Obey (2018) - full transcript

As London slides towards a time of violent social unrest, on the estates of East London, a young man's life is torn apart by a love for a girl from a different place.

Subtitles by explosiveskull

Now you see, let me tell a

story that I was telling you a lot about.

Chasing it, this chick was fucking her felly

and proper giving her some welly as well.

Next thing you know, the fellow's hurt her.

So obviously they stopped beating, init?

She's turned and said to him:

"Instead of you fucking me,

- Why can't you just eat me out? 'cause I'm still a bit sore?"

- That's the way.

Trust me. So he was like, "Ah cool,

but to spice things up a little bit,

- come let's put four Fruittellas up there, init?

- What, man?

She's put four Fruittellas

up her...

I was hoping

you'd fix your jeans.

- Whatever.

- Oh, fuck it.

She put four Fruittellas up there now and my

man would be munching her up munching her up

- and that, yeah. At the fifth, he's up. Are you listening?

- Yes, I am. I am.

He went, "The fifth one were

proper nice, init?"

She's like: "Why are you talking

about a fifth one?

I only put four

Fruittellas up there."

Don't think that he was only

gonna fuckin' ate her shit.

How could he eat her

then? That man fucked her.

Listen! Listen!

That man fucked her

so hard, yeah,

he bust a hole between her piss

barrier and her shit barrier.

- So when he's eating her up, a lump of shit's come out.

- No, no, no.

And that's what man's munched.

No, that's nice, though.

That's a mess.

- Are you a fucking bum hugger?

- Come on, bro. Come on, bro.

- Your auntie, then?

- Your auntie's barrier got bust up.

She's still got a fucking

hole in her fanny, it's stupid.

She's got a hole

in her story, yeah.

She's got holes and that there.

Aye cool, cool. Cool.

You got me, init.?

You got me, init?

- You're nasty.

- Say nothing, init.

Nothing, no one was

talking to you, man.

- Shut up.

- What just happened?

- Hey, don't speak a word.

- Some nastiness.

- I don't care.

- No one was talking to you. Shut up.

- I'll have sex with her. I'll do it.

- What?

I'll fuck it.

I'm joking...

I'm talking about

my aunt, you prick.

- Look, come. Come.

- Shut up.

Come man. Come check.

Come, come.

You want me to come first?

Sure, man.

You're gonna suck my dick?

- Oh, fuck you.

- No, no, I'm joking, I'm joking. I am joking.

Come, come, come.

Seriously. Seriously, come.

Seriously. Look, bruv, look.

Look, what the fuck

are you taking long for?

Oh, Boogie, this is our car.

What are you taking

a piss for, seriously?

- That's you, bro.

- But, there is a purse. Fam, what?

You're not gonna... What?

- Come on. Let's just go, fam.

- What d'you mean?

- There's a purse. There could be money in there.

- It's a bait, fam.

What d'you mean it's bait?

Bruv, aye, bruv.

- Come, bruv. Quick man.

- Let's do it, man.

- What?

- Yeah, you get it.

I'm going.

Whoa, whoa. What d'you mean?

Hey, what do you mean?


Yeah, you do it. Yeah,

man. Go ahead, man, do that.

Says the one that fucked the

beef. Why don't you do it, bruv?

- You're the only one that's dumb enough to do it anyways then.

- How?

I don't know, umm...


Oh, shit.

No fucking don't.

Go, go.

You fucking stupid lad.

- Right.

- He's come underneath with the left.

Still while they're boxing,

you know what I mean?

They're more open,

they're down here.

- Okay. Then you go and clinch.

- Okay.

Like that.

Mom. Mom. Mom. Mom.

Fuck. Mom. Mom. Mom, look at me.

Mom. Mom, look at me.

Look at me. It's Leon. It's Leon, Mom.

Mom. Mom. Mom, look at me.

No, no, no, no. Look at me.

Look at me. Look at me.

- Alright. Keep looking at me. Keep looking at me, mom.

- Yes.

Mom. Mom, look at me.

Look at me. Mom. Mom. Mom.

