None But the Lonely Heart (1944) - full transcript

A sickly English woman runs a store by herself, while her irresponsible son travels aimlessly, refusing to contact her. When told that his mother has cancer, the young man comes home, reforms himself, and helps his mom run the shop. Soon however, each becomes involved in illegal activities.

Oy, what's this?
What's this tonight?

Memorial services.

Armistice day tomorrow,
you know.

Stay there, nipper.

It might be my son.


Might be my old man.


Good night.


When ernie mott,

humble citizen
of the city of london,

saw for the first time

the tomb
of the unknown warrior,

he little realized that he,
ernie mott,

might someday soon become
the unknown warrior

of a second world war.

Yes, someday soon,

he might become
a glowing legend

for happy boys and girls,

living a life
he merely dreamed about.

High destiny
for quiet ernie mott,

who quarreled, hungered, loved,
and was loved.

For this is his story-

the story of ernie mott,

who searched for a free,
a beautiful, and noble life

in the second quarter
of the 20th century.

Ernie, grub's ready.

Don't be all year,

or you'll fight
the birds for it.

Won't be
but a minute, ma.

Yes, yes, yes.


Don't you think
pork sausage

is too good
for the beast?

Stay. Come on.

Nothing too good
for that dog, ma.

Part of myself,
he is.

Don't like him,
do you?

Where you been?

Oh, knocking about
a bit up north,

all over the shop.

What's up?


You're standing there
looking as if i'd jabbed you

with your hatpin
or something.

What did you come
back home for, son?

Miss me?

Can't say i did, ma.

You know me, ducky,
tramp of the universe.

Anything in the shop
needs mending, ma?

Nothing that needs your
help, ernie, sweets.

Besides, it's sunday.

Painting, polishing,
doing a spot of gardening?

Mean to do my best
by you, ma, love.

Happy couple,
aren't we?

A bit of proper respect
is what's needed.

I get no more from you

than i got from
that father of yours.

And that's that.

That's that.

So you got
your choice.

What choice?

Stay or get out.

Take hold here
and do a man's job,

or don't come back.

Stay put so i don't keep
fretting my fat about you.

What call have you to go
wandering around the country

like a breath
of homeless wind?

Don't i treat you
right, or what?


I'll be off
in the morning.

How is it, ernie boy?
Home for a time?

How'd you know
i was back, ma?

I live so close, i can
hear you change your mind.

Nice music
on the old wireless.

Don't know what
i'd do without it.

The piano
needs tuning, too.

I'll stop in and look
at it around teatime.

Thanks, ernie.

Hello, dad.

When are you
mending that window?

Catch me mucking around
with a window, ern boy.

Life's too short.

You're a man
after my own heart, dad.

Woman: Ern!

See you.

Been home long?

Bring yourself in
for a cup of tea.

Me basket's
full of breakfast.

Come in anyway, ern.


It's a living. It pays
to keep your tools sharp.

Good to be back.

Nicest drawing room in the
neighborhood, this, aggie.

It's yours
whenever you want it.

Have to take you,
too, aggie?

You want me
to move out?

* he's the boy for me *

* i'm the girl for him *

* he's my lump of toffee,
cake, and pudding **

you're the biggest fool
i ever met, aggie.


Black as the ace, i am.
Don't you know it yet?

Matter of fact, ma give me
the ultimatum today.

Stay put or stay out.

What are you going
to do about it?




You're a little flat
there, aggie.

What's the music called?

None but
the lonely heart.


No. Russian.


Oh, well.

See you tonight?


About 9:00?

All alike,
you women.

I don't go on timetables like a train.

I'm ernie mott.
I don't stay put.

I understand.

Do you?

Of course.

Well, then maybe
i'll see you tonight.


Maybe i will...

or maybe i won't.

Who give you that dimple
in your chin?

Present from me pa.
Bye, aggie.

Bye, ernie boy.

Watch her, peggy.


Hi, elsie.


What's coming off?

Sunday or ain't it?

Nobody home. Nobody home.

It's me, dad.
Ernie mott.

Oh, you, is it?

Ain't seen you
in 3 months, have i?

You're blocking
the door, dad.

Miss me, did you?

Had your post card
from up north.

No grass grows
under your feet.

How do we get some smokes?
I'm so broke, i'm two halves.

What, again?

You think it grows
on trees?

You're not giving me the
boot? What cigars you got?

May we feed
the fishes?


The way those kids
carry on, ern.

Cigars, dad.

Oh, cigars.

Well, i've got a very
doubtful stock of them, ern.

Can't make out what
happens to things lately.

I got an old burma
cheroot somewhere.

I got more respect
for me guts, i have.

Give us
a large rigby's.

Can't sell
cigarettes on sunday,

you know, ern.

Who said anything
about selling?

A large rigby's
it is.

A gent! Proper lovely to be alive

and have friends
like you, dad.

I'm remembering you
in my will.

You don't think i'll
live? How's your ma?

Like an engine. Tower
of london isn't better.

Bye, dad.

Drop in again.

Here you are, folks.
Learn how to do it...

come on here, folks.
3 for a penny. Come along.

Here is the best shot
of the day...

here you are.
Go on.

Hold me dog,
please, mate.

Show them
how it's done.

Oy, stand back.

Let the man
see the rabbit.

Now, gents,
watch the fur fly.

Quiet, please,
while the shots is took.

Ha ha ha!

There we are!

8 shots, and all
where they should be-

right in the black hole
of calcutta.

I told you who he was,
and this is him.

here are your fags,

and good luck
to you.

Thanks for
holding me dog.

Oh, hello. Haven't
i seen you before?

Here's a present
for you.

Here you are.


out of tune.

I'm mordinoy.
Jim mordinoy.

Am i supposed
to know you?

Thought as
how you might.

Ever fight your pup?

Never. What
about the piano?

What about it?

Should i tune it?
Cost you half a bar.

Life's easier than that. Take a
quid and leave the piano undisturbed.

Now why would
i take your quid?

Just to be a pal.

Hey, what's that i
smell on you? Hair oil?

