Pandamonium (2020) - full transcript

Arielle's first day at work spirals into Pandemonium as a serial killer locks his sights on the after office party.

This looks like the place.

Goddamn perverts, it's

always some shit like this.


Mr. Tanterton, are you there?

Hm, well I guess there

are some perks to it.

Mr. Tanterton, come out to play.

If it's fun you want, Mr.

Tanterton, it's fun you'll get.

What the shitting

hell is going on?

Oh, I get it.

You like a bit of role play.

Well, let me tell

you, Mr. Tanterton.

I work hard


I play hard.

Mr. Tanterton, I see

you've been tied up

at the office all day.

It must be hard

for a man to be so

Tied to his job.

What's the matter,

Mr. Tanterton?

Feeling a little tongue-tied?

Don't worry, I can

leave my hat on.

What's your problem, mate?

I'm giving you my best

friggin' stuff here.

What's your game,

you bloody nob head?

There's a fucking killer

in a Panda mask behind you.

I'm not in the mood

for tight ones, dear.

No, just wait.

I don't know who you

are, but I have money.

I can pay what you want.

I'm an important

partner at a law firm.

Well, I hear law is

a cutthroat business.

What is all this?

Well, I suppose

you could call it.

Here at Killmore &

Percival Solicitors,

we specialize in giving

you, the customer,

the highest quality services

from our friendly,

professional staff.

We're here to help.

To our top-notch legal experts.

We're here to help.

And our world-class

client relations.

We're here to help.

Killmore & Percival Solicitors

are here to make sure

you get the quality

service you deserve.

So when you think about

solicitors, just remember.

We're here to help.

So what do you think?

Did all of that in one take.

You can't tell.

Face of the corporation,

that's what they call me.

CV's a bit sparse.

What'd you say you did

before this anyway?

I was an entertainer.

What, like magic and shit?

Well, you've certainly

got dancer's legs.

Something like that.

Relax, it's a compliment.

So why do you want to

do this job anyway?

Just looking for

a change of pace.

It's a tough job, office junior.

Lots of work to get done.

Chances are you'll be

the last girl standing.

Well, I'm certainly

up for the challenge.

That's what I like to hear.

Does this mean I've got the job?

Welcome to Killmore

& Percival, Legs.

Morning, Mr. Daniel.

Where you heading

to this morning?

Ah, moving up in the

world, Mr. Daniel.

That's what I like to hear.

Security Steve, who's that?

That's the new office junior.

Not sure they're allowed to

be called that anymore, mate.

It's 2016, Mr. Daniel, no one's

sure of anything.

You see that

thing up there?

Allow me.

Level three?

I don't know, maybe.

It says on your pass.

I guess it does.

First day?

That obvious, huh?

I'm six.

Oh, by the way...


I was about to say

a jolt on level two.

Thanks for the heads up.

I guess this is me.

See you around, six.

Oh, watch out for Carol.

All right, Danny boy.

Confident, charming,

funny all at once.

You've got this.

Hi, you must be Damian.

I've just transferred up from

level one, IT Department.

Stop, name?

Daniel, Daniel.

Okay, Daniel

Daniel, you know how

to set up completion right?

Yeah, of course, of course, sir.

See that pile of shit in there?

I need all that shit signed

off and on my desk by 5:30.

- Yeah, but...

- 5:30.

But it's my first day.

I don't give a fuck!

Damn it, motherfucking

cocksucking piece of shit machine.

Fucking goddamn

it, piece of shit.

Uh, excuse me?

Oh, hello there,

dear, how can I help?

I'm Arielle Walters,

I'm the new girl.

Oh yes, Mr. Hook

said you'd be coming.

I'm Carol.

I think I'm meant to file these.

Yes, you'll want to do those

at the same time as the others.


They want me to

file all of these?

Yes, it is quite

a lot, isn't it?

The girl before you

left a lot of it.

Come to think of it, so

did the girl before her

and the girl before and

the girl before her.

Why is that exactly?

Well, they don't

exactly make life easy

for the young, attractive

juniors around here.


The boys up on six.

Hi, Mr Hook.

Shut your cake hole, Carol,

and get back to work!

You, Legs, make some coffees

and bring them up to the

board room, would you?

Well, I was just...

I wasn't asking.

What a fucking asshole.

I know, he's so sexy.

Come in.

You wanted to see me, sir?

