Pandora (2016) - full transcript

Jae-Hyeok (Kim Nam-Gil) lives with his mother (Kim Young-Ae), his sister-in-law (Moon Jeong-Hee) and nephew Min-Jae (Bae Gang-Yoo) in a small Korean town. He is dating Yeon-Joo (Kim Joo-Hyun), while working at the local nuclear power plant. Meanwhile, Pyung-Sub (Jung Jin-Young) works at the same nuclear power plant. He is worried about conditions there, but nobody in the government listens to him. An earthquake strikes the small town where Jae-Hyeok lives and causes explosions at the nuclear power plant. The situation quickly spirals out of control, leading the entire nation to panic. To prevent another nuclear disaster, Jae-Hyeok and his co-workers return to the nuclear power plant.

"The story, names, characters and incidents

portrayed in this film are ficticious."

"Any resemblance to actual events

is purely coincidental.”


Know what's inside that plant?


A robot!

A humongous robot!

You're so stupid!

It's not a robot,

but a rice cooker!

Says who?

My brother!

A huge rice cooker boils water

and makes electricity.

There's no rice cooker that big!

- No way!

- Yeah!

My brother told me.

Because of that,

we live in comfort.

And that will make

our country rich.

We should be thankful!

No way!

My teacher said...

What was it?

She called it some box.

If we open it, it'll be trouble!

What trouble? No way!

That thing's great!

You'll see.


Uncle Jae-hyuk, wake up!

Granny says if you don't,

you're dead!

Tell her to shoot me.

Granny! He won't wake up!

- Quiet, Min-jae.

- Let me go!

Come out now!

- Why you!

- I'm up.

Get up and look!

They're all here early,

getting ready for work.

Who says you deserve

to sleep in?

- More rice, please!

- Yes!

Throw it out!

Come out and eat!

So lazy!


- Finally up?

- Let's eat.

Not calling in sick?


No hangover.

I woke up no problem.

- We should make money.

- Right!


It's just petty cash.

You drunk!

This will help with hangover.

Just for the brother-in-law?

What about us?


I only had enough for one.


Min-jae, wash up!

President Kang returned from

a five-day visit to the middle east.

President returns from middle east.

That man is always on the go.

He's trying to revive

our economy.

The young man works hard.

He landed plant project orders

worth $5 billion...


What's that for!

You had drinks with girls

last night, didn't you?

How far did you go with them?

We just drank.

Nothing happened.

I swear!

You're getting it today.

Mrs. Seok, I'll be going.

Why not take him

and break his legs.

I will, later.

- Take care, ma'am.

- Bye.

Hey, Jae-hyuk.

She's got you on a leash!

I got hangover and all.

Can't I skip work today?

Then you and I can...

Fight to death!

Wanna die?

Fine! I'll go!

Min-jae, hurry!

Don't be like your uncle.


We want a nuclear free world!

Shut down nuclear reactors!

Away with nuclear plants!

No more nuclear plants!

Shut down nuclear reactors!

They're so annoying!

When will they ever stop?

I'm sick of it!

When can we go in?


You use electricity too!

You live in comfort

thanks to that!

So move!

Wake up!

Like making money there?

If you don't shut down unit 1,

we're all dead!

You've said that for years!

Cut it out and move!

Mister! Just drive!

Then drive over us!

You bastards!

Everyone lie down!

- Get down!

- Everyone down!

Come on! Stop it!

The bus is finally here.

Hanbyul nuclear power plant.

Why you come so late?

Damn protestors.

They even lied down on the road!

Should've ran over.

When will they stop?

You should've.

- Take care, sir.

- Bye.


Greet your dad!

Good work, dad.

You boys got wasted again?

Just a bit.

Like hell it was.

How'll you work?

What work?

We do just odd jobs.

You fool!

Did you make breakfast?

Sleeping on a full stomach is bad.

Just sleep after a shower.

Why didn't god take him

instead of my wife!

Damn life!

I should just die!

He says that all the time!

He's kidding.

Don't take it seriously, stupid!

I'm so in hungover.

- It's going to be a long day.

- I know!

Nuclear power uses the heat

generated from fission...

And the steam to turn

turbines and produce electricity.

Simply, nuclear reactor

is like firewood,

and the steam turbine

is like a rice cooker.

Nuclear power is...

The only alternative

energy source,

that is eco-friendly,

preventing global warming.


It is high efficient business

with low cost.

The building can withstand

an earthquake of magnitude 7,

perfectly safe

in any circumstances.

With safety inspections,

the risk of danger is 0%.

Please note that behind

all your comfort,

the nuclear power plant is

constantly running.

Like hell!

We're doomed.

Look at this place.

It's a mess.

Before that was built,

our town was poor but livable.

But now look.

No fishing, no farming,

and no tourists.

Town folks are divided

and fighting.

That ruined everything!

Still, we make a living

thanks to that.

- Mom benefits from it too.

- Right.

Think we would've

starved without that?

No but...

That's the problem!

You like living like this?

Who says we like it?

It's just life.



That's why there's no future.

I quit!

I can't live like this.


Today can be your last day.

You didn't see me!


Over here!

Damn! Not again!

How many times did I tell you

to just buy a new one?

You know I can't afford to.

It runs fine.

You call this fine?

Machines have lifespans

like humans.

You could get killed!


We'll just keep fixing it.

Just keep fixing it?

You brainwashed plant worker.

Come to your senses!

Cut it out!

Stop being bossy

with trivial skills.

You come here and try it.


Learn it.

I can't fix it forever.

Now even sick of

fixing that for me?

No, Just in case

I'm not around...

What do you mean?

What are you planning this time?

Tell me!

- Move over.

- Why?

Give me just 2 years.

For what?

Seaman passport.

Catching pike in South America

and in Alaska.

In 2 years,

I'll return with $200,000.

If I work in the engine room,

I'll make even more!

What the!

How could you?


I have no parents, siblings,

or relatives!

I have no family.

You know you're all I have.

I know, but come on.

It's to make you happy.

I mean it!

Forget it.

I'm not falling for it.

If you go, we're done.


Damn it.

- Here.

- What's this?

Secretary Kim gave me.

He wants you to read it.

