Pacific Adventure (1946) - full transcript
An Australian biopic about the life of pioneering aviator Charles "Smithy" Kingsford-Smith. - stop by if you're interested in the nutritional composition of food
Three, four, five from control.
Taxi into line following Jeep with yellow flag.
Three, four, five to control, roger.
Okay, buddy, okay.
That's enough, sir.
Control to Commanding Officer,
flight L-22 X Oakland, California, 12 liberators.
All down, sir.
Very well, I'll see them in the mess.
In the last war, we thought ourselves stout fellows
if we flew the English Channel
without getting our feet wet.
36 hours from California to Australia, that's fast!
It took our Smithy 10 days to make that hop.
Actual flying time, 83 hours, 36 minutes, sir.
Smithy, who's Smithy?
Who's Smithy?
That'll be all, Stringer.
Sorry sir.
I beg your pardon, sir, I got carried away.
He's probably gone to break off diplomatic relations.
Who's Smithy?
Who's George Washington?
A man who could fly a dramatic crate to hell and back
before breakfast and he says "Who's Smithy?"
Wouldn't it?
People do forget, you know?
I'll say they do.
Who's Smithy, hmph?
Smithy started the job that you boys are finishing.
He was your pathfinder and in an old Fokker.
He was my friend.
Stringer's too.
Or perhaps you've noticed that?
We were all in the same squadron together in France.
Must have been 1916.
Planes were being put together with wire and glue and hope.
England needed pilots badly.
So she called for volunteers from the armies in France.
They combed the ranks for mad men
to train with the missions.
Needless to say, she got some Australians.
And how are you feeling this morning, lieutenant?
Oh, a ball of muscle, sister.
I'll be out of here in no time.
Look, as I was saying,
before I can pull out of the dive,
Von Richstoff himself was on my tail.
Raise high, please.
So that was eight to one.
Not really?
Yes, so I gave a full throttle, all out.
Won't you scrub my back?
No, keep telling your story.
So I pulled the nose up,
and went for the whole lot.
And you shot them all down of course.
No, I was killed.
Scrub my back.
And I suppose the king asked you
to Buckingham Palace to thank you personally for dying.
Well, not right away.
Please scrub my back.
You wait until you had stopped dying.
Yes, yes, it was very considerate.
Do you wanna go with me?
When you receive invitation to Buckingham Palace,
I shall go with you.
Oh, is that so?
At Buckingham Palace to receive the military cross.
Now will you scrub my back?
Lieutenant Charles Kingsford Smith,
royal flying court.
On August the second, this officer while
engaged in aerial combat shot down
and was the means of destroying two enemy aircraft,
also heavily striking enemy positions.
My very sincere congratulations,
Lieutenant Kingsford Smith on your decoration.
I have had much pleasure with decorating
a great number of your fellow Australians recently.
I wish you a rapid recovery from your wound
and a safe return home.
Your mother should be very proud of you today.
Thank you, sir.
There's a parcel, Kit.
A parcel?
Yes, from Chilla.
Yes, registered.
Registered, I wonder what he wants this time.
Oh, well, they're not over paying him.
Yes, it's addressed to you, dear.
To me?
Go on, open it, it's yours.
Chilla says I've got to do this, mother.
For you, from your son.
Nan, Nan.
He must have made himself.
Look, look at the paper!
Oh, no. - What's all the excitement?
Look at this. - What's all the noise about?
Oh well, well. - Can you beat that?
I say, listen to this.
It's over.
Thank God.
"The right honorable W. M. Hughes,
"Prime Minister of Australia
"who's at present in London,
"announced that his government was offering a prize
"of 10,000 pounds for the first successful flight
"to Australia from England."
10,000 quid, that's a lot of money.
We'll need a plane, won't we?
Oh, they'll insist on that, I reckon.
Maddox, by God, I've got it.
Got what?
Well, I know a bloke who knows a bloke who makes planes.
What are we waiting for, come on!
Then tell me why you wish to do it.
The money I suppose, eh?
No, sir, not entirely.
It's bigger than that.
It's a chance to prove that air travel
over oceans is practical.
It's the beginning of a new age,
to the age of flight.
Flying's young now but it's going to grow,
and I want to grow with it.
What made you think I'd be so foolish
as to back you?
Well, you're progressive.
And besides there's world wide publicity,
new markets for your machine and a lot more.
Well, if I do this,
mind you, I'm not saying I will,
but if I do it, it won't be just for those things.
You see, Mr. Smith,
I too believe in the future of aviation.
It's my business to believe it.
Of course you've planned the route you intend to fly?
Oh, yes, sir.
May I show you on the map, sir?
Oh, certainly.
This way.
Come in, come in.
Gentleman to see you sir.
Come in.
How do you do?
How do you do sir?
I understand you're Lieutenant Kingsford Smith.
That's right, sir.
Take a seat.
Have a cigarette, will you?
No, thank you, sir.
I understand you want to have a shot
with this flight to Australia.
Yes, Mr. Hughes, it looks as if Blackburn
will let us have a machine.
Well, what experience have you had
in long distance flying?
Well, over the Hun lines and back everyday.
Well, you don't call that long distance flying, surely.
The flight to Australia is a horse
of a very different color.
I am told, on the best of authority,
that neither you nor your copilot
know anything at all about navigation.
We don't have to, sir, we have maps.
What kind of maps?
Well, railway maps are the only ones available.
We'll get through on those sir.
You will, aye?
To the best of my knowledge,
there are no railways running
between India and Australia.
What are you going to do
with these railway maps of yours
when you get over the sea?
You wouldn't stop us, sir?
Yes, my boy, I would.
You may get a good machine, but that's not enough.
I have a great responsibility to your parents
and to the people of Australia.
I can't just let you go out and commit suicide,
that's what you'll be doing.
But you can't stop us now, sir,
we'll get through somehow.
I am sorry.
I'm really sorry, Smith, you know,
I hate doing this to you, boy.
But flying to Australia, 12,000 miles
is not like flying over the Hun lines as you call it.
Your spirit's all right but your organization is not.
Goodbye, my boy.
Someday when you've accomplished something
really big in flying,
as I believe you will,
you'll realize that I probably saved your life.
Thanks, Mr. Hughes. - Goodbye.
Might as well go to bed, don't you think?
I know.
Better get down to the shipping office
in the morning and book a passage home.
I'm gonna fly home.
The Pacific.
The Pacific.
Maddox, hey, Maddox!
What's the matter?
You know about my brother Hal in San Francisco?
Yeah, of course.
I could stay with him.
He could help me until I get ready.
Ready for what?
To fly the Pacific.
The Pacific?
Yes, from the Golden Gate to Sydney Harbor.
Talk sense, man.
I am talking sense.
It can be done.
California, here I come.
Can you read that?
Yes sir.
"Ross And Keith Smith, Sydney Aus,
"Hearty congratulations chaps.
"First flight England Australia.
"Stout effort.
"Kingsford Smith."
Pardon me.
Shouldn't that be Austria sir?
No it shouldn't.
Thank you sir.
You come from there?
And I'm a headhunter.
Yes sir.
Yes sir, if you say so.
Many scalps on your belt?
A few.
And room for more.
Do you mind if I ask you a personal question?
That's my favorite kind.
Well for the last couple of days we've been
sort of neighbors.
I don't even know your name yet.
And Australians are supposed to be fast workers.
You're not a film star are you?
in a way.
I thought so.
You can tell that?
Oh absolutely, it shows all over you.
It does?
I can tell you're something special yourself.
That man you're cabling to, Ross Smith,
who has just phone from England to Australia.
Relation of yours?
No, a friend.
I was gonna be in that.
You were?
And what are you going to do now?
Well as a matter of fact, I'm gonna fly the Pacific.
Fly the Pacific?
Oh, it's hard to say in a few words
but, well,
well all that West out there,
a few years ago it was wild and unknown.
And one man crossed it, thousands followed.
Your country was better off for it.
Well it's the same way with the Pacific.
When air travel is proved safe,
whole new possibilities will be opened up.
Well someone's gotta be crazy enough to lead the way.
You'll lead the way.
I'm not really a movie actress.
I'm just going to try.
Say, maybe we'll meet some day
and we've both done as we planned.
Yes I'd like that.
Say, couldn't we have a date?
Say the lobby of the Saint Francis Hotel
on the 1st of January.
1st of January eight o'clock.
What year?
Every year.
Whichever of us is in San Francisco will go there,
and if we're both there, we'll have a drink
and compare our fame.
If any.
It's a date.
By the way, what is your name?
Kay, Kay Sutton.
Kay, well that's a pretty name.
Oakland in 10 minutes!
There, isn't that my luck?
We're friends at last and this is where I get off.
Excuse me sir, this is where everybody gets off.
And so Charles, I just want you to know
we're mighty happy to have you with us.
Mighty happy.
And that goes for all of us.
Thank you.
Say Harold, what's happened to our Aussie accent?
Well, after all, I've been here 16 years.
Well, I suppose it's my turn.
Well it's nice of you all to give me this welcome.
And folks, I have a surprise for you.
I'm gonna fly the Pacific.
Fly the Pacific?
The Pacific?
Awe, Chilla you're nuts.
Have you a plane
with sufficient range to,
you got that?
Well keep your tongue in.
I'm still open to consider your aircraft
if you will send me full particulars.
This is interesting, listen to this.
"This company has designed a plane
"which will be able to do the work you require
"better than anything else available.
"We would welcome further investigation of our ability
"and would like to submit data and photos
"of the plane we are completing.
"Donald W. Douglas.
"Douglas Aircraft Company Incorporated."
Never heard of him.
Neither have I.
Wait, yes, yes, yes.
He's a designer, he's just getting started
as far as I know.
That means we'd have to buy his plan.
Maybe $50,000 or more.
I couldn't raise that many cents.
Fly the Pacific?
That's fantastic.
I admire your nerve my boy,
but frankly the idea's absurd.
2,400 miles nonstop to Hawaii.
3,200 to Suva.
And then 1,700 to Australia?
Listen son, this is 1920, not 1950.
Still up?
Elsie left you some supper there.
That's nice of her.
You still think you can do it aye?
Yes Harold I can do it if they'll give me a chance.
They don't understand what it means.
They still think it's a stunt.
They don't see that it means
an air link between America, Australia,
and the Pacific Islands.
Think of days instead of weeks.
Now, you know you're welcome to stay with us
as long as you like.
But my advice to you is,
go back to Australia.
To your own people.
Keep your vision always in front of you
and you'll make it.
Then come back one day and show them how crazy you are.
Crazy like Christopher Columbus.
Maybe you're right.
Six years.
Six years of struggle towards a goal
with the Pacific.
The vast unconquered Pacific.
A mute challenge.
And so, for the first nine months
of operation on interstate flying services,
your loss of 1,158 pounds,
19 shillings and elevenpence.
I don't understand it.
I just don't understand it.
We've always had plenty of passengers.
As I already pointed out,
I estimate that far from showing a profit,
each passenger you have carried
has cost you approximately 10 pounds.
Those prices, it'd be cheaper to be out of work.
I think I indicated to you gentlemen
the paramount importance
of adhering to the fairs listed.
But you can't always get what you want.
My dear sir,
the fair to Melbourne is 27 pounds 10 shillings.
Here's a passenger whom you flew on
a special trip to Melbourne and back for nothing.
Oh yeah, that was old Bill Watson.
It wasn't for nothing, his wife was dying.
Oh, very humane.
But scarcely good business.
Here's another item.
Here's a Ms. Tuttles...
There are many other items.
Many other items.
Well, good day gentlemen.
I'll send in my account
before it's too late.
He wasn't much help was he?
All these chaps are the same.
Just destructive criticism.
Yes Ann?
The gentleman's still waiting.
Shall I show him in?
Alright, but I hope he doesn't wanna sell anything.
Will you come this way please?
Thank you.
Well, what can we do for you?
I understand you need a business manager.
What makes you think that?
Well, don't you?
Who are you?
Ulm, Charles Ulm.
I happen to want to fly the Pacific.
I heard that you were the only other two
out of captivity with same idea.
You a pilot?
No not yet.
Tried to make the Air Force in the war,
but a few lumps of lead I collected at Gallipoli
wiped me out of it.
Mind if I take a look?
Help yourself.
Maybe I can fetch up your business.
Within a couple of years it might even show a profit.
But what's the good of that?
How would you feel if somebody else came along
and flew the Pacific right under your nose?
I wouldn't like it.
Government support, that's the only way.
We have got to get government support, but how?
Yes how.
Easier to fly the Pacific without a plane.
No, it's not impossible.
If we could do something fantastic enough,
something spectacular to open the public's eyes,
no matter how crazy it is.
I've got it.
I think I've got it.
What's the record for a flight around Australia?
Goble and McIntyre did it in 43 days.
