Operation Toussaint: Operation Underground Railroad and the Fight to End Modern Day Slavery (2018) - full transcript

Tim Ballard and his special forces team go undercover in Haiti to bring a ring of sex traffickers who bribed their way out of jail, to justice.

(speaking foreign language)

- We have a story that
we love to talk about,

a young boy on a beach

who's throwing starfish into the ocean,

older man approaches the young boy

and says, boy what are you doing?

He says, tide is low, the sun is high

and if I don't get them
all back into the ocean

they're gonna shrivel up and die.

The man points to the boy and says,

look down the beach,

look down the shoreline,

there's millions of 'em
or thousands of 'em.

There's no way that you
can get them all back.

Do you think you can
really make a difference?

The young boy thinks for a moment

then just starts tossing starfish

back into the ocean.

Turns to the older gentleman and says,

I don't know, but I know I just

made a difference for that one.

- [Officer] Yeah it's right here you guys,

right here, okay.

Okay ready?

(speaking foreign language)

- [Officer] Go, go, go, go, go, go, go!

(speaking foreign language)

- [Unseen Man] This is on my baby.

(audience applauding)

- Thank you very much
ladies and gentlemen,

thank you.

Thank you, good morning.

It's great to see this many of you out.

Thank you each and every one of you

who came out today

to support Utah's efforts in the fight

against this horrible, evil institution

that we call human trafficking.

With over 40 million

modern day slaves world wide,

thousands of them throughout
the United States.

And many of you have known about

this issue and have been fighting

against it and working here for years.

Some even decades.

This is an institution that's been around

since the beginning of time.

But it's really only
now that the mainstream,

that the public is
starting to gain awareness

and so, a little over four years ago

a dear friend of mine who was a superstar

in the law enforcement community,

who was a specialized agent

with a very special set of skills

left his law enforcement career,

everything that he knew,

his pension, his security,

to start a non-profit called

Operation Underground Railroad.

They've done jumps everywhere throughout

the world, rescued kids,

and then helped them get to a safe place

with their aftercare programs.

Tim Ballard, are you here?

Can you come on up so we can

recognize you and Operation
Underground Railroad?


- I'll be very brief.

To invoke history, in 1791 when

the Haitian population rose up

and destroyed slavery in their country

that was led by Toussaint L'Ouverture

and then the abolitionists

in America were watching.

Frederick Douglass was watching

and used that inspiration

and when slavery was
finally eradicated legally,

because it has not been
eradicated in actuality,

Frederick Douglass said, let us not forget

the sons and daughters of Haiti

who are the true pioneer abolitionists

of the 19th century.

We'll turn the rest over to God

and pray for us all as we take our flights

in the 24, 48 hours

and execute this operation

and I am certain we will have success.

Thank you so much.


Well, I think we should
do two arrest teams.

I think we should do two arrest teams

and pick 'em up as
simultaneously as possible.

- Ladies and gentlemen, welcome.

We're here to discuss preparations

for what we are so excited for.

It's a day that we've
waiting a long time for

and we want to thank my colleague,

Attorney General Ocnam who is here with

his team and then our friends at the DCPG,

the Judicial Police for Haiti.

Our philosophy is, it doesn't matter

what country the kids
belong to or were born in,

they're all our kids and we want

to protect all of them.

But sometimes people in
our own country ask us,

why are you going to Haiti?

Why does OUR or why would
the Attorney General

spend time in another
country, we need you here.

And our response is, on global crimes

like human trafficking,

we can't pretend that it just happens

in the United States so we work on it

here domestically so that we can protect

our friends and allies
and also protect ourselves

so it never comes in

to the United States borders.

- The U.S. creates the demand.

The highest producer and consumer

of child pornography

is right here in the United States.

So we know that it's our countrymen

that are causing this.

And because we look like

those evil countrymen of ours

we can get access quickly to the dark,

to the evil and so the police ask,

do you have operators
who can go undercover,

into the belly of the beast,

into the darkest places
and find these kids?

And I said, yes we do.

Something happened to me once.

This is after I'd quit the government

and I was already with

Operation Underground Railroad

and I was about to go into this compound

in Port-au-Prince, Haiti.

It was a trafficking center.

It looked like an orphanage from outside.

It had orphanage on the wall.

So the police asked us to go in undercover

like we're going to go buy kids

and I remember sitting outside the gate

and I always fight with this, you know.

See, the problem with
me is I have seven kids

so any kid that we're looking to save,

the minute I see that kid,

oh, he's six, I got a six year old.

Oh, he's ten, I got a ten year old.

And so it's so easy for my mind

just to put, basically,

superimpose my kid's
face, my child's face,

on this victim's face.

And I'd fight and I'd
fight and I'd fight it.

And that's how I would move on

because of those first
couple of experiences

that just almost destroyed me.

But as I was standing
outside the orphanage

something happened, I looked in

and I saw 28 kids

and that was more than I'd ever seen.

And it happened again.

Oh my gosh, there's Blaine, there's Jimmy,

there's Sam, you know,
all my kids are here.

And I remember being outside that place

and I thought, I'm not going to do it.

I'm going to try to embrace this.

I've got to buy a kid.

These people think we're here to buy kids

and they made it very clear

within the first five minutes,

you know we don't adopt kids, right?

You know we sell kids.

I'm like, oh, of course yeah!

That's why we're here, you know?

And I see this little boy walk around

from this dark out building.

He walks into the yard of this place,

this dirty place,

it's stinky, it smells
like urine and feces

and it was just horrible

and I went up to this
kid and picked him up.


And he was my kid.

I saw my kid and he became my kid.


So I'm holding him and my partner

is negotiating with the
bad guys about the price

and oh, I think you guys
want that one, okay.

