One for All (2020) - full transcript

A substitute teacher takes on a job as a year 6 class teacher in a village he does not know. He has to help a student adjust back into school, although none of his classmates want him there.

Your spiked coffee, Manolo.

This is the new season
of the first news programme of the day.

It's ninth of September
and this is the week

we return to the normality.

Your packet of cigarettes, kid.

Thank you.
Could I get another coffee, please?

Of course!

Coffee coming right up.

- Good morning.
- Aleix?

- How are you?
- Fine.

Sorry for the rush,

I know it's not the way to do things,
you know how this goes.

I'm used to it.

Look, here's the file
with the school's regulations.

Please read it carefully,
some don't as it's temporary...

- Don't worry, I never break the rules.
- Great.

Here's the timetable, list of pupils
and school planners.

The books are in the classroom.

I'll help, you're on the second floor.

Go ahead.
- Thank you.

- How was the trip?
- Fine.

- You've come by train?
- No, car.

Much better,
you might have not arrived by train.

You're in the bilingual programme,
right? I saw it outside.

- You have a B2, right?
- Yes.

- Struggle with English?
- No, I just wanted to know.

It's on third year, so you're lucky.

So no Cinca River, Ebro River,
or "Caspe Compromise School."

Finishing primary school
being bilingual is great, right?


If they ever become bilingual...

Go ahead.

Here's your home for the next months.

Any questions or anything else,
don't hesitate to come see me, ok?

That's what I'm here for.

Anything else you need to know?
- No.

These weather changes worry me
for the little ones.

Little ones? They're sixth-graders?

Yes, but for me they're my little ones.

This is a village,
I know many of them since little.

- Thanks.

Aleix, we have to go down
and prepare the queues.


Come on, let's go!


Come with me to the queue.

You've left your sandwich
in the car again.

You're such a scatterbrain.
- Mum!


I'm Marta, fifth-grader teacher.

Nice to meet you.

Did you have them last year?

No, Maria did,
the one you're replacing.

I hope it wasn't sick leave
due to stress.

No, a high-risk pregnancy,
just four months,

but she needs complete rest.

Well, I hope I last the whole year.

Paula, sit with me?

- Do you sit here?
- Yes, yes.

Camping was fine,
but my cousin didn't come.

What about your holidays?

Look, my aunty gave it to me.

What are you doing? Stop!

- Let's see the crap.
- You'll pay for it.

- What are you doing?
- Relax yourself.

Victor, this year
you're not sitting at the back.

You'll sit next to Romén.
I'm sure it will do you good.

Marcos, can you switch with Victor?
- Man...

Who's that?

And Verénica...

...caps off in class, OK?

I like seeing your eyes properly.

Thank you.


And Julia?


Oh, you've cut your hair.


Looks great.

What's your name?

My name is Aleix.

I'm your new teacher
as Maria is on sick leave.

I know you'd rather have her,

but we'll make the best of it, ok?

And I'm missing...


Does anyone know why he's not here?

You wanted to speak with me?

Carlos Esteban, right?
- Yes, I think I should have known.

You're absolutely right,
I forgot with the rush.

He was diagnosed with lymphoma
last year in April.

A kind boy,

responsible, a good student...

It was a big shock for all of us.

- Will he be back? Shall I count on him?
- I don't know.

The family requested a home-teacher
while the chemo lasted, but...

I'd like you to visit him.

No, I don't know him.

Go and see him.

You also have to coordinate
with the home-teacher, ok?


Any flats to rent?

Ask Joaquin, the one from the bar.

Joaquin from the bar?

It has two rooms.

A large one and a smaller one.

But it's just for one person, right?
- Yes.


- How much?
- E300.


By the way,

the washing machine is broken.

Bring it to the bar
and my wife will wash it.

Don't worry about it, I saw a laundry.

No, just bring it to the bar
and my wife will wash it.

And don't be so formal!

Hi Sir!


You're high up, aren't you?

Be careful.

You're giving me vertigo.

No way! This is my favourite spot.

- Well, bye.
- Bye.

Darling, your new teacher
has come to see you.

- Hello.
- Hi.


Don't worry, everything is fine.

It's for his immune system...

I see that you're a gymnast champion.

- Was.
- And will be!

Look at his astro-chart...
- Mum!

Well, I'll leave you to it.

Let me know if you need anything.

Do you like video games?

Not really, to be honest.

What's this one?
- I created it.