I can't understand why
a man of your talents

wears them rags.

Clothes are a lot
of blinking excitement

about nothing
most of the time.

As to what
you call my rags,

they are the uniform
of my independence.

Clothed in your
perfect pitch.

Now you understand me,
mr. Mordinoy.

Life's a piece of meat
when you know how.

Most people here
are victims.

Hurry, worry, and scurry
to make a bit of brass.

What's your kind, mr.
Mordinoy? Willful and deceitful.

Take what you want,
right? Right.

That's what it's about.
Be a victim or a thug.

But suppose you don't want
to be neither, like me-

not the heir and not
the owned. Then what?

Then what?

Who's talking
to you?

Hey, who's
the piece of pastry

in the jersey?

Ada brantlin.

Fair blinds you
with science, don't she?

She don't like
the rough stuff.

Have to
box clever there.

Yes, i suppose
you would.

Change, please,

You're new here,
aren't you?

Who's this mordinoy?
Run the place now, does he?

Wouldn't dirty
his hands on it.

Then what's
he doing here?

The gentlemen come in
to converse with me.

Now kindly move on.

How do i get
in your good books, ada?

There we are.

Lovely fingernails.

What's up?

Don't you know when
your health is good?

Wished i was a painter.

And you'd do what?

Well, what does
a painter do?

In this book,

a painter does some
very strange things.

Calls it art, too,
he does.

You an artist?

Me? Tune pianos,
that's me.

Play the piano by ear,
polish furniture,

shoot rodents
with a rifle.

Bugs in your house?
Send for ernie mott.

Know how
to medicate animals.

Excellent at repairing
delicate machinery.

I invent inventions.

What you invent?

Uh, oh...

i see.

I happen to be working
on my greatest invention-

a human animal which don't
look for a master.

Ain't easy.

Listen. Come closer.

I like that kind
of talk.

You do?

It sounds barmy as the
muffin man, but i like it.

That brings up
one question, ada.


What time
do you get off?

Half 6:00.
Around the back.

Thank you.

Change, miss.



Thank you, sir.

Charitable sort,
you are.

Oh, that?

Friend of mine.
Knew him when.

When what?

When he was a man.

Old ike webber, a friend
of my ma's, told me this.

"As i was out walking,

"i saw in the distance
what seemed an animal.

"Come up closer
and see it was a man.

Come still closer and
see it was my brother."



Quiet as mice,
ain't we?

What you looking at?

Tell us.

Tired, ain't you?

Always tired.

My feet's
just about wore off.

Let's go. Nice strong
cup of tea for two.

What's the dog
doing here?

I don't go out
with dogs, you know.

All right. I'll drop him off on the way.

Come on.

Kissing you like that-
the first meeting.

I never done a thing
like that before

in my whole life.

Lucky me.

Lucky you.

Well, now.

Five red beetles on
the end of your fingers.

G sharp-
the pitch of that.

Perfect pitch,
that's me. G sharp.

Not one in a million
has that.

Very unusual person,
didn't you know?

Are you?

Yes, and all i want
to do is hold you

and murder anyone
who'd say a word to you.

Interesting program,
but what's it get me?

Only trouble.

Why don't you
put that hat on?

I don't want
to spoil me hair.

Meeting someone?

It's late,
later than i thought.

Time is not of the essence with me.

No place to go and going there tomorrow.

I don't pretend to know
what that means.

Fight like cats
with ma.

Told her off today,
so it's the end.

She don't know they milk
the cow that stands still.

Wants me in that silly business of hers,

squeezing pennies
out of paupers.

No, thank you.

You mean you're leaving
london in the morning?

Can't think of any reason
not to, can you?

Inviting me in?

No. My aunt and uncle's
asleep in the back.

I'd like to smash you
one with this.


I feel like i know you
a whole lifetime.

Do you want
to see me cry?


Then say good-bye
and go away.

No sense in this. You're
leaving in the morning.

Just wasting our time, that's all.

You're a stranger.
We meet.

- have you ever been in love?

You make me feel
12 years old again.

I don't know why.

You're the only man
i've met in years

who gives me
any feeling.

Say good-bye.
That's the end.

I'll drop by
the funfair tomorrow.


Good night, ada.

Good-bye, ern boy.

In the end, you wouldn't
give me what i need.

what a woman needs.



Good thing then
you won't see me again.

No future in me
for anyone like you.

No confidence.

Good night, ada.

Good night.

No question,
mrs. Mott.

It's worth every penny
you ask, irregardless.

I'll send mr. Lesser
for it this afternoon.

It goes
in my private collection.

I couldn't find
the heart to sell it.

Good enough, ike.

If you can
afford it.

Would your son like
to clean the mechanism?

He's got talent
for such things.

I see your mind is somewhere else today.

Still the same
old trouble?

He won't stay home.

Proud as the queen's
carriage he is

and independent.

He's leaving home
for good today.

Excuse me
for mentioning it,

but why don't
i talk to him?

You've got
to help me, ike.

But of course.

I'm ill.

What your wife up
and died of.


It might happen
sooner than i think.

Thinking out loud,

it would be
very fine

if you had him
with you for-

for the next
few months.

You need sleep and
special considerations.

That's impossible
with him

around the country.

Why don't you
tell him?

Oh, but, mrs. Mott,

isn't it possible
that maybe

you exaggerate
his feelings?

I brought joey
round again.

What are them pills for?

Yeast tablets.

Don't think they do you
any good, do you?

At least as much
as you do.

See, that's
what i mean.

Never an hour
of peace between us.

Reckon the stork
brought you

the wrong
sort of son.

Wouldn't be

You'll never get me to
stay and run this shop.

I won't sweat pennies out
of devils poorer than meself,

not if i had both
legs cut off.

I'd crawl out
in the street.

Someday you'll know
i'm your only friend.

Less said,
the better.

Eat your breakfast.



I'll drop you a post
card from the seaside.

Where you off to?

Had your breakfast?

I'm going up
to tate's.


I'm sick of
this street.

I've smelled it for
almost 5 times 7 years.