Brinsmead and Jones cut that to 22.
Can you beat that time?
7,000 miles an hour patched up old crock.
Can you beat that time?
We can beat it.
Close my lid.
Goodbye Eddie.
The Premier Mr. Lay called a deputation
from the returned soldiers late today,
but the government had decided to grant
Kingsford Smith and Ulm
3,500 pounds to help them
finance their proposed trans-pacific flight
from the United States to Australia.
Well it won't be long now.
Now they booked a passage this morning.
They have?
Did you know anything about this Ted?
No ma'am.
And where are they now?
Ah, they may be home any moment now ma'am.
I know they figured on leaving on the next
boat to San Francisco.
Paging Mr. Ulm, paging Mr. Ulm.
Well that's me.
Long distance call from Honolulu sir.
You can take the call over here.
Alright, thanks.
Hello, Charles Ulm here.
There's a Honolulu call for me I believe.
Hello, is that you Keith?
Yes, all set this end.
You can land on Wheeler Field
and take off with any load you like from Barking Sand.
Yes, yes, longest beach runway I've ever seen.
Oh that's fine.
But what's this we can land stuff?
How 'bout you?
Well, that's just it Charles.
I've had a cable.
I've got to return to Australia right away.
Why, what's the matter?
Well, personal reasons.
Leave it at that.
Maybe I can get back before you take off.
Well okay, if that's the way it has to be.
A plane?
No not yet.
In the last six weeks I think he's turned down
every plane in the United States.
Well so long Keith and good luck old son.
No, he's out looking at another aircraft.
So long.
She's a fairly old bus.
But she's big.
I don't think she'll do Harold.
Wilkins probably strained the inside of her
on those Arctic flights.
However, there's no harm in looking.
Are you Mr. Kingsford Smith?
The boys about the wheel her out.
Will you come right over?
Well sure.
Okay Hal, wheel her out.
She's beautiful.
You wanna see Sir Hubert Wilkins I guess?
Mm hmm.
She's like something I've seen in the sky all my life.
Like, like the Southern Cross.
Yes that's it.
The Southern Cross.
Is that your max Sir Hubert?
I'm afraid so.
And that's without engines.
Oh they're worn out.
They've done some hard work you know.
You'll have to have new engines.
What do you think?
Well, I must admit, she's exactly what we want.
You search the states before you get another one like it.
Excuse us for this but
where's the money coming from for the engines?
What good's a plane without engines?
Yes, engines, instruments, radio, 101 things.
Say Hubert, you're a great explorer,
you're an Australian who's arrived.
Tell me, is there anything wrong with me?
I can't seem to get started.
That one seems to call for a drink.
Oh, allow me.
Thank you.
Now look, you want to be an explorer.
You remember anything 'bout another explorer?
A man who happened to discover this continent?
You remember that he begged his way all around Europe?
Pleading for the backing to fulfill his dreams?
It's always been that way Kingsford Smith.
Nobody believes in you until you're successful.
And if you do succeed,
the tin bugles and the cheering will be short-lived.
Believe me.
Oh honors will be shot upon you,
but only for a moment that you'll
participate in the fruits of your discovery.
Oh no.
Your rendezvous with fame will be a gravestone.
Looking down from above,
you'll be astonished at the appreciation
and gratitude that is lavished upon your tomb.
Yes, I guess explorers have to be half dreamers
half lunatics, or just half plain stubborn.
I must be going.
Well, I'm certainly glad to have met you sir Hubert.
Send a check for half tonight,
the balance as soon as extra funds arrive.
Thank you.
And good luck.
Good luck.
Where are you off to this time Sir Hubert?
Matter of fact, I'm gonna fly over the North Pole.
You know, that chap will break his neck one of these days.
Fly across the North Pole.
What damn fool things some people think up.
Say, this is New Years Day isn't it?
All day, why?
A quarter to eight.
Because I've got a date.
Hmpf, with another blonde.
See you later.
To kept promises.
Well I read you're in San Francisco
and what you're going to do.
I thought you just might be there.
Am I glad I was.
How's the movie career?
Oh I traded in my dream for a typewriter.
A big business girl.
How about you?
For a while I traded it for trucks.
Well I've almost won now.
Ah Smithy, I knew you would sooner or later.
I knew you wouldn't sell out.
So you're really going to do it.
Yes Kay, we've got the plans and the plane.
Although we only half own it so far.
We need new engines, instruments.
But with a little more backing from home,
we'll be ready to go in no time.
Pioneer who strides across lonely skies huh?
Oh I'm proud of you Smithy, really I am.
Hey, wait til we've made it.
Oh I've got faith in you.
Smithy, in seven years here in California,
I've met lots of men.
Interesting men, charming men,
men millions of women idolized.
They're okay too.
But their names live in electric lights only for today.
Tomorrow, they'll be forgotten.
But if you do this thing Smithy,
if you do what no man has ever done before,
your name will live.
You'll be immortal.
Well hello Charles, what are you doing here?
Well that's a question I don't need to ask you.
Alright, we met on a train a long time ago.
This is Kay Sutton.
Kay, this is Charlie Ulm.
How do you do?
Smithy, can I have a word with you?
I've been searching the town for you.
Why sure, what's up?
Oh, will you pardon us a minute Kay?
Well you look like death warmed up.
What's the matter?
You hear the news?
About the Dole Race to Honolulu?
No, why?
So far seven flyers have lost their lives.
It's just come over the radio.
That's a catastrophe.
I'll say it is.
This won't do our flight any good.
There'll be a big stink about all long distance hops,
you'll see.
And don't forget, Honolulu is only one third of our flight.
Some of the backers may get cold feet.
You need a drink Charles, come and sit down.
Bad news?
Fair enough Kay.
Charles and I are used to it,
I guess we can take a little more.
Oh what are we griping about.
Here's to your bright eyes beautiful.
I still think that no news is good news.
Well three weeks of no news isn't.
Shake it up, we're late.
Come in.
Cable for Mr. Kingsford Smith.
Oh thank you.
This'll be it.
Thank you sir.
"New South Whales government regrets,
"must request you abandon flight, stop.
"Return to Australia immediately, stop.
"Unable further financial support, Bevin Premier."
Well, looks like we're sunk.
We've gotta go on now.
Just can't give up.
Well anything you say Chilla, you know I'm with you.
We've got a plane that's half paid for
and three beautiful engines.
Thanks to the generosity of Sidney Meyer.
Still the question now is,
how to raise $15,000 in a hurry.
Seems I've heard those words before.
You know, we've been sitting here for two hours now
and that fly has been hanging there all that time.
Should win some kind of an endurance record.
a you've said it.
Said what?
The endurance record.
There's a standing prize of 10,000 if you beat 52 hours.
Would that help.
Well, what are we waiting for?
What can we lose?
It'll cost us our last cent, but if we pull it off--
Of course we can pull it off.
52 hours?
Why this old bus will stay up 52 days.
Thanks pal.
And some people swat flies.
Say, that's 48 hours they've been up now, isn't it Miss?
Four hours to go.
Say, why don't you grab yourself some sleep?
Go on, go and park yourself over there.
I'll give you a call.
Just give me another cup of coffee.
A couple of coffees.
Reckon they'll make it this time?
Looks like it.
A couple of screwballs, that's what they are.
What kind of difference does it make anyway?
None to you you big dope!
You couldn't even fly a kite!
Okay lady, okay okay.
For the fifth time,
the fuels got to hold out this time Kay.
First a coffee will you?
While you were away, Lieutenant Pond
radioed that gas was getting low.
Attention please!
The Southern Cross has just signaled
that she's coming into land.
The machine is out of gas and the fliers
are forced to give up with the record
practically in their grasp!
Too bad.
Have you got a nickel?
What do you want, another cup of coffee?
No, no, I want to call Los Angeles.
Thanks, thanks.
Long distance please.
You can't call Los Angeles for a nickel.
I'm reversing the charges.
Hello, hello long distance?
I want to speak to Mr. Andrew Chaffee in Los Angeles.
He'll be at the home of Captain Allen Hancock.
It's a long chance,
but it may just come off.
Go right ahead sir.
Thank you.
Hello Mr. Chaffee.
Hello there Kay.
You're a fine secretary bringing business into pleasure.
I hope this will turn out to be both Mr. Chaffee.
Mr. Kingsford Smith.
How do you do? - Hello sir.
Mr. Ulm.
This is Mr. Chaffee.
How do you do? - How do you do?
He looks much too nice to be my boss
but don't let that fool you.
Ah, the efficient Kay.
And as beautiful as ever.
Hello Captain Hancock.
Where do you find them Andy?
Captain Hancock, may I introduce Mr. Kingsford Smith.
Happy to know you sir.
How are you?
Mr. Charles Ulm.
Glad to know you.
How do you do?
So you didn't make it aye?
Not quite.
It's nice of you to have us aboard sir.
Not at all.
Any friend of Andrew Chaffee's is a friend of mine.
Let's go inside.
Glad to have you here.
Come right in Andy.
Sit down.
Make yourself at home.
Okay Mac, I've got a bone to pick with you young man.
I've been reading where you want to fly
the Pacific to Australia.
We certainly do sir.
Well why the blazes don't you do it?
It's a small word for such a big favor,
but thanks.
I hope it works.
Well we've got the captain started already.
Thank you.
Are you the navigator?
Well no.
Organization is my end of it.
But I'll be the relief pilot also.
I'd like to have a word with you.
Would you excuse us sir?
Oh of course.
I know I promised I wouldn't ask questions
but what is this?
You grab me out of an endurance line,
rush me to Los Angeles,
plunge me into a party and tell me nothing.
Now what is it all about?
Wait and see.
Captain Hancock is a fine person
and a very rich man.
Crazy about navigation and a few other things too.
Oh, what are they?
Shall we dance?
Let's you and I talk this one out.
Now look Kay--
Uh uh uh uh.
I've been saying it for the last five years.
An air route across the Pacific has got to be started.
If we don't, those little brown...
Well the Japs will.
Say come here.
Come here and listen to what I'm saying.
Now I don't know why you want to fly the Pacific,
but I'm gonna tell you why someone has go to and quickly.
If ever the Japanese bomb shall burst,
and don't think it won't.
We're gonna need fast communication
between the two countries.
Well prepared landing fields the whole way.
And men who can fly the pants off anyone else.
But first, someone's gotta prove it can be done.
Now have you got a navigator and a radio operator?
Yes we have a couple of Americans in mind.
This flight means as much to Uncle Sam
as it does to Australia.
Two Aussies, two yanks.
That's a good thought.
Of course it's a good thought.
Well, what's holding you up?
Why don't you get going?
You see Captain--
But nothing.
When I was your age I wouldn't be
thinking of flying the Pacific,
I'd of been there and back by now.
When you were our age Captain, you weren't broke.
Are you boys short of money?
That's putting it mildly.
How much?
And you mean to tell me that this flight,
this all important flight is being
held up for $15,000?
Listen son, you're gonna make this flight
and I'm gonna help you.
Right now I don't know just how,
but we'll find a way won't we Andy?
We'll find a way.
This is the first attempt to fly the Pacific Ocean
from the United States to Australia.
Here at Oakland Airport, motorists of
the Southern Cross are warming up.
The Australians, Kingsford Smith and Ulm,
with the Americans Jim Warner, radio expert
and Captain Harry Lyon navigator, are about to take off
on the first hop of the flight, Honolulu.
Does he know Kay?
No I don't think so.
His whole heart is in that airplane.
All set.
Well sir, we'll do our best.
Off you go.
Wish I were doing it.
In a way you are sir.
Good luck.
Thank you.
Good luck.
I once said you'd lead the way,
goodbye Smithy.
I'll never forget you Kay.
For all you've done.
All you are.
Excuse me Mr. Kingsford Smith,
would you care to make a statement for the Standard?
Just how you feel before the big event?
Yes, just how 'bout it mister.
Okay Harry?
Okay Jim?
Kelly Stewart the actress.
I wouldn't fly without her.
I'm happy as hell!
♪ The bells on the hill go jing a ling a ling ♪
♪ But they will not ring for me ♪
Now this is station 2BL Sydney,
the Southern Cross took off from Oakland Airport
at 8:45 US Pacific time this morning.
The machine has now been over 15 hours in the air.
And the latest report from her was that
she was more than halfway to Honolulu.
Anything new?
Can't hear very well.
Now that's better isn't it?
Mack, Gibson here.
We've been around that big Kingsford Smith.
No they haven't crashed yet.
Honolulu and radio touch.
Yeah, looks like they might make it.
Yeah, hold the obituary for the PD hop.
There's no doubt about it this time!
That's land!
That's only land Charlie me boy, that's Hawaii!
Here's a flash.
The Southern Cross left Barking Sands Hawaii
at half past five this morning
on the longest ocean flight in the history of aviation.
