Orphan Horse (2018) - full transcript

A young runaway girl hides out in the barn of a retired horse trainer and forms a bond with his troubled filly.

Subtitles by explosiveskull

Is my food not good enough

for your refined palate?

Just not hungry.

I'll bet the kids from that

god-awful orphanage ,

I betcha they would be

thrilled to be here.

You wanna to back there?

Who told you that?

- Johnny, Paul and Jason.

- Paul, Jason, all right.

What's going on down there?

Hush up!

Answer me.

What an ungrateful brat.

No wonder no one wanted you.

Go ahead and

take me back then.

Get out of here!

Get out of here, dammit!

I'll shoot to kill.

Get out of here!

All right, show your teeth,

but get out of here!

Damn wolves.

That's all I need.

Don't you worry, girl.

You're my lady.

Don't you worry.

You're my best girl.

Hm, you know that.

I won't let anything happen

to you or your daughter.

You know that.

You, you got to stop

kickin' open things.

You're doing no one no good.

Okay, you settle

down, get some rest.

See you in the morning.

See you in the morning.

Don't you worry.

I'm gonna fix that thing.

I'm gonna fix that

thing for you.

I should've fixed it long ago.

Oh dammit.

Oh jeez.

I'll be back.


You know it's kind of rude

to watch someone sleep.

Oh my God, stop it!

Go away!

Get away from her!

Get away!

Go, get away!

Get away from them!

Get away, go!

Get out of here!

Get the hell out of here!

Get out.

I'll kill ya!

Get out!

Get out!

Who are you?

What are you doing here?

Oh dammit.

Oh God.

What'd they do to ya?

What'd they do to ya?

What'd they do to ya, baby?

It's just me, it's just me.

Okay, okay.

Go away.


Please, stop following me.

Go home.

Go away!

Leave me alone.

Go back home.

Why won't you just

leave me alone?

You have to go home.

You can't go with me.

Go away.


Just go home.

You can't go with me,

so just go back home, okay?

Go back.

Go home.

Follow me then.

I'm taking you back.

How long you

been sleeping here?

You shot that horse.

How do you know it couldn't

have gotten better?

I'll tell you how

this is gonna go.

I'm gonna ask the questions,

and then you're gonna answer.

Is that clear?

Take your horse.

He keeps following me around.

He is a she.

She's in for a rough time now.

She just lost her mother.

So what are you, a runaway?

Fine, don't answer.

You'll work it out

with the police anyway.

I only stayed here last night.

How old are you?


Sure, and I'm 35.

I have a pituitary

gland issue.

It inhibits my growth.

That's a good one.

Where'd you come

up with that one?

Are you gonna call the cops?

Please don't.

Listen, you don't understand.

I can't go back there.

Please don't report me.


Last thing I need is to deal

with the cops over some

juvenile delinquent

with a big vocabulary.

That horse trusts you.

Maybe you can help me

get her in the stable.

And then go on your way.

I won't say a peep.

What's her name?


Come here, Filly.

Come on.

Come on, Filly.

That's it, good girl.

Good girl, Filly.

Come on, Filly.

Come on.

That's a good girl.

- So...

- Stay, Filly.

You know horses, huh?


But I like animals.


Doesn't that mean

young female horse?

That's it.

Real creative.

You really spent a lot

of time on that name.

Well, she's a horse, honey.

She don't care.

And I certainly don't.

Just like you don't care

that you shot her mom.

If you follow that fence,

it'll take you to the road.

It's a good three-hour

walk into town.

Shelly, come on.

If you're late, you know

what's gonna happen.



Come on, wake up.

All right, you guys, let's go.

Grab your jackets.

We're gonna be late.

Where's, uh, where's Shelly?


Gerald, will you run up there

and go get her, please?

No, she's sick and

has a big bruise.

You probably don't want her

seeing the social worker today.

Man, that kid is more

trouble than she is worth.

Okay, Caitlyn, do me a favor.

Go grab the box of

protein bars, please.

They're all gone!

What, how can that be?

I just bought 'em yesterday.

Okay, come on, we actually

don't have time anyway.

Let's go.

You got everything?

- Yeah.

- Okay, good, good, good.

Let's go!

Here you go.


There, nice grain.

You got to eat something.

Come on, eat something, here.

Look, you're mad at me.

You and I got to

learn to get along.

It's just you and me now.

I'm mad at me, too.


Put this on.

I don't want to be responsible

if you freeze to death.

So Mr Crowley,

how old was she?


Your horse.

She's dead.

But how old was she?

24, 24.

So the wolves got her?


Too bad there's an ordinance

against shooting them.

I see them wolves again,

I'll shoot every

damn last one of 'em.

And then I'll track down the guy

who made that ordinance.

I'll shoot him too.

When can you come by?

We can have someone

by later this afternoon.

That's good.

- Thank you.

- Thank you.

Thank you.

It's right here.

Thank you.

What's your problem?

I work for tips.

Well, I'll give you one.

Don't beg for what

you don't deserve.

How's that for a tip?

No wonder nobody likes you.

What'd you say?

Have a nice day.

Oh dammit.

What would you have named her?

Named who?

The filly.

I don't know.


I got it.




That's, that's what she is now.

You think that's a

better name than Filly?


It's the damn worst name

for a horse I ever heard.


Look, look.

I got a problem.

