On Dangerous Ground (1996) - full transcript

When they learn of a secret covenant on the status of Hong Kong signed by Mao in 1944, Chinese factions, the British government, Hong Kong businessmen, AND the Mafia all try to be the first to take hold of it. Tough man Sean Dillon, pressured by Brigadier Ferguson into working for the British, does it his own way. But we see a new twinkle in his eye when he looks at sweet Su Yin... And can it be that pretty Inspector Hanna Bernstein is beginning to grow fond of Sean?

[rain splashes]

[plane flies overhead]

I must make my return
journey in 30 minutes.

Quite simply, if we are to
win the war with the Japanese,

we need the help of you
and your rebel forces.

What do you offer me in return?

Officially, you are still
supporting Chiang Kai-shek.

Yes and the Pentagon attitude
is that we've already

thrown away more than
enough lend lease on him.

We're not able to offer
any more in the way

of arms and ammunition.

Which are the only things
I need in my struggle.

But my hands aren't
tied behind my back.

And I'm sure we can find a
way for the RAF to fly weapons

and ammunition to you
over the hump to Kunming.


10,000 tons a month.

But what would I have to
do for such munificence?


We'd have to have something
and something that would have a

currency for us, if you and
your forces eventually win

and control China.

Ah, I can see you already have

that something in your mind.

Slightly more tangibly so.

The Hong Kong treaty.

The lease to Great Britain.

It expires on July
the first, 1997.


I'd like you to extend it
for, say, another 100 years.

[laughs] I think the rains
have made you lose your senses.

Chiang Kai-shek rules China.

The Japanese permitting,

Mao Tse Tung permitting, I
think I know my man, Mao.

I've drawn up a covenant for us.

A covenant?

I'll explain.

The Christian God made a
promise to the Israelites,

and they made a commitment
to him to worship him alone.

That is a covenant.

And this covenant?

Does it worship me alone or you?

It binds His Majesty's
government to supply you

with all your military needs.

If you agree to extend,
should you ever control China,

the Hong Kong treaty,
by another 100 years.

I think it's easy for me to
say yes, Lord Mountbatten.

Have you got a pen?


Thank you, Corporal.

One for you.

One for the Prime Minister.

And one for President Roosevelt.

And, uh, one extra, sir.

Just in case of accidents.

Good man, Ian.

[dark orchestral music]

Mountbatten and Mao both
signed this so-called

Chungking Covenant.

You cannot imagine the
power of the Chairman's

signature on such a
document, even today.

And there's no official
record of this document?

It was...

Chungking China.


There was me,

and the major,

my late

Ian Campbell.

Top secret, Jack.

Only you and I know it's there.

Your highland oath on it.

You have it, Laird.
You know you have.

But maybe the Chungking
Covenant can help.

If you can find it.


Do you have any further
confessions to make?

No, Father.

I can aim to have
them justified.

I'm glad to hear that.

For your sake, my son.

[gun fires]

[guns fire rapidly]

[helicopter blades whir]

[guns fire rapidly]

Remember me?

I oughta kill you now!

I'd think about that!

Things change!

That was another
country, another time!

I've got a proposition
for you, better jump in!

[guns fire rapidly]

Meet Detective Inspector
Hannah Bernstein,

Special Branch Terrorist Unit,

succonded to me
for the duration.

Sean Dillon.

I know a great deal
about you, Mr. Dillon,

and I can't say I approve.

You don't have to,
just work together.

If he doesn't behave,

we'll just take him back
to where he came from.

If you were so fond
of these people,

then why did you
quit the grand cause?

Who said I was fond of 'em?

All right.

You wait here.

The hell I will.

This pub's IRA.

I walk in there with you,
they'll take you around back,

blow a hole in your head
and I won't get anything.

But you're the boss.

I swear by all the saints.

Something tells me
that's a great, big-

Dillon, for God sakes!

[gun fires]

You're dealing with China,
but not getting very far.

It won't be long.

I've arranged to have someone
taught a lesson or two.

[engine roars]

[glass shatters]
[patrons scream]

[gun fires]

It'll be a bomb!

Right, but this is how it goes.

No! Billy boy.

This is how it goes.

