Pandemic (2007) - full transcript
The bird flu virus spreads through Los Angeles as a doctor from the CDC races to find a vaccine.
This is melissa lowe
reporting to you live.
Los Angeles is now in its
fifth day of the so-called
riptide virus pandemic
named for the young surfer,
ain smith, who contracted
the disease in australia
and subsequently infected
other passengers
aboard air atlanta icelandic
flight 182.
The exposed travelers
were immediately taken
to the cdc's emergency
response center,
where they remain quarantined.
Also on that flight
was convicted drug kingpin
edward vicente, who,
in a daring escape,
fled the quarantine with
the aid of armed gunmen.
During the breakout,
an fbi agent
and a security guard
were brutally murdered.
At this hour, the greatest
fear of the cdc officials
is now being realized
with the exponential growth
in the transmission
of the virus.
More than 154 have died
in the metropolitan los angeles
area from the virus.
Cdc and fema teams
are scouring the city
in search of victims in
door-to-door operations.
Over 1,400 patients
have reported to doctors
or medical facilities
with symptoms
and are considered contagious.
A just released
official projection
based on computer models
is staggering,
placing the possible death toll
in the tens of thousands
if the disease continues
its relentless
and unchecked expansion
through our population.
From downtown los angeles,
this is melissa lowe,
channel 8 news.
It's time we talked.
You've made a mistake taking me.
I've got very
important work to do.
What is the name of the
flu drug you've been
giving everybody?
The question is not that simple.
I talk, you answer.
You don't answer, you die.
Tama-flu, but...
You see how simple that was?
Now, don't talk anymore.
[beep beep]
Get in!
What do you want?
I... I don't have any money.
Do you have tama-flu?
Do you have tama-flu?
Show me!
Carlos, watch the door!
Ok, man. Look.
Just don't shoot, all right?
Shut up!
Where is it?
It's right here.
Hurry up!
How much do you want?
All of it.
In the bag.
Is that it?
It's all I got.
Let's go.
Do you have a history of
contact with poultry or...
I had the mumps.
I had the mumps.
I'm sorry.
For what, sweetie?
I'm gonna miss the trials.
Oh, honey.
You'll make it next year,
I promise.
This is rick.
He's gonna take
really good care of you.
He's smart,
and he's really cute.
You're not gonna stay?
I got to leave, but
I promise I'll be back.
I'm glad you noticed he's cute.
It's a step
in the right direction.
You get some rest, ok?
I love you.
I love you, too.
You let me know if
there's any changes, ok?
Don't worry.
I'll take good care of her.
Dispatch, 10-14
at this time. Over.
You got an eta?
Yeah. They say it's gonna
be about 15 minutes.
Ok. Check it again.
Now what?
Now we keep looking.
Where? We burnt the last two
days hitting every place
vicente's been known to use
as a safe house.
Besides, his face is
all over the tube.
He's gonna lay low until
things cool off a little.
I wish I had your
confidence, whitlock.
So do i.
Put the rest of the water
in the trunk!
Don't let anybody
board the boat!
We could use
the condensation kit!
Hey! What took you
so long?
I had to go to three stores
to get everything.
Mwah, mwah, mwah.
Here, let me take one of these.
Watch your step.
God, how do I get on here?
Are you back on the carbs?
I'm just kidding.
Come on.
It's only a joke.
Hey, look what I got.
We'll get her,
we gotta get out of here!
That realtor dude
passed out at my screening.
I got a doctor to set us up
with a couple.
Here, take two.
Start with two right now.
It says here, "proven
effective in dealing with
influenza when taken
at first onset of symptoms."
So whatever happens in I.a.,
we will be hearing about...
from cabo.
[engine starts]
It's me.
I need you to do something.
Can't believe you're calling me.
Relax, counselor,
I need your help.
Well, as your lawyer,
all I can do is recommend
that you turn yourself in.
Oh, well,
I appreciate your advice.
Where are you going
with this, edward?
I need a place to stay
for a few days,
where me and my associates
won't be disturbed.
I'm sorry.
I truly am.
But that would
be aiding and abetting,
and, as an officer
of the court...
An officer of the court?
Listen, I understand the
situation you're in, my friend,
but I want you to remember
that I made your career
and I can end your career.
I want you to remember
the dump you were in
before you met me
and my friends.
I wouldn't want you to think
that I don't appreciate
what you've done for me.
Jeez, where are my manners?
How is joyce?
And that-that little
boy of yours,
what's his name?
I surely hope they're well.
And I bet you'd do anything
to keep them that way.
I'll find you a place.
Excellent, excellent.
I was thinking, you know,
something by the beach
might be nice.
'Cause I just...
I just hate the valley.
Ok, tell that police chief
that unless the overtime
is approved by my office,
it comes out of his budget.
He'll take it to the council.
Let him.
Oh, mr. Mayor.
I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
The mayor's busy right now.
Oh, no, please.
It's me, roberto ruiz.
We met at my daughter's
school the other day.
She was the one who was reading.
Of course.
It's ok.
That's a habit we have
to break, mr. Ruiz.
I'm sorry.
What can do for you?
Well, with this
flu thing right now,
I was just wondering
if it indeed safe
for everyone to stay
in the city.
As long as you're careful
and wear a mask, absolutely.
