Orchestra Rehearsal (1978) - full transcript

In a Medieval Roman chapel, now an oratorio, an elderly factotum sets up for rehearsal. The musicians arrive, joking and teasing. A union shop steward explains that a TV crew is there, talking to them is optional, and there will be no extra compensation. Musicians talk about their instruments. The German conductor arrives and puts them through their paces. He yells, he insults. The shop steward calls a 20 minute break. The conductor retreats to his dressing room and talks about how the world of music has changed, moving away from respect for the conductor. He returns to the rehearsal to find the orchestra in full revolt. What can bring them back to the music?


Ooooh! Go on...

...try it out

The acoustics
are marvelous

It was an ancient oratory

Along there, are the tombs
of3 popes

...and 7 bishops

It's a graveyard in here

In 1871...

...this oratory became
a true auditorium

...for both vocal
and instrumental concerts

All the courts of Europe
envied us for it

For its acoustics

Ooooh, hear it?

The sound is limpid,
without echo

Ideal for listening
to music

Without any reverberation

That podium was...

...for the world's
great conductors...

...a mark of achievement

What musicians!

And the people!

There were ministers,
ambassadors, clergy

They'd bring their
own score...

...to follow the music

And what beautiful
ladies... elegant


Playing tricks again?

And the air was perfumed!

...there was another

The public today is
no longer the same

I must be boring you
with this chatter

Everything is in place

Beautiful, eh?

But I'm only the copyist,
second fiddle to everyone

Another year...

... and off into retirement

I'll return...

...only to attend concerts

That yes!

I couldn't live
without music

Good morning to one
and all!

I heard some TV people
are coming to do...

...a documentary about our
orchestra. This beautiful...

...auditorium was once
a church

...of the 13th century,
as you must know

There, you can see
ancient tombs and...

I already told them

Oh, I'm the first violinist

Good morning, Mirella

Can somebody help with this
cover? It weighs a ton

Here, let me

Don't say anything.
TV people are here

I'd like to know what
they do with these chairs!

Dirty Filthy!

They'll break!

...Break wind!

I'm having a sauna at 4,
no matter what

...a snake, a lion... about
thirty positions in all

...but it's all
a mental approach

There's no hurry...

...You're doing wonderfully

To me he looks worse
than the last time

Oh, Professor,
with us again!

I'll bet the Professor

...that within 4 months...

Professor, my
Uncle Quintilio...

...ravished them all
for sixty years straight

Big eater. Drinker.
Exceptional stud

Everyone said:
he can't last

Well, let me tell you,
he's 93

...and still going strong

"One of Werther's sons?"

...begins with G

What rotten people
you run into...

...the light turned green

...but he just stood there

I tapped the horn and said
I was late for a rehearsal

Then, as if eyeing a turd,
he says:

"What's there to rehearse?
It's obvious..."

"...you'll never learn"

You're listening to the
soccer game? Not me...

...I'm too nervous

Your barometer?

Let's see what old
faithful says

Oh, it's gone up
another 15%%%

...the prospects aren't
too good for my violin

How's the octopus?

Ah, it's a battle!
The thing's always there...

...lying in ambush

What a bitch!

Go ahead keep up this shit
about my nightmares

Don't get pissed, Professor,
it's bad for you

Our neurosis is the
that's strangling us

We paid a fortune for him,
but wasn't it worth it?

What's that?

A depressant

I've tried them all,
no improvement

...perhaps worse

Why doesn't it play?
- look...


"8 and a Half" is a psycho-
analytical film? Get with it

Brush up! What's with you?

How can I play?
Hey, barometer...

...put the chair where it
belongs so I can play

No, sorry...
It's too close to the stand.

I must sit there

I must. Be courteous
I forgot...

...my glasses

I'm not here for courtesies,
but to play!

I, here!

I, there!

This is my place

You're offensive... THERE!


You sick in the head?...
Stop it!

You stop!

...your attention please

A distinguished guest:


With technicians

...and director,
for coverage

...of our orchestra

...And interviews

You're better off if we're
not interviewed

otherwise I'll tell

Tell what?

That you get a kickback

For your participation

...and your union
representative agrees...

