One-Two-Three Now! (2016) - full transcript

Jeppe falls deeply in love with the mysterious and beautiful girl, Cecilie, from school. But their time is limited as Cecilie is diagnosed with cancer and Jeppe has to balance school, social life and the dream of becoming a professional basket ball player while staying beside Cecilie as this summer may be her last. The story is about life, death, love, time - nothing lasts forever, but if you truly love something, it will never really leave you.


Jeppe? Dad called.
He needs your help in the shop.

Not now, Mom.
I'm practicing. It's important.

So is this. It's the most important day
of the week in case you forgot.

- Like you forgot what I'm doing today.
- Of course I haven't forgotten.

- Did you finish your paper?
- That's all you've talked about. Yes!

- Relax. I'll drive you to Odense.
- Thanks.

- So, how's it coming along?
- Fine. Almost done.

- Come on, you can do better than that.
- They'll just mess it up again anyway.

Running a pet shop is like being a
realtor. Houses full of crap don't sell.

- There's your mom.
- I'm off for practice. See you.

I don't know about all this practice.
Your grades are suffering, you know.

I could always become a world-famous
basketball player for the Lakers.

- I passed my exam, didn't I?
- We.

- What?
- We passed the exam.

Have a good practice. Take the bus home.
I have parent-teacher conferences.

- Bye, sweetie.
- See you in L.A.

We're practicing system plays,
so try to keep up.

Gather round, guys.

I hate the bottom of the league. Jeppe
is a promising talent from the juniors.

No one is guaranteed a slot on the team.
I want aggression and a fighting spirit.

- Yes, Coach.
- 3-3 screen play high-low up, Mus.

Jeppe, you're on defense.
Good luck.

Come on now.
Set the screen.

If you're going to be a pussy, practice
with the girls. He's okay, Coach.

Let's go, guys.
From the top, Mus.

That routine happens to all the rookies.

After a thousand sit-ups,
you won't feel that elbow anymore.

Jeppe, you're playing up here.

It should come from here.

You're one of the most talented players
I've ever seen.

This summer, 38 of the best will
be chosen for an NBA camp in New York.

- They only take varsity players.
- Well, then I'm out.

Shut up and listen.
If they choose you -

- the best US colleges will fight tooth
and nail to get you on their team.

Then it's straight to the NBA.
But it has to come from inside.

I'll give you one more chance. If you
blow it, it's back to the juniors.

- Understood?
- Yes.

Good. What are the three most important
things in your life now?

Focus, focus, focus.

- I can't hear you.
- Focus, focus, focus!

- What are you doing? Mom will kill you.
- Then I might as well enjoy myself.

Come here.

- When are you leaving?
- Tomorrow.

You're the captain. Why can't you tell
them what to do and stay home?

- You're right. I'll do that.
- I'm serious.

I know.

Are you enjoying the smell of the water?

Yes. How about you?

I love it here.
I don't miss Odense at all.

What about your friends?

Yes and no.

I don't have to explain things.

No one here knows me.

I'm going to change. Where's Mom?

I think she's in your room.
She's just helping you unpack.

- No way she's going through my stuff!
- Cecilie!

They're lovely,
but a little violent?

They help me, okay?

I'm sure there's a professional you can
talk to here in Svendborg.

Right now, I'm just looking forward
to all the new things here.

I'm going to take a shower.


- Damn, I'm hung over.
- Weekends are for losing oneself.

- What did you lose yourself in?
- 'Midsomer Murders'. All 82 episodes.

- In one weekend?
- I fast-forward.

'Midsomer Murders' is reality TV
at its highest level.

I'm sure your jock-brain doesn't get it.

It'll be fine, sweetie.


You need a physics report? Jeppe,
do you know how expensive they are?

Come on, I'm way behind.
My mom will kill me.

Hello! Earth to Jeppe!


Okay... what?

I hope you've all had a nice weekend.
In keeping with tradition -

- new students can address the assembly.

Hi. My name is Cecilie.
I just moved here from Odense.

I don't have much to say,
but I'd like to sing for you.

- Singing is pretty gutsy.
- A nun from Odense on X Factor!

- Where are you, Lord?
- Smelle, shut the fuck up.