Quick, let a wind come
and blow it all to pieces.

Well, i'm leaving
for good now.

Miss me, will you?

It's nothing
to do with me

if you quarrel
with your ma.

Yes, i'll miss you.

Marry you quick
if i had the chance.

What about money?

"Money talks," they say.

The only thing it ever
told me was good-bye.

Support me, would you?

If you wanted me to.

Think you could
handle me, aggie?

I know how
to handle you-

not handle you
at all,

leave you be.

I've never been so tempted
in all me born days.

Think about it.

You know
the address.

Oh, i'm late.
I've got to hurry.

Good-bye, ernie.

* the gray dawn is breaking *

bye, aggie.

* the horn of the hunter
is heard **

you stay there.

A big fourpenny,
and two of chips.

Looking very prosperous
there, len,

new fixtures and all.

Yes, i got mine.

Looks as if it's
all in your teeth.

Ain't it time
you stayed home

and settled down in
business for yourself, son?


If that's what
you happen to want.

It's safe,
that's what it is.


Well, if it isn't
ike webber.

What brings you

And how is
mr. Mott today?

What an honor,
mr. Mott.

Come down for some
of tate's famous chips?

Mm-hmm. Everything
with a kiss.

I'm glad
i ran into you.

Are you?

I need 2 pounds' worth
of clock repairs.

I'm on me way
to liverpool.


Don't they use money
in liverpool anymore?

A gent!

Ah, ancient history.

"To edward from mary,
with love."

You know, ike,

give me good old
quiet machinery anytime.

She wants a quid on this
- an old lady.

Give it to her, an old lady, mr. Lesser.

with a kiss.

Clocks. Clocks.
Tick tock.

Tick tock.
Tick tock.

Did you ever realize

your mother was,
once upon a time,

maybe the most
beautiful woman

in the east end
of london?

In the old days,
i mean.

What about it?

Excuse me if i put a flea in your ear.

Your mother is
a very sick woman.

You owe me ³2, ike.

Pay it.
I'll be on my way.

Does she have a pain
for her no-good son?

Your mother is not a
superficial woman, mr. Mott.

When she gets ill,
she gets ill.

What is it?


I recommend you not
to say a word to her.

Everything with a kiss.

What are you
laughing about, son?

Are you laughing?


Thought i heard
you laughing.

Seems like
i saw you before.

Wasn't it the other
night in westminster?

What's your name,

Ernie mott.

As the bacon
said to the egg,

"so pleased
to meet you."

Henry twite's
my name.

Ernest verdun mott.

That's mine,
if you want it all.

How did you come by a
rare, old title like that?

Me father-

he rolled up there at
verdun in the last war.

A friend of mine
put something in my ear,

and i can't
get it out.

Buzz, buzz, buzz.

Been drinking,
have you?

Lor lummey,
you got it bad.

I know all about
trouble, i do.

Son of my bosom,
that's what you are.

Son of your nothing.

I'm a lone wolf,
barking in a corner,

plain disgusted with
a world i never made

and don't want
none of.

There's the river, boy. Help yourself.

Don't like water
neither, i see.

Ah, that's
different, that is.

Sweating like that
on a night like this,

you'll catch your
death of double ammonia.

Come along with me to a
place where it's warm and dry.

Here we are, dad.

Echo! Echo! Echo!

I'll see you
soon again.


What for, dad?

Maybe help you
to get

more adjusted to your environment.

Now, wait.

Why not help
my environment

get more
adjusted to me?

Follow that?

Buzz, buzz, buzz.

you're drunk.

You are.

Oh, i am that, dad.

Echo! Echo! Echo!

* oh, starry night *

* oh, starry night *

* dee dee dee dee *

* deedle-dee di **

oh, well.
Say good night.

See you soon.

And me feet killing me.

Good night, dad.

Night, verdun.

Echo, echo, echo.

Buzz, buzz, buzz.

Changed my mind.

Home to stay.

Less said,
the better.

Knock off that piping.

Get up to ma tate's
and get some grub.

Spirit of
the morning, ma.

Here's you and here's
me, in working order.

Ta-ra chin!

Ain't i lovely?

Proper dream,
you are.

All blistered
from weeks of work.

I'm going to need some more green paint.

Pick it up
at pa prettyjohn's.

Hey, where are
you off to?

I'm off to
the whitechapel road

to do a bit
of business.

Don't know
how long i'll be.

Take charge
of the shop.

See how you go.

Makes me proud you
think i can do that.

Slosh you one.

Ain't so long since i was
washing out your baby napkins.

Come on, nipper.

Are you taking nipper?

Why not? Cradled him, didn't i?

Here, put that
in your pocket.

See how you like it.


Slosh you one.

Oh, hello, ma.

How's your
poor old feet, ma?


Here. I think i'll
hang her up in my room.

What for?

Reminds me
of a person.

Reminds me
of a christmas goose.

Here, take this
with you.

Hop it now,
up to your room.

What is it, ma?

Sausage and mash
for supper,

so don't be late
coming down.


Makes me give at the knees,
this surprise of yours.

Glad you like it, son.

Supper's nearly ready.

Sit down and have
your supper, son.

Wish you'd walk past
fish and chips,

let that
mrs. Tate see you,

not to mention
dear ma fadden

and the plaster-haired alf.

Ha ha ha! Surprise
them all, won't i?

Surprises me most.

You look just like
your father did...

on his best days,
that is.

Did you love
my old man?

Expect you to do
something for me tonight.


Stroll around
a bit with me.

We'll see a film
- the two and fourpenny seats.

Don't you try any of them larks on me.

I'm old enough
to be your mother.

Ha ha ha!

Come on, ma.
Do it.

Couldn't do it, son.

Why not?

Too rich for my blood.

sleep's a blessed thing.

What's wrong, ma?
Something hurt you?

No. What gave you
that idea?

Got a funny story right
on the tip of me tongue

about a little man
in the park.

Isn't them yeast tablets
up on the mantelpiece?

Tummy ache.

What about
that funny story, son?

Oh, yeah. Oh.

This little man
is in the park, see?