Damian, my boy, take a seat.

Can I ask what

this is about, sir?

I'm afraid I have some

rather dreadful news.

Well, what is it, sir?

One of my fellow senior

partners, Phil Tanterton,

was found dead last night.

A dreadful, nasty business.

Cut from ear to

ear they told me.

That is awful news, sir.

Bloody terrible mess.

Found with some young strumpet

in his own home no less.

Do they know who did it, sir?

No, not the foggiest.

Reckon it could be a

robbery gone wrong.

Does anyone else

know about this, sir?

Oh no, just you so far

and the other partners.

If this got leaked to the

press, it would be pandemonium.

Then why are you

telling me, sir?

Well, every cloud and

all that poppycock.

It means that we

have an opening.

For senior partner?

Well, that's the thing.

Now I thought it should be one

of you boys from level six.

Wait, but I thought

I was a shoe-in.

Well now, my dear

boy, fair is fair.

Now I thought I'd check the

figures tomorrow morning

and see who's earned

the spot the most.

With the greatest

of respect, sir,

I think we all know that's me.

Oh, you got nothing to

worry about then, have you?

Odd though, Accounts

tell me that your numbers

have been down lately.

That's bull...

That seems unlikely, sir.

Numbers don't lie, Damian.

If I were you, I'd

make today count.

And Damian.

Yes, sir.

Pass the message to the

other boys, would you?

Yes, sir, of course.


What'd the old man say, Damian?


Did he mention the promotions?


Where are all the bear claws?

He didn't.

He didn't say

anything, all right?

Hey, how do you fellows

feel about having

one of our little

gatherings tonight?

A level six rager!

- Yeah!

- Yeah, come on! Let's do it!


Of course.


You bet.


Like any of this would

work without 'em.

So it's settled then.

I'll make the arrangements

with Security Steve.

Mr. Hook, I have the

coffees that you asked for.

Well, what you waiting for?

Bring 'em in.

Hey, who's this

little princess then?

Our new legal

assistant, Arielle.

Oh, like the mermaid.

Or the washing powder.

It's spelled differently.

I like to think of

it as interesting.

I don't think he picked

you for your name, do you?

Now Dick, I'm sure she

has all the skills.

Whoa, well go on,

give us a twirl.

Well, go on, love,

show 'em the goods.

Okay, you can go now.

Right, so drinks-wise,

what we thinking?

Beer, lager, tequila?

Sorry, I didn't

mean to scare you.

Don't worry about

it, you could've been

a six-foot teddy bear and

I still would've jumped.

I mean, yeah, sounds terrifying.

How's your first day going?

Killmore & Percival everything

you hoped it would be?

You know I thought it would

be a step up from my last job,

but somehow it feels

like they've hired

off the sex offenders register.


Not you, I'm talking about

the wolf from Wall Street

and his merry men in there.

How the hell did those

guys get to where they are?

It's like they still

think it's the '80s.

Classic bullies get the

nerds to do all the work

while they live it

up being big shots.

So wait, does that

make us the nerds?

I'd better get back.

Try not to let

them get you down.

Us nerds are in this together.

Good night.

Good night, good night.

Good night, Veronica.

Level six.

That's everyone, you

guys are good to go.

You sorted the girls?

Sure thing, boss man.

Easy money.

And save.


Not quite, Daniel Daniel.

What's that?

The files you asked me

to complete earlier.

Gonna stick 'em in your

office on my way out.


Oh, Daniel Daniel, the party

is just about to start.

I've got to get home.

Home, what for, a TV

dinner and a cry wank?

I'd love to, but...

Come on, Daniel Daniel, you

want to fit in up here, right?

I could stay for one.

Oh, Daniel Daniel, up here

we work and we play hard.

Meet the playboys of level six.




So how are you

enjoying your first day

on level six, Danny boy?

Yeah, it's great.

Not used to the fast lane, huh?

I guess I'd go for

easy on my first day.

We did, we did.

Shh, shh.

Hello, Dick's.

Our cheese is made

with real dick.

Strong cheese please, just

the way your sister loves it.

Boys, boys, the girls are here.

Good work, garcon, send 'em up.

They're already

fucking here, lads.


Only in a loose sense

if you catch my drift.


Not just strippers,

Daniel Daniel.

The finest strippers

money can buy.

Hey, you gonna

let us in or what?