Thanks for listening.
It means a lot to me.

Thanks. Don't forget to sign up
for our Halloween party, everyone.

You were great.

- Cecilie.
- Yes?

- That was beautiful.
- Thank you.

Did you want something?
Otherwise, I have a class.

Right! So do 1.
That's why we're here after all.

- I'm new, so I don't know where it is.
- Right. You said so.

- Maybe I'll see you around.
- Maybe.

You don't waste time, do you?

By the way, my name is Jeppe.

- How did it go?
- In the morning, she hated me.

But when she came home,
there was a twinkle in her eye.

- I don't know what's going on.
- Maybe she met someone.

- Already?
- Well, she's as gorgeous as her mother.

Here she comes.
Dad is on Skype.

- Hi, Dad.
- Hi. Mom says you like school.

They're super nice.
I have to catch the bus now.

- I said I'd drive you.
- I'll take the bus. Love you, Dad.

What about breakfast?

You're right.
She's glowing.

Jeppe, get up. Breakfast!

Morning. See you.

- What? No breakfast?
- No time.

- It's 7 a.m. Has he lost his mind?
- Maybe he's taking school seriously.

One can only dream.

Come on.

- Hi.
- Hi. You're early.

- Are you waiting for someone?
- Yeah, as a matter of fact... you.

- Me?
- I know we haven't been introduced.

- I'm Jeppe.
- Hello, Jeppe.

Would you like to go to the movies?

I understand if you don't want to.
You're probably already seeing someone.



- Great. Friday at 9 p.m.?
- At Scala?


- I'll find you on Facebook.
- I'm not on Facebook.

- Really? Well, can I have your number?
- We'll see.

- How do I look?
- So good that Cecilie will faint.

Or there's no justice in the world.
You look great, honey. What's the movie?

- I don't know. What do girls like?
- Well, Scala is showing 'Amour' again.

- The one about two old people who die?
- It won an award at Cannes.

- She'll fall asleep after five minutes.
- Or think our son is mature.

Or she'll think our son is a wimp.
Wow, you're sweating, Jeppe.


- Shit. I'm taking a shower.
- Again? Was that really necessary?

- Yes, I thought so.
- You can really be such an asshole.

- I had to fight for you.
- You certainly did.

So, it's only fair
that he has to fight a bit too.

I see...

- Hi. Sorry. The bus was late.
- I'm glad you made it.

- I thought...
- What? That I blew you off?


- What are we going to see?
- ♪ Amour'.

My mom said... I mean,
I heard it was very... aesthetic.


Could we see that one instead?

Can I exchange these
for two tickets to 'Fast & Furious'?

It's really coming down.

- That was a great movie!
- Really?

It was awesome. "I don't have friends.
I got family." What a cool line!

- Yes.
- How much do I owe you?

- It's my treat.
- Thanks. The next one is on me then.

I can't wait.

- Do you want to go for a beer?
- I don't know...

- Or just a coffee?
- I have a better idea...

- How do you know this place?
- Last stop on the bar crawl.

I come here every weekend
with my dad.

I'm kidding. I asked my new friends
about the nightlife.

And a dive bar is the logical place
when you've just moved here.

I've never been in a place like this.
One thing I can cross off my list.

- And I've never played billiards.
- Two crosses off the list.

- What else?
- Wait and see.

You actually have a shot at going
to the States. That's fantastic.

It's probably a no-go. My folks
aren't too keen on all the practice.

My schoolwork is suffering.

Fuck them. Why do parents
have to interfere in our lives?

- They don't know jack shit!
- Jack shit!

- I just have to graduate.
- Why is it so important?

So I can apply for a scholarship
in the States.

I'm a pretty good in school...
I can help you if you want.

- I might take you up on that.
- Please do.

This is where Jack and I played
before my dad put up the hoop at home.

- Jack?
- My best friend.

Is Jack good at basketball?

- How tall are you anyway?
- 6 foot 3.

- Is that why you're good at basketball?
- It helps.

- I'm 5 foot 5.
- So what are you good at?


Show me what you've got, Mr. 6 foot 3.

- It's a football.
- So what? Are you scared?

Come on.