Yeah , seems like

you got a lot of problems.

You should talk.

What's your problem?

I got a depressed horse.

Won't eat.

You know, I

didn't eat anything

for a week after my mom died.

What made you finally eat?


Hunger, okay.

I got a bunch of groceries.

Good for you.

Are you hungry?

No, I'm good.

Forget it.


I guess I might be

a little hungry.

Okay, get in then,

if you have no better plans.

And I'll drop you in town later.


So how is everyone doing?

We're good.

I mean, it couldn't be better.

That's great.

I think, though, we

might be missing one.


We are.

Shelly has the stomach flu.

- She's sick.

- Oh.

Poor baby.

She was throwing up all morning.

That's terrible.

Okay, well, let's get started.

Is everyone adjusting

to the country?

You guys aren't used

to being out there.

No, but they love it.

I mean, they've been great.

- Really lovin' it.

- That's great.

I just, uh, I want

to hear it from them.

- Oh, yeah.

- It's understandable.


So , any challenges?


I love it.

You know, it's pretty normal

to experience some

challenges in the beginning.

Well, maybe.

Maybe what?

The challenge is

just getting used

to having such great parents.

What about, what

about you two?

Oh nothing, no challenges.

I love it.

Okay, so...

Um, I actually have to

assess all of the children

before I'm able to

release the check.

It's just protocol.

So I'm gonna need

to talk to Shelly.

I can assure you, though,

that she's doing great.

I mean, she's happy.

She's adjusted.

- She's...

- I'm sure that she is.

It's just protocol.

I have to talk to her.

So I could come by later today.

I have some time.

Yeah, it's just

that she's so sick.

Can I just bring her

in on another day?

I don't, I don't mind.

Plus, we can take care of

one of your site visits.

And I will be able

to give you the check

while I'm there.

- Yeah, okay.

- Okay?


You got a name?

Yeah, it's Michelle,

but everyone just

calls me Shelly.


Benjamin Crowley.

You don't look like a Benjamin.

It's just Ben.

Put that away.

Think it's too messy?

It's your house.

I could make

eggs or sandwiches.

A sandwich is cool.

Ham or turkey?

I'm vegan.

Get out of here.

I am.

I don't like eating animals.

Well, I could make a

lettuce and tomato sandwich.

Sure, sounds good.

Sounds terrible.

I'll put some cheese on it.

I'm vegan, not a vegetarian.

Look, I'm not

up on those stuff.

How 'bout a peanut

butter and jelly?

Can you eat that?


That's what you're gonna get.

So what was her name,

the mother horse

that you killed?

The wolves killed her.

Didn't know wolves

could shoot guns.

You think because

you don't eat meat

that you like

animals more than me?

My horse was suffering.

The wolves killed her, period.

I should've fixed

that wall better.

Didn't want to put

'em near the stable,

'cause the latch was broke.

Should've fixed that too.


that was her name.


That's a good horse name.



Come on, let's see

if you can help me.

You can take that with you.


Did you eat anything?

Let's see.

Nothing, huh?


Maybe we'll get

you some exercise.

You build up up an appetite.

Huh, Filly?


Come here, Orphan.

Come on, girl.

You win.

That's a good girl.


Talk about a depressing name.

Not if you own it.

Then it makes you stronger.

An orphan is sad,

but just orphan, it's strong.

She's a survivor.

You think you can get

her out to the corral?


Race ya.

Simple as that, I guess.

Come on, girl.

Come on.

Good girl.

Come on, give it back.

Give it back.


more, little more.

That's it, that's it.

Animal rendering?

Are you okay?

Fine, I'm okay,

go back to sleep.

Do you need to go

back to the doctor?

I don't know, honey.

Come on, Orphan.

You don't need to see this.

That's it.

She's over here, in the back.

At first, people

feel sorry for you,

but it doesn't last long.

After a while, you're,

you're pretty much on your own.

No one will ever love you

as much as your mother.

People will act like they care,

but they don't.

They just do whatever

makes them feel the best

about themselves.

I'm telling you this.

I mean, someone has to.

I wish someone

would've warned me.

No, Orphan!

No, Orphan, come back.

Stop, Orphan!

Hold it, hold on!

Come back!

Hold out, slow down!




Shh, it's okay, girl.


- Orphan!

- Let her go.

- Let her go.

- Look, it's okay, girl.

Look, I'm not hurt.

See, I'm not.

- I'm okay.

- Okay, okay.

I'm not hurt.

- What?

- We'll clean that up.

We have, we have to find her!

- We'll catch her.

- Stop it.

We'll catch her later!

- I'm gonna clean that up.

- No.

We got to take

care of business.

- As dirty a place as...

- Orphan!

I'll come get you.

Where is she?

- Where is she?

- I don't know!

What? Gerald.

- Where is she?

- I don't know.

I promise I don't.

She was gone this morning.

You told me she was

sick this morning.

Did you lie to us?

That's just what we need.

Okay, you go wash your face.


Okay, I've got this.

- Oh hi.

- Hi.

Um, you just missed her.

Gerald took her to the doctor

to check on that flu of hers.

- Oh.

- And you know,

now I feel like,

I feel like all the

kids are starting

to come down with something.

Do you know which doctor it is

that they went to see?

I'll just write it

down and pop by.

I, I don't know.

And Gerald doesn't have

his cell phone, so...