It's Leon, mom. Come on.

Mom, you're going to have to drink.

You're going to have to drink, mom. Mom.

Look. Look, look.

It's alright. It's alright.

Have you ever

thought about getting help?

- About what exactly?

- Your drinking.

It's nice to know you're concerned, but

I've stopped drinking, so we're all good.

- Chelsea, I know you don't want me here.

- You got that right.

But Leon came into our care

voluntarily when he was 15

and even though he's come home to you

now we just want to support him.

So, please, let us do that.

What the fuck do

you think I'm doing?

- I'm his fucking mother, Rachael.

- I'm trying to help here.

- Help? You're just interfering.

- This doesn't have to be your fight.

It's 'cause you're always fucking

interfering all the freaking time.

It's just for your son's

best interest.

Oh, have you? And what,

I haven't? Oh my...

Then go on and say something.

Yes. I'm just checking in.

Getting a quick update to see if you

want to go back into education.

Ah... Sorry, but I think that boat's

already sailed, don't you, Rachael?

Not at all. He's only 19.

- Have you thought about going back to college?

- No.

How are you filling your days?

- Going to the gym.

- He's there all the time.

The gym is great, actually.

Yes, he goes there for fighting.

- It's boxing.

- I know, what I just said.

Perhaps, we could look

into a course related to that.

And what about money? And surely

we should be talking about work here?

He's got no


He's got no work experience. He's going

to find it really hard to get work.

I can put a roof over

his head, but I'm not in

a position to help him out

more than that right now.

If you stop drinking,

you might be able to.

Yeah, we're done here.

Shut the door on your way out.


This is my number.

Call me if you're interested and

we'll see what we can do, OK?

Relax. That's alright.

For the head.

Focus, Leon.

Footwork. Where's your footwork?

And again. Jump to the head.

Footwork, Leon.

Push him back.

That's it.

Protect yourself.

What's going on? Get in

there, and stop fucking smoking.

- I'm not fucking smoking.

- I can smell it on you. Come on get on with it.

Alright, that's it.

No, no, no. No, don't fuck...

You're fucking up the rotation, bruv.

- Alright, chill. Shit.

- Oh, no.

He's got every time.

Tell me if they've

put in something there.

Alright, alright.

You guys are taking

your time, you know.

My man finished

this thing you know.

I wish my balloon

was anything like that, bruv.

Are you sure it don't fuck up

your lungs, 'cause

I don't want nothing to happen

to my lungs, init?

Oh my God. Stop being

a pussy, bro.

Fuck the pussy,

not be the pussy.

I'm gonna do it. I'm gonna do

it. Shall I do it now?

- Do it, man.

- Shut the fuck up and do it, man.

You suck,

like you suck dick.

Wow. Oh, wow. Oh, wow.

Whoa. Whoa.

Take it like a champ.

Hey, sit down.

Oh, my God.

Eh. Eh, wow. Whoa.

Oh. Oh, wow. Whoa.

My mind. Oh, wait. Oh!

Hey, I've got

somewhere to be, you know.

- Where?

- Local place, down the corner, like 20 minutes.

- Let's go.

- Will you just wait, bruv. Wait!

20 minutes down the road.

You're forgetting

the drinks, man. Grab the drink.

Are you guys seriously

going? Seriously?

I'm kinda hungry man,

it's kinda...

- Grab them chicken and chips.

- Shut the fuck up.

I say nothing.

If you was to turn around and say

to him, "I take it up the arse"...

Not everyone is like you,

you know.

I know, but you know

what the realness thing is?

He'll be waiting on you

hand and foot, girl.

You will get anything

you want after that.

You won't worry about nothing.

Hey, let's bounce.

Tell them, fam.

Look at them.

I'm calling him now.

No, man. Give my phone back.



Oh, right. Sorry.

Holy shit.

- What's happening, sugar?

- It's Twiggy.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I've been looking

around this place and I'm pretty sure

you're the most

beautiful girl at this party.

Second most beautiful.

So, you guys are pretty close?

