Only God Can (2015) - full transcript

"Only God Can" is the story of 5 longtime friends struggling through life's challenges, discovering through faith that Only God Can empower them to become the person they truly desire to be.

Grady, Grady.

There you are.

Hey, mail these to the
Holy City Heartbreakers.

Better get a move on.


Oh hey Andre.

You still driving Coley?

More like she's driving me.

You wouldn't be the first.




Sorry, I didn't mean
to startle you.

Not used to seeing you
here on Tuesdays.

Everything alright?

Oh, yes, no,

I mean I should be
sitting here praying

but I'm just thinking.

Pastor Rodney, would you
have a minute to talk?

Of course.

Let me sit over here

and you tell me what's
on your mind.

Every year my college
sorority has a reunion.


Holy City Heartbreakers,

hoo, sounds more like a roller
derby team than a sorority.

Well, that's just what
we called ourselves.

Charleston is the holy city

and we weren't a sorority,

we were just a bunch of
girls who hung out together.

Says here you were
the cougars, too.

That is the College
of Charleston's mascot.

The famous fighting cougars.

This sounds like it's gonna
be one heck of a weekend.

Stop it, seriously.

Last year, I decided I
was never gonna go again.

They all just act like a
bunch of silly teenagers

and make me feel like
I don't fit in

and when I try to talk
about my faith,

it's like, well, like you
Italians say, forget about it.

I guess that's what
the Italians would say

but my family is Portuguese

but please go on.

Oh no.

Well they just make fun of me,
harass me,

bring up stories from the past.

Well, I don't think God
expects you to go anywhere

where you feel foolish
and don't fit in.


But then there's Gracie.

You would love Gracie.

She just recently
became a Christian.

She's the sweetest little thing,

mother to three girls.

I can't let an innocent
sheep like that

go to the wolves by herself.

I mean, not that my
friends are wolves,

well Coley maybe,

well she's just crazy fun

but she has a drinking problem

and it's destroyed
most of her life.

I know what that's like.

Often happens to people
who drink obsessively.

Yeah and everybody sees
it but nobody says anything.

They just egg her on.

It's like, Patrice just
makes it worse

which is so crazy

because when Patrice
isn't with us,

she's a totally
different person.

She's very politically
active and she's a poet

and she thinks that white
men have suppressed society

and Coley thinks men
make the world go round.

Well don't we?


And then there's Glen.

Glen, okay well whoa wait,
let's slow down here a second.

So there's Glen, so you've
got a guy in a sorority too?

No, Glen is a woman.

She's incredible.

She does more for people
than most Christians I know

but she thinks that
doing good deeds

is what puts you into heaven.

I wonder where she read that.

Let me ask you a question.

When you were in college,

were you a Christian?

Well I was raised
in the church

but I didn't feel a
personal connection

and then when I got to college
temptation was everywhere

and I fell in with the
wrong crowd, drinking,

things I'm not proud of

but by the time my senior
year came around

I got involved with
Campus Crusade for Christ

and I've been walking
with the Lord ever since.

You have an amazing testimony,
you do

and you know what I think?

I think you've already made
up your mind about going.

I have?

I think you have

and I know finances are tight.

You got a babysitter
for the weekend?

But I'll find one.

Boy, you know I sure could

use two more helping
hands around here.

You mean the same
helping hands

that set off the fire

in the prayer meeting last week?

You'd be doing me a favor.

I've got to visit my nieces
and nephews in a couple weeks,

I need the practice.

Are you sure?

Yeah, absolutely.

Pastor Rodney, thank
goodness I found you,

Emily Campbell's on the phone,

her mother's taken a turn
for the worse.

Family'd like to speak with you.

Okay, excuse me.

I'll pray for you.

So make arrangements
for the boys.

Arrangements, the boys?

Yeah, Sara's boys.

Her boys?

I'll be watching 'em
for the weekend.

Oh bless your heart, pastor.

Isn't that nice?

You love Pastor Hot Rod,

you love Pastor Heart Rod,

you love Pastor Heart!

Quit it, please.

You are worse than my
husband and kids together.

Oh, but not worse
than Sara's kids.

I'm just dying to know
how that's going.

I could just see those boys now

chasing that pastor around
with frogs and snakes.

It's going just fine,
thank you very much,

my kids adore him.

He is a man after god's
own heart and mine.

Men are only after one thing

and it's not your heart.

Where is my drink?

Get your lazy behind
up and help me.

I'm not the maid

and besides my behind
is not as big as yours.

It is too.

What am I saying, yes it is?

Honey, you're the one
that has a big butt.

You have been on that
phone all morning.

What is going on?

Oh, I have to make a call.

What is going on?

We're remodeling the
women's shelter

and it's fundraising issues
with the city non-stop.

I don't know how you do it.

Oh well, it's a joy.

congratulations on your son.

I hear he's gonna be
serving our country.

That is so brave of him.

Have you been praying
for his safety?

I'm gonna make that call.

I shouldn't have said
anything about praying.

I blew it.

No, it's okay.

She really did have to
make the call.

You didn't blow anything.

Hey, what's up with her?

Nothing happens in this
town that I don't know about

and I know all about it.

Well, you better not
be holding out on me.

I'm the only one here
who likes you.

What are you talking about?

Sara and Gracie love me.

Ptth, they're Christians,
they don't know any better,

they love everybody.

And Glen adores me.

Glen adores the money
that you give

to the women's shelter.

Well, what's wrong with that?

I pride myself on having the
kind of friends money can buy.

Oh come on, don't go
playing the fool.

I may be a fool

but I'm the only fool
that read your last book.

A book of poems.

You didn't even bother
to rhyme half of them.

Where is that thing?

You try reading my book

with that fake sugary accent.

Oh no, let go, let go.

Let it go.

I'll let it go, just
let go of my hair.

I'll let go of your
hair, you put it down.

Now you tell me about Glen.

Well I was going to
till you pulled my hair.


Hey, Glen, come on in

and you want to look at
Patrice's new

exciting book of poems?

Oh great, now you're
giving my party gift away.

Oh it's alright, I've
already read it.

