One Week Friends (2017) - full transcript

High school student Yuki Hase wants to become close with classmate Kaori Fujimiya who is always by herself. Kaori Fujimiya refuses to become close with Yuki Hase, because she forgets her friends every new Monday. Even though Kaori tells Yuki why she doesn't want to become friends, Yuki still wants to become close to her.

"Spring, 11th Grade"

"Works of Henri Michaux - Vol 1"

This'll do.

Spring break is almost over.
Anything exciting?

They say you're looking for trouble
when you're looking for excitement.

Keep me out of it.

You're so harsh, Shogo.

"Library Card"

"Library Card"
"Kaori Fujimiya"...

Hey, maybe she's a real beauty?

Probably sounds better than she looks.

Come on, dream a little.

It smells so good.

Shogo, it's so nice.

Smells so nice.

No, I was just...

Is she at our school?


Hey, I'm serious.

Forget her. Why such a bulky book?

This here?

It's a secret.

Your new pillow?


I am?

See ya.


This train will wait for
an express train at Nishifuchu.

The express train will arrive
at Shinjuku earlier.

The train will be departing soon.

The local tram bound for Shinjuku
is departing soon.

Thank you.



Except your bedhead.

So cold.

Leave it to a hairstylist's girl.

They're my natural curls.

Here, wipe your face.

No, stop it.

No handkerchief, right?
Here, use my spare.

You my mom?

What? Who's your mom?

I'm still sweet 16. Stupid classmate!

What? Same class again?

Same class again.

I'm so happy. Don't you think it's fate?

Can I go now?

So cool as usual.

Isn't he so charming?

He sure is.

Cut it out.

- Stuck with you again?
- Really?

You're right!

"Kaori Fujimiya"

In your seats.

Quickly now.

I'm Inoue, your maths teacher.

I'll make it your
favorite subject, okay?

That's a promise.

- Bye.
- Bye.

- What was that?
- Bye, sir.


Thanks the other day.
For picking up my book.

At the station.


Please be...

friends with me.


She kept to herself, always alone.

I just wanted to become
friends with her.


Okay, who remembers how to get Omega?

I do.

Integration by reduction.

Correct. Use that to solve these.

Let's see, Yuki Hase.

And those next to you.

Kiryu, the next question.

- Shogo.
- Fujimiya after him.




You're busted.

Correct. You can go back.

You can study in your sleep, Kiryu?

So cool.

And you, Hase?


I'm done.

Well, it was quite difficult.

Giving it a downcast feel.

- Is this me?

Not bad. Those sorry brows... Hey!

There's nothing sorry about me. Go back.

Hase, extra homework for you.

Fujimiya, bring everyone's
notebooks to my desk.

Class, your notebooks here.



Fujimiya, I forgot mine,
so talk to him for me?


See? I told you.

She's so cold.

Sure is.

Let me help.

No need.

Let me.

Let's go.

Fuiimiya, you like maths?

I suck at it, but be friends...

No way.

Why be such a stonewaller?


Let's eat together.


He's a total masochist.

That won't get him anywhere.

Fujimiya came at the end of
sophomore year, but she's always alone.

She only spoke the bare minimum,
so people left her alone.

"Do Not Enter" She only spoke the
bare minimum, so people left her alone.

"Do Not Enter"

That's enough. Leave me alone.

No, wait.

Wait, three-second rule.
Within three seconds...

Guess not.

You like your eggs salty?
Goes well with rice.

Our family likes them sweet, so...


"Comic Club"

What's up?

What's that?

Don't tell me you're studying?

Of course not.

It has wide margins, so easy to draw.


You sure about that?
Isn't it a library book?

Yamada, this way, my drawings
will be passed on for years.

Besides, who'd read such a thick book?

This here.

It was good.

Can I eat with you here?
We don't need to talk.


Then why give me your lunch yesterday?

You could've ignored me.

I dropped yours.

Just as I thought. You're kind.

Huh? Wait.

Wait up.

I can't make friends. I mustn't.


Come see me after school.


Wanna go for some crepes?


I can't graduate until
I've tried all their flavours.

Watch your weight.

Don't say that.

Today I'll...

Chika, don't eat anymore.

Fujimiya, wanna come?

Saki, forget her.

That's right.

- Hi dear.
- Hi Mom.

How was school?

The same.

Then let's go.

Hello, sir.

Come in.

Have a seat.

So she's cute?

Love at first sight?

Why are you after Fujimiya?

What are you saying?
I just want to be friends.