3138 miles.
If there's the slightest mistake in their
navigation of a tiny pinpoint which is CG,
they'll be forced down into the Pacific Ocean.
Stand by for bulletins.
Seven hours flying flying!
Gotta break soon!
Isn't it wonderful Nanny!
The Southern Cross is just about to take off
from the beach of Nasali near Suva
on the last lap of her flight to Australia.
Do your stuff Kelly!
Missed PG at three o'clock yesterday afternoon.
Ran into a terrific storm, cyclones all over the route.
Looks like they're finished.
That's a good story either way.
Dig up all you can about Kingsford Smith,
Ulm, and the Americans.
We better have a streamer ready.
Let me see now--
Hey what about this?
Smithy battles Pacific storm?
No, no, no, no.
Gallant fliers meet death in Pacific Ocean.
The time is three a.m. and there is still
no news on the Southern Cross.
Ships in the vicinity report of violent cyclonic storm.
He'll be alright.
I hope so.
You think it's easing up?
Mother, here's your tea.
Oh, I must've fallen asleep.
Lincoln's in Australia!
Nan, Nan, Lincoln's in Australia!
Oh, how wonderful.
Nan, what do you think?
Smithy, Smithy you!
Hello Mommy.
Oh you wash your face you dirty boy.
I'm proud of you my boy.
We are naturally and proud that our
flight has been successful.
But a single flight across the Pacific
is no great accomplishment in itself.
It must only be the beginning.
The people of the British empire and the United States
will build better planes.
Train better fliers.
Until the skies between the continents
become highways.
Highways for passengers, mail, commoners.
And if ever necessary, defense.
Here here.
Don't let us forget that if commercial planes
can fly the Pacific, bombers can too.
Thank you.
Gee, that's the biggest airplane I've ever seen.
She's a beaut!
There's Smithy out in front.
What's he doing?
Don't you read the papers man?
I can't, I'm only four.
Kids these days don't know nothing.
Oh well I'll tell you you see.
He's just back from flying to New Zealand see,
now he's tuning up for his flight to England.
Gee, will he do it?
Of course he will, he's Smithy ain't he?
Smithy, Smithy!
Gee, I'm gonna be a flier when I grow up.
Give us a ride Smithy.
Oh go on!
Alright, come on.
Hey Tommy, Tommy Pethybridge!
Keep 'em rolling, I'm gonna take her off!
What's your name boy?
Chascott sir.
Go on.
You seem restless son.
I guess I am a little mother.
Well come and sit down.
And hold this scale work for me.
You see there's so much to be done.
But you've achieved your life sanction.
Chilla, you're 31.
You can't go on flying forever you know.
That's true Nan,
but sometimes you have to go on.
Tell us a story uncle Charles.
It's so late Robert.
Oh just one story.
But he doesn't feel like it now dear.
Alright, I'll tell you a story.
A story like you used to tell me.
Once upon a time there was a young man
in the Never Never land.
He worked and fought hard all his life
until one day he did something
and the people were all very pleased.
So they made him a sort of knight.
But after a while he was feeling
a little old and tired so he thought,
I'll stop being a knight.
Pretty soon I'll settle down
and live a nice quiet life for a change.
But as he was walking through the woods,
he caught sight of a lot of little boys.
From the Never Never Land.
They didn't say anything, they just looked at him.
And suddenly the young knight knew that
even if he was feeling old and tired,
they have to go on a little longer.
Until some of the little boys grew up.
He could carry on from where he left off.
And how does the story end?
Yes, how Uncle Charles?
I don't know yet.
Uncle Charles is very tired dear.
And it's time for bed.
"In their second attempt after the
"tragic incident at Coffee Royal,
"Kingsford Smith, Ulm, Litchfield, and McWilliams
"arrived in London in the Southern Cross
"12 days after leaving Australia."
That's fine, that's fine,
but what about Coffee Royal?
As if Smithy could get lost in Australia.
Don't make me laugh.
I was only telling my misses this morning
it was a publicity stunt, that's what it was.
Publicity my foot!
What does Smithy want with publicity?
He's got more of that than the Prince of Whales.
Yeah, but don't give me the idea.
Anderson and Hitchcock died of thirst
looking for him didn't they!
They did.
And I know what that did to Smithy!
Why do you so go on trying to tear people down
has done so much for the country?
Do you have to see that every little bit
of scandal and try to make it proof!
Proof mind you that they weren't on level!
Listen, a public inquiry completely cleared him, didn't it!
And every decent man and woman knows,
knows that they weren't in on any stunt!
And they had nothing to gain and everything to lose!
Of course they did.
And you and your kind go around
slinging mud like a...
Ah go and wash your filthy mind!
After breaking the Australia to England record,
the famous Southern Cross is in Holland
where Mr. Anthony Fokker, the manufacturer,
has undertaken to completely overhaul her.
On his return, squadron leader Kingsford Smith
planned the establishment of Australian National Airway.
The famous airman is traveling home via Vancouver
aboard RMS Aorangi.
We were supposed to leave two hours ago.
Captains orders Ms. Powell.
Mr. Kingsford Smith is making a speech
at the Aero Club.
The club made special arrangements to
have the ship held up.
Oh indeed!
Wouldn't it be simpler to give him a private steamship line?
A famous person you know.
Well would I have to to go ashore and post this?
I was going to give it to the pilot?
Give it to that chap down there.
Take the elevator to D deck.
Oh alright.
Won't be long dad.
Very good my dear.
Could I have your autograph please Mr. Kingsford Smith?
Oh please!
Okay beautiful.
Here we are.
Now no more, sorry folks.
Awe Smithy.
Sorry we're a little late.
You're 24 hours late Mr. Powell.
Nobody's sick I hope?
No we just like to dine in our cabin
the first night at sea.
Good idea Mr. Powell, good idea.
Oh, may I introduce you to Ms. Mcnotten.
How do you do.
Mr. and Mrs. Powell.
Mrs. Mary Powell, Mr. Andrews,
and Mr. Kingsford Smith.
How do you do.
I believe we've met before on an envelope.
I don't think so.
By the way,
this must seem a very antiquated way
of traveling to you Mr. Kingsford Smith.
Oh, I think I'm gonna like it.
Oh it's wonderful.
How many were yours?
Oh well you're a cheat.
That's an awful.
I'm sorry, honestly I am.
Oh no you're not.
Oh yes I am.
I wouldn't of kissed you like that for the world
with all those masks, I didn't know who it was.
You didn't?
Then who did you think it was?
Oh, I
Alright, you win.
Thank you, goodnight.
Before you go, would you think me
very impetuous if I asked you something?
What is it?
Oh it's rather personal.
Will you marry me?
Would you be very old-fashioned
if I gave it a little thought?
Certainly not, how long would you need?
Shall we say two or three years?
Two or...
Two or three years?
Listen Mary darling, don't get the idea
there's any haste in all this.
It's just that I've had to get used
to making decisions.
More or less important decisions like that.
Well in my slow down witted way,
I always thought it might be sensible
to give it a little more thought than just that.
It's the only important decision
I'll probably ever had to make.
The choice of the man I have to spend
the rest of my life with.
You see Smithy, I'm thinking of having
one husband a long time, of growing old with him.
Perhaps you're not even thinking of growing old.
It's funny, you're right.
I haven't thought of growing old.
It never occurred to me that this youth,
this flying stuff can't go on.
It can't you know.
No, I guess it can't.
Well, since you put it that way,
there's no one in the world
I'd rather grow old with than you.
Mary let's get married.
We'll settle down to a nice quiet middle age
and watch our hair turn a beautiful silver.
Oh Smithy, you're hopeless.
And you're wonderful.
You're the moon and the stars
and the light of early dawn.
I love you darling.
Just a minute.
Smithy, I like you,
but I don't know you as well as
you seem to know me.
Or haven't your flare.
Or should I say your experience.
But father has though.
As you'll have to ask him for his consent anyway.
I suggest you struggle along somehow
for the next two weeks.
I'd like to have a chance to make sure of my own mind.
Then perhaps you can ask dad.
Otherwise I'll just simply have to lock
myself in my cabin.
Well, what do you say?
I think that's the meanest, most evasive,
the most calculated--
Do I lock myself in?
Or do you wait?
Alright, I wait and see the old man.
With a reference to what Mr. Smith?
Oh, I beg your pardon sir, I didn't know.
That is I really think I better be getting along.
I have to see the purser.
He's on the mend.
Oh really, well captain will do, it's most important I...
I believe you wanted to see me Mr. Smith.
Yes sir I do.
I want to marry your daughter.
Are you free to marry?
Yes sir I am.
Come here.
You lead a rather adventurous sort of life
careering around the world and all that sort of thing.
Do you think you could settle down to married life now?
That's exactly what I'm looking forward to sir.
What are your plans for the immediate future?
Apart from marrying Mary of course.
Well I was thinking of having a crack
of flying to Atlantic sir.
The Atlantic.
Ah that's fine.
Now you go ahead and fly the Atlantic.
Then perhaps we can talk about this again.
Right, I will.
Yes, things are going pretty well chaps.
Despite the depression.
Of course if we get that English Airmail contract.
But there's no doubt about that is there?
Oh we never can tell John.
I'm used to disappointments.
Busy darling?
Come in.
Come in Mrs. Businessman.
I want you to meet Jim Morrison, my wife.
Jim has just joined us.
English you know.
How are you Mr. Morrison?
How do you do?
And how is Johnny?
Fine, thank you Mary.
We'll go and get on with it Smithy.
See ya around Mary.
Bye John.
Miss me?
You can't imagine how much.
Uh uh, you don't remember you made
a date with me today, do you?
Of course I remember.
I've been thinking about it all day.
Well what was it?
Oh tea.
What's the matter darling?
Oh I was just watching those hairs turn silver.
You are happy aren't you?
Even though you aren't making headlines anymore?
Mm hmm.
Thank you.
Mr. Kingsford Smith.
Telephone sir.
Well you go ahead darling, I'll be right with you.
I'll wait.
This way please.
Who's the pilot?
She'll be alright.
He's probably put her down somewhere
and hasn't managed to get a message through yet.
Yes I'll come right back, alright.
Anything wrong darling?
Melbourne plane's overdue, the Southern Cloud.
Many passengers?
Full up.
I guess there's no need to worry.
Shortridge is flying, he's one of the best.
But I would like to go back if you don't mind?
Of course.
Thank you.
Just a moment.
Will you have the Old Bus ready?
Still no sign.
Every available plane will be near at dawn
to look for her.
I must go too.
You understand that don't you?
Of course.
I'm afraid the compensation claims
will amount to over 10,000 pounds.
That and the depression as well huh?
Well I don't see how we can weather this storm Marge.
Well, what did they say?
A subsidy to keep our planes in the air.
The government help Australian National Airway
through a bad time, don't make us laugh.
What's it to do with the government?
We own the railways don't we?
Ride people go by train.
Yes it tough alright Charles.
But we're not licked yet, not by a long shot.
There has to be a decision on the English Air Mail soon.
Oh I know there are others in the field,
but they've got to give our tender every consideration.
After all, we pioneered the route from Australia.
We carried the mail to England and back.
Made assistance flights to Singapore.
In return they can't turn in down.
What is it Marge?
"The England Australian Air Mail service
"was place on a permanent basis today
"when an agreement was signed by the
"English and Australian governments.
"Whereby the service will be conducted by..."
They can turn it down Chilla.
They have turned it down.
Oh yes, there'll be an England
Australia Air Mail service alright.
But we won't be flying it.
Honors will be showered upon you.
But don't think for a moment you participate
in the fruits of your discovery.
we still have the Old Bus.
How long you gonna be Fred?
About 10 minutes.
Oh what's biting you blokes?
Come on down and get a load of this.
Well what do you know about that.
Come on boys, let's do it in style.
Rise Sir Charles.
Rise Sir Charles.
My hearty congratulations.
Thank you your excellency.
I guess I ought to be able to charge 15 by the ride now.
Well, so long chaps.
I've got to get home, I'm worried about Mary.
Won't be long now Smithy.
So long.
My son.
He's not going to be a flier Charles.
Mary, if I were being born today
I guess my own mother would be saying that.
I see Smithy's entered the Centenary Air Race
with Captain Taylor.
Yes, it was up to him don't you think?
Well I don't know.
Smithy's done just about everything in the
air a man can do.
Yes, but this race is important.
English, Dutch, and American pilots are giving it a fly.
It should be won by an Australian.
And Smithy's the obvious man.
Well it says here this Lockheed Altair they're flying
could do 220 miles an hour.
That should give him a chance.
What's the verdict?
You got no chance of getting that fixed up in Cloncurry.
That cowling's badly split.
If it goes much further you're liable
to lose the lot in the air.
It'll take a week solid work Sir Charles.