I keep up on all of you.

These homes are so beautiful.

I know.

Where do people
get so much money from?

Maybe they all have rich
ex-husbands like Coley.

Speaking of which,

you don't have to talk
about it if you don't want.

Have you heard from Scott?


I blame myself, you know.

I keep thinking maybe if
I'd been a better Christian.

I mean at the beginning
of our marriage,

he would come to church with me

and then it was like as
my faith got stronger,

he got more angry.

He'd throw things around

and accuse me of being
a holy roller.

He said when I wanted
to home school the boys

that was the last straw but

then I found out he'd
been having an affair

the whole time.



I'm so sorry.

Maybe I wasn't good enough,
you know, at anything?

He'd stay awake all night
on the computer

and I'd be alone in the bed.

I'm so lonely.

I still pray for him,

I'm trying not to be too bitter.

It's hard seeing the boys
grow up without a dad.

What about Pastor Rodney?

He would make a great dad.

No preacher's gonna marry
a divorced woman, come on.

But still there's some
times when I,

I look into his eyes and I
think he feels the same way I do

but then nothing happens.

Hello, what do you mean
nothing happens?

He's watching your boys
for the weekend.

I don't know, I think
something good might happen.

Oh Gracie, you're so
cute but you're so naive.

Patrice, I wanted
to talk to you

about doing a poetry reading

at the woman's
shelter fundraiser.

It is the biggest event
that keeps our doors open

and your poetry, Patrice,
it is powerful.

You hear that, finally
a voice of reason.

And I guess it was
real reasonable

nearly yanking the hair
right out my head.

I always thought it
was a weave.

Okay, y'all are giving
me a headache.

I'm going upstairs,

just talk amongst
yourselves while I'm gone.

Did I ever tell
you my dad had a problem?

I don't ever remember
you talking about your dad.

Your mama never seemed
like the kind of woman

who would be with a
man like that.

She always seemed like
the perfect mother to me.

We all loved her like
she was ours,

asking her for advice.

Yeah, she's pretty
amazing alright.

She just got mixed up
with the wrong guy.

That's probably why she
never remarried.

But I never knew my dad,

I just remember waiting for him,

waiting and waiting and
waiting on the doorstep.

Years later, I would make up
stories about him to my friends

like he was a military hero,

away in some exotic place.

It must've been hard
growing up without a dad.

I always felt like there
was something missing in me

and I kept thinking if
I find the right man,

if I have perfect children,

I kept thinking if I had
the right house,

had the right cars,

that that missing feeling
would just disappear

but it never did.

One day, I walked
past this mirror,

that pretty gold one
in the hallway

and I saw myself
holding the baby

and I looked like a dead soul.

I couldn't see my physical self

just that condition of my soul.

And it was scary.

That's when I called you

and you brought me back.

No, I am so glad you
felt like you could call me

but I'm not the one who brought
you back and you know that.

I know.

I feel like if Coley and
Patrice know about my new faith,

they're gonna make fun of me.

They already make fun
of my husband.

I know he works a lot, I know,

and he's demanding

but he is an amazing father.

He's the kind of father that
I always dreamed of having.

And now,

now you know the love
of a heavenly father.

He'll always come home.

That's who you were waiting for

on the steps when you
were little.

That's who you were missing.

That's that hole that you felt
like you could never fill.

God has known you and loved
you before time, Gracie.

He whispered your name
into your mother's ear

and he called you Grace,
amazing Grace.


Well this is something

most people don't see every day.

I remember trying some of
these on back in college.

Behind my back, all y'all did.

Oh, Glen never did.

Let me show you how it's done.


This is gonna be fun.

Now, when are you going

to get those two adorable
girls of yours

started down the right path,

Do you know where self
esteem comes from?

From within.

Don't be ridiculous,
that's a bunch of bunkie,

it comes from achieving things

and there's no better way

to teach confidence
and poise to your girls

than through pageants.

I've seen some of
those kid pageants on TV

and they look like a
train wreck.

Okay and so do
gymnastic events

and track meets and
football practice.


You just don't see the
fathers out there

pushing their sons to
be number one

or the mothers all
upset behind the scenes.

Life is a competition.

I never understood the
bond between you two.

You're so different when
she's not around.

When I first came to
the College of Charleston,

I was lost.

My home was far from there.

And I walk into this door

and there she is sitting
there all loud and blonde

and I stop in my tracks

and she's thinking, you look
like you just saw a ghost,

honey, put your bags down

and let's walk these halls

and show these
schools who's boss

and I looked at her like
she was crazy.

But I put my bags down

and off we went.

That woman, she gave me a voice

before I even thought I
knew I had one.

Well there is only one Coley.

That's for sure.

There's been some incidents,

one or two, with Coley at
numerous events.

All you Charleston folk do

is just do your
little fundraisers

and stab each other in the back.

Now I never say a
word about anyone ever.

Yes, I know because you're
old money mommy and daddy

taught you better.

I only say this from one
Charleston heart to another.

She doesn't go out anymore,

she's become a recluse

but she still sends a check,

I guess as some form of apology.

Listen, it gives them

what old money, back stabbing,
bony booty horse faces

something to talk about,

no offense to you, of course.

Oh, no offense taken,
my friend.


It's a wonderful thing

for daughters and
mothers to share.

I would rather put my
kids in a pageant

than on some soccer field

with some lunatic coaching and
molding their little minds.

Besides, not every
child is cut out

for academics or sports.

Never thought of it that way.

Well, think of it this way,

if you had a champion

would you stick it out in a
field with a bunch of donkeys?

Uh no I wouldn't,

if I had a thoroughbred,

I wouldn't stick it in a field

with a bunch of donkeys.

Exactly, okay, well
there you go.

Maybe you need to call
me more often.

Don't get your head all
twisted around

with that Christian kool aid.

I see you two talking.

Now don't get me wrong,

Sara is a wonderful girl,

she's just got some
crazy ideas about life.

I mean I believe Jesus is
the son of God

and he came down from
heaven and all that stuff

but you don't have to go
telling everybody about it.

Look at you,

you make a beautiful
pageant queen,

almost as beautiful as me.

