Pamfir (2022) - full transcript
Pamfir wants to be a decent family man, but challenging circumstances force him to give up honest breadwinning to help his family.
What is it, Uncle Viktor?
Why are you calling me?
What's up?
You've got so big!
- When did you arrive?
- By today's bus.
- Where are your bags?
- At home.
You promised to stay
until winter,
and that we'd go to the carnival.
I promised, Nazar, but not this winter.
I'm only here for two weeks.
- Is that your mask?
- No, it's Uncle Viktor's.
This is my mask.
- Superb.
- Yes.
We'll all have the same,
except Uncle Viktor.
Nazar, listen... Nazar!
Go get Mom from work.
Don't tell her I'm here,
- Isn't it great?
- Nazar made it himself.
He even designed the shape.
- What's that?
- Nothing.
Are you smuggling?
Sort of...
You wouldn't take me with you.
You were a mummy's boy.
Mum would have killed me.
- Can't you find a better job?
- No.
Come with me to Poland,
it pays well.
I might be falling in love here.
- And I don't kill myself working.
- Really?
I earn enough...
Leonid, stop that.
I take a job once a month,
that's enough for me.
is our national tradition.
I see.
Hear that...
What's up?
What do you want?
Want me to smash your teeth out?
The chaos of the 90s is long gone.
Go find decent colleagues
Use your head.
So Mum won't have
to bail you out.
I'm cool.
I won't go to jail.
At worst, I risk
a 1,000 hryvnias fine.
Are you telling me how to live my life?
What's up with you?
Dirty money won't make you smarter.
I stopped,
I promised Olena.
If you'd carried on,
you'd have finished your house long ago.
Go on, Leonid!
Wait, is that Dad arriving?
- I'm out of here.
- No, it's Mum.
Come here!
What's up?
Stop it!
Enough is enough!
Leonid! Leonid!
You're back.
Come here.
Grandpa, guess who's come b...?
- See you tomorrow.
- God bless you.
You know who came up with light?
In the light bulb?
In the light bulb, it was Lenin.
I might only have one good eye, but I can see
that your father is back.
Here, this is for you.
From the rabbit.
Grandpa, stop that.
What rabbit?
I'm not a kid anymore.
Hey, Dad. Shall we watch TV?
No, it's late.
- I'm not tired.
- Give this to Mum.
- Olena!
- Yes?
Don't forget to give my papers
to the pastor tomorrow.
I'll dig him a well,
I need a work permit.
The pastor promised to do it
in two or three weeks.
- Nazar, go to bed.
- But I've started watching.
- Take this to the kitchen.
- I've only just turned it on.
Good night.
Smugglers have used a plane
to smuggle cigarettes into Romania...
- Leonid...
- What?
Wait. Just a moment.
Quiet, quiet...
I'm going to stay a bit longer.
Nazar's got so big.
He needs a father around.
He hasn't got a role model.
If he had an older brother,
he'd obey me more.
We agreed not to talk about that.
He needs an iron hand.
I can't manage him.
Just wait a little longer.
I've been waiting nine years.
And we still haven't
paid off the house.
I want you to stay forever.
Don't leave again.
Stay here to work for peanuts?
Say that again.
Stay here to work for peanuts?
I just love your voice.
I'm being transferred
to another workshop this winter.
I'll earn a good wage.
I'll often have to work nights.
But never mind, we'll manage.
I don't want Nazar to stop talking to you
when he grows up.
Your money won't make you
a better dad.
Don't go back.
Don't leave again.
Nazar, are the twins still in school?
In year 11.
What class?
11, I said.
Year 10?
Year 11!
Stand over there and watch carefully.
You walk like this.
The sticks must converge.
See? They're converging.
You carry on...
There's water here.
- See? They're converging.
- Yes.
Here, you try.
- Nazar!
- What's up?
I'm borrowing your bike.
No problem.
Go on.
I can't do it.
Nazar, relax your arms.
Is it for me?
I knew Dad would bring me
back a bike.
Give it to me!
Catch me!
You don't even know where the brakes are!
- I know everything!
- No, you don't!
(Religious program
on the power of God)
What a beauty.
Have you taken your medicine?
The doctor insisted.
I can't drink on an empty stomach.
It hurts.
Eat something.
No, not before communion.
What about your blood pressure?
It'll be fine.
My son took one eye out,
don't take out the other one.
Stop your nonsense.