Why did it come through you?

They were afraid

it wouldn't get to you.

Is something wrong?

What do you mean?

Read it.

It looks important.

Status report: Hanbyul

nuclear plant unit 1.

There's nothing to worry.

Nuclear reactors run fine

with proper coolant.

No, it will run for

dozens of years.

That's why

nuclear energy is great.

Fire that never burns out.

The best gift

ever given to humans!

The best gift?

Only with good maintenance.

But it'll be a trouble

like this.

What do you mean?

Director knows nothing

about nuclear.


He initiated the reactor

without full repair...

Just to to pass the special

law on nuclear plants.

Unit 1 had to run...

To pretend all is fine and safe.

So things can be quiet.

We haven't had any

major accidents.

Our workers are veterans.

President received the report,

but don't expect much.

Don't worry.

It'll be fine.

Shut up!

Calm down and listen.

Just 2 years there,

I'll recoup what I lost.

I don't want to hear it!

She's right. Don't go.

You want to live here forever?

What about Min-jae?

You'll push him

to work at the plant too?


Then we should go to Seoul

for his education.

Give him a chance.

Why make him stay in this hell?

Brother's dying wish was

to take a good care of him.

It's all for Min-jae's future...

Stop lying.

Don't bring Min-jae into this.

I'm not lying!

He's my only nephew!

Think of your only

grandson's future!

Stop it!

Cut it out and stay put.

You're not leaving my sight!

I'm going no matter what!

Stupid fool!

Just get married!

Don't think of sneaking off!

Don't you feel sorry for Yeon-ju?


You hate it here, right?

I love it.

Get out!

Go to your mom!

I need space!

But I want to sleep with you!

Go away, kid!

Uncle, don't go.

I need you here!

I'm in prison here!

Turn the light off.

Wolchon diner.

Good morning,

this is an announcement...



Jae-hyuk really wants to go.

Can't you let him?


You fell for his lies?

It's not that.

He hates working at the plant.

I feel bad

he's forced to work there.

That plant killed

my husband and son.

Think I want my only son there?

I hated it.

Don't throw things.

So I gave him the compensation money

of his dad to open a shop in the city.

I hoped for his success and

wished he never had to return.

Stop slacking off, pal!

But what happened?

He lost it all

and came back empty.

That fool deserves to

work in hell if he has to!

But the government gave

benefits only for franchises...

Like hell!

It's his fault.

Can't blame others!

I forgot to buy soy sauce.

I'll be right back.

How could he lose that money?

It's the price of his dad's life!

Hello, sir.

Can't you do your jobs?

Making me get called in.

I'm sorry.

I told you to handle that report.

Why let it get to the president?

We found the writer today

and he is now removed.

How speedy of you.

You called, sir?

Did you see this report?

Status report: Hanbyul

nuclear plant unit 1.


Among the laws that

passed by you recently...

Power plant development special law

seemed to be pushed irrationally.

Building nuclear plants

is not an easy business.

I was told you gave approval.

No, I didn't.

Bill has been voted on.

If there is a problem,

I'll use the veto to set it right.

That is administration's duty.

The government must not

waste time like this.

We must strive to revive

the economy together.

Human resources department?

You've been appointed

by head office.

Good luck there.

What's the reason?

Since you've worked

hard out here...

Now you can take it easy

and help train workers.

How considerate of them.

And your report got many

presidential secretaries fired.

Why leave this job and...

Work on a ship to waste 2 years?

Think I should devote my life

to this damn plant?

I'd rather die.

I know...

You hate here because of

your dad and brother.

- But if you...

- Stop.


But they won't let you go!

What will you do?

Run away at night?

They'll understand me later.

You're mad?

What can you do?

A man's gotta do,

what a man's gotta do!

I knew things were too quiet.

Looks like a storm is coming!

A thunderstorm!

What the?



Guys! You okay?

- What's happening?

- Mommy!

- Min-jae!

- Granny!


Answer the phone!

It's me.

Go to the diner.

No one's answering the phone.

I'm on my way.

Go and let me know

if anything's wrong.



Are you safe?


You okay?




- Mommy!

- I'm here...

I don't believe this.

That suddenly fell.

Why on him, not me?

It's okay.

You'll be fine.

Are you okay?

I'm fine.

An earthquake occurred

in the southeast.

A 6.1 magnitude, sir.

Major industrial complexes

are in the southeast.

Yes, sir.

Should we inform the president?

He has other things to worry.

Please reconsider.

There's nothing to gain by

us being in opposition.

Don't like the way

I run the country?

Your decision making was

too slow since you were a senator.

An administration

can't be led like that.

Especially when the

economy is at stake.

Experience exerts

than young ambitions.

Is everything okay?

Check on the coolant first!

What happened?

There's a crack in cooling unit 1

by the earthquake.

Began emergency operations?

Yes, we temporarily

stabilized the reactors.

Chief, is it serious?

We'll find the crack and fix it.


This is not just an accident!

It's not the first time.

Wasn't it built to resist earthquakes?

Unit 1 is almost 40 years-old.

Even house pipes crack in 40 years.

So they haven't been replaced?

We spent millions too!

But there are over 30,000 valves...

Pipes are 170 km

and wires are 1700 km.

Checking all defects and rusts,

takes years to figure out!

But all that was done

in just 2 months!

Proper inspection was impossible.

So what now?

Issue a code white alert

and inform the locals.

You don't even belong here!

Stay out of this!

Don't get emotional.

Just keep working as usual.

Just notify the head office.

Damn! I just got here!

- Hanbyul unit 1.

- Yes, sir.

A small leakage in coolant.

Code white should be issued.

Should we, sir?

Why make a fuss?

There's no power loss.

The law didn't pass yet.

Keep things quiet.

We were in trouble for that before...

Then fix it this time!

I'll keep it quiet.

Nuclear power plant

construction site.

My husband and son

in heaven must've helped us.

- Lucky things aren't worse.

- Yes.

It's me.

Everyone's fine.

Wanna speak to your mom?

Tell them to answer the phone!

Jae-hyuk was really worried.

Tell him to worry about himself.

I'd better get back

to the office.


- Is the plant okay?

- What do you mean?

There was an earthquake.

