Olga's House of Shame (1964) - full transcript

After having been run out of New York City's Chinatown, brothel owner Madame Olga moves her ring of prostitutes and criminals to a deserted ore mine and starts over.

The last several years

this old deserted ore mine

served as Olga's headquarters
and special school.

It was in this school that
vice and crime were taught.

Nick was one of Olga's close associates

in whom she often confided.

Nick also had many strong contacts

in a multimillion dollar
jewel smuggling operation

whose giant tentacles
span an entire continent.

Nick also happened to be Olga's brother.

Olga had been expecting a courier
off one of the incoming ships.

This courier would be bringing
her a shipment of jewels.

This time, instead of following
the normal procedure

of dropping off the jewels
at a predetermined point,

Nick met the ship and its
courier at the dock.

Unknown to both Olga and Nick,

they were soon to discover a
conspiracy to destroy her,

and her organization.

Come on, get in. Get in.

Some of the jewels are missing.

- What happened?
- Why don't you ask him?

Why don't you shut up?

I met at the dock...

just as planned.

I checked the jewels, I checked the list.
Three items are missing.

She even tried to escape.
She pulled a knife on me.

- You're lucky I didn't slit your throat.
- Will you shut up.

There's the knife.

Look, here's the list.

Items 3, 9, 12 and 14 are missing.

Four items are missing.

Why don't you ask him where they were?

I delivered to him exactly
what was given to me.

Come on, let's tie her up.

What, do you need help?

- You can't do it by yourself?
- Shut up.

I don't know where the jewels are.

We'll find out.

Come on.

Look, I don't care what you have to do

to find out the information,

but I have to know, I have
to report to the syndicate.

There are ways, and we'll find out.

You can't frighten me.

- Come on, it's a lot easier to cooperate...
- Why don't you gag her?

Okay, come on, are you gonna tell us?

You might as well be cooperative.
It'll save your lot.

You know where they are.

Come on.


There are ways of finding out.

Olga had her headquarters planned well.

She always made sure that there was always

more than one entrance and exit.

In this way, she would keep her
clients, her girls, and others

from seeing one another
as they came and went.

Olga was in need of new,
young and attractive girls

for several new projects she had in mind.

One of her best sources of obtaining girls

was through Johnny Gordon,
a long time associate.

Gordon usually had the knack of
coming up with the right girls

for the right jobs.

Olga met Jennie.

Yes, she looked like the right type.

Besides the business of
narcotics and prostitution,

which were Olga's prime sources of revenue,

she now added jewel smuggling to her list.

Olga knew that with the right
contacts and with the right outlets

she could do very well in this business.

This is why Nick was so important to her.

He had the contacts that could
make her rich and powerful.

Smuggling the jewels into this
country was not an easy task,

but it could be done.

And she was learning how and
meeting with excellent success.

The one element that she could
not cope with or be sure of

was the human desire of greed.

She could never be sure of
anyone, even the courier Elaine.

Had she really double-crossed Olga?

And if she had, how much was
she able to get away with?

Was she in this alone?

If not, who were her associates?

Was she the head of this?

These were some of the questions
that were troubling Olga.

She had to have answers to these
and many other questions.

Elaine had been the courier
on this run for some time

and there was never any
reason to distrust her.

But now,

we'll get the truth out of her somehow.

Sooner or later, she'll break.

They all do eventually.

Why do people have to be greedy?

Why can't they be satisfied
just doing their job?

You tell me when you wanna start
talking honey, and I'll stop.

Otherwise, I can keep this up all day

and besides, it's good exercise for me.

Several days later,

Gordon brought in Christine.

She was young and attractive.

And it showed her willingness
to work and take orders.

Gordon knew that Olga would be pleased.

And besides, there was something
about youth that Olga liked.

Yes, she was quite pleased.

While Olga was negotiating
a deal over her new girl,

Nick was in another part
of the mine with Stacy.