Roberto is it?
Yes, sir.
We're all in this together.
And it's together
we're gonna beat this thing.
If you'll excuse us.
Thank you very much.
Making partner is all
about billable hours, tom.
Sorry, mr. Shepard.
I told him you were busy.
He says he's with the fbi.
It's ok, helen.
Agent whitlock and I
have met before.
We'll have to finish this
later, tommy. Thank you.
Helen, thank you.
So, can I get you a drink?
Scotch, if you got any.
Aren't you on duty?
I'm just kidding, shepard.
I don't want your booze.
So what do you want?
Where's vicente?
I have no idea.
You're his lawyer.
Agent whitlock, even
you must be familiar
with attorney-client privilege.
I would say that your client
gave up his privileges when he
broke out of that quarantine
and killed one of my agents.
I think we're done here.
No. I don't think so.
I'm gonna make two phone calls.
The first is to security,
and the second is to a very
good friend of mine in the
attorney general's office.
Don't threaten me, shepard.
The doctor that your client
kidnapped is the big dog
at the cdc.
He could be the key to
this whole pandemic.
Your point?
My point is that unless
we get on top of this soon,
nobody is safe, not you,
not your family.
You think of anything,
you give me a call.
Sir, I just need you to
sign right there.
Well, it's all in the paperwork.
I already gave them my blood.
Just gotta maintain
control of this.
Right, and just hang on to that.
Hey. Aria?
What are you doing back here?
I needed to come back.
Are you feeling ok?
You know what?
For the first time, it feels
like my work really matters.
Before I got out of
the quarantine,
I photographed everybody.
Nobody should ever forget this.
I think that's wonderful.
Thank you.
I, uh... i've got an appointment,
but I'll... i'll see you later.
Pull it up right now!
Really? We got to run
everything through county?
Excuse me.
Got to be that way.
Hey, kayla.
I'm really sorry about all of
this, but thank you so much.
Sure. I just never dreamed
we'd use this place for this.
Me neither.
What time do you want to go?
Well, I think I'm
gonna need about an hour.
Oh, wow.
All right.
Yes, doctor. We can
get you copies on that.
I need a broad sample
of serum. Thank you.
Right away.
Keep moving, keep moving.
It's not a pretty sight.
They did the same thing in 1918.
How many people do we
have processing today?
Today? Uh, 12,
including myself.
I'll be in and out or
later if needed.
Uh, you'll have to excuse me.
I need to get suited up.
I need the mayor to
see this. Where is he?
You can't just summon him
like one of your interns.
What you have to say to
him you can say to me.
We have to quarantine los
angeles and surrounding areas.
They'll be able to move about,
go to work, or stay at home.
You want to close los angeles?
Mr. friedlander, the riptide
virus will indeed spread
through california in about
a week and then the united
states in about a month.
You want to us to keep
it bottled up here?
I just need 5 minutes with him.
Ok, you two.
Start the brake!
All right. I'll be in touch.
If I don't hear from you
by the end of the day,
I'll exercise other options.
Wish there was
something more I could do.
Hey, big guy.
You remember when we
first partnered together?
I was a pain in the ass,
wasn't I?
I know you're not gonna quit.
You're a fighter, pete.
I don't want you to
worry about anything.
Everything's gonna be ok.
Cdc's requesting
all known permutations.
I've got them right here.
If you can fill this
part out, then I'll make sure...
[indistinct chatter]
No, this was this part.
Oh, really?
This is more than I
actually expected.
Sampson died.
Oh, my god.
I'm so sorry.
I don't know what to say.
I didn't know who else to call.
No. It's ok.
I better go.
Wait. Troy...
I wanted to say thank you
for talking to gil
the other night.
When it comes to him,
you were always right, kel.
Take care of yourself.
Yeah. You, too.
I love the smell of
a good scotch, sea air.
Oh, sorry. Would you like one?
As of noon today, we
have confirmed 286 deaths
attributed to this virus
and 3,492 individuals
who were showing symptoms.
Is there a vaccine?
We're working on it.
Do the police have any leads
as to who was behind the armed
attacks and the murders
here at the hospital?
That is a criminal matter.
You might want to direct
those questions to
the proper authorities.
What should people do,
lock themselves inside
their homes?
I think people should
definitely be aware
of public places, yes.
You see, we're doing what
they just ask, staying out
of public places.
Preliminary analysis shows
that out of the two antiviral
testing tama-flu has shown
that it's not effective
in stopping or slowing
down the virus.
Does the other one work?
Thankfully, it
looks that way, yes.
Cotoxil seems to lessen
the severity
of the symptoms when
taken on onset.
So doctors should
prescribe cotoxil.
Yes, but it's not available to
the general public as of yet.
So... so how are people
gonna get it then?
Well, it will be available here
at this hospital and
other satellite hospitals.
How long? Where's
it coming from?
We can't comment on that,
but I can assure you
it is on its way.
You told us to take
tama-flu, right?
I told you it
wasn't that simple.
The testing needed more time.
It's a brand-new flu.
Where's this
medicine coming from?
I don't know.
You don't?
You're supposed to be the
man in charge, right?
Well, looks like
you're gonna need
the same medicine as we all do.
looks like one man's flu is
another man's good fortune.
Welcome back to your home
for news and views
and flu updates
every 10 minutes.