What are you talking about?

No earthquake can bring

that plant down.


Of course.

It should be fine.

If something's wrong,

text messages are sent.

Or else they'd be in

trouble like last time.

Hear that?

That's a relief.

If it's so urgent,

go in yourself!

You're the mechanics!

Why are you so late!

I'm sorry.

Come here.

What happened?

There's a crack in the

coolant valve and it's leaking.

Then why not go in and fix it?

It's too dangerous.

No one wants to go in.

Gear them up!

What's the problem?

The coolant level is going down!

The temperature is shooting up!

It's loca!

Loca? "Loss of coolant accident."

Don't just stand there!

Get in now!

Radiation level is too high!


What's the radiation level?

Just keep working!


If you fix it this way,

pipe pressure will rise.

This is faster.

I'm not gonna die

fixing a valve here!

Want to do it yourself?

Fine! Let's just hurry it up!

Let's fix it and leave.

What the hell is going on?

What did they do?

What is it?



The workers said

that will save time.

Hold on.

Something seems stuck!

There must've been an accident!


Make way!


Is he hurt?

- Isn't that the captain?

- Jae-hyuk, what's happening?


Dad! No!


- His blood pressure's dropping!

- Saline! Gauze!

Back away!

He's been exposed to radiation!

Decontaminate him!

Check the geiger counter!


No! Don't come in!

Get out now!


Get out now!

Jae-hyuk, what are you doing?

I'm getting out!

If we stay, we die.

What happens here?


If the cracks aren't fixed,

we'll all die of radiation!

Then we shouldn't go.

What the hell?

We should go in and fix it!

Our friends are in there!

Fool! You wanna die?

Shut up and take off

your uniforms!

You go.

I'm staying.

Me too!

- I'm staying too.

- Hey!

Stupid fools!

How can you do this?

Hide the accident from me?

We didn't want to worry you.

I apologize.

Forget apology!

It's a nuclear accident!

Calm down and

let's talk measures.

If the coolant is leaking,

isn't radiation exposed?

Correct, sir.

But the leak is

within the plant...

We should issue a code blue

and evacuate the locals.

- Then do it now.

- Wait.

Let's think twice about



People know too much

about nuclear accidents.

If we reveal the accident

and order the evacuations...

All will be chaotic.

So we hide the truth?

We may be criticized later,

but it's better than mass chaos.

Disaster safety team has been sent.

They'll settle matters soon.

There are various levels of

control systems at the plant.

And it's not as serious

as you may think.

Pressure is rising!

It's 350 kpa now!

Why isn't hydrogen

eliminator working?

It is, but pressure is

rising too fast.

Are the pipes set yet?

We need coolant now!

It takes time!

It can only withstand 420 kpa!

It'll blow!

Send them now!

We're the safety team!

You're so late.

Who's in charge here?

I am.

What's the situation?

Pressure is rising from loca,

but no way to stop it.

Pressure status?

It's 350 kpa now.

That's too high!

We need to ventilate!

I know, but...

We need an approval.


What's ventilation?

Releasing the air

inside the plant.

Releasing what?

Weren't they replacing pipes?

You said it'll be fine!

It is more serious

than we thought.

I'm afraid it's a meltdown.

A meltdown?

If fuel rods get exposed to air...

Temperature will increase

and melt the fuel.

That's a meltdown.

Hydrogen generated raises

pressure in the containment chamber.

Currently, it's beyond

the pressure limit.

At this rate, it'll explode.

So radioactive materials

should be released?

Correct, sir.

Then evacuate the locals first.

Issue orders to evacuate

the locals at once!

Mr. president,

946,000 people live

within 20 km of the plant.

3.4 million living within 30 km.

Evacuation is impossible.

There must be a plan

for a time like this!

There isn't.

An evacuation that large

has never been done.


We should evacuate the locals

closest to the plant at least.

It'll be fatal upon

direct contact.

17,000 people within 5 km.

It'll take over 3 hours

to evacuate them.

If the plant explodes before then,

things will get worse.

At worst, all citizens

could be in danger.

We should release it now.

Mr. president?

Mr. president!

Yes, sir.

Hold the ventilation.

Locals are evacuating.


Hurry up!

- Find the bus with your town name!

- Okay.

Over there!

There's our bus!


- Mother!

- Yeon-ju!

What's going on?

I'm not sure.

Get in.

It'll be fine.

Nothing's wrong, right?

Of course.

Let's go.

Did you speak with Jae-hyuk?

He's not answering.

I'll call again.

Get in with Min-jae.

We can't stay here!

Stop! We gotta get out now!

- What?

- What's going on?

Forget the damn pipes!

The containment chamber

is filled with hydrogen!

Ventilation is on hold.

If it explodes, we're all dead!

I told you!

Get out now!

Gil-seop! Let's go!

Chief, workers are

leaving the site!

Then we can't bring

the pressure down!

Do something!

Damn fools!

- Move!

- Out of my way!

Jin-taek! Get up!

Jae-hyuk, what do we do?


Why is the gate closed?

The shutter came down.

We'll die in here!

I know!


- Gil-seop! Come help!

- Okay!

- Get a stick!

- Move!


Lift it!

Get me a stick!

What are you doing!

Get back to work!

No one leaves here

until it's clear!

But then it will explode!

Think you'll live if you run?

Run or not, it's the same!

Everyone will die!

Then we'll die with our families!

Let us out!

Don't you get it?

Get to work! It's the only way

to save ourselves and families!

Shut up and open!

It will open

once the situation is over!



Go back to work!

- I need to go in.

- Stay back.

I have to go in!

Get back!

Why can't I go in!

It's an emergency.

You can't go in!

My son is inside!

- Stay back!

- Move!


- Gil-seop!

- I'm coming.

It's past 400 kpa!

The pressure is jumping!

Call them again!

This is hard core training.

This is no training!

Something's happened.


Shut up!

How is evacuations?

17,000 locals near the plant...

Are being taken to a shelter

10 km from the plant.

But there is traffic

on route 31.

How longer will

evacuations take?

At least 2 hours.

What about the plant?

The pressure level

is 3 times the limit.

We can't wait any longer.

We must ventilate.

Wait till the locals

are evacuated.

