One Night Surprise (2013) - full transcript

Michelle is an aspiring executive at a foreign advertising agency in China. She works extra-hard every day and dreams of making Creative Supervisor. After a wild party for her 32nd birthday party at which she got drunk and blacked out, she finds herself pregnant with absolutely no idea of who the father is. While trying to identify the father of her baby, Michelle finds herself caught amongst several attractive men: the cheerful and considerate Tony, the dreamy and sophisticated Bill, the youthful and athletic Jeb, and the extremely rich businessman Tiger Lu. The search quickly unravels into a stressful journey that brings her false hopes, heartbreaks, and above all, self-discovery.

After New Year's.
let's get you a sex-change operation

Confidence is beauty. you know

Be nice to your Mom

You're so perfect!

You're so young...

and handsome

Of course I like you

Michelle. 32 years old

From birth. she's excelled in every way

- Next
- I know it!

- Next
- I know it!

We are the generation with the most hope

The future of the motherland rests in our hands

After graduating from college.
she joined a foreign company

Her plan was to make Director by 30

be married and have kids by 35

and by 40 be retired and
open a small crafts shop by the beach

As a young girl. she listened to her parents

and as an adult women. now she listens to her boss

And she's still single

We already discussed this concept last week!

What are you still waiting for!

For every 8 persons in China.
one of them is single

and 30-plus working women
are a large group of them

We think your main customer demographic

should be single young office women

If we can reach 85% of this market

then this product's future is limitless

We have a great proposal

Would you like to see it?

I'm so proud of you

always full of surprises

BM, 38 years Md

Michelle's boss

Harvard Business school graduate

10 years ago married Maggie Lee.
a distant relative of Obama

5 years ago they opened
this advertising agency together in China

Bill's stylish manner and overseas background

had all the girls drooling

Rumor has it that he's filed
for divorce a month ago

so now all the girls are licking
their lips in anticipation

Of course. including Michelle

It's a beautiful day

Come here

I have something

Two tickets: me and you

to Bali

Thank you. boss

Listen. You call me Bill


You're so beautiful


Keep up the good work

Heidi. let's go

And give me the budget by Monday

Yes, boss

What are you looking at?

Back to work!




Did you see Lily's face?

She's so pissed!

It looks like the Director's job
is yours for the taking

Those all-nighters we pulled
weren't for nothing. eh?

You want to get off early?

Forget about it

If things aren't finished you've got to stay late

Stay late? It's been a week!

Look at the bags under my eyes. Look at my skin!

And wok at everyone, they're


Tony's still alive


even if he was dead on his feet

he'd still come back to work

Tony Zhang. 26 years old

Born in Canada. grew up in China

Graduated from Peking University

Joined BBB two years ago

to become Michelle's assistant

. and admirer

How's the proposal for
that milk powder coming along?

On it

Let me print it for you right now

I forgot

Here it is

printed already

Fine. Alright then...

go home and sleep

SUN nut gone?

Then I'll change my mind...

Come on Let's go

Eating foods past their expiration date
can lead to breast cancer


Get it while it's hot

Your favorite pizza

I let you go home early and you don't go rest

but instead go out to party?

Next time don't expect me to give you time off

You know what?

Men need to chase girls

or else our testosterone levels go down

Women who get chased by men withoutjobs

can also see our estrogen levels go down

What's this?

Tickets to Aarif Lee's concert

this weekend

I was thinking

if you were free

we could...

Love xs my everythmg, baby

These pop songs are for the young and dumb

When I was crying over boy bands like these

this band

they were still in their diapers

Come on. is it really that bad?

We're only six years apart


Six and a half!

Why do you always turn me down?


your son is really nice!

Does he have a girlfriend?

Why didn't you move?

Sorry. I didn't mean to...

Go home and get some rest

Tomorrow there's still work to do

I really don't understand you

That night of your birthday party

you weren't like this at all

You Md me

Don't mention my birthday party again. okay?

The whole company knows
that I got drunk and blacked out

I'm sure I said and did lots of things.

But that was just the alcohol

Don't take it seriously. okay?

Go home and get some rest

Don't be late tomorrow

And practice your Mandarin

The tickets...

Hey. Daisy Jo

Mommy's so happy to see you

Were you waiting for Mommy?

Mommy is totally beat

So wed

Let's lie down for a while

The cat can't stay WM you
for the next three munths

You're allergic

Nu Way

We had her for 5 years

and it's been fine

How could I suddenly become allergic?

Special times...

your body is more...


Special times?

What special time?

Experience tells me...

that this is not a case of normal allergies

Sol had you do a urinalysis

As it turns out

you're pregnant

No way!

It's been a year since I've...

dune xt


A year

So What'

My whole life I've never done it!

Happy bxrthdayx

'(owe pregnant

'(owe pregnant

'(owe pregnant

Try hard to remember

sometime about a month ago

did you wake up one morning with
a pounding headache

with your clothes all messed up

and no idea of how much
you drank the night before

Where you Went

who you were with

and what you did...


You're about 40 days along

Congratulations. Michelle

(lass Murmur

Don't you recognize me?

Garden Elementary School

Philip Ho

Philip Ho?

Philip H0!

You were the one who used to
ask all those questions

in biology and public health class!

Where there's a WM there's a Way

And now I'm a professional!