Compensation: nix

No one made any agreement

It's a special job!
For special rates!

It's not special

No, nothing doing!

We're not in agreement

Theoretically, we could
even accept

...but not the Union

It's the usual hedging
with State Television

that's never solved

Let your representative
tell you

Calm down, people...

We're already poorly paid...

...but TV wants us
for nothing

The public loves music
and the ones who play it.

...but the minute it
becomes a program...

For filming us, at least
a token

...a gift

No one is obliged

...whoever grants
the interview

...grants it. Who doesn't
want, doesn't grant

How silly! Numbskulls!

Allow me to turn your
attention to something...

What kind of
representative are you?

What an insult! Dumb heads!

I dreamt there was a horse
in my room

That's not good

...Though it depends
on the horse's color


You want to interview me?

I prepared it

...he helped me with it

"The piano is like
a king on a throne"

"Immobile. One must go to it"

"Bow down. Near
the stool to it"

"It's like a mythological
creature"... his doing

"A room with a piano
becomes its room"

"It's an instrument
of royal courts"

What was that, Sir?

I said I once played at court

Before Victor Emanuel III

And you weren't shot?

I don't want a piano,
I mean I have one but...

...it needn't be mine

All the pianos of the world
are that piano

To play mine alone...

...would be limiting...
would be restrictive

I think...

...that to realize
one's self, one must...

...be aware

...that is, be more aware
of people

...have more acquaintances

Okay! I'm from
Marina di Pisa

...but I took up the flute
in California

...Where's it's played
sweeter, less violently

The flute is a
delicate instrument

The most similar to
the human voice

Even if they say that
about the cello

...and saxophone

...and probably the drum!

It's funny because
choral groups say...

...they sound like an
instrument! But really...

...only the flute has
that human quality

What a mysterious sound...

It even tames wild beasts

Didn't Apollo use the flute
to awaken the dead?

It's the instrument of magic
spells, both solar and lunar

...why flutists are all
so batty

It's true.
That's what they say

Maybe because they blow
and blow...

...and all that wind goes
to their heads, right?

Everyone expects us to...

...do something strange,
who knows why?

The trombone is a
unique instrument

...with a grave voice, that
admonishes with kindness

And also very comical,
accompanying clowns

...as they squirt water
and take falls

It's the instrument
of angels!

That's true, in Renaissance
paintings you'll see...

...angels with trombones

Received by the Lord
to trombone music...


The trombone
is the voice...

...of a solitary being

I love to listen to it
along the beach

...in wintertime

I have nothing to say,

I was looking at that
hanging cobweb

5 or 6 yards long,
isn't it?

With the trombones blowing...

...it swayed back and forth.
Look, look, see it?

...the spider, up there?

...hanging from the thread?

See it?

Isn't it wonderful
that we're here to make...

...a spider go on a swing

Take a look at it

That little spider...

...while the trombones

Can you spare a minute?

...for a frivolous

Is it true there are likes
and dislikes

between instruments?

Absolutely, definite likes
and dislikes

We get along with the bass

...because it keeps time,
tight and even

Without flourishes, trills
or "arpeggios"

The piano is a chatterbox

And violins bleed

In Italy they concentrate
less on rhythm

More on singing. Neapolitans
have a good sense of rhythm

They're the best drummers

Who invented the Tarantella?
The Neapolitans

I'd say the rhythm

...are liked

...they got humor.
Yeah, they're friendly

What he says is true

That air of sufficiency...

The condescending tone...

The haughtiness... of
a violin, or a flute

...as it takes its place,
just doesn't exist with us

Let a Neapolitan in
an orchestra...

and what's he become?
The tympanist, the drummer

...it makes him feel happy

A little rhythm even helps
the Maestro...

to get unwound.
Even the oboe

forgets that it's gloomy,
and begins smiling

I don't want to be
interviewed, or photographed

I don't want to be mistaken
for someone else

Try asking him


Would you mind answering?

Actually, you don't
deserve it

Without compensation, I
shouldn't bother. However...

...go ahead

Let's see... Tell me
about your cello

It's one of the essential
instruments of an orchestra

You might say that
the violin and cello...