♪ Pop goes the weasel

[gun fires]

[suspenseful music]


[rapid thuds]

[Sean groans]
[rapid thuds]


[thugs groan]

[muffled chatter]

[explosion roars]

It was one of his best, too!

[explosion roars]

[gun fires]


What do you think
his chances are?

Bellemy is the best
surgeon in the country.

That's how good his chances are.

Tell me.

I've seen worse, but-


They were dead.

I'll help your
uncle any way I can.

Thank you.

[ominous music]

[tense music]

[somber music]

[tense music]

[door slams]

[muffled thud]


Where am I?

A safe house.

London, Holland Park!
Please, I hate guns.

Then you should
change your clientele.

[gun fires]

[distant laughter]

God bless all here.

God save you kindly, Dillon.

[gun fires]

I know you're a bastard, Dillon,

but for all you knew,
you could've killed us.

I knew they were blanks,
there was no recoil.

[sighs] Well, it's been
more fun than Euro Disney.

Listen, you could've saved
yourself a lot of trouble

by just asking me
if I was ready.

I had to be sure you
still had your appetite.


Welcome back.

You listen to me.

If I work for you
again, it's on my terms.

Which are?
You pay me, up front.

You drive a hard bargain,
but if you insist.

All right.

What've you got this time?

We don't exactly know
what yet, but the who

is the Sicilian mafia and a
gentleman called Carl Morgan?

There's one more person involved

in this business, Mr. Dillon.

Carl Morgan.

At his best,

Morgan is a wonderful
front man for the mafia.

Goodness knows how much money's
been laundered through his

world leisure empires.

At his worst,

some kind of enforcer.

What's he got to do with
the investigation, or me?

I understood that the
Sicilian mafia was one

of your sources for buying
weapons for your clients.

That's right.

Why, you'd do anything,
if the price is right.

Perfect credentials for getting
in the good graces of Morgan

when we can locate where he is.

That is his step-daughter, Asta.

She's somewhere in England,
so he won't be far away.

Attractive, isn't she?

Hm, looks like he
agrees with you.

Why do you say that?

Look at him.

Can't keep his hands off of
her. What about the wife?

Dead. Drowned, a
year ago, diving.

Off a Greek island.

Here's the autopsy.

Faulty tank. What do you think?

This is no accident.

This is it? This is the report?

Morgan wasn't even
questioned, I got that from

the dead file from a friend
in Greek Intelligence.

Somebody put a stop
to the investigation.

You think he killed her?

Or arranged to have it done.

Maybe she knew too much.

Or maybe it was something else.

Maybe he wanted
Asta for himself.

[melancholy orchestral music]

Hey, there!


I wanna talk to you.

I was just thinking of you.


Because I worry about you.

You're being torn in two.

You're too smart for me.

Isn't that why you like me?

Oh, by the way. You
haven't talked to me yet.

[Sean chuckles]

It's nothing, really.

I have a lead on Morgan.

Your uncle should be happy.

Employment aside.

No matter who's involved,

no matter how dangerous.

Yeah, but that's what
you like, isn't it?

The danger.

Morning, Nigel.

Any news overnight?

Another coded communication
from the Sicilian source,

via Hong Kong.

Seems we have confirmation

of the original
source of information.

I've just been
translating it for you.

I admire your dedication, Nigel.

But I think you're overdoing it.

You're working too hard.

I can't bear being
alone at home, Charles.

It's that simple.

Helen was ill for so long,

I still make two
cups of everything.

Put too much water in the soup.

Can't you find a friend
to spend some time with?

Loneliness is a trap
in our business.

I know, uh, don't worry.

And, uh, thanks.

The source was New York?

Yes, a young doctor,

but related in some
way to the Luca clan.

Surprise, surprise.
Get Bernstein.

I want her on the first
plane to the States.

[engines roar]

[upbeat dance music]

[computer bleeps]

[muffled upbeat dance music]

[upbeat dance music]

[distant boat horn blows]

Dr. Jackson?

I'd like to ask you a
few questions, if I may?

About what?

About something called
the Chungking Covenant.

I don't know anything about it.

This is a transcript of a
conversation you're reported

to have had with the
Don Giovanni Luca.

Do you deny that?