Spread 'em!

You warned?


Don't tell me you don't even know
who the father is!

Can we take a test to find out?

Of course we can

but my after the 16th Week

when we test the amniotic fluid

Let me tell you something:

in three months

if you still haven't found the father

it'll be much harder to have an abortion

You still have a week to
have the abortion without surgery

After that' you WM need surgery

In any case. the longer you wait.
the harder it will be

Take your time to think about it

Why don't we book an appointment first?

As a doctor

I advise you to keep it

But as a friend

I suggest you get rid of it

Once you have a baby, you can't go back

Being a single mother is not easy

Have you made up your mind?

Are you keeping it?

WM you regret n?

Are you ready?

That night at my party

how many people were there?

About fifty

I invited all of them personally

Happy bxrthdayx

How many boys. how many girls?

About half half

Happy bxrthdayx


did he leave

that night?

He was the first to leave

just after the cake

Said he had to go to Shanghai the next day

so he had to catch the first train

Don't you think it's weird

a grown man scared of flying?

Must be some kind of childhood trauma...

So. on that night

who was left at the very end?

There was me




Wu Gang



Which one of yourjerks brought me to my room

that night?

Come dean'

I'm sorry

Jeb Lin. nickname Bobo

To tale about him. first we need to
introduce his mother Vivian Lin

Vivian was Michelle's childhood neighbor
and role model

Born in Taiwan and a few years older

she's always been Michelle's best friend

Jeb is Vivian's son from her first marriage

He inherited his parents' talent

became a skilled figure skater

and got into University of Athletics
on a scholarship

Michelle and Jeb are very close

and she jokingly calls him






It was Jeb who carried you up to your room

He didn't want anyone to help him

and just had to do it all by himself

That kid is so sweet to you

Is he 18 yet?

(Sorry. the number you dialed is power off)


I've seen a lot of desperate tricks

but this one takes the cake

How many times do I have to tell you?

I really didn't do it on purpose


God wants you to keep the baby

Everything5 fine

Are you okay?

I'm fine

strung as ever

Drivers these days are crazy

Where's your car?

I changed to this

My friends say a motorcycle suits me better

Du you We n?

I fixed it up

safer and more environmentally friendly


and they said your car

wouldn't be fixed until next week

Fm more than happy

to take you to and from work every day


Do you We cats?


Hove cats

Cats am me me

Wow. a stray cat with an attitude

As tough as you

Your place is...

really specm

Did you make all these?

You've got talent

She must be hiding inside

She does that every time she meets a stranger

Don't forget to feed her twice a day

each time a small bowl

Don't feed her too much!

Daisy Jo's already fat. She needs to go on a diet

Did you find her?

Daisy Jo

Daisy Jo

Don't worry

I'll take good care of you

You're gonna be mine soon

Daisy Jo

Daisy Jo

\ see you

Cam down

Be good. Good girl

Gut her'



One more thing:

this turtle is her favorite

If she's unhappy

just take this to play with her

Don't worry about it

Allergic reactions come when your body's tired

You've been working too hard

Rest up for a while

Let your body build itself back up

and I'll bring her back

It's just for 3 months

It's no problem at all

even for a lifetime

Is that a staghorn fern?

Wave one at my mace too

They're great

You placed it in exactly the right place

because it can't take too much sunlight

You know it's originally from Australia?

What's this?

A new creation?

Wh at is it?

Don't tell me

These lines...

Are they supposed to represent
the extension of life?

Or it could be a tree

I haven't really decided what to make of it

Actually these works of yours are really cool

very cw

You should really open up a shop

You could use your own name

Michelle's Crafts

It would be great

I could quit

and be your handyman

A guy who would quit so easily

doesn't give much security to a woman

Take care of Daisy Jo

Is security more important than passion?

Drwe carefuHy

What were you talking about with Gigi today?

That's none of your business

You were asking about your birthday party. right?

Du you remember

that you got so drunk and blacked out?

You said

you liked me



What's Wrong WM you?'

How many times have I told you

don't mention that night ever again!

Or do you want the whole company to think

I'm some morally depraved cheap whore!

Excuse me

I'm looking for Jeb Lin

Are you

ms mother?

We've all heard about you

More or less

Actually I'm his...


Mwm Gas

Jeb's figure skating partner and girlfriend

looks down upon everyone else

but treats Michelle with absolute respect

which of course makes Michelle feel even worse

I'm so sorry

that I couldn't make it to your birthday party

I'll treat you to karaoke sometime

Is Jeb here?

I can't find him


He's over there

Follow me

Mwm Gas

We Md you aver and aver

Your car can't be parked here'

This old guy again

Godmother. I'll be right back



What are you doing here?

I need to talk to you

Can you stop running?

Let's find a place to sit and talk

Sum; \ cam

Coach is over there watching

I'm just one lap from finishing

Gotta keep going

I want to

talk to you about

what happened last month

at my birthday party

I wanted to talk to you about that too!

Go ahead

It's kind of embarrassing to talk about

but all in all

what we did on your birthday

Mimi can never find out

If she were to know that

she wasn't the only one to do...

that WM me

she'd totally break up with me!

I swore to her!

I really shouldn't have drunk so much that night

It's all the evil that comes from alcohol

- Godmother. no...
- Behave! Come on!

