One Way Out (1986) - full transcript

Joe Weeks is a man living on the edge. An undercover narcotics detective whose wife was brutally murdered by unknown assailants, he is an emotional time bomb. There is only One Way Out

(upbeat music)

(suspenseful music)

- [Voiceover] In the reservoir
on the city's south side.

Statistics show that drug trafficking

in the city is up 20%

as city police officials
declared war on drug users.

(long beep)

- [Voiceover] Hey Joe.

I hate this damn answering machine.

Will you please call me?

This is (loud music).

(long beep)

- Joe, this is doctor Brooke.

I thought our meeting
went well the last time.

I think you're making progress.

Let's get together.

(long beep)

- [Voiceover] That was Sergeant Joe Weeks,

narcotics detective.


(faint thuds)

(ominous music)


(loud gunfire)

(fast paced music)

(loud gunfire)

(upbeat music)

- Go baby, show me!


That's it baby, shake it.

Come on baby!

Come on baby!

Ow! Yeah!

Look at those thighs!

I'm in love, I'm in love!

You know what your problem is homeboy?

No appreciation for the
finer things in life.

No class.

- You got about five
seconds to tell me something

and then I'm gone.

- Something heavy's going down homeboy.

- I'm listening.

- But, I need some insurance first.

- What kind of insurance?

- You know homeboy, the
kind that saves my ass.

- [Voiceover] I'll see what I can do.

(upbeat music)


- Hey that dude, he's gonna kill me!

I don't have time, I'm
getting out of here!

(suspenseful music)


That's him homeboy.

- [Voiceover] Is there
a problem Mr. Officer?

- Shut up.

- I told you he was gonna kill me homeboy.

- Okay, who are you?


(loud gunfire)

(loud gunfire)

(loud gunfire)


(loud shatter)

(loud gunfire)

(loud explosion)

(suspenseful music)

- No class homeboy, no class.

(faint chatter)

- [Voiceover] Stay!

- Weeks, in my office.

What in the hell happened?!

- I don't know.

- You don't know?

- Didn't you read my report?

- I read it!

This reckless latitude of yours

is gonna get you burned one of these days.

That's what you want anyway isn't it?


Weeks, this is Detective Sergeant Waite.

- Hi.

- Waite has been undercover
up here for over six weeks.

That little fiasco of yours the other day

flushed it all down the toilet.

- What are you talking about?

- Well, Chuck E. Briggs was my informant.

- Why didn't somebody tell me?

- Too risky, it could
have blown her cover.

- So what now?

- Move on to Frank Hanna.

- So does every other cop in the state.

What the hell makes you so special?

- God damn it Weeks, listen
to me and listen good.

You two are gonna work on
this together, understand?

That means full cooperation.

- [Weeks] Why me?

- Because the Commissioner
and the DA want it.

Beside, you don't have a partner.

- You always so talkative?

- Look, if you've got
something to say, say it.

- You know, it wasn't written anywhere

that a cop had to be a man you know.

- Let's get something straight.

I don't give a damn who or what you are.

All I know is I don't know you.

- And what the hell's
that supposed to mean?

- The only thing I've seen you do is

shake your ass up in front
of bunch of low lives.

That doesn't do me a damn
bit of good out here.

- I don't believe you.

- You hungry?

- Yeah, I'm always hungry.

- So how far have you gotten with Hanna?

- Not too far really.

He seems like he's always
one step ahead of us.

- Hey! What's happening?!

See ya later.

- Give me the book.

- Come on man, you got a warrant or what?

Shit, take the damn thing.

- Start talking.

- 23rd and Rigley.

2nd floor, just follow the music.


(loud headbanging music)

(loud thud)

- Police, drop your weapons!

Keep your eyes on 'em.

I said drop it.

- What the fuck for man?

- So I don't have to
blow your damn head off.

- Yeah, what if I blow
your God damn head off?

What about that huh?

(loud music)

- Bang!

(man in sleeveless shirt yells)

(woman screams)

- I'm going to kill her!

- Things a little bit
different now ain't they?

(slow headbanging music)

- How is that?

- Fuck you pig, he'll do it.

