Operation Delta Force 4: Deep Fault (1999) - full transcript

A four-men Delta Force team is trying, with a help of a female scientist, to stop a mad terrorist who wants to detonate nukes in order to cause a massive earthquake. The team is out-manned and out-gunned, but has nothing to lose.

This is Mike Whistlock
for Cable News Channel

with breaking news from the Balkans.

We just heard that a U.N. helicopter

bearing captured Serbian
general Ratko Gravic,

a war criminal accused of masterminding

the bloody ethnic cleansing
campaigns in Kosovo,

is descending towards the
mountainous village of Inkonyika.

Gravic, who's been in United
Nations custody for two months,

will be returned to his homeland

in exchange for the 10
American seismologists

bound for the Black Sea
whose plane was forced to land

by Serbian fighter pilots when it
unknowingly crossed into Yugoslav airspace.

It's an extremely controversial
move, but the U.N. is optimistic

that Gravic will
eventually be recaptured.

We will continue to update
you on this amazing story

as more details become available.

I can sense it, Walter.

Those bastards aren't gonna let us go.

Take it easy, Harry.

It's gonna be all right.

Helicopter approaching. Over.

In a few moments, my friends,

you... will help General Gravic and I

demonstrate to the world

that Yugoslavia will let no nation,

not even the United States of America,

interfere with its destiny.

I don't want to die!

Fuck you...

We just got word that
Gravic and his U.N. escorts

are approaching General Kisimir Nabizsa,
who himself is wanted by the U.N.

for perpetrating atrocities
in Kosovo and Bosnia-Herzegovina,

and behind Nabizsa are Dr. Walter Hill
and the members of the ill-fated.

Black Sea expedition, who may not
even know that their harrowing ordeal

may momentarily be over.



We've just been informed
that shots have been fired.

I repeat, shots have been fired.


Come on!

179 yards. Piece of cake.


Get to the back of the room.

Peters, take the window.

It's okay.

I need you to listen to me.

Listen to him.

Let's just stay calm.

I need you to do as I say,

and I'll get you home.

Now stay out of the way.

Gravic should go down, Cap.

Easy, Mac. That's not in the game plan.

But the game plan
didn't take into account

that the scumbag would
pull a double cross.

We've got our orders, Mac.

Gravic, U.S. special forces.

Come out with your hands up.

Cap, I got a visual on
those reinforcements.

At least 20 on the way.

Acknowledged. Listen up.

AWACS just picked up Serb
reinforcements heading our way.

Let's wrap this son of a bitch up.



Right behind you, Cap.

Hutch, you go out back, cover the exits.

You got it, boss.



Damn it.

Stay with me. Stay with me.



Peters is gone.

Acknowledged, Doc.

Vickers, outbuilding A.

Give Doc a hand ASAP.





Doc, Doc, I'm on my way.


The way these assholes
are pissing away ammo,

they'll be out in no time.


How you doing, old man?


Cover me.

Stay there, Gravic.



He drew down on you, sir.

It was empty. You knew that.

No, sir, I did not, sir!

Doc, you got one out on the street.

Yeah, I see her.

Get these people out of here.

Don't shoot! Don't shoot!

Let's get him out of here.

Yes, sir.

All right, folks, make it quick.

Make it low.

Ready? Go!

Come on!

Stay back!

Wait! Wait!

How about a grenade?

Cover me.

Hold on.


Come on. Come on. Go, go, go!

Come on. Go! Go! Go! Go! Move!

I'm gonna help you, okay?

Come on. Come on. You got to get up.

Come on. Come on. Come on.

Get those people on that chopper.

Go! Go!



I'm Dr. Hill.

I know who you are, sir.
Nice to meet you.

I want to thank you on
behalf of my people.

You're welcome. Everybody all right?

They're alive. They'll be fine.

What happened back there, Sergeant?

Nothing. Why, sir?

What's going on? Straight up.

I already told you what
happened, Captain.

I don't get it.

You don't get what?

What difference does it make anyway, sir?

If ever there was a piece of shit

that deserved to be smoked...

it was him.

Welcome to Turkmenistan, Mr. Garcia.

I am Boris Vasilev.

It's a pleasure to meet you.



You cannot fail me on this.

The most important thing is to obtain
the plutonium and bring it to me.

Is that understood?



So what's your problem, Mac?

When are you gonna drop it, Cap?