You sound...

as M ra

as if I forced you!

But you did force me

I kept saying no

but I couldn't stop you

Jeb Lin!


Fm exhausted'

I can't go on

But I've got to say

you've got some serious potential in that area

Almost professional level!

You looked like you were so into it

Your expression...


So awesome!


That look in your eyes

the way your hair flowed...


Out of this world!

Stop it! Stop it!

I'm really not just buttering you up

If you'd started younger

you'd definitely be as good as Mimi

Jeb Lin. keep running!

So you're saying I'm not as good as Mimi?

Not at all!

It's just that she's a bit suppler in the waist.
and flexible overall

Jeb Lin!

"M Pregnant!

Dues my Mom know?

What am I supposed to tell her?

That I'm pregnant with your child?

My chum

How could it be my child?

The two of us. we've never...

No use trying to deny it

was Md

that you were the one

who brought me to my room that night

But that was all I did!

I put you there. and left

Then why do you want to hide it from Mimi

saying I'm not that pliable. not that flexible?

I meant dancing



You were drunk and made me dance WM you

and lift you up in the air

like I do with Mimi

Sol did

Jeb Lin

you swore'

You promised that
I'd be the only woman you lift up!

I'm breaking up with you!

Mimi. I can explain...


don't tell your mother!

Sorry. You alright?


Jeb told me you're pregnant

Come on over. Let's talk!

Don't look so miserable

You should be happy

What do I have to be happy about?

Do you know how many women
want to get pregnant and can't?

And you hit the jackpot on your first try

Well done!

Well done?


I hate this feeling of losing control

Do you know

all my plans will be messed up by this kid

I've slaved for 5 years waiting for
the Creative Director position

and now it will go to that Lily Ma

And the craziest part is

I don't even know who the father is

I drank so much that night...

Oh no

What if the baby is deformed?

His life will be ruined!

But what if the father is an eligible bachelor
who's willing to marry you?

Let me see

The boobs are so small

It doesn't look at all like Monica Bellucci!

Make them bigger!

Hey you'

Play something cheerful

Think back to that party...

After you got drunk.
who was it that you'd most like to...

have a baby with?


Tiger Lu. 45 years old

20 years ago was just a fisherman in Hong Kong

He created the "Tiger" brand of seafood sauce

A year ago Vivian introduced him and Michelle

and he fell in love at first sight

No matter how directly Michelle rejects him

it still can't thwart his unrequited passion

Women marry for status and position

Men marry for a comfortable lifestyle

I'd rather marry seafood sauce than marry him

Don't worry if you're not satisfied at first

There's plenty of time to fi>< him up
after you get married

You know what marriage is?

It's the process of
a woman molding a man into shape

And then add on a disappointing ending


Take advantage of the fact
that he wants to marry you

The most important thing is first to get hitched

You know what?

A woman's value

depends on if there's a man

willing to pay for it

That's crap'

Women these days don't need men to pay for them

Whatever these men can offer

we women can get for ourselves too

Men are turned off by a Woman We you

I'm telling you

a woman who doesn't understand what a man needs

is the type of woman

that a man doesn't need


You think I'm going to take marriage counseling

from a women who's been divorced three times?

I'm leaving


Open your eyes and look around

For your career. you definitely
know what you're doing

but when it comes to relationships.
you're really clueless

Look there...


Look at all those women

just like you

over 30 and still waiting for Prince Charming

Don't mix up love and marriage. okay?

Find a safety blanket then
keep looking for someone better!

My experience has taught me that

all of this will disappear

and all life will leave you with are

the wrinkles on your face

the children that you've borne

and the money from your exhusbands

I really have to go

You remember that movie you like

with the lady playing the flute?

The spinster teacher in her 40s

still living with her parents?

Do you want to be just like her

alone with your parents till death?

I'm going to bed. You coming?


I smell seafood sauce



So beautiful...

Flowers! Flowers!


You We?

Sorry. I happen to have a meeting...

\ can have mm WM you

and I personally prepared
a fresh seafood soup. just for you



About lunch. I...

You're having lunch with Mr. Li

That's right

So coffee after mm?

She has another meeting. She...

I need to talk to you about what happened...

after your birthday party

That's right!


You did...

that to me?

How on

I got you the room

so I had a key

I came in to help turn you over

You drank so much. hadn't thrown up yet

I was afraid you'd be lying on your back

so if you threw up while sleeping

you'd choke to death

Why didn't you just let me choke to death!

How can you say that?

What happened

then was

when I tried to help you up

you grabbed me

and kissed me.


Was \ that desperate?

You were


Tell me

do \ have any

birthmarks anywhere?

Answer me'

I don't remember

It all happened so fast

and I was too excited

to notice every little detail

You Md me

that you don't want to be alone

to end up like "The Flute Player"

waiting to die alone

And then

you asked me to sing

Forever Waiting for You

You am Md me

that you love it

when I come close

and blow in your ear

You said you loved it!

And then you said

“Oh you dew

don't keep me waiting anymore!"

I've been waiting for so long

The sweet smell of seafood sauce...

Oh Tiger!

No way!