Olga had gotten the name
of Stacy out of Elaine.

Whether or not she had anything to do
with the plot against Olga was not known.

Sometimes, just to get the pressure
off of them, in this case Elaine,

they would implicate someone else,
whether that person was guilty or not.

This always made the task more difficult.

But difficult or not, this job would be done.

And if this didn't work,

Olga and Nick were sure
to come up with something

that eventually would do the job.

Their opponents never had a chance.

Olga had a large recruiting
drive on to get new girls.

Most of the older girls had been sent out on

various assignments to
other part of the country.

And still others were
sent to foreign countries

to continue Olga's work in
pushing narcotics and vice,

and in the smuggling of jewels.

Prior to this meeting,

Gordon had been telling Olga
about this new find, Paula.

The fact that Paula had been
working the luxury line trade,

seemed to fit right in with Olga's plans

to expand her business
interests to the wealthy,

who could well afford her
prices for fun and kicks.

Olga, of course, wanted to
see what Paula had to offer

before taking her into the organization.

While Paula was putting on her show,

Gordon was right in there selling
his product, Paula to Olga.

Gordon knew that Olga was looking
for other traits in Paula,

and that the best thing to do at this time

was to leave Olga and Paula alone,

and let the chips fall where they
might, for a few days anyway.

While Olga was deciding where to put Paula,

so that her special charms
could be put to proper use,

Paula was put into the narcotics department

and taught how to make and
package this human misery.

It was at this time that Paula
met Ellie for the first time.

Ellie, prior to her meeting
Olga, had been a cheap hustler.

And now after spending
time with Olga's setup,

moved up to the high priced call girl rank.

To remain with Olga, all she had to do

was to obey her without question

and to be loyal to the organization.

I'd been doing a lot of thinking
about Paula these last few days.

Finally, I decided what I would do with her.

I summoned her back.

She had poise and the necessary charm

that it takes to get real live
clients with lots of spending money.

Yes, she would do very well.

She had charm, all right.

And in the right places.

Paula could do very well with me.

As long as she doesn't get
too ambitious or too greedy.

Gordon had spotted Christine talking
to some of Olga's competitors.

Whether this was just an innocent
mistake was not yet known.

However, it was the kind of mistake that

usually caused dissension
within the organization.

If all this was not a mistake,

then what was she doing with them?

What was she telling them? And why?

Olga felt a certain amount of satisfaction

in knowing that she had someone at her mercy.

And Olga showed little or
no mercy to her captives.

Olga felt great excitement
in tormenting her victims.

Playing god would give her new life.

Just the thought of being able to do with
them what she wanted made her feel strong.

There were times that Olga wouldn't care if
she never got what she was originally after.

To her, this was great satisfaction.

I'm surprised at you, Christine.

Never thought that you would double-cross me.
Not in a million years.

What did you think you would gain

by doing such an unforgivable act as this?

I know, Christine.

You didn't know who they were. Right?

Don't make me laugh. You
know damn well who they are.

Now, what I want to know is

why were you with them, and
what were you talking about?

You'll talk, Christine.

I've got all the time in the world.
Remember that.

Olga had been trying to
expand her business abroad,

and was looking for a very
special type of girl.

Gordon had just such a girl.


Nadja had spent many years
in foreign countries

working for some big name
operators pushing narcotics,

making contacts for them,

and handling a number of other
assignments throughout Europe.

The fact that Nadja had contacts in Europe

made her very welcome at Olga's house.

Gordon didn't have to do too much
selling to get the point across

that Nadja was going to
be of great help to Olga.

The conversations moved smoothly.

And it seemed as if everyone was satisfied

with what arrangements were made.

Nadja moved in with Olga.

Olga felt sure that Gordon had done a
good job by bringing Nadja to her.

She now felt that her organization would move

very much more smoothly into
the international field.