That's peculiar. It slipped my mind now.

Ache all gone?

Nothing to it.

Sausage ain't right
for delicate appetites.

Go on. You cook
them a treat, ma.

Worst cook
in london town.

Don't try
buttering me up.

If it's
a pound you want,

you'll find it up there
under the vase.

That's it, ma.

Seen right
through me, you did.

Off you go then.
Tomorrow's sunday,

so it don't matter
how late you come back.

Don't wake me.

Well, uh, well,
i'm off, ma.

Have a good time,

Thanks, ma.

Hey, hey.
Your hat's on crooked.

Quiet as
a little mouse.

Listen, ernie.

I'm sorry
you've come back.


Rolled an ice-cold
pickle jar

down my back,
you did.

You mean that, ada?

You're not serious.

I'm not an apple to take
a bite of and throw away.

I thought about it
for 5 weeks

whether or not
to see you again.

What are
you looking at, ada?

See a parade
going by?

Yes, maybe a whole
bloomin' parade of troubles.

You can't fight it out out here.

There's places
for such things.

Best find one.

Who's that?

Me, mrs. Mott.
Millie wilson.

Alone, are you?

You drunk?

No. Give it up, i did.

Give it up.

Ma snowden sent me.

She got herself half a
dozen feather pillows,

soft enough
for aristocracy.

Never slept on,

they come from?

The usual place?


You know i don't handle
stolen goods, millie.

She'd sell them
cheap, she would.


3 or 4 fine
woolen blankets, too.



Sorry, mrs. Mott.

Now be a good boy,
ernie, and say good night.

What a way you have of making
simple things difficult.

Think so?

a certain party

doesn't happen to
like me seeing you?

Who would that be?

Jim mordinoy.

the flash boy?

How has he crept
into your life?

Didn't say he had,
did i?

There's about 20 good kisses left in me,

but he'll
never get one.

Told him so?

More than once.

Then that's that.

to whose book?

Ernie mott's.

I'd blind him out of two
eyes quick as see him.

Here's hoping
you don't try.


now, say good night,

and let's
forget it all.

We all right for
next wednesday night?

Take me dancing?

you like, ada.

5 beetles on it.

Give over, boy. You'll
mash me to a pulp.

half 9:00, then.

That's it.

Okey-doke, aggie.
It's a friend.

Oh. What are you
doing out

this late at night?

Bit of fresh air.

Tall tonight.

The high-heeled

I've just finished
playing at a club dinner.

You know
what they're like-

a lot of men
smoking cigars

and getting tight
and showing off.

I get sick of it.

I thought
you'd forgotten me.

No, not at all.

Want some coffee?

No, thanks, aggie.

Are you
a fortuneteller, aggie?


I'm on the fringes
of a great romance.

What'll i do?

Have it.

But it's not you,

That's no news, is it?

I know
you like it honest.

Don't often meet a
cavalier this late at night.

But it ain't fair to
you, these meetings.

Oh, really, ern.
You're a fool.

You're moody; you're
clever; you're human,

but you're a fool.

You're trying to tell me
you love another girl, right?

I know why
you're staying.

No, that isn't why,

Well then, why?

Me ma is ill.

Last card in the pack, it looks.


All roads lead
to ma this year.

What'd we start
talking about?

Nothing that
won't keep.

I'd better
make a move.

I get an idea she
don't sleep every night.

Mind the step.

Wait a minute, ernie.

Don't worry for me.

I'm here
if you need me.

If i love you, it's
something i can't help

and something
that i need.

But people are
what they are

and love what
they love,

and i don't see
any sense

in trying to be
something else.

I wouldn't trade it
for a box at the opera,

the thing
i feel for you.

And you can't
change it

or take it away
from me.

There you are,
mr. Jack-in-the-box.

Now, cross over
and sleep well.


You don't think
it's worth more, ike?

To my mind, no,
mrs. Mott.

All right.

Hmm. Hmm.

It adds up
just under ³200,

the piano
not included.

That's very

You expected it
to be more?

That's nothing.

Go through his generous hands in a year.

Look at him
out there.

Never know it was the
same boy, would you?

There's such things as
prayers being answered.

Yes, the places
of the world are empty,

and the human heart
is everything.

Oh, that's a speech.

Well, i'll go.

Thank you, ike.

You're a sport.

Anytime, mrs. Mott.

A pleasure to serve you,


Ah, me verdun boy!

How are you?


How's your ma?

What have you
got there?

Selling fruit
round the pubs.

Doing a rare,
old trade and all.

That your ma playing
peek-a-boo in there?

Call her out.

A person of me
own generation.

Ma, want you to meet
a friend of mine.

Henry twite.

Asked how i was,
did you?

Been better,
been worse.

All right with you,
me old china?

Ain't bad, mr. Twite.
Could be better.

This is from
your hopeful heir.

Sent by
a dutiful son

who's looking
after his ma

while she's still here
to be looked after.

You buy these
for me, son?


Iooks like you made
a hit there, son.

Yeah, looks like
i did. Thanks.

Box of doll's eyes.

Found them
in a shipment.

Hey, hey.
Where are you off to?

Stay for tea.

No, no! Meet me any
night at tiger's place.

Give me a leg up.

Can't dally
with friendship

when making a
living's in the air.

Ho-ho! I should
say so. Come on.

Lovely man, that.

i should say so.

Never had anything
like that give me.

Some people don't even
tune a piano for me

when it's promised.

Anyone so thoughtless

ought to have
their bottom spanked, ma.

I'll be over
in a minute.

Just have to get
me machinery.

Nice man, that twite.

Best of the best.

Had a quiet sniff,
did you?

Let's change the subject
or i'll howl, i will.

Promised to tune
ma chalmers' piano.

Someone in the shop.

Ha ha!

What did do you
with my millie wilson?

Your millie wilson?

You set the dog
on her.

You're as daft
as she is.

Come here, millie.

Didn't she set
the dog on you?

Yes, she did.
The white-him.

Wish i had,
that's what.

That's your trouble,
mother mott.

Don't you "mother
mott" me, jane snowden.