...are the foundations

...upon which all symphonic
concerts are built

The pillars. Am I wrong?
- Yes...

I'll explain the violin...

The 1st violin is the brain,
the heart of the orchestra

And the clarinet
is the cock!

Look, I'd say the cello
comes close...

...to being the
"ideal friend". It's...

...the true friend
...discreet, faithful.

Not like the violin

The violin is seductive,

...but deceiving

It's female

Oh, what horseshit!

You don't agree?

No, I don't agree,
because for us the violin...

...is the most virile
instrument in the orchestra

It's female!

Isn't "she" always seducing?

Well, if we want
to play games...

...it's totally masculine

...it's penetrating, phallic!

I agree with my gentle

It's not at all feminine,
there's nothing...

...languid about it. It's
vibrant and always modern

In the Conservatories it is
still the preferred...


The cello is chronically sad

The violin is the true diva
of the orchestra

I was saying that
the first violin...

...is the star
of the orchestra

When unfortunately we have a
conductor who doesn't keep...

...the tempo, and misses
his cues

...one who lacks authority

...and we can tell

as soon as he reaches
the podium

...and raises the baton

It's the first violin...
...who controls the situation

...and guides the orchestra

...literally substituting...
...the conductor

Whose hand does
the conductor shake

...when the applause comes?

The first violinist's

I once told a conductor:

"You're in love with brass"

"That's your speed:

How does that fit in?

Getting back to the cello,
it's certainly

...an instrument that will
never betray you

Once it has chosen you
it remains faithful

The bassoon...

good for clowns

I owe everything to
the violin.

It helped me take wing
ahead of time

In what sense?

It helped me discover
where dissonances lie

You're interviewing me?
Then I'll go there

That's my place

Comb your hair before the
red light goes on, Curly

Yes, certainly...

The clarinet?

It led me out
of the fog of my hometown.

A village...
...in the Po Valley: Gazoldo

From August to April of
the following year...

...it's invisible

The bell tower vanishes,
the school vanishes... and

Let me explain: thanks
to the clarinet...

...I traveled the world.
And even met...

...the great Toscanini,
who told me:

"Bravo, young fellow,

"I hear a nice clarinet
sound." His words

"Finally, I hear a nice
clarinet sound!"

And you said?
- What could I say

to a Toscanini
who tells you:

"Bravo, finally I hear
a nice clarinet sound"

What did he say?

Didn't you hear?
"Bravo, young fellow..."

"finally I hear a nice
clarinet sound"

Who was playing?

I was!

...a truly fantastic

...engaging. Not only
for its miraculous

With a trumpet...

...you can venture into
incredible music acrobatics..

No! What's extraordinary...

...is that it allows you
to express what's inside you

...joy, sadness...
even silence

Claudio, you better talk
to this guy

Pipe down, I'm being
interviewed here!

A mistake... it happens

The trumpet is
a passport to...

a greater dimension

Who plays it, understands

A dimension of fullness

Everything is more intense,
more sublime

Ask any trumpet player...
we're quite a few

Tell him how we trumpets
study harder than anyone

What was that?

It's true

We spend hours making
our lips supple

...before we begin playing

The margin of error allowed
to other instruments

...isn't tolerated for
the trumpet

Aren't the strings just
as demanding?

A clinker on a trumpet
is death

...it has become a mania...
I can't sleep...

...I'm a sleepwalker...

They found me wandering
outside in pajamas

...playing the trumpet

I'm always terrified
of going sour

You've worked quite a lot...

Hey, "paragraph 9"! You've
had it with me

You can go play
in a jukebox

There's no muzzling in

without getting cleared
through personnel

You understand?

Yes, I'm the Union

for this category
Glad to answer you.

We've freed musicians...

...from a state of
intolerable servility

The music worker today
has reestablished

...his dignity

He's not a minstrel,
or the puppet

...of conductors and agents

But an integrated worker,
conscious of his contribution

...to mass culture

How did we achieve this?

By safeguarding his prestige
as a professional

...through union struggles

From equitable salary
demands to...

...the elimination
of mediators!