It's freezing out here.

You sure this is

the right place?

Yeah, I done a couple of

solo jobs here before.

Real asshole, scum-of-the-Earth

types, but the money's good.

Oh, someone's coming.

Lazy asshole.

Good evening, ladies.

About damn time, do you know

how cold it is out there?

Nice to see you too, Jasmine.

Are you coming?



Let me guess, level

four account guys again?


Level five?

Level six?

Holy shit, the high-flyers.

What's level six?

Level six is like the

top dogs around here.

The fee earners, the ones

that make the big bucks.

One night on level

six played right

will set you up for a

whole month, longer.

How's that work?

These guys will pay

double, even triple

the going rate for a dance.

Start throwing in some extras,

and you're looking

at some serious bank.

Wait, no one mentioned extras.

You said this was a nice,

easy, laid-back gig.

Yeah, all you've got

to do is lay back.

You guys don't do that, do you?

Depends on the man.

And the money.

Come on, let's go bankrupt

these cocksuckers.

Oh yeah, watch out

for the jolt on two.

Did you see Games of

Thrones last night?

Sky Plussed it.

Are you ready?


What the hell is that?

What, you said come

as a sexy cowgirl.

We meant the wild west.

Well, they had

cows, didn't they?

Oh for fuck's sake.

Hey, hey, lads,

someone's coming.

And here we go.

So boys, are you ready for

some ludicrously expensive fun?

Okay, almost done.

What the hell?

- Carol!

- Oh, it's you, dear.

What the hell are you doing?

I'm just finishing up some work.

No, I mean why are you

jumping around like that?

Oh, it's the lights,

they're on timers.

They've got motion sensors,

but sometimes you have to

give it a bit of welly.

I see.

They still got you working

here at this late hour

on your first day?

Yeah, well I just have

to run these upstairs,

then I'm free to go.

So what are they doing up there?

It's one of their

private parties.

They have them sometimes.

They can get a little wild.

Sometimes I like to watch

them on the security cameras.

Okay, that got weird quickly.

I'm just gonna run

these up there, okay?

Oh, tell Damian I'm

down here all alone

if he needs anything.

Yeah, sure thing.

And run.

Run you, you class A bastard!

But you can't hide

from the prankster.

You can stop him.

You didn't

see it, Jerry.

You killed my friends, and

now I've come to kill you.


Meredith Mayweather.

I can fight.

Good on you.

Okay, let's see how

this party's gettin' on.

I think you'll find

that the joke's on you.

A little tame boys.

I'd expect better.

Level six.

Okay, wild boys,

that's everyone.

Just gonna take a quick

sweep of the floors.

Gee, thanks Mr. Expedition.

Just make sure no one

disturbs us, yeah?

You're the boss.

Not yet.

I'm sure you'll

a kick out of this one.

And only

one shall survive.

April Fools, motherfucker.

April Fool, motherfucker.

Hey, man, sorry I

thought everyone was out.

Hey, man, what the

hell are you wearing?

Hey, buddy, I'm talking to you.

Hey, I said...

Oh, I'm sorry.

Hey buddy, what the...

Sometimes I just lose control.

The things you have to do to

get your foot in the door.

Oh, good, the show's

just starting.

Oh, you are naughty boys.

I bet you're gonna

show them what for.

Now where is my sexy man

Oh, Mr. Damiam, where are you?

Oh Carol, you silly bitch,

don't let them find you in here.

They'll string you up if they...

Goddamn motherfucking piece

of shit in a crapping basket.

Oh, hello.

Damian, is that you?

Oh, I knew, I knew there

was something between us,

and I knew you felt it too.

I like the mask, it's very S&M.

I like to be strangled myself.

Duly noted.

Now now, don't

get all choked up.

All right, cupcake,

100 quid if I can do

you in the bathroom.

Ew, no.


All right, sweet cheeks,

200 quid if I can do

you in the bathroom.

Maybe later, sweetheart.

Psst, Jas.

One minute.

Fuck, Cindy, stage names only.

Right, fuck, yeah.

Well, what do you want?

We don't actually have to

fuck these guys, do we?

Who wouldn't want to

fuck these charmers?

Look, the beauty of this

job is you can get as much

or as little as you

want to out of it.

It's your body to do

what you want with.

Just don't let anybody try

and make you do anything

you don't want to do.

And if they do, they'll

have me to answer to.