You can't lock me up
for making a phone call.

But we could make life
very difficult for you

with the Board of Trustees.

The New York Medical
Association might even tarnish

what could be a
brilliant future.

And all because I need
a few extra details

to help fill in
the missing pieces.

[smooth pop music]

You like dancing
alone, don't you?

Excuse me?

Looked like you could
use a dance partner.

[chuckles] Who do you think
you are, Fred Astaire?

I'm Sean Dillon.

Very nice.

But I have to go.

Why wouldn't you dance with me?


I can tell you've
had a lot to drink,

so I'm just gonna let you go.

I was only having
some fun, that's all.

You video all your patients?


I'm funded by the Bates
Foundation to do a study

of latent aggressive
tendencies in terminal states,

such as we find in
the patients here.

You're very lucky,
Miss Bernstein.

You can see exactly
what you say you need.

Or does that offend
your delicate nature?

I take it with me
in my flying jacket.

[rain splashes]

[thunder rumbles]

Piece of history, Jack.

Aye, we'll make
sure it stays safe.

Pass me my Bible, will ya?


[tense music]

[plane flies overhead]

[thunder rumbles]

Top secret, Jack.

Only you and I know it's there.

Your highland oath on it.

You have it, Laird.
You know you have.


Let's go!

So he had it with
him on his person,

when we flew out.

What happens next?

He isn't too clear about it.

He figures Mao went back on
his deal when he came to power.

As for the copy in the
Bible, he and the major

got into enemy interference
on the way back.

The major was wounded badly.

They made it back to
Scotland, he lived on.

But kinda shellshocked.

But what about the Bible?
Did that make it back?

I asked him about it.

He kinda chuckled.

It got back too.

In a matter of
speaking. [chuckles]

"In a manner of speaking,"
what does he mean?

That's all he said about it.

And that's all you
told Don Giovanni?

Is it really that important?

Well, they seem to think so.

So we have to think so, too.

And one more thing, Dr. Jackson.

Let's keep this
conversation a secret.

[suspenseful music]

[door slams]

The 23:55 overnight
sleeper service

for Glasgow and Edinburgh.

This train is built
from two portions.

The front portion for Glasgow,
calling at Carlisle...

[computer bleeps]

[computer bleeps]

I'm sorry but the
signals just keep getting

fainter and fainter.

Where the devil is he going?

[train horn honks]

[helicopter blades whir]

[helicopter blades whir]

Well, here they are.

Now we can get the rest of
the new tiles for the roof.

This Carl Morgan says
he might be interested

in more than just a vacation.

His company's in the
leisure business.

Golf courses and the like.

Oh, you'd not sell,
would you, Kate?

I don't know how much
longer we can survive,

hand-to-mouth, the way we do.

And neither of us are
getting any younger.

Some impressive history
around here, huh?

Ought to be soaked in
enough blood, even for you.

Don Giovanni's estate
is older, Carlo,

and in its history, much
more blood was shed.

Come on, let's put on
some Highland smiles

and give them good value
for their lovely dollars.


I'm Carl Morgan.

My associate, Marco Tavianni.

And you must be Lady
Katherine Campbell.

I am, indeed, and
you're welcome.

Though Lady Kate's enough
of a mouthful for anyone.

My factor, Stuart Murdoch.
Aye, welcome to ya.

Surely it's not
just the two of you?

No, my stepdaughter's
coming up by train.

She is due to arrive at
Shiel Station at noon.

Bring the cases,
will you, Murdoch?

[brooding music]


Shiel station!

It must've been wonderful
to be born here.

Born and bred these
thousand years,

as my father used to say.

[phone rings]
Oh, excuse me.


Oh, Carlo.

I don't know how
they know, but eh,

a British police officer
has been talking to Tony

about the Covenant.

Be careful.

[Carl speaks Italian]

But I'm here on
my business, too.

I have trips to make, people
to see. A schedule of meetings.

Marco's here to take care
of that kind of business.

I'll hand you over.

And how long has
it been all yours?

Quite a few years.

And no laird to share it with?

Technically, I'm the laird,
but yes, I live alone.

How did you know?

[dark orchestral music]

It's a business habit
I've gotten into.

Finding out everything
I can about my arrivals.

