On Happiness Road (2017) - full transcript

"There's this gift of love"

"I'm now giving it to you"


Hello everybody

Chi, you need to be careful

I will

Oh dear

Are you okay?

Mom, where is our new house?

It's located on 168 Happiness Road

You need to remember it

Now repeat after me

Happi-ness Road

Happy as in happily ever after

Never forget it so you can find your way home

Happi-ness Road?

What does happiness mean?

You know, when you eat, sleep
and feel good - that's happiness

Isn't that something?

A kid asking such a big question

Dad, watch out

A philosopher when she grows up

A philosopher? How'd she feed herself?

She'd better be a doctor

Ouch, my butt


One, two...


Come, come with me


Chi, what are you doing here?


What are you doing here?

Kiddo, you have happiness
when your belly is full

Ever seen trees and grass worry about anything?

Why burden yourself with so many worries?


Where are you going, Granny?

I'm heading home

Wait, Granny

I still need your help



Recently, I keep having random dreams about...

...Happiness Road and my childhood

When I wake up...

...I often forget who I am and where I am

I remember now


I am Lin Shu-Chi

I was born in Taiwan on April 5th, 1975

I grew up on Happiness Road

Came to the U.S. to study...

...then found a job after

And got married

And now... here I am

Hello? What happened?

You finally answered the phone

Granny just passed away

Are you coming home?

Julia, greet your aunt


- Wen, no need to force her
- No!

- It's not necessary
- Say hi to your aunt

- Aunt
- Wen

you really not going back to see Granny off?

I'm too busy with work at the bank

Could you bring some things back
for me to give to my mom?

You should really go
while you still have a chance

Buns are smelly... I don't want it. No!

Julia, have some dumplings

I don't want to eat buns

These are dumplings

- I don't want to eat buns. No!
- These are dumplings

Stop it! Don't do that





Chi is just a kid

Don't punish her

Driver, please stop

Oh, gosh

This can't be the Canal

I can barely recognize...

Vote for No. 3

Ma'am, please vote for me.
Local and hardworking...

Thank you for your support

Vote for No. 3




I... I'm... Your...

Who are you?

We went to grade school together

Remember? I'm Chi

I used to sit next to you in class

It's me. Lin Shu-Chi

Wow, you've changed a lot.
I couldn't recognize you

I mean, when did you get so pretty?

I didn't recognize you.
Forgive me for being rude

I'd say the canal's changed more than I have

My dad fought for the funding
for the renovation

Impressive huh?

Please vote for me.
Support your classmate, will you?

Every vote counts, thank you!

Please vote for No. 3

"Mayor Candidate No.3 Hsu"

He's right. Who am I?

When did I turn into the person I am now?


I should start from that Canal

The story of my childhood begins at this Canal


Look at me

Chi, here comes
your favorite strawberry ice cream

Catch them


That canal is so dirty.
What are you doing over there?

Your favorite cartoon Candy Candy
is playing soon

Time to head home now

I bought a backpack
for you to carry to school tomorrow


Give me that

Slow down! Don't run

Give me that! I want it

Fine, here you are

Mom, do you know that?

Dad made some ice cream in his factory today

It's strawberry flavor

What are you talking about?

Because the air today...

...smells like strawberry ice cream

You've been watching cartoons too much

What's going on in your head?

Thinking nothing but food

You're about to start first grade,
learn to behave


My cartoon is about to start

Don't run

Like a wild horse...

Auntie, look

Chi, what a nice backpack you have

Thank you

Candy Candy, hold my hand

Don't be afraid, you still have me...


We are here



Daddy needs to go to work now

This is for you to buy snacks

You spent money on lottery again

It's a hope

We could be rich

Which never happened

Chi, be good and behave

Dad, you be good at work, too

Chi, mom told you

When you get to the classroom, sit still

Mom has to go back for work

Do as what your teacher says

You need to speak Mandarin in school

- Stop Crying!
- No Taiwanese, you hear?

Here we are

I don't want to go in

Go ahead. Go inside

Your seat...

...over there

Go take your seat

Come on, go

Hello auntie


Chi, you be good and study hard

Mom needs to go work for money

Who's crying?

Big sis, don't go! I'm scared

Let go

I need to go back to work

Blonde hair with blue eyes...

She's a real foreigner

Get up

Are you done crying yet?

Be a good girl

I need to go back and work

Big sis...

Gosh, you're annoying

Hey, crybaby

- What?
- Are you going to cry too?


Everyone quiet

I'm taking attendance now. No. 1, Hsu Wen-Yueh


No. 2, Chen Ji-Ji

- Wow! A Watch!
- No. 3, Chuang Betty

Chuang Betty

Where is Chuang Betty?

Chuang Betty, raise your hand

Ma'am, she peed herself

She peed herself

Don't laugh at me


Put your hands behind your back now

Betty, go call your mom

Tell her to bring you a new pair of underwear

Do you hear me?

Stop crying!

Ma'am, may I go with her?

Alright. Don't take too long

Here you go

You don't have money?

I have ten NTD

We can get change from the school store

No, that's not it

My mom works in Taichung

I am not allowed to call her

What about the lady who brought you here?

That's my cousin

She's going to beat me up...

...for causing her trouble

Oh, I have an idea

Mom, over here


Over here


Hey, don't come near me

Wait, it's you?

I thought you peed your pants

No, it's Betty

She sits next to me in class

Hurry and go change

I have to get back to work

Okay, let's go

Oh I see, so you just moved here from Taichung

Yes. My mom says once she has the money...

...she'll come get me to live with her

So now she's living
with her cousin who sells betel nuts

Wow, you are such a good kid...

...living with a relative all by yourself

A... B...


...E... F... G...



Can you tell if this is a B or a P?

Leave me alone, you're so annoying

Everyone, let's practice spelling

What is this?

I know

That's a "Pongyi" (Taiwanese)

- Hahahaha, so stupid, that's a sofa!
- "Pongyi"?

What's a "Pongyi"?

That's not Mandarin

It can't be spelled with phonetics

So silly

Of course you can spell it

P-ong... Yeee. Fourth tone

This is a sofa

S-o-F-a, repeat it after me



Okay, this is a chair

How do we spell it?

No, at home we call this "Yi-Ya" (Taiwanese)

Spelled Yeee-Ahhh. Fourth tone

Quiet! Be quiet

Hands behind your back

You're now in first grade

You need to speak only Mandarin at school,
no more dialects

From now on,
anyone using local dialect will be fined

What? Why?

I don't have any money

Chi, see you tomorrow


Bye, teacher

Wow, it's a car

Wow, a doggie. Good boy

You're so cute

Ah... help!


- Dad!
- Stay back!

How dare you

That's my daughter you're barking at

Go away


Sweety, are you okay?

I'm okay

Dad, shouldn't you be at work right now?

Your mom went to prepare food at a kindergarten

I was worried you might get lost...