I can, I can let you

know when he comes back.

You have two cars?

Uh, no, um, no, because

Gerald's brother took them

to the doctor, today.

I like to always try to keep

a car her, just in case.

Is everything okay?

Do you mind if I come in

for a moment, actually?

Sure, I mean, you're gonna

have to enter at your own risk,

because it is germ

warfare in here.

You know what, it's fine.

I'll check back tomorrow.

- Okay.

- Okay.

I hope she feels better.

Thank you, thanks.

- So be safe.

- You too.

All right.

We best find that girl.

Oh it's not too bad.

It's not too bad, see?

Don't hurt, hydrogen peroxide.

That's a good one

for you to know.

All right, how 'bout that elbow?

What happened there?

I should fix that.

This is nothing.

What's this?

It's, it's nothing.

I'm just a klutz.

Who did that to you?

No one.

Come on.

Let's go find her.

Hey, it's Caroline.

I just saw a horse running

outside your property,

so I thought I would

call and let you know.

Orphan, Orphan!

She must be so scared,

all alone with no one.


especially this one.

Never left her mother's

side since she was born.

Well, at least

you guys have each other.

Truth is, she

never took to me.

This limp I got was from

when she busted up my knee.

Does Orphan have a horse dad?

Her daddy was a test tube

of $50,000 stallion semen.

Dude, come on, that's gross.

I'm sorry.

I guess I forgot I

was talking to a kid.

How 'bout you?

You got a human daddy?


It's just me and my mom.


You better hope we find her.


How long have you been waiting?

I don't know, maybe an hour.

I'm so sorry.

I was doing a site visit.

Yeah, well, it

wouldn't be a problem

if you actually gave

me a key to your place.

I gave you a toothbrush.

That's a big step for me.

Yeah, way to commit.

Told you, I'm a slow study.

Yeah, well, there's slow.

Then there's Caroline slow,

three years for a


Maybe in another

three, you'll get a key.

Seriously, though,

what are we doing?

We're not doing anything.

We're just, uh,

we're hanging out.

We're dating.

I don't know, Jake.

Why do you have to

always label everything?

Yeah, I guess you're right.

I guess if there's not a label,

there's no need to

actually break up.

Break up?

What, because you

don't have a key?

It's not about

a key, Caroline.

I want to be with you

for the rest of my life.

And you just wanna hang out.

I told you.

- I have...

- Daddy issues, I know.

Well, at some point,

you have to grow up

and accept the fact that

your daddy isn't here,

and he's not an issue.

So good luck with everything.

Good luck with everything?

Are you serious right now?


Goodbye, Caroline.


Here, girl!

It's gettin' dark now.

Let's get back.

What about the wolves?

She can't just be out

here all by herself.

Maybe she already

found her way back.

Let's go.


Come here, girl!

We'll leave the doors open,

in case she wanders

back tonight.

She'll turn up.

This is her home.

Where else is she gonna go?


I think I'm just gonna

sleep in the stable tonight,

in case she comes back...

Don't be ridiculous.

It's freezing down here.

I got the, I got the couch.

You'll be safe there.

But just for one more day,

and then tomorrow

you can, you know,

go do what you planned on doing.

Hey, there's a light

blinking on this thing here.

- What is it?

- An answering machine.

Dude, that's so old-school.

When'd you get it?


- You mean like the 1890s?

- Hey, leave that alone.

Don't be poking around my stuff.

Hey, it's Caroline.

I just saw a horse running

outside your property.

So I thought I would

call and let you know.


It wasn't Freedom.

Well, just wanted

to let you know.

That's all.

Who's Caroline?

Just somebody.

Come on, honey,

eat something, will you?

Do you have any idea

what a lobster goes through

before he reaches maturity?

You eat like a little birdie.

You eat like a pig.

Many of them are

eaten by voracious seagulls.



Don't get too excited.

It only gets five channels.

If the reception is bad,

just jimmy the rabbit ears.

Rabbit ears?

Oh, you don't know

everything, huh?

Rabbit ears, see?

That's water, honey?

I think he looks better already.

But don't worry.

If she don't come back tonight,

we'll find her tomorrow.

Good night.


What does an animal

rendering service do?

You want the truth

or the kiddie version?

Well, let's start

with the kiddie version.

Okay, well, the animal rendering

service took Freedom away

and delivered it

to horsey heaven.

Hmm, okay,

and the truth?

You don't want to know.

Get some sleep.

Don't use Dad's toothpaste,

'cause it's disgusting.

He also brushes fast, too.

Mom says you're supposed

to brush for one minute.

That's 60 seconds.





Orphan, come here, girl.


Mom, what are you doing here?

I thought we could ride

horses like we talked about.

Your mom is dead

and so is hers.

- Hey, get away from her!

- You don't tell me

what to do.



Get away from her!

Stop, no!

What happened?


She was right here

looking down at me,

and then I screamed,

and I guess I just scared

her off, and she ran.

She ran out here.

She ran this way.

I'm sure she's still out there.

What were you doing out here?

Well, I just couldn't sleep.

Just, I just wanted to be up

in case she came back.

Maybe the wolves

will come back, too.

Yeah, well, you

know she's close.

And I just, I really

need to be here

in case she comes back, okay?

It ain't safe here.

Well, if you're scared,

then, uh, you can go back

inside, in the house.