I'll put you
in the gutter

if you raise
your voice to me.

I can see you don't
realize what's involved.

Not 3 or 4,
but ³500,

and just for selling
stolen goods.

What's the income
of your shop

compared with that?

that's plain.

Save your breath.

We do the lifting.
You just do the selling.

That's just like walking
through an orchard

picking apples.

What's wrong
about that?

No bid. No bid,
mrs. Snowden.

You tire me out,
you do.

Well, i have
nothing more to say.

I shan't waste
me time.

"There's ma mott,"
i says.

"Let her make enough

"to live out
her life in peace,

"maybe leave a bit
for her boy.

Good old
mother mott," i says.

There's the gratitude,
millie-called a thief.

Something for the book,
that's what it is.

But i've got
nothing more to say.

But if you happen
to change your mind,

you know
where i'll be.

£500, i says.

Not less.

Like me, ernie?

A bit.

There are three reasons
why i dislike dancing.

One, i don't
dance good enough.

Two, it's too hot.

And three, what's
mordinoy doing here?

He owns this place.

What makes that
tie the lamb's tail?

Want to stop?

Suits me.

Now don't you think
i know three's a crowd?

He invited himself.

It's not important.

I can hardly keep
my hands off him.

Listen. 20 boys here
would carve you up

if he just
said the word.

Don't be
so romantic, ernie.

Save it for me.
The evening's young.

Sit down now,
shall we?

How about me, ada?
Am i next?

Let me rest. What do
you think i'm made of?

I'll find out
one of these days.

Kids himself
something cruel.

I love the way those
saxes come out,

sort of
in kid gloves

just loud enough
to be heard.

I wish i could live
out my time like this.

Perfect pitch don't hear
a word you're saying.

What's this stuff

Ha ha!

Ha ha ha!

What's funny?

I thought everybody over
16 knew what champagne was.

I'll be 16
in march.

You're well-developed
for a boy.

I don't want
no quarrels here.

Quarrels? Mott likes
me, don't you, mott?

Don't you like me?

Why should
i like you?

Half a spoonful of lemonade
and he's bandy-legged.

I like
your attitude, mott.

It'll kill you
or make you.

By the way, ada,
i bought the funfair today.


I've been waiting years for this.

How about
a turn or two?

I'm sorry,
mr. Mordinoy.

Mr. Mordinoy
don't mind, sid.

How's your ma doing
in that shop of hers?

Who told you
about that?

Oh, it interested me
to find out.


You're a cut above the usual
article that floats around.

Only a cut?

There's that
attitude again.

Ada is interested
in you, it seems.

Nothing special.

And i'm interested
in ada, very special.

I'm going to do something for you, mott.

Like to
stuff your pockets?

You know where ermington
street is? Tattamy's garage?

I'm there
any morning.

You've got talent
and imagination.

Work hard for me,

and you'll start
at ³50 a week.

Breaking whose neck?

Don't you think
you're being rude?

I've been after ada
too long to lose her.

She knows it.

Now you know it.

She won't wear you,
seems like.

Ada was always
a bit giddy.

I recall a couple of
weekends at brighton.

We shared
adjoining rooms.

Now, look here.

What's the matter? What
are you interrupting me for?

I remember
it used to give me

a special sort of pleasure
to choose her clothes.

Wait a minute!

You're young
and excitable, mott.

Sit down.

Ada is mrs. Mordinoy.



Wait a minute.

Ha ha ha!

Mrs. Mordinoy.

Used to be me name.

What do you want? Me
life history in the flesh?

It's a family quarrel.

It isn't.

Be two years next month we're divorced.

Won't wash, ada, ducks.

What won't wash?

Less said,
the better.

the word, then.

There's the door.

Morning, ma.

Morning, son.

What happened
to you last night?

Hit by a train.
Head-on collision.

Oh, my,
sheep's heart again?

Are we that poor to be
eating the insides of sheep

day in, day out?

worse off, son.

Poor putrid

What's the price
of this one?

Percy floom and flo
looking over wedding stuff

on his day off.

Make a lovely match,
they will.

To start a fire.

Proper case,
ain't she?

Nice sensible head on her, for all that.

He'll have
a happy life.

Blinking idiots,
the pair of them.

Getting married.

I'd like to see a nipper or two of yours

before i get took off.

Shan't be here always,
you know.

You'll have this shop
for your own.

You're all
fixed up for a home.

Why don't
you look around?

Had too many
looks around.

What an ugly,
insanitary life it is.

Needn't be.

But it is.

Lots of love
in you, ernie.

Wants an object,
something to lavish it on.

What's wrong
with you, ma?

You're an object.

For keat, please.

Which book, nipper?

Boot club.

Boot club?

Boots, boots, boots.

Saving for boots?

Yes, sir, mr. Mott.

That makes two and
thruppence so far, right?

How long's it take
to save for the boots?

27 weeks, sir.

Your ma goes three
and a tanner on him!

I can't pay you more
than what the book says.

Take it or leave it!


Throwing me out,
are you?

No. I can't give you
more than half a crown.

Well, i'll take it.

I'll tell your ma on you. You wait.

No matter to you what we
has to go through, does it?

Here's your money.


Hey, lovey?

Speak to your mum.
Speak to her, boy.

Here. You reckon he's
all right, do you, ern?


Here, old girl.
Here, old girl.

Take half a crown.

Here's joey.

What's up now? Pinched
something, has she?

Peace! That's what
i'm looking for!

I want peace with happy
hearts and straight bones

without dirt
and distress.

Surprises you,
don't it?

Peace! That's what
us millions want,

without having
to snatch it

the smaller dogs.

Peace to be not a hound and not a hare,

but peace
with pride,

to have a decent
human life...

with all
the trimmings.

Won't find nothing
like that in this world,

not in our time, son.

No way to beat it.

There's a way.

with the hounds.

Where are you off to?

A walk around.


Leave nipper here.


Open it.

I don't want no more trouble in my life.

I've had a big packet of it in my time.

No more, ern. Not from
you and not from jim.