Friends, huh? What's she saying?

She told me no.

But I won't give up.
No beginning without trying.

I better go.

Wait, hold on.

Yeah, I think you're absolutely right.

I'd support you, but...

I guess you should know.

Diamond... Square... Heart...

Okay, colours next.

Yellow... Green...

Light blue... Brown... Red...

Now add the numbers you see.




It's been 3 months. How's she doing?

She's stable.

I think a change in environment helped.

But when she sleeps on Sunday
and wakes up on Monday morning...

She remembers us family, but...

Friends... Or rather her classmates
and people she newly met...

She doesn't remember.

It's possible she had problems
with interpersonal relations.

There must be a reason for
her memory lasting only a week.

What do you mean?

I can't say for certain at this point.

Her memories are left
somewhere in her brain.

But she's putting a tight lid on them,
locking them away.

She is doing it subconsciously.

Dissociative amnesia.
She forgets about certain stuff.

On Monday, she won't remember you.

What's this? A bad joke?

Why'd I joke about it?

Leave her alone for her sake.

Don't force it or you'll burden her.

Be her friend by
supporting her from afar.




The following Monday,
she had lost her memory.

"Summer, 11th Grade"

What's the matter?

I feel so powerless.

Of course, we're only high schoolers.

I know, but...

Keep thinking when you're stuck.
Something will come to you.

If not, that's that.

You encouraging me or what?

Of course not.

Cheer me up.

I won't.

- Come on.
- No way.

Write your name.

The teacher won't know otherwise.

She could tell him for you.

She's so uptight.

Maybe on purpose?

The Tosa Diary is the oldest
Japanese literature in diary form.

It greatly influenced

the development of kana literature
and female literature.

Written by Ki no Tsurayuki on
his trip back from Tosa to Kyoto.

And his affection for his daughter
he lost in Tosa.

Lost a daughter...
That must be devastating.

How about you guys?
You ever keep a diary to record

your memories?

Record your memories... Diary...

I know! That's it!

What is? You scared me.

Yuki, you were spilling your thoughts.

Was 1?

Loud and clear.

Focus now.

Hey, Yuki.

Look, it's so worn out because
you always take copies.

Right, sorry about that.


Saki, come with me. Hurry, come on.

Which notebook is good?

One that would work for
both a girl and a guy.

You don't have to.

Let's see. Favorite colours...
Red and orange.

Favorite animal, tiger.



No, not the face but the animal print.

Tiger or leopard prints.
It looks mature.

This is it.

Huh? You sure?

Yeah, not bad...I guess?

A pen, too? You don't need to.

Way to go, Comic Club.

You're so good.

Thank you.

Got them?

You're so nice, thanks.

No, thank you.
You were a great help. Bye.

Huh? What just happened?

What is it?

Fujimiya, please be friends with me.

"No", right?

Let's exchange a diary.

Every day is too much,
so how about a weekly exchange?

Don't answer me now.
Give it some thought, okay?

"Dear Fujimiya,

"I know I took you by surprise,

"but thanks for reading this diary.

"I'm your classmate Yuki Hase.
We became classmates this year.

"Well, it's Monday.

"The release date for
the manga magazine Jump."


"It's Tuesday. The day to pass around
the magazine to my juniors."

Good job, Fujimiya.

"It's Wednesday.

"Wednesdays are hell for me,
with three units of maths."

Your quizzes back.

A retake if you failed.

"Maths is always my creative time.

“I'm not shirking class.

“It's to keep me awake during class.”


Sorry for the wait.

Let's go.

Let's go shopping after the check-up?


Mom, have you ever exchanged a diary?

Exchanging a diary?
Brings back memories.

I did with a friend
back in grade school.

She made me realize my feelings
for a boy when I wasn't aware of it.

Such a precocious girl, right?

It was so much fun,
like secret chatter away from school.

But why do you ask?

No, it's nothing.


How've you been, Mayu?

Why're you here?

A basketball game.

So you're still playing basketball.

Kaori, how've you been?

Mayu, we're in a hurry, sorry.

Let's go.

Hi, dear.

Where's Kaori?

Taking a bath.



it's about Kaori.

What about her?

She asked whether
I've exchanged a diary.

Maybe she wants to start one?

The doctor said not to have
her interact with strangers.

We must stop her.

You're right.

“It's Thursday.
We had classical literature class.

"Truth is, I got the idea of exchanging
a diary from one Ki no Tsurayuki of Tosa."

