The stone knows where it's going.

It will not harm us.


Man on TV: We interrupt

this program for some breaking news...

Man on TV #2: A wave of destruction

and chaos has spread...

(overlapping chatter)

Woman on TV: who or what

caused this devastating attack.

I don't know... I saw...

There was lightning, thunder,

the ground opened up.

Woman: I-l heard this loud explosion.

It was... it was awful.

And I went outside and all I could see

were clouds and smoke.

Man: And it looked like

a war was going on.

My kids were in the room

and I ran out to see what's going on.

And I was like trying to wake them up.

Man on TV: And I've seen,

you know, some pretty crazy stuff,

but I've never seen anything like that.


Mr. Baird, you have a call.

Thank you.

Alex, my love, I'm en route.

- I'll see you soon.

- By nightfall.

Rossetti will meet you

by a small town off the main highway.

You'll switch cars and he'll escort you

the rest of the way.

We don't need more protection.

Well, you need pawns,

and you may need a diversion.

Anyway, I'll see you in Los Angeles.

And when I get there,

we will show the world what real power is.

My Lord,

they will tremble at your power.


- Your jet's fueled and waiting, sir.

- Let's go.

(cell phone rings)

- Yeah.

- Hey, you okay?

Yeah, we're, uh, we're okay.

- Where's Cole?

- He's in the car talking to his wife.

The death toll's still rising.

It's coming in in the hundreds.

- Jesus.

- It's complete chaos here.

Everything's still coming in.

Sat images are trying

to track the black SUV.

I need you to get here

as soon as you can, okay?

Pena called an emergency meeting.

We'll be back in a few hours.

I'm gonna hit the road.

- Hey, Mack.

- Yeah.

- I'm glad you're okay.

- Me, too.

I'll see you soon.

I've been on the phone with

New York, Washington, and Chicago.

- Sorry we're late, sir.

- Sorry.

Now back to it.

All we have is CC TV footage

of this man leaving Chinatown

yesterday, 15:00 hours.

Unmarked SUV, black.

Carrying what appears to be a box

or small antique of some kind.

- Are you okay, monkey?

- Yeah...

Pena: We have never seen

an attack like this before.

They found no chemical residues,

no radioactive fallout,

missile casings,

or dirty bomb shrapnel.

Now, unless God himself

didn't come down from the sky

to rain fire and brimstone

on the unholy citizens of San Francisco,

we have to find some breadcrumbs.

Why are we looking at low-level thugs

and some women?

Because word on the street is

they are all somehow involved

in a massive black market ring

looking for that.

Sir, do we know why

the Asian commonality?

Why don't you ask that

to our walking miracles over here?

Uh, well, sir, it's like you said.

Kana's no more than

a low-level Yakuza mule

spouting old stories

from the homeland.

Yeah, she's a Japanese errand girl.

I mean, I don't know many of them,

but aren't they all superstitious?

Well, so am I.

Yes, I'm a superstitious man.

Especially when I have every

organized crime family out there

looking for some mysterious weapon!

- A rock.

- Shut up!

- Sorry.

- Rock, relic, crystal skull...

Whatever the hell you want to call it.

The moment this man

and this woman exit this warehouse

holding some box,

and boom,

San Francisco was turned

into a pile of charcoal.

So you're damn right,

I'm taking everything into account

until somebody with some hard evidence,

from the real world,

can tell me otherwise.

So you get out there,

you get out there, you get me something

good, you get me something fast.

I don't care what the hell it is.

I don't care if Santa Claus himself

is using reindeer to drop bombs.


(Cole groans)

That went well.

- (Mack sighs)

- (sighs)

What the hell happened?

Hey, I wasn't the one

who went all Wild West out there.

I wasn't supposed to be there, all right?

You gotta back me up on this, panda.

Can you guys cool it

with the high school pet names?

We're in the FBI for God sake.

You know he's right.

He is not a field agent.

Well, not yet.

But when he gets his hair cut,

he will be.

Come on, you guys,

the director's not kidding on this one.

Everything's been thrown out...

Al-Qaeda, Russia, North Korea.

All the usual suspects are out.

And your girl is the only thing linking

those guys to anything close to a clue.

We need some more information on this.

- Where's Kana?

- Still in holding.

All right, let's go have a chat with her.

Let's do it. After you.

What the hell?

Am I under arrest, or what?

'Cause ain't nobody

read me my rights yet.

I've been giving you dirt

for two years now, Cole.

Do you know what he would do to me

if he knew what I was doing?

See, Kana, you came to us.

We didn't come to you.

You wanted protection.

Do you even know who you are?

What the hell are you talking about?


You were born in Reseda, to good parents.

Hell, you went to private school

in the Valley.

You played on the volleyball team.

What volleyball player

becomes a Yakuza killer?

It doesn't make any sense.

None of your background does.

How do you figure in to all of this?

Who are you really?

You still think this is about the Yukuza?

What I think is that you are a good girl

that got in way too deep

with some very bad people.

And now you're in way over your head,

but you can get out of this

by doing the right thing,

right here, right now.