Well that means we can't make the race.
Better get her back to Sydney I suppose.
Look I hear it all around me.
If you ask me, Smithy never intended to go in the air race.
He got the wind out of him.
Well, here's looking at you.
There doesn't seem to be anything in it.
Let's have a look at that Times atlas Bill.
Pacific's on page 102.
And the Altair?
Why not?
Why not.
Charles you can't.
If you won't think of me,
well think of your son.
I am thinking of him Mary.
It's absolutely marvelous.
Sir Charles Kingsford Smith
who first flew the Pacific East West
has now flown the Pacific West East
in a single engine plane.
Imagine it, 7,000 miles over water
in a single engine plane.
Kingsford Smith and his renowned copilot and
navigator Captain P.G. Taylor
are being given a tremendous welcome here
at Oakland Airport.
After one of the most fantastic flights ever made.
And perhaps ever to be made.
Here they come now!
Welcome Charles.
Gosh I'm glad to see you.
It's grand to see you Captain Hancock.
I'd like you to meet Bill Taylor.
Proud to know you sir.
You boys did a magnificent job.
How's Kay?
Fine, married now you know?
She is?
Well the man who married Kay
certainly got a grand girl.
Well come on, let's go.
Come on now, this way.
Excuse me Sir Charles,
I'm sure everyone would like to know
just why you decided to make this incredible
and fantastic flight.
You tell 'em Bill.
I know I know, I've heard it a thousand times.
I'll admit it took guts.
But why did he do it?
That's what I wanna know, why did he do it?
Ah you'd never know.
Now he's back, what's he gonna do?
Fly to the North Pole or something?
He's gonna earn a living for himself, that's what.
It seemed that his country couldn't find him a job.
Funny isn't it?
So he's in Conclurry Today trying to sell an idea.
Oh, here's how.
Very interesting.
But surely it is more than that.
Every detail for the Australian New Zealand
Air service is in that report.
Charles Ulm put years of work into it.
Those Sheil here added knowledge gained
from our more recent experience.
Ulm gave up his life trying to fly the
Pacific to New Zealand to show how he
could link up with this service.
Yes, that was a sad affair, very sad.
Look, we lost the English Mail contract,
but surely the New Zealand contract is ours.
I've flown the Tasman six times.
All available data, weather conditions,
landing grounds, navigational problems
have all come from our experience.
Possibly, possibly.
But surely you realize I must consider
representation from other sources.
Furthermore Sir Charles, I am doubtful
if the public will utilize an air mail service
to New Zealand involving additional custom stamps.
Very well.
I'll fly this jubilee air mail service
to New Zealand in the Southern Cross.
She's not the plane for the job.
She's 10 years old.
But we'll prove to you and all the rest
the public will support the Tasman air mail service.
Even if it does cost a few extra pence!
And not in the farthest and future but right now!
Come on Bill let's go.
Hello VIS, VIS this is VMZNB calling.
John Stanning speaking from the cabin
of the Southern Cross carrying the Jubilee Mail.
We're 600 miles out on a flight to New Zealand.
Our height is 3,000 feet.
Ground speed 75 knots.
It's a beautiful morning and we're--
Stand by please, something's happened!
Our props gone.
Attention please.
The Southern Cross is in grave peril.
A piece of exhaust manifold flew off
and smashed the starboard propeller
and Stanning just left a message
that the Cross is in danger of going into the sea.
The oil pressure in the fourth motor
is now falling alarmingly.
Post office officials have ordered
the mail to be jettisoned.
Mail's gone!
And we're still losing height.
These two armed motors won't stand
full throttle for long!
Better get the hacksaw and ax ready!
Cut away the motors or we won't float.
Looks like this is it Johnny.
It looks awful wet down there.
We're gonna have to stop and get some oil.
Starboard motor.
Out in that slip stream?
Bill you're crazy!
Better take our chance in the sea!
I might get away with it.
If I don't we're in the sea anyway.
Stock sales are plummeting this morning
open to a...
Attention please.
Another fax from Stanning says there's now
little hope of the Southern Cross remaining in the air.
As a last desperate chance, Captain Taylor
will try to transfer oil from a disabled
starboard engine to the port motor.
He's done it!
He's got the oil!
If ever a man deserved a victory across
that man is Bill Taylor.
But he still has to get the oil into the
failing port motor.
Smithy will have to fly the machine
on a single motor only.
Bill, hold on, we gotta go up!
All Australia has listened with breathless interest
for the gallant six hour battle
of the cruel of the Southern Cross.
For their lives and the life of the grand ole machine.
Six times Captain Taylor has performed the incredibly
brave feat of transferring oil from one engine to another.
Sir Charles is keeping the machine in the air by sheer...
One moment please, a message has just come in.
They've made it!
The Southern Cross is inside of Mascot
limping in on two motors!
Oh darling.
She's landed!
They dropped the Old Bus home again!
There they go again.
Just another publicity stunt.
I was only telling my misses this morning,
if they keep on--
I've been wanting to do that for a long while you mug!
And so on behalf of the government
of the commonwealth of Australia,
I take great pleasure in accepting
this world famous plane.
She goes to a well-earned rest.
Thank you Sir Charles.
Oh, thank you very much.
I'm glad Mrs. Ulm brought young John here today
to represent his illustrious father.
Like me, this dear Old Bus of mine
is growing a little old.
Getting us back from the Tasman flight
was the last service I could expect from her.
Thank you.
Look after her will you boys?
I hate to see her grounded
after all she's done.
Yes sir.
Take her away boys.
Have a cigarette.
Thank you.
Has Sir Charles anything to add to my paper?
I don't know.
Will he be home soon?
That sounds like him now.
Hello June.
Hi June.
Oh hello Beau.
Hello Smithy, Mary.
Get wet?
Oh just a few sprinkles coming from the car.
Who are those men in there?
Yes, they're reporters.
What do they want?
Oh just the usual.
Will you see them?
I'll just come and say goodnight to them.
Excuse me darling.
Goodnight Mary, I'll push off too.
Goodnight Beau.
What was that?
Scott and Black record.
Oh, just hold the line please.
It's for you.
Mm hmm.
That's a pretty hard record to beat.
73 hours from England to Australia.
No I'm getting too old.
So that's it, the Scott and Black record.
I want you to tell me you won't try for it.
Well Mary, I have to go to England anyway
- to try and raise finance for the Trans-
- Tasman service.
I can't get it here.
And you'll go by boat?
Yes I'll go by boat.
And you'll come back by boat?
And you'll come back by boat?
Now listen Mary, if I get the money
I promise never to make another long-distance
flight as long as I live.
And if you don't get the money?
Well then, we'll have to put on
our thinking caps again won't we?
Charles I,
I think you know what I'm going to say to you.
You've known how often I've been tempted
to say it all these terrifying years.
Most women only have to face one dreadful
last goodbye in their lives.
Each time I've said goodbye to you,
in my heart it's been goodbye forever darling.
Then waiting
days and sleepless nights.
Just waiting.
I have a thousand stabs in my heart
from a telephone shrilling in the night
when I'm alone but I,
I can't answer
because I don't want to hear it's message.
I don't want to know.
You don't ever think do you darling
that I'd hear a voice say,
"Your husbands landed safely?"
'Cause I don't.
They're only going to telephone out of sympathy
to tell me one thing before I can
read it in the paper.
Oh I hate that telephone.
It's with you up there in the sky
as though if you were to start falling,
it would shrill of it's own accord.
And one day it will.
One day it will.
It's enjoying torturing me now that's all.
It's just waiting.
I can't stand it.
I just can't stand it!
Daddy, daddy!
What's the matter son, what's the matter?
Daddy I'm frightened.
Hey now son, don't be frightened.
Your daddy's here, nothing can hurt you.
Don't go away then.
No son.
I won't leave you.
How about some sleep now huh?
Come on now, off to sleep.
That's right.
Look what I bought him today.
Isn't it sweet?
Yes it's fine.
Charles I'm sorry for what I said outside.
I didn't mean you ever to know that.
I understand darling.
I had it coming to me I guess.
I'm gonna tell you something that I wouldn't
say to another living soul.
You don't want me to make this flight do you?
Well, I don't wanna make it either.
I haven't wanted to make the last half dozen flights.
Because I've had enough, done enough.
You say that?
I've done more than any other flier
should ever expect to do and stay alive.
"Why don't you stay on the ground Smithy" they say.
"You'll kill yourself one day."
Of course I will.
I know I will.
They all finish up the same way
if they stick at it long enough.
A small splash in some lonely sea.
That's what they tell me.
Charles Ulm.
Yeah, Charles Ulm, Hinkler, Ross Smith,
and all the rest.
I'm not afraid of the chances Mary,
they've always been there.
What makes them think I can't figure the odds?
They think I have no imagination.
That's it.
That's the warning when a flier gets imagination.
Do you know when he gets that?
When he's old, 30.
He's old at 30.
And you're 37.
He's old because he begins to remember
those unexpected things that happened in the past
that nearly finished him.
For a youngster, they're just another thrill.
But as you get older those escapes stick.
Not one or two, but dozens.
Dozens of sickening moments when you say to yourself,
"This is it, it's all over.
"It's happened at last."
Oh darling.
You get to wondering how it'll happen next time.
And if you'll be lucky next time.
Yes, that's imagination.
When you admit to yourself there is such a thing as luck.
And when the day arrives that you know that,
it's time you stayed on the ground.
I'm a flier Mary, I've given my life to it.
It's all I know how to do well.
And I'll go on being a flier.
It's expected of me, I have no option.
Don't you see darling, it's bigger than us.
We've become public property.
Our lives are out of control.
There's no turning back now.
Even though sooner or later the telephone
may ring in the night.
Because one mans luck can't last forever.
Oh it's Mary Kingsford Smith here.
He's leaving for England with Mr. Sheil
and Mr. Pethybridge on Saturday.
Yes, he may fly back.
You see, he may have to.
You're very much run down Sir Charles.
But a couple of weeks in bed
and a good solid month in the sun
and you'll be right as rain.
Why don't you go to the south of France?
Because you mustn't do anymore flying
for at least six months.
Good day Sir Charles.
Good day sir.
So long doc.
that ought to hold you for a while.
That's what he thinks.
How did you get on?
No go.
I can't understand it.
That's the third time we've been suddenly wiped off.
There must be something behind it.
Of course.
I spent days giving them all our plans,
- they're as keen on the Trans-
- Tasman Air service as we are.
Just when they're ready to sign on the dotted line
they politely tell me your plans are premature.
I'm absolutely convinced that the group
brings pressure to keeps us out.
For obvious reasons.
Powerful aren't they?
Yeah boss?
What's the weather like?
It'll be raining again any minute.
I'd better get this prescription made up.
I won't be long.
Must have left my part in the car.
Be back in jif.
Good morning, more in.
He made me promise not to tell anyone
but I've got to, I've got to.
Tell what?
He's got the Lockheed all field up and ready to go.
He's had it ready for days in case
this big deal you've been working on didn't come off.
What's he going to do?
He's going to fly to Australia to bust the record.
I'm going with him.
But he's all in, we can't let him fly.
Don't you see Beau I must fly.
It's the only way.
Now you go to New York and try to restart
negotiations with those American contacts
that were so encouraging.
By the time you get there I should've
broken the record to Australia.
But must center our attention on the
job we're trying to do.
But you're not well enough to fly Charles.
And if you've got to go on taking wild chances
just to prove to people what should be
as plain as day,
besides, I booked a passage by boat.
Cancel it Beau.
Believe me, this is the only way.
Tommy, we've got to stop him.
He's not fit for this flight.
Well you know what he's like
when he's got his mind made up.
Wait a minute.
There's Mary.
Let's send her a cable, maybe she can stop him.
It's a chance.
I'll take care of it.
You stick around and keep an eye on him.
What is it boss?
You stored everything away at the Aerodrome?
Lockheed's okay?
Why yes of course.
I've just heard a favorable forecast
from the weather people.
We'll take off at seven a.m.
Oh but boss...
So long Beau!
Good luck Smithy!
But I wish I waited a while!
So long Tommy!
Goodbye boss.
Excuse me sir, is Sir Charles Kingsford Smith about?
There he goes.
Oh, well I've got a cable for him.
A bit late.
I'll take it.
Stick it out.
You've got to see it through.
You got to see it through.
You've got to.
We're four hours behind Scott and Black.
We'll have to make it snappy.
You sure you're alright?
I'll be alright Tommy.
All clear?
You lead the way.
Until some of the little boys grew up
and could carry on from where he left off.
Each time I've said goodbye to you,
in my heart it's been goodbye forever darling.
Don't go away daddy.
How does the story end?
So long Smithy.
Fly into the dawn never to be seen again.
Many will follow the trails you have raised.
Many will take heart from your unquenchable courage.