What are you doing?

How did you find out

about this place?

I live here.

You live here?

Where is your bedroom?


What's so funny? What?

I don't know.

Don't you like my place?

I didn't say that.

What's the rent like

on this place?

We don't pay rent.

How is it legal?

It's not. We squat.

You're a squatter?

You don't really

look like a squatter.

But what do I look like?

Hey, where

the fuck is my phone?

Where is what?

My phone.

I don't know.

- One of you guys taken my phone?

- What the fuck are you doing?

Where did you put my fucking

phone? He took my phone!

Leave him alone.

- I don't have your phone.

- Fuck off.

Get up and let me

check your pockets.

Oi, get off! Get your hands

off my fuckin' pockets.

Come on then, hit me,

you fucking prick.

Come on then. Come on then.

- You alright, Carter?

- It just got crazy.

Fucking hell. Is he alright?

What the fuck was that

about, though, for real?

Try go for my man, init?


What? They said someone

stole a phone in there.

It's always you, init?

Oh, shit.

Hey, look what I found.

Oh, my days.

What the fuck, bro?

Get off him, bruv.

Get off him.

Fuck off. What are you doing?

- I'll see you later. Pussy.

- Shut the fuck up, man.

Hey, Leon. Dickhead, man.

An investigation is underway after

police shot dead a man in North London.

The 24-year-old was

in his home at the time

and was about to be arrested

when for reasons

that haven't been confirmed yet

when marksmen opened fire.

Paramedics tried

to resuscitate him,

but he died at the scene.

The man is said to

be a father of three

and was well known

in the community.

The area's MP is

tonight calling for calm

as the police watchdog

investigates what happened.


Do you not remember me?

Oh, yeah. Yeah.

What are you doing here?

We spoke at the party.

Oh, fuck. You need to go.

Carter's going to kick off

if he knows you're back.

No. No, it's alright.

I came to talk with him, though.

Really not the right time.

I wanted to give him this so, I

don't know if you can pass it on.

- Oh, so I'll just take it.

- Sweet.

Nice of you to return it. I'll

give it to him. Thanks. Cheers.

Whoa. Can I get your number?


I'd like your number.

What are you talking about?

Can I see you again?


I don't know. I was thinking...

Hang out or something.

If you give me your number,

I'll go. So, to be saving time.

See. It's here.

Whoa, I don't know

if this is your number.

I'll call it. Then

we'll know if it's your number.

I don't hear anything ringing.

That's rude, you know.

We'll go again, OK, OK? OK.

- Happy?

- Yes. Happy.

Now promise me you're

gonna leave. Promise.

I promise.

It's nice to see you again.


Let me give you

a drink. Come on.


Leon, come and dance with mommy.

Lee, come and dance with mommy.

- Leon, come on.

- I don't want to, mom.

Leon, come on and dance with me.

Don't be such a grumpy fucker.

Come and dance with your mommy.

Alright. Come, son.

Come here, Chris.

Come and say hello to Chris.


Come and meet Chris!

Chris, oi. Chris,

this is my son, Leon.

- You want some?

- No, no. He doesn't. He doesn't do that.

- You sure?

- No.

He's old enough.

No, he is not old enough.

Babe, we're all out. Lee, are

you going down the shop, baby?

Oh, be a darling and get

Mummy a bottle of vodka.

I've just put my dinner on,


Mate, she said

she needs a drink.

No, you're right.

You've had enough.

I've had enough.

You need to start

looking after yourself.

Keep an eye on my pizza, mom.

Keep an eye on my fucking pizza.

Lee. Hey, be quick, yeah?

Be quick.

In further developments

surrounding the shooting of a young man

in North London the police have now

stated that when the victim was shot

he was holding a non-police issue

handgun, but his family dispute this.

A bottle of vodka, please.

Tottenham's MPs wants answers

aware how damaging a lack of

information can be.

It is important

in the coming hours

and days to allay

people's fears to insure

that rumors don't

start off on the next...

Oh. Oh, wow. Whoa.