I understand.


This is private property.

I'm sorry for the intrusion,

especially so early

in the morning.

We're just, we're looking

for our little girl.

She's missing.

And she's, she's only 12.

And she's just cute as a button.

She really is.

But she's not used to being

out here in the country.

So we're really,

really concerned.

12, she run away?

No, no.

I think she just got lost.

You know how it is

being out in this parts,

being a city kid.

She's your

daughter, you say, huh?

Not, not our blood daughter.

We're, we're foster parents.

But, but we love

'em like our own,

even if she is troubled.

What do you mean troubled?

She's got a lot of

behavioral issues,

like a lot of the

kids that come to us.

She's, she's

intellectually advanced,

but emotionally,

she's very unstable.

So we're really worried

about her being out

here on her own.

If you do know

anything about her

or anything about

her whereabouts,

can you, can you

let us know, please?

I don't know

anything about no kid.

This is private property.

If she comes through here,

she'd be trespassing

like you're doin' now.

So you could turn around.

Good luck in your search.



Orphan, you're back.


It's okay, Orphan, it's okay.

It's okay, you didn't mean it.

You're gonna be okay.

You just got scared.

I know.

They took your mom away, huh?

It's okay.

It's okay, girl.


She and Gerald aren't here.

Oh, that's okay.

Do you mind if

maybe I talk to you?

May I come in?

They would probably be mad

if we let somebody in.

You're right, you're right.

That's not fair

of me to ask you.

I mean, you can come

in, if you want to.

No, no.

So how are you feeling?


But weren't you gettin' sick?

No, I feel good.

Oh, okay.

What about Shelly?

They still haven't found her.

What do you mean

they haven't found her?

I don't really know anything.

Honey, is Shelly missing?

- She may have run away.

- She may have run away.

When did she maybe do this?


They're out looking for her now.

Caitlyn, you did

the right thing.

Please, don't tell

them I told you.


I was never here.

You know, we have a

lot in common like that.

We both, we both lost our moms.

I'm glad you're in

my life, Orphan.

I don't have a lot of people.

You're like my best friend.

Do you like when

I brush your hair?

That's good, that's good.

Here, we'll put a

carrot in the trough.

She's gettin' the idea.

Oh look, there she goes.


that's a good girl.

- Good girl, Orphan.

- Yeah.

She's always been trouble,

ever since she was born.

Her mother was old

when she had 'em,

and maybe that's why she

come out a little squirrelly.

Okay, she's not squirrelly.

No wonder she doesn't like you.

Her mother was the opposite.

Freedom was great

with everybody.

Well, Orphan's

just misunderstood.

When I talk to

her, I really feel

like she understands

everything I'm saying.

And earlier, she felt bad,

because she made

me skin my knee.

Oh she

felt bad, did she?


Listen, maybe if you would

just apologize to her,

she would be much nicer to you.

You want me to

apologize to a horse?

I ain't apologizing to a horse.

Don't expect her to like you.

Well, whether she

likes me or not,

a horse has got

to eat every day.

If she keeps this up, she's

gonna get sick real fast.

I can get in a lot

of trouble, you know,

not reportin' you and

lettin' you stay here.

One more night.

We'll let Filly get settled,

and then I'll drop

you in town tomorrow.

I, uh,

I understand.

And her name is Orphan.

Hey, Jake, don't hang up.

Business, not personal.

I've got a set of fosters

that I think are trying

to cover up a runaway.

Can you help?

You talkin' about

Marta and Gerald Jenkins?

Yeah, I am.

Yeah, I'm going

to meet 'em right now.

I had a feeling.

I'm on my way.

You hold it like this.

You see where I'm holdin' it?

Hold it like this.

You're gonna put this

up over her nose.

And then this part is gonna go,

this part here,

put this over her ears.

Oh, she's...

See, that's not 'cause

she don't like me,

which she don't,

but horses are prey animals.

They spook easy.

This is gonna take time.

Freedom took two weeks

before she let 'em

put a halter on her.

Oh well, isn't that somethin'?

She's just lettin' you do it.

- Good girl.

- Look at that.

Well, that's a good girl.


Told you she wanted to do this.

Maybe if you would

just apologize,

she would actually let you.

Why am I not surprised?


Look, take the rope,

just walk in front of her.

She's gonna walk with you.

- Come on, Orphan.

- She walks with you anyway.


- She's gonna walk with you.

- Good girl.

- Good girl.

- Nice and easy.



You lied to me.


No, no, no, no, they sat

in my office yesterday.

They looked me

right in the face,

- and they lied to me.

- Okay, Caroline.

Just give 'em a chance.

No, I assure you.

The second that we found

out that she was missing,

we came right to the police.

And when was that?

That was a couple

of hours ago.

That's a lie.

She was missing yesterday, okay.

You didn't want to tell me,

because you wanted the check.

If anything happens to

this girl, it's on you.

Caroline, you're outta line.

We woke up this morning,

and she was gone.

When did you, uh,

take her to the doctor?

That was yesterday.

What doctor did you take her to?

I didn't take

her to the doctor.


Another lie.

She was feeling better,

so I thought it was best

to take her back home.

I think she just

had a 24-hour flu.

Okay, all right, let's

focus on the bigger issue.

We have a missing girl.

Thank you.

Can we focus on what's

important here, please?