Now I'm warning you,

I'm not gonna stop

until you get those adorable
girls of yours in the circuit.

They'll win
everything they enter.

What if they lose?

Then they'll feel awful.

Well I wouldn't know,
I never lost.

Now, let's you and
me go upstairs

and be beauty queen winners.

Oh no.

Come on!

I have to go take a shower

and take a nap.

I'm really tired.

Oh Gracie,

okay listen, don't be
a runner up,

you are a real winner, you are.

That a girl

Coley, again, I won't have it!

Angie, don't you think
this is a little harsh?

She's just a child.

She has to learn that
second place is worthless.

If you're not first place,
you're nothing, period.

And you know what I'm
saying is true.

She's just a child.

Give her a chance to grow
and follow her dreams.

She has her dreams

and she doesn't want to
settle for second place.

She wants to win, be first,

everyone wants to win.

Not when you're
five years old.

No one cares about those
contests, they don't.

They don't, I mean it's more
for the parents anyways.

The kids could care less.

You don't even know
what you're talking about.

You're second place
just like Coley.

You'll never be a real winner

'cause you ain't got it in you.

You're nothing, nothing!

You ain't even a real daddy.

Oh get that thing off
your head please.

Thank you.

Coley will be mad.

Well let Coley be the
queen of crazy crowns,

I don't care.

I can hear you.

Well look at you,
miss everything.

Where's your tiara?

How Christian of you to ask.

Is that any way for a wannabe
preacher's wife to talk?

Oh you know I'm
speaking the truth.

You have been the queen
of everything.

And I say it with love.

Well I say this with love,

this needs more red wine.

Hey, have you talked to
Pastor Hot Rod?

Well just text messages.

But it's good,

we both decided that we should
focus on the task at hand.

He doesn't want me to worry.

He doesn't want to get
your hopes up,

is what he's really saying.

Coley, don't say that.

I think it's like watching a
romance novel come to life.

Oh look, the president
of South Carolina

is here on official business.

Where's your briefcase?

Y'all look like y'all are off
to a United Nations summit.

Falling in love is just
the most amazing thing.

Are you and pastor gonna
have a big wedding?

What, no!

Can I be in it.

Oh of course, you'd
be the waitress.

Don't jinx it.

Are you up for this?

Oh, can't be any different
than any other year.

An obligation is an obligation.

Nope, I mean the controversy.

Did Coley tell you something?

Nothing is going on, nothing.

Coley knows nothing.

She pretends to know

but she doesn't know a thing

but I do.

I'm not doing anything wrong.

He's an internet friend.

He's an American professor
working in China.

Glen, you are playing
with fire here.

Let me tell you something one
Charleston heart to another,

you have spent your entire
life empowering women,

helping people,

not just you but your family,

and what, you're gonna blow it

for some internet romance?

You are better than this, Glen.

Well yeah obviously I'm not.

Well if you won't
think of yourself,

think of your family.

Okay stop.

You have no idea what
it's like to be me.

Do you have any idea
how hard it is

to keep up this house of cards?

I have a mother who constantly
criticizes everything I do

and a husband who constantly
cheats behind my back

and a child leaving or
the Air Force Academy

and the whole family
in an uproar

because he decided not to
go to West Point

and telling me how I failed

'cause I did not teach him

the importance of
family tradition.

I went to college, I
graduated in three years,

I spent four years in
the Peace Corps,

I came home, I married the
man that I was supposed to

and now I spend my days

trying to make other
people's lives better.

I deserve this.

I deserve this.

I'm not doing anything wrong.

He hears me

and he writes me these words

that every woman should hear

at least once in her life.

And now, I am watching my son

do all the things I taught him

and I do not want him to
end up like this,

you know, holding on to a phone

for some small piece
of happiness.

Oh I'm so sorry, I
am so sorry.

No, no, I'm sorry.

Oh I am sorry, I'm sorry.

Well I guess if I was gonna
have a lapse in better judgment

it should be with you.

It's funny

because I always thought
that your life was perfect,

everything handed to you,

that you could never
relate to me

or anything that I would
be going through,

trying to be a banker, the
token one in the company,

so you have to be better,

you have to be smarter

than most everyone that
you ever work with,

that you encounter,

but my soul is that of
an activist, of a poet,

and I can't do what
I want to do,

I can't live the dream
I want to live

so I sacrifice family and I
sacrifice the things I need

because that's what we do.

We are not that far apart.

I think

my life might be a little
better than yours right now.


Dear Lord, thank you for
the time that you've given us

to be together this weekend.

Thank you for all our blessings

because we are so blessed.

Please continue to watch
over these precious women

and keep our hearts open to you.



Sure smells good.

Mama's been in the kitchen.

I tried to make that
sauce so many times

but I must be doing
something wrong.

The kids hate it.

Coley, we've heard
about your son,

quite the football star,

a linebacker, 230 pounds.

How is your boy doing?

You haven't
mentioned him at all.

Are we gonna sit around

and talk a bunch of nonsense?

Now we all know Robert has
poisoned that child against me.

Besides, whoever heard
of eating Italian food

without a glass of red wine?

Let's get this party started.

500 bucks a bottle.

- You know me.
- I'm good.

We have a long drive.

Patrice, don't let me down.

Maybe later.

Hey, I have an idea,

why don't we open our
gifts before we eat?

Every year it's the same thing.

Let's do something different.

- Great.
- Okay, let's do it.

What are y'all
looking at me for?

I'm not a party
pooper or hangry.

Coley, you always give
the best gifts.

Why don't you start?

Show all of us bourgeoisie
gift givers who's boss.

For a second there,

you sounded like the
old Sara I used to know.

Alright, everybody stay put,

I'll be right back.

Oh, good job.

Alright, fellow Holy
City Heartbreakers,

may I present to you,

fresh off the perfume
assembly line of Gay Parade,

not yet available in the
United States,

Sweet Carolina.

- Oh!
- Coley!

You all have one in your bag.

Thank you.

Don't you love me?


Top that.

Coley, I can't top you,
you know that.

I think everybody here
knows what my gift is,

my latest book.