"It's Friday.
I'll give you this diary soon.

"My heart is racing ready to explode.

"I bought a sleek pen with this
notebook, so please use it.

"I guarantee it on
my Comic Club membership.

"Speaking of clubs,
were you in one at your old school?"

"Girls' Basketball"


have a minute?

What is it?

Coming in.

You going to exchange
a diary with someone?

Your dad is concerned.

It's nothing like that.

I'm going to bed. Good night.

Good night.

Come on, show it to me.

Not a chance.

Come on, just a peek?

See ya.

- Later.
- Later.

See you.


Come to the rooftop.


Could it be...

about the diary?

I lose all memory of friends
at the end of the week.

It gets reset.

I'm memory impaired.

I'd probably forget about you by Monday.

So we can't be friends.

What if I accept that?

You say that because you don't get it.


I only inconvenience those
who become my friends.

I must have them explain to me
what's happened already.

No one wants to
repeat things over and over.

It seems like all my friends
at my old school left me.

You'll grow sick of me, too.

My friendship will soon be a burden.


Please be friends with me.

I won't get tired or sick of you.

I'll ask every Monday, over and over,
"Please be friends with me."


Please be friends with me.



I don't want to give up.

I want to do whatever I can.

I'd rather do something than
walk on eggshells. Even if I'm wrong.

I see.

Excuse me.


I've another, so take this.

- But...
- Take it.

See you.

"Sorry for being so persistent,

"I'll write about the week
when I first met you."

It smells so good!

"Last Friday of spring break.

"I saw you at the library and

"was worried you took me as a pervert.

"Then we were on the same train.

"I feel like something took form
that moment.

"I found your name
in my junior class list..."

Be friends with me.


"While carrying notebooks
after class..."


"Only after that

"did I learn you lose all memory of
your friends every week.

"How your old friends left you.

"Maybe I'm taking it too lightly.

"I debated for days.

“But it didn't change my feelings.

"Please be friends with me."

Please lend me your Jump magazine.

Okay, sure.

Hey, Yamada.

Is it my fault?

Come on, Yamada.

You okay?

Outta my way.


"Dear Hase,

"sorry for saying 'no' repeatedly.

"I'm still worried that
I will trouble and

"burden those who
I become friends with.


"You were still eager to
become friends with me.

"To be honest, I was happy.

"I have a proposal.

"Can I take home the diary on Fridays?

"To read it before school on Mondays."


"That way I might recognize you."

Hase, right?

I am.

Let's go. Over there.


That was close.

Who'll go take the trash out?

Damn, I lost.

Let's go, Kiryu.

I want ice cream.

Let's stop by.

Hey, how about that new place?


At the crossing, you know?

That colourful store on the right.
I've been eyeing it.


Hey, you've noticed?
Fujimiya's acting strange.

What's she doing there?

She was smiling
while reading a notebook.

How gross.


isn't this her seat?

This here.

Fun reading others' stuff?

Kiryu, you were eavesdropping?

Heard you in the hallway.

It's worse to badmouth others
than to smirk at a notebook.

You came for this?

Don't forget it.

You're exchanging a diary?

You dating Kiryu?

Don't steal him!

Don't steal him!

Don't steal him!

You okay?

Nurse's room?

I'm fine.


We didn't do anything.

Let's go.

Shogo, you still here?

- Let's go home.
- Let's go home.

Inoue, Kujo who'll join your class
in September and his mother.


Kujo. Nice to meet you.

Here, have this. Eat while we walk.

Saki is my childhood friend
who I can never get rid of.

A control freak and
a barber's daughter so...

My dad's a hairstylist.

Come for a haircut anytime.

Shogo's my best friend
since junior high.

He's asleep during class, but so smart.
Such a miracle.

Hey, wanna go to the Tento Festival?


Your first time, right?
You know "tento"?

It means "lantern".

The villagers who hid
in the mountains from bandits

lit up lanterns as a sign
the bandits left.

Ever since, we host

a lantern festival in this region
as a sign of luck.

Knowledgeable, right?
I got it all from my mom.

So we all good?
Keep August 9 open, okay?

Kiryu, you'll come?

You okay with it?

Yeah, I'd like to go.

Okay, let's all go.

Fujimiya, let's go in yukata.

Hm... I see.


Do I look weird?

No, not at all. You look great in it.

Hey, Yuki. We're here, too.

Right, you are?

"Yotsuya Bridge Lantern Festival"

Where to now? I know a great spot.

Let's go there.

Sure, why not.