And these horrible people are trying to,

they're telling us tips on

how to evade the police

and how they've done this before,

how to get them out of the country.

So I pick the kid up and I want to

go into the dark out buildings

that are around this compound

but I don't want to look like

I'm being overly curious.

So I'm kind of, I have kids

so I know how to communicate with kids

so I get him to point

in the room as if he's
going to show me something

and I look over at the bad guys

and I can tell they're like,

oh, he's wants to show that guy whatever.

So it worked, so I got in there

and it just got stinkier and darker

and as I kind of walked into

the belly of this dark building

it got quieter and quieter

as I got further away from the sounds

of the street and the
other kids playing outside.

And the quieter it got

the better I was able to hear

what was always there, right behind me.

And it was the footsteps
of this little child

who was following me.

And I flip around and
there's this little girl.

And she's looking at me

and I don't want to cause more attention

so I give her a candy bar.

Now, again, these kids are starving.

She takes that candy bar

and she looks at me

and then looks at the
little boy in my arms

and without taking her eyes off him

breaks it, like muscle memory,

breaks it in half and gives it to him.

And I'm just thinking, this is not normal.

And then it hit me,

oh my gosh, they're brother and sister.

Say cheese please.

And she's horrified because

how many westerners have been here

and picked up a child

and that child disappeared

and was never seen again.

And this is all she has.

The only adults in her life

are trying to sell her.

How old is she?


You're nine?

How long has she been here?

Four years.

Every 30 seconds a child is sold.

They're sold for sex.

They're sold for labor.

They're sold for organ harvesting,

which is something we're now getting into.

There's six million children

that are forced into one of those

three categories right now.

(police sirens blaring)

(speaking in a foreign language)

(police sirens blaring)

Modern day slavery really is

the plague of our generation.

I mean, when you consider there's more

people enslaved today than ever before

in the history of the world

and the world doesn't know.

We need to wake them up.

(police radio chatter)

(police sirens blaring)

- [Man] What's up guys?

- [Unseen Man] Make sure
you handle the victory.

(speaking in a foreign language)

- [Undercover Agent] He said, if there's

one girl that talks back, we call him.

(speaking in a foreign language)

- [Unseen Man] What the fuck is this?!

(intense music)

- It's a subject that nobody wants

to think about or talk about,

that's part of the problem, right?

It's so ugly, it's so,

it's the worst part of humanity

and yet you've got to
do something about it.

It's kind of a Catch-22,

nobody wants to talk about it,

nobody wants to happen,

nobody wants to talk about it,

nobody wants to do anything about it.

- Everybody, it just drives me crazy

how everybody is arguing on

they would be the biggest abolitionist

going back in time.

Well, would you?

Cause you're not doing it now.

And it's not that you wouldn't,

you just won't look at it.

- 'Cause I imagine a lot of people like,

oh yeah, that's good.

Man, that's awesome work they're doing

but they really, sit down man!

Like sit down, sit still for 10 minutes.

You know.
- Yeah, yeah.

- And really look at it.

If you did that.

- It rocked me to my core

to think about in this day and age people,

adults and children are being held

against their will and sold by the hour

to strangers to get raped.

And this is their life.

- People ask me like,

who are these dirt bags?!

Who are these people.

And I have to tell them it's anybody.

Anyone you can imagine,

anyone you see on the streets,

it's professionals, it's doctors, lawyers.

- Judgment day for former MSU doctor

Larry Nassar for sexually abusing

gymnasts under his care.

- You are a doctor.

You took an oath to do no harm

and you have harmed over 256 women

and that is beyond comprehension.

- [Reporter] The judge also said

Nassar was able to get away with his

criminal sexual conduct for 25 years.

- Here's the thing that's
mind boggling, right?

Is that it's estimated that there's over

two million children,

I'm not even talking about the adults,

two million children currently forced

to be sex slaves.

Raped for money.

Two million.

What kind of demand,

and this is a scary question,

what kind of demand justifies that number?

Two million kids.

That's a lot of sick, twisted, pedophiles.

- [Reporter] Jared Fogle arrived here

at the Federal Courthouse this morning.

He had nothing to say.

He is pleading guilty to conspiracy

for receiving and
distributing child pornography

and also traveling out of state

to engage in commercial
sex acts with minors.

- These guys want 10 year olds!

11 year olds!

That's who that want.

The answer to this
question is not popular.

People don't want me to say it.

They don't want me to talk about it.

But what is happening in this country,

especially in the this country!

The United States is the highest

consumer of child pornography

or what I call child rape videos,

'cause that's what they are.

And it's the western world--
- Sheriff's office!

We got a search warrant!

- The highest consumers, it's us.


- Let me get my pants.

- And this is why, they're sex addicts.

Their minds are twisted
and sick to want this.

I've interrogated dozens and dozens

and dozens of these guys
over the last 16 years

that I've working in this field.

No one wants to accept what it is.

They don't want to believe it.

How did you get here.

Why do you want this?

Why do you want kids?

And they all have the same story.

I picked up a Playboy Magazine

when I was 12 years old.

Then I got into more hardcore

and then more hardcore

and then the internet came along

in my thirties and oh my gosh!

Like, I could just,

with the click of a mouse

I could see anything I wanted.

And then the stuff that I had enjoyed

since I was a teenager
started to wear off.

I wasn't getting the fix.

I wasn't getting the feeling

that I used to get when
I was just watching

an adult man and an adult woman have sex.

Barely legal.

That's what they start
searching into the queue.

To the Google stream.

Well, that's not doing it for me anymore.

Okay, 16, I'm going to stop there.