Will you put 50 million citizens

in danger for just 17,000 people?

They're our citizens too!

No one has the right

to sacrifice them for us!

Chief! It's past 500 kpa!

- Any orders?

- Keep waiting.

Past the explosion point!


Open the vents.

What are you doing!

No approval yet!

Waiting will kill us all!

Open the vents now!

Open the valves!

- Ready to open valve 115!

- Ready!




Chief! It's not working!

Damn it!

We can open the vents manually!

- Bring the blueprints!

- Yes, sir!



Here, sir!



Here is the pressure control chamber!


There it is!

Open that!

Yes, sir.

Go back to work!

It's stuck!

- Help!

- Okay.

Get back to work!

It's no use.

If we stay, we'll die!

- Everybody run!

- Sir!

Jae-hyuk! Let's go!

I'm almost done!

We gotta go now!

They're all blocked!


Jae-hyuk! Come on!

I'll go first!

Just a bit more!


Open it now!

There! It's open!

Gil-seop! Jin-taek!

Yong-su! It's open!

Sir! Come back!

It's opening!

What was that?

It came from the plant.


Gil-seop! Jin-taek! Yong-su!

Gil-seop! Jin-taek!

Yong-su! No!


Are you okay?

Yong-su! Wake up!

You can't die.

Wake up, Yong-su!

Come on!

Please don't die.



Wake up, Jin-taek!

You can't die!






Are you okay?

Help me.

Hold on! I'll get you out!

Hold on.


Help me!

Help me, please!


Help me.


Get out now!

It exploded!

How can this be?

I'll report back.

Snap out of it!

Help the injured!


What are you all doing!


From now on,

set it an emergency zone.

Say it's a drill and

evacuate locals within 20 km.

Block all access within 10 km.

Don't let the news leak.

What are you doing?

Do you have another plan?

Declare a national disaster?

Expand the emergency zone?

To how much?

940,000 people within 20 km.

Where will they all go?

If they pour out into the streets...

3.4 million within 30 km

will be fazed.

If so, Daegu, Daejeon

and Seoul will collapse.

Plus, all nearby plants

must be stopped.

It'll be a blackout.

People will be running

in the dark.

Like millions of zombies!

You want that?

If we stopped the explosion,

it wouldn't be this bad.

Was there an explosion

at hanbyul nuclear power plant?

We're checking.

So far, we've confirmed...

A small coolant leakage

in unit 1 around 2 pm.

Locals within 5 km

have been evacuated.

And repairs are being done.

A code red was issued.

Did radiation leak?

Code red was issued...

But it was preventive measure.

Then why enforce

the national crisis control?

It's a precautionary measure.

That will be all.

Wait! Sir!






- Dad!

- Son!

What happened?

- Dad!

- I'm here.

- Hurry up!

- Yes.

Why didn't you crawl out!


Can you help me?


I warned all of you!

What happened?

You didn't see it!

Stop it!


Be quiet!

What's going on?

I'm not sure.

- If you don't, who knows?

- Be quiet.

We're trying.

Please go inside and wait.

Go in, please.


If there was an explosion,

we should go far away.

Shut up and stay put!

Calm down, folks!

We need an order

in times like this.

Don't worry

and please wait inside.

That's best.

Go in.

Min-jae, let's go.


What happened?

The containment chamber exploded.

There's serious damage.

It's hell inside.

- Then get inside!

- We want to but...

Radiation level is over 300.

It'll be higher inside.

Even with full armor on,

we'll be exposed.

- Take them to ambulances!

- Come out!

Come out! Hurry!


Where are you?

Move away!


You can't go inside!

My family is inside!

Radiation is too high!

Let go of me!




How's the rescue?

All nearby rescue teams are sent.

The rescue is being done quickly.

I'll report on the

number of fatalities.

What about the repair?

Pouring coolant through

the roof is the only way.

When radiation levels drop...

We should go in to secure

water routes.


Cool the fuel rods at all costs!

We're almost there!


Hang in there.

Where were you?

Near the tank.

Are there more?

People are all injured!

Help us!

Let's get out!

- Help!

- Over here!

- Rescue team!

- Here!



- Help us!

- Over here!

Rescue team! Help!


- Help us!

- This way!

Help us!


What are you doing?

People are dying inside!

The radiation level is too high.

We can't go in.

Let's go! Hurry!


What are you doing?


Pour water there!

The radiation will drop.

We need to decontaminate first,

then find a way in.

Why are you standing here?

Please rescue!

We're doing the best we can.

Go inside now!

- Don't do this!

- Let's go!

You're the rescue team!

People are inside!




Why are you here?

Are you hurt?

I'm fine.

Are you okay?

I'm okay.

How's my family?

They're at the shelter.

Let's go.


There are more inside.

Do not enter the site!

Stand by!

Let's go.


Take my family and go far away.

As far as you can.



Take Gil-seop and go!

You go too.

Where are you going?

Are you nuts?

Why go back in there?

Jae-hyuk! No!

Friends are still there!

I must get them out!

Why you?

The rescue team is here!

Come back!

They can't go inside!

Just go! You too!

Don't go inside!

You'll die!

Just go, Yeon-ju!


- Go!

- You can't be here!


No! Jae-hyuk! No!

What are you doing?

Go save them!


There are people inside!


That won't cool down on its own!

We'll die!


Pull the lady out!

- The radiation level is rising!

- Damn it!

Team 1, find a way in!

Team 2 and 3, prepare

to pump water!

- But the radiation...

- You heard him!

It won't cool down on its own!

We'll die either way.

Going in or doing nothing!

Yes, sir.

Heard that?

We're all going in!

Take positions!

Take positions!

We'll go in too!

Come when the radiation drops!

Careful please!


Only the exposed!

I was at the plant too!




Check his vitals!

Stay back!

Sterilize him!

What's his reading?

Hold his legs!


We're out of anesthetics!

Give him painkillers!



He lapsed into dyspnea!

Hydrate him!

Can you hear me, sir?


High fever!



Wrap him up!



There was an explosion!

What do you mean?

I went to the plant!

There was an explosion!

That's crazy.

See? I'm covered in dust.

Measure the radiation.

We can't stay here!