...so I came here to take you home

- Sit tight. Hold on to me
- Okay

So did anything interesting happen
on your first day of school?

There's a foreign girl in our class

She has blonde hair...

...but she speaks only Taiwanese

Really? She speaks no ABCs?

And the guy sitting next to me
was wearing a watch

A watch huh?

Sounds like he's from a rich family


Oh, that feels good

Chi, what are you doing?

Doing your homework?

What did you learn in class today?

The teacher taught us this today

Your "Mandogrin" textbook

Dad said Man-DOG-rin

Dad turned into a dog after chasing one away

Woof woof woof

It's ManDARin, not ManDOGrin

Chi, why don't you take your dad
with you to school

See if he can pick up some Mandarin

Dad, what is this called?


This is a sofa. Repeat after me



Did you just say Yang Li-Hua, haha

Yang Li-Hua, the Taiwanese opera star

Like mother, like daughter. Two nutcases

So, my heroic dog-beating dad
now had his tail between his legs

He never turned into that prince figure again


Hey, Chi

What are you doing standing there?

I was afraid you'd forgotten the way home

- So I came out here to wait for you
- Dad

ls that so?

Your American daughter is back

That's right.
So no time for our gibberish today

When did this street and everyone here...

...become so old

You lied to me...

Dad, Mom is singing as loud as ever

She's overjoyed that you're back

There's nothing like a cheerful heart

Chi, you're back from the U.S.?

- Oh hey, long time no see
- It's been a long time

She's very busy in the U.S.

It's a long way coming back

Chi, come back more often

Can't wait to see your mixed baby

- Come by my house for some tea
- Sure. I'll see you later

Dad, let me take my luggage

Oh, don't worry. I still got it

Gosh, you have a bad back and knees

You're going to hurt yourself

No I won't, I'm strong like a dragon
and agile like a tiger

Why is there so much trash here?

You starting a museum or something?

Your mom's new hobby - recycling

Says you can turn junk into gold

You're home

You must be hungry

Look, all homegrown and home-raised
from the rooftop

I made all your favorite dishes

No chicken, don't worry. Try it


But I'm exhausted. Can we eat a bit later?

Dad still dreaming
of becoming a millionaire huh?

Of course! A leopard can't change its spots...

...even if it emigrated to the moon

Chi, your room is ready

You must be tired from your flight

Go lie down for a bit

Mom, why so many dishes this
early in the morning?

I'm preparing food
for your dad to eat this whole week

Okay, now we can make the trip
to go see Granny off

Huh? Dad's not going?

Why is dad just getting home now?

Did he go out gambling all night again?

He's been working night shifts
as a security guard

Dad is working again?

Why haven't you told me?

You rarely pick up your phone

What can we do? We need more money...

...with his reckless spending

I don't give him spare money anymore

Dad, are you okay?

We're going to go now

I'm fine. You guys go ahead

I'll get some sleep

Alright. You take care

Excuse me, do you still need this?

Great! Thank you very much

Mom, stop going around collecting trash

Recycling is good for our planet

And I get to make money doing it

Don't you think that's great?

Cousin, what day did Granny pass away?

On the 5th of April


Why does everyone
pick my birthday to pass away?

It's just more convenient for everyone

Visiting the graves once a year
on National Tomb-Sweeping Day

- Wow, I knew it
- Show it to me

I want to see it

Your look like the mayor

"Happy Children's Day"

Oh wow, this is from your dad

Oh, your dad is the mayor

No wonder you always come to school in a car

Don't push me

Chi, let's get out of here

Let's go

I'm so jealous of Hsu

His dad is the mayor

"Happy Pencil Box"

I bet he always gets the best birthday presents

Chi, your birthday is coming up

This is the chocolate
my dad sent me from America

I want you to have it

Wow, thank you

I've never had such a happy birthday

You were always unhappy on your birthday?

Not happy at all


On the day before my birthday

I would need to take a long trip...

...to Kaohsiung with my parents
for tomb-sweeping

We will be going again the day after tomorrow

It would take us a whole day just to ride there

Hurry up

Quick, get on

I'm so tired

You're tired? I'm exhausted

And I don't get to watch Candy Candy on TV

Saudi Arabia has announced plans
to cut down on the oil production...

Chi, what's it saying on TV?

- What country is it talking about?
- Saudi Arabia


Saw-woo-Dee Ala bee-ya (Taiwanese accent)

Can't understand all that
Mandarin you're speaking

Oh my, this is so good


So pretty

Hey, Chi

Hello, Betty

Do you like the chocolate, Chi?

Yes! It's so good

America is awesome

ls America really that awesome?

Chi, what're you doing?

Come and chat with everyone

- You're such a cutie
- Chi, life is good in America, right?

It's alright

How much money do you make a year?

Do you make more than Wen?

Probably not

When are you going to have children?

Your kids will be Americans by birth

I haven't really thought about that yet

It's about time
you gave your mother a grandbaby

That's right, making money is not everything

But making money is important, too

True, but life is more complete with a child

Yes, Auntie. I know all this...

Chi, doesn't it cost a lot
to raise a kid in the U.S.?

I don't think so...

Maybe Chi's been too stressful to get pregnant?

- Want me to recommend a specialist?
- No, it's okay, really

Don't we have some secret family formula?

Oh, that's right. Too bad Granny already passed

She would have a secret formula
for you to boost fertility

- Yes
- Shall we try tossing a Poe to talk to Granny?

Aren't we taking it a bit too far?

Holy crap, my hair almost got on fire

Quick, someone put it out

I'll go find a fire extinguisher



You're all grown up now.
Why are you still afraid?

Still running away from things?


You're dead, and you still nag?

I'm not like you

I keep it simple

My life's down to earth

Granny, you're six feet below, you know that?

Technically, yep

But you've asked me to come help you

That's why I'm here

Haven't I always done that for you?

The bus is here

Here we are at Happiness Road

Move quickly

Excuse me

Coming through...

Excuse me

Excuse me, coming through

Let me pass, will you?

Sir, get up! The bus is departing

- Granny
- Hey Kiddo

- Are you picking me up?
- Yep

I got a chicken for your mom to raise

Lead the way

What a pretty rooster

It has only one eye

So cool

Granny, you haven't come to visit for so long

It's no fun for me here in Taipei

There is no mountain

Wow, what a pretty rooster

Oh, never would have thought...

...these veggie could grow so well in Taipei

Yeah, isn't it wonderful?


That poor rooster you brought
is being picked on

We need to save it. Come on

Chi, go downstairs
and buy me a pack of betel nuts

Make sure they're still green

Got it


Couldn't you stop chewing betel nuts?
It's not decent

- Yeah! The Marble King is mine!
- Give it back


Chi, have you come to play with us?

No, I want to buy betel nuts

Hi, a pack of betel nuts please

Who chews betel nuts in your family?