[chuckles] And of course,
potential partners.

So I've come to
know a lot about you

and your family history.

Oh, there's plenty
more I'd like to know.

Might I suggest then that
you join me for lunch?

There's nothing I like better
than to entertain new friends

in traditional Highland style.

We'd like nothing
better, would we, Marco?

But I have to pick up
Asta at the station.

[brook babbles]

[bird squawks]

You can reach the track
around the loch from here,

but it's 12 miles or so,
she could easily get lost.

We'd better go look for her.

We could try.

[brook babbles]

[suspenseful music]

Well, well, well.

Would you look at this now?

Who are you?

Who am I?

[tools clang]

And you're the one
that's trespassing here?

What do you want?

I'll give you three guesses.

What're you doing here?

My father is a tenant of
Lochdu Castle as of today,

and I have a perfect
right to be here

and to ask who you are.

I couldn't give a shit
about your father.

How dare you waltz in here
and talk to me like I'm shit.

[groans] You little...

[Asta screams]



[glass clinks and shatters]



[Sean pants]

Thank you.

Why did you follow me?


I told you.

I wanna talk to you.

All right.



[footsteps clack]


Thank God you're here.

What happened?

There was no car at the
station and I walked.

You walked over that mountain?

And then I got lost, I'm sorry.

I saw a man running out there.

He attacked me and...

Mr. Dillon helped me.

I'm Carl Morgan.

This is Lady Katherine Campbell,
the laird of Lochdu Castle.

My daughter, Asta.

I don't know where you've
sprung from, Mr. Dillon,

but I think we owe
you some hospitality.

Of course we do, Mr. Dillon.
[ominous music]

[footsteps clack]

So what's so important?

I've gotta get back on schedule.

You must follow Don
Giovanni's wishes.

Find the Covenant.

I told him I would, if I could.

That takes time and diplomacy.

Look at the size of this place.

If it's hidden here, somewhere,

it could take weeks
to search everywhere.

The police and
British Intelligence

are also on the trail
of these documents.

We must be very careful,
but we must be quick.

I don't like this Dillon.

Well, such good
timing. There you are.

And look who've just arrived.

An old friend of my father's,
Brigadier Charles Ferguson,

and his niece, Hannah.
[ominous music]

God bless all here.

Brigadier Ferguson's one of
my family's oldest friends.

It's been years,
though, hasn't it?

Indeed, I know that
my niece would love

to visit Lochdu
on her way north.

It's kind of you to invite
us at such short notice.

I don't think we've heard just

what you're doing
here, Mr. Dillon.

I was on my way through
as well headed north.

We met in a club
and he followed me.

How romantic.

I saw him in Glasgow
changing trains.

In the case of war, lying
is an indispensable ally.

Is the same true of love?
I've never been sure.

I think it might be.

You followed my daughter?

To be honest, Mr. Morgan,
I came here to meet you.

Well, you've met me now,

and I'm sure there's
a reason for it.

But usually I don't
meet with anyone,

without being scheduled.

And if it's Asta you're
after, I thank you for coming

to her aid, but I don't take
kindly to wayfaring strangers.

Let me give you some
advice, Mr. Dillon.

No, let me give you some advice.

Never wear brown socks
with black shoes.


I've heard that, too.

So, Senor Tavianni, is this
your first trip to Scotland?

It is.

Are you here for the hunting?

Oh, are you an expert?

Let's say I'm always
trying to improve.

It can be very
frustrating when one

is not a complete expert.

In the mind of the beginner,
there are always so many

possibilities, but in the
expert's, there are few.

Do you mount your
trophies, Mr. Tavianni?

[guests chuckle]

So Lochdu Castle's
just a base for you

for making trips
throughout the Highlands?

Searching for what, exactly?

Oh, I've plans for a
big private sports club

for the rich and famous.

And I'm looking for
the right locale

with enough land
for a golf course.

Carl's dreams and ideas
are just simply wonderful.

[gasps] Why not
right here, Carl?

[Carl chuckles]

Sorry, Kate. Everything I
do has to be in a hurry.

Up here you'll find the
pace gets slower every day.

What is this, another
one of your games?

Well, how was I supposed
to know you'd be here?