Look, when I was a kid,

me and buddy of mine,
we fell down a storm drain.

I remember when I was falling like
that, it was dark.

Feeling like there's this
endless, boundless abyss.


Weird thing was, Mac, I loved it.

I loved it.

The adrenaline rush.

I wasn't afraid, Mac.

That's your problem.

You're not afraid anymore.

And what if you are right?

Fear is your armor, Mac.

That's what's gonna keep you alive.

Fuck it, that's what keeps us all alive.

You lose it, who knows what happens.

Maybe I have a little crack in my armor.

Listen, I'm worried about it.


I'm a soldier.

If I fall out there...

I will make sure that I don't take.

Doc, Hutch, Vickers,
or yourself with me, sir.

Man, Cap's got to get off Mac

about that shit already.

Mac screwed up, Vicks.

I'm gonna be watching you, Mac.

Keep the fear.

I know.

Keep the fear.

Let's play.

Missed my target.

179 yards and I blow a window out.

Come on, man,
don't worry about that shit.

Hey, don't sugarcoat it, all right?

Think I'm on my way out, Vicks.

No, no. Shut the fuck up, man.

You're the best I've ever
seen, all right?

So don't even start with that.

I do know what you're talking
about though in a way.

Let me show you something.

What is that? Muscle spasms?

It's a fucking hangover.

I tell you, Hutch, man,
I thought I could party,

but Suzanne is at a different level, bro.

Last week we're in Maui
and you know it was on.

Only bull in the barn. That must be nice.

Yeah, yeah.

Know what? You're pretty lucky.

You got a girl waiting for
you when you come home.

I'll tell you what.

The day you quit is the day I quit.

Grab a couple drafts back at the
COMMS, what do you say?


Might as well bury me
right next to my papa.

It's the only thing I know, Vicks.

It's the only thing we know.




I don't believe it.


Go and get the records from the
last few episodes, would you?

This isn't right.

They're the same.

It's not natural.

We have to go public with this.

But Walter,

the confidentiality agreement
you signed during Zeus.

You can't go public.

Think of the repercussions.

The hell with the repercussions.

With tens of thousands of lives at stake,

I'm supposed to stay silent?

But what if you're wrong?

You know, Tim...

for once I hope I am wrong.

Good morning, ladies and gentlemen.

It's a restless planet we live on.

Constantly in motion.

Slowly but inexorably

shaping and reshaping itself.

By and large, these changes...

go by unnoticed.

However, occasionally they can be

sudden and quite dramatic.

Witness Kobe, Northridge, Loma Prieta.

Seismologically speaking,

the northern section of
the San Andreas Fault

has been quiet since 1989.

Until this week, that is.

Normally, quakes of such minor magnitude

don't justify a press conference.

However, in analyzing the data

generated by these quakes,

my assistant Dr. Timothy Samuels and I

have come to a startling

and rather disturbing conclusion.

Now, I realize that by making
this information public

I put at risk my reputation,

my freedom, and quite possibly my life.

However, as a scientist

I feel it is my moral obligation to do so

regardless of the consequences.

Now, this, as we all know too well,

is the San Andreas Fault,

a lengthy fissure running
along the convergence zone

of the Pacific and North American plates.

Now, these two plates
move past each other

at a rate of approximately
two inches per year.

Now, in the past we have seen

that a sudden movement
along the San Andreas

can produce a significant seismic event,

which for our purposes today

we will define as an episode

of eight or greater on the Richter scale.

Now, in keeping with
the theoretical model

that I helped to create in the 1980s,

the data generated by
this week's two tremblers

would indicate that the
31st state of America

may soon experience a...

Cease fire!

Doc, Mac, nice job.

Vickers you're a little
slow in sector four.

Hutch, you missed a target in seven.

Where's fucking McKinney?

Stand down, soldier.

It's a fucking drill, McKinney!

Stand down, soldier!

What's this all about, Sergeant?

He's upset, sir,

because he went down so fast.


team three, thanks a lot.

No problem, Captain.

But the next time,
we get to be the good guys.

You got it.

Think we got time for another.

No time for practice.

Looks like it's game time.

The man on the right is Boris Vaseliv.

He's the Russian Mafia's
top banana in Turkmenistan.

Shaking hands with him
is Dr. Olivio Garcia,

a Cuban-American nuclear engineer.

He was on the payroll of the
Department of Defense until 1989,

when the top-secret project

he was working on was scrapped.