What did you promise the priest?
To forgive.
You or our son?
I forgave you long ago,
you wanted to save him from crime.
But my son wanted to kill me.
Pull up, twins.
Go on.
- Did you find anything good, Dad?
- Not really.
- Hi.
- Hi.
Pour it.
Hand me the bag.
Pour it, Nazar.
Go on.
Over my hands.
- That's it.
- More?
Hey, watch your hands.
- What for?
- They're dirty.
Fine, whatever...
Where did your mother tell you to go today?
I'm not bothering you, am I?
Nazar, I won't tell you again.
Move it!
Have you got anything sweet?
That cop Boboul is a real jerk.
He confiscated the packet
Mum sent from Italy.
You mean he swiped it.
Boboul's untouchable.
He's protected by Mr. Oreste.
We shat on his car.
On the bonnet and roof,
to be precise.
Real avengers!
That's all for today.
- Glory to God!
- Glory to God!
Can I see you a minute?
I've brought you
my husband's papers.
Okay, I remember.
- I have to go.
- Thank you.
Olena, we're late.
Coming. Nazar, where were you?
You've made me late for work.
Nazar, don't disgrace me.
Nazar will be singing with the choir.
Rehearsal's over for today.
But there’s tidying up to do.
- Dad's waiting for me.
- Nazar will help.
You want me to tell dad
you're not obeying me?
Behave yourself.
Nazar, you have a strong voice.
You can sing God's praises.
Have you been coming to church for long?
Your father never comes.
Even when he gets back from abroad.
He's angry with God.
He needs time to understand.
God puts each of us
to the test.
Tell your father to come to church,
with you and your mother.
I'll put the benches away, shall I?
Nazar, bring me the papers
and the score.
I'll lock up here,
you leave by the front door.
The fireman said
the radiator was left on.
Do you think it was Nazar?
We were the only two
after rehearsal.
It must have been him.
Who knows?
Please, don't say anything to Olena.
Don't tell anyone.
Okay, I won't say a word.
We rent this place,
we'll have to rebuilt it fast.
I'll speak to Nazar.
If it's him,
I'll pay for everything.
- Okay.
- Thank you.
Did you start the fire?
Nazar, did you start the fire?
Don't tell Mom, she'll kill me.
I promise.
Only the pastor, you and I know.
Nobody else.
Was it you?
Don't hit me, Dad.
Have I ever hit you?
- No.
- And I won't start now.
Why did you do it?
I wanted you to stay
for the carnival.
I didn't think
that the fire would spread so quickly.
You're punished.
From now on, no bicycle.
Mom will ask why I'm being punished.
What will we say?
Obey your mother without arguing.
Go to choir practice,
and don't miss a single rehearsal.
I didn't hear you.
I didn't hear you.
I promise.
- Good night.
- Good night.
What happened?
After the rehearsal...
- The cellar...
- The cellar caught fire.
- When...
- When the church was empty.
The main thing,
is that everybody is alive.
Only my papers
got burned.
Praise be to God.
What do you mean, they burned?
It was God's will.
- Leonid, are you coming to bed?
- Right after a smoke.
I'll be waiting for you.
Hi Rat.
It's Pamfir.
I need a hand...
I need contraband,
for 600 euros.
Thank you.
Thank you.
What are you reading?
Nothing special...
"Side effects of repeated use
of ass-kicking boosters"
That's not what is says...
Grandpa says you used to read
word by word at school.
Is that true?
(In Russian)
"This steroid... acts... on...
"This... steroid...
"is... administered by...
"The steroid... acts...
for... about... 15 hours."
I can't,
I don't speak Russian.
"Side effects: teeth grinding,
frequent erections,
"stimulation of sexual desire,
"following repeated use,
risks of impotence
"out of control."
What does "impotence" mean?
Reading time is over.
Go to bed.
Let's sell the new bike?
We don't need to.
I'll find another solution.
- Good morning, Mum.
- Good morning.
What is it?
I need your help.
What's wrong?
I need some money fast,
to get a new work permit.
My papers burned yesterday.
We have nothing,
we hardly make ends meet.
Without your father's odd jobs,
we couldn't make it.
Arrange a corridor for me.
You said you were done with that.
It's a one-time deal.
Otherwise, I won't have enough.
Does your wife know?
Olena mustn't find out.
She hates smuggling.
A sin for some,
a livelihood for others.