Lights changing soon.

Hurry, run.

Come on.


Watch out. Don't cross now.

Don't cross.

Please wait.

You okay?

Good. You don't have a phone,
so I thought I lost you.

They're ahead. Let's go.

Damn, where did they go?


Sorry, Fujimiya.

Where are they?

I was hoping high school
would just pass by.

But not anymore.

I don't dread Mondays.

Nor afraid to make new friends.



thank you.

Thanks for calling.

I can't believe I got to see you again.

It's nothing. How's everyone
from junior high?

They're all well.

How about her?
Kaori Fujimiya. You were close.

She transferred out last year,
so don't know.



I'll go get some food. Wait here.

Yuki? Fujimiya?

Where did they go?

There you are.
They released the lanterns already.


It's me, Mayu.

Mayu Kondo, your junior high classmate.

Nice to meet you. We're her
classmates at Midorikawa High.

Oh, I see.

Kaori, I was worried about you.

Let's go. Shogo's waiting.

Excuse us.

Hey, Yuki?

What are you doing?



I'm glad you're up.

You really scared me.


Who are you?

Yuki, her parents are coming...


Good, we didn't know what to do.

Never been on an ambulance before.


I'll...go get drinks.

I'm so glad.


Um... Who are you?

She's up?


I see.

Excuse me,
we're Kaori Fujimiya's parents.

Kaori Fujimiya? Over there.

Excuse me.

Hello, I'm Kaori's classmate
Yuki Hase.

So you're Hase. I'm her father.

Can we talk later?


Her parents are here. Let's go home.

I'll stay a bit.

Okay. Let's go.

Sorry for the wait.

No, not at all.

Let's sit.


We're very grateful to you.

We see Kaori smiling more lately.
It's all thanks to you.

Thank you so much.

No, I haven't...

You know that Kaori loses
all memory of her friends?

I do.

Since a car accident in junior high.

Her doctor said it may
have to do with "friends",

so we switched schools
to change her environment.

We were so worried since
we don't know what happened.

We were watching how
exchanging a diary would go.

But seeing what happened today,
maybe it was too soon to make friends.

Could you...

Could you leave her alone from now?


You wanting to be

a part of Kaori's life is
only a temporary feeling.

But that's not the case for us family.
We'll be with her forever.


What is she saying?

I'll stay away if that's what she wants.

But if not...

I am...

I am still Kaori's friend.



Oh, hello.

Is Kaori home?

I'm your classmate Yuki Hase.


please read this.

You'll understand when you read it.


See you.

Excuse me.

Hold up.

Walk with me. I'm getting groceries.

Kaori kept her old albums
in a box and put it away.

It's only natural.

She doesn't recognize any of the people
in the photos, let alone herself.

But then she suddenly opened the box,

and started looking at the albums.

I was so happy.

Even if she doesn't remember,
her memories must be inside her.

All through the ages, it's always
a friend that brings about change.

No, I...

You know,

I'm grateful about the diary.

Thank you.

And the summer ended.

"Autumn, 11th Grade"


Hase, right?

I am.

Sorry I had you worried.

It's fine.


Good, you seem well.

A transfer student.

Come in.

Kujo. Nice to meet you.

Isn't he...?

Question. Where did you live?

Sapporo. But I lived in Tokyo
till junior high.

So I kind of came back.

Which club were you in?

Basketball since grade school.

So cool.

Then Kujo, sit there.

I'm strict on cool guys,
but you guys be nice.

What's wrong?

No, it's nothing.

For our school festival,
we'll do a Hawaiian café

with good-looking patisseries.

The bonfire afterwards
will be managed by

Kiryu and Kujo, alright?

Will the two of you come up?


Yuki, wake him.



Kiryu, hurry.

An extension on this.

Your card, please.

I forgot.

Then put it on mine?


How adorable.


Give it to me.

You have a girlfriend?

Not now. You volunteering?

Come on.

Kujo, I'll measure you next.

You're going already?

Stand there.

You were at the hospital, right?

You came to see Fujimiya?

Yamagishi, right?

You interested in me?

Huh? No, it's not like that.

You done, Hajime?

Don't call me that.

|I don't like my name.

I knew it. I heard Fujimiya
calling you "Hajime".

She did?

Why act like strangers?
Something you're hiding?

Could it be...

Class president,

stop snooping.

I'll tell you this.

I hate Kaori Fujimiya.

Everybody be extra careful
and keep working hard.

You guys over there!
Make sure to line them neatly.