I was cultivating the girl.
What're you doing here?

We had additional intelligence.

Yeah, well, now
you've got Morgan,

you don't need me
anymore, but Charlie,

if that fee isn't in
the bank by tomorrow,

I'll come for you, I swear it.

I'm afraid that's not possible.

We have one last objective.

No, deliver Morgan. That
was the deal, no extras.

I don't think you're in a
position to negotiate, do you?

There's a document, a
Covenant, and it's hidden

in a secret compartment
in a silver Bible

that once belonged to the
late laird of Lochdu Castle.

It's been missing since the war.

We have reason to believe
it's here somewhere.

What do you want with it?
It's classified.

I bet it is.

Well, here we are.

We thought you'd
like adjoining rooms.


Thank you, Kate.

That was very thoughtful.

[suspenseful music]

[fire crackles]

I should've known you'd be here.

It could take weeks to
look through all these.

Why would the laird
want it hidden?

I understand it was out
of loyalty to Mountbatten.

To his country.

This is his country,
not England.

Same difference. During
that particular war, anyway.

They told me you
took out Norah Bell.

I just wanted to say that...

I'm sorry that it had
to happen because of me.

No, I'm sorry.

I mean, if I'd been
faster about it,

you probably wouldn't
have been hurt so badly.

It's a hell of a
thing to kill someone.

I can live with it.

I know you don't like me.
[melancholy music]

But thank you.


[phone rings]
[fire crackles]

[phone rings]

[phone rings]



So, old friend.

You are working late, huh?

And you are up late.

Oh, I don't need
to sleep at night.

I need to be aware of
every passing minute.

You'll see, when you
get older. [chuckles]

I hope I will.

You have a problem for me?

I need more authority from you.

You don't even need to ask.

Just do whatever you have to do.

[Marco speaks Italian]

[phone bleeps]

[bird squawks]

What are you fishing for?

Pike. They keep
eating the trout.

There's no money in pike.

But it's hard to keep them
down, now they're established.

So much tradition in here.

And the land.

And the water.

All those wonderful
things in the castle.

You must be very
heavily insured.


It's a burden.

It's all a burden.

Even all the treasures
feel like it sometimes.

I did the research
before I came.

There's one thing I'd
especially admire to see.

Oh, what?

The silver Bible.

That, for hundreds of years,

went to war with your
lairds of Lochdu Castle.

It was always recovered,

even when they died on
the field of battle.

Must be extremely valuable.


[reel clicks]

I used to love to play with
it when I was a wee one.

There was a secret
compartment in the cover,

and I'd hide things there.

Secret messages for Daddy.

Or if I'd been naughty
and couldn't bear to tell,

I'd write out the guilty secret
and let him find it there.

[chuckles] Yes.


He took it with him when
he went away to war.

When he came back, he was
twisted and burnt and broken.

Nothing came back with him.

In fact, he didn't
really come back, either.

The daddy I knew just
flew away one day.

He's still out there, somewhere.

And the Bible's still
out there with him.

What makes you so
especially interested

in that Bible, anyway?

[Carl chuckles]

Just sounds such a
beautiful treasure.

She's lying!
I'll leave you to find out.

I have to take care
of my own business.

Carlo! You are not taking
this seriously enough.

What the hell do you
want me to do, eh?

First, talk to Murdoch.

It's Stuart Murdoch, is it?


It's blank for the
moment, Murdoch.

How much you fill it in for,
depends on various things.

Like what?

Like loyalty.

And greed.

You see, I like greedy people
and I think you are one.

But you don't get all you want
from Her Ladyship, do you?

And you never will.

Loyalty, greed.

What else?

I want your eyes and ears.

And expressly, a silver
Bible, which we think is here,

somewhere in the castle.

Have you seen it?

It's an heirloom, a treasure.

Oh, surely Lady Katherine
would know better than I?

She knows nothing, so it
must be hidden somewhere.

Discuss it with the servants.

Tell them there's a
reward if anyone finds it.

Very well, what else?

Just to show you
I mean business.


Look at this.

First class pilot.

Expert diver.

He worked for the
Israelis in Beirut.

Sinking PLO boats, apparently.