- Fuck you.

(loud gunfire)

(loud rapid gunfire)

Let her go.

- You're crazy man.

You crazy son of a bitch.

You're one fucking crazy son of a bitch!

(ominous music)

(phone ringing)

- Hello.

- Did I wake you?

- I'm awake.

- I have to know something.

Would you have pulled the trigger

if he hadn't had dropped it?

- No.

- Goodnight.

(catcall whistle)

Weeks, Weeks!

Take a look at this.

Look like we're on a trail again.

- Let's check it out.

(funky music)

(faint rattling)

- Detective Weeks and...

- Detective Waite.

- Detective Waite.

What can I do for you two?

- We pulled a body out
of the river last night.

It was pumped full of heroin.

- That's terrible.

What does that have to do with me?

- It seems he worked for you.

He was one of your drivers.

- I employ many people.

- Yeah like pushers, whores, and thieves.

- I'm sure you two didn't come
here to play cat and mouse.

What is your point?

- This whole thing stinks.

And the closer we get to
you the stronger the smell.

Why is that?

- And I really don't know
what you're talking about.

And I think you both had better leave.

Mike will show you out.

- I'll be watching you.

- Goodbye.

(funky music)

(faint slap)

(bodyguard groans)

(faint thud and groan)

(bodyguard groans)

- Don't ever touch me again.

(funky music)

- Whoa!

Mr. Hanna how you doing?

- Fine Jimmy.

Could I have a word with you?

- You want me to get in?

- That's not necessary.

- What do you wanna talk about?

- That job you did for me the other night.

- Yeah, what about it?

- They found the body
floating in the river.

I said no evidence remember?

(ominous music)

Hey, what do I know?!

(funky music)

(faint indistinct dispatch speaker)

(ominous music)

- [Weeks] Who is he?

- Expired driver's license
says he's Jimmy Sorreli.

- [Waite] Who found him?

- The kid over there.

(funky music)

(upbeat funky music)

- You know Jimmy Sorreli?

- Who wants to know?

- A friend.

(upbeat funky music)

- That door over there.

- [Voiceover] Mind if I sit down?

- No.


- [Voiceover] How ya doing?

- Pretty good thanks.

(glass shattering)

- [Voiceover] Hey pig!

(loud gunshot)

- Drop it!

(loud gunshot)

(loud gunshot)

(loud thud)

- Drop it.

- Who are you?

I thought you were a
friend of Jimmy Sorreli's.

A fucking cop.

- What do you know about him?

- He owes me money.

- He's dead.

(man in striped shirt laughs)

What's funny?

- I ain't got nothing to say to you.

(faint rattling)

(woman screams)

(loud rattling)

(ominous music)


(slow paced music)

(loud thud)

- Let's be straight.

Something wrong?

- What the fuck's wrong with you?!

- Sit down.

- Come in my bar, tear it up,

blow away my bartender
and one of my customers,

throw me in jail, and
you ask me what's wrong?

You two in a lot of trouble.

- Oh yeah?

With who Bobby?

- Frank Hanna maybe?

- I don't know what you're talking about.

- The county clerk says you do.

- County records show that building

that your bar is in is
owned by Frank Hanna.

- Talk to us Bobby.

We can make things easy on you.

- Fuck you!

- You two again.

I'm a very busy man.

What do you want?


- We picked up Bobby Pope yesterday.

- Is that why you came down here?

To tell me you picked up some dead beat

dive owner who's five
months behind in his rent?

You're not as smart as I thought.


- We came down here because we thought

there might something
that you'd wanna tell us.

- Before he does.

- Don't screw with me, you're
way out of your league.

- I'll remember you said that.


- [Officer] Come on let's go.

- Where to?

- [Officer] To another station.

Come on I don't have all day.

To the right.

(upbeat music)

♪ Well it started it out slow ♪

♪ But he wanted to learn ♪

♪ That see one day it would be his turn ♪

(upbeat music)

♪ The other little man
in the captain seat ♪

♪ Hit the record arcade he was (faint) ♪

♪ Shot a man bang bang ♪

(loud gunfire)

(upbeat music)

♪ Now two young ladies
who were deaf as can be ♪

♪ One named Beth the other Cherie ♪


- What the hell is going on?!