I would never say something like that

I can't really recall everything

Next thing I knew. I jumped

right onto your bed

like a tiger


That's just how wild you were back then

Moved m

\ remember new

I knocked everything off the table

and lifted you up...

and you ended up even wilder than me

I forgot which of us was wilder

and wilder. wilder. wilder...

Marry me

I know you don't love me yet

but I'm rich enough

to make you grow fond of me

Marry me

You won't regret it

As my Woman

you can pick anything here that you want

Get up, get HP

Let's talk about this

- I won't get up until you say yes
- Get up

'Say yes
- Getup\

I know you're a good person

but don't you know?

A woman who marries for money

is really pathetic

and for you to marry someone like that

is really sad


Not at all!

\ came My prepared


Maternity clothes

all yours


I got a nutritionist just for you

to make sure your health is at its best


milk powder

Drink it

and the baby WM be

as strung as me

and as beautiful as you!

Tiger Lu

I never said I was pregnant

Who Md you that?

It wasn't me!

Then who was it?

Who else knows so many of my secrets!

OK. I admit it!

The Flute Player!

Blowing in my ear!

Forever Waiting for You!

You told him all my secrets!

Vivian Lin

with friends like you...

I'll never share all my secrets with you again!

You've totally disappointed me!

I'm so sorry!

I was doing it for your own good!

I'm warning you

don't mess with my business

or else I'll mess with yours!

You know what. she's already hit menopause

Shut up!

She's lying. Don't believe her

You're not wearing clothes?

I just took a shower

Seriously. I just got out of the shower...

Wave my pants on Look'

Do you want to go over
the creative proposal for tomorrow?

I was just thinking about that

Tell me. why does everyone think that

pregnant women should be smiling all the time?

Aren't pregnant women the happiest in the world?

Are they?

What if this woman

was raped and then became pregnant?

Or if

she's pregnant

but can't even find out who the father is?

Or she's pregnant with an unhealthy baby?

Or if it was an accident

and she hates the accident

she doesn't want this baby

but is scared of losing her potentially
only chance to become a mother!

Tell me. would this woman

still be smiling?

Would she still feel happy?

Lame idea!

Who would buy that!

So your company's baby milk powder

includes all the nutrients

that a woman needs during pregnancy

The choice of self-reliance. for strong mothers!

I'm very sorry

What kind of creative is this?


I'm really sorry. She hasn't been herself lately

Is our milk powder only for the unhealthy?

Are you okay?

Yes or no. Michelle? Are you okay?

Then why did you change
the concept like that last minute?

You're lucky she's a friend of mine

We're getting a second chance

You know, Fm nut mad at you

It's just that I'm not gonna be here tomorrow

and I need you to deliver

Being capable. Michelle

makes a great leader. a great Creative Director

Now I have confidence in you and your team...

Is it cool in there?

Wanna come out?

It's okay

They're all gone

Come on out

Don't worry about it

Bill's not that angry

Of course he's angry

Didn't you notice?

Whenever he doesn't
want to tell the truth. he does...


Didn't you see that?

You know him so well

What about me. then?

What gesture do \ have?

I don't know

Maybe because you never he

Come back tomorrow

I'll come with you

You were right aboutfthe creative proposal. you know

Using the image of pregnant women to
sell milk powder

is anything but creative

Maybe we could use

a special mammal instead

I know this sounds crazy. but...

A Pacific grey whale needs to
drink 35 kilos of milk a day

totally depending on the mother to
inject the milk to her baby's mouth

Swimming and breast-feeding at the same time

Tough job. isn't it?

If she had milk powder

it would be much easier

I didn't realize you were so knowledgeable

How do you know so much about wild animals?

\ read a m

Do we really need to rush?

Didn't you say that wildlife expert

is getting off work soon?

I also said that he would wait

What if he doesn't?

The exit! The exit!

Haw m \ saw m

Will you let me drive?

I know the road

Just... turn around at the next exit

(Please go straight for 10 km and take the 5th exit.)

I prefer to trust technology

You'd rather believe a machine than me?

Because the machine isn't
as emotional as you. okay?


I'll shut up

Take me WM you

Boss. show me the way!

Damn m

You know where we are right now?

Which way is it?

Oh so can I talk now?

Come on. Don't be mad. I need to talk to you

I need to talk to you as well!

How do you know that expert...


You alright?

I'm fine

One second



don't leave me


What are you doing?

Hey. don't get excited

Don't you get too excited!

Even if I have anything in mind

I still need to get you out of there first. right?

How an'

Actually I'm quite enjoying this moment


Don't move!

WM or dug?

In our current situation

I'm not sure there's a big difference

So What do We do now?

We Wan

How much longer do we have to wait?

Your skin is so fair...

your hand so soft...

And your hair


so thick...

- I can't take it anymore!
- Michelle!

Why is it still running after us?

How should I know?

Because you're running

or maybe it likes your red jacket

Why is it still there?

Dogs are colorblind. Don't you know that?

Tony Zhang

you're impossible!

There's a house

Come an'

Get up there!



Why do you always have to be so tough?

Keep it on

Quick. come here. help me
catch those two shameless...

Let's... There... We should go...

From now on

We do xt my Way'

Let's gm


Fm exhausted

'(owe exhausted?

Hey. I was the one doing all the work. okay?

Hurry UP

The wildlife expert has been waiting

How come you have the key to this place?


Would you haye come if you knew it was my home?