Just give me some real Intel

on whatever the hell this thing is.

Where was it made?

Is it... is it Russian?

Is it Chinese?

Is it some new military tech?

It ain't nothing like that.

He don't care about

the Chinese, the States,

high-tech, low-tech, nuclear, chemical.

This is old.

Like real old.

Okay, you keep feeding me

that magic stone crap,

I walk, and you go to prison

for a very long time.

I'm not freaking lying!

- He's a believer.

- Who's he?!

Who is he?!

All the crime bosses work for him.

- It's all one global syndicate.

- Okay.

- I'm leaving.

- Go on, then.

I'm telling you the truth!

He's paying billions for it.

He even got that witch girlfriend

watching his back.

A witch?

Okay, so now we have a witch

and a magic stone.

Where's the, uh, Yellow Brick Road

and all of the little people?

You want me to believe in witches now?

That was her in San Fran, the woman.

He's obsessed with the occult.

He knows there are forces

that are beyond our understanding,

and that can be controlled

by the right will.

San Francisco ain't the only place

that's gonna get hit.

He wants to show the world.

How do you know this,

and who the hell is he?

Give me a name, Kana.

Give me a goddamn name!

Alexander Baird.


Alexander Baird, the tech giant?

So, you're telling me

that the CEO of Night Corp,

the largest I.T. firm on planet Earth,

is behind all of this?

You go after him,

you are stepping into a world

you cannot come back from.

You are not ready, Cole.

You are not ready to believe.

I don't need to believe, Kana.

I just need to stop this.

Thanks for nothing.

- Cole, give me some chips.

- Nope.

- You let Kana go, huh?

- She's more useful to us on the outside.

- What's up with that stone?

- What about it?

Well, do you think any of that mumbo jumbo

she's talking about is true?

No. Look, forget about Kana.

The only thing we need to be

working on right now

is finding that woman and whatever

organization she's connected to.

- Geesh.

- Well, I don't know anything about that.

- Can I have one chip, please?

- It's not happening this time.

In fact, I'm gonna give

the rest of this bag to the chief.

- Hey, Chief, how are you?

- Cole, how are you?

- Mack: That's not cool.

- Little snack for you, buddy.

Thank you.

- Mack: Cole, you're an a-hole.

- Cole: I know.

That's it. That's them.

- Print it and I'll give it to Pena.

- Man: Right away.

- (knocks on door)

- Woman: Director?

- What is it, Agent Bask?

- We've got a hit on the SUV.

We're tracking it heading south.

I forwarded the coordinates

to Cole and Mack.

All right.

Let's make it happen.

We'll get her. I promise.

- I'll do my part.

- I know you will.

Just do your job.

Make sure this does not happen

to another city.

- Now, get to work.

- On it.

Who's tracking this thing anyway?

Sarah's got some GPS and traffic cam

she's been monitoring, I guess.

- Hmm.

- It's a black SUV traveling southbound,

- staying off major roads.

- So, we're on our own.

- Just like I like it.

- You know, if we see something go down,

we're gonna track it,

we're gonna spot it, call it in.

That's it, man, you know?

Keep our distance, call it in.

- Easy peasy.

- "Easy peasy."

Don't ever say that again.

Why you always dogging

my vocabulary, dude?

It's horrible.

It's just a saying, man.

"Peasy," you know, it's like...

You talk like a 13-year-old.

It's embarrassing.

You know what? People like it.

People in the office think it's cool.

People in the office, they laugh

behind your back every time you walk off.

(scoffs) You're just mad, bro,

'cause they always invite me to coffee.

They're always running out

getting me lattes.

No, no, no, no. Wait, what do you mean

they're running out to get you coffee?

You're the one who always

comes in with the coffees.

Yeah, but they're always asking me for it.

Yeah, they ask you to get it for them.

Yeah, but I don't pay all the time.

That's a good point.

That's a good point.

(both laugh)

There she is.

What, no hug for an old friend?

Is that what you are now?

You know me,

I'm loyal to the guy paying the bills.

Big man needed a job done, called me.

Pay's great, so here I am.

- He found it, didn't he?

- Found what?

"Found what? Found what?"


The thing, the thing we're all here for.

The thing, that thing.

What if he just wanted you to

escort his lady to the L.A. offices?

Hey, listen, this is awesome,

but ain't no broad worth

a half-a-million-dollar road trip.

No offense.

Now, listen,

my guy's got another car for you.

We're gonna crush this SUV,

get rid of it, 'cause you're being tailed.

Cops, Feds are all over it.

There they are. Pull over.

No, man, we're gonna tag it

and call it in.

Hell no. Pull over. Pull over!

Damn it, Cole.

Now, come on, for old time's sake.

Tell me, what's in the box?

Hmm, wouldn't you like to know?

Yeah, I would.

- They're here.

- What are you talking about?

Stay frosty.

You're crazy.


Feds! Kill 'em!

Get my back! Come on! Move up!

Drop your guns!

I'm calling this in.

Dude, she's doing it again.

- We gotta get out of here.

- Let's get to that Chevy. Come on.

Let's move!

- (gasping)

- Mack: It's cool, we're FBI.