We're trying to

find our daughter.

Well, she couldn't have

gotten too far on foot.

Right, but if she's been

missing an extra 24 hours,

that drastically changes

the search parameters.

I don't appreciate

the accusations.

I think it's really inappropriate

coming from somebody

who's supposed to be

trying to help us.

I am not here to help you.

I am here for the

child's welfare.

Do you understand that?

All right, let's just

- settle down, okay?

- I can't.

- I can't with these people.

- Just settle down, all right.

Do you guys have any

idea where she could be?

We looked at all the farms,

all around town, nothing.

I mean, everybody

was really helpful,

except for Crowley.

Yeah, well, that's

the way old Ben can be.

That man's had a lot

of tragedy in his life.

Isn't that right, Caroline?

She would've gotten a lot

farther than the Crowley farm.

Besides, Ben Crowley is someone

you run away from, not to.


Hot off the grill.

Pancakes for dinner?

Well, it's either that

or a nice, juicy steak.

Pancakes are much better.

So you never eat meat, huh?

Only when my foster

mom forces me to.

After my real mom

died, I went vegan.

I didn't want to kill

anything that had a mother

or could be a mother,

and plus it's healthier.

You need protein

for your muscles.

Look at horses.

They don't eat meat,

and they're strong.

You ain't a horse, honey.

So are you gonna have

a funeral for Freedom?

- A funeral?

- Yeah, yeah.

I think you should have one

I mean, I bet Orphan

would like it.

You grew up on

too many cartoons

of singin' fish and

talkin' donkeys.

Animals don't have funerals

for each other in nature.

You can learn a

lot from animals.

They move on.

They don't, they don't

linger in the past.

Well, if you

really believe that,

then why are you?

You don't know what

you're talking about.

Okay, no offense, but I

mean, look at this place,

the answering machine,

the rabbit ears.

You're clearly

lingering in the past.

Some of us only have the past.

You're a kid.

This'll be a distant

memory for you someday.

I still think you should

have a funeral for her.

Last thing I'm gonna do is

have a funeral for a horse.

Okay, now we say something.

Who wants to go first?

Why don't you let

the horse go first?



Oh God.

That was good.

Well said, Orphan.

I'll go next.

God loves all creatures,

big and small.

I assume that you

had a good life

and that you were a

great mother to Orphan.

I hope you're running

around in horsey heaven.

Now you.

Well, Freedom was

a , you know,

she was all I had.

She was a...

This is silly.

She was just a horse.

I know.

I miss my mom, too.

Well, hello, Jim.

- How are you?

- Hi, Hilda, welcome back.

Here's a nice book on horses,

something to take with you.

You've been hemmin' and hawin'

about somethin' you want to say.

What is it?

Okay, I want to ride Orphan.


And I think that she

wants me to, as well.

I, I can, I can just tell.

Honey, you don't

know the first thing

about riding a horse.

Well, then teach me.

That horse likes you.

I'll give you that.

But up till a, up

till a day ago,

she wouldn't let

anyone touch her.

She ain't broke.

Orphan would have to

be broke and trained,

and that don't happen overnight.

I know.

I'm a trainer.

It's what I do.

It's what I did.

You just, just

called her Orphan.

- Oh boy.

- It's catching on.

It's an awful name.

I was thinking

what if I stuck around

here for a little bit?


What, I can, I can clean.

I can take care of Orphan.


I won't get in your way.

And if something's

wrong, I'll be gone.

Now look,

I think you're a good kid.

I do.

But you got people out

there lookin' for you.

And I should've reported

you, earlier on.

If they find out that

I'm lettin' you stay here,

it's not you who's

gonna get in trouble.

It's me.


if they catch me, I'll tell them

that you didn't know I was here,

that I was hiding and

stealing from you.


You know what,

I'm just gonna sleep

in the barn with

Orphan, tonight,

and I'll be out of here,

I'll be out of here

in the morning.

You're not stayin'

down there again.

You can't tell me what to do.

I don't want nothin'

to happen to ya.

That's the last thing I need.

Come here.

You can stay in

here for the night.

Nice bed,

you'll be more comfortable.

Who's room is this?

I'll see you in the mornin'.

Simon dumped a bucket

of water on his horse,

which agitated him even more.

What's agitated?

Um , it means

it made him upset.

I want to ride

a horse someday.

Mm, you're gonna ride

a lot of horses, someday.

I'm sure

of it.

Honey, you're gonna get

to do a lot of things

in your life that

I didn't get to do.

And you may not think

that I'm there with you,

but I will be, okay.

We got to

stop for the night.

I can barely keep my eyes open.


Want to come over?

Caroline, we're not

doin' that same routine.

If you want to get back

together this time,

you better put a ring on it.

Oh, okay.

I didn't realize I was

dating Beyonce now.

But I'm sure you realize

you're kind of acting

like the girl in

this relationship.

- Oh yeah?

- Mm-hmm.

Well, maybe one

of us has to be.

And you know what,

according to you,

we're not in a relationship.

So I don't want to

see your face again.


Until tomorrow,

when I see you.

Okay, fine, I'll

see you tomorrow.

Caroline, you know I'm

crazy about you, right?

Yeah, I know.

Yeah, I just want somebody

who feels the same way about me.

I mean, look at this physique.