They're for my Granny from Hualien

Huh? Your grandma chews betel nuts?

That's right

All women chew betel nuts...

...when they become a grandma, no?

Does your grandma not chew betel nuts?

Of course not

Only savages and loose women chew betel nuts

Chi's grandma is a savage

Savage! Savage!

Chi is a Savage!

Don't say that

I'm not a savage!

Chi, why do you look so upset?

Granny, your betel nuts

Kiddo, you like fried chicken, don't you?

It disappeared

The aboriginals at Alishan...

...while making offerings to gods
at the end of autumn...

...they used to hunt people
and chop their heads off as offerings

Wu Feng couldn't stop them
from this barbaric custom...

...so he decided to sacrifice himself
and told the aboriginals...

...Tomorrow morning, there will be
a man in red clothes and red hood...

...shoot him and make him
your sacrificial offering

Would they shoot Santa Claus, too?

"Chi is a savage"

Welcome to "Taiwan's Next Top Singer"

Now, we have our singing champion on the throne

Let's welcome Miss Jolin Tsai...


Chi, you've been acting weird lately

Isn't fried chicken your favorite?

What's wrong with you? Something bothering you?

Chi, you have something to ask me, right?

Go ahead and ask

Granny, have you ever chopped off a mans' head?

Chi, how did you even
come up with such an idea?

It says in our textbook...

...the aboriginals
from Alishan chop people's heads off

Where did you hear that from?

Who told you the aboriginals
chop people's heads off?


But what?

But my classmates say that...

...only the savages would chew betel nut

Granny is a savage...

...and Granny chopped off the chicken's head

Mom, I told you

not to chew betel nuts in Taipei, didn't I?

Kiddo, listen to me...

...people can call us
whatever they want - savages or aboriginals

To survive, we need to eat

Since this chicken was sacrificed to feed us

We must eat it without wasting

That's the way we show our respect to it

Do you understand?



Sweetie, did you have a bad dream?

She's tired from playing all day today

Don't be scared

Chi, I am off for work at the kindergarten now

After you finish eating...

...take Granny to the bus stop


You had nightmares again last night?

Come with me

Candy Candy, hold my hands

Kiddo, no more nightmares.
Granny promises you that

After all, your blood is
one fourth Amis aboriginal

Don't forget

You are different

Being different will give you strength

Chi is a savage

Betty, let's go




Here's some chocolate from America

It's really good

Okay, thanks, see you

Thank you, Granny


Remember to come find Granny
when you have trouble

Okay, I will. Granny

I will help you

Yes, you've always been good to me

Why didn't you show up earlier?

Make them stop bugging me

Didn't I shut them up by spilling that soda?

You didn't do that... I did

ls that so?

Auntie Chi, who're you talking to?

Hey, those are for your great-granny

You're not allowed to eat those offerings


Sis, your son Wen is on TV

He's really famous now

Yeah, making lots of US dollars

He's like a stock market tycoon

Chi gets paid in USD as well

Oh, she's just a regular office worker

She doesn't make as much as Wen

I mean look at Wen, he's on TV

What's the point?

We barely ever see him,
and the grandkid only speaks English

She can't even pronounce grandma

"Chu's Comedy Show ♪..."

Oh, so silly

Chi, I thought you hated Chu's Comedy Show

That's right

Didn't you use to think
Taiwanese was crude and distasteful?

How come you enjoy the show now?

No, I never thought that about Taiwanese...

...just Chu's vulgar jokes

Oh? ls that so?

When did I start...

Actually, I would rent Chu's show to watch

while I was in the U.S.

I even laughed so hard with tears

Good morning everyone

What I am about to tell are
jokes from Chu's Comedy Show

Chu's Comedy Show

Hsu Sheng-En, this is a speech class

You need to tell some educational stories

Not some vulgar jokes

The summer vacation
before I went to primary school...

...my dad took me on an airplane

to go to Disneyland in the U.S.

My dad is in the U.S. Air Force

He flies an airplane and fights the bad guys

When I was a kid...

...Grandpa took me
to travel from Liugui to Kaohsiung

It was quite a long trip at that time

But it was so much fun


Isn't it just an escalator?

What's the big deal?

I want stories about some place

really far away, like America

You have no idea

When I was young,
transportation was so inconvenient

Going to Kaohsiung was a big deal

Besides, that escalator was...

...the first one ever in Taiwan

Whatever, escalators are everywhere now

Hello? Oh, hey Wen

Really? OK, great

Saves you a bus ticket, not bad

Hey, Cousin Wen

Chi, I'm going to study in the U.S. soon

I'm going to stay with you guys
on Children's Day

The next day will be your birthday.
Is there anything you want?

I will buy for you

I want a digital watch

Just a cheap one

And I want a red one, is that okay?

Sure, no problem

What? A digital watch?

Dad, Wen is buying me a watch

So ridiculous

I can't believe Chu just said that

Dad, stop watching Chu's Comedy Show

He talks nothing but vulgar jokes

Who cares if those are vulgar jokes

As long as he's funny,
I forgive him for acting vulgar

One day, he went to play by the river...

...and saw many small fish
swimming upstream against the current

Seeing this, Chiang Kai-Shek
thought to himself...

Even such tiny fish can have such great courage

As people, how can we
have less courage than the fish?

Oh dear, isn't it special?

It's someone's birthday and
she's neither whining nor watching cartoons

Mom, let me tell you

I think my birthday is really important

That's because you have a watch coming

No, that's not why

It's because it's the day
a great man passed away

What? What great man?

Yeah, on the day you were born...

...the sky was clear and peaceful
during the day

Then at dusk, it suddenly began to pour
like there's no tomorrow

The God of thunder was busy at work that night

I risked my life to rush Mom to the hospital

I risked my life to rush Mom to the hospital

Move, get out of the way!

Make way, please! Move!

My wife is about to give birth!


Get out of the way!

Move out of the way!

President Chiang Kai-Shek...

...passed away last night

Our entire nation has sunken into deep sorrow

What a beautiful moment, so touching

Give it to me

Cut it out already

Don't act like I don't remember a thing

There wasn't a soul on the streets that day...

...just the downpour and the wind

However, I always believed that...

...our baby came to this world...

...on such a stormy day...

...it means she'll go places one day

Not sure it makes sense, but I'll buy it

Chi, you were born on a big day!

You are going to be great one day!

Yes! I should learn from Chiang Kai-Shek

Be a great person one day

Yeah, make us proud

Hey, but he died on that day

Maybe it's not a lucky day

Shut up! That's not important

Sorry, forget what I just said

Cousin Wen is here


Hi Wen

Auntie, uncle

Wen, could you help Chi
practice speaking Mandarin?

She needs to tell a story in her speech class

Sure. You guys go ahead and catch your train

I can take care of things here

Be good and listen to your cousin

I will

Chi, look. This is for you

The red watch I promised you

Thank you, Wen

- Wen
- What's wrong?