- Keys, keys, keys!

- Come on, we gotta move!

Oh, my God!

Please, this is my mom's car!

- (music playing on radio)

- Oh!

- What is that?

- Can we turn this music off?

What's happening?

- Turn it off.

- I don't know how!

It's synched up to my phone.

I don't... I don't know where my phone is.

- Oh, God! Look!

- Oh, my God, the ground is opening up!

- Go, go, go.

- Turn the music off.

I don't know how!

- I don't know what I'm doing!

- Woman: Let me out!

- Cole, she ain't kidding.

- Let me out! Let me out! Let me out!

- Calm down.

- Let me out! Let me out!

Can't concentrate.

(woman panting)

Oh, God.

Do something!


(woman screams)

You need to calm down!

Calm yourself down!

- Mack, you need to calm down.

- You're right. I'm sorry.

I'm not good at this yet.

(explosions in distance)

All right, all right, we're safe.

- Do you think my car's safe?

- No.

- Maybe.

- We gotta go back for it.

Guys! Guys, I found my phone.

Oh, that's great.

Do you wanna take a selfie?

Sure, I'll take a selfie.

- Say "cheese."

- Cheese.

(shutter clicks)

We can go now.

Sorry, babe.

This thing's coming with me.

You have no idea what you're doing.

Hmm, I kinda do.

Tell you what, talk to the big man.

Uh, we'll work out a better deal.

(engine starts)

Next time,

you need to come home first.

- I need to know that you're okay.

- (Cole sighs) I know, I know.

Uh, I'm sorry, babe.

I just... (sighs)

We're gonna be on this case 24/7.

This is... it's a tough one.

We got... we got to find that thing

before this happens again.

It's just... (groans)

- Fuck.

- What was it?


It's okay.

It's okay.

I'll tell the kids

that you'll be home tonight.

But you need to come home, okay?

- I will.

- (cell phone ringing)

(Cole sighs)

- (cell phone beeps)

- Go for Cole.

Man on phone: Yeah, this is Max.

I got that info you were asking for.

Meet me downtown in 20.

All right. I'm on my way.


I love you.

I love you, too.


- (cell phone beeps)

- (line ringing)

- (cell phone rings)

- Kora on phone: Hello?

Woman on phone:

Alexander's asking for an update.

Rossetti has the stone.

- Are you hurt?

- No. No, I'm fine.

On my way back now.

The FBI found us.

Rossetti will reach out to you

for more money.

But no matter.

Retrieving the stone is our only concern.

Woman on phone:

I will let Alexander know immediately.

(cell phone rings)

(cell phone beeps)

Hey, Luigi.

(Russian accent)

What you got me, my friend?

Yeah, it's Rossetti, you little babushka.

(giggles) I play.

- You know, Italian...

- Yeah, I know, you're just not funny.

Now, you know what I'm calling you for.

You want to do this or what?

Yes, relax, my baby.

- Where do you want to meet?

- You got the money?

You wouldn't be calling me

if I did not have the money.

- All right, then.

- Come to my place.

We meet there.

I hate that little Russian hooker.

- But she's super hot.

- Yeah.

- Ah, Luigi.

- There she is.

- Would you look at you? Look at you.

- (giggles)

She's like a Russian ballerina.

- I love him. I love him.

- Come over here.

Funny, funny guy.

- Funny guy.

- Beautiful, beautiful.

- Thank you.

- All right, let's do business.

Relax. We have time, no?

We have money.

Yeah, I'm relaxed. Let's do it.

- Let me see the rock.

- Rock's in the box.

Mm-mm. (laughs)

We need to see it.

Yeah, well, I must see the money.

(speaking Russian)

Oh, oh, English. Speak-a the English.

(speaks Russian)

(speaks Russian)

Rossetti: What the hell is this?

Come on.

Are you kidding me?

Are you kidding me or what?

- Really?

- I love you.

- You're gonna do this? Hey!

- Don't move.

- Put that box down.

- Don't even try it.

You don't know what you have there.

Do not open that box!

Do not open that box!

Get the box!

Lucas, get it! Come on!

Get that thing!

Come on!


- Well, that was pretty stupid.

- Mm-hmm.

Get Alexander Baird on the phone.

(music playing on radio)

Soda water, no ice.

I'll tell you what...

let's change it up this time.

I'll take a double whiskey instead.

Are you sure you want a drink?

I know I'm not supposed to on duty,

but tonight is very unusual circumstances,

if you get my drift.

What do you wanna say?

Should I take my family out of town?

Why don't you pour me a double shot

of whiskey and take that as a yes.

You should.

Hey, Max.

Thought you said you were coming alone.

Bartender: Usual.

Your boys can take me out

anytime they want.

No one knows I'm here.

Tell you something,

this stage of the game,

we got nothing.

We're down to this.

Why do you need Max's help?

'Cause Max is the only one

that knows what's going down, right?

Well, we got no other leads at this point.

And we just got our asses kicked again.

Yeah, I saw that on the news today.

The Italians got the rock.

They're hungry for that bread.

They double-crossed the man.