I'm sure there are plenty

of ladies who would love

to have some offspring

with these genes.

Ooh, yeah, there are,

lots of ladies.


Come on.

Look, get some sleep.

The girl will show up somewhere.

Good night, Caroline.

Good night.

Good girl, Orphan.

Okay, I need you to stay still,

because I'm gonna try

to get on your back

and ride you, okay?

Okay, Orphan, don't move.

You got to be kiddin' me.


I told you she ain't,

she ain't ready.

For someone who's supposed to

be intellectually advanced,

how do you explain

being so damn dumb?

Oh come on, I know she

wants to do this.

This ain't funny to me.

What were you thinkin'?

I was just, I was

just trying to ride her.

Yeah, I know what

you were trying to do.

What were you thinkin'?

I don't know.

I've never really

ridden a horse.

I mean, neither,

neither did my mom.

I mean, what if, what if

that was my last chance?

I, I had to do it.

You okay?

I'm fine.

Totally fine.

So can you teach

me how to ride her?

No, I'm busy.

Oh yeah, busy

sittin' around here

and waitin' to die.

Teach me how to do it.

It's a process.

Takes time and patience,

two things I have

very little of.

I told you, I'm sellin' her.

Don't you think she'll be

worth more if she's trained?

Honey, it don't

work like that.

Actually, you make a good point.

She would sell easier

if she was broke.

But neither of us is

gonna be around that long.

Okay, well, can you at least

just show me a few

things I'd have to do?

Yeah, I'll show you.

I'll show you some things.

You want me to show

you some things?

Maybe you'll get the idea.

It's a difficult process.


I'll show you a few things.

And then no more conversations.


Wait for me!

Here, try these on.

Try them.

Who's Lucy?

Is she your daughter?

She was.

What happened?

Here we go.

You missed a good

time, last night.

Oh yeah?

Yeah, I slept

without my retainer.

Ooh, sexy.

Hey, I want you to take a look

at anything outside of the

norm with these people.

Something ain't right.

Like what?


- Hi.

- Oh!

I see you've got coffee covered.

Okay, I just had Gerald

put on a fresh pot.

But anything, have

you heard anything?

No, nothing so far,

but I got my guys

as well as county

searching for her.


Can we take a

look at her room?

Yes, of course, please.

Just mind the mess, sorry.

Okay, see, this is a bit here.

And this is bridle.

This goes up over

here, this bridle.

And we got to get

the bit in the mouth.

Maybe some of your

magic may work again.

You're not gonna irritate her.


Let's try it.

This is the bit.

And this is the bridle.

I'm gonna put this on you, cool?


Okay, now see if you

can get it in there.

She's calm now.

See, she likes you.

Look, she's goin' right to it.

Come on, Orphan.

- Atta, girl.

- That's a good girl.

Yeah, go ahead, get in there.

Atta, girl.

Atta, girl.


- Get this in there.

- Good girl, Orphan.

You know, you got

some kind of talent.

My Lucy had that.

It's a gift.

Well, let's get

this girl saddled.

What do you say?

I'm enjoyin' myself.

So good, Orphan.

I knew she could do it.

Come on, Orphan.

You're doing so good.


It's all in your hands.

That was so funny.

Come on, Orphan.

Let's keep walking.

Good girl, Orphan.

Come on, girls, bedtime!

We got an early mornin'.

Just two

more minutes, please.

What ya doin' in there?

Daddy, do I look

like a prince?

You look like Tom Selleck.

You better hurry up

and wash that off your face

before your mother sees it.

Who do you think

drew the mustache?

You got to twirl

it like it's real.

- You look so beautiful.

- Handsome prince.

Come on, girls.

Tomorrow, I can go to Ben

Crowley's place, check there.

You can come along if

you think it might help.

Might do you some good.

I'll think about it.

What's all this here?


Have a seat.


ain't this somethin'.

Ain't this somethin', huh?


how do you take your coffee?

Black, please.

What does that mean?

Means no sugar,

no milk, just plain.

Oh, okay.

You know, I just, I've

always heard people say,

"How do you take your coffee?"

But never knew what it meant.

Now you do.

This is my first

time making coffee.

I hope it's good.

Me too.

Is, is something wrong?

It's fine.

Okay, I know you're lying,

so just tell me

what I did wrong.

Well, there's

some grounds in it.

- Oh.

- Why don't I do this?

Coffee's one thing

I make real good.

Sorry, I just thought they

were supposed to be in there.

Yeah, of course.

See, that's a filter.

Can I have some?

Well, don't they say

coffee's no good for kids?

Stunts their growth

or somethin'?

I don't think one

cup is gonna kill me.

You're probably right.

Well, let's see.

Oh yeah, I, I don't think

I take my coffee black.

It tastes like dirt.

It's an acquired taste.

Kind of like you.

What's that supposed to mean?

I don't know.

I just, I think

you act all tough,

but inside, there's,

there's a nice guy.

Don't get your hopes up.

I think she'll let

me ride her, today.

We'll see.


Come here, girl.

Come on.

Look at this,

she come right at you.

Come on.

Orphan, good girl.

Are you ready to do this?

Just like we talked about.

Yes, good girl, I know you are.

Can you help me?

Yeah, but I'm tellin' ya,

it's not supposed

to work this way.

Let's see, come on.

Here, pull over here,

pull over here, pull over here.