Marianna was preparing
for a very special party

being thrown by some very influential people,

to celebrate the formation
of a new government

for a newly independent country.

If Olga could get herself
into this new country,

or work it so that some of her
political friends were to get in,

then Olga would be in a very strong
position to have things her way.

This is an opportunity in a lifetime.

I can't let this slip by

without making a strong
attempt at getting in.

If Marianna can get close to some of them,

I just might have a chance.

This has got to be played
very, very carefully.

One mistake and were all
left with empty daydreams.

Marianna, you'd better dance
like you've never danced before.

In fact, dance as if your
very life depended on it.

It just might.

For several months, small
quantities of heroin

had been mysteriously disappearing.

And after many long hours
of checking and rechecking,

Olga finally traced the
missing heroin to Ellie.

Ellie had been stealing small quantities
and selling it to some pushers.

This began to cut into Olga's profits.

Ellie would have to be
taught a strong lesson.

This straitjacket is no picnic.

A few days in it and you'll
wish that I had killed you.

First your arms start to get numb
until you can't feel them anymore.

Then you start sweating as
if you were burning up.

Your feet will give way on you.

Your mouth and tongue will
feel like shoe leather.

Every muscle in your body
will ache with pain.

And you'll beg me to kill you.

But, no.

You'll live never to forget
it the rest of your life.

Olga still had not broken Elaine.

She still refused to talk.

But Olga was not one to give up so easily.

She would try once again
to get Elaine to talk.

You'd better start talking before
my patience really runs thin.

You know what I want to
hear, so start talking.

Okay, let's try it again.

Where are the jewels?

Who's working with you?

Are there any more of you in my organization?

I promise you that if you
tell me what I want to know

that nothing more will happen to you.

You'll go free.

That is, free to do my bidding.

Once more now.

Let's take it from the top.

Olga had begun to count on
Paula for a good day's work,

and thought Paula to be fair with her.

Instead, Olga discovered that

Paula had been hustling
crimes on Olga's dime,

and pocketing the money for herself.

This outraged Olga to no end.

To think that one of her own
girls was deceiving her.

Olga would always think of
Paula as her big filly.

And what would be more appropriate
for a filly but a scrub down?

While Olga was disciplining Paula,

Jennie, unfortunate for
she had her compassions

for people, especially those who
got caught in Olga's clutches,

decided to free Elaine.

Jennie knew very well

what the consequences for
such an act might be.

But she couldn't help herself.

She just could't stand to hear this girl

scream out in pain one more night.

Jennie wanted to die rather
than be a prisoner of Olga's.

Where's the girl?

I don't know.

What do you mean you don't know?

- Did someone come and get her?
- I don't know.

Come here.

Where is the girl?

- Did Olga come and get her?
- I don't know.

What do you mean you don't know?
Where's the girl?

I don't know.

Listen to me, I'll ask you once again.
Where is the girl?

- I don't know.
- Did Olga come and get her? Tell me the truth!

I let her go.

- She's in the mine.
- You let her go?

Olga! Olga!

Olga. Olga.

Olga, Elaine's escaped. She let her go.

She's gone down the mineshaft.

We'll take care of you later.

Elaine was free. She had made it.

But, for how long?

She knew that Olga and
Nick would be after her.

They would never give up.

She had to keep running, but where?

Where would she go?

Would she have the strength to keep going?

How much further, Elaine?

How much further would she have to run

before she would get away
from Olga and her butchers?

She dared not get caught again.

Capture could mean death.

It was a very rare case
when Olga was known to

spare the life of one who tried to escape.

Their lives were spared only

when Olga could find some very
special use for their services.

If caught, Elaine had only one care to play.

Her life for the missing jewels.

But would Olga be in the mood for bargaining?

Elaine had dared her escape

and now she had to see it through to the end.

She knew she had no other choice.

Elaine's strength was slowly
seeping from her tired body.

Her will to fight a hard battle was gone.