And your writing is
wonderful, thank you.

And Patrice will be
doing a reading

at the women's
shelter fundraiser

and it will be held at
the Charleston Yacht Club

and I hope that all of
you will attend.

Patrice is truly an
inspiring woman.

Speaking of, if you will
all fill out your cards,

you'll receive a
year's subscription

to Sweet Southern
Society magazine.

Wait a minute, wait, wait,

you mean you want us to
fill out the cards for you?

What are you so busy doing
that you can't?

I love that magazine.

Thank you, Glen.

Thank you, Glen.

Thank you, Glen.

You're welcome.

Thank you, Glen.

Well, I guess it's my turn.

It's been my turn for awhile.

I just haven't had
the right words.

Would you all please turn
your picture frames over?

Oh, alright.

Oh my, somebody packed on a
few pounds since last year.

It's beautiful, Gracie.

Y'all have been my
family since college,

my Charleston hearts,

and I know that some of you

have noticed a little bit of a
change in me in the last year

and no, I'm not pregnant,

but there is someone new
in my life, a new man,

and his name is Jesus

and he has made me a new person.

I can't even find the
words to describe

all the things that he's
done for me in my life.

I was dead

and now I'm alive.


Born again,

freed of my sins,

I still don't know all of
god's missions for my life

but maybe it's as simple

as just sharing with
all of you girls.

But all I know is that God has
made me a whole new person,

a better person.

I feel free.

Gracie, as Jesus
would tell you,

well done, good and
faithful servant.

Thank you.

I'm so proud of you.


Well, it looks like
God is speaking.

Yes, I didn't now that
God was a woman.

I'd be signing up too.

Don't worry, give it time,

we're praying for you.

Now I've always
gone to church.

I did when I was little.

Okay, this isn't a revival.

Sara, pass out those bibles now,

the food's getting cold.

Yeah, you know what
I got you, let's eat.

Rainy night in Charleston,

rainy night in Charleston.

Coley, baby, come on,
let's go,

I think it's time for you
to go upstairs.

Do you want me to help you?

Just take this please.

No, it's okay, it's okay,
I got her.

Why don't you guys go to bed?

I'll just take her up.

Come on, I got it, it's okay,

Sara's going to bed,

say goodnight to Sara now.

Goodnight, Sara.

Goodnight, Coley.

Goodnight, everybody.

We're going night night now.

I love everybody.

I'm on the road to recovery.

Come in.

Ah, there's the queen of mean.

What are you talking about?

Is that any way to talk
to a dying woman?

Dying woman, are
you kidding me?

You're hungover, that's all.

Glen had to leave early,
she left you a note.

She does every year, ingrate.

Glen loves you, we all
love you, Coley.

You have got to do something
about your drinking.

You know what, hold
on a second,

let me check my social calendar.

Fundraiser at MUSC, fundraiser
at the women's center,

huh, look right here,

it's an AA meeting two
weeks from tonight.

No seriously though, I have
tried AA, couple of times.

Anyway, let's talk about
more important things.

Honey, what could be more
important than your health?

Money, of course.

Open it.

And don't go telling the others.

You know you've always
been my favorite.

I want you to take that money

and I want you to publish
yourself a new book.

Honey, I don't self
publish anymore,

I have a publisher and an agent.

You're too much.

I know, thank you.

No, but seriously,

you really need to do something.

Ah, please, we've had
a nice weekend, okay?

Okay fine

but let's make a deal.

You go to meetings,
I'll follow up.

If not, I'm dragging you
to Betty Ford immediately.

Oh no, anybody but her,

I met Betty one time at
this fundraiser...

Okay, wait, wait, wait, wait,

I know you.

And I know you.

Come give me a hug.

Okay, drive safe, the weather
man said there's storms.

Love you.

Okay, be safe,

you know you're my favorite,

don't tell the others.

She told me to use mine to
get the girls into pageants.

Of course.

You don't even want to know

what she told me to use mine for

but it's going straight
to the church nursery.

You need those for the boys.

No, God will provide.

I love you.

I love you.

Be safe.

Be safe.

I'll miss you.

You too.

I'll see you soon.


A terrible
thunderstorm this morning.

We've had over 315
lightning strikes

just in the last hour.

And there was an accident on
Highway 17 south of Charleston.

The South Carolina highway
patrol has confirmed

that only a single
car was involved

and one fatality has
been reported.

Grace Williams of Newport,
South Carolina.

According to SCHP, the accident
occurred at about 11:17 a.m.

when her vehicle went
off the road

and crashed into the guard rail.

Life is a competition.

I just feel like putting
so much importance on beauty

isn't good.

It's a wonderful thing for
daughters and mothers to share.

Again Coley!

If you're not first place,
you're nothing!

Don't you want to go
to your salon

and do something with your?

I'm not gonna tell him,
I'm not gonna.

Will you please go with me?

I told you already,
it's your friend.

I assume you sent flowers

on behalf of the entire family?

Of course.

Why don't you come with me?

What an odd question.

Why would I go?

For me.

I'm here for you every day.

Oh Grady, it's been
a long time.

How you doing?

I'm alright but
she's not so good.

I got you, I got you.

Here's Glen.


Oh, you look pretty.

Thank you.

Okay, come on,

you and I are gonna do this.

You just walk with me,
just go with me,

just go slow.


Is it okay if we all
keep calling you mama?

Oh please.

Look at you.

Here, let me help you,
I'll take her.

It'd be an honor.


Sweet, sweet girl.

If anyone would like to
come forward now

and share a few words.

The name of this
poem is Graceful.

Graceful as a summer's rain

sliding down a window pane,

graceful as a bright
resting light

who says I do every
day of her life,

graceful as a mother's applause

while tiny ballerina bows,

to little Lindsey, Jackie,

a mother's love never ends

and heaven's grace will
see you through.

Rely on the strength
she gave to you.

When only the memory of
her love remains,

go on living each precious
day gracefully.

Hey everyone, I'm Craig,
worship and music leader

at Gracie's church.

A few weeks ago we
played a new song

and she said that she
really loved it

so I thought that it
would be a great thing

to play today for her.