We're not getting any younger...
Will you come and see your father?
I suppose you want me to go to church
with him, kiss icons
And catch some disease?
For not having helped my wife
when she needed it?
But can you replace his eye?
This can't last forever.
Will you at least speak to him?
Ok, I'll try with Viktor,
we might be lucky.
I'll write when I've got the corridor.
Look after Viktor.
Thank you.
- Hello, Mrs. Maria.
- Hello.
Wait a minute...
- Here, some cake.
- Thank you.
I'm off, we're overworked.
- Hello.
- Hello.
Let me help you.
- Did you call your mother?
- Yes.
Still smoking?
The guys made a big catch
last night...
You'll see.
Quick, cheating smugglers!
I don't have that kind of money right now,
but I'll have it in a week or two.
Tomorrow, we'll do some work
so we can celebrate mass.
I'll come with my guys.
- We were about to start digging.
- Not without me.
- How long since your last slap?
- A long time.
Since Dad died.
- We're not digging today.
- When do we start?
Viktor will call tomorrow,
I'll take you to help with the church.
Now, get off home.
Hi Rat.
I need some Turinabol.
Let's say three.
Yes, I'll be there.
Thank you.
Let's go Viktor.
Wanna smuggle together?
The champ returns?
Careful Mum doesn't have to
bail you out.
I mean it. Will you help me?
Yes. What's up?
I need money
to redo my papers.
- Olena knows?
- Nobody must find out.
- It's just this once.
- Just this once?
Yes. I've arranged a corridor.
Have you arranged things
with your conscience too?
Keep your lessons to yourself.
I need three or four strong guys.
The twins will do.
They're my godson’s bonehead.
Dad would be pleased
to hear you say that...
Buy what's on the list,
see you in three hours at the store.
Fill the cart with hay.
Where are you going?
To get the boosters.
See you tomorrow!
I'm from Mr. Oreste.
I need boosters.
- Pamfir?
- Yes.
- Did Rat send you?
- Yes.
You need three?
Rat must have misunderstood me.
I need three strips,
not three boxes.
Are you crazy?
We came all this way for three strips?
He must just want to fuck.
Is Viagra too expensive?
Give me three strips
for the price of a box.
Give him three strips.
- Who's selling the goods?
- Mind your own business.
- What's it to you?
- I'm looking for new colleagues.
Decent ones.
- Hi Rat.
- Hi.
So, it's true?
Are you back at it?
No, just this once.
I understand.
If it's just this once, that's fine.
But don't ask for more.
It's Mr. Orestes' territory,
I don't want any trouble.
- Okay?
- Okay.
Where do we deliver?
Same as before.
At the Romanian Cross.
I'll give you the best masks.
- Really?
- Yes.
- Nice work.
- Thank you.
What's going on!
Get your butts out of here,
you can finish later.
We'll never finish at this rate.
Move it Nazar.
Uncle Viktor,
where's the pot of red paint?
Look in my room,
under the bed or on the stove.
Measure from the waist
to above your head.
Cut it here.
- Have you got a nail?
- Yes.
Nail it here.
- When are we off?
- In a week, maybe a month...
As soon as we get a corridor.
- You found strong guys?
- Yes.
Look, like that.
What's that?
It's for Viktor's carnival costume.
I couldn't find the paint,
just this.
It's there. Here.
Did you lie to me?
It's at church
they lie to you, Nazar.
In all churches.
They program your guilt,
for the mistakes you've made
or you will make.
It's like a computer game,
to better control people.
Were you a pain at birth or did it come with age?
Did he just insult me?
- Duel.
- I accept.
I'll defend you.
Whoever blasts this thing wins.
If I win,
you give me Rat's number.
- Okay?
- Okay.
If I win,
I don't go to rehearsals anymore.
If I win, you go to rehearsals,
you take part in the concert,
and you come with me to
work abroad.
- Leonid!
- Okay?
And we fire with just one pistol!
Missed again.
What are you doing?
Aim higher.
- You won't get off rehearsals.
- You'll see.
That's enough.
Give me that.
Watch and learn.
Fuck, it's wet.
- It's not fair, Leonid.
I didn't say:
"Just one pistol".
You're coming to work with me
Laugh all you like,
You're performing in the concert.
I'm scared, Leonid
Maybe we can go that way?
Shall we turn back?
It's us that's scaring them.
Nazar, protect Mum.