For you, you were the pathfinder.
Fly on Smithy,
you have not flown in vein.
Three, four, five from control.
Taxi into line following Jeep with yellow flag.
Three, four, five to control, roger.
Okay, buddy, okay.
That's enough, sir.
Control to Commanding Officer,
flight L-22 X Oakland, California, 12 liberators.
All down, sir.
Very well, I'll see them in the mess.
In the last war, we thought ourselves stout fellows
if we flew the English Channel
without getting our feet wet.
36 hours from California to Australia, that's fast!
It took our Smithy 10 days to make that hop.
Actual flying time, 83 hours, 36 minutes, sir.
Smithy, who's Smithy?
Who's Smithy?
That'll be all, Stringer.
Sorry sir.
I beg your pardon, sir, I got carried away.
He's probably gone to break off diplomatic relations.
Who's Smithy?
Who's George Washington?
A man who could fly a dramatic crate to hell and back
before breakfast and he says "Who's Smithy?"
Wouldn't it?
People do forget, you know?
I'll say they do.
Who's Smithy, hmph?
Smithy started the job that you boys are finishing.
He was your pathfinder and in an old Fokker.
He was my friend.
Stringer's too.
Or perhaps you've noticed that?
We were all in the same squadron together in France.
Must have been 1916.
Planes were being put together with wire and glue and hope.
England needed pilots badly.
So she called for volunteers from the armies in France.
They combed the ranks for mad men
to train with the missions.
Needless to say, she got some Australians.
And how are you feeling this morning, lieutenant?
Oh, a ball of muscle, sister.
I'll be out of here in no time.
Look, as I was saying,
before I can pull out of the dive,
Von Richstoff himself was on my tail.
Raise high, please.
So that was eight to one.
Not really?
Yes, so I gave a full throttle, all out.
Won't you scrub my back?
No, keep telling your story.
So I pulled the nose up,
and went for the whole lot.
And you shot them all down of course.
No, I was killed.
Scrub my back.
And I suppose the king asked you
to Buckingham Palace to thank you personally for dying.
Well, not right away.
Please scrub my back.
You wait until you had stopped dying.
Yes, yes, it was very considerate.
Do you wanna go with me?
When you receive invitation to Buckingham Palace,
I shall go with you.
Oh, is that so?
At Buckingham Palace to receive the military cross.
Now will you scrub my back?
Lieutenant Charles Kingsford Smith,
royal flying court.
On August the second, this officer while
engaged in aerial combat shot down
and was the means of destroying two enemy aircraft,
also heavily striking enemy positions.
My very sincere congratulations,
Lieutenant Kingsford Smith on your decoration.
I have had much pleasure with decorating
a great number of your fellow Australians recently.
I wish you a rapid recovery from your wound
and a safe return home.
Your mother should be very proud of you today.
Thank you, sir.
There's a parcel, Kit.
A parcel?
Yes, from Chilla.
Yes, registered.
Registered, I wonder what he wants this time.
Oh, well, they're not over paying him.
Yes, it's addressed to you, dear.
To me?
Go on, open it, it's yours.
Chilla says I've got to do this, mother.
For you, from your son.
Nan, Nan.
He must have made himself.
Look, look at the paper!
Oh, no. - What's all the excitement?
Look at this. - What's all the noise about?
Oh well, well. - Can you beat that?
I say, listen to this.
It's over.
Thank God.
"The right honorable W. M. Hughes,
"Prime Minister of Australia
"who's at present in London,
"announced that his government was offering a prize
"of 10,000 pounds for the first successful flight
"to Australia from England."
10,000 quid, that's a lot of money.
We'll need a plane, won't we?
Oh, they'll insist on that, I reckon.
Maddox, by God, I've got it.
Got what?
Well, I know a bloke who knows a bloke who makes planes.
What are we waiting for, come on!
Then tell me why you wish to do it.
The money I suppose, eh?
No, sir, not entirely.
It's bigger than that.
It's a chance to prove that air travel
over oceans is practical.
It's the beginning of a new age,
to the age of flight.
Flying's young now but it's going to grow,
and I want to grow with it.
What made you think I'd be so foolish
as to back you?
Well, you're progressive.
And besides there's world wide publicity,
new markets for your machine and a lot more.
Well, if I do this,
mind you, I'm not saying I will,
but if I do it, it won't be just for those things.
You see, Mr. Smith,
I too believe in the future of aviation.
It's my business to believe it.
Of course you've planned the route you intend to fly?
Oh, yes, sir.
May I show you on the map, sir?
Oh, certainly.
This way.
Come in, come in.
Gentleman to see you sir.
Come in.
How do you do?
How do you do sir?
I understand you're Lieutenant Kingsford Smith.
That's right, sir.
Take a seat.
Have a cigarette, will you?
No, thank you, sir.
I understand you want to have a shot
with this flight to Australia.
Yes, Mr. Hughes, it looks as if Blackburn
will let us have a machine.
Well, what experience have you had
in long distance flying?
Well, over the Hun lines and back everyday.
Well, you don't call that long distance flying, surely.
The flight to Australia is a horse
of a very different color.
I am told, on the best of authority,
that neither you nor your copilot
know anything at all about navigation.
We don't have to, sir, we have maps.
What kind of maps?
Well, railway maps are the only ones available.
We'll get through on those sir.
You will, aye?
To the best of my knowledge,
there are no railways running
between India and Australia.
What are you going to do
with these railway maps of yours
when you get over the sea?
You wouldn't stop us, sir?
Yes, my boy, I would.
You may get a good machine, but that's not enough.
I have a great responsibility to your parents
and to the people of Australia.
I can't just let you go out and commit suicide,
that's what you'll be doing.
But you can't stop us now, sir,
we'll get through somehow.
I am sorry.
I'm really sorry, Smith, you know,
I hate doing this to you, boy.
But flying to Australia, 12,000 miles
is not like flying over the Hun lines as you call it.
Your spirit's all right but your organization is not.
Goodbye, my boy.
Someday when you've accomplished something
really big in flying,
as I believe you will,
you'll realize that I probably saved your life.
Thanks, Mr. Hughes. - Goodbye.
Might as well go to bed, don't you think?
I know.
Better get down to the shipping office
in the morning and book a passage home.
I'm gonna fly home.
The Pacific.
The Pacific.
Maddox, hey, Maddox!
What's the matter?
You know about my brother Hal in San Francisco?
Yeah, of course.
I could stay with him.
He could help me until I get ready.
Ready for what?
To fly the Pacific.
The Pacific?
Yes, from the Golden Gate to Sydney Harbor.
Talk sense, man.
I am talking sense.
It can be done.
California, here I come.
Can you read that?
Yes sir.
"Ross And Keith Smith, Sydney Aus,
"Hearty congratulations chaps.
"First flight England Australia.
"Stout effort.
"Kingsford Smith."
Pardon me.
Shouldn't that be Austria sir?
No it shouldn't.
Thank you sir.
You come from there?
And I'm a headhunter.
Yes sir.
Yes sir, if you say so.
Many scalps on your belt?
A few.
And room for more.
Do you mind if I ask you a personal question?
That's my favorite kind.
Well for the last couple of days we've been
sort of neighbors.
I don't even know your name yet.
And Australians are supposed to be fast workers.
You're not a film star are you?
in a way.
I thought so.
You can tell that?
Oh absolutely, it shows all over you.
It does?
I can tell you're something special yourself.
That man you're cabling to, Ross Smith,
who has just phone from England to Australia.
Relation of yours?
No, a friend.
I was gonna be in that.
You were?
And what are you going to do now?
Well as a matter of fact, I'm gonna fly the Pacific.
Fly the Pacific?
Oh, it's hard to say in a few words
but, well,
well all that West out there,
a few years ago it was wild and unknown.
And one man crossed it, thousands followed.
Your country was better off for it.
Well it's the same way with the Pacific.
When air travel is proved safe,
whole new possibilities will be opened up.
Well someone's gotta be crazy enough to lead the way.
You'll lead the way.
I'm not really a movie actress.
I'm just going to try.
Say, maybe we'll meet some day
and we've both done as we planned.
Yes I'd like that.
Say, couldn't we have a date?
Say the lobby of the Saint Francis Hotel
on the 1st of January.
1st of January eight o'clock.
What year?
Every year.
Whichever of us is in San Francisco will go there,
and if we're both there, we'll have a drink
and compare our fame.
If any.
It's a date.
By the way, what is your name?
Kay, Kay Sutton.
Kay, well that's a pretty name.
Oakland in 10 minutes!
There, isn't that my luck?
We're friends at last and this is where I get off.
Excuse me sir, this is where everybody gets off.
And so Charles, I just want you to know
we're mighty happy to have you with us.
Mighty happy.
And that goes for all of us.
Thank you.
Say Harold, what's happened to our Aussie accent?
Well, after all, I've been here 16 years.
Well, I suppose it's my turn.
Well it's nice of you all to give me this welcome.
And folks, I have a surprise for you.
I'm gonna fly the Pacific.
Fly the Pacific?
The Pacific?
Awe, Chilla you're nuts.
Have you a plane
with sufficient range to,
you got that?
Well keep your tongue in.
I'm still open to consider your aircraft
if you will send me full particulars.
This is interesting, listen to this.
"This company has designed a plane
"which will be able to do the work you require
"better than anything else available.
"We would welcome further investigation of our ability
"and would like to submit data and photos
"of the plane we are completing.
"Donald W. Douglas.
"Douglas Aircraft Company Incorporated."
Never heard of him.
Neither have I.
Wait, yes, yes, yes.
He's a designer, he's just getting started
as far as I know.
That means we'd have to buy his plan.
Maybe $50,000 or more.
I couldn't raise that many cents.
Fly the Pacific?
That's fantastic.
I admire your nerve my boy,
but frankly the idea's absurd.
2,400 miles nonstop to Hawaii.
3,200 to Suva.
And then 1,700 to Australia?
Listen son, this is 1920, not 1950.
Still up?
Elsie left you some supper there.
That's nice of her.
You still think you can do it aye?
Yes Harold I can do it if they'll give me a chance.
They don't understand what it means.
They still think it's a stunt.
They don't see that it means
an air link between America, Australia,
and the Pacific Islands.
Think of days instead of weeks.
Now, you know you're welcome to stay with us
as long as you like.
But my advice to you is,
go back to Australia.
To your own people.
Keep your vision always in front of you
and you'll make it.
Then come back one day and show them how crazy you are.
Crazy like Christopher Columbus.
Maybe you're right.
Six years.
Six years of struggle towards a goal
with the Pacific.
The vast unconquered Pacific.
A mute challenge.
And so, for the first nine months
of operation on interstate flying services,
your loss of 1,158 pounds,
19 shillings and elevenpence.
I don't understand it.
I just don't understand it.
We've always had plenty of passengers.
As I already pointed out,
I estimate that far from showing a profit,
each passenger you have carried
has cost you approximately 10 pounds.
Those prices, it'd be cheaper to be out of work.
I think I indicated to you gentlemen
the paramount importance
of adhering to the fairs listed.
But you can't always get what you want.
My dear sir,
the fair to Melbourne is 27 pounds 10 shillings.
Here's a passenger whom you flew on
a special trip to Melbourne and back for nothing.
Oh yeah, that was old Bill Watson.
It wasn't for nothing, his wife was dying.
Oh, very humane.
But scarcely good business.
Here's another item.
Here's a Ms. Tuttles...
There are many other items.
Many other items.
Well, good day gentlemen.
I'll send in my account
before it's too late.
He wasn't much help was he?
All these chaps are the same.
Just destructive criticism.
Yes Ann?
The gentleman's still waiting.
Shall I show him in?
Alright, but I hope he doesn't wanna sell anything.
Will you come this way please?
Thank you.
Well, what can we do for you?
I understand you need a business manager.
What makes you think that?
Well, don't you?
Who are you?
Ulm, Charles Ulm.
I happen to want to fly the Pacific.
I heard that you were the only other two
out of captivity with same idea.
You a pilot?
No not yet.
Tried to make the Air Force in the war,
but a few lumps of lead I collected at Gallipoli
wiped me out of it.
Mind if I take a look?
Help yourself.
Maybe I can fetch up your business.
Within a couple of years it might even show a profit.
But what's the good of that?
How would you feel if somebody else came along
and flew the Pacific right under your nose?
I wouldn't like it.
Government support, that's the only way.
We have got to get government support, but how?
Yes how.
Easier to fly the Pacific without a plane.
No, it's not impossible.
If we could do something fantastic enough,
something spectacular to open the public's eyes,
no matter how crazy it is.
I've got it.
I think I've got it.
What's the record for a flight around Australia?
Goble and McIntyre did it in 43 days.
Brinsmead and Jones cut that to 22.
Can you beat that time?