Not choosy, is he,
your Mr. Dillon?

He's worked for
just about everyone.

That includes the
KGB in the old days.

Yeah and he was an enforcer
for the provisional IRA.

The English seem to
be the only people

he hasn't worked for.

But you know how
unscrupulous they are.

Maybe he's working
for them right now?

Oh, he does want to meet you,

in order to get an
introduction to Don Giovanni.

Well, in any case,
he was just using me.

[brooding music]

Were you falling for him?

Well, how can I fall
for him if I have you?

[Carl laughs]

[bird squawks]

[gravel crunches]

Where you going?
Just want to explore.

I'll drive you.

Can we join you?

Oh, yes!


Obviously they know
as much as we do,

and are after the same thing.

I suppose you wanna
take them all hostage,

so we can search
the whole place.

Or kill them all, preferably.

If Don Giovanni says finding
the Covenant is vital,

it's what we give our
whole attention to.

That's the man
who attacked Asta.

And he's still walking?

The trouble with you, Carlo,

is your desire to
be respectable.

You've gone soft.

In Sicily, we would have
sliced his nuts off.

You are an animal, Marco.

Does an animal defend
his daughter's honor?


No, no, please!




[water splashes]

[water splashes]

[peaceful music]


[tense music]

I've lost the brakes!

[tires screech]

[tires screech]

[tires screech]

[tires screech]

[tires screech]

[tires screech]

[hood slams]

The brake fluid
line had been cut.

We could've all been killed.

It was your stepfather,
Morgan. He wants us dead.


Why don't you ask him that?

We know he's killed already.


Your mother.


It was an accident.

We don't think so.

Look, I've been on 100 dives.

Your mother was murdered.



He loves me.

And he loved my mother.

Why would he want to do it?

We think she knew
too much about him.

And we're beginning to
be worried about you.

What am I to do?

Will you help us?

Will you keep us
informed about him?

You want me to inform
you on my own stepfather?

That's right.

[birds tweet]
[melancholy piano music]


Hey, Bernstein. [chuckles]

How are ya?

Didn't sleep much.

Is something bothering you?

Do you ever have bad dreams?


I sleep like a baby.

Lucky you.

Tell me something.

When you get the Covenant,
what're you gonna do with it?

Obviously we hand it over
to the Prime Minister.

After that, it's
none of our business.

[water splashes]

You never knew my
father, did you?

What exactly is your
game, Brigadier?

Astute of you to guess.

Well, for one thing, you'd
surely have been too young.

But why did you want to
pretend some familiarity?

To keep your other
tenant at his ease.

But you are a brigadier?

You do work for the government?

In a manner of speaking.

And are you also looking for
my father's silver Bible?


Was Morgan asking you about it?

Yes and making quite a
big thing of it, too.

I've been wondering why.

Do you know where it is?

It never came back
with my father.

But why suddenly all
this fuss about it?

After all, it's been
lost nigh on 50 years.

[suspenseful music]

Or has it simply
never been found?

Why, maybe.

In a manner of speaking.

Here it is.
The Covenant?

Not quite.

My father came back by
troop ship and by train.

His possessions, his effects,

were on a separate
movement order.

They came back by plane.

So what happened to the plane?

A crash.

In the loch.

The big plane went down
one night in a storm.

When I was about six years old.

That could be where
the Bible is buried.

Down there.
[fire crackles]


You remember, don't you?

Another time.

Another body in the water.


Another time.

You're about six years of age.

There's a storm.

Lightning, thunder.
[thunder claps]

I could hear the
sound of the plane.

I looked and looked, but the
rain made it hard to see.

And the lightning's
very very scary.

[thunder claps]

It swooped down over
there, right out of sight.

I thought it too was afraid
and was going to fly away.

But it was turning round.

Coming in for a new approach.

It went down,

and down,

and down.

Like a top, round and round.
[explosions roar]



It was like it was...

Sucked in by a whirlpool.


Right there.

Where the shoulder of the
hill meets the line of trees.

It still is.

[helicopter blades whir]

Curiouser and curiouser.

[fire crackles]

[somber orchestral music]

What's wrong?

[sighs] They are gone.

Carl and Marco.


They are afraid of
being questioned

about the murder
of that man, Angus.