How come the watch is black?

Excuse me, sir

ls this watch red?

Wen, something wrong with your eyes?

Never mind...

Okay, I'll take this one

Chi, I'm really sorry

I bought this watch in Kaohsiung...

...it would be difficult to return

It's fine, black is good, too

As long as it's a watch

My birthday is awesome

Not only is it that great man's memorial day...

...I also get a new watch


Great man?

Yeah, Chiang Kai-Shek

Who learned to overcome all odds
by watching fish swim upstream

He's my hero

Yeah! A watch

Wen, you have a scar on your face

Did you fall or something?

Chi, I'm going to tell you something

Recently, I have problem seeing colors...

Everything I see is in black and white

What? Why?

Because I read a certain book
with my classmates

One day, the police came

We were "invited"
to the police station for some tea...

Wen, are you a prince?

A prince?

If only I were that charming

You have a great sense of imagination

Imagination gives us the ability
to create beautiful things

But oftentimes...

...the truth is not what you imagined

I hope when you grow up...

...you will set off to find
truths and answers on your own

To find truths and answers on my own?


Just remember...

...what people tell you isn't always true

Try to see the world
through your own eyes with wisdom

Eyes? Wisdom?

Yes. Even if your eyes
can no longer see properly like mine

But inside your heart,
there is another pair of eyes

A pair of eyes that see what others can't

That's wisdom

The prince who lived
in the No-Book-Reading Kingdom...

...read the books that were prohibited to read

So he was forced to drink poisonous tea

His eyes would never again see color...

What? Why is that?

But, if he could find his beloved princess

His eyesight would be restored

This is the end of my story

Thank you very much

Chi, where did your story come from?

It's something that happened to my elder cousin

I turned it into a story

Don't tell the story again to anyone

- ls that clear?
- Why?

Don't ask why. It's for your own good

Later, after a long time

Wen sent a postcard and a photo

Dear Chi, how are you?

America is a free country

I am excited to breathe in the air of freedom

Gradually, I can see
the glittering colors of a Christmas tree

And, I've found the princess of my dreams

Wow, that's awesome

I want to find my prince, too


Are you still in Taiwan?

I am sorry. I don't want a divorce

What? Are you regret it now?

Do you actually know
what you want to do with your life?

Why are you asking me what to do?

I don't know either

It doesn't matter to you anyways

As long as she's Asian

Don't say stuff like that

Look, I...


What if I'm telling you I'm pregnant right now?


I'm kidding

I wish I could say
I was surprised by your reaction

Okay, let's talk about this some other day

I'm really busy right now, ok?

Can we really see things with our hearts?

But the eyes in my heart seem to be clouded

Growing up means more things...

...become impossible to understand

Granny, what should I do?



Let's see Granny off

Come find Granny if you have any problem

I'll be there to help you

Granny, you lied to me

Chi, don't cry

Don't cry. It's alright

Granny lived a long full life,
we should be happy for her

Don't be sad

Chi dear

Maybe you should think about having a kid?

Having a baby would change you completely

A baby can bring you
and your husband happiness...

...and help bring you closer

Mom, I'm too busy with work

Oh, just quit your job...

...and focus on having a baby

Your husband makes enough money anyways

The only thing that
kept me and your dad together...

...was having you

Stop pushing me

I don't want to become like you

I... I just want you to be able to live happily.
That's all

Sir, please stop the car

Take my mom back to 168 Happiness Road


Hey Kiddo, why so upset?

Your mom didn't say anything wrong

So now you appeared

Hey, you called me to help you...

...so I came

You are carrying a baby in your belly

Your mom is going to be a grandma

But you shouted at her furiously

Yeah, basically I walked down...

...the path my mom had planned out for me

I am not happy at all

How can I possibly raise my own child?

Who are you talking to?

Why are you unhappy?

Sweetheart, that's not polite

Come here

Mommy, that lady is really funny

She's talking to herself

Really? Have you made a new friend?

Not as a friend yet

Lin Shu-Chi?

Chuang Betty

Hsu Sheng-En

Lin Shu-Chi

Go stand outside

These are the questions and answers
for tomorrow's exam

Make sure to memorize them

Swallow them! Memorize them

Get full marks

She kicked us out just because...

...we didn't pay for after-school cram

Shh, be quiet, I can't hear

Come on

Let's go find something to do

- Chi, are you going?
- No

Aren't you usually the sassy one,
not scared of a thing?

Who's the fraidy cat now?

Fine. Who says I'm afraid?

- Chi, wait for me
- Let's go

Come up here

They're so fat

Dang it

You get such high scores by eating so much?

I bet that's it. Eat till you burst, you snobs

They should be
set free to fly around and get thinner

Good idea. Let me set you free

Fly, fly, Gatchamen

Flying through the sky

See how brave they are

See how strong they are...

Come, there's more fun stuff

Oh my god!
This is the first time I climbed a tree

Chi, catch me down there if I fall

I will

- Betty, watch out
- You little brat

You should hurry home after school to work

And you let out my pigeons again

I won't do it anymore

Don't you know
that's your father's source of income?

If you don't like to study...

...you'd better make me some money

All of you worshippers listen to me

God Almighty, we humbly receive Thee

Listen, your fortune is predestined

For this quarter,
the lottery numbers I see are...

...03, 08 and 10

Ma'am, it's okay

It's not a big deal to drop out

Besides, we're moving

Thank you for your concern

I heard Hsu Sheng-En is dropping out


If he doesn't study now,
how can he become successful in the future?

What's the matter with you? Let's go

Open your text book

We are going to chapter 6 today

Repeat after me...

Play with a Ball

Play with a Ball

Hey, Chi, No.2 Gatchaman

I'm going to go get rich and save the world

- Bye
- Hey, Hsu Sheng-En

Where are you going?


I'm also leaving
to go carry out my mission in America

Bye now


How could you both just leave like that



Betty, what're you doing here?

My mom came to take me to Taichung

You're moving?

Why all of a sudden?

My mom says she's saved some money

She can have me live
in Taichung with her now...

...and we will go see my dad in America

Look, I drew this just now

My mom helped me write down our new address

It's for you


Chi, come visit me in America one day.
Will you?

- I will...
- Betty

We need to go

Get in the car

Take care, Chi


Bye-bye Chi

Write me letters

Bye-bye Betty

Betty, bye-bye

"To Chuang Betty"

Hi Postman, do you have any letters for me?

Dear Betty, how are you?

Why didn't you write back to me?

Did you go to America already?

After you go to America,
please send me a Christmas card

So I'll have your address over there...

...that way I can write to you

Later, as I grew up, I realized...

...all those Christmas cards and chocolates
I'd received...

...while living on Happiness Road...

...had been sent by my mom from Taichung

The only thing I have of my father is one photo



Are you missing your dad again?


Mommy, I want to play the piano for you

Sure. Mommy enjoys hearing you play, Betty

Mommy, I want to learn ballet. May I?