I know she's listening.

A day feels like forever
until it's gone

You're left with only memories

Every moment's
precious and we know

The next one's never guaranteed

I'm only passing
through this place

Very soon I will be on my way

'Cause this is not my home

It's not where I belong

Someday soon I'll be set free

And the father calls me home

I bow before the storm

Worship for eternity

I know that you'll be missing me

Please be strong

This is not my home

This is not my home

Hey Sara, I can take
the baby now.

Thank you.

We'll see you back at
the house, okay?

Y'all sure you don't
need family time alone?

You girls are our family.

Winston and I decided
he and the girls

will go to the burial site

but we'll see you at the house,

See you there.

It was a beautiful service,
it was Grace.

And your poem, Patrice,
I loved it.

It's that song, so beautiful.

It's wonderful, isn't it?

I keep humming it.

I can't get over it, it's
beautiful and the message,

all about our eternal home.

The message of god's
love and salvation.

It's starting to make sense
to me for the first time.

Really honey?


Isn't it beautiful

when God starts to...

Oh stop, please
don't start again.

That's all we've been hearing
for the last half an hour.

Coley, there's nothing wrong

with talking about God
at a time like this.

That's all we've been
hearing from you

for the last 20 years, Sara.

No, no, Coley.

Excuse me.

You've had enough, stop.

What is the matter,

what are you doing?


You stupid.

Do you think you're
better than me

because you do so much
for the community,

when the only good you do
is for yourself?

At least Sara lives for God.

You, you live as if you are God.

I am not listening to this.

You, you're just drunk again.

At least I
don't live a double life.

Listen, you are way
out of line here, Coley.

You're the biggest
hypocrite of all, Patrice.

Social injustice and the
whole black thing, ha,

you grew up in Marietta,

You might as well be
1,000 miles from Atlanta.

I grew up closer to the hood

than any of y'all.

Coley, look at me,
look at me, we love you,

we love you.

No you don't.

We love you.

No you don't, no you don't!


You wish it'd been me
instead of Gracie.

- No!
- Yes you do.


Yes you do, all of you do.

You wish it'd been me.

Oh this is coming

from some dark place
inside of you, sweetie

and it's not you.

Please, look at me.

Get off me.


Get off me.

Of course you wish you'd been me

because deep inside, you
know there isn't a God.

So it may as well have been me.

You can spray as much
perfume on it as you want,

it's not gonna change
the fact that she's dead.

And you all know it, she's dead.


You stupid bible thumper.

Go after her, somebody,
go after her.

I'm at a loss for words.

Did you see Gracie's
mother's face?

As if she hasn't already
been through enough already.

Do you think we
stayed long enough?

I couldn't take it anymore.

It's just more bad news
on top of bad news.

Yeah well, I'm never speaking
to Coley again, I'm done.

I barely speak to
her as it is.

She had a similar meltdown
at the hospital fundraiser.

Well Sara can deal
with her now.

I mean nothing short
of a miracle

is gonna help her turn
her life around.

All this talk about God

and all this Christian thing,

you know in some ways,
I think Coley is right.

Life is short.

I'm sick of it.

Sick of what, living?


Thank you.



No, not living.

I'm sick of living for
everyone else.

I am not gong to miss
out on anymore of life

because of everybody
else's rules.

So what are you gonna do,

start living like her?

No, like me, for me,

for the way I see
right and wrong.

Well I don't know about
right and wrong

but that song is really
pulling at my heart.

I keep remembering how
happy and alive Gracie was

at our last dinner

and it made me think,

what do I have?

No kids, no nothing, just,

just my words written onto books

and it makes me think
I don't know

but there has to be
something more.

Don't cry.

Look, you save all those words

for when you're not hurting.

You do the same.

Girls, what are
y'all doing here?

We want our grandma.

She's right here, sweetie.

Why don't we all sit
down and talk?

"Eyes into the hills"

"who once come with my help.

"My help cometh from the Lord

"who made heaven and Earth.

"He will not let thy foot slip

"and he will not slumber,

"he who watches over thee.

"Behold, he will not
slumber nor sleep,

"he watches over Israel."

Is he in?

Uh huh.

Oh good.

Deacon Ray, hey, it's
Daisy at the church.

You want to give me a call
when you get a chance?

There's some things going
on around here

I think you should know about.

Everyone went to
that playground,

his family is is in need now

and it's gonna benefit
everyone so...

Is now a bad time?

No, come on in, come on in.

Hey Ron, let me call
you right back, alright?

Yeah, look, thanks.

Hey, how are you?


I mean God is good.

Yes and that cake is
good it looks like.

Here, here.

That looks beautiful,
thank you so much.

Thank you for taking
care of the boys.

I have never seen them so
well behaved in all my life.

I don't know what you
did to them.

Well you know what they say,

spare the rod, spoil the child.

Come on, sit down, sit down.

You alright, everything alright?

Oh I wouldn't even be able

to know how to answer
that question.

I have so much going on.

Hey, what do you say
we get a bite?

We can talk about the boys

and how my weekend
went with them?

Yeah, sure, let's do it,
let's go.

No, I don't mean now.

I mean you know tomorrow,

an official bite,

maybe tomorrow around noon

if that's okay with you.

I'll pick you up.

You mean like a date?

Oh, you mean like an
official bite?


Yeah, we could do that, yeah.

I'd love that.

Yeah because you have
been a great pastor

and so we could go get
a bite, go for a bite.

You know Sara, I hope that
I've been a good friend to you.

You can call me Rod or
Rodney, if you like,

you know, whichever one
you like better.

I like them both very much,
the names.

Okay, yeah, a bite, tomorrow,

Tomorrow, noon,
I'll pick you up.

Thanks for the cake.

I'll see you tomorrow.


You coming back here tomorrow?

Well isn't that nice?

Bless your heart.

Oh, look at you,
you look pretty.

I want a hamburger.

I couldn't find a babysitter.

That's okay.



You know what, let's forget
about that restaurant,

I think I got a better idea.



Now watch this.

After all, I've been
on you about that for awhile.

I hope you can get it done
by noon today...