Keep quiet!

From reconstructing
the organic whole...

of the orchestra

...to the shifting
of progressive objectives...

I thought we agreed... What
will I do with him...

A mouse!

There! Behind the painting

It's behind there.
- It's huge!

There it is!

Don't kill it!

They're opening
all the sewers

with their reconstructions

Burn it! You gotta burn it!

Let's fry it

Careful! Catch it

It won't die. It bites

I don't want to see it!

Let's stew it
All right, throw it out.

You're disgusting

Hey! Are we insured
against rats!

To your places!

In place!
The Maestro's here

Our respects, Maestro

How terrible! Please,
no time now

Put out dat light.
Ja, I know...

...you from TV, but
I'm against it


My feet are freezing

I forgot my wool booties
at home

Why you interested
in rehearsals?

This is a workshop.
Or it should be

...where we try to put
something together

What are we doing now?

...trying to construct

Exactly for what purpose,

...never understood.
You excuse me now

We will talk after

That light, please

The strings, only strings

Violins, what's wrong,
had an argument?

Everyone is playing...

...for himself.
Maybe because

...you belong
to different parties?

Why bother answering him?


Stop! Stop!

With finesse! We're not
in Amusement Park

Sentiment, but with elegance.
You're violins

...not trumpets!

Flute, it's an E-flat

...not natural

Here it says E natural

It's an E-flat

It's E natural

Correct it...

For you it's always
the copyist's fault!

Clarinet, not... uhaaa!

...more delicate, poetic

Why laughing?

...not comic

Maestro, the whole phrase
is hilarious

Composer's intention
was not hilarity

You laugh uselessly


Even he's laughing

It's very funny

You're funnier
than the music

I'm sending you 4 clarinets

Even if you need 1,
you gotta take 4

After, I'll tell you later

Why didn't I stay
in California?

Where are we?

...on a soccer field?

Take me for an umpire?

Too strong! Too penetrating!

Castrate yourselves

He's right... the brass
was too loud

He's a riot!

Put the sheets back, go on

I'm also sending a certain
Ciccio Calamida

He plays nothing, but
you gotta take him

because the undersecretary...

Why did he do that?

To give us a little break?

...many thanks

Remember the one who threw
his watch at me?

Tomorrow, though. If it's
400 I'll give you 20%%%

Sunday at the beach
and bring the kid

Let's try the "Gallopade"

...from no. 15

Alt! You got fear of strings?

Or low blood pressure?
Da capo!

Alt! Oboe, too invading!

...give room to the others.
Da capo!

You tickle the strings

...you must slice! Saw!

May I ask a question?

Do you know what you're
here for?

I want compact sound.
Da capo!

That's it! Like that

Go on!

I don't hear! More life

Let me hear the bass!

Don't fall behind!

Genauso! Break through!


Toscanini clarinet,
please be so kind...

...to repeat alone
last four bars

...from no. 82

No, I played it once then
twice. The third time...

...by myself is against
union regulations

The passage must be executed
by the entire orchestra

What's he running,
a school?

I'd think less about unions
and more...

...about music

And yet I insist

If Wagner had to worry about

...unions and strikes

...nix music and operas

It's not the union's fault
if he wrote lousy music

Ja... there's no peace

...no calm, no silence

It's a shit life

Smear that shit on
your baton and then

...give it a lick

From 5-3-0

The saxhorn, please

What was that?


Not here

Meaning what?

I don't know. He's not here

He "couldn't" come,
why is that?

You asking me?

I'll restate it

Not he "couldn't", but
he "wouldn't" come...

...in protest

With the Union's approval

So who plays,
somebody's sister?

Leave our sisters alone

...let's keep
the families out

You said,
"somebody's sister"

I only meant a...

saxhorn sister

I don't grasp such subtle

You just worry about
your baton

...and we'll take care
of our relatives

All right then, from 5-2-0

Not now

The orchestra is upset

...I doubt they can
continue rehearsing

What the devil do you want
from me?

See me lose my mind,
you want?

You want my ass?

Here, you got it!