Olga was also physically exhausted,

and her strength was down to its minimum.

But her strong will to
capture and destroy Elaine

gave her the necessary strength to continue.

It was a long and hard chase, and
now it was coming to an end.

Elaine had tried hard to
make her escape good,

but it was no use. She was much too weak.

And Olga, once again, took over.

Now what would happen to Elaine?

Again, she was at the mercy of Olga.

Olga spent some time thinking things out,

calculating what Elaine's next move might be.

Olga was hoping that by now,

Elaine would have had enough

and would give up her information.

Well, did you enjoy your swim?

You're being very foolish, you know?

You've already had a taste
of what Olga can do to you.

Once you come to your senses and
tell us where the jewels are,

it'll be much easier in the long run.

What's in it for me?

Mm, I don't know,

I suppose Olga will give
you a cut, a small one.

After all I've been through,

I may as well keep the jewels.

If you keep them

but aren't alive to enjoy them,

it's pretty senseless, isn't it?

All right.

Alright, I'll tell you.

You promise?

Definitely. No more foolishness.

Alright, I said I'll tell you.

Alright here, have a puff of this cigarette.

I'll go get Olga.

Okay, you were gonna tell
me all about the jewels.

Where are they?

- Nadja has them.
- Nadja?

I work for her.

How long has she been in this?

What's your part in it?

I've worked for her for about
six years on the other side.

She's always been in this business.

How long has it been going?

I've been working for her off
and on for the last few years.

Besides smuggling for you, I...

I was also smuggling for Nadja.

I would take things from you
and kick back to Nadja.

She has quite a large syndicate.

With many influential people behind her.

When we found out about these jewels,

she had me find a way to

get in with you and

bring the jewels over so I
had possession of them.

And before I got off the boat,

she took them away from me...

and brought them in herself.

She has them now?

I would imagine so, yes.

I tried to stop once, but...

she had a few things... on me, and...

- but this time it wasn't worth it.
- And you know all the people.

Well, after what you've gone through here

do you think you're willing
to talk business with me?

I think so.


I think now's the time, I'm
in a position to offer you...

some nice work with some nice dividends.

I'm always interested in nice dividends.

As long as you're willing to cooperate.

Yes, I...

think it would nice to be the hunter
this time instead of the hunted.

I hear you have a little
business of your own.

Is that why you called me here?


Yes, let's discuss it.

What would you like to know?

Well, I'm not too fond of

you running your business on my time.


did you ever make more
money with anybody else?

- Did you?
- I've made much money.

I have made more money.

And I will make you more and more money.

Where is Elaine?

It'd be easier if you cooperated.

I don't like people who
make money on my time.

Where is that little tramp?

I think I'm in the position
to decide who's a tramp.


Not you.

Okay, let's talk business. What did you want?

This is the only place that you
can get complete protection,

make lots of money, and have freedom.

I was always free, I
always made enough money,

and I thought that with my
brains and your organization,

we could make a lot more
than you ever dreamt of.

You can't leave here. You're my prisoner.

I'm not yours.

Are you threatening me?

I'm offering you a lifetime deal.

You can't get it anywhere else.

You're threatening me.

Choice is yours.

You want to make me a prisoner here.

I can offer you freedom here.

Look Olga, I heard a lot

about you, I won't deny it.

I was a little scared in the beginning.

You are a very vicious woman.

But let me tell you one thing.

You will never break me.

Never, never, never.

You don't even know the
meaning of the word vicious.

I've made my offer.

Olga liked the way that Elaine
handled herself from the very start.

Even though she'd given Olga
a very rough time of it.

Olga always admired courage in people.

And she liked Elaine for it.

I wanted to test Elaine

and her desire to work for me.

So I let her take care of
a couple of troublemakers

to see how she would handle herself.

And from where I stood, it looked just fine.

She looked as if she had handled
a bullwhip all of her life.

I could see then that we were going
to do a lot of good together.