7,000 miles an hour patched up old crock.
Can you beat that time?
We can beat it.
Close my lid.
Goodbye Eddie.
The Premier Mr. Lay called a deputation
from the returned soldiers late today,
but the government had decided to grant
Kingsford Smith and Ulm
3,500 pounds to help them
finance their proposed trans-pacific flight
from the United States to Australia.
Well it won't be long now.
Now they booked a passage this morning.
They have?
Did you know anything about this Ted?
No ma'am.
And where are they now?
Ah, they may be home any moment now ma'am.
I know they figured on leaving on the next
boat to San Francisco.
Paging Mr. Ulm, paging Mr. Ulm.
Well that's me.
Long distance call from Honolulu sir.
You can take the call over here.
Alright, thanks.
Hello, Charles Ulm here.
There's a Honolulu call for me I believe.
Hello, is that you Keith?
Yes, all set this end.
You can land on Wheeler Field
and take off with any load you like from Barking Sand.
Yes, yes, longest beach runway I've ever seen.
Oh that's fine.
But what's this we can land stuff?
How 'bout you?
Well, that's just it Charles.
I've had a cable.
I've got to return to Australia right away.
Why, what's the matter?
Well, personal reasons.
Leave it at that.
Maybe I can get back before you take off.
Well okay, if that's the way it has to be.
A plane?
No not yet.
In the last six weeks I think he's turned down
every plane in the United States.
Well so long Keith and good luck old son.
No, he's out looking at another aircraft.
So long.
She's a fairly old bus.
But she's big.
I don't think she'll do Harold.
Wilkins probably strained the inside of her
on those Arctic flights.
However, there's no harm in looking.
Are you Mr. Kingsford Smith?
The boys about the wheel her out.
Will you come right over?
Well sure.
Okay Hal, wheel her out.
She's beautiful.
You wanna see Sir Hubert Wilkins I guess?
Mm hmm.
She's like something I've seen in the sky all my life.
Like, like the Southern Cross.
Yes that's it.
The Southern Cross.
Is that your max Sir Hubert?
I'm afraid so.
And that's without engines.
Oh they're worn out.
They've done some hard work you know.
You'll have to have new engines.
What do you think?
Well, I must admit, she's exactly what we want.
You search the states before you get another one like it.
Excuse us for this but
where's the money coming from for the engines?
What good's a plane without engines?
Yes, engines, instruments, radio, 101 things.
Say Hubert, you're a great explorer,
you're an Australian who's arrived.
Tell me, is there anything wrong with me?
I can't seem to get started.
That one seems to call for a drink.
Oh, allow me.
Thank you.
Now look, you want to be an explorer.
You remember anything 'bout another explorer?
A man who happened to discover this continent?
You remember that he begged his way all around Europe?
Pleading for the backing to fulfill his dreams?
It's always been that way Kingsford Smith.
Nobody believes in you until you're successful.
And if you do succeed,
the tin bugles and the cheering will be short-lived.
Believe me.
Oh honors will be shot upon you,
but only for a moment that you'll
participate in the fruits of your discovery.
Oh no.
Your rendezvous with fame will be a gravestone.
Looking down from above,
you'll be astonished at the appreciation
and gratitude that is lavished upon your tomb.
Yes, I guess explorers have to be half dreamers
half lunatics, or just half plain stubborn.
I must be going.
Well, I'm certainly glad to have met you sir Hubert.
Send a check for half tonight,
the balance as soon as extra funds arrive.
Thank you.
And good luck.
Good luck.
Where are you off to this time Sir Hubert?
Matter of fact, I'm gonna fly over the North Pole.
You know, that chap will break his neck one of these days.
Fly across the North Pole.
What damn fool things some people think up.
Say, this is New Years Day isn't it?
All day, why?
A quarter to eight.
Because I've got a date.
Hmpf, with another blonde.
See you later.
To kept promises.
Well I read you're in San Francisco
and what you're going to do.
I thought you just might be there.
Am I glad I was.
How's the movie career?
Oh I traded in my dream for a typewriter.
A big business girl.
How about you?
For a while I traded it for trucks.
Well I've almost won now.
Ah Smithy, I knew you would sooner or later.
I knew you wouldn't sell out.
So you're really going to do it.
Yes Kay, we've got the plans and the plane.
Although we only half own it so far.
We need new engines, instruments.
But with a little more backing from home,
we'll be ready to go in no time.
Pioneer who strides across lonely skies huh?
Oh I'm proud of you Smithy, really I am.
Hey, wait til we've made it.
Oh I've got faith in you.
Smithy, in seven years here in California,
I've met lots of men.
Interesting men, charming men,
men millions of women idolized.
They're okay too.
But their names live in electric lights only for today.
Tomorrow, they'll be forgotten.
But if you do this thing Smithy,
if you do what no man has ever done before,
your name will live.
You'll be immortal.
Well hello Charles, what are you doing here?
Well that's a question I don't need to ask you.
Alright, we met on a train a long time ago.
This is Kay Sutton.
Kay, this is Charlie Ulm.
How do you do?
Smithy, can I have a word with you?
I've been searching the town for you.
Why sure, what's up?
Oh, will you pardon us a minute Kay?
Well you look like death warmed up.
What's the matter?
You hear the news?
About the Dole Race to Honolulu?
No, why?
So far seven flyers have lost their lives.
It's just come over the radio.
That's a catastrophe.
I'll say it is.
This won't do our flight any good.
There'll be a big stink about all long distance hops,
you'll see.
And don't forget, Honolulu is only one third of our flight.
Some of the backers may get cold feet.
You need a drink Charles, come and sit down.
Bad news?
Fair enough Kay.
Charles and I are used to it,
I guess we can take a little more.
Oh what are we griping about.
Here's to your bright eyes beautiful.
I still think that no news is good news.
Well three weeks of no news isn't.
Shake it up, we're late.
Come in.
Cable for Mr. Kingsford Smith.
Oh thank you.
This'll be it.
Thank you sir.
"New South Whales government regrets,
"must request you abandon flight, stop.
"Return to Australia immediately, stop.
"Unable further financial support, Bevin Premier."
Well, looks like we're sunk.
We've gotta go on now.
Just can't give up.
Well anything you say Chilla, you know I'm with you.
We've got a plane that's half paid for
and three beautiful engines.
Thanks to the generosity of Sidney Meyer.
Still the question now is,
how to raise $15,000 in a hurry.
Seems I've heard those words before.
You know, we've been sitting here for two hours now
and that fly has been hanging there all that time.
Should win some kind of an endurance record.
a you've said it.
Said what?
The endurance record.
There's a standing prize of 10,000 if you beat 52 hours.
Would that help.
Well, what are we waiting for?
What can we lose?
It'll cost us our last cent, but if we pull it off--
Of course we can pull it off.
52 hours?
Why this old bus will stay up 52 days.
Thanks pal.
And some people swat flies.
Say, that's 48 hours they've been up now, isn't it Miss?
Four hours to go.
Say, why don't you grab yourself some sleep?
Go on, go and park yourself over there.
I'll give you a call.
Just give me another cup of coffee.
A couple of coffees.
Reckon they'll make it this time?
Looks like it.
A couple of screwballs, that's what they are.
What kind of difference does it make anyway?
None to you you big dope!
You couldn't even fly a kite!
Okay lady, okay okay.
For the fifth time,
the fuels got to hold out this time Kay.
First a coffee will you?
While you were away, Lieutenant Pond
radioed that gas was getting low.
Attention please!
The Southern Cross has just signaled
that she's coming into land.
The machine is out of gas and the fliers
are forced to give up with the record
practically in their grasp!
Too bad.
Have you got a nickel?
What do you want, another cup of coffee?
No, no, I want to call Los Angeles.
Thanks, thanks.
Long distance please.
You can't call Los Angeles for a nickel.
I'm reversing the charges.
Hello, hello long distance?
I want to speak to Mr. Andrew Chaffee in Los Angeles.
He'll be at the home of Captain Allen Hancock.
It's a long chance,
but it may just come off.
Go right ahead sir.
Thank you.
Hello Mr. Chaffee.
Hello there Kay.
You're a fine secretary bringing business into pleasure.
I hope this will turn out to be both Mr. Chaffee.
Mr. Kingsford Smith.
How do you do? - Hello sir.
Mr. Ulm.
This is Mr. Chaffee.
How do you do? - How do you do?
He looks much too nice to be my boss
but don't let that fool you.
Ah, the efficient Kay.
And as beautiful as ever.
Hello Captain Hancock.
Where do you find them Andy?
Captain Hancock, may I introduce Mr. Kingsford Smith.
Happy to know you sir.
How are you?
Mr. Charles Ulm.
Glad to know you.
How do you do?
So you didn't make it aye?
Not quite.
It's nice of you to have us aboard sir.
Not at all.
Any friend of Andrew Chaffee's is a friend of mine.
Let's go inside.
Glad to have you here.
Come right in Andy.
Sit down.
Make yourself at home.
Okay Mac, I've got a bone to pick with you young man.
I've been reading where you want to fly
the Pacific to Australia.
We certainly do sir.
Well why the blazes don't you do it?
It's a small word for such a big favor,
but thanks.
I hope it works.
Well we've got the captain started already.
Thank you.
Are you the navigator?
Well no.
Organization is my end of it.
But I'll be the relief pilot also.
I'd like to have a word with you.
Would you excuse us sir?
Oh of course.
I know I promised I wouldn't ask questions
but what is this?
You grab me out of an endurance line,
rush me to Los Angeles,
plunge me into a party and tell me nothing.
Now what is it all about?
Wait and see.
Captain Hancock is a fine person
and a very rich man.
Crazy about navigation and a few other things too.
Oh, what are they?
Shall we dance?
Let's you and I talk this one out.
Now look Kay--
Uh uh uh uh.
I've been saying it for the last five years.
An air route across the Pacific has got to be started.
If we don't, those little brown...
Well the Japs will.
Say come here.
Come here and listen to what I'm saying.
Now I don't know why you want to fly the Pacific,
but I'm gonna tell you why someone has go to and quickly.
If ever the Japanese bomb shall burst,
and don't think it won't.
We're gonna need fast communication
between the two countries.
Well prepared landing fields the whole way.
And men who can fly the pants off anyone else.
But first, someone's gotta prove it can be done.
Now have you got a navigator and a radio operator?
Yes we have a couple of Americans in mind.
This flight means as much to Uncle Sam
as it does to Australia.
Two Aussies, two yanks.
That's a good thought.
Of course it's a good thought.
Well, what's holding you up?
Why don't you get going?
You see Captain--
But nothing.
When I was your age I wouldn't be
thinking of flying the Pacific,
I'd of been there and back by now.
When you were our age Captain, you weren't broke.
Are you boys short of money?
That's putting it mildly.
How much?
And you mean to tell me that this flight,
this all important flight is being
held up for $15,000?
Listen son, you're gonna make this flight
and I'm gonna help you.
Right now I don't know just how,
but we'll find a way won't we Andy?
We'll find a way.
This is the first attempt to fly the Pacific Ocean
from the United States to Australia.
Here at Oakland Airport, motorists of
the Southern Cross are warming up.
The Australians, Kingsford Smith and Ulm,
with the Americans Jim Warner, radio expert
and Captain Harry Lyon navigator, are about to take off
on the first hop of the flight, Honolulu.
Does he know Kay?
No I don't think so.
His whole heart is in that airplane.
All set.
Well sir, we'll do our best.
Off you go.
Wish I were doing it.
In a way you are sir.
Good luck.
Thank you.
Good luck.
I once said you'd lead the way,
goodbye Smithy.
I'll never forget you Kay.
For all you've done.
All you are.
Excuse me Mr. Kingsford Smith,
would you care to make a statement for the Standard?
Just how you feel before the big event?
Yes, just how 'bout it mister.
Okay Harry?
Okay Jim?
Kelly Stewart the actress.
I wouldn't fly without her.
I'm happy as hell!
♪ The bells on the hill go jing a ling a ling ♪
♪ But they will not ring for me ♪
Now this is station 2BL Sydney,
the Southern Cross took off from Oakland Airport
at 8:45 US Pacific time this morning.
The machine has now been over 15 hours in the air.
And the latest report from her was that
she was more than halfway to Honolulu.
Anything new?
Can't hear very well.
Now that's better isn't it?
Mack, Gibson here.
We've been around that big Kingsford Smith.
No they haven't crashed yet.
Honolulu and radio touch.
Yeah, looks like they might make it.
Yeah, hold the obituary for the PD hop.
There's no doubt about it this time!
That's land!
That's only land Charlie me boy, that's Hawaii!
Here's a flash.
The Southern Cross left Barking Sands Hawaii
at half past five this morning
on the longest ocean flight in the history of aviation.
3138 miles.