The orchestra will take
a double break

...20 minutes

The conductor? He's not
too bad

Bit hysterical, but
within reason

There's no need for
conductors like that

A metronome's better

The public should sit
in with us

They'd hear the orchestra
as if watching a...

...battle in a movie

...or watching a real battle

Ascetic. Tormented.

Magnetic... the identity
of a great conductor!

Then there are the mystics,
the priest-like

The acrobatic

How 'bout that lion tamer?

He'd turn into a harp,
a violin, the drum

...a kettledrum, even
the bassoon, what a riot!

When there's a TV camera...

... you can't shut up

My Maestro up there
has to look at me

...otherwise I'm jealous

I'm on camera?

"We're the lilies
of the valley"

"We're pure Romans"

...who's got friends?
Who sees anybody?

You come in, punch a card

...and pick it up later

It's a factory


I thought I'd tour
the world with this

...but I'm always here

I'm sick of it...

...this ridiculous
fart horn...

It makes me feel useless,
it should be eliminated

What's it good for?

It can even be dangerous

I give my all to shape
a sound

...and out comes
another fart

I think...

...it's the very symbol
of obtuseness

...of a stolid mentality

Of those relationships...

...in an orchestra,
that inhibit

...any sort of contact

I wanted to say that many
of us are from the provinces

What province?...

I'm from Naples:

The actual truth though

...is that we're limited


We've no real interests
in anything

We spend our lives with
a piece of wood or tin

...blowing away, or plucking

Blow your philosophy
someplace else


All your gabbing about

...Unions, the organic whole,

...brass section, strings

...this or that conductor

...couldn't interest me less

Because I can't get it up

That's the real tragedy

Drink, drink, it's great
for the liver and the brain

Just a drop of wine...

...picks me up

A little drop can't hurt

It's whiskey, I saw it

...and I even smell it

Each to his own vices.
Better to drink...

...than go molesting
little girls

They'll catch you one day.
That's worse...

...than whiskey

I didn't choose the tuba

...it chose me

I loved the trumpet.
It gave me goose pimples

You remember in the army...

...when they played taps

I'd get a lump in my throat

...and then go AWOL.

I'm very sensitive

All art makes me cry

And that's not all...

At times I could die


The world is evil

Now I miss my father!

What the fuck you saying?

Let's talk about
the instrument

The fact that everybody
refused it, moved me

Poor tuba... like a stray dog

I felt akin to it

...sad, and solitary...

It's awkward like me

We had to get together

And we did. I did well,
it was destiny!

...I'm attached to it

...we're true friends

When things are down
we go by the window

...look up at the moon

...and play a little solo
from Verdi

Like to hear it? Eh?

A little piece, why not

People react and interpret
sounds, each in their own way

It's a personal thing

An F-sharp, or a B-flat

...can make some
people swoon

...and others vomit. That's
the way the ball bounces

Yes, true

What a magnificent
instrument the oboe is

It's the oldest of all

...invented by the Chinese

The most difficult

The most delicate

...and most alone

We oboists are isolated

Envied, even disliked

The orchestra has to reckon
with the oboe

The oboe sets down the laws

The oboe established
the diapason

...between the highest pitch

...and the lowest

It's owing to this privilege

...that the violin hates
the oboe

...and the oboe the violin

It's an instrument

...of great spirituality

He who plays it,

...a sort of special power

An interior vision

...which permits him

...to perceive the color
of sound

I play...

...and see

...an aura of gold


...the color of sunlight...

like a spreading reflection
It's true...

I once saw a thing...

...like a long streamer

A supernatural experience!

Let him hear.
You care to hear?

Certainly, if you're
not bored

Maestro?... Excuse me

Another minute...

...he's taking a shower

With the permanent conductor
they once had...

...the musicians didn't
carry on like this

Everyone wore a tie!

You were in trouble
if you didn't

Now I wouldn't be surprised
if they soaked their feet...

...while playing.
We had a strict rule

Whoever went flat
or missed his cue

...had to play standing

For the length of
the entire concert

...as punishment

What? Sessions? Hour shifts?

...you worked all night

Ah, how often I had to wait
till dawn

And the musicians, at dawn,
dead tired...