You're one of the

girls now, Cindy.


You good?

Oh, remember try

and have some fun.

Told you lads.

To the birds, yeah?

What about you, handsome?

Fancy a dance one on one?

I promise I can be

quite a handful.

Not for me, love.

Did I hear you could

be quite a handful?

You did.

Daniel Daniel, what's going on?

We got some prize

cows here, literally.

And you're just standing around

looking at your trotters.

It's just not the kind

of thing I'm used to.

You're playing with the big

boys now, Daniel Daniel.

You need to learn to loosen up.

None of these girls

doing it for you?

All done, Mr. Hook.


Oh, we're just having

a party here, Legs.

You should join us.

I told you, my name is...


Oh fuck.

What the fuck are

you doing here?

- I...

- Hang about.

How do you know Legs here?

We used to work together.

Well, now I work here.

As what?

As an ass...

Hang on a minute.

You mean, she used to

work with you doing this.


Oh hi, Arielle.

Oh my God, this is too amazing.

Which one were you?


The village girls here.

Which one were you?

The biker.

The biker, the biker.

I just don't believe it.

I tell you what, why don't

you show me and the lads here

some of your moves?

You seriously left us for this?

Now now, better to be an

office whore than a paid one.

Arielle, wait.

Bye, Arielle.

Look, Pocahontas, it's

your last chance, yeah?

400 quid for a quickie

in the bathroom, yeah?

Come on, come on, come on.

What the hell is

wrong with this thing?

Arielle, are you okay?

What was that?

A reminder, a reminder that

I shouldn't have even tried.

Is it true?

That I used to be a stripper?

Do you know why I took this job?

Now I never gave a shit about

what anyone thought about me

or what I did for a

living, not for a second.

No, I didn't give a shit

when the moms at school

found out what I did for a job.

No, I didn't give a shit when

they stopped talking to me

at the school gates.

I didn't even give a shit when

they started keying my car

and dropping shit

through my letter box.

I did, however, give a huge

shit when my little girl

came home from school

crying 'cause the other kids

called her mom a whore.

I never cared about what

anyone thought about me

until I saw my little girl

ashamed of me for the first time.

- I...

- I thought that getting

a respectable job

would change things,

but I can see the goddamn

look on your face right now.

No, it doesn't bother me.

Bother you?

Well, it doesn't

get to bother you.

What the hell is wrong

with this fucking thing?

Do you know what, Daniel?

Fuck you, fuck them,

and fuck this place.

So much for we were

in this together, huh?

Goddamn it!

All I wanted was a normal life.

That's all I fucking...


Security Stu?



Oh, Steve.

You lost?

Calm down, Legs.

It's Carol, she's...

Annoying as fuck, I know.

No, she's dead, and

so is Security Simon.

That's not right.

Come on, love, enough

of the wind-up.

There is a guy in a panda mask,

and he is killing people.

You must take me

for a right mug.

I'm telling you the truth.

If you just wanted to get me

alone, you only had to ask.

What, no, I'm telling

you that there is a guy

in a panda mask, and

he's killing people.

Look, this was bound to

happen sooner or later.

What is?

You and me.

So it can be a drunken thing,

an office party at Christmas,

or we can get it over

and done with now.

There is not enough

vodka in this world.

I find that hard to believe

given your last job.

I was a stripper, not a whore.

Is there a difference?

You're a fucking pig.

Look, I know your type, Legs.

And you all have a price,

so how about we

call yours your job.

Now let's see how far

up these legs go, yeah?


You little fucking twat!

What do you think you're doing?

Okay, so we should

probably go now.

I'll be fired.

I'm gonna lose the apartment,

gonna lose the job.

Not gonna get the car or

the dental plan or, or...

Daniel, there is a serial

killer loose in the building.

Sorry, what?

There is a serial killer

loose in the building.

He killed Steve.

No, not Steve.

And Carol.


All right, now

give me your phone.

Give me your phone.

It won't work, the

roofs are lead-lined.

We need to get out of here.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

What's wrong?

We need to get the others.


Oh my God.

What do you think you're doing?

Just checking out the goods.

Yeah, well eyes are

for looking, buster.

I've got money.

And I've got boundaries.

Well, what about you?

No way, dude.

We're not prostitutes,

we're dancers.

And not for that

kind of money anyway.

You take cards?

And where am I gonna

swipe that, my ass?