In a stunning announcement
just a short while ago,
the cdc has informed the public
that the antiviral drug
tana-flu is of no use
in the fight against
the riptide virus.
Let me repeat: The cdc
has announced that...
Oh, god.
Michael, we have tana-flu.
Yeah, could you give me one?
I think I need another one.
No, listen.
I just heard it doesn't work.
It's the wrong drug.
of course it works.
My doctor set me up with it.
He was wrong!
You're sick.
You're getting sick.
Oh, god.
Oh, god.
Oh, my god!
Please, michael.
Oh, please.
We have to turn the boat around.
Oh, my god, michael.
Please help me!
[raspy cough]
This is melissa lowe
for channel 8 news.
It is another grim day in
los angeles as the dead continue
to grow in number, filling
morgues beyond capacity,
and still, there
is no end in sight.
The once warm and friendly
city of los angeles is now
full of people wearing masks
and fearful of the slightest
human contact.
With law enforcement officers
working 18-hour shifts,
and national guard troops
patrolling the streets,
I.a. has truly become
a city under siege.
The only places doing business
are hospital emergency rooms,
which are now being taxed
to the point of collapse as
health workers and first
responders are beginning to
fall prey to this
insidious and deadly enemy.
[cell phone ringing]
Dr. kayla martin.
Yes, governor.
Yeah. Thank you so much
for calling me back.
I think it's really
important that we talk.
I got it. Ok.
Good to see you all.
Mayor dellasandro.
Governor schaefer.
What's this all about?
Well, if we're going to
quarantine los angeles,
we need united leadership.
I don't know what kind
of game you're playing...
I can assure you
this is no game.
Man, look at this.
I ain't seen one
of these in years.
What the hell?
What's with these masks?
Eh, it's just
a precaution, buddy.
Who knows what this
thing really is?
The news says it's the flu.
It's no flu. I mean,
look at me.
I'm not sick.
There's something going on they
don't want us to know about.
Listen. I want you to put
together a group of men we can
trust for an
operation I've planned.
Yeah, sure.
I can do that.
We're gonna need every
hospital bed in los angeles
and then some.
We're canceling elective
surgeries and sending every
patient home that we can
to open up space.
Death and disease.
Not on my watch, mr. Mayor.
I couldn't agree more,
but that doesn't mean
quarantine solves the problem.
No, but it gives us
time to solve the problem.
A pandemic is... is
like a forest fire.
We need to get a ring around
it to slow it down, and that's
what cotoxil does.
By cutting off the I.a.
hot zone, it buys us time.
You can't defend turning
I.a. into a hot zone.
Don't tell me there's
no politics involved here.
You want me to take
responsibility? Fine.
Ok. Listen. You know, if you
need somebody to take the heat
if this goes bad, I will,
all right?
Federal regulations gives the
cdc... that would be me... broad
powers to contain a virus
that is in danger of spreading
across state lines.
I am ordering you to
quarantine los angeles.
Lady, who the hell
do you think...
Do it.
Thank you.
[doorbell rings]
Hey, buddy.
How you doing?
I'm sorry about sampson, dad.
He was a good guy.
Yeah, he was.
Mom, dad's here.
How are you?
Good. I'm just a
little bit stressed out
with everything
that's been happening.
Listen. If there's anything
that you, um, that you need...
I'll let you know.
So did I screw up the schedule?
Do you have him this weekend?
No, no, no.
I just... I just wanted
to make sure you guys were ok.
We're good.
I brought you this kit.
You wear these if you go out.
No way!
Yes way!
This is life for a while.
Let me show you how
to put it on.
Hold that there.
You put this here, and
then you can tighten it
with these straps.
Look at me.
Look at me.
Just do it, ok?
Could you give us a moment?
Yeah, sure.
What's up?
Are you serious?
Listen. I can't take that.
Kelly, people get
crazy at times like these.
You put it in the closet,
you lock it away.
At least you know it's
there if you need it.
Can you, uh, send gil out
so I can say good-bye?
Thank you.
Gil, your father
wants to see you.
You got to take real good
care of yourself and your mom
for a while.
So business as usual, right?
This is different.
There's a lot going on
out there right now, a lot
of people that are
depending on me.
I need to depend on you.
You understand?
Say good-bye.
Por favor.
[tires squealing]
My wife.
Is everything... whoa, whoa!
Nice and slow.
Nice and slow.
Take it easy.
All we're carrying is medicine.
Thank you for your
help with the guard.
You're welcome.
I hope we can put our
political differences aside
and work together on this.
Governor, what I'm about
to say to you is between us,
and if you quote me, I'll
deny it and come after you
with everything I have.
Say it.
I can have an unmarked car
at your house in 15 minutes.
I can have you and your
daughter out
of the county in 30.
Well, thank you, michael.
That's, um... that's
enormously kind, but...
this is where I belong.
What's up, ken?
There's a problem with the
trucks carrying the cotoxil.
Did they have an accident?
No. It's worse.
Your office just received
a call from mark shepard,
a lawyer representing
edward vicente.
He's the, um...
Oh, we know who he is.
He wanted to know if his
client could locate the
shipment of missing cotoxil
would the governor negotiate
on his behalf for a full pardon.
Give me a break.