I learnt how to programme Croc
at the hospital.

Izan taught me.

I didn't know they taught that
at the hospital.

I couldn't compete
with Izan then, right?


He died a month ago.


- Sorry, when you get a chance...
- One moment!

A beer... Excuse me...

Ram, a beer.

Two! RaUI.

- Two beers.
- Thanks.

Thank you.

- Aleix?
- Mm-hmm.

A-L-E-I-X... AIeiX.

- But the "I" is silent.
- Right.

- What's it there for then?
- It gives it extra character...


I'm heading home.

Want to come up?

I swear I live alone.
There's no one else.

Well, there used to be.
But not any more.

I've put them in a drawer,
and it's no longer a bother.

You kidnap people?

I have an exciting life.
I'll tell you more upstairs.

I actually just wanted a beer.


- Good evening.
- Good evening.

What are you doing?

None of your business.

Please be seated.

That's good.

Move your bag, idiot.


It doesn't bother you.

- But“
- No buts, sit down.

Is it yours?
- Yes.

Could you please remove it
from Carlos's desk?

But there's nobody there, it's empty.

It's not empty, it's waiting.

Carlos will sit there.
That's why your desks have names.

That's what I said.

Victor, is Carlos your close friends?

- Victor is no one without Carlos.
- Shut up...

Victor, help me think aloud.

If we occupy your friend's desk,

what are we saying to Carlos?

I don't know.

Let's see...

Does the future exist?
- No.

- Why?
- Because it hasn't happened yet.

There's only the present. Carpe diem.

I've watched Dead Poets Society.

Humans have an ability
that allows us to project the future.

Does anyone know what it is?

The horoscope?

No, the horoscope is not an ability.

Anyone else?

- Imagination?
- Precisely, imagination.

Thanks to our imagination
our mind depicts situations,

stories, emotions,
images that don't exist,

as either they have already happened
or they haven't happened yet,

or simply they will never happen.

And to imagine our friend's return
we need to leave his desk free.

Otherwise we're denying him a future,
as we were unable to think of it.

And we want Carlos to come back, right?

Of course.

Then let's practice.

I propose that you all write a letter
to your future selves.

For when we're grandparents?

No, specifically
for your June-22nd selves.

Last school day.

I want you to imagine yourselves
when school ends.

Tell your future selves
what you're like now

and what you'd like to be on that day.

- Will it be marked?
- Vero, everything gets marked.




Carlos's home-teacher?

I almost said I was an inspector
to check your programme,

but I didn't want to be cruel.

- Aleix, sixth-grade teacher.
- As well as kidnapper.

Yes, I've always been co-employed.

I was a waiter, worked at Fnac,
tourist guide, shelf stacker,

but now I'm just
a sad temporary teacher.

I'll get us coffee then,
I have a full-time position.

All right...

All right.

He's a bright kid, he won't have issues
catching up when it's time.

He should have been back a month ago.

Why isn't he back then?

His mother... overprotects him.

That's normal.

And his father?

His father is gone.
He left a few years ago.

That's all I know.

His classmates don't know
how to handle his absence.

Particularly one of them, Victor.

He's acting like a clown all clay.

I guess he misses him.

He has to go back to school,
that's the reality.

It must awful being inside all day
playing video games.

Well, I believe
he just feels protected.

From what?

I think in these cases,

they don't want their classmates
to see them without hair, or weak.

Especially boys.

Weakness and testosterone
don't get along.

Don't mess with my weakness,
no one is weaker than me.


It's Friday, fancy a drink?

I can't, not this weekend.

- Bye.

Die, die, die!

Die! This doesn't always work, right?

It works.

Now it's working.
I kill the green and... orange ones.

All of them. The red one too.

- The spaceship too?
- Yes.

- The red one never dies.
- You keep missing.

I do hit it... No!

That's not ok.
- What?

- It's programmed wrong.
- No.

- I hit it.
- No.

-...and when's it for?
- I think he's ready.

But I'm not sure what you're thinking.


Everything is going to turn out well.

Sure, but Ana said there
was a medical report left?

He'll be fine.

He's going to have the longest life
in the family.

That's what his astro-chart says.

I don't have much faith
in predicting the future.

I'm sure he's going to be excited
to be back.


His classmates miss him a lot.

Fancy a beer?

No, I'd love to but I can't.

But thanks.


I didn't know that you
were so good at it, Joaquin.

Ever considered doing it full-time?