Attention please.

We are awaiting updates

on the situation.

Meanwhile, please let the agents know

if there is anything you need.

If you're ill, please

go see medical team.

Where'd you go?

There was an explosion

at the plant.

- No!

- What?

Are you serious?


It can't be!

I just saw it!

Oh no!

My dear god!

What now?

To where?

Anywhere far away.

- Oh no!

- I told you!

Listen everyone!

The plant exploded!


We gotta get out of here.

Are you serious?

I just came from there.

The roof of unit 1 is gone!

- Oh no!

- Radiation is leaking.

If we stay, we'll die!

What about Jae-hyuk?


Is my son safe?

Don't worry. He's fine.

That's a relief.

Why didn't he come?

It's crazy there.

He'll come soon.

How can this happen?

Get out! Hurry!

Run! Hurry!

What is it?

You bastards!

You jerks!

Open the gates!

Trying to kill us?

Captain, how could you?

How can you trap us?

Open the gates!

We're no criminals!

Let us out!

Open up!

Let us out!

The radiation is coming!

Go calm them down!

Why's my phone not working?

No service.

There's no service.

- Help!

- Hold on!


Help me!

Somebody help!


- Jin-taek!

- Bro!

Are you okay?

I can't move my legs.

I'll get you out!

It's coolant!

Get him out now!

Block the pipe first!

Hold the top.

- Pull it up!

- More!

- Almost!

- There!

We don't have time!

Chief! Remove that!

We need a cutter!

I'll get you out!

Help me!

Don't worry. You'll live!

Radiation is rising.

Rescue team!


Someone's coming out!

Ambulance! Now!


- Be careful please!

- Careful!

Check BP.

Get treatment.

I'll head there.

Hurry! Go!

Go with him!

There are more inside!

I'm fine.

You could die!

Too much exposure.


Wake up!



We're going in!


Get your gear! Let's go!

Let's go!

Move! Hurry!

Where are they going?


Pump more water!

You can't leave!

We're out of water.



Send the helicopters!

Just do it!

What are you doing?

You can pump the seawater!

Without water, it'll blow!

We can't use seawater.

Says who?

We're frustrated too.

Who is it?

Who said we can't use seawater?

The headquarters.

If we use seawater,

the reactor is decommissioned.

Are you insane?

It's a meltdown!

The reactor can't be saved!

Who cares about decommissioning?

We don't know the status inside.

You know how much unit 1 costs!

Will you take full responsibility?

I will!

Pump seawater now!

I was given orders

not to use seawater too.

I'm sorry.


What's wrong?

Are you okay?

Am I alright?

Radiation exposure symptoms.

Will I die?

You're not going to die!

Isn't that Jae-hyuk

and Jin-taek?

It's Jae-hyuk!


- Wake up!

- Decontaminate him!

Low blood pressure!



Intubation now!

I told him not to go back!


Wake up!

Stay back.

- Check his vitals!

- Yes, sir!

Atom-care is running

a radiation exposure assessment.

It'll give us simulations

every hour.

The wind is blowing inland.

Soon, cesium will be detected.


Don't let the

president see this.

Yes, sir.

Mr. prime minister?

Press is demanding facts

on the accident...

Reports are coming in.

Strictly warn them not to

spread any news.

Let us out!

Oh no.

What do we do?

Now what?


The radiation is coming

and we're stuck!

It's all your fault!

If it weren't you,

we could've ran!


You know how scary radiation is!

You saw when your

husband passed away!

Burning skins, bones melting...

You saw it all!

My husband was lucky

to have cancer!


Enough what?

It's more deadly for kids

like Min-jae!

I'm so sorry.

I didn't know this would happen.

I'm sorry.


Don't get mad at granny.

Don't speak.

Keep your mouth closed.

Close your mouth.

Wear a mask!

Everyone! Wear your masks!

Cover your mouths!

Are you okay?


What's wrong?

Wake up, pal!



Jae-hyuk! No!

Not that way!

Don't pour there!

Go up!


We'll all die like this!

If we pull out, it's over!

Damn it.

Ambulance! Hurry!


He's still alive.


Is the radiation dropping?

It is still burning.

Why won't it cool off?

We can't bring the

radiation down like this!


Are you okay?

It's okay.

I'm fine.

We have a problem!

The IAEA found out

about the accident.

"International Atomic Energy Agency."


There's a spent fuel rod storage

near reactor chamber.

CCTV on the tank's ceiling

is aired live on IAEA.

It's the same for all

nuclear plants worldwide.


They saw water level

drop after the explosion.


Why is the water level dropping?

The explosion must've

caused a crack.

Only a wall separates

the reactor chamber and storage tank.

We should've checked.

What happens if the

water level drops?

400 tons of spent fuel rods

are in coolant.

If the coolant is gone,

the rods are exposed to air...

A hydrogen explosion will occur

and eventually...

Meltdown, sir.

Only a concrete wall exists

so massive radiation will leak.

He needs to know!

Dangerous rods were

kept inside a regular building?

We don't have a spent

fuel processing facility.

It was temporary...

That is absurd!

I'm sorry.

We have enough problems

with the reactor...

There's another serious problem.

What is it?

Countries such as

the U.S., China and Japan...

Are evacuating their citizens.

And all is being reported

through foreign press.

Hurry! Let's go!

Mother! Wake up!

- Wake up now!

- What's wrong?

The cops are running away.

- Why?

- I don't know.

Things may got worse.

Let's get out of here!

Everyone! Get up!

Everyone get up!

They're all running away!

We must get out of here!

Let's go!

Hold Min-jae tight!

Get up now!

Run everybody!

Let us out!


We gotta go too! Push!

Get on to your buses!

Min-jae! Careful!


Hold Min-jae.


Get on! Hurry!

Sir! I'll drive!

Let's go!

- Is everyone on?

- You're driving?

Sit down!

Hold tight!

A containment chamber explosion

occured at hanbyul nuclear unit 1.

Workers and firefighters

are at the plant...

Part of hanbyul unit 1 exploded...

Waterting the reactors.

But huge amounts of radiation

have already been exposed.

Radiation exposure possibllity...

The bastards locked us

to hide the accident!

Damn jerks!