Did they do it?

Carl is very
possessive about me.

And Marco can be an animal.

Are you gonna leave him?


So, what are you going
to do when you find it?

Find what?

[suspenseful music]

You don't want to give
it to them, do you?

[bird squawks]

[boat engine hums]

[oxygen hisses]

[oxygen hisses]

[water splashes]

[brooding orchestral music]

Where the hell is he?

[boat engine roars]


[boat engine roars]

[boat engine roars]

Have you found it?
Found what?

The Covenant!

You were planning to keep it
for yourself, weren't you?

Give it to me.


[water splashes]

It's for Morgan, isn't it?
Yes, it is.

I love him.

Mountbatten and Mao both
signed this so-called

Chungking Covenant.

You cannot imagine the power
of the Chairman's signature

on such a document, even today.

And there's no official
record of this document?

How do you know that your
information is correct?

That's just the
point, Mr. Dillon.

I need you to confirm its
existence and get it for me.

[boat engine hums]

[water splashes]

[gun fires rapidly]

[boat engine roars]

[tense music]

[boat engine roars]

Have you got it?
I had it!

She's got it!

How does she think
she's gonna get away?

[boat engine roars]

[helicopter blades whir]

Get down!
[gun fires rapidly]

[gun fires rapidly]

[guns fire rapidly]

[bullets ricochet]
[gun fires rapidly]

[gun fires]

[water splashes]

[gun fires]

[gun fires]

[boat engine roars]

[tense music]

[helicopter blades whir]

[gun fires]

[guns fire]

[gun fires]
[Charles groans]

Back off!

Or I'll finish him off!

[Hannah sighs]

Get in!

[helicopter blades whir]

[footsteps clack]
[muffled chatter]

[footsteps clack]

I'm afraid we'll have to forego

the tiles for the roof, Stuart.

It's all become a
bit of a nightmare.


Well, this might help us
wake up in a better mood.

I can see why Marco doesn't want

to be caught in this country.

He's rented a citation
jet. It's routed to Oslo.

But once it leaves our airspace,

we have no way of tracking it.

He's going to Palermo.

Don Giovanni Luca.
[brooding orchestral music]

What the hell are we gonna do?

He has judges killed to order.

[Volonti speaks Italian]

Senor Volonti, I'm
told we can trust you.

What do you advise us to do?

You know what the
situation is like here.

Mafia everywhere.

And the citation isn't
booked to land at Palermo.

But surely that's
where they're headed?

Of course, my
friend. Just listen.

There's an old farm house in
-land at a place call Valdini.

They laid rest there last
year, probably for drugs.

It's grass, but open
meadow, about a mile long.

That's where the flight
plan says Morgan's going.

What about customs
and immigration?

[Volonti scoffs]

All taken care of by Luca.

Well, can we get to it?

It's family country.

Every shepherd boy on a
hill is like a sentry.

Police movements are like
troop movements. Impossible.

What do you want me to do?
Wait till I get to Palermo.

[speaks Italian] Okay, ciao.

[phone bleeps]

[plane engine roars]

[tires screech]

They arrived at
Valdini two hours ago.

The plane went to
refuel at Puntaraisi.

The palace left the airport.

We believe Morgan
thinks he's safe.


All right, give me enough
time to get in there,

and I wanna see you in the door,

all calvary guns blazing.

Best of luck. See you there.

[plane engine roars]
[dramatic orchestral music]

Welcome, Mr. Chiang.

Proudly delighted,
Senor Don Giovanni.

I understand you've got
something we are looking for?

It's Mr. Morgan who did it.

Well, Asta played more than
her part, too, believe me.

And of course, we
have another guest.

[Giovanni chuckles]

The redoubtable mad
Charlie Ferguson.

A great pleasure.

Pleasure's all yours.

Lee Ho Chiang?

I'm surprised.

Seeing you like
this rather makes up

for having my plans
wrecked in England.

I always thought of you as
a sniveling arse-kisser.

I overestimated you.


Why don't you just
get it over with?

I don't think that's quite
what Don Giovanni had in mind.

[plane engine roars]
[suspenseful music]

[distant plane engine roars]

What the hell is this?

It seems so low.