I'm leaving there as soon
as i find another job.

I was feeling

as if i'd
just started living.

Were you?

I ought to hate you,
didn't i?

But i don't.

Want to come in
half a minute?

Want me to?

There's something
i'd like you to see.

Very mysterious,
the room of the girl you love.


That's my kiddy.

That's the little girl
of all my dreams.

What a wallop
you give me, ada.

Put your face up
half a mo.

Put your arms
around me.

Aren't you happy
to see me?

Yes. You make me
very happy,

but i
have to tell you

i'm thinking of
going in with mordinoy.

I want money. I don't
know how to get it sooner.

Really, i'm sorry.

I'm sorry
i ever see you.

You'll do time.

He'll see you will,
jim will.

I'm sorry
i ever see you.

My eye, what a girl.

Don't she ever get
tired of saying good-bye?

That's right.
Wake my kiddy.


You got
any sense in you?

I could
murder you myself.

What would you
want me for?

Be your girl,
your wife,

and next week be poking you
bananas through the bars?

I see your point.
I'll never let you go.

You don't touch me
ever again!

Ada, don't die on me.

What can i lose
if i do a job for him?

Me. Do you
hear that?


The world i want can be
as small as this room,

but i have to know
it's here tomorrow, too.

Yes. I'm as old-fashioned
as sealing wax.

I believe every girl
should be married,

but it wants
a solid base,

not policemen
and being slashed about.

Tile baths,
silks, and jewels-

that's why
i left him.

I'll only start crying,
so give over now.

Say good-bye.

I'll say good night.

Good night, ada.

Where you going,
happy face?

Here to see
mr. Mordinoy.


Oh, jim,
a customer here!

This is the lad
i was telling you about.

this is slush yatley.

How's she go,
ernie boy?

Cosh simmons.

He never
shakes hands.

Is ernie
a buyer, jim,

or joining
the riding academy?

Joining the academy.

He'll learn from you,
i hope,

or maybe
teach you something.

You can never tell
with mott.

Then 7:00 tomorrow morning, ernie boy.

We don't keep gentlemen's hours here.


Come on and see what's going on here.

How's ada?

Don't see her too often,
mr. Mordinoy.

This way, mott.

But nothing won't never
take the place of ice.

I would
say the same, ma.

Well, i've never seen
nothing to beat this.

on land or sea.

Makes its own ice.
Why, that's magic.

Money belongs
in the bank.

In the bank,
that's where you want it.

Sticking it on the wall
won't get you nowhere.

You'll catch it,
my lad,

if you go
buying me any presents.

Ha! Come on, son.

Good evening,
mrs. Mott.

Ha! Jealous.

She's jealous.

Clara tate's
a copyrighted nuisance.

Just the smell of her
is a meal.

Ha ha ha!
Ha ha ha!

How's my daughter?

Splitting headache.

Go out
and sit with ike.

I'll bring you a glass
of stout. Where's nipper?

Put upstairs
for the night.

Happy, ma?

Where'd the money come
from bought all this?


Where does
money come from, ma?

You earn it,
steal it, find it.

Find yours
under a tree?

That's it, ma.

Hope you won't find
any more, son.

Working for jim now,
ain't you?

You were down at the club last night...

doing what?

Can i trust you now?

Do you
want me to shout?

Oh, bash me one.
Get it over with.

Bash me proper so i
don't never wake up again.

I don't know what we're
in for, you and me.

Don't you see
i love you?

You can't eat your
cake and have it, too.

Me or him. If it's me, we go away.

Why go away?

He watched me from the
balcony office all afternoon.

Called me in
at suppertime,

yelling like 1:00.

I never seen him like that before
- jealous.

I owe
your kiddy a toy.

What about him?

He eats
a few raisins

and has us
done away with.

Oh, ada, quiet down.
You talk so wild.

I won't be wild
far away.

The sooner we went,
the better.

I'd have my kiddy.
You'd have me.

Ada girl, rome
wasn't built in a day.

It's yes or no,
ernie mott.

No two ways
about it.

What worries you?
My kiddy?

I can leave her
with my aunt.

No. It's not
your kiddy, ada.

It's my ma.
She's been took queer.

She's very ill.
I couldn't leave her.

That's the end,

No. Give me time
to use my brain!

What's the use?

Ada... look.
It's my birthday tonight.

Just give me a bit of time for a gift.

See me home, then.

I'm freezing here.

All right.

Just give me
time to think.

Don't be afraid.

He'll want three cars,
cosh boy.


Where's mott, jim?

Where is mott?

Did i miss

Buy yourself
an alarm clock.

Cosh likes
everything in order.

Punctuality is the
essence of our business.

It's skins tonight.

Selnic's fur shop
in the brompton road.

Meet me here
at 6:00.


Stroll up and have a look in daylight.


in your eye, mott?


you wanted to say?

Me? No, not a thing,
at the moment.

Oh, cigarette?

Never smoke in the afternoon. Thank you.

Present from me ma.


Silver, she said.


Your ma
knows what's what.

As a matter of fact,

i did want to say.

A friend of mine's
in trouble.



He loves a girl,
and she loves him.

All happy, then.

No. That's
the trouble.

A third party there, acting
like a dog in the manger.

The girl don't like
him, but he's a big boy.

He's promised to
make enough trouble

for my friend
to start a business.

your friend's name?

Name of ernie.

Oh, like you.

the big boy's name?

Name of jim,
like you.

If your friend's as
good-looking as you,

what's he want
to get married for?

Waste of time,
ain't it?


What's up, taz?

I pawned a ruby ring.
The police took it.


Stolen property,
they said.

And is it?

My married sister
give it to me.

The old lark. It's been worked before.

Warm up a car.
Get cosh.

Thanks. That's grand.

Can't treat the family like that.

We'll have to go there and show them.

Don't figure you
want me to go along?

Ain't you one of
the family anymore?

Now then,
what's the matter?

What's your game,
you slimy stink?

What did i do?

Where's my friend's
ruby ring?

Here's the ticket.
Here's the money.

Now, go and get it.

Oh, the ring.