Okay, Larry, Larry,
give me a minute okay?


Hey, what's going on?

He's here, in Charleston.

Who's here?

My internet friend, Mark.

He's here on business
for two weeks.

Oh yeah, monkey business.

I'm serious.

He's got an important job.

The man is fluent in
Arabic and Chinese.

He's working with the Air Force,

it's all top secret.

Okay, is hanky panky the
same in Chinese

as it is in English?

Have you seen him yet?

Not yet.

I was thinking about the
fundraiser next week,

maybe you could bring him
as your guest.

No, no, there's no way

I'm going to walk into a
poetry reading

about social justice

with a white guy
hanging on my arm.

I'm sorry, no.

He wouldn't be
hanging on your arm.

He'd be your escort.

Glen, I don't know about this.

Please say you will.

Patrice, you're my only friend.

Don't back out on me.

You know how hard my life is.

There's something,
I don't know,

there's something
wrong about this.

What's so wrong?

I just want to meet him.

Men and women can't be
friends or talk?

You're not friends,

you don't even know him,

he's just a bunch of words
on a computer screen.

People read your poetry

and feel like they know you

without every meeting you.

How's this any different?

I don't know.

Ever since Grace died,

I've been rethinking
my whole life.

I keep picturing how Gracie was

the last time we saw her at
our last dinner together.

I don't know, I don't
know what's right anymore,

I don't know what the truth is.

What is right?

What do you mean right?

And the truth, it's
what you make it.

Listen to me, Patrice,

the bible, it's just a
book about white people

trying to feel good
about themselves.

It's a lot of self

No, I don't know about that,

I just, it's about the
oppressed race

and god's power, that's
what I feel it's about.

It's much like my own poetry,

only God is the great equalizer.

It's not about color or race,

it's about forgiveness.

I'm seeing whole
different book here now.

You've been talking to Sara.

No mam, I have not
but I might.

I just want to get
my life right.

Patrice, your life
is fine the way it is.

You are a good person.

You remember that.

I just don't know anymore.

I think the boys enjoyed that

more than the restaurant,
don't you think?

Oh, I know they did.

Do you feel like desert?

No, you?

No, I'm good, I'm
good with this.

Can I ask you kind
of a personal question?


What made you become a pastor?

Well, I came to the
Lord at eight years old.



Well then there's hope
for my boys yet.

Yes, your boys remind me
a lot of my brother and I.

We're around the same
number of years apart.

So what happened when
you were eight?

Well, a couple of
friends of mine and I

went into a local five
and dime store

and saw some candy,
didn't have any change,

grabbed a handful and
ran out of that place

and went down the street,

I was scared to death,

I thought somebody was
gonna jump out

and grab my shoulder

and off to jail I'd go.

I bet.

Don't tell that to my boys.

I don't want them
getting any ideas.

That is unless of course
you did go to jail.

No, I went to church on
Wednesday, Thursday and Sunday

because my father was a
true blue bible believer

and he was gonna make sure
that we got the message.

You and I grew up in
the same family.

Yeah well, only I never
really got the message.

I could never figure out why
we went to church so much,

why we had to go

but that night was different.

I remember sitting in my
seat in church

and I had tears rolling
down my cheeks

and that candy was in my pocket

felt like it weighed 100 pounds

and then the minister said,

"Anyone out there who'd
like to ask for forgiveness

"and live a life with Jesus
Christ, please come forward."

And I couldn't get out
of my seat quick enough.

I ran forward and I kneeled

and when I came face to
face with him,

my hands were shaking,

and I handed over the candy.

You poor thing.

And he looked at me,

he just wiped the tears
off my cheeks

and he gave me a big hug

and he lifted me in the air

and I tell you at that moment,

I felt pure forgiveness,

pure, pure love,

and I guess that's why
they call it the good news.

Ever since that day,

I just wanted to spread the word

to anybody who'd listen

and I took my bible
anywhere I went.

You gave me chills.

Impressions, when
you're young, boy.

I wish it was that
clear for me.

I mean I don't know what
God has planned for my life,

what he wants me to do,

what my path is.

Lately, I think he wants
me to reach out to Coley

and Patrice and Glen

and bring them closer to God.

But I don't know how.

I've tried,

I send them emails and
literature and all that but you know.

Yeah, well sorry,
emails and literature

are something that can really
turn people off, you know,

it's just not personal enough.


I got a better idea.

Why don't you go visit?

Why not?

It's the perfect time,

their hearts are open,

I'll watch your boys for you.

You will not.

I will, I would love
to watch 'em.

We have such a great time.

You are so amazing
with them, Pastor Rod.

I thought you could
call me Rod or Rodney

and cut out the amazing part,

I mean, nah, maybe
leave that in.

Okay, alright, well
Rod or Rodney,

can I ask you,

you're so great with kids,

have you ever been married?

I really have been married

to the holy word and the church

I just haven't
married a woman yet.

Well, maybe one day
you'll marry me.

Hey mom.


I'm thirsty.

Let me take care of that.

Maybe one day I will.

Well maybe you'll
marry me one day.

I was just thinking we
should take a trip to Hotlanta

and here you are.

This is amazing.

You've been on my
heart and mind

for the last two weeks, Patrice.

There are so many times
I've been meaning to call you

but I haven't had the courage.

I haven't felt that
good about myself.

You, who is so bold
in everything you do,

not good about yourself?

Sometimes that boldness
covers up other things,

believe me.

I don't think I ever
told you about this

but when I was younger
I met this man,

he was so handsome, Harvard
Business School grad and white,

and I fell head over
heels in love with him

and it took a lot of
courage for me

to bring him around my family.

You know how proud they are
about our black heritage.

He kept telling me

it doesn't matter if a
person's black or white,

what really matters
is true love,

only his love wasn't so true

because a few days after he
took me to meet his family,

I never heard from him again.

He got some job up in New York

and lost my number.

I was devastated and lost

and it changed the way I
felt about other people

but mainly it changed the way

how I felt about myself.

I'm sorry.

No, I'm sorry.

I'm sorry it took Gracie's death

for me to really get
to the truth.