Hit the backboard with your eyes closed
and your biggest wish will come true.

- The inner square?
- It's where the hoop would be.

Move back a bit.
It can't be too easy.

This is the three-point line.

- Holy shit!
- So, will my wish come true now?

Of course.

Your turn.

You have no faith.

My wish will come true.

Thanks for an amazing evening.

See you on Monday.

Come on, Mus.

All the way, Jeppe. Good!


Alright, Jeppe!

- The fuck you doing, man?
- Trained with the girls like you said.

- Fuck you, you little shit!
- Chill! You asked for that one, man.

Nice one, rookie.
You'll make the cut alright.

- Hey, Jack.
- What's up, fag?

I heard you nailed it at the game.
That should bring in the bucks.

I have a chance on the varsity team.
Coach thinks I could go to the States.

Nice. You ready?
1, 2, 3, go!

- Scissors.
- Fuck! Paper.

The beers are on you.

- What the hell?
- Hey, Uncle.

- There's the death penalty for that.
- We'd like to be pardoned, Knud.

- The first installment is due Friday.
- When haven't I kept my word?


Say hello to Beatrice.
Isn't she beautiful?

A 1968 Oldsmobile. Rocket 350 engine.
She can almost go straight.

All she needs is some TLC.
She was a steal. Only 20 grand.

- For that clunker?
- Come on.

We're going down south before you
conquer the United States of America.

Can she come?

- It must be the radiator. Can who come?
- A girl I met.

- Where? At basketball?
- No, at school.

High school is a chick buffet.

But girlfriends and a threesome
might be pushing it. What's her name?

Her name is Cecilie.

Christ, Jeppe.
You've got it bad.

Yeah... I guess I do.

- Hey. Have you seen Cecilie?
- You asked the same thing yesterday.

She hasn't been in school all week.
Something about her family. Call her.

I don't have her number,
and she's not on Facebook.

Well, that's that then. Sorry.

Tell her I was looking for her.



- You didn't get it from me.
- Thanks.

Hi, it's Cecilie. Leave a message,
and I'll call you back.

Hi, it's Jeppe again.

I just want to know if you're okay.
Call me when you have time. Bye.

- Cecilie?
- Hi.

What the hell?

You made ten fucking turnovers.

- We would've lost a real game.
- Sorry, Coach.

Shut up. Only losers apologize.
You're on the bench for now.

Hi, it's Cecilie...


The nun has had a makeover, huh?

- Hi. Jeppe, can we talk?
- Now?

Yes. Come with me.

- Long time no see.
- Yes.

- Why did you disappear in Odense?
- It was nothing. Nothing at all.

I'm sorry I didn't call you back.

- That's okay.
- No, I mean it. I'm really sorry.

Oops. Taken...

I just want to be with you 24/7.

Then show it.

- Who called a cab?
- Hey, man.

- Do you have a commercial license?
- Nah, not even a regular one.

- Where's the famous beauty queen?
- She's on the bus.

Did you tell her
what kind of party it is?

Are you crazy?

- How long are we going to wait?
- Maybe we should just go.

Bummer. A girl who'll watch 'Fast
& Furious' is worth holding on to.

- How can I? I don't know where she is.
- What's up, ladies?

- Hi.
- I missed the bus, so I took a cab.

- You look nice.
- Nice? That's an understatement!

Jack, this is Cecilie.
Cecilie, Jack.

You'd think we were going to Cannes
instead of a trucker party in Stenstrup.

- What's a trucker party?
- We arm wrestle and lift tires.

- Is that okay?
- I've never been to a party like that.

- Who has a commercial license?
- Jack does.

Not. Madam.
Did I forget to mention -

- that we rape our women
and kill them after dessert?


Come on, Cecilie.

- What's wrong with you, Uncle?
- Who is she? Wonder Woman?

- A round!
- My pleasure.

Anyone else want to be humiliated?

Bottoms up!

Should we have another?
Let's have another.

It's in here.

Here it is.
Jack's and my dream cruiser.

My goodness.

- Isn't it a beauty?
- Absolutely.

- We're going south. You want to come?
- I'd love to.


Salud, senor-.

Salud, senorita.