Okay, okay, just

gimme like 30 seconds.

I doubt you'd last

half that, hon.

You weren't gonna

fuck him, were you?

Oh, probably not, but it's

fun to watch them sweat.

Anyway, it's 2016, of

course we take card.

Where were you keeping that?

Are you enjoying yourself?


Although I should

be for 200 quid.

Hey, dude.

You haven't got like a few

bucks I can borrow, do you?

In a minute, mate,

can't you see I'm busy?

Oh man, these drugs

are kickin' in.

There's a massive looking

panda in a suit over there.

It's okay, mate, this coke's

cut with all kinds of shit.

I'm preparing to see

the flying baby Jesus.

Oh man, he's got a scary knife.

Fuck, watch the teeth, love.

You're supposed

to be a profess...


Who the fuck is this prick?

Sorry, don't mean

to cut things short.




He's got blood all over my suit.

This thing cost me 2,000 quid.

You fuckin' prick,

he loves that suit.

I do, it's my favorite suit.

Well, you're gonna

have to pay for that.

Yeah, looks like we're gonna

take you to the cleaners.

Uh, buddy?

Your dick's out.

Oh, fuck.

Cheers, mate.

No worries, man.

Right, where were we?

Oh, don't worry,

I'm not even real.



Or am I?

So basically you just add a

little bit of lemon juice,

you rub it around the edge,

and then the shower head cleans

itself whilst you use it.

Costs the price

of a citrus fruit.

But these big companies want

you to spend all that money

on their cleaning products,

which is rubbish because...

What's going on?

Well, I don't want you to

panic, but there might be

a mad head with a panda mask

with a knife offing people.

Might be?

Well, it could be these drugs.

It's definitely

not the drugs then.

Is this like a

normal stripper thing or...

Like one in 10.

When I say, go for the lift.

Oh, don't leave now, Officer.

I've been a really bad boy.


Come on, come on!

Oh, it won't open.

It needs a card key.

My fingers!

Aren't you dreamy?

Can I get your digits?

Aren't you happy to be meeting

a genuine, card-carrying


Cindy, we need to run.

Aren't you beautiful.

Don't let it go to your head.

Don't worry, you're next.

I'll call the lift,

you go get the others.

I think we might be too late.

What's wrong?

The key card isn't working.

So we're stuck.

We're stuck.

Oh my God, you're Arielle.

We've got to get out of here.

There's a psycho killer.

Less to say.

Run, run away!

Oh, come on, you're

just milking it now.

Poca hot tits.

How's that for a totem pole?

Oh yeah, so good.

Wick, whap, bap, mam.

Oh, oh, Geronimo!

Here you are.

Go and get yourself

something nice.

I can see why they

call you Dick.

We're here to help.

What happened to the lights?

Arielle, what the fuck

are you guys doing?

Why are you guys

hiding down there?

Who the fuck is this idiot?

We need to go.

What, why?

Hey, hey, who's got me vodka?

Oh, big panda.

Come on, wax on, wax off.

Gimme the chop.

You cut me dick off?

I'm dickless?

Bad panda.

I hope you're really

proud of yourself.

I'm gonna go away and die now.

What is this place?

The executive boardroom.

It's like the worst

place we could be.

No exits, and the only thing

keeping that nutter out there

is a fucking key card.

Who the hell was that guy?

Some kind of psycho.

I gathered that, Einstein.

I mean, what did he want?

Jesus, Jasmine, I don't know.

Maybe he wanted to

treat you to a KFC

and a night in a Travelodge.

What the fuck do

you think he wants?

He's not here to, get down!

Is he gone?

Did he see?

I don't think so, but it won't

be long till he finds us.

And he's got the

only card that works.

So what, we're just

gonna wait here

for him to come and get us?

You got a better idea?

Yes, I say we go and rush him.

Are you a complete idiot?

This guy is a professional

killer, not a Dairylea triangle.

He killed half the

people in this office

without any of us even noticing.

Who the hell are you

calling an idiot?

I'm not the one

walking around up here

like I'm Pretty Woman.

Do you have any idea

what you look like?

What because I tried to

do something with my life

rather than spend every day

being treated like a slut?

And they really treat you

any differently up here.

Was it really worth abandoning

all of your friends for?

You know what your problem is?

You've always refused to

embrace who you really are.