I'm going to stop at 16, see what happens.

All of the sudden they're at 10.

They're at nine.

They're at eight.

They're at seven.

And you think you can
find this stuff online?


And that's what's creating this demand.

That's why John's get on a an airplane

and fly to Haiti and Columbia

and Thailand because pretty soon

the child porn isn't doing it for them.

And they need the child.

This is why there's two million children

forced into the commercial
sex trade today.

- People weren't talking about human

trafficking like they are now.

And really it's because of the work

and efforts by organizations

like Operation Underground Railroad.

He will never talk about himself

but Tim is a well respected author,

lecturer, professor, and he could have

a quiet life doing that,

kind of like Indiana Jones.


But he has another side to him

and that's his law enforcement career.

He's was a respected law enforcement agent

for many years

and because his heart is so big

and he's so compassionate

and wants to protect every child

and man and woman that he possibly can

in the world, he left the comfort

of his badge and his pension

and his way of life in law enforcement

to several years ago

step out with a lot of faith

to create Operation Underground Railroad.

At the time he and Katherine did it

they had no promise

that anybody was going to care.

- He'll just jump on a plane

and traipse into a country and say,

here I am, where can I go save somebody?

There are so many things that have

to be considered.

You're shedding your badge.

You're shedding your firearm.

You're shedding your authority.

You're shedding all

the jurisdictional limitations

that prohibit me from
doing that very thing.

But Tim had the courage to do that.

- I think there's something to say

about Tim's persistence,

I guess is the word I would use for him.

He wants to be a consistent influence

in your life and he's dedicated

and I noticed the same thing

as he got into government work.

That he wanted to get
in and make a difference

and shake things things up

and you could tell he wanted to

get in there and make something happen.

- I grew up in Southern California.

I always knew that I wanted to be

a federal agent.

I just wanted to do that,

I don't know why,

it was just like, inherent.

My family wasn't excited about it,

my parents thought it was crazy.

No one in our family had been military or,

even generations back, in law enforcement.

It was just something
that I just wanted to do.

So I pursued it, everything I studied,

I studied Political Science,

I studied International Relations.

My first job after
Graduate School was the CIA

and I worked in the Operations Center.

My study had been around
terrorism and weapons.

I graduated from Graduate School

in December of 2001, so the government

was wide open for terrorist experts

and that's what I wanted to do.

And as I was learning about what happened

at 9/11 I learned that
one of the terrorists

had come from Mexicali, Mexico

and came through the port of entry

into California and then he went

back east and then launch these attacks.

And I wanted to get on a border.

I spoke Spanish, I thought,

I want to help investigate and defend

against potential terrorists

that would hurt our country.

I got to the office in
Calexico, California,

I had my dream job.

I mean, I was sitting on the border.

My office was on the border.

I could see the Mexican flag waving

outside my window.

This was the time when we were finding

a bunch of tunnels through San Diego

and all the way through
the border on California.

I was crawling through
tunnels and we were,

it was great but it only lasted

for about six months.

I was called in by my boss

and he told me that we're starting

a new anti-child trafficking group.

- We knew that bad
people were transmitting

and receiving, exploitive information.

Very, very dangerous information

and they were violating children.

Literally, real time.

And exchanging those imagery's and videos

on cameras with their
cohorts around the world.

Realized how absolutely pervasive

the problem of child exploitation was.

- [Tim] Can you say hi to these guys?

Say hi!

Hey buddy!

Awe, sweet.

- A supervisor contacted him and said,

hey, we're thinking about starting

a child crimes group
and want you to do it.

He came home and told me about it

and we were both like,

there is no way that we will ever do that.

We had two little kids at the time.

It just sounds so horrific.

We didn't think that that was something

we wanted to bring into our home.

My husband has just this light.

He's able to see good
in the world, you know?

And he has a lot of
optimism, a lot of strength,

I didn't want to see that taken away.

We are raising a young family,

I didn't want to see that gone

and so we took it very seriously.

- My wife and I had vowed that

the one thing I wouldn't
do was child crimes.

So we said, no.

And I remember going home that night

to my wife and saying,

you won't believe what
they just asked me to do!

And she said, well you're not doing it.

I said, I'm not doing it, absolutely not.

And she said, we have
kids, you can't do it!

And I remember a
sleepless night that night

and then getting up the next morning

and kind of looking at
myself in the mirror,

practicing my rejection talk,

and as I was preparing my speech

my wife came up to me.

Emotional, tears in her eyes.

And she said, we're making a huge mistake.

She said, for the very reason I thought

we couldn't do this, or shouldn't do this,

is the reason we need to do this.

Because we have kids.

Because we know what
childhood is supposed to be

and if it's true that
there's millions of kids

that are forced into that hell,

how do we say no?

Because we're afraid of our own pain,

which is nothing relative to that pain.

- But I told him that I
had automatic veto power.

That if I ever saw anything in him,

that I didn't, just the
dimming of the lights

or anything that I got to automatically

pull the plug, no questions asked,

and he would leave that group.

- So I reluctantly went,

changed my speech and it
was just one word, yes.

And we got into it.

And then something happened

that was completely transformative for me.

We were doing these child pornography

investigations and one of the kids

from the video surfaced,

and happened to surface
right on the border

where I was working.

- Not long ago a horrific video

of a five year old boy

being sexually abused in the worst way

was discovered by U.S. Authorities.

The boy and his 12 year old sister.

They had been kidnapped and they had been

trafficked back and forth between

the U.S. and Mexico.

Both were sex slaves
to a monster of a man.

Well, something happened.

Divine providence stepped in

and it took place at
the U.S., Mexico border.

The boy was seen by a U.S. official

who knew who he was.