Yes, I don't lose, bruv!

I don't lose, bruv!

What do you mean, you don't

lose? You just lost!

- How did he lose? He blatantly just won!

- He just lost!

- How?

- It just hit the fucking wall!

- So?

- Hey, put the money down.

- Bruv, that's how you play.

- Put the fucking money down.

Yeah, you know what, darling? You're

just jealous because no one will want

to touch your stinky,

wrinkly minge.

I'd rather be an old bitch than a

trollop who can't keep her legs shut

Aw, what's that?

You're just jealous.

Go on. Fuck off.

Go and look after your son.

- You're incapable, an embarrassment.

- Fuck off, you trollop.

Give me my fucking money now.

Relax. Stop, man. Stop, man.

- Relax, man. I ain't got your money.

- Hey, what!

Fuckin' watch your mouth

with my boy, you know.

Fuckin' watch your mouth

with my boy.

Don't put your mouth

on my boy, right?

Fuck you.


Where are we going?

To my friend's place.

Why are we going there?

They're being evicted.


Don't you care about

what happens to other people?

Ah, it's just life, init?

Is that right?

Is this our house?

- Is this it?

- Yes.

And you should

respect other people.

I am standing back.

- I'm on the side.

- You are so clever, aren't you. And so very funny.

Ladies and gentlemen, apparently

I am ridiculously clever.

I am ridiculously clever.

Who's that guy?

Oh, it's my boyfriend.

So she said she can't

get back now...

This riff-raff who are hiding

their faces...

Pointing is very rude.

People can't get away.

I have to deny that one.

Squeeze them out of here.

You two don't need to be here.

We're just having a discussion. We won't

be friendly if you two standing...

I have no idea what...

whatever it is you are doing.

Guys, what is it we're doing?

Guys, calm down.

Oh, we're good, we're good.

Hey, Leon. This is shit.

Go on, let's get

the fuck out of here.

So is this a new

recruit, Twiggy?

Jazzy houses round here.

Nearly as big as your house,


- Nearly.

- Yeah, nearly.

Whoa, whoa. Whose is this?

It's mine.

What's so funny?

Nothing. I just always wondered who

actually lived on these things.

Do you want to grab

the other one? Just untie it.

Have you ever been

on one of these before?

- No.

- No?

It's so quiet, bro.

I could live out here

for like a week or something.

Maybe even longer, you know.

You can think clear,

you know what I'm saying?

No noise, no cars, no nothing.

No people shouting and shit.

- I might get one of these.

- Yeah?

Yes, when I'm older

I might buy one. Red and black.

What would you call your boat?

I don't know, mate.

Leon's boat. That's shit, init?

Leon's boat?

Leon's boat. Oh, Leon's.

Obviously I'd get a good deal

or something.

Here you go. You take it.

Oh, man. We should do this

again, you know. Yeah, man.

Who are

the murderers?

Police are

the murderers.

Who are

the murderers?

Police are

the murderers.

People have taken

to the streets in protest

to what they claim is the

killing of an innocent black man

at the hands of the police.

The protests were

sparked after it emerged

that the non-police

issue handgun in question

was actually recovered from

the drawer in the man's home

and therefore wasn't in his hands

at the time of the shooting.

The word on the street is

that this was an execution

and the community are not happy.

Well, the situation now

is that there is an intense standoff.

A cordon of police

officers are holding back

the crowd of probably

about 200 odd people.

These pictures were taken earlier

today on the streets of East London.

Community leaders from the area have repeatedly

warned the police that trouble is likely

and they're urging them to go out

into the community and provide reassurance.

But the police has stated

that their hands are tied

as they can't

be seen to prejudice

an independent

investigation into the...

I was watching that.

- Tea?

- Yes.

What's wrong?

Leon, just talk to me, man.

What do you want to know?

I don't know. Hum...

Who your mates are?

What, you want to be

my friend now?

- Lord, yes.

- Why?

Just trying to make amends,

that's all.

I know I haven't always

been there for you but...

I'm trying now, ain't I?

What's with this Chris guy?