I think I'm in love with you.

What's wrong?

- Cecilie...
- Go away.

- Cecilie.
- Get the fuck away from me!

Give me my shirt.


- Wait a second...
- No.


- It's over!
- What do you mean?

Don't touch me.

Fuck off! I can't do this, Jeppe.
Don't you get it?

We're done!

Are we going or what?


Please! I just want to know
what I did wrong. That's all. Jeppe.

Do a five-play.



Come on!



Liam Potter is injured.

My leg!


Okay, Jeppe.
This is your chance.

You'll be point guard.
Thomas, you're four.

This is it! Ready?

Come on, guys!


Look alive, Jeppe!
Pass it!

Five seconds!

Welcome to the team!

Please, please let it be her.

- You cut your hair.
- Yes.

- I like it.
- Thanks.

I brought your coat.


I'm so sorry I freaked out last time.

Would you like to go for a walk?


- What was the final score?
- 95-92,

It's because of you.
You bring me good luck.

- Do you really like my hair?
- Yes, it looks cool.

Isn't it beautiful?

Opera isn't really my thing,
but it sounds nice.

Hey, hey.

- Are you alright?
- Jeppe, I...


Let's sit down.

It's from Bellini's opera
about Romeo and Juliet.

How do you know?

My mom loves opera,
so I've heard it all my life.

Juliet is singing about
how she longs for Romeo.

"The breeze that blows around me,
I think of one of your sighs.”

That's how I've been feeling lately.

This time I won't let you go.

Jeppe, I have cancer.

When they mentioned chemo,
I lost it.

The first thing I realized was
that I'd lose my long hair.

That's why I cut it.

You'll get well. Of course you will.
Modern medicine has come a long way.

You've heard that a thousand times.

I was afraid of letting you
into my life.

Afraid of losing you
if I told you the truth.

I'm glad you told me.

It's our secret.

Come on, Jeppe.

- B squared is equal to C.
- I already did that!

Cecilie, I don't know what you do,
but his grades have never been better.

- Thanks for taking over.
- Cheers to that.

- Good idea.
- Cheers. Cheers, Marianne.

- I'll give him back if he's difficult.
- That's a deal.

To you, Cecilie.

Here we are.

- Do you prefer beer?
- No, this is fine.

Then we'll stick to wine.

- Enjoy.
- It looks wonderful.

- Will you pass this?
- Thank you.

It's a beautiful song.
My favorite opera.

It's from... Bellini's opera
about Romeo and Juliet.

Juliet is singing about
her longing for Romeo.

- Well, I'm impressed.
- I'll be damned.

- Not every 17-year-old likes opera.
- Why do you think I chose him?

He is a good-looking guy.

Is there anything else
you want to know about opera?

You guys are too easy.

- If not opera, what career do you want?
- I told you that already.

He's going to be a pro basketball player
in the States.

I have to be selected first,
but it would be awesome.

- Is there any future in that?
- The best make about 300 million.


- How many want to be among the best?
- Quite a few.

It's good to have dreams,
but what about an education?

It's not just a dream, it's a hope.

Are we not supposed to hope, Dad?

Of course.
It was a stupid question.

The future will come in due time.

Cecilie told me
that you're captain of a supertanker.

It must be hard steering such a monster.

- You're welcome to come aboard someday.
- Don't mention the princess's illness.

Not one word is said about it.
Sometimes it's as if it isn't there.

- Cecilie, not now.
- It's crying for help.

I have a name. I exist.

Hear me! Help me!

- But no one hears me.
- Honey, of course we can talk about it.

It. It's called cancer.

Cecilie, don't go.

- I'll go and talk to her.
- Thank you, Jeppe.

Sometimes I imagine
that there are little beings in my body.

They live in villages inside me
and repair everything.

When they're worn out,
they commit suicide.

Then there's room for reinforcements.

The Tutgilas live
in one of the villages.

An evil spirit pours poison
into the creek that they drink from.

The Tutgilas don't commit suicide.
They grow strong and aggressive -

- and are gaining ground inside me.

The Tutgilas kill and eat everything
in their path.

I try to talk to them,
but they won't listen.

Nono is my only hope.