Grandpa used to say:
"You're either brave, with scars on your body..."
- "or a coward and safe".
- Right.
Leonid, let's go that way.
My dear brothers and sisters.
I am happy we are gathered here,
with our families.
I thank God for giving me
a husband and son, both of them here.
Life often puts us to the test.
But we must all remember:
God never gives us more
than we can handle.
Blessed be the ways of the Lord.
We give thanks to God
for his mercy.
- Amen.
- Amen!
- Glory to God.
- Glory to God!
Thank you, Sister Olena.
May God bless you all!
And now...
A song by our young talent.
Praised be Your name, Lord!
He will soon appear
In His glory and His beauty...
Sing Alleluia...
- Why isn't he singing?
- Wait, he will.
Wait, wait.
You will be disgraced,
hated and chased out.
And they will badmouth you.
Rejoice if it is because of Me.
Sing Alleluia...
Nazar promised to perform at the concert
and attend rehearsals.
But he didn't promise to sing.
He kept his promise,
Sneaky devil.
MUM: Leonid,
the corridor will be open all day
(The Pastor preaches on
the Parable of the talents)
MUM: At the war memorial
of the Second World War
- Is that all?
- The others couldn't come.
Remove that.
What have you got there?
My keys.
For fuck's sake.
You both need a good slap.
You bonehead, Viktor.
Stop yapping. They're strong.
They're strong.
Does no one respect you?
Couldn't you find anyone older?
What day is it?
I'm asking you!
- Sunday!
- Hear that?
Everyone's in church.
Only old folk and the sick
don't smuggle here.
Stop calling me that.
Mr. Leonid, we need money,
we're graduating this year.
Mum is abroad.
It's hard for her
since Dad died.
Leonid... It's a one-time deal.
If they get us, it's our problem,
not theirs.
We'll take the rap.
Shut it.
You'll take the rap,
mummy's boy.
Listen to me and do
what I say. Is that clear?
For 12 years, no one was hurt
or died in my wells.
Why's that?
Safety first.
Take this.
Open your mouth.
I can do it without.
What is it?
A booster.
Stick out your tongue.
Is it dangerous?
It'll help you run. Your tongue.
This evening, you'll have a boner.
Okay? Load up.
- Load up.
- OK.
Come on, come on.
Hide the bag.
Go on, load up.
That's good.
Your hands.
Down here!
Vassyl, are you receiving me?
They're not our guys.
Can you see them?
Roger, I can see them.
inform Mr. Oreste.
I will inform Mr. Orestes...
Over, Vassyl.
Hello, Rat. We've arrived.
Erm... Yes, I see it.
Found it.
- Are we in Romania already?
- Yes.
We're in the European Union.
It's my first time abroad.
Does it feel any different?
Move it, twins!
Our courier's with them,
He's cocky.
No, the courier isn't cocky.
It's his brother Pamfir who's cocky.
- Which one is he?
- Pamfir, the strong one.
Who is this Pamfir?
Do you know who Pamfir is?
Do you know who Pamfir is?
Tell us, Vassyl!
How many times have I told you
to call him "papa"?
is a crazy guy from our village.
He digs wells.
- Do you know how to dig a well?
- No.
He did a lot of smuggling
in his youth.
I mean, he went "treasure hunting" in Romania.
Hear that?
A treasure hunt!
He loved to fight.
He even hit his father once,
he took out his eye.
At carnival, he beat everyone
at wrestling.
- Everybody?
- Yes.
- Even Grandpa?
- No, not quite!
He didn't fight Grandpa.
You don't know him.
He was abroad
when you arrived in the village.
Why is he called Pamfir?
At the end of the 90s,
he was smuggling freelance.
Someone snitched on him,
and the border cops caught him.
He would hide cigarettes... or rather
the Rat's "treasures" at his home.
They showed up at his house,
but found nothing.
The cops were furious
to have to let him go.
But before they did,
they smashed his front teeth.
From then on,
people nicknamed him Pamfir,
like his toothless Romanian grandfather,
who made stoves.
what happened to his treasure?
- I don't know.
- his treasure...
They say his wife hid it.
Then, he stopped the treasure hunt,
and went to work abroad.
How do you know all that?
We were school mates.
Now he's gone hunting
grandpa's treasure!
- Are we punishing Pamfir?
- Yes, let's punish him.
Fucking bonehead!
- Pamfir!