That means they don't care

if we die or not!

Since when did they care?

How can they do that?

We're humans too!

Yeon-ju! Drive slowly!

We don't have time!

People will pour into

the streets!

Then we'd be stuck in traffic!

The government sent troops

to the site...

And blocked traffic and sources.

Meanwhile, huge amounts

of radiation spreaded.

Thousands of innocent civilians

have been exposed.

Mi-suk! Run!

You'll die if you don't!


Radioactive materials may

sweep the entire country.

What is the government doing

in this critical situation?

3.4 million possibly exposed.



Help! They all ran away!

How can they do this?

What about these people?

Bring more medicine!


What's going on?

Countries including

the U.S., Japan and China...

Are evacuating their citizens

from Korea,

which shows how desperate

the situation is.

100 msv of cesium

has been detected...

20 km away from the accident.

That is 1000 times than normal!

Korea has too many

nuclear plants for its size.

As they are located in

densely populated areas...

The damage will be catastrophic.

If the accident is like

the Fukushima disaster...

At least 1.5 million people

will be exposed to radiation.

And 11.6% of the country

will become dead land.

Control the press!

They're out of control!

We lost control, sir.

Even the police and the military

have lost control.

Government systems

are not operating.

Damn it!

Our country was this weak?

There's no plan

to control the situation.

It will only get worse.

The only solution is to leave

the country at once.


Hold still!


- Are these painkillers?

- Yes.


Are you okay?

What is it?

Are you okay?

- Of course he's not!

- What's wrong?

Where's my cell phone!

- Why?

- Where's my uniform?

The uniforms?

They're in the disposal.

- Pal!

- Jae-hyuk! What's with him?

I told you

we should've ran away!

Shut up!

It's completely blocked!


What are you doing?

Where are you?

I'm on the highway north,

but it's jammed.

Where's my family?

They're with me.

All the town folks are here.

Get going!

You gotta go far away.

Go as far as you can!

What about you?

Where are you?

Are you okay?

Stop worrying about me!

I'll be right there.


Was it Jae-hyuk?


Where is he now?

He's coming.

Fool! He should've

been together.

Did you reach your husband?


What is going on?

Poor Min-jae.

Put your mask on.

- Right.

- We're not getting anywhere.

The other side is wide open.

We can't turn back!

Shut up!

It's too jammed up.

Hold on tight!

What are you doing?

Hold tight!

Hanbyul unit 1 casualties on the rise.

The coolant is filling...

The hanbyul unit 1 reactor.

But radiation level is too high

and for that rescue teams are ill.

Repair work is unthinkable.

And they can't even figure out

the inner damage.

Government remains silent.

Silent government, frantic citizens.

The country is out of control.

State of anarchy.

All roads are congested.

People are panicking.

Train station, bus terminals,

airports and ports...

Are jammed.

National industrial complex

near hanbyul...

Have shut down.

There's great economic loss.

And stock markets have crashed.

At this rate, our economy

may never recover!

We must declare a national emergency

and enforce martial law.

Our country is at stake!

Will you just sit and watch?

- Jae-hyuk! Please stop!

- Let me go!

I'm going to my family!

You can't go anywhere!

The roads are filled!

I have to take care of them!

Trust Yeon-ju!

You can't go like this!

I'm fine!







They told me to pack.

Are things that bad?

Why're you like this?

There's nothing I can do.

No way to stop this...

What can I do?

Take Mi-ju and run.

Just follow secretary Kim.

Where is secretary Kim?


He's been demoted for

handing you that report.

You didn't know?

Do you even know

what's going on out there?

Did you check everything

before giving up?

Mi-ju and I aren't going anywhere.

We'll be waiting for you.

Think about what you should do.

It's for you.

Who is it?

It's the president.

I think you should take

the call.

Go on.

Chief Park speaking.

I'm Kang Seok-ho.

I'm listening.

What is the situation there?


You are curious?

Where were you?

What were you doing till now?

We need to enforce martial law!

I'm in control from now on.

Since it's urgent,

this will be the situation room.

Do you all consent?

I consent.

- I consent.

- I consent.

Mr. prime minister?

Congress needs to approve...

I made a call for cooperation.

Then I consent.

As of now, report

everything to me.

- Yes, sir.

- And!

Allow the firefighters to use

the seawater at once.

Unit 1 will be decommissioned.

Mr. president!

Shut down all nuclear plants.

There will be a blackout!

There are alternatives.

We can use less electricity.

If another nuclear accident occurs...

There will be no hope

for this country.

Order has been made!

Draw-in the seawater!


We're decommissioning unit 1!

That's insane!

Says who?

President said send anyone

who disrupts...

To jail.

If you don't believe me,

call and check!

- Captain?

- You heard!

Pump the seawater!

Yes, sir!

We'll help too!


What? Damn it!

Go! Go!

- Did backup arrive?

- Just now!

Tell them to douse the fire!

Yes, sir.


Hoses are connected

for quick supply of water.


Let's stop the spread!

Yes, sir!


Radiation levels have dropped.

Soon, we can repair things...

And maintain the reactor

in stable condition.

Now, we must fix

the spent fuel storage tank.

We need to know

the current situation.

Connect to the site.


I need status on

the spent fuel storage.

There's a problem there too?

You didn't know?

It seems there's a crack

on the floor.

The leaking causes

coolant level to drop.

That's more dangerous

than the reactor!

If the tank blows, it's over!

To prevent that,

we need to know the situation.

I'll go find out.

Coolant is leaking through

a 10 mm wide 4 m long crack.

We must seal the crack

to stop the leak.

But there is knee-high

coolant in the tank.

Because of high radiation,

we can't last 10 minutes.

Then what can we do?

We need people to fix it

risking their life.


Let's go!

Why is it jammed up?

They're leaving?

If they leave,

we can't go anywhere!

Let's get out and walk!

We can't leave the bus!

Then the radiation will come!

Look! The wind is blowing

this way!

Still, how can we walk

away from that?

Radiation was detected in Daegu...

100 km away from the plant.

It's spreading fast...

Everyone off the bus!

We have to walk!

We can't stay!

Let's go!

Cover your mouths!

Min-jae! Let's go.