If there's the slightest mistake in their
navigation of a tiny pinpoint which is CG,
they'll be forced down into the Pacific Ocean.
Stand by for bulletins.
Seven hours flying flying!
Gotta break soon!
Isn't it wonderful Nanny!
The Southern Cross is just about to take off
from the beach of Nasali near Suva
on the last lap of her flight to Australia.
Do your stuff Kelly!
Missed PG at three o'clock yesterday afternoon.
Ran into a terrific storm, cyclones all over the route.
Looks like they're finished.
That's a good story either way.
Dig up all you can about Kingsford Smith,
Ulm, and the Americans.
We better have a streamer ready.
Let me see now--
Hey what about this?
Smithy battles Pacific storm?
No, no, no, no.
Gallant fliers meet death in Pacific Ocean.
The time is three a.m. and there is still
no news on the Southern Cross.
Ships in the vicinity report of violent cyclonic storm.
He'll be alright.
I hope so.
You think it's easing up?
Mother, here's your tea.
Oh, I must've fallen asleep.
Lincoln's in Australia!
Nan, Nan, Lincoln's in Australia!
Oh, how wonderful.
Nan, what do you think?
Smithy, Smithy you!
Hello Mommy.
Oh you wash your face you dirty boy.
I'm proud of you my boy.
We are naturally and proud that our
flight has been successful.
But a single flight across the Pacific
is no great accomplishment in itself.
It must only be the beginning.
The people of the British empire and the United States
will build better planes.
Train better fliers.
Until the skies between the continents
become highways.
Highways for passengers, mail, commoners.
And if ever necessary, defense.
Here here.
Don't let us forget that if commercial planes
can fly the Pacific, bombers can too.
Thank you.
Gee, that's the biggest airplane I've ever seen.
She's a beaut!
There's Smithy out in front.
What's he doing?
Don't you read the papers man?
I can't, I'm only four.
Kids these days don't know nothing.
Oh well I'll tell you you see.
He's just back from flying to New Zealand see,
now he's tuning up for his flight to England.
Gee, will he do it?
Of course he will, he's Smithy ain't he?
Smithy, Smithy!
Gee, I'm gonna be a flier when I grow up.
Give us a ride Smithy.
Oh go on!
Alright, come on.
Hey Tommy, Tommy Pethybridge!
Keep 'em rolling, I'm gonna take her off!
What's your name boy?
Chascott sir.
Go on.
You seem restless son.
I guess I am a little mother.
Well come and sit down.
And hold this scale work for me.
You see there's so much to be done.
But you've achieved your life sanction.
Chilla, you're 31.
You can't go on flying forever you know.
That's true Nan,
but sometimes you have to go on.
Tell us a story uncle Charles.
It's so late Robert.
Oh just one story.
But he doesn't feel like it now dear.
Alright, I'll tell you a story.
A story like you used to tell me.
Once upon a time there was a young man
in the Never Never land.
He worked and fought hard all his life
until one day he did something
and the people were all very pleased.
So they made him a sort of knight.
But after a while he was feeling
a little old and tired so he thought,
I'll stop being a knight.
Pretty soon I'll settle down
and live a nice quiet life for a change.
But as he was walking through the woods,
he caught sight of a lot of little boys.
From the Never Never Land.
They didn't say anything, they just looked at him.
And suddenly the young knight knew that
even if he was feeling old and tired,
they have to go on a little longer.
Until some of the little boys grew up.
He could carry on from where he left off.
And how does the story end?
Yes, how Uncle Charles?
I don't know yet.
Uncle Charles is very tired dear.
And it's time for bed.
"In their second attempt after the
"tragic incident at Coffee Royal,
"Kingsford Smith, Ulm, Litchfield, and McWilliams
"arrived in London in the Southern Cross
"12 days after leaving Australia."
That's fine, that's fine,
but what about Coffee Royal?
As if Smithy could get lost in Australia.
Don't make me laugh.
I was only telling my misses this morning
it was a publicity stunt, that's what it was.
Publicity my foot!
What does Smithy want with publicity?
He's got more of that than the Prince of Whales.
Yeah, but don't give me the idea.
Anderson and Hitchcock died of thirst
looking for him didn't they!
They did.
And I know what that did to Smithy!
Why do you so go on trying to tear people down
has done so much for the country?
Do you have to see that every little bit
of scandal and try to make it proof!
Proof mind you that they weren't on level!
Listen, a public inquiry completely cleared him, didn't it!
And every decent man and woman knows,
knows that they weren't in on any stunt!
And they had nothing to gain and everything to lose!
Of course they did.
And you and your kind go around
slinging mud like a...
Ah go and wash your filthy mind!
After breaking the Australia to England record,
the famous Southern Cross is in Holland
where Mr. Anthony Fokker, the manufacturer,
has undertaken to completely overhaul her.
On his return, squadron leader Kingsford Smith
planned the establishment of Australian National Airway.
The famous airman is traveling home via Vancouver
aboard RMS Aorangi.
We were supposed to leave two hours ago.
Captains orders Ms. Powell.
Mr. Kingsford Smith is making a speech
at the Aero Club.
The club made special arrangements to
have the ship held up.
Oh indeed!
Wouldn't it be simpler to give him a private steamship line?
A famous person you know.
Well would I have to to go ashore and post this?
I was going to give it to the pilot?
Give it to that chap down there.
Take the elevator to D deck.
Oh alright.
Won't be long dad.
Very good my dear.
Could I have your autograph please Mr. Kingsford Smith?
Oh please!
Okay beautiful.
Here we are.
Now no more, sorry folks.
Awe Smithy.
Sorry we're a little late.
You're 24 hours late Mr. Powell.
Nobody's sick I hope?
No we just like to dine in our cabin
the first night at sea.
Good idea Mr. Powell, good idea.
Oh, may I introduce you to Ms. Mcnotten.
How do you do.
Mr. and Mrs. Powell.
Mrs. Mary Powell, Mr. Andrews,
and Mr. Kingsford Smith.
How do you do.
I believe we've met before on an envelope.
I don't think so.
By the way,
this must seem a very antiquated way
of traveling to you Mr. Kingsford Smith.
Oh, I think I'm gonna like it.
Oh it's wonderful.
How many were yours?
Oh well you're a cheat.
That's an awful.
I'm sorry, honestly I am.
Oh no you're not.
Oh yes I am.
I wouldn't of kissed you like that for the world
with all those masks, I didn't know who it was.
You didn't?
Then who did you think it was?
Oh, I
Alright, you win.
Thank you, goodnight.
Before you go, would you think me
very impetuous if I asked you something?
What is it?
Oh it's rather personal.
Will you marry me?
Would you be very old-fashioned
if I gave it a little thought?
Certainly not, how long would you need?
Shall we say two or three years?
Two or...
Two or three years?
Listen Mary darling, don't get the idea
there's any haste in all this.
It's just that I've had to get used
to making decisions.
More or less important decisions like that.
Well in my slow down witted way,
I always thought it might be sensible
to give it a little more thought than just that.
It's the only important decision
I'll probably ever had to make.
The choice of the man I have to spend
the rest of my life with.
You see Smithy, I'm thinking of having
one husband a long time, of growing old with him.
Perhaps you're not even thinking of growing old.
It's funny, you're right.
I haven't thought of growing old.
It never occurred to me that this youth,
this flying stuff can't go on.
It can't you know.
No, I guess it can't.
Well, since you put it that way,
there's no one in the world
I'd rather grow old with than you.
Mary let's get married.
We'll settle down to a nice quiet middle age
and watch our hair turn a beautiful silver.
Oh Smithy, you're hopeless.
And you're wonderful.
You're the moon and the stars
and the light of early dawn.
I love you darling.
Just a minute.
Smithy, I like you,
but I don't know you as well as
you seem to know me.
Or haven't your flare.
Or should I say your experience.
But father has though.
As you'll have to ask him for his consent anyway.
I suggest you struggle along somehow
for the next two weeks.
I'd like to have a chance to make sure of my own mind.
Then perhaps you can ask dad.
Otherwise I'll just simply have to lock
myself in my cabin.
Well, what do you say?
I think that's the meanest, most evasive,
the most calculated--
Do I lock myself in?
Or do you wait?
Alright, I wait and see the old man.
With a reference to what Mr. Smith?
Oh, I beg your pardon sir, I didn't know.
That is I really think I better be getting along.
I have to see the purser.
He's on the mend.
Oh really, well captain will do, it's most important I...
I believe you wanted to see me Mr. Smith.
Yes sir I do.
I want to marry your daughter.
Are you free to marry?
Yes sir I am.
Come here.
You lead a rather adventurous sort of life
careering around the world and all that sort of thing.
Do you think you could settle down to married life now?
That's exactly what I'm looking forward to sir.
What are your plans for the immediate future?
Apart from marrying Mary of course.
Well I was thinking of having a crack
of flying to Atlantic sir.
The Atlantic.
Ah that's fine.
Now you go ahead and fly the Atlantic.
Then perhaps we can talk about this again.
Right, I will.
Yes, things are going pretty well chaps.
Despite the depression.
Of course if we get that English Airmail contract.
But there's no doubt about that is there?
Oh we never can tell John.
I'm used to disappointments.
Busy darling?
Come in.
Come in Mrs. Businessman.
I want you to meet Jim Morrison, my wife.
Jim has just joined us.
English you know.
How are you Mr. Morrison?
How do you do?
And how is Johnny?
Fine, thank you Mary.
We'll go and get on with it Smithy.
See ya around Mary.
Bye John.
Miss me?
You can't imagine how much.
Uh uh, you don't remember you made
a date with me today, do you?
Of course I remember.
I've been thinking about it all day.
Well what was it?
Oh tea.
What's the matter darling?
Oh I was just watching those hairs turn silver.
You are happy aren't you?
Even though you aren't making headlines anymore?
Mm hmm.
Thank you.
Mr. Kingsford Smith.
Telephone sir.
Well you go ahead darling, I'll be right with you.
I'll wait.
This way please.
Who's the pilot?
She'll be alright.
He's probably put her down somewhere
and hasn't managed to get a message through yet.
Yes I'll come right back, alright.
Anything wrong darling?
Melbourne plane's overdue, the Southern Cloud.
Many passengers?
Full up.
I guess there's no need to worry.
Shortridge is flying, he's one of the best.
But I would like to go back if you don't mind?
Of course.
Thank you.
Just a moment.
Will you have the Old Bus ready?
Still no sign.
Every available plane will be near at dawn
to look for her.
I must go too.
You understand that don't you?
Of course.
I'm afraid the compensation claims
will amount to over 10,000 pounds.
That and the depression as well huh?
Well I don't see how we can weather this storm Marge.
Well, what did they say?
A subsidy to keep our planes in the air.
The government help Australian National Airway
through a bad time, don't make us laugh.
What's it to do with the government?
We own the railways don't we?
Ride people go by train.
Yes it tough alright Charles.
But we're not licked yet, not by a long shot.
There has to be a decision on the English Air Mail soon.
Oh I know there are others in the field,
but they've got to give our tender every consideration.
After all, we pioneered the route from Australia.
We carried the mail to England and back.
Made assistance flights to Singapore.
In return they can't turn in down.
What is it Marge?
"The England Australian Air Mail service
"was place on a permanent basis today
"when an agreement was signed by the
"English and Australian governments.
"Whereby the service will be conducted by..."
They can turn it down Chilla.
They have turned it down.
Oh yes, there'll be an England
Australia Air Mail service alright.
But we won't be flying it.
Honors will be showered upon you.
But don't think for a moment you participate
in the fruits of your discovery.
we still have the Old Bus.
How long you gonna be Fred?
About 10 minutes.
Oh what's biting you blokes?
Come on down and get a load of this.
Well what do you know about that.
Come on boys, let's do it in style.
Rise Sir Charles.
Rise Sir Charles.
My hearty congratulations.
Thank you your excellency.
I guess I ought to be able to charge 15 by the ride now.
Well, so long chaps.
I've got to get home, I'm worried about Mary.
Won't be long now Smithy.
So long.
My son.
He's not going to be a flier Charles.
Mary, if I were being born today
I guess my own mother would be saying that.
I see Smithy's entered the Centenary Air Race
with Captain Taylor.
Yes, it was up to him don't you think?
Well I don't know.
Smithy's done just about everything in the
air a man can do.
Yes, but this race is important.
English, Dutch, and American pilots are giving it a fly.
It should be won by an Australian.
And Smithy's the obvious man.
Well it says here this Lockheed Altair they're flying
could do 220 miles an hour.
That should give him a chance.
What's the verdict?
You got no chance of getting that fixed up in Cloncurry.
That cowling's badly split.
If it goes much further you're liable
to lose the lot in the air.
It'll take a week solid work Sir Charles.
Well that means we can't make the race.
Better get her back to Sydney I suppose.