I'm thirsty too!


every time I tried to tell you. you'd fall

This really was my Dad's research center

He was a wildlife expert

Been to more than 100 countries

and shot dozens of documentaries

The fuotages We need

are all here

I'll show you in a bit

Dam; m!

'(owe gut even fatter'

I'm good at taking care of women

Besides. she has a new friend now

Let's take a hot shower first

Otherwise we'll catch a cold

Don't worry

Separate showers


They'll love it tomorrow

Hope so


You know

sometimes you're

just like a little girl

It's late

I should go


Aren't you tired after everything?

Daisy Jo misses you

Won't you stay for her?

Mad at me?

No wonder your face is all flushed

You have a fever'

I'll get you some medicine

I can't take medicine


.never take medicine

That's okay. I have another way

When \ was Mme and gut a fever

my Mom also helped me break the fever this way

My Mom did the same

I never hear you

talk about your parents

My Mom moved to the US

and my Dad passed away

His plane was lost

when I was 8

That's Why

you never take planes

I didn't mean it

I'm sorry

I was just looking at your old pictures

You seem to have been to a lot of places

like you're really adventurous

I'll go to more places

all the places my Dad went to and wanted to go

with my lady love...

and a pillow

and a blanket

As far as I know

a train won't get you around the world

It's late. Sleep tight

Fever gone?

Much better


Now you know why I like it here

Can I ask you something?


What can \ do

to convince you

that I'm a reliable guy?

I don't understand

What do you see in me that's so great?

You're not that great

Nut yum“)

not that gorgeous


and rather domineering

But I know

it's all just a tough act

Because m my eyes

when you act innocent

when you may dumb

or when you goof around

you seem just like a little girl

Especially when you're fragile

you can be really adorable

Whenever that happens

all I want to do is take care of you

and make you happy

I just can't let you go

I know it's kind of silly

but I just can't do it


I heard you changed the concept again

I'm so sorry...

Well. they loved it

Great work

Just this once

Keep up the good work

Stupid. Stupid


why did you change your concept again?

Great work


Thank you

Thank you for your help

Stop crying. Come on

What happened?

Come on. Heidi

You know

crying makes you dumb

the more you cry, the dumber you are

The boss is just stressed out...

I don't mean you

Anyways. like I said before

if you make your nose higher

your chin pointier

and your eyes bigger

I promise you that

that BM WM treat you


Right. Tony?

Don't listen to him

I think Bill truly appreciates you

Otherwise. why would
he pick you to be his secretary

out of so many girls?

That's nonsense

He only did that to show his ex-wife

so that

he could flirt as much as
he wanted with all the other office girls

petting and patting...

I don't mean you

At my birthday party

he was also flirting with you. petting and patting!


We all saw it

When you helped him to his room

he was practically lying on top of you

I was so jealous

How on

On that night

Bill was also staying at the hotel?

He stayed in the room next to yours

Totally blacked out

Like you

OK Go ahead

You know I don't like to
have secrets between us. so...

.what's on your mind?

Do you remember my birthday last month?

Yeah Yeah

I was drunk

Yes Yeah

And \ heard you were drunk too

They gut us moms

They M?

Oh no, separate moms

I was next door to you

at least

in the beginning...

BM, \ me you'

The next morning when you woke up

did you notice anything...


What brings this up?


Must seems We

.we're in the same boat

I remember I woke up that morning

and everything was a mess

even my clothes

What happened the night before...

it's so...


B\urry's great

You know the men. they love...

forgetful women

I'm a forgetful woman

My memory is terrible

Talking about what happened

after we got drunk

is so awkward

especially since

we're already




You're very special to me


I've always had a...

. a thing for you

I was waiting for the right moment to tell you


Mme you

Mme you too


It's so dirty...

This is fine. Just take your seat

Sorry. I'm so sorry

It's okay

Listen. I don't want this to affect...

. our relationship

I think we need to have...

a new understanding

A new understanding?

A new understanding

I won't tell a soul


So we're good?

Trust me'

Michelle. wake up!

Stop daydreaming

You're getting married again?

Wasn't it you who wanted to try on wedding gowns?


Suck it in!

Are you sure you want to haye Bill's baby?

You don't understand

Of all the guys I ever met

he's the one with the best genes

Genes are not as important as family history

The Kennedys have great genes

but that doesn't stop them from dying so suddenly

So when are you planning to tell him

that you have ms baby?

And what if he doesn't want it?

Will you still have it?


I've made up my mind

I'll have it either way

In China

being a single mother is not encouraged

There's trouble with household registration

and then there's all the fines

My opinion is. if he doesn't marry you

don't have it

Your parents won't like it either

It's Bill!

He wants to invite me to dinner

to get to know me better

Get to know you more deeply I presume

You are so beautiful right now under this light

like an angel

This is amazing

The food is so good here

Let me



You've lived in China for a long time

so your parents must miss you a lot

How are they?

They're good. Very happy and healthy

My grandmother is like...

102 years Md

She just keeps going

What's that?

Are you sick?


No. I'm not sick

I was in the Maldives. sun-tanning

and I forgot to put some...


Now I have this spot

You know me

the beach

I love the air

the Water

Hove the ocean

My sweethearts

I love you so much

Me too


Do you want to show me your crafts. or...



do you like kids?