- Vassyl.
I didn't do it on purpose.
- Are you blind?
- I was on my phone, sorry.
We'll help you clean up.
Take his bike.
Put the bike in the back.
Open the back.
- Don't touch me.
- Back off.
I'm sorry, really.
We'll clean you up. Get in.
You're all going to clean me up, are you?
Yes, Pamfir.
Do I know you?
- Shall I sit here?
- Yes.
Have a seat.
Let's get you cleaned up.
Get in the cart, Pamfir.
Start up the carriage, guys!
Enough for today!
Like the winner's ride at carnival.
We always won
when you were wrestling.
Now you don't have to fight anymore.
Don't I?
My grandpa would often tell me
a story...
A sheep goes to see its shepherd
and says:
"You must escape
"Other shepherds are going to
kill you tonight."
The shepherd replies:
"I won't run away. Let them kill me.
"I just want to be buried
close to my flock."
"Let nobody know
I was killed."
"Tell my mother I got married.
"And tell the others I got married
to the mountains."
why did you bring me here?
Someone wants to talk to you.
Talk, yes... we need to talk.
We must talk.
Who wants to talk to me?
- It's you!
- Yes, Pamfir.
Did you want to talk to me?
Did you want to talk to me?
Cheers, Mr. Orestes.
Don't touch the courier.
Do what you want with the twins.
Happy birthday, Mr. Orestes.
Thank you.
I'll get you all...
I'll kill the lot of you...
I'll get you back, fuck...
Bring him to me.
I'll kill you all.
Make him shut his mouth.
If I find you smuggling again...
I'll bury you alive.
I drink to your health.
He's not invited to the party.
Get out.
Rat... You've disappointed Mr. Oreste.
Give me a cigarette.
Do you remember who helped Pamfir?
Never mind.
It'll come back to you.
Come on...
Let's go.
To reconstruct the crime scene.
Little shits.
Think we're smugglers, do we?
I'll teach you to shit around.
Pick that shit up.
What for?
Pick it up.
Please don't...
Pick that shit up!
Well then?
Now eat it.
Boboul, leave them alone.
Let them eat shit.
They've already eaten shit.
Their father was a prisoner of war,
pro-Russian separatists killed him.
- I'll teach them, then.
- I'm telling you to leave them.
You say?
Not me.
Mr. Orestes says.
As he wishes.
If they catch you smuggling again,
they'll bury you alive.
Give that back to Pamfir.
Spit it into the jar.
I've been thinking.
Why don't we leave?
We could work abroad
with your brother.
It's not that simple.
I can't afford the abortion.
Try carrying something heavy.
- How do you know that works?
- My brother told me.
His wife Olena carried
a load of contraband,
and lost their first child.
Did she do it on purpose?
No. Nobody would help her.
I wasn't in the village,
I was staying with my aunt in Chernivtsi.
My mother had asked my father
not to help Olena. He obeyed.
My brother was mad with rage.
Mum, is that you?
What's going on?
Well, well, well...
Who have we got here?
- Put your mask back on.
- Why?
Because I say so.
Raid for possession
of contraband goods.
- Your passport number?
- I've forgotten.
Go and get your passport.
And keep your mask on.
The little whore...
There's no point anymore.
I haven't found anything illegal.
Nice costume.
- I'll take your photo.
- Okay.
Step into the light.
Move back a bit.
Turn round.
...our chief forester,
dear Mr. Orest,
celebrated his birthday,
with family and friends.
A wonderful husband, a loving father,
and a devoted grandfather.
Congratulates from us all!
Dear friend, we wish you good health,
may you live to be one hundred.
May life heap blessings upon you.
May the laughter of your grandchildren
fill you with joy.
You are our support.
(Birthday song)
Is that you?
Have you seen the time?
Mum's mad at you.
They stole your bike from me.
Leonid, get up!
I'm going to be late for work!
Get up!
What's up?
The cow's about to give birth.
- Leonid.
- What?
What happened to you?
They stole Nazar's bike.
Off you go.
I'll work abroad
and pay back the lot.
Humility is a strength.
My grandfather Pamfir painted
an icon for the church.
The priest destroyed it.
And he said, "It has no humility."
After that,
Grandpa started making stoves,
and never set foot in a church again.
His dying wish was that the priest
should not attend his funeral.
My grandfather was very devout
his whole life.
He was an honest man.