And by "the man," you're talking about

Alexander Baird?

- Yeah, that's right. He runs it all.

- What does that even mean?

It means all the main bad-asses

answer to him.

Oh, come on.

Max, don't give me

this global domination crap.

When a dude pays a billion for one rock,

everybody listens.

You know what I'm saying?

It means he'll pay more

if you got the balls to try.

Now, I guess Rossetti,

well, he's got the balls.

Now, word on the street is he was there

to take Baird's chick safe into L.A.

But, hey, he saw a chance,

and he took it.

And he's gonna try

and make a fortune now.

So why are you telling me this?

'Cause Los Angeles is our land.

And I'm not gonna let what happened to

San Francisco and that town happen here.

So if Max has got to

make cool with the pigs,

that's what's gonna happen.

No disrespect, all right?

But we gotta look out for our own first.

So then where is this meet going down?


You're gonna have to tell me.

All right, listen up.

Max came through.


The Italians have it.

They're trying to extort more money

out of Baird so this is our chance.

If Baird gets his hands on this thing,

targets another major city,

I mean, that's it.

We're screwed. It's game over.

All the dominoes fall.

This is how it's gonna go down.

We're gonna get ourselves a handful of

trigger-happy agents with really bad reps

and we're gonna intercept that exchange.

- Let's do it.

- Where's the meet?

East Los Angeles,

the coordinates are already uploaded.

Okay. I'll get the green light

from Pena and we prep.

All right, but you two,

you're gonna stay right here

and quarterback this op

from where it's safe.

Yeah, well, that's nice,

but, uh, Cole forgets

that you lost your status two months ago

in the whole Pacoima thing?

The Pacoima thing was a complete success

as far as I'm concerned.

Yeah, well, as the only agent

with arrest authority

that the director will approve,

I am letting you know that

we are going and we're doing our part.


How do you like them apples?

I don't.

I don't like those apples one bit.

All right, but you,

- stay inside mobile surveillance.

- Done.

And you, you try not to get me shot.


22:00 hours.

How am I gonna get him shot?

He acts like I'm a bullet magnet.

You're not exactly a field agent, monkey.

I'm gonna be a field agent.

You see.

- All right, prove me wrong.

- You're always wrong.

That is not true.

- Mind if I join you?

- Director Pena.

- (Pena groans)

- Of course not.

- Mack told me where I could find you.

- Ah.

- Didn't know you were Catholic.

- Recovering.

Yeah. I was an altar boy.

Oh, yeah? Me, too.

Every Sunday.

- (chuckles)

- I'm Mexican.

Try every Saturday night in Spanish

and every Sunday morning in regular mass.

- (groans)

- Look, I don't...

I don't see it as a weakness.

- What's that?

- You. This. Being here.

It tells me a lot about

the kind of man you are.

That you can sit here and admit...

sometimes we don't have the answers.

- Yeah.

- That's a good thing.


Look, I am agreeing

and moving forward with this op.

I know Sarah has the title,

but this belongs to you now.

- Understood?

- Yes, sir.

It's not a coincidence

this thing just fell in your lap.

Mm. It's a curse.


You can bring us back that stone.

I believe that.



I'll leave you to it.

Man on TV: The four men with alleged ties

to the Russian mafia

were found dead today after a mysterious

car explosion in East Hollywood.

Our very own Drew Johnson

live on scene with the latest details.


Oh, I'm sorry.

I must have the wrong address.

You must be Cole.

You know me?

We're busy.

Is... is Mack here?


Mack: Let him in.

I'll be out in a moment.

I didn't know that he had company.

He didn't, uh... say anything.

You... relative

just visiting from out of town?

Oh, he doesn't tell you about me?

- Hey, baby, can you help me with my vest?

- Baby!

- Hey, what's up, buddy?

- Why do you have to go?

- Please don't leave me here.

- Dude, I got a very good feeling.

I want you to stay.

I want to watch American movie.

I know you do, but listen.

I have to go.

It's the end of the world.

- I'm a FBI agent now.

- You always leave me here alone.

- Cole: All right. Okay, okay, I get it.

- I don't like being alone.

I get it.

How-how much did he pay you

to prank me, huh?

- You're the neighbor or something?

- Woman: Excuse me?

You listen to me.

You keep him safe.

So this isn't a joke?

Baby, please.

- My FBI man.

- You're being a jerk, bro.

- I gotta go.

- Please stay with me, here.

- Listen, Zacklina...

- Don't you want to stay?

I really wanna stay.

I mean, this is amazing.

- Baby...

- It's like a... it's like a free buffet.

- But instead of food...

- Don't go.

- It's joy, it's happiness.

- Stay.

All right, Mack.

- Please.

- Cole, can I have like 15 minutes?

Yeah, Mack, we... we have to go.

- Okay.

- Now, Mack.

- Okay, okay, I'm coming.

- All right.

- (exhales sharply)

- All right. Okay.

- You're good.

- Okay, I gotta go.

- Be safe, okay? Make me proud, baby.

- All right, all right. I will.

- Go get it!

- I'll kill someone for you.