What was the project, sir?

It was code name Zeus,

and that's all I can tell you about it.

Sir, what was Garcia's business

with the Russian Mafia?


Weapons-grade plutonium.

There's no shortage of
the stuff lying around

in the former Soviet Union.

So Zeus is obviously
some crude form of nuke.

When Zeus was scrapped,

Garcia took it personally.

The project had been his life's work.

He made threats against the government,

but before the Department
was able to pick him up,

he fled to Cuba.

Does this bastard have the capacity

to launch a nuclear weapon, sir?

Unfortunately, yes.

And that is precisely why

he must be denied access
to nuclear material.

Yes, what is it?

Americans? That would be Delta.

It's been a long time.

How are you?

Admiral, you didn't just call me here

to say hello, did you.

You're right.

I called you here

because I wanted to ask
your opinion on something.

Who do you think killed Dr. Hill?

The Serbs.

It was payback for Gravic.

That's what the newspaper said.

I'm not so sure.

Dr. Hill called that press conference

because he wanted to reveal something.

Maybe something related to Project Zeus.


But Zeus has been dead forever.

You know that. You were part of it.

So were you and Hill and Dr. Samuels.

What does Samuels think
of your conspiracy theory?

I wish I could ask him. He's disappeared.

Maybe... he's your killer.


Well, he's just the only one who knew

what Hill was planning to reveal.


I'm convinced there was someone else.

Someone crucial to the Zeus team.

I think you know who I mean.

You mean Garcia.

I haven't spoken to him in years.

Not since the project was terminated.

You really think he
would have Walter killed?

You tell me.

You were...

Well, you knew him better
than the rest of us.

Do you really believe

that he would resurrect Project Zeus?

Do you?


You know what?

I think it's just the timing of the thing

that's got you thinking this way.

Because you and I both know

what Garcia's first move would be

if he was planning to pick up

where Zeus left off.

But it's not exactly like we
can, you know,

just get weapons-grade plutonium

at the corner store.

Very nice talking to you.


Garcia is close to getting

a quantity of plutonium as we speak.


Come on.




Come on.



Get that fear back.

I'm watching you.

Let's go.

Nothing, Cap. It's empty.


No sign of Garcia or Vaseliv.

Rip the goddamn place apart.

I got it.

All right, let's see if I
remember a little Russian.

Where's the damn plutonium?

Fuck you, American.


Jesus Christ, Mac.

Time's a-wasting.

This son of a bitch knows he's history.

He wants to die.

The only way he's gonna talk

is if he wants something
more, like less pain.

Now talk, motherfucker!

Ask him again.

Ask him!

The plutonium, where is it?


Trucks. He said trucks.

Train or plane?

Train or plane?

Cap. Cap, he's dead.

Let it go.

That's a real good plan, McKinney.

We're not done with you, asshole.

I said let it go. He's dead.

What's your problem, Doc?

I don't like your tactics, Mac.

Maybe if you let me try to save him

we might have got some more
information out of him.

But we'll never know, will we, Mac.

Fuck me. I got 'em.

It's the trucks we passed earlier.

They're splitting up.


They must be going to
the train and the plane.

But which one's got the goods?

Who the hell knows?

Maybe both.

Mac, Hutch, Doc.

Come on.

We got to split up. Now!


You got to be kidding me.


Now what?

Here's our answer.

Get out.

Just keep it cool, nobody gets hurt.

Go, go, go, go, go.

Mac, you come with me.

You guys get to the train station ASAP.

You got any suggestions how?

I don't care how. Just get there.

Okay, Cap.

Come on!

Look, look, look, look!

Get out! Get out of the car now!

Do you believe this shit, Cap?

Right now I'd believe anything.

Think we have an option?


I didn't think so.

Let's go.


It's already underway.


That's gonna be one hell of a short trip.

You got something, Hutch?

Hey, I'm working on it, all right?

Yeah, well you better come
up with something fast.

First we've got to get ahead of it.

Yeah? No shit. Then what?

Vick, Doc, you take that switch

and make the train go to the right.

You keep it in the yard,
I'll figure out a way to stop it.

Get it up.

Doc. Yeah?

It's stuck. Relax.

Ready? Go!

The son of a bitch.

You slowing down, kid?

Got to make someone look
good, Doc, especially old men.


Son of a bitch.

Fuck this.

Team 2 to Team 1.