Now he made it clear that
mr. Vicente didn't steal
anything, but due to his
connections with certain
people, he might be able
to help us find it.
He's blackmailing me.
Yes, ma'am.
That's exactly what he's doing.
[speaking spanish]
We got called up.
Muster's in simi valley.
Are you guys talking about
what's making people sick?
Daddy's gotta go help
people for a few days.
Can you shoot a germ bug?
If I can, baby, you know I will.
I love you.
Love you.
[camera shutter clicking]
We're gonna run more tests,
and it's gonna determine
a couple of things about
what course of treatment,
all right?
You're doing great.
Hang in there.
You're doing great.
Hi yourself.
Can I take your picture?
I hear you're an ice skater.
How you feeling?
I know it sounds weird,
but I don't feel that bad.
Are you scared?
I am.
It's ok to be scared.
I'm scared, too.
[indistinct radio chatter]
We're coming aboard!
Makes those lines fast,
fore and aft!
In here, chief.
Two of 'em.
Go ahead and call it in, chief.
Aye-aye, sir.
We'll look for
some i.d. on them.
Looks like riptide.
I told you to make
an appointment.
Where is he?
I have no idea.
I know about the deal
you offered the governor.
Where is he?
What do you want?
I'm tired of you, shepard,
and I'm through playing games.
You are insane.
My partner is dead.
Another of my agents is dead.
I have a son and an ex-wife,
who live in the city, whom I
care deeply about, and I
want you to look at me.
I want you to believe what
I'm about to tell you.
I will shoot you and kill you
without remorse right here,
right now if you do not tell
me where the cotoxil is.
I don't know.
You have to believe me, please.
But you do know where he is.
I want you all to know how
proud I am to see you here
today, ready to fight
for your freedom.
They're trying to tell
us this is a flu.
There's no way in hell.
No. The government has
seen fit to release this
deadly disease.
They're trying to thin out
the herd a little bit, make us
all fall in line, do
their little monkey dance.
That is no reason that
we have to go quietly.
Damn straight!
All right. Are there any
questions before we get started?
Yeah. Just one.
How you feeling?
Like a survivor.
Ha ha ha!
Amen to that!
I survived the
unconstitutional detention
of flight 182, and now
together, we are going to
survive the unconstitutional
imprisonment of los angeles.
That answer your question?
Don't tread on me, brother.
All right. Let's
take a drive, boys.
[tires squealing]
Air elements are en route.
Sectors of 5.
Get the breach man up front.
Let's go!
Team one, on me!
Hrt, move up!
He's here.
You ok, doc?
I'm fine.
We've got the doctor.
You've been missed.
They forced me to tell
them about the cotoxil.
We know.
Don't worry.
This is the first time an
entire american city has been
placed under quarantine.
How we handle ourselves in the
next few days will determine
whether history is gonna judge
us as an example of infectious
disease control or
just another disaster.
Dr. ratner, you'll have
operational authority here
at emergency response center.
Dr. foxhoven, you will
support and assist dr. Ratner.
Dr. ito, whatever your team
needs, please let us know.
What are we gonna do
without the cotoxil?
Well, does anybody
have suggestions?
Yeah. I think we got to get
our hands on the east coast
supply, get it
shipped out here asap.
Well, we know the virus.
We understand how it enters
our body and how it kills.
It should take...
Dr. sorkosky.
Stop, everybody.
Sit down.
Uh, welcome back, sir.
All of you need to know that
there is a possibility I've
been infected.
Well, sir, we should get
your blood work done
at the lab right away.
It's already been started.
I presume this
quarantine was your idea.
Yes, it was, sir.
Good call.
Thank you.
We need to find this man who
kidnapped me, this vicente.
He was in the primary exposure
range of the smith boy
on the plane, and he was
taking the tama-flu, which we
now know is the wrong
antiviral, but he's not
showing any symptoms.
Oh. Some kind of
natural immunity?
No telling.
Somehow, we need to get a
full blood panel on this guy.
It's the only way to find out.
We're getting reports
of widespread looting
throughout the city.
Wilshire boulevard between
western and fairfax
is now closed due to looting,
as is ventura boulevard
between laurel canyon
and fulton.
Well, I'm trying to
understand the president's
position, but...
So the president says he'll
see if he can get us 15%
of the cotoxil stored
in tennessee.
That's just great.
No federal help, and the
health care delivery system
of I.a. is now in the hands
of a convicted drug dealer?
I'm gonna have to tell the
people of the city the truth
about the stolen medicine.
What do you think will
happen if you tell them that
there's no medicine on the way?
I mean, chief barton
already said that
he cannot handle both the
quarantine and riots.
Well, the governor offered help.
Let's take it.
They're gonna need
clarification on our
enforcement policy.
Are we prepared to
shoot people for breaking
the quarantine?
Jesus. All these
people want to do,
ken, is stay alive.
What's happening to us?
This is jack hendler.
He was the passenger
who ditched the quarantine.
He seems to be stabilizing now.
He actually might make it.
Yeah, the ones you want
to strangle usually do.
What about our satellite
infection in pasadena?
Didn't make it.
This is our nun.
She lived at the homeless
shelter where the cabbie lived.
She came in this morning.
We need that cotoxil.
Sir, it's just a stopgap.
What we need is a vaccine.