Doing what?

Painting, drawing, just this.

And then I'll feed my family paint?


I see that Mr Teacher doesn't like
my wife washing his clothes.

That laundry is really good.

On the other side of the village!

It's a leg workout.

You're quite headstrong...

Oh, well.

- See you later.
- Later, child.

Hello Ana, it's Aleix...

...the kidnapper.

Just wanted to say that I've sent you
an email for Carlos

with the latest things
we've done in class.

I also attached a test they had.

It's not about his mark,
I just want to know how he's doing.

And if you know anything
about his medical report, let me know.

And, well...

...take care.


Straight inside, no queues.

Good morning.

Come on, come on!

You're soaking wet!
It looks good on you.

Well, I love rain.

Come on.

Take this, thanks.

Sir, have you marked the tests?

Yes, I'll pass them out now.
They're good in general.

But some of you...

A 3/10, right?
That's what I usually get.

Then get to work, Victor.

There's no pride being the 3/10-guy.


- Aleix, could you come outside, please?
- Sure.

Selua, please write the date
on the blackboard.

I'll be back now. Stay still.


Please be seated.


Good morning.
- Good morning!

I have some good news.

Tomorrow... Carlos comes back.


Yes, your friend comes back tomorrow.

You did well by keeping his seat.

Is he cured?


he's finished treatment
and seems to be fine.


I thought we could make him
a welcome banner, for example.

I rather not make banners.

Ok, Vero...


What about everyone else?

What do you say?

Selua, what do you propose?

I'm not feeling well,
may I go to the toilet?

Yes, of course.


Carlos treated me really badly.

I'd rather he didn't come back.

I'd rather he didn't come back either.

Excuse me?


He was rude.
He treated many people badly.

Let's see...


Raise your hand if you had
any issue with Carlos.

He called me "Federica,"

"camp," and "fucking sissy."

"Midget," "carrot."

He called me "fucking South American."

"Slut, bitch, busty."

He drew dirty stuff... penises,
on my desk and books.

With a marker.

And then I took the blame.

He threw my notebooks with drawings
into a puddle.

It was an expensive one.

Then he looked at me and laughed.

Carlos is really smart,
he never did it in front of teachers.

He took a maxipad from bag and put it
on my desk for everyone to see.

Nobody knew I had my period,
not even my friends.

I don't know how he found out.

When I tried to talk to him,
he got annoyed and aggressive.

We used to be friends.

We played together and laughed a lot.

I'm not sure what happened,
but he changed.

I saw how he took Romén's notebook.

- And did you talk to a teacher?
- No.

- You told your parents, right?
- No.

- Nobody at all?
- No.


That's what snitches do.

And no one knows a thing.

I'm stunned.

How could he get away with it?

He deceives us all
with his good-boy face.

Well, speak with him.

Carlos has had family problems.
His dad...

Your dad abandons you
so you bully your friends.

That's great...

Are you really going to blame him?

He's just 11, ten a year ago.

He's just a kid and he's sick.

And that Maria?

How did his teacher not notice?

I don't know, Carlos is smart.

And you?

What about me?


...very smart too.

Had you put some effort in,
you might have noticed.

What the fuck's your issue, Aleix?

Just do your fucking job.
- I'm temporary, this is a mess.

It's not a mess, you're responsible.
Are you a child?

You're also responsible,
he's your pupil too.


Now I've got a boy
who's unlikely going to make it.

And a Syrian girl whose illness
is a blessing

as she's got out
from fucking refugee camp.

Don't you talk about messes.

- Sorry, I'm just...
- You're scared to death.

I'm not sure what we're doing here.
It stinks.

- It's rash.
- Rash?

You're saying he's back tomorrow,
no one has said a thing until now.

But let's see.

Haven't you been in contact
with the home-teacher?



But I think it would be best
to wait to delay it a few days.

To prepare the class better.
For their sake.

If you've both decided for him to return
it's for a reason, right?

We're not going to say no
to the poor kid now.

Aleix, is there anything else
you'd like to say?

Nothing, Carmen.

See you tomorrow.


Come on, get to the queue!

Come on, it's warmer inside.

Come on, let's get inside!

Let's go, we're all...

Good morning.

Good morning.

Darling, I'll be back at 11, ok?

Take this, Aleix.

- Thanks, see you later.
- Later.

Come on, let's get to class.

Come on.

Aleix, where do I sit?

Victor kept your seat.