Chris? What about him?

What's he doing here?

Don't worry about him,

he's harmless.

Well, he's better

than your fucking dad.

Oh, come on.

Let's not go

down this road again.

Yes, Chris is a bully.

I'll have a word, I promise.

Let's just

forget about it, okay?

Listen, umm... why don't

you, umm... treat yourself?

Buy some new trousers or

something. No, just take it.

I don't want your fucking money.

Straighten your toes,

lift your heel.



Do you have any work going?

- Sorry?

- I'm looking for work, or work experience.

Sorry, man, I'm a bit

up against it at the moment.

That's it, that's it.

Push him back, push him back.

Keep your hands up.

Leon. Leon, focus!

Come on.

That's it. That's it.

Get back.

Oi, oi, oi! That's enough.

That's enough. That's enough.

That's enough.

Calm down, bro. Calm down.

What's the matter,

Leon, man? Come on.

Here, man.

- Are you alright?

- I'm alright, I'm alright.

The death of a

man in one part of London

has triggered a wave

of violence in neighborhoods

in the north and

south of the capital.

In Hackney, the disturbances

began in the early evening.

The police said they would have

more officers on the streets today

and here they have moved in

in force.

What is the good in

times of economic difficulties

in raising and destroying

businesses that are the lifeblood

of our communities

and that give people jobs.

All around this

area the cordons are going up.

For the second night running we've

got copycat acts of violence.

This is what the police feared and what

they are calling pure criminality.

Justice will be done and

these people will see the

consequences of their actions.


Hurry up.

Man, we cool, yeah? We cool?


shit's going to kill you.

One day it will

fucking kill you, hey.

It will fucking kill you.

Fuck, fuck.

- Fuck you.

- Fuck you.

What are

you gonna do, yo?

We need to get what?

But what?

Back to the bus, boys.

What's up?

It's not a funny thing, yeah?

You're not gonna

be laughing in a minute.

- My cock.

- What did he say?

My cock.

Yeah. Alright, boys.

Fuck you, bro.

I say, man up, my gangsters.

Excuse me.

My country.

Man up my Gs, man up my Gs.

You know what's the strategy?

You know everybody's strategy?

You got a plan? You got a plan?

These dickheads.

Come, man.

Let's go up there, man.

I live down there, man.


What do you mean, GCSEs, bruv?


- I just wanna go to my house.

- You don't live down there.

I do live down there. How do you

know that I don't live down here?

Get back, get back.

Oh, shit.

Hey, this is nuts, fam.


Hey, those guys were

shook, though.

I can't, let's go back, man.

- Alright, come.

- No, he's not from there.

- No, let's go now.

- Let me catch my breath first, man.

- Hey.

- What?

Hey, man, I was wondering where

you lot disappeared to, man.

- Why are you lying?

- What?

Oh, I come here, you know me.

I had to do a little stop

here, man. You know me.

What you got for me, fam?

Let's see what you got there,

bro. Let me see.

Hey, you look like

a fucking waste man.

What's wrong with you, man?

Chill out, man.

This ain't about

stealing stuff, bro.

This is about revenge, man.

No, it's definitely

about stealing stuff.

Alright, whatever.

I'm getting out.

I'll check you out later.

You know me.

Stand your

fucking ground, man.

Oh my days, man.

Whoa, whoa, whoa.

What's that?

What are you thinking?


Don't be dumb, bruv.

Don't be dumb?

Don't be dumb.

Let's go there now and

let's fuck them up, man. Come.

Hey, man. What are you

planning to do with that?

I'm going there and fucking killing

them and I don't give a fuck.

Yes, go.

Man, let's go.

Hey, listen to me, man. This

are salmon toed sneakers,

Don't man.

I know you want some sneakers.

I don't give a fuck

about no sneakers, man.

Fuck this, man.

And where are you going, man?

I'm not gonna start

no fucking fires, man.

Run away then, you pussy.

Oh shit.

Let's go. Come on.

Let's go.

Let's go.

Hey. No. No. Hey. Hey.