Just curious

You were marned aver 10 years

No kids?

Maggie didn't like kids. so...

That's Why We broke up

I think it's strange not to
have kids running around. you know

Especially for someone with
really really great genes like me

I think it's my responsibility to...

provide society with...

quality kids

Fm pregnant

It's yours

Are you sure?

Yeah, Fm sure

You are the my man \ had

this year

If you don't believe me

We can have a DNA test m

seven Weeks

'(owe gonna keep n?

Yeah. Of course


Like you said

we can make a contribution to society

Don't you think we're just...

.moving a little too sudden here?

Maybe we should take...

take the seven Weeks

and then we'll see


Seven Weeks?



Don't get me wrong. I'm gonna have the divorce

But if they find me at fault

I could lose everything

I don't need your money

I just want to keep the baby

OK. We just...


keep this quiet

very quiet

for the seven... for two months

and. then we'll see

Finally. It's us

What's wrong?

You know. it's...

It is getting late. and I thinkl should...

I should probably go


Must be an old building

See ya!

What a Mar

Totally not taking responsibility

Bill's not like that

I mean. his divorce isn't final yet

and his ex-wife is...

You're so naive

Every single one of my men said

that women should love everything about their men

But you know what life taught me?

That women should love themselves
more than any men

If you really want to keep this baby

my suggestion is don't put all your hopes on Bill

Find a few backups

and first marry someone who's willing to marry you

I don't want to marry Tiger Lu

I'm talking about Tony Zhang

But that's really unfair to him


Didn't he say he loves you?

If you don't let him dish out that love

how would he ever learn what's the price of love?

Last time you said Aarif Lee was too young for you

This time it's Fei Yu Ching

You should like that

I'm thinking

if my grandma was still alive

she'd love to go with you

So whose concert would you like to go to then?

When I was your age

nothing could tire me out

but now. just thinking of doing certain things

makes me tired already

A concert?

I'd much rather stay at home

and listen to this

Only the sound of ocean waves calms me down

It's important to enjoy the process

But a process without an end
really doesn't mean much

What's Wrong WM you these days?

After that night at my house

I thought things had changed between us


Please stop bothering me

and would you please stop talking about that night?

Just drop it for now

What do you Want?

It's Daisy Jo. I can't find her

I'm so sorry. She should be in the house

I looked everywhere but can't find her

She should be...

Daisy Jo

Daisy Jo

Dam; m!

I looked there already


Daisy Jo. Daisy Jo

You said that waves calm you

I'm guessing

that you like sand as well

Michelle. I love you

Be my girlfriend

What do you want me to do?

I really don't understand why you do this to me

I know you like me

That night of your birthday party. you said...

It won't work between us

l-low do you know if it won't work?

You've never even had a real relationship!

Seven years

I was in a relationship for seven years

until he hooked up with someone else

I even introduced them

You're a good boy

If I was 10 years younger

I'd date you for sure

But not now

Now I need to find not just a lover


a father for my child

I'll be a good father

I love kids

I know

I don't make as much money as you do

but I'll work hard

I'll take care of you

I'll give you a good life

Could you have a good life with a woman

who's pregnant with someone else's child?

I knew you'd have that look on your face

Haw mg?

Can I ask whose is it?

Do I know him?

Do I have to tell you?

Is it someone in our company?

Why does he have to be in our company?


You don't have a life outside the company

It's Bill

Bill Zhou


Can \ go now?

It's not another drunken one-night-stand. is it?

That's just how you see me. right?

I'm sorry

Are you going to keep the baby?

Dues he Want n?

Dues he know?

Is he going to marry you?

At least his reaction was much calmer than yours

It's not easy to be a single mother

We should thank our wonderful beautiful Michelle

I have to be careful. she's going to
take my job away from me

having its very own luggage company

covering the markets of Europe.
America. Africa and the Middle East

Actually they already established a...

That creative of yours...

That's right

Shangpm cum generated aver


This weekend I'm going in for an ultrasound

It will be the first time I see our baby...

my baby

the baby!

The baby

I know you're very busy

but I was hoping

that you could spare an hour

and go WM me?

(Sorry. the number you dialed is power off)

Sweetie I'm sorry

but I can't come to the hospital with you

But you promised!

I heard you found the father

Where is he?

He's busy

He is!


sorry I'm late

What are you doing here?

Don't move!

It'll be over in a minute. stay still

I don't want him to see this

Stay still. it'll be over soon. stop moving around

I apologize for the other night

Can you forgive me?

Okay stay still. here it comes

Of course I want to be with you for this

The father?

He's not the father


Du you see n?

The flashing...

That's the heart

Heartbeat is very healthy

From now on

no more high heels

It's not good for the baby


I don't need you

Women are adorable if they don't act all tough

If you can all conquer the world

What do you need men fur?

I'm not looking to date anyone right now

I just want to be a good mother

A single mother!

My Morn had a hard time bringing me up alone

I just want to help you through this

Whenever it's over



36 and a half

Vivian told me

Are you sure about this?

One step at a Mme

What shall we name the baby?

It's a bit too soon

Not at all!