It doesn't matter.
No. It doesn't.
Listen. You just keep
talking to the governor, ok?
Tell her she's got 48
hours to make a deal.
You get me that pardon,
I'll make sure you get some
for you and your family, ok?
How do you trust this
shepard when he ratted you out
to the fbi, huh?
I don't, but I need him.
You know, I've been thinking.
What do we got, a million doses?
Let's say we put 50,000 on
the street at 200 a pill.
Well, that's $10 million.
What if the governor finds out?
I want her to find out.
[tires squeal]
Got the cash?
Here you go.
Yeah. This better
be important.
I hear you got the stuff.
Sure. Show me the green.
Is this good?
Thank you.
Just busted a dealer
in beverly hills.
Well, he wasn't selling
heroin or cocaine.
I need a full ride.
Here you go.
What was he selling?
The number of deaths
caused by the pandemic
is expected to increase
by fivefold
in the next 24 hours.
Also, there are
unsubstantiated reports
of black market cotoxil
being sold all over the city.
At this moment,
the mayor's office says
it is desperate.
It has never seen a crisis...
I can't stand watching this
a minute longer.
Me, neither.
I brought lunch.
Thought it might be better
than going out.
Where's gil?
He's in his room.
You ok?
I'm fine. I just have
a little cold, that's all.
Come on, I haven't even
been anywhere that...
aw, damn, you know what?
I forgot...
I've got a deposition.
On saturday?
It might go late.
I'll see you later.
I don't think so.
Goodbye, frank.
[cell phone ringing]
Who is this?
How did you get in here?
Relax. He knows it's me!
He's probably gonna have
me killed, and with the
quarantine, I can't even run.
I can keep you safe.
By putting him away forever.
What if the governor
goes for his deal?
And don't tell me she's
not considering it.
We have to get to
him before she does.
Look. Vicente still
needs you to represent him.
When he calls, you tell him
the governor has agreed,
but you tell him that there
are papers he needs to sign.
I don't know. Maybe he has
to agree to sin no more.
Then you call me.
I'll be right behind you.
It will never work.
He won't believe me.
You make him believe you.
You know, when this thing gets
out, my career will be over.
No one will know about this
except me and one other agent.
There will be no other
swat teams, no other cops.
I will do my best to keep your
name out of it completely.
[overlapping chatter]
[monitor beeping]
Oh, my god.
Nurse! Nurse!
Code blue, code blue.
Ma'am, can you hear us?
Ma'am, can you hear us?
Sweetie, sweetie, it's ok.
It's all right.
It's ok.
She just died.
She wasn't very strong.
You're a lot stronger, ok?
You need to remember that.
I don't feel that strong.
I know.
Listen to me, brooke.
You and I are gonna
walk out of here together.
Ok? I want you
to remember that.
What's the take?
A million 6 and counting.
That's why they call this
the land of opportunity.
One minute I'm headed to
death row, the next I'm making
millions with a full pardon.
God, I love this country.
I haven't seen her for two days.
I'll let you in, but
you're on your own.
It feels like the end of
the world to me, but I know
that it's not.
It's the just the end of mine.
The sun will come out, lovers
will marry, children will
play, life will be lived.
To whoever finds this, please
pass it on to my 3 children,
ashley, trace, and daniel.
Make sure the photo album
and the letters
have been disinfected so
they won't throw them away.
Tell them I do forgive
them for being scared.
I'm sorry it had
to end this way.
And somebody please take
care of robert and ida.
They're not much trouble.
He's turning around.
Keep it moving, sir.
Keep it moving.
Get your packs and push
out about 100 meters.
I'm telling you, this road
is shut down all the way
to route 34.
Why is that?
I live just down the road.
Ok, guys. Get set.
This is it.
Got it. Right behind you.
[honks horn]
I'm sorry, ma'am.
Where do I go?
What do you want me to do?
There are no exceptions.
What is your problem, pal?
Good morning, sergeant.
I need for you to
move this truck, sir.
You know this quarantine
is illegal, right?
What I know is that you
got to move this truck now.
Make me!
Hey! Halt! Halt!
[tires squeal]
0-6, this is charlie 1-1.
We got a problem here.
3 vehicles just broke
through the barricade.
We did not engage.
Excuse me.
I just got word that 3
vehicles broke through
the quarantine on
the ventura line.
Did they fire?
They're the governor's troops.
The governor should
make the call.
It's not your responsibility.
It's hers.
I can't see killing people
just because they don't want
to get sick.
Good afternoon.
I'm speaking to you today
from the office of your mayor
michael dellasandro.
I'm here because I believe
strongly that there is no
justice without security.
Although we believe in the
rule of law, the law is not
effective if it is only words.
I have issued an executive
order imposing martial law.
A dawn-till-dusk curfew will
be enforced, and I've ordered
the national guard to
preserve the quarantine.
Order and safety will prevail.
Got that?
Got it taken care of.
Yes, sir.
I understand.
All right, guys. Listen up.
We got new orders.
Absolutely nobody gets past us.
We shoot if we have to.
[overlapping chatter]
How are you doing?
May I?
[camera shutter clicking]
[p.a. announcement]
Thank you.
[p.a. announcement]
[turns monitor off]
[camera shutter clicking]
let me ask you something.
Why are we surrounded
by all these sick people?