Identified the boy in the video.

- It was the first time

that I was actually seeing

one of the kids from the videos.

It was an American man

who lived in the L.A. area.

He had a big warehouse and inside

his warehouse was a house,

like a residential home

and inside that home there were cameras,

hidden cameras everywhere,

porn everywhere, toys everywhere.

And he'd bring these
kids in to desensitize

them he'd make child rape videos.

(sad solemn music)

And as the dust settled
in the investigation

this kid ran to me and I remember

he jumped into my arms and just held me

and he was shaking and he just said to me,

with tears in his eyes,

holding me and shaking,

he said, I don't belong here.

I came home and I walked through the door

and I saw my kids running around playing

and I couldn't handle the dichotomy.

My brain couldn't handle
it and I just shut down.

I mean, this is embarrassing

but this is what happened.

I remember my knees gave out.

As I sat there the room was spinning

and I collapsed, like I
fell down on the floor

and my wife thought I was having

a heart attack or something you know,

and she ran over to me and just wrapped

her arms around me and just held me.

- Had a knock on my door one day

and of course I usually keep my door open

but I think I was on a phone call

so I didn't answer the door immediately

but I went to the door and I saw

Tim leaving and I asked him,

hey Tim, I'm done, come on in.

He was very, very concerned.

I could tell he was perplexed.

I could tell his was emotionally drained.

I could tell that he was needing

someone to talk to.

And he said, listen I really feel like

I could do better leaving the government.

- Well, if you lost one of your children

to one of these evil people

you'd do anything to get even

and get your child back.

Which some of our folks are trying to do.

- Good afternoon Mr. Chair

and esteemed members of the committee.

Thank you very much for this opportunity.

My name is Tim Ballard.

I'm the founder and CEO

of Operation Underground Railroad.

- You know, I think
our own law enforcement

in this country needs to get

more involved than they are right now.

- In 2006, with the passage of

the Adam Walsh Protect Act,

Congress opened the doors for U.S. agents

to better investigate these cases,

especially internationally.

- It's hard because a
lot of this is offshore

where they may not have jurisdiction.

- However I often felt helpless

by the fact that the vast majority

of the child victim's that we would find

fell outside the purview
of the United States.

- It's very difficult because

we in the United States

have a lot of protections for privacy,

especially when it comes to

financial transactions,

but how do we get the information

to see a pattern of sex trafficking?

- Before this law was passed,

it was passed in 2006,

in order to prosecute on the U.S. side

an American who was
sexually abusing children

in other countries you had to prove

that that person had intent

to rape that child while
standing on U.S. soil.

So you can imagine how many prosecutions

we had prior to this law, like zero.

Unless I could tie a
U.S. traveler to the case

I would not be able to
rescue the children,

even the ones that we were

able to identify as being victims.

But I could find the kids no matter what.

It's outside of the jurisdiction

and I understood that,

however that doesn't mean

that we couldn't be doing more.

- It takes a little bit of an effort

but that's what we've go to do

and we've got to fight like hell

to try and get these kids back

and get them back on track.

But in a lot of cases

once they're gone they're gone.

- [Glenn] We need to find some partners

that are like minded.

Is there a way that, you know,

we can help each other?
- Yeah.

- Cause we're in the
same kind of business.

You know, who's got big, big, lists

that we can leverage me

and say, we'll help you, you help us.

- [Tim] Have you ever connected--

- I met Tim through, I think,

a series of coincidence that led

me to one of his books,

he's a tremendous writer.

Tremendous researcher.

I mean, he's really bright.

So I knew him as an author

and we became friends and I didn't know

that he had this secret double life.

I was coming in,

I don't remember where it was,

I was coming into town and he was in town

and he said, hey do you
mind if we meet and talk?

I said, sure.

I said, I'm going to be
staying at the hotel,

you know this hotel why
don't you just come up

and he said, well,

why don't we meet in a conference room?


- I'm wanting the world to wake up

to what's going on is

two million children are sex slaves.

- And he reached under his shirt

and he pulled a federal badge out

on the chain and he sat there.

I looked at everybody and said,

am I in trouble?

Am I going to prison, what is this?

- It's the fastest growing

criminal enterprise in the world.

I'd go back to 19th century America

to the slave problem

and we should congratulate ourselves.

We eradicated slavery.

It's bull crap.

We've not eradicated it.

- And he explained what he was doing

and explained that he needed to get out

of working with the government

and he had a way that we could really

make an impact but they needed

a million dollars to start.

- [Attorney] 10 thousand dollars to put

a jump team together, go,

on team, get this overseas I'm assuming.

- Yeah, we have jump teams that do this.

They're ex Navy Seals,

they're people like me who are

willing to do this.

- And I happen to be with an attorney

and he was sitting with me

and I asked a whole bunch of questions

and my attorney said,

no you can't, you can't.

What happens if something goes wrong,

blah, blah, blah.

If you're raising money
and it's on the border

and these guys are, you're in Texas.

- You're damn right I would.

I would do it through law enforcement

and I would do it exactly legal.

But, I mean, this is child trafficking.

Tim is the most sincere,

the most honest honorable man

I think I've ever met

and I said, I'm in.

We'll raise your first million.

- Bring it on.

I will promote, I will do,

I will develop with you.

I had a great, great, great uncle

and a great, great, grandfather

who both died in the notorious

concentration camp in the South.

They were fighting for the North.

I didn't know that.

Nobody in my family knew that.

They were fighting to free the slaves.

They did it.

Why can't I?

- You know, Abraham Lincoln,

when he was grappling with

the Emancipation Proclamation

the nation didn't want him to do it.

Even in the North, they
didn't want him to do it.

And he went through something.