There you go, there you go.

Let's do this, Orphan.

Okay, good.

Here, let me help you.

Swing that leg over.

Swing it over like

an old cowboy.

- All right.

- Yeah, good girl, Orphan.

- Just hold that tight.

- Okay.

Squeeze a little bit,

just squeeze, squeeze

your leg, squeeze.

That's it.

Good, oh, she's going good now.

Good, look at that.

Good, Orphan.

Keep a hold

of those reins.

We're doing it.

We're really doing it.

Woo hoo!

That's it, just settle in.

Just let the horse feel

you, let the horse feel you.

All right.

Careful, be careful!


Orphan, we're doing it.

Woo hoo!


Good girl, Orphan.

All right.

- Hey, Ben.

- What's up?

What can I do for you?

Well, we got a missing girl,

runaway, 12 years old.



Are you sure?

Same thing I told the

people here, the other day,

this is private property.

Ain't no girl here.

Okay, well, just had to ask.

You, uh, you got company?

Double-fistin' it.

- One of those mornings, huh?

- Yeah, it's one of those.


That horse,

it's the same one I

almost hit the other day.


She's yours?

Yeah, Freedom's filly.

Oh, Freedom.

How is she?

Can I say hi to her?

Freedom ain't with us no more.

Wolves got to her, a

couple of days ago.

Damn things.


Why didn't you tell me?

I didn't think it

was a big deal to you,

and I'd have got

around to it, you know.

Of course you didn't,

and I'm sure you would've

gotten around to it.

Go, get back, go away!

If anything turns

up, I'll let ya know.

You breaking that filly?

Yeah, I'm tryin'.

Thought you

were done with all that.

Well, I put a lot of

money into that horse,

and she'll sell

better if she's broke.


Okay, well, thanks

for your time.

If you hear anything,

see anything,

- you know how to find us.

- Yeah, yeah.

Let's go.

That's, uh, the Cogan

boys brought that by.

You know kids.

They wanted to have a

funeral for a horse.


Okay , good to see you.

Good luck with the filly,

and I'm sorry about Freedom.

So, what's the

deal with Freedom?

Once upon a time,

Freedom was Ben's

most successful horse.

He really loved that horse.

Well, he didn't seem

too broken up about it.

Uh, he doesn't get broken up

about much anymore,


You think he knows

anything about that girl?

Uh, no, I don't,

probably not.

- Hey, Melissa, it's Caroline.

- Hello, Caroline.

You know, I just wanted

to say thank you so much.

It was really sweet

what your boys did

for Freedom's funeral.

Oh, Freedom died?

You're kidding.

No, she did.

So y'all had no idea?

No, not at all.


I'm so sorry.

You know, I probably

misinterpreted something.

Take care, bye bye.

So what's your endgame here?

What's that supposed to mean?

Well, what are

you gonna do now?

You got a plan?

I don't know.

I don't really think

about it that much.

All I knew is that I wanted out

from where I was.

Those people that

were here the other day,

your foster parents?

It's really none

of your business.

Oh, it is my business,

because now I have the police

on my property looking for you.

And I lied right to his face.

I don't think they believed

a word I was saying,

so they're gonna come back.

Maybe you're just too sensitive.

Maybe you deserved what you got.

My daddy'd just slap

you on the, on the,

he'd slap the back of your hand

with a wooden spoon or somethin'

and wash your mouth

out with soap,

just to teach you a lesson,

to build character, see.

So that's why

you're such a jerk?

That smart little mouth got

you in trouble, didn't it?

Is that what happened?

Tell me the truth.

Did you deserve it?

What happened

to all those people

in your life, huh?

All those people

in those pictures,

what did you do to

all those people?

What did you do to them?

What happened?

You probably deserved

the punishment they gave you.

Nobody wants to be with you.

You probably deserved it.

I don't feel sorry for you.

Yeah, and you couldn't

take it, and you ran.

This, is this what I deserved?

Who did that to you?

That man?

That woman?

What does it matter?

What does it matter?

According to you, I deserved it.

I deserved it.

No, no, no, stop, stop.

Have a nice, lonely,

miserable life.


Stop, stop it.

Hey, stop.

- Stop.

- Get away from me!

Where are you going?

What does it matter to you?

You're a kid.

You can't be out on your own.

I'll take my chances.

Goodbye, Orphan.

All you want to do

is feel your pain,

feel your loss.

Well, I'm here, and

I feel pain, too.

I'm your daughter, too.

I need to live a life.

Good, go then, go.

I'm not stoppin' you.

Go, live your life.


No, no!

Oh my gosh.




Are you okay?

I'm okay.

I'm fine.

I'm so sorry.

Easy, easy.

Okay, okay, baby.

Dad, what is she doing here?



- Hold on, sweetie.

- Is she gonna be okay?

Dad, is she okay?

- Is she okay?

- Her eyes are clear.

That's a good sign.

You got to be strong now, honey.

This horse needs you now.

You got to be strong now.

- Caroline.

- Yeah?

- Call the vet.

- Okay.

And tell 'em we need to get

this horse up to the stable.

Her eyes are clear, see.


Hi, it's Caroline Crowley.

I, um, I, I hit a horse,

and we need some help getting,

getting the horse up to

the stables at the farm.


I'm sorry.

- Where's Mom and Lucy?

- It wasn't his fault.