Of course you may

Whatever you like, Betty. It's all fine

That's why I didn't write back to you

So that's what happened

Actually, I figure out later that...

...my mom had her reasons to spoil me

- What reason?
- Mommy

My drawing, for you

Wow, how lovely

You draw me like a poo-poo

You dummy

Ouch! That hurts. She's so mean...

Poor thing. Don't cry

It's not nice to hit your brother

Comfort him

- There, there. Stop crying
- That's my girl

Hi Beibei, I've come for some shaved ice

Hi Rusimi, good to see you

- Good to see you, too
- I want to join them

- Betty, you seem very happy
- I am

I think my life is pretty good now

Beibei, come play with me in a bit

Okay, I'll see you later. Bye

Mommy, I want a kiss

AnAn is such a baby

Beibei gets a kiss, too

BeiBei you're a baby, too

Hi Chi, you've come back

Come over to our place sometime

Yes, come play rubber ducks with us

Perhaps I could come back here and have a life

- Excuse me, is this Miss Lin Shu-Chi?
- Yes?

I'm calling from
the Happiness Road police station

Miss Lin, take good care of your mom

I will

Thank you


It's alright

We'll tell them at the court...

...you thought no one wanted it

That's why you took it

It's not a big deal

In fact, that's exactly the truth

Mom had always been cheerful and strong-headed

This expression of hers now...

...I'd never seen before

Except that one time many years ago

Lin Shu-Chi, step outside the classroom

Oh, my pink butterfly

You cruel little thing...

What do you see in my eyes?

Oh, I see many stars...

How I wish I could fall in love...

Chi, you need to study harder!

With your poor grades...

...you won't get into
honors class in middle school

I'm sorry...

Chi, come with me

We're going to downtown Taipei

Come on, Chi


I bought you this silk fabric from downtown

It's for you to make new clothes with

How beautiful. That's so nice of you

Uhm, as you know...

...Chi is going to middle school soon

Her grades are so bad

She needs your help, Ma'am

Mrs. Lin

Actually, you don't have
to spend money on gifts

Instead, you should spend
on your child's education

- Wouldn't that be wiser to do?
- I hear you

But we do labor work for a living

We haven't even paid off our mortgage yet

We have no extra money
to send Chi to cram school

I understand, Mrs. Lin

But it's really not a good idea...

...to have your child
lose the race on the starting line

Education is of vital importance

You're absolutely right

After that day...

...mom worked at even more places
to make extra money...

...so that I could go to cram school

I have really no idea...


Please pray to our ancestors to help me

I see that you don't like physics,
chemistry and math?

No, not really

Then why study these subjects?

Mom and Dad want me to become a doctor

What do you want to become?


Alright. I've got an idea

Well? Do you feel the power of your ancestors?

I don't think so

The power is definitely with you

When you go back, you will feel it


Wow! High scores

Granny, our ancestral spirits
gave me great help this time

Could you get them to keep on helping me?

Well, actually...

...it's not our ancestral spirits
that helped you do well

It's more like...

...what you believe in determines who you are

What made a difference
was how much you wanted it

That's how it works, Kiddo

"President Chiang Ching-kuo's funeral"

"English Vocabulary Book"

Right after I started middle school

Both the outside world and my physical body...

...started to change a lot

But there was only thing I care about...

Go! Chi. You can do it

Ladies and gentlemen...

Chi is attending
the best senior high school in town

Then she'll be attending medical school

We are so poor...

...that we have nothing but money

"Chi's Hospital"

Thanks for all your compliment

It's worth every bit of your hard work

Chi will make it to medical school for sure

It's too early to say


- I'm really sorry
- Mom

It's alright. Really

You're just too tired

All I took was some scallion...

...I had no idea about the consequence

I thought that nobody wanted it

Mom, don't worry about it

I'm here for you

You can always count on me, okay?

You have your own life in the U.S...

I was afraid to burden you...

I'm sorry

Mom, take some rest

Everything will be alright

Let me cook you something to eat

Would you like that?


What a smell

Since when did mom start to live like this?

And how come I never found out until now?

Granny, did I do this to my mom?

Did I choose the wrong path?

Kiddo, are you feeling regret?

You want to be 17 again?

I'm not sure

There's no way back

After the martial law got lifted...

...the air in Taiwan seemed freer

There were protests outside
the Presidential Palace all the time

It's blocked again

Your ID

Wait for us, Chi

What are you doing?

At that time...

I really thought...

...my future was full of hope

I hardly ever come to Taipei...

...Let's go ice skating

...that recognize facts and truths

All they've done was reading a book...

...the police broke into their houses

Not only they are going to jail...

They might even be sentenced to death

ls this really happening
after the martial law was lifted?


Give us back our free minds

Allow us to read history and facts

Release the innocent

Abolish the Betrayers Punishment Act

Fight political persecution

The government has
arrested pro-independence youths

This is a form of hypocrisy

The five of them could never
have formed an armed rebellion

This is a scheme set up
by the intelligence units

The military, police,
and spies should leave the campuses

Enable freedom of thought...

...academic freedom and freedom of speech


You have already violated
the Assembly and Parade Act

You will be forcefully removed

Enable freedom of speech

Please disperse immediately

Release the innocent

Bloody cop, back off

Thank you

All of a sudden...

...I heard a voice speaking to me

Lin Shu-Chi

Don't waste time on physics and chemistry
that you don't like at all

The daughter of that independent legislator
got into our school

What's she like? Let's go have a look

Ok, let's go

What do you like to read?

What do you like to do?

Are you going to law school?

Hold on, one at a time, please

Are you going to be a lawyer like your father?

I don't want to be like my father

I want to be a doctor

What is your main hobby?

Yeah, what's your hobby?

Hmmm, I like to watch
Andy Lau's Hong Kong dramas

Huh. There's nothing extraordinary

I thought she'd be into some really deep books


Hey, excuse us

Your father is a celebrity

That's why everyone's curious about you

Please don't take it personally

Why should I follow in my father's footsteps?

I wish I weren't related
to Chen Shui-bian at all

I hate being treated like an animal in the zoo

The times had changed...

...but the paths planned out
for us hadn't change

Seeing her plight...

...I decided to choose a path for myself

You are overreacting

I wanted to change my major, that's all

What is this gathering all about?

Give her some advice, won't you?

Isn't it better to study sciences
and become a doctor?

That's right. If you're a doctor,
you can save people

You should listen to your parents

How about being a lawyer or an accountant?

- Easy to make money
- No

I want to study literature or philosophy...

...or even history

Can any of those put food on the table?

You can become a teacher, a guaranteed job

I'll be fine. I can manage

I want to fight for a better society

Huh? What is she talking about now?

Don't force me. This is my life

Yes, she's right...

It's her life

That's right

Years ago when you left our hometown
to come to Taipei

I didn't stop you, did I?