There is no package.

You feel the fear, Cap?

You bet I do, Mac.

That's what's gonna keep us alive.

Team 1 to Team 2. Do you copy? Over.

Team 1 to Team 2. Do you copy? Over.

Where the hell are they?

Shit. Shit.

It's just you and me, Mac.

Move it.


Mac, that stunt you pulled at the chalet,

what were you thinking, man?

Probably the same thing
you're thinking right now.

Yeah? What's that?

It's the rush, Cap. The adrenaline rush.

Walking the line, you know?

No danger, no life.



Now we just hop in this puppy

and drive it away.

Good plan, Mac.

Ready? Go!

Some plan, Mac. Nice fucking plan.

You think of that yourself?

No problem, Cap.

We got 'em right where we want 'em.

Damn it!

I'm sick of this shit.

That makes two of us.

You distract 'em, Mac. Move, move, move!

Good afternoon, ladies!

All right, Mac. Get that truck.

Take it out,
but remember that plutonium, Mac.


Okay, okay, fire one.

Okay, take it, take it.


Fire two! Fire!

I got him, Mac.

I'm gonna try and cut him off
here, Mac. Hold on.


Nice shot, Mac. You got 'em.


Go, go, go!

Let's get that motherfucker.



It is not my problem

that your men are being killed.

Death is irrelevant, but what is relevant

is the location of my plutonium.

Yes, the location.

Yeah, good.



Glad you all got back safely.

I'd like a word with your captain.

Would you wait outside?

What's on your mind, Captain?

Turkmenistan, sir.

Operation Snowdrop.

What about it?

With all due respect, sir,

if we just had a little more information,

maybe about this Project Zeus...

I assure you, Captain,
Zeus was not a factor.

Then it must have been
the intelligence, sir.

There was no way we were gonna
make that chalet on time.

Enemy capacities were
grossly underestimated.

We walked into a freaking war zone.

So the intelligence
was less than perfect.

Less than perfect?

Goddamn it, Skip!

You've been at this job long enough
to know that no intelligence...

kind of intelligence
that brought us in there

with our dick in our hand
and they came with tanks.

We should be dead!

Been together for a long time.

So I'm asking you...

I can't tell you, Skip.

That's bullshit,
and we both know it's bullshit.


I'm working this one on my own.

I don't have any official backing.

I need your help.


If this mission fails,

yours, mine, anyone's worst nightmare.

What's Garcia up to, sir?

The plane carrying his
plutonium came down

somewhere near or on Edelbrand Island.

Isn't that off the coast of Oregon?

Volcanic. Uninhabited.

Aside from an occasional scientific
expedition, it's deserted.

What do you need from us, sir?

I want you to go in, find the
plutonium, and get the hell out.

I'll send in a special
hazmat team to retrieve it.

And I want you to take someone along.

Who's that, sir?

Send in Ms. Granger.



I'd like you to meet Captain Lang.

Captain Lang, Miss Laurie Granger.

Laurie's familiar with the island.

She's made several expeditions there.

Pleasure to meet you, Captain.

When do we leave, sir.

Immediately. You can be goddamn sure

that Garcia will be organizing
his own search for the plutonium.

I don't know what
you're gonna find there,

but good luck.

Thank you, sir.

Miss Granger.


Are you coming?


That... will be the cavalry, Doctor.

Not exactly the most
optimum amount of time

to ready the warhead or
to deal with Henshaw,

but we'll make due.

What are you talking about, Dr. Garcia?

That's right. You didn't know.

And you probably thought
that this would never happen.

Dr. Samuels, I did it.

With the plutonium.



My God, man.

Do you realize what you're doing?

Do I know what I'm doing?

I'm fulfilling my dreams,

and absolutely nothing is gonna stop me.

Excuse me, Doctor.

And at the moment of
detonation, my dear friend,

it will be my completion.

A work of genius. Look at it! Look at it.

Thirty minutes and we'll
be off this island.

You know, a funny thing happened to me

when I moved to America, Dr. Samuels.

I became an American.


I was successful, prosperous.

God, I was, I was like a child,

full of dreams.

Until the government,
the American government,

the President, no less,

imposed an embargo on me and my work.

Slapping me down like a dog

before they could ever
realize my full potential.

Dr. Samuels, my situation, it...

it mirrored that of Cuba's.