I give you my oath,
the police took it.

My mr. Lesser
told you the truth.

The ring was
stolen property.

You're a dirty,
conniving, ignorant crook.

Nip over the back,

You, too, cosh.
Have a look around.

Go with them, mott.

don't take all day.

Come on,
take it, take it!

Here you are.

My fee for coming.

Cor! Look at these
beautiful watch chains.

Locked. The key's
what's needed here.

See anything of my ring yet, mott?

No, i don't.

I wish my brother was here.

He's missing
all the fun!

Had to wallop
the old bloke.

Here it is.
Ask me brother.

The very one
me sister give me.

Lucky boy
found his ring.

Come in very handy
for the sunday collection.

Let's go.

He found it, jim.

Yes? Let's see.

The very one
me married sister give me.

Your married sister's
got her taste, taz boy.

Listen. Didn't you say
the ring was gone?

The boy lies.

Now, stop that stupidity
and leave my shop.


One's still standing.

What do we
do with him?

I'll show you.

My brother's
missing all this.

Watch this, mott.
Style's everything.

Old cosh will learn
you, won't you, cosh?

Someone's in line
to get his head tore off!

Now, who
wants it next?

Stay where
you are, cosh.

Let's get out
of here.

Listen, yikyak.

Open your mouth,
and i'll fix you right

and your families, too.


What happened
in there, mott?

Turned your stomach,
did it?

Think how you'd feel

if it was
your friend's girl.

your hands again?

10th time
you've done it tonight.

Going for a stroll?

Might. Why?

Wish you'd post this
for me to ike webber.


Don't forget, now.

I want him to price a
lovely antique piece for me.

I shan't forget, ma.

Don't know
who that could be.

Come in.

in trouble, son.

Mordinoy's right-hand man is after you.

Mossbanks heard it down
at tiger collis' place.

Some sort of a plan
to slash you about,

you and some girl.

Who's the girl?

Name of brantlin.
Ada brantlin.

Can't say
i know the name.

Former mrs. Mordinoy.

Stone the crystal.


Tell you what, dad.

You wait
at the tunnel.

Just half a mo.

Friend of mine.

Needs some advice on
treating his dog's ears.

Be home late?

Can't say, ma.

So long.

Ernie, take
nipper with you.

Bye, ma.


Out of tune.

Jim would
like to see

you and miss brantlin
up in his office.

Who else
is up there?

We're going to
the lucky seven club.

Expect trouble
with bert mark's boys.

Don't forget jim.

slipped my mind.

Count you as
a sensible boy.

Be careful.

Wait around
the back, dad.

Won't be too long.

Very aggranoying

Come in.

I think you asked
to see me, mordinoy.

Fascinating symbols.

You can't beat
a machine.

How's the girl,

Been trying to make
this girl nervous for years.

Nigh on impossible, seems.

I don't want
to sit down.

Why would you want
to make her nervous?

I'm a machine.
I ain't human.

You can't beat me.

in astrology, mott?


Neither do i, but in
1912, the titanic sank.

Me father
was on her.

An old lady told him
it would sink.

Claimed she read it
in the stars.

Coming back to you,

i'll sink you worse
than any titanic

if you don't stop
seeing ada.

See that in the stars?

I seen it
in me mirror.

An old lady told me
something once.

Know some funny stories,
tell them to yourself.

What about ada?

What about her?

The holiday
is over...

for both of you.

I don't want you two
meeting again, see?

That's the way.
Appeal to me.

I might be persuaded.
I'm a reasonable man.

Hello. Well, don't raise
the dust, rossie.

I'll be down
in 20 minutes.

You understand me,
don't you?

Go to the films if
you're looking for love.

i don't believe in it.

What do you
believe in?


Simple, ain't it?

Nothing in the whole,
wide world.

And don't
appeal to me.

I won't be persuaded.

First thing
in the morning,

we're taking out
the marriage license.

Are we?

I wonder what
the weatherman

for tomorrow.

Likely rain,
followed by suicide in bed.

Let's get out of here.



Nothing stirring
out here, not a mouse.

Dad, i'd like you
to meet

the future
mrs. Ernest verdun mott.

So this is
the future mrs. E.v. M?

Well, stone
the crystal palace.

I'm for it.
Stay right here.

It wants a cab.
I should say so.

Don't be nervous,

Up to your knees
in dreams, aren't you?

We're starting off tomorrow

with 5 or 6 pounds
and a sunny personality.

Are we?

And supposing
i went off with jim?

What a thing to say.

Supposing i flew off
to the north pole.

I don't know what
i'm saying anymore.

Ernie, dear, why don't
we go away somewhere,

just the two of us?


Right, dad.

Ernie, please.

Couldn't do it, ada.

Get in there,

Now, you go with ada.

Nothing will harm you
while the dog's with you.

Dad, go with her, too.


Where are you
off to?

To say something
to mordinoy

couldn't be said
in front of ladies.

Every time you kiss me,
it gets deeper.

Does it?

See you in the morning.

How many cartridges
did you want?

8 or 10
will be enough.

Lend us
your newspaper.


Careful going out.

Leave it to me.

Oh, mott.

Ah, the brothers

Good evening.

No offense
about anything, i hope.

Nice car.
Steal it?

Picked it up
on newman street.

We're on our way
down to the club.

Uh-huh. Meeting jim
down there?

Yes. Bags of sport
there tonight.

I'm in the mood
for sport tonight.

Don't you want
to sit in the front?

I'll be more comfortable
back here.

Been a long day,
ain't it?

That's just what
i was thinking.

Watch the red
light, taz.

Coppers up, taz.
Right behind us.

You're crazy.

He's right.
It's a police car.

Taz, don't spare
the horses.

I'll lose them
inside five minutes.

The tunnel's coming.

Pull over.

Me foot's flat
on the floor.

Stop immediately.
This is a police car.

You ain't
lost them, taz.

I'll wear my granny's hat if i can't.

We're gaining, taz.
They're too heavy.

We'll do it.

You done them
proper stone cold.

They always lose
in the stretch.