A lot of good.

Christine had spent several
days in the dungeon.

Her life was being slowly drained out of her.

Her very will to fight

for life itself seemed to be gone.

But this meant nothing to Olga.

Her only desire was to get
the information out of her,

find out what she knew,

and had she passed on any
information to anyone else.

Tramps like you are a dime a dozen.

When I get through with you

you can be sure that nobody will want you.

Now, if you should decide

to play ball with me before it's too late,

then things will be much
different for you around here.

Which will it be?

It's up to you.

Stacy and Holly were being taught

that to go against Olga and her wishes

was to invite the devil from hell.

After being beaten nearly to death,

they were left hanging in the hot sun by day,

and the cold, the dampness,

the insects and wild animals by night.

Olga knew that if they should survive,

they would never be the same again.

It's been known that some
others who were subjected

to this type of torture went completely mad.

Others committed suicide
shortly after being released.

After discovering that Paula
had betrayed Olga's trust,

Olga became obsessed with destroying Paula.

She hated her for her beauty.

And yet, Paula was something

that Olga wanted badly for her organization.

If you were only as smart
as you are beautiful.

But unfortunately, you're not.

We could've made a great team.

But maybe I can still salvage
something out of this yet.

But not before you learn your lesson.

And you will learn it, Paula.

That I promise.

Whenever Olga wanted to think things out,

she would walk the high structures
overlooking the mine and the valley.

Here, she would plan her next moves.

Her thoughts now were of Ellie,
and what to do with her.

Maybe a simple thing like a good spanking

on her backside would straighten her out.

After all, Ellie was a good worker

and did make money for her.

Olga's spankings were not of the
usual run-of-the-mill type.

They all had that certain touch to them

that only Olga could create.

Making them pure instruments of sadism.

When was the last time
you received a spanking?

A long time, I bet.

This is one you won't forget.

Your ass will be so red after this

that you won't be able
to sit down for a month.

You're lucky that I'm not using this

on another part of your
body rather than your ass.

You just listen to me honey, and
everything will be all right.

Believe it or not, Ellie,

I do really like you.

So, behave from now on.

Susie was one of Olga's very first girls.

For a time, she was one of Olga's favorites

who was granted many special privileges.

At one point, several of Olga's girls

revolted and started a setup of their own.

Susie was talked into leaving
Olga and joining the new setup.

After several rough months,

Olga managed to recapture her girls,

and to this day, has never
completely forgiven any one of them.

Susie has been subjected
to many such tortures.

Many of them for no reason at all.

Just because it pleased Olga.

And just because she has never
forgiven Susie for what she did.

Olga knew that Jennie would have
to be punished for what she did,

helping Elaine to escape.

If Jennie wasn't punished,

then Olga might lose some of
her hold on the other girls.

Then she might have real
problems on her hands.

Olga had a strange liking for Jennie,

which was soon to reveal itself.

I'll never know what made
you do a thing like that.

What the hell has gotten into
you crazy broads anyway?

Of course you know you'll
be punished, don't you?

I could do something to you here,

so no man will come near you.

You know what I mean. Don't you?

If you behave yourself,

we could have fun together.

Lots of fun.

You'll like the games I play.

I'll call you later.

We will play.

Olga wanted to relax.

And there was no better way of doing this

than watching Marianna do her dance.

Olga always enjoyed this.

And Marianna would always try to make
her dance as pleasing as possible.

Olga had found her troublemakers
and placed them under control.

But Nadja, that was a real troublemaker.

What to do with her? That
was the big problem.

Olga knew that she would soon come up

with an idea that would
destroy this girl's spirit,

make her submit to her will.

Time was running short for Nadja,

and all, including Olga, knew it.

The girls wanted to be entertained,
and Marianna was willing to oblige

by doing one of her more tantalizing dances.

The girls were all in high spirits,

and feelings were running good.