I started feeling

what Cuba as a nation had felt for years,

and I knew exactly, I knew exactly then

what I wanted to do.

I wanted to strike
back at the oppressors,

the extinguishers of dreams.

And at long last...

that's exactly what I'm doing.

But you're a scientist, not a murderer.

This is science, Dr. Samuels.

It's a triumph of man over nature.

I think now is a good time
to tell us what you know.

Come on.

You've got something to do
with Project Zeus, right?

I'm only here to help facilitate

your search for the plutonium.

Yeah, right, lady.

Here we go flying blind
again into another mission.

This is a bunch of bullshit.

If she's not here to help us,

what the fuck is she doing here?

Why don't you guys get off my back?

You know, I'll do my job if you do yours.

How's that?

Don't worry about us, lady.

We get the job done whatever it takes.

How's that? Stand down, Mac.

Come on, come on, come on, come on.


My God.

What the fuck is that?

He's really doing it.

Doing what? What's he doing?

What the fuck, is he trying to trigger
some sort of volcano or some shit?

Look, guys...

the goal of Project Zeus
was to study the feasibility

of using nuclear explosions.

To do what?

To trigger earthquakes.


Our tax dollars at work.

That's what Zeus was about?

What's wrong with you fucking people?

Are you nuts?

Easy, Doc.

Yeah, one giant leap for mankind.

Look, we can hash out
morality issues later.

Yeah, what the fuck we gonna do now?

I always knew this was possible.

I just... I never thought that he
would actually go through with it.

Let's move out.

Cap, do you see that man right there?

Yeah, I see him.

That's Timothy Samuels.

It's Dr. Hill's protégé.

We need to talk to him.

Shh! Sergeant Sparks, Delta Force.

You're too late. It's too late!

What do you mean it's too late?

It's Zeus!

This volcano on a feeder
fault to the San Andreas.

He's armed the missile.
It's a doomsday device.

It can't be stopped.

Not even by Garcia.

Projected magnitude, 9.3.

Jesus, man.

Cap, did you hear that?

9.3 earthquake, San Andreas Fault.


There goes California
and everything else.


Hello, Olivio.


My dear, sweet Laurie.

It's not that I'm not glad to see you,

but what the fuck are you doing?

I've come to help you.

You've come to help me.

Just like you did when the
Americans aborted Zeus?

You left me when I needed you the most.

No, Olivio. You left me, remember?

It's not too late.

You could stop all of this.

What about my country?
What about the Cuban people?

Your country? The Cuban people?

That's right.

This isn't about Cuba.
This is about revenge.

You and I both know that.

I know that Zeus was your baby, okay?

I know that.

I'm really fucking sorry.

When the Americans doubted you

and they terminated it, you felt cheated.

So did I.

They robbed you.

They robbed you of your place in history,

your Nobel Peace Prize,

your fucking Time magazine cover.

I'm sorry about that.

Would you fucking look at me please?

I loved you.

And I know you better than anybody's
ever known you in your entire life.

You're not gonna sacrifice the lives

of millions and millions of people
to soothe your own wounded pride.

You're not gonna do it.

He lied to me.

I never thought he'd get plutonium.

Hoped someone, anyone...

Look, listen, Doc, we're here now.

There's got to be something we can do.

No. He's armed a missile. It's too late.

How much time do we have?

I don't know.

Half an hour? Maybe less.

Only he knows.

An impressive strategy.

And valiantly executed.

But you are quite wrong.

Whoa, buddy!


Fuck, where's she gone?

I suppose that's Santa Claus

bearing me gifts.

While you stand here and
spin your web of lies,

your allies seek out to destroy me?

You, you, you, go!

Sí. Go! Go!

Come on, get him up. Hurry up. Hurry up.

Sparks, hurry up.

No, give me a second, Cap.

Listen, man, think.

There's got to be something we can do.

Now, where's the missile?
How are they gonna launch it?

Wait a minute.

I heard him mention a mercury switch.

Hold on, Cap. We may have something.

If you can find that,
you may have a chance.

But a strong jolt will
start the ignition sequence.

You understand?

Yeah, yeah, I got it.

Cap, get me out of here.

Get yourself out of here, Doc.

Then pray.

You promised we'd be released.

And you are absolutely correct, Doctor.

You have really lost it.

Now you're released.

And so are you.

Take her to the surface.

You want a war?

I am going to give you
fucking Armageddon.

Come on!