In 1862 his son died.

And he got extremely empathetic

and he started even turning to God

and praying like he never had before.

Historians have called it

a Damascus Road experience for him.

Then he just said, you know,

come hell or high water I'm doing this.

No one in his cabinet really wanted him to

and he says, I'm doing it.

And he changed the course of the war

and changed the course of history.

By making the war about human freedom,

liberating the captive

and then the whole thing changed

which led to the 13th
Amendment and so forth.

This is what we all need to do.

Stop putting the walls up.

These are real kids and
they don't have anybody

and if we don't open up,

no one's going to open up.

But when you do open up,
it hurts a little bit.

But then you become so much more effective

in what you're trying to do

and ideas and inspiration,

I'd argue even miracles

start happening when you do that.

- Operation Underground Railroad

is a fairly new organization,

just over two years old

but it's captured a lot of media attention

with it's missions to rescue

child slaves throughout the world.

India, Haiti, Mexico.

They go into the darkest
corners of the world.

(speaking in a foreign language)

And work with law enforcement

to rescue children from slavery.

Since it's inception a
little over two years ago

they've helped authorities arrest

157 people in 12 different countries.

Most of that work--

- I never dreamed that
I would work in Haiti.

I didn't know anything,
really, about Haiti.

Until I learned about a little boy

who was born in Utah, a U.S. citizen

and was kidnapped in Haiti from his church

where his father was the pastor.

And that little boy was
taken, he was kidnapped.

I read about it in the local newspaper

and I just had to do something about it.

I thought that I could
make it into a U.S. case

and I couldn't because it wasn't.

It was a Haitian case.

The man, the father of this boy who I met

who changed my world is Guesno Mardy.

And Guesno's sitting right here,

Guesno just stand up.

This is Guesno Mardy.

- [Attendee] Hey Guesno.

- And I have so much to say about Guesno.

We went to Haiti to look for his son

but the only way for us to go to Haiti

would be to, we had to leave our jobs.

I had to leave my job because

I didn't have enough leave from work.

I love my job.

I love working for Homeland Security.

I mean, these are the
best people on the planet

doing the best work.

And all the colleagues I had floated

this idea to before, in
the weeks leading up,

said, you're crazy, don't
do this, you're crazy.

And John Lines looked at me

and he started off with, you're crazy.

And I'm like, here I go again, you know?

But he said something different,

he said, you're crazy
if you don't try this.

- I was encouraging overtly

but my in my heart of hearts I thought,

that's going to be a tough go.

That's a going to be a tough go

to leave the security
of the U.S. Government

and go save children around the world.

Three years old.

Gardy, his name is Gardy.

They kidnapped him from the church

where Guesno was the pastor.

They took him, this little boy,

and they trafficked him

and this happens all the time in Haiti.

I remember reading the story

and there was a picture of Guesno

and my heart just melted as a father.

Just melted for him and I thought,

I know, I have enough experience to know,

very little's being done

to find this little boy.

(solemn music)

- We got to Haiti and we worked with

law enforcement and we went in there

looking for Gardy and we never found him.

What we did find was two things.

We found that this child was trafficked

through what looked to
be like an orphanage.

It wasn't an orphanage

and we were asked by the Haitian Police

to go undercover with hidden cameras

and go into this place
that was selling children.

They were selling children for $10,000

and then they raised the price to $15,000.

The traffickers were selling kids

and we were able to
dismantle that organization

and we had to buy two
children in the process.

We had to buy two children

and they were the key

to getting the other kids out.

- What's that?

- You want this?


Be careful with this, okay?

After we got those kids out

and his son was not there.

And I said, Guesno I'm so sorry.

You're son's not there.

There's 28 children that were rescued

but his son was not there.

I started to cry and Guesno was crying

but he only cried for a little bit

and then he popped his
head up and he said,

don't you realize what just happened?

And I said, what?

Yeah, you know, what just happened?

And he's smiling now and I don't know

why he's smiling because
he's a very smiley guy

and he has a light about him

and I learned what that light was

because he said, he said,

if Gardy had never been kidnapped

then your team never would have come here

and these 28 kids would
be for sale or be sold.

And I said, yeah, I guess would have

thought of it that way and then he said

maybe the most profound thing

that anyone's ever said to me.

He said, if I have to sacrifice my son

so that these 28 kids can be rescued,

he said, that's a sacrifice
I'm willing to make.

And that's when I knew

that we would never leave Haiti

because of the spirit of that Haitian man

who then by the way, went
to the police station

the next day and he said,

I will take home any of those children

that were rescued in the name of my son,

I will take them home.

And he took eight of those
children home that day

and he is their father today in Haiti.

And so you see we could never

leave Haiti after that.

We decided we had to do more operations.

We had to dig deeper, look for Gardy.

Dig deeper, the more we
go looking for Gardy,

a funny thing happens,

every time we look for
him we find other kids.

Gardy is the kid who's story

created Operation Underground Railroad.

You been (beep) little girls too?

10 years old, love this guy!


I sat across from this guy, these guys,

as they told me about the children

that had been raping

and they laughed about it.

And they laughed and they scoffed.

And they said, you get to do it next.

It was horrifying, horrifying.

Now this was on Superbowl Sunday

and this is where

the story gets very interesting.

- On Superbowl Sunday a lot of Americans

having those Superbowl parties,

hot wings, watching the big game,

but a local non-profit organization

that fights human trafficking

spent their Superbowl weekend in Haiti.

- [Tim] I can take the 11 year old?

Can I take your youngest?

- [Reporter] Timothy Ballard and his team

at Operation Underground Railroad

worked undercover pretending to purchase

young girls for sex.