...would applaud
the conductor

...and thank him

Oh, he was phenomenal

...he conducted with eyes
closed, as if in a trance

...and yet saw everything.

When he had to give a player
a calling down

...he could find words
that would skin him alive

And make him ill for a month

And with his baton?
Such lashings...

...on the hands and fingers
of those players

who made a mistake

It would hiss!

Yet, you know something?
They were happy

...for those hand raps

They'd come up like
school children

...hands held out and say:

"My fault"

"Hit me too... Me too,
I was wrong"

Those were the days!

You see what he's doing?


You think that's right?

Maybe now it's right

No one knows anymore

Maestro, there are...

What else you want to know?

I ask you: does music exist?

Then the world doesn't exist.
Only our habits do

You may go...

What meaning
has music today?

You think people know
what music is?

They consider themselves
intelligent because they feel

...emotion in the gut.
They're participating

Beethoven makes them feel
like knights in armor

Some seem to be jumping out
of their seats

When I'm conducting, I'm
always feeling ridiculous

As if dead. I feel
like a ghost

Better I don't say these
things. Cancel it!

Today nothing is forgiven.
One must be...

...always intelligent

So let us say: music is...
...the world

When I conduct I own
the world.

I am a king

You want to know really
how I feel?

Like a sergeant who
must go kicking...

...everybody in the ass

But absurd laws forbid me...

...to be a sergeant

Certainly we have taken
advantage of

our privileged positions

Excuse me...

Ach, warm as usual

...no ice

Talent is the child of whims
and eccentricity

I once asked a musician
to remove his ring

...the twinkling of the stone
bothered me

And this seemed a caprice,
the whim of a divo

That may even be

But an exuberant character
for an artist

...is a vital charge

...for leading others,
for interpreting symphonies


But now this unique charge
of the conductor

is being contested

The musicians?...

...don't look at them,
don't see them

Sometimes they have
unbearable face

I'd put...

...a screen in front
of some of them

They're like wild dogs

With wild eyes... No!

Better cancel that too

...or they shoot my legs

The time of greatness
is "Kaputt"

I remember the first time
I took my place at the podium

My first, great impression

...the enormous silence
that fell before me

As I signaled to begin...

...I suddenly realized,
with great emotion,

that my conductor's baton

...was tied to the sound
of the orchestra

Its voice came from within
my hand

It would pull the orchestra
out of silence

...and to silence make
it return

This voice would rise...

...like a sea wave
together with my arm

...moving through the air
like a bird's wing

And when my arm lowered,
this harmonic voice...

...would fade again into

But now everyone is equal,
and I should resemble...

...the first violinist
with his butcher's hands

So I have fits of rage

And buy houses

Two in America

One in Tokyo, in London,
and Berlin...

In Paris, no houses.
That's because...

I do not go along with
the music of France

That's why, maybe,
the Customs at Orly...

...is always frisking me

...from head to foot

You have your interview?
That's enough

You say "the conductor"
but this word...

...has no meaning anymore

A true conductor is like
a priest

He must have a church...
with believers

...but when the faithful
all become


I remember Koplensky
my great maestro

...I was first violinist

When he took the podium,
everything was silence

He would only look around...

But he already knew

...every line of the score
in front of him

He was music personified

And we followed him happily,
with absolute reverence

To enact the rite
of transubstantiation

...to change the wine
into blood...

...the bread into flesh...

You laugh?

...I hope not

Music is always sacred

Every concert is a Mass

We were enthralled,
and we...

...would forget
all worries...

...at the first sign
of his baton

...We were but one breath,
we and our instruments

...a single vital force

He would begin!

Nothing was more beautiful
than his authority

We trembled...

...at the thought

...of a mistake
in performing this rite

An overwhelming emotion

...an immense happiness

We could feel...

...our joy transmitting

...to the audience, which was
immobile, holding its breath

We didn't watch the conductor
it wasn't necessary

He was there, and we knew it

...we felt it

He was... within us

...so much love passed
between him and us

A love which you can see...

...is now lost

I and my musicians only feel
diffidence for each other

The doubting...