Well, maybe that's because
you're a sick person.
Hey, no, no, no, no, no.
Hey, look, I feel fine.
I fee fine. Trust me,
the jack is back.
Listen, I need you
to do me a favor.
I need to get my hands
on a cell phone recharger.
Think you could hook me up?
Mr. hendler, we're here for
our patients' medical needs.
That's first and foremost.
Now, if you want an exam,
we'll give you an exam
and we'll probably move you
to another area at some point,
but for right now,
I think I would be grateful
to be alive.
This riptide thing,
it's like a...
it's like a whole neutron
bomb or something, huh?
The people, they just evaporate,
but the buildings
are still standing.
I'm telling you, it's gonna be
a buyer's market, my friend.
All right.
You see that room down there?
Right there.
Yeah, look there.
He's there because
you infected him, right?
Just like you infected
all the other people...
Dozens, maybe hundreds
of people,
and now you want to sell
their real estate?
[p.a. announcement]
Go back to your room.
Iaker-7, I'm in a
restaurant at 983 w. Olive.
Piece of junk.
Come on. We're undercover.
What do you care?
Testing 1, 2, 3.
His wire's hot.
How you doing, counselor?
Where's vicente?
What do you got here?
I like this.
What's something
like this go for?
Cut the crap.
Vicente's supposed to be here.
Where is he?
You got the documents?
Yeah, I got them right here,
but they're for his eyes only.
Well, he thought he
couldn't trust you.
You know what?
Neither do i.
What are you doing?
What? You wearing a wire?
Leave me alone, man.
let's go.
[tires squealing]
Damn it!
Oh, no.
Unh! I'm hit.
I'll get you to a hospital.
Hang on!
Just hold on!
Keep pressure on that thing!
[overlapping chatter]
So what are you hearing?
It could be up to 6,000 dead,
and we may have at least that
many sick at home.
These people aren't receiving
any kind of organized
medical care.
Jeez. That seems high.
Why don't they come in?
They might be too
sick to want to move.
Maybe we just can't get to
them 'cause the ambulance
services and e.r.s
are overwhelmed.
Just got a call from coroner.
Dr. tam wants to know when
he can start the cremations
and mass burials.
He's running out of
space for the bodies.
[overlapping chatter]
That was an update
from this morning.
Oh. It was.
Hey. Just want to check
up on you guys, make sure
you're ok.
We're good.
You sound distracted.
Anything going on?
You're all right?
No. We're fine here.
Maybe I should talk
to your mother.
Put her on.
She's sleeping.
Ok. Well, uh, you
tell her I called.
You make sure, ok?
See you, dad.
See you, buddy.
[tires squealing]
You ok, mister?
Don't shoot, don't shoot!
Get in the car.
Get in.
Close the door.
Drive the car.
[gun cocks]
Whoa, kid, take it
easy, all right?
I'm really sorry,
but I need that money.
Look, man, I can't.
My mom's sick.
Just-just give me the money.
Wait, wait, wait.
Just don't come any closer.
That's right, sir.
Just turn it around.
Bring it up, ma'am.
No, ma'am. You're gonna
have to turn around.
No, ma'am. No further
traffic this direction.
You can't mess with
the national guard.
Some of the guys
have been in iraq.
Listen to me. This
guy comes up here,
act like you're gonna
do what he says.
He's gonna tell you
to turn around.
You take off.
If you don't do what I say,
I will kill you.
Do you understand me?
The road's closed, sir.
You're gonna have to
turn it around.
Watch out!
Watch out!
Get up there!
Hold your fire.
[tires squealing]
Watch the rest.
Watch the rest!
I got a shot!
Take it.
He's getting away!
Secure that vehicle.
Follow me.
Let me see your hands!
Get doc moore up here now!
Get the flex cuffs on him.
It's probably him right there.
I'll be back.
Gsw. He's stable,
but they're holding him
for interview with fbi. Over.
[radio dispatch]
We got a call from headquarters
about your fugitive.
Based on the description,
I think this is your guy.
Good work.
Excuse me, guys.
Can I have a moment, please?
Let's clear out, guys.
He's cuffed to the gurney.
Where is he?
I got nothing to say to you.
I got my rights.
I want my lawyer.
Too late. You killed him.
I didn't kill nobody.
He grabbed for my gun.
It was an accident.
Yeah. Pretty good story.
Who knows? A jury might
even believe it
if you ever get to tell it.
A little nasty wound
you got there.
I'd say this thing needs
some serious attention.
And the lines at the
hospital are real long.
You wait your turn,
you could bleed out.
You know who I am?
I'm the guy who can get
you to the front.
It's your choice.
[overlapping chatter]
[p.a. announcement]
[p.a. announcement]
I guess I fought it off
as long as I could.
I'm so sorry.
Do you mind?
Please take good care of it.
I will.
I promise.
Get some rest, ok?
[p.a. announcement]
Though unsubstantiated by
state and city authorities,
we now have information from
a knowledgeable source that
tells us that the city's
temporary morgues are filled
beyond capacity.
Mass graves have been dug for
the incineration and burial
of the dead.
The current death toll due
to the riptide virus is now
in the thousands and growing.
All on-duty interns,
report to nurse's station.
All on duty interns, report
to nurse's station.