(loud gunfire)

♪ Give a little yell to
the man with the brass ♪

(music too loud for lyrics)

(church bell ringing)

(phone ringing)

- Hello.

- It's me.

- Yup.

- Bobby Pope's been killed.

- Where are you?

- At the station.

- I'm on my way.

(slow paced music)

(upbeat music)

(car revving)

(loud gunfire)

(car screeching)

(car chugging)

(fast paced music)

(slow paced music)

(loud gunfire)

(loud gunfire)

(fast paced music)


(loud gunfire)

(fast paced music)

- [Voiceover] What do ya got?

- [Weeks] Let him tell you.

- [Voiceover] Wait a minute!

- Hey, where have you been?

- I had some trouble.

- Look at these.


- I just got a call from the DA's office.

Frank Hanna is suing the
department for harassment.

And you personally for assault and battery

against one of his employees.

You're hereby suspended without pay

pending further investigation.

You'll be assigned a new partner.

I need your badge and your gun.

I warned you.

(Waite exhales deeply)

- You know, maybe it's
none of my business but,

why is he so rough around the edges?

- About two years ago,

Weeks busted up a cocaine
ring here in the city.

It was big time, a lot
of people went down.

Big people.

He made somebody real mad.

He was working late one night.

Two guys came into his house

while his wife was home alone.

- His wife?

Wow, I didn't even know he had a wife.

- The raped her and cut
her up with a razor.

- Jesus.

- It's almost as though he
doesn't wanna live anymore.

He takes too God damn many chances.

Nobody will work with him,
they're scared to death.

(funky music)

(dial tone)

- [Voiceover] We're sorry,
you've reached a number

that's been disconnected
or is no longer in service.

- [Voiceover] Hanna Transit.

- Here's some potatoes.

- Great chicken.

- Thank you.

Don't forget about this weekend.

- What about it?

- We're supposed to go to the lake

with Rob and Nancy.

- Is that this weekend?

- Yes, the 20th.

(phone ringing)

- I'll get it.


Who's there?

- Hello Skully.

- Joe Weeks, you look good.

- So do you.

How's everything up town?

- We could sure use ya.

Say, I heard about what
happened and I'm sorry.

- Don't be, at least not for me.

- Need a few bucks or anything?

It's all right.

- I'm fine, thanks.

Look Skully, I need a favor.

- You got it, shoot.

- I need a complete financial
check run on someone.

- Everything?

- Everything.

Stocks, bonds, bank accounts, all of it.

- It's done.

Who is it

- It's Captain Toback.

(funky music)

- Can I help you sir?

- I don't believe this.

You just don't listen do you?

- A carload of your goons
tried to kill me the other day.

(Hanna laughs)

(loud slap)

- You are dead.

- Then I guess I'll see you in hell.

(slow funky music)

- You must be crazy.

So what am I gonna get out of this?

- Look, all I wanna
know is when and where.

- What for?!

You ain't no cop no more man.

You're just like me (laughs).


- Buy you a drink?

Buy me a drink?

- Why are we having this conversation?

- Because you want Frank Hanna

and I can give him to you.

- Who are you?

- May I sit down?

My name is Nona.

Frank was my employer.

Could we talk someplace else?

(ominous music)

(loud gunfire)

(loud thud)

- Frank's gonna kill me.

- [Weeks] Why?

- Frank and I had been
intimate for a while.

Sometimes he gets a little rough

and I have to go away.

About a week ago it happened again and,

I just couldn't take it anymore, I left.

Frank said he'd kill me
if I didn't come back.

Chuck E. Briggs knew all about it.

He always told me

to contact you if it got too bad.

I want Frank put away so
he can't hurt me anymore.


- It's all going as smooth as clockwork.

After the shipment arrives,

I'll meet you here with
the key and the directions.

You make sure you have the money.

And don't worry about the police.

We've taken care of that matter.


I'll talk to you later.


(funky music)


- Joe, this is Skully.

I've got the info you wanted.