Carlos should take his cap off.

You said they weren't allowed.


There are exceptions.

So, you have to see my eyes
and not his?


Carlos is wearing cap because...

Because he's bald.

Respect your classmates.

Such a drama for nothing.

Come on, let's...

Let's start the class already.

What is today's date?


What is today's date?

Third of December.

Thanks, Noa.


Carlos is gone.



Where are you going?
- Home.

Let's talk.

You can't just leave
whenever you feel like it.

- I'm not feeling well.
- You're perfectly fine.

Come on, let's get to class.

You lied!

Saying they missed me and so on.

I'm not sure who lied to whom.

Carlos, I couldn't believe
a year ago... bullied your classmates
every clay.

What are you doing?

I'm going to get my mum to pick me up.


Take, call her.

We'll also tell her you were a bully.

Essays on my desk, please.

And for tomorrow a summary
of pages 13 to 17, ok?

Remember that it all gets...
- Marked.

Yes, marked, you should keep it in mind.

Thank you.


Thanks, Selua.

Hello darling.

How did it go?

Did something happen, darling?


Just the first day, lots of emotions,
we'll get over it.

Carlos is so strong.
He can deal with it all, right?

Carlos for sure can.

Let's go.

Wait, the medication.

Oh, a future mailbox.

The one who didn't believe
in the future.

No, it's just using imagination
as a tool.

The concept is, on June 22nd,

each pupil reads the letter they wrote
to their future self.

Oh, June 22nd is your birthday darling.

What a brilliant idea.

See you tomorrow.
- See you.

More, more, more!

A bit more... enough.

Hey, Aleix!


How's the vocation going?

Waiting for vacation.

Come on, don't lie.

I bet you got an A
on your degree project.

No, we didn't do that back then.
I had average marks.

By the way Aleix...

...we're going to have
a Christmas party, are you in?

Don't leave me alone
with all these women.

Oh, poor JesUs, he tries every year.

Doubt you'll find me here
at Christmas.

Oh, you're not from around here.
Where are you going?

Well, to class.

Well, damn.

- He's impossible.
- Such a joy...

Who's put that there?

Carlos, what's happened?

Selua, could you please tell me
what's happened?

Me? Why me?

I know you don't like lying.

I didn't see anything.

You know being witness to a crime
and staying quiet is a crime too?

It's being coward.

And morons.

Stop doing it.

I haven't done anything.

First the cap... this.

He did far worse things.

- What do you gain by revenge?
- Can I leave?

- Answer.
- My dad's waiting.

Let him wait.

And all the stuff he did last year?

It no longer matters?
- Of course it does.

But do you like making Carlos suffer?

Leave me alone.

What's the matter? You don't want it?

I'm not allowed.


I am.

Mum, it's not fair!

When it's me I get blamed,
when it's her I also get blamed?

What? We got what you wanted.

Liar! We voted
and it was three against one.

Liar! I won when we voted!

Enough is enough!

Violeta, please bag the stuff,
and you come with me, enough.



How are you?
- Fine.

Are they yours?
- What do you think?

Go with your sister...

I thought they were refugees.

Can you please get the trolley
and put everything in it?

How's the Carlos thing going?


now we're at the revenge phase.

Oh, sorry.

What do you plan on doing?

I finish on the 22nd of June.
At least I think so.

Still six months left.

E43.20, cash or card?

Perhaps I'll request
a sick leave

for depression or high-risk pregnancy,
I'm not sure.

You're going to keep avoiding, right?

- Mum, I need to wee.
- Again Teo?

Wait a bit, ok?


Listen, let's meet another day
with more time.




They need you in that class.

Come on, let's go.


Be a bit careful!

Come on, don't be an animal!

- How did your Christmas go back home?
- Good.

I got so full of all the eating,

of all the drinking...

...and of all the sex, to be honest.

But nothing risky...

I had a scare with a crazy woman
last summer and never again.

A snip and that's it.
Nobody can catch me.

I see my brothers with children
and that's no life.

Well, we're six siblings
without counting me,

each of them has an average
of three kids.

Know how many of us
gather for Christmas dinner?

- Yes.
- What?

- Yes.
- No, I meant we're many in my family.

What do you want?


Did you get your nappies for Christmas?

Anything else?

We're even.


I'm sorry.



Is it hard?

It goes quicker every time.

No, I meant is it hard... doing that?


Well, it depends on
how you want to do it.