According to this book. when a baby is first born

it's really scared of the outside world

That's Why they cry thew heads off

If you rub your belly everyday

calling out its name


the baby will feel safe and secure

I'm serious

They say that the vomiting stops

after three months

We don't even know if it's a boy or a girl


Let's just call it "Baby"

So unoriginal

It's like calling your cat "Kitty"

Creative Director

surely you can come up with something
a bit more special?


She's already pretty special

Arriving so suddenly

and having gone through so much already...

m am; case, my ham; “ems m have a happy name


Felicity is good!

Very good

- Is it?
- Yeah!

- Felicity!
- Felicity!



Tony 2mg'

Looks great!

Now Felicity will see
the ocean immediately after being born

I'll get it

No no no

Let me


Did you hurt yourself?

You did

I told you to be careful

I'm fine

Yeah right


Thank you for everything


It's the least I can do


can \ ever thank you?

Come on. don't mention it

Just don't change

Stay like this

always like this


It seems like she's hungry again

Can we not go back to
that Indian restaurant again?

I need to use the bathroom


Pregnant lady here

Order for me

This is my favorite restaurant


Hey, boss

What a commence

What are the adds'


This is...


- Sarah
- Sarah

Hi. Sarah

Nice to meet you

I heard you're getting a divorce

I'm really sorry to hear about that

Yeah. well. you know...

Certain things you can't control

Fm sure you understand


What's the man now?

Is there gonna be a...

new Mrs Zhou?

Mrs Buss


I realize you're here with Michelle


She's a really good girl

but I just think that you

WM be a better match for her

and I'll do anything that I can do to support you

Thank you so very much

but you know what?

Why don't you tell her yourself?

Can I get the check please?

I just need to take care of something

I'll meet you at home

Did you order?

What are you doing?

Did he see us?

- So what if he does!
- Get down

He'll get the wrong idea. Get down here

Hide. before he sees us. Quick!

Are you kidding me?

I can't explain

There's nothing to explain!

You think he'd be jealous?

- He can't thank me enough!
- Get down here!


Small world

Hi. Bill

What a commence

Your girlfriend just left in a rush

Are you guys heading to
another restaurant or something?

She's just a friend

You look absolutely beautiful tonight

Really? I... uh...


Considering the fact that Michelle
has been a loyal member of our firm

I think you should tell her what you told me over there

What are you doing?

Well. thank you for your opinion. Tony

but it's getting late

and I have to go

So I'll see you guys tomorrow


You're so gutless

you coward

Tell her right now

that you never thought of marrying her

or taking care of her baby

What are you saying?


A father needs to be financially...


I wouldn't test my patience

It's just a job

What do \ care'

Why are you staring at me?

Do you believe him?

There was a blonde girl having dinner with him...

Are you out of your mind?

Do you know what you're doing?

'(owe Wrong

There's nothing between Tony and r'ne

Are you sure about that?

He never med you

and never planned to marry you. Don't you get it?

Thank you for all your help

You turned everything into a mess

a mm mess'

You're still defending him!

Unbelievable. You're totally hopeless!

I am hopeless

Who should I defend if not him?

He's the father of my child

Would you wake up?

Why would you be so...

So cheap?

What right do you have to criticize me?

You think being nice to me
gives you the right to judge me?

You assume that. because you helped me

I'll be grateful

so you can change my mind

and make me fall in love with you


Nu Way

WU never happen

No one in this world is perfect

including you

A coward who's afraid to get on a plane

has no right to criticize me

I'm sorry

As the father of your child

except for those few seconds

what else has he ever done for you?

Okay. I think we should take the seven weeks


and we'll talk about it then

But I'll work hard

I'll take care of you

I'll give you a good life

I just want to help you through this

Whenever it's over



What happened?

If you're happy. talk to us!

Why do you have to quit?

We gotta go

and then. the investors should be
able to get involved

That way. the investors should be
able to get involved

Can I ask you two questions?

Do you really like kids?

She's asking him about kids.
they must be very "familiar"

Excuse me for a second please

I'm sorry

Did you actually like me at all?

DKS \..,


everybody likes you

This is not the place for this conversation

How were the test results?

It's not time yet

and I don't plan to take the test anymore

By the Way

I quit

Those are ridiculous

What the hell are you trying to prove?

Why don't we find out then?

You're sure you wanna do this?


I know how it feels

to see something perfect

and want have it for yourself

One of you

or perhaps even more than one

has been very close

WM my husband

I understand how you feel

and admire you for your courage

especially those who are

desperate to marry themselves off


start recording!

Wave come today

to ask you a favor

to help me have a happy ending to
an unhappy marriage

and get back everything that
rightfully belongs to me

Still not owning up?

I don't have all day

It's me


It's me

Are you kidding?

I would never. ever...


I know that's what you'd say

but it's true

Three months ago

on the night of Michelle's birthday party

we really did...

This is absolute bullshit!

What proof do you have?

Oh my God

Do you need more details?


what positions you prefer

what kind of reactions...

Heidi. Heidi

why are you doing this to me?

It's been five years!

Five years. and you've never really looked at me

I know

I know I'm not pretty enough

but I'm not exactly disgusting. am I?

Tell me

which girl here haven't you

affectionately patted her shoulder

or tenderly pinched her arm?



As for me

have you even looked at me?

Do you even know

which side of my face my mole is on?