Hey, Leon, what

are you doing, man?

What's he gonna do?

I don't know, but I feel

we should stick together, man.

No, man. This is bullshit, man.

Go on. Go run along to your

little blonde girlfriend, yeah?

Come on, fam. Come on.

Hey, Leon. Hey, Leon.

Come with us, man.


Hey, where are you going?

Leon, remember

your roots, man.

Police, Police. Stop!

You alright?

You all right, mate.

What's going on?

Car's fucking broke.


You alright?

It's not a good day.

What's wrong with it anyway?

No idea. You don't know

anything about cars, do you?

No, man.

- You don't have one.

- No.

I need to get out of this fucking city for

a few hours so I can hear myself think.

- ...more try and figure out.

- Let's go.

- We'll talk about it later...

- We're going now.

...because we're going...

- Later, of course.

- ...it's not like I don't wanna speak about it.


- This is nice, is it yours?

- No, man.

- Oh, shit.

- Where are we going?

I know, I'll drive.

You drive.

This is mad, bro.


- It's a mad fucking city,

- I know.

That's what my mom says,

it's a mad city.

- Yes?

- Yes.

Got the lighter?

And the siren as well.

Always sirens, 24/7 sirens.

This place is fucked.

- I'll see you later.

- Uh-huh.

It's upstairs, mate.

Lovely drive, ain't she?

Clutch catches a bit but... that's

to be expected with the old models.

The thing about her,

is I love her.

And she's mine.

Takes a little bit

of time to get going but...

once she starts going, I mean...

you'll never ever have

a ride like it in your life.

You fucking...

Come here!

What are we fucking going

to do with you, eh?

That's the fucking problem. I should

pop your eye out, you little cunt,

then you'll fucking learn.

Leave him alone!

Leave him fucking alone!

Stop it.

Chris, fucking stop it.

- You snitch.

- Ouch!

Is that all you got?

Look what you

fucking made me do!

Fuck you!

Lee, stop.

Lee, listen to me!

I'll fucking kill him!

I'll fucking kill him!

You're fucking dead!

Leon, Lee,

please listen to me.

Lee, please listen to me.

You fucking listen. Just leave

it! Lee, he's not worth it.

Lee, please, just get out

of this. Leave it.

Lee, please, just leave it!

Leave it, Lee!

It's okay.

What happened? Look at me.

Are you okay? Stay here.

It's okay. It's okay.

Stay still.

Alright guys, come on. Everybody out. Time

to leave. Go out. You need to get out.

- What do you mean? Fuck! We haven't done anything wrong.

- OK, mate.

You know you're not supposed to be here.

You're in trouble. You need to leave.

Step away. Step away.

Get back. Get back!

Oi, get back! Fucking

get back right now!

Oi, get off him!

Hey! Get back.

Get off him!

You get back.

Get off him.

Come on, get...

Fuck off!

Leave him!

Hold him! Hold him!

- Oh, God!

- Hold him.

Move it!

Get out of the house!

Hold it!

Stay down.

Look, I don't think they're

chasing us. I don't think...

Fuckin' hell. Shit, my eyes.

What the fuck was that stuff?

Some fucking poison.

- It's mace. It's fucking mace.

- Shit. What do you think happened to the other guys?

- I don't know.

- They fucking like dragged them out of there.

- Where are we going? Where are we going?

- Shit. This way. Come on.

Come on, hurry up.

Yeah? Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

What the fuck is he doing here?

- Just let us fucking in.

- No, no, fuck that, OK?

Had to have seven stitches

'cause of this prick.

- It wasn't him.

- He stole my phone.

- And he returned it.

- I don't give a fuck.

He can fuck off.

Fuck you! Fucking cunt! Shit!


What's wrong?

I left my fucking

camera in the squat.

- Whereabouts?

- In the bedroom. Those fucking...

I'll find it for you. Obviously I'm not gonna go

back there now, but I'll find it for you. OK?

Don't worry.

- Yeah?

- Sorry.

I'll find it.

I promise you

everything's gonna be OK.