Marianna was a good danced
and knew her audience well.

She also knew the effect that her dance,

if properly performed, would have on them.

The girls were in a mood for anything.

So why not let themselves go all the way?

Go the limit.

I couldn't help hearing the music

and so I went to see what was happening.

And when I saw what was going on,

I knew exactly what it meant.

I couldn't have been more pleased.

I moved in next to Christine.

There wasn't much that I had to say or do.

Marianna did a good job.

These kids were ready to go the limit.

All that they needed was a little
push in the right direction.

And that's just what I was going to do.

I would never get an
opportunity like this again.

Three girls, all in one room.

And all ready to go the limit.

Olga had some very special thoughts
for Holly as well as Nadja.

Holly was tied up and placed in the
dungeon to think about her fate.

What would Olga do?

What sort of evil doing

could a person of Olga's character conceive?

What devil-like madness
did this woman possess?

These, are many other thoughts,

moved rapidly through her mind.

Holly knew that time was
moving steadily against her.

There was nothing that she could do about it.

It was Olga's game.

And Holly knew that Olga would play
it to the best of her ability.

Olga was still playing her cat
and mouse game with Nadja.

She would tie her to a tree,

and leave her there for as
long as a day at a time,

and without doing anything else.

This method eventually disturbed Nadja,

and slowly began working
on her nervous system.

Nadja never knew what to expect.

Did Olga really know what to do with her?

Was Olga stalling for time?

What was Olga up to?

Whatever Nadja thought was alright with Olga.

This method of torture was
slowly taking its toll.

Olga finally had decided Holly's fate.

She was to be put in the electric chair.

And Elaine was to be her executioner.

The electric chair was never
actually designed to kill anyone.

What would happen is that its victim

would receive several doses
of high electric shock,

and what usually happened in most cases,

is that the victim was reduced

to the moronic stages of life.

In most cases, the victim
was far better off dead.

Elaine liked her new assignments.

She, too, liked the feeling of power.

The power of life and
death over her captives.

Elaine knew that she would never return

to the life of the hunted again.

She was little god here,
and she liked it that way.


I'm sorry.

I didn't know you weren't dressed.

Oh, that's alright. Come on in.

You can zip up my dress for me.

Olga's uh...

gone away for the weekend.

You know, you've uh...

you've come a long way since
that first day at the dock.

I'm beginning to find you...

very attractive.

Oh, I love you, I love you, I love you.

I want you.

I love you.

Do you really want me?

Yes. Oh, I love you.

Then, get down on your knees...

and tell me you want me.

I do want you.

I do, I do, I do.

I want you, I love you,

I love you.

I'll send for you...

when I want you.

Nadja's day had finally arrived.

This day would be all Nadja's,

and Olga would make sure of that.

She would now have her lesson in discipline.

Since Olga considered some
of her girls as fillies,

then why not discipline them as such?

Olga was sure that Nadja
was just about broken

both physically and spiritually by now.

And now, with a little horse discipline,

she would soon bow down to her.

Come on, my little filly.

Do like I say, or you'll get hurt.

Now you wouldn't want that, would you?

That's it. A little faster now.

That's it.

Come on, you're doing fine.
A little faster now.

Good. Very good.

You could've saved yourself a lot
of heartache and humiliation,

if you had only listened to me in
the first place and did like I ask.

Now you have no choice.

You're finished.

This day marked another triumph for Olga.

The day that her protégé

took over the reins as second in command.

This was the day that Elaine
had been waiting for.

And she wasn't going to let anything

or anyone stop her now.

Yes, this was a proud day for Olga.

She had created Elaine in
her own image and likeness.

Now, there were two of them.

Two vicious minds working as one.

Setup on the destruction of
all who stood in their way

by whatever means possible.

Watch for the next sensational
adventure of Olga.

See the sadistic exploits of Olga

in "Olga's Garden of Terror."

Coming to this theater soon.