Perhaps we should live with God
as we do with his parents.
Until a certain age,
then become independent.
God fills in the gaps
we can't answer...
Don't say that.
You can see the hooves.
She's nearly there.
With God's help.
Where was God
when we needed Him?
I knew you'd ask that one day.
God was with me
when I lost our child.
He was with me.
I had to carry your cargo alone.
They wouldn't let you help me.
So, I said to God:
If I have to lose our child
in order for you to stop crime,
so be it.
God listened to me.
God helps me transform
my pain into fuel.
You promised.
I'm not stupid.
Have you started smuggling again?
I broke my promise.
Forgive me.
- Why?
- We need money.
I have to work abroad again.
Here, I'll never earn enough to
to pay for the house and our boy's studies.
Nazar will finish school soon,
we must send him to university.
I don't want him
to be ignorant like me.
I have no grandfather,
no mother, no father, nobody.
I only have you and Nazar.
I'm begging you.
Don't start smuggling again.
I'll follow you anywhere.
I'll work abroad with you.
We can leave Nazar with your parents.
It was a one-time deal, really.
Let's go abroad together.
But first,
I must keep my promise to Nazar.
to go to the carnival with him.
It's a pagan carnival.
I promised him...
If I stayed for the winter.
the pastor tried to call you
five times.
Is it born yet?
Not yet, animals need darkness
to give birth.
Good evening.
You no longer owe the church,
you owe Mr. Orestes.
We rent the place from him.
You can get your bike back.
Wait on the bench, I'll call you.
I'm coming to find you.
Where are you hiding?
You wanted to see me, Mr. Orestes?
What's is it?
I told you not to touch the courier.
- Did you see anything?
- No.
Why are you hiding there?
Come here.
You want to play with that?
Help me carry this.
Come here!
Come on, kids.
Go and see your grandpa, quick!
Boboul's an idiot.
Half the village has
fucked his daughter.
And he doesn't want
the courier shafting her.
What shall we do with this one?
We'll train a new courier.
Get out from under my feet!
I need to speak with Pamfir!
Pamfir! Pamfir!
Get out.
We need a job done for us.
And we'll clear your debt
for the church fire.
What job?
Transport this.
Take it through the tunnel,
to the border.
Leave it at the other side of the tunnel.
Come back and forget the way.
What are you up to?
My son-in-law will take you there
carnival night.
- Yes, I'll take you.
- No.
Nobody says no to me.
We can get you locked up,
for the fire.
We can also take your wife
where you were last night.
What's in the packet?
None of your business.
Okay, I'll do it.
The tunnel is very narrow.
Your son will squeeze through.
- I brought your bike back.
- Great!
Where's Mum?
She's working the night shift.
We'll go and pick her up from work.
We're going to my aunt's
in Chernivtsi, for a couple of weeks.
where's my bag?
Pack your things.
Dad, sit down.
What's up?
I'll do what Mr. Orestes asks.
But I want us to stay.
How do you know about Mr. Oreste?
The pastor told me.
I'm not a kid anymore.
I know you and
Uncle Viktor smuggle.
I have two classmates
who do it too.
Why can't I?
I'd be like you.
Look, Nazar.
I don't want you to become
a criminal. Understand?
I'll never take you.
Do you think smuggling,
is it for clever people?
I only know how to work with my hands.
I have no talent.
As someone once said,
"I don't like what I do,
"and I don't do what I like."
Son, you've got a good head.
You can make something
of your life.
I didn't tell Mum
about the fire.
From now on,
do as I say.
- How are you?
- I'm going to see my mother.
You went somewhere?
Nazar, go and keep warm at Grandpa’s house
Want a smoke?
Mr. Orestes found out
you want to leave.
You're planning to go to your aunt's
in Chernivtsi?
Mr. Orestes has connections everywhere:
prosecutors, judges, deputies...
You can't run away from him.
- Why is he on my back?
- It's nothing personal.
He wants to show what happens
when someone steps on his territory.
The more you resist,
the more he'll bring you down.
Don't worry,
it's an easy job.
The journey through the tunnel is short,
an hour.
Leave the packet near the exit.
There's a special place for it.
Then back again, that's all.
We'll need you again
once or twice,
while our courier Viktor recovers.
My brother Viktor is your courier?
- You still lick the gang-leader's ass?
At school, you were a whipping boy,
They'd send you to get beer,
and cigarettes, like a slave.