Okay. No, don't do that.

- (dog barking in distance)

- (whistling)


Okay. Let's rock.

- What?

- Oh, you know what.

Um, no.

- Who the hell is that?

- Zacklina?

- Yeah, who the hell is Zacklina?

- She's my friend, Zacklina.

Yeah, I have 1,000 friends,

but none of them look like that.

- I could've sworn I told you about her.

- No, no, no, you did not.

Yeah, I said my friend's gonna be

crashing with me for like a month.

You never said anything about

your smoking-hot Ukrainian model friend.

First of all, she's Serbian.

What's the difference?

There's a huge difference

between Serbia and the Ukraine.

Yeah, did you know that Serbia exports

30% of the world's raspberries?

- Now you're just being dumb.

- What?

- Stop.

- There's nothing dumb about...

- To be continued.

- Fine. All right.

Can we just go save L.A. for now?

- (engine starts)

- You are such a dick.

Totally not a dick.

All right, Cole, you wanted

the bad-asses of the agency.

Well, you've got 'em.

You remember Rock and Sanchez,

of course, from Pacoima.

Pacoima was a success.

And this is Agent Romano.

And my fellow bad-ass Irish chick,

Agent McKenzie.

So is this gonna be another

stunner, bust, and tag

or are we just chasing fairy tales?

A little bit of both.

Romano: Look, man,

we just gotta know one thing...

Where they're at.

Bang, bang.

Cut to black. Save the world.

I like this guy.

All right, here's the play.

Italians are about to make the hand-off,

we're gonna intercept the exchange.

Soon as any of you

get your eye on the prize,

you radio me, I retrieve it,

we all get the hell out of there, fast.

- Copy?

- Roger that.

All right, guys, nobody die.

For real, all right?

I don't need that kind of paperwork.


All right, man.

I didn't know she was your cousin, bro.

I'm one of you guys now.

I'm a field agent.

(siren wails in distance)

Okay, let's go live.

Can I get a A-V check?

Thermal and sat images are up.

- Cole, copy?

- Yeah, I read you.

- Agent McClay?

- Yeah, yeah, yeah, I can hear you.

Agent Bask, give us a heads up

when the target's in sight.

Copy that.

- Hey, Cole.

- Yeah.

Let's try not to get

our asses kicked this time.

- Seriously.

- Like, for real, man.

Like, I've only been

in one fight my whole life.

It was in sixth grade

against Tommy Dorrison.

He had the same name as the boxer.

Tommy Dorrison is a baseball player,

not a boxer.

Pull it together.

All right, all right, bring me the chest.

They're gonna be here any minute.

What are you deaf?

Bring me the freakin' chest!

We hand over this thing to them,

it's their problem.

We get paid, family gets paid,

and we get out of here as quick

as we can, you understand?

Here we go, here we go.

We have movement, boys.

East end of the yard is Baird's men.

West end is the mob.

All of 'em strapped, so watch yourselves.

All right, how we doing this?

Where's the money?

Just relax, sir.

Our employer would like to

extend his gratitude

in caring of his property

the way you have.

- What?

- May we have your prints, sir?

What are you talking about?

We need a positive ID

to transfer the funds.

I hope this is not

an inconvenience for you.

Hold this thing. Careful.

(computer trilling)

How long's this frickin' thing gonna take?

(computer trilling)

Jamming their phones.

Nothing goes in or out.

In position.

- (trilling continues)

- This thing done scanning yet?

- (beeping)

- All right, there it is.

I'm not responsible for that anymore.

Get it away from me.

Bring it to him.

Tell him it was just business, okay?

Okay, network is down, Cole.

You are green to go.

Repeat... Baird's men have the chest.


Freeze! FBI! Put 'em down!

Drop your weapons!

Drop the swords!

On the ground, Rossetti, right now!


Are you frickin' kidding me?

Get on the ground!

Hey, FBI man,

you know how much this suit costs?

I ain't getting on the ground for nobody.

You wanna arrest me, arrest me.

It's mud or blood, Rossetti.

On the ground.


Woman: Stay alert.


(footsteps approaching)

- Did you get it?

- Yes, ma'am.

Time to go.

Power's down.

- (computer trilling)

- System is offline.

What the hell?

Agent Bennet, Cole.

Mack, do you copy?

Mobile unit is down. Zero visibility.

Man: Where are you at?

I can't see a thing.

Man #2:

Stay sharp, guys. Be ready.

Man #3: I got no visual.

Mack, this is mobile unit.

All systems are down.

I'm on my way.

What the hell was that?

I know where they're going.

What are you doing here?

Sarah: Freeze! Don't move!



- I'm not your enemy.

- Well, if you're not our enemy,

then you've got a hell of

a lot of explaining to do.

For nearly 1,000 years,

the Baird knights have scoured the earth

for the one sacred stone...

The Jubitsu.

Forged by the fires of Fuji,

taken by the first shogun

for one reason...

To rule Japan with unlimited power.

Tonight, your master

will fulfill the prophecy

etched on the sacred stone,

and take his place as the new shogun.

The new leader of the West.