Nono is a Tutgila,
the greatest and strongest.

But he's gentle and kind.

When they conquer a village, he tries
to convince them to stop massacring.

He hasn't convinced them yet.

I'm only 16.
There's so much I want to do.

I want to go to the States with you.

To Venice and sail in a gondola.

To Thailand, Tibet and China.

I want to sing and dance.

I don't want to be sick.

I'm not crazy. They're real.

You're not crazy, and I'm here.

What's up, buddy?
I thought I'd find you in our old hood.

- I just want to be alone.
- Yeah, you're a hard man to find.

That's what happens
when you get pussy on the brain.

Do you have to be so tacky?

Beg your pardon, sir. I had no idea
that you were putting on airs.

Where's your butler?
I could use a pedicure and some caviar.

I'm fucking sick of hearing
about millions, pools and butlers.

It's such a crock!

- It's fucking shit.
- Okay. Chill, man. Loosen up.

It was just goofing around.

I'll tell you something funny.

Cecilie has cancer.

I'm sorry to hear that.
Is there anything I can...

No, you can't do shit!
And the worst thing is, neither can I!

I can tell her all kinds of optimistic
shit that I know nothing about.

"You'll get well. Modern medicine has
come a long way." The fuck it has!

Jeez, Jeppe. It'll be alright.

How the hell do you know that, huh?

She's going to die!

- People get well all the time.
- Oh, suddenly you're a doctor?

Your shitty life is nothing but beers
and that stupid car.

Jeppe, that's not fair.

You're absolutely right. The only
fair thing is if I hit the black square.

Then she'll get better.

She has to.

You've completely lost it.

Jeppe, let's go to your parents' house
and talk...

- Leave me alone.
- Come on, let's go...

- Fuck off!
- Okay... friend.

You know where to find me.

Say hi to Cecilie.

- What happened?
- If only we had known ..

- What's going on?
- Cecilie is...

- She's in Odense hospital, Jeppe.
- It's all my fault.

Hey! It's not your fault.

You see, her condition got worse.

- But she'll survive, right?
- We don't know.

That's why the doctors want
to increase her chemo again.

So, we'll see if it helps.

Can I visit her?

Yes. Of course you can.

It would mean a lot to Cecilie.

- Am I losing my hair?
- No.

I counted all 200,000 of them.

They're all there and doing well.

- Will we win?
- Of course we will.

I'll find an empty seat
and place you there.

I can feel you with me
from the very beginning.

Like you're a part of me.

Suddenly I can do things
I could never do before.

- Good game.
- Nice.

- Good game, boys.
- Rook had another good game.

Over 20 points
for the third weekend in a row.

- Whatever you're doing, keep it up.
- Don't worry, ♪ will.

Well played, gentlemen.

You're playing for me.

You'll both win.

You and Nono.

I believe you have to really live
in order not to be afraid to die.

Are you afraid of dying?


Yeah, of course I am.

Jeppe, you promised me
that my greatest wish would come true.

- It was just a game. I didn't know...
- So you lied to me?

No, but...

I don't want to be here.
Please get me out of here.

- Jack, it's Cecilie.
- I hope she isn't...

No, no...
But I really need your help.

Friends are there
to be taken advantage of, right?

Please remain seated until the seat
belt sign has been turned off.

We hope you enjoy your stay
in Gran Canaria.


Don't look. Ready?
1, 2, 3, go!

It's beautiful!

What a view!
It's gorgeous.

This is amazing.

- You can water-ski over there.
- Yes, and there's the pool down there.

Shit, it's beautiful.

This is awesome!
Come on, let's check out the rest.

- Wow!
- Happy honeymoon?


"I Told the hotel you were on your
honeymoon. Ha, ha. Love, Jack."

Party time!

- Come if you dare.
- Okay.

- Loser!
- We hadn't started!

No, I'm not.

If anyone's next door, they must think
we're fucking like rabbits.

- They might think we're shooting porn.
- We shouldn't disappoint them then.

Yes! Take me! Yes.

- Harder! Harder!
- I'm coming! I'm coming!

Jesus Christ!
Would you keep it down in there?

I want room service
for the rest of my life.