To animate characters in Croc

we have blocks,
which are more difficult commands.

For example,
to move a character right,

we use the "move right" block.

And then we can combine
all these blocks appearing here.

I'm going to use "appear when you click"
on the flag.

But you can make your own rules.

For example, if the character...

We're going to create a video game.

How cool!

Sir, that's crazy.

I see that you're really excited,

but creating a game is no game at all.

It's going to be marked.

We'll do it in tutoring,
art and values classes.

- Throughout the whole year?
- That's right.

Don't you need a degree
to be a gaming programmer?

And to play football
you need to be Leo Messi,

but we still play football
at break time, right?

There's also some easy software online
to programme.

Does anyone know any?

I did a Croc workshop this summer.

Great! Anyone else?

I know TicTrac, if that helps.

Of course it will help.

We need animators,
but we also need drawers,

like Romén.

And scriptwriters,
Selua you're good at it.

And producers,
nobody organises like you, Noa.

So, let's summarise.

We have Fede as programmer,
anyone else?

Don't get ahead of yourself,
it was just a summer workshop.

Oh, what a pity.

If Fede doesn't know...

...and no one else knows...

...we can't even start.

So, all this passion for video games
and no one knows anything?


Really? What now?

Let's cancel.


No, it's the only cool thing...


I know how to work Croc.


So, you'll team up with Fede.
You'll have to sit together.

Paula, with them, ok?

This sucks.

What did you say, Selua?



If nobody has anything else to say
let's get on with it.

We'll form groups: Jorge, Marcos
and Ajar with Romén,

you all draw well.

Irene, Arantxa and Victor with Noa.

Get moving, tables, yourselves,

Come on, hurry up, go, go, g0.

Form groups, I'll be back now.

Selua, please come to the IT classroom.

Come on!

Turn the tables
and put them together here.

Selua, everything all right?

Anything to tell me?

Are you happy with the IT workshop?



You're just doing it for Carlos.

Did he also bully you?

Why didn't you raise your hand?

Selua, please.

Selua, I can't help you
if you don't tell me what happened.

Does anyone know? Your family?

You're not going to tell me, right?

Careful, no running!

Selua, no phones in the classroom.
- We're not in the classroom.

We're not inside, but we're in class.

Like all video games...
War, fighting.

War? A bit more imagination, Victor.

It's about killing to win,

a video game
without fighting is nothing.

No, I refuse.

I don't want a video game like that.

- Why?
- What's fun about fighting?

Victor, what's fun about punching?

Look who's talking.

Her mum's police officer,
walking with a gun around.

It's not the same...

Selua, please stop doing that!

Look, if we create a story

where fighting is all the fun,
what message are we sending?

To send messages, use WhatsApp, Sir.

So, what then?

I propose we be the characters.

What crappy characters are those?

Like, "You've selected Fede!"

If you pick Fede you lose for sure.

What are you laughing at?

It's not fucking funny.

You, Carlos?


Me neither.

Stories, no matter how imaginative,
are always based on something real.

It may be an emotion, a feeling
or even reality.

We don't have to go far away
to find a good story.

I think this class has a lot to share.

What do you reckon?


Sir, no phones in class.

Hey, no running!

- Wine?
- Yes.

I want a beer first, anyone else?

Another glass of wine.

- We'll wait and then toast.
- Yes.

Smells delicious.

Look who has come! What a surprise.

- Who?
- I can't believe it!

Hello Aleix.
- Hey.

How blue...

I didn't think you'd show
as you missed the Christmas one.

- And Ana?
- She's coming, but isn't here yet.

Not there, sit here, Marta's there.
- C)k.

- Wow, Aleix! Who's showed up?
- Yes.

Thanks for coming, mate.

You're not dressed up?

Yes... I'm dressed up as...
out-of-uniform police officer.

- Girls, check who sent me a picture!
- Let's see!


- Oh, Maria's son?
- Yes.

How cute!

- Maria?
- The one you're replacing.

Pour, pour!

That's it!

Congratulations Maria!

- He's gorgeous.
- Yes, so beautiful!

Let's g0!

Are you sleeping?

It's so early.

You've abandoned me.

How could you?

Happy birthday!

- Happy birthday, Aleix!
- Thanks.


- I needed that, thanks!
- It was my idea.

There was no need, thanks.

The cake! Make a wish!

No, wait, photo!


Oh, the knife!

Great picture.

Do you like it?