Going to college has been great already

She'll at least have a decent office job

That's right

Didn't you always say? "Listen to your parents"

Now, listen to your parents

As long as there is food on the table

Let's eat

Bon appetit

What's wrong, dad?

My flat with elevator
and airconditioning... all gone

All going up in smoke

Granny, can you believe this?

I turned out to be a housewife...

Isn't it ironic?

Taste good

You're doing well if you can cook like this

It's a feat being able to feed yourself

Chi. Your dad has finally hit the jackpot

Enough! Bullshit luck

I won. Look

Have a look

Not now

Luck has been on my side...

Dad, not now. Mom is upset

The rabbit year is coming

I'll have a golden rabbit made...

...for my grandkid in the U.S.

Golden rabbits don't cost any money?

You don't even have any money

You spent it all on buying lottery

Okay... stop it...

Okay, stop fighting, come eat dinner

Listen, try my cooking

You always wish me bad luck

Stop fighting

Stop it. I'm quite a cook

Forget about dinner

Mom, stop saying that

Stop fighting

Can we please eat now?

Crap. Especially this stupid picture

Stop it! That's my idol

I'm going to throw it away

Give it to me

I need pocket money to eat

If I starve to death, you'll be a widow

Sooner or later, I'll be mad or dead

- What's wrong with Chi?
- Something wrong?

It did not take long
for my parents to remind me...

...why I always wanted
to leave in the first place

Seeing your parents bicker
can be a simple happiness

I've never seen that all my life

I've thought about...

...coming back to Taiwan
to raise a child on my own

But it doesn't feel like working

I'm too naive, aren't I?


You're pregnant?


My parents don't know yet

I don't know how to tell them

I'm very worried

What are you worried about?

Having a child is a great thing

It's a gift from heaven

So happy for you, Chi

Actually, I...

Oh dear, you got into a fight again?

They started it

They kept saying Rusimi's mom
ran away to Indonesia and abandoned him...

...and they told him to scram to Indonesia

So I told them off

But there's no reason to hit someone

That's because they called me an American...

...and told me to scram to America

Mommy, but I'm Taiwanese

Well, I see that they've said mean things...

...but still you shouldn't have hit people

It hurts mommy to see you bruised, you know?

But Mommy, I won the fight

How many were you fighting against?


Oh no... I have to apologize
to three families this time?

They should apologize to us

OK, let me see

Can I really come back to this?

Back then, I was so eager
to leave Happiness Road

And now, I hesitate to come back

Hurry up, Chi

Come on, quickly

Hurry up

Before anyone notices

Lin Shu-Chi

Mom? What're you doing here?

I came to warn you

Don't go to those radical demonstrations

What are you talking about?

We worked so hard to send you to school...

...It's for you to have good education...

...and find a good job,

not to become a rebel on the streets

I saw it on TV

Oh, you saw me?

- You little brat
- It's not what you think

We're demanding labor rights...

...so workers like
you can have better welfare benefits

What benefits?

You get locked up for doing things like that

You're exaggerating

I forbid you to take part in those activities

Fine. Please go home

You'll miss the bus to Happiness Road

But of course, I wouldn't listen to my mom

After admitted to college

...I finally moved out from Happiness Road

"Mayor elected: Chen Shui-bian"

Thank you

As it were, I went on to graduate from college

Due to my low attendance...

...my grades were horrible

While all my classmates went study abroad...

...I had no idea
what I wanted to do with my life...

...or what I could do

You really have no idea
what you want to do with your life?

Do you?

My goodness

What happened to you?

Dad, are you alright?

What happened?

I fell in the factory

The doctor said I'll be fine

It's not bad

I can take a break for a while

You out of your mind?

What're we going to eat if you don't work?

No worries, the insurance will compensate


Chi, you've graduated for some time now

When are you going to get a job?

Don't be as lazy as your father

It's only been a few months

I've been looking for jobs


What are you looking for?

Look at your father. He is injured

I'm begging you, go get a job soon

Don't put your parents in this position...

We told you to study sciences, didn't we?

It's not easy to get a job with your major...

Chi, can you go to the factory
and collect my stuff?

My boss's promised me a special bonus

- Don't forget to ask him for it
- Oh! Okay

One broken leg was only worth ten thousand NTD

This place is very different
from my childhood daydreams

I began to understand
why my dad didn't like to work

Born in the Chen family,
she wants to be a doctor...

...suffers from insomnia since high school


It was the only work I thought I could do

Miss Lin, you went to
a very prestigious university

Now, I have a couple of questions


Do you agree with downsizing Taiwan province?

Huh? Uh...

I guess I do


Your stand matches ours perfectly

You are hired


Next question

Do you like cats?

Mister, when are you going back to work?

I've worked the past 40 years of my life

I'm done with works

I already applied for retirement

Chi has a job now.
It's time for her to pay back

How could you retire without telling me?

What's the big deal?

I get my pension anyway

Please, how much do you get a month?

After started working...

...I began to understand
Mom's obsession with money

Every month I looked forward to the pay day


You haven't paid
this month's rent and utilities

Mom, all you want is money

Didn't I already give you some?

Not enough

Now your dad is out of job

You have to help support the family

Dad has a retirement pension...

...which you took from him

The money in
it isn't even close to being enough

Worked for 25 years,
got less than one million NTD

That money won't last forever



Just like that, I turned into a busy adult...

...working hard to crank out money
to please my parents

What a day

Hey kid, I need to get my scooter repaired

Dad, there's a customer

Lin Shu-Chi

Hsu Sheng-En

Long time no see

That's your son?

- This is your shop?
- Yep

You? Where do you work?

Are you married?

No. I'm just an ordinary office worker

"Predict your future"

Sounds good to me

Do you still predict lottery numbers?

From time to time

No need to pay me, old classmate

No, I insist to pay

Don't worry. The honor is mine

By the way, you should visit my place sometime

I live in that PHD Homes...

...even though I never got any degree


You even bought your own place

My mom passed away before I turned 18

Her health had been bad in her last years

Can you speak Mandarin?

Sure, I grew up in Taiwan

With your look, you can hardly work as an extra

I play a lot of instruments

I can sing, I can dance...

I'll show you...


However, the money my mom spent on me...

...learning all sorts of skills...

Plus the stock market was booming

Making money was easy

You play the piano very well

This is on me

Sir, I came here to play the piano
and make a living

I have no time to go on dates with you

Get down

Over here

You be careful

Come inside

Don't be afraid

Don't be afraid

I'm here

I'll protect you

It's alright

Until that moment...

...I hadn't realized what I really wanted...

...wasn't money at all

After my mother passed away...

...this is the first time I feel happy again

My dad is sick

He's going to stay at home

My mom will take care of him

Auntie, don't call this number again

Dad! Mom


It's okay, don't be afraid

Let's hurry and go outside

- Don't be afraid
- It's shaking again, I'm so scared

I thought you're scared of nothing

Be careful

It's so terrifying

We are safe

Where are we going?