Ballard says the men sold him twenty

minors as young as 11 years old.

- It was Superbowl Sunday,
February 5th, 2017.

We had set up this operation that

what looked like it went flawless.

- In Operation Underground Railroad

we always want to ensure that if these

rescued children cannot go back

to their parents then they go into

vetted safe houses, orphanages,

rehabilitation centers.

So our aftercare team,

led by Miss Jessica Mass,

who is here with us today spent weeks

liaisoning with partners in Haiti.

Not just Guesno and his safe house

but others who's names cannot be shared

now for their own protection.

- We'll go into a country and the first

question we ask, if the police

or that government wants to work with us,

the first question we ask is, what kind

of aftercare capabilities
are you aware of?

These kids, there's so many of them.

There is no home to go home to.

It's not like this
happy story all the time

where it's like, oh, your loving family's

been waiting for you in the garden

and the trees are there
and the beautiful flowers

and just go hug them and all is well.

I mean, generally that's not the case.

I wish it were but generally the fact

that there was no family,

or the family was part of the problem,

that's how they got trafficked.

- And that's where
everybody else screws it up.

It's where we screwed up.

That's the reconstruction part.

The ending of the slavery was good.

Now, how do we make sure that we provide

the tools to be able to make it

and to able to have a
fair shot at something

that you've never experienced before?

I can't even imagine the scaring

that they have and to able to see them

turn their lives around, remarkable.

- We laid out the whole operation.

You saw from the video the beautiful

Kaliko Beach Club.

We have to play the role of very wealthy

sex tourists and so we had the whole

operation set up and it went beautifully.

- [Reporter] When police arrived,

they arrested nine men from three

separate human trafficking rings

and liberated 29 victims.

- Our Haitian partners did an amazing job.

We made the arrests.

We got the girls immediately to the area

where we were assured that they would

get the support they need.

- We were so excited, we were excited

that these girls were finally

going to have hope and healing.

It was just a couple days after

that I received a phone call.

- We unfortunately got
some very frustrating

news a few days after the operation.

- [Jessica] The traffickers
were being released

and not all the girls were released.

- They get released, they get freed.

They pay money to the right people.

To the judges.

I remember when we got that word,

I remember Jessica,
Matt, we were in tears.

We were in tears.

We couldn't believe that these kids

could be put in harm's way again.

- Half the girls had family members

that showed up and the other half

had traffickers that showed up for them.

- These guys who were laughing about

raping children were now
laughing their way home.


We didn't know what to do.

We had some long talks about it,

with Guesno and Dimitri

and they just said, please don't give up.

Don't give up, there are good people

in this government that want

this problem to go away.

And what happened was what we hoped

would happen, the good people

who didn't know what happened to us,

they came to us.

The good people came to us

and they said, we didn't know this truth.

We didn't know what had happened

but we will not stand for it.

And I'm looking at the good people

right now who came to us.

The job's not quite done

but it's almost done because now

we need to go back and we need

to re-arrest every single one

of these traffickers and it will be

a message to Haiti, to America,

to the whole world

that there are good people everywhere

that will stand up for this.

That there is light in this dark world.

There's light.

If we don't become that light

there is no light.


- [Interpreter] But I do
sometimes they try to.


(rock music)

- [Tim] Hey, crap this
guys coming up through--

- We finally have our eyes on what's

going on, we're shifting our mind set.

There's two of them that we have,

we still need to verify and we're going to

have reconnaissance teams running

the rest of the day.

It limits what we want
to do during the day.

We would rather not do a snatch

and grab on the side of the street

in the middle of the daytime.

It's very hard to sneak up to people

with the way this traffic is

and do that effectively.

It's a very low chance.

You're talking like 15% chance

of actually getting these guys.

Just so everything knows,

Andrew knows this area we're going to

better than anyone, he's lived there

for periods of his life

so honestly he knows this better

than the police that are putting us in it.

He knows this area.

- In a nutshell, top of
the trees perspective,

our activities tonight are going to

take place in Petion-Ville, which is a

wealthier part of Port-au-Prince where

there's several hotels.

So there's a lot of working,

there's a lot of prostitution going on.

That where--

For Haiti.

And it's the place where foreigners come.

If you're a foreigner
you're going to come here,

you're going to stay most
likely in Petion-Ville

so that's where to track

some of the nefarious activities.

- [Dave] So, any questions about the area?

We're going to pull up Google Maps,

we've dropped pins on everything

so everyone's going to get a good visual

of the area that we're looking at.

- [Dimitri] Okay guys as you're doing this

stay to the windows and hold there.

I seen lights back there,

there shouldn't be lights back there.

Okay, we are in an unmarked van.

It's a van that is used for taxis.

In a few minutes I'm going to have to

put my windows down because it's

not known to have taxis

having their windows up freezing.

- [Dave] I understand.

In a nutshell, the birds eye view here,

is we're going after

three different targets, okay?

And one of them's a female.

This is our ace in the hole mission.

If everything else fails

we are getting this chick tonight.

She's awful, Andrew can
go into more detail.

- [Dimitri] Okay, she's like a captain,

a captain in a mafia.

- Our hotel's right here,

Best Western, Petion-Ville, all right?

She's literally like two blocks away

and one down, typically.

But she kind of moves within like,

I would say a one block
radius of that spot.

- [Dimitri] She's crossing the street.

She's crossing the street.

That's her right there.

Crossing the street with the white pants.

That's her right there.

That's her right there.

That's the boss right there.

- [Andrew] She does not like this.

- [Dimitri] That's the boss right there.

- All those girls are working for her.

She's their pimp and show that

she is number one.
- Number one.

- She pimps out young girls

and she keeps, she has the over,

the legal girls on the street.