That's why I promised myself

that one day

I will prove to you:

being UQW

doesn't mean no respect

being UQW

doesn't mean no love!

So' on that day

I finally

QM you

I hoped you'd change

but who would have thought you couldn't remember

And everything went back to what it used to be...


stop dreaming

If you had been there. you'd know

that some people

are really nut as

impressive as you imagined

My colleagues

I. Heidi Zheng

have been waiting for this day for a long time


Fm dune'

Did you get everything?


OK. Back to work!

(Sorry. the number you dialed
cannot be reached at this time.)


How are you?

I'm fine

You disappeared for awhile

I needed some time to think

Sorry about that night

I shouldn't have...

You must be mad at me

It's okay. You know I won't blame you

Actually you were right

and I've made my decision

Are you home right now?


Can \ come over?

Right now?


Come m

I can't

there's a cab waiting for me downstairs

Are you going somewhere?



CCD is making a wildlife documentary

and they need some hem

I volunteered. and

they picked me

That's great

really great

Like you said

trains don't go everywhere

I'm sorry about the other night

I shouldn't have said those things to hurt you

You me mm

I should let you go

l-low long will you be gone for?

They say for a year

but I haven't decided yet

How are things with him?


We're good

He said he'll help me



Guess I have nothing to worry about

You can reach me anytime

Take care of these guys



if you want

\ can stay

You should go

It's a great opportunity

Enjoy it

and take care of yourself

Silly girl!

How could you let him go so easily?

You're really in love with him!

Falling for a guy who quits so easily...

Won't you miss everything here?

You'll regret it

Don't be so rash

I remember when you were pregnant with Jeb

you gave up your biggest dream: figure skating

Back then, you Md me that

this was the silliest decision

you'd ever made

What about now?

Do you still feel the same way?

Having him was
the most correct decision I've ever made

But you're different

You're a career woman

You really won't regret giving it all up?

All my life I've pursued

what I think everyone wants out of life

\ gut there m the end

but I was so exhausted

Now God has shown me some mercy

and had such a big surprise for me

tell me

how can I turn it down?

Tony was right

I should pursue the kind of life I really want

Right now

at once

Does he know where you're going?

Silly girl

I'll miss you so much!

Thank you so much. Michelle

It's so nice that you always have surprises for us

every time we come here

See you next time

Bye bye


just one more week. and you'll be 9 months old

Mommy finally made it to 9 months

and we're almost there!

Are you wondering

What Mommy mks We?

She mks fat

and needs to lose some weight

And you look much older

Michelle's Surprise!

Very nice

Your dream came true

So did yours

You kept me in the dark all this time

I only just heard about you and Bill

Tell me

how many countries did you go?

How many animals did you see?

A lot of countries

and a lot of animals

but as soon as I heard about you

I had to come see you at once

I'm fine

This is the life I wanted

How about Felicity?

How is she?

She's good

but she Md me everyday

that she misses you

I miss her too

Can I talk to her?

You know what. Felicity?

Your Mom is really awesome

Of all the women I know. she's the most beautiful

the most kind-hearted

and with the strongest spirit

A Woman We that

doesn't need anyone's help

to make you happy

but I really want to be with her

and spend my life with her

Is that okay?

Can you share her WM me?


I know we have along way ahead of us

I can't promise that every day will be perfect

but trust me

I'll try my best

to have you enjoy the imperfect life

We'll be great together

even m “the? respect

What respect?

That respect'


M bed

That night at your birthday party. we...

You really don't remember?

I thought you had been pretending this whole time!



It wasn't crappy at all

Crap. crap!

You said it was amazing

My Water broke

Don't run. don't run

You'll be okay. don't worry

Taxi! Taxi!

There's no taxi here!

Come here

Do you have to sit like this?

The doctor told me to

otherwise the water will all run out

and the baby will die

Tell me

what really happened that night?

I left early to catch the morning train

but then you called me. so I went back

You were crying so hard...

and you made me drink a whole bottle of champagne


Already 32 years old

I don't want to end up

like the flute player girl

W mm

waiting to die alone

There are no perfect women in this world

only adorable women

and you are an adorable woman

I know you like me

You always keep a straight face

and seem so hard to please

but that's just an act. isn't it?

I'm not giving up on you...

I kissed you?

Tony Zhang

are you out of your mind?

Get out of our Way'


And then you did

that with me?

If you have to put it that way



'(owe drunk

Cam down

I am calm

Fm very cam

You probably won't even remember tomorrow

I like you so much

Hove you

Mate you'

Get out of the Way'

Tum, m: \ have am; marks an my bum}?

Yes! On your left butt

there's a butterfly

Move' Move'

I'm so sorry!

We're here!


Why didn't you tell me before?

Why dxdrfltygm

I did! I dropped so many hints

Totally blacked out

Like you

You weren't like this at all on that night

On that night. you told me...


Tony Zhang

when you knew \ was pregnant

why didn't you say something?

I did think about it

but you were so sure it was Bill's

\ thought \ was

just one among many

You think I'm such a slut!



You still haven't said if you'll marry me


Wait. wait! Stop!

What do you Want now?

Not because I'm the kid's father

but because you're really in love with me?

Yes! Yes!


Congratulations! It's a girl!

I now pronounce you

husband and wife

You may kiss the bride


Felicity! Felicity!