You don't need to worry.

Lee? Are you all right?

- Mom. This is Twiggy.

- Hello.


Where did you spring from?

Don't know.

Same place as you I guess.

We definitely didn't come from

the same place, darling.

Is it OK if Twiggy stays over?

Yeah... You stay

as long as you like.

Mum, will you stop?

Stop, Mum. Mum, stop. Stop!

Mum, Mum... Mum, Mum, stop!

Stop. Look at me

and stop. Stop.

Stop Mom.

I need a drink, Leon.

I'll sort it out, all right.

I'll sort it out.

- Leon!

- Oh, shit.

- What happened to your face?

- Boxing.

You need to work on your guard.


I thought you were

gonna call me.

I was. I will. I've just been mad busy.

I'll call you. I promise.

- OK? I promise. I will. I'll call you.

- All right.

Fires are breaking out across

large parts of London tonight as more

serious violence spreads across

the streets of the capital.

The latest trouble started in Lewisham

South-East of the city late afternoon.

Before spreading to Hackney, Clapton and

now in the last hour in South London.

- These are the latest...

- Two bottles of vodka, please.

from Croydon, where

a furniture store

has been ablaze for

at least an hour now.

So, when can

I speak to him, then?

Well, my dad's a

lawyer so I happen to know

that I'm entitled

to speak to him.

Yeah. That's

fucking unacceptable.

Do you know what? Listen, I spoke to

someone earlier and they twist my words.

You guys are all the fucking

same, like, I swear to God.

Thanks, Lee.

You don't have to

worry about Chris no more.

He won't be coming back.

- Let's have a look at it then.

- Mom, it's all right.

- No, please. Can we just...

- Mom...

Leon, please, let me see.

Look what he's done to

your beautiful face.

I'm so sorry, son.

I don't know what to do anymore.

Maybe you shouldn't

have come back here.

- Mom.

- Come here. Just let me do it, OK?

- I'm sorry, does it hurt?

- It's all right.

She's good.

She seems like

a really nice girl.

She your girlfriend?


She should be.

Just make sure

she treats you right, yes?

That's what you need now, son. You need...

you need someone who can look after you.

I'm not good for you anymore.

You deserve better than this.

So, they are

keeping him over night

for resisting arrest and

assaulting a police officer.

He's gonna plead

guilty, on the condition

that they drop charges

on the rest of us.

My hero.

Do you have er...

anything to drink?

Er... Sure.

Um, vodka orange?


- Do you mind if I smoke in here?

- No, it's cool.

Show me your moves.

I've got one move.

What's your move?

Ready? That's all you get.

That's what you get. That's it.

I don't really dance

to this kind of stuff.

Sorry... I'll move this...

It's OK.

Umm, it's me. Call me back.

- Chill out.

- Is Twiggy here?

- No.

- Do you know where she is?

Fucking hell.


She's not here.

Hey, hey, hey. I saw Twiggy.

She said she was going back

to her folks' place.

Look, the address is on there.

- Thank you.

- It's all right. Good luck.

Look, Twiggy,

pick up the phone.

Don't ignore me, please.

- Oh, my God.

- Bloody hell. What the hell is going on?

Oh, my goodness!

Leon. Leon, man.

- What the fuck are you doing, bruv?

- What the fuck!

What the fuck

are you even doing here?

- Get the fuck away from me.

- No, please, no.

- Hey.

- Oh!

- Hey, yo. You guys got your ballies yeah?

- Yes.

- Fuck no!

- Man, you didn't bring one either?

They're going to be able to recognise

you with that big scar on your face.

Are you mad? There's CCTV

everywhere, you sausage.

Listen, listen, listen,

listen. You all gone crazy?

Whoa, whoa, whoa. A man

might get lost out there, init.

I'm just saying that. I got

love for you all still, init.

Shut up...

Fuck off, fuck off.

Get the fuck off me bruv! Fuck off! Get

the fuck off me bruv! Are you dumb, bruv?

Are you fucking mental?

Subtitles by explosiveskull