She has a little house back there

where one of our operators has seen

underage girls.
- We're now moving.

- [Andrew] Did you see how long

that car has been behind us?

- He just got behind us.
- Has he just came behind us?

- [Andrew] Just keep, pay attention to it.

It's possible we have a tail behind us.

- [Dimitri] Oh, okay.

- [Andrew] They turned right,

it's turning off.

- [Dimitri] So she didn't see us.

- If there's any like holes

in the logic right now.

Anything glaring that
anyone's thinking about.

This is like time to beat it to death

because there's gonna,

this is all coming together very quick

and guarantee there's more things.

- You know what I want to do

is start with a prayer.

What about,

what about your special prayer?

- You want me to pray that prayer?

- Yeah, I kind of do, yeah.

- All right, we'll just like bow our heads

and I'll sing it real quick.

(speaking in a foreign language)

May Jehovah bless you and keep you.

May Jehovah let his face shine upon you

and be gracious to you.

May Jehovah lift up his
countenance upon you

and give you shalom, amen.

- [Everyone] Amen.

(rhythmic drum music)

Okay, this is the part that nobody

really wants to talk about or do

but it's the part we probably

need to know the best.

Somebody gets shot or stabbed

or severely injured enough they have

to be taken to a higher level of care.

We've got a number of these kids

that are going to be
spread out in the vehicles.

These are called blow out kits.


Okay, so then none of this stuff

is going to matter to you,

however if that time
and somebody gets hurt

and if somebody yells medic

everything else needs to stop.

Nothing else matters because

we could lose a person
at that point, right?

So, the Haitians are going to do

whatever they're going to do

but this group in here,

we're going to keep that person alive.

- So our target's name is Cho

and she's a pimp who's going to be

on a street corner about two

or three blocks from here.

We intend to take Cho and try and get,

if we can, use her to get information.

We've got eight other targets

that are out there that
were stupidly released.

We know that she paid $80,000

to someone to get out of jail.

We really want to understand

where she got $80,000 from.

We believe a criminal
organization supports her.

We've been to her house,

she's not living large at all.

So she's back by so and so,

we want to find out who pays

you the 80,000 and who
within the government

did you give that 80,000 to?

In addition, we want to just

scare the living daylights out of her

and use the momentum and fear,

just listen, the next five minutes

of your life are going to determine

the next 50 years of your life.

This is our plan, once the Haitians come--

- It's their country, of course.

- Right.
- We do what they want.

- Perimeter one and perimeter two,

as long as we got eyes looking out board

with guns while we're in the middle,

that's the only goal here.

We're making these things really simple.

Look, we don't all rush to

the middle of the action here, you know?

And that's what rookies do.

That's what idiots do.

They have a job and even if they don't

like their job, even if
it's not the cool job,

this is their damn job.

- I think it goes without saying,

we don't want them to know

where we're staying tonight at all

and if we need to take different routes

or just be really familiar with who's

behind you and who could be following you.

Even if it's a little motorcycle,

those guys are the worst.

Motorcycle guys are bad.

And they're going to be the informants.

So we want to sleep safely

and those driving to the airport tomorrow,

we don't want any issues.

- Hey guys.
- Hey Jim.

- Of the guys down stairs there's--

- Perfect.

The recon one,

we're like three minutes to deploy.

(radio chatter)

(inspirational music)

(traffic sounds)

(motorcycle engines)

(speaking in a foreign language)

- [Andrew] All right you guys,

up there where the lights are,

where the lights are is
about where she's at.

It's this car,

it's this car pulled over, okay?

(speaking in a foreign language)

- Are we close man?
- It's right here you guys.

- [Andrew] Right here, right here.

(speaking in a foreign language)

- [Agent] Go, go, go, go, go, go, go!

Go, go, go, go!

(speaking in a foreign language)

(motorcycle engine)

(speaking in a foreign language)

- [Agent] Condoms, these are all from

a huge bag of condoms.

- [Agent] We need to
bag all this evidence.

There's minors on scene
and he's got condoms.

He's got sex toys, he's
got condoms in there.

(speaking in a foreign language)

- I'm a citizen of U.S.A.!

- [Agent] Matt, take a photo of them.

- Yo, I'm a citizen of U.S.A., okay!

I'm a citizen of U.S.A.!

- [Agent] Everyone, safe vehicles!

- [Agent] All right, roll out!

Safe vehicles!

- [Tim] How many guys got
wrapped up right there?

- Two or four.
- There was the American.

- He's saying he's an American, yeah.

- [Agent] I thought he was saying--

- I don't think he was--
- Americans.

- No, no, no, he was
saying, I'm an American.

So we got more than we bargained for

on that one for sure.

Hey, where are we,

are we at the precinct?

(speaking in a foreign language)

- This is very important.

I know he said it but these guys

are confirming again,

those were the girls, the same girls,

that she brought, same girls?
- Hm mm.

- And we think that they live with her.

She keeps them captive in her own home.

- I'd like to talk to somebody!

So can I talk to somebody out there!

I'm a citizen of United States!


So can I talk to somebody

who can explain what's going on!?

I'm a citizen of United States.

- [Tim] Oh yes.

In Kaliko Bay.

And the girls, same girls
she brought to Kaliko.

Their minors, tell him.

Their 13, their 13,

12, 13, 14, years old.

You caught her red handed.

(speaking in a foreign language)

(light music)

- Thank you.

(soothing music)

(speaking in a foreign language)

- We get the kids out.

Before the kids are pulled out

of these dens of nightmares

and their in our safe house.

Jessica Mass, our director of aftercare's

with them and they start to open up,

they start to talk.