We didn't know which one to get,
but this one is delicious.


Yes, great.

You can look now.

This is me.


Move, big-head.

This is Noa, this is Paula,
this is me.

And this is... Fede. Fede?

- That's me?
- Yes.

Don't you like it?

Yes...'s not that I don't like it...

...the picture is great, but...

Check me out.

What great hair, huh?

So you're Super-fringe.

And you're Super-strong.

What's this? Superheroes, right?
What did you tell us to draw?


Well, then.

Yes, the drawings are great,
the thing is, I look weird.

I wouldn't mind if you drew me as I am.

How's that?

Just like this.

Did I give anyone permission to draw me?

Selua, we agreed
we could draw each other.

Not me.

Selua, don't be like that.

Be like that, me?

Don't you be like that.

Now you joke with this guy.

After everything he did last year.

You're a sissy, Fede.

What are you doing?

Selua, if you don't want to participate
that's fine,

but I won't allow this behaviour
in class, ok?

It's a story about losing a friend,

Losing them in a shopping centre?

Not that they're actually lost,


What Vero means is a metaphor.

A what?

A metaphor.

So, from her idea
we can start the story.

For example, losing a friend
and having to find them, right?

Like I said: quests
or something like that, right?

- Like a maze?
- Yes.

So, what should we do?


You know what you want to transmit,
I have nothing to say.

So, quests, mazes,
and she doesn't want any killing...

This sucks.
- Your idea sucks!


Without respect we achieve nothing.

Respect each other
or it's not going to work.

This includes you Selua,
please stop using your phone.

You know they're not allowed in school.

- It's my mum, about my sister's...
- I don't care, Selua!

Give me the phone, Selua,
give it to me!

Did it break?

Don't touch my things.

Give it to me, Carlos.

Turn it off and put it away.

Continue, Vero.

You didn't want to come to this village.

It's in the middle of nowhere.

You must feel alone here.

Not really, I have 18 kids daily here.


But at five o'clock they go home
to their parents.

Then teachers mark, prepare...
We don't finish at five.

But they must miss you.

No, it's not that bad.

Kids live in the present,
no missing.

Parents do miss our children.

My dad would be your age now.

But he wasn't as good a painter as you.

Want another one?

On the house.

Come on.

How cool!

- New pencil case, right?
- Yes, from my uncle.

Good job, Paula.

I'm happy with all of you in general.

Good job, Marcos.


And then there's...


- A 3/10?
- No.

You're the only one
who doubled his mark.



Selua, it seems you forgot
to do the test.

- Hello.
- Hi.

I've called you in
to talk about Selua's marks.

Selua's gone from being
an excellent student

to having the worst marks
of the entire class.

The teacher says that everything is OK.



If you're here to save me,
the timing's perfect.

So, you haven't requested sick leave
for a high-risk pregnancy.

I tried.

I'm glad you didn't get it.

This looks really good, right?
- Yes.

They're working hard on it.

Kids are survivors by definition, right?

I'm here to say good-bye.

What do you mean good-bye?

I requested a transfer to Zaragoza.

My ex-husband has moved there.

I don't want my kids moving
from place to place because of us.

It would be his fault.


It doesn't matter, it's the way it is.

- It's Vero.
- Right.

They're the new drawings.
- Amazing.

Good 'yob.
- What are you doing?

You've hurt me!

Come on Selua, it's no big deal.
Be careful. Let's continue.

You look like an idiot, Selua.

What are you doing, Selua?

Hey, hey, hey!

Selua, enough! Stop!

Selua, stop! Enough is enough!
Come here!

Selua, stop! Come here!

Come, enough!

Come here, what's the matter?

What are you doing?

- What's wrong?
- She's hitting her classmate.

Now she hit me too.


Are you ok? Sure?

I don't think expelling her is right,

Selua is a good student
who's in an ordeal.

She looks after her sister.
She's responsible, smart,

she's a sensitive girl.

Aleix, that girl kicked me, damn it.

Me, her teacher.
Right after beating up a classmate.

- A beating? Are you kidding me?
- Aleix...

A pupil can't hit a classmate,

and much less a teacher.

The rules are clear on this.

I'll take it to the board,

but it's going to be an expelling.
A week at least.

Everyone to the queue!

Come on!

Get in line!

Come on.

Let's go.

Ok, Fede appears

and he annoys me.

- See you on Monday.
- No...

OK, 0k, 0k...