They're panicking at home.
They must've found out you're gone.

- So?
- We have to call them.

Come on, Cecilie!
They'll start a huge search.

They'll report us missing-

- find out we've left
and contact Interpol...

- If I call home, they'll come.
- But if we don't, they'll come anyway.

Tell them not to come.
Tell them that if they come -

- I'll fucking jump!

We have to.

Jeppe, why haven't you called back?

Cecilie has disappeared. Did you
and Jack take her to Copenhagen?

I'm not with Jack
and I'm not in Copenhagen.

Then where are you?

- In Gran Canaria.
- What?

What the hell is going on?

- We're fine.
- Jeppe.

- Who's we?
- Me and Cecilie.

Mom? Are you there?

Have you lost your mind?
You know how sick she is!

Yes, but it's the right thing to do.
Mom, you have to help us.

Don't come and get us. Please!
It means everything to us. Mom?


- I'll talk to Cecilie's mother.
- Thank you, Mom.

- Hi, Marianne. Thank you so, so much.
- Hi, Cecilie. I'm glad you're okay.

- Jeppe, let's talk practicalities.
- Okay. Just a second, Mom.

- What about money?
- Jack and Uncle Knud lent us money.

- We'll pay them when you get home.
- Okay. Thanks.

What if she dies
while you're there, Jeppe?

Have you thought about that?

- Jeppe.
- Yes.

But what's the alternative? For her
to lie suffering in the hospital?

At least here she's got a chance...
to live a little.

I'll manage.

- We'll manage.
- Okay. But promise one thing.

- Call if you need help.
- I promise.

- I love you.
- Love you too, Mom.

Thanks. Bye.

- Did you see his tattoo?
- Yeah.

It's so cool.
I want one of those.

Excuse me.

I saw your tattoo.
I want one. I want a tattoo.

- Take the second street on the right.
- Gracias.

- Let's go.
- Seriously?

- Isn't it awesome?
- Sure.

It's an Indian symbol
of life and strength.

We'll need it.
What will your parents say?

Come on, it's not that bad.

Ready? Here.

- Why?
- Hurt. Pain.


It's good, isn't it?

Let's start.

You have the cutest little ears.

You're a little stoned, huh, babe?

- Do you know what I think?
- What?

I think Nono has won.

I'm sure he has.

- Hi.
- Hi.

Are you on your honeymoon?

- No, not yet.
- You look like honeymooners.

- How can you tell? Are you a minister?
- I was. I had to retire.

Well, sorry to disappoint you,
but we're not on our honeymoon.

What a shame.
That right there is for sure true love.

- Okay, then marry us.
- Now?

- Why not?
- He has to propose first.

- You want to marry me, don't you?
- Sure, but...

- It isn't real, is it?
- I guess that's up to us.

If we both think it's real, it's real.

- Okay. I need to borrow this.
- Go ahead.


The first time I saw you,
everything else melted away.

You've completely enchanted me -

- and I never thought
I'd feel like this.

You've made me the happiest guy
in the world.

And I'll do everything I can
to make you feel the same way.

You sure pulled that off, kid.

If you don't want him, I'll take him.
That was one first-class proposal.


Will you marry me?

Yes, yes.

- That's that. I'll go get ready.
- Okay.

- I'll go up and change.
- Give me a minute to arrange something.


See you soon.

It's beautiful.
You're so sweet!

Hey, you two. Not yet.

- Are you ready?
- Yes.

- Do you...
- Jeppe Jessen.

Do you, Jeppe Jessen, take...

Cecilie Lyngstrup.

- Hey, hey. This is serious.
- Sorry.

Do you, Jeppe Jessen,
take Cecilie Lyngstrup -

- as your lawfully wedded wife?

- I do.
- Will you love and cherish her?

For better or for worse
until death do you part?

I do.

Do you, Cecilie Lyngstrup,
take Jeppe Jessen -

- to be your lawfully wedded husband?

I do.

Will you love and cherish him
for better or for worse -

- until death do you part?

I do.

I now pronounce you man and wife.

Alright. That's that.
Now you can kiss.

You've made me so happy!

My wife.

My husband.

- I had no idea when we left.
- No idea about what?