Thought it might land.

[gun cocks]

It's a capitalist
world all over now.

I'll put you on the market and
I will get some good offers.

Perhaps I'd better bid
for myself, I'm flattered.

Don't be.

Any British Intelligence
officer as senior as you

would satisfy them.

They're gonna take the skin
off your body, inch by inch.

Don Giovanni, where
is the Covenant?

Yes, Carlo, the Covenant.

Asta, you do the honors.

The Chungking Covenant.

[Giovanni chuckles]

Imagine the trouble I
can make with this, huh?

Ah, ah, ah.


Now that you know it exists,

you're going to have
to pay me plenty.

[grenade clacks]

[explosion booms]

[footsteps clack]



Put that gun down, Dillon.

Or I'll serve his
brains up on your shoes.

Put it down.


[wood clacks]

I wonder what you are worth
on the open market, Dillon.

Your friends with Mr. Borga in
Caresha would pay handsomely.

Let me kill him now.

I'll match any offer!

Did you tell him about us?


What're you talking about?

She's playing you.

She's settin' you up.

She cut the brakes on our car
and she told us you did it.

Yes, I did.

I did it to get information.

I had to give them
a reason to believe

that I would turn against you.

I did it for you.

Your mother. Did
you do that for him?

What do you mean?

If she had a bad air tank,

why wasn't Asta's tank
contaminated as well?

Shut up.

It was filled at the same
time, the same dive shop.

I've got the receipt.
Asta picked up the tank!

[suspenseful music]

Her convulsions were so violent,
her skull was shattered.


You didn't.

That's not...

It's not true, is it?

Is it?
I tried to tell you.

She did not love you.

My mother, she did
horrible things.

I loved you, I always-

There was one woman I loved,

and you killed her.

But I love you.

I did it all for you.

You are mad.

I love you.

I love you.

I love you.

[gun fires]

[bodies clunk]

[gun fires]

[gun fires]

[guns fire rapidly]

[Volonti yells in Italian]
[guns fire rapidly]

[guns fire rapidly]

The Covenant, where is it?

[distant guns fire rapidly]

I never thought I
would see the day.

They won't believe
he's gone in Palermo.

You oughta put him in an open
coffin in a store window,

like they did in the Old West.
[Volonti chuckles]

[plane engine roars]

[seagulls squawk]

Mr. Ferguson, the
Prime Minister-


I'm Brigadier Ferguson.

If you plan to address
me formally again.

Yes, of course.

I'm Roland Lesaux with the
PM's internal security unit.

He sends his apologies
but he's unable to see you

right at this moment.

He wanted me to
report personally,

the moment I was back
with the Covenant.

Yes, you've been traveling.
You evidently haven't heard.

Foreign Minister Chao
Lin died this morning.

The document's usefulness
is questionable

until the new
regime is clarified.

So, if you'll leave
it with me, I'll-

I'm sorry, Lesaux, I'm not
empowered to hand it over

to anyone below
ministerial rank.

Anyway, it's perfectly
safe with me.

[peaceful orchestral music]

He's got a girlfriend
here, is that it?

The niece of quite a
high-powered player.

Someone we probably
ought to be cultivating.

Oh, what better way?

[suspenseful music]

[footsteps clack]


Down there into the alley.

Don't do this, someone else-

Shut up and move.
Don't do it to yourself.


Do you love her?

Say goodbye.

Go ahead and do it.


[flesh squelches]

[gun clunks]

"An eye-witness reported
that the murderer

of Asta Morgan was a
white middle-aged male.

Although certain developments
suggest otherwise."

Terrible tragedy, that.

Well, I must congratulate
you, Mr. Dillon, on your

successful acquisition
of the Covenant.

Well, thank you
but the brigadier

and the inspector
were instrumental.

[plane engine roars]

[speaks foreign language]

Safe journey!

Take care of her.

How long will you be gone?

In Hong Kong?

How long it takes to
make the best deal

for our people out there.

Would the Covenant have
been of use to you?

Of course. I could've
used it to bargain with.

Made a deal to free the
dissidents, perhaps.

But you've given it
to your government.

I don't think they appreciate

the trouble it took to get it.

I think you'd better have it.

[brooding music]