[p.a. announcement]
You're awake.
[p.a. announcement]
How's aria?
You know her?
She took my picture.
She does that a lot.
You should, uh, you should
go back to sleep, sweetie.
You need your rest.
Aunt kayla?
You can't save
everyone, can you?
No, baby, I can't.
Thanks for trying.
[p.a. announcement]
When the avenues of
approach are secure,
we'll move to assault.
A group dynamic takedown with
c-2 coordination from my van.
Let me know if you need
any more black and whites
for the cordon.
Fill in harbor p.d.,
and I'll be right over.
I got a swat team in position.
They're ready to move in that
building when I give the word.
No. Give me 5 minutes to
get inside and neutralize him.
Like hell. My boys are
gonna get him out of there.
He knows we got him for murder.
I don't think he's
walking out peacefully.
So we carry him out.
The cdc needs him alive.
Any suggestions?
You just give me 5 minutes.
Then you can do what you want,
but you don't move
till I give the signal.
5 minutes.
Hey. Where's your mask?
I don't need one.
Vicente's not sick.
But I thought he was
on that plane.
He was. That's why
I need him alive.
What are we gonna
do if he tries?
Makes his own nest.
You know what?
I'm sick of it.
Ha ha ha!
All right. All you got
to do is try.
Nothing from smoke?
I think we got a problem.
I'll get the guys.
He doesn't show in 15
minutes, we get those trucks
out of here.
[gun cocks]
Oh, it's you.
Hands in the air where
I can see them.
I got the rat.
Let's move in on the rest.
[handcuffs latch]
let's go!
Hey! It's going down!
Hey! They're coming!
Move up!
Move up!
All right. The
building's surrounded.
Drop the weapon now.
On your knees now!
Let's get those
trucks out here now.
Come on! Trucks coming in.
Let's move!
Let's clear this area right now!
Something's happening!
We're live.
We're live!
Look over my shoulder.
This is a live picture.
These are the semis bringing
in the stolen cotoxil.
Hey! Where we going?
Come on.
It's here right now at the
emergency response center.
An incredible picture.
You're watching this live.
This is what the
center's been waiting for.
We're back at the
emergency response center.
What... what is all this?
I got a surprise for
the two of you.
Come on.
You got to see this.
This is the best news
the emergency response...
I figured you could
use this stuff.
You're kidding.
We got it.
We got as much of it
back as we could.
This is great!
Good job.
This is melissa lowe reporting.
It appears that the stolen
antiviral cotoxil has
been recovered.
Two truckloads have just
arrived here at the emergency
response center and are now
in the safe hands
of cdc officials.
[overlapping chatter]
We have recovered
the stolen cotoxil.
Now this does not mean we're
out of the woods,
not by any stretch.
It does mean we have a tool
to help slow down the virus.
I do have to remind you all
that this is not a cure,
but it does buy us
some valuable time.
What? What? Gil.
God, you scared me.
Honey, I'm just tired.
You gotta take these.
what is it?
It's that cotoxil stuff.
You gotta take 'em.
Gil, what have you done?
Here, take it.
See anything?
No. Nothing.
We're gonna take,
um, 4-hours shifts.
Tell, uh... tell them to
take the first one.
Donny, scott, you guys
have the first shift.
Tell those guys to get
some rest back there.
Ok, russ?
Get back, get back.
Nobody touches him.
Stay away from him.
You're kidding me.
I didn't know how much longer
I could stand being
around him without...
I'm sorry.
Any luck?
I just don't get it.
I mean, he was sitting as
close to ames as anyone.
Hopefully, I'll find something
out with his medical history.
Good luck.
This is dr. Martin.
She's here...
I know who she is.
You look much prettier
without your space suit.
We don't have a lot
of time here.
Oh. Well, that's unfortunate
because all I've got is time.
You want me to tell you
why I'm still alive,
it's gonna cost you.
What do you want?
What any man in my position
would want, a full pardon.
No way.
That's off the table.
I want my lawyer.
Oh. I forgot to tell you.
He's dead.
Your boy smoke wasted him.
So here's the deal.
If the cdc can confirm that
any information you give them
actually saves lives, we'll
drop the death penalty.
You think I'm gonna
spend the rest of my life
in a federal prison?
Then you'll die.
Oh, but we're all gonna die.
Yeah, but let me tell
you what your
life is gonna be like
while you wait to die.
You've got 10 seconds.
You're out of time.
Let's go, doctor.
When I was in australia
waiting for the feds,
they tested a flu
vaccine at my prison.
Yeah. Well, we know.
It was manufactured in denmark,
but you never got the vaccine.
I mean, that's what it said
in the prison medical log.
That's because you
looked under edward vicente.
They gave the prisoners
random numbers,
and I didn't get picked.
Those that got picked wore
those bracelets that got you
better food for a month,
so I just convinced a guy to
let me take his place.
So you got the shot,
the food, the benefits.
What did this other guy get?
He got to live.
I got to go.
[overlapping chatter]
Yeah. What?
I just put brooke
on a respirator.
[p.a. announcement]
Brooke, sweetie.
You got to open your eyes.
Come on.
Listen to me.
You got to be strong.
You got to fight this.
All right?
You have to give me
a little time.
Just give me a little time.
That's good.
Thank you, sweetie.