That this would be our honeymoon.

That means it's also our wedding night.

What if someone sees us?

Can I say it now?

I love you.

I love you too.



Look at me.
Wake up.


Jeppe, they're back.
The Tutgilas.

You have to help Nono.


I'm right here.
We're going in the ambulance.

Do you have some water?
English. English.

What is her name?


I have to go with her.
I'm right here.

- Careful.
- Jeppe.

- I want to get up.
- Just relax. Relax.

Lie down and relax.

- Stop it! Let go!
- Easy now.

Calma. Calma.

- Calma.
- No calma. Cancer!

Jeppe, no! Don't tell him.

- I have to.
- I'll never get to do anything again.

I'll be chained to a bed
until death and takes me, Jeppe!

Cecilie, I don't have any choice!

But you promised me, Jeppe!

You promised me...

Here they come.



- Cecilie.
- What were you thinking?


Come, sweetie.

She's furious with me.
I promised her.

Give her some time.
Give her some time.

Do you remember?
As far south as we can get.

23 days,
and then we're off with Jack.

It'll be awesome.

Sun, palm trees, the turquoise ocean.

Lots of adventure and all the things
we didn't get to do in Gran Canaria.


You might as well get used to it.

Now you're ready for the sun.

It's all over.

But I at least I had the best
boyfriend in the whole world.

You mean everything to me.

Do you hear me?

- Until death do us part.
- Don't say that.

What about Nono?

He's dead.

They executed him.

Burnt him alive at the stake.

I could feel his pain.

Nono didn't make it, but I will.

This is the definitive game
in the finals.

Rabbits against Naestved.

Both teams won three games, so the
winner will be the national champion.

And we're ready to introduce
the Odense Rabbits.

Thomas the Tornado Smith.

Liam the Wall Potter.

Rasmus Christensen.
And top scorer Jeppe Jessen!

- Where the hell is Jeppe?
- He needed a minute alone.

We are going to win.

We are going to win, Cecilie.
Do you hear me?

We are going to win.
We are going to win!

We are going to win!

You'll make it!
You'll make it!

Go, Jeppe!

Are you okay?

Careful! I know that the US scouts are
here, but you almost broke your neck.

- Jeppe, it's not worth it.
- How do you know? We have to win.

- Are we winning?
- They're ahead by two, but stop it.

- You'll kill yourself,
- So what?

Coach, can he play or not?

What did you wish for
back at the basketball court?

That the two of us
would always be together.

But you missed.

- This is for the Danish championship!
- 6, 5.

4,3, 2,1, go!

We won!
We are the champions!

- Cecilie?
- She's gone.

No, it can't be true!


Cecilie. No!


But we won.
We were going to the States.

I love you.

- You did everything you could, Jeppe.
- There was so much we wanted to do.

I know.

What the two of you experienced
is much more powerful than you think.

And more than most people
experience in an entire lifetime.

You two found each other among
the billions of people on this planet.

Do you realize how amazing that is?

- How are you doing?
- A little better each day.

- How about you?
- Well...

There's something
I've been wondering about.

When Cecilie was a little girl,
I taught her how to ride a bike.

We were out biking
down a rather steep hill.

For a brief moment, I didn't
pay attention. A split second.

Cecilie's feet couldn't keep up with
the pedals, and her bike starts weaving.

So she sticks her feet out and rolls
down towards a heavily trafficked road.

I try to reach her, but it's too late.

For a very long moment,
I can't see her in all the traffic.

Then, suddenly I see her on the other
side of the road, jumping and clapping -

- as if it were a ride
in an amusement park.

Maybe at some point, we all land
in a situation that actually kills us -

- but we get a second chance.

In that sense,
we actually have two lives.

But because I didn't pay attention
for that split second -

- Cecilie had to use her extra life.

But what if that's not how it works?

Cecilie had a great time biking
with you.

She didn't know
she was in danger.

What if we only have this one life?

And we have to love every second of it?

Because we never know when it's over.

- Good luck over there.
- Thanks.

- Spain.
- Greece.

- Ready?
- 1, 2, 3, go!

- So?
- Paper.

- Fuck. Rock.
- Vamos, senor Jeppe.