Come on Kiryu, take it seriously.

Hey, can I ask you something?

Is Kujo your childhood friend?

Or same junior high?

Were you friends?
You called him "Hajime".

Or could he be your ex?

What do you think about Yuki?

Yuki is a stupid goof ball,
but he believes in you.

If you ever hurt him,

I won't forgive you.

He is...

a dear friend to me.

What's so "dear" about this fool?

Sorry, I couldn't help it.
No, I eavesdropped.

I'm so glad I'm alive to hear this.

So I guess there is a God after all.

I'll keep trying my best
so I can stay your friend.

Actually, will you be...

more than just a...


Who did this?

What'll we do?


When we first met,

you picked up my library card
over there, right?

We met again on a platform,

where I picked up your book.

Fujimiya, have you...?

It was in the diary.

Right, of course.

We first met here.

Then became classmates.

The lantern festival.

When I read the diary,

I feel that great memories
are certainly inside me.

It's because you suggested
exchanging a diary.

I'm really

happy to have met you.

I knew it was here.

Never expected she'd come.


Let's go.

Huh? Where to?

The dominos. You did it. We know.

Shogo, I'm sorry. I'm really sorry.

Come on, we must fix it.

Fujimiya, sorry. Go back first.

Hurry up.


Cut the act.

Why do I have to be ignored?

You betrayed me first.

I'm pissed off at you.

-Um, I...
- That day...

After I moved, we promised to
meet one last time.

You said you'd come.


You never showed.

I waited for you.

That day...

I did go.


You okay?



What did you do?

No, it's me.

Whatever. I'm going.
I'm unwanted here.

Come on, Yuki. Hurry up.

I'm fine now.

Come enjoy some Hawaiian pancakes!

Pancakes made by
good-looking patisseries.

- Isn't she cute?
- Take a photo.

Your order?

- Devil's pancakes.
- Sold out.

- Then handsome...
- Sold out.

What the... Let's go.

Table clear.

Hey, what are you doing?

They were checking out our waitress.

You go hand out some flyers.

Over there.


What're you doing?

I'm getting bored.
I'll go hand out flyers, too.

We need good-looking patisseries.

I'd make a better promoter than Hase.

That's true.

What you do mean?

Hawaiian pancakes by
good-looking patisseries.

Hawaiian café in class 2-3.

He's so handsome!

I've flyers here, too.

Got plenty.

You're Fujimiya's classmate?

At the lantern festival...

Right. Yes, I am. Where is Kaori?

I came to see her.


Same school as Kaori?

By chance, but being ignored by Kaori.


I see.

So she's still...not cured.


Let's not mention that.

So you know about it?

About Kaori's memory?

What's this?

Fujimiya, have a sec?

Check out the menu.

Mayu Kondo, who was your classmate
and best friend in junior high, is here.

She wants to see you.

Will you see her?


please hear me out.

I came to apologize.


Your memory impairment is...

my fault.

It all started

with Kujo moving away.

Kujo is going to transfer out.


You knew?


So, Hokkaido...

What'll I do?

Mayu, you'll tell him?

“Can we meet tonight? - Hajime"


I've always liked you.

Because you knew I liked Kujo,

you probably couldn't say anything.


you were spotted by a classmate.

In no time,

the rumor spread.

All the girls in class ignored you.

Some time later...

Wow, so pretty! Take a photo!


Isn't that Kujo?

You're right.

But why?


I see.

How bold of her.

We won't let you.

Tell her, Mayu.

Weren't we best friends?

Don't steal him!


I've always...

wanted to apologize.


I'm really sorry.


go home.

Come on.

It's okay.

Listen, you're not alone.

I was always alone.

I considered them my friends.

I just didn't know what to do.

I wished Monday would never come.

That's what I kept thinking.

I see.

You were protecting yourself

by losing your memory.

But you're okay now.

I'll protect you.


Fujimiya, I like...

I remember.

That day I went to give him an answer.

“I'll be back for Christmas.
Tell me how you feel then - Hajime"

"OK. I'll be there for sure."

We won't let you.

Don't steal him!

Why did I forget?

I want to see Hajime.

I see.

You remember.

I'm glad you remember.

Did you have a blast?

Did you go all out?

Now let it burn! Burn! Burn away!

1... 0...!

Take all burnable lumber and paper.

Miura, Eguchi, help me out.

Still can't believe it,

that Kaori forgets about her friends.


how did you do it?

We exchanged a diary

on what we said and
what happened that day.