Go! Go to the top of the stairs. Go!


We're here.

We got to be there.

With that big machine, man,

we may never make it, Cap.

Please, boss.

Give it a shot.

Bunch of fucking lies.

All lies, baby.

This is a big fucking con.

Suzanna, everything.

A bunch of fucking lies.

Listen to me.
We don't have time for that shit.

I got time for that shit.

Motherfucking lies, motherfucker.

Motherfucking lies.

No more lies.

So what's Plan B, Cap?

There is no Plan B.

That's comforting.




Vick, no. No!



This is all I am.

All I am.


it's the only thing we know.

It's the only thing we know.

Move out.


Cap, can you hear me?

Cap, can you hear anything?

Gonna have nightmares of this place.

We're stuck, Hutch.

No way up, no way down.

Christ, we're sitting ducks.


Let's take the express
lane to the control room.

Follow my lead, Doc.



Mac, we have 14 minutes.

Die, you motherfuckers!

Jesus Christ.

Hutch, Doc.

We've located the missile.

I don't know, Cap.
We're in deep shit here.

Can you trace your route back

and give us a hand?

No, that's a negative, Cap.

Feels like a fucking maze.

Hutch is hit.

We got to find another way back.

Little lower, Cap.

To the left, Cap! Lower!

Yeah, I heard you.

Okay, that's good! Cap, good.

You know what you're
doing down there, Mac?

Trying to save the freaking world.


It's got a mercury switch, Cap.

Got to disable the switch.


What do you think?

We got to get through that door.

All right. All right.

Fine. You cover me, all right?


Fuck, I missed him, Doc.

Goddamn it.



Come on.

What happened?

I don't know.

We got to get you out of here.

Come on. No! No, Hutch.




Cap, there's a cylinder.


There's too many wires!

Mac, you got eight minutes.

Eight minutes.


You get to Cap.


You stop this fucking madness.

All right. Shh, shh, shh...

Just promise me.

I promise.

You go. Go.

Go. Give me the gun.


Cap. Cap.

Doc's been hit.


He's not gonna make it.

Copy that.

Copy that, Hutch.

Just get here as fast as you can. Hurry!

Cap! What's going on?


Son of a bitch is still
hanging around, Mac.

You hurry up.

Just keep your eye out.

You're not hit, are you?


Don't you bullshit me, Cap!

You just do your job, Mac.



Do it quickly.

Yellow wire, green wire, blue wire.


Of all the missiles in all the world,

you had to come flying into mine.

Holy shit.

You figure the thing out yet, Mac?

I'm working on it.

Just keep your eye out for Garcia.



Where is he, Cap? Can't see him.

He's above me!

Damn it.

Did you smoke him, farm boy?

I hit something.

He's out of my sight.



I don't care if you are my captain.

You hold that fucker steady,

or I'll come up there and kick your ass.


You find Garcia.

I'm wide open.

You nail that son of a bitch.

You hear me?

All right, Cap.

Got one bullet left, baby.

One bullet left.

Six minutes, Mac!

I've got to get the switch, Cap.


Six minutes.

Six whole minutes.

A whole lot can happen.

A whole lot of shit can
happen in six minutes.

I can make a burger, have a beer.

Make love.

Make love twice.


Give birth.

Hey, Cap.

Your buddy...

the one that fell down the storm drain.

What happened?

He died.

He died in the Nam.

He never understood, Mac.


What didn't he understand?

The fear.

He didn't get it, Mac.
He didn't get the fear.


some gook just cut him in two.

You got to finish this now.

I understand, Cap.

I'm beginning to understand.

Come on.


John, hey.

Is that you?

Daddy, daddy, let's play some ball.

Hey, son, how you doing?

Yeah, all right.

All right.

I'll throw the ball, okay?

You watch...

You watch that ball.

Right into your bat.

When you swing at it,
just watch it hit the bat.

Come on, baby. Come on.

Almost. Almost.

Good job!

Did you see that one, Dad?


I should have called you Mark.

Like Mark McGwire.


I'd be calling you Mac.


How do you like it?


Hutch, will you put a bullet

in that son of a bitch!

It's counting down.

It's counting down.

God, no.

I don't want to die.

I don't want to die.

And I'm scared.

I'm scared.

I've got the fear.

I've got the fear.


I got it!

Pull me up!


Pull me up!


Cap's dead.

Do you need help?

No, thanks.

I'm okay.