Min-jae, let's get out.

- Get off!

- Mother!

Keep going no matter what.

- Min-jae! Hold her hand.

- Mom!

Don't get separated.

Let's go! Hurry!

- Cover your mouths!

- Hurry!

Don't get separated!

Let's go!

- Hurry!

- My legs!

- Don't get separated!

- Hurry!


How far did you go?

Why aren't you coming?

How far did you go?

Near Daegu.

It's jammed up, so we're walking.

You can't go far on foot!

But we were stuck!

Everyone abandoned their cars.

Okay, fine.

Hurry on.

Don't stop. Keep going.

Go as far as you can.

You're okay, right?

You're coming, right?

I'm on my way.

Don't worry and keep going.

I'll call again.

News flash.

Repair team is not forming...

To fix the crack.

Government's plan to send...

Military engineers were criticized

and seeking for alternatives.

Can't send the troops, knowing

they'll die.' - Army Captain

Hard to find routes in short time.'

- Nuclear Expert

President is making a statement.


President is making a statement.

What's he saying?

What now?

Statement by the president.

I stand here ashamed...

And embarrassed in front of you.

What I can only do...

Is ask a very difficult request.

Hanbyul unit 1 is in

a detrimental state.

I sadly admit that

there's nothing...

That the government can do.

I can't order anyone

to fix the crack.


It is suicidal.

I can't make any orders.

So I'm asking you for help.

We need volunteers.

I ask you to repair for your

beloved ones and our country.

On behalf of this weak government...

Please save our families

and our country.

We will be waiting.

Please help.

What the hell!

Loads of crap!

What fool would go in there?

Knowing he'll die!

They cause the accident,

then ask citizens to fix it?


Damn jerks!

Forget it.


Shouldn't we go in?

What do you mean?

We're the only ones who can go.

We're the mechanics.

Shut up and stay put.

If you go in, you'll die!

We took in too much radiation.

We won't live long.

Shut your damn mouth!


We can't live long, right?



Let's go in there!

Are you out of your mind?

Why should we go in there?

That's right!

He must've gone mad.

Come here.

If no one stops the leak,

we all die!

But who'd go in there?

We're the only ones!


That's just stupid.

We warned them the dangers.

But they didn't listen.

When the accident occurs...

They tried to hide it

and got people killed.

Now, they ask the people

to fix things.


For this damned country...

Why should we die?


Are you insane?

Fool! Stay put.

But you know...

Our families are on the streets.

The radiation is coming after them.

Streets are jammed.

Buses can't move.

So they're all walking out there.


If we don't step up...

Our families will die too.

It's unfair and I'm mad as hell...

But we gotta do it.

There's no one else, but us.

Let's all go in!

Even if you don't, I'm going in!

Fine, let's go.

We'll go in!

What's living a few more days?

If you can walk, get up!

Let's go!

I'm in!

Let's go!

- I'll go.

- Let's go.

- Me too.

- Let's go.

What did you say?

We have volunteers!

Who are they?


Say it again?

We're going in.

What? Why?

If you do, you'll die!


I was exposed too much radiation.

I won't live long.

You said you'll come!

You said you're behind us!

I was going to...

But I have to do this.

What about me?

Mother, your sister-in-law

and Min-jae?

That's why I'm going.

I'm going in to save you

and my family.

What good is living without you?

Don't go in there!

Come on.

I won't let you!

If you do, we're done!



- Was that Jae-hyuk?

- Yes.

Where is he?

He's coming right behind us.


What's he doing

not taking care of us?

Put your mask on straight.

Tired, Min-jae?

Want me to carry you?

Leave him alone.

I can carry him.

It's okay!

Let's go.


Move! Out of my way!

Help me.

The radiation is coming!

Stay together!

Hold on tight!


- Sis!

- Mom!


Min-jae! Where are you?


Get up! Come on!



Min-jae! Where are you!


Have you seen Min-jae?


I can't find Min-jae!




Over here!

Mother? Are you okay?



- Are you okay?

- Take Min-jae.

Let's get out of here.


Min-jae! I'm so

sorry I lost you.



Are you okay?

I'm fine.



I'm so sorry.

It's okay.

I'm sorry.

It's all my fault.


You sure this is the only way?

It has to be you and others?

Who else would, but us?

Promise me one thing.


No matter what...

Come back alive.

Whether it be days...

Or months...

Stay with me and...

Die after we are

okay without you.

Got it?

Yes, I promise.

I'll make sure.

Is everyone ready?


I helped rescue you out.

But then you

volunteer to go back?

You know what's in there?

Then don't go in?

Sorry, we should hurry.

There's no time.

I'll explain things on the way.

No time to hesitate!

Let's go!

Let's go.

Hurry up.


What are you doing?

I'm going in too.


I don't want to hear it.

I can't live without you.

Let's die and start fresh

with your mom in heaven.


Proud you took in

all that radiation?

I ate as much as you boys!



Take care till I get back.


You'll go into...

The waste storage

under the tank.

There's contaminated

coolant up to your knee.

So gears and protections

won't matter.

You'll be able to work

about 5 minutes inside.

What's this?


Take them as needed,

though they may not work.

You must be in pain too.

I took a bottle of them.

You're going in too?

Of course.

It's our town!

How's the situation?

Not good.

The coolant level is down

to dangerous levels.

But the radiation is too high,

we can't go in.

We just waited for you.

It's bad.

We should hurry.

Get ready quickly!

Snap out of it!


Looks like

we're really going in to die.

We're not going in to die,

but to save.

- Let me go!

- Stop! Put your mask on!

- Let me go!

- Stop!

Let me go!

This can't be happening!

- What's wrong?

- Our town folks...

They went back in

to do the repairs!

They won't make it alive.

Who went in?

My husband and...

Plant workers who got hurt.

They all went back in!

What about Jae-hyuk?

He probably went in too.

He didn't go in, did he?


Tell me!

Did he go in or not?

I'm so sorry.

What are you saying?

Jae-hyuk went inside?


I couldn't stop him.

I'm sorry.


Oh no!

Not Jae-hyuk!

He'll come. He promised!

He said he'll come back alive!

They say he'll die!



- Please don't!

- Calm down!