And the one little girl,
the youngest of them,

starts to cry, starts to tear up

and she said, this is the first time

that I've ever felt hope

that I can remember.

And she proceeded to tell us this story

about how when she was about

six or seven years old she was kidnapped

in the wake of the earthquake.

(police sirens)

Her parents were killed in the earthquake,

like so many parents were,

and she was left an orphan instantly

and this nice woman comes up,

tells her that she'll take care of her

and to come with her.

This was happening all over

in the wake of the earthquake.

In the case of Rosy, I mean,

she was six, seven years old,

Cho gets ahold of her,

promises to take care of her

and instead puts her into
a life of sex slavery.

And this was so crazy,

she said it's amazing that you guys came

and rescued me on January 12th.

She said, it was January 12th,

eight years ago, when
the earthquake struck.


How are you?

This little girl was in the most

obscure country in the world.

Not only that she was in the most

obscure and darkest corner

of that most obscure country

just wallowing in hell,

far from anyone possibly could care.

You're so big.

(speaking in a foreign language)

It took her 24 hours after the rescue

to even talk because she said

she couldn't believe

that anyone would come for her.

Santa Claus?

Who's that?

- Santa Claus.

He came?

It's what we are trying to do.

We intentionally go to

the darkest corners of the Earth

where there is no hope

and find these kids.

And what that does,

apart from liberating children,

what that does is it provides hope

for everybody now.

I mean, where there was no hope

there's hope everywhere.

If we can continue to grow our operations

and continue to get the support we need

there is hope everywhere
for the first time.

Okay, scoot over, we got to have a talk.

We got to have a talk right here.

Okay, what's your name?


- You got to talk to papa.

- Hey, hey, what's your name?

What's your name, not yet, not yet.

What's your name?


- Jean-Baptist Catel.


What's your name buddy.

(inspirational music)

We find these two things.

We found the traffickers were selling kids

and we were able to
dismantle that organization

and we had to buy two
children in the process.

We had to buy two children.

And they were the key to getting

the other kids out.

And we've told that story many times

but what's special
about those two children

is that I formed a special bond with them.

And when we were driving
from the orphanage

to the sting house, or the hotel,

this little boy jumped up into my lap

and I'm supposed to be this, you know,

hard criminal.

After the rescue was done we,

my wife and I couldn't stop thinking

about them, him and his sister,

they were the two kids

and so we started to work
towards adopting them.

That was almost four years ago

and I just got the email today.

The decree came out of Parke

and their names are now Ballard.

They're now, they're my children.

If I lived in Haiti.

If I lived in Haiti I could take

them home right now

so all we have to wait for now is

passports and visas and that

and then they come home to Utah.

Where's Cole and Coleen going to sleep?

We have one extra bedroom, right?

- Yeah, but where's Daniel going to sleep?

- He's going to bunk with the boys.

- Everything with me.
- With Rick.

- There are days that Tim and I are like,

what, why do we have all these kids?

But, but,

I just,

you look at this little guy

and he is so loved

and just by virtue of the fact

that he was born in a family

and that automatically

gives him access to this love.

That we don't even have to think about,

it's just there.

And there are so many
children around the world

that don't have that and that could.

There just shouldn't be this much excess

with that many children in need.

(soft slow piano music)

- I'll find him.

It is something I don't want to talk about

because I know I will find him.

I will find him.

One day something will happen,

I'll find him.

- Number one thing on my bucket list,

what I want to do is

I want to help stop human trafficking.

- Oh, that's beautiful.

- I belong to an organization called

Operation Underground Railroad.

There are over two million children

who are stolen

and they are abused sexually

and it's unbelievable what happens.

And I belong to that organization

and we are trying to stop that.

It's really--
- What do you do?

- A man called Tim Ballard,

and he used to work for the F.B.I.

but he's now gone on his own.

So he partners with governments

from other countries and they go in

and pretend to be traffickers

so they get people to get

people to bring kids in

and they pretend to buy those kids.

And then they catch the people

who are bringing the kids in.

- How much does it cost
them to free a child?

- Anywhere probably from 12,000

to 50,000 an operation.

- I'll give you 100,000 if you'll get me

10 children out of slavery.

- Awesome!

Thank you!
(audience cheers and applauds)

- Tony, when you did that,

$100,000, that just rocked me.

I was raised in a Catholic orphanage

from the time I was seven till I was 19

but out of our savings I can't match you

but I'd like to give
$10,000 with your gift.

- [Tony] Awesome, that's incredible.

That's awesome!

Thank you very much.

10,000 more, give her a hand

right here, 10,000 more.

♪ So be still ♪
One more?

Another 10,000, how about a hand for him?

Nice job!
♪ And sleep now ♪

♪ And know that ♪

Go see her, there's another 10,000!

♪ There's no more fear ♪
♪ And maybe ♪


You got it, I'll match it!

♪ You'll stay here ♪
You too!?

♪ To hold on to ♪

Give these guys a hand!
♪ When things get bad ♪

Oh, this touches my heart!

That's awesome!

♪ So be still ♪

♪ And sleep now ♪

♪ And know that ♪

♪ There's no more fear ♪

♪ And maybe ♪

♪ You'll stay here ♪

♪ To hold on to ♪

How many are touched and inspired

by what these people have done

and what you've done?

♪ So be still ♪

Once you do something like this

you'll never go back,

it'll be part of your life forever.

♪ There's no more fear ♪

♪ And maybe ♪

♪ You'll stay here ♪

♪ To hold on to ♪

♪ There's one thing you should know ♪

♪ They won't come round here no more ♪

♪ They won't come round here ♪

♪ They won't come round here no more ♪

♪ They won't come round here no more ♪