Please just let me know if
there's any more changes.
Where you going?
I think I found a link.
Negative. Has no effect.
That's impossible.
Well, look for yourself.
The danish vaccine
doesn't work on our virus.
I really thought we had it.
Well, we've been wrong before.
I just don't understand.
I mean, out of all
the people that
were sitting next to ames,
how could vicente
still be alive?
We have to be missing something.
Well, whatever it is, I
can't see it.
I don't know.
There has to be something.
I really believe it.
Is there a discrepancy in
his antigenic
and immunogenicity profile?
What are you doing?
Going through vicente's
medical file again.
Let's see.
There must be something here.
Kayla, I just got
word from ratner.
The people who broke out
of quarantine
just turned themselves in.
Oh, thank god.
One of them is dead,
someone from flight
182... gibson smolak.
The rest are being brought here
so we can keep an eye on them.
Ok. Come here.
I did an epithelial
and lung lining test.
The virus, it didn't attach.
Come here.
Take a look.
Then I watched for changes in
the proinflammatory cascades.
They're normal.
There's no organ shutdown.
It works.
How much of the blood
do we have left?
You mean vicente's?
Not much.
Enough for a single dose?
Clean it.
Gonna use it on someone?
Are you gonna clean it, or am I?
[p.a. announcement]
She's... she's gonna be ok.
For so long, all I've heard
is "auntie kayla did this"
and auntie kayla did that,"
and now... thank you.
Thank you.
You're certain this is
what saved the young girl?
Ok. Let me get
this straight.
You want me to allow you
to give tuberculosis to
the entire population
of los angeles?
We're not actually
giving them t.b.
we're giving them the antibodies
that were created
to fight the t.b.
it prevents the virus from
attaching itself to the lungs.
But why not just give
people t.b. medication?
Because if they haven't
had an active case of t.b.,
the response won't create the
right profile of cytokines
and chemokines to
kill the virus.
How do we do this?
We need you to put in the
word out in the media that
we're seeking people who
have an active, treated case
of t.b. to go to their
local hospitals.
And then you take their blood?
Only a part of their blood,
and then we filter it
and wash it
and use it to
treat the population.
Now the beauty of this is,
1,000 people who have had
their active tuberculosis
treated will give us as much
as a million doses.
How long?
A couple of days.
We'll use the fire
stations for distribution.
They're in every neighborhood.
That's a good idea.
You should make
the announcement.
We'll both
make the announcement.
Here you go. Just take
this and fill it out.
Thank you very much.
I'm gonna take you back
first, and then I'll come back
and get you, ok?
Great. Thanks.
I got some good news
and I got some bad news.
Good first.
Your mom's gonna make it.
So the medicine worked?
Not really.
She never had the virus.
She's got pneumonia.
Plain, old
antibiotics cured her.
That's great.
Now for the bad news.
Your little atm robbery
was caught on camera.
I'm really sorry, dad.
I know. You were just
trying to help your mom.
So, am I gonna get locked up?
Look, a lot of people did
things they weren't proud of,
out of caring for others
or out of panic.
I spoke to the gentleman,
and he's willing
to drop the charges,
but you gotta pay him back.
So, you're gonna
pay him back, understand?
Thanks, dad.
Do you want to help me
make some dinner?
It's over.
[overlapping chatter]
Ok. Ok. I've just been told
we're going now live to city
hall, where mayor dellasandro
and governor schaefer are
about to make a statement.
[camera shutters clicking]
Ios angeles has always
had its share of trials
and natural disasters,
earthquakes, floods, and now
this riptide virus, but we
are a strong city full
of strong people.
Today, we have hope to
go with that strength.
A treatment has been found
that will buy us the time
necessary to develop
a lasting vaccine.
It is a blessing within a
curse, but it will soon be
available to us all.
In moments like this, there
are always many people to
thank, our first responders,
our police, firemen,
and paramedics, people who put
the lives and safety of others
above their own.
Our doctors, nurses,
cdc scientists, and all the
other health professionals,
who have stood firm
in the face of this tragedy.
We will always be
profoundly grateful.
This tragedy has taught
us a great deal.
We've learned that in
unity there is strength.
But we have paid
an enormous price.
Many have died, and many more
are still struggling for life.
We will remember those
who have served and lost.
We will fight in their names
to make our federal government
update and support modern
methods of viral vaccines
and treatments.
They must be made to see that
if it can happen here it can
happen anywhere.
If it can happen to us,
it can happen to them.
[p.a. announcement]
Aunt kayla.
How you feeling?
I told you you were
gonna walk out of here.
It's just gonna be in
a couple days.
You really mean it?
Yeah, I really mean it.
You have to practice for
next year's trials, right?
I, uh, have a little
surprise for you.
[p.a. announcement]
Hey, my baby.
You look great.
I missed you.
I missed you, too.
I love you, baby.
I love you, too.
[overlapping chatter]
How you doing?
Tired, but I'm good.
How are you?
I, uh... wow... I just got a call.
A promotion in atlanta.
I'm not surprised.
You going?
Leave this paradise?
Where you headed now?
Home. Get some sleep.
Come on. I'll walk
you to your car.
Ok. Thanks.
Well, since you're staying,
we should get a cup
of coffee sometime.
Well, you have my number.
Yes, I do.