That's when I started
reading the bible,

the bible that you gave me,

and for the first time,
I felt love, real love.

Yeah and peace,

especially at a time like this.


God has his reasons
for doing things

that we don't always understand

like losing Gracie.

One day when we meet in heaven,

we'll understand his reasons

and it will all make sense

and we'll see all the times
when he was watching over us

and protecting us

and loving us.

I believe that, I really do.

Okay, so what's next?

I don't know how this works.

Well keep reading your bible

and find a church,
I'll help you.

Actually, our church every
month has a ceremony,

a baptism ceremony for
new believers

and it's this Sunday.

You could come if you want to

and be baptized by
Pastor Rodney.

Ooh, well yes then,
I'd love to.

Somebody pinch me, I
must be dreaming.

Thank you.

I'm so glad I came.

Me too.

Oh hey, she's waiting
for you upstairs.

Grady, how about a
hello and a hug?

You girls drive me crazy.

Come in.

Oh, it's just you.

Well, who were you expecting?

Well, Blake Shelton of course

but he appears to be
running a little late.

Get out of this bed.

I am sick and running a fever.

You are not sick.

Did you have something
you wanted to say to me?

I thought I said it
with the check.

I'm sorry though.

Well that's better, not much.

I am trying to change
my evil ways.

I even went to a
couple AA meetings.

Yeah, you get
anything out of 'em?

Yeah, they gave me a chip,

it says one day at a time.

It just doesn't seem to
be working very well.

Well how 'bout I take
you to church instead?

Oh no, I'm already
gong through menopause.

That would really bring
on the hot flashes, no.

Coley, I'm serious.

I've never seen you
like this before.

You can't go on like this.

You've hurt a lot of people.

Yeah, I suppose I have.

But what else is new, right?

It seems to be my area
of expertise,

just like I hurt my son.

It's not too late.

Coley, all things are
possible with God.

This straight out of his word.

All things including
mending your broken past,

your relationship with Bobby,

all of it.

I miss Bobby.

I miss him so much.

But I can't face it
without boos.

I can't do anything without it

and I've tried.

It's impossible.

All things are
possible with God.

Maybe for some.

Please let me help you.

You know what,

I've got a bad
headache right now

but thank you for coming
by, really, I appreciate it.

Don't go breaking my
heart right now, I need you.

I need you too

and I won't let you down,
I'll call, really I will.

Now you go on and get
out of here now.

Miss Dorothy Rutledge?

Who's asking?

FBI, mam.

We have reason to believe
that your daughter

may be seeing a man
named Mark Johnson.

I thought you should know

that he's under federal

and that anybody
involved with him

could be subject to the
same type of trouble.


Danger mam, a con
artist of the worst kind.

Hey there, Fred.

Look at you.

Why don't you have a seat
right down next to me?

- That's alright, I'm just waiting
on my good friend, vodka.

Straight up?

You know I've never liked ice.

It's too cold.

Make that two.

I could do it.

You had some visitors today.

I did, who?

Two gentlemen from the FBI.

What are you talking about?

Well, they told me that
my daughter was dumb enough

to have an internet affair

with a professional con artist.

You were one of 26,

four of them live right
here in Charleston,

all waiting to meet him.

How special.

If he thought

he wasn't gonna get a big
enough check from 'em,

he would pickpocket their purses

while they were dining out

and by the time they realized,

there would be $25,000 in
hotel and restaurant charges

on their credit cards.

Where did you think

that the two of you would
go for dinner tonight

on your dollar

and no one in this town
would recognize you?

Of course, you didn't
think about that

because your family name means
absolutely nothing to you.

Mother, that's not true.

How long do you think
it's gonna be

before everybody in this
town knows about this?

Maybe if you'd be a better wife

to the husband that you
have living here,

the two of you wouldn't
go tramping around town

leaving your dirty laundry
in everybody else's backyard.

Mother, stop it, just stop it,

just once, just once I wish,

I wish that you would shut up.

Where are you going?

None of your business.

Are you with the blonde lady?

- Yes, I am.
- You need to come in,

I need some help.

Just feel free
to say what's on your mind,

that's what we're here for.

It's just really hard
to understand.

I have spent my whole
life trying to be good.

I've never deliberately sinned

or tried to hurt anyone else.

And still I am sitting here

and I am watching my whole
life fall apart

and every good thing that
I have ever done

has led me nowhere.

And then when I finally decided

that I was sick of being good,

I still get walked all over.

Glen, only you and God
know the truth.

You don't have to answer
to me or anybody else

but let me just ask you
one question,

have you ever told a lie?

Of course.

Have you ever used
the lord's name in vain?

Everyone has.

Do you know that
the bible says

that if you look at
another person in lust

that you are guilty in
your heart of adultery?

But everyone does
those things?

That is exactly right

and that is why Jesus
sacrificed his life for us

so that we wouldn't have
to spend an eternity

separated from God.

He took on our sin.

But what is sin?

And I don't like the
idea of a God

who sends people to hell.

Sin is when you go directly
against god's holy word,

against his holy commandments.

So you're saying

that God is the only
truly good thing

and we can never be good enough

but he's given us a way out
despite all of our sinning

so what?

Being good is a waste of time?

No, no, no, being
good is good,

being good works for society,
it's great

but what we're really
talking about here

is faith in Jesus Christ.

I'm really tired of trying
to figure it out on my own.

I'm exhausted.

But I know that there
has to be a better way

I just don't know
whether this is it

and I just don't know if
Jesus Christ is the only way.

Glen, nobody walks through
those church doors by mistake,


Lord is calling out for you,

right now reaching out for you.

I'll think about it,

I'll think about it

and I'll maybe do some reading.

Don't just think
about it, pray about it.

Listen to your heart.

It'll tell you.

Read the bible I gave you.

You know Patrice is getting
baptized here Sunday.

I knew she'd been
talking to you.

Wait, I was baptized when
I was a child.

Mmhmm, yeah, me too,

that was our parents commitment
to raise us in the faith

but as adults, it's our choice

so baptism is publicly
proclaiming your faith in Jesus

as our savior.