Just as Excalibur chose its master,

so too will the stone.

A Ronin.

Pena: So this stone

has fallen into the hands of

Alexander Baird.

Wow. Getting our butt's kicked

at every turn here, guys.

- It's frickin' ninjas, man.

- Shut up!


any, uh, thoughts

that can illuminate

this complete mess up?

We should probably be asking her.

She's the one that's been

pretending to be one of them.

All right, Kana,

or whoever you are,

care to enlighten us?

You're not ready.

Try me.

There's an ancient Japanese legend.

- Oh... I'm leaving.

- Cole, you sit down!

Are we really going to have to

sit here and listen to this, sir?

You're damn right we are.

(knocks on door)

- Turn the TV on.

- What?

Turn it on.

He's on every channel.

All right, get it on.

Baird on TV:

You've seen a taste of what is to come.

San Francisco, Winchester,

the tiniest fraction of the stone's power.

Your country's leaders

will never say what it truly was,

but I am here right now,

assuring you that this destruction

came at my own hand.

And to dispel all doubt

amongst any of your leaders,

I shall give you one more taste

so as to solidify their belief.

This destruction is the counterbalance

to the decades of

your world leader's abuse of power.

They don't know true power.

I am here to show you all,

to guide you to a new West.

A new dynasty.

Soon every country across this earth

will recognize me

as their one supreme leader.

Any defiance or refusal to accept this,

and what you have seen today

will pale in comparison

to the annihilation

I will unleash upon you.

And so it begins.

- (tone)

- Uh, ladies and gentlemen,

I'm not quite sure

what we just witnessed here.

I believe the actions of a mad man

is the only thing I can

think to say right now.


That's enough. Turn it off.

(TV shuts off)

Told you you weren't ready, Cole.

Told you none of us

would come back from this.

Mack: Okay, Kana,

I think we're all ready to listen now.

It's time.

Centuries ago, an evil shogun

obliterated the Japanese countryside.

The shogun's name was Oda Nobunaga,

and he discovered the stone that is now

in Alexander Baird's possession.

The Jubitsu unlocks forces

from a realm beyond this Earth,

and with it, Oda was invincible.

He conquered all of Japan,

but it still wasn't enough.

His priestess guided him

to use the stone

to invoke what is known

as the Shikara.

Oda believed Shikara

would bring powers

that would enable him

to rule the Earth.

But the Shikara only brings one thing...

Total destruction.

So, what you're telling us

is we're dealing with evil.


The stone is power.

The spirit, life force,

it needs someone strong enough

or skilled enough

to bend it to their will

and give it purpose.

- So, how do we stop it?

- You can't.

Like I said, these are powers

from beyond this world.

And his priestess, the woman...

Cole: You mean that witch

we've been chasing.

She knows how to read the guides.

Knows incantations to get it

to where it needs to go.

It won't be long until she and Baird

try to invoke the Shikara.

Okay, so how does it work?

Does it really matter how it works?

The point is is that it does work.

And if this psycho decides to

use it again, then we're all screwed.

I mean, that should be

explanation enough for everybody.

We have to infiltrate Baird's building

and get that stone back.

Do you know how to get into this place?


All right, I'll brief Washington.

This is far from over.

It won't be over until

Alexander Baird is dead.

Or everyone else is.

Man on TV: First it was San Francisco,

then a small desert town, both attacked.

Now several isolated government buildings

were attacked in downtown Los Angeles.

The world watching,

locked in a state of panic.

Wondering when and where

Mr. Baird will attack again.

Yeah, I think he just wanted to

say good-bye to his family

one more time, you know?

Just in case.

I don't blame him.

Daddy, are we safe right now?

Did you catch all the bad guys?

Not yet, but we will.

We always catch the bad guys.

You don't have to worry about that.

You just... just worry about memorizing

these painfully difficult words.

And this ridiculous phraseology.


Hey, babe, what are you

drawing over there, huh?

- A caticorn.

- A caticorn...

So sweet.


That's what it's all about, right, family?

You see yourself with one one day?

I just want to feel that, you know?

That connection.

'Cause otherwise,

what are we fighting for?

I agree.

Jesse, how 'bout you take sissy outside

and kick the ball around a bit, yeah?

Come on, nugget, let's go.

- I love your caticorn.

- Thank you, Daddy.

What was the name of that place

I took you to back in high school?

When I stole your dad's truck that night.


Cole, what are you talking about?

You know, the place.

It was up on that overlook,

and we went up there.

I just can't remember the name of it.

- Oak Glen.

- Oak Glen.

- Why are you talking about Oak Glen?

- That's right.

Oak Glen.

God, we were so young.


Cole, you need to talk to me.

I really don't know

what to say about this one.

I mean, I don't know how

this is gonna play out.

- No.

- I've always been honest with you

about this kind of stuff.

It's not good.

I'm gonna need you to get the kids.

I'm gonna need you to leave town

for at least a couple of days.

Go stay in Santa Fe with your parents.

Anywhere but here.

You saw what happened to San Francisco.

You need to come with us.

Is it gonna happen here?