I would defend you.
Everyone called you
"Leonid's boy".
- Did you know that?
- Yes. And?
The bags!
Chill, Pamfir.
We're going home, Nazar.
Are we staying?
Sing Alleluia!
Dad, can you pour some water.
Pour water for the boy.
Ready, go!
Ready, go!
Arrange a fight for me
with Mr. Oreste.
- Dad!
- Hey, that's not fair!
You fight Mr. Oreste.
It's fair. I said so.
Did you want to fight?
I wanted to fight the strongest.
Dad, what does "Pamfir" mean?
My grandpa said it was the name
of a stone.
- Christ has risen!
- All glory to Him.
Which workshop is Olena in?
- Olena who?
- Leonid's wife.
Go ask inside.
I have a favour to ask.
Have you got a minute?
Let's go see our boys?
I can't today.
I'm working.
I've arranged the day off for you,
with your boss.
It's the tradition.
Not mine.
As your wife says...
I'm not from your race.
Don't listen to my wife.
Only I have to listen to her.
Are you nervous?
What about you?
Carry the bag in front of you
and light the way.
Don't go out of the tunnel.
Slide the bag under a plank,
near the exit.
Nazar, wait.
Take this.
So, you don't hit your head.
It can be my helmet.
You'll close it after you?
Don't challenge Mr. Orest.
He's God here.
God helps us transform
our pain into fuel.
- Christ has risen!
- Glory be to Him!
Thank you.
Help me save my son.
- What?
- Crime.
Do you need another corridor?
No, it's Viktor who's in trouble.
The bandits wanted to force him
to take the tunnel.
He refused, so they broke his leg.
Where's the tunnel?
Near the hunters' cabin,
where they feed the elk.
Close to the border,
behind the mountain.
Give me the map.
Here, close to this mountain.
Stay at the carnival,
I'll see with the boys.
Mr. Orest...
Dear Mr. Orest, greetings!
Dad! Dad! Dad!
Nazar, don't move!
Stop, there you bastard!
Leave me.
- There's been an accident.
- What accident?
Go and find your boys.
- What happened?
- Find them!
Find Nazar.
What happened?
Find your son.
- This doesn't feel right.
- They're here.
Find them!
- Where is Nazar?
- I don't know.
- Have you seen Nazar?
- Not today, yesterday.
- And Leonid?
- I saw them both yesterday.
- Where is he?
- I don't know.
I saw them yesterday.
- Have you seen Nazar or Leonid?
- No.
- They were meant to be at the fight.
- And then?
He promised to come here.
- Are you sure?
- Yes.
- Where is he now?
- I don't know.
Who's the chief here?
Mr. Orest won!
Let's give him the winner's ride!
Where's Pamfir?
Where's Pamfir?
What's happened?
Someone in costume with a red mask
was shot at the border.
Will you identify the body?
Maybe it's your son?
They'll turn up!
They'll turn up!
Where's my Leonid?
Where's Nazar?
Have you seen Pamfir?
Where's Pamfir?
- Have you seen Pamfir?
- No.
Where's Pamfir?
I saw him this morning, Rat,
I swear on my kid's life.
Pamfir got scared!
Pamfir will come.
Pamfir is coming!
Pamfir got scared!
Pamfir isn't scared of anyone!
Mr. Orest is our master!
Burn, you bitch!
Fuck, the wick is wet...
Get out!
Get out of here!
You bastards won't get me!
Go out the other side.
Hold your hands in the air.
Romania's border police
will arrest you.
Let them detain you in Romania.
Mr. Orest can't get you there.
Dad, you have to get to hospital.
Nazar, from now on,
say nothing.
Don't open your mouth.
Let the Romanians work out who you are
and where you're from.
Tell everyone a wild animal got me.
But that's not true.
You have to say that.
Nazar, only your mother
must know the truth.
Tell her I love her.
She's stronger than me.
Remember my grandpa's words.
Don't be afraid to do
what you've never done.
Study, whatever the cost.
If you want to return, destroy all
the fucking bastards on your land.
Don't be an ass-licker,
got that?
And above all, keep your word
to the very end.
Never compromise your conscience.
Do you promise?
I promise.
Go on, get out! Get out...
(In Romanian)
Fuck off!
(In Romanian)
(In Romanian)
Stop there!
Who are you?
Who are you?
Who are you, boy?
Who are you?
Who are you?