Well, either way, we'd still

be stuck here waiting to die.

Maybe not.

What do you mean?

Store room, secure, locks

only form the inside.

Standard locks,

not on the system.

And there's a fire

escape at the back.

But to get

through the exits,

we need a security pass.

True, but when the

building systems come on in

the morning, the fire escapes

will be operational as normal.

They open at 6:00 with the

cleaners in about two hours.

Okay, but you forgot one thing.

We need a key card to get round

the back in the first place.

Yeah, how we gonna get in there

without one of those cards?

The vent system.

It's small, but if

we can get through,

we can unlock the door

from the other side.

How are we supposed

to get through there?

Well, maybe not me, but...

I seriously doubt it.

These beauties are never

gonna fit through there.

What, no way.

I have enough

trouble with lifts,

let alone crawling

into that death trap.

Well, we can all just

wait here to get murdered.

It's the best choice.

It'll be easy, I promise.

Just a few feet, let

the rest of us through,

and we'll wait

there till morning.

There is no way in

hell that I'm...

Piece of shit panda

in the fucking office.


Guys, come on, the door's open.



We really should've run out.

Let her go.

Oh, I don't think so.

I've just completed

the full set.

Arielle, you don't

understand it.

Why are you doing this?

Why does anyone do anything

when they go to the office?

Because they're paid to.

Paid, by who?

Damian, what the hell is...

I told you Legs here

wasn't that bright.

It's a shame really.

I was looking forward to

having a bit of thigh candy

at work every day.

What the hell is going on here?

Well, it came to my

attention that I was gonna be

passed over for my well-deserved

promotion this morning.

And I've gone to such an

effort to open up a position

on the partner's circle.

Of course I didn't realize

it was a numbers game.

So I had to get creative.

So I called our friend here

to eliminate the competition.

Wait, so you set this up

for a fucking promotion?

Maybe you're brighter

than I thought.

Why the hell did you hire us?

Well, our friend here

has a little condition

for his services.

I guess his kink is

what do you birds like

to be called nowadays?

Exotic dancers or

is that too '90s?

I like to mix business

with pleasure.

The deal was he takes

out my competitors,

and I provide the entertainment.

So all of us are just

collateral damage?

Business is war, and

war has its casualties.

Oh my God, you're the

actual psychopath here.

All right, enough

flappin' your gums.

You can kill the bitch now.

We've met loads of assholes

like you down at the club,

haven't we Arielle?

What are you on about?

Guys with plenty

of money to make up

for their lack of other things.

You know what else we learned?

A swift kick in the

nuts hurts like hell.

Classic stripper move.

We still got it.

You fucking slags,

I'll gut you myself!

You just can't get

the staff these days.

We should run.




Run, you stupid bitch.

Nice try, you piece of shit.

But this place opens in an hour.

It's gonna be

flooded with people,

and this is your only way out.

Now wait just one minute.

There's just one more thing

we need to take care of.


You leave now, and your

little boyfriend dies.

You bastard, let him go!

Stay in there, the

building will be open soon.

We'll see if Romeo

here lasts that long.

The master key opens

the fire escapes.

Just go.

Your choice, Arielle.

I'm so sorry.

Ah, true love.

I just have to wait until

morning and then I'm home free.

It's bear hunting season.

Okay, that was lame.

Yep, I am definitely

going to die.

Oh shit.

Daniel, can you move?

Have you got your pass?


Get to the lift and get out.

No way.

Hey, we're in this together.

Come on, come on.

Come on, get up, get up.

Come on.

Come on.

Mind the job?

I'd prefer if you

both stick around.

I fucking hate overtime.

He's right, you know.

Overtime can be such a


I don't know about you.

But it's the

assholes that get me.

You girls are all the same.

Always trying to cut and run.

Well, now it's my

turn to cut and run.

Okay, we get the point.

Fuck you, Chi Chi.


Going down?

You know, I really admire you.

You have a lot of guts.

All the more to spill.

I am going to set you free.

There's something

you should know.

And what's that?

The lift jolts on two.

Don't worry, first

day's always tough.

Oh my God, what happened to you?

Turns out this office

has a panda problem.

What do you mean?

There's nothing there.


Who the fuck is this?

Motherfucker, this

cost me 2,000 quid.

Hey, Amber, come here

and clear this up will you?

Ugh, yes, Teddy.

I like to mix business

with pleasure.