What do you say we meet at
noon tomorrow, same place.

Sorry I'm late.

- It's okay, let' see what you got here.

- You sure this guy is a police Captain?

- Skully, looks like I owe you one.

(phone ringing)


- [Voiceover] I have to
see you, please hurry.

- Where are you?

- [Voiceover] Warehouse,
corner of 10th and Jackson.


(dial tone)

(funky music)

(loud thuds)


(loud slap)

(loud gunfire)

- Oh Captain.

- What is it?

- Are you arresting Joe Weeks?

- That's right.

- But for murder Captain?

- He's not a cop anymore.

He can't go around shooting people.

He's gone too far.

- There has to be some explanation!

- Whatever it is I'm not interested.

I want him locked up.

(Waite exhales deeply)

- Well we've got Weeks
under surveillance now.

What do you want us to do?

- [Voiceover] Captain says bring him in.

- Joe, you're gonna have to come with us.

Captain's orders.

You got a gun?


- You don't need those.

(fast paced music)

(loud gunfire)


(fast paced music)

(loud gunfire)

(loud wind gust)

(loud wind gust)

(loud wind gust)

(loud wind gusts)


- No, he's a cop!

(loud wind gust)


(men grunting)

(loud thud)

(men grunting)

(loud thud)

(men grunting)

(loud thud)

(men grunting)

(Waite exhales deeply)

- What are you doing here?

Did you know the entire police
department's looking for you?

- Yeah, I heard.

- For murder.

What's this?

Condo in Maui, three cars,

and over $800,000 in three
different bank accounts?

Captain Toback?!

So that's why he wants you locked up.

He knows you're on to him.

- So does Frank Hanna.

- It was all set up just to
get you out of the way huh?

(phone ringing)



Captain, yes.

Yes I know where it is.

Sure I can meet you there in 30 minutes.


I'll see you there.

He wants me to meet him in 30 minutes.

Look, I'm gonna get changed.

You stay here until I call you.

- You sure?

- Yeah I'm sure.

(slow paced music)


Kinda out of the way isn't it?

- I wanted some privacy.

- What did you want to talk to me about?

- Joe Weeks, it's more
serious than we thought.

It looks like he's been
working with Frank Hanna.

- Is that so?

- Have you seen him?

- No, why?

- I think you have.

You know what else I think?

I think you're in this with him.

- Prove it.

- I don't have to.

Get in the car, you drive!

- Hey.

Okay, all right, sure.

Oh no!


(Waite screams)

I might have known!

- You and your partner have put me

in a very awkward position.

No more games.

I wanna know where he is.

- Why, so you can kill him?!

(Waite screams)



(loud chainsaw)

(chainsaw revs)
(Waite screams)

- This wasn't part of the deal.

- The deal has been altered, shut up.

- Okay, I'll tell you I'll tell you!

(Waite sobs)

You'll pay for this you son of a bitch!

(slow paced music)

I'm sorry.

- I should have killed
you along with your wife.

From what I heard, I did you a favor.

My men said she was a lousy piece of ass.

You've been causing me
months of aggravation.

And know you're gonna pay for it.

You hold him here I'll
be back in a moment.

(Weeks grunts)

(upbeat music)

Where have you been?

You're late.

Do you have the money?

- In here.

(men grunt)

- Weeks!

(loud gunfire)

(loud gunfire)

(men grunting)

(loud thuds)

(ominous music)

(loud gunfire)

(men grunting)

(loud gunfire)

(men grunting)

(loud thud)

(loud thuds)

(loud slap)

(loud thuds)

(funky music)

(engine turns)

(engine revving)

(loud gunfire)

(loud gunfire)

(loud click)




(upbeat music)












(fast paced music)


(loud gunfire)

(loud gunfire)

(loud gunfire)

(loud gunfire)

(loud thuds)

(loud gunfire)


- Let go Weeks.

Son of a bitch.


You're crazy Weeks,
you're gonna kill us both!

(Hanna panting)


(loud crash)

(loud thuds)

(loud explosion)

(suspenseful music)

(upbeat music)


(loud gunfire)

(upbeat music)