I've noticed it


Get the rear door open.

Here, you.
You hurt?

Come on out.
I want all of you.

I got him.

Hold on to him!

Get me brother out.
He's hurt.

Come on, step lively.
Step lively.

Get me brother out.
He's in there!

He's hurt!

Get me brother out!
He's in there! He's hurt!

Get me brother!

Look out for the petrol.
The tank's on fire!

Get back!

Get him out!

let me get him!

Let me get him!

Let me get him!

Quiet, knockers!


Sorry. Somebody
had to do that.

Come on.
Bring him along.

E flat.

what have we here?

None of your cheap,
nasty silver or gold, eh?

just a bare platinum.

You still wouldn't
care to say a word or two,

either of you?

A little post card...
not posted.

to i. Webber, esquire.

Well, we'll soon find out
who you are, my lad.

Lucas, ring up mr. Webber.
I'll talk to him.

Yes, sir.

Ike, paid the bail,
did you?

I shan't forget you,
nor will ma.

Everything with a kiss.

How's mr. Lesser?

In the hospital.

I stood your bail
for ³100.

You'll have to
be at bow street

in the court
day after tomorrow, 9:15.

Listen, mr. Mott,

you're frying yourself
in your own fat.

You realize that?

You'll need a few quid
for incidentals.

One's enough.
Thanks again.

And no matter
what anyone says,

your mother
is a wonderful woman.

No sign of him yet?


Who's going to
tell him? Me or you?

Don't know.

Stale as an old debt,
they are.

Try these, then.

They're just
as worse.

My eyes tell me.

Me whole stock
ain't stale, is it?

Daresay it is.

Here he is now!
Ern! Ernie!

Come in, son!
Come in.

What's this?
A gathering of the clans?


Where you been
all night?

Why? Ma worried
about me?

Been in a right stew
about you, all of us.

Friend of yours
dropped in.

I don't know why.

Eating through
me stock

like a flock of mice
on wheels.

Off with
your wet coat.

Just brought the dog
back to you, verdun.

Your ma's gone out
for a bit.

Where have
you been, ern?

Oh, just seeing how
the other half lives.

Where'd she go?

Nice egg and sausage
left over,

if you care
to take it.

Where did ma go,

Where is she?

Sit down, son.

Put your feet up.

What happened?
What happened?

Well, i'm in bed,
and a...

and a what?

Copper comes along
and gets me out

to go down to your
house with him.

Down i goes,

and there's a dozen
of them.

Dozen who?

Coppers. Your ma's
just sitting there,

letting them have
the run of the house.

She can't explain
your cigarette case,

where it's from.

Then they find
some other stuff.

What stuff?

Stuff dragged out
of cupboards.

What about ma?

Your ma told me
to tell you,

don't worry, see?

"Don't worry, see"?
Yes, but where is she?

They took her in with mrs.
Snowden and the others.

Poor girls.

Done me nails
four times today.

Biggest shoplifting gang
this side of the river,

a copper said.

They got her inside,
you mean? Pinched?

Ah, life is
a queer companion.

There's a smell to these sort of places,

an official sort
of smell.

Follow him.

He'll take you
down there.

You've got
10 minutes.

Be here when you come back, verdun boy.

Hey, what's this?

Why, your old girl's
in the hospital here.

She is?

The sister will tell you
everything, i expect.

How much time
do they give her?

It might be tonight.
It might be a week.

Mrs. Mott?

Here's your son
to see you.

Just 10 minutes,

and you mustn't
upset yourself.

How's me daughter?

Hello, ernie.

Where you come from?

Just thought
i'd pop in,

have a look
at you.

Raining out?

Wet as water.

See ike this morning?


What i can't
understand, ma,

is what are you
in here for?

What's the matter
with you?

Tired out.

Machinery run down,
you know.

If you get into
any trouble, see ike.

Been a good
friend to me.

Well, don't be
in here long, ma.

I'm going to get
married, remember?

That's right.

Find a nice girl
to look after you,

a good girl.

Yes, ma.

Something steady...

nothing cheap.

With a head
on her shoulders.

Love me, son?

Disgraced you.

Disgraced me, ma?

No, ma.

disgrace me.

I'm your son
ernie mott,

the boy who needs,
loves, wants you.

Outside now.

I'll be back
tomorrow, ma.

Be quiet and get a good night's sleep.

I see in the paper
that a man in putney

has a dog
that brings home

a tennis ball
each day.

I wonder
where he gets it.

What are you thinking,
verdun boy?

I'd best
be off to ada's.

She's expecting me,
and she'll be worried.

Got a nice toy
for her kiddy here.

She gave me that to
give to you last night,

ada did.

Read it, dad.

"Dear ernie mott,

"i just
couldn't face it.

"For your sake and mine,

i'm going back
with jim."

"The only other choice

"is to make our bed
in the river,

"and that is something
i could not face.

"I tried to do different,

"but it's best this way
all around.

"I hope and pray

"you will forgive
and forget, ernie mott.

ada brantlin.

P.s. Please
excuse paper."

Stand back.

Let the man
see the rabbit.

Ah. Stopped raining.

What are you thinking,
verdun boy?

I'm dreaming, dad.

the better man.


what a go.

What a rum go it is.

Where's that
clean human life

the books tell us about?

When's the world
coming out of its midnight?

When does the human soul
get off its knees?

I'm too old, verdun,
to tell you that.

Something shuddering
in the air these days.

Ever notice it, son?

Yes, i have, dad.

Sometimes late
at night i hear it-

a shuddering echo.

And i hear it say,

"wake up. The world
needs happiness."

Well, the world
finds something

if it needs it
bad enough,

but sometimes
it takes a war.

So if there's a better world to be made,

you young ones will
have to make it.

That's it, dad.

One thing's left.

I can see it
plain as london town.

Fight with the men

who will fight
for a human way of life.

I should say so.

Me feet
are killing me.

Well, here's where
i leave you.

Leave me?

You'll never leave me,
you lopsided old muggins.

see you sooner.

How sooner?

Who knows?

It's all written
in the book.

Right, dad.