A vehicle ran a red light

and crashed into your

family's vehicle.

I'm sorry, Ms Crowley.

Your family didn't make it.

What happened?



It's okay.

She has some deep bruising.

But it looks like she

suffered some brain trauma.

We'll have to take her

in and run some tests

to determine the extent of it.

She's probably in a lot of pain.

I think your best bet

is to put her down.

No, you can't do that.

You can't do that, Ben.

Don't give up on her.

Don't let them give

up on you, Orphan.

It's okay.

It's gonna be okay.

Come on.

Why are they here?

I, I had to call them.

They are her guardians.

Thank God you're okay.

No, I'm not going with them.

Shelly, honey, you have to.

Look, honey, we've been

worried sick about you.


Don't let them give

up on you.

You can't give up on her.

Gerald, help me out here.

- Hey, hey!

- Dad, let him go.

You like to hurt little kids?

- Dad, come on!

- Ben, Ben!

What the hell are you doing?

- Gerald, are you okay?

- I got to take you in now.

- Jesus, Ben.

- Just having some fun.

Yeah, well, that kind of fun

will get you in some trouble.

- Caroline.

- Yeah?

- Caroline, look at her back.

- Okay.

These people ain't right.

- Gerald, come on.

- Look, look at her back.

- Shelly, come here honey.

- I will.

Shelly, honey, come here.

Can I, can I look at

her back for a second?

No, no, no, we've been

- through enough here.

- Excuse me.

We're gonna

take her home now.

I represent this

child's welfare.

Hey, hey, Ms Jenkins,

just let the child go.

You don't have a say in this.

Thank you.

Come on, Shelly.

Is it okay if I just

look at your back?

It's gonna be okay.

These people are criminals,

and they're the

lowest form of life.

Hey, Ben, you're

being released.

The court's gonna

figure out what

to do with those other people.

Thank you, son.

Ben, you got to put

your seatbelt on.

Don't want anything

to happen to you.

Law's the law, I guess.

You like my daughter, huh?

No, I love her.

How's she doin'?

No change really.

I'm not sure what's going on.

She doesn't show

signs of a concussion.

If it is brain damage,

she may never be

able to walk again.

You can go.

We'll see how she

is in the morning.

I need to ask you something.

Can you do it to her now?



Okay, I guess I'll just

apologize to Orphan then.

I don't mean the horse.





I suppose I should.

When you were a kid, I

shouldn't have shut you out.

You're my girl,

and I shut you out.

It wasn't your fault.

It was an accident.

And you're in so much pain.

We were both in pain.

I shouldn't have

pushed you away.

I just didn't know

how to handle it.

I was stupid, still am.

What I'm tryin' to say is

I'm sorry.

It's okay.

- I'm sorry.

- It's okay.

- I love you.

- I love you, too, Daddy.

I love you so much.

I love you so much.

- Whoa.

- Orphan!

Orphan, oh, Orphan!

Oh my gosh, you're up!

You guys!

Guys, guys, come on!

You have to see this.

Come on, what are you doing?

- She's actually healing.

- Oh my gosh.

- She's up?

- Oh my gosh!

Wow, good job, sweet girl.

So, so did you apologize?

Yeah, yeah.


Told you.


- Look at that, at you.

- That's so cute.

- Yeah.

- So cute.

- Missed you so much.

- Yeah, I got

to get Shelly back to

deal with this mess

with her foster parents.

Where they gonna send her?

It's for the state to decide.

Maybe I ought to adopt her.

Unfortunately, they'll

never go for that,

because you're a single male,

a little on the old side

with a fresh assault

charge on your record.

I think she wants

you to brush her.

- Me?

- Me?


- Okay.

- Come on.

This is a curry brush.

You're gonna move it in

circles around her body

but not her cute face

or her legs, though.

All right.

Am I doin' it right?

Yeah, you're doing great.

I think she likes it.

She's calm.

Hey, Shelly.

Do you mind if I borrow

this guy for a minute?


- Fine.

- Here.

- Take over.

- Thanks.

Good job.

I was thinking maybe

we could.

What about your daddy issues?

They're gettin' better.

Think so?

Startin' to like me now, huh?

You're startin' to like me now?

- All of a sudden.

- What a sweet girl.

- Is she okay?

- She's good.

I know she's getting cleaner.


You did pretty good.

You did a good

job brushing her.

All this time, I thought

you didn't like me.


Good girl, Orphan.

- Yeah, good for you.

- Yeah.

Good for you,

you're happy now.

You worried us so much.

Big kiss and love her.

That's it, yeah.

Where is everybody?

Let's go.

We're gonna be late.



Over here, I'm coming!


All right, kids,

come on, let's go!

No more fun and games.

We got to concentrate

on the competition.

- She's ready.

- Yeah, she's ready.

Yeah, she's ready, all right.

Let's go!

Good job, good job.

She's always ready!

- Keep 'em up, boy!

- Come on!

We're gonna be late!

Where's your dad?

- Dad!

- I don't know.

Where's your dad?

- I don't know.

- He's always late.

- Dad, come on!

- Come on!

- Hurry!

- You're taking way too long.

- All right, I'm in a hurry.

- Keep it moving!

- I'm in a hurry.

- You're in trouble.

Aw, sweetie,

I love you, too.

I love you, too.

Subtitles by explosiveskull