Look I hear it all around me.
If you ask me, Smithy never intended to go in the air race.
He got the wind out of him.
Well, here's looking at you.
There doesn't seem to be anything in it.
Let's have a look at that Times atlas Bill.
Pacific's on page 102.
And the Altair?
Why not?
Why not.
Charles you can't.
If you won't think of me,
well think of your son.
I am thinking of him Mary.
It's absolutely marvelous.
Sir Charles Kingsford Smith
who first flew the Pacific East West
has now flown the Pacific West East
in a single engine plane.
Imagine it, 7,000 miles over water
in a single engine plane.
Kingsford Smith and his renowned copilot and
navigator Captain P.G. Taylor
are being given a tremendous welcome here
at Oakland Airport.
After one of the most fantastic flights ever made.
And perhaps ever to be made.
Here they come now!
Welcome Charles.
Gosh I'm glad to see you.
It's grand to see you Captain Hancock.
I'd like you to meet Bill Taylor.
Proud to know you sir.
You boys did a magnificent job.
How's Kay?
Fine, married now you know?
She is?
Well the man who married Kay
certainly got a grand girl.
Well come on, let's go.
Come on now, this way.
Excuse me Sir Charles,
I'm sure everyone would like to know
just why you decided to make this incredible
and fantastic flight.
You tell 'em Bill.
I know I know, I've heard it a thousand times.
I'll admit it took guts.
But why did he do it?
That's what I wanna know, why did he do it?
Ah you'd never know.
Now he's back, what's he gonna do?
Fly to the North Pole or something?
He's gonna earn a living for himself, that's what.
It seemed that his country couldn't find him a job.
Funny isn't it?
So he's in Conclurry Today trying to sell an idea.
Oh, here's how.
Very interesting.
But surely it is more than that.
Every detail for the Australian New Zealand
Air service is in that report.
Charles Ulm put years of work into it.
Those Sheil here added knowledge gained
from our more recent experience.
Ulm gave up his life trying to fly the
Pacific to New Zealand to show how he
could link up with this service.
Yes, that was a sad affair, very sad.
Look, we lost the English Mail contract,
but surely the New Zealand contract is ours.
I've flown the Tasman six times.
All available data, weather conditions,
landing grounds, navigational problems
have all come from our experience.
Possibly, possibly.
But surely you realize I must consider
representation from other sources.
Furthermore Sir Charles, I am doubtful
if the public will utilize an air mail service
to New Zealand involving additional custom stamps.
Very well.
I'll fly this jubilee air mail service
to New Zealand in the Southern Cross.
She's not the plane for the job.
She's 10 years old.
But we'll prove to you and all the rest
the public will support the Tasman air mail service.
Even if it does cost a few extra pence!
And not in the farthest and future but right now!
Come on Bill let's go.
Hello VIS, VIS this is VMZNB calling.
John Stanning speaking from the cabin
of the Southern Cross carrying the Jubilee Mail.
We're 600 miles out on a flight to New Zealand.
Our height is 3,000 feet.
Ground speed 75 knots.
It's a beautiful morning and we're--
Stand by please, something's happened!
Our props gone.
Attention please.
The Southern Cross is in grave peril.
A piece of exhaust manifold flew off
and smashed the starboard propeller
and Stanning just left a message
that the Cross is in danger of going into the sea.
The oil pressure in the fourth motor
is now falling alarmingly.
Post office officials have ordered
the mail to be jettisoned.
Mail's gone!
And we're still losing height.
These two armed motors won't stand
full throttle for long!
Better get the hacksaw and ax ready!
Cut away the motors or we won't float.
Looks like this is it Johnny.
It looks awful wet down there.
We're gonna have to stop and get some oil.
Starboard motor.
Out in that slip stream?
Bill you're crazy!
Better take our chance in the sea!
I might get away with it.
If I don't we're in the sea anyway.
Stock sales are plummeting this morning
open to a...
Attention please.
Another fax from Stanning says there's now
little hope of the Southern Cross remaining in the air.
As a last desperate chance, Captain Taylor
will try to transfer oil from a disabled
starboard engine to the port motor.
He's done it!
He's got the oil!
If ever a man deserved a victory across
that man is Bill Taylor.
But he still has to get the oil into the
failing port motor.
Smithy will have to fly the machine
on a single motor only.
Bill, hold on, we gotta go up!
All Australia has listened with breathless interest
for the gallant six hour battle
of the cruel of the Southern Cross.
For their lives and the life of the grand ole machine.
Six times Captain Taylor has performed the incredibly
brave feat of transferring oil from one engine to another.
Sir Charles is keeping the machine in the air by sheer...
One moment please, a message has just come in.
They've made it!
The Southern Cross is inside of Mascot
limping in on two motors!
Oh darling.
She's landed!
They dropped the Old Bus home again!
There they go again.
Just another publicity stunt.
I was only telling my misses this morning,
if they keep on--
I've been wanting to do that for a long while you mug!
And so on behalf of the government
of the commonwealth of Australia,
I take great pleasure in accepting
this world famous plane.
She goes to a well-earned rest.
Thank you Sir Charles.
Oh, thank you very much.
I'm glad Mrs. Ulm brought young John here today
to represent his illustrious father.
Like me, this dear Old Bus of mine
is growing a little old.
Getting us back from the Tasman flight
was the last service I could expect from her.
Thank you.
Look after her will you boys?
I hate to see her grounded
after all she's done.
Yes sir.
Take her away boys.
Have a cigarette.
Thank you.
Has Sir Charles anything to add to my paper?
I don't know.
Will he be home soon?
That sounds like him now.
Hello June.
Hi June.
Oh hello Beau.
Hello Smithy, Mary.
Get wet?
Oh just a few sprinkles coming from the car.
Who are those men in there?
Yes, they're reporters.
What do they want?
Oh just the usual.
Will you see them?
I'll just come and say goodnight to them.
Excuse me darling.
Goodnight Mary, I'll push off too.
Goodnight Beau.
What was that?
Scott and Black record.
Oh, just hold the line please.
It's for you.
Mm hmm.
That's a pretty hard record to beat.
73 hours from England to Australia.
No I'm getting too old.
So that's it, the Scott and Black record.
I want you to tell me you won't try for it.
Well Mary, I have to go to England anyway
- to try and raise finance for the Trans-
- Tasman service.
I can't get it here.
And you'll go by boat?
Yes I'll go by boat.
And you'll come back by boat?
And you'll come back by boat?
Now listen Mary, if I get the money
I promise never to make another long-distance
flight as long as I live.
And if you don't get the money?
Well then, we'll have to put on
our thinking caps again won't we?
Charles I,
I think you know what I'm going to say to you.
You've known how often I've been tempted
to say it all these terrifying years.
Most women only have to face one dreadful
last goodbye in their lives.
Each time I've said goodbye to you,
in my heart it's been goodbye forever darling.
Then waiting
days and sleepless nights.
Just waiting.
I have a thousand stabs in my heart
from a telephone shrilling in the night
when I'm alone but I,
I can't answer
because I don't want to hear it's message.
I don't want to know.
You don't ever think do you darling
that I'd hear a voice say,
"Your husbands landed safely?"
'Cause I don't.
They're only going to telephone out of sympathy
to tell me one thing before I can
read it in the paper.
Oh I hate that telephone.
It's with you up there in the sky
as though if you were to start falling,
it would shrill of it's own accord.
And one day it will.
One day it will.
It's enjoying torturing me now that's all.
It's just waiting.
I can't stand it.
I just can't stand it!
Daddy, daddy!
What's the matter son, what's the matter?
Daddy I'm frightened.
Hey now son, don't be frightened.
Your daddy's here, nothing can hurt you.
Don't go away then.
No son.
I won't leave you.
How about some sleep now huh?
Come on now, off to sleep.
That's right.
Look what I bought him today.
Isn't it sweet?
Yes it's fine.
Charles I'm sorry for what I said outside.
I didn't mean you ever to know that.
I understand darling.
I had it coming to me I guess.
I'm gonna tell you something that I wouldn't
say to another living soul.
You don't want me to make this flight do you?
Well, I don't wanna make it either.
I haven't wanted to make the last half dozen flights.
Because I've had enough, done enough.
You say that?
I've done more than any other flier
should ever expect to do and stay alive.
"Why don't you stay on the ground Smithy" they say.
"You'll kill yourself one day."
Of course I will.
I know I will.
They all finish up the same way
if they stick at it long enough.
A small splash in some lonely sea.
That's what they tell me.
Charles Ulm.
Yeah, Charles Ulm, Hinkler, Ross Smith,
and all the rest.
I'm not afraid of the chances Mary,
they've always been there.
What makes them think I can't figure the odds?
They think I have no imagination.
That's it.
That's the warning when a flier gets imagination.
Do you know when he gets that?
When he's old, 30.
He's old at 30.
And you're 37.
He's old because he begins to remember
those unexpected things that happened in the past
that nearly finished him.
For a youngster, they're just another thrill.
But as you get older those escapes stick.
Not one or two, but dozens.
Dozens of sickening moments when you say to yourself,
"This is it, it's all over.
"It's happened at last."
Oh darling.
You get to wondering how it'll happen next time.
And if you'll be lucky next time.
Yes, that's imagination.
When you admit to yourself there is such a thing as luck.
And when the day arrives that you know that,
it's time you stayed on the ground.
I'm a flier Mary, I've given my life to it.
It's all I know how to do well.
And I'll go on being a flier.
It's expected of me, I have no option.
Don't you see darling, it's bigger than us.
We've become public property.
Our lives are out of control.
There's no turning back now.
Even though sooner or later the telephone
may ring in the night.
Because one mans luck can't last forever.
Oh it's Mary Kingsford Smith here.
He's leaving for England with Mr. Sheil
and Mr. Pethybridge on Saturday.
Yes, he may fly back.
You see, he may have to.
You're very much run down Sir Charles.
But a couple of weeks in bed
and a good solid month in the sun
and you'll be right as rain.
Why don't you go to the south of France?
Because you mustn't do anymore flying
for at least six months.
Good day Sir Charles.
Good day sir.
So long doc.
that ought to hold you for a while.
That's what he thinks.
How did you get on?
No go.
I can't understand it.
That's the third time we've been suddenly wiped off.
There must be something behind it.
Of course.
I spent days giving them all our plans,
- they're as keen on the Trans-
- Tasman Air service as we are.
Just when they're ready to sign on the dotted line
they politely tell me your plans are premature.
I'm absolutely convinced that the group
brings pressure to keeps us out.
For obvious reasons.
Powerful aren't they?
Yeah boss?
What's the weather like?
It'll be raining again any minute.
I'd better get this prescription made up.
I won't be long.
Must have left my part in the car.
Be back in jif.
Good morning, more in.
He made me promise not to tell anyone
but I've got to, I've got to.
Tell what?
He's got the Lockheed all field up and ready to go.
He's had it ready for days in case
this big deal you've been working on didn't come off.
What's he going to do?
He's going to fly to Australia to bust the record.
I'm going with him.
But he's all in, we can't let him fly.
Don't you see Beau I must fly.
It's the only way.
Now you go to New York and try to restart
negotiations with those American contacts
that were so encouraging.
By the time you get there I should've
broken the record to Australia.
But must center our attention on the
job we're trying to do.
But you're not well enough to fly Charles.
And if you've got to go on taking wild chances
just to prove to people what should be
as plain as day,
besides, I booked a passage by boat.
Cancel it Beau.
Believe me, this is the only way.
Tommy, we've got to stop him.
He's not fit for this flight.
Well you know what he's like
when he's got his mind made up.
Wait a minute.
There's Mary.
Let's send her a cable, maybe she can stop him.
It's a chance.
I'll take care of it.
You stick around and keep an eye on him.
What is it boss?
You stored everything away at the Aerodrome?
Lockheed's okay?
Why yes of course.
I've just heard a favorable forecast
from the weather people.
We'll take off at seven a.m.
Oh but boss...
So long Beau!
Good luck Smithy!
But I wish I waited a while!
So long Tommy!
Goodbye boss.
Excuse me sir, is Sir Charles Kingsford Smith about?
There he goes.
Oh, well I've got a cable for him.
A bit late.
I'll take it.
Stick it out.
You've got to see it through.
You got to see it through.
You've got to.
We're four hours behind Scott and Black.
We'll have to make it snappy.
You sure you're alright?
I'll be alright Tommy.
All clear?
You lead the way.
Until some of the little boys grew up
and could carry on from where he left off.
Each time I've said goodbye to you,
in my heart it's been goodbye forever darling.
Don't go away daddy.
How does the story end?
So long Smithy.
Fly into the dawn never to be seen again.
Many will follow the trails you have raised.
Many will take heart from your unquenchable courage.
For you, you were the pathfinder.
Fly on Smithy,
you have not flown in vein.