...which destroys belief

And then there's a lack
of respect

There's resentment. Because
something has been lost

...never to be found

That's how we play together

United by a mutual hatred

...like a family in ruin

Maestro, the lights have
gone out

I know

What now?

The break is over,
we rehearse!

Go ahead, walk.
Light my way

"Conductor, conductor..."

"Conductor, no more!"

"You'll only conduct us
Bowed to the floor"

Claudio... you gotta
do something

Now, the other eye!

Boys, what are you doing?


"Conductor, conductor...
Conductor, no more"

"You'll only conduct us
Bowed to the floor"

Conductor no more!
No conducting allowed!

We were idiots...

...to study

...to spend a lifetime
in a Conservatory

That's right!

We don't need conductors,
don't need music

Nothing. Just a ring...

...in our nose like savages

Music is a public service.
It belongs to everyone

Without class distinction


...how did this happen?

"Conductor, conductor..."

"Conductor no more"

"You'll only conduct us
Bowed to the floor"

What are you doing?

You're crazy!

How nice...

...you're all sweated...

"Conductor, Conductor..."

What's falling here?

What's happening?
- Worse yet, you're shifty,

and corrupt. You've
been bought

You signed too

I'm reporting you the
Association. Immediately

Down with music power!

Down with assembly line

It's gotta stop!


Take a look, what's
on my head?

Let me taste

What is it you want?

Moron, it's raining!

I'll not be insulted!

What's he doing?

Look at how one can
ruin his life...



Down with the baton!

Music belongs to us!

You don't exist! Who is he?

I ask you, who is he?

He doesn't exist. And if
he does, he shouldn't!

There's blood. Wretches!

"You're fucked,
you're through"

"It's all over for you"

May I sit down for
the interview?

I was first aware
of the harp...

...in a dream.
I was very little

I didn't know what
to think...

...of that small gold cage

One day, in a book...

...I saw Nero, and Rome
that was burning

...and the instrument
I had dreamt

And then in a perfumed
calendar there was...

...an angel flying and
he played the same harp...

...of my dreams

The harp!

For me it's a human presence

I couldn't live in a house
without a 60 harp

I'd never fall asleep
if I didn't know...

...it was nearby in
the next room

At times hands seem
to run across it

I hear it play

...it could be the wind

The harp is my very life

Not only for what
I have earned

...but it's my refuge

...my friend

I've always lived alone.
No men

No one

...only the harp

We confide, we talk...

...it answers me,
I receive sensations

...fantasies... an
overwhelming sense of joy

...and of sadness

Mostly, it gives one...


You become aware...

...that other
dimensions exist

A child once asked:

"Where does music go
when it's over?"

...only a child could
ask that

"Orchestra - terror
Conductor - death"

"Orchestra - terror
Conductor - death"

"Orchestra - terror
Who plays is a traitor"

Here's our new conductor!

Long live the Metronome!

"Metronome metronomous...
Musicians - autonomous"

"Musicians at last
freed from the past"

Down with the metronome.
We'll establish...

...the tempo, the rhythm,
the cadence

We've had enough
of their music

...it's degrading!
We play it, we'll create it,

we'll manage it

I'll not...

...be directed by anyone!


...to the metronome!

Idiot! Give me that gun


You're hurting me.
I have a permit

Look in my wallet

All right let's see it

...in his name

A regular firearm permit

Get up...

A Smith & Wesson!

Look up there... up there!




Help me...

Help me...

Oh, why?

...you are here...

...and I'm here...

Everyone must give undivided
attention to his instrument

...that is all we can do now

Somebody can help me?


The notes are saving us

Music saves us

Hang on to the notes

Follow the notes

...one after the other...

In the way my hand...

...can indicate

We are musicians...

You are musicians...

...and we're here

...to rehearse

Have no fear.
The rehearsal continues

To your places!

In place, please

...thank you...

You must do less coloring
with sounds

Noise is not music

Not a trolley car,
I heard pots and pans

Where are we?

...one a soccer field?
You think I'm an umpire?

And where has
the brass gone?

What's happened to
your little lungs?

Where is all your breath?

...used it for
stupid chatter?

Sustain the notes!

Gentlemen... DA CAPO!