I don't know if it's gonna happen here,

but we may be the only people who

can stop it from happening at this point.

And we have to try.

What's this?




- Pena's calling it.

- We gotta go.


I love you.

You just gotta keep it together.

I'll be back.


Please take the kids, get out of town.


You are ready, My Lord.

One thing, love.

What have you seen?

I cast several times on this day,

and each time,

the ruins say the same.

- The same as my vision.

- Your vision?

You will have a challenger, My Lord.

Special forces

pose no threat to us, my love.

We have the Jubitsu.

Nothing has that kind of power.

It is not a soldier, My Lord.

It is Ronin.

A Ronin?


- My Lord...

- Tell me!

You tell me what you saw!

- My Lord...

- What did you see?!

I want you to tell me!

You with sword...

and a Nobunaga descendant battle.

- Nobunaga?

- (gasping)

Am I defeated?

No, My Lord.

You are victorious.

Pena: Now, I'm being told

that our CIA operatives

will be arriving at

rendezvous point delta shortly.

Now, this is going to be

a small extraction op

lead by a six-man special forces team.

Agent Bennet, McClay, and Bask

are the ones who are gonna

get us in and out of this facility.

Bennet, you're familiar with CIA protocol

for something like this, are you not?

- Of course, sir.

- You are?

- Bennet served two tours...

- You never asked.

(scoffs) We're partners. We're supposed

to share this kind of information.

What about Zacklina, hmm?

- What about her? She's my friend.

- Who's Zacklina?

Agent McClay,

is there something on your mind?

Uh, yes, sir.

I was discussing with my confidant here

why he chose not to share his military

background with the rest of his team.

What are you, married?

He's supposed to tell you

about every piece of ass

he's ever had before he nailed yours?

- Are you done?!

- Yes, sir.

You trust that your partner has your back

and will fulfill his duty

to the best of his ability.

- Can you manage that?

- Yes, sir.


Now, you bring us back that stone.

God bless and good luck.

You're a dick.

Come on, dude.

Come on, I was just busting

your chops in front of the boss.

- Cole: Uh-huh.

- You two are unbelievable.

For our Lord and master,

Sir Alexander Baird.

Your Jubitsu, My Lord.

Carved in the temple of Renjayo

by Buddha himself

to vanquish thine enemy

and then face enlightenment.

May the House of Baird reign.

What the hell is this?

I've trained my whole life

for this moment.

You asked me yesterday

if I knew who I was.

I am Nobunaga

of the great samurai lineage.

My forefathers knew this day would come,

and prepared every generation

of our bloodline

for this eventual certainty.

I'm sorry I wasn't honest with you,

but it was the only way to get this close

after I discovered the stone had awoken.

I will do what I was born to do.

What I was trained to do.

Thank you.

Here's the deal.

Kana's gonna enter

through the south entrance.

My team will take the north entrance.

You get a shot at Baird, you take it.

And expect hostiles on every floor.

- Frickin' ninjas, guys.

- They weren't ninjas.

For real, they're ninjas.

They know kung fu.

- They have swords. They wear masks.

- Cole and Sarah: Shut up, Mack.

Sorry, guys.

All right, keep your heads down,

eyes open.

Let's get that stone. Move out.

You're just full of surprises,

aren't you?

This battle will not be won

by bullets but by blades.

So the whole like errand girl,

FBI informant, like, was that a lie?

Let's go, monkey.

God, you are dense.

As it was in the beginning,

so will it be again.

We honor the dead,

both in the past

and those to come.

Who here desires the great honor of dying

at the hands of our Lord?


All clear?

Tonight we send a message to the world.

We summon the Shikara.

Soon all shall bow before me.

Before the newest global superpower.

(exhales sharply)

All right, let's split up.

You two with me.

You two, Mack and Sarah,

take these stairs.

We'll meet on floor 21.

- You gonna be all right?

- Go.

Okay. Good luck.

Do you know what else annoys me?

Is that Cole always has to do this

lone wolf hero crap.

I just don't understand why

we can't stick together as a team.

This could be a repeat of the Pacoima op.


This building's gonna crush us all.


it answers to you, my love.

The Shikara is coming.

Mack: Let's move it.

We're running out of time.

(distant gunfire)


- Are you... are you okay?

- Yeah.

- Oh!

- Holy crap. I got stabbed.


All right, my agent

body count is capped.

You guys take these dudes.

I got a rock to find.

- Don't touch it.

- You gotta pull it out.

- No.

- Please pull it out.

- You can't pull that out.

- All right, I'm gonna do it, then.

No, no, don't do that.

Don't do it, don't do it.

- It might've hit an artery.

- I'm not gonna bleed out, I promise.

- Please pull it out.

- I can't. I'm sorry.

- All right, I'm gonna do it.

- Okay.


- No, you do it.

- I can't. I can't. I'm sorry.

- Give me a kiss. It'll help.

- What?

Give me a kiss. It'll help.


I did it. Oh, my God.

That hurt.

Thank you, that really helped.

That's not so bad.

- You okay?

- No.

- No?

- No.

Oh, come on.

That doesn't belong to you.