That means...

She won't remember without the diary?

- That's...
- That's enough for you?

Is that a true friend?

Yeah, you may be right.

I'll take that. This'll work.

What I drew.


She seems to have remembered about you.


The school festival was such a blast.

Let's go to the bonfire.

Look at it burn!

It took ages to draw,
but burns in a flash.

You're acting weird.

What? No way. I'm feeling just fine.

Saying it doesn't make it so.

Another theory?

Pure observation.

How long have we been friends?

It wasn't me.

The one to protect Fujimiya.

Every week,

it was okay even if she didn't
remember me.

Just over and over,

I thought we could become friends.

She loses her memory?

Oh... Sorry.

I couldn't tell you.

I figured it was complicated.

I'm such a fool.

I was so confident that
I was her best friend.

We were exchanging a diary.


She remembered.

She liked Kujo.

I can't beat someone she can't forget.


Carried all that by yourself.

You're amazing.

The following Monday,

she lost her memory once again.

"Winter, 11th Grade"





It's freezing.

Hey, I've looked everywhere for you.

Isn't this a no entry zone?

Well, yeah.

Thanks for the magazine.

Loved this week's new series.

- You in the library committee?
-Yes, I am.

Return this.

This is...?

Just return it.


Here it is.

I'm glad I left this.

Yeah, thanks.

What is it?

No, nothing.


I've always been watching you.

Will you consider me?


Did you...hear that?

Got shot down.

“Class 3-1 Hajime Kujo"

"Kaori Fujimiya"

"Class 3-3 Shogo Kiryu"

"Yuki Hase"

Segregated by Koui,

Kiritsubo becomes a recluse
and never leaves home.

Oblivious to that,

the Emperor just
treasures her even more.

So now...

For a vector G at the center of
a triangle with vertices ABC:

vector G equals

a third of the sum of

vectors A, B and C. Got it?

Remember these two equations.

But we now know that we are

Shaped by the days we spent together

While you come in full bloom

I may also change with time

But a song like this will keep us close

No matter the distance

We will always be together

"Graduation Ceremony"
We will always be together

We will always be together

"Happy graduation!"

This concludes our 35th graduation ceremony.

Ma'am, thank you so much.

Kujo, a message?

Me, too.

In mine, too.


What about him?

- I see why.
- You do?

Not my type, though.

You've better taste than them.


I'll make him regret it one day.

Kiryu, write in mine.

Forget it.

Hey, Hase.

Sir, thank you so much.

Come take a quiz anytime.

Come on, I graduated, remember?

Maybe you were right.

It's more important to make a move
than just watch.

I bet some enjoyed high school
thanks to you.


Thank you.


Hi... I'm Yuki Hase.

We were classmates last year.

Write me a message?

Just a word, please.




Can I write in yours?

Sure, please.

Quite an artist.



Take care.

"Happy graduation - Kaori Fujimiya"

"Glad to see your smile again
- Yuki Hase"





That pen you were using.



When did you get it?

Don't remember. Why?

Let's go.

Attention please.

Class 3-1 Kaori Fujimiya.
Please come to the library.

I'm Kaori Fujimiya. You called me?

Kaori Fujimiya of 3-1?

Good, there's a book
you haven't returned yet.

"Works of Henri Michaux - Vol 1".

Henri Michaux...?

Did you lose it?

Oh, that's me.

I kept it.


This is it. Why didn't you tell me?

I called out a senior.

I'm so sorry. It was our mistake.

"Yuki Hase"

"Kaori Fujimiya"

I'm really sorry.

Wait, you can't draw in it.

But quite an artist.

Oh, that's...


"Library Card"

"Please be friends."

"No. "

"Let's exchange a diary."

I won't get sick or tired of you.

I'll ask every Monday, over and over,
"Please be friends with me."

"'No' again."

"Such a stonewaller.”

“I want to see Hajime."

I see.

You remember.

I'm glad you remember.


This whole time...

Such an important memory...







I may...

forget over and over.


I'll remember each time.

Over and over...

Sorry for making you say it.

Yuki Hase,

please be...

Please be friends with me.


Haruna Kawaguchi Kento Yamazaki

Produced by: Yoshitaka lshizuka
Fumi Teranishi Masayuki Sekiya

Original Story: Matcha Hazuki ("One Week
Friends" Published by SQUARE ENIX CO., LTD.)

Yoko lzumisawa

Yutaka Yamada

Directed by
Shosuke Murakami

English Subtitles by Chieko Nakai