Mr. and Ms. Lin

Did it shake really badly upstairs?

- Are you guys okay?
- We're fine

But the house is a mess

We're fine

It was terrifying

I just heard the PHD Homes building collapsed

A lot of people died

Did you just say, the PHD Homes?

Yes. It's not far from here

The tall building

Excuse us. Coming through...

You're awake, miss

- Don't worry. Your baby is alright
- Baby?

Yes. Your fetus is fine,
but you'll need to rest

I'll be back


Where is Mommy...


Don't be afraid

Your mom will be here soon

Be brave, okay?

In this place of sorrow, everyone was crying

But a child could
still have such a beautiful smile

All of a sudden
I had this profound faith that...

...my child and I would make it

"Victims of the earthquake"

"Hsu Sheng-En, died"

My God. So that's how Hsu Sheng-En died

It was very sad

Life can be so cruel sometimes

It suddenly dawned on me that...

...I could no longer live that
routine life day after day

So, you went to the U.S. after that?

No, I kept on living my routine life

As we grow up...

...we become money-making machine

We seek changes, but it's so hard

The twin towers were attacked...

The twin towers were attacked...

Wen, are you guys alright?

We're fine

But it's retribution for those...

...companies with their fake earnings

Unjust ones are doomed to destruction

Those westerners have all come to my branch...

...seeking my help

I'm a high-ranking supervisor now

Chi, would you like to come to the U.S.?

I'll arrange you a job

Chen Shui-bian has been elected the president

Yeah, it's done

Candidate Lien Chan
requests to inspect the votes

I thought this time I would be happy forever...

This election is not fair

Let's go packing Daily News

They can't do this

Chi, why are you still here?

We need to get out of here, quick

Go. Quickly grab your stuff

How can this be happening?

Daily News is the one to be blamed to

This election is a lie

Chen Shui-bian should get down

I was very...

...very tired at this point

I really want to get away from it all

It looks like an egg yolk, so yummy

How come you can be so happy...

...but I cannot?

Because I look at things
with the "eyes of my heart"

Eyes of my heart?

I've long lost them

Cousin Wen

But your heart has another pair of eyes...

...to see things that others can't see

Chi, do you want to come to America?


...I remembered a dream I had from long ago

Work hard in the U.S.

Learn to make loads of US dollars like Wen

I will

Don't cry

It's not like I'm never coming back

Chi, please call often

Yes, I will

Mom, don't just think about money

Take care of yourself

Take care of yourselves

Stay healthy

I will

Chi, goodbye


Chi, this is your savings over the years

Work hard in the U.S.

Take care of yourself

Life is peculiar

An event as horrible as 911 attacks...

...somehow brought me to come...

...and to live in the U.S.

It's like a childhood dreams came true

This is where all those ornaments...

...my mom made ended up...

Seeing a real Christmas tree
for the first time...

...isn't as awe inspiring as I'd imagined


I'm sorry

It's okay

You like Christmas ornaments, too?

I buy one every year to add to my collection

I guess you could say so

When I was little,
a lot of stay-at-home moms in my country...

...would assemble these for extra money

We didn't celebrate Christmas

But we sure made a lot of Christmas ornaments

Are you from Taiwan?

How do you know?

Because all the Christmas ornaments
say "Made in Taiwan"


Hey there


Hey, where you headed?

Walking back to Queens

To Queens?

That's going to take more than an hour

I'll walk you there


My name is Anthony

You can call me Tony

Hi Tony, I am Chi



The result of DPP's primary election
has been announced...

Mr. Lin

No sleeping on the job...

- ...and no politics at work
- Sir, my apologies

That is unacceptable

You're lucky to have a job at your age...

...take it seriously

Stop sleeping on the job

Or just go home for good...


- Did you order a bento box meal?
- You scared me for a second

What brought you here?

I brought you a Chi-Special bento box

I see, you've come to feed me

It smells really good


Have you spent all your money again?


I forgot to bring my wallet, that's all

Here. Take this

- Do you like the food I made?
- It's good

You're such a good cook

Just like your mom

But my husband doesn't like my cooking

That doesn't matter, so long as he loves you

All I want is for your American husband...

...to treat you right

How about I move back to Taiwan...

...and cook for you every day?


Your husband doesn't speak Chinese

What is he going to do here?

You two should stay in the U.S.

Dad, How do you like
the sauteed eggplant I made?

I like it a lot

I like everything you cook for me

It was my first time making it

Not bad right?

Not bad at all

You became such a good cook
after getting married...


Dad, he doesn't eat stuff like this

Once you're married...

...you'll stay in the U.S.

I won't be seeing you very often

You can come visit us

We don't speak the language, why bother

Oh, that doesn't matter

It'll be great
when you get your American passport

You'll bring me an adorable mixed baby

I just can't wait


He's a bit sad, that's all

Don't mind him. Eat. Eat

I'm go talk to him

I can't bear it. My heart aches...

I still remember
when she was just learning to walk

Mr. Lin, don't worry

I'll take good care of her

Here. Have a drink

At that moment, I decided...

...for the sake of myself and my parents

I would lead a happy life in the U.S.

A very happy life

This is the golden rabbit that...

...Granny gave me when you're born

Take it with you to the U.S.
as a wedding present


Visit me in the U.S.
when your grandchild is born

Take Granny with you

Let Granny give it to the baby herself

Dad, mom... you two take care

Take care of yourselves

So do you. Take care

Mom, dad... Goodbye

Talk to you soon

I won't get to see my baby girl...

...from now on

She'll have a brighter future in the U.S.

It's not bad at all

It's okay, honey

It's okay. Let's go


President Ma. President Ma


Oh, you're back

Come on in

- Aww, you're sleepy huh?
- Auntie...

Sorry, we have no place to go but here...

Oh, that's alright. I live all alone

Nice to have you back to keep me company

Forget about that kind of guy...

...he's no good for you anyways

Yes? I'm telling you...

Yes, since the renovation, no mold...

You're welcome to check anytime


Where is my shaved ice?

I just ordered some shaved ice on the phone

There is another one available for rent

No, don't do that

Thank you. Have a good one

Oh, Yeah. The deal is done

No. Stop it

No. Let go of my shirt

Sit Down

Arghhhh, here comes the big monster

Let's play a game...

...to put toys away the fastest


I go first

Betty, you're amazing

You take care of two kids...

...and make money at the same time

Listen to me...

...a child will squeeze out all your potential

You'll know soon enough

You can do it, too

It will turn a mom into a superhero

A mother's name is Strong

I don't think so...

I'm not sure if I can pull it off

Have you thought about why you wanted a child?

Well, I wanted a new life...

...to love me forever, I suppose

But, when it actually came...

...I was not so sure


Aren't you the sassy one,
not scared of a thing?