Let me go! I have to go to him!


I have to go to him.



This way.

We're here.

It's beyond that door.

We don't have much time.

Team 1, secure the route.

Yes, sir.

Let's get ready too!

Come on!

Hurry up!

Get your gear ready!

Team 1 went in.

Chief, please hurry

as much as you can.

Repair of storage tank just begun.

Where one can't return alive

due to high radiation...

25 mechanics...

And firefighters are

fighting battle to save...

Volunteer team in the plant.

They're coming out!

Rescue team! Go help!

Yes, sir.

Hurry up!

Snap out of it!

Come out!



Team 2 start covering the leak.

- Yes, sir!

- Be careful!

Radiation must be really high.

They're sealing the crack.

Hang in there.

We're almost done.

You okay?

Team 2 come out!

Team 3 go!


Good job! Go!

Good work everyone!

Team 3 is in.

How is the team

that just came out?

Not good.

No option but painkillers.

Please relieve their pain.

Chief? How is the repair going?

Pretty good so far.

I don't know if good

is the word to use.

It's working...

Oh no!

Go in and help!


Are you okay?

Get up!

Take him out now!

Let's go out.

Hurry! Let's go!

It's gotten worse.

Cracks got bigger and

the coolant is flooding.

I'm sorry.

There's nothing we can do.

It's too late.

Too late now.

The repair was unsuccessful.

Cracks got worse and

can't be repaired.

Repair team is heading out.

Hope is now gone.

Everyone pull out.

Go to your families.


Let's go.

There's nothing we can do!

Get up! Let's go.

We did what we could.

Let's go home.


What if we seal the entrance?

What do you mean?

What if we block it off

and blow the ceiling?

Wouldn't that chamber

become a tank?


Yes! Jae-hyuk is right!

What did you just say?

Seal off the entrance

and make a new tank.

We blow the ceiling,

that is, the floor of the tank above.

Then the rods will fall

into the new tank.


We'll blast the tank floor.

Is that possible?

We'll try. But...

But what?

There's no time...

To wait till the explosives are set

then seal off the entrance.

It has to be simultaneous.

Then someone won't be able

to come out?

That's right.

Who will go in?

There's only one

who can set explosives.

Jae-hyuk, I'll go.

You can't even touch


Forget it.

I should've learned it

when I could.

I'm sorry.

The explosives are here!

Move them inside.

Come on. There's no time.

Let's hurry it up.


Let's go!


Let's go!

Stop crying.

Let's go! Hurry!

Everything's all set.

Good job.

Good work.




We'll go to heaven, right?

I'll go first.

Take your time.



Seal off the entrance.


The work is underway.

Jae-hyuk! I'm so sorry!



- Dad!

- I'll do it!

I can do it!

Hurry up!

Are you okay?

I ran out of pills

and it hurts too much.

Can't I just blast it now?

No! We're almost done!

Hang in there!

I can't move...

I didn't get to see Jae-hyuk

or hear his voice!

I can't let him go!



He'll come back!

He promised to come back alive!


No service.



I'm listening.

Do me a favor?

What did you say?

It's Jae-hyuk!


- Mother!

- Jae-hyuk!

Don't do this!


He's going to be on TV.


Jae-hyuk will be on TV!

Come with me.

You too!




Jae-hyuk will be on TV?

Chief? It's all ready.

It's ready.

My family...

Can they see me?

Yes. They're watching.

Thank you.

Mom? It's me.



I can't see you,

but you see me, right?

Yes, I see you.

I'm so sorry...

For coming without telling you...

For leaving...

And saying goodbye like this...

I'm so sorry for everything.

Don't cry.

I'll go first and

take care of dad and bro.


You live long...

See Min-jae get married

and have kids.

Stay healthy and come.


Jae-hyuk! Don't go!


Thank you for taking care of mom

even when my brother is gone.

I wanted to say that...

But I was too shy to say.

Thank you very much.

Take good care of Min-jae.

I will. I promise.

Where's uncle going?

Tell him not to go!


Are you mad?

Mad that I didn't keep

my promise?

Don't be.

I wanted to live

even a day just with you.

I wanted to have the

dinner you've cooked,

then die comfortably

in your arms.

But I can't.

I can't keep the promise I made...

To live happily ever-after.

I really dreamed of our future.

But why!

Why can't I do that?

It's not too much to ask!

Why do I have to die like this?

What did I do!

What did I do wrong!

I don't want to die like this.

It hurts so much

and I'm terrified!


I'm so scared.

Oh no...

My poor son! Jae-hyuk!

Jae-hyuk. No!

I didn't mean to do that.

Why did I do that?

Please don't forget me.

Then I won't regret

dying like this.

That I wasn't such a loser...

Remember me like that.

Take care everyone.

- No!

- Jae-hyuk!




My son! My baby!

My poor son!




Almost done?

We're ready.

Then get out.


I'm sorry.

Go! Run!


Let's go!

- Jae-hyuk!

- Let's go!


- Hurry!

- Here they come!

This way!

Take 'em to ambulances!

Jae-hyuk! No!


You did good.



The fuel rods are in the new tank!

I repeat.

The fuel rods are in the new tank!

We'll fill the tank with coolant

then the rods will be stable!

What happened to him?

He didn't make it.

Mr. president,

his name is Kang Jae-hyuk.

Kang Jae-hyuk.

I'll remember him.

I will never forget.

Why do you hate

the nuclear plant?

I don't. I'm scared of it.

What's to be afraid?

The nuclear plant is getting old.

But no one seems worried

or interested.

It's scary that no one cares.

Memorial for nuclear accident victims.

That's not right.

We should think of

the children like Min-jae.

Do you want to pass on

a rich world to the children?

Or a safe and comfortable world?

We can't cover our eyes and ears

because we're scared.

We've opened the pandora's box.

There's disaster, evil,

but also hope.

We must find that hope.

For our future...

Korea has the highest density of

nuclear power plants.

24 nuclear reactors are in operation and 9 cities

and 28 counties are within 30 km of 4 nuclear plants.

Since the Fukushima, many countries

are phasing out nuclear plants.

But Korea is building 6 nuclear plants

and has plans for 4 more.

A Park Jung-woo film.