Just a second. I'm just about to finish.


Collect the coins from the pirate ship.

Careful with the pufferfish.

Dynamite, shark...


Good job!

- That's what we've done so far.
- Great job, honestly.

It's great, but as an expert in gaming,
I'd say something's missing.

What's that?

It's sort of empty, something's missing.

- I don't know, what's missing?
- Music!

They always have music.
- That's right.

No worries.
Marcos, you played something?

Yes, I play the piano
and the guitar a bit.


- I play the guitar.
- Same.


- We have a bigger issue.
- What?

- We don't have an ending yet.
- Yes we do.

- We save the friend, right?
- Right.

The logical thing would be
to kill the monster.

- It's not a monster, it's a turtle.
- Whatever, shut up.

- Not killing anything?
- Killing isn't the solution.

Don't stress, take the weekend off
and we'll solve it on Monday, ok?

So, rest, we'll get over this.

Noa, write it down, thanks.


Don't worry, we'll find an ending.

Your hair is starting to grow.


It will be stronger now.


My mum's a hairdresser

and says we should all
shave our hair off once in life.

Good luck on Monday.


I know you're going to Zaragoza
to get the tests done.

Thank you.

Come on!

Eric, calm down.

- What are your plans for the holiday?
- I'm between Rio de Janeiro and Bali.

Really? You're lucky
you have no children.

Just kidding. Maybe a trip to Morocco.

You have a bit of Morocco here.

I'll sure go on holiday,
I'm getting paid this summer.

But I think Maria will be back...

Aleix, we need to talk.

I'm going in.

- Thanks, Marta.
- Later.

- What's going on? Maria's back, right?
- No... well yes.

But we'll talk about that later,
I don't have the dates yet.

What I was going to say is...

...Carlos is hospitalised.

What happened?

I don't have all the details.
His mum just called

saying he had tests in Zaragoza

and the doctors have decided
to hospitalise him. That's all I know.

Ok, thanks for informing me.

No problem.

- Ok...
- Bye.

How are we finishing it?

Fede, ok, Carlos knew the most,
but we've learnt a lot, right?

Yes, but what Carlos did
in five minutes takes me 30.


When will Carlos be back?

I don't know.

That's not in our hands.

What we have to do is finish the game.

We still don't have an ending.

You should agree on something.

Ajar, any ideas?
- No.

- So?
- It's not that.

It's about Selua.

Shouldn't she be back today?



I have something important
to tell you!

What are you doing?

Making a fool out of myself.
Can't you see?



I wanted you to know
Carlos is hospitalised.

Just that.

Forgive me.
I didn't want to yell at you in class.


You know what?


Ever since my dad died...

...I don't speak
to my mum and siblings.

I can tell you it's not worth it.

Being alone and angry is not worth it.

Because, even though you're right,
you don't know how to fix it later.


Excuse me while I...

figure out how to get down.


Damn it.

Back at PE class with Jesus went well?


It's my fault.

What is?

He's going to die,
it's my fault.

Last year...

I prayed with all my strength
for him to die.

And he got sick straight after.

And it's happened again.


No, Selua, that's not true.

- Yes it is, it's my fault.
- No.

It's no one's fault.

It's an illness. No one knows why.

I really don't want him to die.

Of course not.

I know... Don't worry.


Come on, sit down.

Be seated.

Sir, we've thought that if we get moving
we can complete the game,

even if it's simpler.

We should complete it for him,
so he knows we want him back.

That's great, but do you have an ending?

If everyone wants it to end
with a fight, let's do that.

Are you sure?


Kids, silence.

Selua wants to say something.

I have an ending.


Hello, Carlos.

Happy birthday.


I'm writing from the past.

It's close to Christmas
and it's quite cold.

Today, I'm back to school
after many months,

but I wish I hadn't come back... everyone hates me.

I guess I deserve everything
that's happening to me.



I wish that on your birthday
things are better.

It will be warm, it will be summer.


You'll have more hair
and school will be out.

I hope we have a great party.

I'll try to get them to forgive me.

But I'm scared.

I'm not sure if I'll know how to do it.


Sending hugs from your past you.


Go, go, go! Come on!




May I?




I've got this for you.

It's your birthday present.

Have you completed it?

Happy birthday, Carlos.

Shall we play?

Just a bit, it's late.

I'll wait outside.



Translation: Mohammed Mitha
Subtitles: Bbo Subtitulado