Who's the fraidy cat now?

Fine. Who says I'm afraid?

Auntie Chi, everybody says you're an American

They also call me an American

But I have no idea what America looks like

Well, America can be a boring place...

...where the houses
in the suburbs look all the same

One time, I walked accidentally into...

...someone's place and realized...

Wait, I'm in someone else's home

You're so funny, auntie Chi

Luckly, they didn't shoot at me

Bang! Bang

So you'd better stay in Taiwan

One pack of betel nuts

Okay, coming

I'm going, too

Eventually, you turned out
to be a real American

No, I'm not

One time, I sat at a roadside cafe with Tony

A drunkard threw a bottle at me

...got me bleeding all over my face

He yelled at me "Go back to Asia"

Tony said "My wife is a U.S. citizen"

Your husband sounds good

A nice person


But we're getting divorced


We are completely different overall

Tony is scared of having kids

We've been to marriage counseling together

I often didn't get
what the counselor was saying

He didn't even know where Taiwan was...


Stop thinking about it

You're stressed out

Come with me

Come here

It's beautiful

Right, isn't it?

The sunset here is quite something

Every time I see this...

...it feels good to be alive

They're still keeping them

Fly, fly, Gatchaman...

Flying through the sky

See how brave we are

When I grow up, I want to be a boss

Make a lot of money

No.2 Chi, what do you want to do
when you grow up?

I want to be a great person and...

...change the world

Huh? What's that?

And you, No. 3 Betty?

I want to go to America with my mom...

...and live happily with my dad

Betty, wait for me...

You run too fast

Fly, No.2 Chi

Fly, No.2 Chi, fly...

Well, in the end...

...none of us fulfilled our dreams

No matter how hard I tried

I always ended up with nothing

Same here. It doesn't matter

As long as we live happily in the moment

Come. Come up

Mommy, wake up

They're such good kids

Mommy, where are we going?

We're going back to Happiness Road

Mommy, what is happiness?

Isn't that something

A kid asking such a big question

A philosopher when my grandbaby grows up

You're right

Right, right

Watch out


- Daddy
- Hey, little man

Oh, you're getting bigger and bigger

Well, we're going home

Are you coming with us?

But mommy and I are Taiwanese

Well, Johnny and I are American

Come on, let's go


No! Please

Where is he taking him?

Come back

Please! No


Where are you going, Granny?

I need your help

I'm going home

But, where is my home?

I really don't know...

Kiddo, you know what?

What you believe in...

...determines who you are

Use the eyes in your heart to see



Come here. Give me a hug

Chi, my baby girl

Let's go home

Let's go home

I really want to go home


Let's go home together

Chi, did you have a bad dream again?

One, two, three, four, nothing to be fearful


The doctor says you're perfectly fine

There is nothing to worry about

Why did you come here?

What a surprise

Can you just...

...come home with me, please?

Things have really changed a lot around here

Yeah... just like us

Look, if you really
want to have kids that badly

We can talk about it some more

We can attend some
more counseling sessions together

Whatever it is that you need...

But you don't like kids

I can try

It... doesn't have to be right now...

...right at this exact moment that...

We want completely different things
from our lives

It's not even about having kids anymore

Let's just get divorced

I'm thinking about staying here with my family

It's gonna break your parents hearts
to see us break up

I always break my parents' hearts

But I really am tired now

She's coming back. Let's move


You're back

I've made some soup for you

Have some soup. It'll replenish your energy

Right, more energy

What makes you clean up all of a sudden?

To begin new life...

...and make room for our new guest

New guest?

What guest?

Anyways, it's a good thing

What do you mean "good thing?"

What are you doing?

Just trying to start over fresh

This is a picture of me
and my idol President Ma

Come on, he is a washout

No one likes him anymore

None of your business

He's still hotter than you

Fine, whatever makes you happy


Look at this, you wore this when you were small

I just found it

Your daughter can wear it one day

Dad, what are you talking about?

Do you want to live in Taiwan longer?

Don't worry about your husband

I'll give him a call...

Can you speak English?


Chi, come here

It's finally time to give you this

I mean...

...to give to your child

Although Granny isn't around...

...to see her great grandchild

I believe this golden rabbit...

...will protect you two

This baby will be born in the Year of Dragon

What're you giving her a rabbit for?


As soon as I win my lottery...

...I'll have a golden dragon for my grandbaby


Our mixed grandbaby is going to be adorable

You already know that?

You were in the hospital...

...of course we got to know it

That's why we cleaned up the house

To welcome our new guest

Whatever you decide to do...

...you have my support

It's okay even if you want a divorce

How I wanted a divorce when I was young

You silly woman

Don't listen to your mom

Seriously, you can stay if you want

Stay for as long as you want

I will support you

But Dad

What will I do here if I come back?

I'm not good at anything

Worry about that later

Let's keep it simple

Just think about what you want for dinner now

That's right

Tell me what you want for dinner...

...and I'll cook for you

Microphone testing

Attention please

Now, it's time for me...

...the King of Pop on Happiness Road

To sing a song

For the prettiest girl in the world

Ms. Lin Shu-Chi

Dad, you're so goofy...

"A gift of love for you"

"I wish you true happiness"

Oh you're such a lousy singer

Let me have a go

"No matter where you are"

"Don't ever forget my wish for you"

"This journey of life..."

"...is ever so bittersweet"

"Be strong-willed"

"Be guided by your wisdom"

"And leave behind your beads of sweat"

"Create your own happiness"

Hello, Chi


Hello, auntie Chi



I truly believe our family of four...

...will be happy forever

Hey, Kiddo

There's no such thing as happy forever

Holy cow

The students who's occupying
Legislative Yuan...

...should go to jail

You women know nothing about politics

What do you mean nothing?

Legislative Yuan is our parliament

Occupying parliament is illegal

The government must have
done something wrong...

President Ma can't be wrong

President Ma is a human being

It's impossible he would make mistakes

He was elected by our votes

That's nonsense

Every human being makes mistakes

Show some respects to him

"How are you, the me I used to be"

"Where did you get lost, in all that moving"

"For every time it goes down,
the sun is bound to come up"

"From every old scab,
a budding branch will sprout"

"Happiness - often found elsewhere"

"Fulfilled - are the dreams not my own"

"Chase after chase, it's me fearing to be alone"

"Who am I in the end, I can't say I know"

"Have you become the adult of your dreams"

"Has the story left you anything to feel"

"The sun may go down, your heart never gives up"

"Old scabs there may be,
new branches never fail to sprawl"

"Happiness - may just be carefreeness"

"It's a road - that leads to no end"

"Happiness - wants you to pave the way"

"It is a song, beaming from a crack in the sky"

"It is a song, with tears and warmth to cry"

"For you - this gift of love"

"With it comes - all the happiness to have"

"However time flies"

"Wherever you may end up"

"Forget not, my wish for you"