And all you need to do
that is the faith part.

Help me with my lack of faith.

- Okay.
- Good gracious girl.

Glen, could we pray with
you right now?

Alright, let's pray with Glen.

Dear holy father,

thank you for bringing
Glen here today.

Pray that you'll guide her

like you guided her
into this church,

you'll guide her on her way

to a life in your faith.

Praise in Jesus's name, amen.

Drugs, alcohol,
possible overdose.

Take good care of her.

What do you think?

Do you think we got through
to her a little bit?

Thank you assistant pastor.

Thank you assistant friend.

Oh, I should take this.

It might be Daisy,
she's got the boys.




Okay, I'll be right there.

What happened?

It's Coley.

She's in the hospital.

She took an overdose of pills

and they're trying
to revive her.

I can't do this again.

I can't do this again.

Listen, I'm going to drive you

and everything's
gonna be alright.

Okay, I promise you,
everything's gonna be alright.

Let's go, come on, let's go.

Are you family?


Well, she's a very lucky lady.

Her blood alcohol alone
was close to killing her

and she had 30 pills
in her stomach.

I'm not so sure this
wasn't a suicide attempt.

No, no, I know here,
she wouldn't do that.

She just got confused

and she didn't know how
many she took.

Well, my advice to her
is to stay here

and get some medical attention,

mostly psychological
at this point.

She's going to need help,
serious help.

May we go in to see her now?

Two at a time, no
longer than five minutes,

she needs rest.

Well you two go first.



I hear you're going to
be baptized this weekend.

Yeah, I am.

Me too.

That looks like it.


Hey Sara.

Oh thank

We've been praying for
you all night.

Everybody's here

but Pastor Rodney and Patrice,
even Glen.

I'm real sorry,

I didn't mean to give
everybody a fright.

We're just glad you're here.

Sara, would you step
out in the hall?

I'd like to talk to
Pastor Rodney alone.


I love you.

How are you doing?

I'm here.

Yeah, you sure are.

You sure have a lot of
friends out there

who care about you.

You don't know me
from anybody.

Well, I do know
something about you.

I know you just asked
me to stay here

because there's
something in your heart

that's looking for a
deeper meaning.

I may not know you personally

but Jesus knows every
hair on your head.

Yeah, me too.

Yeah, I'll bet you do.

Pastor, you probably
never met anybody

quite like me before, right?

Well, matter of fact

I do know someone who
drank an awful lot,

yep, she was pretty like you too

and had three kids,

had great husband,

nice place in the suburbs,

she wasn't happy

'cause all she wanted
to do was drink.

And one day she just vanished,

left those kids behind,
family behind,

met some fella who made
a lot of promises to her

and had some money,

she partied and
partied and partied

till the parties got
smaller and smaller

till there was no one left

and Carol was her name

and Carol ended up

in a cheap seven dollar a
night motel room drinking

all alone

and her kids wanted to see her

but she just refused
to see them.

And she ended up
passing away alone.

Well that's not me.

No, that's my mom.

I don't want that to be me.

It's not gonna be you.

Help me, pastor.

Please help me,

I don't want to do this anymore.

It's okay, you're not alone,

you're not gonna do this alone,

You got friends here,

you got me here any time
you want to talk to me.



I brought you a little present,

this is gonna help you
more than me.

You don't have to read
the whole thing

but just open it from
time to time

when you feel like you need

to talk to somebody that
might give you comfort.

I will.



Thank you pastor.



Alright, I'll send in
your friends.



Hey boys.

Did y'all mind your
manners for Miss Daisy?

Yes, mam.

Okay, good.

Go inside, I'll get your
breakfast in a minute.

Daisy, I'm so sorry,

it was a crazy night

and we all wound up
spending it at the hospital.

No Sara, I'm the one
who has to say I'm sorry.

When Pastor Rodney first
showed up 10 years ago,

I thought hallelujah,

this is an answer to prayer,

not the kind of prayer
that you're thinking.

When I saw the two of you
alone together at the church,

I knew in my heart that
God hadn't heard my prayer.

Then you walked in the
church offices that day

with a beautiful cake
and smile on your face

and jealousy just
filled my heart

and I picked up the phone
and I called Deacon Ray.

You know what a busy body he is.


Just everything took
on a life of its own

and now they're a lot
of people in an uproar

wondering what a divorced
woman with two kids

is doing hanging out with
a single pastor.

I've been up all night
reading my bible.

I asked God to forgive me.

Now I'm asking you to
forgive me too.

Daisy, why did you do that?

I was jealous.

Please, please forgive me.

Of course I forgive you.

Of course I forgive you.

Hey Sara, Sara, hey
I wanted to talk to you

after the service.

Oh I heard, I already know.

You heard what?

Well I can read the
writing on the wall.

I gotta go, the
service is starting.

What is she talking about?

Church family,

this has been a day of
celebration, amen.

And we're going to
continue that celebration

by baptizing the new souls

that have committed themselves

to a life with Christ.

You ready?

Coley Phillips, in the
name of the father, the son

and the holy spirit,
I baptize you.

When he rises, you have risen

Embrace this life you've given

The old has gone

The new has come

The new has come

The new has come

The new has come

The old has gone

The new has come

The new has come

The new has come

And the old has gone

The new has come

And the old has gone

The new has come

Will you marry me?


Are you serious?

Yeah, I'm serious.


Yes, yes?


We rise as you have risen

Embrace this life you've given

The old has gone

And the new has come

The new has come

The new has come

The new has come

And the old has gone

The new has come

The new has come

A day feels like
forever till it's gone

And you're left with
only memories

Every moment's precious

And we know the next
one's never guaranteed

We're only passing
through this place

And very soon I
will be on my way

'Cause this is not my home

It's not where I belong

One day soon I'll be set free

When the father calls me home

I'll bow before a stone

And worship for eternity

I know that you'll be missing me

But please be strong

'Cause this is not my home

Oh no

When the tears are falling

Rest alone

I will never cry again

When you feel you
can't keep going

'Cause your heart is broken

Remember this is not the end

'Cause life is full
of pain of sin

And forever's where
we'll meet again