Nobunaga, My Lord.

She is samurai.

- The Ronin.

- It's not possible.

It's her.

The one from my vision.

Are you challenging me, girl?

It cannot harm pure Ronin blood.

Is that right?

Cole: Drop the box.

Right now, drop it!

FBI? You're late.

The stone has found its rightful heir.

Huh, not anymore.

Get behind me.

It will not harm us.

Cole! Stay behind me, Sarah.

Are you ready?

That was some crazy shit.

I'm staying back, man.

I got stabbed.

- I just ran up a bunch of...

- Cole: Yes, please do.

I just ran up a bunch of stairs. I'm...

We'll flank 'em from the other side.

I'm tired.

Keep going.

I'll take the south entrance.


(elevator bell dings)



Stop this!

You can't stop this.

So, a Nobunaga descendant

has returned to reclaim her birthright.

The stone has found its master.

Yes, it has.

This is over.

This hasn't been over

for centuries, my dear.

I knew your ancestor.

I served Oda Nobunaga.

That's not possible.

Oda Nobunaga was a great man.

It was Yukai who turned him.

Corrupted him.

I am Yukai.

You're an immortal.

The stone was lost for ages.

And I scoured the planet for it.

And in this lifetime or the next,

it will find its master.

Hands up now, Kora! Hands up!



Get it. Get the stone.

All right, come on.

I'm gonna get you help.

No. This was meant to be.

I did my duty.

Keep it safe.

I don't know what to do with this thing.

You're a guardian now.

I'm no guardian,

and we're getting you out of here.

Before this whole place comes down.

- Get up. Come on!

- (grunts)

Come on.

(alarm blaring)

- Wrong way, man.

- What?

- Whole building's coming down.

- Go.

Oh, God, it is.

Come on!

(alarm continues blaring)

(Sarah sighs)

It's over.


We did a lot of stairs

when we were in there tonight.

- Really?

- Yeah, seriously.

What? I got one of those apps.

Seriously, I want to see what it says.

- Man.

- Whoa! 12,000!

- Oh, my God.

- That's a lot of stairs.

You're one of a kind.

Field agent.

- Getting there.

- No.

- Here. Arrived.

- Here?

- I am here.

- Okay, I'll give you that.

I am a field agent now.

I just helped save the world.

You're monkey.

You're panda.

Okay. Those are the titles.


Seriously, I want a promotion.

Now you have seen the stone's power.

That's why we train every generation.

But it has a cost.

I understand now.

But with all the destruction,

all the lives lost...

We are only guardians.

We cannot possess the stone.

If we do it,

we'll break the sacred vow.

The Shikara cannot be contained

once in the hands of evil men.

The one I gave it to

was a good man.

An honest man.

We couldn't have done it

without him.

The Shikara will sleep for now...

but the stone will rise again.

And I will be ready.


If Yukai was an immortal,

then Oda...

- how do you know he was...

- Oda Nobunaga died centuries ago.

Go home. Get some sleep.

Tomorrow is a new day.

A new battle.

- That was a hell of a mission, sir.

- Yes, it was.

Your country thanks you.

That stone is unbelievably dangerous.

- Please keep it safe.

- We will.

- I'll give my wife your best.

- Right.

- All right. Take care.

- You too.

(cell phone ringing)


Mack: Hey, so what are they

doing with the stone?

Uh, I have no idea.

What'd they say?

They didn't... they didn't say anything?

- It's safe.

- Do you believe that?

Well, uh, it's safe for now, Mack.

Yeah, what about the witch chick?

Come on.

She's doing life in federal pen.

Where do you think she is?


- That's good right there.

- What's going on with you?

Oh, uh, nothing, man,

just hanging out, you know.

Saturdays, you know,

mowed the lawn.

- Maybe take a nap.

- No, no, no, no.

You're talking lower than normal.

Something's up.

No, I'm not. I swear.

Is it that Zacklina Serbian model chick,

is she over there?

No, Zacklina was just a friend, dude.

I told you that, man.

Besides, she's gone anyways.

She went back to her war-torn country.

I guess she figured it was safer there

than it was here.

Go figure.

I got a new girlfriend now, actually.

- You have a girlfriend now?

- Yeah.

I think you're gonna like her.

She's, uh, she's pretty cool.

Wait a... wait, wait a second.

If it's panda-monkey,

I am hanging up right now.

But he's so adorable.

- Bye, Cole.

- Bye.

Unbeliev... unbelievable.

- Come here, monkey-poo.

- He's just jealous.

- I know. Mm-mm.

- He is.

Got groceries.



- Daddy!

- Aah!


- Oh, my three favorite girls.

- Jenny: I can't breathe.

- I can't breathe.

- Oh! Watch out, watch out!

We're smothering her.

You okay?

You all right, sweetie? Aww.

Babe, are you good with pasta for dinner?

Pasta's good.

Jenny has soccer at seven.

I'll take her.


What is that?

Ah, it's just something

that you need at home.

You are so beautiful.

My beautiful family.


He's going in

and he's gonna eat everybody!

- (laughter)

- (roars)

(music playing)

(music playing)